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VOLUME T.rnr- *rnil WHITNEY'S PLEA TO HIS PARTY Advises the Democracy to Adhere to a Single Standard. DEFEAT INEVITABLE IF SILVER WINS. He Declares Disaster Will Be the Result of a Change in Policy. ASKS HIS BRETHREN TO BIDE THEIR TIME. Great Nations of the World Are Fast Drifting Toward Co-operative Bimetallism. NEW YORK, N. V., June 21.— W. C. I "Whitney to-day sent the following to the press: I find it necessary to make a public state- j ment embodying my views of the, situation to ; correct misconceptions and to save the time now occupied in answering questions. Far too great Importance has been attached j to my decision to go to the Chicago conven- ■ tion. I have been practically out of politics for four years, and there are now many East- i crn Democrats who can do much more than I j Oan for the party I shall not assume any po sition ot leadership. My decision to stay was simply based on the duty of every person who believes in the party for its principles, to stand by and lend his aid and take his chances when a great crisis is upon it. There can be no question but that a great crisis is upon the j Democratic party. Fundamental differences of j principle exist inside the party, marked almost ; by sectional lines. The great question to my mind is whether ! the party meets in convention now as in 1860, with issues and differences that are for the momeni irreconcilable. For the past fifteen years leaders of public opinion in the South and West have been ad vocating as the great remedy for existing ills the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to i. with or without the co-operation of other nfitions. It has come to be believed in there quite generally and conscientiously. A )«rge j majority of the delegates to the coming Demo cratic Convention have been elected by the people for the purpose of incorporating that ; doctrine into the platform of the Democratic j party. Our people, on the other hand, entirely j disagree with these views, ana believe almost j nniversally that it will bring general ruin to the business and prosperity of the country. It is deemed a new doctrine when propose i to be incorporated into the platform of the Nntional Democracy. It >s true that in no previous ' platform oi the party can it speciticfUly be found. Consequently no party obligations ; heretofore assumed oblige them to subscribe | to it. Under these circumstances, if the results of i the Democratic convention should be to es- ! tablish as the issue of this campaign the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, inde- ' pendent of other nations, in the intensity of j feeling likely to arise, it is to be seriously ap- : prehended that a disruption of the Demo cratic party might occur. Certainly no sub stantial following could be secured for the doctrine among Eastern Democrats. They might not vote the . Republican ticket for other reasons (believing that the Reputlican | party stands for other issues that are detri- | mental to the country), but the Democrats in ; the East would not, in my opinion, vote for it. j This movement for iree coinage purports to have for its object the establishment and maintenance of gold and silver as the money of the country, uDon equal terms with each other and at a parity of purchasing power. If. by the proposed measure, that object could be secured, there would be no substantial dis agreement in the party. Every National Democratic platform that has hitherto spoken upon the subject has declared for both gold and silver money. It is our traditional policy. But the maintenance of the double standard at the present time is not a question of 1 desire it is a question of ability. The commercial value of silver has declined greatly in the markets of the world. What ever the causes are and whoever is to blame the fact Is that silver has declined, and free coinage now at 16 to 1 is the same as our offer ing for all the silver in the world about twice what it is selling for in the market. Interna tional exchanges have to be paid in gold. And it would seem plain that if we, under these conditions, open our mints to free coinage of Bilver and gold at a ratio of comparative value which is largely at variance with the commer cial value of the two metals, we must take the entire silver surplus ourselves, and alone maintain its parity with gold or else we shall go to a silver basis. France, in 1873, closed her mints against sil ver and abandoned this experiment, deeming herself unequal to the task alone, and at that time it was much less difficult, for silver was then at a parity with gold at the ratio in use, and even England's mints in India were open to the free coinage of silver. If the experiment of maintaining the parity of the two metals at a coinage standard was difficult then, it would seem to be positively hopeless now without International agree ment. Germany, France, Belgium, Italy and Austria believe in a double standard and de sire to establish it, but no one, two or three of them deem themselves able to maintain the double standard even with the