Newspaper Page Text
16 TRICKY WORK OF HUNTINGTON. Secret Contracts Being Made With San Joaquin Shippers. LOWER RATES OFFERED. One of the Methods to Be Used Against the Competing Valley Road. AFTEE THE WHEAT-GROWERS. How the Matter Is Viewed by a Prominent Merchant of the Locality Affected. Engrossed as C. P. Huntington's mind must necessarily be with the attempt to Dass a funding bill in Congress and to win the suit pending in the Federal court in this City to prevent a reduction in rates by the State Railroad Commission, he has still found time apparently to formulate a plan by means of which he expects to con trol a considerable portion of the trans portation business of the San Joaquin Valley for some time to come, in spite of the advent of the Vulley road in that sec tion of the State. From a gentleman who is a large grain grower and prominent in commercial circles in the San Joaquin Valley and who is now on a visit to this City, it is learned that the Southern Pacilic Company now has, and for some time has had, a large corps of solicitors throughout the San Joaquin Valley at the points which the Valley road will touch, whose business it is to make transportation contracts with the large shippers of grain, as well as with the more prominent merchants. These contracts, according to the state ment of tne gentlemen named, are drawn for three years, provide for all transporta tion business being done exclusively with the Southern Pacific, and in return for this the railroad company makes special rates, considerably lower than those now in force. The wort of these solicitors is done in a quiet and exceedingly cautious manner. For this course there are two gooa reasons. assigned. It is, of course, a most impor tant requisite that the intending competi tor of the Southern Pacific shall not be made aware of what is beine done in this direction, in order that the desired object — that of freezing out this competitor from its due share of business — may be accom plished. A further reason, and one not less important, is that the contracts thus made, giving as they do a lower rate to some persons than are given to the general public, are a violation of that clause of the State constitution which prohibits dis crimination in rates, reading as follows: No discrimination in charges or facilities for transportation shall be made by any railroad or other transportation company between places and persons, or the facilities for the transportation of the same classes of freight or passengers within the State or coming from or going to any other State. So carefully have the emissaries of the Southern Pacific carried on their opera tions that tneir work has not attracted public attention heretofore, although they have been at work for some weeks. The Call's informant, for obvious rea sons, does not desire to have his name di vulged, as he was one of those approached by an agent of the Southern Pacific. He declined their overtures, however, as he realized, he said, what would be the result if the machinations of this corporation were furthered by those whom the San Joaquin road is designed to deliver from the bondage of the Southern Pacific Com pany. That this gentleman understands the full import of the scheme of the Hunt ington monopoly is shown in the words in which he expressed himself. "I cannot understand," he said, "how any man with sound sense can be induced to bind himself to the Southern Pacific Company at this critical period for three years. Surely every one wbo ships a pound of freight out of the valley must understand that any favors that are granted, or appear to oe granted, by the Souther Pacific at this time are simply proffered in order that the path and progress of the competing road now near ing completion may be made difficult and its operation, if possible, unprofitable. "They seemingly do not realize that this is not one of those projects that, owing to the lack of capital, is likely to be bought or controlled by Huntington & Co. They lose sight of the fact that its head and most enthusiastic projector is a man who has undertaken to