Newspaper Page Text
14 THOUGHT HIM PREJUDICED Why F. W. Harnish Did Not Want Justice Kerrigan to Try His Case. He Filei an Affidavit Charging Bias Under a Mistaken Im press on. A presumed dijjerence in religious belief between the court and a party to an action that came up for trial was mad 6 the basis of an affidavit riled in Justice Kerrigan's court yesterday, alleging that the affiant could not get a fair and impartial trial. The case was that of P. W. Riordan, Archbisnop of San Francisco, against F. W. riarnish, in which the Catholic prelate sought to oust the defendant from a cer tain house claimed as the property of the plaintiff. ■ . The complaint alleged that Harnish entered into possession of the premises on March 12 last, tne monthly rental then being $5; that subsequently the rent was raised to $25 per month, which the defend ant refused to pay. He also declined to vacate. Tne Most Reverend Archbishop Riordan asked possession and back rent. When the case was called Attorney Har ris, who, in the absence of Harnish's regu lar attorney, Laura de Force Gordon, rep resented the defendant, presented an affidavit sworn to by the defendant alleg ing that owing to the prejudice of the court he could not get a fair and impartial trial, and asking that the case be trans ferred to another court. Attorney Harris argued that the fact of the affidavit being tiled made it incumbent on the court to transfer the case, but At torney Matt Sullivan, who represented the Archbishop, thought differently ami called Harnish to tne stand to explain his affi davit. The defendant did not seem to be very clear on the matter, but maJe a rambling statement to the effect tnat the Arch bishop, the court and the attorney for the plaintiff were ail of the same faith and in a nne, and that he could not get a "fair deal." He admitted being prejudiced against the court. Justice Kerrigan listened with due judi cial severity while Harnish was making his explanation and then remsed to enter tain the affidavit and ordered the case to trial. Harnish demanded a jury trial, but wilted when he was tola that he would have to put up $27 jury fees before the case was taken up. Then the cause was tried and judgment given for the plaintiff on a strung case being made against him. "The humorous part of it all was," said Justice Kerrigan after the disgusted Har nish and his friends had tiled out, "that 1 am not a Catholic. I might have sent the case to Judge Barry or Judge Carroll, bu; I don't suppose that would have helped matters much." HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. J S Clark <fe w. Cal B T Devlin A w, Sacto mpsondtpty.Cml D X Minor, Cal H .1 Edwards, San Jose A P Brayton. Cal E C Culler, i.rass Val E Hand, nakiand JI 1 Livermore M G Hadley, Mass Miss I. Hadley, Mass F J Adams. Nev City Mica E llohns, Jangstn W J Davis it w, Sacto I. .. Harlow, sto kton F Morton, .n V W C ll<'ilbron, Seattle W McKnlght &w. San D 1- .1 Magetti c\: w, Marshl J A Bernstein, Los Ang Mrs Beraslein & 2 c. Cal Miss Bernstein, Los Ang F Bartlett, Livermor • Mrs <; Keck, Livermore Jas Walsh, Paso RoDles G A Kane. Aryan City Miss J Brooks, Portland G W Haich & w, Vir Ctv .1 1! Prke, si-. ;o D W Anderson <fe w, Cal .1 Banen , Hanford R B Gage. Los Angeles H E Wilkinson & iv.Cal J F Williams & m, Cal A J Dugcins. Victoria Mrs Hoffman, Snta Cruz A C >hal*>, Net-dies Miss Herron, Pt Arena I' Johnson, Angeis Cmp HP vndruwa, Red Bluff R Diller, Chicago J R Vonßockjin, Seattle C Moltzen & w, Pt Reys Mrs Baker, Pt Reyes L Antler, Devon G C Alesandre, Alesandr A J Barlow, Boston S Kil ebrow & w, Mexico Miss Hernberow, Eng A S Cooper, Sta Barbara C X Crowley, Los Ang E P Tomkinson, Los An G A Parker, Visalla E M Porter & w, Naoa Dr W J Taylor, Sacto Mrs M A Heath, Portland P.USS HOUSE. G A Hicks, Santa Rosa S Chaves, Guatemala P <l:a:rs, Guatemala J A Milan. Guatemala A Moiino, Guatemala E BUmd, Ariz C Cumming, Monterey E MeGettiog. Vallejo .1 X iluberly&w, Jackson F Joden, Rockiand <- D Sheppard, dßkland H 1 ode-i. cak and J P Poits. San Hatael A Crow, P.eftsanton C B >ustuane. Woodland Dr L E Rice. San Jose Mrs M B Rice. San Jose H Beckers, Kresuo J J Bryan <fc (*.. Vina C W Thoinpsnn.Tomales W 8 Crtss, Oeddinx CFMcGlashan<t2cTnicke )1 '. Spy tier, Chicago P R Harris, anta Kosa 1' Malior.ey, Sr>n Jose S -; Little, Dixon •I Depoli Amador P Kirk. Seattle E i' Newhall, Wash R Shearer, GaU \V Miller, Los Angeles A Waters, Hocklin J Lawler, l'e-aluma L E Brown, Oakland B( >ar;ent, Stockton E Tavlor, Railroad Flat Mrs Johnson. Sac W Gilber;, Fresno \V d Oandy, Colorado W Eastman, Hoi lls er EG i ('•> k>-. St Louis D M Livingston, San Jose A J Kraob, Ft Madison E E Krabbi Ft Madison Miss Uausou, Fresno W D Houston, Chico LICK HOl W Mills, Grab Gulch L C Jacobs, Oroville 1 W Kenua, N V N E Boyd, Miirysville J F Jo^ea, Yuba City S W Rix, Yuba City C M Pec-;, Melted J F Pick, Merced J M Williams, Newman W T Cotter, Saratoga Mrs Huff, YiscliDunc DrG Ivancrouch, Cal P H Johnson, San Jose T P Tisdale, Alameaa W J Hellman, Cal W Campbell, Grass Valley R Levy, Cal G Lamont, Suisu n B Ii mmons, Cal H Cohn, Cal .1 E Frick, Berkeley W H Cleary, Stockton Mr-- H Clark, Sacto J H Dorety, OaklaDd W ¥ -pencer tt wf. Cal Mrs C Clawion, Portland J J Thomas, salt Lake P J Hennessy, Chicago T F Keely, Chicago F W Smith, Redding PALACE HOTEL. P H Beach Jr, Rochester J A Brent, Salt Lake (; Mason. I-os An:eles JC tislier, >an Die^o M \V Powell, Chicago J D Sproule, en co Mrs X >Brown, Pasadena MlssAAlirown, Pasadena Mrs J G !-> man, N V WBrewster&w.Georgetn D M Addison. U S N C D S.earns, U 8 M G Lyman &w, Pasadena R P laisdei, Los Angeles S Korean dt w, N V W i^lennou. Guatemala J\V Mitchell <fcw. LosAng J Swain, D HN EC X Folger, Oakland Miss Lewis, Petaluma X B Miller, Chicago BALDWIN HOTEL. J H Roberts.Sa- ramento A L Wolfe, Oakland G Schulze, Dixon G Valerro. N V F a Jeffers, liiinfnrd C A Trowbridpe, St Louis B Baruch. San Salvador CW I'rankel, N y <;><hwMrzfnbackJr Haiti M Curtis, Wash M m M Curtis, U'u<h J S Coxey & w, Ohio Miss F A Moore, Seattle B A Gi - nn. Portland T Worth Fresno RC de Ix>ng, Los A ngeles M ss I- Brown, >anDlego Mrs C B Carlin, San Diego II C Burns, Vallejo T Carmack. Vallejo NEW WESTERN HOTEL W A Perde & frnd. Cal KE H tcLcook, Elmira Mrs O Wilson. Los An& B U Fisher, Alameda A Hackef, Alameda X E Kenslig, Detroit M Gensha-.v, N V C J Godfrey. Oakland J E Browning, sprufle:d R R'odengenz, Ireland M E Davidson. Oakland G W Krelu, Wooibridge X H Wise, Portland RGCummings Portland P G Campbell <fc fy, Cal J C Owen, Santa Paula CA X tuts <fe w, S Mateo F S Grigs, Lexington II W ! lattenbury. Mo T A Catsoa, Lexington 3 P Meylar, >an Juan G Ellsworth, Grafton C 0 Hart well, Downevllle REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. James Campbell to James K. Garniss, lot on W line of Valenc a street, 90 S of Fifteenth, S 60 by W 137:6: $10. Kate Walt ham (nee Luhrs.and as guardians Wil lism H., Alexander G., Uiaries J. and Mary C Brockhoff) to \V. W. Lewis, lot on N lineof Twehty fourth street, 50 \» of York, W 50 by N lj*. $2100 William and Martha J. Crittenien to A. E. Buck inchara, loton E line of Eizhth avenue, 100 N of .1 street, N .5 by E 120: $10. Del phine Alexander to Tiieodore Alexander, lot on X line oi Forty-first avenue, 100 S of T street S .'0 by E 120: gill. Charles i. and Lillian M.Moore to Elsrin E. Stod dard, lots 242 and 261, Kt-yman Tract: $10 Daniel ai:d Ann Campbell (by R. I. Whelmi. Sheriff) to James Wehste , lot on SE line of Wyo ming avenue, 155 E of Hekles street, SE 107 by NX 50, block 9, Sears' suulivislous. West End 2 -5252. Mary Corcoran to ;-;ilen Corcoran, lot on S line of Powell avpnue. 125 E of M ission street, E 2o by S Mid, subdivision 7 of ( nmmintfs' map o* Precita Valley lots 354 357: $10. H. and Ellen G, tirady Io Horatio R. Man nln?, undivided third Interest In lot on NE line of Fifteenth avenue. 225 Si-, of Q street, SE 25 by NX 100, ON. and H.. 292: $10. i:ilen I-'itzpatrick to Ci:y and County of San Frau i-co. stree:s. eta; $1. Pacific Improvement Company to same, same; $ I • Richard E. Queen to same, same; $1. Charles L. I'bboiT osame, same; $1. Horace L. Hill to sump, same; $1. < aru-s T. and Abbie L. Patriarchs to same, same; 81. ALAMKDA COUNTY. W. H. Summers to Hose A. Summers, lot on S line of Twentieth street, I_s W of Castro, W 25 by 8 !