Newspaper Page Text
FTSTNESS CHANCES. OJfQPLn OIGAH BTOBE NEA_r_A__>WlNj «li OOXJ . invoice stock. bTENBERG it TREi- BEX, _32 Market st. Q9oil BESTAI RANT: CITY FRONT; '. — ■ ' "'• mnst b^ Bold in Sdavs. Apply at once, STKNKERG A TREIBER, 632 Market st. I 1 PL'\l\ BAKERY NORTH OF MARKET. • "w. bakin? 2i bbls daily: 2 horses and wagons;. weekly receipts M5O; S rooms: rent $25; bargain. STKKBEKO, TREIHEK, 032 Market st. C* 1 0(10 PARTNER, \VANTKD; thriving" I O X\JKi\J. commercial printing business: motor power; remainl >g partner thorough businessman; i bargainwTSTHN BERG & TRi ; BEB, 632 Market. St'KE WISHES To INVEST ABOUT ► $1000 in pnyins: lodicing-house. Parties desir- in^ to sell address .lo>i NSToN, 26 V3 Kearny st. Si «J ~ . ( \ PA RTNER \VANTF.D IN A LEGITI- -1 .>.>\(. mate business: will clear to eacii |100 )>er month; no risk: InveFti^ate. Apply JOUNS- T«>N A CO., 26 Va Kearney si. QJO.A FINE PAYING CITY BOOTS WITH <^"a:U\_7.»tsOO customers; ri.-ar.nt: over $75 monthly; week's trial. JOHNSTON, 26i/ 2 Kearny. 1. "INK PAY ING SALOON ON THIBD, WITH X living rooms, at a sacrifice; bit stock. JOHN- fcTON & CO., 26V2 Kearuy st. D»U wXNT GOOD-PAYING SALOON and cigar-stand, cheap; most sell. \V. J. 11KAI.Y. room A, rocker building. G[ EBY AND BAB ; CORNER; NOOPPOSI- tion: receipts SliO per day: death cause of sell- ing. DECKER. 1 206 Market s:. DINING- BOOM; II KGANTLY FiTTED UP; range, kitchen utensils, sideboard, beautiful silverware In iirst-classorder: large vara, poultry- houses, livin,-roouis. REDDY _ CO., 13y 3 Sixth, i C;.\M) FIRST-CLASS HOME BAKERY, '•,"'• with all-counter trade of $16to $20 per day; No. 1 location: living-rooms furnished ; trial given. BARRETT A SKIFF, 8661 Markets'., Q9XA WOOD AND COAL YARD; FULL ] -""• value in stock and ilxti!>-.- : no rent; snap. BARRETT Jt SKIFF, 865Vb Market st. CjIAAOA PARTNER WANT__ IN A iJlU.l'v'U, business established twelve years: money mostly to be invested in purchase of btrlldiog in which said business is enrried on: ref- I crt-nces e-xchaugeti. A. O. Z., box 77, Callollice. Or* A A WILL BU V HALF INTEREST IN <u)Uu \i hardware, granite and crockery business, connected with inanuia<nurin!r, tinware a:;d job- oing; good chalice for young nian to learn trade. F. A., box 90. Call Oilicf, Oakland. }^OH SALE— CABRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP, ■ with machinery and tools; city; good location. Apply at constore*, 203 Powe.lst., S. F. SALOON FOR CHEAP: CENTRALLY' located; be sold. in. iinre of McLEOD _ HATJE, 515 Market at. L'viK SALE— OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE x! in good lo.ality; rent low: price $250 if sold lit once; good reasons for selling. Apply harness shop, 665 Howard st.; no agents. inn LIQUOB- BTOBE FOB SALE, WITH i2"3yJ\J» living-rooms; cheap rent; immense bar- gain. J. 8., box sh. C.di OKicc. : VKW" ; BAKER WAOON, HOBSB AND — route for saie cheap; 11ms; sell by the Ist. as owner Is not able to attend to it. 22 Second su \V ANTED —A- BETAIL FBUIT - STORE; '» hkkl location; cheap rent; or a cheap cigar- B'.ore. j Address C. s.. box 101, Call Ofllce. ALOON AND LODOING-HO : -r.IOR SALE very cheap. Inquire Sl_ Brannan st. COBNER LIQUOR-STORE AND SALOON VJ cheap for cash. P. DUNLAP, 128% Ninth st.. 10 to 12 A. _. ' DESTAITB ON MARKET ST.: CHEAP; disagreement of partners. Apply 29 Sixth st. < 1 9X- FOR SALE — MINERS' UESTAUR- ■Ji-v- ant. 533 Commercial st. "P ARTNEB IN" A N 1 ) Ll>- ESTA BLISUKD VA- X riety theater; big money to rich: party; small amount needed. Address 513 Pacific street, QTXA SALOON, 625 KEARNY' st. ix- «ir I *.l\.r. quire from 2 to 6. A :KY AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE ON account of stckru ss. 49 Second st. "\\r ANTED— TO SELL A GOOD-PAYING COAL ' » and express business, or will take a partner. Address O. &—■ box 9, this office. EAT MARKET, TOOI.S, FIXTURES COM- plete, for sale. Shoe Store. 2831 Mis3lon st. }^OR SAL: —NOTICE TO BUSINESS MEN— I . will sell the well-known business at southwest corner Fifth and Mission sts ,cons:s-incoi grocery and bar and whoi -s;iit' wines, known as California Wine Company; also milkmen's headquarters; 1 will s*»ii below actual value on account of going to New York in business with brother; call at store. F. KAUFMAN, 901 Mission st. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR AN INVEST- ment of about $50,003 in safe commercial business. Address R. i>.. box 43, this O— ice. PABTNEB WANTED in an old PBODUCE X commission business by January 1: capital re- quired $1000 to $1500; references required and given.. -Address O. X., box 39, Call Oili.-e. Q'->AAA ROUTE FOR SALK; EVENING dDOUW,, paper; pays Sl5O per month. Apply this office. I.OUOIMi;bOi S_S Jt'Olf SALE. 8 ON BUTTER 8T- ..'. ?250 055 rooo;s.clearlng?4oo: pa3'meuts.... '5.000 ISrooras; best corner in city 1.600 ]4 rooms, on Geary st MS 50 houses, 5 to 150 rooms; prices $100 t0... 10.000 GO-room hotel, with bar: 40 boarders 3,5 X) 20 rooms, sunny corner: must 5e11... :. 700 32 rooms to exchange for real estate 1.6J0 10-roqm honse; very central 250 H. C. DECKER, 1206 Market st., cor. Taylor. Q_| ROOMS, MAKKET ST.. RENT 5100..51500 •J_ 23-xoOms, Geary st., 15 rooms free *«1600 10 rooms. Ninth st., rent $25 $ 200 Jant-s Business Agency, 100 1 Market st. URNISHED HOUSE OF 12 BOOMS AND bath: steady roomers; rent $25 a month; price $100. Aodress House, box 80, Cell. 1 C WELL-LI tHTE DIuToMS. SUITABLE FOR XO lodging-house: rept -?20. 544 Si.\:li st. FL'KMTUKK FOJK';SALK' "TTKTTu^TTu^TrrN^LATTrn^ X\> second-hand : 400 carpet* good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suita. $19 up: linoleum, 45c: 7- piece chamber snits, 5i4 50: cornice poles, 255: ranje3. $8; rash or installments; goods shippeJ free. T. li. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND AR- ticlos of every description. D. McRAE, 829 Mission st. A BOOMS. OAK FURNITURE COMPLETE. SBO _ Eieg-ant Brussels carpet laid 46c Heavy j.inoleum laid 40c Floor" Oilcloth 20c New Bedtoungps, onrown make $5 50 SHIREK _ ir.KK. 1310-12 Stockton. nr.V&Uo. CAKPET C—JEANING. ■ J'-ic^E^N^CARTE^B^VTTN^^^REN- . ovating works. 453 Stevenson: tel. south 228. /CARPETS THOROUGHLY' CLEANED axd \J reno— ated same as new. S. FERGUSON _ ' CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. CIT YSI E AM CARPET CLEANING.RENOVA- _' tiny, 38 Bth. STEVENS, mgr. Tel. South 250. IHE'J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING X Co. » (incorp.); old-established carpetrdeaning : jcnacbißes; cleaning 3c yaru. 230 Fourteenth st. ; telephone Mission 74. . . "VTATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND RENO- JA vating Works HAMPTON&BAILLY: laj-in? and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH Vt poor work send to SPAULDIXG'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works, 355-7 Tehama: tel. So-40. r^ONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKa. \J Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. 7~P~r ~' iioKs?.s. DR. C. H. WESTPHAL, VETERINARY SUR- geon for S. F. Police Department. Olliceand' hospital, 121 City Hall aye. : telephone south 401. --1 n SETS "NEW AND SECOND-HAND HAS- XOU.ness: also wagons, buggies and horses: contracting outfit; sand wigonsand scrapers. ll?<i . Mission st. H~ ORSES PASTURED; $2 A MONTH; GOOD care and feed; send for circular. The lirde ranch, 630 Commercial st. A(\ HORSKS FOB SALE: ALSO WAGON rfU iniggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horst* : Market, 327 Sixth St.; auction sales every We^ne* day. SULLIVAN _ DOYLg, Auctioneers. i T (\f\ SETS SECOND-HAND HAKNESS; ALL X\J\) kinds; second-hand wagons, bugry, cart*; »lscO*o cheap horses. Fif'.i-ent:i and Valencia r.i. WAlib.V < A i> C AKH . AGES. Sl.i .i.VIi HAND MILK WAGON WANTED- Chfap-for caah. 159 Second st. FOB SA_JK— __USCK__ANBOtiB. M" ONABCH CABD «LOT MACHINBB_ sala or given away. KAHN _ CO., 220 Cal. St. IP OR SALE-SECOND-HAND LUMBER OF. _ all kinds cheap. Fifteenth and Dolores sts. I* r>RESH COW, THREE- QUABTEBS HOL- JD stein. T. SIMONS, Twenty-ninth aye. and H Bt., Bay View. Ir<Oß SALE-ONE OFTHE LARGKSIVAND X oldest stove, range and bouse-furnishlng estab- Jlsnments: piumbin?, ({j-.s-fltting, tin and sheet- irrjn manufacturing a rpecialty; investigation so- licited. Inquire on premises. 