give the people of Cali fornia a genuine competing railroad ; that ne and his associates have the necessary capital, perseverance and ability to cope with the great monopoly, and, what is more, have the desire and determination to win victory in this great battle of money, brains and principle. "If the people of the San Joaquin Val ley make any combination with the South ern Pacific Company that is designed to tamper or interfere in any way with the progress and prosperity of the San Fran cisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway they will simply be thwarting tho efforts of those whose interests are very closely allied to their own, and any injury that may result to the Valley road will be reflected and intensified among them selves. For the good reputation of the valley, for its future welfare, for the wel fare of the State, I should be extremely sorry to learn that this latest scheme con cocted by the Southern Pacific to retain its monopolistic grip on the richest section of the State is even partially successful." SCHOOL OF METHODS. New Plan of Campaign Adopted by the Women* Christian Temperance Union. PLEASANTON, Cal., May 9.— The Ala meda County Christian Temperance Union will hold a school of methods here next Monday and Tuesday, when it is expected there will be quite a gathering of noted women present. The officers of the county organization are: President, Mrs. N. Joli don; vice-preaident-at-large, Mrs. Lydia A. Prescott; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mary Bartlett; recording secretary, Mrs. Alice E. Bangs; treasurer, Mrs. Hattie McMath; auditor, Mrs. Grace M. Kimball. The meeting will open Monday afternoon with a symposium on "Why Woman Should Have the Ballot." Among the speakers there will be Miss Sarah Sever ance, State superintendent of franchise; Mrs. Alice StocKer, president of the Ala meda County Political Eqality Club; Mrs. E. <i. Green, State evangelist; Mrs. G. F. Singer, of Chicago and Mrs. Lydia Prescott, county superintendent of fran chise. In the evening "The Eleventh Amend ment" will be considered by Miss Sarah Severance; "Suffrage in Its Relation to Philanthropy." by Mrs. Rev. Alfred Dock ing; "Who Are the Women That Want the Ballot?" by Mrs. Nellie Biissing Eyster. On Tuesday the subject to be considered will be "The Importance of the Social Purity Department," which will be opened by Dr. Annie Miller; "Social Purity," by Mrs. J. E. Russell; "What Can I Do tb Promote Social Purity?" Mrs. A. Brad shaw; "Promotion of Purity," Mrs. Mary A. Teats; "How to Conduct a Parlor Meeting," Mrs. J. H. Rhodes; "The Re lation of Parlor Meetings to the W. C. T. U.," Mrs H. H. Luse; "Plan of Work for Sunday-schools," Mrs. Hattie McMath. During the afternoon Mrs. Treffay will consider the question, "Are the Children Neglected?" Mrs. H. C. Ingram on, "\\ hat Is It to Me?" and "Scientific Fa mily Culture," by Mrs. E. G. Greene. "The Juvenile Work" will be considered by Miss Mabel Palmer; "Our Children," by Mrs. Veva Dunham. The illustrated lec ture, "The House We Live Tn," by Mrs. Nellie Eyster, will be given especially for mothers and the young people. The school will close with an address Tuesday evening on "The Child and the State,""by Mrs. E. C. Greene, state super intendent of mothers' meetings. AFRO-AMERICAN LEAGUE, Annual Congress to Meet in Los Angeles on August n This Year. Steps Being Taken to Prepare Statis tics of the Race in the United States. The Afro-American Congress will meet at Los Angeles August 11. President Mor ton issued the following call yesterday: San Francisco, May 9, 1896. To the members of the A fro-A neriecM Lt agues of California : Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Afro-American Congress August tJ, 1895, you are hereby notified that the second an nual congress "of the Afro-American leagues of this State will convene in the city of Los Angeles on Tuesday, Augun 11, lS9«i, at, 1 p. M., and continue in afternoon and evening sessions until the business of the congress is completed. Tnder section 9 of the constitution you are entitled to one delegate