co-operation of the United States. If the result of the measures proposed would be to carry us to a silver basis, it is not felt here that such a proposal would be in line with the principles of the Democratic party. It is not the joint standard with the purchas ing power of the dollars at parity with each other, but it is changing from one standard to another, and that change being to a depre ciated coin. And it Is also felt, aside from the absence of any Democratic principle to sustain it, that you cannot have such a disturbance of values as would come from changing from a gold to a silver basis without such a shock to confi dence, the hoarding of gold and contraction of your available circulating medium, as would bring in the opinion of our people the worst panic and distress we have ever seen in th's country. :"' The creditor classes are prepared for it The obligations, mortgages, railroad and other wise, are generally payable In gold. Debts would still have to be paid in gold, but wages j In silver. The sufferers, as usual, would be the poorer classes. This movement, purporting to be in the in terest of the joint standard, comes at a most Inopportune time, in my opinion. jSE^S There has never been a time when the pros pects of international action favorable to the loin t standard were at all as promising as at the present moment. But an illadvised, un mccessful attempt here would discredit the cause the world over. What is the situation as regards this? From the discussion of the last twenty years it has come to pass that among the persons in j The San Francisco Call. Europe who are trained, recognized scientists upon the monetary and economic questions scarcely one is not at the present time advo cating the desirability of the joint standard as the real solution of the monetary difficulties of the world. This includes every professor engaged in teaching or lecturing on these sub jects in the universities of Great Britain. Tuey are agreed upon the desirability of it and that it is entirely practicable if estab lished and maintained by agreement of the principal commercial nations. It would be expected tnat, with such a gen eral consensus of scientific opinion as is to be found abroad upon this subject, it would come rapidly to be the generally received opinion of the nations to be affected by a wise settlement of 'he problem. Such is the case. Of the continental na tions Germany was the one that in 1892 prac tically broke up the conference which met at the suggestion of the United States. She in structed her delegates to meet and talk, but to state to the conference that she would not change her imperial standard. As her standard was gold that announcement ended all possi bility of any practical result from that con ference. Since that time, and within the last year, her legislative assemblies have spe ciiically by votes of instructions to her Min isters changed her attitude upon that point, so that the specific objection of Germany en countered by the conference of 1892 has been since considered ana withdrawn. At the present moment Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Belgium and the United States wish ta co-operate for the estab lishment aud maintenance of the joint stand ard by international agreement, and (a most important circumstance) Great Britain has re cently, within three months in fact, made a most important concession. She has said: "We will do for you as much as you can do for yourselv.>~. We will make this great contribu tion to a bimetallic svatem. AYe will go back upon the deliberately arranged methods of providing a currency lor India. We will re open the Indian mints. We will engage that they shall be kept open, and we shall there fore provide for a free coinage of silver within the limits of the British Empire for a popula tion greater in number than the population of Germany, France and America put together." Into this long and now jus 1 about to be suc cessful struggle for the establishment of the joint siamiard it is proposed that we should Intervene by assuming to establish it alone. Against this proposed action on our part, these farnest believers in and workers for the cause trenuously protest. They say to us: "You cannot succeed, and your failure will discredit the cause." The recent article of Dr. Ahrendt in the North American Review shows verr clearly the view taken by our friends abroad upon this subject. He had done much and probably more than any living man to advocate nnd bring to its dominating position in Germany this cause. One of the original organizer? of the Bimetallic Le:igue in Germany, he is en titled to be called one of the leaders of public opinion in Europe upon this subject. It was upon his motion in the Prussian Chmnberof Deputies that the position of Germany was modified within tbe last year. He expresses the opinion that free coinage undertaken by the United States alone would simpiy end in silver monometallism and dis credit and put back the CHSM of the double standard the world over. It is a question not what we wish, but what we are able to do. A strong man may under take a