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FORTUNE FOR A PORTLAND MAN Elevated to the Nobility by the Mikado of Japan. ENJOYS ROYAL FAVOR. Will Be Given One of the Finest European Hotels in the Orient. HE WAS A SAN FRANCISCAN. Won the Gratitude of the Japanese by Generosity During the Late War. PORTLAND, Or., May 11.- William P. Uardgrave of Seattle, who has just re turned from Japan, is in this city. He brings good tidings of Louis Eppinger, formerly a leading caterer of Portland and now perhaps the foremost American in Yokohama. Hardgrave says that Eppin p<er has for some years been mine host of the principal European hotel in "Yoko hama. He made the master stroke of his life during the recent Chinese-Japanese j war. During that period he manifested more patriotism for Japan and practical enthu.siasni over the Japanese successes than any other foreigner, attracting the attention of the Government. He con tributed liberally to the Japanese sanitary fund, which other Americans overlooked as being no concern of theirs. Of this the Mikado became cognizant, and he has recently rewarded Eppinger's generosity. "Mr. Eppinger does not refer to the im perial favor he is enjoying," said Hard grave, "but from one of his intimate friends I learned that three months ago he was commanded by the Mikado to appear before him. Mr. Eppinger was escorted to the palace, as if he were a high dignitary, and was received without the customary formality attendant upon an audience granted foreigners. The Mikado, so it is said, expressed his appreciation of Mr. Eppinger's loyalty to tue Japanese cause, and before dismissing him from his august presence decorated him with an order which bestows a certain rank of nobility upon the recipient. 1 also heard that it was his Imperial Highness' purpose to build, out of his private purse, for Mr. Eppinger, one of the finest European hotels in the Orient, which shall be the lucky fellow's own. tax and rent free for life. At his death the property reverts to the crown." Durine the great stock-booming period in fian Francisco Eppinger kept a small saloon on Halleck street, which was the favorite for California-street stocKbrokers. For several years his receipts are alleged to have averaged $1000 a day. But he was not satisfied and engaged in stock gam bling, which also made him rich for a time, but in the end he fell by the way side, like many others, and he came to Portland in 1885. SELMA BURGLAR KILLED William Burke Shot to Death by Oificer Collins Near Merced. He Had Escaped From a Deputy Con stable by Jumping From a Train. MERCED, Cal., May 11.— William Burke, who escaped from a Selma officer last Monday night at Livingston, was shot and killed this evening near Merced by Deputy Constable Collins. Burke was wanted at Selma for burg lary, and was arrested in San Francisco by Detective Harper. Deputy Constable Col lins went to the City to bring back the pris oner. On his return the officer went to sleep, and Burke jumped from the train and escaped, with his hands still man acled. Burke was seen this afternoon leaving Merced walKing towards Bear Creek. He whs followed by Officers Collins and Dowst. "When they got within hailing distance they commanded him to stop. Burke started to run. Collins flred two shots in the air to frighten Burke, but the latter drew a pistol and nred at me officer. Then Collins fired directly at him, a bullet taking effect in the fugitive's side, causing instant death. The officers returned to town and re ported the affair to the Coroner, who went out and took charge or the body. Burke was about 38 years of age. RIVERSIDE TRIAL ENDS Jurors Disagree as to the Guilt of the Alleged Slayers of Mrs. Platt. Three Indians Charged With the Murder Will Be Retried Separately. RIVERSIDE, Cal., May 11.— The first trial of the three Indians— Francisco Gua vish, Francisco Rodriguez and Antonio Trujillo— chargd with the murder of Mrs. Mary J. Platt, the Picbango Indian reser vation school-teacher, on September 2u, 1894, came to an end this morning, when Judge Noyes discharged the jury after its failure to agree. The cu3e was submitted on Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock, the conclusion of a ten-day trial which was fairly and ably conducted on both sides. The jury came into the courtroom Saturday evening at 8 o'clock and reported a disagreement, standing seven to five. It was sent back for further consideration, but came in again on Saturday at 10:30 A. M., reported a disagreement and asked for further in structions, which were given by the court. This morning when discharged the jury Btood eight to four in favor of the convic tion of ttie three Indians. A new trial was ordered and the defendants will be tried separately— Guavish on June 5, Tru jillo on June 15 and Rodriguez on June 22. On the night of September 20, 1894, the school house on the Pichango Indian .reservation was burned and the body of Mrs. Mary J. Platt, the reservation teacher, was incinerated in the fire. Mrs. Platt had living rooms in connection with the s>cliool building. She was alone, except for a niece, a little girl 9 years old. The latter was awakened about 11 o'clock at night by fire on her bed. She called to Mr?. Platt, but