for every tifteen mem bers of your league to represent the several leagues in the annual congiv>- It is highly important for each league to ob tain and furnish the delegates with the statis ties ot the race, to be prepared with rs much accuracy as possible, giving the population of the county from which the delegates come and in which" the league is located — that is, the total number of men, women and children m the race in each county; the number engaged in business pursuits, their different occupa tions; the number of property-owners, the es timated value of property owned by tnem, and any other data that may 'lie important for tha members of the congress to possess, and that can be used to the advantßgfi of tiie race his torically. This is a very important mutter, and it is most earnestly urged upon the differ ent leugues the necessity of obtaining these statistics and providing the delegates with them for use by the congrt---. All leagues organized in the State before the assembling of the congress, Republican in politics, and who are in sympathy and accord with the objects, purpose* and aims of the Afro-American leagues of this State, are hereby requested to send delegates to the con gress to represent their respective leagues, in accordance with the provisions herein enum erated, under which leagues already estab lished will be represented. Original credentials must be furnished to the delegates, and a ropy of same, prop'-rly at tested, forwarded to T. \V. Troy, secretary, 715 East Third street, Los Angeles", Cal., who will make up the roll for the eoojCffi We call upon our clergy aud the press and every friend of the race to do all iv their power to make this coming congre c s a grand success in every particular, and thus ben 'tit in a most practical way a race that is loyal to the Government and true to every Instinct and aspiration of liberty. Every member of the race should regard" it as his duty, even though some self-sacrifice be necessary, to at tend the sessions of this congress if possible. We are ambitious to fill places of honor and trust, and this should be coupled with the faculty to administer public affairs. Our peo ple deserve some recognition politically, and we must by numbers and a united effort de mand that -we shall not be overlooked in the iuture as we have been in the past. T. B. Morton. President, J. P. Hr.MMKits. Secretary, Afro-American Leagues of Caliioruia. The congress will be composed of dele gates from the following organizations: Los Angeles County — J. C. Jackson, presi dent; wyjiam Prime, secretary, Pasadena— A. j. Roberts, president; T. W. Troy, secretary; L. C. Young, corresponding secretary; T. J. Geary, president; J. Bunch, secretary; all in lx>s Aneeles County. Cottonwood, Shasta County — Krank Wil liams, president; Wilson Bolding, secretary. Dos i'alos, Merced County — Key. A. N. Hau man, president; Robert Jlines, secretary; T. B.Morton, president; Abraham Strainer, sec retary, San Francisco. Fresno County— J. M. Bridges, president; George W. Gray, secretary. Anderson League, Shasta County — Rev. James Greer, president; A. D. Cherry, sec retary. Riverside County League —R. G. Lamor, president; I). S. Stokes, secretary, Riverside. San Benito County League— Scott Gilmore, president; Joseph Parks, secretary, Hollister. Chico League— Peter Powers, president. Redding League— F. A. Sample, president; R. H. A. Johnson, secretary. San Bernardino League— M. C. Rouce, presi dent; William H. Duncan, secretary. Redlands League— Rev. J. H. Clisby, presi dent; C. H. Rouce, secretary. Woodlands League — S. H. Hogan, president: Rev. G. W. Petway. secretary. Tulare County League— Wiley Eines, presi dent. Kern County League— R. W. Houston, president; J. G. Price, secretary, Oakland. San Joaquin County League — Dudley Sebree, president; H. A. Collins, secretary, Stockton. Alameda County League— Abraham Hol land, president; J. F. Summers, secretary, Oakland. Sauta Clara County League— Jacob Overton, president; Robert Evans, secretary, San Jose. Yuba County League — J. C. Jenkins, presi dent; A. D. Wall, secretary, Marysville. Red