524 W ashington st. ELLOWS, ANVIL, VISE. TONGS, SMALL steam boiler and engine. 631 Howard st. ILT ROOM-MOLDING, ivs'- FT.; CURTAIN \T poles, 20c; picture-frames low rates; portrait- efilarging, 14x17 in., 75c. JONES, 647 Mission st. iMl'.i; AND BURGLAR SAFE, ; LETTER- J 1 ])re.>s, j.latform scalca aud desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. - ■ ■ ' : ENCYCLOPEDIA BIUTANXICA, $25. KING'S JLJ ola bookstore, 15 Fourth st. . ■■ s ■ ■ ■ SCALES, MIRRORS, FRENCH 'RANGES, bars, etc., bought, sold. MEEK, 1118 Mission. o"~neT SMALL MEDIUM and LARGE SIZE /ire and bnrelar proof safe. 221,223 3larket st. ATEW RANGES CHEAPEB THAN SECOND- 1\ Land. W. 8. RAY Mf? 0., 12 California st. C-4OUNT-RS, SIIELVING, SHOWCASES 1^' bouKht and told 112 iy 9 Market bet.7thandBta TO LEASE. IT^LAT, 40x80: BBICK BUILDING: PLENTY 'light: with or wiihout power. 116 Drumm, cor. Commercial st. PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC, lANO— BOWENS'&VoN^ CABTNET GRAND; reasonable. 651 Broadway, Fillmore House. AGNIFICENT PARLOR ORGAN; MUST sell; nearly new. 313 Devisadero st. PF.CIAL HOLIDAY- SALE; PAR- O ticularly fuvorable terms and prices till Janu- ary 1: l:ir!}e shipments ilue and must, have space: (iv yourself the favor to ca'l early and examine our beautiful stock of many leadUg makes with cases in latest designs: 100 pianos to choose from: new uprights from $175 up: our bargain-room contains three specially excellent bargains in used pianos; they should bring twice the amount we ask: up- rights VBO, $150. $160 and up in this room. THE .1. DEWING CO., warerooms 3t-cona floor Flood building, Fourth and Market sts. \ SPLENDID STEINWAY WILL BE SOLD 2\. at any reasonable price; party. asks $210. See it at room _1, Flood building. J^ IM . WALNU T-CASE upright, in use X 1 only one month, will be sold at once for $160. Room 10, Flood building. B OUR NEW RENT CONTRACT PLAN for selling pianos has met with great success we have decided to continue supplying purchasers that wish to take advantage of it; please call and have it explained. SHERMAN. CLAY «fc CO., corner Kearny and Sutter sts. '(£• iyr CASH OR INSTALLMENTS: WEBER tjl I «'. upright; perfect order. 1019 Van Ness. YTEW YORK MAKE UPRIGHT GRAND $165; -i-N Weber $275. BRUENN'S, 228 Post st. PKMOVED— w. SPENCER _ CO. to 338 1\ Post St.. near Powell, sole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 338 Post st. KCKKR BROS.. STEINWAV.FISCHER AND other Jirst-class makes of pianos: little used: cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER «fc CHASE, '28 and 30 O'Farrel! St. | EASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLER _ CHASE. N ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, guitars and baujosat MAUVAIS', 769 Market. JNE PIANO FOR SALE OR RENT CHEAP. SCHMITZ.I6 McAllister st.,nxt Hlberniaßank BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER, Nf\.liy <fe Evans, Briggs and other pianos. UPERTOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS. OLU&NEW H. ML'LLER, maker, repairer, 2 Latham place. ; TEINWAY, $215: WEBK B, $265; HOMER, O $237; Wily, $125; uquares, $35 and $55. HEiXE. 410 Post st. ■ pHICKERING, stec k.vose, ster- \J ling pianos; special inducements for the holi- days: see our new piano for $187; pianos for rent: open evenings. BENJ. CUKTA2 & SON, 16 O'FarrelJ. PIANOS— liazelton, liemme and Long, Brown and Simpson: easy terms. 735 Marke: st. A RRIVED— A LOT OF CELEBRATED HlGH- grade T. L. Neumann piauo3 for the holidays: prices and terms moderate. H. LUEDEBS, 82 Ninth st. AINES BiKUS.' PIANO— A SUPERB IN- strument, surpassing auy piano that wo have hitherto handled: we invite a critical iaspection. A. L. BANCROFT <fe CO., 324 Post St. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The finest line of new pianos for rent and s*ls iv Sau Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, 929 Market st., SpreckeU buildin?. MEDICAL. "^BTESsTNG^^T^LXDTES^irixsTTN^F^B ii Hef for monthly irresularities (from whatever cause) by the most experienced ladies' physicians In San Francisco, restore* ail cases by an improved method, superior to others; ladies will save time and money, be assured or honest treatment by consulting* the doctors before calling on oth-rs; patients who have been Imposed upon are spe- cially invited; home in confinement: treatment warranted: advice free, conlidenu_. DR. and MRS. i DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Jones. A NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- — v ments or worthless pills usea; every woman her own physician for all female troubles, no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated sale and sur-i call on men's physician:k!iowledeeoan he sent and nsed at home; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. T AJXIBB — C_ ICH— BTEB_ ENGLISH PEX- #-i nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: safe, reliable; take no oiher: send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by retura ; mail; at drugsd-us. Chichester Chemical Company, Philadelphia. Pa. MRS. G. WOOD, MIDWHK; DISEASES OF womb specialty; prices iirissominlr 230 Clara. fTIABER'3 "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE? -I for eitiier sex : s»»nd 2c for Information or 6(>c for trial jar. TAYLOR CHEM. CO.. box 1898, S. F. JADIES —DA UDET'S FEMALE REGULA J ting Pills: strongest, safest, best; never fail; $1 per box. WIDBER'S drugstore, 14 Ellis St., formerly cor. Market and Third s:s.. sole agents. DO, McALLISTEB STBEKT, NEAR 2-Tones. Diseases of women and children. A SURE CURE FOR ALL KEMALF. B DlS- eases, from whatever cause: a home in con- finement with every comfort; satisfaction guar- anteed, by MRS. DR. Yl:k. Tl6 TurK »'. DO PKA__ FEMALE KEOVJL • PILLS; JL/ safe h id efficient ercmenarogue; $1 per box. RICHA KDS_CO., druggisis,4i/6 Clay .sole ag*ts. \ Hi >ME, A FRIEX \j ASl> M> > rHJEB'S CARE. -\ ItEH DR.FL T NK'.s, 141-Eigfa:h St., Alameda. liT^- H 'H'.V i N makes a B*_CIALTY ok diseases of womeu and restores all irregulari- Cfes in one day, guaranteeing a cure or no charge; regulator *2; " home for patients. 1370 Market i« RS. DB. WEUEN EB;f PRIVATE HOME IN •'• confinement: irregularities cured in a few fcours without operation: pills if-- 419 Eddy st. ,\ LL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES Rl> _V stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at nny time; travelers helped at once: home in con- finement; French pilis guaranteed; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH. 916 Post st.. nenr Larkin. LPEAU'S ' FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO _t- ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 50 express C O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland. Cal. IF IRREGULAR Oil AN V FEMALE DISEASE ccc Mrs. Dr. Pnetz and be content. 254Vj 4th. h.p CAT lON A_ Mi - "bolt-ts STuiooir^297~l : <ArTiA^ mento street — Board, English, French, Ger- man, piano, drawing. $30 per mouth; an excel- lent chance for ambitious and Conscientious parents to give th»-ir children superior education at low figure; new term January 2: kindergarten coach, j B__<ASeO*S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— X) Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed onstage. R. 5 and 12, 1.0.0. F. block, <tli and Mkt. SCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL. MINING, ME- O chanical engineering, surveying, arch!t**i:nr''. assay; estab. '64. VAN DEB NAILLEN, 723 Mkt. SPANISH,FB_NC_,_TG PI'.OF.Df.FILIPPE'S 0 Academy of Langnage3; 320 Post; estab. 