got no response, and as she went out thiough the kitchen she saw a pile of wood burning there and smelled kerosene oil. Antonio Molido was arrested last autumn on a charpe of complicity in the crime and Inter made a confession implicating the thrre whose trial has just ended. Molido's story was that the four went to Mrs. Platt's house, rapped at the door, ana when she responded clutched her by the throat, dragged her out of the house to a lonely spot some yards distant, and killed her to cover si more diabolical crime. They took her lifeless body back to the house, built a large pile of oak stovewood around it and set fire to the wood. Upon Moiido's confession he was sen tenced to life imprisonment in San Quen tin. CONFLAGRATION AT APTOS. The Entire Village Narrowly Escapes De struction — Hard Work Saves the Ocean House. APTOS, Cal., May 12.— Fire that started in the grocery-store of D. M. Rice & Son, in this town, shortly after midnight this morning destroyed a blacksmith-shop and Hihm's saloon. The loss on the latter two buildings was about $700 and on Rice & Son's store and stock $2200. The fire burned so rapidly that the Ocean House narrowly escaped destruc tion; in fact, but for the hard labor of every man and boy in Aptos the entire village would have been swept away. Sooth- Tuckers Banqueted at Seattle. SEATTLE, Wabh., May 11. — Seattle gave Commander and Consul Booth- Tucker a royal welcome on their arrival this morning and a public reception to night in Ranke's Hall, at which 3000 per sons were present. Mrs. Booth-Tucker appeared fatigued and worn, but she took an active part throughout the exercises day and evening, speaking several times and leading in prayer. The Commander talked at length. HOW BISHOP SEGERS DIED Frank Fuller Confesses to the Killing of the Prelate Years Ago. • Says They Quarreled Over a Klootch man and He Took His Enemy's Life. TACOMA, Wash., May IL— Frank Ful ler, sentenced at Sitka on December 2, 1887, to ten years at the F«deral peniten tiary on McNeils Island, near here, for the murder of Bishop Segers, a Roman Catho lic ecclesiastic of Nisqually, was released to-day, his term, with the customary de ductions for good behavior, having ended. For the first time since his arrest he to-day broke his long silence and spoke of the crime, doing so guardedly. "The Bishop," said he, "was not the man his friends believed him to be. We had trouble over an Indian woman — a Klootchman. It came to a situation where it was either his life or mine. Mine was as sweet to me as his to him. 1 came back to the settlement; his body was found in the camp. That is all I will say." The murder of Bishop Segers caused a great sensation in 1887. The prelate was one of the most distinguished men in the church on this coast. The diocese of Nisqually embraces the western part of this State. Bishop Segers left here with Fuller as his private secretary and com panion to visit the missions in Alaska. Fnr up in the Yukon country they were camped one night. The Indian guides were temporarily absent. Wh^n they re turned they found the Bishop murdered and Fuller gone. Fuller stopped at Juneau and did not attempt to leave the Territory. He was arrested, tried at Sitka and convicted of manslaughter. He refused to testify in his own behalf or to explain. The de fense tried to show that Indians com mitted the murder. A strong sentiment in favor of Fuller existed in the Territory among certain whites, but others de manded a relentless prosecution. Many believed him innocent. For the past seven years Fuller has been trusty at the penitentiary and won the re spect and regard of every official there. He maintained absolute silence as to the murder and rarely spoke on the subject He was termed "TheSileiit Man" and was a star convict. He acted as a house ser vant, and while he had many cbances to escape he held aloof. Faller is tall and dignified of bearing, wears a Vandyke beard, has mild blue eyes, and even in convict stripes was a striking figure. He says he will remain in Tacoma and live down the blot on his character. TWO FIRES AT ONE TIME. Property Valued at $400,000 Consumed at Patersoii, S. J. PATERSON, N. J., May 11.— The two upper stories of the malthouse of the Hin cliffe Malting and Brewing Company were destroyed by fire to-night Three hundred and fifty bushels of malt were burned and damaged by water. Loss about $300,000, covered by insurance. While the entire Fire Department was engaged on the building an alarm was sent in from the Machinists' Association building below the Passaic Falls, a blaze having been discovered in the upper story occupied by Garrett Planter, a silk throwster. Chief Engineer Stagg dispatched to Pas saic for two engines, but before they arrived the structure was nearly con sumed. , The Hallichen Brothers oc cupied the second floor for weaving silk goods and a few small firms were lo cated on the lower floor. The silk firms estimate their loss at $50,000 each, partly covered by insurance. The loss on the building is insured. • ■ ' . . ■ . : ■ • A Carpet- Mill Burned. MOUNT HOLLY, N. J., May 11.