task too great for bis Ktrength and break . down. It cannot be denied that the feeling among our people is that this free coinage by the United States alone wil! not give us the gold and silver money at a narity with each other (which is the assumption upon which it is ur.i r : aken)! but will bring to v- silver mono metallism and a change in the standard of values. And that change, it is believed, means immpdiate ruin to our industries and no per manent good to any one. This feeling is general and intense. Whether these differences can be reconciled it is impos sible to anticiptate. The Democratic party stands for principles desirable to be main tained fur the good of the country. Almost any sacrifice might be askod of Democrats for the sake of the party and they would cheer fuliymakeit. But if the delegates from this locality should go to that convention and rep resent that the rank and file of the party would follow the lead of the Southern brethren and vote for the free coinage of silver by the United States alone, he would be misrepre senting the state of public opinion here. Wheth'-r it is so or not it is considered a proposition to debase the existing standard of values. And the same feeling of indisposition to compromise with that matter for votes or anything else is as active and dominant here in our party as it was found in the Republican party when it bore down and overpowered the McKinley machine. Personally It is my opinion that if the Demo cratic party goes on that platform this time they will meet the most disastrous defeat that any party has ever had in this country. I un derstand it is honestly believed in and people think it will bring relief from their present trouble-; but between now and election day it will be pretty thoroughly sifted and the peo ple of this country will not face the disturb ance in values, the loss of confidence, the gen eral distress and ruin which would come to their business interests in sucti a change in the standard of value as would arise from such action. And it will, in my opinion, overwhelm the persons who undertake it. It ought not to be necessary for me to say anything of a personal nature. I find myself, however, spoken of here and there as a possi ble candidate— not very seriously or promi nently, Dut sufficiently to attract attention if 1 should fail to notice it. It sometimes affects one's influence in cases like the present. I have p.o personal motive in entering this fight. I have said that 1 would not be a candidate. I will add, copying the emphatic language once used by the late General Sherman (I think I remember it correctiy): "I will not run if nominated, nor serve if elected." I am not foolish enough to suppose that any Eastern man could be nominated Dy this con vention, much less that I could be. I sympa thize thoroughly with the feeling In tne South that has caused this uprising, and will find its expression at Chicago, but as to the principles which the uprising has brought forth and the issues being framed, I entirely disagree. William c. Whitney. LABORING FOR GOLD. Efforts of thp Administration to Stem the Rush of the Sli ver Tide. WASHINGTON, D. C. June 21.-Ad ministration Democrats here are co-oper ating with W. 0. Whitney of New York in his effort to stem what is termed the silver tide and to change the apparent silver complexion of the Chicagoconvention into one for gold. The first practical move in that direction made here has been to se cure a list of all the delegates-elect to the Chicago convention. More than two thirds of these have been chosen. All the delegates chosen who are either instructed for siiver or are believed to incline to sil ver will at once be communicated with personally. These delegates for weeks past have been receiving "sound money" literp.ture from the New York and Boston reform clubs, but they will now, it is asserted, be solicited by letter. Efforts will also be made to ascertain their stnnding in their communities and what influence, if any, of a local or National nature can be SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1896. brought to bear on them to change their views on the money Question. To this end prominent bankers ajid merchants in the communities in which the delegates reside will be written to for information, and when in hand this information, with any political pressure that can be brought from their fellow Democrats, locally or Nationally, will be utilized in the direction of the well-known views of the adminis tration. SILVER MEN CONTROL. Ohio's Democratic Convention WUI Declare for a Double Standard. COLUMBUS, Ohio, June 21.