Bluff League — C. E. Christian, president. Redwood City League— E. Coleman, presi dent; William Mitchell, secretary. Hanford League— Charles Stevenson, presi dent; — Woods, secretary. Coluta League — George Shuggard, president; A. E. Drisdom, secretary. Santa Rosa League — J. H. White, president; Francis Helton, secretary. Paso Robles League— Rev. R. H. Hunter, president; J. C. Roberts, secretary. "In view of the coming campaign this session of the congress will be the most important in its history," said President Morton yesterday. "There are many matters of interest not only to ourselves but the public at large to be considered. The colored vote in this State now numbers about 7000, and we feel that it is time some acknowledgment was made for the good we have done the Kepublican party." The Bay State Restaurant. A large crowd was entertained last even ing at the Bay State restaurant, 13 and 15 Stockton street, by the proprietor, Max Adler, and his assistants, the occasion being the formal opening of the place since its enlargement. Under Mr. Adler's man agement this restaurant has acquired such popularity that he found his old quarters inadequate to accommodate his trade and he has added the adjoining store, No. 13, to his former quarters. In the new part is located the bar, as well as the gentlemen's entrance to the main dining-room, which is located in the rear. The old number is used for a separate entrance for ladies. Twenty new private dining-rooms have been added and the place has been reno vated and repainted throughout. The Bay State is famous for such delicacies as frogs' legs, terrapin, etc., also for broiled steaks and chops, ana is well patronized by epi cures who appreciate the excellence of the menu. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1896. VERY REV, PRIOR VAUGHN, A Brother of the Cardinal of Westminster Is in the City. IS A COUSIN OF WOLSELEY. The Churchman Received With Great Distinction in Australia — Will Ec Here Some Time. Among the distinguished arrivals here yesterday by the steamer Monowai was the Very Rev. Prior Vaughn of Manchester, England, wbo has been making a tour of the Australian colonies, and who Mas been received everywhere with great considera tion ana courtesy. Very Rev. Prior Vaughn is the brother of the Cardinal Archbishop of West minster and is the cousin of Sir Charles The Very Rev. Prior Vaughn, Brother of the Cardinal of Westminster, and His Secretary, Gerald Petre, Kclativc of the Duke of >orthrup. [Sketched from life by a "CaU" artisL] Wolseley. His younger brother, Colonel Vaughn, Sir Charles Wolseley and othor relatives are connected by marriage with American families. The notable churchman is accompanied on his travels by Gerald Petre, a cousin of Lord Petre, and who is aiso a connection of the Duke of Norfolk. The prior is a striking appearing man of upward of 50 years, with a full, serious, vet open countenance. Mr. Petre, who, the prior said, had Kindly consented to accom pany him and act as his secretary, is also a man distinguished in appearance. The gentlemen are at the Occidental in company with several ministers of the Episcopal church, who were fellow pa - sengers on the Monowai. They will prob ably spend some little time in California, The prior dictated the following in re card to where he and Mr. Petre had been hitherto: "We have visited all the Australian colonies and have been received witn great distinction by the leading men of the colo nies, Governors and others, as well as the heads of all the church?