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? REAL ESTATE. j Q H. UMBSEN A CO.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. RENT COLLECTORS AND AUCTIONEERS. ■ .Office and Salesroom. " ; . . . 14 Montgomery si M near Market. f; Cell and obtain one of our "Real Estate Records."* which contain a list of properties for sale in all ran sot the city. IMPROVED PROPERTY; ? BARGAINS. . ; | (3»7OXn A NICE AND COMPARATIVELY. 0 • £tk}\Jm new bay-window residence of 8 rooms and hath: brick foundation: all latest improve- ments and conveniences: nicely situated on Web- ster st. j :-■ ;• :.c QOAAA COTTAGE Of 1 4 ROOMS and LOT V— l'V.'vF. 27x100: Florida street,, near 24th- atreet cable road; street work done complete. * i£j"~AA CHEAP: A BEAUTIFUL NEW iZ'O'J\.t\J. Eastlake residence of 8 rooms and bath: brick foundation: all latest conveniences; lot '27:6x137:0: a prominent street In the Western Addition; mortgage 01 $3000 can remain. Q7Ann business corner on guer- ItP i vv'U. rero st.; store and flat; rent $600 per annum ; lot 27 x9O : bo; hst reets accepted by the city. QJ WORTH $5500: A SUBSTANTIAL, »tT>T O\J\J . nearly new modern. Bay- window resi- dence of 8 rooms and bath; brick founaation; lot 30x114: elite location of the Mission. . ; HM "1 P.AA RENT $100 PER MONTH; IN- «IT -L I.OUU, vestment near Mission and Elev- enth sts.; 2 substantial houses in 6 flats; lot 69x 75; street accepted. : -■ v Cjffi-T^O MORTGAGE OF $4000 CAN RE- " • «-»v». main if desired; rent $720 per annum: business corner on Buchanan st. ; store and 3 rooms and 3 houses of 5 rooms each; lot 80 \7.Y ..;,..... j • Q Q QAA HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH: '~ l)t) "''< bay-windows; brick foundation; only about 3 years old; stable; near 16th and Market. <i'O^A A BARGAIN; RENT $72 50 PER > M UUiIW, month: 3 elegant new modern bay- window flats on the sunny line of Fulton st.; flats cost about $5000 to build; lot 25x137:6. C J'^n CORNER ON CAPP ST.; ANOTHER '.. *— O\J. snap; a comparatively new 2-story bay-window residence of 8 rooms and bath; laun- dry, etc.; brick foundation; nice location; large lot. . Of) AAA SPLENDID INVESTMENT ON '.; ''V.'viU. Oak st., \vit;ilr> a stone's throw of Market: 4 substantial bay-window flats; brick foundation: stone walks: street accepted; rent $85-2 per annum; lot 27:6x95. •< XA A A COZY HOME ON LEAVENWORTH *£)<J\J\J\J. St.; nearly new modern bay-window cottage of B rooms and bath; brick foundation; street accepted. C» «)A A A Greenwich st.; 2-story •_ — UUU. brick building of brooms; rent $18; lot has double frontage. • . ■ "i RFXT $720 PER ANNUM; ABOVE *. I V'V'vf. the water; 2 houses of Mrooms and bath ouch: .-bay-windows; brick t'ouiillation: lot 37:6x71: Clay st.; only 10 minutes' walk from .Kearny st. 4qf|flA SUTTER SI.; COTTAGE OF 7 «ii,tJV/UU. rooms, bath and lot; street accepted. Q>)|| GOOr|PLACE FOPJAN EXPRESS- «B — <'t*v7. man; cottage of 5 rooms and lot 26x 100 to an alley ; near Valencia and 17th streets. QOX A A UNION STRISET; 3-STORY HOUSE r^OOxjyj. of 12 rooms and bath; street ac- cepted; rent $30. CjO7r.A FRANKLIN STREET; INVEST- fJ^iO I O\}. ment; 2 substantial houses of 7 rooms and bath each; lot 34x76. ■-;,;■■.-' UNIMPROVED. ■ $2500— Scott St., near Haight: choice building lot: 25x116:3. $5000— A snap; Oak-st. building lot; 50x137:6. $1000— Another pick-up; AVillardst.: 25x100. $6250— Grand -unobstructed marine view; Lom- bard st.: 6K:9x137:6. $4000— Corner on Noest: 135x114; must be sold; offer wanted. $625— Building lot: only one short block from Guerrero st. electric road. G. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery st. SHAINWALD, BUCKBKEA CO., REAL £S- - . TATE AGENTS, 218-220 MONTGOMERY ST., MILLS W--> BUILDING.- HOUSES RENTED. 8600— Hill su. near Sanchez; 25x114; offer wanted. $7500— Fine St.. near Polk; 4 houses; rents $74 6'J : rear fronts on Austin St.: lot 25x120. — Clay st.: marine view; Presidio Heljrhts, near Laurel st.: 27:6x127 :8Vi, or two lots at the same rate. 96260— 90S Fillmore st.. near McAllister: hand- ; some two-story cottage of 7 rooms and bath; lot 1 25x87:6. — - i . .--:- -$2675 —916 Hampshire st., near 21st: new cot- j t&ge vi * rooi;js and lath; stable tor 3 horses; lot j -.25'xlQt\-*asy terms if desirM. :■ j?-9li' : u V.-rv cin-ap; Ellis St., near Van Ness ! x>«-. 1 M -7 -.6xl 2 bonses; rents $75.. $0250^-Brodt-rick st., near Clay; very handsome I cettnxe of 5 rooms and bath; lot •27-.8 /4*B'J. -• <:? •_• 95600— Folsom st., near 14:h: three modern flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath ; rents $42 ; 10t, 25x122 -.6 ieet. / •?10.500-Ellis St.. near Franklin, corth side; 40xl£0 feet. $5000— 21 st St.. near Valencia; price reduced; lot. 22x90 feet: rents $47. $A2sL»— Minna St., near 2nd; rents $42; lot 25x80 teet. $6000— Price reduced from $7500: substantial bay-window boose of 8 rooms md bath; Golden Gate aye.. near Pierce: lot 27:6x110 feet. $4500— 14th and Jessie sts., northwest corner; ! 25x95 feet. $1250— 215t st. and York, southeast corner; 25x 100 feet. $4000— Broad way : marine view; north side, near Scott: 25x100 feet; cheap. - $2250— Diamond st.; modern house of six : rooms and bath; terms, $100 cash, balance $20 j monthly, same as rent. — • < $1900— St., near Cole: north side; lot 25x 137:6 feet. $5500 — Two-story house of 7 rooms and bath; north side of Pacific aye., near Polk; good business property. .- . ■ ■< ■-- $6500— Devisadero st., near Pine; business por- tion of street; cottage of 5 rooms and bath; lot 27:6x100 feet. : .■■ - $2800 — Cost owner over $4000 -.handsome modern bay-window cottage, 5 rooms and bath: cement street: on line Sutro electric road; easy terms, equal to rent if desired. Stevenson St., near 14tn, 25x65 feet; or j three lots at same rate. $1100— Noest., E. line, near Hill; 25x110 feet; I lot all graded and ready to build on. $1400— Hickory aye., be:. Oak and Fell sts., near Buchanan: lot 27:6x50 feet. $3400— N. sine Jackson St.. near Leavenworth, a 2-story flat of 4 rooms each: rent $24 50 per month: size lot 24:6x82. $6500— Reduced from $8000: two new flats, 6 and 7 rooms and bath; rent $51 50 per month; on McAllister St.; size of lot 25x137:6. $2000— Church St., bet. 15th and 16th sts.: 25x 125 feet ; on line electric road. The above is only a partial list. We will be glad to furnish a complete list on application. SHAINWALD. BUCKEEE A CO., 218-220 Montgomery St.. Mills building. T>ARGAIN. PRICE REDUCED. ■; ,. g.''An RENTS $550 YEARLY: NEAT »!r«J«J'"". bay-window house of 6 rooms, etc.; also 2 small new flats of 8 and 4 rooms, bath, etc.; part of lot vacant and read',- to build on; garden; mar view: near the Presidio anC Sacramento- st. cable: 1 oca- ion very desirable; : mortgage Of $2500 can remain; a rare chance to secure a bar- gain. ' r\t.'T f "- '. ;'.-^J'.' r»QAAA AN INCOME PROPOSITION: . <JpOv'UU. ideal location near Leavemvorth st. for small flats; lot 77 :6x56; open and sunny; will pay well. . _____ STOCKTON LOTS ON EASY TERMS; FACING beautiful park. H. K. POEHLMAN, 415 Montgomery st. fl_ OA A CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY AT 7 eSOUv/'j>t:r cent, will purchase nice home of 4 rooms, hoc. and cold water, but' . pantry and patent closets; larte cellar: on lot 25x114 feet; in the best part of th;- Mission. : HUGH hi.-. 602 Market st. TJkThtln"to\vn. •■• ■-■••• '■ ~ Xl/ Cotta>es-on easy terms, $3600; just com- pleted: Khotwell St.. near 17th: 6 rooms: bath; gas; elegant' mantels; shades; cement sidewalk; high basement: large lot; 3 car lines open daily. E. P. E. TROY, Owner, 301 California st. ■.• " i \ r -;i."