«>♦;. Mock 249, Oakland: also Io: on s line of I uintiel . (.treet. 115 R of Brush, E Hb by S ]O(). block '294, Oakland; gift. O. 1., shatter Estate Company to Thomas Crellin, loton sK corner of Alice aDd Durant streets, S 150 by E 13394. Oakland: $15,000. The Central Land tpnipfvny(a corporation) to Pred ii. Weston, lot on s line of Thirty-third or Nolan street, 369 E of West, S 100 by E 36, block F, map of Central Land Company, Oakland; James and Mary Shields to W. H. Putson, lot on S lino of Minna street, 375:1 E of Telegraph av« nne ns It existed June 18. 1872, E 52 by H 100, biiiij; lot. 23, Liuden Homestead, Oakland Town ship; $10. 8. < '. and Isabel O'B'.eelow to William J. Dingee. 'ot 15, l/!ock D, map of Thermal Hill (formerly liowe) Tract Oakland Township; $10. O. L. Sh fter Estate Company to Mary E. Alex ander lot on line of Bowditch street. 60 N of tlaste, N 20 by X l-'5, b"iug portion of lot 6, Sbafter Tract, Berkeley: SlO. Dora s. Williams io W. E. Hopkitn, lot on N line of Bancroft way. 1*9.83 E of Piedmont way, N 145.70, X 50.05, S 148.10, W 50. to beginning, oi i:<. subdivision of the Benton property, Berkelpy: $10. W. II and Mrs. W. H. Rutson to Ja ues and Mary Shields, lot On W line of orchard avenue. 653:3 S of Davis street, S 50 by W 104:2. being Io - 52, Smith's subdivision of San Leandro, Erien Township; $10. Builders' Contracts. Babette Fe lerlein with Robert Trost, to erect a building on the S line of Bush street, 137:6 Eof Taylor; Havens & froepke, architects, $ iOOO. liouis Conrad with Peter J. Lyncli, alterations and additions to a two-story building on the S line of Golden Gate avenue near Poik street; $1375. Anna D. Whittell with Campbell & Pettus, to erect t wen :v six flats on the sK corner of Hyde and Broadway streets; Clinton Day, architect; $:8,256 William Sharp with Robert Currie, alterations aud additions to a building on Geary street, near Jones: F. B. Wood, architect; $1870. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESB OFFICE of the San Francisco Ca!I~ TlO Market street, open until 12 o clock even ctght in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery ttnet rorner Clay; open until 9:30 o'clock. 339 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 718 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, apa on til 9 o'clock. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. CHURCH NOTICES. Sp^^OvTA^rK^UETBOmST EPISCOPAL Bs-^* Church, cor. Twenty-first and Capp sts — Ber. M. F. Colburn, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. subject children's day service, entitled, "The Young Crusaders," accompanied by special decor: - tionsand music; 10 a. m., Boys' Brigade Bible class, led by W. D. Kingsbury: Sunday-school, 2:30 p. m.; class-meeting at 6:30 p. m., led by Rev. James Renwick. Everybody invited. Praise service at 7:30 p.m., led by Brother Robert Husband. At 7:45 p. M. service for young men under the auspices of the Boys' Brlcade. Sermon subject," "One Grandest Hero and the Greatest Fight In the World." Special music; everybody invited: seats free. ■ 3T~S= CENTRAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL -r~—r Church, Mission St., bet. Sixth and Sev- enth — Rev. E. K. Dille, D.D., pastor: J. J. Morris, musical director; H. M. Bosworth, organ- ist; R. V. Watt, Sunday-school superintendent. Children's day service. "The Younst Crusaders" at 11 a. m. Children's da and American flag day will be celebrated. In the evening the pastor will preach: subject, "Divine Fatherhood: Human P.r.' h-rhood." Rev. Dr. E. S. Chapman will lec- ture on 'The Testimony of the Rocks" on Thurs- day evening. ;p_p SIMPSON MEMORIAL METHODIST .S-jS' Episcopal Church, corner Hayes and Bu- chanan streets — Rev. John Stephens, pastor: resi- dence 309 Haight street. Preaching at 11 a. if. and 7:30 p. m.; the pastor will preach at both ser- vices. Subject at 11 a. m. : "The Divine Call to Man." At 7:45 p. M., special temperance service. Address by pastor. Sunday-school at 12:30 p.m.. C. B. Perkins superintendent: Epworth League service at 6:30 p. m. The public cordially invited to all the services of this church, seats free. Ushers in attendance. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. . -. qpsg* HOWARD-ST. M. E. CHURCH, BK- —■■■& tween Second and Third streets, two blocks from Palace Hotel— Rev. W. W.Case. D. D.. pastor. Hours of public services 1 1 a. m. and 7:45 p. M. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening. Epworth League 6:45 Sunday evening. < hil- dren's day service by the Sunday-school at 11 A. m. Preaching in the evening by Rev. F. J. Musters: subject, "Is There Any Life Beyond the Grave?" Church telephone black 961. ;*_^S= FIRST PRESBYTERIAN church, ur^^? cor. Van Ness aye. and Sacramento st. — Rev. Robert Mackenzie, D.D., pus.tor: Rev. Edwin H. .lenks. co-pastor. Rev. Mr.'.ltnks will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:45 P. m. Sunday-school at 12:45 P. m. Youne People's society of Christian En- deavor at 6:30 p.m. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. All are welcome to these services. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. 3^^~KIN^^OLOMON^LODGE. NO. jT~ ■S^ 260, F. and A. M.— officers and _fV_ members are hereby notified to attend tbe^JST funeral of our late brother. SAMUEL VAL- f^r^ LEaU. from the Masonic Temple, on SUNDAY, June 14, at 1 o'clock p. m. By order of the Master. HARRY BA. HR. Secretary. rj_^» MOUNT MORI AH LODGE NO. _\\ *J^ 44. F. and A. M.— Officers and meni-__ bers are respectfully requesed to assemble jK3T SATURDAY. June 13. at 2 P. m., for ihe/^ r x purpose of attending the funeral of our late broth- er. CHRISTIAN SCHEC RER. By or.'er of the W. M. THEO. FROLICH, Sec. __s§=» A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE tS^ Bricklayers' Association will be held at B'nai B'rith Hall, 121 Eddy St., THIS (SATUR- DAY) EVENING, June 13, at 8 o'clock. Busi- ness of the greatest importance will be brought be- fore the association. JOHN B. CAMPBELL, President. jp_r* ELEVENTH ANNUAL PIC- a_ * ; -w' me and family reunion of tlie %_/Bj> Servian Mon:enegrin L. and B. Society, __■■» SUNDAY, June 14, 1896. at California __B_H S<:bu:*tzen Park, San Rafael. Bouts 9^fri?'S leave i ibiiron ferry, foot of Marker St., BJsJSfcS st 9:30 and 11 a. if. and 1:30 and 3:3u __\MW3 p. m. Special train will leave park at w£ffi»sy 6:3Jp. m. A«U: t's ticket, round trip, in- ~ JW *' I eluding admission to the park. 50c; children's ticket, 25c. Grand tombola: first prize .$BO cash, and 130 other valuable prizes. COMMITTEE. !jK7§=> OFFICERS AND MRMBKRS~OF THE S^S? Servian-Montenegrin L. and B. Society.— Yon are hereby requested to meet SUNDAY MORNING NEXT, June 14. in your hall, 10 Cali- fornia street, at 7:30 o'clock sharp, to march to- gether to the. ferry. By oruer of LAZAR JoVOBICII. President. Lazar S. Chi'ri h .Recording Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. _^P~T>R^rH^i?^MXjrA7rDnin3fQu7sT^^^ -w— s^ moved to 1370 Marketsu; poor treated free. _^» BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4; «-~—^ collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 6580. »r_p coff_;y"s COLLECTION CO., 235 -r~-~^ Kearny St.. ejects bad tenants for $10: ail costs paid. Telephone Red 364. . ' DIVIDEND NOTICES. C£_sp DIVIDEND NOTICE— DIVIDEND NO. l-S>-^ 32 (25 cents per share) of the Hutchlnson .-ugar Plantation company will be payable at the office of the company, 327 Market St., on and after SATURDAY, June 20. 1896. Transfer- books will close Saturday. June 13, 1896. at 12 o'clock m. • I-:. 11. SHELDON, Secretary. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK JT by the day or month; has good reference; city or country. Apply 610 Clay st. SITUATION WANTED BY A RELIABLE O woman to do housework; is a good cook; will do washing. 