1871. RS. MKLVILLE-SNYDER, 619 VAN NESS aye., piano, singing and elocution In all branches; drama and opera si'ecialties; ladies and gents coached for private theatricals. STUDENTS PREPARED FOR THE UNIVER- -0 sity, law and medical colleges; day and evening classes. 333-335 Phelan building. OWEXS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY VK., Berkeley, Cal. T. S. BOWKNS, M. A., Principal. V r IOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, COBNET V taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 225 Geary :reiisonable A LMER E. HYER, TEACHER OF PIANO, J\. banjo, mandolin. 405 Geary st., room 17. T NDIVIDUAIi INSTRUCTION BOOK— J. ing, bhorthand, etc. Stiehl's CoUege, 723 Market. SPANISH. FRENCH, GERMAN; MODERATE. Melsterschaft School Languages, 122 O'Farrell st EALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST ST. Bookkeeping, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern languages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. IGHTSCHOOL;HEALD'S BUS. COLLEUE;24 XN Post: commercial, shorthand. English; low rate^ ! IOLIN. MANDOLIN, CELLO. BANJO; RKA- V HOnable. PROF. FRANCIS, 1046 V Valencia. pHEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. CUNNING- \J ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. AN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 123t$ Market: send for cat.: day and eveninc session. JJlO>_l" TO 1.0 A.>. ONEY IJOANED^ 6Va PER CENT ON mortgages. A. F. JOHNS _ CO., 632 Market st. \\ ONEY LOANED ON JEWKLRY AND iVI other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1 106 st.,nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. ITORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, X) jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL _ CO., Mills bid?. 6th floor, r 6: strictly confidential TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 860 Market, cor.S-tockton.rms. 17 and 18. first floor: established 30 years: always open. "Uncla Bill." ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS, WITHOUT removal. Room 68, Donohoe b'd'?, 1170 Market WHY PAY «5 ON THE HUNDRED COM- »* mission to the broker when you can set the | same direct from the loaner without lt and with- out charge for making out papers ou your pianos and furniture of private families, which furniture is now under the new law mortgageable; lowest in- ! terest without removal; any amount from 100 to $5000. 418 Ellis st.. room Ti. LOA"NS OX REAL ESTATE IST AND 2ND mortgages, undivided interests, estates, and on furniture or pianos, without remoral, in the city and Oakland or AUmeda: - any amount: lowest rates; all business confidential: savings bankbooks bought. Call or write to B*.CKER,24O Montgomery. LOAXS— FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES; -1 J city or country: furniture and pianos: business strictly private. Room 88. Chronicle building. - DVANCESONDIAMONDS.JEWELRY. ETC xxColumbia Loan <_ Collateral Ofllce, 9 Gran', aye.' \ NY AMOUNT: IST, 2D or 3D MORTGAGES; __ estates, undivided Interests, real estate In pro- bate. . McCOLGAN, 24 Montgomery, rooms '2'.i. ST AND SD MORTGAGES; CITY OR COUN J. try: administrators' mortgages, Interests in es- tates, diamonds, pianos, t-tc, MURPHY, 6^B Mkt. ~~~ PAWXBKOKERS. <F 120 K E ARNYT ." ST.; ROOM « 9— MONEY , loaned, watches, diamonds, etc.; low rates: pri- vate rooms: elevator: pledges for sale cheap. ~~ TO EXCHANGE. W" ~A X'rED^DESI R ABLE REisiDEXCE OR business -property; In Oakland or San Fran- cisco in exchange for similar first-class property near New York City. Address IL J. DIGGLES, 67 Chronicle bulldlu_. , THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1895. HOUSES TO LET. _______^ nELIZABETH-$10: HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS and hall; chicken-house. Key at Dakery, Twenty-fourth and Guerrero Bta. '" ■■>'■ OUSE 9 ROOMS AND BATH. 433 O'FAR- rell, near Taylor: rent $47 50. UNNY UPPER PART OF HOUSE. 812 O'Farrell st. • ' - ■(jic.2 STORY, 8 ROOMS AND BATH. 2623 tipXO. Mission st. __________ 1 AOQ TWENTIETH — 4 ROOMS; LARGE IVfOO grounfis: rent $14. Key at grocery. CJUNNY HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS: MODERN IM- O provements, 730 Capp st. ; also house 5 rooms, b:Uh and stable: 107 Germanla St., near Fillmore. (J.IO HOUSE OF S ROOMS. APPLY' 6 JJfi_.. Montgomery aye. (_QA REDUCEDFROMS4O: NICE MODERN OU. home of 8 rooms. Apply 15 Grant aye. OUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH AND yard; 147 Valencia St.: rent $16. Apply 2838 Mission. • AVED-DOLLARS. DIMES AND NICKELS by renting a house from BALDWIN <te HAM MOND 10 Montgomery st. ________ ti)i'i.l.._i 1O _JST. AXD FlL- <|piO. b?rt; neat cottage; 4 rooms and bath. Apply to C. S. CAPP <te CO., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st. SUNNY COTTAGES 4 AND 5 ROOMS: RENT Slsand $18: furniture for sale; good chance for young couple. 726 Fulton st. <_H rr\ SMALL COTTAGE. 3 TAY ST., i »J±I.UU. near cor. Clay and Powell. I C«-| 9 COTTAGE 5 ROOMS. TWENTY- •Jp J. — . fourth ana Vermont sts. S" UNNY COTTAGE; 4 BOOMS, YARD. SEC- ond St., bet. Brannan and Townsend. .FLATS TO __T. VC i^-QDaSION, NSAB JBLEVENTH-^SS JLUIUa large sunny rooms; newly papered; bath; laundry. | TTPPER BUNNT FLAT; 4 BOOMS AND BATH; U $15: Western Addition. 72iy Grove st. 7iV' MCALLISTER— SUNNY FLAT; ROOMS, i —O laundry, bath; rent $32 50. UNNY CORNER FLAT; 7 ROOMS AND bath. 333 Halght St., corner Webster. _*1 C SUNNY LOWER FLAT: 5 ROOMS; i|p 10. bath. 420 Fourteenth 6t.. nr. Valencia. (jn.) CA FINE CORNER ri_T; 6 ROOMS, <♦)_;— . OU. bath. Cor. McAllister and Broderic-, VTEAT UPPER FLAT: 6 ROOMS; BATH; $15. i\ 327 Chestnut st._nr. Powell. ___. JUST COMPLETED— SUNNY 4-ROOM FLATS; porcelain biuhs, wood mantels, tllo sinks. Tre- mont aye., near Waller, Golden Gate Park. . _<1 A 831 HAVES ST., BET. .WEBSTER L _:. and Filimore; mldale bay-window Hat; 4 rooms and biith. $23 50—2054 Jones and Filbert sts., S_. corner; 8 rooms and bath. Apply to C S. CAPP _ CO., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery at. tSour BOOMS, BATH, THIBD floor: NO i 1 chi!dren:sl2 50: quiet, sunny, clean attractive DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Par < aye.. Off Twelfth st T7IVE LABX3E ROOMS. FRONT AND REAR J? yards, sunny; $25. 22 Twelfth 6t,, btstiveen Mission and Howard. . . _- i SUNNY FLATS OF FOUR TO FIVE ROOMS. O bath, yurd. 8 Shotwell st., near Fourteenth; $14 to $18. 0 SOUTH BRODERICK, NR. FOURTEENTH— ! U Fine marine view; 6 rooms; cheap; Haight-at. cars. ' CJ«r* TO $20: NICE CLEAN NEABLV NEW iJO flats, Bto 7 rooms. SPECK _ CO.. 602 Mar- ket st. ' TmTrnishEO SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT: _ 6 rooms; bath; suitable for 2 families. 1241 Folsom st. ; .EAUTIFFL SUNNY CORNER FLAT; SIX I' rooais: modern. Key 726 Fulton st. lnno BUCHANAN— FLAT OF SIX I_jUO rooms and bath. TpLAT, 4 AND S BOOMS, 615. 925 EIGH- A teerith St., near Castro. Owner 1208 Scott, near Eddy^ (_. i C NICE CLEAN FLAT", 4 ROOMS; .j" li) bath. 41 Herman, junction Market and Valencia. ____^ CHOICE FLAT; FEW BLOCKS TO KEAR- IV ny st.; $20; reduced. 409 O'Fnrrell st. "vTeW 1 SUNNY UPPER FLAT: CASTRO _\ cable; 6 rooms, bath: $16, was s22; see photo- graph. S. I). HOVEY. 503 California st. "FJT ' LOWE NN V ILA T. 120 ASH «J>lO. aye.; also upper fiat, 912 Ellis st. RENT CHEAP— UPPER, FLAT OF 4 SUNNY XV rooms. 376 Sanchez st., near -eventeenth. (_T7~*f SUNNY FLA 5 ROOMS, GAS AND L«). bath. 128 Twcnty-slxh st., near Capp. XTRA CONVENT SUNNY FLAT, 7 rooms, bath. 1314 Fell, near Baker. S AVED-DOLLARS, DIMBB AND NICKELS by renting a flat from BALDWIN _ HAM- MOND .10 MontKonr>f>ry st _OLS_i___Pl>vi ISitOMLS. ' California Street. 