\ r \.; *' ■-' ■■ . ' '" — • ■- VfARINE VJEW RESIDENCES. Elite portion of the Pacific Heights district, on sightly elevation, commandlngsui'erb marine view; latest designs of architecture, both exterior and in- terior; houses constructed on plans to combine convenience, comfort and beauty throughout; natural-wood finish in halts, vestibule and dining- room; artistic and delicately tinted; prices reason- able; terms liberal; owner on premises: houses open to-day for inspection; Webster St.; sunny ex- posure; bet. Valjc-jo and Green. . y" -'r 'Fake BROAD gauge TO FRUIT VALE sta- _-«■ tlon for lniitvale Terminal Tract. flfc"E DOWN. *5 PER MONTH; CITY LOTS; •C') 9100 up. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market. A RTJSTIC HOMES FOIT SALE— WEBSTER ■fi st n bet. Vallejo and Green. Open to-day. t <'i~inn THISISTFICK-UPIF YOU WANT V. O.JUU. one: Natoma St., near 6th: 1 rents for £40; street accepted: it must be soid. McKWE.N BROS.. 118 Montgomery st. : ■ ■ -.'; "iT 'A \ l; »N'l S ' $52 50: •-a ELEGANT "•"''• flats, just <ompleted,s and 6 sunny j |?° ms; hanivjtr.t-iy decorated; large lot: line view: | lerrus .Vi 00 cash, balance flAt loan at 7 per cent; j b.t.iuie.l 7feß -7*B Clayton St.. bet. Waller and Fred- SON &°A V ukkk ' jremises lu-day. Apply to MADI- j Tj°«Ts «' R0 - M * 100 UP: COTTAGES FO X SALE - _ ai>a ; " r " : 'I H isTLKTON, Ocean View.- ■ ■\4 AWN K-Vl EW HOMES; JUST FINISHED; iti,, <? r i 8«" ler " " eas >' terms; Webster st., bet. Val- lejo and Oreen. ...--■-■ I CITY BEAL ESTATE. j MADISON A BURKe! REAL" ESTATE li- Agents; established 1858: 626 Market st. <S^9on PAYS OVER 10 PER CENT: JES- *ipiJ+*\J\t, sic, near 6th: from and rear houses in good condition. MADISON A BURKE. MONTGOMERY AYE., MASON AND LOM- ■l'-l bard sts.— Large gore corner: well rented; re- duced to $14,000. MADISON A BURKE. <stl Oof* WALLER ST. COR. SHRADER: »]DI.»J.V/Uv. new building stores and flats; lot 34:7x80. MADISON A BURKE. CUT Q f\f\f\ OCTAVIA. NR. ELLIS: 11 ypXO.yjVJyJ. rooms and bath; modern house: lot 30x110. MADISON A BURKE. PARK RESIDENCE: FELL ST., NR. LOTT; -»- » rooms and bath: all modern conveniences; 25x137:6; only $7250. MADISON it BURKE. ONLY $7000- BROADWAY, NEAR STOCK- ton: 5 tenements: good rentals: a decided bar- gain. Madison a BURKE. <££~AA WASHINGTON, NEAR DEVISA- <j!Oi)V»'. dero— 7 rooms and bath: conserva- tory; lot 25x127:8. MADISON A BURKE. ONLY $6000; BRODERICK, NEAR BUSH; lot 50x90. with house 01 11 rooms, occupying 25 feet, which with .small outlay can be turned Into flats. MADISON A BURKE. WiPfiAA 19TH, near Valencia; 8 tJpOUUU. rooms and bath; lot 25x85. QlCZf\f\(\ PAGE, NEAR BRODERICK: REST- •i^UUUU. dence of 7 rooms and bath: lot 25x 87:6. MADISON A BURKE. AAA No. 240 MINNA ST., NR. 3D; EX- *i)UU". amine and make an offer: store and 3 rooms: flat, 9 rooms. MADISON & BURKE. ' © 4 FLATS: STEVENSON ST., NEAR I «?OUUU. r.idley; rents $41; lot 26x77:6. street accepted. MADISON A BURKE. C?9AfIA. MINNA. NEAR 7TH, RENTING *£OUUU. for $30; lot 22:6x80. o»97Afk COTTAGE ON HAMPSHIRE.NEAR »*_ ' UU. 24th: 5 rooms and bath; lot 25x100. MADISON A BURKE. jftf)AAA STONE ST., NEAR STOCKTON UUU. and Washington: 3 tenements; rents $30: lot 20x60. MADISON A BURKE. ELEGANT HOME NEAR Till: PARK TO Sli exchange for flats.. MADISON A BURKE. Q- n 6 ROOMS AND BATH: RENTS $12; &OO\Jm Potrero, near Union Iron Works; lot 25x65. • UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. Choicest lots in Richmond— California and Lake sts., 11th and 12th aves:all streetwork completed; ready ■ for -building;' lowest prices and easiest terms offered in this growing section. $10.500— Devisadero. near Fulton; 82:6x00. $15.000— Capp and 19th; corner: 125x122:6. 3 5500— Washington, corner Lyon; 31:3x100. $4500— NE. ccr.A'lcksburg: 50x114. $4000—65x117:6: SET cor. Sanchez and 23d. $3500— Steiner. near Pine: 25x103. $8500— Baker, near Jackson: 27:8x110. $3000— Noe. near Market: 25x100. $2500— Cheap; Clay, near Baker; 25x105. $2400— Castro, cor." Elizabeth: 26:6x105. 82200— Lyon, near Grove; 25x100. $2000— loth St., near Castro; 25x100. $1350— Jessie, nr. Herman: 25x77:6: part cash. Sanchez, cor. Valley; '26:6x100; $1250. $840-California. cor. 17th aye.: 26:8x91:6. $450— N. side Bismarck, bet. Mission and San Jose roads; lot 40x100; electric-cars pass within 200 feet: a pick-up. • ■ MADISON A BURKE. 626 Market st. 0~ NLY $250 CASH. ENGLISH COTTAGE HOUSES. PRICE REDUCED ON THOSE UNSOLD. SEE THEM TO-DAY. THEY ARE OPEN. $250 cash, balance monthly: same us rent; will buy an elegant modern home of 6 and 7 rooms and I bath: lame basement; substantially built; ele- gantly finished and complete in all details; see them* to-day; they are open for inspection: Califor- nia st., cor. L'd aye.; take Sacramento-st. cars. Call at office for full particulars. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., - - - - - -- ■ 638 Market st. HREE FINE FLATS. RECENTLY REDUCED. PAYS 1 PER CENT PER MONTH. 96000— Three well-planned, substantially built flats of 5. 6 and 6 rooms and bath: on Noe st.. near 15tb, a block and a half from Market : rents for $60 per mouth; lot 26x96 fee:; cost $8750. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO. 638 Market st. WESTERN ADDITION RESIDENCE" " >' CLAY, NEAR FILLMORE ST. 96000— A handsome bouse, containing 8 rooms and bath, on the sunny side of street; substantially built; brick foundation.- EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., I 638 Market St. LEOANT FLATS. NEARLY NEW. GROVE ST.. XI: VAN NESS AVENUE. j 913,000— modern flats of 6, 7, 7 rooms and | ! bath, on the north side of street. These flats are ! j nicely laid out, substantially built, and always . ; rented; pay 10 per cent per annum. This is gilt- ! j edge property. EASTON, ivLDIUDGK A CO., I ■ 638 Market st. MISSION" HOME ] '■ J ' •'.- -• NEAP. 22ND AND VICKSBURG. : $2600— Two-story bay-window residence of 6 i rooms and bath in the warm belt; a cozy home, ! handy to several car lines; lot 25x100 feet. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., ' 638 Market st. \\T ESTERN ADDITION INVESTMENT. >i NEAR SCOTT AND EDDY. RENTS FOR $112 50. .sl4,ooo— Two houses of 6 rooms and bath each, and two flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath each ; street bitnminized and cement sidewalks; brick founda- tion, etc. EASTON, ELDRIUGE A CO., ' 638 Market st. MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. REDUCED TO $6250. I Store and 2 rooms ; flat of 4 rooms and bouse of j 0 rooms and bath; on Minna St.. near Ist; rents I for $600 per annum; improvements in good condi- j tion.. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., I 638 Market st. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CHOICE LOTS FOR BUILDING. FOR SPECULATION. ,©7AAA JUST THE PLACE FOR STORE •UP I \J\J\J. and flats: an elegant corner on O'Far- rell st.. near Buchanan; 90 feet frontage on O"Far- rell by 50; this is very cheap. QtA ?\flC\ BUSINESS PROPERTY; SE. COR. fs'±O\J\J. 24th and Noe sts.: 50:11x1/14 feet. CjQOAA SE. COR. DOLORES AND LIB- i isO+.\J\J. erty; 28x92; street work ail done. (2*l £9?: CHOICE LOT ON SHRADER ST., »J>lU^tJ. Dearßeulah: 25x106:3 feet; this dis- trict is building up very fast. ©1 f;AA 2 BLOCKS FROM THE PARK: IuUU . north side of Carl St.. near Cole; 25x 137:6 feet. i ffij^AA 18TH AYE., NEAR CLEMENT ST. tJPUV/l/. ana new Sutro road; 25x120 feet. <2>Q(\ 3 * TH AYE., NEAR M ST.: 25x120 fJpOU. feet. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO. , - ■ ■ 638 Market st. MCAFEE BROTHERS, '. Real Estate Brokers and Financial Agents, 108 Montgomery st. DEVISADERO ST. -$5000; VERY CHOICE locality: 25x103:6: modern 2-story residence: !• large rooms and bath, large ba,e- : meut; brick foundation, lirst- | class condition; cement side- j walk: grand marine view: i this is at a great sacrifice and must be sold. FINE ST.-$6000; ANOTHER BARGAIN, . ; V and must be sold : 25x137 :6 ; • . ' ;i near Broderick : good sub- i •: , stantial 2 - story, ;9 - room ' house; bath: brok founda- j lion; cement sidewalk: all I in first-class condition: owner .- ■ ■ . ■ very anxious to sell; easy term* if desired. HILL ST.