Newspaper Page Text
houses To let; HSB OF^H^JW^LABCfB TASD stable. 23 Pearl St.. off Market. 1?', N r RKDUCKD ; ELEGANT SUNNY XV house: 8 rooms and basement. Hl6 McAllister. ELEUANT NEW SUNNY 6 ROOMS: OPEN plumbing; nice neighborhood. 612 Guerrero. mO LET— 3-ROO_l -HOUSE; RENT $12. 1105 A Leavenw-orth; key in grocery. California and Leavenworth sts. 7 ROOMS, BATH AND LAUNDRY- FRONT I and rear yards; on a pretty street, fronting pri- _?n c P T?F k , : .T! lewly Painted, clean and attractive; $ 30. DEMPSTER, 86 Glen Park aye. ©QPi 7«Y CHESTNUT, NEAR JONES; 9 •1" v-i I '°" 1 " <: - l bath: Hne marine view. ASH- TOS A GAItDINER, 411 Montgomery st. V ll h6:_e-8 rooms AND bath: near J-^ station: unfurnished. E. D. JOHNSON, Bel- mont, San Mateo Cou nty. HOUSE-A MICE HOUSE AND OTHERS to rent by BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st A Hi HYDK — HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND ~_j.U Uath. Inquire at 418. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS; SUNNY YARD; RENT low. 27 Clementina st. QQf) MODERN HOUSE 7 ROOMS: BASE- -li"» ment: lar c yard: stable. 417 Ridley st. FUKNISBLEp HOUSES. HAIGHTST.— 3 ROOMS: FURNISHED: --> $12: nochUdren. Inquire E.H.TERRY, 96I Mission st. COTTAGES TO LET. <Ej7 fXA COTTAGE aT~ROOMS; GOOD *. • .tjv/ order: water free. Apply on premises, 915 Bryant at., near Kigtuh, or 14 Montgomery st, G. H. UMBSEN _ CO. COTTAGE: 5 ROOMS; MODERN IMPROVE- J ments. 9 Florence st., off Vallejo, bet. Taylor and Jones. "VTEARLY NEW COTTAGE 6 ROOMS; BATH ; Xi pantry; laundry; large stable. 828 Hampshire. COTTAGK OF 8 . O MS; BATH; GARDEN; yard. 3824 Mission st. •\-l-OOM COTTAGE; RENT $20. 519 MINNA 0 street. ti; 9 - ) TO LET— FURNISHED SUNNY' FIV E- ♦- — — • room cottage, bath: al«o modern 6-room flat. $17. 3748 Army St.. near Dolores. FURNISHED FLATS. S^U^N^COR^E^^L—T^SlSriuJO^rsT^in^ nished; piano; $30. Call afternoons 800 a Webster. V I N ELY FURNISHED FLAT 6 ROOMS AND -T bath; beautiful marine view; within one block of cable-cars to park, ocean, ferries. Presidio and city Hall: rent reasonable; water free. Address H. C. J. box 36. Call Office. FLATS TO LET. IXcIbrFiLTT7Tb^9^UER^R^RO^TTNEAR Twenty-third: four rooms, bath, laundry: also 3321 Twenty-first St., near Valencia: 3 nice rooms, bath, basement. Apply BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st- V I \V FLAT— B SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH: —l rent $18. 2658 Market st., near Castro. UNNY FIATS; 3 AND 4 ROOMS; BATH; H garden: 813 and $16. 1706 Post st. C" 'HEAP RENT— 4 SUNNY ROOMS. 613 ) Thirteenth st, bet. Guerrero and Dolores. TEHAMA ST.— MODERN FLAT OF 6 ijZid rooms: water free} rant reduced. 9. (' TENTH — SUNNY UPPKR FLAT 5 -- —v) rooms: bath; modern improvements. A BOOMS ON FIRST FLOOR; CLEAN AND " attractive: front and rear yards; unfinished basement; on charming private street fronting park; to quiet family; $16. Dr.MPsTER, 36 Glen Pars aye., oft' Twelfth st. "Vice" SUNNY FLAT; 5 rooms AND BATH: -Li rent $17; 25a Lloyd St.. be:. Scott and Devis- adero, Thirteenth and Waller. LATS OF FOUR ROOMS AND BATH: $12 and $13; 2408 Sacramento St., 1/2 block from Cooper's College. £• 1 9 CONVENIENT, SUNNY. 5- ROOM. C-" flat; cor. Nineteenth ana Hartford sts., near Castro. TTPPER AND LOWER FLATS 3 ROOMS U each: yard; basement, $10 and $11. 123 San Jose, near Twenty-third. 1 ' I'i'hK FLAT 6 SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH. Kj 18 Guy place. TpvfVE ROOMS AND BAIH. 134 PAGE ST. lift 1 FULTON— LOW EH FLAT: 5 1 XU3 rooms and hath; near City Hall. i^LAT; 6 ROOMS AND B.V'J H; COR. BROAD- way and Jon st.; rent $18. 1 994 WEBSTER ST.— NICK LOWER FLAT iO— of 6 rooms and bath: $15. KW SUNNY MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT. 4 JA Tremont aye., near Waller, Go.den Gate Purl;. (J;]9 < L AN SUN N Y~~c6tTAOE. 613 I— .. Minna st, between : seventh and Right b. T^Ti 1 "■• NJ-.AK .-U t'TKK- Lt*\Vl-.K -1 Cv i flat: 5 modern larce stingy rooms; bath. "LUAT-A NICK FLAT™ AN D OTHERS .TO X rent by BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, 10 Mont- gomery st. 1 OW FLAT— TWENTY-THIRD ST., XJ 100 feet from Castro cars; 4 rooms: bath; large yard; sun all day; rent $14; water free. ELEGANT NEW FLATS. SEVENTH ST., BE- Xj low iirvant. 5 and 6 rooms, bath; $8 10 $16. UNNY TOP FLAT 4 ROOMS AND BATH; »J ail latest improvements; $16. 713 Grove st. "I HI A MIN~A. NEAR ELEVENTH; 4 SUN'- JL'.'Jl'x ny rooms: yard; water tree; rent $13 50. LAT : 4 ROOMS; MODES fI¥ASH AYE. -C off McAllister, above Polk. • A(Y7Q TWENTY -THIRD; 100 >EET FROM ri\J i O Castro cars: lovely sunny upper flat of 5 rooms: modern improvements; rent only $16; water free. * VVE-.K-H NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE -■ V. WEEKLY CALL, la wrapper, for mailing. IiOCSEK.EEI»I>ti ROOMS. Bryant Avenue. 971 Q BRYANT AYE.— 4 ELEGANTLY FUR- -4* I XO nished sunny rooms; $12. California Street. OrOl CALIFORNIA— 3 ELEGANTLY' FUR- — OfJX nished rooms, bath, for housekeeping. Elgin Park. 47 ELGIN PARK— 2 FURNISHED ROOMS; jc • bath and gas; for housekeeping. _ins *t:ee . /*QQ ELLIS, COR. LARKIN" — FURNISHED DO'/ bay-window alcove; pas-stove; bath. 1 iJtli Street. OAf) FIFTH— NEW MODERN HOUSE; TWO »,'U-' rooms complete for housekeeping; other rooms. ') I « FIFTH— SUNNY FRONT BEDROOM: 0 I ~i kitchen; sink; water; bath; private; $10 and $11. I- ourth treet. , One FOURTH— HOUSEKEEPING AND SlN- _w-><J gle rooms: $5 to $8. AOl\ RTH— LOVELY CORNER SUITE; tcO«J 2 large housekeeping; ens stove; also sin- gle. furnished or unfurnished: $6 up. ■ Ouldeu uaie Avenue. OnO GOLDEN GATE AYE.— LARGE SUNNY OUO room for housekeeping, $10; small sunny single, $5. Grant Avenue. 5 OR LESS ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR HOUSE- keeping; Kearny st., near Sutter; gas or water free. Apply 15 Grant aye. uowuni street. QOXI HOWARD— FURNISHED HOUSE- VOO'Z keeping rooms; also Kindle. "I 1 O/J HOWARD— 3 NKWLY FURNISHED J. LOU housekeeping rooms: 2 beds: only adults. 11A i) HOWARD— 2 FRONT SUNNY FUH- I"I- nished housekeeping rooms; bath; range; rent $12 50. Jessie Street. A /I/! JESSIE — THREE ROOMS; IN THE __U rear; reasonable. ' LeaveDwnri Street. IHI Q LEAVENWORTH-3 SUNNY CON- -IUJ.O necting unfurnished rooms; gas; bath; rent $16. - Si it** t>" • • veet. OiC»Q MISSION— TWO SUNNY FURNTBHED 000 rooms, complete for housekeeping. TTiOK CLEAN. CHEAP ROOMS GO TO 1055 JC Mission st; housekeeping and others. ' 191 Q M lON — FURNISH ED HOUSE- X_<J O keeping rooms: gas: bath; no children. ."■ Naf.otiiHi Street. QQO MIPS ON-FRONT SUNNY ROOMS: 87 GOO up; housekeeping If desired; also single, 5. null Street. ■ l)f\ NINTH, NR. MARKET— FRONT SUITES; _-'-' housekeeping; 2 to 4 rms.;gaa; stove; single. Norfolk Street. •r 9 NORFOLK. BET. ELEVENTH AND «J«i/ Twelfth, Folsom and Harrison— cot- tage of 2 rooms; furnished for housekeeping; washroom and large yard; $10. Apply upstairs. octavia Street. 1 ztfiQ OCTAVIA, COR. GEARY— FRESHLY X _VO furnished: bay windows and others; $7 up. Pearl Street. 3 PEARL, COR. MARKET, OPP. OCTAVTA-2 O or 3 sunny corner rooms, neatly furnished for housekeeping; waer and sink. SUNNY ROOMS AT 25 PKARL ST..* OFF Market. _^ Powell Street. Q-i (\ POWELL — 3 SUNNY FURNISHED OXU rooms; complete for housekeeping; $17. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. Second Street. CO SECOND-2 PLAIN ROOMS FOR LIGHT O£ housekeeping; $1 50 up; other rooms, cheap. Seventh Street. 1 Of? seventh-sunn" y furnished x*j\j housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; $7 a month up. Mxth Street. m CHEAPEST IN THE CITY: cozy housekeeping rooms and others. South Park. "I n SOUTH PARK— FURNISHED OR UNFUR- X \J nished housekeeping suites; fine location; $7 to $12 per month: aisy single, $1 per week up. Stevenson Street. ICIO STEVENSON, NEAR 18TH— SUNNY X\JXA furnished back parlor; use of kitchen; $8. 