-The carpet-mili of C. H. Mastland & Sons was destroyed by fire to-day. Thb building and machinery were owned by W. & J. Sloane of New York, and the loss is esti mated at $400,000, on which is $150,000 in surance. Mastland & Sons' loss is not known. Sot a Ripple of Excitement. BATON ROUGE, La., May 11.— The recently elected Legislature assembled to day at noon and organized. Not a ripple of excitement was visible. Captain Pharr, the Populist- Republican candidate for Governor, was not on hand. The vote for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor will be announced to-morrow. Sot Paying Expenses. CHICAGO. 111., May 11.— A bill was filed in court to-day on behalf of the hold ers of the 1170,000 of Chicago Panopticon bonds to foreclose the mortgage on the place of amusement on Wabash avenue and for the appointment of a receiver. The plant is said to be not paying ex penses. Johnny Houlihan's Final Knockout. HARTFORD, Conn., May 11.— Johnny Houlihan, 22 years of age, who was knocked out by Patsy Nol&n in a prize fight in New Britain Thursday evening, died there early tnis morning. It is thought that death was caused by brain fever. The police are looking for Nolan. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1896. SUPERVISORS AT SAN JOSE Representatives of Twenty Counties Meet in Convention. FUNDING BILL OPPOSED. Resolutions Protesting Against Its Passage Are Adopted Unanimously. IMPROVEMENT OF HIGHWAYS. The Good Roads Question to Be Ex haustively Discussed at the Meeting. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 11.— The fourth annual State convention of the Courty Boards of Supervisors convened at the Courthouse in this city this moraine. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor M. B. Ivory of Contra Costa County, who was chairman of the last convention. The purpose of the gathering is to discuss questions pertaining to county govern ment, but the principal question consid ered will be that of building and main taining good roads. A. Greeninger of this county was elected chairman of the convention, and J. D. En right of Santa Cruz secretary. About sixty delegates are present, representing twenty counties, as follows: Alemeda—H. Bailey, J. E.Johnston and W. H. Church. Alpine— D. Helnsoth. Colusa— J. 11. Laugenour, C. C. Felts and A. P. Spaulding. Contra Costa— M. B. Ivory. Kern— J. W. White. Los Angeles— E. S. Field, A. W. Francisco and W. L. Woodward. Madera— J. F. Ward. Nevada— E. W. Donnelly. San Bernardino — G. R. Holbrook. San Joaquin — O. J. Hemphill. San Luis Obispo— J. B. Kester and D. Walte. Santa Barbara— E. de la Cucsta. Santa Clara— A. Greeninger, John Roil, J. 8. Selby, George E. Rea and S. F. Ayer. Santa Cruz— J. D. Enright, A. G. Lay, J. A. Llnscott, S. H. Ranabo and A. P. Stanton. San Francisco— J. I. Dimond, E. C. Hughes, E. L. Wagner and C. L. Taylor. Solano— E. McGettigan, J. H. McCudden, B. J. Devlin and J. A. Clark. Sonoma — E. S. Gray. Tehama— O. Leininger. Ventura— F. E. Davis and K. P. Grant. Joseph L. Maude, Marsden Manson and R. C. Irvine of the State Board of Public Highways, were present to-day, and on motion were made members of the con vention. B. Knight and T. W. Wyman of the Santa Cruz Wheelmen were present, and were invited to participate in the dis cussion of good roads topics. The follow ing committees were appointed: Resolutions— C. L. Taylor, M. B. Ivory, J. A. Linscott, W. H. Church and G. R. Holbrook. Order of business— J. S. Selby, M. Henderson, J. I. Dimond, J. F. Ward and H. Bailey. A resolution protesting against the en actment of the funding bill and requesting the representatives of California at Wash ington to work against the bill was passed this afternoon by an overwhelming vote. Resolutions on county road control were offered by R. H. Pringle, B. K. Knight and others. They are the same as recently adopted by a convention in Santa Cruz. Among the principal recommendations are that laws be enacted so that all roads be built and maintained by a direct tax, including all county and trunk lines ; that the roads in any district be built and maintained by taxes raised in that dis trict. They also recommend creating the office of road expert, who shall pass upon the construction of roads in the county in which he shall be appointed, and have general supervision of the highways un der the direction of the Board of Super visors, his term of office to be until re moved. Among the duties devolving on him would be to survey the roads, to see that work is done practically and economically and to direct a road foreman in each dis trict whose duties should be in the same line. In the draft of the proposed bill it is recommended that all funds now in the hands of Boards of Supervisors and under their control be left so. The tax in any district is to be raised by the board when two-thirds of the taxpayers have peti tioned for it, and when after so petitioned the board deems it advisable. It is recom mended that property-owners be com pelled to keep down weeds on the fence line and in the ditches along the roads, when once the Boards of Supervisors have cut them down. If the law should be adopted property-owners will also have to move their fences on either side an equal distance from the middle of the accus tomed wagon track, if the fence lines are not well defined, and a clause is tacKed on making it unlawful to use wagon-tires of less than certain width. These resolutions, with one favoring ing Government ownership of the Nica ragua canal, were referred to the commit tee on resolutions. The convention will be in session to morrow, and on Wednesday the delegates will be taken for a drive over the roads of the county. BOOTH'S VOLUNTEERS Important Acquisition* to the Post at San Jose. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 11.-The number of followers of Ballington Booth in this city is constantly growing and several im portant accessions to the ranks of the local post of the American Volunteers have recently been received. The latest addi tion to their strength is Mrs. Lizzie Rief, formerly a well-known sergeant in, the Balvation Army and one of its best workers. Mrs. Rief is one of the oldest poldiers on the coast, having enlisted in the array in San Jose years ago. Shortly afterward she became a trusted officer in its ranks and has had charge of a number of the most important places on the coast. She retired from active field service a few years ago and has since been one of the faithful standbys of the local corps. Since the trouble she, in common with the ma jority of the corps, has been undecided as to the proper course to pursue until now. Sergeant John Phillips, another old eoldier and a faithful local officer in the army, has also expressed himself very favorably for the volunteers, and it is ex pected will Boon enlist under the volun teer standard. Captain James Smith, the new leader, will take charge this week, at which time a grand rally will be held. The post has been made the recipient of a floe American flag, by a number of the citizens, and it will be formally presented on the occasion of the new captain's ap pearance. The local workers are now in corres pondence with fourteen places where posts are to be organized as soon as Ballington Booth comes to the coast. Four of the leading field officers of the old army have also expressed themselves in favor "of the movement, and will enlist as soon as the commander formally organizes this State, ana others are contemplating the same step. BANDIT MILLER SENTENCED Twelve Tears of His Life to Be Spent at Folsom Prison. SAN JOSE, Cal., May IL— George Miller, the highwayman who escaped from Officer Monroe on February 20 and exchanged a fusilade of shots with a half dozen officers at First and Santa Clara streets, in this city, was this morning sen tenced to twelve years' imprisonment at Folsom by Judge Lorigan for assaulting Monroe with intent to murder. Miller held up Charles Berryman on the Los Gatqs road on February 20 and re lieved nim of a gold watch and some money. Later in the evening he was ar rested by Constable Haley on suspicion of being the robber. At the corner of First and Santa Clara streets Haley turned Miller over to Monroe, while he went in search of Berryman to identify the man. As soon as Haley had taken a few steps Miller broke away from Mouroe and fired two shots at him, one bullet going through Monroe's coat-s!eeve. Tne highwayman then started down the street, and a run ning fight ensued, but Miller escaped in the darkness. A month later he was ar rested at Bakersfield. The charge of rob bery was never pressed, as the identifica tion was not complete. Miller is an ex-convict, and pleaded guilty to a prior conviction. PROSPEROUS HERMANN BOSS. Gratifying Reports Submitted by Grand Officers of the Order. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 11.— The Califor nia Grand Lodge of Hermann Sons opened its eighteenth annual session in this city this morning. Grand President L. Schar enberg presided. Other grand officers iD attendance were : T. H. Kremple.vice-president; P. N. E. Lampe, secretary; C Trautner, treasurer; trustees— R. Re'chenbach and W. Lued deke; 8. Simon, guide; L. M. Fabry, in side watchman; E. Strahlmann, outside watchman. Nineteen of the twenty-three lodges in the State are represented Dy about sixty delegates. The reports of the grand officers showed the order to be in a prosperous condition. Grand Treasurer Trantner reported that the funds on hand of the several lodges amounted to $60,929 41. The recommen dation of the grand president to open a labor bureau in San Francisco was dis cussed and it was finally adopted. ENDLAVORENN TO MEET. Convention of California Societies Will Open on Thursday. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 11.— The State convention of the Christian Endeavor So cieties of California will meet in this city next Thursday and continue in session until Sunday. It is expected that nearly 2000 delegates will be in attendance, and the local societies have made elaborate preparations for their reception and enter tainment. The carnival pavilion has Ixeu secured for the meetings. The convention will be called to order by the State president, Giles Kellocg of San Dieeo, who will arrive with the other State officers and a delegation ot 100 on Thursday from Los Angeles on a special train. TOUTHEDS INDENDLARIES. Three Lads Arraigned for Setting Fire in a House. SAN JOSE, Cal., May Jl.