Newspaper Page Text
VOLUMfi LXXIX.-NO. 161. "STOCK JOBBING IMPERIALISM," Sir William Harcourt Talks Bluntly of Transvaal Affairs. ALL VERY REVOLTING. The British South Africa Com pany and the Raid of Jameson. CHAMBERLAIN SHIELDS RHODES Harmonious Settlement of the Rights of Uitlanders Was His Dearest Object. LONDON, Eng., May B.— The House of Commons was crowded with members, and the press and strangers' galleries were filled with visitors to-day upon the occa sion of the presentation of the colonial es timates. Sir William Harcourt, the leader of the opposition, reminded the Government that an inquiry had been promised with the ob ject of ascertaining whether the British South African Company was in the hands of tit &nd proper persons to be intrusted with the administration of the affairs of the company's territory. Continuing, he said the trial of the members of the Jo hannesburg Reform Committee in Pretoria had disclosed important circumstances, and the Government now owed the coun try an authoritative statement. From the telegrams which bad been in terpreted and published he declared that it was obvious that the whoie affair had been conducted between Johannesburg and Cape Town by the principal and responsi ble director of the British South African Company. Sir William said that the whole story was an inexpressibly revolting, sordid and squalid picture of stock- jobbing imperial ism. He admitted that Mr. Chamberlain had been surrounded by difficulties and had shown courage and decision worthy of his position, but the question was what was the Government going to do. Mr. Chamberlain, Colonial Secretary, said the deplorable result of Jameson's raid had been to jeopardize English pre dominance in South Africa, and it had •l«o delayed the concord of the two races, which was England's main policy. He was convinced, he said, that there had been faults on both sides, but until they had got to the bottom of the matter the Government could not properly judge tne merits of the case. There had been fre quent Boer invasions, he said, not merely into territory outside of the Transvaal, but also into British territory. Furthermore, the Boers had shown a great want of con sideration for the rights of Uitlanders. Mr. Chamberlain further said a harmoni ous settlement of the question of the rights of the Uitlanders had long been Mr. Rhodes' dearest object. If he could only have found a co-worker in President Kruger the results would have been bene ficial in promoting . the federation of the South African States wherein local rights would have been fully regarded. Though recent events had sadly interfered with these objects, their accomplishment still remained the Government's chief aim. President Kruger's refusal to come to Eng land at the Government's request to modify the convention of 1884 has ended the prospects of a private conference upon the leading difficulties. What then, be asked, ought to be 'he right step? It had been suggestsd tnat the Government ought to have sent an ul timatum to President Kruger. This would certainly have been rejected and would have led to war. The Government, he declared, could not think of resorting to war in order to inforce internal reforms in the Transvaal. This declaration was re ceived with cries af "Hear, hear." Mr. Chamberlain said he had not threat ened President Kroger at all, but had claimed the right to make friendly rep resentations. President Kruger promised to consider these representations and the Governnunt awaited the fulfillment of his promises. In the meantime he had asked Sir Hercules Robinson, Governor of Cape Colony, to come to England, but the re quest for him to come was not intended as a recall. In regard to the Chartered Com pany he said he did not dispute the au thenticity of the cipher telegrams which the Transvaal authorities had published, although there were as yet no legal proofs that they indicated complicity on the part oi" the directors of the company. ["Hear! hear!"] But, he continued, as regards to the actual invasion of the Transvaal there was reason to believe that Mr. Rhodes had expressed his disapproval and had en deavored to stop the raid. Did the opposition, he asked, de mand the punisnment of Mr. Rhodes? Whatever may have been Mr. Rhodes' er rors he had also rendered great service, which could not be forgotten. Mr. Rnodes was now deprived of power of mischief, and the directors of the Chartered Com pany Lad shown their confidence in him by deferring their acceptance of his resig nation. Considering the disturbed state of Rho desia and the interference of Mr. Rhodes iv that territory he did not blame the di rectors for their show of confidence. [Cheers.] The Government, he said, adhered to their promise to make a tearching inquiry into the action of the Chaptered Company, but he held that such an Inquiry must not be opened until the judfcial proceedings connected with the Transvaal were ended. Than he said he would proiose an inquiry by a joint committee of botl houses. Henry Labouchere, who L a bitter op ponent of the British South Africa Com pany, described the company as a gang of shady financiers who were running a jambling concern with the Union Jack Ivine over it. Cecil Rhodes, ie said, bad uttered deliberate falsehoods, basely de ceiving Governor Robinson, an< had, when Pime Minister of Cape Colony, disgraced 1 The San Francisco Call. and dishonored the high tradition that British Ministers did not make money from their positions. Mr. Labouchere concluded by declaring that he regretted the decision of Mr. Chamberlain, who was fettered by the Cabinet. The debate was adjourned. RESERATIONS OF THE RAID. It Waa Intended to Start a Revolution in tfif 'Irnnavnal. LONDON, Eng., May B.