-$600; NIAR SANCHEZ: A RARE + :;1* : bargain; 25x114: sewered, - - graded and macadamized; I '..]■} . grand view; cheapest lot in I the Mission. BAKER ST.— s3ooo; NEAR JACKSON: 25x j A •■■ r 106:3; sewered, graded and ! • stieet work done; very de- ; sirable for flats. ' MISSION $18,000; NEAR VALENCIA; electric cars in front: 151 ;5x ! • ■ 100; street work all done and ! accepted: will subdivide and I sell 25 feet for $3000. POTRERO— $700; CONNECTICUT, NEAR j Napa; 25x100; street work ' '-■ done: cheap lot. mWENTIETH ST.-$1800; NEAR CASTRO; ' X . ,; - 25x55; with modern cottage; I 4 large rooms and basement; j street work done and ac- cepted; 100 feet from cable- cars: easy terms if desired. /"IREENWICH ST.-$2500; NEAR BAKER; A vJT - very cheap lot: 84x137:6: must be sold Immediately; . sewered, graded' and street . work done. •- - . /-IHENERY ST.-SSSO; COR. MIGUEL; ELEC- \J ' trie cars in front and street •;<; work done; ii bargain. MCAFEE BROTHERS, I V- r ::,-;•?,•.. . 108 Montgomery st. AY SHORE. ON THE PROTUURO; 15MIN- utes from Third and Market sts. : near pro- posed bay shore ■ route of Southern : Pacific, Santa i"o and Stockton and' San Joaquin railroads'; 300 x 100" feet: suitable for manufacturing purposes. JAMES K. TAYLOR, 214 California at. - PACIFIC 'HEIGHTS— NEW HOUSES FOR X sale; prices reasonable;, terms liberal; Web- ster St., near Vallejo. , . . , AMONG ESTABLISHED IMPROVEMENTS— Fruit vale Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up. s ' I vtotice. . - ;;. .; ;- - ~~~ " : Xi • For sale cheap and easy terms; elegant new 'house Page and Lott sts.; latest modern improve- ments, including marble steps, incandescent light- in etc. Apply to ISAAC ANDERSON, to-day, t pre m i ses.' ;.' ' : .'■.'-'.-. T AKEVIF.W LOTS; NEAR NEW RACE- xJ track; low prices; easy terms. THE MCCAR- THY CO., 646 Market st. TVTEW DESIGNS; ELEGANT FINISH; PRICEM XI reasonable; terms liberal; new houses, just finished; Webster St., bet. ValK-jo and Green. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1895. CITY REAL ESTATE. A. H. Lissak. O. F. vos RnEIX. OF. YON RHEIN & CO., REAL ESTATE • Agents, Auctioneers and House Brokers, 513 California street. Corner Clay and Stockton; 09:8x63:9; Chinese stores; rents $1-12 50. Stockton, nr. Clay; 55:10x63:9: Chinese stores; rents $45. SW. corner Geary and Williams; 28x62:6; inad- equately improved : for sale cheap. .... $15.000— Taylor, near Eddy; '25x80: 2 bay-win- dow flats, 13 rooms and baths; rents $77 50. - $12,000— Ptfge, tiearGou^h, to Eogg aye.; 27:6 x 120: 2 flats In front and 2 in rear; rents $76. $14,000— Howard, bet. Ist and 2d; 1:8x85; 2 houses; rents $45. Corner ■ Leave!;\vorlh and Lombard; 40x97:0; new bay-window cottage, a rooms and bath. $10,500— Francisco.near Stockton -.45:10x137:6; | 4 houses and '_' rear houses: 24 rooms: rents $82. ■ $10,000— Howard, near Ist; 26x85; inadequately improved: rent $40. $8000— San .lose aye., near 24th; 65:6x188; 2 -story house, 10 rooms and bath. $9000— Hyde, near Sutler; 26x68:9; 2-story boas*. $8500— Howard, near sth: 20x80: store and 5 rooms below, with 2 flats above of 11 rooms and bath: rents. . $8000— Kissling, near 11th and Howard; 47x80; 4 flats. . $8000— Howard, near 23d; 62:4x122:6: 2-story residence, 8 rooms and bath. . . . $8000— O'Farrell, near Hyde; 23x90; 2-story house, 7 rooms and bath: rent $35.- ■ •• , ,->< $8000— Jessie, near 4th, 25x70; 2-story house, saloon, etc. $6500— Mission, near 24th; 21:6x117:6 to an alley; store and flat above. : $6500— Corner Vallejo and Taylor; 82:6x67:6; house. 12 rooms and bath. $5500— Everett, near 3d: 3 bay-window flats, 17 rooms and bat ha; rents $50. $5350— Pacific, ne«r Hyde; 45x65: 2 flats. $4800— Powell, near Lombard; 23x100; 2-story house, 9 rooms and bath. $5200— Union, near Kearny: 23:6x67:6: new Improvements: shop with 2 rooms and 2 flats above: rear house 2 flats: total rents $59. $4000— iiaight, near Webster; 25x95; cottage 5 rooms; cheap: make offer. $3800— near Steiner, through to Ger- mania: 25x120; 2 flats on uormania frontage; rents $23. Cottage— Larkin, near Chestnut; unobstructed marine view; $1200 cash, balance same as rent; 27:6x110. $3200— Jersey, near Castro: 24x114: 2-story house: 2 flats, 9 rooms and baths; rents $26. S3ooo— Francisco, near Stockton; 23x68:9; cot- tage. 6 rooms and large basement. $3000— Salmon, near Pacific; 20x60 to Himmel- man Place; front and rear house, 11 rooms; rents $30. $3000— Natoma, near Ist; 23x75; 3 flats, 13 rooms: rents $32. $2300— Shipley, near Harrison aye., 7th and Fol- som; 20x75; 2-story house, 2 flats, 8 rooms: rents $20. ' $2250— Mars St., Park Lane Tract; cottage 4 rooms and bath. Fulrmcnnt Tract; Arlington, near Mi- guel: 28x108; $250 cash, balance to suit pur- chaser; cottage, 4 rooms. $1250— Salmon, near Broadway: 20x60; 2-story house, 4 rooms; rent $8. UNIMPROVED. Valencia, near 25th-st. railroad station; 61x 117:6 to an alley. $5500— California, near Hyde; 27:6x137:6. $3200— Liberty, near Dolores: 50x114. $1675—23-1 and Kansas: 25x100. $3200— Dolores, near 29th; 50x75. $3000— Sanchez and 20th; 105x114. 81200— Lake and 13th aye.; 40x72. $1200— Cor. B and 25th aye.; 60x188. $1000— Homestead, near 24th; 00x125; will subdivide. $800— Park Lane Tract 2 lots, block R, Serpen- tine road. $400— 2i/2 lots, Gift Map No. 2; Wayne, near Union. $325— Lot 4. block 95. University Homestead Association: 100x120. \\T ILL E. .USHER A CO., T> REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 14 POST ST. nOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE Cl IV. HOUSES AND LOTS ON THE INSTALL- MENT PLAN. LISTS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. RICHMOND LOTS FROM $300 TO $1000. QftQ A. LOT 25x120: E. LINE OF 10TH AYE., «]pUi7U. near California St.: street work all done. SOUTH OF THE PARK. if\f\ FOUR BLOCKS FROM THE PARK; uDttvv. ready to cuild on: easy terms. MISSION LOTS. etAiJ-fi up- LOTS in the DE BOOM TRACT, tjpdt I O opp. St. Mary's. College: $50 down, $10 per month; electric-cars pass the prop- erty. ©I'AA .15TH ST., COR. DOLORES, 25x71; «3)-Lc)\JV/. easy terms. Q-irj7A LOTS ON 25TH, FOLSOM AND «3J)I O I I/. 24th sts.; a few left; get in before all are taken. WESTERN ADDITION. ; <3?IAAA BUCHANAN ST., NR. LOMBARD. IMPROVED. . C2QIAA. NEW, COZY, 5-ROOM COTTAGE: iJOIUU. Fourth aye., nr. Point Lobos aye. ; "built by days' labor. <>£9;:rv ELEGANT sunny house OF *42 «Jpv)*»«Jl.'. rooms and bath; Octavia, nr. Geary; owner anxious to sell. SOL GETZ A BROTHER, - REAL ESTATE OWNERS, BOOM A, FIRST FLOOR, CROCKER BUILDING. HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS. PRICES ARE DOWN TO BOTTOM. Now is the time to bay bargains in lots. 7 X TO $300 FOR SPLENDID LOTS NEAR tJP I */ the park and Grand Boulevard; $10 down and $5 monthly. bOL GET/ A BRO. (Dj'JAfJ $400, $4. .0,5500T0 $1100; CHOICEST »S>O\J\J. lots nonh and south of the park, ready to build on, from Ist aye. 10 20th aye. and Point Lobos, Clement, California and Lake sts. in Rich- mond, and near Affiliated Colleges: opposite con- cert valley and Strawberry Hill lake on the south; terms to suit purchaser. SOL GKTZ A BRO. fllji AA TO $250: BUILDING LOTS EAR J \i\J Mlssion-st. and electric car lines: only $10 down and $5 monthly. «OL GETZ A BRO. CALL FOR MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. SOL GETZ A BRO., Owners, Boom A, first floor, Crocker building. JOHN PrORK, 3-2» MONTGOMERY ST., OPP. *) Safe Deposit, offers for sale: $50,000— Taylor St., near Market; 45x137:6; 2 stores below and 2 apartments of 9 rooms each upstairs; always rented. $27,500-137:6x83; in the neighborhood of 4th and Market st«.; covered with old improve- ments; will be manufacturing property. . Reduced to $30,500— Northwest corner Mission and 17th sts.: lot 65x100 feet, with Improvements; 2 story: 3 stores. 