Newspaper Page Text
ROfrßSa TO tET. ' \'\ I 7 JACKSON— ELE7jA3iT7~N^ESv7~"jiorT- ' " I • em house of 9 rooms, bath and finished basement; marine view; rent reasonable. WILL E. FISHER & CO.; 14 Post st. ELEGANT HOUSE; 9 ROOMS: BA.TH; ALL latest improvements; 2319 California, bet. Buchanan ant! Webster. MADISON .v BURKE. rriq let— sunn^y'residence >rK. c ORNER i- Taylor and Broadway: 10 rooms and bath; flue view. Apply H. MEYER, 929 Broadway. ELEGANT NEW BOOMS: OPEN plumbing; nice neighborhood. 512 Guerrero. SPLENDID 8-KOOM HOUSE: 3553 TWEN- ti -th si., bet. Valencia and Mission; see it; very low rent. si* 1 71 HOUSE, 5 SUNNY :oOMS AND ' l l> . bath. 624 Locust aye., off Lacuna. HOUSE— A NICE HOUSE OTHERS to rent by BALDWIN A. HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. ■ «<•>/) MODERN HOUSE 7 KOOMS: BASE. «..»)''. Mont: lar p yard: «t:-.'i c. 417 Ridley st. iui:>i;suj:i> houses. TO RENT FOR SUMMER MONTHS— WHOLK or part of large furnished house in Santa Crur. Mountains: beautiful situation. Address H. GER- RAKD, sky land P. 11., Wrights, Santa Clara Co. OUNNY HOUSE; 6 ROOMH; NICi.LY FUR- O nlahed: piano: ■'■*■■ 1515 Grove vt.. nr. Baker. COTTAGES 111 LET. JAQ LAUREITsT.. SB i \u:'ii|lMA- NEW jUi/ modern rottageol 6 rooms, bath and base- ment. WILL E. FISHES <fe CO.. 14 Post st. "1 91 q I.OMHAiiI), NEAR LARKIN — COT- J-— •Xv :. .::• . 6 rooms and bath; mode. :i improve- ments: marine view; cheap. 791 I 'II COTTAGES ROOMS AND BATH: I —.1 garden in hoik; rent $19; owner, 111 Van Ness aye. <J» I( - CO IT AGE 5 BOOMS* BATH." 3 0 ' ' • Laussal St., near Fillmore. flj£"iq -i BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE of O» . 5 rooms; large yard. 134 Dolores St., nr. Fifteenth. 1 •>,• SEVENTH— •! LARGE S. NNY " FRONT -1-fJU furnished housekeeping rooms, veranda; yard. COTTAUK OF 8 1 O MS; BATH; GARDEN; V; yard. 2824 Mission st. |D»7 ", i COTTAGE OF 3 ROO.MS; GOOD 0 I • Oki order; water free. Apply on premises, 915 Bryant 5.., near i\ieluh,or 14 Montgomery st., U. H. VMHSKN & CO. l'l KNIsHJiU FLATS. Ij^LAT OF fT" R FuVe FOR~SALK '.'O2 Grove st., cor. Van ess aye. T7IINELY FUUNISHED~FLAT 6 ROOMS AND -I- bath; beautiful marine view; within one block of cable-cars to park, ocean, ferries. Pri-sidio and City Hall: rent reasonable; water free. Address H. C. J. box ;-St>. i. a- 1 : "Hue. FLATS TO LET. Q 9Q EL L? S,"^N eTk~PO L K-^nTc E~TuN NY O— <J middle Bat; 6 rooms and bath: $30. 9 FLATS: 6 1 OOMo AND BATH; ALL MOD- ~_ern improvements; rent cheap. 1501 Turk st. \'K\V FLAT. 5 BOOMS AND BATH; $12; —A water free. 529 Ivy aye. "view MODERN FLAT, 5 BOOMS,* BATH. ■-> yard, basement; $22 60. 639 Minna st. tOO SIXTH— 4 BOOMS, HALL, FOLDING- • ' — — doors, mantel, yard: rent reduced, $12; also 5 rooni6, bath; rent reduced, $12. Ql 7 HAVE- — MODERN FLATS 7 ROOMS 01 i and bah; rent reduced. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. O LET— I3I2 AND 1314 GREEN; 3 ROOMS and bath; rent $10. Apply MADISON A BURKE. Q.M ~t\ FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 750 FoLSOM; O I I .O\J. $22 50— 5-room flat, 22 Webster; $10— 4-room Hat. 1027 Capp: $B— Cheap house re ir of 1025 Capp. McEWEN BKOS., 118 .Montgomery. CUNNY NOB-HILL FLAT, 920 PINE, OPPO- >■-■■ site the Bella Vista; 6 rooms and bath; rent $25; latest Improvements. . . UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH; 3314 i Nineteenth st., near Mission. T^LEGANT FLAT. 7 ROOMS, BATH: 1138 -Lj Fulton st., opposite Alamo square; rent $35. 1 CA7 STIUNER, nealT'suttek— LOWER J-OU i flat 5 modern, large, sunny rooms; bath. i"LAT 4 SUNNY BOOMS. 13 HAMPTON place, off 1- olsom St.. bet. Second and Third. C 1 O 4 KOO-»iS, 2037% MISSION ST. KEY 1 O. in grocery, cor. Seventeenth. I'UT OF 5 SUNNY KOOMS. 224 Vi O'FAR- X relist.; rent $12 50. UNNY FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH. 636 J ES- sie st., bet. Seventh and Eighth. ]p. jl EDDY— DESIRABLE SUNNY COK- -I«J*±l ncr flat; 6 rooms; latest improvements; rent reasonable. "L'LATB IIOOMS AND BATH; MODERN IM- J. provements. 1520 Post st. £• ; •> FLAT OF 3 LAIIGE ROOMS; LARGE •IMt). yard. 'Jl'2\' c Kloventh St., nr. Howard. Ql H 1 hXrRISON— MIDDLE FLAT; LARGE t/lv^ sunny rooms: rent $11. «_> 1 -"" FURNISHED 3-KOOM FLAT: NO C I ''. children. Inquire E. H. PERRY, 961 Mission st. -> 9^l A -UTTER ST.— A NICE SUNNY FLAT; «.Olt yard front and rear; $15. /• KOOMS, BATH AND STABLE, CORNER U Twenty-second and Harrison. mi A REDUCED, 1614 LEAVENWORTH— L^-'» Upper flat 4 rooms; yarJ; cheap. n nt» 1 MCALLISTER— FLAT 6 KOOMS AND ( —.Us baih: sunny side; rent reduced. SUNNY FIATS; 8 AND 4 BOOMS: BATH; garden; *13 and *16. 1700 Post st. ow-i 7 NEW MODERN SONNY FLATS, FIVE • v J. I . rooms and bath. 141 San Jose aye., near Twenty- fourth BU <_> 1(' MODERN UPPER FLAT OF B ROOMS riU, and bath. 2203 Geary, cor. Devisadero. Ql ti ELLIS— THREE SUNNY FLATS; 3 OJ_U rooms, bath, yard, basement: $20. IOAITUK - FURNISHED FLAT; THREE X— Us rooms and bath ; rent $25. Q/* ELGIN PARK, OFF RIDLEY, ABOVE l)U Valencia— 2 or 3 rms.: bath; lttundry: yard. C, If\ 4- lOM UPPER FLAT, HALF A •JIU. block from Third and Mission. Apply 15 Grant aye. Q TO 7 ROOM AND BATH FLaTS AND COT- • > tages- from $6 to $20. SPECK i CO., 602 Market st. IpiLAT— A'NICE FLAT AND OTHERS TO 1 rent by BALDWIN <t HAMMOND, 10 Mont- gomery st. TT r it FLAT— 4O77 TWENTY-THIRD ST., .1 J 100 feet from Castro cars; 4 rooms: bath; large yard; sun all day; rent $14; water ir<;e. L ' L E AN T NEW FLATS. BfcV EN I 1 1 ST.. BE- X\i low Bryant. 5 and 6 rooms, bath: $8 to ?16. QI NNY TOP ILAT 4 ROOMS AND BATH; ell latest improvements; $I>3. 713 '-rovp st. HOUSEKEEPING KOO3IS. Capp Street. 9fk CAPP— 2 SUNNY ROOMS FURNISHED _,U complete for housekeeping to a quiet family. " j___ T street. 91 QED D V — FURNISHED OR UNFUR- Z. J- O nished rooms; housekeeping; single rooms; $4 up. ' (i i 7 EDDY— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT OX I housekeeping rooms; splendid location; private family^ _^ Eighth Street. O A A EIGHTH — DOUBLE SUNNY ROOM «jUtt for housekeeping. .bills Street. Ron ELLIS— FOUR SUNNY RNISHED OOZ i rooms and bath. f-f\l* ELLIS— FRONT SUITE OK 3 ROOMS lUO complete for housekeeping, nicely fur- nished^ .Firth street. 991 FIFTH— NICE SUNNY ROOMS, WITH — .— ..L kitchen, for housekeeping. Qi i FIFTII — SUNN V FRONT BAY-WIN- -0 J 'i dow room and kitchen; also two other sunny front housekeeping rooms; bath; yard ; pri- vate; $10 up. Of)' FIFTH — FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- OLO ing 2, $10; 3, $13; also single, 85. ~~——~ Fifteenth Street. -1 -0.7 FIFTEENTH, BET. HOWARD AND loot Capp— Sunuy unfurnished room for housekeeping^ i>eary st eet. 91 71 GEARY - LARGE FURNISHED OR — 1 I i unfurnished rooms. Key at 217. lour ill Street. OAT FOURTH — SUNNY FURNISHED •JU I housekeeping rooms; $2 to $2 50 per week. "~ I uliun treot. I 1 f\ FULTON— 2 LARGE HOUSEKEEPING J-I.U rooms; pard; $10 month. . Howard Street. II QA HOWARD — 3 COMPLETE FUR- J 1 O\t nished housekeeping rooms; in private family. :^,:/,-- : . Inr A JIOWAID. COX NINTH — FINE L£O~i large bay-window room; suitable for housekeeping or 2 gents; single room $5. -itiiAHOWABD -■ 8 UNFURNISHED 10l O rooms; light housekeeping: use bath and laundry; no children. 1 f<fi(t HOWARD — 2 1-UKNI-HED ROOMS' IUUU complete for light housekeeping; rent reasonable. .),.-!,• street. QO4 JESSIE— 2 BOOKS FURNISHED FOR O— 1 L X houaekeeplng: $10. L.i.r»vin .■'tree;. Ql Ak LA RKIN— 3 OR 6 ROOMS FOR HOUSE- OX 'I keeping, furnished; cheap. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. 