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GREETED WITH CHEERS BY HIS CONSTITUENTS, Congressman Maguire Given an Ovation Last Evening. HOWTHE INFAMOUS FUNDING BILL WAS KILLED. The "Magnificent Work of The Call'" De clared to Have Been One of the Potent Factors in Uncle Collis' Undoing at Washington City. At the anti- fund ing ratification meeting last night Metropolitan Temple was crowded into the halls. Even the gallery steps were utilized as seats. Many ladies were in tne audience. A large bonfire blazed at Fifth and Mar ket streets. Cassasa's band played at the Temple entrance and afterward inside. There was plenty of enthusiasm. Mention of the names of Senator White, Congress man Maguire and Mayor Sutro brought out ovations of applause and cheers. The Congressman bowed his acknowledg ments, but the Mayor was not there to hear his name cheered to the echo. He is in Napa County. Applause followed the appearance on the platform of the vice-presidents. Of the list of vice-presidents the following were present: Stewart Menzies, George K. Fitch, Joseph Leggett, C. M. Shortridge, D. Gilbert Dexter, Clitus Barbour, \V. M. Banker, James H. Barry, Richard Lam bert. W. Macarihur, John Fay, John P. Dun, R. JL. Mann, W. J. Biggy and Max Popper. Due credit was given by Congressman Maguire and other speakers in well-turned words to The Call, the Examiner, the Evening Report, the Washington Star, the San Francisco Star and to Ambrose Bierce, tne Washington correspondent, for his fidelity to the cause and to DavenDort and Swinnerton, the newspaper artists. When Congressman Maguire mentioned the name of Congressman Johnson there was a demonstration in the audience. When he mentioned the name of the other members of the California delega tion, other Congressmen from other States who had helped in the fight at Washing ton, and of Senator Morgan of Alabama there were enthusiastic applause and cheers. Tlie meeting was called to order by James H. Barry. When he concluded his rem irks the vice-presidents were nicely selti<>d in their chairs. Mr. Barry said: "You know ior what purpose this meet ing nas been called, it has been called to ratiiy the action of Congress over the in fani Ju3 funding bill. lam here simply to introduce the chairman of the meeting, the Hon. J. D. Phelan." The applause that greeted Chairman Phelan when he stepped forward was almost deafening. Mr. Phelan said: "Ladies and gentle men: lam not here this evening to make a speech. There are others here who have more information than I have, and they will address you. Certain of the Southern Pacific lobbyists at Washington declared that the opponents of the funding bill in California were communists and anarch ists. If this be true, then everybody in California must therefore come under this category. All of our Representatives at Washington, save one, fought gallantly against the infamy, and that one nas been Bhown up in his true light of fawning j servility by the local press. "We maintain that this funding matter ! is simply a business proposition. In 1862 j the Government gave the railway certain privileges, in return for which it took liens on the property. These liens are shortly to become due. Tje railroad people want the time on the liens to be extended and the debt to remain unpaid. The people of California, however, de mand that the lien be foreclosed. "When the Government shall have fore closed several different things may hap pen. We may have Government owner ship of the railroads. [Loud appiause.] "On the other hand, if the road should fall into the hands of another corporation we will have what we have been so long anxiously waiting for, a transcontinental competing railroad. "We who nave lived in this State all our lives scarcely appreciate to what extent we are in the power of the railroad. It hems us in on the east, the south, the north, and, strange to say, even in the west. "Our delegation at Congress is repre sented here to-night, and through its spokesman Will tell us of the fi_:bt. We | wish to show them, that they may tell their fellow-representatives at Washing ton the kind of citizens who oppose the passage of the infamous refunding meas- j ure." Mr. McArthur, as a labor representa tive, spoke as follows after chairman Phe lan: "I will preface my remarks with the following trite complet: Honor and shame from no conditions rise. Act well thy part, in that the honor lies. "As I recalled the couplet of Pope I thought how great a common ground it constituted between various revolutions. As I stand here, a representative of the laboring men of