— Three youthful firebugs were arraigned before Justice Gass this afternoon on a charge of arson. They were Gussia Brechtel, aged 8 years, and Johnnie and Bertie Sullivan, aged 12 and 7 respectively. After rec eiv mg a good lecture, the elder two boys were loceed up for a few hoars to frighten them. About three weeks ago the boys burned a deserted house on the Cottle ranch on the Monterey road, causing a loss of about $500. PARISH AGAINST PASTOR. A Noted Boston Minister Who Refuses Either to Resign or Submit to a Reduction of Salary. BOSTON, Mass., May 11.— There is a lively contest on at the famous old "Brim stone corner" between the parish and pastor, the like of which probably has never been seen before in the noted Park street Congregational Church. The soci ety wants the Rev. Isaac J. Lansing to resign his pastorate, but he refuses. Dr. Lansing is the man who achieved National notoriety not long ago by pub licly chaigine that President Cleveland drank too much. He also publicly de nounced Governor Greenhalge. His salary has been reduced to $2000 For three years. he has been getting $7000 a year. This is the largest salary paid in Boston. There is a deficit of $4500 in the church finances this year. A stormy meeting was held last week, but the facts did not get out until yester day. When a motion for the pastor's resignation was introduced Lansing imme diately declared with great vehemence his great indignation that such a motion was presented in such a way. He declared that it would have no weight or effect with him, and that he should retuse absolutely to resign or submit to a reduction of sal ary, no matter what action was taken at that time relative to the motion. Then he left the room in great anger. After he had gone a vote was taken de manding his resignation. It is understood Lansing has taken legal advice, and that he maintains that the only way to force him out is by a council. In order to ob tain this council the aociety, church and pastor must unite in a call. If the pastor refuses to do this the council cannot be convened. In other words, the claim is that he can remain as long as he chooses. A PUZZLING INQUIRY What Will Uncle Sam Charge for Dock ing an English Warship? NEW YORK. N. V., May 11.— A Times special from Washington says: It is un derstood that a British warship will be docked at the Puget Sound drydock. Some inquiry has come from Canadian officials regarding the charge for docking an Eng lish ship. Such a request from the Brit ish Government is a novelty to the Navy Department. That Government is so well supplied with clocking facilities that it rarely has to depend upon the courtesy of other nations for such service. The United States frequently asks for the privilege of docking ships at foreign docks. The charge usually made for docking a warship is sufficient to cover the cost of running the pumping plant and the necessary incidental expense of filling and emptying and refilling the dock. In the case of a merchant ship the regular charge for docking is made by the Govern ment owning the dock. In the case of the Puget Sound struc ture there may be some delay in docking a foreign ship as the dock does not yet belong to the Government. It is still the property of the contractors and their per mission must be obtained before the docK can be used. The Greater Sew Torn Bill Signed. ALBANY, N. V., May 11.— Governor Morton has signed the greater New York bill. MUST STAND THE ISSUE The "Supreme Court Refuses a Rehearing in the Case of Theodore F. Brown. Traffic Managers Who Violate the Interstate Laws To Be Held Responsible. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 11.— The Supreme Court to-day refused a rehearing in the case of Theodore F. Brown, general auditor of the Allegheny Railroad at Pitts burg Pa., who is charged with having granted rebates to the Union Coal Com pany. The court will now issue a man date, and its opinion handed down a few weeks ago will stand. This is a cause celebre in railroad circles, and is of inter est to railroad traffic people everywhere in the country. Brown was chareea with having in his official capacity specially fa vored the Union Coal Company, but when called upon by the Interstate Commerce Commission to testify as to the facts he refused to do so. He was sent to jail for his refusal, but was subsequently released on a writ of habeas corpus. The case was taken to the United States Supreme Court, which af firmed the decision of the lower court ordering Brown to testify as to the facts. It will be seen that railroad traffic officials charged with violating the provisions of thejinterstate law can no longer hope to screen themselves behind the plea that their testimony might incriminate them, but that they will have to testify, failing to do which they will be committed to jail, just as General Auditor Brown has feared. BERING SEA TREATY Ratifications About to Be Formally Ex- changed With Great Britain. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 11.