'lurk Mieei, 1"] T U RK— EGA NTLY FURNISHED X LU suites, single rms: light hskpng privileges. Twenty-sixth Street. 1 "1 Cl TWENTY-SIXTH, NEAR .MISSION— XXOa Nicely furnished sunny housekeeping rooms; yard; low rent. Washington Street. rnn WASHINGTON — SUNNY TTNFUR- •JI./.-. nlehed housekeeping rooms; running water. Webster Street. m WEBSTER— 2 OR 3 LARGE ROOMS 111 furnished for housekeeping; gas; bath. Welsh Street. m WELSH, OFF FOURTH— 2 OR 3 NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping: cheap. ROOMS TO LET. Lush Mreu.. Ql "I BUSH, NEAR TAYLOR — PARLOR VXX suite and single rooms; bath; gas. 1 1 07 BUSH— HANDSOMELY FURNISHED J- X\J I rooms, gas, hot and coid water; bath. day Street. £1 A EDDY, NR. LABKIN-SUNNY FRONT OX*! room; gas, bath, closets; newiy furnished; $«: • ; /•»_>') EDD V— SUNNY PARLORS AND HOUSE- OO-J keeping rooms; reasonable; nice location. --•Klith street. 1 (\X EIGHTH— FURNISHED BOW- X\J2 window front room. HERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE, 28 BTH at., near Market: furnished and unfurnished. i-iiis Street. THE RAMONA, 130 ELLIS; MRS. KATE S. X HART, manager— A quiet house; centrally lo- cated; newly furnished; elevator; hot <& cold water. ROSKDALE HOUSE, 321 ELLIS— IOO ROOMS JLY at reduced rent; satisfy yourself; open all night 099 ELLIS (THE PALMETTO), MRS A. J. .)_— CALHOLN, prop.— First-class housekeep- ing, apartment and rooming house; 60 rooms. FeU Street. Ji/lIFELL ST. - SUNNY FURNISHED *i 1.1% room ; suitable for 2,with kitchen ;rent, $8. Fifth Street. 1 HQ FI FT H — NICE CLEAN SUNNY FUR- X.XJO nished rooms; Ell conveniences: cheap. Fulton Street. "I jr Q/» FULTON, NEAR THE PARK— NICELY 1 Ot/\J furnished sunny front rooms, singlo or en ; suite. : deary streov. 791 GEARY— PLEASANT SUNNY FUR- I — L nished rooms; terms reasonable. Q(\ 1 GEARY— NICELY FURNISHED, BAY- OU I window looms, private, central, new corner flat. "THE MARTINET HAS CHANGED HANDS; 1 handsomely furnished suites; single rooms; $10 month up. 1101 Geary st., SW. cor..Van Ness aye. Grove Street. 1 n GROVE — SUNN V FURNISHED ROOM; ID rent $8. ; . huwaril Street. £9Q HOWARD— DOUBLE AND SINGLE D-.O rooms nicely furnished: gas ; bath reason- j Ale.- ■ ■ . ■" "I Ol r HOWARD-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS lOli) and bath tor light housekeeping; reason- able: no children. ». ones street. U- JONES— NICELY FURNISHED RUNNY I 1 suite; also gunny alcove room: private. O/ J 7 .'« >> —1H K. V A .V ISKIiB. KKW — " ' • manacement: flecant, sunny suites and single: newly mrnished: bain, etc.: $10 to SHI). ' ». cuiTiy Mrea.. • • ■ .■"'" _ BLINGTON HOUSE, 127KEAR— T— PLEAS- J\- ant tunny rooms, en EUlte&nd single; nn; oiioj .1 »very respect : terms reasonable. Lark in Street. Q1 7 LARKIN — HAS CHANGED HANDS; •"1 I nice sunny rooms, double, single and housekeeping; all fornishe:; $7 up. ' Levriß Street. 1 LEWIS 'ST., OFF TAYLOR, KB. POST— 3 1 O rooms, furnished or. unfurnished. A.ufko -.»ee . 707 MARKET, OPPOSITE EXAMINER OF- IOI flee — nice sunny rooms; single or en suite; transient or by week or month: reasonable. ~OoJiMITK HOUSE. 1045 MARKKT— PER 1 night, 35c to $1 : week. $1 50 to $5: families. Market btrce,. (' MARTHA PLACE, OFF GEARY, NR. HA- »' son— Nice, famished, sunny rooms: $5 50 and $7 50. .».sion y iie«i. COI MISSION— TWO SUNNY FURNISHED •>— I rooms: very reasonable. 7f«-J MISSION— FINE LIGHT FRONT ROOM, I \JO with alcove: very quiet house. : DO') MISSION — NIIKLY FURNISHED O— front suite; first floor; suit doctor; single rooms cheap. . O'ftairrll Street. r.90 OTARRELI--NICE FURNISHED •-/— O fro it room for gentleman in private . fam- ily; good house; reference required. 523 (.-'Fatrell. 9 OX O'FARRELL, NEAR MASON (THE £O0 Afton)— New and nicely lurnlshed rooms. Olive Avenue. OAf'l OLIVE AYE.-2 FURNISHED ROOMS. Folk Street. 1 I _tl POLK, COR. SUTTER— LARGE FRONT X JLttJ sunny bay-window room. tost Street. <^9QI POST — ELEGANTLY FURNISHED — '--O3 rooms for gentlemen only. The Donnia. Rose Avenue. 41 ROSE AYE., OFF MARKET, NEAR 2 Haight— it nice sunny rooms: reasonable. South ParK. C A SOUTH PARK— VERY DESIRABLE NEW- O\J ly furnished sunny rooms; bath, gas, etc; reasonable: private family. Stockton .-street. , A~\ rr STOCKTON — LARGE, FRONT, FUR- Jri I nished room; $10; single, $5 or $6; also housekeeping. • (■utter "treet. 7HO SUTTER, COR. TAYLOR (THE SAN I \J*J Remi)— Newly furnished sunny roomsi en suite or single; references. Taylor Street. "I (\C) ESTABLISHED OFFICE FOR X\JA doctor or dentist; froat suite; also single; cheap. C 99 TAYLOR. NEAR POST-NICELY FUR- %J4Jiu nished sunny rooms; new throughout. Wllllarn Street. ~ n7 WILLIAM, NEAR POST. BET. TAYLOR 4 and Jones— furnished front room, Independent, $8 per month; private family. HOARDING ANI* ROOMS. ~ qn7p^AlT^Ei^''A^^ET^^sT~R6^Mi : r, O''vf with board; pleasant home for youne men. 790 SUITER (IMPERIAL HOTEL)-SUNNY I X.O suites; single rooms: excellent table board. U'l'Mi BERTLINO. 714 I>USH— A FAMILY' hotel: references given and required 1 ail mod* rrn rori venlenf^^. ', CHILDREN LtOARUEX). Wanted-children^^tTT^oXrd! Afr » f dress box U, Call Ofllce, Alameda. TNFANTOR CHILD TO BOARD; GOOD CARE; JL reasonable. 625 a Natomn, st. ' • '■ ■ - ■ • SUMMER KESOKTS. ~ E WLY FU ItNISU ED MODE RN COTTAG : near V»-ndome Hotel; 6 rooms; rent $27; water free. 543 8 .11 P-'dro at., san Jose. STORES TO LET. ™ STORE— 8 KIUHTH ST.; 2 LIVING-ROOMS; yard ; 80 feet from Market st.: reasonable. T AROE corner store WITH base- Xj mint: will fix to suit tenant. 1065 Howard. WKXTY-FOURT AND FLORIDA— 2 EW-- Ily fixed stores; 1 a fine corner. Apply at stores. Tj-iINE CORNER STORK; GOOD LOCATION JT for grocery or drugstore; cheap rent. Corner McAllister and Broderick ats. rpo LKT— I22 GKAKY ST., A FINE BASE- -1 ment: central. A \(* FOURTH— SMALL STORE WITH ROOM 4 I D In rear; suitable for any retail business; low rent. Apply to Q. H. UMBtsBN _ CO., HHoutg'y. THE SAN FRAXCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1896. OFFICE 3 TO LET. TO t'LT^S^W^^TpTETT^LTIoTrs^uTLD^ X ioK 126 O'Farrel street, near Alcazar Theater: rep,,sio. ASHTON & GARDINFR, 411 Mont- gomery St. ..-.-■ ■-■ SPRECKELS BUILDING. 927 MARKET— kJ Eifgant sunny offices. $12 60 up; electric-light; heating and janitor service free. Apply at building or ». H. UMBSKN & CO.. 14 Montgomery st. HOTEL TO LEASE. HOTEITTTrLEA^SEfFORX t'e XX new 6-story and basement brick building con- taining 83 rooms; also ground floor and well- lighted basement; centrally located. y% block N. of Market st. and 1 blcck from Baldwin Hotel and Emporium building: newly lurnishfd throughout; furniture for sale on reasonable terms. For fur- ther; particulars apply to S. SILVi-RBERG, 320 s,tnsome st., room 39. ■•■ - »■■ HOTEL TO LET. O^L^T^^H^~w7^El^^O^JsiEr^r??l9 Bush St.: this well-known hotel is thoroughly renovated, considerably improved; compares witii best 'id-class hotel in town. MADISQN&BUKKE EDUCATIONAL. ANJO AND PiXSTr^^INSTItUC^ToN^T prices reasonable; : pupil of George Dobson, New York; home _ 10 8 r, H. H. L. MILLER, 907 Howard st. TfXPEKIENCKD TEACHER WISHES FEW -Li more -adult pupils Of neglected c lucation: pu- pils coached: strictly private. Call or address F. G., 619 Geary st - 1) Ou KKEKPING BY TARR: ONLY ACCOUNT- Xj ant teaching; 1/3 time and far more practical than any college; rapid calculations. 659 Market. A TTEND STIEHT'S COLLEGE, 723 MARKET A st. The very best individual instruction; 20 (rial lessons in Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Peu- n-.anshlp, Typewriting, etc., $1; books free. BOOKKPNO, WRITNG, ABITHMTC, GRA MR day & ni-ht ; noclasses:s6 month. 