5- ikblotl **< I'Ni. Q A 7 MISSION— TWO FURNISHED ROOMS O~t I for housekeeping QXI MISSION— 2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS 00 I complete fcr housekeeping. 1 W") MISSION — 2 OR 3 ROOMS >UR- X— '— ■— i nished complete for housekeeping. 1 OKI MISSION — TWO HOUSEKEEPING JL-.01 rooms. $iO. 1 Cl Jl MISSION— TOP FLOOR; NICK HOUSE. JL*-M keeping; 3or 4 rooms; bath, yard, laun- dry. basement. Sew Montgomery Street. 1 (\r NEW MONTGOMERY — CHANGED I\JO hand*; clean, front furnished housekeep- ing suites. $8. «>'l airoll street. 9991 O'FARRELL - FURNISHED KOOMS —^— -^-2 for light iiousPKeering. Octavia Street. 1 Ano OCTAVIA, COB. GEARY— 1t."O bay-window connecting; furnished; housekeeping. Pearl Street. 3 PEARL, COR. MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA -2 or 3 well-furnished housekeeping rooms. i <.•«! street. 7"! C POST— FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH- • It) ed rooms: light housekeeping or office. Prospect Place. "1 9Q PROSPECT PLACE — FURNISHED l-6d rooms for housekeeping or without, with a German family. seventh street. Q9QI SEVENTH— 3 UNFURNISH'D SUNNY O—O^ rooms cheap. i.vih reel. m SIXTH— CHEAPEST IN THE CITY: cozy housek. epiug rooms and other rooms. Stevenson Street. JOX STEVENSON, BET. FIFTH AND tt_.«J Sixth Elegant rooms; first floor; very con- venient. Apply within. Ihird Street. OOA THIRD — 2 1 NFURNISHED HOURE- OOt: keeping rooms; water included; rent $6 and $7. "lurk Mreet. "I I£» T U RK— El EGANTLY FURNISHED 1 ID suites, single rms: light hskpng privileges. Twelfth Street. 101 TWELFTH— 2 FURNISHED .OR UN- XO"i furnished housekeeping rooms; lower floor. Van >enfi Avituue, Q1 1 VAN NESS AYE. — LARGE, SUNNY Oil -ron alcove and kitchen complete for housekeeping; reasonable. Welsh Street. m WELSH. OFF FOURTH— 2 OR 3 NICE furnished rooms for housekeeping, cheap. Miscellaneous. PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN -L private family ; reduced rates. R. R., box 147, Call Office. ROO3IS TO LET. Bush Street. 797 BUSH-LARGE BAY-WINDOW ROOM; I — . % also small front. $7^ 1 1 f\7 bi'«h-haM)so.mely FURNISHED i- JLU i rooms, gas. hot and coid water; bath. I. tuly Street. Qfk7 EDDY— SMALL SUNNY ROOM; LOW OU i rent; private family. r «>A EDDY-LARGE FURNISHED SUNNY OO\J room; grate; closet; low rent; ranning water. Eighth street. SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE, 28 BTH ■ si., near Market; iurmahed and unfurnished. Sbilla street. ROYAL HOUSE, 126 ELLIS— ELECTRIC -TV lights in every room; reading-room contains all daily papers: open all night: rooms, per night, 35c to if 1 50: week. *2 to $8: mouth, $8 to *:-0; fire escapes; elevator on office floor' r'ms for families. rpilE KA.MONA, 130 ELLIS: MRS. KATE S. 1 MART, manager— A quiet house; centrally lo- cated; newly furnished; elevator; hot <& cola water. .>■] r\ KLLi-i— 3NE~wl"yfur3Tishedrooms —.JLU complete for housekeeping; $28. POSEDALK HOUSE, 831 ELLIS— IOO ROOMS Jl a: reduced rent: satisfy yourself: open all night. '-*»» ELLIS (.THE PALMETTO), MRS A. J. ,">__ j CALHOUN, prop.— First-class housekeep- ing, apartment and rooming bouse; 60 rooms. Ti o ELLIS — FURNISHED or unfur- *l 1 O nished; light housekeeping; single rms., $6. fifth street. 1 fkQ FIFTH ST.-NICE, CLEAN, SUNNY 1 U • t front rooms, single or double, $1 50 to $3 per week. beiirv street. THE MARTINET HAS CHANGED HANDS; 1 handsomely furnished suites; single rooms; $10 month up. 1101 Geary St., SW. cor. Van Ness aye. . . uiiie.: i.aie Avenue. '1 n GOLDEN GATE AYE. — PLEASANT, Ox O gunny rooms suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Uaight Street. 1 f\f\ HAIGHT— COMFORTABLE ROOM; GAS, IUU bath: low rent: private family. Harriet Street. 9*o HARRIET-3 ROOMS; CHEAP. Howard Street. Q9Q HOWARD — SUNNY FURNISHED OZ.O rooms with bath: rent very reasonable. 1 9.C\ti HOWARD, COR. FOURTEENTH — 3 JLOUU or 4 rooms; rent low. Hyde Street. 9-1 f\ HYDE TWO sUNNY FURNISHED — IU rooms; complete for housekeeping. v on«« - r««., Ur JONES— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY • suite; also sunny alcove room: private. 9f!7 -'ONES— THE VAN VUNKLK NKW — -v/ I manaeement: elegant funny suites . and single: newly Inrnlshril* bath, etc: *lo to «3ii. 1 9HQ JONES st.-to RENT, SUNNY FUK- I_.U«y nisbed rooms; single or suite. »*;<»rny stree... A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127KKAR7TT-PLSAS- .iv »ut sunny rooms, ec sulteand single: first cUai jntvtry respect: terms reasonable. 91G KEAKNY— NEWLY RENOVATED AND ; — '/ elegantly furnished rooms, suite or single, by the day, week or month; first floor for offices. MRS. GRACE GEORGE. Larkin Street. Qf\A LARKIN — LARGE SUNNY FRONT '' OUi furnished, $9; large back, $7; housekeep- ing; Ql7 L«A RK I NICE SUNNY ROOMS, 'Jit double, single and housekeeping; all fur- nished; $7 up. TOO 7 LARKIN-CRAGBOURN— ELEGANT- -1 UU I ly furnished sunny rooms, single and en suite. .> .ilk-- stree:. V OSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET — PER 1 night. 35c to $1 : week. $1 50 to $5: families. McAllister Street. TOR MCALLISTER— FURNISHED AND UN- % UO furnished rooms; running water; reason- able. A - MCALLISTER, NEAR VAN NESS— '1— •') Nicely furnished sunny room: use of bath. ii*.iiin» -tree*. aorr MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NEWLY FUK- UU i nisbed bay-window rooms; $1 a week. it is* on -i res,. -TOO MISSION ST.— LABGE LIGHT ROOM; i U» > suitable for tailor. VfcWbY FURNI HF.D; CHEAP RENTS; i. front or back rooms, $6 ip. 832 Mission st. 09991 MISSION— NIC LARGE ROOMS; £.~.JL.t~'* new bedding; private • family; special care. Ninth Street. 11Q NINTH ST. -SUNNY FRONT ROOM; I 1 O light housekeeping: lower flat. Oak Street. Q99 OAK— LARGE, SUNNY. WELL-FUR- O— <— i nisbed front room; a suite reasonable. Polk street. 1 I OO POLK, COR. SUTTER-NICELY FUR- I 100 iiishod front rooms; reasonable; new building. ■ •1 I 1"I POLK.COR. SUiTER-LARGE FRONT J. 1*0:1. sunny bay-window room. i"osr Street. n-l C POST— NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE 010 rooms: $5 to $». seventh Street. 1 O.CZ SEVENTH-FURNISHED FRONT SIN- X OD gle rooms: $1 per week. litylor Street. ■1 AQ TAY LOP-SUNNY PARLORS. SINGLE X\Ju and double rooms: $1 50 and %'l a week. Tenth Street. if)' TENTH— LARGE WELL-FURNISHED JZU room, gas, bath, 59; biuall one, $5. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1896. ROOMS TO LET— Continued. Turk Street. qnq turk-parlors, FRONT or BACK, tH'«> furnished; closets; gas: very cheap. 15OA RUING AND ROOMS. OLU M BI A "hotEL^IX bui?klky^ yoH- \J merly proprietor of the Cosmopolitan Hotel, has purchased Hackmeier's Hotel, and assures his patrons and the traveling public that his former reputation as a host will be outdone in his new enterprise: Mr. Buckley's free buses meet ail trains and boats. 123 to 129 Eddy St.; meals 25c. 0 A I \ SHOT WELL- FURNISHED OR UNFUR- —; Jy nished; with board, $17; without. $7. VTEAT SUNNY BOOMS IFOR" GENTLEMEN j -> breakfast if desired; references. 12.0 Mc- Allister st. —1 *) POST- FURNISHED ROOM; US OF I 1— • parlor and piano; good board: $20 up. STEWART, COX. ELLIS AND LEA V X worth— Newly furnished rooms, suites or single. 7~e lTis- ell FURNISHED FRONT 101 bay-window room, with or without board. HOTEL BEKTLING, 714 *BU SH— A' FAMILY hotel: references given and required; all mod- >T" conveniences. -^ ' CHILDREN HOARDED. W; WISHES' sTcfi ITbREN^T(7¥nARD'; '* furnished room for parent. 1024 Leaven- worth. I" ADY IN COUNTRY WISHES 1 OR 2 JJ small children or infant to board; good home; reasonable. Apply at I all Office. pHILD THAT CAN WALK TO BOARD IN A \J private family; mother's care; $8. 