California, I am de lighted to voice the praise of the laborers for their honored representative whom I believe has been esteemed by the laboring clo u s longer and more zealously than all other?. "There is one thing I wish to say here this evening — something that may per haps be not exactly in place. I wish to voice the grateful thanks to our honored Congressman on behalf of the American seamen. Congressman Maguire has done for the seamen what Lincoln did for the slaves." J. J. Ualyin, who officiated as secretary of the meeting, read the list of vice-presi dents and the following resolutions. The resolutions were unanimously and very vociferously received and adopted near the close of the meeting: Retolved, That we, the citizens of San Fran Cisco, in mass-meeting assembled, do hereby hereby heartily indorse Congressmen Maeuire, Barham, Hilborn and Bowers, Senators White and Perkins of California and Senator John T. Morgan of Alabama for their able, earnest and determined opposition to the consideration of the Pacific Railroad's infamous refunding bill, whereby its passage was prevented at the last session of Congress, and we entreat them io continue their laudable efforts in our behalf in the future; and Retolvtd, That we commend Congressman Loud «n<3 McLachlan lor their promises, pub licly made, to vote against the funding bill, and earnestly nrpe them to strenuously sec ond the efforts of their colleagues to defeat the measure; and Retolvtd. That we tender to Senator Goebel and his collegues in the Legislature of Ken tucky the iiear'felt thanks- of the people of California lor their efforts to repeal the char ter of the Southern Pacific Company of .Ken tucky, and we urge them to continue their ef forts in that direction; and Resolved, That we emphasize our apprecia tion of the gallan t and continued efforts of our honored Mayor, Adolph Sutro, who has given his time and money unsparingly in this fight for the people; and Resolved, That the tnanks of this meeting and of the people of the entire Pacific Coast are due to the Examiner and its Washington correspondeut, Ambrose Bierce, for their faith ful publication of all the information concern ing and invaluable services against the fund ing infamy, and we also thank The Call of San Francisco and the Star of Washington, D. C., for their active ana constant opposition to the mea.-ure; and be it finally Resolved, That we hereby denounce the false and shameless statpments of P. Huntington and his lobby concerning the character and motives of our citizens who have opposed his nefarious schemes. John P. Dunn, Stewart Menzies, Joseph Leggett, Richard Lam beet. Chairman Pbelan neatly turned the ad dresses of the evening to speeches to the question of the adoption of the resolution and the programme ran along smoothly. The only thing that interrupted it was the frequent applause. Acting Mayor Taylor Rogers was intro duced as the representative of Mayor Su tro. He read a letter from the Mayor as lollows : Calistoga. Cal., June 27, 1896. Fellow-Citizens: Allow me the privilege of congratulating you on this meeting. For though absent in body I am with you most deeply In my very soul, to rejoice in the triumphs of the hour. The people of San Francisco, aye, of the whole State, have great cause to be Droud. So far victory has been theirs, notwithstand ing the gigantic corporations against them. For it is in truth a supreme victory to have defeated the infamous scheme of Mr. Hunting ton. That meant to bind burdens around the .neck of the farmer and miner, the merchant and laborer. It meant the increase of the price of all merchandise, a higher rate of taxation all over the State. These burdens, for the moment, nave been cast aside. For this let full praise be given to our Con gressmen who have been loyal to this grand commonwealth. They all, with n notorious exception, deserve ■ our thanks— the wreath of approval by a satis fied people. . In this regard permit me to name Judge Maguire as pre-eminent in his devotion, zeal ous in his work and brave and loyal in his duty to you. But while we all join voices in this ovation, let me warn you with profound emphasis. The danger is not past— it is still ahead. For with Shakespeare I tell you: "We have scotched a snake, not killed it." The people must make another snpreme ef fort at the coming session, for bribery, coer cion and cajolery will be employed then to pass some funding bill. Use all means to help your Congressmen inform the East of our industrial chains. Implore your Atlantic frienas for even handed justice. Do ali thnt honest men