845 M lon ECHT'S 10-LETTER SHORTHAND IS THE latest and best; 100 words per minute guar- ant'd; 2 mo. (lncld. typewriting), 826. 927 Market GUITAR MANDOLIN. PIANO AND VOCA ti lessons: $3 mo. MARY WESTHAUS. 39 Fifth. PRIVATE ACADEMY OF DANCING) CLASS- X es Tues. and Fri. Misses HUDDY, 6a Hyde st. PROFESSOR G. MANSFIELD, TEACHER OF violin, guitar, mandolin, banjo. 1707 Market. JOSEPH GKKVE.V, VOICE-IMPROVER. 82 O Ninth st. SPANISH, FRENCH ACADEMY, CASTILIAN and Parisian, 3 lessons w. ; $3 m. Maze bld,,r.^7. V?"P_NISH, *' KENCH, HERMAN; MODERATE. OMeisterschaft School Languages, 122 O'Farrell s: YRES'. THE LEADING SHORTHAND COL- lege, 325 Montgomery st; individual instruc- tion in shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, etc.: life scholarship $50; low rates per week and month. IJELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— XI Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 and 12, 1.0.0. F. block. Tin and Mitt OCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME- -0 chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay, estab. 64. VAN DEP. NAILLEN, 72» % 1kt- HKALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST ST. Bookkeeping, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, moden languages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. V IWitTIsCIiUUJL^fIKALL.' »Jil is. I ■ • L>Ll-.t<K ;i I „ „ CL AIR VOX ANTS. A"*~ ~~"~A^ ~"" ~" A 60 cts and $I—so and $I—so cts and $1. "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER." Therefore consult the great clairvoyants, PROFS. EUGENE AND VAN 1)B VERB, 1728 MARKET ST. . Their readings astonish the most skeptical. All are satisfied. The professors give advice on all j matters that are of interest to humanity. ' Busi- j ness, speculation, investments. insurance, love, I courtship, marriage and divorce; settle lovers' j quarrels and cause speedy and happy marriages. They locate mines and buried treasures, find lost ior stolen property, Interpret dreams, cure Dad bubiu and destroy evil influences in half tha time required by the best of the other mediums. I Remember, there are but few mediums in tha world that can work these wonders, and none out- side of the eminent professors In San Francisco. ■ Remember also that me professors are perma- nently located in San Francisco: they are here to stay. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. M. Sundays- to 6 p. — Letters containing stamps answered. , ■-'•',■■" PROFS. EUGENE & VAN DE VERB, _ ?? • ;. • 1728 Market st. ASSISTANCE AND ADVICE "~ - - that makes tne unhappy, broken-hearted and unfortunate happy ana successful. PROFESSOK M. L. CARNELLE, The world-renowned clairvoyant and business me- Oium, may be consulted in love, marriage, court- ship, divorce, business, lawsuits and mining spec- -1 illations; restores lost aft'ec ions, removes evil in- fluences, bad habits, etc.; the future plainly re- vealed, lovers united, troubles healed, hrln.-s the separated together, causes a speedy and happy j marriage with the one of your choice; reveals everything you wish to know concerning the fu- | ture. Those wishing to consult a genuine medium I call on PROF. M. L. CARNELLE, 220 Kddy St. I Letters with s;nmu answered. Hours— 9 .to 9 dally and Sundays. SPECIAL NOTICE— FOR A CLAIRVOYANT d agnose or reading call on or address DR. J. R. CR.UG, a' new 'office, 14 McAllister St., and receive free sample of the famous vegetable tablet, as they cure many unman maladies in a very short tir-je; consultation on all subjects free. MMB. STEWART, THE SEVENTH DAUGH- ter, is a born medium; guarantees you a true likeness of future husband or wife: materializes fore your own eyes, so no fraud Is practiced upon the public, for 50c and $1; call and be convinced of her wonderful gift. Rooms 3 and 4, 917 Market st. MME. TRUE, CELEBRATED gypsy, gives infallible love charms to all; unprecedented success in New York City: greatest card reader on the coast. Rooms 44-45, 306 Stuckton st. Hours 9 to 8; elevator. ME. LEGEITE: PRESENT. PAST AND future: 25c 311 Tehama, upstairs, ur. Fourth. ME. MOREATJ, BEST MEDIUM; REVEALS past, present, future; 25c up. 764 Howard st MME. PORTER. WONDERFUL CLAIRVOY- ant, c«rd- reader, born with a don Die veil and second sight; ladies 50c, gents $1; palmistry and clairvoyant Bluings $1 60. 126 Turk at., nr. Jones. MRS. WILSON— PAST, PRESENT, FU'IU R IT; ladies 60c, gents #1; no sign. 1722 Market st. ME. AKNDT, 'FORTUNE TKLUiK IV the world: 50c and $1, shows you the plctureot your tnture husband or wife. 4 Twelfth, cor.Market PROF. C. LEON, 1007 MARKET., NR. SIXTH; wonderful power; advice on all affairs; busi- ness confidential; letters $2: 9to 8; also Sunday. GYPSY LIFE-READER; LADIES 25c; VI gents 50c; all questions answered. 5 Seventh. M&IE. VENA KKADS LIFE FLUENTLY; tips on races; names given; 25c up. 5 Fourth. ETH EL GRAY, CLAIRVOYANT AND PALM- -Ist: mental magnetic healing. 1362 a Market st. ME. SYBILLK T.-.LLS FROM CRADLE TO tb* grave: fee _5 cents. 914 O'Farrel!. st ETURNE.), WORLD-RKNOWNKD MMX. SCHMIDT, from the principal cities; tells past, "•'»""' and fiiiiin-: rrlrpn moderate." 856 Mission. Si' Alii i. (v AL IS3I. ■ TK T CI CLE TO-NIGHT; Voa MME. Young, 6C5 McAllister st. ; skeptics invited. ] ) EMOVAL-ADDIE SWAIN, ASTRAL SEER X\> and psychic physician, 14 McAllister, near Jones, r. 18 and 20: no fee except as a gift. MRS. KATE~HOSK IN S, TRANCE ANDBUSI- ness medium; sittings daily; $1. 1 36 Oak st. ME. DR. THOMAS, CLAIRVOYANT 25 yrs. Kearny. now 929 Post: fee $1; letter $2. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT trance medium: witting* $1. 218 Stockton as. ASTROLOGY. . DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY planets: daily or by mall, $2. 36% Geary st. DENTISTS. FFIcTrF^R^ATETTaVV^sTR^NTTirA^E chance to catch on. Departure, box 81, Call. . IBST-CLASS DENTISTRY: FIRST-CLASS 1 prices; first-class results: painless extraction and painless implantation of teeth. W. C. HAR- DING. CM., M.D., 500 Suiter St., corner Powell. 1 \R. DUCKETT, 1703 POsT .vr., NEAR BU- XJ cnanan; gas given; crown and bridge work. R.L. T. i RANK— EXTRACTION PAINLESS, crown work, bridge work «nd teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary St., cor. Grant ava. CROOMK DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MA R- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4th. gas specialists: only reli- able agent for painless extraction; artificial teeth frm $5; fillings inn $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas sl. <&7~A SET FOR TKETH: WARRANTED A.S tip I good as can be made: filling $1. Dr. SIMMS, dentist. 930 Market St.. next Baldwin Theater. K. LUDLUM HiLL, 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh: no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. VULL e_l' UJf'i'JvtiTii, $7: WARRANTED X 1 five years. DR. V. CAVaLSKY, 24 sixth st ET OF TJSKTH WITHOUT A -"i-ATE. Dli. it G. YOUNG, 1841 Polk st. • I \R. GEORGE ■• W. LEEK. THB GENCINB XJ Leek dentist, discoverer of nnlnless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or tee wltoout any plate, moved from 6 to *_0 o'larrell st AINLESB ACTION, 60c; crown X bridge work a specialty; plates, $5 np: 13 yean' experience. R. L. WALSH, D.D.S., 815 - Geary. I jR. H. H. SHAW, 224 KEARNY — BRIDU_> XJ work a specialty; open evenings 7:80 to 9. / >01/ TON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. bOt» ii.AU- \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. DR. J. J. LEKK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDKN Gate aye.— evenings: Sundays till noon. LL WORK REASONABLE AND W Ail- ranted. DR. J W. KEY, 112J Market st ■. , PROPOSALS. "PR^PO^aXsT^Or"! CC^NC^RKTE^ BULiS X head and bituminous yard work— .