14 FAIR NATIVES FEAST. In Honor of Mrs. Mary Tillman, Presi dent of Minerva Parlor, They Hold High Revel. The Native Daughters of the Golden West held a banquet at Native Sons' Hall lust night. The occasion was a celebra tion of Minerva Parlor in honor of Mrs. Mary Tillman, lately elected as grand president. Officers and representatives of all the different parlors in San Francisco were present. The lirst toast of the evening was to "Our Flag," responded to by Lil lian Carlie of La Estrella Parlor; the sec ond, to "Our Pioneer Fathers and Moth ers," responded to by Miss Lizzie Douglas of Aha Parlor; the third, to "The Native Sons," responded to by Mrs. Simpson of Buena Vista Parlor; the fourth, to "Our Order," responded to by Miss Lillie Rich ling, the founder of the organization; and the last to "Our President," responded to bv Mrs. Mary Tillman. "Mrs. Tillman was presented with an ex quisite testimonial in the shape of a pen ,f gold and mother-of-pearl. Following are the various committees, and a list of those present: Committee of arrangements— Annie L. Don aldson (chairman), Maggie Milioglar, Mary A Dempsey, Hattie Money, Mary A. Wynne. Guests— Keichling (founder of order), Mrs. Marv E. Tillman (grand president), Mrs. Georgie Ryan (grand secretary). Ruby Menzer ■Brand trustee), Lizzie Douglas (grand trustee), Carrie W. Creigh, Maggie A. Wynne, Mrs. A. L. Pendergast, Mary A. Dempsey, Hattie H. Mur ray, Annie G. Qulnn. Annie L. Donaldson, Mrs. Emma Bond, Maggie Milioglar, Mrs. J Stein back, Mrs. L. Carlie, Mrs. Rader, Mrs R. D. Barton, Mrs. D. King, Agnes Carey, Nellie Wynne, Mrs. Sarah Luckow, Mrs. Carrie Muller, May Noonan, Mrs. M. Connor, Mrs. M. Storke, Kate Curran, May Smith, May McNeil, Maggie Wall, May Waters, Anna Gruber, Han nah "Maes, Lucy Roche, Mrs. M. Coleman, Minnie Sericano, Maggie Marshall, Mary Ducker, Mrs. A. J. Simpson, Rosie Day, Mrs. Theodore Lunstedt, Jennie Kelly, Mrs. V. Stevens, Florence Shultes of Alameda, Mrs. S. Schroeder of Alameda. Mrs. J. Paul of Oak land, Mrs. Brown of Oakland, Julia Moeller, Mrs. Dr. 8. Kobiske, Abbie McLaughlin, Mrs. Anna Robertson, Mrs. T. Vollertsen, Mary Creigh, Mrs. J. Schwaner, Belle Creigh. Rebecca Kimball, Maria Quinn, Bertha Mastny, Mrs. Eva Kearns. — *> — • HOTEL ARRIVALS BALDWIN HOTEL. \Y Cochran. San Rafael J E Bourke, Chicago G Gess. St Louis A T Bailell, Manston J J Nelly, Stockton H Vurich, Los Angeles C G Connor, Bakersfield W It Flsk, Chicago J Loss _ w, Santa Cruz It Buner. Stockton F !. Miiner, San Joss II Suchim, Alameda Mrs Scammell, Danville F li Willson, San Jose 0 M Smith, Seattle K Martin, Vallejo S Brook, Vancouver Mrs H Dillon, Fresno U Morgan, Selmar Miss Watts, Butte K Johnson. Portland F Blair, San Diego C A Barnes, San Diego NEW WESTERN HOTEL. MrsDEWeldon, 8 Monica E T Liefield, Conn W li Conway, Ft Bragg E Leslie, Fort Bragg 3 Dxary, Bedding J Shaoghnessy, -acto J Chironi, Sacramento M Beilly, San Bafael 3 A Smith, Fairfield AY S VanderbUt, N C W J Rickeley, Oakland E C Jones & w, Victoria H Loo:, Seattle Mis A thaw, Victoria D H A agile, Seattle .1 R Whitney, Victoria B E Raymond, Seattle R 11 Murphy, New York 0 C Nelson. Montana Leclln. New York MrsLMetzler_tiy, B Jose E Richardson, Visalia LICK HOUSE. A P Johnson. Sonora C La Rue, Merced G Hartzell, Jackson "William J Grady. S Jose li 8 Phillips,8acramento c J O'Brien, Los llanos A P Moore, Merced 1' J Francis, Santa Bosa J J FJt-natrick, Oakland J J Wilson it wt, LosAng ■ Geo ii I banc*. Port I MrsG 0 Briggs.Davisville Mrs H F v'alette.Chicago Miss I- V Jaeger.Chicago W J T Orr. Santa Rosa Mike Mitchell. White B '. A M Melne, Santa Los:. F C Milliard. Los An? J H AVadsworth Eureka E C Apperso__rwf,S Clara A 1-. Ehrenburg, Cologne A McMellan, Knoxville EM All'-::. San Jose S Blay & - era, Mexico B B Lewis, Alleghany J L Cate, Chicago V.'m F Wickware, Seattle Kiss HOUSE. Miss M E Levine, Cal J A Hirsck, New Orleans C M Lynch, Alameda J J Max;.-. La H I. Borgwardt Jr, Cal J p Baton, Bedding. F M Mosier, Tracy 8 Price, Butte W B Clark, Santa Cruz M J Flannery, San Jose M .-- L Cliamberline, Or C WeUville, Sacto A B Guthrie, Sacto J J Chisholm, Byron S 0 A Sanders Neb L La Forge, Lincoln, Neb Mrs F a Bennett, Fresno J Gray, w At c, Cal Miss A Clark. San Jose W 11 Weddlngton, La G W Hoag, Corning «; W Stevens, Benicia Miss EBurnetl, Eureka H S Lamb, orland W A Chainberlau, Cal AY McGorvan, Ft Bragg J Ketchum, Ft Bragg <. Bo: >'• Grass Valley W J Mathews. La .1 P Eaton, Redding " Mrs W it Ballard. Cal W E Liallager, Denver Mrs M K Young, La D H Dechard, Watson vil A Hood, san Jose .-LAND HOTEL. F D Frost A w, Cal Miss Blaackburn, Cal Miss A Blackburn, Cal J li Murphy & w, Cal Mrs W Boul.lon. Cal R Dollar, .-an Kafael Miss Dollar, San Rafael A M Itobb, Port Costa J W Houston; Courtland J M Pettigew, Cal W K Barinoi Cal J s Herman. Fresno w B schaw, Sacto G J Jenkins,' Cal IB B Thomas, Cal T J James, Cal G F Forrest. Los Gatos Irving Keen, Florida C Crowley; Los Ange Miss Cody, Tulare Mrs Cody, Tulare G T Adams, Boston '. Hoi brook, Jackson Dr Lush, 8 ntaCruz P Sweed, Petaloma I E Madran, San Jose C A Hood.. -an Jose W il Harran, Cal Miss A N Church, M'inn Mrs S A March, Minn Mrs - A Coe. San Jo3e W A Bodman, Everett B E Rodman. Everett F J Banck, Chino C fl Worcester <& w, 111 HE Southwell & w, ill C B Sharen, Fresno H Richardson, Los natos J llerinin.way. Chicago J A White, Ventura 1 J Walton, Vreka A J Daulton, Santa Bam R Clark, Fresno A C dobbins, Cal H T human, Cal W 3 Loring, Angels G T Inaley, Los Angelas C P Siewart, Los Aug H Lenthead. Los Aug P Walker w & f. Mich M L <-. man w A f . Mo C J Johnson, Chicago C E King \v it f, Colusa J Sullivan, Willows G a Dougherty, Cal .1 En right, Bedding H ... Church, Clinton J C Tice. Stockton PALACE HOTEL. IL J Lake. Santa Cruz <> M Hymns, N Y B - Skinner, Indiana a C P. Roberts, Phila J i: Lewis. Phila J Milt Jr, Oakland W Montgom ry, Trenton J Wood, Phila E Davis, London Mr- E Davis, London Miss Halford, London Percy Talbott, London Dorothy 1 albott. Londn Phyllis Talbott, Loudon Mrs la bott, London J ii. Morgan Jr. Alliance F Hopkins & wt, Memo R W Parry, Reno Mrs K L Thomas, Cine WE Bloyer. Cincinnati Mrs Bloyer, Cincinnati R C Winterman; • Incinn Mrs Winterman, Cincin E li Carter, DesMoines >. onnkon, Si Louis W 8 i.atta, Lincoln T W Miles. Denver Robert Miles, Denver WE Kennett, Yorkville Mrs Kennett, Yorkville M LNeedham, Aurora Mrs Needham, Aurora Miss Needham, Aurora L E Lowe, Paris Mrs R E Bowe, Paris Mrs A Sweeney, st Paul Dr T Garth, Clarion Mrs Lr Garth, Clarion Dr L Pond, Aurora Mrs F C Sherman, Conn C P Drake, Clinton Dr J K Scudder, Cinnatl Mrs-; I! lineal. Cincnti P K Howes. Boston II C Holder, Liverpool W Knabe, Liverpool J w Minium. Mimu.