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THE BACHELOR MAIDS OF MONTEREY SEVEN young women of Monterey, all of them bachelor maids, and every bachelor maid of them a school-teacher, have in a pic turesque manner brought the modern reform movement into associa tion with the quaintness of the old Califor nia capital. They have brought the bloomer into the old adobe dwelling pla These girls, for they are not long out of the Normal School, are self-reliant. Not only are they able to ignore the sterner sex, but they go In advance of their gen eration so far that they can bid defiance to the boarding-house keeper and do their own work. They live in an ancient adobe house, running a home oi their own, and in a domestic way are as independent of the world as ever new young women can be. Their unique home establishment grew out of di.-^atisfaction with boarding houses and boarding-house keepers. The young women are known as "Trie Pleiades." They are Normal School grad uates, and tueir exceptional self-reliance may be ascribed to the circumstance that they are all Californians. When they This Pleiad Is a Crack Pistol Shot. [From a photograph.) went to Monterey to teach school they encountered the inconvenience of hotel and ■ boarding-house life. They agreed that reform was needed, and so they held a formpj convention i>nd resolved to bring about a reform. Educational subjects were not consid ered at that teachers' meeting. On the contrary, the entire discussion was about the home— about the home that they should establish for themselves. A result of the conference was that the teachers decided to lease an' old adobe house, a picturesque old structure with walls three feet thick, and with deep ver A BIKING COSTUME WOBN BY ONE OF THE PLEIADES andas on two sides of the many-roomed, two-storied building. The adobe that they obtained is the Thomas O. Larkin place. This house, in which dignitaries now One of the Pleiades on a Hunting j Excursion. [from a photograph.] historical were entertained in the days of Mexican dominion, stands at the corner of California and Alvarado streets. It is a typical adobe building, long, low and rambling. The tiled roof, nearly all covered with green mos3, is in pretty con trast to the whitewashed walls. The old structure I ad been for years without occupants, but in two or three weeks the carpenters, painters and fur nishers made it bright, homelike and attractive. The unique home of the girls, which comes so near being "ideal," stands prom inent among the historic adobes of old Monterey. The house was built by Thomas O. Lar kin, in 1848. Mr. Larkin was then Ameri can Consul at Monterey. It was the finest structure that the adobe city could then boa^t of. It is two-storied," with a wide veranda running around two sides. The courtyard in the rear is surrounded with a high, tile-covered wall. In thisinclosure ihe old time quadrilles were held. In establishing their nome in the his toric structure, the bachelor maids did not have to entirely refurnish the building. They found that the upper story was quite well titled out with furniture of Deautiful, antique design. This was all imported by Larkin from China, and cost thousands of dollars. The furniture i? entirely of iron, wood and onyx, put together without nail or screw. Some of the tables, of which there are several, weigh as much as 400 pounds each. The value of each of the tables is not less than $500. There are lounges and divans of odd and marvelous design. These are fifteen feet in length and four in breadth. They have hieh backs and ends and are covered with . There are wide drawers that pul! out from the front, with carved dragon heads for knobs. All the chairs are unwieldy, but are handsomely carved. One of the rocking-chairs is six feet high and is so heavy that it cannot readily be moved. The rockers are six or seven' feet in length and are made of iron or steel, bent in the shape of a wagon spring. Men yet living remember the piano of the Thomas O. Larkin days. That was an imported cottage piano, in frame of rose THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SIT MAT 10, 1896. wood. It still is in the old adobe, and is the special delight of the bachelor maids. Though the keys have somewhat turned in color and are wo.-n considerably, the tone is yet clear and sweet. This was tiie second piano brought to this coast. The first also is in Monterey and is owned by Mrs. Abrego, a sister of the present owner of the adobe mansion. In 1850 this Larkin house, with sll its furniture, was bought by Jacob P. Leese, a prominent pioneer of San Francisco, and has since fallen to his heirs. Mr. Leese occupied the Louse up to the time of his death in 1830. As is well known, the house was the scene of great festivity in the early days.' Jacob Leese Jr., who resides in Monterey, tells many interesting narratives of tile old-time hospitality. Captain Swasey of this City spent many of his pioneer days there, as he was asso ciated with Larkin. General Sntter was on several occasions a guest within the adobe wails. All the court balls were held there, and when any foreign officer was at Monterey he was entertained by Larkin. On the street, at the corner of the adobe, is a hitching-post. This is a cannon, which is planted muzzle downward. This cannon was one of the three original puns taken from the frigate Savannah to fortify Fort