44 Vi R:tch st. p E MAN LADY WISHES BAB Y~TO BOARD; VJ good home. 435 V-s Hayes st. Vy ANTED-SMALL CHILDREN TO B.OAKD; II good home and mother's care. Apply 1913 Magnolia st. , Oakland. LADY WITH GIRL 16 WISHES 1 OR 2 children to board. 134 Collins st. k> CHILDREN, NOT UN! El; 5 YEARS, TO — bOßrd. 1668 Thirteenth aye.. Kas: ■ >akland. SUMMER RESORTS. FINE CAMPING PLACE TO LET; BIG TENT and complete outfit; snfe for ladies: Ross Val- ley $20 a month. 1.-.03 Geary st. IV ERSIITk RANCH— ON THE HANKS OF It Eel River. 6 miles from Potter Valley, Men- docino County; round trip, S9 75 from San Fran- cisco: Ratline, hunting, bathing and boating un- surpassed. Terms, $7 per week. Excellent table; milk, fruit, vegetables raised on the ranch. T. J. (-.ILLI->PIE. Potter Valley. Mendocino County. STORES TO LET. TTR^TiTmNTß'Tmjßir'vvTi^ 1 J rooms and basement; also of 8 rooms and bath. 417i/i Third st. OTORE AND ROOMS. 2257 MISSION ST. OFFICES TO LET. £T47rrf~A^Mr"77mn r iT¥ OZii'a fices and residence combined; reasonable. 1 AA GEARY, NEAK KEARNY— ELEGANT J first-floor bay-window furnished office. PRKCKKLS BUILDING, 927 MARKET— r> Elegant sunny otlices. $12 60 up; electric-light; heating and janitor service free. Apply at building or G. H. CMHSEN >fc CO.. 14 Montcomery st. HOTEL TO LET. s~^&?^TllK^vT TlcLir^HOUSE[ 317^319 Bush st. : this well-known hotel Is thoroughly renovated, considerably Improved: compares with best 2d-class hotel in town. M A lilSc'N A. HU XX HOTEL TO LEASE. HOTEITrw ITEASE^"ORXTEIT>roP YE?\Rsl new 6-story and basement brick building con- taining 83 rooms; also eround Moor and well- lighted basement; centrally located, Vi block N. of Market st. and 1 block from Baldwin Hotel and Emporium building: newly furnistud throughout; furniture for sale on reasonable terms. For fur- ther particulars apply to S. SILVERBERG, 320 s.irj-tomp St.. room 39. HOTEL WANTED. WANTED— TO LEASE OR RENT, A GOOD "» country hotel; send particulars, etc. A. ZEL- I.EH, lti()7 Bros St.. Oakland. TRUSTEES' SALES. mRUSTEES 1 SALE-IN ACCORDANCE WITH TRUSTEES' SALE— IN ACCORDANCE certain th" terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by OTTO BR*>'DT, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDKUS B. KENT, Trustees, parties of the second part, and the San Francisco Savings Union, party of the third part, dated February Sth, 3893, and recorded in the office of the County Re- corder of the county of Tir are, State of California, in Liber 10 of Trust Deeds, at page 265, and follow- ing: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 14th day of May, 189t5, by the Board of Direc- tors of said San Francisco .savings Union, a COT- .poration, and the holder of the note (No. 12,292), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, a-d requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein lo satisfy said indebtedness. We. HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. NT, Trustees, do hereby give notice that on TUESDAY", the 23d day of June, A. D. 1896, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction sales- room of Easton, Eldridge it Co., No. 638 Market street, In the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in cold coin of the United states, all the pieces or parcels of land sit- uate in the county of Kings (formerly part of the county of Tulare), State of California, described as follows, to wit : According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: In township nineteen (19) south, range twenty- one (21) east, Mount Diablo base ana meridian. of section thirty (30), the northwest quarter (NW. ii). Of section thirty-two (32), the northwest quar- ter (NW.y Coutalning three hundred and twenty (320) acres of land, more or less. Together with tiie appurtenances. Terms of sale— Cash in gold coin of the United States; ten per cent payable to the undersigned on the fall of the hammer; balance on deliver}' of deed: and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL,! T .„ THADDEUS H. KENT, ( l rusle * a PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FO FlH«flslsTN7nn r D R ANTS -L for use of the Fire Department— Office of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco. June 23, 1895. In accordance with Resolution No. 14,588 (Third Series) of the Board of supervisors, bids will be received In open board on MONDAY AFTERNOON, June 29, 1696, from 2:80 to 3 o'clock, to furnish 500 hydrants, more or less, for use of the Fire Department, as per pattern to be seen at the Corporation Yard of said Department. Said hydrants to bed» ivered from time to time as required at the works of th" manufacturer from date of award of contract to June 30. 1897. All gates, bends and valves to be of San Francisco manu- facture, and all hydrants manufactured and de- livered under the contract to be approved by the chief Engineer of the Fire Department prior to their acceptance. NOTlCE— Bidders will state a price per hy- drant for which they will deliver the same com- plete, with the understanding that the contractor must deliver such number of hydrants as required and called for by said Chief Engineer, from time to time, without extra charge from the price bid, payment therefore to be made on the reception and approval of the hydrants as furnished here- under. The party to whom a contract Is awarded will be required prior to or at the time of the ex- ecution of the contract to pay the cost of adver- tising this notice in three dully ne<- spapers. In order to preserve uniformity and to facilitate the award the board has resolved to receive no bids unless made upon blank forms prepared by the committee and a certified check- for the sum of *500 deposited by the bidder with and made payable to the Clerk of the board, conditioned if the proposal is accepted and the contract awarded, and If the bidder shall fall or neglect to pay the advertising charges, execute the contract and give the re- quired bond within six days after the award is made, then and In hat case the said sum shall bo paid into the City and County treasury by said Clerk as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. Blanks furnished by the Clerk. JNO. A. RUSSELL, Clerk. PROPOSALS FOX -UPPLIES FOR VJETK^ X raris' Home Association— Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Veterans' Home Associa- tion, at Its office, room 3. 3'JO Saosome street, san FranclßCO, Cal., up to 10 o'clock a. m.. Satur- day, June 27, 1896, and opened Immediately there- alter iv the presence of bidders, for furnishing and delivering quartermaster and commissary supplies for the Veserana' Home, Nnpa County, California (railroad station, Yountvllle), for the six months commencing July 1, 1896, and ending December 31, 1896. - Schedules with Information and instructions for submitting bids will be furnished upon application by the undersigned. Bidders will carefully follow the conditions or the schedules, and no bid will be considered unless it is in -accordance with such schedul'S Each bidder must accompany his bid with a certified check upon some well-known and responsible banking house for at least 10 per cent of the amount of bis bid, payable to J. c. Currier, Treasurer, conditioned that the bidder will enter into a k od aud valid contract upon notice of ac- ceptance, as required by law. The board reserves the right to reject any or nil bids, and to order any quantity over or under the amount specified. Address J. J. SCOVILLE, Secretary Veterans' Home Association, room 13,320 Sansome street, Sao Francisco, Cal. . f>. By order of the Board of Directors. J. J. SCOVILLE, Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR A CONCRETE BULK- J. head and bituminous yard work— *ealed propo- sals will be received by the Superintendent of Common Schools In open session of the Board of Education, new Civ Hall, San Francisco, on Wednesday, June 24. 