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14 GLAD HAND OF THE UNIVERSITY. Regents Extend It to the Bucolic Taxpayers of the State. FIFTY RURAL MEETINGS College Professors Will Go Out to the Orchards and Hayfields. THE AFFILIATED COLLEGES. Appropriations Will Not Lapse, and Work of Construction Caa Go Ou. The regents of the university yesterday decided that the professors and subordi nate instructors of the agricultural de partment of the Berkeley institution of learning should go to the country and jireet the farmer in the hayfield. the orchard and vineyard. Al 1 along the line I oi agricultural industry from "Siskiyou i to San Diego, from ihe Sierra to the sea," I the college professor will ten led to t c bucolic taxpayer. Fifty public meetings wiil be held in dif ferent sections oi the Mate, the prime ob ject being to convince the producing classes that the university is not neglecting the vital interests of agriculture while its pro fessor.- are giving lofty thought to higher .lion. The regents authorized an expenditure the missionary work, and did isguiae the feet that rural sentiments in behalf of increased appropriation of public money for the university was the animating purpose of the expedition. Regents Wallace and Foote presided al ternately at the session yesterday after dood at the Mark Hoptdna Institute. other regents present were : Messrs. Marye, John E. Budd. Lynch, Black, Kellogg, Martin, Demcke, "Miller, Hallidie, Rein stein and Rodgers. This scheme to appropriate money for infusing in the rural mind a proper en- i t usiasm for the agricultural work of the j university was introduced to the regents i some time ago in the form ol a report by '■ means committee. Two j ways of raising money were suggested. The hr.-t was to tax eacn student $10 a term. 1 his was rejected. The second was to hold fifty public meetings and then go to the Legislature for assistance. This Was adopted after a long discussion, in which Regents Hal! die, Martin, Marye and Miller opposed the proposition. Speeches in favor of the measure were made by Regents Wallace, Rodgers, Foote, - em, Denicke, Lynch and Jonn E. Budd. J. West Martin asked respectfully If this proposition to educate the people was not a campaign to educate the Legislature in j order that a large appropriation might be obtained. Ex-Speaker Lynch, candidate for Lieuten ant-Governor on the Republican State ticket, said there was a feeling throughout California agriculture was neglected at me university and higher education ad vanced. Now, should it go forth that the university was too poor to send out repre sentatives to meet the farmers a bad ltel ing would be produced. Arthur Rodgers niaile a vigorous and an aUe argument in favor of sending the professors to school — sending them out to the vineyards and orcuards to study the ..tare of the State, which was so ent from the agriculture of the East ern States. Judge Wallace conceded that economy in public and private affairs was desirable and then he introduced a '•but' with a ig B to prove that the mission of the - was to spend money to promote something of much ereater value than money. He observed that the people owned the university and it was the duty of the regents to show the proprietors what had been done. Should more money be needed the people would knock at tne door of the treasury and open it. Regent Denicke wanted to know if the i university was to be closed because a de- I liciency was threatened. "Are we going to ! follow the example of the City and shut off the lights because money is scarce?" He advocated the expenditure of $3ol>o, be lieving that it would prove beneficial to the State. J. West Martin recalled the many diffi culties and embarrassments which "the re gents ot the past had encountered, but through all the trials the board had never treated a deficiency. IU w«i a State board presenting tins exceptional record of man ag> meni, and he regretted to ace the great principle violated. Regent Haliidie was against the prin ciple of cr^atin a debt. Regent Miller said ne could not vote for a measure which seemed like an offer to bribe the Legislature. A motion to refer the report to the finance committee was lost. The section of the report authorizing an f-xpenditure of $3500 to hold fifty public meetings in the rural districts was adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Lynch, Black, Denicke, Kellogg, Budd, Foote, Keinstein. Rodger^, Wallace— 9. Noes — Hallidie, Martin, Marye. Miller— 4. The rest of the report was laid over until the July meeting. By common consent Judge Wallace's proposition, advanced at a previous meet ing, to displace Professor Flagg and ap point Professor Bonneil assistant instruc tor of Greek, went over until the next Bession. President Kellogg recommended the ap ment of S. D. Ayers, C. F. Loricke, Leroy Jones and John looby as patrons of agricultural stations, and* concurrence was given. John Calvert was appointed professor of pharmacy, vice Seifert, resigned. The regents received the gratifying in telligence that Judge Wallace, Mr, Rein stein and Attorney Mhoon had conferred with Attorney-General Fitzgerald and the result of the conference was the assurance that the regents could go right ahead with the building of affiliated colleges, as the entin appropriation of $250,000 would be available. It was feared at one time that the sum of $125,000 would lapse to the treasury by reason of delay in begin ning the work of actual construction. It is understood that the regents will fol low strictly the laws of tne State regard ing the construction of the public build ing. The money end of the proposition will be looked afier by the Board of Examiners. Assessment Levies The Pacific Kruit Company has sued James Robert? )or $">Bl> duu ior delinquent asse?s ments on stock of that company. Fred Maurer was sned for and J. H. Coon lor #620 on the same ground. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Frandaoo Cam~ /io Market street, open until 12 o'clock ererj eight in the year. BRANCH OFFICES-630 Montgomery street corner Clay; open until 9:30 o'clock. 389 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 713 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. KW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, opas until 9 o'clock. 3618 Mlaslen street, open until 9 o'clock. 118 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'cleok, NOTICE OF BIKETINGS. MISSION LODGE NO. 169. F. ■ tfrjS' and A. M.— Called meeting Tills B^ (WEDNESDAY) EVENING at "'™TUf o'clock. Second degree. By order of thf'V > W. M. C. D. BUNKER, Secretary. (K3S> CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139, F. m ufe^ and A. M.— Called meeting THlb_f^ WEDNESDAY, at 7:30 p. M. Third degree. TK3T By orner of the W. M. />V \ H. FORTRIKDK, Secretary. S^^F^VeRBA BUENA LODGE «*_uai_sfc. _ £& No 15, 1. O. O. F — Regular SXpjpCXL meeting THURSDAY EVEN ING, June 25. at 8 o'clock. As very im- " 11VN portant business will come before the meeting It is earnestly requested that all members be present. E. a. HARRISON, N. G. M. R. Jkffkrs Jr., R. S. Vts&* THE OFFICERS AND MEM- . O>. I*—? bers of the san Francisco Scot- a, QJ/1 tish Thistle Club are requested to at- TjkXi* tend the funeral of our deceased clans- '^fcs^* man. JOHN DONALD, from his late residence, 121 Arkansas street, Potrero, WEDNESDAY, June 24,1896, at 1:30 p. m. By order J. D. COULIK, Royal Chief. Gko. W. Patkkson. Recorder. ffl__r» R KBE L CORK BENEVOLENT ASSO- _—^ ciation— The committee on picnic of this society will meet at Academy Hall on THURS- DAY EVENING, June 25. 1596, at 8 o'clock r. M.. to make arrangements for the tenth an- nual picnic, which will be held at shell Mound Park ou Sunday. August 2. 18&6. P. CORKERY, Chairman. Mahonky. Secretary. yag» GRAND PICNIC— ORDKR OF CHOSEN fit~-^ Friends at Agricultural Park, san Jose, SATURDAY. June 27. 'Tickets, round trip. $1; children, 50 cents. Train leaves Third and Town- send sts. 9 a. M.. stopping at Twenty-fifth and Va- lencia sts. Games, prizes, bicycle race. 