-ealed propo- sals will be received by the Superintendent of Common Schools in Open session of the Board of Education, new Ci.y Hall, San Francisco, on Wednesday, June 24. 18 96, at 8:30 o'clock p. m., for reconstructing a concrete bulkhoad and for bi- tuminous yard work at the North Cosmopolitan Grammer school In accordance with pluns and specifications (and thecon ltlons mentioned there- in) at the office of Charles i. ' Havens, architect of 1 the board, room 55, Flood building, corner Fourth and Market streets. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bMs as the public good may re- quire. OEOBGE UK ALSTON, Secretary. I PERSONALS. ■nSrWBCTAir'WttE Y E SE It V_CES~AND X medicine in exchange, for anything salable or useful: country products accepted. M. D.. box 60, Call Office. BOXING TAUGHT IN 15 LESSONS. 1 808 Lea venw orth st. : , - ; YOUNG GENTLEM AN- 24. WITH MEANS, X wishes the . acquaintance of young lady not over '20; object, matrimony. F. J., box 126, Call. /DAMPING COTTAGE AND BIG TENT TO \j let, with complete outfit. 1503 Geary. S. BUTTER FIELD— SEND ADDREoS TO . P. O. box 814, San Jose. A DVICK FREE: DIVOHCE LAWS A SPE- J\. cislty; private; no charge unless successful; all law suits, claims, collections, wills, deeds, etc., at- tended to. G.W. HOWE.atty-at-law, 850 Market st CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT manufrs' cost. Factory, 20 an some, upstairs. THE ECONOMY MILLINERY, 40 SIXTH ST.; X selling out at cost; store and fixtures for sale. A LICE— TOM SAYS HIS RIRL GOT HER _rL hair dressed at G. LEDEKER'S, 111 Stockton St., and it was "out of sight": you'd better go there; it's only 25c, too; the store is nearest Geary St...' ROSE. r>ARTINGTON'S SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE X and Newspaper Illustration; day and evening classes: instructors, J. H. E. Paningtoh, Gertrude Partington, R. L. Partlngton. Particulars 424 Pine. RAZOR EXCHANGE. 630 MARKET ST.; fine edge put on razor for 25 cents. Y\T ATCH AND JEWELItY REPAIRING; Ti low prices first-class work guaranteed. Give a trial to J. N. BKITTAIN, 'JO Geary, nr. Kearny. EO. W. PHELPS, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, 215 Sansome St., room 4. a UITS TO ORDER ON INSTALLMENTS 'TO IO guaranteed parties, $15 upward. Cut-rate Talo.-ing Company, lll? Market and 1 lßEl'vAli Al/VAAX'hS ON DIAMONDS, JKW- XJ elry. etc. : lowest rates. 948 Market st. fTIRUNKS MOVED, 25 CENTS. COMMERCIAL X Transfer company. 43 Sutter st. ; telephone main 49: keep your checks for us. 1 1 inn CARDS, $1 60: SHOW CARDS, 15c: 1' 'UU teh Black 141. HILL, 22 Geary st, r. 39. AT THE VERY LOWEST EASY TKRM3 YOU -r\ can buy furniture, carpets, blankets, etc. also dress goods, cloaks, jewelry, at M. ROTHS- CHILD'S, 213-215 Mason st. ; open evenings, LECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM | Winchester House, 44 Third st, near Market: 200 rooms, 26c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. KTKOZYNSKI, LEADING LADIES' HAIR- • dresser, removed to 24 Geary. Popular prices. CITY OF PARIS LAUNDRY, FORMERLY 133 Geary, removed from Larkin st. to 119 Stock- ton; first-clan* Uundry. MRS. JAUSSAUD. I>IG OUTDOOR STi-.KEOPTICON SHOW KVE- Xf ry night cor. Market and Sixth sts. -artistic ad- vertisements in living light; promoters of Dual- ness. Consult OWL ADV. CO., 1140 Market st. L.D GOLD. SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COL MAN. 41 Sn. cor. J("»si<». DRESSMAKERS. TTvRESSES^i-^DP; WRAPPERS^3S~CENTS UP; XJ lawn $1 up. ' 505% Natoma st.. above Sixth. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. r£ &. DAVIS PIANO FOR SALE; tJJ) I «J. $5 installments. 221 Leavenworth st. 5 OUR NEW RENT CONTRACT PLAN permits of our selling some pianos for $3 per month it is not nec-ssary to go elsewhere for more favorable terms and low prices.. SHERMAN, CLAY «fc CO., Stein way representatives. PRIGHT PIANO: EXCELLENT TONE: fane case; imperative sale this week; an offer is wanted. Room 12, Flood building. BEAUTIFUL STEIN WAY UPRIGHT: must be Bold; a sacrifice sale. Room 10,809 Market St. BTEINWAY $175; STECK $150: STEKL- ins; $100; Ladd $60. BRI EXN'S, 228 Post. PIANDS— DO YOU WANT ONE? FINEST 1 stock on the Pacific coast. THE F. W. SPEN- C! X CO., 933 Market St. - . | QTEINWAY BABY GRAND, NEARLY NEW, 0 at a sacrifice. THE F. W. SPENCER CO., I 933 Market ' . / ' BEAT OPPORTUNITY: 6" FINE UP- vjf rights, $125 and $150 each: call early if you want a bargain. MAU VAIS, 769 Market st. EFORU BUYING SEE HAINE BROS.'. BUSH I 6 Gerts and Knnbe pianos: at wholesale prices. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 324 Pos: st. <n LOSING OUT A COMPLETE LINE OF \J small goods at prices less than goods cost landed in New York; just the chance to buy a fine Instrument for jour summer outing at small out- I lay; violins, $1 35: mandolin*, $3 35; guitars, $3; , ailtoharps, $1; accordions, flutes, banjos, piccolos, ; cases for instruments, violin outfits, etc.: new i pianos for rent and sale. J. HARRY SCOTT, 929 Market St., Spreckels building. J. I c.)- FINE cmCKKRING: SCHMITZ, 16 C J-t). McAllister st., next to Hibernia Bank. HICKKI.i.NU, KNABK. .VIECK.VOSB, BTKR- ling pianos; see our n?w piano lor $187: plaaos lor rent. __sENJ. CL'HI <fc son. 1« g'y»rr«*li.<, YHO.V MAUZY. 'MH I'OST S.T.— SOHMEH, »wbr & Evan?. I rices nnd other pianos. QUPERIOR VIOLINS, zithers, old 4 new 0 H. MILLKM. "jnakt-r. —patrpr. a Ijttliarpplaee HORSES. GOOD STRONG RELIABLE DELIVERY horse, $25; a bargain. Apply 159 Second st. I!' ANTED— A TEAM OF HORSES; MUST BE ii cheap. 1556 Kearny st. ORSKS AND BUGGIES FOR SALE. 1523 Howard st. I?OH SALE— BO HEAD OF GOOD YOUNG ' workhorses. 426 Valencia. JAMES D. FOR- RESTEK. 1 raft HORSES for salk OR ix- I' change for light buggy horses. 88 California. \\r ANTED— 4 HORSES TO BOARD: REASON- ii able rate. Apply 428 Turk st. OR STYLISH ROAD HORSE AND top bugey; new first-class delivery wagon with incandescent lights: 100-gallon galvanized iron boiler. Inquire 221 Polk si. TjVf NE TEAM; ALSO CHEAP USE; HEAVY X! express; bakery wagon. 1620 Mission st. "LOR. SALE — SEVERAL KIND, GENTLE, £ well-bred roadsters, single and double. Call a 331 Golden Gate aye. I C A SETS NEW AND SECOND HAND HAR- XO\J ness, all kinds; wagons,- buggies, surreys, rockaways, carts; must be sold. 1128 Mission st. AUCTION SALES OF HORSES, BUGGIES. wagons, harness, etc.. at Derby stables; 645 j Geary, cor. Leavenworth, ever.- Tuesday 11 o'clock. C. K. MARTIN, prop.: S. ATKINs, auctioneer. P.f\(\ SKT NEW "AND" SECOND-HAND HAR- *J\J\J ness: all kinds: buggy.waeon, carts, surrey &rockawav; 40 cheap horses. 15th and Valencia. A(\ HOKSKS Foil SALE; ALSO WAGON'S, 1" bugeies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horsa Market, 327 Sixth St.; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. HORSES PASTURED: SEND FOR CIRCU- Iar. The Hyde Ranch. 630 Commercial st. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — "WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, tor mailing. "WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. OLIGHTLY SOILED ODRIV?NO GLOVES; O samples. H. M. HEINEMAN, 109 Sansome st TUEW AND SECOND-HAND BAKERS', LA UN- Xi dry, milk and grocery wagons: also rockaway and 2 fine buggies. 828 Harrison st. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN AND FOR the City and County of San Francisco, State of California— Department No. 9 (Probate). In the matter of the estate of. DAVID GOOD- ALE, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. A. C. FRKESE, the administrator of the estate of DAVID GOODALE, deceased, having filed his petition herein, duly verified, praying for an order of sale of the whole of the real estate of said decedent, for the puri oses therein set forth, It is therefore ordered by the said court that all persons Interested in I the estate of said deceased ai pear before the said Superior Court on Monday, the 13th July, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at tne courtroom of Depart ment No. 9 (Probate) of said Superior Court, at the new City Hall in the City and County of San Cisco, State of Cal if orn'a, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said aminls- trator to sell so much of the real estate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. . Ana that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for 4 successive week* in the San FrakciBCO Cai/l, a newspaper printed and published in said City and i.ountv. Dated June 12, A.D. l-> 96. > - T; -- J. V. COFFEY, Judge of the Superior Court. J. D. SULLIVAN. Attorney for Petitioner. Chron- -5 icle buiidine, San Francisco, Cal. - v "PURSUANT TO A DKCRKE OP FORKCLO- sure and sale, made in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit of the republic of Hawaii May 12, 1896,' notice is hereby given that the property hereuuder described will be sold at public auction at tne*: Courthouse (A lilolani Hale) In Honolulu island of Oahu, H. 1., on Wednesday, August 26, 1896, at 12 o'clock noon. p. c. JONEs, ; : Receiver of Lanai Ranch. This property is known as the Lanal Ranch, lo- cated on the island of Lanai, comprising 11,500 acres more or less in fee simple, and leases of 48,- -640 acres more or less of Government lands, the most valuable 01 which do not expire until 1916- -the annual rentals are about $1800. This estate is well fitted | for a sheep ranch, hav- ing ample houses- for all purposes, all In good re- pair, with < isterns, > wooished and Dress, and a Honk of 24,000 sheep. 650 head of cattle and 200 horses by actual count. ' The lan is are capable of carrying 100,000 sheep and 10,000 head of cattle. As a sheep run it is the most valuable on tne islands. Tue lands now owned and controlled by present owners virtually control the entire is and of Lanai. •-.- , . - • > There are rich grasses suitable for breeding and fattening of Stock, and are entirely free from lan- tana; there are no mongoose or wild dogs ■on the island. . . ■■■■ •-'■■• . . " - C : Steam communication between Lanai and Hon- olulu every week." " A map showing all the lands controlled by the estate and a detailed schedule of the property to tie sold can be seen and further particulars can be had at the office of Messrs. Welch _ Co., 220 Cali- fornia st., San Francisco. ■ ; Terms of sale will De cash in United States gold coin. ---" s>- > Honolulu, May 15, 1896. ' ■ - ■ • P. C. JONES, 1 Receiver. CITY real estate. I cTbTsmisl : ' :..-■• ' • "•."." ' • REAL estate and land agent, ■"•'. 324 MONTGOMERY ST. FOR SALE. $2600— E. side of Htanyan St., , bet. Carl and Frederick; 25x100 feet. $450— san Carlos Villa let: 100x150 feet. 50.x 127:6 feet on Jackson st., overlook- Ing the Presidio and bay. I - - ' $6000— modern houses of 8 rooms each, at park; 26x137 :*> feet; electrio road parses houses; make offer. - .-'•"- ' .. $2500— 2-story 8-roomed house on Harrison st., bet. First ana Fremont. .■■?£ -?• -■?■■ $8500— Elegant N W. corner of Cole and Carl sts. $300— Choice building lots north of nark. T?ITCHBURG— . FITCHBTJRG— JD ITCHBURG- FITCHBURG- IS MIDWAY BETWEEN OAKLAND AND SAN LEANDRO, On the only county road connecting those popn lous cities. It fronts on the famous highway leading from Fruitvale. to Haywards and ex. ends 10 Oakland harbor and possesses all the natural advantages requisite for a thriving business community. It is systematically laid out Into blocks and lots, bounded by wide streets newly graded aud grav- eled. Twenty-six direct fast ferry trains da ly (fan Leandro and Haywards local) to and from San Francisco and Oakland stop at the commodious station just completed by the Southern Pacific Jr. R. Co. Sidetracks, warehouses and other con- veniences for the accommodation of freight ship- pers. San 1 eandro and Haywards electric car service every few minutes to Oakland. Theater trains run on both lines- Distance and time the same as to Alameda or Berkeley. BE FIRST TO SECURE LOTS AT LOW PRICES AND GROW UP WITH THE TOWN. Prices as low as scattering lots can be bought for in isolated tracts in some far off hayfield. LOTS 25 AND 50x100 TO 200 ONLY $100 TO $200. Ten per cent cash, balance easy terms. Full particulars of ■ •• - •--•■" THAD. S. FITCH, Fitchbnrg. W. F. McCLURE, 19 Montgomery St., & F. • ffijO^Afi JUsT . FINISHED: TWO-STORY ♦4pO*J\Jl/. bay-window house of 7 rooms: bath; latest improvements; $500 cash. Bryant aye., nr. Twenty-first St. 1/<OR SAL —HOUSE OF 3 FLATS; LOT 25X X 110; rents $55 per month. Address C. A., box 102, Call Office. - TVTKW COTTAGE, 923 YORK ST., NEAR2IST.; --> 5 rooms and bath; high-finished basement; porcelain tub; substantially built: everything modern and convenient: price $2900; easy terms; equal to rent, if desired; lot 25x100 feet; owner on premises daily. - IG BARGAIN— an elegant HOME, $700 j cash, balance monthly, 2-story, 6 rooms, bath, j high basement, fine barn and drive; lot 28x120; ! only $8400; fine location. 365 First aye., nr. Clement st., owner 140- Devisadero st. p HEAP — ONE 2-STORY HOUSE, LOT; 7 \J rooms: bath; finished basement: rooms decor- ated; electric wire: speaking tubes: stone walks. On Waller st., nr.Stanyan, y. 2 block G. ate Park. ©QnA NEW COTTAGE AND LOT; 5 RMS.; •4POUU. hard finished. Inquire 210 Andover aye.. bet. Crescent and East aye., Holly Park Tract. S9l (\[\ COTTAGE 6 ROOMS AND BATH iP -j±\l\J. on lot 60-1-2, near station; terms easy; $400: lot 40x120: $25 down, $5 monthly. CHARLES A. BAILEY, 20 Montgomery st. WHY. PAY RENT? * • When you can buy cheap on easy terms'one of the finest nouses of 8 and 10 rooms In the Pan- handle, eas*t side of Cole St., near Waller: all modern improvements; street to be bituminized; I large lots, 25x128. Owner on premises. SUBSTANTIAL, MODERN HOUSE BUILT O at from $150 to $275 a room; call and see plans. JAMES McCONAHEY, 1149 Mission st. JACOB HERMAN. REAL ESTATE, HAS 0 removed to 11 Montgomery st. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. ALTA PCNTA T^{ACTT^ : HTrG^M~7)i' ;^THE bay region, 906 acres subdivided: 3 miles j north of Berkeley, 8 from Oakland; 47 minutes' from San Francisco; lots 50x200 ieet, from $80 to ' $^00: small deposit; easy installments; Send for I beautiful map with prices and terms. GEORGE : W. HAIGHT; 220 Sansome St.. Ban Francisco, Cnl. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. T^RUIT ORCHARD— "icKACRK TRACTS^ J fruit cannery connected with orcnard; work ; for men by the car: women and children daring I .fruit season: splendid opportunity for man with family to make good home. Write for particulars. ! JOHN T. HALL, Alameda. <£• X(\f\ AN ISLAND OF 15 ACRES IN TH-I fs)O\J\J. Russian River; house and barn: all first-class bottom land. An elegant summer villa with 15 acres in the Santa cruz Mountains. CHAKLr.S COLTON, 906 Market st. REAT BARGAIN— 4O-ACRE VINEYARD \J and fruit ranch: full bearing: also 640 acres level land near Fresno. 1125 Howard st. AN MATEO CITY— LARGE LOT, 100x180, 0 for sale chrap on Griffith aye. Address H. P., 607 Capp St., city. > O-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH NKAR OAK- — laud; 8-room house; offered at one-half Its value. DECKER, 1020 Market St. 4 LAM EDA COUNTY FRUIT LAND; - V choicest in the state: selling in tracts. 5 acres upward, $35 per acre; adjoining lands held at $100 per acre: owner forced to sell: \y% hours from San Francisco: easy terms; title perfect. 