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VOLUME LXXX.-XO. 21. THE McKINLEY FIRST NIGHT Music, Crowded Thorough= fares, a Blaze of Rockets and Red Fire. END OF THE ERA OF DEPRES= SION SIGHTED. Spontaneous Uprising the Like of Which Has Seldom Been Wit nessed in This City. Enthusiasm and Burnt Powder Fill the Air From Eight O'clock Until Midnight. Speeches at the Pavilion. It was a McKinley first night. The moon that looked down from the serene sky seemed altogether dazed. She has night after nigiit for nearly four ye;i:s now looked down from placid skies upon a more and more placid Democratic ad ministration. During all that time not the Fourth of July, nor the Columbian Ex position, nor a California fiesta, nor any otiier creature could so much as awaken a North American cheer or provoke a thriJl of enthusiasm. Last night the air. split into irregular fragments by -the cheers of the people, smelled of burnt powder and was aflame •with rocket-. The streets were thronged with people men and women and their babies — mov with light step and cheering the marching army of Republican patriots. The name of McKinley sounded in their ears very like the whirr of wheels and an increased income. The moon had seen nothing like this jubilant hurly-burly in four year?. THE HEAD OF THE PROCESSION, HERALD OF THE NEW ERA, AS IT MOVED OUT MARKET STREET. MECHANICS' PAVILION CROWDED TO THE DOORS BEFORE THE SPEAKING BEGINS. Answering a single day's notice, an army had come into the streets wiih torches and banners and bands and fireworks and transparencies that seemed to have sprang into place by mauic. A multitude eath ered in Mechanics' Pavilion until it could hold no more, et.ger to hear reptated to them what they already knew — that the campaign had opened that was to bring to an end the period of apathy, depression, poverty and industrial inertia that has lain upon the country for four year 3 like a green scum upon a stagnant pool. The San Francisco Call. The new era set in last night. It was a McKinley opening. m THE FIRST PARADE. Skyrockets, Red Fire and a Long Line of Enthusiastic March- Ing Republicans. The as«emblinc of the marching army of ratifyer? in the streets began as early as 7:30 o'clock. The rattle of horses' hoofs, the sharp cries of command, the rlare ar.d smoke of torches, the music of the bands, occasionally bringing discord to each other as they crossed each other's track while the integral parts of the long pro cession marched to their Reveral rendez vous, made the early evening hours in the lower part of the City lively to a degree. Grand Marshal 1. P. Kincaid took his position at New Montgomery and Market streets, and from that point kept his aids hustling carrying orders to the com manders of the several divisions, or in specting the course of the formation they reported to him. Within the sound of a trumpet, in the rooms of the Union League Club. Palace Hotel, the County Committee and its espe cially invited guests were assembling and making ready to join the procession. A phuoon of police look up a position in New Montgomery street at Market and sharing the space with marshal and aids prepared to lead the line. The Continental League with their naming torches and handsome uniforms formed in New Montgomery street, right SAX FRANCISCO, SUNDAY MOKXES'G, JUKE 21, 1896-THIRTY-TWO PAGES. resting on Mission. The Eagle Club formed on the opposite side of the same street. These with the marshal and his aids, the County Committee, flanked and escorted by the Lincoln Club, were to form the first division. The Howard Club formed on the north side of Howard street, west of New Mont gomery, the right . resting there. The Thirtieth District Club formed on the left of the Howard Club. The Austrian-Amer ican McKinley Club formed on the south side of Howard street, right resting on New Montgomery. The Thirty-fifth District Club formed on their left. These, with the Army and Navy Kepubiican League, which formed in the same street, composed the second division, under command of Marshal Fred Frey. The third division formed on the north side of Howard street, with right resting on New Montgomery. It was under the commana of Marshal Sylvester Shehan with a corps of aids. It was composed of the Phoenix Cli'b, Young Men's Repub lican League, North Beach Republican Club and the Irish-American Republican League. The fourth division formed on the north side of Mission street, with ,tne right rest ing on New Montgomery. It was under command of Judge A. B. Treadwell, mar shal, with his aids. It was composed of the Montezuma Republican Club, the Forty-third District Republican Club and the ltaio-American Republican Club. Marshal J. E. Field had command of the Fifth Division, which formed north of Market street, on Montgomery, the right resting on Post. It was composed of the Republican Executive Council of Califor nia, the Thirty-sixth District Republican Club, the Forty-nrst District Young Men's Republican