*." This is the first time, he said, that he had been on American soil. He referred to Colonel Vaughn, his younger brother, and to Sir Charles Wolseley, his cousin, and other relatives who were connected by marriage with American families. "I have conceived a high estimate of the American people," he said, "and am look ing forward with great interest and lively expectation of finding ideals realized on this trip through America." The distinguished churchman has ad dressed many large audiences in Australia. He is a very eloquent and impressive divine. ONE THUMB TOO MANY, Abe Marks, Three Weeks Old, Had Two of Them on His Right Hand. The Superfluity Was Amputated by Dr. Weil at the Receiving Hospital. A baby boy, three weeks old, with two thumbs on his right hand was a subject of great interest at the Receiving Hospital yesterday morning. The baby, Abe Marks, was taken to the hospital by his mother, Mrs. Marks, who lives at 364 Minna street. He is a bright little fellow, healthy and strong. His father died a few days after nis birth. Mrs. Marks told Dr. Weil that after the baby was born she noticed the two thumbs Abe Marks, the Infant Phenomenon, Whose Specialty Until Yesterday Was the Possession of Three Thumbs. on bis right band. It worried her so to think that he would be deformed for life that she had called at the hospital as soon as she was able to see what could be done. Dr. Weil said the best thing to do would be to amputate the unnecessary thumb. It would leave a slight scar for life, but that would be much better than having the two thumbs. Mrs. Marks consented to the operation and it was quickly performed by Dr. Weil. The baby bore the operation like a veteran and scarcely made a whimper. The accessory thumb, which was ampu tated, grew out in a straight line from the metacarpal bone and was of perfect shape and as long as the other. Dr. Weil says that physical phenomena of thu nature are not by any means rare. SHE'S AN ACTRESS NOW Suits Against Mr*. Lucy Anzerali Hoyte and Her Husband for Service* and Printing. The career of Mrs. Lucy Auzerais Hoyte as a professional actress has reached that pomt — common to nearly all Thespians — where summons to answer actions at law are of frequent occurrence. Her recent venture in opening the Al cazar Theater with a big company was apparently not a success, for several suits have been begun to recover amounts claimed to be due for professional services, printing and other things absolutely neces sary for a theatrical company. Emile Dreyfous wants $244 for music furnistied the Hoyte combination, Francis <fc Valen tine would like $178 for printing, while 8. Burkes claims that $124 is due him for ser vices rendered. MILLIONS IN HIS MIND, C. H. Billings, a Stockton Res taurant Man, in a Padded Cell. His Wife and Four Young Children Are Left Penniless in a Strange City. C. H. Billing*, who imagines himself to be a multi-millionaire, was found wander ing about the streets yesterday morning, and was taken to the City Prison and later placed in a padded cell in the Receiving Hospital. Billings is a restaurant man, and some time ago, while in Stockton, sola out and went to Sonora. He opened a restaurant there, but sold out lately and returned to Sotckton. He and his wife and foui children arrived here on Tuesday morning from Stockton. They stopped at the Occidental Hotel for two days and then engaged rooms at 303 Jessie street. His wife had not seen him for two days, and when she called at the City Prison yesterday morning with her children In quiring for him she was astonished to learn that he was in the insane ward at the hospital. She could assign no reason for his mental derangement. To her knowledge he had not met with any busi ness reverses, but she could not under stand where his money had gone and she and her children were penniless. He had often told her that he was a distant rela tive of Millionaire Hillings of Moniana, and he had come here to see if a part of the estate had been left him. He also claimed to be a relative of Josh Billings. The police had been searching for Bil lings for two o.' three days. The banks had complained about him. He had been sending in checks for fabulous amounts. A complaint had also been received about him from Montana, as he had been keep ing the telegraph wires hot with demands for his share of the Billings millions, although notified that he was not a rela tive. His surplus cash has been spent in telegrams. Billings' four children were sent by the police to the Day Home, on Hayes street, and the police are helping Mrs. Billings to find two of her uncles, who live in the City, so that she can