924 Washington St., near Powell. ArOUNG GIRL WISHES POSITION TO AS- X sist with housework ; wages $12. Address E. A., box 62, Call Office. yoCNGGIRL DESIRES POSITION AS COM- X rmnion to elderly lady, or second work in pri- vate faniilv, or waitress in a nice boarding-house. Address MISS S., 19 Sixth st., near Stevenson. FIRST-CLASS COOK WISHES A SITUATION j X in hotel or bo»rdlne-house; city or country; I city references. Apply 81 Natoma st. poMPETENT MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW DE- \J sires a situation as housekeeper or chamber- maid: city or country. all or address 1312 York st., bet. Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. /"COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS SITUATION Vj do general housework; good cook and laun- dress. . Call or address 254 Natoma St. KKSSMAKER WISHES ENGAGEMENTS; $1 50 a day: good cutter and fitter; fit guaran- teed. Address W. T.. box 68, this office. YOUXO GIRL WISHES SITUATION AS I waitress or chambermaid in private family good references. Address W. X., box 126, Call, ] > ELIABLE SWEDISH 0 RITwiSHES WORK XI by the day. week or month; good cook and laundress. Address E. D., box HI. ibis office. yOUNG GERMAN GIRL WOULD LIKE A X position to ass st with li.;ht housework- no postals. 1623 Powell St., top floor. KALTHY WOMAN WITH FKU.SH BREAST of milk wishes a baby to nurse. Please call I 408 Chestnut St. | yOUNG WOMAN WANTS A PLACE AT X general housework or waiting on a table. Call 1907 Lombard st. V"I.M; WII)OW~DEBIRES A "position AS X housekeeper for widower or bachelor: good home more of an objert than wa2es: no trident need appl . Call of address Widow, 955 Howard. I T-Trst-claj-s dressmaker WILL GO OUT ! X I b\- ihe day or work at home: fit guaranteed; ] reasonable. 219 Golden Gate aye. jrr'XPKßl i-;Nci^ GERMAN LADY WISHES XJ any kind of work by the day; wages $1. 602 Howard st EESPECTABLE girl desirks position in nice family: general housework or cham- berwork: reasonable wages; in a nice home pre- ferred. 22 Fifth st v ■y-ouNG lady wishes position as 1 Housekeeper; city or country. Call at 1626 San (.'«rlO4 aye. RKSSMAKKR WILL MAKE SUITS, $4. any style: perfect fit guaranteed. 2 Rose aye , upstairs; no sign. . i YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN. WITH A BABY. 1 wishes situation, in city or country. Inquire ; 207 Montgomery aye. VfEAT GERMAN GIRL WANTS SITUATION 1> to do upstairs work and sewing. Call or ad- dress 2505 Va Mission st. . . p ERMAN WOMAN, WITH CHILD 6 YEARS i " X old, wants situation as ranch cook or as work- I ing housekeeper. Call or address 2028 Folsom st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1896. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. ■pOSITIOK AS GOVERNESS BY experien- X ced young lady; English branches taught; also Spanish and music. Ad. S. a., box 46, Call Office. p.OMPETENT GIRL WANT* SITUATION TO \J take care of an infant or grown children. Call or address 1429 Polk st- . rOMAK, UNDERSTANDS COOKING AND cli-aning, wants work by the day or week. .Address B 0., box 61, Call office. 0 ITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG BCAN- i^ dinavlan girl in a respectable family. Call at 1020 Mission st. . "Tmekiuan woman WANTS any KINDOF A. work: city or country: call or Inclose fare. f<23 Eighth st..^)itklaud. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS GOV- -1 erness. chamberwork or second work; good references. S. <;., box 17, Call Office, 7 COMPETENT, RELIABLE woman WISHES yj situation, city or country, as nurseglrl and sewing or chani berwork -nd sewing; good refer- ence. Address M H., 907 Dolores St., city. ■\f EAT YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE SITUA- i.i tion for upstairs work or general housework. Apply 1022 Larkin st. <C ITU AT. ON WANTED BY a SCOTCH GIRL kJ as Infant nurse with children; the best of ref- erences given. Call or address 529 Eighth St., Oakland. ■ \7OUNG LADY WANTS A POSITION AS 1 housekeeper in lodging-house or hotel. 203 Powell St., room 5. ' THIRST-CLASH FRENCH CHILDREN'S X dressmaker wants few more engagements by the day, week or month: terms moderate; satis- faction guaranteed. Address H. H., box 122, Call. VY r INCHES , EX HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NR. »' Market: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. SITUATIONS WANTED-BIALE. " O^rE^COO^sT^AWERsTPORTER^AND men for all work can be secured at J. F. C BOS- ETT >fc CO.'S, 628 Sacramento st. HUNTER & CO., CHINESE AND JAPANESE employment office, 17 Webb st., below Kear- ny, bet. California and Sacramento, tel. 231. /CHINESE AND JAPANESE RELIABLE help; tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY-CO.. 640 Clay. P C. G. COOK' 6 SOC. SUPPLIES COOKS; ALL X .branches :shorl notice. 14Gearr. tel.Orant4S. W. JIM. CHINESE-JAPANESE EMPLOY - . ment office, 637 Commercial: tel. black 1261. JAPANESE AND CHINESE EMPLOYMENT O office; best help. bI4K sutter: tel Grant 30. /CHINESE AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT \J office: best help. 4 14 V 2 O'Farreil; tel. K. 42a ANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED SALKS- »* man position with a first-class house in any line: best of references furnished. S. LIPMAN, 1319 Webster at,. POMPEIENT PAINTER, WHITES R, \J tinier, etc.,: will work cheap for private par- ties. hotels or institution: day or contract: city or country. Address Painter, 308 Twenty-fourth St., Oakland. Cal. - MAN, JUST ARRIVED FROM GERMANY. 36 years, understands grocery,, picture-frame factory, good penman, desires situa- tion; city or country; speaks English sufficient. E. S., 548 Minna st. p ERMAN YOUNG MAN OF 25 WOULD LIKE V.T to get a position as porter, gardener and gen- eral work about a private or business place; good reference. Address E. M., box 83, this office. yOU.NG MAN WANTS SITUATION TO X drive a milk or delivery wagon: has had years of experience; knows city well. Address j., box 5, this office. ■yoUNG MAN OF 21 WOULD LIKE WORK 1 of any kind. R. M. __ 11l Valparaiso st. AN AND WIFE: EASTERN PEOPLE: man understands general work on unvate place, horses, cattle, poultry: wife competent cook, housekeeper or .second work: re:erences. Address T. 8., box 63, Call Office. AKRI. C MAN. GERMAN, WANTS l'OSl- tion in wine-cellar; cooper by trade. Address P. ZINK, Biy a Converse st. SITUATION WANTED BY GERMAN AND wife with little girl 3 years old; man is handy with b:acKsmith and carpenters' tools, also about place and farm; wife is «,-ood plain cook and house- keeper; will work for small wages on steady place. Address PAUL KOTHER, Foresivllle. Sonoma County, Cal. SITUATION WANTED BY GERMAN AND wife, without children, to take care of ranch or work on a private place: man understands all kinds of ranch or private work; wife good cook: both first-class references. Address J. S. RATH- GEB;-.R, Napa, Cal. ArOUNG SWISS GARDENER, SPEAKING X German and French, and having pretty good knowledge of English, desires situation; has been employed in all branches of horticulture; best ref- erences from Europe; salary no object. Apply ss. G., box 15, Call Office. ITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN couple; wife good plain cook and seamstress, man understands the care of horses, cattle, gar- den, etc. and is handy with tools; references. Call or address A., 321 Ellis st. SITUATION WANTED BY COACHMAN; O thoroughly understands his business; also gar- den and cows; first-class references: willing about place. Address NED, 2426 Buena Vista aye., Aiaaieda. Cal. 9 PAINTERS WANT WORK BY iHE DAY' —i or contract: have their own tools and falls; first-class work done on the most reasonable terms: satisfaction guaranteed. Address Painters, box 72, Call Office. POSITION AS LODGING-HOUSE CLERK, X porter, janitor or driver for delivery wagon: speaks English. German, Swedish and Russian; references, call or address (;., 31 9 Ellis st. SITUATION 'WANTED"" BY FIRST-CLASS man around private place to take care of horses *and cows; Is good careful driver and fair gardener; handy with tools. Address F. G., box 17, Call. THIRST-CLASS man \ HO IS AN excel- _X lent coo.c wants situation around a private piece or to coo . for 4or 5 men on a ranch. Ad- dress C. F. J., box 152, Call Office. "yOCNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS GAR- X dener for private family or to take care of horses or on s:ockrancb. Address E. F., Frank's Hotel, Aiamtda. p OOD STRONG BOY WANTS SITUATION TO vJ learn a trade; machinist preferred. Address J. M., 2115 Pacific aye., Alameda. GOOD BUTCHER wants SITUATION. Call or address J. H. WALLENBERG, Yo- semite House. AMERICAN MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT A children want work on fruit ranch; wages to suit the times. A. M., box 14, Call Office. SITUATION WANTED AS MAN ABOUT tj place or care for place during owner's absence; city or country: references given. Address S. A., box 61, i all Office. \'OIXG MAN AND WIFE, No CHILDREN, X American, want work; man can do all kinds of farm and orchard work; good driver: wife good cook; be»t of reference given. Address Winches- ter House, 44 Third at., room 30. DANK WANTS SITUATION IN PRIVATE family to take care of horses and garden; also handy with carpenters' tools: references given. Address W. R.. box 9, this office. EXPERIENCED GERMAN BARTENDER Xli wants situation in a saloon or grocery store. Call on J. T., 1309 Stockton st ■-.