'I he pro- ceeds to be donated to the injured and homeless members of the late cyclone at si. Louis. Tickets for sale on the morning of the picnic at Third and Townsend sts. and Twenty-fifth and Valencia sts. M'KCIAL. NOTICES. jP^SaSDOXED CHILDREN IN ST. £S— ' Joseph's Infant Orphan Asylum since Jan- uary 1, 1895: Robert Butler. a?.> 5 yean; Bessie Butler, age 4 years; Charles Connolly, age 6 years: Mary Fagalda, age 3 years: James Fagalda, are 1 year: Kddie McCarthy, age 6 years: Alice Mc- Carthy, age 6 years; Nathan Bnrloggi, age 3 years. ■ ■F-g- DRS. .HOLsMAN AND LINQUIST-RE- 836' moved to 1370 Market st. ; poor treated free. p^s» BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4: —^& collections made, City or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St.. room 6. Tel. 6580. tt—S= COFF_Y*S COLLECTION C<\. 235 it—? Kearny St.. ejects bad tenants for $10: all costs Al.l. Telephone Ked 364. DIVIDEND NOTICES. m^S* DIVIDEND ~N OTIC X — Til K C< ) LI" M- ar-£ r bjan Banking Company. 236 Bosh St., for the half year ending June 30, 1896, lias declared ■ dividend oi 6 percent per annum on the paid-up j capital, payable on and aSter.lulv 1, 1896. C. O. PERRY, Cashier. H^S» DIVIDEND NOTICE— SAVINGS AND t»— ' Loan society, 101 Montgomery su, corner sutter. For the half-year ending June 30. ISi'B. a dividend lias been declared at the rate of four and thirty-two one bundredtlis (4.32) per cent per annum on term deposits anil three and sixty one- hundredths (3.601 per cent per annum on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Wednesday, July 1. 1896. Dividends rot called j for are added to and bear the same rate of dividend as the principal, from and after July 1, 189t>. CYRUS W. CARMANY, Cashier. STTS 3 DIVIDEND NOTICE.— GERMAN j S^& Savings and Loan society, 526 California : st. — For the half year ending June 30, 181*6, a | dividend has been "declared at the rate of four and j twenty-six hundredths (4 26-100) per cmi per an- num on term deposits, and three and fifty-five , hundredths (3 55-100) per cent per annum on 1 ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Wednesday, July 1. 1896. GKO. TOURNEY. Secretary. srap DIVIDEND NOTICE— MUTUAL 3AV- -1t& ings Bank of San Francisco, 33 Post sU— For the half year ending June 30, 1896, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per c -nt per annum on term deposits and three and one-third (3.33%) per cent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after WEDNESDAY, July 1,1896. GEO. A. STORY, Cashier. HUMBOLDT SAVINGS AND LOAN m— ** Society, 18 Geary si.— The directors have declared the following semi-annual dividends: 4.32 per cent per annum on term and 3.60 percent, per annum on ordinary deposits, payable on and after July 1, 1896. ERNEST BRAND, Secretary. K^ae* DIVIDEND NOTICE— SAN FRANCISCO S^' Savings Union, 532 California St., corner Webb. For the half year ending with the 30th of June, 1896. a Oividend has been declared at the rate per annum of four and thirty-two one liun- dredths (4 32-10J) cent on term deposits and three and sixty one-hundreaths (3 60-100) !er cent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Wednesday, the Ist Of July, 1896. I. .VKI.I. WHITE, cashier. it^S 3 CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— %~& THE WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for ?1 50, postage iTce. SITUATIONS WASTED- FEMALK. Oft WING OR HELP IN HOUSEHOLD DUTIES k~ by day or week, by bright, Intelligent lady hav- ing best references. Add. K.,bt»x 102, Call Oflice. n- ANTED— POSITION AS CHAMBERMAID in respectable lodging-house. Please call or address 43."> Pine st. ~/~~h KM A N W DOW, WHO HAS BEEN A ' J short while In this country, wishes a position In a Jewish family; is a first-class coo». Apply 1527 Stockton su, candy-store. M" IDTI.K - AGED AMERICAN W OMAN wishes to do housework: good cook. Call or address 10 Zoe St. rA NTED— BY A SCOTCH GIRL A SITUA- f.on as eh Id's nurse; understands bottle baby; good reference. Apply 1016 Larkln st. \\' OMAN WANTS WORK BY Tut; DAY; IS " a good laundress; will da housecleaning. Call 110 3 Powell sU LDEP.LY LADY WISHES to TAKE cake of eh Id, Room 46, 1.8 six.h yoUNG DANIsH GIRL WISHES SITUATION X as children's nurse. 1643 line si- ON EST YOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO AS- slst In light housework or chamberwork 5 or 6 hours a day in re. urn for 2 meals a day only. Address H. Y. W., bor 63, Call. MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN WOMAN, GOOD 111 cook, wishes situation in small family: would assist with washing; first-class butter-maker; city or country. 314 Jessie st. / • UVEBNEBS— YOUNG LADY WISHES sir- vJT uation: city or country: English, German, French, drawing, music; willing to travel. . la- dress K. S., Postoilice, San Mateo. EXPERIENCED LADY WISH POSITION Xj as housekeeper or to cook in small family ; city or country. Call 86 Ninth st, h"> MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO GEN- •■ral housework; wages $12 to $15. Call three (lays. 2712 Bush, bet. Devisadero anil Broderick. 1 \RKSSMAKKR. GOOD FITTER. WISHES XJ more engagements in families; $1 per day. Address O. P.. box 61, this office. 'I DOW WITH ONE CHILI) WISHES SIT- ' » uation as housekeeper in widower's :amily or do cliamberwork in he country: would prefer to work on a ranch. Address MRS. K. BRADLEY. Salvation Army She] Stevenson st. W ANTED— I WO FRIENDS WANT situa- '> tions together, oi:e as cook, the other as I chambermaid aud waitress in a country hotel. Address MRS. N. CARROLL, sausalito. G" OOD BUSINESS WOMAN WOULD LIKE some one to start her in a lodging-house; would act as working housekeeper: thoroughly domesticated. Address P. A., box 123, Call office. \Y ANTKD— POSITION AS I N V A L I D ' - ' ' ' nurse and companion; would make herself useful; moderate salary. X., box 63, Call Office. IRL WISHES TO DO SEWING, MENDING or nursing by the day. Address 142 Seventh, room 6. y OUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO 1 light housework or would take care of baby. Call 321 1/2 tehama St., bet. Fourth and Fifth. \'OUNG WOMAN WISHES SITUATION AS X traveling companion to lady going to Europe, or would take charge of children ou same trip. Address B. M., 736 Twenty-fifth st. yoUXO GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO X light nousework; wages $12 to $15. Call at 628 O'Farrell sU ITUATIoN wanted by YOUNG WOMAN in A— eiican family to do general housework.; wages $1 ■> to $20; city only. Call 916 Howard si. 4 1 YOUNG GIRLS WISH SITUATIONo, ONK — < for chamberwork and the other for chamber- work and wait at table. Call 1 lli()i 2 Stevenson St.. off Twelfth. \~' OUNG WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK, X washing or any kind of work by the day. 71 .31-2 Clementina st., near Eighth. ■ " :.- . IRL WISHES A SITUATION IN AN ' I American family where there are no small children; wages 12. Call or address 653 Stev- enson si. ]> ESPECTABLbJ YOUNG WIDOW WISHES J.V position as housekeeper or care of children. Cull 303 Fourth st. EAT YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE A SITU- _ ' atlon to do light housework, sleep home, in the Mission. Addt ess box D, Call Branch Office, Sixteenth and Mission sis. KRM A ."