get temporary shelter with them. THE BALLOON CHRISTENING. A Novel Ceremony and an Ascension at the Chutes To-Day. The big new balloon "Chute 9" was In flated and tested yesterday, and every thine seems propitious for her first voyage this afternoon. All is in readiness for the christening, which will be an event quite out of the ordinary for San Francisco. James Swinnerton will act as godfather, and the monstrous white airship will soar aloft with all kinds of eclat. Miss Leila Adair, the adventurous Aus tralian aeronaut, who proudly claims the record-breaking parachute jump of 7000 feet, will be the first to test the new bal loon, and bhe is naturally most anxious for a pleasant day, as this will be her first as cension in America. The Haight-street grounds will be opened at 10 o'clock this morning and things will be in operation till 11 to-night. — • — «, — • St. Bernard Dog* Attached. Sheriff Whelan has added a pair of blooded St. Bernard dogs to his already large collection of livestock, and E. P. Schell, their owner, will be compelled to part with their company until he produces $19 50 to satisfy a claim held by Collector Raver. A Deputy Sheriff visited the dog show on Friday evening expecting to catch the canines there, but they had been taken home and were attached yesterday at Schell's residence, 324 Clsy street. •—»• — » » It has been computed by a statistician that there are now enough paupers in Great Britain to form, if raYiged four abreast, a procession considerably over 100 miles in length. Stylisht.y trimmed abort-back dudes, all col ors, f 3 50. Adcock's, lo Kearny et, • ALONG THE WATER FRONT Arrival of the Steamship Mono wai Yesterday From Sydney. KILLED B7 SOLOMON ISLANDERS Captain H. L. Howison to Command the Oregon— A Mexican War- Vessel in Port. The Oceanic steamship Monowai, Cap tain Carey, arrived yesterday morning twenty-six days, nine hours and thirty minutes from Sydney by way of Auckland, Apia and Honolulu. She brought an un usually large passenger list, of wiiich the following named came in the cabin: John Mills is one of the principal share holders in the Union steamship line to which belongs the Monowai. R. V. Web ster ia a wealthy tea-planter from Ceylon making a tour of the world. Joseph I. Sheerin, a prominent architect from Syd ney who designed all the principal build ings of that city, is traveling around the world. W. G. Irwin is the agent of the Oceanic Steamship Company in Honolulu. From the passengers of the Monowai de tails of a wholesale murder of traders and missionaries by Solomon Island head-hunt ers are gleaned. The savages are reported to have butchered tbe crew of a boat from the trading brig Rio Loge, and at Rubiana two French and one American trader were killed. The mission on the island had been attacked, and the white people there begged the captain of the steamer Titus to take them away. The natives of the Manning Straits isl ands are fierce and cruel, like those of the Solomon group, and are given to cannibal ism. Recently they lured ashore the crews of two small trading-schooners and put the luckless sailors to death. At Southwest Bay, on Tounan Island, a mis sionary named Boyd and one companion were missing, and it is thought they have been murdered. A number of trading posts were found sacked and destroyed. On the island of Nusa in the Bismarck Archipelago a few weeks ago a chief named Balek, who was known as a cruel murderous man, fell into the hands of a band of savages. He was sneared to death, and his body roasted and eaten. The feast lasted several hours. The Mexican war vessel Zaragoza arrived yesterday from Mazatlan. The following are her officers : Commander, Miguel Pozo; first lieutenant, Cristobal Gonzalez Frances Ochoa; second lieutenant, JoseServin; sublieutenants, Albert Zenteno, Jose K. de Caceres, Francisco Riva deneyra, Iroge A. I'ahner; midshipmen, Fristan fannies, LuU K. I. mures, Leopoldo Tourzan, Antonio Ortega VgnacJo Fores, Jose Melaa, Jesus Rodrinuez.VincenteSenties.ArturoPuga; doctor, Carlos Glass; paymaster, Lisaudro Rocherol Francisco Quihera; first