1896. at 8:30 o'clock P. m., for reconstructing a concrete bulkhead and for bi- tuminous yard work at the North Cosmopolitan Grammar school in accordance with plans and specification- (and theron ltions mentioned there- in) at the office of Charles 1. Havens, architect of the board, room 55, Flood building, corner Fourth and Market stn-ets. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids as the public good may re- quire. ULORGE BEAN IsTON, Secretary. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. "\7"ERY CHOICE UPRIGHT. BEAUTIFUL V case, excellent tone, sacrificed for $130: owner obliged to sell. Room 21, 809 Market st. AN ALMOST NEW UPRIGHT STEINWAY; Immediate, forced sale. Room 10, Flood bldg. AGNIFICENT UPRIGHT PIANO; N EW ; soid to pay advances. 1921 Sacramento at. "jniSHER UPRIGHT. $125; MARSHALL & 1 X Wendell. $125: bargains a $150 and $175. : THE ZEITO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO., 769 Market. Si r HALLE & DAVIS PIANO FORSALE; 'tO. $5 installments. 221 Leavenworth St. ' lANOS iIALF PRICE. ' X ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE TO CLOSE ESTATK OF CHAS S. EATON. MUST BEL . New and second-hand pianos at enormous reduc- tion; exceptional opportunity to buy. Call and examine. 735 Market st. 5 OUK NEW RENT CONTRACT PLAN permits of our selling some pianos for $3 per month it is not necessary to ko elsewhere for more favorable term* and low prices. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., Stein way representatives. A STEIN WAY~ $175; ST C $160: STERL- $100; Laid $60. BRI ENN'S, 228 Post. I)IAN S— DO YOU WANT ONE? "FINEST -L stock on the Pacific coast. THE F. W. SPEN- CER CO., 933 -Market st. TEINWAY BABY GRAND, NEARLY NEW, at a sacrifice. THE ¥. W. SPENCER CO., 933 Market .st. FORK BUYING SEE HAINE BROS.', BUSH 6 Gerts and Knabe pianos: at wholesale j prices. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 324 Post St. I /Slosing our a COMPLETE LINE OF ! \J small goods at prices less than goods cost i landed in New York ; just the chance to buy a fine I instrument for your summer outing at small out- I Iky: violins, $1 «5: mandolins, $3 35; guitars. $3: antoharps, $1: accordions, flutes, banjos, piccolos, cases for instruments, violin outfits, etc.; new ; pianos for rent and sale. J. HARKY SCOTT, 929 Market St., Sprt-ckels building. ,_. IO- FINE CIUCKEKING; SCHMITZ, 16 tpiAO. McAllister st., next to Hlbernia Bank. 111CKKK1NU. KNABE STJiCK.VOSE, BTER- Ilns pianos; see our n«ir piano for $187: plaao* tor rent. BENJ. t'UKTAZ i SON. 16 O'Farrell. YKON MAI/. V. -MM POST ST. — SOHMKK, Nfwbr A Evans, Prices end other pianos. UPERIOK VIOLINS, WITHERS. OLDdsNEW H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 3 Latham place. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — THJ» WEEKLY CALL. in wrapper, for mailing. — — — ~ BICYCLES. ~™ r EW Th^^higiTgkXd?! tXntTem ST- -1 cycle at a great bargain. IRA SOKRICK, 14 bansome street, room 37. WINFIKLD Pi ARSON, 216 MCALLISTER. . Headquarters Lu-mi-num and Thistle bicycles DM AND WHEELS IN PERFECT order: terms, cash or installment; Crescent $25, Cleveland $80, Victor $40, Crawford $33. DAVIS BROS., 25 Geary st. UK NEW FALCON: HIGH UrtADE; $45 AND 00 $55 each; half price: few left. GEORGE WEBB ALEXANDER, 401 Market st. ICYCLES, 1895 MODELS, S-.>,-> TO $ 65/1 HAM- ilton Cyciery, Baker St., near Hayes. i. ICYCLESFORS2O, ?25, !$3O, $85, $40, $45, 1 ' $50, second-hand. 306 Post st. 1?Oll SALE— BAMJBLBRrwARWICK: IM- X penal and Clipper bicycles at great gains. 803 Larkln St. ■ PARK CYCLERY— NEW WHEELS TO _ET; best accommodations. Terminus Geary, Mo- Allister and Powell st. car lines. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. •v-^3 11. P. UPKIGUT EN7aNE~AND~CEN- _V trlfußal pump attached and 50-light dynamo. I 616 Mlaslon. ■ /•-FOOT BY 3-FOOT 2-INCH BILLIARD TA- *' ble; in good order: suitable for private use; very cheap. Inquire .02 Fillmore St. I^RKSH COW FOR SALE. 1N Q I I R i. FOR IY- fifth st., opposite Old Ladies' Home, Oakland. (J.*)^ GOOD BUSINESS BUOUV: oK «4P— trade for second-hand lumber. 115 Sec- ond st. T^OR SALE-FKESH FAMILY COW: DUR- X ham-Holstein. 215 Linden aye., nr. Franklin st. SALE CHEAP — TEAM of young X mules, harness and wagon; good . roadsters. Apply 1913 Magnolia St., Oakland. f\ OI"NT E R S, SiIKI.VIMi, SHOWCASES \J bought and sold. 1121% Market, bet. 7th & Bth. A RT; AI N -4 1 YPEWKiTERS: ALL MAKES; write for prices. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. I, OILERS, ENGINES.2LKH AND MACHINERY, j I ) waterpipes. Mclntosh & Wolpman, 137 Beale. . UILDTN'G.s BOUGHT; LUMBER. SASHivS~ i ' > doors, mantels, etc.. for sale. 1166 Mission. NE .-•MALL, MEDIUM AND JUARUE SIZK tire and bnrs:::-.r proof safe. 109, 11l Market si. L^IRE AND it KG LA X SAFi<; LETI'KK- -I press, platform scales and deskreheap. lu_ Clay. 7VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN 6KCONI>- -L> band. \V. S. RAY Mfg Co.. 12 California at. CLAIRVOYANTS. "^~LIT ,TLT"~"p iTu fTTssOU i\ EUGENE^ BE WISE. BE WISE. BE WISE. Knowledge is power. Remain not In darkness, ! but seek the light ct wisdom and learn what the future holds for you. All are pleated with his readings. His powers excite the wonder and ad- miration of aIL He gives advice on all mat ers of interest to humanity. If you are in trouble or are nnsuccensful consult him at once. Read his Sun- > day's advertisement. Hours 10 a. m. to BP. M. Letters with stamp answered. PROFESSOR F. EUGENE, ■ 172H Market st. ASSISTANCE AND ADVICE that makes the unhappy, broken-hearted and unfortunate happy and successful. I'ROFESSOK M. L. CAKNELLE, The world-renowned clairvoyant and business me- dium, may be consulted in love, marriage, court- ship, divorce, business, lawsuits and mining spec- ulations; restores lost affections, removes evil in- | fluences, bad habits, etc.; the future plainly re- i vealed, lovers united, troubles healed, brings the j separated together, causes a speedy and happy • marriage with the one of your choice; reveals : everything you wish to know concerning the fu- i ture. Those wishing to consult a genuine medium i call on PROF. .M. L. CARNELLE, 220 Eddy St. ' Letters with stamp answered. Hours— 9 to 9 I dally and Sundays. * DDIE SWAIN'S TALK— "PHENOMENA" J\. tests Wed., Friday; no fee. 14 McAllister st. \» M X. RAVEN A READS LIFE FLUENTLY; IVJ business advice; names eiven;2sc up. 6 Fourth. YPSY LIFE-READER; LADIES 25c; gents 50c: all questions answered. 5 Seventh. 7 ON K LLA, SPIRITUAL AND TEST MEDIUM, ) J J recently of New York, tells you how to bo pros- ! perous in business: locates mines: sittings daily; ! hours Ito 6. Parlors 8 and 9, 318 Kearny st. ME. STEWART, THE SEVEN 111 DA UGH- ter, is a born medium; guarantees you a true likeness of future husbanl or wife: materialize* ; before your own eyes, so no fraud Is practiced upon ] the public, for 50c and $1 ; call and be convinced of her wonderful gift. Rooms 3acd 4. 917 Market st. ME. TRUE, CELEBRATED GYPSY. GIVES -•1 infallible love charms to all; unprecedented i success in New York City; -greatest card reader on the coast. Rooms 44-45, 306 Stockton su Hours 9 to 8; elevator. ME. PORTER. WONDERFUL CLAIRVOY- ant. card- reader, born with a douDle veil and I second sight; ladies 60c, gents $1; palmistry and ] clairvoyant sittings $1 50. 