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12 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD. 6CMMAKT OF THE MAKKETS. Pronounced decline in Silver. Wheat weak. Freights firm. Barley quiet. Oats in moderate demand. Yellow Corn lower, Rye very dull. Hay continues weak. Feedstuff* unchanged. Bean i dull and nominal. Potatoes unsettled. Onions lower. Butter and E*gs weak. Chees* firm. Poultry rather steadier. Fr^sh Fruits about the same. Dried Fruits quiet. Citrus Fruits dull. Provisions in fair movement. Hides and Leather dull. Hops and Wool demoralised. Hogs lower. Coal in good supply. Coffee quiet. r x pianßTinn. The arrow flies with the wind. The top figure* t station indicate maximum temperature for the days; those underneath it, if any, the amount of rainfall, of melted snow in inches and hundredtbs, during the past twelve hours. Isobars, or solid lines, connect pom s of equal air pressure; iso therms, or dotted lines, equal temperature. The word "hieh" means high barometric pressure and Is usually Eccomuauied by fair weather: "low" refers to low pressure, and is usually preceded ami accompanied by cloud}- weather and rains. "1.0-.vs" usually first appear on the Washington ■ oast. Whin the pressure is high in the interior and low alone; the coast, and the isobars extend north and south along the coast, rain is probable; but when the "low" is inclosed with isobars of marked curvature, rain south of Oregon is improb able. With a "high" in the vicinity of Idaho, and the pressure falling to the California" coast, warmel weather may be expected in summer and coldet weather In winter. The reverse of these condition! will produce an opposite result. WEATHEH BUKEAU REPORT. T'NITKP STATKS DKPARTSCEXT OF AGBICtJIr TtRE, WKATHEK Bl'BEAl', SAN FBANCIBCO, Aug. 11. 1«96, sp. m. Weather conditions and general forecast : The following maximum temperatures are re ported from stations in California to-day: Eureka 62. Fresno 98, San Diego 74, Redßufl &fc. San Luis obispo 74. Viimn 108, San Francisco 6^. Los A nicies >8. San Francisco data— Maximum temperature 62, minimum 56, mean 59. The pressure is highest this evening In the Daxotas and lowest in Arizona. Fair, warm weather prevails throughout the region west of the Rocky Mountains, with the exception of a small cloudy area on the Northern Calitornia coast. Forecast male at Sa 1 Francisco for thiny hours endt.ig midnight August 12. 1896: Northern California— Fair VVednesdav, except partly cloudy Wednesday forenoon in the ncrth wett portion: fresh southwest wind. Southern California-Fair Wednesday ; fresh westerly wind. Nevada— Fair Wednesday. Utah— Fair Wednesday. Arizona— Kair Wednesday. San Francisco and vicinity — Partly cloudy Wednesday morning, followed by fair: brist west erly wind. W. H. Hammok, Forecast Official. NEW YORK MARKETS. Financial. NEW YORK, N. V.. Aug. 11.— The total sales of stocks to-day were 281, 384 shares. The market showed an improvement, the result of easier rates for money and a further decline In the posted rates of sterling exchange of % cent —$4 87% to $4 883/2.