\~Gfßl. WANTS A SITUATION TO do general housework or upstairs work. Ad- dress 3ul Stockton st., cor. sutler. . I U'OHAN WITH BON 8 YEARS OLD DE- ! ' ' sires position to keep house for widower with one chid: no objection to couuiry if near school. Address 4272 Twenty-fifth st- IDDLE-AGKD WOMAN WANTS HOUSE- keeping In city, from $15 to $20, or general housework in flat: good plain cook. Call or write to 448 Natoma st., MISS BKELER. / i ERMAN GIRL, 14 YEARS OF AGE, CAN VX speak English, wishes place to take care of children or assist with light housework; sleep home. Please call 1105 Stevenson st., nr. Twelfth and MarKet. i MEAT "YOUNG DANISH GIRL WANTS A ; -' situation for light housework: wages $10 to $15. Call, during morning hous, at 347 Dore su, bet. Ninth arid Tenth. EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIltL WANTS Xi situation as chambermaid or to wail at table. Address 204 Vs Eddy St., rear. THE SA2* FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JITNE 24, 1896. SITUATIONS "WANTED— Continued. fbo\V WOULDi LIKE INVALID OR old lady or gentleman to care for; good, pleasant home and good care Address or call 1618 Green Hi., MRS. DAN FORTH. ' i"i WISHES GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN \1 private family: also girl for upstairs work. Call 34 Lafayette at. LAD'S wishes" A POSITION AS COPYIST or to do writing in an oltice. 417 Larkin, nn. 27. DRESSMAKER WISHES WORK BY THE day In families: good fit and nice finish; terms $1 60 per day. Address i>ressmaker, box 92, Call. VOUSGLADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS X companion to lady or do second work or cham- ber work; good references. Please address L. 8., 1221 O'Farrell st. - » ' ('MAN WISHES TO DO WASHING AND " Ironing or housework by the day. 246 Fif- teenth st. A" ~>Terican widow WANTS POSITION AS *£\. housekeeper or do housework in small fam- ily; city or con try. Call or address 3033 16th st. REFINKI), EXPERIENCED KNGLISH GIRL IX wishes position as house or parlor maid, or as companion to invalid; wages $25; Knglisb or American family preferred. Address M. J., 865 Broadway, Oakland. nOMPETENT YOUNG CREOLE WIDOW \J with child wishes housekeeper's position, cham- berwork or sewine; city or country. Call or ad- dress 917 Market St.. room 19. \\r INCHES . ER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NR. »' Market: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable; free bus aim baggage to and from the ferry. SITUATIONS \VANTKD-3IALK. HO N!i: B 2 ( O., ( ' H1 N KSfTanlTja PANESE XX employment office, 17 Webb st., below Kear- ny, bet.. California and Sacramento, tel. 231. /CHINESE AND JAPANESE RELIABLE help; tel. Main 1997. ISRADLKY&CO., 640 Clay. C. l«. COOK'S Si.c. SUPPLIES COOKS: ALL .tranches :shon notice. 14 Geary. Grant, 43. A PANESE AND CHINESE EMPLOYMENT 0 oflice: best help. 3148 Sutter: tel «ran& 30. TThTnKis*. AN"i> JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT \J oilice; best help. 41 4 >.» O'Farrell: 1.1. h.. 42& OSITION OF TRUST, BY A YOUNG MAN of family possessing ability and extended busi- ness experience; can furnish highest references and bonds. Address K. C., box 49, Call Office. V"I &Ti MAN WISHES POSITION AS VALET 1 or butler: no objection to travel: good refer- ence. Address Valet, box 32, Call. SI HONG GERMAN BoY WAjN'IS .- 1 . IA- j tlon in a butcher-shop: has hail one year's ex- perience. Address J. 1. ZIMMERMAN, Tevis St., Fruit vale. O ELI ABLE .MAN, MIDDLE AGED, GEll- XV man. wishes a situation as gardener or cake care house, cow, etc: hostler: city or country: handy with tools and generally usetul about place. Ad- dr->s H. 11.. box 64. thisotlice. COOK. BAKES O<X>D BREAD, PIES, ETC., ] * wants a situation for the country. Address ! 1301 Santa Clara aye., Alameda. AN INDI sTKIOUS KLDERLY MAN WANTS ; .\ light work of any kind: would be useful and bandy about honse, garden, etc: a home the prin- clpal object; city, Oakland or Alameda. Address HAMi-.1.. box 63, i all I Hi. c SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN O and wite (no children) in hotel, restaurant or private family: best of references. Call oraddress HARRIK til:— -ill, I »07 Mission St., San Fran. UTLER, STEWARD OR HEAD WAITER: Kn_-lislim"ii, ins; arrived; 10 years' experi- ence; 15 months' reference from general com- manding imperial forces in Canada. Address But- ler, box 32, (all. pARDENER. PRACTICAL MAN ABOUT \J place, wishes situation; references. Address Gardener, 417 Kearny st. VOUXO GERMAN. GOOD CARPENTER, CAB- I i: • --milker and general mechanic, with tools, wants * situation of any kind. Address 716 Clem- I entina St. youxt; SWEDISH MAN WISHES SITUA- X tion: city or country; first-class driver, milk and do garJenlng work; references. Address F. L., box 119. Call Office. \ N ACTIVE MAN, 29 YEARS OF AGE, -£V. don't drink nor smoke, wishes to get situation in wholesale house a* porter or shipping clerk: can do carpenter work, if necessary. Address K. C, 1321/4 Fourteenth st. \ N XI SALESMAN OP EXPERIENCE -i"»- thoroughly acquainted with Pacific Coast trade and capable oi uandlinc large deals, would like to form a connection with some large and re- sponsible concern. Address L :.., box 120, ( all. ■\\." ANTED— SITUATION IN OFFICE: FULLY '» competent: saury no object: middle aged; good letters. FREDERICKS, box 1, Call Office. PACKER-FIRST-CLASS WITH 10 YEARS' 1. reference, wishes posi:lon in wholesale house. Address Packer, box 67, thisorH c. BOY WISHES A SITUATION IN A WHOLE- sale house; willing to work. Address G., box 148, Call. yOUNG MAN DESIRES SITUATION ON L private place; understands care of horses, car- riages and garden. Add. 11. H., bOS 128, Call. SITUATION WANTK.D BY GERMAN AND O wife, without childre •, to take care of ranch or work on a private place; man understands all kinds of ranch or private work; wife good cook: botii flrs;-class references. Address J. L. RATH- GKBKK, Napa, • iii. r ANTED — BY GOOD RESPONSIBLE young man position to collect and deliver; se- curity and good references. Address i a., box 6, this otlice. • ~l [CENSED ENGINEER. 25 YEARS' EXPE- Jj rience in city and the mines, wants situation: city or country; man of family: can run dynamo anil locomotive. Address I . M.. box 107, Call Otlice. SB, AND HELIABLK YOUNG MAN O (Danish) desires a steady job of any kind; will drive wagon. Address J.. box 140, this office. \- -I>RoFKSK!ONAL ACCOUNTANT OFFERS • bis services in the expert ing of books, opening and closing of partnership accounts, writing up books and general expert work. Address I. C, box 137. Call Office. \»' ANTED— BY A YOUNG MARRIED MAN, »» a situation as carpenter on a ranch; is also used to all kinds of farm work: can famish good I reference. Address P. O. box 17. San Lorenzo. Y\' 1 CHF.sTKR HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR '» Market— Electric lights In every room; 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus and bageace to and from the ferry. EKMAN WISHES SITUATION IN A PRl~- vate family: good gardener, coachman; under- stands handling s ock ; boo i milker: references. Address Industrious, box 27. Call Oilice. UMNCHKSTKR HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR '» Market— Electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week: tree Ihihkii : bacatcoiiii'l from the terry. t'JiMALK 11KLP WASTED. / < "K. PRIVATE FAMILY, COUNTRY, *:<0; V. cook, private family, country, $20; French cook, summer resort, $-'5; 2 waitresses, same country hotel, $20: - German chambermaids, 820; girl for housework in city, $20. C. R. HANSEN * CO., 110 Geary st. WANTED — LAUNDRESS, PRIVATE FAM- •» ily { $25; German chambermaid, $20: 2 Ger- man and French second girls. $20 and [825: Deal Kir for cook in • and housewi.rk, 3 in family. $25; ranch cook, $20: German cook. Santa Barbara, $25; 2 restaurant waitresses, $20 and $25: Ger- man g rl In bakery, $20. and girls for cooking and housework in city and country. J. F. CROSETT «v CO., 312 Butter st. 1' FRENCH COOK, SMALL MOUNTAIN RK- ' sort, $25: cook summer resort, $30. MUR- RAY A READY, 634 Clay st "VTEATGIRL, Mills ' B X, SM A L FAMILY: XN country; $'20; see party here 10 o'clock. MUR- RAY A READY. 634 Clay St. I pOOK, SMALL HOTEL, $20: GIRL FOR | \J ch«mberwork and walling, same place, $15, fare paid: restaurant waitress. $15 and room, near city; oiher places. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. p KRMAN NURSE, $25: COOK, $30; LAUN- vJT dress, $30; 15 housework girU, city and coun- try, $20 and $25. Ml^S CULLEN, 323 Sutter st. WANTED— FRENCH NURSE, *15; FRENCH j '» maid and seamstress, $25; Swedish laundress, | country, $30; German chambermaid, same place, j $25: 2 cooks, small hotels, $25 to $30. LEON I ANDRE. 