126 Turk si., nr. Jones. ME. SYBILLE TELLS FROM CRADLE TO the grave: fee 26 cents. 914 O'Farrell st. ME. LEOKITE; PRESENT. PAST AND future: 25c. 311 Tehama, upstairs, or. Fourth. <\,| ME. MOKEAU, BEST MEDIUM; REVEALS i'l past, present, future: 25c up. 764 Howard st. M-, AKNDT, BEST FORTUNE TELLER IN the world; 60c and $1, shows you the picture of your future husband or wife. 4 Twelfth. cor.Market RETURNED, WORLD-RENOWNED MM E. It SCHMIDT, from the principal cities; tells past, present and future: price* moderate H. r >H Mlaslon, SPIRITUALISM. RsT DR. W. . MIRANDAS, The celebrated, spiritual medium, gives $1 discount to all her patients who return this cou- pon; she desires to make known her wonderful j power over the sick, troubled and afillcted:. your I life described from cradle to the grave; gives you success and happiness; dlaenoses from lock of hair; letters with stamp ans.; sittings $1; hours 10 to 8; closed Fridays. 1206 Market st. /"CLAIRVOYANT: LADIES ONLY; FEE 25c; \J 41 Minna St., basement. TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 10c. MME. YOUNG. 605 McAllister sL Sittings dally. RbTsHKiNER; TE T. CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; tests to all, 25c: si tines daily. 311 Van Ness. RS. KATE HOSkINS; CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 25 cents. 136 Oak »t r>EMOVAL— ADDIE SWAIN. ASTRAL SEER it and psychic physician, 14 McAllister St., near Jones, rooms 18 and >0; no fee except as a gift. , RS. KATE HOSKI.\s7~TRANc7:Ta Ni) ness medium; sittings daily ; $ . 136 Oak St. ME. DR. THOMAS, CLAIRVOYANT 25 vrs. Kearnv. now 92C Poit: fee $1; letter $2. ' .ASTROLOGY. MEDICAL ASTROLOGY — PROF. HOWARD'S Vital remedies remove nil chronic troubles and restore to perfect neal.h. 311 Hyde si. 10 to 3. DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY planets: dally or by mall. $•.». Iltii/j Geary st. bTORAUE. ppLVi?oirßTT^frFTnrs¥^ JX ture, etc. SHIItEK & SHIREK, 747 Market, T ARGE DRY, BASEMENT WITH HYDRAU- J lie sidewalk elevator. Apply 823 Market. Tri H. KOONEY, 722 MISSION— STORAGE AT J .rcdt.ced rates; basement storace,sl 50 per load STORAGE— CHEAPEST IN TUJS city ; FIRE- ii? proof building; advances made. 211 Larkin. IpUKNITURK. : PIANOS, TRUNK"*: AD- J? vances. shipping. CHAS. L. T A YL0U.204 OWES t" RATES-FURNITURE, PIANOS, XJ household good% etc. J. M. r><erce, 735 Market. B. SMITH FURNITURE CO., 132 ELLI3; '. low rates; fire-proof building; Eastern plan. city real estate. PARK PANHANDT.E FLATsT~~ •i elegant and MODERN. SACRIFICE price, <k.7^ft(\ REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE: •U? I O\J\J. cost $10,000; 2 handsome modern fiats of 7 and 8 rooms and bath : only 4 years old: on Lv on st., near Oak: only $1000 cash required; lot 25x91 :2 feet; look at this for a beautiful home and paying Investment. EASION, ELDRIDGE & CO., ■ ■ ■ - 638 Market st. SUTTER-ST. CORNER. '-. ' ONLY $6000. must sp;ll. xtw. cor. sutter AND baker; lot 42:3 ■!■ ' xB7 :6 feet : present 10-room house can be con- verted into 2 stores and fiats above; will pay big; street work all done: this Is a snap. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. IG VALUE"! '■ -■■■ MODERN RESIDENCE. IN THE WESTE N ADDITION. QfAAA A SUBSTANTIAL WELL-BUILT tJpUUUU. 2-story house of 8 rooms, bath and basement; on Devisadero st., near Haight: nicely decorated and in first-class condition; well worth $8000: lot 25x100. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & C 0... 638 Market st. /CHOICE FLATS. ■ \J DESIRABLE LOCATION. ; HALF A BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET. Q*A£\C\(\ FINE PAIR OF FLATS; 5 AND 6 | »lP t r«JWLf. rooms and bath; in splendid condi- : tion; north side of street; lot 25x115; this prop- I erty has a grand future. ■i -■■/ EASTON, ELDRIDGE it CO.. 638 Market st. OZY HOMES. '■ ' \J ON EASY TERMS. $200 CASH. $1« PER MONTH. I QL I 900 CASH— 2 PRETiY COTTAGES IN ! <H) IZ.\J\J the Fairmount Tract: 4 rooms and I bath each; well built: in good condition; lots 25x 100 each. EASTON, ELDRIDUE & CO., - 638 Market st. HANDSOME HOME. ALMOST NEW. NEAR THE PARK PANHANDLE. ffl»_9F;rv MODERN COTTaGE, 6 ROOMS »js*x«««Jv/. and bath, high basement; on the north side of Hayes st., near I.yon: lot 25x100 feet; mortgage 8.500 in hibernla Hankran remain. . ASTON, ELDRIDGE <v CO., 638 Market at, FEW BARGAINS IN CHOICE LOTS. $400— aye., nr. Point Lobos; street graded and macadamized; 25x120. $•60— 10ih aye., near California; 25x120: very cheap. $900— 6 lots in Excelsior Homestead; 150x100. S3ooo— Buk'T, Dear Oak; 'J5x9t3:10; overlooking the Park Panhandle. $3250— Valiejo, near Lyon; 51:6x137:6; marine view ; very cheap $3400— choice lots on Presidio Heights; 50 xl 27:8: reduced from $4000. 83600— Washington St.. near Devisadero; 30x 127:8 Vi; street bl.umlnlzed. $3600— Corner near Laguna and O'Farrell; 25x 62:6. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. BY ORDER BANK— MODERN HOUSE AND lot, Haightst.. near Buchanan: a bargain if sold this week easy terms if desired ; lot 30x120 to rear street. Apply A. M. SPECK & CO., 602 Market st. ■_ 0" WNER.MUsT LEAVE CITY: WILL SELL great sacrifice for cash; southwest corner Fol- som and Twenty-first sts., 9<x9o: southwest Twentieth and Treat aye., 25x110, also 50x100 north side Pag* st., 37 feet from Shradcr, bet. Shrader and Stanyan sts. ; offer wanted. Inquire Herb. Institute, 1205 Market St. SOI f\(\ COTTAGE 6 ROOMS AND BATH »3> — ±"U. on lot 60x122, near station; terms easy; $400: lot 40x120; *25 down, $5 monthly. CHARLES A. BAILEY, 20 Montgomery St. . ■EXCHANGE; SAN RAFAEL RESIDENCE; XJ 8 rooms, etc ; large lot accepted street; value $4000; for city residence. J.R.ROCHK.San Rafael. A POSITIVE "SN A¥. — 2\- 8-room residence in the Western Addition: 15 minutes from Kearny st : can be modernized at a small cost; see this and make an offer. Further I articu ! ars of owner, box 162, Call OlHce. SUBSTANTIAL, MODERN HOUSE BUILT at from $150 to $275 a room; call and see plans. JAMES McCONAHEY, 1149 Mission st. CHEAP — ONE 2-STORY HOUSE. LOT; 7 V^ rooms: bath: finished basement: rooms decor- ated; electric wire: speaking tubes: stone walks. On Waller St., nr. Stanyan, 1 2 block G. Gate Pane ¥. rn/l 21 ST AND DOUGLASS: LOT 25x tip I UV/. 1.5. (alia 865 Mission. WAT-OX. PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. n~BARGA INiT- W II DO YOU WANT? O\J\.t 20 houses and lo's from $1260 to. .$lO,OOO Residence property, clear. 1i.%000 50 ranches, all sizes, from $100 to SO.OOO 100 business places, all kinds, from 850 to. 4.000 H. C. DECKKR, 10-0 Market St., opposite Fifth. <I_/innn house, Richmond tract, for OtfcUUU merchandise, DECKER, 1030 Mar- ket st. "1 A ACRES NEAR SANTA ROSA FOR CITY JLtt property. DECKER, 1020 Market st J I/UN a HOME, GENTRALLY "LOCATED, IX -T exciiance for lodging-house north of Market; from $4iloo to $6000. K. box 159 , this c flic. 100/ i ACRKS TIMBER LAND, KERN CO.; I -CPU nmer: fine for catllt-rHtsSng. N..hx.l6.t'aU PROPERTY WANTED. TPTNTE^D^^C^Or^PAYTNGTIT.' V ESTMENT » » business property, between Market, Jones and Geary sts., S. P.; mus pay 5 per cent net; outlay 840.000 to $50,000 cash. Address Cash, 633 Hobart St. Oakland. "MEDICAL. A~~T£~CASES^ oI^IRItEGULXRITIES RK- stored In » few hours; safe and sure relief guaranteed; travelers helped without delay; pri- vate home In confinement: regular graduate physician: 30 years' successful practice; MEDI- CAL ELECTRICITY used; ladle*, consult the doctor before going elsewhere; you will save time and expense; consultation free and confidential. MRS. DR. WYETU, 916 Post St., near Larkln. ASSAGK AND SWEDISH MOVEMENTS. Patient* treated at their home in accordance with the principles of the Royal Gymnastic Cen- i tral Institute of Stockholm, Sweden; rheumatism, neuralgia and nervous weakness a specialty. C. M. NELSON, Medical Gymnast and Masseur. Address 123 Tenth St., San Francisco. INSTITUTE OF PNEUaIATOPATUY FOR 1 healing and instructions; 2729 "Jackson si, I hoars, 10 to 5; consultation free; call or write for our "New Methods"; the poor healed free. D~R. PEN A CHECKS IT LN 21 UuUK.