can do, and leave the battle to a just God, to guide and prosper for the good of our people and the fair name of California. You may rely upon me to the extent of my power. In conclusion, permit the suggestion that the following resolution be passed by this body: "Resolved, That the National Democratic Con vention at Chicago be requested to insert a plank denouncing the pending bill or any other funding bill." Yours for right and justice, Adolph Sutro. The resolution suggested by the Mayor was adopted: Continuing acting Mayor Taylor said: "What is the issue involved in this cam paign? Why are we here to-night? It is for a reason that reaches to the heart of the whole peopie and this great Govern ment. I repeat, what is the great issue in this campaign — " A voice in the audience shouted, "Sil ver." This created some amusement. 'No, it is not silver. Silver is another issue. lam not here to make that kind of a speech. "The great iusue," he said, "is this: That there is no man under the stars and stripes who is greater than the law. This should be promulgated till the funding bill is crushed and cast into the sea. The Southern Pacific has thrown the glove into the arena. Their attitude is the atti tude of old Boss Tweed, 'What are you going to do about it?' Mr. Huntingtou spits with contempt on the law which gave him his great fortune. "What is the remedy for all this? It is that the strong arm of Uncle Sam shall take Mr. Huntingtou by the throat and cboke the life out of him." After the fashion of the Roman Senator who de clared that Carthage must be destroyed he said the cry of the people of California should be that the railroad must be de stroyed. He advised the people to elect no one to Congress whom they were not sure would onpose the funding bill, and paid a tribute to Maguire. Henry E. Highton was the next speaker introduced by the chairman. He said: I join with pleasure in the congratulation on the temporary defeat of the funding bill. The occasion for an exultant demonstration has not yet arisen. The funding bill will be pressed at the next session of Congress and if it be then buried among the unsuccessful frauds oi the century then shall we be justified in anticipating the final emancipation of the State from railroad oppression and corruption and swelling the triumphant chorus of victory. Is the power of money, through corporations ai.d otherwise, to control government—Na tional, State end municipal? Here and at Washington all that is most dangerous and most sinister in the controversy is typified and represented by C. P. Huntington, a pioneer of California, who is the most inveterate and un compromising enemy of its permanent wei mre, and who, in the shadow of Wall street, attacks its industries and its reputation. Our own people have been practically unani mous against the funding bill, and, however much they have been mutilated and bled, they are not of the fiber to submit forever to a rail road dictatorship supported by Venetian methods. At the last session of Congress Mr. Hunting ton, unless he has been grossly misrepresented, resorted to wholesale slander and falsehood. Of the gentlemen who signed the memoiiai authorized by the State convention, he is pub lished as having ca:d that they were "as un i v my a crowd as ever fanner found lurking around his henroost." Mr. Huntingtou is. reported to have said that the opponents of the funding bill here were as uncanny a crowd as a farmer ever found lurking arour.d his henroost. Let me say right here that he would be a fool who would be found lurking around a henhouse that Mr. Huntington hart left. There has never been a movement in the nistory of the funding bill when Mr. Hunting ton would have dared to appeal to the people, THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1896. through petitions or public meetings, and the I only attempt he ever made in that direction was proved to be a fraud. 