— Tha morning papers will give prominence to two stories of impending revelations at Pretoria of the Transvaal trouble. They seem to be a rehash of the evidence given early in the trial of the members of the Johannesburg reform committee. The Volksstem, ac cording to the stories, discovered that the British South Africa Company paid $70,000 in connection with the raid into the Transvaal, and intended to start a revolution. The Times to-morrow will publish a dispatch from Pretoria, giving further telegrams connected with the reform movement in Johannesburg from October to December, but they contain nothing that is more striking than is contained in the cipher telegrams recently published. One dispatch refers to Colonel Rhodes, brother of Cecil Rhodes, drawing a draft for £17,000 on the British South Africa Company on December 20. On December 28 Dr. Harris, secretary of the company at Cape Town, telegraphed to Dr. Jameson at Pitsani, saying: "It is all right if you will only wait. Captain Henry comes to you from Colonel Rhodes to-day." The Times t\lso publishes extracts from Major White's notebook, which, however, it does not verify. An entry on November 30 summarizes a dispatch from Colonel Rhodes announcing the co-operation of a number of wealthy persons in the move ment and adding that all toe arrange ments of the entire government must be placed in the hands of Cecil Rhodes. Other entries relate to the preparation and payment of troops. An entry on Decem ber 29 says: "Received a dispatch from Colonel Rhodes to move immediately on Johannesburg." BERLIN, Germany, May B.— TneNeuste Nachriehten forestalls that President Kru ger will publish a proclamation in which he will state that in the event of the suc cess of the revolutionary movement in Johannesburg Charles Leonard was to bl? President in the new Government, Lionel Phillips Secretary of State, and John Hays Hammond Attorney-Genera). LOVE LEADS TO TRAGEDY Young Terbitt Follows His Com mon-Law Wife and Tries to Kill Her. Because She Fiees With a Handsomer Man He Seriously Stabs Her. NEW YORK, N. V., May 8.-Charles H. Terbittof 128 West Thirty -fifth street went over to Newark last night to find his com mon-law wife, who had left him on Sun day night. He found her and stabbed her. He is locked up, and doctors were trying to save the young woman's life all night. Terbitt is 2fi years of age and is an agent for a bicycle company in Grand street. Last June he met Stella Downey, 19 years of ace, and after a flirtation induced her to take a trip to Asbury Park. When tliey returned the pair went to live together as man and wife. Miss Downey was an or phan and had been living with her uncle, Henry Downey, in Hoboken. She was a native of Evanston, 111., and ju9t returned from a convent at Stratford, Ont., and was innocent of the world and its ways. In the same house with her and Terbitt lived Frederick West, a married man. He became acquainted with the young woman, and after both had disappeared on last Sunday Terbitt learned that West had a brother, W T illlam, Jiving in Newark. He went over there last night, climbed the back, went into the house, and find ing Stella there, drew a knife and tried to cut her throat. He made a gash from her left ear to the breastbone. Another lunge drove the knife into the back of her head an inch. The girl grasped the knife and struggled for its possession until she broke the blade. Then Terbitt ran out of the house. A boy followed him and pointed him out to an officer, who took him in charge. Terbitt declared that he loved the girl, and said that when she ceased to love him he went over to Newark to kill her. Police Surgeon Clark took charge of the wounded girl. The stab in the back of the head is the most serious one. Her recovery is doubt ful. RAGE OF A JILTED FARMER. Shoots a Young Woman and Her Success ful Suitor and Then Commits Suicide. WILLIAMBPORT, Ind., May B.