-n F W Partridge, Los Ang FT Johnson.. wf.SRafael J Drew, N Y Miss Barrymore, N Y W p Harrington, Colusa A Macmillan, Towio Baron ]_-. .{range Paris 3"' E L Russell, Spngfild Mrs K i. Russell.Spn.fild Mrs L Russell. rngfild Miss Russell, Springfield Dr G Covert, Clinton Mrs A Woodard, Clinton Miss Vanderlyn, Clinton Dr W J Grinnell, Ohio L E Cook, Ohio SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cai.i --/10 Market street, open until 12 c clock everj Bight in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— SBO Montgomery street tornerClay; opfn until 9:30 o'clock. 389 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 713 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission ureets, opes sntil 9 oviock. . 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 118 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE or MEETINGS. WETS' PACIFIC LODGE NO. 136, F. AN I) b~ &-©' A. M., 121 Eddy st.omeets THIS A (TUESDAY) EVENING, at 7:30 clock. jKif Second D. GEO. PENLINGTON, Sec. /N_^\ rrS 71 "oriental" LODGE SO. 144. I. _» Bfc^ *A. M. — Third degree THIS .il.s- /4 DAY) EVENING a 7::0 o'rlock. VV A. S. HUBB.vRD. Sec. ,'x^N B£— s= CALIFORNIA CHAPTER NO. 5, a 2E-^ K. a. M.. will meet Tills (TUES- i^ DA V) EVENING, June 23, at 7:30o:clock. IK 7f M. M. degree. By order of the H. P. r^\ FRANKLIN H. DAY, Sec. GOLDEN GATE LODGE NO. SO, m BC- 6 ' F. and A. M.— Called meeting THIS A (TUESDAY) EVENING, June 23, at 7:3o if Z? o'clock. D. 3. , rsjr\ GEO. J. HOBE, Secretary. jKss=> YE T Kit AN VOLU.VTKEK It-* 1 Firemen's Association— -Wt. ran JfeS^lX Volunteer Firemen will assemble at S~y"es» tieir hail. 24 Fourth st., on WEDNESDAY, June 24, at 12:3 p.m., to attend th» funeral of our late brother and member, GEN. W. H. DI.MOND. .1. S. MARSHALL. President. W. A. smr.i.AY. Secretary. *T]B=- THE '1 1 i ICE 8 AND M EM- . C? " >- isrJS' hers of the l San Francisco Scot- X QJ? tish Thistle Club are requested to at- \kjjsy tend the funeral of our deceased clans- 'tj-9% man. .loiiN DONALD, from his late residence, 121 Arkansas street, Pntrero, WEDNESDAY, June 24, 189tJ, at 1 :30 p. M. By order J. D. COULIE, Royal Chief. Gko. W. Patkbsos, Recorder. fCS=> GJtA Nl) PICNIC— ORDER OP CHOSEN O*-& Friends at Agricultural Park, san Jose, SATURDAY. June 27. Tickets, round trip, $1: children, 50 cents. Train leaves Third and Town- send sts. '.) -.. m., stopping at Twenty- and Va- lencia its. Games, prise*, bicycle race, ihe pro- ;eeds to be donated to the injured and homeless members of the late cyclone at St. Louis. Tickets For sale on the morning of the picnic at Third and lown.se. ud sts. and Twenty-fifth, and Valencia sts. SPECIAL. NOTICES. «r5^ u Ti)Rs7~£7^ ia^D^ moved to 1370 Market st. ; poor treated free. ff^S=* BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4; m<& collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 5580. ifr-S= COi-Ti-.V'S COLLECTION COT. 235 vfc-Jy Kearny St.. ejects bad tenants for $10; all costs paid. Telephone Red 304. DIVIDEND NOTICES. j£iB?~DIVIDEND NOTICE.— THE GERMAN «t~J*^ Savings and Loan Society, 526 California St.— For tin- half year ending June 30, 1896, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and twenty-six hundredtns (4 26-100) per cent per an- num on term deposits, and three and fifty-five hundredths (3 55-100) per cent per annum on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Wednesday, July 1. 1896. GEO. TOURNEY. Secretary. jF^CP DIVIDEND NOTICE— MUTUAL SAV- IS-*' Ings Bank of San Francisco. 33 Post St.— For the half year ending June 30, 1896, a div.dend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on term deposits and three and one-third (3.33V3) per cent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after WEDNESDAY, July 1. iv i *. * QEO. A. STORY, Cashier. Bfr^^p" HUMBOLDT SAVINGS AND LOAN BtSs' Society, 18 Geary St. — The directors have \ declared the following semi-annual dividends: 4.32 per cent per annum on term and 3.60 percent per annum on ordinary deposits, payable on and 1 after July 1, 1896. ERNEST BRAND, Secretary. E£— p* DIVIDEND NOTICE— SAN FRANCISCO fcSSt? Savings Union, 632 California St., corner Webb. For the half year ending with the 30th of June, 1896. a dividend has been declared at the rate per annum of four and thirty-two one hun- dredths (4 32-10 D) percent on term deposits and three and sixfy one-hundreaths (3 60-100) ler cent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Wednesday, the Ist of July, 1896. j LQVELI. WHITE, cashier. ___ situations wanted- female. DOCTORS AND DENTISTS— YOUNG LADY desires position with doctor or dentist; some experience; no objection to cap and apron. Ad- dress W. P., box 43, Call Office. WOMAN WITH SON 8 YEARS OLD DE- '» sires position to keep house for widower with one child: no objection to country if near school. Address 4272 Twenty-fifth st. IDDLE-AGIiD WOMAN WANTS HOUSE- keeping in city, from 815 to $20, or general housework in flat: good plain cook. Call or write to 448 Natoma St.. MISS BEELER. GERMAN GIRL, 14 YEARS OF AGE, CAN speak English, wishes place to take care of children or assist with light housework; sleep home. Please call 1105 Stevenson st., nr. Twelfth and Mar_et. /COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK OF \J any kind by the day, week or month; is a good cook, washer and ironer; good reference. Call 1225 Union SU, rear. TEAT YOUNG DANISH GIRL WANTS A --> situation for light housework; wages $10 to $15. Call, during morning hous, at 347 Dorest., bet. Ninth and Tenth. •\\rANTED-SITUATION BY YOUNG LADY '» as companion: summer resort. Address Twenty-eighih-st. Carhouse. \k[ I DOW WOULD i.IKE INVALID OR »' old lady or gentleman to care for; good, pleasant home and good care. Address or call 1618 Green st_ MRS. DAN FORTH. KESSMAKER WISHES ENGAGEMENTS in families; terms $1 50 per day. Address D. M., box 18, Call Office. IDDLE-AG.^.D WOMAN WANTS PLACE to do housework; city or country: reasonable wages. Apply for ■_' days at 309 Jessie, near Fifth. O.ME; SHORT DISTANCE IN COUNTRY, for vacation, for American girl (15) in private American family (Protestants) to assist in light work for board, or mother and daughter together the same way. 20Vis Hardy st., near Sixteenth. 