57 Chronicle building $_/«Arw\ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE; 10 tjpUUUW. acres planted all varieties fruit; 4- room bouse, windmill, horse and cart and all farm- ing utensils Included. Apply F. B. HOOSON, Hay- wards. ARIN COUNTY— 3OOO ACRES _6 MILES from city; lo s any size; fruit, grain, vegeta- ble land; rail or water transit; $40 to $75 per acre; terms to suit Syndicate Investment Com- pany, 65 Chronicle building. I^OR HOMES IN LOSG\TOS OR ORCHARDS . in the vicinity or in Santa Cruz Mountains call or address C. It. STETSON, box 298, with B. H. Noble & Co. K.MJFUttOUK LIST OF UKCHAKD MOAlfc.B iorsale. WOOSTKK _ WHITTON. San Joss. T- ITTLJfi HOMES CLOSK TO TOWN: IM- XJ proved; easy terms; also 4, 6 and 1_ acre pieces on 8 and 10 years' credit; 8 partly improved, with small house, etc. D. H. TWIN a, tionouu Cl:y. Inquire 632 Market St.. S. F. property to exchange. BARGAINS— WHATMW YOU~wXnt? •JUU 20 houses and lots from $1250 t0... 510,000 60 ranches, all sizes, from $IUO t0.......... 30,000 100 business places, all kinds, from $50 to. 4.000 25 lodging-houses and hotels from $200 to. 3,000 H. C. DECKKR, 10^0 Market St., opposite Fifth. T ODGING-HOUSE AND RANCH FOR SALE XJ or exchange. PHELPS & CO., »17 Larkin St., room 6. ■- '.'•'-■: : IpOK SALE OR EXCHANGE— DOUBLE fiats on Eleventh su, Oakland: all new and modern Improvements. PHJSLPS & CO., 917 Larkin st., room 6. ' ' - lOTS IN EXCHANGE FOR SALOON OR J boarding-house. C. 8., General Delivery P.O. OK EXCHANGE— FOR PROPERTY IN OAK- X land or vicinity: 320 acres, level land, in artes- ian belt, Tulare County; near located line of Valley road to Bakersneld. Address A. TUBIN, Call Office, Oakland. .-.■■'. , -■ . Toon ACRES TIMBER LAND, KERN CO.; 1 __OU water: fine for cattle-raising. N..bx.16,Ca1l PROPERTY WANTED. W~"Tn?eT)^Po~pul^^ 6 roomed cottage: lot not less than 50 feet front:. nice grounds: either t rultvaie aye. or East Oakland; must be cheap for cash. Address £ box 75, Call Office. ■ MONEY TO LOAN. j OANH ON~™F^RNlTu're",^ PIANOS AND Jj diamonds: confidential. Room 107, 6 Eddy st. "I ST dc 2i> MOKTGAUKS: INTERESTS IN E* J. tales ;lowest rotes;no delay .MURPHY.62B Mrkt. A DVAN-_S>ONDIAMONDS,JEWELHY, KTU _ rv Columbia Loan .v Collateral Office. 9 Grant aye. 1 OANS ON REAL ESTATE IST OR 2ND Jmortgasres, furniture or pianos; no removal : any amount; low rates. BECKER, 3-8 Montgomery. A DVANCES ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. XX jewelry, also on furniture, pianos, without re- moval: lowest rates. BALDWIN JEWELRY STORE. 918 Market St.; open evenings. £v. * NY AMOUNT: IST, 2D or 3D MORTGAGE*: A estates, undivided Interests, real, estate in tiro- bate. McCOLGAN. 24 Montgomery, room 3. •. OAKS ON BONDS, DIAMONDS, WATCHER jewelry, silverware, sealskins, silks and instru- ments: interest low: private entrance: private rooms; discreet attendants, at UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. . ONKY LYING IDLE; TAKE AT $5 INTER- est per month for each $101)0; same rate sec- ond mortgage or life insurance. Coin, box 2, Call. VI ONI£Y LOAN .■ ON JJfiWKLKY AND IVI other valuables at the Pecurlty ; Loan Office I 1 (16 M ark t Mason: private entrance 7 Turic 1 \IRECT ON YOUR FURNITURE OR PIANO: xJ do removal: no delays; no commissions: low Interest Km. 68, Donohue bldg. 1170 Market st. 1 IS. B. TOPLITZ HAS $100,000 TO LOAN ON O life insurance policies, 33 Pine st ... PAWNBROKERS. X KEARNY : ST_ ROoIT^^MONBY" loaned, watches, diamonds, etc; law rates: prt- vau> rooms: elevator: pledges for sal ) cheap. ' • MONEY WANTED. ANTED— TO BORROW ON GOOD SEC ITR- fty $1500 or $2000; will give as interest » sunny corner suite. . Address C. S., box 129, Call. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAK -AND KEAVKSTATE.^~ pHICKEN RA NCH, STOCK^Cn^^EcTUREs", V^ complete, $700; also : the best bargains in FruUvale, in a fine cottage and large. lot; terms easy: open Sunday. LODGE & POWELL, Fruit- vale station. . IT 1 OK SALE— A SNAP FOR 15 DAYS; SE. COR., -T 100x125; nice 4-room house and barn; well and city water; price $!0OO; $900 cash: balance can remain: lot cost $1500. Apply to S. S. AUS- TIN, 1101 Twenty-third avo., East Oakland. "I OR _ LOVELY LOTS IN PACIFIC GROVE; -1 must be sold regardless of price. Address Owner, box 17, Call Office, Oakland. ___^ COZY HOME; $3250. CASH $1250; 5 ROOM*, \J porcelain bath; choice flowers; greenhouse; cement ■ walks: near churchVs Aid schools; centrally located: will net purchaser 7 per cent; owner will remain as tenant or vacate; principals only. Address K. CRAG, Call Office, Oakland. CjO^Cli READ! READ BEAD! $30 PER «lr^ • OKI, month and no cash down for a new modern 8-room house: bath; lot 35x125. ALDEN' <fc CO., 902 Broadway, OaUland. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET. IriURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT-5 ROOMS; modern; nicely furnished; large grounds: chicken-houses; rent $20 per month. See WHITE BROS.. 1128 Twenty-third aye.. Kast Oakland. OAKLAND FUBNISHED HOUSES. T AKGE ? " Nliw7~*Ts'nioOAt FURNISHED* XJ dwelling (overlooking Lake Merritt) with mod- ern conveniences for rent. For particulars call at premises between 3 and 5 p. a., 121 Lake st., Oak- land. : • ■ . . , . OAKLAND FURNITURE FOB SALE. ljjKr^~KT'irN?T7nnrri<o^ tjpP'.). HAAS'. 408 Eleventh si . Oakland. OAKLAND AND BOARDING. MARIPOSA— MRS. EMMA H. AD A MS^. Newly furnisned or unfurnished rooms en suite or single: also, first-class table board. 666 Eleventh sr., near Jefferson. Oakland, Cal. I [FOURTEENTH AND CASTRO— LET. J with board, 2 front rooms furnished; southern and eastern exposure. 1203 Castro st. " ALAMEOA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMKDA RKAL ESTATE. CjOOfJA $300 CAi^H ANIT~S2S PER f^ZiOxJyj. month; new cottage of 5 100 ms and bath. $3250-$5OO cash and $30 per month; new cot- tage of 5 rooms and bath. $410 J— $800 cash and $40 per mouth; new house of 7 rooms and bath. All large lots and convenient to cars; we have on hand a number of beautiful Alameda homes for sale on very easy terms. JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY, 1364 Park St., Alame la. A.I ARCUSE A REMMEL, CONTRACTORS i'J and builders. Bay-street station, Alameda, Cal., telephone 2. $j2o!>— s2s cash, $20 monthly: 37:6 frontage; handsome new colonial cottage; 5 rooms and bath. $2460— $25 cash, $22 60 monthly: 53x117; cot- tnire of 5 rooms and bath. $2800— No cash, $25 monthly; 35x100: sunny corner house; 7 rooms and bath. S3ooo— No cash: 825 monthly: 37:6x100; NW. corner: cottage; 5 rooms. $8250—6 rooms and bath, to be built to order, in elegant location. j Several special bargains in lots. Houses and stores to let from $10 up. Open Sundays and holidays. 0 STOKY; NEW; 10 BOOMS: ALL MODERN -J Improvements: finely furnished; gas and water; o ly $5500; lar/e lot. To rent— Four finely furnished houses; also un- furnished. JIiDD, 1424 ParK st., Alameda. OFFER WANTiSD FOR NEW 6-ROOM COT- tage: all modern improvements and street work. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park st. <&fcnriO beautiful NEW modern tjn'UUfV/. two-story house, finely finished and beautifully frescoed; law rooms: Central aye., one olock west of Park st.; it will surely please you; investigate; terms to suit. G. B. M. GRAY, 463 Ninth St.. Oakland. ■ BARGAIN— $1350; NEAR BROADWAY; LOT 45x150: house of six rooms; $350 cash; balance $13 35 per month. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. OMfcß BUILT ON TKRMS WITHIN THE reach of all ; rare chance to secure a home on 1 easy terms: 4, 5, 6 and 7 room cottages and 2-story | dwellings on easy ttrms; from $2000 up: $150 : cash; bulance on easy monthly payments to suit, j Address A. R. DENKE. real estate, architect and j builder. 