Halleck. When the enterprising young school teachers secured a lease of the mansion, they quickly dispelled the gloom which long had hung about the place. In the lower story the floors were all covered with Japanese matting and skins. As some of The Principal Living- Room in the Adobe Occupied by the Bachelor Maids. The Footstool Made From the Vertebra of a Whale Is to Be Seen on the Floor. On the Table Are the Rare Old Candlesticks. the doors connecting the rooms had to be i fastened up to make the different suites, the deep recesses left in the thick walls were used as china closets, bookcases and cabinets, and v.iih th«'ir blue embroidered portieres and draperies one would never dream that they were designed for any other purpose. Ail rooms facing upon the verandas are immense, for in the olden times they had quadrilles, and all the dons and ladies of the old times in Monterey danced there. These large Jront rooms have been util ized by the girls as living-rooms, and the visitor never fancies, when seeing the low. wide divans, covered with tapestries of artistic design and adorned with tlonncfd pillows, that these luxurious siesta ar rangements can be transformed into com fortable beds. While the divans look neat and pretty, they are useful and save room. Screens hide the dressing tables. A little discovery resulting from linger ing traces of the old-fashioned feminine curiosity added to the interest of the Pleiades' early occupancy of the adobe. In one of the walls was detected a little secret recess, which in the olden days may have been the hiding-place for the family plate and jewels. Stowed away in that place were found two pairs of antique candlesticks, carved in curious design. The young iadies have a footstool of the vertebra of a whale, which they picked up while on a ramble along the coast. They are always on the alert for relics, and their rooms are filled with rare old curiosities. The large "living-rooms" open into a cozy little dining-room. Where the win dows face "upon the garden in the rear, which used to be the pride of the Spanish grandees, is now an inclosure with high adobe walls where- honeysuckles, palm trees and sweetbriars grow. Within the adobe walls the bachelor maids think they have an ideal home. It is no boarding-place. There they can dis cuss, entirely away from the world, their own ideas. The walls have no ears, and it would be pretty hard to hear through three feet of adobe. One of their dearest principles is dress reform. They all wear tneir reform suits in the schoolroom, and, although at first the children stared instead of studied, they are now used to the sight and behave as well as they did before the innovation which proves, the teachers say, the falsity of the assertion that short skirts, bloomers and leggins detract from a woman's dig nity. The first appearance of the bloomers upon the streets of Monterey caused the descendants of the men and women of the Alcalde days to pause and ponder and shake their heads. Not a word of ap proval have they for the latter-day Ameri can women who walk or ride through the streets without the ancient and orthodox style of skirts. All forms of open-air exercise available for young women are popular with the teachers. The seventeen-mile walk or bicycle run on Cypress drive Is frequently indulged in. Other Monterey girls often join the Pleiades on the pedestrian excur sions, which include the trips to Point Pines and the lighthouse, and sometimes as many as twenty-rive of the "bloomer girls" are seen together on the roads about Monterey or Pacific Grove. The Pleiades have distinguished them selves in fishing and boating and at times THIS PLEIAD IS READY FOR A SEVENTEEN-MILE JAUNT. have interested the inhabitants of the adobe town by their exciting boat races. I'.luomer costumes are not worn exclu sively. In walkins some of the girls wear skirt's which reach to the knee?. When they go bicvele riding, however, they woar the unmodified bloomer?. The bloomer suit of the Pleiad is tailor made and graceful. It has pockets at the sides and straps for the belt and resembles knickerbockers, with the exception of ■rreater width. The goods is a heavy blue blnck serge. The wearer also has a Scotch cap with a large mother-of-pearl ornament and a blacK A Pleiad Who Handles a Gun Like a Man. [From a photograph.] feather at the side. Her leggins are of mole-colored corduroy and button, instead of buckle, up the side. A light shirt waist and patent-leather boots complete a very comfortable and durable outing outfit, with a belt of Mexican-stamped leather, so much worn in the South. All the girls are early risers, and every morning they may be seen, tramping, bicycling, bathing, searching the rocks for curious shells or having a lively bout on the tennis courts. They have a romantic, delightful home, and they are happy in it. Hard to Tell Apart. Among the many representatives that have come on from the Indian Territory this winter to aid Congress in legislating for that region are two young lawyers, both citizens of the flourishing town of Ardmore, bearing the names of Douglass and Ledbetter. They are both bright men and successful in their profession, good friends and have offices in the same build ing. Though not at all related, they bear to each other the most wonderful resem blance in form and features. They are as much alike probably as any twins ever were, even to height and weight. People of the town get them mixed up constantly, and clients who get into the wrong office take Douglass for Ledbetter, ana vice versa. The children of each have no more than one occasion called the wrong man papa. Douglass is a stanch Republican, ami his friend is equally as stalwart a Dem ocrat. The former is not only learned in the law, but is a writer of capital dialect verse.