-.■ p ERMAN GARDENER WISHES situa- VJT tion; good references. Address Gardener, 417 Kearny st., S. F. IRST-CLA>S LAUNDRYMAN, WITH TEN X years' experience at running a St. Ciair shirt- polishing machine, wishes it position. Call or ad- dress 1»21 Myrtle St., Oakland. \VT OODWORKER— WANTED: GOOD ME- '» chanlc. Address M. GLENN, Morgan Hill, Ca'.. YV ANTED— BY YOUNG MAN WITH EX- *» perience, position as waiter on a steamer. Ad- dress W. <> box 98, Call Office. "\TERY GOOD F ENCH WINE-CELLAR V man for all kinds of work wants situation; best reference given. Address W. C, box 104, Call Office. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR '» Market— Electric lights in every room: 203 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week: free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. ArOUNG GERMAN WISHES A SITUATION X as coachman, milker or gardener: good refer- ences. Address G. W., box 63, this office. PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT OFFERS X his services In the expprting of books, opening and closing of partnership accounts, writing up books and general expert work. Address P. C, box 137, Call Office. ; VY r INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR »» Market— Electric lights in every room; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus an I baegacp io nnd from the ferry. FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED— FRENCH COOK, $35: ~AME lll- can cook, $35; nursegirl, $15; French maid, $25: Italian girl for housework, £10; chamber- maid and washing, small hotel, $16; young girls to assist, $10 and $12. LEON ANDRE, 316 Stock- ton st. . OOK, AMERITAN FAMILY, $35: SECOND \J girl. $25: German cook, $30; 15 housework girls, city and country, $20 and $25; 6 young girls, assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULL EN, 323 Sutter sU , \TURSE FOR LOS ANGELES, $20. - MISS i\ CULLEN, 323 Sutter st. \\, r ANTED — LAUNDRESS AND SECOND ■»» girl. $25: 4 German, French, Scandinavian and Irish second cirls, $2 > and $25; laundress, In- stitution, $22 50- 3 waitresses for pprings and hotels. $20: 3 cooks, German style, $25; and oth- ers. J. t. CROSETT & CO, 31- Sutter st. •VTEAT WAITRESS, STEADY. COUNTRY iN hotel, short disance from city, $50. "-i-e party here 10 o'clock. MURRAY <fe READY, 634 Clay. WAITRESS. MINING TOWN. $20, FKrE '» fare: cook, private family, country. $20; and other paces. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. YV AITREfeS FOR SPRINGS. $20; 2 WAIT- ' » ressesand 1 chambermaid for same country hotel. $20 each, call early: wnitress, city, $20. C. R. HAN SEN & CO.. 110 __________________ PIIAMBERMAID, NOT TOO YOUNG. TO AS- \J slst waiting, country hotel, $20. R. G. WARD &CO., 610 Clay at. . . ' - . ' O YOUNG NURSEGIRLS, $10 AND $12. ALSO -• nurspgirl, sleep home; 3 girls for housework. M»KS. HIRD, 721 Bills St. - WAITRESS, resort, $20. HOTEL of , IT ZETTK, 420 Kearny St. . HELP WANTED— Continued ___ ___ \\T A NIfED-FOIirFAMTLi r 'bV'3. GERMAN »' girl, to assist with housework and care child; "a-es $12 50. Apply 515 Devisadero St., between Hayes and Fell. : '; ' ' Ur A NTED— YOUNG GIRL BETWEEM the ages of 14 and 16 for country; good Jio me. in- cluding clothes or small wages. Call C. GRUN- DE L. 335 Kearny st., before 12 o'clock. GOOD FINISHER ON CUSTOM COATS. 527 T Natoma st. . "'"'•" YOUNG, SMART GIRL FOR LIGHTENING X work. 1155 Market st. -■ _____ p IRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSEWORK \JT In small family. Call 222 second aye., Rich- mond. "\"TTUNG LADY TO LEARN TYPEWRITING; X free. Address S. R., box 80, Call Office. LADIES~TO SELL TOILET PKEPARA- tIons: balrdresslng, manicuring, beauty cul- ture taught free; exclusive rights. MRS. M. J. BUTLER, 131 Post st. HAIR-DKESSING; MANICURING LESSONS. MISs DOYLE. 119 a Powell st. and 105 Ninth. T EARN THE DRESSMAKING TRADE TUOR- XJ oughly at MRS. R. L. JONES', 605 Fell St. APPRENTICES -FREE "lessons EVERY A Tues. In dresscutting. 14 McAllister, room 67. IJ>EN.-slONa— J. H. SHEPARD & CO., OLD RE- X liable attorneys, 1068 East 16th St., Oakland. AiKDRESsiNO. 25<: AND 3&C: MORNING and eve classes; 10 lessons. sl &0. 1248 Mission. p OAT-FIN ISHKRS WANTED. 541 MARKET \J street. ■ • \f OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECT JX Winchester House, 44 Third St., near Market; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $8 per week; free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. ]"\RESSMAKING, CUTTING AND FITTING XJ laught; new styles: perfect fitting patterns 25c co. McDOWELL Academy. 21M Pow__j______ male HELP WANTED. qh7)KbuTclie^~and^a^js^g^m^ker^ 0 country shop, $60 to $60 and found; Japanese boy b"dmaker, country, $15, and fare paid: three milkers, same place, $20: dishwasher, country restaurant, $16 and found; choreboy and milk, country. $12; two farmhands, Santa Clara Valley, $20. R. T. WARD <fc CO., 608 and 610 Clay St. ANTED— MAN TO RUN SELF-BINDER, "" $40 and board; helper, same job, $30; 2 men for first-class ranch, near city, run mower, etc., $20 uud board, long job; also farmers, milkers, cooks, waiters and dishwashers. W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. WAITER, WHO PLAYS VIOLIN OR PIANO, "» for springs. $30: 2 waiters for springs, $25; porter, who can play piano and slug, for a resort, $30 anil found. c. '><. HA.SSEN & CO., 110 Geary. 0 SCANDINAVIAN OR GERMAN QUARTZ «J miners, $2 60 to $2 75 a day; 3 Hungarian quartz miners, $2 50 to $2 75 a day. C. R. AN- 6EN <t CO., 110 Geary st. EAD COOK, $80: SECOND COOK, $40; FOR a mountain resort. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 110 Geary st. . APER-HANGER, COUNTRY, $3 50 A DAY. C. R. HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Geary st. ANG OF LABORERS FOR TRACKLAY- ing; 20 farmers, near city, $20 and $25: 6 milkers, $20. C. P.. HaNSEN & CO., 110 Geary. 1 UNCH-COUNTER MAN: GOOD CARVER Xj and salad-maker. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. \y ANTED- WAITER WHO SPEAKS *' French, $40; waiter, small restaurant, $7 a week: cook, plain restaurant, $40: dishwasher. $15; young Frenchman to assist waiting, $20; French couple, private family, $50; French farmer, *25, etc. LEON ANDRE, '315 Stockton st. PAPER- HANGER, $3 50 A D A CALL X early; 4 cooks; 2 waiters; 2 dishwashers; wash- er, country laundry, $30. MURRAY <fc HEADY, 634 and 636 Clay si. \\' HE X I.W RIO 'IT FOR COUNTRY SHOP; 4 " blacksmiths; 20 farmers orchard an l vii yard hands; milker. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. ' Il\ RAILROAD TEAMSTERS: 10 LABOR- -1-" ers, ci.y work; 6 swampers, $26: 5 men to build roads, $26; 2 1 tiemakers. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 i lay st. V\ r A NTED^bTr DRILL MINER, $3 »' day; chuckman, $2 50 day; man to pickle olives, $2 I to $S0 una found; washer for laundry; farmers, $20 and $25, and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT <£ CO., 6.8 Sacramento St. Air ANTED— COLORED COOK FOR RESORT, ■ ' $35. fare paid; cook, country hotel, $35: cook for ranch, $15: second coo*, country. Apply to J. F. V.ROSETT <fe CO., 628 Sacramento st. p MAS WAITER, $25] ROOM, ETC. VJT chophouse cook, $35, roam, etc. MARTIN'S Employment Agency, 749 Market st. WAITER FOR COUNTRY, $35: COLORED '» waiter. $30. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny. PAINTERS WANTED TO ATTEND THE X special called meeting to-night, at 8 o'clock, at I urK-street Temple. Matters of great importance to be acted upon. - AN IN A WINEHOUSE WHO SPEAKS German : aCL as barke per: understands mix- ing drinks and i c a good inside salesman: only one with best references from la^t employer in the city need apply. . B. (">.. box 138, Call. iy ANTED — INTELLIGENT GENTLEMEN "" and ladies In every town to work at home; neat, steady employment: we pay salary: enclose stamp. Stand Manufacturing Company, 142 West Twenty-thin! St., New York. ■>. \\r ANTED— LIVE MAN, A LITTLE CASH '» and plenty of push; big pay to right man. Address B. 8., box 149, Call Office. i,ARBER FOX SATURDAY AFTERNOON D and Sunday; $3 and board. Twenty-ninth and Church sts. ARBKR FOP. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 604 Bryant St., cor. Third. p OOD BAKBER I I (B SATURDAY AND SUN- VT day. 3086 Twenty-fourth st., near Folsom. ARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY AND Sunaay. 822 Third st. ARBEdI FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: good wages. 226 First st. ItARB&B FOR SATURDAY: $3. APPLY AT X) 525Vs Fourth st. Iv ARBER, WANTED FOR SATURDAY. 102 X) Seventh st., near Mission. ABBKB FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 1500 Howard st., near Eleventh. \V ANTED— S QUICK BARBERS; STEADY • » work; 60c on the dollar. 207 Fourth st. FIKST-CLASS BARBERS FOR SATURDAY — and Sunday; good wages. 1317 Stockton st, W ANTED— A STEADY YOUNG BARBER. >T 133y_ Ninth st. pOOD BOOTBLACK. BARBER-SHOP, CALI- VJT fornia and Devlsadero sts. AN. TO WASH WINDOWS TO-DAY AT 989 Howard st. ANTED— GOOD BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- ing. Apply bet. 12 and 1 to-day 12 Mason st. AN FOR DETECTIVE WORK; "REFER- ences required: small pay. 8., box 92, Call. Vy "ANTED— A WAITER. 1805 HAIGUT ST. A'OUNG MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS NCR- X scry work; $16 a month. call 512 Haight st. OLICITORS FOR THE CELEBRATED MON~- -0 arch $4 made-to-order pants: warranted. Room I, 1028 Market st. "LMRST-CLASS SIDE LINE FOR TRAVELING 4- men; also city drummers. 23 Davis, room 29. IDE-AWAKE MAN TO TRAVEL ON COM- mission; call In afternoon. 36 Page st. ANTED— TO SELL A WELL-ESTABLISH- ed business: pay« $76 per month: small cap- ital required. 873 V. Market st. 1 f\(\ "CLEAN BEDS AT 5, 10 AND 15 CENTS. XUU Old French Hospital, Bryant St., nr. Sixth. PRACTICAL CUTTER AND TAILOR: NONE X but experienced and good men need apply; permanent position to right man. W.N. SW ASE V, 142 Eddy st.; apply after 12, noon. rp AILOIf S-COAT OPERATORS, COAT PRESS- Xers and undsr-pressers- good salary; steady work; under a new foreman. Columbian Woolen Mills, 541 Market st. / . '" r ANTED— FOR THE UNITED STATES Marine Corps, U. S. navy, able-bodied, un- married men between the ages of 21 and 30 years: not leas than 6 feet 5 inches in height; of good character and temperate habits; able to read, write and speak English properly; only citizens of the United states or persons who have legally de- clared their intentions to become citizens will be accepted: this important branch of the naval service offers special inducements: giving op- portunities to visit all parts of the world on board our new cruisers. For further Information apply at the Recruiting Office, 20 Ellis St., San Francisco, Cal. EN'S HALF-SOLING, 50c: LADIES. 40c: done while you wuiu 638 Market, opp. Palace Hotel; branch 767 Jlarket.opp.Wlll & Finck's, S. F. \\l ANTED— BAD ACCOUNTS COLLECTED "' at once; will buy them | Columbia, 128 4th st. 'TO ME. .CHANT tailors— best VESTS X made at reasonable prices. 935 Market, f. 14. ~tTTI7 ARE SHOE DOCTORS; WE REPAIR »T your old shoes and make them as good as Dew, and with our new machines we can do your work nt one-half the usual price; done while you wait. 662 Mission su, between First and Second sts. Vl JSNTO FEED MANHATTAN Si'OCK FOOD; ■I*l all grocers keep Iv WANTED— AN IDEA: who CAN think OF »» some simple thin; to patent? Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN Wl-.DDERBURN & <""0., Dept. L, Patent Attor- neys, Washington, D. C, for their $1800 prize offer nnd list of 200 Inventions wanted. ■VTEW A L DO HOUBET~76S MISSION, BET. i> 3d and 4th— Single furnished rooms, night 15c to sioc;week $1 to $2 50; reading-room : strictest atten- tion to morning calls: dean; quiet; open all nlirht. BEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR SECOND- band shoes, 749 Mission St., opp. Grand Opera- house; new calf shoe*, pointed toe, our make, $2 50 and $3: ladles', gents' and children's misfit and cast-off shoes bought or exchanged. , ■- LCHU HOUSE, b63V_ .\iARKET ST.— llooms 20c. 25c. to 50c night; $1 to $■" week. JUST OPENED: CONTINENTAL HOUSE, 521 lY.cifie st., below Kearny; lodging half price, sc, 10c, 15c per night: clean beds, sonny rooms. \V ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS »' to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third sl.; 160 large rooms: 25c per nigh:; $1 to $3 per week. "YV INCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST..NEAR '» Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- room; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. HELP RANTED- Continued. * ' BARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- XJ ment secretary, CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. I >AU.B_.K»" ASSOCIATION Or' I Al.i'.lll'ujr J> menu iiec'y, P. c. Hamanu, 239% O'Farreil. BARBERS— EMPLOYMENT CALL BEC- re;arv Barbers' A sso., 325 Grant aye. S. FUCHS. BARBERS - BEST- PAYING . 3-CHAIR We shop, laundry office and cigar-sta d for sale. Apply or address A*A BERDROW, San Jose. I) ARBEK-SHOP TO LET; $5 A MONTH. XJ Broadway and Front st. CALF SHOES MADE TO ORDER FOR $2 50> / half-soleln-^ 25c np. 959 Howard St.. nr. Sixth. ASTHMA CURE GUARANTEED: DR. GOR- . A. din's Chocolate Emulsion. 221 Davis, nr. Clay. \\r ANTED- MEN TO ' LkARN BARBER »' trade; only 8 weeks required; tools given and catalogue sent. S. F. Barber School, 1615 Howard. CLERKS' AND LABORERS' CLAIMS B'GHT; ) acts adjusted. RATTO'S, 612 My, tel. m. 353. BEST IN CITY— E ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night. $i. $1 25. SI 50 per week. Pacific house, Commercial and Lel.esdorff sts. SHOESHOP FOR SALE. APPLY 2903 PINE I 0 street. S. REMOVED 609 TO 643 CLAY ST.; _tOT- . tie wine or beer hot lunch 5 cents. OOMS 15c TO 75c PER NIGHT: ROc TO $1 50 XX, per week. Oriental, 225 Drummsu • \\f ANTED, TO COLLECT WAGES DUE LABOR »T ers<fcclerks. KNOX Collection Agcy, 110 Sutter Ur HAT CHEER HOUSE. 62a SACRAMENTO »» st.: 200 rooms; beat In the city, single rooms 20 and 26c a night. Ha wpek: meaU 10c. I INDELL HOUSE. SIXTH AND HOWARD J > sts.; single furnished ran 76c week, 15c night. lii/kMEN io TAKE LODGING A.T lOC, 15c XKIKt and 20c a night, Including coffee »nd roll* 624 Washington st., near Kearny. ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 16c A DAY; $1 v-eek; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; reading-room: daily papers. 36 Clay at. __ MEN'S SECOND-HAND SHOES, SOME nearly new, 25c to $1 25. 662 Mission. I-IREE BEER-TWO SCHOONERS FOR 6c; J also a bottl eof lager, sc. at 637 Clay st. TMHY ACME HlioSK. »o7 .m A IiKET ST., BE- I Iciv.- S'r'h for a room- V~'-° - n<-hl ■ $1 a -v»ck. ■ PARTNERS WANTED. T>A^T^E^ntU>T^_^BU&TNi£s^T^s^^ X quired. OWNER. 1176 East Fourteenth St., Oakland. AGENTS WANTED. MAKE $3 if) $10 A DAY SELLING LEATH- er suspenders: others do: exclusive territory ; sample 50c. 1332 Sacrameiito st. ■ HOUSES WANTED. YV A N TE D-COTT^SE^^F^^irT^ROOMj; ' not over $10 rent. Address B. A., box 8, Call. WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS. o r TaH^^TR^ETTpATD~I^DI^S?rGEN'fi'' j XX children's clothing; postals. Mrs. Hahn, 316 3d. SELL YOUR BOOKS. CLOTHING AND JEW flry to A. KLEIN. 109 Sixth m : s«-n<l postal- MEDICAL. ~ A NEW PROCESS— NO_LEDICINE, INSTRID^ -M- ment or worthless pills used ; every woman her j own physician for all female tioubles, no matter ; from what cause: restores always in one tiny; I can be sent and used at home: all cases guaranteed: ' if you want to be treated safe and sure call on a . man's physician. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny s:. A BLESSING ■TO LADIES— INSTANT RE- j lief for monthly irregularities (from whatever cause) by the most experienced ladies' physicians • in San Francisco, who restore all cases at once by ! an improved method, .superior to others: ladies . "ill save time and money: be assured of honest I treatment by consulting the doctors before calling elsewhere: patients who have been imposed upon : are specially Invited; home In confinement; ad- vice free. DR. and MRS. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St.. next Hibernla Bank. ALL CASES Ob' IRREGULARITIES RE- | _ri. stored In a few hours; safe and sure relief guaranteed; travelers helped without delay, pri- vate home in confinement: regular graduate ' physician; 30 years'- successful practice; MEDI- CAL ELECTRICITY used; ladies, consult the doctor before going elsewhere; you will save time ; and expense; consultation free and confidential. MRS. DR. WY'ETH. 916 Post St., near Larkin. j DR. PENA CHECKS IT IN 24 HOURS; ' prompt relief successful treatment. 7 Grant avenue. LADIES, CONSULT FREE MKS. DR. SCOTT. J 216 Powell St.; only qualified specialist; $500 I for case I fail to cure: diseases of the eyes in-med. PSYCHO - MAGNETIC COMPANY CURES J paralysis, cancer, rheumatism, Insanity, female ; weakness, nervous disorder, heart and lung troubles; no charge unless cured. 8 Mason si., corner Market, room 11. DRS. GOODWIN, DISEA-ES OF WOMEN A ! special. unexcelled in restoring irregularity or other conditions; home in confinement; best of care: low fees; pills $2. Removed from 1370 Market st. to 904 McAllister st. R. JOi*SELYN,~THE GREAT SPECIALIST, has removed to 1206 Market st., near Sixth. | T>hCARD'S DISEASES OF WOMEN A -I specialty; also "Pine Baths." Rooms Sand 4, MacDonough building, Oakland. RS. DR. WEGENER TAKES LADIES BE- I fore and during confinement: infants adopted i into good homes; treats all female complaints or : Irregularities successfully. 419 Eddy st. ' _ j IF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE Dls- I ease see MRS. DR. PUETZ. 264% Fourth st, i XT ICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT; i AX all female diseases treated: expert physicians; ; terms moderate. Office, 235 Kearny st., room 9.~ PRIVATE HOMK IN CONFINEMENT. MRS. | X DR. FUNCKE, 1416 Eighth St., Alnmeda. SURE CUKE FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES, ! from whatever cause; a home iv confinement ; with every comfort; satisfaction guaranteed, by MKS. DR. GWYEIt. 226 Turk SU I \li. HALL. 14 McALLISi tit STREET, NEAR JL/^JonPS. Diseases of women iind^-hildren. A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS- A BOON TO | iV ladles troubled with irregularities; no danger: ! safe and sure; $2 50 press C. O. I).: don't delay nntil too late. OSGOOD BROS.. Oakland. Cal. LOST. "~ t"ost^gold" watch and "fTJbTwtth'ma^ Xj sonic emblem: reward of $25 If returned to | 811 Bran nan sU; no questions asked. FRANK T. | MILLER. T OST— FRIDAY, BRIDGE MEDAL; IN- Xj scriptlon Wm. J. Boradou. Reward at 32 California St. OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA J Savings anil Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of BRIDGET E. SULLIVAN, No. 201513. The finder will please return to bank. T ONO-H AIRED B_ACK AND TAN (FE- -- male); name "Toddy." Return 335 Jessie st. ; reward. LACK AND WHITE NEW FO UN DL AND ' bitch, name '•Nellie." 713 Polk st.: reward. FOX SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. fiORGEOUS MARA JOE INDIAN BIXnKET, VJT of unusual design and beauty, with romantic history. Address Blanket, box 2, Call Office. Oak- land. QT. BERNARD PUPS. ROUGH COAT, THOR- -0 oughbred; sired by largest St. Bernard in the State. hi 2 Elizabeth st., west of Castro. m>l if HANDSOME WHITE SEWING - MA- tlpJ-v). chine, nearly new; 6 drawers; attach- ments complete: cause, going East. 803 Union .st. rpHOROUGIiBRED CHESAPEAKE BITCH; 1 first prize Mechanics' Pavilion, 1896. 643 O LET— STORE AND 14 ROOMS ON EAST j st. Inquire 829 Hampshire St., nr. Twenty-first. T/"OR SALE CHEAP— B&-HORSKPOWER EN- X I gine, boiler, shafting, pulleys, etc. W. E. LEE, Twenty-fourth st, and Telegraph aye., Oakland. RILL; BARNES' 2O-INCH SWING SQUARE base, cheap; or trade. 516 Mission st. ' I^IOYCLE BARGAINS— '96 MODELS; STRICT- JMy high grade; tandems, la lies' and gents' wheels; don't fall to call mid inspect before buy- Ing. F. R. GRANNIS & CO., 609 Market st. COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought and sold. ll'Jl Market, 7th & Bth. ' IX-HORSEPi )\VK'R~Ua"S OR GASOLINE engine for sale cheap. Apply or address 215 Bay st. ■• ■■■:■- ■■■-•. AROAINS TYPEWRITERS: ALL MAKES: write for prices. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. OILERS, ENG lIS MACHINERY. XJ Waterpipes. Mclntosh & Wolpman. 137 Beale. • UILDINGS BOUGHT; LUMBER, SASHES I J doors, mantels, etc.. tor sale. 1166 Mission. ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZES lire and bnrs!.-.r proof safe. 109. 11l Market ss. I/URE AND BURGLAR sAFk. LETTER* X 1 press, platform scales and desk: cheap. 10 - Clay. .IWKW RANGES CHEAPER THAN second- Xl hand. W. a RAY Mfg Co.. 12 California St. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. '^A~D^IICE"FRIiE"— IHVORCE UAWS~A^SPECIT - »- alty; private: no charge unless successful; all law suits, claims, collections, wills, deeds, etc., at- tended to. G. W. HOWE, att'yat-law. 850 Market LE. PHILLIPS— U. S. AND STATE COURTS; XJ. R. E. titles ' and wills: money to losn on es- tates; charges moderate. Offices 508 California st. m J. MURRAY, ATI" V AND COUNSELOR AT X . law; advice free. 24 Sixth St., rooms 14, 15. AIT W. DSON,ATTORNE Y-A 420 '» • California st.. rooms 14 and 15: advioe free. | PHYSICIANS. p emo'ved— dr. c." cTo'donnelL" to^TSos XV Market st. ; diseases of woman a specialty. . DON'T FAIL TO CONSULT DR. JORDAN AT his museum, 1051 Market St.: his 30 years' successful practice is a guarantee of fair treatment; the worst cases treated satisfactorily by malL TYPEWRITERS. , : 5 •.;;':'?"■■: VrOST\~s3b; caligraphT^S: send for X sample work. SCOTT & BaNNaN. 333 Monty J SEWING MACHINES.; A LL KINDS BOUGHT. SOLD, EXCHANGER JA. rented, repaired; lowest raw*, "-0S Fourth afc BUSINESS CHANCES. ■ < _ (Jt/l^n BARGAIN: CORNER GROCERY *S)^O\J. and bar; Western Addition: big bar trade: 4 living-rooms. BARRETT & SKIFF, 921 Market s- -7X A WILL BUY CIGAR, STATIONERY «Ip • OK' and notion business;- clearing over $100 month; building Included; ground rent small; great bargain. BARRETT Jit SKIFF, 921 Market. pAYJNG CYCLEKY;, CHANCE for ONE X handy with tools; no agents. Address Cycle, box 50. this office. - - - <n*<Uin I COi'.NER BAH, WITH 8 ELEGANT- 'J\J \J . ly furnished rooms, all rented: best lo- cation: lease: rent $65; sacrifice on account of sickness. ILK ft A WoLl-. 631 California st. tUf/innfl corner sample- room IN tir"3V/U\J. choicest location; low rent: large patronage; average daily sales $50: no triflers need apply. WILKE & WOL.F, 531 California. <BiQ^7l SAMPLE .ROOM, ESTABLISHED t^UOKJ. years, with first-class patronage: choic- est location : owner keeping two places: make an otter. WILKE A WOLF, 531 California st. Ijjl (TfTn CORNER SALOON ~IN VERY XUvJU. best location, with large patronage; must be sacrificed, as owner bought hotel. WILKE & WOLF, 531 California. ■ <3jO(»n RLSIAURANT, DOING LARGE ip.OW. bus ness, good prices; 1/2 Interest or whole. WILKE & WOLF. 531 California st. 'VrOTICE— HAVING BUYERS WILLING TO -Li invest in some legitimate business parties de- siring to sell apply to HEALY & CO.. 23 Kearny. .'Afl PARTNER IN MANUFACTURING — >Ul/. and new and second-hand furniture- store; fine chance for steady man to be connected with first-class man. iiEALY, 23 Kearny st. <J_ 9nfi RESTAURANT AND COFFEE- (D— v/v/. house; clearing $75 per month; trial given: sickness cause or selling. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. lsl~QOi\ LUNCH HOUSE AND SALOON ; isO-dO. central; doing $20 daily: rent moder- ate; no night or Sunday work; value In sight; good reasons for selling. JOHNSTON, 26% Kearny. <HMflfl ROAD HOUSE NEAR CITY; 14 <!D"vU. rooms: dining-room; fine bar; using 8 barrels beer weekly; plenty of ground: pigs; ducks, chickens; etc. JOHNSTON, 28% Kearny st. <D»1 r:r\ FINE CORNER SALOON; FIRBT- <V-1- • "• class fixtures: best location: right in the manufacturing district; cheap rent: 4 living- rooms; a bargain. GEO. STEWART. 