11LATION WANTED TO DO SECOND O work; is lirst-class waitress and chambermaid: references. Apply 909 Pos. si., bet t> ana 12 a. m. 1 1 IRL WISHES GEN KRAL"iroUSKWORK IN vJ private family; also girl for upstairs work. Call 34 Lafayette ■:. EKMAN GIRL WISHES PLACE FOR \X liirhl housework. Apply 13U7a Broadway. ADY I SUES A POSITION AS COPYIST or to do writing in au office. 417 Larkin, rm. 27. XPEKIENCED LADY WANTS WORK AS janltress or housekeeping: any kind of work. Room 1, 821 Mission s:. ■yOUNG GERMAN WOULD LIKE A PO- X sition to assist with light housework; no post- als. 1623 Powell st. RESSMAKER WISHES WORK BY THE day in families; good lit and nice finish; terms $1 5u per day. Address ii". '' ; ■ Florida st. C^OMPEI EN 1 YOUNG CREOLE WIDOW VJ with child wishes housekeeper's position, cham- berwork or sewine; city or country. Call or ad- dress 917 Market st., room 19. yOL'SO LADY WANTS POSITION AS X traveling companion. Call 706 Ellis St.: ring 2 bells. TJ OUSEWORK— BY THE DAY; FRENCH XX laundress; do little cooking; speaks some English; French family preferred. 310 a Clemen- tina st. Vl' INCH • ER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NR. '' Market: 200 rooms: 25c to $ 1 6:) per night: $1 50 to $6 per week: convenient and respectable; tree bug and baggage to and from the ferry. SITUATIONS. \\ AM JED-MALE. HTNIr.i'.A COTCHINESE A A D J A PAN KSK employment office, 17 Webb St., below Kear- ny. bet. California and Sacramento, tel. 231. BINESE AND JAPANESE RELIABLE help; teL Main 1997. BRADLEYACO.. 640 Clay. CO. COOK'S S-..C. SUPPLIES COOKS; ALL .branches :shor; notice. J4 6earv. tel. Grant 48. APANESE AND CHINESE EMPLOYMENT office: best help. 81«B Batter; "1 Grant 30. pHINESK AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT \J ollice; best help. 414 i.-a O'Farrell; tel. I-.. 426. \ N Al SALESMAN OF EXPERIENCE -V thoroughly acquainted with Pacific Coast trade and capable of handling large deals, would like to form a connection with some iarse and re- sponsible concern. Address L. i;.. box 120, Call. \\ ; ANTED— SITUATION IN OFFICE; FULLY '» competent; salary no object: middle aged; good letters. FREDERICKS, box 1, Call Office. BARBER- A FIRST-CLASS BARBER TO help out evenings throughout the week. Ad- dress F. D., bos 182, Call. pACKKR-FIRST-CLASS WITH 10 YEARS' X reference, wishes position in wholesale house. Address Packer, box 67, this office. BOY WISHES A SITUATION IN A WHOLE- sale house; willing to work. Address G., box 148, call. :.,- ; ; * s yOUNG MAN DESIRES SITUATION ON | 1 private place; understands care of horses, car- rlages and garden. Add. H. 11.. box 128, Call. SHORT KNIFE CUTTER WANTS SITUA- tion. Address S. IJ., box 152, this office. IT U A T ION WANTED i.V GERMAN AND U wife, without children, to take care of ranch or work on a private place; man understands all kinds of ranch or private work; wife good cook • both first-class references. Address J. L. RAT 11- GEBER, Napa, C.il. "WANTED— BY good RESPONSIBLE »' young man position to collect and deliver; se- curity and good references. Address s. A., box 6 this office. I [CENSED ENGINEER, 25 YEARS' EXPE- \j rlencein city and the mines, warns situation; city or country; man of family: can run dynamo and locomotive. Address I. M., box 107, Call Office. Vo'r' N I . MAN DESIRES A POSITION TO 0 X any kind of work; handy with tools. Address Reliable, box 3-', this office. QOBER a~n"l» RELIABLE YOUNG MAN O (Danish) desires a steady job of any kind; will drive wagon. Address J.. box 140, this office. PROF ESBIONAL ACCOUNTANT OFFERS his services in the expertlng of books, opening and closln? of partnership accounts, writing up books and general expert work. Address P. C box 137, Call Office. \VANTEI.-BY A YOUNG MARRIED MAN, »' a Situation as carpenter on a ranch; is also used to all kinds of farm work: can furnish good reference. Addr. ss P. O. box 17. San Lorenzo. \V I ACHES 7 ! ER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR '» Market— Electric lights In every room; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; 81 50 to $6 per week; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. THE SAN FRAXCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JTJNE 23, 1896 SITUATIONS AN TED- Continued. CIARDENER, PRACTICAL. OR MAN ABOUT VJT place, wishes situation: references. Address Gardener, 417 Kearny st. ERMANiWISHES SIT"UATIOX IN A PRI- GERMAN WISHES SITUATION IN A PRl- vate family; good gardener, coachman; under- stands handling sock; pool milker; references. Address Industrious, box 27, Call Office. \\r JNCHKSTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR I' Market— Electric lights In every room; 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week: tree bus ami baggage 10 and from the ferry. I'KJIALi; HKLP WANTED. 0^k7?30 ; NU RSe7^26 ; SECOND G I IRlTiSo": 15 housework girls, city and country, $20 and $25: 8 young girls to assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULLEN, 323 sutler si. \A ANTED— 2 GERMAN AND FRENCH. SEC- '" ond girls, $20 and $25: laundress, private fam- ily. $25: German chambermaid, $20; ranch cook, $20; cook, small hotel, $25; ironers in laundry and girls for cooking en I housework in city ana coun- try. J. F. CRO-KTT A CO., 312 Sutter st. \\r anted- SCANDINAVIAN- laundress, >» country, $30; German chambermaid, $25; French nurse, maid and seamstress, $25; French girl, country, must speak English, $20: French nurse, $15. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. OOK. SMALL MOUNTAIN RESORT, $30; \J c ook, small country hotel, $20: also young girl, chamberwork and waiting, same place, $15, fare paid: ranch cooks, $20; waitresses, eta MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay St. \JEAT GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK, i' small American family, country town, $20: see party here. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay. WANTED— A WAITRESS AND PARLOR >' maid; Burllngame; $25. Apply MISS PLUNKETT. 424 Sutter st. II' ANTED— A CATHOLIC SEAMSTRESS »> and maid; $25. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. O WAITRESSES, SMALL COUNTRY HO- -0 tels, $20, room, etc. ; chambermaid and wait- ress, $18, room, etc. MARTIN'S Employment Agency, 749 Market st. OOK, SUMMER RESORT, $36; WAITRESS, springs, $20; German hotel chambermaid, s2o; Swedish chambermaid, $20; 2 hotel chamber- maids, $20: cook, country, private family, $20. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. OOK AND LAUNDRESS, $25; 3 NORSE- girls, $12 and $15, and others. MRS. HIRD, 721 Ellis. p IRLS OF ALL NATIONALITIES TO FILL VJ positions. German Employment Office, 306 Mason st. ; ADY OF ABILITY TO TAKE CHARGE OF a department. Address, stating experience and salary expected, Wholesale, box 52, Call. _j ERMAN WOMAN, COO KING, $20; CALL early. German Employment office, 306 Ma- son st. /"COMPETENT WOMAN 1 0 ASSIST IN VJ profitable legitimate business. Address Profit, box 122, Call Office. A'Ol'NG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: X sleep home; references. 1011 Buchanan st. V I BBT-CLASS TAILORKSS ON CUSTOM X coats. 411V_ Kearny su j VTURSE FOX CHILD 3 YEARS OLD; GER- J-i man preferred. 2012 cutter 3t. "yOUNG LADY FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; ! X sleep home. 891 Bush St.. cor Mason. \Y ANTED— IKON SW. COR. DOLORES »» and Twenty-ninth sts. \Y ANTED— TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- '» work and plain cooking. 1226 McAllister st.; sleep at home. : T'IRsIiLASS COOK; CITY REFERENCE F required: none other need ai'p'y; wages $40. Call at 621 Leavenworih street this a. m., between 10 and 12 o'clock. p ERMAN GIRL for GENERAL HOUSE- VJ work. 645 McAllister st. T,' I I ; - I-i ■I. \ s OPERATOR OS CUSTOM J coats. 225 Montgomery st. IRL TO MIND BABY, $12. GERMAN EM- plnyment Office, 306 Mason su AX APPRENTICE AT DRESSMAKING. 1609 O'Farrell st. \\ r ANTED— YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN »» light housework. 916 O'Farrell st. Air ANTED— YOUNG, TIDY GIRL 1O ASSIST »' in housework. 929 >utter St.. middle flat. WANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- '» work and cooking. 1434 Golden Gate aye. A PPRENTICE ON CUSTOM COATS. 966 x\- som st. IRL TO DO light housework. 109 Ya Seventh st. GIRL (20 TO 25); LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING; twice weekly; $2 50 monthly. Gentleman, box 26, Call olfice. \\r ANTED— YOUNG GIRL to ASSIST WITH » » housework and baby. Call 630 Jersey st. 1%, ANTED — PU Pi LS FOII MILLINERY '» school; class now forming for fall work; prac- tical: reasonable. 410 Leavenworth st. AIRDKESSING, MANICURING, BEAUTY culture lessons; agents who will handle my toilet preparations taught free. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post st. OPERATOR-HANDS OS VESTS. APPLY 128 a Hayes st. RESSCUTTING AND FITTING TAUGHT thoroughly in three hours or less at Mils. K. L. JoNEs dressmaking school, 505 Fell st. PERFECT FITTING AND STYLISH DRESS- X making taught, ?5 per month; pupils can work for themselves, friends or customers: waist, jack- et, sleeve and skirt patterns cat to order, 25c up. MCDOWELL Academy, 213 Powell st. AIU-DttESSING: MANICURING LESSONS. MIS.i DOYLE. 119 a Powell st. and 105 Ninth. PENSIONS— J. H. SH EPARD ,v- CO., OLD RE- X liable attorneys, 1068 East 16th st., Oakland. TJ AiKUKESsINU. 25c AND 35c: MORNING HA H eve classes; 101essons,$l 60. 1248 Mission. and eve classes; 101cssoris,*l 60. 124H Mission. pOAT-FINISHERS WANTED. 541 MARKET \J street. OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per we»*lc : free 'bus and haggace to and from ferry. male help wanted: VTURRAY A READY*, THE GREAT EM- -1»1 ployment agents, want the following help. Call early and get work, at 634 and 636 Clay st. A CONTRACT TO LET TO SINK 200-FOOT -'V shaft in mine. MURRAY A READY, Lead- ing Employment Agents, 634 ana 636 Clay St. MEN AND STRONG YOUNG MEN TO and found, steady job; 20 tiemakers, 8c and each. MURRAY & READY, Leading Employment Agents. 634 and 636 Clay st. COOKS, $25. $30, 640, $50 AND $65; 5 U waiters, $25 and $30; ranch cook, $25; cook for traveling cookhouse, $26; cook for - men and milk 2 cows, $15: coo« lor a private family, $20; 3 dishwashers, $15. $i 0; 3 waiters for springs, $25. MURRAY it READY, Leading Employ- i ment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay st. OA FARMER^ FOR ORCHARD^, VINE- — U yards, farms and dairies, $20, $25, $26 and $30; 2 choremen for ranches, $15; 3 <> i! or mid- dle, aged men to pick fruit, hoe, etc., $15 and j foiind: Branch teamsters, $20: farmer ana milker, $18: man to herd bogs, $15; man to milk 15 cows, *!.->: 10 laborers for a ranch, $16, to irrigate land, $15; boy lor a ranch, .$10; boy for a mine, .$lO. MURRAY A READY, Le-iing Employment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay St. IjLACKSMITH. $40 AND FOUND; COUNTRY 1) shop blacksmith, $ S6 and found, for a camp; wheelwright, see boss here: sticker-band, •*'.' 50 a day. MURRAY A: READY, Leading Employ- ment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay si. «> HEADER-WAGON DRIVERS, C. C. CO.; O man to gather sacks behind harvester, $35 and found; sand teams er, ciiy, $20. MURRAY «fc READY, Leading Employment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay st, . i)(\ LABORERS AND TEAMSTERS, CITY, »-V/ $1 60, $1 75 day and $23 month and board and bed. MURRAY A READY, Leading Employ- ment Agents, 634 and 636 (lay st \y ANTED— FOREMAN POB "MINE, $80 PER *> month: shift boss for mine, $3 per day; Mack- smilhs for country shops, $40 to $50 and found; blacksmith, small country shop, $30 to $35: swampers and jackscrewers for the woods, $36 and board; chopper for logging camp, free fare, $35 and bo:ird: i, experienced grainpilers tor country warehouse. $52 per month and board; 7 farmers lor lirst-class ranch in Santa Clara county, $20, steady job; 3 men for heading ana harvest- ing, lance ranch, 2 month.-,' work, $1 50 and $2 per day and board; 5 men for haying and ranchwork, near city, $26 per month; ranch cook, 5 men. $20; stableman, small livery stable, short distance In country, $20 and found, steady place; also wood- choppers, laborers, milkers, cooks, waiters and dishwashers. W. D. EWER A CO., 6^6 Clay st. XXI antTd-ice company IN COD N- »» try wants a resoonslbie man to go in the Ice business in san Francisco; company will furnish any amount of ice, sawdust for storage, wagon and horses; applicant must understand the. ice busi- ness, have trade and do the rest. Apply to W. D. EWER A CO., 626 Clay St. \\' ANTED— 9 EXPERIENCED GRAIN- >• pliers for a warehouse in the country, $52 per month and board. W. D. EWER it CO., 626 Clay. ANTED— SA W-FILER FUR ~Bt ) X PAC tory, $3 to $3 50 per day; hand-ironers for laundry, $35 and found: choreuOy for ranch. $15: errand-boy for country, $7 50 to $10 and found; milkers. $-2 50 to $26; American foreman for mine, »3 day; 2. miners, .