— Washington Post. Mark Twain's Hospitality. In his article on Mark Twain in the May Harper, the llev. Joseph T. Twitchell re call-, an amusing story of Mr. Clemens' marriage. His bride's father bought and furnished a handsome house for the young pair, ami Mark knew nothing of it until am-r the wedding, when it was shown him in all its completeness by a party of his wife's relatives, and of course his wife, who at length broke out : "It's our house, yours and mine, a present from father." Everybody came to hear what he would say. He choked up, and, with tears in his eyes, stammered out to his lather-in-law "Mr. Langdon, whenever you are in Buf falo, if it's twice a year, come right up here and bring your bag with you. You may stay over night if you want to. It shan't cost you a cent-" . • — m • — ••Clean" Money. A clerk in the redemption division of the Treasury Department says that t!.e "cleanest" paper money in circulation is that which circulates in Washington, while the dirtiest is that which comes in from Chicago for redemption. St. Louis is a close second to Chicago, and Cincin nati next. New York is next to Washing ton in the record for clean money, Phila delphia next, while Baltimore ranks next to Cincinnati for having dirty money. The money that comes in from Chicago, be sides being dirty, is always much muti lated, so much so, he said, that there is twice as much time consumed in patching it up prior to cancellation as there is in counting it. — Washington Star. THE HOME OF THE BACHELOR MAIDS. [From a photograph. \ THE old stage that is at present running between San Jose and Alviso is probably the most ancient vehicle in use in Califor nia to-day. Just when it was made or by whom is a fact of which there is no record. Judging from a careful examina tion, however, it is likely that it is the identical American stagecoach exhibited at the Crystal Palace in London in 1851, a description of which was published in the Art Journal at the time. The old coach is battered and worn, but j not enough to obliterate the fine work that j was put on it. This work is of such a degree of excellence as to indicate that the coach was intended for show purposes as well as hard use. The way the paint and varnish has lasted also indicates that an extra quality of material was used. All that ia known of the old coach for certain is that it came to San Francisco in 1554, having been brought around the Horn in a Bailing vessel. It was sold at once and for ten years did service ia differ ent parts of the State. The present owner of the coach is Ed Marlatt. He bought it about the year 1^34 and put it on the road between San Jose and Alviso, where it has been running ever since without any repairs except to the wheels. It made regular connections with the steamers that ran between this city and Alviso and transferred all of the passengers to San Jose. In the early days the coaoh returned a good income and the driver, Ed Marlatt. did a line business. He soon acquired considerable property about Alviso, the most valuable of all being the big brick warehouse in which the San Jose freight was stored until Ed's teams could transport it to its destination. Ed was the king of that section of the coun try in those days and could have been a Senator had he wanted to. The broad-gauge railroad made the first cut at the business of the old stage, and Alviso began to lose some of its import ance. But when the narrow gauge went directly through the little town that settled it. The wharves began to rot away and the idle warehouses to fall to pieces. But there was always a little business until the steamboat line put on its own stage to San Jose. But Ed never for a moment thought of going away. Not much. He and his old coach hadhelped to make the town and he intended to stick to it even though he didn't mane a cent. And he has stuck to it. in spite of the fact thru things kept get ting worse every day. As Ed had no use for the warehouse he concluded to use it for a stable instead of paying rent else where. Somewhat later he decided to move into the warehouse himself and save that much more. And there he has been domiciled for several years. Ed's business is at present confined al most entirely to the transportation of Chit.ese. He has a corner on this busi ness, as he curries them between San Jose and Alviso for 10 cents. On such days as the boat makes cheap trips to San Fran cisco Ed has all he ca:i carry, and the co^ch certainly looks picturesque with its motley loud and tired horses. Ed and his old coach are inseparable. Even though he wants to go to a certain place only a few miles away he will "hitch up" and go in the coach nil by himself. People in San Jose have become so used to the coach that they pay no attention to it when it pas.