1502 Seventh st . AlnmP<la. ■ j 14ekk___v real estate. osephT j. mason, real estate and *J insurance agent, 1 Berkeley station, adjoining bank. / ; G" OOD homes for RENT OR FOR SALE on Pliny terms. O. G. MAY <ft CO., real estate and building. 2183 Center St.. Berkeley. BERKELEY HOUSES. FOR 'H oIeEST ~ LOCATION^'IiN Berkeley: lot 100x270; fruits and flowers ga- lore: 8 rooms, bath, laundry, eta: all beautifully furnished; to first-class tenant long term. See CAPTAIN MORRISON, Berkeley. IpOR RENT— FURNISHED HOUSE: 5 ROOMS J and bath; piano; $25 .014 Virginia st., near Shattui'k aye.. Berrvmnn station. HAYWARDS PROPERTY. [acres— hoTjseTbahn". wellTwind- ->v mill and tank chicx^n-hous s: 5 acres bear- ins fruit and vines: 12 acres in bay; plenty of wood; running stream of water: 2 miles from town: a positive sacrifice; price $2750. .P. WIL- BERT, Castro St.. near B. Hoy wards, Cal. 10, 15 AND 20 ACRE TRACTS IN THE heart of the valley: rich, level land: in tracts 10 suit: price $200 per acre. Call on or addrtss P. WILBKBT, Castro s'.. near B. Hayward*. Cal. ■ JlAltiiiAlil". HCfejAS—S. The following marriage licenses were Issued by the County Clerk's office yesterday ■ Philip A. Williann and Clare Tucker. 24— 21. Christopher Rran and. Lizzie King, 23—16. T. F. K. Mauoney and lone J. Boone, 28—16. j Frederick Kaiser and Annie Thonnett. 28— 18. ' Joseph' Van Mobrand Louise Giese, 30—25. David**. Steeleand .Nellie T. (''Connor. 23—21. DIVO_vC_ PKOU.ISJfi.DJLM Suits fllei: Charlotte E. Nelson atralnst James W. Nelson. Hulda Tsham airaum W. lsh»m. BIKTHS— •JHAftRIACES — DEATHS. BORN. HAPPERSBERGER— In this city, Juno 12, 1896, to the wife of Frank Happersbe r a son. LEDWICH— In this city, June 7, 1896, to the wife of Lawrence Ledwich. a son. O'NKILL— In Lorin, Berkeley, June 11.1896, to the wife of Daniel J. O'Neill, a daughter. WILKINSON— WEBB— In Tulare, June 11, 1896, by the Rev. M. P. Boynton of San Francisco, H. E. Wilkinson of San Francisco and Mrs. Jennie L. Webb of Tulare. WITT— In this city. June 5, 1896, to the wife of Charles Witt, a son. - MARRIED. ' V BERG-CLERFAYT— In this city, June 11, 1896, by the Rev. J. Fuendeling, Louis Berg and Clara Clerfayt. • BRoWELL— MENKF— this city, Jane 11. 1896, by tne Rev. J. Fuendeilng, Robert Browell and Henrietta M. S. Menke. ENGELLAND-THOMAS-In this city, June 11, 1896, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler, John F. Engel- land and Marl • F. Thomas. FRIEDRICHS— McMASTKR-In this city. June 9. 1896, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler, John J. Friedricbs and Agnes Belle McMaster. HAMILTON— M \SKRO— In this city, June 10. 1896, by the Rev. Dr. K. R. Dille, Luke Hamil- ton and Eva A. Maserobothof Angels, Cala- veras County. Cal. ; LA SHELLS— BAYLES— In, this city. June 11, 1896, by the Rev. Dr. E. R. Dille, Leroy A. La shells and Mary H. Bayles, both of Biggs. Butte County, Cal. . LEVY— HARRINGTON— In this city, by the 1 Rev. Dr. E. R. Dille, Daniel Levy and Susie Her- . rlngton, both of Benicia, Cal. • ,t.\ MOLLISON— HINKEL— In this city, June 10, 1896, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler, John C. Mol- \U on and Mary Hinkel. PAW SON— BONXER— In this city, June 10, ! 1896, by the Rev. Mr. Mlel of Sausalito, Arthur I Pawson and Alice Bonner, both ot San ran- cisco. SIEBE— In this city, June 11, 1896. by the Rev. J. Fuendeling, Werner Stan,' and t ri in Meba. VAN MOHR-GIESR— In this city, June 11,1896, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler,- Joseph Van - Mohr and Louise Giese. ■. ~ .-..'.■. '. . . ■?■' _»_„ . •'. ; Aiher, Mary , , - Muller. Charles . Cars 11 , Kobers J. O'Don:ieil, Mrs. E. Callaghan, Annie ' Pederspn, Alfred N. ' Conrsey, John . Peterson. Lizzie Deligne, Alexander Peterson, limit Edwards. Charles W. Pohley, Margaret Gilman, Berntcle . Reimers, Ju-ob : Hilton, Florence L. . Robin sin, Robert A, Johnston, William cscheurer. Christian Kno vies, Jostati N. Huilivan, Gertrude Lane. Florence ' Se>vuil, Irving E. Lewis. Kitty Vaslit, Frank H. Ledwich, John Valleau, Samuel Moss, Capt, Charles Weissicli, William O. . Wingerter, Charles J. ASCHER— In this city .June 12, 1896, loved wife of Simon, and sisier of Mrs. B. Franklin, Mrs. P. Lobenerof Colfax and .Mrs. R. Gronlicht, a native of Bamen, Austria, aged 86 years. • .. ■:'.;• - . Notice of funeral hereafter. C.ARSS— In this city, June 11. 1896, Robert John, son of the late Robert and Catherine Cars*, and i j brother of Mrs. M. Brown and Hannah * Cares, a native of - San Francisco, aged .29 years 8 . months and 5 days. '" AST Friends are respectfully invited to atten-1 the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from his late residence, 51 Louisa " street Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. " CALLAGHAN— In this city, June 12, 18"6, Annie : beloved wife of John L. Cftllnshan, and daughter , of Wi.liam Patrick O'conne 1. and sister of Mrs. Kste Boyd, John, Daniel, May and Agnes O'Con- < nell, a native of New York "City, aged 32 years and 22 days, g *S~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 8:45 o'clock a. m., from her late residence, 816 Greenwich street, thence to St. Francis Church. Vallejo street, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:. 5 a. M. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. COURSEY— In this city, June 11, 1896, John, d arly beloved husband of Kate Coursey, and father of John, Mary, Thomas, James, Cecelia, Kate and Magcie Coursey, and brother of Mrs. James McCarthy of Bosebnrg, Or., a native of Roundstone, County Gahvay, Ireland, aged 52 years. %3~ Friends and acquaintance's are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m.. from his late residence, 61 Natoma street, thence to St. Pat- rick's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ', .' A. O. H., DIVISION NO. 2. -The members of this division are hereby notified to assemble at Hi- bernia Hall, 121) Ninth street, TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 9 o'clock a. m , to attend lie funeral of our ir.te brother, John Coursey. Fines for non- attendance will be strictly in'orced. Members of sister divisions are cordially Invited to attend, BARTLEY LEE, President. . Johx Kenny, Rec. Sec DELIGNE— In the City and County Hospital, June 12, 1596, Alexander Deligne, aged 83 years. EDWARDS— In French Creek, El Dorado County, Cal., June 5. 189t>, Charles W., father of Thomas W. Edwards, a native of England, and aged 63 years. Gil MAN— In Berkeley, .Tune 12, 1896, Bernlcie Catherine, youngest daughter of Kate and Charles L. Gilman, a native of California, aged 1 year 11 months and 11 days. #s*Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invit»d to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the parents residence on Dana street, near Parker, Berkeley, interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oakiaud. HILTON— In this city, June 12, 1896, Florence Louise Hilton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Hilton, sister of hstella, Oscar and Bennie Hilton, a native of Santa Rcsa, Cal., aged 6 years 10 months and 23 days. JOHNSTON— In thU city, June 11, 1896, William G., dearly beloved son of Captain Robert aDd Elizabe h Johnston, and brother of Robert It, Elizabeth M. and Andrew L. Johnston, a native of San 1 rancisco, aged 25 years 9 months and 23 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TOMORROW (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock P. M., from his late residence, 203 Serond street, thence to Miipah Presbyterian Church. Harrison street, near Fifth, where funeral services will be held, commencing at 1 o'clock P. k. Interment Cypress Lawn Cem- etery. KNOWLE3-In Oakland, June 10, 1896, Joslah N. Knowles. a native of Easth&m. Mass., aged 66 years and 15 days. [Boson and New Bed- ford (Mass.) papers please copy. J Jj?