Club, the Afro-American League, the Forty-third District Repub lican Club and the Forty-fourth District Republican Club. The Sixth Division fromed on the south side of Sutter street, with the right resting on Montgomery. It was under command of Marshal Burns and aids. It was com posed of the Thirty-fifth, the Forty-fifth, the Thirty-ninth, the Forty-first, the Thirty-fourth, the Forty-second, the Thirty-first and the Thirty-seventh Dis trict Republican clubs. The Ladies' Re publican Club, which was assigned to this division, did not get in line until it arrived at the Pavilion. The Bear Republican Club, forming the Seventh Division, formed on Mission street, with the right resting on Now Montgomery. It was commanded by T. W. Collins. It was after 8 o'clock before the order to move was given by the grand marshal. As the head of the line moved out into Market street the band struck up and a volley of bombs gave notice to trie waiting throng that crowded both sides of Market street all the way out to the Pavilion, that the great parade was under way, that the campaign for "McKinley and Prosperity" had fairly begun. The Continental League, under com mand of Marshal Bell, in their attractive uniforms took the step from the music of the band and set the cadence for the whole line. Behind them came the Eagle Club and back of these a wagon with calcium lights flashed the signal up Market street that they were coming. Back of the band that led Marshal Frey's second division came a wagon with red fire sending up its bright column of smose and lighting the enves of the building for a block on both sides of the street. Market street, from New Montgomery to the Pavilion, was thronged with people, and as the lights and flags and transpar encies bearing the glad tidings of the bet ter times passed by to the music of the bands, the bursting of rockets and the martial tread of the marching army of Re publicans the enthusiasm of the crowd kept pace and the cheers ran with them also from the Palace Hotel to the Pavilion. Every division was led by a brass band and music seemed to move in an uninter rupted stream out the thoroughfare. Long before 8 o'clock, without waiting for the demonstration of fireworks, music and the marching multitude in the street, people began pouring into the Pavilion, and by the time the head of the proces sion had reached there it> capacity had al most been tested. The stage was crowded with distinguished citizens, who faced a multitude ready to cheer the speakers and sound the slogan for McKinley and pros perity. The interior of the Pavilion had been draped with flags and bunting that seemed to pulsate with tlie feeling of jubilant ex citement that pervaded the people that filled the space beneath. Last night, at the close of the meeting, the Afro-Araerican League and Douglass Guards marched to their hall on Bush street and there held a ratilication and jubilation on their own account- They had made preparations in advance for a big time. A banquet was spread, at which there was a good deal of patriotic speech-making, songs and high jinks gen erally. OUT MARKET STREET. The Procession Moves Through a Throng of People From the Palace to the Pavilion. Five thousand is the number estimated to have been in line, and in passing the corner of Grant avenue and Market street the time taken by the iiroceasion was three-quarters of au Lous. A detachment or policemen (twenty-rive in number), commanded by Captain Spil lane, headed the line. They were followed by Marshal Kincaid in his patriotic re galia of red, white and blue. He was mounted upon a spirited bay horse and at tended by his aids, who wore white sashes. The cry of the hoys on the streets, "Get your McKinley badges here," was drowned by the music as soon as the procession moved. All along Market street, from the Palace Hotel to the Pavilion, the air was lurid with red and blue lights, Roman candles and skyrockets and the bursting of bombs, while the strains of music mingled with the cheers of the paraders and the throng of men, women and children who block aded the sidewalks upon each side of the procession. Transparencies were numerous and torches and fireworks were as plentiful as leaves on trees. Japanese lanterns were carried by the members of the Continental League, who looked as picturesque as patriotic. The spirit of '7t3 was happily illustrated by the Continental nfsr in his shirt sleeves and two young American drummers playing "Yankee Poodle." "Here We Are!" was the inscription upon a transparency borne by the Presidio Heights Club. The Howard Club was ringing a cowbell in a wagon draped with the National colors. It announced itself to be "solid for Me '< Kinley," and displayed an illustrative picture of the smokeless mills under the ! mischievous policy of President Cleve- land. Glaring out in the bold relief of the brilliant blue fire were such sentiments as: "McKinley and the McKinley Bill"; "California is for Protection to Her In dustries, Her Workingmen, and for the People's Choice, the Apostle of Protection, William McKinley." The Union League Club was represented by a delegation of its members in car riaees, who pledged the electoral vote of California to McKinley and Hobart. "A Protective Tariff," declared the Phoenix Continued '0% Sight* I*lo*. MAJOR McKINLEY IN HIS HOME Pen Sketch of the Future President. BELOVED BY HIS NEIGHBORS. Workingmen Come From Distant Points to Offer Their Con* gratulations. CANTON, Ohio, June 20.