3 flats and 2 cottages; rent $200. . $12,500— Valencia st., south of ICth; 2-story bay- window house, store and dwelling back &nd com- modious flat 7 rooms and bath upstairs; lot 30x88 feet: always rented ; make offer. $5500— Two- story and basement brick house and lot on a prominent street in the southern part of ; the city; store, cellar for wine and 4 rooms and I bath upstairs; lot 25x75; rent $40. $3000— 7 th St.. near Brannan; lot 25x75, with improvements; renting at $30. DWELLINGS. $8000— Fine 2-story bay-window house on Web- | ster St.. near Clay; 10 rooms and bath; lot '25x100. $7250— Modern built 2-story house on Fulton St., near Fillmor^; 9 room* and bath: lot "27:6x136. $3100— A line cottage, 0 rooms and bath, on l»th St., near Castro; on installments without interest. UNIMPROVED. Corner Fillmore and Germania sts.; 24x81:3. $3500— Lot 75x100 feet; cor. 19th and Eureica streets; make offer. ■ . ONLY 16 CENTS DAILY— UP TO DECEMBER 25 that small sum will buy a fine lot in Castro- street Addition no interest. BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. i pENTS $76 PER MONTH; 4 MODERN FLATS : It on loth st., close to>Mnr!;et; lot 37:6x100; this property bcin? nearly new is a good investment. <Jk OAA EASY TK K M s : LOTOS ' 2 '-' D ST., NR. •3)OUU. Douglass; 25x85; street work done; lot on grade; a desirable site for a tome. . /'IHKAP, $2900; LOT ON LAGUNA ST., NEAR \j Pine; 22:6x80; line neighborhood: flats built here will pay big. "-•-: CLEMKNT-ST. LOTS. NEAR 19 TH AYE.; ON \J line of Sutro railroad: any size you want and on easy terms: lots ready to build on. . -- . BuULEVAKD LOTS: IST AVI',., NEAR CLAY ■O St.: 100-foot avenue;; will be : a fashionable place to live: very cheap and on easy terms. ROBERT J. BIEfiCER A SON, 410 Pine st. AM. SPKCK A CO., 602 MARKET ST. . M. SPECK A CO., 602 MARKET ST. $2000-N!ce cottage; - lot 40x50; . block from Castro and Market sts. , $2800— Cottage, now fine business property, at 518 (astro. $5000— Rents $48: 3 new flats on car line. $6500— elegant flats, with a stable, on Page. $6750— Three elegant flats near Haight and Fill- more; rents 61: lot 25x110. . - $6800—2 new flats; Jackson St.; rents $65. $10,000— Store and 4 flats: new; near City Hall; rents $80. ' $12,500— Ellis St.: investment; rents $125. $6500—3 flats and stable in .Western Addition; rents $70. i © I 1 AAA 20-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, ! $>JL'I'.UUU.".39xB0 l at 1507 California street; terms half cm!). .' . : < ' ■ ■ *fll I')£. A A FINE CORNER; ALWAYS <Jp±~.i>UU. rented for $116; select locality. <&90, AAA CORNER 110x120; NEW «3>^iU.v/VJI/. provemetits; rents $180. Sfc^Q AAA BUSINESS PROPERTY; LOT *IP T:O. UUU. 36x120; within 150 feet of Mar- ket; near the Baldwin; with small outlay will t easily rent for $500. (gj7A AAA CORNER, 70x100. WITHIN A «Jp I U.UUU. fewr\ blocks of Baldwin; rents $ti000: worth $100,000: offer wan at once. CjjOrLA OCEAN VIEW LOT, NEAR STA- <®£iO\J. tlon and Mission road: must be sold; money needed. McEWEN BEOS., 118 Montgom- ery st. CJJ97P. 10 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH; «JPZJIU. fine lot: 27x100; Bemis. 'iear Castro; block from cars. J. R. ROCHE. San Rafael. CITY BE AX, , ESTATE. ■ - ■ *_ O^AA MUST SOLD; MAKE AN OF- «Jr«i£»JUU. fer: Ferry st., nr. Fourth; 2-story building containing 6 rooms; lot _6xBo. _ A £A A ■ RAUSCH ST.. NX. FOI.SOM; TWO- «3r±OUuY story frame, building consisting of 1! flats of 4 and 5 rooms aud bath; also rear house of 4 rooms: rents $40: lot 25x112. <jtj;-Q;-/-v TEHAMA ST.. NR. FOURTH; tJP».)__OU. two 3-s'orv houses 9 and 11 rooms each; lot 25x80; street accepted; rents $59. _QA AAA PROMINENT pine-st. cor- i •jpOU.UUU. ner; 4 choice 2-story residences, renting for $232 50 per month; extra large lot, 60x137. . <_!£ AAA POST ST., NR. MASON; TWO- ♦JpIO.UUU. story and basement residence of 0 rooms and bath; lot 25x85; rents $75. _1 7 Ann EDDY ST.! CORNER INVEST- <IP I i .UUU. incnt: E. of Fillmore; 3 substan- tial buildings, all rented; total rents $125; lot 40 x 87:6 .. ■ _QPLnn RENT $384 PER YEAR; MORRIS <pO»JUU. aye., near Harrison st.; 2 flats of 4 and 5 rooms each; lot 25x80. <J_77kA O'FARRELL ST., NR. LARKIN: tj) I i %)\f . 2-story residence of 7 rooms and bath; lot 24x91. " _ _9A AAA LEAVEN WORTH ST., COR- I — U.UUU. ner: modern 3-story bi'ilding. con- taining (i flats of 6 and 7 rooms and bath each; rent $182 50; lot 45x90. (JTj/^t^^rv. CALIFORNIA ST., BET. DEVISA- rJpD__t)U. dero and Broderick; 2-story and basement bay-window residence of 8 rooms and bath; lot 27:6x137:6. _QAAA OAK ST.. NEAR OCTAVIA: TWO »4pOUUU. 2-story houses of 6 rooms and bath each; rents $50; lot 30x60. _1Q AAA GOLDEN GATE AYE.; FLATS; •Ip.LO.UUU. not far from Devisadero St.; 4 fine flats; rented for$l()Oa month; lot 50x100. <*_77>^A MAKE an OFFER; McAllister t_) I I OU. at., bet. Gough and Octavia; 2-story and basement house of 8 rooms and bath; lot _5x 120; 000 mortgage can remain. _7AAA PINE-ST. INVESTMENT, NEAR tip I UUU. Kearny: brick building; one tenant: rents $7-0 per y'dar net no repairs; no water. (JjQOXA MICK BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE *fpO_jUU. on Third aye., near Clement st. ; con- tains 6 rooms and bath; lot 25x120. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, ■ ' 10 Montgomery st. BUSINESS PROPERTY: MODERN FLATS, BUILDING LOTS. ON ALL LEADING STREETS, FOR BALE BY M. B. LEVY, 30 MONTGOMERY ST.- UY A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR THE baby— something substantial; a good lot for $350; $5 monthly: no interest. BALDWIN ft HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. <_jc MONTHLY. — -— - tlpij MONTH MONTHLY. NO INTEREST. NO INTEREST. NO INTEREST. STREET WORK DONE. STREET WORK DONE. STREET WORK DONE. '20 lots sold In the past 4 days, and no wonder! Have you seen them? if not, go to-day. Up to December 25 (positively not a day longer) $350 will buy a good lot on a street graned, sewered and macadamized; a $5 payment will secure your choice and $5 monthly (16 cents daily) will pay the balance: no interest will be charged; a perfect title guaranteed; good climate, splendid views; no shifting sand; eleciric-ilglus on property; water piped to every lot: all ready to build on; possession given at once; on the line of an electric road; 30 minutes' ride from the city nail; it's a safe in- vestment; will pay better interest than any bank: an unusual opportunity to secure a home lot. Take a Guerrero-st. car (Mission or Valencia, transfer at 14th) and ride to Chenery and Castro. During the week beginning Monday, December 16. a free conveyance v. 11l start from our office daily at 10 a. m. and 2 v. m. Be on hand. Re- member, the best lots ko first. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. "TITHAT MAKES YOU LOOK SO HAPPY — : — — TO-DAY, WIFE ?" '•TS IT NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE ME HAPPY X when l know we are In our own home Instead of a rented fiat 1 For eight ion* years $25 a month (nearly half your wages) has tone for rent— s24oo 10 that time— and nothing to show lor it. Now that same $25 a month is buying us a home, a new cozy modern house, with . every convenience, a large yard with flowers and everything to make us happy." JACOB HKYMAN has built us the. house on such liberal terms that we can always • meet the installments.' Just think our house only coats us $12 80, the first month's inter- est." or call It rent. The difference of the $25— .f Ift 20—1 used to pay to the landlord, now goes toward our home, and as we pay along the Interest decreases, so really it aver- .ases us only $9 40 per month by the time : > the house is all paid for. - 1 Isn't this happiness? Had this opportunity been offered to us eight • years ago we could have saved $1000 in rent. THE HEYMAN TRACT IS SPLENDIDLY situated on a gentle slope between 22d and 23d streets: Castro-street cable, 22d-street electric and San Mateo lHth-.street line close to this property; '15 minutes' ride to City Hall; streets graded and sewered, and pure spring water piped. Go out and see the tract MR. JAMi-.s M. COTTER, resident agent, ..will show you around. For further particulars call on :-_:,• ;.