1 AOA CALIFORNIA — 2 HOUSEKEEPING o-TcOti: rooms: gas, bath and running water: 10. Bryant Street. BRYANT— I OR 2 SUNNY ROOMS; dcOU furnished for housekeeping. l;ec;itur Street. 9QIDECATCK, BKT. SEVENTH AND _.«J2 Eighth — House, 4 rooms, with conveniences. 1 ij;:iih treet. : ■ ■ " mEinnTH — 2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also front alcove room. ' Fifth Street. 99"! FIFTH —SUN X V HOUSEKEEPING __. 1. front rooms; stove: single, double: cheap. • Q99 FIFTH— 3 BOOMS FURNISHED FOR O— •_/ housekeeping; cheap. Folsom Street. /7QC FOLSOM- «8 MONTH; SUNNY, FRONT I DO room furnished for housekeeping. Fulton Street. iir« FULTON-LARGE. COMPLETE HOUSE- IIO keeping rooms; yard; shea; very cheap. beary St, eet. "I Q-] 1 Q_ABY ST.. OPP. THE PARK: $16; It/ .LI alcove suite and adjoining room, with porcelain sink; bath; 3 closets; partly furnished.' Harrison Street. rr A A HARRISON— 2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS, I _U furnished for housekeeping; rent cheap. Jlovrarct Street. QAO HOWARD— NICE SUNNY FURNISHED jtU housekee; ing rooms. llyde Street. 1 H9n HYDE-2 PLEASANT BUNNY R'MS, X\Jj£i\) furnished for housekeeping; 2d floor; 813. Ivy Avenne. QAQ IVY AYE., NR. FRANKLIN-LARGE O\ftJ front room; furnished or unfurnished; stove; hot water; $6 and $7 a month. Jessie Street. A rrn JESS I E— NEATLY FURNISHED "i % U rooms, for housekeeping: also single. Lewis Street. _» -I I THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND «JpXX . cellar. 18 Lewis st.. off Taylor, nr. Post. Mason Street. 1 (\P MASON— SUNNY FRONT ROOM, ELE- -IUO gantly furnished: also housekeeping rooms. Minna street. ■ . Q X A MINN* A— SUNNY FROX V ROOM ; LIGHT ijD _ housekeeping. Mission Street. QC*AI MISSION— FURNISHED ROOM, COM- OU _:2 plete for housekeeping. ' 1 AOl MISSION-HOUSEKEEPING koom, IUZi _$8 per month. . - - -1 999 MISSION— 2 OB 3 NICE LARGE 1 _•_._. rooms furnished for housekeeping. O'Farrell htreet. AO?\ O'FARRELL — NICELY FURNISHED _._.O rooms, sultuble housekeeping; reasonable. Perry Street. ij_l Q 4 UNFURNISHED, ALL LIGHT. FINE tJplO. sunny rooms; also 3 unfurnished, fine sunny rooms; new house; cheap. Apply 263 Perry sU Post Street. \499i POST — TWO FURNISHED ROOMS __f_i2 with use of range; German family. . 1 Qf\4 POST— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY lOUt rooms; suite, single: breakfast If desired. Mxtb Street. "I 9 A SIXTH— 2OR 3 ROOMS FURNISHED I _.' complete for housekeeping. '■',::: Third Street. -I^QTHIRD — SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING I_O rooms and rooms with grate; bath; gas. Turk Street. Af\Q TURK— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FUR- _Ut/ niHhed.nnftirmshed; hot water throughout. ~~~ BOOMS TO LEX. Bush Street. in]Q BUSH— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT J \J I _ alcove room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. California Street. 1 9£rt CALIFORNIA — WELL FURNISHED J._iUU sunny front parlor; grate, ga3. • >, BOOMS TO LET— Continued. Tddy Street. Q EDDY ST.-THREE SMALL ROOMS; _^1O cheap; private place. - . , ... ■■- Eighth Street. SHERMAN APABTM— HOUSE, 28 BTH St., near Market; furnished and unfurnished. Geary Street. 91 71 GEARY— SINGLE FURNISHED RMS.; _j1 I 2 grate; running water; rent reasonable. .. Golden Gate Avenue. "9 1 Q GOLDEX GATE AYE. — PLEASANT — i t7 double or single room. Howard Street. Y>9Q HOWARD— DOUBLE AND SINGLE D_IO front rooms; nicely furnished: gas, bath. ha 9 HOWARD — SUNNY FRONT" FUR- I _._J nished sinfele rooms $1 week up. : Jones Street. 9A7 JONES — THE VAX WINKLE: NEW _UI management; elegant sunny suites and bKigie; newly furnished; bath, etc.; $10 to 830. Kearuy Street. Oft KEARNY— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY O\J rboms; en suite and single; reasonable. A BLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- _\. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class in every respect: terms reaHonable. _. 9QQ KEARNY — UNFURNISHED SUNNY —DO front snite, iccludlng carpets, curtains, grate, Larkin Street. p:"] 9 LARKIN-FURNISHED OR UNFURX- | «JX— . ished back pnrlor: terms reasonable. i Lily Avenue. (_.-lft FURNISHED FRONT SUNNY BED- L". room with use of kitchen. . 416 Lily ay. JW arteft >t ree . j Q-ft MARKET, COR. STOCKTON — ELE- OOU Kantly furnished rooms; en su.teor single; by the week'or mon h. VOSEMITK HOUSE, * 1045 MARKET. BET. JL Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1 : week, $1 60 to $5; families •j -1 99 MA IKBT— NICELY FURNISHED JL JL_ _ suites; also single rooms; $2 to $6 week. Mason treet. 8 MASON. COR. MAKKET (THE ALBE- marle)— Elegantsunny suites; terms moderate. Mission .Street. •1 ft^Q MISSION ST.— ONE OR TWO SUNNY JLUOO rooms; eh- ap rent; quiet family. UROPE HGUS_7TIB9 mTsSIOX— NICELY' furnished rooms, single or en suite: transients. ~~ Ninth Street. 9A NINTH— FURN ISHED ROOMS, IX SUITE _JU or single; prices $6. $8, $10: suites $15 and $16; gas; grate. QAQ NINTH—NICE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; OvJO running water and bath; suitable for two gentlemen or man and wite. Polk Street. rr POLK— FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOMS; JL I single, $5 up; also housekeeping. I'onl Street. 7ftQ POST— NICELY FUBNISHBD ALCOVE i\jK> and back parlor: $11 and $16. Foivetl Street. mHE POWFLL, 109 a PLEASANT JL furnished rooms; particular attention to tran- slent. Seventh Street. I Q/T* SEVENTH— FURNISHED ROOMS $1 i-O I per week up; also housekeeping and transient. Shotwell Street. 9QI SHOTWELL, NEAR SIXTEENTH— _.t"> L Unfurnished; 2 large rooms: front and back parlor; bay-wludow; In soiall private family. Sixth Sreet. QQ SIXTH— THE HILLSDALK, ..SUNNY 00 rooms; smele and en suite: $1 to SI 50 a day. South Park. HB SOUTH PARK — DOUBLE PARLORS; suitable for man and wife or '£ gentlemen. Stockton Street. -1 q-i A. STOCKTON— FRONT SUIT SUITABLE XOJL _ doctor or dentist; nicely furnished; cheap. *• utter Street. m SUTTER — LARGE FRONT ALCOVE IXI room; rent reasonable. IOA_I S r!,)l; ._ FUKNISH-D SUNNY .l. — U"!'^ rooms; gas and bath; front; $12 and $8. Tenth Street. m TENTH, NEAR MARKET— I, 2OR 3 large sunny rooms: housekeeping if desired. '.'Third 1 *-.•«■»-. TI'TNCITESTFR nOUSE-44 THIRD. NEAR • • Market; most convenient arid respectable; 200 rooms 26c to $1 50 per night; »1 50 to $6 per week ; electric ligh ts in every room : reading r'_;iree bus. Turk Street. 999 TURK— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY O__ rooms; double and single; reasonable. Union Street. QAQI UNION, ABOVE MASON- ROOMS TO OUC_ let; rent $8. Valencia Street. Qft VALENCIA — 2 NICELY FURNISHED *)\J _ front rooms and kitchen. Miscellaneous. FULTON HOUSE, OPP. CITY HALL— FUR- iiish'-d rooms, single or en snlto; $3 and $16 up. Q9 A VAN NESS AYE.— LARGE SUNNY O_iU suite with board: singlerooms: cor. house. 091 BUSH— SUNNY FRONT SUITE, WITH — i- bourd ior 2, $45: single, $20 up. 999 f FUBNISHSD ROOMS WITH .— ■—■'—; board; table board, $18 month; reference. WMCW GOLDEN GATE HOTEL." 134 AND 136 Xi Fourth 8!.; new furniture and carpets through- out ; table first class; terms reasonable; American plan; free bus to and from depot. H~ OTEL BERTLING, 714 A FAMILY hotel; references given and required; all mod- ern conveniences. HE ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND Polk st.— Quiet and homelike: charge.] moder ate: board optional: all cars direct. ■ - ■ - CBI_DR_M I.OAKUKI). TirA^?rE^^T7HT^r7miL7mE N T^iBoX »» witl. room for parent if so desired; no other children. Apoly 123 Gerraania st. STOR»S TO LET. T W A^G^^T(HYEXN^TIXT^JR^sT4Trv7NI> JU rooms; large yard; $18. - 1610 Folsorn st. TORE; 1524 HOWARD ST M COR. OF LA- O fayette: flxturos for saloon; cheap rent. Apply 2838 Mission st. ■ 17IOR RENT-LARGE FRONT OFFICE AND . pnr; of store. Tl\ t-nd 223 Marke; st. mrriviu iv LET. T^UCGAi>rrL"Y N FT5RNis^^ Xli able for professional man; occupied ten years by dentist. 