—Yes terday Charles Harrison, a young and prosperous farmer living in the northern part of this county, shot Ida Welch and Harry Smith and then killed himself. The shooting took place in the home of Miss Welch. Harrison and Smith were rival suitors. Miss Welch accepted Smith. Yesterday morning Harrison saw Smith enter the Welch home, and knowing that Mr. and Mrs. Welch were away, he went into the house, got his pistol and went to the Welch home. He was admitted by a younger sister. Without making any inquiry Harrison went into the sitting-room, where Smith and Miss Welch were engaged in a con versation. Without a moment's warning he opened fare, discharging three shots at Smith and Miss Welch, who each sank to the floor seriously injured. Thinking that his aim had been fatal Harrison placed the weapon to his temple and fired, the ball taking effect in the brain, death resulting almost instantaneously. Smith was shot in the right breast and his recovery is doubtful. Miss Welch was shot in the right arm and also just above the pit of the stomach, and while she is resting easily the extent of her injury has not been ascertained. All Record* Beaten. FOWLER, Ind., May B.— Mrs. Freitz Heinznit, who lives about a mile north of here, gave birth last night to six infants, four boys and two girls. All are doing well. Two years ago Mrs. Heinznit gave birth to triplets. SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1896. THAT EXPENSIVE MISFIT TARIFF. DEMANDS THE DEATH PENALTY. Prosecutor Suarez Asks a Harsh Fate for the Filibusters. PRISONERS ARE GUILTY. Admit the Part They Took in Con nection With the Schooner Competitor. TRIED BY A COURT-MASTIAL. Mr. Williams, as Consul-General, Had Entered a Protest Against the Proceedings. HAVANA, Cttba, May B.— At 8 o'clock this morning a court-martial opened at the arsenal here for the trial of the men who were captured by a Spanish warship on the alleged filibustering schooner Compet itor, belonging in Key West. The prison ers were Alfredo Laborde, born in New Orleans, Owen Milton of Kansas, William Kinlea, an Englishman, and Elias Bed<a and Theodore Maza, both Cubans. Captain Ruiz acted as president of the court, which consisted of nine other mili tary and naval officers. All the accused pleaded not guilty. Several witnesses admitted that when the men were captured they were not armed and offered no resistance. Despite this fact, however, ihe prosecutor, Lieu tenant Suarez, asked the court-martial to convict the prisoners of filibustering and to impose the death sentence upon all of them. Counsel for the defense made a long re view of the evidence, and demanded the acquittal of Maza. He argued eloquently against the others being sentenced to death, and declared that the evidence showed that mercy should be extended to them. Tne court-martial has as yet rendered no judgment. It is said its findings will be submitted for approval to the Govern ment at Madrid. During the course of the proceedings a letter was read from the American Consul- General, Ramon O. Williams, protesting I against the trial. Mr. Williams abstained i from attending the court-martial. General Linares reports that his com mand has succeeded in dislodging the fo;ces of Jose Maceo from the entrenched camp occupied by them in ths province of Santiago de Cuba. In the rightim* that took place before the rebels retreated seventeen of the insurgents were killed. The troops, according to the report, lost only two killed and seven wounded. Another official report issued to-day states that the com Dined forces of Generals Altamira and Inclan have driven the reb els under Antonio Maceo into a different position in the hills at Guaramaya, near j Bahia Honda, province of Pinar del Rio. The report makes no mention of any rebel loss, but states that the Spaniards had seven killed and twenty-five wounded. Among the latter are one captain and two lieutenants. The rebel bands of Regino and Alfonso have burned abo-.t sixty house* in the town of Lagunillas, province of Matanzas. ERCAPAD THE WARSHIP. Arm* 'and • Ammunition " Safely Landed ' ' by the B+rmudm. •' ! '•• * <■ • PHILADELPHIA, Pa., May • i—Word was received here this afternoon of the ar rival at Trujillo of the j steamer Bermuda. She merely touched there and then cleared for Puerto Cortez, ; Honduras, where she is expected to drop anchor in the course of a day or two. The Bermuda, after clearing from Phila delphia, sailed from Jacksonville, FJa., on April 26, presumably with a cargo of arms and ammunition for the Cuban insurgents. Her arrival at Trujillo indicates that she escaped from the Spanish war vessel which it was reported had chased her. it is be lieved that the arms and ammunition were safely landed. , . KIRKLAND TO COMMAND Will Succeed Captain Howison at the Mare Island Navy- Yard. Other Changes, Among Naval Officers Include the Retirement of Kutz. WASHINGTON, D. C, May B.