$2 75 day: laborer for mine. $1 day and board: butter- maker for cream- ery, $30 and board; farmers an. wives, cooks, waiters and others. Apply to J. F. CROsETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. \irAITEK, COUNTRY HOTEL, $2 a; 4 ''miners, machine drill, $3 a day; butter- maker and milker tor Nevada, $30; 5 larmhamls, game ranch, 815; woodsmen, $-0, $26 and $30; bark-peelers. $1 25 a cord: orchard-hand, $2U; rancli teamster and wife, $35. R. T. WARD & Co., 608 and 610 Clay st. ;-. IV' ANTED— MAN AND WIFE FOR HOTEL ' » for the country; man. to do cooking; woman, to help generally; $45; see party here. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter St. ." AN to TAKE ORDERS FOR PRINTING. Apply 519 Filbert si. WANTED — WATCHMAKER'S APPREN- t T tice. Apply at 129 Montgomery aye. HELP WANTED- Continued. MAN FOR A BAJfua,«3s. KISS CULLEN, 323 Sutter st. PASTRY COOK AND BAKER, $65: SHORT- X order cook, countr/ restaurant, $10; night short-order cook, country restaurant, $9 a week; cook and wife, country ' restaurant, $35; ironer, country laundry, $ 0- washer, $35; ironer, $30; 2 waiters, springs, $25: bedmaker. country hotel, $25; bartender, country hotel. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. on LABORERS FOR A ROCK QUARRY, $26 *i\J and board; 10 laborers, pick and shovel, city. •In day and board; 20 farmers for haying and harvesting, $20, $25 and $26- 3 milkers, country, $30: 6 roadmakers, country. $20. C. R. HAS- sEN & CO., 110 Geary st. " GARDENER WITH GOOD REFERENCES. $50 to $55; gardener who learned his trade In Europe. $25 and found. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. 9 WAITERS, SAME SUMMER RESORT IN -- ! the mountains, $30. C R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st . PASTRY COOK, COUNTRY HOTEL, NO JiAK- X in,;, $65. C. R. HA SEN & CO., 110 Geary st. II AMPOOER FOR SPRINGS: $35" AND O found. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. EXPERIENCED EGG-CAXDLER, f 60. C. R. HANSEN ft CO., 110 Geary St. WANTED-NIGHT COOK FOR OYSTER- »» house, $35: cook for restaurant, $40: waiter, plain restaurant. ,<: 0; dis i washer, $15: etc. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton St. \V A:"N TED- THOROUGH CHILDREN'S »» clothing salesman: must be good stock- keeper. RAPHAELS, 11 Kearny st. Q HOEMAKER CAN GET SEAT- FREE 0 and some second-hand work. 522^4 Sixth st. OFFICE HOY— WANTED, BY A PHYSICiAN, an honest, bright, intelligent boy 10 or 12 years old to wait on door, run errands and do light office service; must be one who lives In the central part of the city with bis parents and stays at home when not engaged in his work. Address, giving full particulars, C. C, box 72, Call Office. \\T ANTED— COMPETENT WASHER FOR A »' laundry; also an assistant. Apply Lane Hos- pital, between 8 and 9 a. m. \\, r ANTED — FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED " cellarmun for liquor-store; one who under- stands both wholesale and retail business: must understand barkeeplng. Apply to 423 Kearny st. THIRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALESMAN FOR X a ilrst-class house; also a good hat salesman; holders of U. S. Industrial Ai-enc certificates are eligible. Room 165, Crocker building. WANTED— 2 YOUNG MEN WITH SMALL »» capital to rent and give exhibitions with water bicycle. Apply NW. cor. Taylor and Bay st. \y ANTED— YOUNG MAN OR BO"V TO LEARN " barber's trade. Inquire 107y 8 Fifth st. XTOUNG MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS PRESS- X ing. Tailor-shop, 117 Leidesdorff st. __■ ISHWASHER; "WAGES *20 PER MONTH. 113 Seventh st. ISHWASHER WANTED AT 820 LARKIN street. OLD MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT EMPLOY- menu 611 Clay st., room 7. WANTED— A HANDY MAN AROUND A »» rooming-house. 16 south Park. QOBER MAN IN WINE HOUSE; OF GOOD 0 character; middle aged; speaks German: mix drinks for inside salesman and recommended from last employer only need apply. Box C. M., Call Branch Office, 630 Montgomery st. < orner Clay. BA RUE FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- retary Barbers' Asso. H. BERNARD, 102 seven th Bt, : ; - ',: .■ ; * 1 i A i : I. I . S— FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. J> P. C. Barbers' Assn. S. FUCHS, 325 Grunt aye. L) ARBE ±IB— TH JOURNEYMEN HA SEERS' D Union meets Tuesday evening at 102 O'Far- rell St.; all journeymen are invited to attend. BARBERS, ATTENTION! ALL WHO WISH to enter the shaving contest at the picnic of the Barber/ Association on June 28 s»nd their en- tries until June 27 to P. C. HAM AN. 239% o'Farrell st. PAHF.ERrj' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- X> ment secretary, CONRAD TRcjELL, 657 Clay. BARBERS/ ASSOCIATION Or' CAI. EMPLOY- menu secy, P. C. Ham an n. 239 O'Farrell. DARBERB — BEST-PAYING 8-CHAIR 15c 13 shop, laundry- office and cigar-stand for sale. Apply or address ASA BERDRi »W, san Jose. ANTED— SI EADY MAN TO ASSIST IN '♦ store and make himself useful in cash busi- ness; salary $75 per month; must have i 250 cash. See STRAND & CO., 917 Market st. WANTED— PARTNER WITH $50: WELL- »* paying butcher-shop. Apply at saloon 130 Fourth st. \Y ANTED — STEADY MAN TO COLLECT »» and assist generally in light business; salary $75, with chance of increase; must have $150 cash. 777 Market su, room 7. TAILOR'S SEAT-ROOM AT 611 CLAY ST., X room 7: 7."> c. with use of machine. PARTNER WANTED— ONE ACQUAINTED X In city, temperate: rustler; reference; investi- gate. Employment Office, 128 Four su "V E W WALDo HOUSE, 7*55 MISSION, BET. -i-> 3d and 4th— single furnished rooms, night 15c to ; week $1 to $2 50; reading-room; strictest atten- tion to morning culls: clean: quiet; open all niL'ht. nr ANTED 1000 ME.v AT DUBLIN LOTUS ** barber-shop: newly opened: shaving sc: hair- cuttlng lOo; best aud biggest in city. 207 Fourth sU TRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- X low Si;:tu. for a room: 25c a nigut: $1 a week. IODGIn77sTScTt< isc PER NIGHT; CLEAN. J Continental House, 521 Pacifi.-, below Kearuy. 4 STIiIIA CURE GUARANTEED: DR. GOR- A. din's Chocolate Emulsion. 221 Davis, nr. Clay. / CLERKS' AND LABORERS' CLAIMS B'GHT: \. ac'ta adjusted. I: \ I i "■-. 612 My, tel. m. 353. EST LNCITI .