850 Market, cor. Stockton, first floor. P~ART OF OFFICE; FURNISHED; CHEAP rent. 609 Kearny St., room 8. 91 7 GEARY— PARLOR FLOOR, SUITABLE —.1.1 for business; rent reasonable; key _ 1 7 _ Geary st. . . Qfti« LEAVENWORTII ST.— NEWLY FUR- OUU nished sunny parlors; suitable for doctor; cheap. • T ARGE ROOMS OFFICES; ONE HALL -Li suitable for society, club or storage. SW. cor. Jackson and Front sts. T7ILEGANTLY FURNISHED PARLORS, SUIT- X_ able for professional man ; occupied ten years by dentist. 860 Market.-, cor. Stockton, first floor. REE RENT (V a MOXTH) GIVEN GOOD J? tenants; cottages, flats, $5 up. SPECK _ CO., 602 Market st. LEG ANT OFFICES IX NEW 6PRECKEL3 building, 925 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at tiuildint or O. H. UMBBKN* _ CO.. 14 Montg. St. j •• / -'.-■ . DENTISTS. ~ \\ RTTsE^R^IT^wrTE^Kr^CE^^E^UINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of j. improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. 60c; CROWN X bridge work: specialty: plates, $5 up; 13 years' experleice. R. L. WALSH, D.D.S., 815% Geary.. SET OF TEETH WITHOUT A PLATE. DR. H. G. YOUNG, 1841 Polk st. DR. H. H. SHAW, 224 KEARNY — BRIDGE- work a specialty; open evenings 7:30 to 9. : . ''■; r7 MEYER. -LATE OF 148 SIXTH sr., RE- moved to 1012 Mission, near Sixth: gas given. R. L. T.CRANZ— EXTRACTION PAINLESS, crown work, bridge work and teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary st., cor. Grant aye. /"IROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, MAR- \J ker, bet. 3d aud 4tli, gas specialists;- only reli- able agent for painless extraction: artificial teeth frm $6; fillings frm $1 ; extracting 60c. with gas $1. <_ n . A BET FOR TEETH ; WARRANTED tip 4 good as can be made; filling $1. DR. BIMM3, dentist, 930 Marlcet St.. next Baldwin Theater. ; DR. LUDLUM Hll_h 1443 MARKET, ST., near Eleventh: no char^ for extracting when plates are made: old ] plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set: extracting 6Qc: gas given. pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- \J ket su DR. CHA RLES W. DECKER. ; - D~ B. J. J.LEEK, 1206 MATtKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— evenings; Sundays till noon. Lli WORK REASOXABLE . AND WAK- ranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. ..■••■• PERSONAL. ■ MISS LOESEL, MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN, 402y Geary St., room 3. 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE- -i»- laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasouable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 860 Market, cor. Stockton. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED PERMA. O nentiy; painless: sample treatment free; hair- dresslng, short hair cut, curled 25c: positive cure for dandruff. MME. KESSINGS, 131 Larkinst. HOLIDAY PRESENTS— FINE WAI'CHRS, diamonds and jewelry in great variety, Delow factory price*. A. A. RITTER, 16 Third, nr. Market. TMPORTED HAVANA, KEY WEST AND A. htgh-crade domestic cigars at the tobacco bazaar, 1627 Devlsadero St.. near Sutter. HAIRDRESSING — LATEST STYLES, 25c: manicuring, 25c; first-class work. MISS E. JARVIS, with MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post st. HAIR-DRESSING ANY STYLE.2SC, WAVING included: excellent switches and front pieces forsl; hair chains made to order from $2 60 up; strictly one price; established 1869. 11l Stockton at. B. SPITZ, G. LEDEhER succrssor. "VTEW YEAR CARDS— ORIGINAL IDEAS EX- -H fccnted. HILL, 724^ Market st. T WILL SELL, TO PAY ADVANCES, ON MON- J. day, December 30, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m., at thcauction-house of Davis, Haber <fc Co., 211 Pine st., fi lot of diamonds, earrings, scarf pins, rings, studs and cuff buttons. J. A. McCORMICK. MRS. DR. PAUL MEYER, THE BEST beauty doctor in the city, has removed from 504 Sutter st. to 1219 Polk, near Sutter. \ T THE RAZOR EXCHANGE, 630 MARKET -tx. St., any old razor exchanged or retempered equal to any that can be bought: also uncalled for razors 75c each; bettor than razors bought in store. LE. PHILLIPS, GENERAL PRACTICE IN • U. S. and State courts; damage cases. Offices, 725-726 Spreckels bulldiag, 927 Market st. COME. HAVE YOUR FEATHER BEDS, PIL- \J lows filled. 870 Mission, cor. Sth. O. AtcCABE. i BUY SENSIBLE XMAS ! PRESENTS; • BTYL- ' ish trimmed hats; half their actual cost. DIN AN, 111 fetockton st. . <B» I A ROOM: CARPETS CLEANED ON THE <C? J- floor. 206 Leavenworth st. ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— chester House, 44 Third St., near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $3 per week: free bus to and from the ferry. - . RS. M. H. OBER, HEADQUARTERS OF Ypsilanti Union Suits and Equestrian Tights Jaros Underwear; Ober Corsets for stout figu es. So;e agent for Equipoise Waists, Jennes Miller goods and Gertrude baby outfits: great reductions: send for catalogue. 34 Geary st., San Francisco. ! SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED PERMA- O nentiy by our new treatment without slightest injury to the skin; superior to electric needle; write for particulars to the Curtis Co., dermatolo- gists. Chicago. Free trials given, and sold at La Verite's Toilet Bazaar, 30 Kearny st., San Fran- cisco. ■ . ONCERT, OPERA-POTPOURRI, GIVEN by \J Vocal Teacher Joseph Greven, in Odd Fellows' Hall, on the Bth of January, 1896; admission 60c; tickets in NEUMANN'S piano-store. 82 Ninth st. HICKS' DETECTIVE AGENCY— A [>!>IU:ssI es located? experienced and tried men for city and country; watchmen and guides furnished; .information and advice strictly confidential. Call or write HICKS, 610 Sprcckeis bidg, 927 Market st TRANCING (BALLROOM OK STAGEVr AUGHT; i/priviitb or class. IRVINE'S. 927 Mission st. YEW PROGRESSIVE WINDOW AND HO USE -Li cleaning Co. ;tioors scrubbed contracts ;day.wk ! or mo. F. CARNOVAL & CO. Edciy. tel. 5.252. LM)R fine POULTRY AND GAME GO TO A. r HTRASSER, 78 and 79 Center Market. TA VERITE HAIRDRES6ING PARLORS JU moved to 30 Kearny it. (over Maskey's) ; wigs, switches, doll wigs, to oraer. • LANKETS, FLANNELS.ETC: FULL STOCK: also Yoseraite bl&nkets, California \\ oolen Mills 536 Commercial, nr.Montgmry. Factory Petaluma. OHN SMITH HAS REMOVED TO 327-329 Sutter st., beiween Stockton st. and Gran;, aye., wher9 the best of coal can be had at. lowest prices. ONE MORE CUT— ::': Oak Roll Top Desks. $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 60 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges.... $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOON AN, 1017.1019. 1021, 1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. 1 Egyptian B B N A, ~ $i; hairdye, per- J fectly harmless.<;ley-Mictaaels Co.; all chemists; 923. Hauptll's. 1166 Market. f IBEUAL ADVANCES ON DIAMONDS, J EW- JU elry, etc.: lowest rates. 948 Market st. ■ 1 fkfW\ BUSINESS A R DS, $1 50: TELE- -IUUU phone "Black 141." H11iL.724y 2 Market. Ql ITS MADE ' TO ORDER OF ELEGANT O remnants for $10; samples and self-measure- ment on application. LEON - LEMOS, Merchant Tailor, 133 a Market St., S<m Francisco. . ECOND-HAND as WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, sheivings, mirrors, desk* safes, chairs, scales, ef., and a very large stock of them, too: be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore golnsc elsewhere. J. NOONaN, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1O2» Mission st.. above Sixth. . LD BUILDINGS BOUGHT .AND SOLD; Ol.i) BUIUDLNUB BOUOHT AND SOLD; store, fixtures, .doors,' windows,, luuiber. pipe,, etc.: cheap. Yard 1 1 66 Mission s'.. nei»r Eiehih. (£= I . > SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. <Ipl^j NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, llf. Kearny. CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT V^' mfrs' cost. Factory. 