-es along the streets, but if it should drop into any other city it would be sure to draw large crowds. There is certainly no more picturesque vehicle in existence. The forty years oi service have told on it in more ways than one, but it is just as good for transportation purposes as ever. Every bit Of wood in it is perfectly sound, and if the broken windows were re placed and the paint given a good washing I it would stiil be presentable. The decorations on the outside of the old Ed Marlctt's Old Stage, Which Has Been in Constant Service Since 1 854. [Drawn from a photograph.] vehicle are worthy of admiration, and it is sale to say it would bs hard to find a coach-painter these days carable oi dupli cating the woric. The body of the coach is painted red, and in spite of its great age the color is still brilliant if the dirt is washed off. All over the sides below the windows is some magnificent scroll work in gold that is almost as bright as ever. In the center panels of the doors there are paintings of landscapes that are almost works of art. They represent Eastern scenery and are rich and brilliant in color. Both o*f them are splendid in tone. They were painted on the door by an artist and are not the decalconian?a pictures used in the same class of work to-day. A careful examination of the joints in the body of THE OLDEST STAGE COACH IN CALIFORNIA the coach fails to disclose any cracks, but the general appearance is most dilapi dated. Old rags and pieces of leather are made to do duty as windows and several signs in Chinese are pasted in different places. The cushions on the inside have nearly all disappeared. The floor is cot ered with rubbish and a vile smell like to- Ed .Marlatt, One of the Oldest Stage* Drivers in California. bacco and opium will almost paralyze the nostrils of any one daring enough to poke their head inside. RUNNING A LOCOMOTIVE. What It Means to Speed a Train Sixty Mile!* per Hour. To May Ladies' Home Journal John Qil mer Speed contributes an article upon the safety and coiuforts of railroad travel in the United States, in which he says that the highest type of American railroad is to-day constructed with such skill and sagacity that we travel in more luxury and more security than any people in tne worid. In considering the locomotives and the speed attained by them on pur railroads, Mr. Speed says: * * At sixty miles an hour tie resistance of a train is four times as great as it is at thirty miles— that is, the'fuH must be four times as great in the one case as it is in thj other. But at sixty miles an hour this fuel must be exerted fora given distance in half the time iliut it is in thirty miles, so I that the amonn' of power exerted and | fteam generated in a given period of time | must be eight times as great as the faster speed. This mean 3 that the capacity of the boiler, cylinders and the other parts must be greater with a corresponding ad dition to the weight of the machine. Obviously, therefore, if the weight per wheel, on account of the limit of weight that the rails will carry, is limited, we soon reach a point when the driving wheels and other parts cannot be further enlarged, and then we reach the maximum i of speed. The nice adjustment necessary of the various parts ot these immense engines may be indicated by some figures as to the work performed by these parts when the locomotive is worked at high speed. Take ■ a passenger engine on any of the big rail i roads. At sixty miles an hour a driving-wheel •V., feet in diameter revolve* live times i every second ; now the reciprocating parts I of each cylinder, including one piston, piston-rod, crosshead and connecting ' rod, weighing about f>so pounds, must move | back and forth a distance equal to the i stroke, usually two feet, every time the ! wheel revolves, or in a fifth of a second. It i starts from a state of rest at the end of j each stroke of the piston, and must ac i quire a velocity of thirty-two feet per sec ond in one-twentieth of a second, and must be brought to a state of rest in the same period of time. A piston eighteen inches in diameter ' has an area of 254U square inches. Steam j of 150 pounds pressure per square inch would, therefore, exert a force <>n the pis ton equal to 38,170 pounds. This force is applied alternately on each side of the piston ten times in a second. Pensive Penciling!. Ie has been observed that the man who likes to entertain his wife with remin i iscences of his early love affairs seldom i likes to have his wife reciprocate. How gratifying it would be if the man who had a fine voice thirty or forty years ago would only be contented with the rec ollection! Already the grass is beginning to be as j green as a servant girl from the north end v 'of Aroostook County, Me. Flies and the yachting season— but, happily, not Dun raven — will soon be with us. When a man takes a $100 bill to the bank | to get it changed why should he try to : look as if he was accustomed to doing the ! same thing every other day? A Chicago girl is never so happy as when i she is wearing a dress with a long train. ■ It is a delight to the observer to see bow skillfully she draws it aronnd in front to | cover up her feet. Speaking of rules for letter-writing, one good rule is never to write a letter when you only need to write a note. — Somerville journal. Above Suspicion. Mrs. Bigwad — It must be terribly em barrassing to be as poor as the Joneses; they never give anything to charity. Mr. Bigwad— Bat we don't, either. Mrs. Bigwad— Well, they can't say that it is because we haven't got it to give. 17