— 1 had ample opportunity this morning to draw a men tal portrait of Governor McKinley as he stood in the parlor of his cozy and unos tentatious residence, surrounded by a group of New York delegates. I found him a square-shouldered, square-headed man, rather short than tall of stature, and inclined to corpulency. His hands were in his pantaloon pockets and his feet wide apart, eiving him a solid foundation. This attitude is in harmony with the rest of his physical makeup — strong, purposeful, re- liant. Standing in this position, with shoul ders bet well back and chest thrown for ward, tho hereditary determination of his Scotch-Irish ancestry stands revealed. The square, forward chin, the square jaw, the lines extending downward irom the cor ners of the mouth, the deepset lines from the corners of the not-trils, the dimple of babyhood grown into the cleft in the chin, the lips horizontally set and the almost level eyebrows tell the same story. The most conspicuous facial character istic of this man upon whom the eyes of a nation are blnzing to-day is his aquiline profile. It reminds you at once of an eagle's head. There are the curved beak of the king of the cliff and the crag, the fine grained dark and rather scanty hair brushed back over the ears, and the down ward curve of the mouth to make the re semblance more vivid. Like most of the other dwellers in the moist heat of the preat West, and like the Bonaparte whom he resembles, there is no color in the Mc- Kinley face, and this absence of red. which is often an indication of a temperate life, is made more prominent by the dark hair and eyebrows and the suit of solemn blaex cloth and the black tie which he wears. The Republican candidate for the Pre^i demry of the United States has a remark able pair of eyes. They are gray and deeply set. behind black and somewhat shagKy brows. Indeed' they are set so deeply that there does not seem to be any eyelid above them, and most of the time they are shaded. The dark-brown hue of the upper atrip of the lower eyelid adds to these a Rembrant chiaroscuro effect. From trie midst of these shades, two . round, bright, gray eyes snine at you. The ; look is not keen and penetrating, nor de livered from ambush, but open, bold and sparkling. There is no winking of the dark eyelashes, but the round pupils shine as polished crystal. They are among the frankest eyes I ever looked into. Once, while I was clandestinely study ing this remarkable man to whum the signs of the times are pointing as the next President, he left the group of New Yorkers and walked to the back parlor. His step was the stride of an Eg win Booth ; every sweep of the body showed intel lectual as well as physical power; there was a free and graceful swinging of the arms, a swaying of the compact rounded figure, and a dipping of each shoulder in unison with the step. From an iron man, such as Governor McKinley strikes me as being, you would expect a rough, deep bass voice. But such is not the case. The Governor's voice is PRICE FIVE CEXTS. clear and musical, modulation and accent being those of a trained elocutionist. While possessing all the courtesy and chivalric bearing of the Latin race, the Governor has an ample store of Scotch cautiousness which is the saving rudder to hi 3 force of character. This came to the front this morning, when one of the Nen Yorkers laid before him on a table a small flag, on the white stripes of wi ich wer« printedi nted with pen and ink the name of a .Republican club of tnat city, with the re NEW TO-DAT. EON CZfl lilfl BABY Grew Worse under Treatment of Best v ' \,'\- Physicians. Tried CUTICURA REMEDIES Great Change in Five Days and To-day Is Entirely Cured. My baby had Eczema in its worst form, One'of i he* best physicians in the city attended her, but. she continued to get worse all the time." He finally admitted he was at his wits' end. I then got Clticcka Remedies, and in a f'ic day* noticed a great change in her con- dition. She continued to improve and to-day i* entirely cured, has nice head of hair, and is lively anil hearty. I spent considerable money for drags and doctor's bills, which was useless. J. B.JACOBS, 2031 Wiltons Aye., Bait., Md. Spimi Cure Treatment.— Warm bttha with Crri- rip.v Hoap. rt-ntlr applications of CrTiCfßA(ointmcnt>, (he tires.', lUs corn, find mild done* of CCTICCBA Rssoir text, greatest of humor cum. Sold throughout the world. Price. 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