1 doubt if he could secure the Indorsement of a single voting precinct in the State. I am convinced (hat, with all the pressure he could bring to bear, he could not find 3000 of our citizens who would avow themselves to be advocates of his refunding scheme. I now present an incomplete list of the varioas bodies that have declared against the con spiracy and in favor of strict foreclosure within the last six months: San Francisco Union for Practical Progress, San Francisco Committee of Fifty, California Anti-Funding Bill Convention, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Alameda County Fed erated Trades, Society of American Socialists, Prohibition State Central Committee; Gait Lodge No. 1, Patriots of America; San Fran cisco Iroquois Club, Democratic State Central Committee, Alameda County Populist Conven tion, Republican State Convention, Nevada State Republican Convention, State Populist Convention, Prohibition party convention, San Francisco Labor Council. Here are sixteen different organizations, rep resenting labor, trade, commerce, patriotic fraternities and every political party extant. If I had preserved the facts the list might easily have been doubled. I have omitted, for example, a convention of the Supervisors of the different counties of California, which lately, at San Jose, adopted similar resolutions. With these facts beiore you you can realize the monstrous falsehood of the assertion that the opponents of refunding in California were only "a few hundreds." But it was said at Washington that Cali fornia had nothing to propose in place of the refunding scheme. This again was a lie. Congressman Maguire hit the nail on the head and was overwheimingiy indorsed when he voiced public sentiment. The substitute lor refunding is strict foreclosure. The speaker of the evening was next in troduced. After the applause which greeted Judge Maguire had subsided, he spoKe as follows: Mr. Chairman and Fellow Citizens: I like this practice of calling on the representatives of the neople to give an account of their stew, ardship. I believe that many of our present evils are due to lack of appreciation of a rep resentative on the part ot his constituency. I myself should dread to return to Congress if I hp.d been a traitor to my people and had failed to do what it was my duty to do. , This funding bill tight has become pretty well known through tne press. I will, there fore, not dwell upon its details, but will tell how the fight is being carried on by the South ern Pacihc Company, an incorporated pirate, organized in Kentucky and allowed to plunder every State except Kentucky. Alter much trouble we finally succeeded in being assigned a day to be heard before the Pacific Railroads Committee of the House. Meanwhile a mass-meeting had been held in San Francisco, and a representation was sent on to Washington consisting of Charles A. Sumner and Mr. Perkins. Although they failed to arrive on the Monday when the Com mittee on Railroads met, we used up the time until a general meeting was held, at which the Californians were given a hearing. We had a strong minority and made a gallant fight. They had men pledged to support the funding bill. They had the support and in fluence of all other railroads in the country. The fight was on the floor of the House. He mentioned Congressmen Boatner, Harris of Tennessee and Cooper of Wis consin for their good and effective work against the funding bill. Continuing he said: • In connection with the work of the mass meeting in this City which sent the repre sentatives on to Washington I wish to mention especially the work of Hon. Adolph Sutro. Mr. Sutro found a lack of suitable literature in Washington and furthermore discovered that the report of the Pacific Railroads com mittee and the copies of the San Francisco papers containing the famous -'Colton" letters had been lost. I had to telegraph to San Fran cisco ior the nece-isary papers and Mayor Sutro promptly and generously procured and forwarded them to Washington. We secured promptly and used effectively that literature. Armed with these we proceeded, and here I want to say that in spite of the condemnation of the distribution of this literature by cer tain persons very much is due to these letters and pamphlets. Many Representatives took exception to the sending of this literature, but I found nobody who felt insulted at it who was not one of Mr. Huntington's hirelings. In the present Congress we met with strong and. determined opposition. Even those who had formerly supported us were prevented from assisting us as before. Mr. Cooper was ruthlessly removed. 