->f prompt relief; successful treatment; diseases of both sexes a specialty. 7 Grant ay ■. NEW PROCKSS-NO MEDICINE, IN.STRU- nienf or worthless pills used ; every woman her own physician for all female tiou hies, no matter from what cause; restores always in one day; j can be sent and used at home: all cases guaranteed: , if you want to be treated safe and sure call on a man's physician. DR. POPPER. 318 Kearny hu BLESSING TO LADIES— INSTANT RE- lief for monthly Irregularities (from whatever cause) by the most experienced ladies' physicians j In San Francisco, who restore all cases at once by | an improved method, superior to others; laities I will save time and money: be assured of honest ! treatment by contulinu' the doctors before calling | elsewhere: patients who have been Imposed upon are specialty Invited; home In confinement; ad- vice free. DR. and MRS. DAVIES, 14 McAllister St.. next Hlbernia Bank. DRS. GOODWIN, DISEA-E& OF WOMEN A specially; unexcel ed In restoring irregularity or other conditions; home in confinement; best of care: low fees: pills $2. Removed from 1370 Market sU to 904 McAllister st. ; 1 ADIES.CONBULT FREE MKS. DR. SCOTT, XJ 216 Powell St.; only qualified specialist; $500 for case I fail to cure: diseases of the eyes treated. I>ECARD'S DISEASES OF WOMEN A specialty: also "flue Baths." Rooms 3 and 4, ■ MacDonough building, Oakland. ! M~ RS. DX. WEGENKR takes ladies BE- ! fore and during confinement: infants adopted into good homes; treats all female complaints or Irregularities successfully. 419 Eddy st. ■ \jjce PRIVATE homk IN CONFINEMENT; JLN all female diseases treated; expert physicians; term* moderate. Oflice, 235 Kearny St., room 9.~ 1 PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT. MRS. i DR. FUNCKE, 1416 Eighth St., Alameda. IF IRREGULAR OR A FEMALE Dl-EASE see MRS.DX, PUETZ and becontent. .541/2 *th. SURE CUKE FOR ALL FKMALE DISfcA from whatever cause: a home In confinement with every comfori; satisfaction guaranteed* 0/ MKH. DR. GW YEK, 226 Turk St. • I R. HALL, 14 JMcA I.Li.~>i -It STREET, NKAU 'Jones. i> meases of women and children. « 4 LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS— A BOON TO J\. ladles troubled with irregularities; no danger; safe and sura; $2 60 _ a : press C. O» D. don't delay nntil too late. USGOOD Kitos.. Oakland. Cal. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. ADVICE FREE— DIVORCE LAWS A SPECI- j _rV •.it v . private; do charge unless successful; all lawsuits, claims, collections, wills, deeds, etc., at- tended to. G. U. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market. RW KING, A TT( ) V . AT- LAW, CHRON- . ii-lu oidg; advice free; moderate; open evngs. E. PHILLIPS— U. a AND STATE COURTS ; . R. E. titles and wills; money to loan' on es- tates: charges moderate. Offices 508 California st. m J. MURRAY, ATT' Y AND COUNSELOR AT J. . law: advice free. 24 Sixth St., rooms 14. 13. Y\f W. DAVIDSON,ATTORNEY-A l'-LA 420 I YV . California St.. rooms 14 and 15; advice free. ■ —"—-——" rUYSICIANS. _^I^V^D^DRrc?"c^"o r SSNNTcLL TO 1-03 IV Market st. : diseases of woman a specialty. ON'T FAIL TO CONSULT DR. JORDAN AT lJ his museum, 1051 Market : st. : his 30 years' successful practice is a guarantee of fair treatment; the worst cases treated satisfactorily by mall. SEWING MACHINES. T\OMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. WITH AT- U tachments, $12 50. 2437 Mission St., nr. 21st. U. KINDS BOUGHT. SOLd7eXCHaNGB n, ■A rented, repaired: lowest ratfa. -05 Fourth st. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. mRUNKS MOVED. 25 OKirra commercial 1 Transfer company, 43 Butter st.; telephone main 49; keep your checks for us. . country real estate. t~tt'tle~home&: close" to town, IM- -l-J proved, easy terms; also 4 to 12 acre pieces, on 8 and 10 years' credit, D. H. TWING. Sonoma City: every Monday at 632 Market s:., S. F. ■ 01., DAI AND WOOD RANCH "OF ■ 160 acres. United States patent, and 160 acres ho instead abandonment; more than 100 acres tillable: 1000 cords firewood: 3 large springs: 2 miles from town;. lovely aitu..tio:i: $1000; half cash. D. H. TWING, Sonoma CUy, C»L ffljl Af\f\ IMPROVED RANCH, 12 ACHES. t3) \J\J. easy terms; also unimproved, $90 an acre. Owner, 1024 Leavenworth St., i;r. Cali-.ornia. ■ WANTED— BY LADY WITH B<»Y, A FUR- ■ '» nished room with small stove for lieht house- keefDinsr: $6: land. Alameda or Mission. Vera, box 32, Call OuUce. EAI TIFULHOME; 175 ACRES FOR SALE at a sacrifice: land is situated in Monterey County overlooking the bay of Monterey; fine Im- provements, stock, tools, etc.,' go with the place; 2000 fruit trees, flue water and climate. For fur- ther particulars address Owner, box 33, Castro- v-lle, .Monterey Coun.y. Cat. CJfinn 24 ° ACRES ON main COUNTY «IP"±UUI>i, road in Pleasant Valley: house of 11 rooms: large barn: plenty of wat.-r and wood; 140 acres under cultivation; will exchange for house and lot in Oakland., ftQT^fi one of the FINEST 10-ACRE •IPO I O\J. tracts In the state, located IVi miles from Mountain View, Santa Clara County: all set 0..1 to fruits now full bearing common house; good barn, windmill tank, and lankhouse; crop this year will pay $700: 81000 cash, balance long time. 1 f\f\ ACRES OF FINE FRUIT AND GRAIN 1 \J\J land 3 miles from railroad: Placer County : 80 acres under cultivation; all fenced; common house; good Darn: plenty of water; on 20 acres of this land there are splendid prospecs of a gravel claim which will pay largely: owner wants house and lot in Oakland, Alameda or San Francisco; price $5000. EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., Room 29, second flloor Mills building, San Fran- cisco. ■ END TO LAND DEPARTMENT OF BOVEE, TOY & HONNTAG, 19 Montgomery St., for maps and full information of McMahan Estate Colony Tract, near Winters; nnequaled in Cali- fornia. • \\; A NTED-TO LEASeT SMALL .RANCH FOB '» chicken-raisins in the vicinity of San Fran- cisco Bay. Address, statin? rent and full particu- lars. L. P.. Box 23, all Office. SAN MATEO: J-OE SALE; SPLENDID COUN- -0 try residence and 3 acres of land; house has all modern improvements; grounds niceU- improved with ornamental trees, flowers, etc.; also outhouses in all kinds; this Is one of the most desirable places ofSanMateo and can be secured at a bargain. Call or address Joy's Baldwin Pharmacy, cor. Mar- ket and Powell sts. GOOD GKAIN OR FRUIT RANCH OF 100 \J acres in 1 ulare County for sale or exenange. Apply 917 Lamm st. "LMtUIT ORCHARD — 10-ACRE TRACTS, X fruit cannery connected with orchard: work for men by the year: women and children during fruit season: splendid opportunity for man with family to make good home. Write for particulars. JOHN T. HALL, Alamtda. i LAMED A COUNTY FRUIT LAND; - V choicest in the state: selling in tracts, 5 acres upward, $35 per acre; adjoining lands held at $100 per acre; owner forced to sell: lVa hours from San Francisco: easy terms; title perfect. 