315 .Stockton st. YOUNG GIRL ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSE- | I work and care of baby. Call between 9 and 12 o'clock, 2212 Bush St., near Fillmore. "VTOUNG LA 0 ~ WITH $500 TO INVEST. 1 capable of doing society reporting, can secure Steady posit. on at $50 per month: investment se- emed. Address M. «•- 8.. Call Office, Oakland. TVJEAT GliiL KORGENKRAL HOUSEWORK: j— N must be good plain cook; wages $20. 15 Fair Oaks St., near 'twenty-first. . ■ GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK AND care of children. 1910 Golden Gave aye. VOI'SU GIRL; TAKE (ARK BAB YT GOO 1 home; small wages. Call 1940 Kills St. IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; i- erman preferred ; wages $15. 1218 a Fulton st. 1 OOD EXPERIENCED FINISHERS; MUST VJT operate. 935 Market St., room 1. Voung'gjrl to ASSIST housework 1 and children. Call 10 to 12, 51 9y 3 Capp st. IDDLE-AGED GERMAN NURSE, $25; IN~- i'i fant's nurse, Oakland. $25; 4 houseglrH *20: 2 girls to assist, $12 to $15. Apply 315 Suiter st. YOUNG GIRL (GERMAN" PARENTAGE 1 preferred) for light housework at 286 Natoma St.. near Fourth. T?XPEKIKNCED HANDS ON SILK WAISTS Xi and wrappers. S. STEUER, 126 Eighth st. I~ADY"oF~ABILirY TO TAKE CHARGK OF J a department. Address, stating experience and salary exoected, Wholesale, box 52, Call. POMPKTENT WOMAN To assist in \j profitable legitimate business. Address Profit, box 122, Call Office. - ■ LMRBT-CLABS TAILOREHS ON CUSTOM V coats. 411 i/i Kearny st. fRL (20T025); LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING; twice weeKly; $2 60 monthly. Gentleman, box 26, Call office. . HAIRDKESSING, MANICURING, beauty culture lessons: agents who will handle my toilet preparations taught free. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post St. - . RESSC UTTI N i AN FITTING TAUGHT XJ thoroughly In three hours or less at MRS. R. L. JONES" dressmaking school, 505 Fell St. HELP 'WANTED— Continued. pERFECT FITTING AND STYLISSH~DRESS- X making taught, $5 per month; pupils can work for themselves, friends or customers: waist, Jack- et, sleeve and skirt patterns cut to order, 25c up. MCDOWELL Academy, 213 Powell St. T ADIES— FREE! FREE! LESSONS EVERY Xj Tues.,2to3: dresscutting. 14 McAllister, r. 67. HAI K-DKEs.-. |m MANICURING LESSONS. MISS DOYLE. 1 19a Powell St. and 106 Ninth. AIRDRESSING. 25c AND 35c: MORNING and eve classes: 101essons,$l 50. 1248 Mission. CiOAT-FiNisuEßs wanted. 541 market \J street. MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House. 44 Third St., near Market; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 P < Twe"k: 'n-i' 'bus anil baggage to ami from ferry. MALE HELP WANTED. 6WA ITKRS FO^^UMM^fTr^RESORTS^TnD springs, $30; 3 waiters for springs, $25: pan- tryman, summer resort, $25. C.R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. T>ASTRY COOK, HOTEL. $65; SECOND COOK, X country hotel, $60; meat and pastrycook lor an Institution, $50; cook, meat and pastry, summer resort, $76; short-order cook, country restaurant, $40: night short-order cook, $9 a we "k: cook and wife, $35. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. (\ LABORERS FOR ROCK QUARRY AND «-"-' pick and shovel work, city, long job, $26 and board; 10 teamsters, near city, $26 and board. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. O MILKERS. COUNTRY, $30; 6 FARMERS • ) for having, near city, $25 and $26: gardener, $50 to $55; gardener, near city, $25. C. R. HAN- HEN & CO., 110 Geary st. JAPANESE COOK FOR COUNTRY HOTEL. <t $25, see boss here: 2 Japanese bedmakers and do cleaning, hotel. $25: Japanese cook and dish- washer, small country restaurant. C. R. HAN- SEN - CO., 110 Geary st. ') IKoNKHs, COUNTRY LAUNDRIES, $30 »> and $35 and found; man to run Sinclair bosom- ironer. $50: washer, country laundry, $35. C.R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary St. nr A BLACKSMITH FOR COUNTRY »» shop, $40 to $50 per month and board; fore- man for mine, $3 per day: man to pile grain in warehouse in country, $52 per month and board: 2 men for haying, $1 per day, and after that to press hay at 15c per ton; man to milk 15 cows and I work in hayfield, $25; man run bayrake on a I ranch near-city, f 25 to $30: swamper. $35; black- smith, small country shop, $30 to $35 and found; 10 men for hnyfields and ranch work, $25 and $26; cooks, waiters, dishwashers and others. W. D. EWER «fc CO., 626 Clay st. \\- a ntf.d-ba'ker for country HOTEL. »» $30 ami found; waiter, country hotel, $25, and others. W. d. EWER A CO., 826 Clay sU > i HEADER- WAGON DRIVERS; MAN TO ! • l pick up sacks after harvester. $35 and round; ! 20 fanner , orchard and vineyard hands. $20, $25 and $26: '6 < boremen, $20 and $15; chore'boy for a ranch. *!(): 'M woodchoppers fora mine, $1 cord; ! 8 Choppers, pine an. i redwood, Santa Clara County: -0 laborers, city and country, $1 day and board; 20 tiemakers, 8c and 10c each: contract to le; to sink 200 reel of shaft; stableman, city. i MURRAY A READY, Leading Employment Agents, 634 and Clay st. t»A MEN OR YOUNG MEN TO PICK FRUIT, i — ' ' make hay. dig irrigation ditches, etc., $20 ana found, for a large banking company. M L <;- ' RAY it RKaDY. Leading Employment Agents, 634 and 636 Sutler st. /« COOKS, $25, »30. $40 AND $50; RANCH U cook, $-'5. 3 waiters. $30; 2 dishwashers, $20; bartender, .*25 ; neat young man for a couutry hotel: cook lor a resort; 2 ranch cooks, $15 and i *-">. MURRAY A- READY, Leading Employ-! ment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay st. I) BLACKSMITHS. $10 ANl>s3s AND FOUND; ' — wheelwright, see boss here. MURRAY A , READY, Leading Employment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay m. IV ANTED— FIRST-CLASH MINER CAPABLE ! "of acting as underground foreman, see boss here; 2 farmers and wives, $30 and $45; sawfiler tor box factory, $3 to SB 3 50 a day; 2 quartz aimers, I $2 75 a day; milkers; farmers; choreman; wood- choppers; driver for mllK wagon, $26 and found; American buttermaker for creamery, $30 and found; 2 luui.lironers, $35 and found; waiter, country hotel, $25; cooks and others. Apply to J. ■ F. CROBEI i & CO., 628 Sacramento st. HK \ I) waiter, $30; waiter, 926: same, ' country hotel: 2 machine miners, $3 a day; dairyman for Nevada, $30 to $36 and free fare: 6 farmers, $15 and $20; woodsmen, $20 to $30; ax- men and barkpeelers. K. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay si \\ r A NTED— COOK FOR RESTAURANT, CITY, , '» $10 a week; hotel cook, $4 J: young German i as porter in a summer resort, $20 and found; pantryman, $25; etc. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. \»r ANTED— EXPERIENCED DRIVER FOR j '» milK route in city: good wages: must be neat, sober man and furnish good refertxioes; single i! an wanted. Address, stating previous experi- i ence, S. R., box 52. Call otlice. \Y ANTED— FIRST-CLASS COOK FOR A PIC- j »» Die ground near Oakland. Inquire MRS BUCKINGHAM'S Employment Bureau, 615 i eighth si., Oakland. PRINTER: CYLINDER PRESSMAN; ALSO I boy on Gordon. R. B. PATTERSON, 429 Montgomery st. i "aRPENTER— U-SKDI TO STORE FRONTS; | \J $2 50. Apply early, 222V4 Kddy 8U j \l' ANTED — WELL-RECOMMENDED BOYS ; '» about 14 to 16 years old to distribute adver- tising matter, Call 47 Klein Park ;ive. iIMKN WHO CAN FURNISH GOOD REFER- j • ) ence to collect. Apply 9to 12 Wednesday and Thursday. W. T. CALDERWOOD, third floor Pa- cific Mutual building. j INI RGETIC MEN AND WOMEN* TO PRE- j XJ sent the grettest novelty of the year: salary and commission. The Cabinet Company, 18 Post. ] 117 ANTED— YOUNG MAN OK BOY TO LEARN i M barber's trade. Inquire 107y 2 Fifth st. j lazier To put up 1500 glasses; CON- ! v.J tract; nothing to furnish. DROIT A LAWRY, ) 450 California st. j IT ANTi WOODCARVER. 907 MISSION " street. TRONCi BOY WANTED— ABOUT 17 YEARS. Apply after 10 a. m. , 603 Montgomery si. |>AKI'.KI: WANTED. 1531 POLK ST. = aToi-'no" MAN TO TRAVEL; MUST have 1 $200 cash. Address Y. V., box 11, Call. 