— Several important chances in the duties of naval officers were made at the Navy Depart ment to-day. Rear- Admiral W.H. Kirk land, now on waiting orders, was directed to assume command of the Mare Island Navy-yard, California. Captain H. L. Howison was detached from the command of the Mare Island Navy-yard and ordered to special duty in connection with the new battleship Ore gon, with a view to being placed in com mand of that vessel. Commander O. W. Farenholt was de tached from bis duty as an inspector of the Thirteenth District, Portland, Or., and placed on waiting orders. Other orders were issued as follows: Lieutenant N. G. Sargent, Petrel, ordered home and instructed to be ready for sea duty; Ensign H. G. Macfarland from the Concord to the Bennington; Passed As sistant Paymaster E. B. Webster from the Concord, and granted two months' leave; Passed Assistant Paymaster J. S. Phillips from the Bennington, and granted three months' leave; Assistant Paymaster P. V. Mohun from the Petrel to the Bennington ; Passed Assistant Engineer W. S. Smith from the Newark, ordered home and granted three months' leave; Assistant Engineer E. H. Pollock to the Newark. Passed Assistant Paymaster E. B. Web ster, who arrived in San Francisco on the j Concord on Sunday last and who was alleged to be in trouble with the Navy De partment concerning a deposit of $2500 said to have been given in his care as surety for Mr. Tobin, his clerk, was de tached from the Concord to-day and granted two months' leave. This indicates that Paymaster Webster is free from any displeasure of the department, and that if an allegation concerning Tobin's collateral has bi?en officially made it has fallen to the ground. Orders were issued by the Navy Depart j ment to-day detaching Chief Engineer G. F. Kutz from the Mare Island Navy-yard June 26 and directing his retirement the j next day. The retirement is at the re ! quest of Mr. Kutz under the forty years' .service law. • The resignation of Ensign W. B. Frank lin, U. S. N., has been accepted by the President. CHICACO HOLDS THE CONVENTION, Assurances Given to the Democrats That Funds Are Ready. ANNOUNCED BY HARRITY At the Conference Behind Closed Doors All Obligations Are Complied With. MONEY IS NOW FORTHCOMING. So the Work on the Big Colliseum Will Be Pushed Rapid, y to Completion. CHICAGO, 111., May 8. — The Demo cratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, and at the Colliseum, in accord ance with the original programme. This was the decision announced by National Chairman Harrity this evening, at the close of the second session of the special meeting of the sub-committee on conven tion of the National Democratic Com mittee. The evening session was given up to a conference with Treasurer Donnersberger, Judge Goodrich, Jacob W. Richards, R. W. Spangler and other members of the local finance committee. The conference was held behind closed doors, and at its conclusion Chairman Harrity stated that all the obligations under which the convention had been voted to Chicago had been complied with. The obligations in question provide that $30,000 should be placed to the credit of the National committee by this date and that $10,000 additional should be forth coming by the 4th of July. With the exception of Senator Gorman, every member of the sub-committee re ported at the Hotel Wellington. Even Chairman E. C. Wall of the Wisconsin State Central Committee, who has been at death's door for months, came down from the Cream City. His associates were Chairman Harrity, Colonel J. G. Prather of St. Louis, T. H. Shirley of Louisville, Ben T. Cable of Illinois and J. S. Shearin of Indiana, secretary of the National Com mittee. With these were Architect Canda of New York and John J. Martin of St. Louis, who was selected sergeant-at-arms at the last meeting of the committee. During the afternoon Messrs. Prather, Shirley and Martin visited the Coiliseum, and expressed themselves as satisfied at the progress that had been made on the structure. When the sub-committee re convened this evening and the conference with the local finance committee had been concluded, the sub-committee went into executive session and appointed the fol lowing committees: On press and telegraphic accommoda tions and facilities — S. B. fiherin, Logans port, Ind. ; E. C. Wall, Milwaukee, Wis. ; John C. Prather, Su Louis. On decorations and music— Thomas H. Shirley, Louisville, Ky.; Ben Cable, Chicago; U. C. Wallace, Washington, D. C. The latter was also selected as a mem ber of the committee on arrangements to succeed Senator Gorman of Maryland, who had notified the committee of his in ability to serve. The committee adjourned to meet again in this city May 29. Subsequently Chair man Harrity gave to the United Press the following announcements: "No ticketß for admission to the conven tion will be issued until July 6." "Applications for press tickets should be made to S. P. Snerin, chairman of the sub-committee on press and telegraph, Logansport, lad." "Applications for appointment as as sistants to the sergeant-at-arnis, door keepers, pages, etc., should be made to Colonel John I. Martin, St. Louis, Mo." The interior arrangements of the Colli seum will be made under the suDervision of F. E. Canda of New York, architect and engineer to the committee, assisted by Sergeant-at-arms Martin, with the co operation of the committee on decorations and music. The railroad companies centering and tributary to Chicago will be asked to fur nish transportation to delegates and others at reduced rates. The usual prac tice has been to grant a round trip for one fare. Chairman Harrity leaves in the morn ing for a week's trip among the northern lakes. The remaining members of the committee took trains for nome to-night. TO CONSIDER McKINLEY. Important Topics Before the Supreme Court of the A. P. A. WASHINGTON, D. C, May B.