— The free silver Democrats are so confident of con trolling the State convention here this week that they are now disputing over the honors. There are seven candidates for delegates at large— John McLean, John W. Bookwalter, Allen W. Thurman, Gen eral E. B. Finley, E. J. Blondin, L. E. Wolden and A. J. Warner. McLean and Bookrwalter are practically agreed upon. The other five will contest for the two re maining places. Allen W. Thurman will probably be made chairman of the con vention, to take the place declined by John A. McMahon. No candidates are yet announced for the State offices to be tilled this year. All interest centers in the action of the convention on the financial question. The gold-standard Democrats concede that a large majority of the delegates to the State convention are in favor of free silver. The minority will contain some strong men, however, among them ex-Congress man Tom L. Johnson, Frank Hurd and John A. McMahon, and they will at least enter a protest against free silver, and it may be a very vigorous one. DEPENDS UPON NEW YORK Commissioner Lamoreux on the Prospects for a Gold Bolt at Chicago. SEATTLE, Wash., June 21.— Hon. S. W. Limoreux, Commissioner of the General Land Office, who is making a tour of the West, passed Sunday in Seattle, leaving to-night for Portland and thence for San Francisco. He is a compamed by Mrs. Lamoreux and a party of friends. The Commissioner is looking up Land Office matters, especially affairs relating to the Surveyor-General. Congressional appro priations for his department this year amount to about $350,000, more an $100, --000 in excess of last year's allotment, and the Commissioner is endeavoring to see that an equitable distribution of funds to various States for survey and other pur poses is made. On matters relating to politics Commis sioner Lanioreaux was more or less reti cent. He is for sound money, bat fears the result of the Chicago convention. The free silver men, he believes, will be in the majority. In response to a query as to whether the single gold standard men would walk out of the convention in the event of the nomination of a free silver candidate Commissioner Lamoreux re plied : "T/iat would depend much npon the action of Ne>r York and "Pennsylvania, especially the Empire State delegation and Hill. Should New York stay in the con vention there would be no bolt." GOLD PLANK NEEDED. On a Sound Money Platform, Says Roswal! P. Flower, the Democ- racy Can Win. WATERTOWN, N. V., June 21.— Ex- Continued on Second J'nge. One of These Six Men May Be Nominated for President by the Democratic National Convention at phicago. ANGRY SPANIARDS THREATEN WAR, Liberal Senators Demand That America Be Censured. PURCHASE OF WARSHIPS The Government Negotiates a Heavy Loan From the Rothschilds. RELIES UPON OUTSIDE AID. Rage of the Dons Increased by the Cuban Resolutions Adopted at St. Louis. MADRID, Spain, June 21.— The Liber als have introduced in the Senate a mo tion censuring the United States for iheir attitude regarding Cuba. LONDON, E>-g., June 21.— A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Madrid says the plat form adopted by the St. Louis Convention has caused much anger in Spain, and that a conflict with the United States is almost certain. The Rothschilds have loaned the Gov ! ernment 100,000,000 pesetas, and the money i will be mostly applied to the purchase of i warships. The Government is responding i to an undoubted national sentiment, trust ing, probably, to receiving help from other j>owers. COLONEL NUNIA ARRESTED. Charged With Complicity in the Bermuda Filihu/ttering Trip. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 21.— I Colonel Nuuez. the Cuban ' patriot, ! arrived here late Saturday night I and was arrested by United States j Marshal McKay on a warrant sworn ! out by the Spanish Vice-Consul, charging J him with aiding in fitting out the expedi ; tion which sailed from this port on April !27 on the steamer Bermuda. Colonel ! Nunez came here to surrender himself. ' He will have a hearing before United j States Commissioner Locke Monday. GALLAGHER'S BODY. Several Claimants for the Person and Property of the Califorman Found Off Ellis 'land. NEW YORK, N. V., June 21.— The Cor oner's office to-duy received the following ! telegram: SAN tfRANOIBCO, Cat.., June 21.— Hold my • brother Faragele's property until you hear from me. Patrick Gallagher. The body of the man was floating in the bay off Ellis Island Thursday, and in nis j clothes were found a draft for $1000 and $I.V> in cold. The body was later identified by Mrs. Crane of fi3l Greenwich street as that of Faragele Gallagher, a ranchman of Cali fornia. Yesterday Mrs. Crane visited the Coroner's oilice and requested that the property be given to her, claiming that she was a relative of the deceased, but it was refused by the clerk. Poon after Mrs. Crane had left a young man, about 25 years of age, called at the office ar.d requested that the property be given to him, claiming that the dead man was his uncle. He was told to call to-morrow. KILLED BY SAFE-ROBBERS. An Officer and His Dog Lose Their Lives in Attempting to Capture Two Burglars. .NORTH BALTIMORE, Ohio, June 21.