— It is understood that Embassador Bayard and the representative of the Foreign Office will formally exchange ratifications in London to-day or to-morrcw of the Bering Sea sealing claims arbitration treaty, which was amended by the Senate April 15. Promptly following this formality it is expected that the President will appoint the American arbitrator and that a Cana dian will be appointed to represent Great Britain. Under the terms of the treaty the two arbitrators will meet as soon as the cases are ready for consideration at Victoria, B. C, to determine damages accruing to Canadian sealing vessels in the Bering Sea prior to the Paris tribunal. Under the provisions of this new con vention the two arbitrators will take testi mony at San Francisco if the cases cannot all be completed at Victoria and they will then report their findings to their respec tive Governments! Wnere their recom mendations agree the claims will be promptly settled, but if any disagreements occur such cases will be delivered to the President of the Swiss republic, wtio has consented to decide disputed points. A COMING EVENT FORESHADOWED Gray Gables Keing Overhauled for the Reception of Mrs. Cleveland. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 11.— When the assertion was made a few days ago that the President's house at Gray Gables had been put in readiness for the family ; that the President's favorite boat was being overhauled, and that even the fish seemed to be eagerly waiting for his appearance, it was also viven out that Mrs. Cleveland and the children would go to their house on the shores of Buzzards Bay earlier this year than usual. The knowing ones smiled when they heard that Mrs. Cleveland was about to re tire from Washington society, and said that Marion would soon be two years old. The intervals ber.yeen the children in the Cleveland family have so far been about two years in each case, and gossips say that the next interval will be about the same; that the interesting event will take place in July. For a Monetary Conference. WASHINGTON. D. C, May 11.— Mr. Corliss of Michigan offered in the House to-day a resolution requesting the Presi dent to invite the leading commercial na tions of the world to join in an interna tional monetary conference, to be held as early as practicable. The proposed confer ence is to be held in Washington, and $100,000 is appropriated for defraying ex penses. Sot This Session. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 11.—Hub bard of Missouri, who made tae mimority report on Powers' funding bill, states posi tively that the bill will not be considered at this session. He gets his information from a Representative who talked with Speaker Reed. Senator White said to-day: "No, the funding bill will not come up this session. The Santa Monica project has knocked it out." LIKE BASQGO'S GHOST. The Brown Case Sow Bobs Up Before Chicago i'ongregationalists. CHICAGO, 111., May 11.— A surprise was sprung at the close of the regular meeting of the Congregational ministers of Chicago to-day when Rev. J. F. Loba, secretary and chairman of the business committee, introduced in a short speech a resolution that a committee of five be ap pointed to review the action of the Bay Conference of Caliornia in suspending from the ministry Rev. Charles O. Brown, D.D., of the First Congregational Church of San Francisco, after he had been found not guilty of the charge of immorality by a specially called council. After a brief but spirited discussion the resolution was carried by an almost unanimous vote and the committee was appointed. KILLED BY YAQUIK Fate of Two Toung Americans Who Left Soaalrs for Guatemala. HERMOSILLO, Mexico, May IL—Ad vices reached here yesterday from Ures, in the southern part of this State, that John Lebner and Forest Moss, the two young men who left Nogales, Ariz., two months ago to walk to Guatemala, have been killed by Yaqui Indians west of that town. Both men were Americans, and their route for nearly 100 miles lay through the Yaqui Indian country. They were warned of the danger of their under taking before leaving Nogales. TICKET SCALPING ILLEGAL. Opinion of Justice Becker of the Supreme Court of Appeals. CHICAGO, 111.. May 11.— The Southern NEURALGIA, SORE THROAT, SORE EYES, SPRAINS AND BRUISES QUICKLY RELIEVED AND CURED BY MITCHELL'S MAGIC LOTION. It Sever Fails to Relieve. Can't Hurt a Child. Costs 95 Cents to Xry It, Any Druggist Will Get It for Tou. Study tht Directions. Grand Division of the Supreme Court of Appeals, in an opinion handed down by Justice Becker at Vernon, 111., to-day decided that ticket scalping is illegal. The court refused to expunge its judg ment, from the records in the appealed case of George Burdick of Jackson County against the people as represented Dy ttie Illinois Central Railway Company. The case will probably be taken to the United States Supreme Court by the National Ticket Brokers' Association. OVER AN EMBANKMENT Express Train Wrecked, One Person Killed and Twenty-Six Injured. SAVANNAH, Ga., May 11.— The north bound New York and Florida limited express on the Florida Central and Penin sular Railway, was thrown from the track at Anderson, a small station ten miles south of here to-day, by a misplaced switch. The entire train, with the excep tion of the body of the engine, was derailed and rolled over an embankment. Louis Nathans, aged 30, was Killed and twenty-six people were injured, but none of them fatally. There were 203 passen gers on the train. The statements of the conductor and engineer snow that the disaster was the result of a deliberate plot to wreck thd train. All the injured were Southern people. PRISON GATES APENED Mrs. Brant Pardoned and Returned to Her Family. LINCOLN, Nebk,, May 11.