— The meeting of the supreme council of the American Protective Association in this city on the 12th inst. will be the most im portant event in the history of the order. Chief among the matters which will come before the meeting will be the election of officers for the ensuing year, an exhaustive discussion of the attitude which ought to be assumed with reference to financial questions and what part, if any, the order shall take in the Presidential and Con gressional elections of next autumu. It is understood that William H. F. Traynor of Detroit will not be a candidate for re-election as president. Among the candidates for this office will be Judge J. H. D. Stevens of St. Louis, Dr. J. W. Ford, a Baptist minister of Troy, N. V., and Colonel Bowers of lowa, the founder of the order. The present secretary, C. T. Beatty, is understood to be again a candi date for re-election without any opposition apparent. The charges formulated against Mr. Mc- Kiniey of Ohio that he discriminated in his appointments as Governor against the order will be considered. Mathetvt a Candidate. BT. LOUIS, Mo., May B.— Colonel James K. Rickey, a member of the Bland execu tive coron'ittee, to-day received a letter from Hon. C. C. Matsou of Greencastle, Ind., announcing that Governor Claude Mathews of Indiana would be a candidate Defore the Chicago convention for the Presidential nomination. Miamouri'a Prohibition Ticket. SEDALIA, Mo., May B.— The Prohibi tion Convention adjourned t'>is afternoon, after having nominated the following State ticket: Governor, H. P. Farris of Henry County; Lleutenant-Governor, J. M. Richey of Newton County; Secretary of State, E. E. McLel lan of Pettis; Aud itor, J. O. Roule of St. Louis; Treasurer, Rev. I. T. Hull of Grejn; Attorney-Gen eral, J. C. Hughes of Ray ; Supreme Judge, Lewis Adams of Macdonald; Railroad Commissioner, W. E. Sullivan of Bu chanan. BEEF TRUST INVESTIGATION. Mo One Indicted by the Chicago Grand Jury Because Witnesses Were Lacking. CHICAGO, 111 , May B.— The beef trust railroad investigation by the Federal Grand Jury came to an end to-day, so far as the existing jury is concerned. It may come up again before the October jury or before a special jury if the emergency war rants such extraordinary action on the part of the Government. The District Attorney and his special counsel could not indict anybody without more witnesses than they had been able to attach with a subpena. The special jury may be called in case the much-wanted eight witnesses from the stockyards and railroad offices return within the jurisdiction of a United States writ. An investigation of railroad rate-making at the instance of the Com merce Commission depends upon the rail road officials' future compliance with the aw. SUICIDE OF A WOMAN, Shot Herself in a Room at the Colonnade Hotel in New York. Left a Note Saying That Insanity- Was Hereditary and That She Had No Relatives. NEW YORK, N. V., May B.— A hand some, well-dressed woman, about 28 years old, who registered at the Colonnade Hotel, 38 Lafayette place, Wednesday aft ernoon, as Mrs. Everett of Boston, shot herself in her room to-day. The bullet en tered her head through her left ear. She was found dead in bed fully dressed. She left the following note unsigned and not addressed to anybody : "Hereditary insanity. Please cremate and pay landlord for damages, etc. Have no family, so beg that my wishes be ob- Berved." The letter was in a hotel envelope, in which also was $89 in bills. The woman's clothing was of the finest quality. The neck of her dress was caught by a gold and enameled brooch studded with nine diamonds. She wore two plain gold rings on the little finger of the right hand, one wedding-ring. On an undergarment were the initials "K. B." Her eyes and hair are jet black. Suicide of Two Men. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May B.— The body of A. C. Hogan, for many years superin tendent of the canning department of the Standard Oil Company in this city and at Whiting, Ind., was found to-day in an un frequented part of Lakeview Cemetery. He had committed suicide by shooting. 11l health was the cause. B. F. Whipple, one of the oldest and most prominent Odd Fellows of Cleve land, also committed suicide. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TRAGIC DEATH OF A BIGAMIST, J. F. Mitchell, a West Point Miner, Killed by His Mother-in-Law. IS RIDDLED WITH SHOT. The Theft of Money Followed by a Most Sensational Homicide. SYMPATHY FOR THE WOMAN. Her Victim Had a Wife From Sonoma When Compelled to Wed a Second Time. BAN ANDREAS, Cal., May B.