- Cables from London received before the opening showed a slight advance in American securities there. This stimulated purchases of the leading industries, Louisville and Nashville and tit ram. Ann a Higher range of values immediately followed. The rising tendency was checked by the announcement of the closing of the celebrated Murray Hill Bank, a small institution working under a State charier up town. The bears as sumed active operations when this wag announced, and under fairly liberal offerings the active stocks declined anywhere from 1/2 to 314 per cent. In this decline Northwestern suffered the heaviest loss, the stock having been sold on rumors of a probable reduction In the dividend rate. In the afternoon when money dropped to 3 ] 2 on heavy offerings by brokers representing the leading bankers and caj italists, the traders concluded that the bank failure referred to would have but little influence and scared In to cover. The purchase for this source weie sufficient to bring about an advance of 1/4(3134 per cent by the general market. Buyers found the supply of stock limited, and this aided 10 their anxiety. Northwest m tided up 4V2 to 90%. Chicago Gas, 4tos()Vi: Suear, 8% to 111034-. 1 obacco, 3to 56: Consoliiated Gas, 3Vi to 1S8%; Manhattan, 3 to 79V4, and the other issues Va to 2% per cent. Speculation closed strong in tone and .4(g<% per cent higher on the day. Total sales were 34 shares, including 49.900 Sugar, 42,600 St. Paul and 18,100 Burlington and Quincy. Bonds were stronger and higher. Sales were $1,024,000. Atchison general fours rose iS/ 8 to 712%: do adjustment, 1% to 31 ; Chesapeake and Ohio general four and a hull's, 2 to 72; Kansas and Texas seconds, 2 to 47; do fours, 2 to 78; Heading first preferred. 1 1/2 to 26; Southern Rail way Consolidated. 1 1/2 to 59; United States Coidage sixes, li/o to 9 1 2. and Wisconsin Central fives certificates, J% to 3«. In (-overnment boud-> $2000 coupon fours of 1925 sod at 111%, 82,000,000 do registered at 112. $6000 coupon fours of 1907 at 10ti%@106% and $1000 coupon fives at 109. Grain. FLOUK— DuII, steady. Wheat, low grades, $1 7C@2 60: do fair to fancy, 82 40@3 40: do pa.tnts. $3 45@3 75: Minnesota clear. *2 40 (a 2 M: do straights, $2 95(g.3 40: ao patents, S3 15 fa 4 20: low extras. $1 70@2 60: city mills, $3 90; do lateuis. -Si 15fa4 35: rye mixture, $2 40® •2 90: superfine, 81 60@286: fine, $1 50@2 05. Rye flour dull, steady, at $2 4U@2 75. CORNMKAL-Quiet, steady. Western yellow. $2 0 @2 10. KYK— Quiet, steady; Western. 37% cf. o. b. BARLt.Y-bull; 49 pounds. 33c f. ... b. BARLEY MALT— Quiet; Western, 48@53c. WHEAT— DuII, easier: f. o. h., 67y«c: un graded red, f<Bc: No. 1 Northern, 65.y B e. Options were moderatelyactiveand irregular clos ing steady at Vs c decline, following the West, with trading entirely local. September and December only traded in. No. 2 red August, 6214 c: Septem ber, 63c: October, 63(&64c; November. 65c; De cember, 65% c. • lOHK- dull, easier: No. 2, 2964 c elevator 30% c afloat. .7 . Options were dull and steady at y e decline with the West. October and September traded in. August, l i9%c; September, 29s^c; October. 30V4.C OATS- quiet and steady. ■...-.■ Options dull, easier: August, 21c; September 21c; December, 21 s/ g c. Spot prices: So. _•. '4V4c: No. 2 white. 26c; No. 2 Chicago. 22%@2314c: No. 8, 22c: No 6 white. 25c: mixed Wes^pin. 23@24c; white do 27@32c. white State, 27@32c. . , • 1 rnvi«lon«. LA KD— More active, firmer. Western steam S3 67%: city, $X 25: :-ep!ember,s3 50: refined family, ac ive; continent. $4 15: south American *4 75: compound, 3%@4VsC. PORK-steady: Out me,s, $8(g8 25; new mess, ?&(£ 8 75. ■ ; • " . •:• BCTTEK-Firm. fairly active. Western dairy F'(al2c : do creamery. \\y. i ( \by 7 do facton-. 7%@11c: Elgins, 15V 3 c. t riEESK— Good demand, firm. Part skims, 2& 6 Vic; full skims, l@l%c. .E.OGS— Light receipts. Western, fresh, ll@l2c. KEW TO-PAT. FINANCIAL. CHICAGO GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND NEW YORK STOCKS. WHEELOCK & CO., . 