— There was a pathetic scene within the walls of the State Penitentiary to-day when Mrs. Frances Brant, who, last August, shot and killed Fred Reiver in Madison County, was par doned by Governor Holcomb and rejoined her family. She is soon to become a mother. Brant and his four small chil dren had driven in a wagon all the way from Madison County and camped on the prairie near the penitentiary. Leading Lincoln ladies joined with the husband in pleading for executive clemency. Brant is weakminded, and the murdered man abused him and trespassed on his farm. Carpenters' Strike Compromised. NEWARK, N. J.. May 11.— The carpen ters' strike ended in a compromise to-night. The bosses have agreed to give the men $2 50 a day until August 1 and $2 75 there after with eight hours on Saturday. The men asked for a $2 75 per day uniform scale. Sir Jacob Hesigns. CAPE TOWN, South Afuica, May 11.— Sir Jacob Dewett, British Diplomatic Agent to the Transvaal, has resigned. The action of Sir Jacob during the troubles in the Transvaal has been severely criticized. Some of the papers here charge that he was working more in the interests of the Boers than the English. Was Galimberto Poisoned t ROME, Italy, May 11.— Persistent ru mors are in circulation that the death of Cardinal Galimberto, prefect of the ponti ficial archives, was not due to natural causes. It is suspected that he was poisoned. An investigation has been de manded. Father Yorke Again. Rev. Dr. M. S. Levy w ni preside at the lec ture "Noontide of Freedom," to be given this evening by Father Yorke in Metropolitan Tem ple under the auspices of the American Wo men's Liberal League. This concludes the course of five lectures on the "Civil and Re ligious Liberty." Mme. Casate will render a contralto solo. Tickets can be secured at the headquarters of the league. Room 6. Ponohoe building. B efore you use a Sarsa- parilla be Bur,e you get the right kind. There are two kinds of Sarsaparilla. One kind contains iodide of potassium and brings out on your face pimples, boils, sores, ulcers; and the other kind contains Sarsaparilla and only herbs. The last kind is the best kind, and you want the best. Therefore get • If you are suffering from a bad Dlood disorder, or if you just only feel spring tired, use the best blood purifier, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla cures affec- tions of the Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and Stomach. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla cures Constipation. It never gripes. You can take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla all the year or at any time of the year. It is the great family medicine chest. It is the only laxative remedy that does not show a sting. ' It does not gripe or pain or irritate. It will, cure many chronic , disorders if taken as per bottle directions. Don't take a substitute for Joy's Vegetable Sarsa- parilla. B tw SI yi SM del fipHQH |H^« Quickly, Thoroughly, ■^^««?9 Forever Cured. i \ « suffer nervousness, V mental worry, attacks- Forever Cored. Four out of five who suffer nervousness, mental worry, attacks « LJ JtSSZ&jfli jj of " the bines, 11 are but paying the penalty of v-JwlV: *X *m£J3}jkjf \ early excesses. ■ Vie tima, reclaim your - . ' 'manhood, regain your Vigor. Don't despair. Send for book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. ■ — ~. ~ — : ~~ ~ : — Opposite U. 8. Mint, ,100 and 102 Fifth st., 'b»a 1 ran Cisco, Cal.— The most select family hotel la the city. - Board an room, $1. $1 25 and $1 50 per day,^according to room. . Meals 25a Rooms, aOa and 750 a day. Fre« coach to and from the hotel. Look for the co.icii heart ng the name of ttia Co* mopolltan Hotel. • WE FAHEY, 'Proprietor. KEW tO-PAt: DOCTOR SWEANY THAT THIS NOTED SPECIALIST -^- stand pre-eminently at the head of the ' medical profession is no longer a question- of doubt. That he has investigated far- ther into the mysteries of life, and pene- trated deeper the secrets of disease, than his quite worthy, but less successful asso- ciates, is now acknowledged by all. His experience is life-long, and his record right here in San Francisco, at 737 Market street, is simply a series of professional triumphs. \ There are thousands upon thousands in ! this land to-day who are praising his name, because he has made their lives happy and brought sunshine into their homes. The following are among the diseases he cures: ¥IH\PW Inflammation of, Brie-it's disease,' ■ IV I LI ft diabetes, congestion the kidneys,? uraemia, gravel, stone. DI tnnn? Inflammation, cvstltus, cyster-' DL.iVVLR rhea, catarrh of the bladder. FIT All cases of »cute or chronic inflamma- lilu tion, far or near sightedness, dimness of vision, scrofulous eye, closing of the eyeduct,' squinting, cross-eyed.wild hairs, syphilitic sore' eyes, granulated lids, tumor, cancer of the lids, etc. m Deafness from catarrh, singing or roar- ing noises, thickened drum, inflamma- tion of external ear, purulent discharging from ear, etc. "■;-.. • ■ lIP 111 Neuralgia, sick, nervous or congestive IIDHIIf headache, dull, full feeling, loss of memory, dizziness, ■ softening of . the brain, tumors and eczema of the scalp. TIIRAIT Catarrhal sore throat, acute and IHRIMi chronic pharyngitis, enlarged ton-; sils and palate, hoarseness, loss of voice, thick phlegm in throat, causing hawking. - l l'Vfi Consumption in the first and second LlilU stages, hemorrhages and chronic bron- chitis, dry and loose coughs, pains chest, difficulty in breathing, hepatizations, asthma, etc. HPiliT Valvular diseases, weak and fatty lIL.IUI heart, ; dropsy and rheumatism of heart, languid circulation, etc. ' UTAMtni Catarrh, ulceration and acid dy a-' illViil.