20 Sansome st.. up3talr*. / XLD GOLD. SILVER. GENTS' AND. LADTe*" V' cloihlnt OTi-hv I'ni.MAX. 41 Third M. -•■?...• i-ivi.^ ilii A ItKlHrti "okoFessoß LJCVINOSXON'S DRESS-CUT- X tlng achool removed to t>-7 Larkln st. . - - RESSE* CUT AND FITTED, 3: DRESSES popular pricen: engn^pniTi s by day. 11 Geary. Losr. K~E D IRISH SETTER . — \VHrTE SPOT OS forehea.l and breast: answers name of Sanco. Reward at OUice Saloon, City Hail square and City Hall live. T OST— DECEMBER 25, TURQUOISE HEART • Xj pin, surrounded with pearls. Please return to 909 Broderick Et. and receive suitable reward. \UY'S PURSE, WITH NAME INSIDE. ; Return to 26 Kearny st.; reward. - - . OST— SOLITAIRE DIAMOND PENDANT: liberal reward. Ad. S. P.. box 68, Call Office. / j QTOLEN— SIO REWARD FOR THE ARREST 0 and conviction of party or parties who stole a 5-gallon demijohn oi uort wine on December 17, between 6 and 7 p. m., from the liquor-store of O. EARBIERI. Goldf n Gate, Alaiueda County. BLACK AN TAN .DACHSHUND DOG; white spot on chest; ' answers name "Hlckey"; . address on collar J. A. Donoho**, 626 Harrison st. Please return to owner, 2120 Broadway suitable reward. ■ LOST- A PASSBOOK WITH THEHIBERNIA J Savings and Loan Society of ■ San Francisco in the name of JOHN F. DOWLING, No. 1701-186. The finder will please return to bank. , OST— DECKMBER 24. 1895, PACKAGE AD- J dressed to 306 Sansome st. Return to above address. Reward. ■ . T "OST — ENGLISH PUG SLUT. 8 MONTHS j 1 i old. Suitable reward at 214 Ellis st. LOST-.* PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBEIINIA Savings and Loan Society of San Fraucisco, in the name of WILLIAM H. HINDLE or SUSIE HINDLE, No. 200041. The finder will p'eage return to bank. ■ ■ » •■ ■ ' CLAIKVOI' T!s. A. PROF. F. EUGENE, 1728 MARKET ST. HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS - for all who consult him. Remember Prof. Eugene is permanently located in San Francisco; don't fail to call: read his Sunday's advertisement. ,■ '.". 1728 Market st. MME. RAVENNA, • SITTINGS; DAILY: names given, 25c up: systems i taught to play, races und sure tips given. 82S Howard. . " ■■ , ■ .. .• ME. MOREAU, BKST MEDIUM; REVEALS present and future :2sc up. 764 Howard st. "1 QC\U 1896 " \LOV\J Prof. Leon will tell you what the future has in store for you. 533 Post st,, 9 to 8; also Sundays. STARLIGHT READS YOUR CAREER FROM" the cradle to the grave. Parlor 2. 8«5i/ 3 Market. MME. DR. THOM A SCIENTIFIC .KEVEAL- er by eggs and cards: tell 3 entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names given: good advice: sure help: rest-ores lost love by sympathy; mistake lm- possible; fee $1: letter $2. 929 Post St., iir. Larkln. AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER:; A maglo ■■ charms: love tokens; trne picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-t«Ulnf; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. ; has the. seven holy seals amd the Palestine , wonder chano: Jee Si t.aa ward. JIB'IS Mission, nr. Twentieth. ME. .ARNDT, BEST GERMAN FORTUNE-. teller: only 50c and $1; show you the picture of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison ■ st. J Si*ll«.*X tAi^iSitl. tg^is*' TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT," lOa-MME. 153? YOUNG, 606 McAllister st. Sittings dally. 4 X HOME— DR. BCHLESINGER, TEST ME-' A. dium and healer. 534 Page St., near Fillmore. KS. J.J. WHITNEY, "CLAIRVOYANT" trance medium : ■ sittings $1. 218 Stockton st. SANTA CLARA CODNTY. ; REAL IiSTATE.' i ~f?K :" O ANTA CLARA VALLEY " LANDS. / 19,000 acres in subdivisions for fruit plantln;. - Apply to c. H. PHILLIPS, proprietor. o2 Kast Santa Clara st., San Jose, CaL \ BKilr. i.i.UV vUJKAi.. .' JSSTATJE; ' ' '■. ANT AN OFFER — A : THOROUGH LV Vt well-built house of six rooms: near university; first-class in every respect.': Apply to JOSEPH J. MASON, Dwight-way station, Berkeley. : \ : "- CITT " KEAL ESTATE. ' C^BEMTS :?fU -. J ■"""■" ""•"■ ■-'■'•"• '. • "• "' : " .V REAL ESTATE AND LAND AGENT, v ', > t > i ; 324 MONTGOMERY ST. FOR SALE. $7200 rent a . year — Brick building; business property on Market st. ■ - ■ 120:clP5— cor. of A st. and 27th aye.; as a whole or in subdivisions. - . -. - •■' $ I , ooo— Cor. Pacific aye. and Baker st. ; 65x 137:6 feet. ' $-'600— E. side of Stanyan st., bet. Carl and Frederick; 25x100 feet. * $450— San Carlos Villa lot; 100x150 feet. $8700— 50x107 :6fpft on Jackaon st., overlook-, Ing the Presidio and bay. 96000— 2 modern bouses of 8 rooms each, at. park: 25x137:6 feet; electric road passes houses; niake offer. . , $3500— 2-story 8-roomed house on Harrison st,'. bet. First ana Fremont. $400— Lot on Duncan St., bet. Nocand Castro: 25 a:ll4feet. • ' ■ $8500— Elegant N W. corner of Cole and Carl sts. $300— Choice building lots north of park. A HOLIDAY SUGGESTION. Buy a lot for New Year: what better present? For $5 down and $5 a month we will sell you a choice of 22 lots lv Homer's Addition, 25x114 eac! no interest or taxes to pay; price 8250; which is less than adjoining lots sod for for spot cash: line location on Twenty-ninth St., near Dia- mond, 3 blocks from Castro-st. cable-cars; this is an unusual opportunity; no such lots for any- where, near t bat price can bo found elsewhere: • they are actually cheap at $400: these terms and price of $250 will hoid for the holidays only, so buy now. ' JACOB HEYM AN, Owner. Boom 5, Crocker building. Office open Wednesday and Saturday nights. ODERN 2-STOR"Y BAY-WINDOW HOUSE; fine interior decorations; 7 .rooms: large plunked basement and yard; stable for 3 horses; 1360U; cash $500. 2308 Bryant aye., near 21st st. 4"il O f\f\f\ SOLID 3-STOP.Y RESIDENCE; J-Zi.UUU. 727 Golden Gate aye.: lot 25x 137:6. This is unquestionably the cheapest piece on the avenue. Billiard-room ; frescoing, etc. Open for inspection. . ■ v . ' IT IS A HEALTHFUL SPOT — FRITVALE Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up. : T7<RUITVALETERMINALTRACT: D. PRATT, -P Yrultvale fcta. THE MCCARTHY C 0.,. 646 Market s;., S. F. Lots $100, up; easy terms. . ' - T AKEVIEW LOTS; NEAR NEW . RACE- JLJ track; low prices; easy terms. THEMcCAR- THY CO., 646 Market st. HOUSES BUILTSISO TO $275 A ROOM; CALL J.JL &nd examine ulano. 1149 Mission st. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. i n wrapper, for mailing. COLNTItV KEAL IiSTATk. . TT'STABLISHED "^ """ J ""^ V — — 15 YEARS. -Hi N. D. SICKELS, THE LAND AGENT. SALE AND EXCHANGE of country property a strict specialty (3000 propositions) most reliable, largest and ■■ • • ■ ~ . Best systematized LAND OFFICE In America. 318 Post st., bet. Stockton and Powell, 8. F. . ANTED— TO RENT FOR 3 YEARS, WITH privilege of buying, smail ranch of 40 or 50 a.