•;>-'. JACOB HEYMAN. Owner, Hoom 5, Crocker building, Post and Market sts. roil CHRISTMAS: A FINE LOT, 2&X114, $250. $5 DOWN, $1 A WEEK. NO INTEREST. NO TAXES. FOR sixty days we , offer lots in Homer's Addi- tion, block 2-9, on 29th St., near Diamond, for the remarkably low price of $250, and on the special terms of $5 down and $1 a week. Only 22 of these lots to be sold, and they will go quick. Only 3 blocks from Castro-st cable-cars, and elec- tric cars will soon be- on Diamond st. Fine view. Nowhere else in the city can such fine lots be had lor the money; go and see them. For further particulars Call on JACOB H i; VMAN, Owner, Room 5, second floor, Crocker building, . Post and Market sts. _Q^n NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH ijpV<J\J, basement, including level lot 25x100, fronting San Mr. ten electric road on Chenery st., and joining new Castro-st. Addition, Falrrnount: I scbooihouss only 2 blocks away; $50 down, bal- ance $10 monthly. JACOB HEYMAN, room 5, Crocker building, Pos: and Market sts. BOULEVARD TO BK COMPLETED. Work on the Grand Boulevard, • along -Cliff House, to commence this, week: now is your chance to mane a good purchase: lota from $200 to $450 cash on $5 monthly payments; will be worth from $4000 to $5000 each. JACOB HEYMAN, room 5, Crocker building, corner Post and Market sts. -v; ■nUILDING LOTS. $300 lots— Near Mission st. and terminus of elec- tric-cars. $350 lots— Near Mlssion-st. carhouse. $150— Fine building- lots; near San Mateo elec- i trie road. $5 monthly— Houses built on these lots if desired. : JACOB HEYMAN, ■ Room 6, Crocker building. Post and Market sts. HOMES FOR SALE— WEBSTER ST., NEAR VaHfjo; new designs and finished throughout. Open to-day. ' . • ' . ! RIGHT, CHEERY, HEALTHFUL LOCA- i tlon— Frultvale Terminal Tract. ' Lots $100 up. EAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY ~ Xl C. H. REYNOLDS A CO., 333 MONTGOMERY ST. RICHMOND DISTRICT BARGAINS. $2000— Point Loons avenue corner lot; GO.xIOO. $1500— NW. cor. lot; 43d aye., N. of Park. $1250— 43d, i'oint Lobos-ave. corner lot. • $5000— I) st. : business corner lot; N. line Golden Gate Park; near car terminus, ocean and boule- vard. . ' ■ ■■ ' '• • '•■■■■.-....;■ -. $14,000— California st-; cor. residence: large lot. $13,000— Sacramento St.; house and lot, nr. Scott. ■' $7i'O — 50x70, Wayne st. lot, nr. Cortland aye.; 275x140, flower garden location: Jefferson st., nr. San Bruno ave.;3 frontages: fine view. $.100— Crescent and San Bruno aye.; corner lot. $3500— Octavia and Lombard st. cor. lot. Houses and lots in all parts of the city. - Ware- houses and business property centrally located. C BEMIS, ',' : ■:■■,■■:.: •■„.....■ . real estate AND LAND AGENT. 324 montgomery ST. :' FOR SALE $!79AA RENT a YEAR— BRICK building «JJS I __UU business property on Market st. lOiixl»s-NW. COR. Ob A ST. AND 27TH X__Wave.; as whole or in subdivisions. •ft 11 (\i\i\ CORNER PACIFIC AYE. AND «jpII.UUU. Baker St.: 55x137:6 feet. . *9»*AA E. SIDE i STAN VAN ST., BET. «JJ)_jUUU. Carl and Frederick; 25x100. ©MCA SAN CARLOS-VILLA LOT; 100x150 <P tO\J. feet. •B;ft7AA 60x127:6 FEET ON JACKSON ST., <3)U I \J\J . overlooking the Presidio and bay. . <*_£AAA - 8 MODERN HOUSES OF 8 ROOMS tipUUUU. each, at pans: 25x137:6 feet; electric road passes bouses; make on>r.'warff»_ i_*]aryat«i-» CjqCAjV' 2-STORY. 8-ROOMED HOUSE ON tJPOOUU. Harrison at., bet. First ana ' Fremont. G_ lAA LOT ON ;: DUNCAN- ST., BET."' NO tIPTrUU. and Castro: 25x114 feet. ::.::.? (i; QXAA ELEGANT W. CORNER OF COLE <POUUU. and Carl sts. <i_QAA CHOICE BUILDING LOTS NORTH «JpOUU.ofpark. ,-.-. ■:'-■-' ■- CITY BEAT. ESTATE. O"~*FARRKL*L & ESTATE BROKERS, REAL, ESTATE BROKERS, 11 MONTGOMERY ST. A SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFT— WE KNOW ±\. — , — that you are being puzzled at the present time to know what to give your wife, your daughter, your son, your aaugbtcr-in-law. or your son-in-law for Christmas. " . WOW HERE IS A PROPOSTION: TAKE THE Mission-street electric-curs: ask the conductor to let you ou: at Cotter or Francis street, and : you will there see our exceptionally beautiful block in subdivision. ' : r\NLY r 16 LOTS LEFT OUT OF 96. YOU PAY a small amount down, according to your purse, and give the lot to them for Christmas. Let them keep up the other installments, and it will be an incen- tive to them to save money. - Lots vary in prices, running from $375 to $500. Street work done; graded, curbed, macadamized; positively level and ready for building, and no hills to climb. ' Only a few feet from the Mission- street electric-cars, thereby making them practically on the Mission- street car line. yOU WILL FIND MR. G. A. TURNER ON THE property every morning, who will be pleased to show you around and give you all the information desired. REMEMBER THAT 16 HOMES HAVE BEEN IX erected on : this block since we started the same; go and see for yourself.' C££CAA CORNER RESIDENCE IN THE tpUUUU. Western Addition; 9 rooms and bath; stable and carriage house; lot 25x92:6; this is re- markably cheap, as the lot alone is worth the money. _91 £A DEVISADERO-ST. BUILDING LOT, <|p_j±UU. near Waller; lot 25x116:3; this is in a choice residence section of the city and offered at a sacrifice. CHOICE BUILDING L.OT: FULTON ST.. NR. \J Fillmore; we have 100x137:6 feet which we will sell in subdivisions to suit the purchaser and at a prire 25 per cent below anything in this im- mediate neighborhood. TURK-ST. 1 BARGAIN. BELOW VAN NESS X aye. ; lot 27:6x120 through to a rear street, af- fording double frontage: streets paved and ac- cepted by the city; improvements consist of a sub- stantial two-story bay-window residence of 9 rooms and batb, rented at $600 a year; this property is for sale at less than the valuation of the land, say nothing of the improvements. *8t A-l'^i} INCOME A YEAR; NATOMA- ♦JP"! I cM". St. investment property: near Fifth; improvements consist of 2 flats of 5 rooms each. MODERN BAY-WINDOW RESIDENCE ON the north side of Oak st., near Scott 7 rooms and bath; high finished basement; street paved with bitumen and accepted by the city: lot 25x100; price asked $6000; an offer will be enter- tained. '. MODERN FLATS IN THE WESTERN AD- dition; 6 aud 7 rooms and bath each; income $52 50 a month: .lot 25x106:3; nicely located: convenient to the Kaieht, Oak and Page streetcar lines; offered at a sacrifice. SUTTERST. DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT— Positively the greatest bargain that has ever been offered on Batter St.: leased to one tenant for ; $780 per annum; price $12,000, and a good sub- stantial building of 13 rooms; the lot is worth the price asked. GOUGH-ST. MODERN FLATS— TWO EXCEP- ' VJ tional flats of 7 rooms and bath each: total yearly income $780; lot 27x137:6: price $9500; this is positively one of the best purchases in the line of fiats that can be found to-day. We have several pieces that we consider gen- ! nine bargains; will be pleased to give you a list of them If you will call. O'FARRELL & CO., Real Estate Brokers, 11 Montgomery st. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK A FREE CON- veyance will leave our office at 10 a. m. and 2 p. M..for the Castro-street Addition up to December 25; any lot will be sold for $5 first payment and $5 monthly; no interest. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, ' t 10 Montgomery st. TirEBSTER, BET. VALLEJO AND GREEN— »» new houses ; easy terms; reasonable prices. YOn HOMES AND INVESTMENT— FRUIT- j X vale Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up. ! "\foTICE~~TO TEAMSTERS*— fok 1 sale, on ' -L' account of sickness, cottage of 6 rooms: ; large ' yard and stable for 3 horses: cheap. - See owner, i 7_7 Twenty-third st., near Valencia. TT IS A HEALTHFUL SPOT — FKITVALE I -L Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up. VTEW MOUEKN 4-ROOM COTTAGE: HIGH --' basement, which can be made tenable for 2 ad- ditional rooms: this cottage at a bargain: close to 2 car lines: Carolina St.. nr. 24th; easy terms; same as rent. Inquire of RIVERS BROS., Hayes and Octavia sts. ffIjQXA NEW 4-ROOM AND BATH COT- ; »J»y«JU. tage, with basement, including level I lot. 25x100, fronting San Matt-o electric road on ! Cbenery st., and joining new Castro-st. Addition, j Fairmount; schoolhouse only 2 blocks away; $50 ' down, balance $10 monthly. : JACOB HEYMAN, room 6, Crocker building, I Fost and Market sts. QT. "I WEEKLY : GOOD BERKELEY LOTS. tJpJL The dollar was earned from day to day; ' The dollar was round, it rolled away. Save your dollar. Own your lot. $150- Lot 25x102; $1 weekly. $175— Lot 31x135: $1 weekly. $250— Lot '2 5x120; $1 weekly; sewered. $313— Lot 25x100: $1.25 weekly: macadamized. CHAS. a. BAILEY. 40 Market St., S. F., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. V A LETE KM IN AL TRACT ; D. PRATT, F Yrnitvale Sta. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market st., S. F. Lots $100 up; easy terms. ! TTOUSES iFuILTSISO TO »_75 A ROOM; CALL XX and examine nln.n«. 1149 Mission st. '. MEDIC AX. r^ dr?"auguste~m6lletiiT midwife and diseases of women; has diploma. 1305 Stockton St., near Broadway. :■ .■ BLESSING TO LADIES — INSTANT RE J\. lief for monthly irregularities (from whatever cause) toy the most experienced ladies' physicians in San Francisco, restores all cases by an improved method, superior to others; ladies will save time ! and money, be assured of honest treatment- by ; consulting the doctors before calling on others; patients who have been imposed upon are spe- ] cially invited; home la conlinenrent: treatment ■ ■warranted: advice free, confidential. DR. and MRS. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Jones. A NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE. INSTRU- xi. moms or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles, no mat- ter from what cause; restores Always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sur» call on men's ! physician can b«s»ntand used at home; ! ; nil cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. j T AIUES — CHICHESTER'S" ENGUISH PEN- j 1-1 ny royal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: ! safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for ! particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail; at druggists. Cbicbester Chemical Company, Philadelphia. Pa. . ..■■■■-:■•:. ■ :- ■ -. ~a"ll~ FEMALE irregularities re- JIX. stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at any time; travelers helped at once: home In con- finement; French pilis guaranteed; . consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post at., near Larkin. fjlA IJKK'S INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE," -I- for either sex : send 2c for iulormation or 50c for trial jar. TAYLOR CHEM. CO., box 1896, S. F. lADIES — DAUDET'S FEMALE REG 1/ LA: J ting Pills: strongest, safest, best; never fail; $1 per box. WiDUKR'S drugstore, 14 Ellis St., formerly cor. Market and Third s:s.. sole agents. R. HALL. 14 MCALLISTER STREET, NEAR 'Jones. Diseases of women and children. A 81 RE CURE JFOB AI*L FEMALE DlS- eases, from whatever cause; a home In con- finement with every comfort; satisfaction guar- anteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. 226 Turk at.' ■■■--; /■■:- IT " PRAE's" FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per. box. RICHAItDS&CO., druggists, 4U6 Clay St., sole ag'ts. AHOMIi.A FRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. 1Y MRS. DI..F UNKS, 1416E!(5h1_ St.. Alamedo. 1 GOODWIN makes A specialty OF U diseases of women and • restores all irregulari- ties In one day, guaranteeing a. cure or no charge: regulator home lor patients. 1870 Market st. V| liS. DB. WEUENEK; PRIVATE HOME IN : ii confinement; ';. irregularities ,cured In a few hours without operation; pills $ '2. 419 Eddy st. A LPEAU'"S~FR_NCH PILLS, A BOON TO J\. ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 50 express C. O. D.; ' don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. - ; 1" F IRREGULAR OJi ANY FEMALE DISEASES see Mrs.' Dr. Puetz and be content. 254 K't 4th. ___ ______________ . . SXOKAGiS VERLAND n ' r FTvEulHT^^l^rA^S^EnT^CO^ fi*'.h and Bluxome st 3., furniture and goods packed, shipped and stored: 9 large fireproof ware- houses; low rates; advances made. Tel. south 388. TOKAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- boId goods, etc J.M. PIERCE, 735 Market, st. ILSON ~ BROTHERS. .1710 MARKET- »» Storage: low rates: telephone South 762. ■ - KST-CLASS STORAGE: ADVANCES MADK" J ,21-423 Market at. CHAS. _ TAYLOR. :;. ~ -; i -; ; FINANCIAL. ■'. ■'. ■ ; ~~~~~~~ ■p EIl^N^\TH"6"w'ANT 4 t6^7^PKR~CENT X intcres a year on j their money should consult 1. W. ENTZ & CO., 401 California at. ;. .;---: ANY ■ SUM >OF MONEY ADVANCED OS your furniture, pianos or real estate; lowest rate; call and state your proposition or write; open evenings. J. NOONAN. 10.1 Mission st. TV KEAL ESTATE. BO VEE, ) Y~&~CO^ - .- HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. 19 MONTGOMERY ST., Under Lick House. %1 H P\(\(\ 17THST.: BUSINESS COP.NER, <IPXU.tJ"V/. near Market; 30x90; new im- provements: rents $110 per month: ' mortgage $3500: owner will entertain ex- change in city property for his equftv. <31l 3 Z\C\(} FOWKLL-ST. FLATS, NR."Si:T- tjpXO.UUV/. ter; rents $105 per month; very ■ i central. • . • . . - <Sn KAA COTTAGE; ONLY $1500: VERY VD±O\J\J. easy terms to purchaser: lot 25x114; cottage contains 4 rooms and bath; only 1 block from Castro-st. cars.'^RSMMMSB COXnn ONLY SBUOCASH; BALANCE CAN «iP_jUVU. remain on mortgage: choice building lot; Clay St.. near Baker: 25x105. A AAA RENT« $100 PEH MONTH: <IP-L\/.\/W/. business corner, near Mission and ] 6th sts. : grocery and 4 rooms on ground floor, 2 fiats above: mortgage $4000. o>7r»fl/\ MUST BE SOLD; RESIDENCE OF «IP I \J\J\r, 7 rooms and bath, etc.; lot 25x137:6; street bitumlnized, sto'ie sidewalk, etc.; near Octavia and Broadway. ■-■■■ ©9000 BUILDING COKNKR LOT 50x!)7:6: (jpjuuu. choice location In Mission near Castro st. cars; #1 000 mortgage ?r.n remain; will entertain exchange for equity. ©QAAA EDDY ST. INVESTMENT; LOT t$)U\J\J\J. 25x120 to rear St.; rents $72 SO per month; mortgage of 83000 can remain: . cottage house of 6 rooms and bath; also 2 j new fiats just finished. Q» IAAA HOWARD COURT, NEAR HOW- tip X\JV.t\J. aid.-.nd Fourth sts.; rents $518 per j annum: 4 separate flats. ©QAAA, CALIFORNIA ST., NEAR LAR *!pU\J\jyj. kin, 25x87:6: house of 10 rconas and both: mor.