602 Market. OjCrrj FINE GROCERY AND BAR; SITU- iS)fJO\J. ated on fine corner in Western Addi- tion; carries nice stock; good bar trade; 4 living- rooms; cheap rent; a bargain. GEO. STEWART, 602 Market st. (JOrjA STORK, CARRYING KITCHEN «IPOV'V/. furnishings, agateware, etc.. also no- tions, stationery and confectlonerv: full value in stock; location and trade good. KENNY <fe CO., 765 Market st. $'j\(\ restaurant;Hexcellent~~lo ''•'"'. cation: part cash, balance monthly payments; trial given; cood ranee for man and wife. KENNY <& CO.. 766 Market st. fflA (inn ROAD HOUSE, ACROSS THE «IDXU.''v/U. bay, near railroad depot; hand- somely furnished morns, bar, dining-room, parlors and promenade grounds: finest family and sum- mer resort: well known as enjoying most desirable class of patronage: good bar trade the year round; this offer never equaled; means a fortune in a few years: owner owns the propety; satisfy yourself. STENBKRG & CO., 632 Market St. • ■'■-- CO O.(\C\ RESTAURANT, OYSTEK-HOUSE, (JpIUUU. handsome private rooms: three en- trances: old-established trade; chance rarely of- fered in lifetime, where, with $1600 invested, large income certain. STENBERG <fc CO.. 632 Market. ffl»99X RESTUARANT AND COFFEE SA- *_)-\d—O. loon near City Hall: neat. attractive place doing Al business: large number regular boarders; bargain. STENBERG CO., 632 Market. <Bj_|CA RESTAURANT, NEWLY FITTED, «C)j:«JV/. near the Mint, big steady trade; excel- lent chance for 2 ladies or gentleman of energy. STEINBERG CO., 632 Market st. (jfcftXA CORNER GROCERY. BAR: WEST- «|pU«JU. em Addition; well established: rent for building only $35: 4 sunny rooms: good place for man and wife. STE NBERO Co.. 632 Market St. *JfeJ "a 1 , FIRST^CIXsS MILLINERY STORE; f\p~iO' ! . north of Mar<et: vicinity of Baldwin: large and very fine patronage; A 1 stock; living- rooms: offer merits attention. M. LESS & CO., 783% Market st. dj»9nA SALOON; TERMINUS 8 BIG CABLE --V/V. lines: value in sight: fine trade; gen- uine bargain; other business. M. LESS <t CO., 783% Market st. .- ■ v -■: ' (DjiyC PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON rJpX *O. north of Market, near Kearny; owner there 6 years. M. LESS A CO., 783% Market st. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A BUSINESS PLACE X of any kind, or lodging-house, see T. LUBEL- SKI, 7 City Hall aye. POT CASH PAID FOR STOCKS OF MER- chandise. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. (1/ 1 1 A RESTAURANT AND OYSTER PAR- tIpoUVJ. lor taking in $35 a day; fine locality: cheap rent: furnished well and a rare bargain; see this at once; object for selling going to Europe. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. ffl»i F;nn BEER BOTTLING works.- 3 «IP JLUUv/. teams; fine route; business actually paying above expenses. $150 month; investigate this rare chance: the place will stand the fullest Investigation. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. TTAVE PURCHASERS FOR COUNTRY BUS? XX ness places. T. LUBELSKI. 7 City Hall aye. ffij 1 l\f\f\ PARTNER IN FINE BUSINESS: tIDXUUV/. no Sunday or evening work: the place is already established and doing well: fullest investigation ; reference; experience not required. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. ■ p ROCERx -STORE, WITH GOOD ASSORTED VJ stock, doing large family trade; this is a fine opportunity to get a good-paving business. Par- ticulars of J. B. MIHAN, 509 Kearny su I)ARE CHANCE-CORNER GROCERY AND t bar; 3 living-room^ and kitchen: yard; rent $15: call at once; worth double the money. Co- lumbia, 128 Fourth st. \\T TO TRADE HORSE AND BUGGY, ' ' town lots and bakery out lit for restaurant or lodging-house. . Columbia. 128 Fourth st. <!tQ^(\ FIRST-CLASS CIGAR-STORE; FINE «3rOOU. bargain. HEGARTY, 1004 Market st. <2»9AA SALOON; MUST BE SOLD TO-DAY; ijpOUU. located best part of Market st. Busi- ness Exchange, 777 Market s - .. - . G_ 4 -f\ SALOON: 9 Fi RNISHED ROOMS; »ID^t)U. worth $1200. DECKER, 1020 Market. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OK EX- change real estate or personal property of any kind call or send full particulars to W. H. Mao- GILLIVRAY <fc CO., 1028 Market at., 8. F. ; we will gaurantee to sell in 30 days. dj»l FLA A FOR SALE— OLD ESTABLISHED «ID 1 OKfVJ. saloon. trade, good chance for a German: owner wishes to retire on account of other business; rent $90. Apply . HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Keiirny. : OR SALE- WITHIN 3 DAYS, A FINE saloon near car house: make an offer. Apply at 233 Third st. ■ GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A NEWS- paper man to purchase half or whole of a thriving daily near San Francisco: present owner miss, go East; investigate this; fine circulation, good advertising patronage and complete plant. Address A. W., 405 Sansome st., city. OR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A GOOD LIVE merchandise business suitable for man or woman: well located in Oakland; stock and fix- tures, $2500; will take good real estate: this is a good opening. J. H. JiDsON, 908 Broadway, Oakland.- -.- ■ BAKERS, ATTENTION! — RARE CHANCE to open and build up a good business in large neighborhood, with all utensils complete; rent reasonable. Inquire at 1602, Webster, Alameda. OR SALE— FINE BRANCH BAKERY; fine trade; account of sickness. Apply Call. p OOD CASH MEAT MARKET: GOOD REA- VT son for spiling. Apply Five-mile House, FRED MIUNCKK, saloon. dh-l H~ BAKERY AND COFFEE SALOON, <jpX I O. with oven and stock: must sell; bar- gain for right Dar.y : call at o,.ce; no agents. 306 Fourth st. <J_9^n n FI RST-CLASS SALOON: LEASE; tjP_j«JV/\/. good trade; owner retiring: chance of a lifetime. Address JONES, box 66, Call. AN WISHES A FINE GROCERY AND bar: state price. Address G. 8.. box 7. Call. ALOON FOR SALE. 29 TURK ST., IN BAY City Market. AKERY AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE at 49 Second st. \\T ANTED— BY A LADY, PARTNER IN COF- "» fee, icecream and candy parlors; lady pre- ferred ;$. 0 cash. 15.7 Stockton st. <I_l HA EQUITY IN 2 FINE LOTS IN THE «JpAv)"l. Fair Oaks Addition of Stockton at a sacrifice, or will trade for small business. T. LU- BELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. fflJO^A PARTNER WANTED THIS DAY; <$)OO\J. take half-interest in well-established business: tend to outside delivery and collection- money secured. STENBEKO CO., 632 Market st. E-TAUKANT; FIRST-CLASS TRADE; FOR sale cheap on account of sickness; will ex- change for property or business of equal value in locality and climate suitable for a consumptive. Call or address 3321 Mission. »v AN ED-PA UTJMEK WITH FROM $4000 ** to $5000 to engage In general merchandizing in mining town. Address Partner, box 15, Call. f~ HXR SALE — FIRST-CLASS DRUGSTORE; fully stocked: In a flourishing town; in a rich agricultural section: $3000; good terms and good reasons tor selling; apply at once. 941 Howard. DARTNER WITH $100 CAPITAL WANTED X by lady of means. Room 2, 12 Maaon st. I~jvfxTURES FOR SALE CHEAP: FIRST- J class branch bakery. 155 Grove st. \\r anted-tcTbuy centrally' LOCATE »» .restaurant;, give street and number: If by agent, give street and number of office and res- rant- C. J., box 148, Call Office. OR SALE — THE OLD - ESTABLISH -1' drugstore, cor. Smter and Powell sis., known as Shaw's Pharmacy. Apply to GEO. A. BALL, assignee. 530 California St., room 67. «B» 1X A A WELL - ESTA BLISHED BUSI- XO\J. ness, paying a net cash income of $15 weekly, which can be proven to buyers' entire satis- factlon. no agents. Address C. X., box 84, Call. ffiO £A EXPRESS BUSINESS: GOOD t)pXO\J. stand: clears $80 per month: sold on account of sickness. Apply cigar-store. 205 Larkin. OLD-ESTABLISHED CORNER GROCERY . and bar; owner going in other business: living- rooms; low rent; lease; $1250; principals only. Call Office. BUSINESS CHAJ?CES-Contliineaj_^ $250. |o i od o locatlon*s S to^k and fixtures worth double. HICKOK & CO., 873y Market st. O!A^t\ SACRIFICE: COFFEE AND CHOP &4DU. house: clearing $100 a month; present owner. 