-res near city; must have some stock and Im- p rovements: rent reasonable. ■ Address 8., box 131, Call Office. "SjQ/)A 80 ACRES GOOD REDWOOD TIM- «DO"U. ber land near Ukiah, Mendocino County. .386 Dolores st. RANGE BLOSSOM COLONY, '■ OAKDALE, STANISLAUS CO., CAL. Beautiful you or&nice groves in tracts of 5 acres and upward, lying along the Stanislaus River, two and a half miles from Oakdale, the principal station of the Southern Pacific Railroad on line between StocKton and Merced. The Stanislaus and San Jcaquin Irrigation Company's canal runs directly through the colony and the property has a per- petual water right. We are prepared to sell portions of the property either unimproved or already planted to Washing- ton Navels, Mediterranean Sweets and Maltese i Bloods. Thn property Is under the ' immediate i direction and care of an experienced horticulturist, I who has received diplomas and medals at eight i din>rent county fairs in the State and for a small ' consideration cares for the orange groves for non- i residents. A hijth and dry country, with a perfect natural : drainage system. All kinds of small game near by j aftords^.xcellent sport for hunters. Prices for land, including a perpetual water right ' ana planted to orange trees, $175 per acre. Unim- , proved land witn fully paid up water rlrhts. $70 ■. per acre.. Terms: The purchase* price payable In '. six annual payments, without interest; title per- , feet and liberal discount for cash. or further particulars, maps and catalogues, ad- dresa KASTON, ELDRIDOE & CO.. 638 Market Street. San Francisco, Cal. Or F. T."KNEWING, our representative. I Oakdale, Cal. TO 8 ACRE CHICKEN UANCUKS ON 10 years' credit. D. H. TWING. Sonoma City.Cai. "I (\ ACRKf*, S100: MORE SAME PRICE; PAY- .' i." able $2 a week, without interest; level valley ! land; railroad runs -through the tract:, the besC H bargain In California; secure a home; you will not •i miss the $2 a week: will be worth $5 to $1. . WESTERN LAND COMPANY, 640 Market st. SEND FOR OUR LIST OF ORCHARD HOMES for sale. WOOSTER <fc WHIT Saa Jose. ~A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THB J\. WEEKLY CALL. in wrapper, for mailing. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND KEAL ESTATE. IRT • CHEAP! ! piRTrT^H^EApTr'! 30x125; on elec:ric cars: easy lerms $400 35x100; on a main street: near cars.. $450 j 25x150; on the Broadway of Oakland $400 ! 50x150: In sunny Frultvale.....; $600 I Also!!! house and lot; 30.t12i; easy terms... JpB so \VM. M. I>E WOLF, 1050, Broadway, Oakland. CJ»O| k MONTHLY FOR 5-KOOM COTTAGES; —\' plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden Gate statn. «n«-| CfV LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN tJrJ-Uv/. Frultvale; el trie cars; only $1 down end $1 a week; selling fast; good Improvements. ; H. B. PINNEY. owner. 902 Broadway. Oakland. (1.4 1.1 AM> I VilN ; i. i:r. IOK SAJL.K HOLIDAY PRESENTirHALF~PRICE7^ATFH! SCHELLHAAS' furniture-store. Eleventh st j ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS ; OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMM)A KEAL ! STATE. \ o^Tirf^^i^^AisnT^aTls^^ — Uv, rooms and bath; perfectly new cot- tage. $2400— cash; $20 monthly; 37:6x100; new cottage. $3000— $bO cash; 830 monthly; 33:4x100; . 5 rooms nnd batb ; handsome new cottage. *3250-$2OO cash, $30 monthly: 33x100; ele- gant cottage on principal driveway; 6 rooms and bath. $3500— cash, $35 monthly; 33:4x100; handsome colonial cottage: 7 rooms and bath. MARCUSE & KEMMEL, Bay-st. station, Ala- meda, and 628 Market St., San Francisco. ffijOAA CHOICE LOT; 40 FEET FRONT; <POU"J. street work and sidewalk. $600—40x165. $1650— Two cottages; 4 rooms and 2 fine lots; street work and sidewalk, and other great bargains. • J. H. YOUNG, contractor and home-builder, . 1243 Park St., Alameda. Telephone black 454. Q.l fUrDOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY PAY- «JP-Ll/" ments— Fine nearly new modern 2-story house, 7 rooms and bath; near station, school and churches: must be sold: call and see at once. H. P. MOREAL, 1432 Park St.. Alameda. . ■■■" <2>l f\f\ DOWN —ELEGANT NEW 6-ROOM <| X"J"J modern cottage in center of city, close to school and station; lot 35x160: price $2250. For ; immediate sale Alameda Land Company, 1500 Park st., Alameda.- -■ ■ ■' ■--•. <2!/IAfUI NEW AND MODERN HOUSE OP 7 tJp'iVJUv/. rooms and bath: lot 42x147:6: In I good locality;' terms easy; installments. JOSEPH A. LEONARD CO., 1364 Park st., Alameda. ALAMEDA HOUSES |TO LET. 'qUXN YiSaUSE^OF^ROOMs! TfU RN ISH ED : • O or unfurnlHhed; cheap; large garden. 1350 ■ Broadway, near Central aye., Alameda. .-.■ ■ ■•'■■-■■•- -v BIAKKIAGE liICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued by • the County Clerk's ofh-e December '26: ■ . William Sconce and Emma Gibson, 32-t2O. ' William J. Dwyer and Estella M. Smith, 27—21. i <■ Damiano Mini and Rosina Baccianni. 44-27. A.E. Westerluud and Johanna 5J0b10m,. 34— 27. Thos. F. Haedricli and Annie E. Ronch. 24—23. Frank J. Franklin and Pauline Raphael, 25—21. " . Louis H. Botcher and Annie A. McCune, 39— 24." ' ' Henry I. Cole and Mary E. Skidmore. 41—21. - 1 ' Dennis Murphy and Ilanna Sullivan, 26—24. ■ August Grosmiller and Lolo M. Doty, 22— 26. James E. Nolan and Pauline Foster, 22—18. Charles L. Dixon and ' Carrie B. Bobbins, 35—22. ■ James W. Harvey and Bess'. e E. Warder, 26—25. . Hetirv Marcus and Wan Shirek. 25—20. E. C. Dalton and Barbara B. Gerlineer, 24— 22. : V JDIVOKCE PKOCiCEDiN**^. Divorces granted : -■--.•.-- "7-F-- Edward J. Devaga from • Emily Devaga, for In- fidelity ;by Judge Slack. > . , ' BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. ■ [Birth, mnrriage and death notices sent by mail •will not be inserted. They must be handed lv at ' either lof the publication offlces and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to hayo the .-..*. .c published. J BORN. BARNHARDT-In Del Mar! Cai., December 26, : 1895, to the wife of Robert Barnhardt, a son. ; CREASEY— In this city, December 25, 1895, to the wife of A. H. Creasey, a son. -• : .• . ': . ; . DIEBOLD— this city, December 26, 1895, to the . wiie of M. E. Dlebold, a son. ; .-.■.- -. DIGGS— In Woodland,' Decembe r; 25, 1896, to the ■ .., wife of Marshall Dlggs, a daughter. - HEVEL— In Woodland, December 25, 1395, to the wife of W. T. Hevel, a daughter. ■--■. HUNTER— ln"Ala*meda." Decembe'f 25, 1895, to the ' wife of Robert D. Hunter, a son. KORN— In Los Angeles, December 25, 1895, to the ' wife of Jacob Korn, a daughter. - " 4 LUNSMANN— In this ty, December 24, 1895, " to the wife of J. F. Lunsmann, twins— sons. MALACARNE— In this city, December 21, 1895, to the wife o! L. P. Maiacame, a daughter. ZWISSIG— In this city, December 25, 1895, to the | wife of John Zwissis?. a son. 31ARKIED DAMON— GOTTWALS— In this city, December 24, IH«S, by the Roy. M. M. Gibaon, D.D., Frank - G. Damon and Tillie Gouwa'.a, both of Saii Fraa- cisco. : . DUNKER— DAVIS — In this city, December 25, ' 1595, by the Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, John A. Dunker and Jennie C. Davis,' both of San Fran- ■ Cisco. JOHNS— MOORE— In this city, December 25. 1895, by the Rev. M; M. Gil;son. D.D., Walter . JohDs and ' Maude B. Moore, both of San Fran- ' Cisco. SCHRODER— FERGUSON— In this city. Decem- ber 25. 1895, by the Rev. M. M. Gibson, D.D., Henry Schroder and Mrs. Myra Ferguson, botL of San Francisco. I>lj&<>. Ayer, Joseph M. ' Lucich, Angelita Benjamin. David T. Murphy, Hannah • Blake, Dr. James W. Murray, Thomas" Brlare, Frank de R. Norton. Edward E. Brownell, Martin M. Rea, Martha B. Carroll, Susan B. -• ■ Rob?rtson, John Edwards, Axel Reuss, Anna K. Graefencker, Leon Sheeban. John B. ;■ Hogan, Michael Stanlty. Mary Lowry, Michael Williams, Mary AVER— In this city, December 26. 1895, Joseph M.. ii 'ant son of Joseoh S. and Emma S. Ayer. a native of San Francisco, aged 7 months aud 7 days. ■ ■ . ■ ■ : J32P"Frlends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Saturday), at 12 o'clock m., irom the residence of the parents, 714 Seventeenth street. Interment private in ■ Cypress Lawn Cemetery. f. - ; «>A ; ; y' BENJAMIN— Redwood City, December 23, 1885, David T. Benjamin, father of Mrs. A. P. Low, Mrs. C. A. Klrkpatrlck and Charles E. Ben- janln. a native of (Suffolk County, New York, aged 87 years. BLAKE— In Creston. Cal., December 24. 