*caa;esssoo. C&C9KA 2-STORY. AND BASEMENT BAY- «lpU_JC'vy. window residence, containing Brooms ! and bath: rents $50 per month; lot 25.x 110; choice location on Pine st. ©9100 PIUCE GREATLY REDUCED TO <IP*J"IvV/. make immediate sale: cottage of 4 ', rooms; rents $15; large lot, 30-foot front- age; Post st. ©KKAfi ONLY ' 2 BLOCKS FROM MARKET If""""- st.; Noest., near 14th; new residence of 8 rooms ana bain, conservatory, etc. ; terms very easy: large lot, 30x16- feet. ; <2ift9~O GOLDEN GATK AYE., NEAR «3PU^jc>U. Pierce; lot 26x137:6: house of 10 rooms and bath: cottage house in rear. Cjft9Vl TURK ST.; HOUSE AND STABLE: <J)U_-U\_f. driveway, etc.: large lot, 28x137:6. G;O7r:A JOHN ST., NEAR POWELL AND t&O I O\J. Jackson: rents $420 per. annum; '■ house of 9 rooms, bath and basement. - -a>7XOO MONTGOMERY ST., NEAR JACK- tjp I O\J\J. son: house of 2 stores below: 2 apart- ments abow of 4 rooms each; rents $57 per month; must be sold; mac offer. ©.7000 NE.COR.2-D AND GUERRERO; <|p I UUU. lot 27x90 feet: store and 3 rooms on , ; lower floor: flat of 6 rooms aud bath j above: modern throughout; brick founda- , tion; store leased for three years; to- tal rents $.:0 per month; street work all done. ©£9> r \o RENTS $55 PER MONTH; 2 NEW «JSU_jUU. flats: choice location in Western Ad- dition; two blocks from- Haight-st. cable; high, sightly elevation: mortgage $2000, at 6% per cent, can remain. ©QCAA MUST BE SOLD; HAIGHT ST., «iPO«JUU. sunny side, near Webster; 3 modern flats; rents $70 per month: lot 26x100 feet. ©000 COTTAGE OF 3 ROOMS; RENT $8; V UU. lot -5x70; short distance from Mission- st. carline. ©.fiOOO MORTGAGE OF $3500 CAN RE- yPUUUU. main: 2243 Sutter st.: business prop- erty: substantial improvements; store and 2 rooms, flat of 5 rooms and bath above; rents $50 per mouth; will trade equity for home in the Mission. ©91 (\(\l\ POWELL-ST. FLATS: RENTS tJp--iX. UUU. $2040 per annum; downtown: large lot, 44x112:6; mortgage at 6 per cent can remain. ..'":■ :• ©Q^OO PRICE GREATLY REDUCED; (JPOOUU. must be sold; house of 9 rooms, bath, laundry, garden, etc. ; large lot, 50x106:3; Ashburyst.' <s_9£P>A OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL: 2 tJP_-UUU. flats near .Tone:-, and Broadway; rents $26 per month: this is a bargain. BO VEE, TOY & CO., 19 Montgomery st. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $160, post- ag free. SANTA CLARA COUNTY. BJEAIi KSTATJi. IN E^ROPERTY" -T FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES. JAMES A. CLAYTON & CO., LAND AGENTS, SAN JOSE. PROFITABLE ORCHARD ADJOINING THE j X city of San Jose; 40 acres; soil 20 feet: 10 acres 1 prunes, this year's crop sold for $2500; 10 acres j peaches, this year 'a crop was heavy, 45 tons from i 3 3-7 acres, trees 30 feet apart; 10 acres fine apri- I cot orchard that yield heavy; balance in cherry trees; price $32,500. 1 07 ACRES VALLEY LAND SOUTn OF SAN XU I Jose; good land; orchards adjoining: house 5 rooms, barns, etc. ; scattering oak trees: there Is an orchard of about IS acres in bearing: this prop- < r:y is finely located; convenient to railroad sta- tion and school ; price $125 per acre; no objection ; to taking San Francisco property in trade if same Is improved and unincumbered. . 1 HA ACRES IN FOOTHILLS, NEAR CON I \J\J gress Springs; 13 miles from San Jose; 100 acres nearly level; about 13 acres fruit trees, apri- cots and prunes, 1 and 4 years ola: about 20 acres grapes; the soil is good; small house and barn; good springs; this property belongs to savings ! bank: anxious to sell: will give 5 years' time, easy ! payments and reduced price; $4000. C ACRES ADJOINING THE CITY OF SAN 0 Jose; frontage on 3 roads: house 5 rooms, barn, etc.; flowing well: choice land: $4000. Q ACRES 3 MILES FROM SAN JOSE; LEVEL 0 land; one-quarter mile from car line; $150 per acre. "I C 5 ACRES LEVEL LAND. 8 MILES FROM xOs San Jose; cheap: terms half cash; $1675. 5 ACRES ON Mclaughlin AYE., NEAR «J thecitv: $1275. C*9?\ ACRES, 6 MILES FROM MILPITAS, 12 DOt) miles from San Jose: hill land; 300 acres cultivated for hay and grain. 14 acres old orchard; ranch is well watered; large springs: ' house 8 rooms; lars?ebarn: price $25 per acre. 90 ACRES ORCHARD IN FULL BEARING; — «U prunes 18 acres, apricots 2 acres: near the city; $11,000. ORCHARDS NEAR SAN JOSE ARE THE most productive Id the State. 1 ACHE IMPROVED, N_AR SAN JOSE; X convenient to electric car line; house 6 rooms: good well: $1700. WE HAVE THE FINEST ROADS AND TT schools; Santa Clara Valley is the place to live. JAMES A. CLAYTON _ CO., Land Agents, Established over 25 years, 16 West Santa Clara st., San Jose. FINE RANCH O FOR SALE. ©•"aO 000 THE MOST PICTURESQUE ! t)l f .\J\l\J . ranch In Monterey County, one ■ hour to Del Monte, and near railroad station. Beau- -1 tifully situated at junction of three roads; near i racetrack; 2 houses; 4 barns; well fenced; springs 1 dotting the place; alakpof sacres; lovely spreading ! o.iks; a thoroughly equippel dairy: about 100 cows, hogs, poultry, etc.; saddle-horses and carri- age teams: plenty of fish and game; in fine a gen- tleman's estate and a paradise. 173-61 For further particulars apply to or address • W. G. HAWLEY & CO., 17 South First Street. San Jose, California. CHEAPEST GRAIN LAND \J . __ IN CALIFORNIA. BEST LAND. WELL LOCATED. NOW IN CROP. ' TWO CROPS WILL PAY FOR LAND. For price and terms write to W. G. II AW LEY & CO., 17 South First St., . . San Jose, Cal. OANTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS. 19,000 acres in subdivisions for fruit planting. Apply to C. H. PHILLIPS, proprietor. S2 East Santa Clara st., San Jose, CaL DENTISTS. RTTl7^ir^H^vC^24^K^Aß^T^^RlDGE^ work a specialty; open evenings -7:30 to 9. ■ R. MEYER, LATE OF 148 SIXTH Sl'., RE- . moved to 1012 Mission, near Sixth: gas given. DX. L. T.CRANZ— EXTRACTION PAINLESS, crown , work, bridge work ; and teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary St., cor. Grant aye. R.REA.3OO TURK ST— ALL D-NTALWORK at lowest prices and warranted : open evenings ETAL PLATE $5; TEETH EXTRACTED or filled painlessly by my patent au;esihetic, 6oc: won 28 prizes. Obdontunder Dental Parlors, 815%' Geary st., bet. Larkin and Hyde, opposite Saratoga Hall. R. L. WALSH, D. D. S. .... p ROOME DENT A L ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialist*: only reli- able agent for painless extraction:' artificial teeth inn $:*); fillings firm $1: extracting 50c. with gas 51." "© 7 A SET FOR TEETH : WARRANTED AS «p • good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMM!* dentist, 930 Market St.. next Baldwin Theater. . j \ II. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH U without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. - I It. LUDLUM 11 IL_, 1443 MARKET ST., U near Eleventh no charge :or extracting when plates are made: old, plates made over like new; . teeth from $8 per set : extracting 50c: gas given. | | OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. SOB MAR- ket 3U DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. ; _ DR. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, CORrGOLPEN Gate ave.— Open' evenings:. Sundays till noon. LL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR-" ranted. DR.- J. W. KEY. 1122 Market st. DR. ; GEORGE^W. = LEE K. -TH GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any place, moved from ti 10 20 Kartell it. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAKLAND KICAi; ESTATE. VI /7 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH, 4 MILES FROM ■1 i Livermore, 52200 : half cash wanted; acres, ! Haywatds, to trade for Oakland property; price $C0"0O. Wanted, wild land, well located, for mort- gaged city property; 15-acre solid prune orchard hoar San Jose, with mortgage, trade for good Oak- land property.- C. K. KING, 90- Broadway, Oak- land. . ______________ ANT ED— A RANOH.NEA II SARATOGA. '* Santa Clara County: value nor. to • exceed $16,000: fine exchange for such a place. F. C. WATSON, 4H3 Ninth st., Oakland. ' > • ■' DE A TI FC L HO ME A T A SACRIFICE IN " D central part of Oakland: 8 rooms," bath and laundry, price reduced to $1500; terms to suit purchaser. A. H. BREED & CO., 400 Ninth St., Oakland. : '. ©OCJOO A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN THE tOOCVKJ. center of Oakland of 6 rooms, laun- dry, bath and servant's room; beautiful lawn and flowers; sunny side of street: 4 minutes' walk to Fourteenth arid Broadway and local train; worth $5000. Call and net particulars GEORGE B. M. GRAY, Real Estate Broker, -:63 Ninth st.. Oakland. OFFISH WANTED; MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE an estate; an elegant residence 111 Highland Park, Fust Oakland; --story house of 8 . large rooms; bath and nil modern conveniences; hand- somely finished; situated on a northeast corner, 250x140; grounds improved with beau'.it'ul shrnb- .beryand lawns; grand view of the bay, Golden Gate and surrounding country: 1 block to electric line. WM. J. DING-E, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. rpAKE BROAD GAUGE OR O. H. AND 8. 