-Hjil pepsia. indigestion, pain and full- ness after eating, heartburn, waterbrash and difficulty in swallowing. IHTR «P||Tl[ All diseases of the liver. Ml 1,11, ill LLuil spleen, bowels, all. nervous anil reflex disorders, rheumatism and. all skin diseases, eczema, salt rheum, ringworm, hip- joint disease, old sores, fever sores, stiff joint, hare lip, spinal irritation, nervous prostration. DIjpTIIDP Piles, fistula, varicocele, ' hydro- Ill>l ll'ul/ cele, and all swelling and ten- derness quickly cured without pain or deten- tion from business. - YAFIHT" MVX lf you are troubled with lVtiiiU lilbil, night emissions, exhausting drains, pimples, bashfulness, aversion to soci- ■ ety, stupidness, despondency, loss of energy, ambition and self-confidence, which de- Drive you of your manhood and absolutely un- fit you for study, business or marriage — if you" are thus afflicted you know the cause. Get well and be a man. MIDDLE-AGED AND OLD MEifisi of you troubled with weak, achinc backs and kidneys; frequent, painful urination and sedi- ment in urine; potency or weakness -of sexual organs, and other unmistakable signs of nervous debility and • prer..tu*i.*e. Many die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. The most obstinate cases of this character treated with unfailing success. ir.""' .- PRIVSTP diseases— Gleet. Gonorrhea, In- -IHI I ill flammations, Discharges, -Stric- tures, Weakness of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Varicocele and kindred troubles, quickly cured without pain and detention from business. .: RIMD 4 I'D WIY Diseases,' Sores, Spots, DW\W rliilF Mill Pi mD les. Scrofula, Syphilitic Taints, Tumors, Tetter, Eczema and other impurities of the blood thoroughly erad- ] icated, leaving the system in a strong', pure and healthful state. . DISK USES ftP WftMF\ V you are suffering UldL<W£i.>Ur IllMlLll from any of the dis- eases peculiar to your sex, such as falling or dis- placement of the womb, leucorrhea, suppressed or painful menstruation, inflammation *' or ulceration, bloating, headaches, spinal weak- ness or any disease of the to-urinary or- gans, call or write to him, and ne will tell yon just what can be done for you. FREE TREATMENT .Sg^,^^' Friday afternoons. . - -Vr WRITP your troubles if living away from If 11 11 the city. Thousands cured at homo : by correspondence, and medicines sent secure from observation. A book of important infor- mation sent free to those describing their trou- bles. . OFFICE HOURS: 9 till 12 a. m. and 2 till 5 and 7 till 8 p. si. Sundays, 10 till 12 only.; F. L.SWEANY, M. D., 737 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.. Opposite Examiner Office. DB-PIEBCE'Si TWO CURED WITH . SKATTLK, Wash., I 1 M^ff^^^H^r^ai October 19. 1895. I \ X^'-Z(t?¥§£¥%Vlr* Some time ago I bongh? / &onie time ago I bought*-/ •nWfi 'tf^ one of your Electric Belts {•• ' * or Lame Back, caused by *i?w - trouble with' my kidneys, ' **>v and In three days* time the pain disappeared and has not, troubled m* - ■ since. Your Belt almost performed a miracle in curing my complaint, for it was so had before I wore the Belt that - I was laid up in the hospital . and could not wo: . ■ :* ■ . After your Belt cured me I lent It to a friend, and the same Belt that cured me cured him also. I have recommended your Belt to , every one 1 could hear of who was.sick, and shall ■ continue to do so hereatter. for it is certainly a great invention. Yours truly, •■ . - I'KANCIS VICTOR WILBEB. ; JK3"For price list and full particulars of DB. ' PIKRCE'S wonderful Belts, call or write for fre« ' g "PamDhlet No. 2." ■ ■ ; ; Address— DR. PIKRCE&SON, 704 Sac- a ramento street (cor. Kearny), 2d, 3d and 4th 9 floors, SAN FRANCISCO. ... . - : ; THESUCCESS OF THE SEASON THE LADIES 1 GRILL BOOM . : . ■ OK THJE PALACE HOTEL. ] DIRECT ENTRANCE FROM MARKET ST., OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. v - Baja California : Damiana Bitters Is a powerful aphrodlsiao and specific tome for ta« / •exual and urinary : organs of both sexes, and % in-eat remedy for diseases of the kidneys and blad- • tier. A great Restorative, Invigoratoraad Nervina. Bells on ■ its own : Merits— no long-winded teaii* ':'. V; monials necessary. . ..•.-. -••-. .■•.-• ? . ' " '1 • - i.r.K. vl.l'.S & BBUNE, Agents, ' i 323 Market St.. . S. F.-Csend for Circular.) < NOTARY PUBLIC. _ PH ABLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- AT- i i \J , law and Notary Public, 638 M ■ rket at., oppo- : j Bite Palace Hotel. Telephone 570. Kesidenco l<J2f ' , Fell it. Telephone; "Pine" 2591. •' 5