67 Chronicle building. ARYn COUNTY— 3OOO ACRES _6 MILES from city; lo s any size; fruit, grain, vegeta- ble land; rail or water transit; $40 to $76 per acre: terms to suit. .syndicate Investment Com- pany, 65 Chronicle building. "L^OU HOMES IN LOSG^TOS OR ORCHARDS X in the vicinity or In Santa Cruz Mountains call or address C. K. STETSON, box 298, with B. H. Noble & Co. ■■' ;: ;.<.:. SEND FOR OUR LIST UK. ORCHARD HIIMKB forwUß. WOOSTKK <• WH ITTt>N'. -h 1 ■>"*-. MO»«EY TO LOAN. ~~ MONEY LYING IDLE: TAKE AT $5 INTER- -I'J. est per month for each $1000; same rate sec- ond mortgage or life insurance, Coin, box 2. Call. UN V LUA N Kit US JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office 1 .Market Mason: private entrance 7 Tur'iC 1 UANS ON REAL ESTATE IST OR 2ND J ' mortgages, furniture or pianos; no removal; any amount; low rates. BECKER, 3-8 Montgomery. A NY AMOUNT: IST, 2l> or 3D MORTGAGES: _&. estates, undivided interests, real estate in era- bate. McCOLtIAN. 24 Montgomery, room 3. I IRECT ON YOUR FURNITURE OR PIANO: iJ no removal; no delays: no commissions: low Inierost. Km. 68, Donohue bids. 1170 Market st. ST & -lii JIOUTUAOES; INTEREST!* IN E.-t- -tates;lowest rates deIay. MURPHY.62H Mrkt. \ DVANCESON I»IAMONUS.JH\VELttV. ETC /I Columbia Loan A Collateral Ofuce, 9 Grant aye. A DVANCES ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. -TV. jewelry, also on furniture, pianos, without re- moval: lowest rates. BALDWIN JEWELRY STORE. H4B Market St.: open evenings. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — TUB WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. PAWNBROKERS. A T 129 KEAKNY S'H." ROOM »^MON_y" —4. loaned, watches, diamonds, etc; low rates: prt* vale rooms: elevator: pledges for sal 3 cheap. MONEY WANTED. WANTED— $600 TO PAY MORTGAGE; '» across the bay; good security; first mortgage. M. M. A., box 9, Call. ■ WANTED— TO BORROW, $1000 for one year, <• at reasonable intorest : security, chattel mort- gage of property worth $10,000. Address B. E., box 71. Call Office. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. OAKLAND AND FRuiTVALE PROPERTY for sale or exchange: furnished houses to let. E. HILL, 34 Donohoe building, S. F. i>7x7s FEET, ON FRANKLIN ST.. WITH *J I improvements; business corner; must be sold to close an estate: the chance of a lifetime: no reasonable offer refused. Apply to A. 11. BLOW, 1010 Broadway. Oakland. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET. COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS, BATH, LAUNDRY, \J attic; large lot; rent reduced from $J5 to $15. See WILLIAM STONE, 1139 East .Nineteenth St., near Twenty-third aye., East Oakland. If OR RENT— a COTTAGES; MODERN; 5 AND X 6 rooms: $15 nndsl6; large los near Berkeley. ■I H. I- I»QN. 908 i roan way. Oakland. OAKLAND I LATS TO let. ~~ "STcT~ne"w" MOrJlKloT^nioTKii^XATFsrNO tip 10, dark or inside rooms: stove in Kitchen: dumbwaiter; water and ash-man free; central; near Adeline station; apply at once. A. 11. BREED A CO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. OAKLAND ROOMS AND BOARDING. I ARGE SUNNY BAY-WINDOWED FUR- ii niohed room: 3 minutes' walk from local trains. Apply 677 Eighth St., Oakland. ■ AHiPOSA— MRS. EMMA iT ADAMS— i'l Newly furnisned or unfurnished rooms en suite or single; also, first-class tabie board. 666 Eleventh st., near Jefferson, Oakland, Cal. Fourteenth and CASTRO— TO let. X with board, 2 front rooms furnished; southern nnd eastern exposure. 1203 Castro st. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. "qT^c F^LriTNlT^ru^TßoTJSis^ hTschellT <]pO«>. HAAS'. 408 Eleventh si . Oakland. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMEDA IiKAL ESTATK. \\ ARCUSK~^~ITEMM^Li CONTRACTORS i'l and builders, Bay-street station, Alameda, Cal., telephone 2. . - $-.200— $'_•* cash. $20 monthly: 37:6 frontage; handsome new colonial cottage: 5 rooms and bath. $2450— cash, $22 60 monthly; 63x117; cot- tage of 5 rooms and bath. $2800— No cash. $L's monthly; 35x100: sunny corner house; 7 rooms and bath. •3000— No cash: $25 monthly; 37:6x100; NW. corner: cottage; 6 rooms. $3250—6 rooms and bath, to be built to order, In elegant location. . Several special bargains in lots. Houses and stores to let from $10 up. Open Sundays and holidays. (jftTTTTTj LOT 60x190; ET WORK ALL «JpJ.I"V/. dove; beautiful location; one and one-half blocks from station; 13-room house 10 rent unfurnished; finest location In Alameda, cor. Central aye. and Benton st- T. F. BAIKD, 1303 Park bU C|i-A(|/l BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN »j*')UWU. mo-story house, finely finished and beautifully frescoed; largo roonn: Central aye., one clock west of Park si.; it will surely please yon: investigate; terms to suit. G. B. M. GRAY, 463 Ninth St.. Oakland. AHGAIN— SIBSO; NEAR BROADWAY; LOT 45x130: house of six rooms; $350 rath; balance $13 36 per month. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1002 Brunei OaKlan 1. ALAMEDA ROOMS TO LET. 3~ TOiB!rnnr'su!?NT"R^ tage;- furnished for housekeeping; near both trains: 'Alnmeda. P.. box 2. C> '. Office, Oakland. i.l.liKi.l.i.i 1.1.AL LSlAlli. •' "josEPH J. mason, RE \L~~ESTATE~AND v insurance agent, Berkeley station, adjomlnz bank. GOOD HOMES FOR RENT OR FOR BALE on easy terms. O. G. MAY A CO., rt-ul < stata and building. 2123 Center St.. Berkeley. ' ■- ■■ BERKELEY HOUSES. T^ITT?EI^r^ToTCE^T^f^(JATK)N^^ J 'Berkeley: lot 100x270; fruits and flowers ga- lore: 8 rooms, bath, laundry, etc.; all beautifully furnished; to nrst-clwis tenant long term, bee CAPTAIN MORRISON, Berkeley. Btlll US— MARRIAGES— f Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed In as either of the publication ofllcas and be lndorssl with the name aud residence of persons authorUdi to have the satuo published, HO UN. HABTMAN— In this city, June 19. 1896, to th« wife of Abe L. Hart man, a daughter. ■■ KOSTES— In this city, June 16, 1896, lOthe wlf» of Nicholas KoBtes, a son. PEPER— In this city, May 29, 1896, to the wife of Frank Peper. a son. . ' MARRIED. CERF-GOLD^MITH-ln this city, June 21, 1896, by the Rev. Dr. Julius Fryer of the Bush- street Temple. Joseph L. Cerf and Leah Gold- smith, both o sun Francisco. KKmffl DIED. Eaker, Rev. E. P. Mutter, August iilllesbaek, George Mirer, Joseph Donald, John , Newman. William Gottlieb, William Nelson, Ha: He Heuraux, Edward Nelson. Andrew Hayes, William Perusina, Antonio Jenks, *arah, Russell, Patrick Kelly, Ellen SclinVlt. AuKUstln KcenAn, Catherine Schwartz. Valentine Lamb, William Edwin St. Jonn, Mary McGurk, Mary Ann smith, C. W. Welch. Mr. BAKER— At Ben Lomond, June 20, 1896, Rer. . E. P. Baker, aged 65 years. . BILLKSBACK— In Lower Lake, Lake County, Cal., June 20, 1896, George Billtsback, a native of Wiscon ii), ai;ed 4.0 years. DONALD— In tins city, at the Potrero, June 21, IS9B, John, beloved husband of Maggie S. Don- ald and father of John. Katie, Annie, Alexander, Bessie ana Jessie Donald and son of Jo.'in and Martha Donald and brother of Alexander Don- ald. .Mrs. Mary Scoit and James, Archie, Wil- liam nnd David Donald, a native of Paisley, Scotland, aged 42 years. [Paisley (Scotland) papers please copy.J tflTFriends and acquaintances are respect- ft'"y Invited to attend tne tnnaral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock p.m.. from his late residence, 121 Arkansas street, Potrero. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery by ] 3:30 o'clock p. m. train from Third and Townsend streets. GOTTLIEB— In this city. June 20, 1896. William, beloved husband of Elizabeth Gottlieb, and father of Joseph and Mabel Gottlieb, a native of Denver, Colo., aged 2-* years. Friends ana acquaintance! are resoecv fully lnvl'.edto attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 2:80 o'clock p. M.. from the par- lon of H. C. Porter Co.. 122 Eddy street. In- terment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. HEURErx-In the City and County Almsnouse, June 21. 1896. Edward Heureux, a native of Canada, Aged 62 years. HAVES— In this city, June 21, 1896, William Hayes, beloved brother of Mrs. Margaret Fen- nell and Daniel Hayes of Chicago, a native of Baltycahlll, County Limerick, Ireland, aged 32 years. JENKB— this city, June 22, 1696, at her residence, 732 McAllister street, :-arah Jen^s, at native of I os on. Mas., apt' <\ 42 years. A-'fFrlflnds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THURSDAY, June 25, at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from St. Vincent's Church, Valiejo, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her sjul. KELLY —In this city, June 21, 1896. Ellen, be- loved wife of Lawrence Kelly, mother of Mrs. Ernest Wad man and Lawrence, Agnes, John and George Kelly, a native of Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland, aged 55 years. «3"The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from ncr late residence, 1437 Valencia street, thence to St James Church, Twenty-third and Guerrero streets, where a requiem high mass will be cele- brated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. KEENAN— In this city. June 21, 1896, Catherine, beloved daughter of Elizabeth Keenan, and sister of Thomas Keennn, a native of san Fran- cisco, aged 21 years 3 months and l'_' days. £ « ' Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the undertaking parlors of McGinn Bros ,31 Eddy street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. LAMB— In Oakland, June 22, 1896. William Ed- win Lamb, a native of Wisconsin, aged 53 years 4 months and 11 days. McGURK— In this city, June 21, 1893. Mary Ann, dearly beloved and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Mi Gurk, sister of John, Charles, Maggie and James McGurk and Mrs. Barringer anl .Mrs Dumontier and tne late William and Henry McGurk, a uatlv? of >an Andreas, Calaverai County, Cal., aged 38 years 0 months and 15 days. J9STFriend.i and acquaintances are respeo:- fnlly invited to a-tend the funeral THIS DAY 1 (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of her sister, Mrs. Barrlncer, 1926 Lorkln street, thence to 5-t. Bridget's Church, Van Ness avenue, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrates for the repose of her soul, com- mencing at 9 o'clock a. M. Internidu: Holy cross Cemetery. MUTTER— In this city. June 21. 1896, August Mutter, beloved husband of Josephine Mutter and father of Karl, Louisa, Otto, George, Albert and Mary Mutter, a naive of Baden. Germany, aged 48 years. A niemb-r of Amalgamated Society of Engineer Machinists. f(S~ Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tne funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday) at 8:30 a. ii. from the parlors of Gantner <fc Guntz, 8 and 10 City Hall square, thence to St. Boniface's Church, Golden Gate avenue, between Jones and Leavenworth streets, where mas* will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MILLER— At the Home of the Adult Blind, in Oakland, June 22, 1896, Joseph Miller, a native of Canada, aged 56 years. NEWMAN— in this city. June 21, 1896. William Newman, a native of Yorkshire, England, aged 55 years 10 months and 11 days. jiyFrlends and acquaintance* are rftsn"-;'.- fnily invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the resi- dence of Mrs. L. Bredhoff, 821 Page street, between Pierce and Scott, interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. . v NELSON— In this city, June 20, 1896, Hattle, dearly beloved wife of Albert Nelson, and mother of Francis Nelson, and sister of Mrs. Annie Thompson, a native of Ireland, aged 21 years 3 months and 3 days. j)£9-Friends and acquaintance* ar» resDes:- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 10:30 o'clock a. «i.. from her late residence, 4 Chestnut place, off Chestnnt street, between Powell aud Stockton, thence to Holy Cross Cemetery. NELSON— In the ritv and County Hospital, June 22, 1896, Andrew Nelson, aged 33 years. PERUSINA— In this city, June 22. 1896, Antonio Perusina, a native of Dalmutia, Aus:ria, aged 55 years and 5 months. aarNotice of funeral hereafter. RUSSELL— In this city, June 22, 1896, Patrick, beloved husband of Norah Russell, and father of Mary, Patrick aud Norah Itussell, and brother of Bartholomew Russell, a native of the parish of Farnevayne, County Cork, Ireland, aged 61 years. *sT Friends and ficnnalnranßo* ore rwnnnv fully invited to attend the funeral THURS- DAY, June 25, 1896, at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from h slate residence, 44 Gilbert street, thence to st. i;ose's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will bo celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a.m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. MITT— In this city, June 21, 1896. Ausrustin Schmltt, beloved husband of Babette schmtt, anl father of Eugene, Martin and Ernestine Rohm lit, and brotnef of Emlle Sen mitt, Mrs. Tobias Hock, Mrs. M. Brydlng and Mrs. Henry Hemmer. a native of Alsace, France, aged 60 years 6 months and 8 days. JBfJ"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. v- from his late residence, 1719 Buchanan street, thence to Odd ¥• Hows' Crematorium. Officers and members of Anchor Lodge No. 2366, K. of H.. and of Golden Gate Lodge No. 8, A. O. U. W., are In- vited 10 attend. Please omit flowers. SCHWARTZ— In this city. June 21, 1896, Val- entine Schwartz, a native of Wurtembdrg, Ger- many, aged 56 years. 8T JOHN— In this city, June 22. 1896. Mary beloved wife of Pierre St. John, mother of Pierre L.. Raymond V. and Leo C. t. John, a native of Rhode Island, aged 44 years and 11 months. f *3"The funeral will take' place TO-MORROW (Wedncsday).at 8:30 o'clocK a.m.. from her late residence, 63 Cheuery street, thence to st. Paul's Church, here a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of vis soul, commenc- ing at 9 o'cork a. M. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. SMITH-In this city. June 22, 1896. C. W. Smith, beloved husband of Mary A. -mlth, and father of Mrs. D. Juuon, Mrs. Henry Blyth, Charles W. Jr., George T. and William H. Smith, a na- : tive of New York. Notice of funeral hereafter WELCH— In Dan&vllle. N. V., June 20, 1896, Mr. Welch, a/ed 79 years ■ T IVSCAVO V & CALL^CHER, . KUNKRAL DIRECTORS _ EMBALMKBS, 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoin School. - Telephone 3080. — — — - Jas-McMrxomey. Chas. McMknomey; JAMES 3Ic>IENOMEY * SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, 1057 Mission Street, Near Seventh. Telephone No. 3354. JAS. ENGLISH. T. R. CAREW CAREW & ENGLISH, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS,- -19 Van Ness aye., near Market at., Ban Francisco Telephone so. 156. MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY, TNCLUDING NATIVE SONS GOLDEN WEST 1 Knights of Pythias, Improved Order Red Men, Ancient Order Forester* and other cemetery asso- ciations, Sun M a' eo county ; nearest cemetery to the city; non-sectarian. In no sense exclusive; PERFECT TITLK GDABANTEED; locution Unax- ct'iied. . m^MMBJfSttMatH Please call at ofUee. 997 Market St., before (elect- ing burial place elsewhere. 15