-SING' E ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night. $i. $1 25, £1 &0 per week. Pacific House, Commercial and LeiiesdorS sts. OOMS ISo TO 76c PER NIGHT; 60s TO *1 50 per week. Oriental, 225 Dm mm si. \\l ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS '» to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st.; 160 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. \Y ANTED— AN IDEA: WHO CAN THINK OF " some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN SOLE ROOMS, 160 A DAY'; $1 f T v»ek; rooms for two. 25c a day, $1 60 a wee*; readlnz-room: daily papers. 3C Clay st. lT\ EN'S SECOND-HAND SHOES. SOME j'l nearly new. "_sc sofl 25. 562 Mission. L'i:KK BEER-TWO SCHOONERS FOR 6c; I 1 ni■ '.■':<■' ' 'r- ■<• '""' " r vAGK?iTS;.-\y'AKTiai).:-.;.v;Vr.''; : -- -frTwlSXAl)Y^\NVASSEßsTN^rw^r^^^ Xed article; bell on sight: best thing for years; Investigate. ii Glen Park aye., 9 to 6. Good thing. GENTS WANTED— AGENTS FOR A WELL- _r\. known and fast-selling article; ladies or gents. JACqUES. 910 PacHlcst. IIVE AGENTS, 870 WASHINGTON ST., J Oakland ; .f 2to $5 per day. Ladies and gen- tlemen. A GENTS-BIG BOOK; NEW IDEA; BIG HIT: _.x low prices; don't order campaign outfits until you see ours; the greatest campaign book or 1896; prospectuses 50c. F. PERSON, manager sub- scription department, The Whltaker As Ray Com- pany, 723 Market st. A GENTS TO SELL A NEW ARTICLiS.' AP- ;\ ply 1027 Markov st. . ; JSOAKOINU WANTKD. BOARD AND ROOM: DESIRABLE LOCA- tion: exchange for piano. C. v.. box 159. Call Otlkc. I'UKNI.SIIKI) FLATS WAN i XI). TpURNISHEI) FLAT ; 6 TOB ROOMS; PERMA- P nerit:y : civ.- price mid details. ]■'. box 140. all. WAN i i;i>~.ui.sci;i7EA>riiOL's. QBCON 1 1- i ! .* .\ : ! i FORGbT WITH BLOWER O wanted. F. KaSTEN, 621 Ash aye. . ; \l ' ANTED— BABY- CARRIAGE IN GOOD ''order. Address, stating price. 8., box 16, Call. SELL YOUR 800 S. CLOTHING AND JEW elry to A. KLEIN. 109 Sixth st.; send postaL PERSONALS. -, • __;;-2__- '^A^V^C^lfßE^T^dTv^OßCE^LA W8 A SP& I A. daily; private; no charge unless successful; all ' law suits, claims, collections, wills, rie°ds, etc., at- j tended to. G.W. HOWB.atty-at-law. 850 Market st I T ADIES— FREE! FREE! LESSONS EVERY i Xj Tues.,2to3:'dresscutting. 14 McAllister, r. 67. . ESKROOM FOR RENT. ROOM 305, ! Spreckels building, 927 Market st. - PARTINGTON'S SCHOOL of MAGAZINE I X and Newspaper Illustration commences its va- | '■ cation on Saturday, June 26, and resumes work on j ! Monday, July 13. For particulars a Idress 424 Pine. ; LINCOLN BROS.. CASH GROCERS, _6 I XJ Sixth St., middle of the block— Eggs, 10c dozen : ; butter. 20c roll; hams, 6c pound; jelly, 10c can; i I flour, 80c sack; tea and coffee, 2sc pound ; apricots, ; , pears, plums, apple.? or prunes, 5c pound. LIN- i COLN BROS., 220 Sixth s:. ! INFORMATION WANTED CONCERNING X BENJAMIN L. ROADCA P. formerly of Abi- i lene, Kans.. and lately of Pueblo and Salt Lake I City, ana now supposed to be in :>an Francisco or , , vicinity. Address HAVEN & HAVEN, room 13, ; , seventh floor. Mills bulding, S. F. j i TRIED GETTING YOUR HAIR DRESSED , I J- at Lederer's? Do. Excellence and thorough- | i ness is my hobby, and the price— 2sc— is my strong point. G. LEDERER, 11] Stockton St.: the store nearest Geary; don't mistake the number. j AIR1 I BESSINQ, MANICURE, 25c; I face treatment. BUTLER'S, 131 Post su.r. 20 | JiM LEE, FIRST-CLASS CHINESE -LAUN- \ dry. 1913 Bush st. S~ U RE CURE FOR POISON OAK. RlNG- worms and other skin troubles: eczema re- lieved: improves complexion; externally applied; sent by mail for 25 cents. Address P. O. box 2053, San Francisco. Ca!. RS. DR. PORTER, CHIROPODIST AND FA- cial artist: wrinkles removed; purest toilet articles. 126 Kearny st., room 47. R. J. M. EDMUNDS, SPECIALIST: DlS- eases of nose, throat; dentistry. Cat. & Kearny. "PARISIAN MILLINERY SCHOOL; A FULL i X course taught in six weeks: competent gradu- ates guaranteed positions. 8 Golden Gate aye. VOID "EVILS. SEE DR. HAP.DCASTLE on sex science, etc., 628 Montgomery, room 1 pLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J mr.nufrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sausome, upstairs. AZOR EXCHANGE, 630 MARKET ST.; t fine edge put on razor for 25 cents. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING: j II low prices first-class work guaranteed. Give a trial to J. N. BRITTAIN, 20 Geary, nr. Kearny. GEO. W. PHELPS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 215 Sansome st., room 4. ■quits TO order ON INSTALLMENTS to to guaranteed parties. $15 upward. Cut-rate Taloring Company, l ll7 Market St., bet 7th and 8;h. T IBEUAL ADVANCES ON DIAMONDS, JKW- XJ elry, etc. : lowest rates. 848 Market st. .'lnn/^ CARDS, $150; SHOW CARDS, 15c: H'UU tel. Black 14L HILL. 22 Geary st-, r. 39. AT THE VERY LOWEST EASY TERMS YOU can buy furniture, carpets, blankets, etc.; also dress goods, cloaks, jewelry, at M. ROTHS- CHILD'S, 213-215 Mason st, ; open evenings. LECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM | Winchester House, 44 Third St., near Market; ; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per j week; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. j U^ STROZYNSKI, LEADING LADIES' HAIR- O. dresser, removed to 24 Geary. Popular prices. ITY OF PARIS LAUNDRY, FORMERLY 132 Geary, removed from Larkin st. to 119 Stock- I ton; first-class laundry. MRS. JAUSSAUD. j IJIGOI/TDOOF* STEREOPTICON SHOW EVE- ; X) ry night cor. Market and Sixth sts. : artistic ad- ' vertisements In living light; promoters of busi- | ness. Consult OWL ADV. CO., 1140 Market st- LD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought, COL.MAN. 41 30. cor. Jessie. ' DREgSMABJBBS. DRESSES $2 UP; WRAPPERS 35 CENTS UP; lawn $1 up. 505% Natoma St., above Sixth. OSTUMF.S REASONABLE; SPECIAL rates to professionals. Room 95, St. Ann's building. 6 I-'tldy st. V C ATI ON" AL.' PROFESSOR G. MANSFIELD, TEACHER OF X violin, guitar, mandolin, banjo. 1707 MarKet. RS. MELVILLE SNYDER. 715 POST ST.; vocal music; piano; elocution for parlor, j stage, rostrum, bar or pulpit: practical Shakes- -1 pearean and general dramatic elocution a specially ; I vocal classes Monday BP. M. : $1 per month. SHORTHAND AND TYPK W R 1 T ING school: terms $3 per month. 