— Shortly after midnight last night Deputy Marshal Jesse Baker of this place sur prised two burglars at work on the safe in the postollice. He entered the office, ac companied by .his bulldog, whereupon the men rushed out of a rear door, with the officer and dog in close pursuit. The dog attacked one of the men, who turned and shot the animal twice and then leveled his revolver and tired at Baker, who had also shot a couple of times, the bullet entering the officer's left eye. About twenty -five persons were in front and near the postoffice when the shooting occurred. They ran to the alley, where they found the dog dead and Baker ap parently so. The burglars ii ad, however, completely disappeared. The wounded man was taken to his home, where he died a few hours later without regaining consciousness. A hat dropped by the murderers is the only clew left behind. WAS A BOGUS BLANTHER. Discovery Made by the Vienna Police in Comparing Photographs. Mrs. Langfeldt's Murderer Must Have Stolen the Decorations He Lft in This City. VIENNA, Austria, June 2l.— The publi cation here of a warrant issued in San Fran- ! Cisco for the arrest of Joseph yon Bianther, i an ex-officer of the Austrian army, who is \ supposed to hitvo murdered a woman ; named Mrs. Langfeldt, has led to the dis- j covery of two photographs of Yon Blan ther. Thes« photographs, when compared j with one of the murderer which has been received here, show that they are not pic- : tures of the same man. The police here j believe that the murderer, prior to kill- , ing Mrs. Langfeldt, had stolen the papers j from the real Yon Bianther, which, being [ found by the San Francisco police, led i them to believe that ttie murderer's true j name was Yon Bianther. Herr Josef yon Bianther ia yet remem- - bered in Austrian military circles as Lieu- ' tenant Josef Hitter yon Bianther, Knight of the Order of the Austrian Crown and j o! Jtf-. Italian C.-own. Tbe police of Ran ! Francisco believo that after having com caitted the crime he left America and re turned to Austria, and the police of ' Vienna are now trying to find him. As a young officer, at the age of 19, Bianther , served during the occupation of Bosnia , and Herzegovena by the Austro-Hun- j parian army in 1878. He had to ' defend with his company the position i of a battery against the attack of the Bos- | man insurgents, who were in superior force. Almost all the men of his company A VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE. and of the battery were killed or wounded. Bianther and a sergeant remained un touched. He commanded and loaded and fired a gun with his own hands and forced the insurgents to retire. He received the Order of the Iron Crown, it being the first case of so young an officer being decorated with this high orJer. At a review of the Vienna garrison Lieutenant yon Bianther was presented to King Humbert, who granted him the Order of the Italian Crown. Afterwards Bianther ran heavily into debt and was compelled to leave the country. THE SITUATION IN CRETE. Steamers Sent to the /stand for the Pur- pose of Removing Christian Women and Children. ATHENS, Greece, June 21.— Two steam ers have gone from the Piraus for the pur pose of removing from Crete the Christian women and children who are desirous of leaving the island because of the insurrec tion there against Turkish rule. The insurgents have refused to accept the terms of the Porte, which, in effect, are that they lay down their arms before the matter of reforms is considered. The situation is deplorable. Christian villages have been seized by the TurKish troops and hundreds of families are wandering about in the hills in an absolutely desti tute condition. The turkish troops have retired to Bukolis and the Christians have advanced to Aiikianou. , VALE'S CREW IN ENGLAND. In Magnificent Condition for the Work Hi- fore Them. NEW YORK, N. V., June 21.-A special cable dispatch to the Sun from London j says: The Yale crew had their first glimpse of j royalty to-day on a sailing launch with j Secretary Cooper of the Henley royal j regatta: On their run to Maidenhead the Prince of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Cork passed, boating from Windsor. The Yale crew were , entertained at j Friar's Lodge and got back to quarters for i dinner at 8 o'clock, with Mr. Cooper as a guest. '- ? £'-I- To-morrow the Leander first Trinity and New College eights will be up, with a host of oarsmen in addition, to begin training. Yale begins her second week hopefully, after splendid progress thus far. Cook is much encouraged and the men are in mag- J nificent condition to stand no end of work. I •> TVPI'EH'S KIfiRET. The Canadian Premier on Alien Labor . Legislation in Congress. ST. CATHERINES, o>"r., June 21.— Sir Charles Tupper, Premier of Canada, in a political speech here yesterday said he re- J gretted the alien-labor legislation of the i United States Congress, and added : _ ,^^\ "If the Americans persist in carrying ; oat a method so unfair it will compel the | Government and Parliament of Canada to ; take that subject up at no distant date, : with' a view ot protecting the industries and people of Canada." Cholera Spreading in Egypt. CAIRO, Egypt, June 21.— The official cholera statistics show that yesterday there were reported throughout Egypt 140 new cases and 114 deatbs. The disease is decreasing at Cairo and Alexandria and increasing in the provinces. r*H^E FIVE CENTS. Representative Bowers on the Nomination of McKinley. MEANS A RETURN TO PROSPERITY. None Could Stay the Will of the Masses Who Demand Protection. CERTAIN OF A TRIUMPH IN NOVEMBER. The Republican Nominee Will Win Because of the Policy He Advocates. SAN DIEGO. Cal., June 21.