1895. Dr. James W. Blake of San Francisco, beloved hus- band of Jane Blake, and father of Dr. Charles R., Alice K. aud Robert W. Blake, a native of Lon- don, England, aged 51 years 10 mouths and 17 days. jfcS'Fnends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MOBROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the Masonic Temple, under the auspices of King Solomon's Lodge No. 260, F. ar 1 A. M. BRIARE— In Martinez, Cal., December 25, 1895, Frank de Rose Briare, a native of Albany, N. V., ■ aged 75 years 9 months and 7 days. BROWNELL- At Brownell, Siskiyou County, Cal., December 15, 1895, Martin M. Brownell. CARROLL— In Stockton, December 27, 1895, Susan 8., beloved wife of the late Michael Car- roil, and mother of Lydaand Jennie Carroll and Mrs. B. H. Le Franc, and aunt of Phillip Ham- mond, a native of Westport. County Mayo, Ire- land, aged 51 years. [Grass Valley papers pleaae copy. | AWThe funeral will take place TO-MORROW ., (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the under- taking parlors of McGinn Bros., 31 Eudy street. ' Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. EDWARDS— this city, December 26, 1895, Axel, beloved husband of Wilhelmlne Edwards, and father of Frieda and Arthur Edwards, a na- tive of VVestcross, c weden. aged 33 yeari. &S~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. m., from his late resi- dence 1211 Kearny street, between Vallejo and Green, thence to Drew's Hall, 171 New Mont- gomery street, where the funeral services will be held under the auspices of the Scandinavian Society, at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. GRAEFENCKER— this ci;y, December 27, 1895, Leon, beloved husbana of Matilda Grae- fencker. and father of Emile G. and Adelaide Graefencker. a of Baden. Germany, aged 45 years 4 months ana 10 days. [New York papers please copy.J flSTFriends and acaualntances are -respect- full . invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the lodgeroom, Alcazar building, 120 O'Farrell street. KNIGHTS OF HONOR— The officers and mem- bers of Liberty Lodge No. 3496, Knights of Honor: You are requested to assemble at the lodgeroom. Alcazar buililing, 120 O'Farrell street, SUNDAY, December 29, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., to attend the funeral of our late brother, Leon Graefencker. HOG AN— ln this city.Decemner 27, 1895, Michael, i beloved husband of the late Mary Ho;an. and . faiher of John, Ann, Andrew, Michael and Wil- liam Hogan, a native of Kings County, Ireland, aged 76 years. [Chicago papers please copy.J eSTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend tne funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 9 o'clock a. x., from the resi- dence oi his son, John Hogan, 74 Clementina street, between First and Second, thence to St. Brendan's Churcn. where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for ihe repose his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Intermeno Holy Cross Cemetery. LOW Y— ln this city, Michael Lowry, a native of Ireland, aged 50 years. LUCICH— In this city, December 26. 1895, 'Ange- lita, dearly beloved daughter of Vincenzo and Lucy Lucich, a nailve of San i rancisco. aged 1 year. .'•• • v; -»-.; : BST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of her parents, 826 Broadway. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. MURPHY— In this city, December 25, 1895, Hannah, beloved daughter of Michael and Jo- . hanna Murphy, and sister of John, Mamie, George,' .Lucy and , Alex Murphy, . and niece of James Ribby and Luke Murpby, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 years 5 months and 7 days. I *3"Friends ' and , acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence of the parents, 150 Perry street, thence to Si. Rose's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery: MURRAY— In this city, December 27, 1895, Thomas, beloved husband of Bridget Murray, a native of County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 63 years. jgyFrfends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. v.. from the par- lors of the United Undertakers, 27 and 29 Fifth street. Jnterment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ". NORTON— In this City, December 25. 1895, Ed ward E. Norton, a native of Massachusetts, aged 49 years. • • ' Friends and acquaintances and members of Goklen Gate Lodge No. 204, 1. 0. O. F., and Cal- ifornia Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 1 are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from I. O. O. F. Hall, corner of Seventh and Mancet streets. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Remains at par- lors of A. VV. Martin & Co., 118 Geary street. J. O. U. A. Members of Abraham" Lincoln Council No. '2, J. O. U. A. M.,are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late brother, Edward-E. Norton, SUNDAY, at 2 o'clock p. m., from X. O. O. F. Hall. CHARLES KLEIN, Councilor. DAUGHTERS lOF LlBERTY— Members of Mar- ' tha Washington Council No. 2, Daughters of Llb- berty, are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late brother. Edward E. Norton. SUN- DAY, at 2 o'clock p. m., from I. O. 0. F. Hall. By order of Councilor. . REA— this city, December 27. 1895, Martha Robinson, wife of Dr. C. T. Rea, a native of Man- chester, Mass., aged 61 years. ■— * , • "< ■ *3-Funeral services will be held TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 11:45 o'clock a. m., at her late ■ residence, 300 Turk street. - Interment private at . Mountain View Cemetery. . "ROBERTSON— In Oakland, December 27, 1895, John Robertson, beloved father of Barbara, John and James Robertson and Mrs. Sum Jackson of - Stockton, a native of Dundee, Scotland, aged 52 . years 10 months and 19 days. , %g- Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend thefunenu TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from his lat* residence, 1028 Second avenue, corner of East Eleventh street. East Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. REUSS— In Oakland, December 27, 1895, Anna Kristin c Reuss, beloved mother of Jacob and Niels P. Reuss and Mrs. Peter Jenson, a native of Loit Klrkeby, Slesvig, aged 61 years 6 months and 25 days. ' . ♦ JKg-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. is., from her late residence, 722 Myrtle street, Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. , SHEEHAN— In Oakland, December 25, 1895, John 8., dearly beloved husband of Margaret Sheehan, and father of Maggie, E. J., Henry and Mary E. Sheehan, and brother of T. J. Sheehan, a native of County Cork. Ireland, aged 53 years." [Manchester (N. H.) and Boston papers please copy. I . ; ." ■ : ■'' '■ - ■■ . . :•-.' • *S"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from his late residence. 1675 Taylor street, thenc« to St. Pat-' rick's Church, .where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:3J o'clock a. v. Interment " St. Mary's Cemetery, Oakland. ' STANLEY— In Emery ville,' December 26, 1895, | Mary Stanley, mother of James Stanley and Mrs. Ella Allen, and sister of John Slaven, a native oi Ireland, aged 63 years. • - *a"Friends and acquaintances are respect- - fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence. Park avenue, Emeryville, thence to the • Church of the : Sacred • Heart, Temescal. Inter- ment St. Mary's Cemetery. ■ ; ■ ".• •• WlLLlAMS— December 27, 1805. Mary Williams, sister of Lewis and Ben Williams of Bisbee, Ariz., Mrs. Klizabeth , Bisbee and Mrs. C. G. Young of ■ San Francisco, age-1 56 years. . " ■ ■--. •;.' , I UNITED ; UNDERTAKERS' ' EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything RcquUtte for First-class Funerals ■ at Reasonable Rates. i - Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. I WJCAVOY & CALLACHER, I FUNKRAL DIRFCTORS & EMBAI-MKRS, tO Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. , V';. Telephone 3080. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY, r TNBANMATEO COUNTY; NON-SECT ARIAWi X laid out on the lawn plan perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it before fewliig * burial placo elsewhere. . City office. 0 City tlall Aveuut, 15