'A-CHAIR 1 1 1. SI A L RANT ON SIXTH ST. <J\J for $100: sacrifice. Columbia, 128 Fourth st. C< Hoi;--H ol- FOR SALE. 2903 PINE ST. .. * LL MEAT ORDERS sc, WITH COFFEE. JY tea or milk. 635 Clay. AN TO TAKE ORDERS FOR PRINTING. Apply 519 Filbert su \ir ANTED - WATCHMAKER'S APPREN- »» lice. Apply at 129 Montgomery aye. \Y ANTED— COMPETENT WASHER FOR A '» laundry: also an assistant. Apply Lane Hos- pital, between 8 and 9 a. m. \l, r ANTED — FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED >' cellarman for liquor-store: one who under- stands both wholesale and retail business; must understand barkeeping. Apply to 423 Kearny st. j T/IRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALESMAN FOR j ™ a first-class house; also a good hat salesman; : holders of U. S. Indus. rial A.enc certificates are j eligible Room 165, Crocker building. j W ANTED— 2 YOUNG MEN WITH SMALL i '» capital to rent and give exhibitions with water , bicycle. Anply NW. cor. Tayior and Bay st. OLD MEN WANTED FOR~LIoiIT~_MPLOY- raenU 611 Clay st., room 7. OBER MAN IN WINK HOUSE; OF GOOD O character; middle aged; spenks German: mix j drinks for inside salesman and recommended from i last employer only need apply. Box C. M., Call Branch Office, 580 Montgomery st. lornerCiay. \\T ANT I . D— SI KADY M A TO ASSIST IS » » store and make himself useful in cash busi- | ness: salary $75 per mom h: must have »250 cash. See STRAND & Co., 917 Market at. ! \Y ANTED — STEADY MAN TO COLLECT j '» and assist generally in light business; salary ! $75, with chance of increase: must have $150 cash. 777 Market su, room 7. ' U r ANTED— FOR THE UNITED STATES | Marine Corps, U. S. naw, able-bodied, un- | married men between the ages of 21 and 30 years: j not less than 5 feet 5 Inches in height; of good 1 ! character and temperate habits; able to read.' : write and speak Kngllsh properly; only citizens of ; the United states or persons who have legally de- clared their Intentions to become citizens will De accepted ; this Important branch of the naval service offers special inducements: giving op- portunities to visit all parts of the world on board, our new cruisers. For further information apply at the Recruiting Office, 20 Ellis st., San Francisco, CaL TAILOR'S SEAT-ROOM AT 611 CLAY ST., X room 7: 75c. with use of machine. ARINER WANTED— ONE ACQUAINTED in city: temperate; rustler; reference; lnvestl- gate. Employment office, 128 Fourth st "VT X W WALDO HOUSE, 765 MISSION, BET! -Li 3d and 4th— Single furnished rooms, night 15c to sUc;we('ksl to $2 50; reading-room ; strictest ßtten- tion 10 morning calls: clean; quiet; open all niuhu nr ANTED— IOOO MEN AT DUBLIN LOTUS '» barber-shop; newly opened: shaving sc; hair- cutting 10c; be.-si m,,! biggt-stln city. 207 Fourth st. T" BY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room; 25c a night: $1 a week. ODGINGB, TO 15c PER NIGHT: CLEAN. Continental House, 521 Pacifi., below Kearnv. ASTHMA CURE GUARANTEED: DU. GOR- -'A. din's Chocolate Emulsion. 221 Davis, nr. Clay. KST IN CITY--SING' E ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night. $i. $1 25, *1 60 per week. Pacific House. Commercial and LeidestiorS sts. OOMS 15c TO 75c PKR NIGHT: 50c TO *1 60 I t per week. Oriental, 225 Drummsu W^ ANTED— IABOKERS AND MECHANICS »» to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third si.; 160 large rooms: 260 per nigh:-. $1 to »3 per week. \K! ANTED— AN IDEA: WHO CAN THINK OF »" some simple thine to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN _ >0., Dept. L, Patent Attor- neys, Washington, d. c. for their $1800 prize offer and list of 200 inventions wanted. EN'S HALF-SOLING, 50c: LADIES, 40o.; done while .you waiu 638 Market, opp. Palace Hotel; branch 767 Market,opp.Wlll 4 Flnck's, S.F. CALK SHOES MADE TO ORDER FOR $2 60; half-solelng 25c up. »69 Howard St., nr. Sixth. MEN TO FEED MANHATTAN STOCK FOOD; all grocers keep it. HELP WANTED— Continued. a^be!is^^or"eTiploym~e^l^call^ec7 Barbers' Asso. H. BERNARD, 102 Seventh st. AKBERS-FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. iJ P. C. Barbers' Assn. S. FUCHs. 326 Grant aye. TTa~KBKRS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- X) ment secretary, CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. i I; ARBORS' ASSOCIATION Oj-' I AL. KMPLOV- '■ J> menu Secy, P. C. llamann. '-"'9V2 O'Farretl. BAKB~KR-STIOP FOR S A LE— BEST LOCATION ! in this city for a 5c shop; 4 chairs; room for 7 more. Apply this office. ARBERS — BEST-PAYING 3-CHAIR 15c i -L> shop, laundry office and cigar-stand for sale. Apply or address ASA BERDRuW, San Jose. h. ARE SHOE DOCTORS; WE REPAIR your old shoes and make them as good as new, and with our new machines we can do your work; at one-half the usual price; done while you wait. 662 Mission St., between First and Second sts. W ANTED- .ME;,' TO Lr.ARN BARBER • »» trade; only 8 weeks required; tools given and catalogue sent. S. F. Barber School, 1515 Howard. ESI PLACE IN THK CITY FOR SECOND- i hand shoes, 749 Mission st., opp. Grand Opera- house: new calf shoes, pointed toe, our make, 92 50 and $3: ladies', gents' and children's misfit and j cast-off shoes bought or exchanged. LCHO HOUSE, '863 y 2 MARKET ST.— Rooms 20c, 25c. to 50c. night; $1 to $5 week. HAT CHEER HOUSE. fi29 SACRAMENTO ■•» st.: 200 rooms; best in the city; stng;e rooms 10 and 25c a night, 9 I a week: meals 10c. \\' IKCIIESTERHOUSK. 44 THIRD sT.,NEAH j »» Market; 200 rooms. 25 cents a night; reading- 1 room: free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. ■ \\' ANTED.TO COLLECT 1 WAGES DUE LABOR I »» ers&clerks. KNOX Collection Agcy, 110 Sutter I INUELL HOUSE. SIXTH AND HOWARD I ■ sis. ; single furnished ran 75c week, 16c night. -|/»{\MEN TO TAKE LODGING A.T 100, 15c J'.'U and 20c a night, including coSee and rolls. 624 Washington gu, near Kearny. \\T ANTKD-BINULK ROOMS, 15c A DAY; $T »» v«ek; rooms for two, 250 a day, $1 50 a week; reading-room: dally papers. 36 Clay st. \ I EN'S SECOND-HAND SHOES, SOME li nearly new, Me to $1 25. 662 Mission. Ii^REE BEER-TWO SCHOONERS FOX 6c; X also « hot ' »<f !a--r. f>r. at tiHl (lav »' ir .-.^.- 1 .-,. AGEMS WANTED. MAKE GOOD LIVING SELLING IMPROVED leather suspenders; exclusive territory. 1332 : Sacramento st. WO LADY CANVASSERS: NEW PATENT- i. Ed article; sell on sight: best thing for years; ! investigate. 11 Glen Park aye., 9 to 6. Good thing. \ AGENTS WANTED— AGENTS FoR A WELL- i A known and fast-selling article; ladies or gents. JACQL 910 Pacific st. i f IVE AGENTS. 870 WASHINGTON ST., i 1j Oakland: if 2 to $5 per day. Ladies and gen- : tlemen. • GENTS TO SELL A NEW ARTICLE AP- - V ply 1027 jlnrke St. KOOMS WANTED. \\ T ANTED— BY LADY WITH BOY, A Fl'R- ' » » nished room with small stove for light house- keeeDing: $6; Oakland, Alameda or Mission. Vera. box 32. Call Office. H WISHED FLATS WANTED. WISHED FLAT ; 6 TO B ROOMS; PERMA- nently: give price and alls. F.. box 140, Call. \VANTKU-MISCK_LAN_OUS. StLL YOUR BOOKS. CLOTHING AND^TEW" elrv to A. KLEIN. 109 SI nth st. : send postal. • MEDICAL.. ALL CASES OF IRREGULARITIES RS- stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief guaranteed; travelers helped without delay, pri- vate home In confinement: regular graduate physician: 30 years' successful practice; MEDI- CAL ELECTRICITY used: ladies, consult the doctor before going elsewhere; you will save time and expense; consultation free and confidential. MRS. DR. WYETH. 916 Pos: st., near Larkln. INSTITUTE OV PN ATo PATH V FOR X healing and Instructions; 2729 Jackson st , hours, 10 to 5; consultation free: call or write for our "New Methods"; the poor healed free. DR. I'KNA CHECKS IT IN 24 HOURS;" prompt relief : successful trea.ment; diseases of both sexes a specialty. 7 Grant ay«. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ment or worthless pills used ; every woman her own physician for alt female tioubles, no matter from what cause: restores always in one day; can be sent and used at home: all cases guaranteed : i if you want to be treated safe and sure call on a man's physician. DR. POPPER. 