engineer, George E. Coward; secoud engineer, Angel Vazguez; second assistant engineers, Pedro Casson, George E. Howard; third assistant engineer, Pedro Gutierrez. The vessel came to anchor off the Union Iron Works, wxiere she will undergo re pairs. A number of 'change* have been made among the assignments of naval officers at Mare Island. Rear Admiral W. H. KirK land, on waiting orders, has been ordered to assume command of the navy-yard, re lieving Captain H. L. Howison, who will take charge of th« Oregon. Chief Engineer G. F. Kutz is ordered to be placed on the retired list July U6. This is at his request ! under the forty-years service lnw. Lieu- , tenant N. G. Sargent of the Petrel has ; been detached and ordered home; Ensign H. G. Macfarland, from the Concord to the Bennington ; Passed Assistant Paymas- i ter Edwin B. Webster, detached from the Concord and given two months' leave of j absence; Passed Assistant Paymaster J. S. Phillips, detached from the Bennington and given three months' leave. The steamer Farallon, which sailed from this port May 7 for Yaquina Bay, re turned yesterday for repairs, having struck a rock* off Little River. She was only slightly damaged. The battle-ship Oregon left port for Santa Barbara Coannel yesterday morn ing. She will begin her trial to-morrow. Captain Carey of the steamship Mono wai ana his daughter, Miss Violet Carey, left for New York yesterday. They will return in time to sail on the 'Monowai the latter part of the month. School teaching seems to be the most popular of all the fields that are open to college women. In 18.90 there were in the United States 735 women who were pro fessors in colleges and universities. NEW TO : DAT. MAY OUTER GARMENTS AT END-OF-SEASON PRICES. jgfL \ %fWi w\\ Now<9 the 11 *Jli/ j^>_^/| time — here's 9 yzP*. rf W -dr * n c place. «^J<i2*3:;/ ViiCjZ: We're over- mSliT" x jl. y £& stocked — «/^^r*^T weather has *•$ been against -1'&//&sj7L U — bound to * lose .sooner or later on surplus stocks, so we have decided to take the loss' now, when you want the gar- ments, instead of In August. Other bargains announced in the .Sunday Examiner. I s WASH WAISTS. The most complete stock of Shirt Waists In the city— too many in fact- therefore marked at prices usually asked at the end of the season— not one poor style in the entire collection— perfect laundry ; work— carefully matched yokes— the popular de- tachable collars— and the desirable Dresden and ! Persian patterns— linen color effects are the features of this stock. ; L~ „ Soft finish Percale Waists 50c $1 26 Percale Waists '. 75c Rose Pattern Dimity Waists, with separate collars, sold everywhere at SI 75..... ....$1 25 SILK Just one kind mentioned as a sample for. this week's price-cuttinn— there are Dresden silks with bishop sleeves— velvet collar and cuffs— lined throughout— about twenty styles to select from— 98 50 Silk Waist for $6 00 TAILOR-MADE DRESSES. The widest skirts— lined with stiff rustling lin- ing— t>ound with velveteen— a perfect hanging garment— made as only tailors can make them — several new styles of lined jackets— these are great bargains— $10 Serge Dresses.. *6 00 ! $14 Cheviot Dresses $10 00 $16 80 Serge Dresses. $12 50 922 60 Scotch Cheviot Dresses. $16 50 SPECIAL CAPES. ' The most desirable of this season's styles— plain, fancy and embroidered— impossible to describe them understanding^— tie seen to be appre- ciated— not a garment but wnat is worth one-third more that the price asked— $18 Cape 5 ........ $13 60 I $7 50 Capes $5 00 $14 Capes $10 00 $5 Capes ....$3 50 $10 Capes $7 60 | $3 60 Capes $175 A QUICK MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. KELLY &" LI EBES, 120 KEARNY STREET. SEW TO-DAT-DRT GOODS. , BLACK FR.E3ITCKC GOODS! FIVE SPECIAL BARGAINS ONE CASE BLACK FRENCH ARHDRES, (8 incte wide, assorted patterns - - - - $1.25 Yard ONE CASE BLACK FRESCH MOHAIR IID WOOL FAS- CIES, 20 different designs - - $1.00 Yard ONE CASE BLACK FRENCH WOOL FANCIES (elegant designs) - - 75 C Yard TWO CASES BLACK FRENCH SERGE, 4S inches wide - 50c Yard TWO CASES BLACK FRENCH DIAGONAL (wide wale), 45 indies wide ------- 50c Yard We will also exhibit this week an ele- gant line of NEW BLACK FRENCH CRE- PONS, prices $1.00 to $4.00 per yard. Samples Forwarded to Any Address. TEUEFIIOKTE 3VT^a»I3NT 5777. 