605 Ellis St. ATIGHT*CHOOL;IIEALD'SBUS.COLLEGE;24 j i-\ Post:conimercial. shorthand, English: low rates I>IANO LESSONS, 50c HOUR. MR. WATTS, IJT2IB Golden Gate aye. OOKKEhPING BY TARR; ONLY ACCOUNT- BOOKKEEPING B"i TAI'.R; ONLY ACCOUNT- ant teaching; V& time and far more practical | than any college; rapid calculations. ' 659 Market. A TTEND BTIEHL'S COLLEGE, 728 MARKET £\- st. The very best individual instruction; j j 20 trial lessons in Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Pen- i j manship, Typewriting, etc., $1; books free. > OOKKPNG, WKITNG, ARITHMTC. GRAMR i day it ni-'ht; norlasses: $5 month. 84 5 Mission I ECU T'S 10-LETTEH SHORTHAND IS THE ■ latest and best; 100 words per minute guar- ant'd; 2 mo. (incld. typewriting), *2s. 927 Market. ! pUITAR MANDOLIN. PIANO and VOCAL ! VJT lessons: £3 mo. MARY WESTHAUS. 39 Fifth. j PRIVATE ACADEMY OF DANCING: CLASS- i X es Tues. and In. Misses HtM)Y,ti.\ Hyde st. ! JOSEPIf GREVEN. VOICE-IMPROVER. 82 0 Ninth st. SPANISH, FRENCH ACADEMY. CASTILIAN and Parisian, 3 lessons w. ; 93 in. Maze b!!,!> LOCKET; FIMGRE BOTH i I 1j sides, with diamond on front side; handsome ! reward. 6251/2 Larkin s:., third floor. Lo-: CUFFRUTTON", ON PICNIC TRAIN Sunday. Return 1057 Miss on st. I"-! LARGE FRESH RET) C«7W; LIRERAL j reward. Return to 1798 McAllister st. O^p. REWARD-LOST ON spear ST.. SMALL tipo leather satchel, j Return same to 517 Mission St. an. l receive above reward: no questions asked. I PUG DOG; ANSWERS TO NAME OF BUD. ' X Return to 1.38 Howard st.: reward. ; DENTISTS. FIRST-CLASS Di NTISTRY: FIRST-CLASS : X prices: iirst-clnst results: painless extraction and painless implantation of teeth. W. C. HAR- DING, CM., M.D., 500 Butter St., corner Powell. i R. DUCK 1, 1 70:; in- l~vi~. NEAR UU- -1 ' cnanan; gas given' crown anil bridge worK. R. L. T. i RANZ— EXTRACTION PAINLESS, crown work, bridge work and teeth without j plates a specialty. 103 Geary st., cor. Grant ays. / vROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 7SO MAR- j V, ket, bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialists: only reli- I able ngent for painless extraction; artificial teeth inn $.'): linings frm $1 ; extracting 50c, withgassL. 5*7 .\~SKT IOK TEETH: WARRANTED AS »)p < good as can be made: filling $1. Dr. SIMMS, dentist. 930 Market St.. next Baldwin Th,-ater. I \K. LUDLUM HILL, 1-443 MARKET ST.. ' IJ near Eleventh: no charge lor extracting whei I plates are made: old plates made over like new; ' teeth from $8 per eel; extracting 50c; gas given. TuJTfi. ... I,* i'l:,-. i... *7; WARRANTED I X I live years. DR. V. CA VaLSKY, 24 Sixth St. SET OF TEETH WITHOUT A rU'fK. UK. H. ci. YOUNG, 1811 Polk at. i j |)K. GEORGE W. LEEK. THE GENUINE ! XJ Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction i •rd patentee of Improved bridge work or teem : without any plate, moved from 6 to 20 O'l'arrell at. i> a INLESS EXTRACTION. 60c; CROWN X bridge work a specialty; plates, $5 up: 13 vearj experience. R. L. WALSH. D.D.S.. 815*/4 Geary. / OLTO.V DENTAL ASSOCIATION. »ud MAlt- \J ketsu DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. R. J. J. LEEK, 1 206 MARK XT, COR. GOLDKN Gate avp.— Opon evenings; Sundays till noon, i AIX WORK REASONABLE AND WAJI" A ranted. DR. J W. KEY. im Market si. FURNITCBE WAKTJSp. OD-UAND FTTR^m'IJRbPToR COUNTR V"; £j good prices. T. LUBELSKI. 7 city Hall aye. JC. MUTHER, AUCTIONEER, 601 CALI- O . fornia st,. corner Kearny, pays best price for furniture and merchandise. \ M ALONE PAYS -^0 PER CENT MORK +\. than elsewhere for furniture to fill country orders. Leave orders at KING'S, 3 Fourth »;. IF YOU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR FI.'RNI-" X ture and merchandise see P.URD, -11 Larkin. li KFORE SELLING YOUR. FURNITURE ,XJ »end for Simmons Auction Co., 1057 Market C BASCH. 321 SLTTER, WANTS FURNI- O. ture. saloons and merchandise: highest price. H MAYER BUYS YOUR FURNITURE, . carpets, piano. 1135 Market: tel. Jessie 76L BUSINESS JCHANCES. "_^Q7{nr^AivF~INTEREST IN THRIVING S)OUU. cash business; duties light and easily learned: or will exchange for real estate in city or acrosi the bay. H., box 33. Call Office. iiAA partner RESTAURANT; — UU.lady. STENBERG COMPANY, 632 Market st. -, ' - d"-)^f\ PARTNER TO PURCHASE HALF t!p_«JU. interest in well-paying saloon near Kearny.st.; run place night and day: German preferred. STENBERG CO., 632 Market at. tH<£/*IA SALOON AND LIQUOR STORE; «]pDUU. south of and nr. Market: receipts $15 to \ »-.'o- full value; stock andlflxtures; family trouble. STENBERG CO., 632 .Market St. ___^_ A-IA t\{\(\ ROAD HOUSE, ACROSS THE ! good bar trade the year round; i this offer never "equaled; means a fortune in a few years: owner owns the prope'ty; satisfy yourself. STENBKRQ & CO., 632 Market St. m»T nt\f\ RESTAURANT, OYSTEK-HOUSE, : rnXOUU. handsome private rooms: three en- | trances; old-established trade; chance rarely of- , fered in lifetime, where, with $1600 invested, large income certain. STENBERG CO.. 632 Market. ! ©OH BUTTER, MILK A D DELICACY fooV. store: thriving location; living-rooms: new stock; suitable for family. STENBERG CO., 632 Market st. ' - ' T\O YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS X' promptly. HEALY & CO., 23 Kearny st. S"nafi WOOD. COAL, HAY AND PEED; <£)OUU. does an express business; 4 horses: wagons; owns buildings. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. | <£"■}/ i HOTEL OF 24 ROOMS, BAR, tJp_UUU. dining-room, etc., summer resort, 1 hour's ride from San Francisco, clearing 9150 per month; rooms commanding a beautiful marine view; must be seen to be appreciated; part of pur- chase price can remain; satisfactory reasons given for selling. Apply W. F. HEALY, 23 Kearny. i./JAA PARTNER IN ELEGANT PAYING J ?J*Ol/U. business: will stand the fullest investi- | gation; rare chance for young or middle-aged man; ouly object in taking partner Is to enlarge the business. T. l/ÜBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. m, I 4 f\f\ AN ELEGANT BUTCHER-SHOP C'f\fl FINE STATIONERY AND CONFEC- tJpOUU. tionery business; in good locality; rent cheap; with 3 elegant living-rooms; the best bar- gain for the money ever offered in this city; see this to-day. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. CL' 1 i\f\ VEGETABLE-STORE AND FRUIT- «Jp LUU. stand. $150— Saloon; paying fine. $700— Restaurant: wor:h $l.'00; see this. $200— Branch bakery and delicacy ; worth double. $1100 — A snap in an elegant grocery. T. LUBELSKI.- 7 City Hall aye., for bargains. Qii'l^fl FINE GROCERY and bar, best »]P"d:iJv. location in city, good business, sells 8 barrels of beer a week; only reason for selling, other business; see this at ones. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. ! r_l C A PARTNER wanted —LIGHT, ! \'. rent $20: doing Al business: daily re- ceipts $10. M. LESS & CO., 7831-2 Market st. C-O-ftA CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; »rn OO\jyj . exceptionally good location: large i well-selected stock; fine s ore trade; big bar busi- ness: large outside route; bargain. M. LESS CO., 783y 2 Market st. qrr\ SALOON; THRIVING INTERIOR j isOo\J. town: opposite large railroad depot; j cheap rant; living rooms; receipts $10; daily ex- ; penses *1; good stock. M. LESS CO., VB3V2 Market st. <5j 7~i \ PARTNER WANTED lIN FAMILY •Jp i OKJ. liquor-store; ■ run successfully by present o-vner for 20 years; large outside route: ] half cash: younir man preferred: must have good references." M. LESS & CO., 783';. Market st. <_ I r/i COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE; tJpXUU. worth $750. DECKER, 1020 Market. ALOON ; BEST LOCATION; NO REASON- i able offer refused. DECKER, 1020 Market st. Of\{\ BAKERY: FINE CORNER;3 ROOMS; - OUU. bargain. DECKER, 1020 Market st. To SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND quick for cash see STRAND & CO., 917 Market I ©97,-. grocery and "bar-, old estab- I «„ — < I •'. lished; rent only $10: No. 1 location: ! pays well. STRAND <£; CO., 917 Market st. • (2« I r~'£ SALOON, 4 ROOMS, PIANO, ETC. «ff)l 10. STRAND A CO., 917 Market St. - C:Q k 7^ coffee saloon, pays well. ' H,\ VING 2 ii.fc.Si Al ' KANTS— ONE CHEAP; I trial given. Apply 1241 Market. T OTS IN EXCHANGE FOR SALOON OR XJ boarding-house. __ 8., box 134, Call Office. T7VOR~ sale WELL-ESTABLISHED FRUIT .V and poultry store: make offer. 1003 Howard , St.. cor Sixth. j pROCKRY AND BAR; ESTABLISHED V 5 VJ years; line bar trade; fine fixtures and cash register; 4 living rooms: other business cause of selling: Offer wanted. 439 Grove St.. cor. octavia. i 1~ O R EX CH AN G E IOR LOD(.;IN(}-HOi;SE -T business or other property, 80 acres of line farming land and some caHti; Walla \V alia County, Wash. ,free. MACGILLIV .. AY & CO., 1028 Mar- ket st. PARTNER WANTED— EITHER LADY OR X gentleman; paying business; references. Ad- dress a., box 161, Cull Office. . ARGAIN IF SOLD TO-DAY; SALOON ! ' established 20 years. See owner, 1123 Dupont. Ot/U. years: run by present owner three and ! a half years: receipts $'i 0 per day; rent $22 50; 6 rooms connected if desired: selling on account of sickness. Address s., box 89, Call Office. BASER DUCK AND POULTRY X ranch: -$750. T. F. CON KLIN, office Red Flag, opposite Six-mile House. San Bruno road. DRUGSTORE FOR SALE; A FINE CHANCE; owner has other business. Drugs, box 3, Call. PARTNER WITH $25 CAPITAL WANTED X by lady of means. I'.ootn 2, 12 Mason si. &17^ CIGAR-STORE, WITH LIVING (jpXlO. rooms, on account of sickness: no agents. 1127 Mission st. *"} r-.fi' PART ER WANTED IN GOOD <£_ O\J. paying saloon; g od supp'y of stock. ! Apply at 1.1 Mason s'... corner Pacific. fflj'>-A PA YJNG CORNER SALOON WANTS ! O — *)\J. partner; experience unnecessary. 633 1 Howard st. uj. I 9=T~coT- F ANDCHOPHOUSE; SAME OUU. with large patronage, on Krarnyst.; partners don't agree. WILKK. 531 California st. "(\i\ HONEST AND INDUSTRIOUS PART- Jfr«DU ! '. ner wanted in hotel and saloon: clear- ing $200pe?month. WILKE & WOLF, 531 Call- fornia su , , a»Cf\f\ CANDY-STORE. BRANCH BAKERY S)bUU. and stationery; laundry and U.S. stamp fttrpnrr- Market su; 5 rooms, bath; rent $15; kept by owner 6 years. WILKE & WOLF, 531 Cali- fornia st. . C,' A n. BRANCH BAKERY; DOING VERY rSOv'U. cood business; daily receipts above SlO- 3 living-rooms- rent $22; rarest chance. WILKE & WOLF. 531 Callfornlast. a»O-f\l\ STEAM LAUNDRY; ESTAB- «Ir«">OUU. lished for years: all modern improve- ments- doing large business: 4 horses and 4 wag- ons: owner owns property: will give lease. WILKE & WOLF. 531 California st. GL'OZ.I\ SALOON; ESTABLISHED YEARS; 0')0u. rent $30; lease: :•■-•■ ri . •• daily receipts, $15: near Market Hall; actual value, $1000. Call WILKE & WOLF, 531 California st. ITIOII SALE— THE PA i EXT RIGHTS OF A X) newly patented machine, called the Farmer's Pride, consisting of an Improved barrow and roller which also can be worke.l in connection with seed- sower. Inquire at aNDRE V KRUCCKELS. 1154 Washington St., Oakland. DESTAURANT: FIRST-CLASS TRADE: FOR I\j sale cheap on account of sickness: will ex- change for property or business of equal value in locality and climate suitable for consumptive. Call or address 3321 Mission st. IpOR SALE, AT A SACRIFICE. A SPLENDID- . paying restaurant between 2 enrhouses; rent only $17, living rooms included: owner retiring from business. Apply at once 3279 Mission st. NEKGETIC MAN WANTED BY LADY AS Xj partner; country business; $50. Room 9, 122 Post st. SALOON; LONG LEASE: LOW RE.NT. AP- ply at Anchor Brewery, 1431 Pacific St. PARTNER WANTED BY At ADY: GOOD X proposition; $75 capital. 11 Taylor St., room 1. GROCERY AND BAR; FULL FIRST-CLASS VX stock; 3 rooms attached. Fifteenth and Dolores. Q.l B A LOok ; r Al; BEST RETAIL'LO- rJpIOUv/. callty; strictly first class; small ex- penses; good profits; desire to sell immediately, account of sickness; every opportunity to Investi- gate. Address W. S., box 81. this office. ARGAIN— FOR SALE, CHEAP, A ClGAR- store. 8 Clay st. .->S-ts« :' p ROCERY AND BAR; TRANSFER CORNER. VJT Apply this office: no agents. •{SI f\(\(\ HA LF INTEREST IN OLD ESTAB- tjf 1. ''V/l/. lisht'd, well stocked, sood paving general store out of town; double value in sight; trial given; 1 pr.rtner retiring. Apply Call Office. \ I AN WITH $150 WANTS TO BUY INTER- -1»X est In paying business, groceries, etc., across bay preferred ; no agents. DELAIN'S, 2106 Mar- ket St. VRUITSTORE — GOOD BUSINESS; TRANS- X I fer corner. Fill more and Turk sts. AKERY, NOTION'S AM) CANDY STORE: established for years: nice living-rooms. 101!9 Valencia st. <^j ii\t\ R A It E CHANCE; Flli-'l- I.A^- »JnT:UVJ. restaurant on principal street of Hay- wards, doing a good business: selllucon account of sickness. Address l>. C, box 45, flay wards Cat. NY STOCK OF MERCHANDISE BOUGHT for cash: city or country. M., box 2 Call. OOD ROUTE FOX SALE ON THIS PAPER. Apply T. P. RIORDAN, 632 Market, room 2. fjrA|lf\ CHAMPAGNE BUSINESS l-OP. ROOMS; BEST-PAYING HOUSE: CHEAP ; "O easy terms. 115 Second st. T ODGING-HOUSES BOUGHT, SOLD AND XJ exchanged. PHELPS