318 Kearny U. A BLESSING TO LADIES— INSTANT RE- I -»A lief for monthly irregularities (from whatever I cause) by the.most experienced ladles' physicians \ in San Francisco, who restore all cases at once by i an improved method, superior to others: ladies j til save time and money: be assured of honest : treatment by consulting the doctors before calling elsewhere: patients who have been imposed upon are specialty Invited; home in confinement; nd- vice free. DR. and MRS. DA VIES, 14 McAllister i s:.. next Hlbemla Bank. RS. GOODWIN. i>l-Ka ks OF WOMEN A specially, unexcel ed In restoring irregularity or other conditions; home In confinement; best of care: low fees: pills $2. Removed from 1370 , Market si. to 904 McAllister st. : lAD IKS. CONSULT I'UKK M KS. DR. SCOTT. I 216 Powell sU; only qualified specialist; $500 for case 1 fail to cure: diseases or the eyes treated. ptCARD'S PILLS— DISEASES OF WOMEN A JT specialty: also ••. Ine Baths." Rooms 3 and 4, MacDonougti building, Oakland. MRS, Dlt. WEGENi-.R TAKES LAD IKS BE- ; fore and during confinement: infants adopted into good homes: trials all female complaints or ! irregularities successfully. 419 Kddy st. i VI ICE PRIVATE IN CONFINEMENT; ; _* all female diseases ireated: expert physicians; ! terms moderate. Office, 235 Kearny st., room 9.^ PRIVATE 1 1 ' i m i IN CONFINEMENT. MRS. ! I DR. I- i:\iKK, 1416 Eighth st., Alameda. IF IRREGULAR OR AN V FK.MALK DIEASK see MR I *. DR. PUETZ and be contenU 254% * 111 - ; SVRK CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES, from whatever cause: a home In confinement with every comfort; action guaranteed, by MRS. DR. WYER, 226 Turk at, 1 R. HALL, ii ilcALLlsi _X STREET. NKAK I X^Jones. Diaeaaea of women and children. A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS— A BOON TO I A ladles troubled with irregularities: no danger; . cafe and sure; $2 50 _^pres« C. O. D. ; don't delay nntil too late, OSUOOI) BROS., Oakland. Cat. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS : iTkry~ciTo7cJe" uFrTcTh r. be a utiful case, CHOICE UPRIGHT. for owner case, excellent tone, sacrificed for 5130; owner obliged to sell. .Room 21. 809 Market si. AN ALMOST NEW UPRIGHT STEINWAY; j!\. itiiiiiciliatt-, forced sale. Room 10. Flood bldg. AGNIFICKNT UPRIGHT PIANO; NEW; sold to pay advances. 1921 Sacramento St. Ymsiikk UPRIGHT, $125: MARSHALL * X Wendell, $125: bargains a $150 and $175. THE MAUVAIS MUSIC CO., 769 Market Qt i - HALLE 7 !'" A DAVIS PIANO FOR SALE; tJpTtJ. $5 Installments. 221 Leavenworth st. PIANOS HALF PRICK. X ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE TO CLOSE ESTATK OF CHAS S. EATON. MUST SKL ... New and second-hand pianos at enormous reduc- tion; exceptional opportunity to buy. Call and examine. 735 Market st. S OUR NEW RENT CONTRACT PLAN permits of our selling some pianos for $3 per month it is not necessary to co elsewhere for more favorable terms and low prices. SHERMAN, i CLAY it CO., Steinway representatives. A" STEIN WAY $175; STKCK $150: STKKL- I ing $100;Ladd $60. I ENN's, 228 Post. PI AN- IS— no YOU WANT ONE? FINEST I stock on the Pacific coast. Tills F. W. SPEN- C.i: CO., 933 Market st. TEINWAY BABY GRAND, NEARLY NEW, at a sacrifice. THE F. W. SPKNCER CO., 933 Market st. EFORK BUYING SEE MAINE BROS.', BUSH j _ Gerts and Knabe pianos; at wholesale prices. A. L. BANCROFT ik CO.. 324 Pos St. CLOSING OUT A COMPLETE LINE OF Vj small goods at prices less than goods cost | landed in N'eV York; just the chance to buy a fine Instrument for your summer outing at small out- ' loy; violins, $1 ;:6: mandolins, $3 35; guitars, *3; antoharps, $1: accordions, flutes, banjos, piccolos, cases for instruments, violin outfits, etc; new pianos for rent and sale. J. HARItY SCOTT, »29 Market St., Spreckels building. Ji. 1 t>- FINE CIIICKEKING; SCHMT 16 » I £*). McAllister st., next to Hibernia IVank. pHAJKEJUNO, KNABK. HT_CK. VOSE, STKR- \J ling pianos: see our new piano for $187: pianos ior renu BENJ. CURTAZ SON. IB 1 FarreU. yi;6n MAUZY, SOB -POST ST.-SOHMEK, Newby & Kvans. Urtces nnd other pianos. VJU PER lOR VIOLINS. ZITHERS, OLD*~NKW OH. Ml) LLER. maker, imirT '-' Latham Dlace. LOST. T'o^t^lXst"' > saTur^a^_or*ning\" j:> 'on 11 steamer Piedmont, a bundle of letters ad- dressed A. C. Jensen. Finder will be liberally re- warded if returned to 1283 Market sU 1 OST-8 iTUKDAY OR SUNDAY, LADY'S ij breastpin: violets, diamond in center. Please return to 26 l K«arny st., room 9: liberal reward. 9 PUPS, 1 GORDON AND 1 black setter. A Reward at 537 Fourth st. ffl» I A REWARD-LOST, JUNE 17, FROM BUS | ClUat Belvedere, Junction beach road with I middle road, near Dun bar residence, round plain ' gold locket bearing monogram "J. -."one side and j ■•IL K. -'." on other: inside containing lady's pic- | ture and opposite it date September 4, 1894; locket being attached to double void chain with long twisted links connected by small round ones. Re- turn to J. S., 427 Sansome St., and receive above reward. i JUNE 22, DEERHOUND PUP, COLOR J black, l legs and face black and tan, white breast and white stripe on face, white tip on tail; finder will be rewarded. Call A. MAZOUC, 15 Virginia pi., off Broadway, above Stockton st. ■ ' •' 7 OST-GOLD LOCKET; FILIGRE BOTH .1 J sides, with diamond on front side; handsome reward. 625 Vi Larkin si., third floor. OST— LARGE FRESH RED COW; LIRERAL reward. Return to 1798 McAllister st. PUG DOG; ANSWERS TO NAME OF BUD. Return to 1238 Howard it.; reward. ___ BUSINESS CHANCES. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUrTbUSINESS promptly. HEALY _ CO., 23 Kearny su ©Qnn WOOD. COAL, HAY AND FEED; iJpOv'U. does an express business: 4 horses: wagons; owns buildings. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. <3>Q/\nn HOTEL OF 24 ROOMS, BAR, »3r--"/v'V/. dining-room, etc.. summer resort, 1 hour's ride from San Francisco, clearing $150 per month: rooms commanding a beautiful marine view: must be seen to be appreciated: part of pur- chase price can remain: satisfactory reasons given for selling. Apply W. F. HEALY, 23 Kearny. O SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND quick for cash see STRAND <fe CO., 917 Market ffl>97* GROCERY AND BAR: OLDESTAB- t]p_iI •'• lished: rent only $10: No. 1 location; pays well. STRAND _ CO., 917 Market st. _■ I rrr SALOON, 4 ROOMS, PIANO. ETC. rjpl < O. STRAND <fc CO., 917 Market St. JjQOr COFFKE SALOON, PAY> WELL. <IpO— O. STRAND & CO., 917 Market st. <_19fin BUTCHER-SHOP: TRADE Of $50 LjlA.'\J. to $60 a day; this place is well fitted up and everything complete for the business; 3 horses, 1 wagon, 2 carts; «rent bargain; cheap at ■2000. See STRAND _ CO, 917 Market st. Jj/iAA PARTNER IN ELEGANT PAYING «jj!UWU. business: will stand the fullest investi- gation; rare chance for young or middle-aged man: only object in taking partner is to enlarge the business. T. i.UBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. <Ht I Af\f\ AN ELEGANT BUTCHER-SHOP «ID I ttUU. across the bay. with two horses and wagons, fine fixtures, safe, cash rez ster: working 3 men and doing fine business; object of selling sickness investigate T.LUBELSKI.7 City Hall ay. ffli/'AA FINE stationery AND confeo ♦JPUUU. tionery business; in good locality; rent cheap; with 3 elegant living-rooms; the best bar- gain for the money ever offered in this city; see this to-day. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. (Jjji (\f\ VEGETABLE-STORE AND FRUIT- i£)A-\J\J. stand. $150— Saloon; paying fine. $700— Restaurant: worth : 00; see this. $200— Branch bakery and delicacy : worth double. $1100— A snap in an elegant grocery. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall ava, for bargains. Cii —m FINE GROCERY AND BAR, BEST ♦IDttOU. location in city, good business, sells 8 barrels of beer a week; only reason for selling, other business: see this at once. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. ajTcn PARTNER WANTED —LIGHT, <!pj.c)v/. genteel business, with rising young man of good standing and reputation; no night or Sunday work: well established and will pay from $65 to $76 per month. See to-day GEO. STEW- ART, 602 Market st. Si ~\i W \ PARTNER IN OLD-EsTABLI 111 t£)O\J\.l. mercantile commission-bouse, controll- ing large trade from all parts of the coast; owner desires partner as business Is too much for one: business tins always been prosperous and can be largely increased: will pay big returns on money invested: will bear thorough Investigation; for- tune for some active man who wants profitable investment. GEO. STEWART. 602 Market st. ©lf\fi COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE; <$ 1 *.)*'. worth $750. DECKER, 1020 Market. SALOON; BEST LOCATION; NO REASON- abIe offer refused. DECKER, 1020 Market su * "-lf\(\ BAKERY: FINECORNER;3 ROOMS: iJpOUU. bargain. DECKER, 1020 Market St. fl>r»'A CORNER GROCERY AND BAR, LIV- «jPUtM7. me room, north of Market: low rent, good place: kept by owner for years; rare chance. li.K'K & WOLF, 631 California St. S. \i\i I SALOON, ESTABLISHED YEARS, tv «""• with large patronage, on Kearny st.; partners don't agree. ILKE, 531 California st. (lg C/\, i HONEST AND! NDUSTRIOUS PART- •Ir«J* * '. ncr wanted In hotel and saloon; clear- ing $200 per month. WILKK <£ WOLF, 531 Cali- fornia st. (ftTjnn CANDY-STORE, BRANCH BAKERY •ipiJUU. and stationery; laundry and U.S. stamp agency; Market si. ; 5 rooms, bath: rent $15; kept by owner 6 years. WILKE <t WOLF, 631 Cali- fornia st. ©qxnn steam laundry; estab- <uDO*J\J\J- lished for years: all modern improve- ments; doing large business; 4 horses and 4 wag- ons: owner owns property: will give lease. WILKE .v WOLF, 531 California st. fflj O fk A LOON; ESTABLISHED YEARS; «JTOUv/. rent $30; lease: average' daily receipts, $15; near Market, Hall; actual value, $1000. Call M.XX & WOLF, 531 California st. Q> ')AA HALF INTEREST IN THRIVING tJpOv/v/. cash business; duties light and easily learned: or will exchange for real estate in city or across the bay. H., box 33. Call Office. _■ ' )( \i\ PARTNER RESTAURANT; OWNER f]D_iUU. lady. STENBERG COMPANY, 632 Market st. QftnO. LOON AND LIQUOR STORE: ♦pUUVJ. south of and nr. Market: receipts $15 to $.0: full value; stock and^fixtures; family trouble. STENBERG CO., 632 Market sU 4] A (inn ROAD HOUSE, ACROSS THE (Jlu."W. bay, near railroad depot: hand- somely furnished rooms, bar, dining-room, parlors and promenade grounds; finest family and sum- mer resort; well known as enjoying most desirable class of patronage: good bar trade the year round; this offer never equaled; means a fortune in a few years: owner owns the prope ty; satisfy yourself. STENBERG & CO., 632 Market St. <fiJl ft HO RES IAU RANT, OYSTEK-HOUSE, tjpl U*"l/ handsome private rooms: three en- trances: old-established trade: chance rarely of- fered. ln lifetime, where, with $1600 invested, large income certain. STEN BERG & CO.. 632 Market. QUA, BUTTER, MILK A D DELICACY tfXfm store: thriving location; living-rooms: new stock; suitable for family. STENBERG CO., 632 Market si. *)f\r\ MA KKET-ST. CIGAR-STAND AND •.—'"*-'• cl brooms; must be sold; low rent. BARRETT, 1125 Market St. U>O(\ BRANCH BAKERY; 4 LTVING- tJT'OU. rooms: low rent; receipts $5 to $7 a day. BARRETT, 1125 Market st. (lftQn CHOPHOUSK AND SHORT ORDERS: «JSOU. receipts $7 day ; low rent: great bargain. BARRETT, 1125 Market st. mo BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS WITH DIB- X patch see DEMING & CO., 737 Market st. "RESTAURANT ON MARKET ST $200 XL Saloon, north Market st 2,500 l.oJgiiiK-house, 60 rooms 2,000 Hotel, three-story 12.500 DEMING * CO.. 737 Market st. ©Q-A RESTAURANT AND COFFEE-SA- <JpO«JU. loon, Polk st., clearing $75 per month; owner in other business. HEALY, 23 Kearny su m»«^nri RELIABLE PARTNER IN CaSU ts)O\J\J. commission business. Address W. C., box 87. Call Office. T.TOR SALE— A FINE CORNER SALOON, ELE- X -.ant fixtures, billiards, etc.; centrally located near Market street: rent cheap. For particulars address 1. M.. box 108. Call office. ffl. kirn WILL GET A HALF INTEREST IN f]?w«)l' my real estate business, CHAS. COL- TON. 906 Market t. "CjTfTm ELEGANT DINING-ROOM: CEN- <JP»JUU. trai: 60 boarders; rent taken In board. CuLTON. 906 Market si. PARTNER WITH $25 CAPITAL WANTED X by lady of means. Room 2. 12 Mason st. SALE— A FINE GROCERY AND BAR. X Call at 1421 Harrison, bet. Tenth and Eleventh. PARTNER OF INFLUENCE IN BEST PAT" ent made. J. _ box 44 Call Office. ffljtAA FOR SALE— NICKOLAS HOTEL, «Jpt>vv/. corner San Bruno and Army sts. (J.O' CASH; BUSINESS CLEARS $60 A tlp^c) month. Call after 7 P. M. 826 Twenty-first street, Oakland. 1?OR SALE OR COUNTRY BUSINEsS- house and lot in a nice little country town. For particulars address or call on the owner, Win- chester House, 44 Third St., city. pORN GROCERY AND BAR; MUST BE \J sold at once on account of leaving city; cull and see it. 1044 Folsom st. I.ifRST-CLASS FKUITSTORE: HORSE AND wagon; fine location; fine outside trade; for sale very cheap. 429 Lyon St., cor. Grove. <Mr t\f\ EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR itfttJvt\J. bright man with small capital to establish himself in a good paying business clear- ing $75 tosloo per month; has stylish team and good stock on hand: must be told Immediately: this ii business and must be seen to be appreciated: no agents. J. J., box 132, Call Office. IjH)R SAL I- ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED, . centrally located vood, coal, hay and grain stores In Oakland: corner 10',. Parties desiring to buy please address A. 8., box 7, Call Office, Oak- land. m« IP. M RESTAURANT WORTH $500; «Jpld' r . everything first class. Apply D. Mo RaE. 829 Mission st. WANTED— PARTNER IN A GOOD-PAYING '» butcher business. Inquire at cor. Sixteenth and Guerrero sts. ' "PARTNER FOR 8.-.ER-BOTTLING BUSI- X ness and mineral water. 712 Fourteenth st. IpiFTY-CH AIR RESTAURANT ON SIX I ST. for $iO0; sacrifice. Columbia, 128 Fourth si. VINE BUSINESS CHANCE FOR A MAN TO X invest $6000. B. C, box 9. Call Office. PAYING CYCLERY: CHANCE FOR ONE X handy with tools: no agents. Address Cycle, box 50, this office. \'l XI REASONABLE: ONE OF THE BEST V dye works the city; perfectly equipped: long lease; very low rent; artesian well; central loca- tion. Particulars, branch office, 619 Valencia. ■LOR SALE— HOTEL OR LODGING-HOUSE- X 37 fine furnished rooms: kitchen; dining-room; fine bar; entrance to 2 streets; rent reasonable; will be sold at a bargain: neur ferry depot. Ad- dress F. D. P.. box 106. Call Office. GOAL AND TEAMING — PARTNER WAST- \J ed: old-established, paying busi less: capital required, $4009. Address C. R , box 134, Call. /GROCERY AND SALOON — VERY CHEaP. VJ low rent. 249 Stevenson. HAVING 2 KH.SI AURANTS— ONE CHEAP; tria, given. Apply 1241 MarKet. OTS IN EXCHANGE FOR SALOON OR boarding-house. c. 8., box 134, Call Office. FO R SALE— WELL-ESTABLISHED FRUIT and poultry store; make offer. 1003 Howard St.. cor Sixth. . ROCKRY AND BAR; ESTABLISHED V 5 VJ years: fine bar. trade: fine fixtures and cash register; 4 living rooms: other business cause of selling: offer wanted. 439 Grove St., cor. Octavia. ilji A7Vn~~H A REST IN OLD EST A B- «IPXv/V/V/. lished, ' well stocked, good paving general store out of town; double value in sigh.; trial given; 1 partner retiring. Apply Call Office. BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. ~n>\rk~ CANDY STORE, NORTH OF MAR- SI2O. ke\; et2b.isbed 22 years: rent $12: liv iX rooms; furniture included. M. LESS CO., 753% Market st. | : »A~"RysfAURA*NT: 3 LIVINH ROOMS: ,^^oo. fpnt?2o do1n» Al busin,^: daily n- S!p7, $10. M. & CO. 783V 3 Market st. town: opposite larse railroad depot; I cheap rant: l.vmg rooms; receipts* 10. ex- peases $1; good stocic. M. Lfcss CO., 783V 3 i Market st. ' . ! (BUT-ll PARTNER WANTED IN FAMILY & <OU. liquor-store; run succ.-ssfully hy p^ent o-vner for y.ars: lan?e omsidf route: S^s/Tl^^O^K^r^^ T>ARTNEiTWA.