1 don't say that Speaker Reed did it at the instance of Mr. Huntington, but the great influence of the great railroads was perhaps impelled to leave Cooper off, and we had no friend in the committee but Boat ner. A determined and powerful lobby, mar shaled by Mr. Huntington, the kiiigof lobby i ists, came on to Washington. Old as he is, j rich as he Is, powerful as he is, C. P. Huntington will still crawl iibout the corridors and halls of \V'ashtiigton in search oi pennies. We found that the Senate committee on Pa cific railroads was in favor of refunding. But there was one giant on the committee who had been a member of it since its organization, and that Senator was Jonn T. Morgan, one of the greatest statesmen of the United States. And if it were not for his misfortune to have been a major in the Confederate army he I would certainly stand without a peer among | tnose who are named as Presidential candi ! dates. Mr. I.oud and Mr. McLachlan both asserted from the beginning that they would stand true to their pledges to vote against the bill. But I believe that even California representa tives ought not only to vote against but fight the iunding bill. I give credit to Representatives Barham, Bovvers and McLachlan for th<'ir work among the Republicans against the funding bill. The Bowers bill, providing for the refund ing of both roads and extending the time to eighty-six years and fixing the interest at 2 per cent instead of 3, as under the Reilly bill, was substituted in the Fifty-fourth Congress. To us of the Pacific Coast it made little differ ence. It asked that the Government shall carry a debt cf some $112,000,000 for these compa nies for fifty-five years at 2 per cent, whereas the Government has to pay over 3% per cent. We are fighting against such a "business" proposition as this. We believe that by fore closure the Government can realize at least 50 per cent of the debt due it, and that all con nection can be severed with these men who have fattened upon the people so long. We believe that if the refunding course is taken the Government will realize less than one third of what it would get by foreclosure. We have the remedy of foreclosure, and we are confident that it is sufficient. I hold that the true fountain of the Govern ment is to govern and not to engage in any private business, except where it is necessary to take charge of a public utility in order to prevent private monopoly. I believe in mak ing the railroads public highways and letting private enterprises compete freely in passenger and freight transportation. If this were done and the six big trunk lines competed freely over the Pacific roads I believe that this com petition would benefit us far more than any Interstate Commerce Commission. If this ex perimerft should be impossible to put into operation I would advocate Government own ership of the roads. [Applause.] | |But if even that be impossible to realize, let us have the road soid out to some competing railroads. If the road is purchased at a reas onable rate and operated as a business matter, I believe that competition will do what it has done in the case of the Valley Railroad. [Ap plause.] For I read that the opening of the Valley road for a short distance down the San Joaquin Valley has "enabled" the South ern Pacific to lower its freight rates on grain in the San Joaquin Valley. I have been asked by the committee to state what was done by myself and colleagues in California in this contest. I found Barham, Hilborn and W. W. Bowers ready and willing to take off" their coats against the bill. In this matter they said to me. "We have no politics. Count on us and we will stand together with out political distinction." The san Francisco Call did magnificent work from beginning to end. In the Fifty-third Congress, when I stood almost disheartened at the prospects beiore us, 1 was encouraged by tne accounts in the Examiner and The Call of the support we were receiving from our friends 3000 miles away. George K. Fitch, formerly editor of The Call, worked nobly and bravely on our side until no longer able to do so, and then, happily, the management passed to Charles M. Shortridge, who has continued the good work of his prede cessor. Besideß the work of these papers the work of the Washington Star and the San Fran cisco Star as well [applause] was particularly commendable. I believe that the funding bill is effectually .blocked in Congress. The last of the payments is due In 1899. Until the process of foreclos ure is completed and the decree of execution issued the fight will still remain before us. But I believe that if the people of California will continue their work as they have worked in the past the fight is ours. The railroad people hove, if they are success ful in the House, they can eccomplish their end in the Senate ; but, thanks to the presence of Perkins and White of California and Mor gan of Alabama in the Senate any attempt to pass any refunding bill must run'the gauntlet of a tireless opposition. Senator White has de clared that should the matter come up in the Senate he would, for the purpose of education, read the whole nine volumes of the Pacific Railway Commission's report before the bill could be passed. In