1.. I electric cars for Fruitvale Terminal Tract. ©Tt/inFl F.EAUTI^ULLY located RESI- CIUUUw. dence, Alameda; lot 40x1_4; all nicely furnished : any reasonable offer. Large list of choice residences and cottages for sale in Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Fruitvale and Piedmont; acre tracts and ranches. Send for cata- logue or see E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oak- land, Cal. fTUNE HOMES FOR SALE: CALL AND REF- J. the 8 and 10 room houses we are completing; in 5 minutes' walk of Fourteenth-st. local; first class in all of their conveniences: easy terms. Homes built on your own plans and sold you ou easy terms this side of the bay. Also some fine exchanges for clear vacant lots or country property. C. P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. pHICKEN RANCH: 9 ACRES IN BEARING. \J fruit of a variety; lease for three years; rent. $125 annually; for sale; house of 5 room.v 9 chicken-houses, a quantity Of iencing, 100 good, fowls; priceonly $475. FRUITVALE LAND CO., Fruitvaie Station. ' ■■• ARGAIN; EASY TERMS; BUY CHRIST- mas present for your wife; . cottage, 5 rooms; modern; lot 50x114; on Laurel St.; 5-minute ride to local trains. Inquire owner, H. ABRAHAM- SON, 305 First at., Oakland. - (_:AA HALF ACRE FOR SALE; NEAR <$O\)\J. Telegraph aye.; worth $1000. ALDEN A GARFIELD, 002 Broadway, Oakland. "pOULTRY RANCHES AND SMALL HOMES X in Oakland and Frnitvale for sale, rent or ex- change. E. HILL, room 34, Donohoe Building, S. F. ffljOA MONTHLY FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGES; tJs_il/ plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden Gate stata. (BJTFTj LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN »lr-I-«Jv/. Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week: selling fast: good Improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner. 902 Broadway. Oakland. Oakland fukxituke FOR salk oliday" prese> lts half "price, a t h; SCHKLLHA.VS' furniture-store. Eleventh st ALAIEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. «n^ZiUU. rooms and bath; perfectly new cot- tage. $2400— cash; $20 monthly; 37:6x100; new cottage. $3000— $t)0 cash; $30 monthly; 33:4x100; 6 rooms and bath; handsome new cottage. *3250-$2OO cash, $30 monthly: 33x100; ele- gant cottage on principal driveway; 6 rooms and bath. $3500— 5300 cash, $35 monthly; 33:4x100; handsome colonial cottage: 7 room* and bath. M AROUSE & HEM MEL, Bay-fit station, Ala- ; meda, and 628 Market St., San Francisco. EXCHANGE FOB HOUSE AND LOT IN 1 Alameda; 160 acres; 25 acres under cultivation and in fruit; no debt. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park : st., Alameda. . . <E*-| AA DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY PAY »J.LU" ments — Fine nearly new modern 2-story house, 7 rooms and hath: near station, school and churches: must be sold: call and see at once. H. P. MOREAL, 1432 Park St.. Alameda. ..■■. j ! CO AA DOWN —ELEGANT NEW fj-ROOM *JpXUU modern cottage in center of city, close to school and station; lot 35x150; price $2250. For immediate sale Alameda Land Company, 1500 Park St., Alameda. CBMflflA NEW AND MODERN HOUSE OF 7 tJp'il-fl/Lf. rooms and bath: lot 42x147:6: in good locality; terms easy; installments. JOSEPH A. LEONARD CO., 1364 Park st., Alameda. . BERK ELK i;K.\;. JEST ATE. WANT AN OFFER — A THOROUGHLY » » well-built house of six rooms: near unlversitv; first-class in every respect. Apply to JOSEPH J. MASON, Dwight-way station, Berkeley. ■DEiiKELEY BARGAINS. ~ ' Ji $1500— CVttage 4 rooms; large lot 100x125. $450— Corner 48x79; $50 down, $10 monthly, $350—1 acre on side hill. $500—1 acre on eminence. $600— Corner 100x115 with creek. $150— Lot 25x102; $10 down, $5 monthly. $175— Lot 31x135; $10 down, $10 quarterly. $4500—3 acres on flue street. $:-00- Lot 48x100. CH AS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., San Fran- I cisco, or Berkeley station, Berkeley. LEOANT LOTS NEAR THE • BERKELEY UNIVERSITY, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. $1000-40x130; NW. cor. Durant aye. and Ful- ton st. $1500—50x130: Fulton st., nr. Durant $1600—40x130; NW. cor. of Bancroft way and Union st. — • • $1750—60x130; Bancroft wav, nr. Union st. $1600— 40x110; SE. cor. of Durant and Tele- graph ayes. ' $1500—50x110: Telegraph aye., nr. Durant; aye. 46x120; NE. cor. Bancroft way and Tel- egraph aye. $1800—70x138; Hlllegassave.. nr. Bancroft way. $2000—70x140; Telegraph aye., nr. Bancroft; way. $1-500—91x138; University aye., near the Uni- versity grounds. .•2000—120x119; Shattuck aye., nr. Vl nest. $1800— An acre lo: near the Town Hall. Also 70 lots at Asbby station: cheap; on easy terms. Come quick if you want the choice of these bargains. , M. L. WURTS, Opp. Dwight-way station, Berkeley. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS I ■ — — : — : : -■'■ i STOCKTON' [TEAL, ESTATE. M^AXb^HA^BEKITsiBLECTED BY T l l X directors of the S. F. and S. J. V. R. R. Co. (Valley road) lor the principal station in thesouth- < as;ern part of San Juaquin County and is deatlnad to become at once the mo3t important of all t_a nations on the lino of th» railroad on account of the vast bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sar- roundini? the town, every acre 01 which will bo told with a perpetual water right. '- ''■':.: Take sow of your money out of the 4-per>cen: savings bank and invest in Ull3 coming center of southeastvru .'•an Joaquln County. - . For maps, descriptive matter, etc., address E. IS. HARLOWE _ CO., 430 East Main St., Stockton. Cal i lornla. JSION.K_\ TO I-O.ii>. . A DVANCESON^DTAMONDSi JEWELRY AND _rv all securities. - Columbia Loan and Collateral ; OHice, 9 Grant aye. •_ . .. ; -j | T"NY AM NT: IST, -D or 3D MORTGAGE*; 1 j\. estates, undivided interests, real estate in pro- '• bate. Mccolgan, 24 Montgomery, rooms _-3. I 1 ST AND 3D MORTGAGES: CITY OR COUX- J. try; administrators' mortgages, Interests in es- tates, diamonds, pianos, etc, MURPHY, 628 Mkt. ONEY LOANED. 6% 'PER CENT OX mortgages. A. F. JOHNS & CO., 632 Market st. MONK V WANTED TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $200 and upward, on first -and second mort- ; . a^es and' other collaterals. -\ Full particulars at J ir.ance Real Estate and Investment Company, 46.; Eighth St., Oakland, Cal.. . 4i '1 f\(\ ()l\f\ To LOAN— CITY, OAKLAND, »iP lUU. V'UU'Alampda or Berkeley real estate: first mortgages. HUGH 31. CAMERON, Broker, 479 Ninth at., Oakland. . , : \ ONEY LOANED OiV • JEWKLRY ; AND I*l other valuables at the • Security Loan Ottlcp, I 1 06 Market s:.,nr. Mason : private entrance 7 Turk. L*ORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMOND* I) jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKKL _ 1 CO., Mills bids. 6th floor, r (5; strictly confidential ' TP.ICT LY " PP.I V ATE LOAN OFFICES. 880 1 J Market, cor.Mockton, rms. 17 and 18, first flour: established 30 years: always open. "Uncle Bill." WHY.- PAY *5 ON THE HUNDItKD COM- • • .mission to the broker, when you can get the same direct from the lo^ner without it and with- out charge for making out papers on your pianos and furniture of private families, which furniture is now under the new law mortgageable; lowest in- terest without removal: any amount from $100 to 1 $5000. 418 Kills st., room' 2-. . - '. T OANS ON REAL~_STATE IST AND. 2ND ! J-J mortgages.' undivided interests, estates, and on furniture or pianos, without removal, in the city and Oakland or AUmeda: .any amount: - lowest rates; all business confidential: savings bank books bough 1. Caliorwritf to J?RCKER.24oMon'gomery. PAWNBROKERS. ■••".' - .V KEARNY ST.. ROOM 9— MONEY xtl loaned, watches, diamonds, etc. low rates: pri- vate, rooms: elevator: pledges for sale cheap. - Additional Classified Advertise- ments on Page 12. 11