\TKD-EITHER LADY OR X gentleman : ■ paying business; references. Ad- dress A., box 161. Call Office. j ARGAIV IF SOLD TO-DAY: SALOON I ' estabiislied 20 years. See owner, 112:» Dupont. inn SMALL MANUFACTURING BUSI- &4UU. ness: only one in city: drawing good : business: good reasons for selling. 415 Mont- , gomery st., room 7. "«:Q?;n restaurant; established 15 •4POOU. years: run by present owner three and a half years: receipts $20 per day; rent $22 60; 8 rooms connected if desired: selling on account of sickness. Address * box 89, Call Office. PURCHASER DUCK AND POULTRY X ranch: $750. T. F. ON KLIN, office Red Hag, opposite sjx-rnile House, Pan Bruno road. RUOSTORE FOR SALE; A FINE CHANCE; owner has other business. Drug?, box 3, Call. GUXU SALK— THE PATENT RIGHTS OF v X newly, patented machine, called the Farmer's Pride, consisting of an improved harrow and roller ■which also can be worked in connection with seed- sower. Inquire at ANDREW KRUCCKELS. 1154 Washington st., Oakland. T>KSTAURANT; FIRST-CLASS TRA : FOR X\< sale cheap on account of sickness: will ex- change for property or business of . equal value In locally and climate suitable for consumptive. Call or address 3321 Mission st. KKROKTIC MAN WANTED BY LADY AS I-J partner; country business; $50. Room 9, 122 Post st. SA LOON: LONG LEASE: LOW RENT. AP- ply at Anchor Brewery, 1431 Pacific SU A KERY, NOTIONS AND CANDY STORE: 1> established tor years; nice living-rooms. 1029 Valencia m. ,> t(\f\ RARE CHANCE: FIRST-CLASS »ipT:UU. restaurant on principal street of Hay- wards, doing a good business: selling on account of siCKness. Address D. C, box 45, Hay wards, Cal. , fi»l>7r CIGAR-STCRE, WITH LIVING ♦IP 1 10. rooms, on account of sickness; no agents. 1127 Mission st. j "j~JF7v PARTNER WANTED INT GOOD | «lp_iJU. paying saloon: g od supply of stock. Apply at 1324 Mason St.. corner Pacific dfc O- (\ PAYINGCORNER SALOON WANTS £D_«JU. partner; experience unnecessary. 633 1 Howard st, & I Of: COFFEE AND CHOPHOUSE; SAMK' <JP I —«). hands 7 years. J. COLE. 606 Howard. THIRST-CLASS GOOD-PAYING BAKERY, X chean, on account of death. Call Office. "pESTAURANT— GOOD LOCATION; GOOD IV place for man and wife; cheap. Apply Call. PtO^nn FIRST-CLASS SALOON; LEASE; »Ir_«JUV/. good trade: owner retiring: chance of a lifetime. Address C. H., box 139, Call Office.: \\riLL TRADE OR EXCHANGE BAKERY • > outfit, horse and buggy, electric fan, bicycle, orange land, town lots. Columbia, 128 Fourth. ANY STOCK OF MERCHANDISE BOUGHT for cash ; city or country. M., box 2. Call. OOD ROUTE FOR SALE ON THIS PAPER. Apply T. P. RIORDAN, 63a Market, room 2. OLACKSMITH-SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP; -D good place: $150. Inquire 337 Fifth st. OOD OPPORTUNITY; SELLING OUT TO _' close estate; business esu since 1869: amount i needed $40,000: owner will remain if arrangement can be made. Address F. D., box 137, Call Office. 4 vVE_K'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— TUB .A WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. LOmiLMi-UOUStS lOK - \l.i.. 1 C-KOOM COR. HOUSE, NEAR BALDWIN^ ±0 must sell. DECKER. 1020 Market St. C(\ ROOM HOTEL; RKNT $70: BUSINESS OU location: $1500. DECKER, 1020 Market. VOR BARGAINS IN LODGING-HOUSES SEE X STRAND A CO., 917 Market at. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A LODG- X ing-house see T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. 1 Q ROOMS; A REAL GOLD MINE; OLD- -1O established house; elegant new modern I furniture; new carpet: everything first-class; ' cheap rent: owner retiring from business. DEM- ING _ CO., 737 Market -<. j &"7^ LODGING-HOUSE. 15 ROOMS, ON ; <£) O i «J. Ellis St., near Mason. COL lON, 906 ; Market st. (JjOnn SNAP: NEWLY F"u~R N I HK l> I iJIOUUi lodging-house 13 rooms; rent $32. 838 Mission st. mWO LODGING-HOUSES: 16 ROOMS; ONLY Xs2oo; clear profit $40. 859 Mission st. j ,< •_> BOOMS; BEST-PAYING HOUSE; CHEAP;. I MO easy terms. 115 Second »i "I ODGINO-HOUSES BOUGHT, SOLD AND J-i exchanged. PHELPS _ CO., 917 Lark si. OQ WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOH $575: — O low rent. Inquire grocery. 40 sixth <: _OI)GING-H()L'SK-» TO _XT. 7jQtITvA~N~?rK^s7cORT(4ROVK— 14 1 ■ >.• )— arrancred for lodi;incs or hoiMkee|n FUKNXTUKJS run BA__, I~^L^O^R^L^Lo^H^..r...^.r...i.^?...?^s 3:> Engli h Linoleum 35 Brussels Carpet 45 4-room outfit, solid oak 75 00 Mil RE X _ SHIREK, 747 Market St. ! LOR SALE OR RENT-FURNITURE OF 7 " rooms; a bargain. 10-'9Vi Market sf. t l. J. NEUMANN'S. 117 SIXTH, FOR, lowest prices on household goods, new or good as new; cash or time, open evenings. TO I R_ SALE ( ~ X Prices stand till cooda are completely dlv nosed of. Oak bed seta , „™ 1 Bed lounges BDi Btoves „ 7 M Carpets, peryard ...» 55 Linoleum, per yard 55 Matting, peryard .„ 11l Till our new building Is erected these price* will ' aland. Till such time we are conducting buslaeu M SE. corner beventh and Mi_iua su. i. KOOXAN. Al\t\ CARPETS; CHAMBER BETS. $14; •±\}\J stoves. $5: parlor sets, $20. foldlnr-bedv fid; ounges. $7. T. D. MCCARTHY 112 4th. rOBMTUU WANTJiD. HAND FURNITUItI-r FOR COUNTRY; — good prices. T. LUBELSKI. 7 City Hall aye. JC. MUTHER, AUCTIONE-R, 601 CALI- . fornia st,, corner Kearny, pays best price for ! furniture and merchandise. AM ALO N K~~PA~YS 21) PER CENT MOBS than elsewhere for furniture to fill country orders. Leave orders at KING'S, 3 Fourth at. IF YOU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR Fl'KSl- X ture and merchandise see BL'KD, 211 Larkin. KFORE SELLING YOUR FURNITURE 1j send for Simmons Auction Co., 1057 Market. BAHCH. 321 BUTTER, WANTS FURNI- • ture, saloons and merchandise: highest price. MAYER BUYS YOUR FURNITURE. . carpets, piano. 1135 Market: tel. Jessie 761. ______________ CAKPKT CLKAMNU. "TONES CU c\l{pT^~cT!E^ANlNa^A?JO* 0 renovating works. Main office 35 and 27 Bth. pARPET CLEANING, 3c; LAYING, 3c. : RUG \J samples free; telephone Jessie 944. STRAT- TON, 19 Eighth sU GREAT WESTERN CARPET-BEATING works; latest machinery: cleaning 3c and lay- ing 3c yd. G. GEORGE, 11 Bth; phone Jessie 253. AITHKN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH | '» poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 353-57 Tehama »U: tel. So. 4a / lON KLIN'S CARPET KEATING WORKS. 33i v>' Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. ITY STEAM CAKPKTCLEANING.RENOVA- ting. 38 Bth. STEVENS, mar. Tel. south 230. ARPKTS CLEANED AND RENOVA TKO \J like new. FERGUSON* _ CO.. 23 Tenth: ML Kouth 3«. D. MACKINTOSH A CO.. successor*. E. MITCHELL CAKI'KT CLEAN ING CO.. 24'J . 14th st. ; cleaning 3c a yard. Tel. Mission 74, MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovatins; works. 453 Stevenson t»l. gonth 210.. HOUSES. O^NITIicCLELLXN NKARLY AS good as new ; for sale cheap. <62 Mission st. ■ T WILL SELL AT AUCTION. AT 646 GEABY X st., 1 mare and buggy for board bill: July 2. "LOR SALE CHEAP— FINE SORREL HORSE; X weieht 1200. Apply 406 Sixth sU_» TiEIBOLD HARNESS COMPANY; 500 SETS I l of good harness, our own mane, of every de- scription, for leas money than you can buy Eastern i trash ; send for catalogue. 11' McAllister st..s F. ! 1 = A SETS NEW AND SECOND HAND HAR- I XOU ness, all kinds; wagons, buggies, surreys, I rockaways, carts; must be sold. 1128 Mission si ri\i\ SET NEW AND SECONDHAND HAR- OUU ness: all kinds: buggy.waeon, carts, surrey _ rocka way. 40 cheap horses. 16th and Valencia. ~( n HORSES Foil SALE; ALSO WAGONS, 4U buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market 327 Sixth St.: auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. TJ OR>ES~PA RE . : SEND FOR CIRCU- JT mr Th" Hyde Ranch. HMO Commercial St. UAOU>s ANiJ CAKKIAGKS. T, OR SALE, AT EASTERN PRICKS, KINK r carriages of every desc Iption; cash, notes or installments. Carvill Mfg Co., 46-48 Bth St., 8. F. SLIGHTLY SOILED DRIVING GLOVES; samples. H. M. HEINEMAN, 109 Sansome sU "VTEW AND SECOND- HAND BA KERS', LA US- i.I dry. milk: and grocery wagons; also roci_w%y and 2 tine bUKsles. 828 Harrison at.