— Meager details of a fatal shooting affair which, occurred at West Point yesterday reached here to-day. The principals of the affair were Mrs. C. Halladay and her son-in-law, F. J. Mitchell, alias Prewick. A bad feel ing has existed between the two for some time past and it ended yesterday by the mother-in-lhw killing the man. As near as can be learned the trouble was brought about by Mitchell taking a sum of money belonging to Mrs, Halla dcy in the morning prior to his gome to work. When the woman learned of her loss she determined to recover the coin, and seizing a double-barreled shotgun started for the Granite mine, where Mitchell was at work. Reaching the place she sought Mitchell and demanded the re turn of the money. Mitchell promptly handed over the money. When the woman had it she offered him one-half the amount if he would leave the country and never return. Michell thought he saw a chance to get it all and made a grab for the gun. Mrs. Halladay got it first and turning the muzzle toward him, pulled the trig gers, sending both charges of shot into his body and killing him insiantly. So far as known the woman has not yet been arrested, and- it is hardly probable that she will be. Sympathy seems to be on her side, &t, Mitchell was a worthless fellow. The first trouble between them wai caused about a year ago, when Mitchell commenced making love to Viola beck, Mrs. Halladny's daughter. The old lady objected to him. One day she discovered the couple in a room in a hotel and she then resolved that he should marry the daughter. She accordingly brought the couple to this place to have the ceremony performed. Wnile at the clerk's office get ting the license she was compelled to step out to get the Justice. Before leaving she told the clerk not to let Mitchell get away and to watch him close as he was a slip pery fellow. When the couhle were married she left for San Francisco. Here Mitchell met a woman who claimed to be his wife, and promptly bad him arrested on a charge of bigamy. It seems that prior to coming to Calaveras he was married in Marin County, where he Dyed under the name of Tre wick. At his examination he was bound over to appear before the Superior Court. When this trial came up the Judge dis missed him, claiming the case was out of his jurisdiction, one marriage having been performed in Marin County and the other in Calaveras. While Mitchell was await ing trial his wife worked in a hotel in the city, but was takeu sick, and her mother went down and brought her up to We3t Point. As soon as Mitchell was released he returned to her, and has been living there since. Part of the lime he worked, but the major part did nothing. He was about 35 years old. GALA DAY AT FFRENDALE. \ Magnificent I'ythian Cattle Dedicated With Impreaai** Cerenioniea. FERNDALE. Cal., May B.— This was a gala day at Ferndale. The magnificent castle of Aurora Lodge No. 51, Knights of Pythias, erected at a cost of many thou sands of dollars, and the most magnificent structure in Northern California, was dedi cated to-day in accordance with Pythian ceremonies. The town was exquisitely dec orated with the triple colors of the order. Every lodge m Humboldt of this order was in the line of parade, and thousands of people were present. Enthusiasm and en joyment characterized every feature. The parade and dedication ceremonies were never surpassed in the State. Headed by the Ferndale band and the uniform rank delegations of all lodges in the county, the procession was very imposing. The dedi cation services, under the direction of Col onel J. H. Gysler, were the most impressive ever listened to in this section. -The ad dress oi welcome by S. D. O'Neii, and the reply by A. J. Monroe were good. F. A. Cutler, in an elequent speech on the prin ciples of the order, told the lessons of the glorious trinity of principle of friendship, charity and benevolence. He dwelt clearly upon the origin, growth and development of the order, its past and its achievements. State Senator Frank McGowan, supreme representative of the Knights of Pythias concluded ti-e exercises with one of theme masterly addresses characteristic of the ability of that ceiebrated orator. He dwelt upon the great institution of Pythianhood as one of American origin, created and founded at a time when internal strife rent this country in war and the necessity of an order for fraternal feelings. He snowed that the primary principles of the order was devotion to a democratic form of gov ernment, and gave incidents of Pythian martyrdoms to friendship. Dog Mangles a Grata Valley Child. GRASS VALLEY, Cal., May B.— This morning a large Newfoundland dog at tacked the four-year-old child of W. N. Webber, who lives at Indian Springs, ten mites from Grass Valley, and fearfully mutilated the face of the child. The youngster had been in the habit of play ing with the dog and was engaged in such pastime when the brute suddenly sprang at him and caught the right eye and cheek of the child and chewed away until the dog' 3 teeth met. The sight of the ey* is entirely destroyed.