«/-Funeral services will be held THIS DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. it., from his late resi- dence, 1302 Jackson street, Oakland. Inter- ment private. Please omit flowers. LANE— In Los Angelas. June 10, 1896, Florence, beloved wife of Jonn B. Lane, and sister of Ted. Edith, William and Arthur Osborne and Mrs. A. Lane of this city. LEDWICH— In this city, June 9, 1893, John, in- fant son of Lawrence and Annie Ledwich. LEWIS— In this city, June 11, 1896, Kitty, be- loved wife of John Lewis, a native of Sacra- mento, aged '26 years. *J"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of J. Goieau. 326 and 328 Montgomery avenue. Interment 1. O. O. F. Cemetery. SIULLER— In this city, June 11, 1896, Charles, be'oved husband of Elizabeth, and father of I.'orothea and Elizabeth Muller, ana 'brother of Mr. J. Muller and Mrs. C. Wehr, a native of Hanover, Germany, aged 38 yean 3 months and 25 days. A member of Magnolia Lodge No. 41. A. O. U. W., Yosemite Lodge No. 1930, K. of H.. California Castle No. 1, Knights of the Gol- den Kagle, and Grocers' Union. fi_f*Frienil3 and acquaintances are resDect- fullv Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. St., from Red Men's Hall. 320 Post street, where services will be held under the auspices of Magnolia Lodge No. 41, A. O. U. W. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. MOSS— In Roc < port, Texas, June 11,1898, Cap- tain Charles Moss, aged HO yei>rs 11 mouths and 11 days. [New York papers please copy.] O'DONNELL— In this city. June 11. 1896, Mrs. Ellen O'Donnell, beloved mother of the late Mrs. Thomas Terry, a native of Ireland, aged 99 years 10 months and 8 days.' AyFriends and acquaintances are resnest- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 8:30 a. m.. from her late resi- dence. 10 Bonita street, off Polk, between Green and • Vallejo, thence to St Bridget's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celeorated for the repose of her soul. commencing at 9 o'clock a. if. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. PETERSON— In this city. June 10, 1896, Lizzie, beloved wife of Louis Peterson, and mother of Georgiesnd Emma Peterson, daughter of Charles and Mary Haner, an 1 sister of Mrs Josephine Tourtelotte, W lliam, Frank and Joseph Haner, a native cl lowa, aged 28 years 3 months and 15 days. «_f-Friends ana acquaintance* nx« rosnec- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 9:30 o'clock a.m., from her late residence. 603 Minna street, near Seventh. Inter- ment i. O. O. F. Cemetery. ■ POHLEY— In this city, June 12. Margaret be- loved wife of the late Joseph, and mother of Henry, Frederick and Jacob Pohley and Amelia Nutw'ald. a. native of Germany, aged 87 years 11 months and 6 days. PEDERSEN— South San Francisco, June 12, 1896, Alfred Norman Pedersen, beloved and youngest child of Ane E. and the Berthineus Peder.'en. and beloved brother of Otto and Alms Pedersen, Mra Üba Barnes, Mrs. Amanda . R eddy and Mrs. Rose Kline, a native of San Francisco, agea 10 years 11 months and 1 day. jfEfFrienas ana acquaintances • an» resoec"- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:80 o'clock p. m.. from the resi- dence of his mother, 933 Eleventh avenue south, between N and P street fsoutn, thence to Fifteenth-avenue M. E. Church, for funeral ser- vices. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. ROBINSON— In this city. June 11,1896. Robert Austin Robinson, beloved husband of Henrietta K. Robinson, a native of Putnam County, New York, in the 84th year of his age. «3" Friends are invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, 312 Seventeenth street, THIS DAY (Saturday), at 10:30 o'clocK a. m. 'Interment private. No (lowers. REIMERS— In this city, June 11, 1896. Jacob Reimers. beloved husband of Catberina Reimers. and father of G orse, Alma, Blanchette, Jesse and Archie Keiraers, a native of Wewelsfleth. lloistein. Germany, aged 65 years 3 months and 7 days. A member of Unity Lodge no. 27. A. O. U. W. [Seattle paper* please copy.] Dearest father, thou bast left ns, ' All your trials now shall cease, For thou hast gone to dwell In realms of everlasting peace. 'Twas very hard tor us to pnrt. , Yet God's will shall ba done; 'And loving prayers shall waft thee on To that glorious land beyond. ;_•••', His Family. Relatives and friends are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sun- flay), at 2 o'clock p. M.. from his late residence, 827 Twenty-eighth street, between Church and Sanchez. Interment Odd .fellows' Cemetery. SULLIVAN— In this city, June 12, 1896, Ger- trude, beloved daughter of Thomas and Martha Sullivan, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 year* and 2 months . jjGS~Friena» and acquaintances »r» resoec- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clocn p. m.. from the resi- dence of the parents. 833 Twelfth street. Inter- • ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. SEWALL— In this cltv, June 12. 1896, Irving E., beloved son or David H. and Josephine Sewall, a native of san Francisco, aged 8 years 5 months and 12 days. Or Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. k.. from the residence of his parents. 428 Brannan street. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. bCHEURER— In this city, June 10, 1898, Chris- tian, beloved husband of the late Louise Scheurar anil father of Tillie and Christie schenrer, a na- tive of Eavaria, Germany, aged 42 years, a mem- ber of the San Francisco Schuetzen Verein, Ge- sellschaftTeutonlaandFugileer Mutual Benev- olent Society. ' Friend* and acquaintance* are resDect- fally invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY . (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. M., from Masonic Temple, where the funeral services will be held, under the auspices of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 44. F. and A.M. Remain* at the undertaking parlors of Theodor Dierks, 957 Mission street, between Fifth and Sixth, interment Odd Fel- lows' Cemetery. — * VETERANS N. G. C— Ton are respectfully re ques.ed to attend the luneral services of our late comrade, as per above notice. . . 8. I. KELLOGG,'Comm»nder. VAS LIT— In this City, June 12, 1896, Frank H., son of the late Dr. F. S. Vasllt, aged 34 year*. 10 months and 7 days. - • ' jjarKrlends art* ■ r»»peetftil!r invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock P. m., from Sl-rra Hall, N. S. G. W. building-, 414 Mason street. Interment Sonoma, Cal. . , : . . VALLEAU— June 11, 1896. Samuel, beloved hos- baud of Nellie B. Valleuu, father of Mabel and Tom Valleau, and son of T. P. and M. A . Val- leau, a native of California, aged 40 years 6 months and 6 days. • . oS~Friendj and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p.m., from be Masonic Temple corner Post and Mo itgomery streets, under the pices of King Solomon Lodge No. 260, F. and A. M. Interment Laurel Hill Ceme- tery. . '.•'-, '.--■'. WINGERTER -In this city, Jane 12. 1896, Charles Joseph Wlngerter, aged 79 years 8 months and 9 days. 4STNo.iceof funeral hereafter. . WKIBSICH-In thiscitv, Jnne 11, 1898, William Otto, beloved husband of Caroline Wels«tcti, and father of Mrs. Theodor Dierks, Mrs- Clem- - ens Eschmann, Miss Julia and Willia n O. We s- slch. a native of Bucxeburg, Schaumbnrg-Llppe, Hanover, Germany, i«ed 70 years and 24 days. , ■ 49* Friends and acquaintances are rPSDec".- fulty Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from his la c resi- dence, 1318 Buchanan street, between Eddy and Ellis. . Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery." . ' I McAVOY & CALLACHER, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 EMBALM 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. - Telephone 3080. 15