-Hon. W. W. Bowers, member ot Congress from the Seventh District, is at his home here. He was interviewed for The Call regarding the work of the St. Louis convention, and as he is and nas been a free-coinage man, his views are interesting. He said: •'I indorse everything they did at St. Lotus, with the exception of the gold plank in the platform. .Now, before I give you my position on that. Jet me say that the St. Louis convention could no more keep from nominating McKinley than the country can from electing him. I tell you the people are mighty slow, but when they get started everything has to give way. All the politicians were against Mc- Kinley, but he went in. No power on earth will prevent that man from being President of the United States. The sim ple fact is that the people are bound to have him and that settles it. "As to the financial plank: lam a free coinage man — a silver man out and out — because I know the conspiracy that robbed the people; 1 know tue scoundrelism and thievery of the syndicates that throw tMs country into debt and rob the people through the power of gold. Therefore the gold plank in the platform is not accord ing to my wish; but the great majority of my party has decided that it wants gold. I knew it did, and so 'lid every man who kept in touch with the sentiment. I will not bolt my party because the plank is not to my liking. The bolters drop out of sight, whiie the party sails grandly on. I will stick to silver and work for it, but strictly within the lines of my party. There is no good that can come from bolt ing the Republican ticket. The way to accomplish the Uopes ot free-coinage ad herents is to work in the party until a majority may be won, es the gold adher ents have won this time. '"But there is no use talking about silver when a greater issue is before the people. The one great issue is the American policy of protection. McKinley, by good fortune, is connected with the protective policy more closeiy than any man. The Ameri can people never had a good chance to test the difference between protection and something else until the Wilson bill went into effect. The change has been so ap palling in all kinds of business that Demo crats, as well as Republicans, are j,oing to have protection. There is no use talking, the people are going to get back into the middle of the road, and you can split on financial policies and everything else, bnt McKinley is going in because he repre sents what the people want — protection to American labor and American manu factures. "Look at the situation: the Honse of Representatives Republican, the Senate controlled by Populists, the President a Democrat. What was the result? Nothing. Each can blame the other, and there you are. Now, there will be a change and don't you forget it. The whole thing will be Republican, root arid branch, and pro tection will be the thing tnat does it." McKINLEY AT WORSHIP. His Pastor Draws a Moral From the Action Taken at St. Louis, CANTON, Ohio, June 21.— Major Mc- Kinley passed his first Sunday as the Re publican .Presidential candidate in much the same manner as previous Sundays had been spent by him. The principal change was in his surroundings and not in his ac tions. His hospitable home sheltered be neath its roof an unusual number of occu pants. There were Mr. and Mrs. Abner McKinley of New York and General Rus sell H. Hastings, wife and son of the Bermudas. Then there were several members of the family who came in to spend the day. The people respected the sanctity of the day and the quiet of the family, and aside from Dr. Phillips, the family physician, who merely dropped in to make sure that all was well, there were no calUrs save the visiting newspaper correspondents. In the morning Major McKinley at tended divine worship, as his custom was, in the First Methodist Church. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hastings and Cap tain Hiestar.d, U. S. A., who for several years acted as inspector-general of the Ohio militia on the Governor's staff. The audience-room was not crowded but well filled with the usual congregation. Major McKinley at church was so much felt* ac customed thing'that not even as a Presi dential candidate did he attract beyond, probably, a score of strangers, and most of these were visiting newspaper men. Dr. Edmunds, the pastor, advertised his topic as "Success nnd Its Attainment," and so pertinent was it to the situation that nearly every one expected him to speak laigely upon the event of the wee*. But he used it only as a contrast, the con nection between it and his theme being wholly inferential. In describing the conditions and requirements of a success ful candidate loi the prize of immortal life, the preacher showed a Knowledge of practical political methods that could have been the result only of close obser vation. In the opening prayer the pastor referred in these words to his distinguished auditor: "And now, 0 Lord, for a moment hea r