conclusion, I think I may safely say that although until the roads are foreclosed we shall not be absolutely iafe, yet the people ciin consider themselves secure as fur as their representatives in the National halls of legis lation are concerned. And finally I wish to congratulate and thank the people of Califor nia for the appreciation and thanks they have bestowed upon their servants in the faithful performance of their duties to their constitu ency, NEW PLAYS SEEN AT THE THEATERS "His Wife's Father" Proves Amusing at the Co lumbia. REALISM AT THE GRAND "Sweet Violets" Wins the Ap proval of the California Audience. THE TIVOLI'S NEW VENTURE A Particularly Good Bill at the Or pheum — Reappearance of the Midgets. The possibilities of the father-in-law as a theme of domestic strife seem to be just dawning upon dramatists. To judge from the two father-in-law plays produced by Miss Rose Coghlan, Who Will Arrive Here To-Day to Play at the California. the Frawley Company during its present engagement "the old man" can be an even more fruitful source of trouble than the much-ridiculed and hackneyed mother-in law. "The Two Escutcheons," played some weeks ago, contained two fathers-in-law on the rampage. ''His Wife's Father," which was produced last night, centered round one, but he was a host in himself and managed to keep things brisk and lively from the opening of the first act to the end of the fourth. Miss Martha Morton, who wrote the play, confesses to having taken the cen tral theme from the German, but she has succeeded in giving it considerable American local coloring. The plot is little more than a category of the woes endured by Frank Hamilton and his bride, Nell, from the officious affection of Nell's father. The story of their troubles, in spite of its simplicity, is so naturally aud .humorously told, however, that it is more ef fective than many comedies with more preten tious plots. ■ The scene opens on the young people's wed- i ding day, where Buchanan Billings astonishes his son-in-law-elect by turning his business : over to him and announcing that henceforth he intends to aevote his entire life to making ! his daughter happy. The joy of this news is ; embittered by the further announcement that i there is to be no wedding tour, as he docs not j wish to let his Nell go away with a strange ! man, but that in a few weeks he himself will take the bride and groom on a trip to Califor- { nia. The young people outwit him, however, and | steal away after the ceremony, leaving him. I as he pathetically expresses it, "an orphaned I father/ In the second act Billings has become simply j unbearable. His unfortunate children live with him. and having no occupation he de votes himself to making them happy with | such disastrous results that even the cook | rises in rebellion and leaves on the spot, as a protest against the fond parent meddling in j the domestic economy of the kitchen. Frank Hamilton and Nell escape to a little flat of their own, but Billings lollows them, and it is only when he has caused a real es trangement between his Nell and her husband that iHHings becomes chastened and resolves to obtrude his presence less upon his daughter and son-in-law. Harry Carson Clarke gave a very nmusing interpretation to the role ot the selfish, blun dering, fond father. At first he showed some tendency to exag geration, but as the play progressed and his role grew more one of tribulation he toned down his superfluous energy and gave acare ful character study of the father-in-law. Frank Worthing was natural as Huniilton, the unfortunate son-in-law. Miss Bates, who pluyed the role of Nell, returned to her gush- j ing, spasmodinc style, which is effective in some parts, but which palls upon an audience when seen too often and in too many parts. As the slavey last week Miss Bates showed that she is versatile enough to throw off her mannerisms when she chooses, and it is a pity that she retains quite so many of them as Nell. Tyrone Power gave a clever and careful in terpretation of the part of a poor but arrogant relation. George Leslie was a trifle less George Leslie than usual as Ferdinand Langdon, the whisky drummer with social aspirations, ana j the same may be said of Miss Phosa McAllister j as the aunt-in-law. Miss .Maaee Carr Cook was bright and pleas ing as the widow who consoled the father-in law, Miss Lftnsing Rowan acted her part grace fully, and Miss Hope Ross was, as usual, a charming Ingenue. At the Tivoll. "A Trip to the Moon" will continue to be the attraction at the Tivoli all this week. The sale of seats tor the season of grand opera, under the direction of Guslav Hinrichs, opened yesterday. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday evenings of next -, eek Donizetti's favorite grand opera, "Lucia," will be given, with Mme. Louise Natalie, Sig. Fernando Michaelana, Sig. Maurice de Vries, Signor Abramoff r.nd other artists in the cast, assisted by an enlarged chorus and aug mented orchestra. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evenings for the first time in this City will be sung Gounod's tragic opera, "Romeo and Juliet." In this opera Nina Bertini Humphreys and the contralto, Anna Russell, will make their first appearance. At the Orpheum, An almost entirely new bill was presented at the Orpheum last night and one that was quite above the average in merit. The Frederick troupe, consisting of five athletes, who style themselves the demon acrobats, do some clever work on a couple ot ladders, as well as on the stage. Watson and Duprez are a couple of singing and dialogue artists, who do an amusing turn, though It might be shorter without detracting Irom their popularity. The four Maisonos are pantomimists and musical eccentrics, who are all clever mimos. Collins and Collins are two sistrrs who have the approved music-hall style of chortling and who introduce some dashing dialogues and ditties. The Midgets, who appeared in a short return engagement, proved if possible more popular than ever. Their sparring-match Is the Tery poetry of prizefighting, and the little fellows were rapturously applauded. The vitascope has some new pictures. The famous May Irwin-John Kice kiss, which like Tennyson's brook goes on forever, was lauirhed at and ap plauded, and Cissy Fitzgerald, the dancer, who was at once recognized by her wink, was with out delay taken into the good graces of the gallery. The marimba players are another good addition to the new attractions. Among the hold-overs are Billy Van, in a new dialogue, and Lilly Western, who plays on nine instruments, some of them very cleverly. At the Grand. "One of the Bravest" opened to a typical first-night audience at the Grand. The play is one well calculated to appeal to the popular taste. It is a comedy-drama, well inter spersed with song and lively action. The specialties are all good. Emmet Sheridan, the star, appears to advantage In the character of Larry Howard, one of the bravest of the New York Fire Department. He is not out of place in comedy-drama, but the playbills are a de lusion arid a snare when they emblazon his name in the face of the public as a great singer. He is graceful enough and has a pleas ing voice. It has no saw-teeth. The interest centers in two villains omni- present and arousine indignation. The prin cipal villain, Rufus Ward, causes the death of a prosperous merchant by getting ' 'Tiger. " his partner, to explode a dynamite bomb on board a ship. He afterward shoots Harry Howard, the heroic member of the Now York Fire De partment. Subsequently he chloroforms the widow of the dead merchant aud steals the child. Harry Howard foils the villain. The most thrilling scene in the play is that depict ing the burning of a tenement-house, when the engine is drawn on the stage by a spirited team ot horses and the firemen handle the ap paratus just as they do in real life. It is a striking reaiistic scene. Mr. Sheridan displays his agility in making hii escape from the sec ond story of a bnilding, using the latest con trivances for the rescue of people from burn ing buildings. Another realistic scene is the opium den. Gilbert and Goldie are a strong comedian team, and the respective parts of Policeman Mc- Ginty and Mrs, Grogan do not suffer at their hands. There is plenty of action and no drag, and the first-nighters found nothinc at which to cavil. The California. Sydney Gnindy's four-act play, "A Bunch of Violets," as produced by L. R. Stockwell's company at the California last night, has few vulnerable points open to criticism. j The play deala with the life of Sir Philip I Marchant, a mau of the world, who sacrifices I everything to attain his end. He is a specula ; tor, and places on tne market mines and stocks that ure fictitious, while he poses before ; the wnrld as & good and charitable man. Mr. Murgatroyd, a plain Yorkshire man, is ! one of his dupes. Merchant's home consists of ! himself, his wife and daughter Violet. The j play derives its name, "A Bunch of Violets," from the fact that every morning his daughter 1 brings him a fresh bunch for his boutonniere. | She is very, devoted to him and he loves her dearly— one of the virtues of his