111. 113, 115, 117. 119, 121 POST STREET. PHILADELPHIA SHOE CO, I STAMPED ON A SHOE MEANS STANDARD OP MERIT. t% . r \ v I / X DO YOU WEAR RUSSETS? We have the finest assortment of Russets In this city, and our prices are the lowest. We have Kus- sets for men. women and children. We have all the latest styles, and at popular prices. Yon can save money by buying from us. This week we are making a specialty of Ladies' Tan Colored South- ern Ties, with fine brown cloth tops and very pointed toes and tips. We will offer them at 81.75 per pair, and to see them is to acknowledge their worth. The stock is the best, the soles are hand- turned, and they sell regularly for $2 50. We never forget the little ones at home. Infants' Tan Kid Button, cloih or kid tops, sizes 1 to $075 Children's Tan Kid Button, spring heels, sizes 5 to 8 0 75 Children's Tan Kid Button, cloth tops, spring heels, sizes 5 to 8 00 Children's Tan Goat Button, spring heels, sizes 7 to 10i/ 2 100 Misses' Tan Goat Button, spring heels, sizes 11 to 2 125 Ladies' Tan Goat Button, spring heels, sizes - tosi/b 1 50 UTS' Country orders solicited. Xir Send for New Illustrated Catalogue, Address B. KATCHINSKI, PHILADELPHIA SHOE CO., 10 Third Street, San Francisco. HO HIT CONSU MPTIVES ! ii fa B X^iltoor's Phosphates. It Is worthy of all confidence. It cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pneumonia, Influenza, i Bronchitis, Debility, Wasting Dis- I eases and Scrofulous Humors. Be sure, as you value your health, and pet the genuine, as base imitations, said to be good as 11/11 DfIDPC COD LIVER OIL ffflLUUn D & PHOSPHATES Are attempted to be substituted by unprincipled dealers. They are not, but lack the peculiar vir- tues of this preparation. If your Druggist does not keep it, send direct to A. B. WILBOK, Chemist, Boston, Mass., the only Manufacturer of this preparation. wedding; Invitations, Announcements C»rrt« *>• -t- and Printed. Correct stv'e i™ J ,' lc " En *™vM and directions for corrertior?^ m^ 2 ° sam P!^ GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED AT 151 AND 153 FOURTH ST. MEN'S 5U1T5.....": «q on „ men's shoes: ::::::: * 3 i-" «p MEN'S ALL-WOOL SH.'and D 8... sOc *fW W PRIVATE DISPENSARY. en^nfi ft ' rinsof Blood. Skin and Nervous !>,«. Bo^k ,« l },? r * TlUen u tlI , re - OverMyeare'experiei.ce. s^sar o^r^ 0 " /reeaud «v J" 1 BOS(;o »! MeSCLTY, M.D., 99H Kfnmj Street, San Francisco, Cal. SPECIAL SALE OP GARDEN HOSE! In Remnants of 15 to 5O Feet, Worth Regularly 150 Der Foot. V^ O\mS Mi Pep Faat\^*< IT Ely .v U \^ /TTT^w^^? v *lllllt EVERY PIECE GUARANTEED. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. Note— Goods delivered free of charge In Sans*- Ilto, Blithedale, Mill Valley. Tiburon, San Rafael, Stockton, Haywards, Vaflejo. Napa, San Lorenro. Melrose, San Leandro. Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley. HP rK t \ THE Ulll I ILIIUL Ü BEST , . TWO CURED WITH |||g|jg||*j|| • ONE BELT. E«br»W?S^n>s§a SEATTLE, W4« x Sm i;: ''-'-^__^S9l October 19. ISS IS ' some time mo 1 bongrht I T>W« one of your Electric Belts i-'^fclr* '' for Lame Haclc. caused ny ?££•? trouble with my kidneys, vV . and in three days time the pain disappeared and has not troubled m« since. Your Belt ■ almost performed a miracle in curing my complaint, for it was so bad "f- 0 " 1 , wore the Belt that I was laid up in the and could not \vo:k. . ,^-a After your Belt cured me I lent it to a frifna. and the same Belt that cured me £?} e ,o him also. I have recommended your Be.t io every one I could hear of wbo was sick-, ami^uau ! continue to do so hereafter, for it Is ceriamiy a great invention. Yours truly, I'IiANCIS VICTOR « ILBEB. JBS- For price list and full particulars DR. PIiiRUK'S wonderful Belts, call or write for free "Pamohlet No. 2." . __, „__ Address-DK. PIERCE St SOg. .04! Sa- cramento street (cor. Kearny). 2d, da ana •*• floors, SAN FRANCISCO.