4 years, has other business. H.ICKO&. ot CO.. 873VJ} Market st. . FIKST-CLASS CIGAR-STAND OS »pO"U. principal thoroughfare: large stock, good trade: owner has other business: investigate at once: rare bargain. HIOKOK & CO., 873V S Market st. . /GROCERY AND BAR FOR SALE. 553 VJ Minna st., bet. -lxth and Seventh. RANCH BAKEKY', CON FECTICNERY, 1 notion; laundry oflice. 317 V 3 O'Farreil st. m» -AM DAIKY PHODTJ( AND GROCERY, <3>OU". laundry oflice and taniale parlor, on busy street, near Market ; must be sold at once; a qargain. 1610 Howard st. ; ti.iriin BUTCHER BUSINESS; FINEST «3>^O''U. fitted market In th s city, no excep- tion: good cash and outside trade; horses.wagons; Investigation invited. s.><> Hayes st. (2iQZ.t\ SALOON IN GOOD LIVE TOWN IN <J)OOv7. Contra Cos a County: line trade; rent for dwelling and saloon very cheap. Particulars at saloon, 29 O' Farrell st. - Oi^^fk COMPLETE STOCK OF poultry O\J. ranc , near local train, Oakland: 400 thoroughbred fowls: low rent. 34 Douolioe b'ld'g. Ti"U)R SALE— PORK AND DELiCACY STcRE J with fixtures, $75. 1430 Howard. If OR SALE— AT 729 MONTGOMERY AYE.: good, nice delacacles-3tore: doing good business; reason for selling, wife has become an invalid. lI*OR SALE— BUSINESS WITH STOCK x and fixtures, suitable for man and wife or '£ ladles; rooms back of store. 610 Post st. ©99?. BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY- —_._». store: must sell on account of death. Inquire this office. _^____ p ROCER WANTED, TO START CASH GRO- vX eery; cheap rent; neighborhood without one. Apply 2201 Adeline st., Oakland. /CALIFORNIA GOLD MINES A SPECIALTY; \J can furnish any kind of gold property. AS, F. BLACKBURN, 824, 826 Kearny city. pOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT; BET. TWO VJ carhouses; living-rooms; rent $17. 3279 Mis- sion st. rpWO-STORY BUILDING AND SALOON FOR X sale. 3352 Mission st., NW. cor. Thirtieth. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME— I WANT A NO. \J 1 single man, with a good recor3, able to do hard work In the country; must engage for one year and have $300; salary $50 a month and board; profits on Investment will amount to $1000 a year • xtra: particulars at personal Interview. Address W., box 121, Call office. ,;"■;>—-> OR SALE— WELL-KNOWN DYEING AND J? cleaning establishment; good reasons for sell- ing. Por particulars apply at Call Branch Office, 619 Valencia it. AZ A A R— ESPECIALLY SUITED FOR MAW and wife. Apply evenings, 1708 Devlsadero. ALP INTEREST IN RESTAURANT; AC- count of sickness. 642 Sacramento st. ALOON SALE-$450: WELL STOCKED; O good location: good reason for selling; no agents. Address Z., box 148, this office. 9/ in CIGAR-STORE with LIVING- — "U. rooms; on account of sickness. 1127 Mission st. ALOON FIXTURES; FINE OUTFITS: 0 great bargain. Apply to L. GOUDSMIT, 818 Geary st., picture-frame store, from 3 to 8 p. n. $7C PARTNER WANTED BY LADY IN <J! I «J. good pio; osition. 11 lay lor St., room 1 OOD ROUTE FOX SALE ON THIS PAPER. Apply T. P. RIORDAN, 632 Market, room 2, 7~E BRANCH BAKERY AND NOTION I O. store. Inquire 1024 Leaven worth St. SALOON; LONG LEASE ;TSw RENT. APPLY 0 at Anchor Brewery, 1431 Pacific st. yoR SALE— FINE GROCERY' AND BAR AT r a bargain. Apply California Brewery, Douglass and Diamond sts. (&'/\nn CHAMPAGNE BUSINESS fOR ♦]ptH'\/U. sale: well established; complete manufacturing plant: stock, etc.; principals only. Apply F. L CASTELHUN, rooms 4 and 5, 325 Montgomery st. ;«i .'■ p ROCER Y-STORE; 3 ROOMS; FIXTURES; VJ some stock: to let. 2201 Fifteenth st. L-iOR SALE — HORSE, HARNESS, BUGGY,' JO bicycle, 1 electric fan- for sale, trade or 88- -curitv : a bargain. Columbia, 128 Fourth St. LOUR-SACKS FOR SALE: NICE CLEAN, J? and in good order; always plenty on hand. J. 11, 322 Pacific st., basement. or sale— saloon doing GOOD HI Sl- ness: cause for selling sickness. Address T. R. GOULD, box 8, PetKluma. ( OR SALE— EXPRESS BUSINESS: 2SI.\GLK r wagons. Stand corner Sansome ana sutter, J. C. FREDERICKS, owner. LODGING-HOUSES FOX SALE. ©T^Kn »fB7w>I^OT^LrNEAB~U^XIoS" <IP±_»ULf. Iron Works; low rent: selling ac- count of death. BARRETT A SKIFF, 921 Market. "1 -ROOM HOUSE ON MISSION; BARGAIN; X_: must sell. DECKER, 1020 Market st. 1 C-KOOM COR. HOUSE, BALDWIN; XU must sell. DECKER, 1020 Market st. 9/l-ROOM CORNER HOUSE, $650: WORTH -V± $2500: must be sold. DEcKEH, 1020 Market. Of* ROOMS; COUNTRY HOTEL; ON $1200, 00 worth $2000. Apply DECKER, 1020 Market. 1 A ROOMS: ON EDDY ST., NICELY FUR- i.U nished; $350. DECKER. 1020 Market st. <5»-| 7' LODGING OF 16 ROOMS, WITH <U)X I O. housekeepingapartments: welllocated, and with good business, HICKOK & CO., 873V_ Market st. TF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A LODG- X ing-bouse see T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. pOOD-PAYING, CLEAN AND SUNNY COR- vjf ncr house of 11 rooms: must sell on account of other business. Inquire 411 Third st. -I Q ROOMS', BEST-PA TING HOUSE, CHEAP; tO easy terms. 115 Second st. :-;»'; "I 1 f\. ) HOWARD — 7-ROOM LODGING- IIv- house: must sell. H., box 15. Call Office. 9Q WELI^FURNYSHED~Rb6MS FOR $6007 — O low rent. Inquire grocery. 40 Sixth st. FUKNITUKE FOX SALE. sTeciXl^a^!e^o^beT>loll?n^esl 50 bed-lounges (worth $7 60) $4 00 Floor oilcloth 20 English Linoleum 33 Brussels Carpet 45 4 -room outfit, solid oaK 75 00 SHIREK * SHIREK, 747 Market st. T L. J. NEUMANN'S, 117 SIXTH, FOR lowest prices on household goods, new or good as new; cash or time, open evenings. IRE SALE .' " ~" Prices stand till goods are completely dlv posed of. Oak bed 5eta...,...,,,... >........,.. $1* 51 Bsd lounges 8 03 Stoves 7 53 Carpets, peryard _ 55 Linoleum, per yard ..,,,... 55 Matting, peryard la Till our new building Is erected these prices will stand. Till such time we are conducting busines* at SE. corner bevemii and Mission ats. J. NOON AN. ■ At\l\ CARPETS; CHAMBER BETS, $14; ttUU stoves, $5: parlor sets, $20: folding-bed.!, $10: bed-oungea. $7. T. IV MCCARTHY 112 4th. FURNITIIBE WANTED. 2~iThAND FURNITURE FOR COUNTRY; _J good prices. T. LUBELSKI. 7 City Hall aye. m alone PAYS 20 per len 1' mobs than elsewhere for furniture to fill country orders. Leave orders at KING'S, 3 Fourth st. IF YOU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR FlRNl- ture and merchandise see it 11 D, 211 Larkin. TTklaJre SELLING your furnituru X) send for Simmons Auction Co., 1057 Market. BASCH. 321 SUT'IEK, WANTS FURNI-' • ture, saloons and merchandise: highest prioe. Mayer BUYS your furniture, . turners, piano. US". Ml>r|c»t: t>l. Jessie 76L carpet cleaning. RKAT CABPET-BEATIN'O works; latest machinery: cleaning 3c and lay- Ing 3c yd. G. GEORGE, ll"8th: phone Jessie 253. ONES Co! CAi^Pi-. 1' - CLEANING AND renovating works. Main office 85 and 27 Bth. /CARPETS CLEANED, So A YARD: LAID 3c.~ \J Tel. Jessie 944. STRATTON, 19 Eighth st. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor worK send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works. 353-57 Tehama st. : tel. So. 40. O'NKIjIN'S CARPET FKATING WORKS. ssl Golden Gate ave.t telephone east 126. rtITY STKAMCARPETCLEANING.RENOVA- Vj tine. 38 Bth. STEVENS, miff. Tel, fcouth 250. /■(ARPJfiIS CLEANED AND RENOVATEIT \J like new. FERGUSON A CO.. 23 Tenth: ta_ South 36. 1). MACKINTOSH & CO., successor!. X MITCHELL CARPET CLEAN ING CO.. Mil . 14th sc; cleaning 3c a yard. . Tel. Mission 74. MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND RKN- . ovatine works. 453 Stevenson: tol. south 2-JS. BICYCLES. K^YT^Li^^oTr^rTSsr^o?^ $50, second-hand. 306 Post st. SALE— '96 BAMBLKRJ WARWICK :~f iII 1 penal aud Clipper bicycles at great bargains. 303 Larkin st. . . :•■ . " $20, $30, $40, $50: RAMBLER. X) Victor, Steams, Cleveland, Sterling. 1610 Market st. DARK CYCLERY— WHEELS TO _ET;" X best accommodations. Terminus Geary, ' Mo* ' Alliater mm Powell st. car lines. .;.. STORAGE. fP~^Tl{m>N^YT^i2^lS^lO^^OßA^ J. .redt ced rales: basement BCOra|re,9l 50 per load STORAGE— CHEAPEST IN THE CITY ; FlRE- proof building; advances made. 211 Larkin. I FURNITURE. PIANOS, TRUNKS; A^ vances, shipping. CHAS. L. TAYLOR.2O4 Post. LOWEST RATES-FURNITURE. PIANOS." household goods, etc. J. M. Tierce, 735 Market. AB. SMITH FURNITURE CO., 132 ELLIS^ . low rates; lire-proof building; Eastern plan.