life. Mr. Kelcey in Sir Philip has a character well I suited, and Miss Eflie Shannon appeared as 1 a light comedy adventuress. Mr. Stockwell was the old Yorkshire capitalist, and Beach j and Sullivan fitted well in their respective : roles. Miss Oliver, as the injured wife, and Miss Winona Shannon, as the loving daughter | Violet, have two of the best characters. The play was a great success in London, and New York, where the part of Sir Philip was played by Beerbohm Tree. The cast is strong ana the parts are well as signed. There is hardly a dull line or dialogue in the play, and the closing of the third act is intense. Mr, Kelcey makes a good Sir Philip, and Miss Oliver and Miss Effie Shannon, though their roles as Lady Marchant and Mrs. Murgatroyd were widely different, are even candidates for popular favor. The Park Theater. The second week ql the season at the Park Theater opened last night with the Irish com edy-drama entitled "The Rambler From Clare." This production is one in which there is a combination of pathos and mirth, and Dan McCarthy, who assumes the part of Tony Sulli van, the leading character, has a splendid opportunity to display his talent and he did so to the utmost, and his efforts were heartily I applauded. His acting is neat and very natural, and while his voice In song is not powerful It is sweet aud pleasing. The life ol the piece is I Rosle Dwyer, characterized by Miss Lou Ripley, a stout young lady who is as lively as a cricket and portrays the lines of the author ! with much faithfulness. Charles W. Swain, ihe comedian, late of the Grand Opera house, in the chMracter of Paddy Mctadden, has much to keep him busy and does that in away to excite much laughter. In the third act Irish songs, jigs and dances, and dances that were not Irish are introduced to the satis faction of the audience as evinced by generous applause. "The Rambler From Clare" will appear every night this week. An Insolvent Hotel-Keeper. Andrew Ketterer, proprietor of the North Beach Hotel, has filed a petition in insloveucy. He uwes $4904 97, and hh assets are about $400. The cure of sleeplessness requires a clean, good bed, sufficient exercise to pro mote weariness, pleasant occupation, good air, and not too warm a room; a clear con science and avoidance of stimulants and narcotics. NEW TO-DAY— GOODS. GIGAffIfPDRCHASE . . '. — — — OX* — : — RIBBONS '. __ . j&jrc : — • : STDPENDODS REDUCTIONS ! We have just uncased and this week place on sale a GIGANTIC SPECIAL PURCHASE of Plain and Fancy Ribbons comprising THE ENTIRE CLEAN UP OF A PROMINENT MANUFACTURER'S STOCK. The purchase includes AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF STYLES, COLORINGS AND WIDTHS, MANUFACTURED TO SELL AS HIGH AS 25c PER YARD, but was secured by us at such A TREMENDOUS DISCOUNT that we are enabled to place the entire lot on our coun- ters and tables for immediate clearance at the uniform price of scper Yard. *A.t S Coxxtm. No. 16 GROS-GRAIN RIBBONS, in assorted colors, value 20c, will be offered at So a yard. ' J^t 3 Cents. No. 22 GROS-GRAIN RIBBONS, in assorted colors, value 25c, will be offered at 5c a yard. JSjt £3 Cents. FANCY MOIRE RIBBONS, in light colors, will be closed out at 5c a yard. EXTRA SPECIAL C LEfIRAHcTJAfIGftIHS ! COLORED DRESS GOODS! ■ . j£k.-t IS Cents. 109 pieces 28-INCH FRENCH PRINTED CH ALLIES, reduced from 25c to 15c a yard. At SO Cents. 92 pieces 88-INCH ALL-WOOL FANCY MIXED SUITING, reduced from 50c to 20c a yard. -A.t 2S Cents. 81 pieces 38-INCH FINE ALL-WOOL FANCY MIXED SUITING, ia checks and figured designs, reduced from 50c to 25c a yard. BLACK DRESS GOODS I j&L.-t 35 Cents. 25 pieces 38-INCH ENGLISH FIGURED MOHAIRS, former price 60c, will be closed out at 35c a yard. At 45 Cents. 25 pieces 50-INCH ALL PURE WOOL STORM SERGE, reduced from 85c to 45c a yard. ONE THOUSAND DOZEN LADIES' UNDRESSED KID GLOVES! EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED, Worth SI .OO I w^s b e e d out at! 3sc a Pair EXTRA VALUE I . One Lot BEST ENGLISH PERCALES— wide width and heavy fabric, > Eeduced from 15c to 7Jc a yard. ; None Sold to Dealers. £ M/W^^ MURPHY BUILDING, / (/(/ Marti! Street comer if km / ■ »-AJKT PTLAJSTCISCO. m "Judgment!!" m 4 • • I PLUG I T• • - [(. The umpire now decides that -1 T. "BATTLE AX" is not only 1 t decidedly bigger in size than any % r ' r other 10 cent piece of tobacco, but the [ y - quality is the finest he ever saw, and •] :| y - the flavor delicious* You will never 0 ' / know just how good it is until 1 £ you try it« •I] ■ \9*J|»A*A*m*-^* A*Jl**A'*'A* A * A • A • A • A •" ~*.*~ • 5