4 Leidesdorff St. Tel. Main 1954, BRANCH OFFICE 123 Market. St., Palace Hotel. Tel Main 6828 J. S. PI'RDY, Manager. Orders instantly executed on latest market quo- tations. Reference Ist National Bank, S. F CHICAGO. rJUVAii. Wittij. AJtW YORK. } TALLOW— Steady. City, 3 11-16 c; country, 3@ 3S/«c. COTTONSEED OlL— Steady, quiet. Crude, 19® 20c: yellow. 22@23c. RICE— Domestic, 3@5%c; Japan, 4® 414 c. -MOLASSES— Steady, dull. New Orleans, 27® 37c. , COFFEE— Steady: 5 to 20 points up. Septem ber. *9 90010 00; December. $9 30&9 35; Janu ary, $925@9 30; March, $!* 20@9 30: May, $9 20(0,9 25. Spot Rio, easier, dull; No 7,11 c. sL'ii.ili- Kan-, dull, steady; fair refining, 3 Ij-16c: centrifugals. 96 test, 3%c; refined, quiet; off A, 4Vs@4 11- 16 c; mold A, 6y 8 c: standard .'» , 4%c: confectioners' A, 4»4c; .cut loaf, sVi>c; crushed. 6%c; powdered, a c: granulated, 4% c : cubes, Sygc. Fruit and Produce. RAISINS— Two-crown loose Muscatel, 3^4® 4c: do three-crown, 6©5-i/4c: do tour-crowu. 6%c; do London layers, $I@l 15; do clusters, $1 25 @1 40. A I'RICOTb— B%@loc- PEACHES— PeeIed, 13@15c: do unpeeled, ey,@B%c. ■ jfiuPs— Steady; Pacific Coast, 3@6%c. Lon don market unchanged. . WOOL-Steady, quiet: domestic fleece, 16@22c; pulled, 15@33c; 'lexas, 7(g)l2c. Alercliaiidisn. Tin IRON— DuII, steady; American. $10 25® 12 25. COPFER-Qulet; lake. *11. LEAU— Easy: domestic, *2 76. UN-Quiet.: straits. $13 30® 13 35; plates, qtjif t nnrl easy. SPELTEK— DuII, easy; domestic, *3 85. IHICAI.O JIAKKKTS CHTCAGO, fiin Ang. 11 — No one disputed the bullishness of the Government bulletin on wheat, issued yesterday, but prices did not respond to the Interpretation. The fact of the matter was the re port had been fully if not more than discounted. The "tips" and "pointers" on the condition of both winter and spring wheat led speculators to :00k for even more of a falling off than was really given, and for that reason wheat was for sale rather than in demand when the market opened to-day, values receding under the pressure of offer ings. Receipts at Chicago were 281 cars and 185, --113 bushels were taken from store. The Northwest had 455 cars, against 395 last Tuesday, and 170 a year ago. Liverpool cables were steady and i,4d higher. Bradstreets gave a decrease of 2,426,000 bushels In the world's avail able supplies. Export clearances were firm at 248,922 bushels. Tuere was more or less irregu larity to the market after the first' decline too* place, but the action was governed entirely by local buying and selling. C osing Paris cabies were lower and Berlin higher. September wheat opened from 56 3 /*c to 56tys c - soid between 57c and 56Vic, closing at 663 grg>s6V2C, i/2@%c under yes terday. Estimated leceipts for 10-morrow, 135 cars. CORN— The Government report on corn was re assuring, the condition being estimated at 96. which would mean a yield of 2,28ti,000.0U0 bushels. With this bountiful crop staring them in the face bulls found themselves in a very doubtful position and were perfectly willing to surrender for the time. Receiuts were heavy at 1247 can, and 609,318 bushels were withdrawn from store. Liverpool cables were i/ 2 d lower, i-xport clear ances amounted to 143.000 bushels, Bradstreets gave an increase in stocks of 2,550,000 bushels. September corn opened at 2;53/ic sold between 233/i@237/ 8 and 23V2C, closing at 2334 c, y a c under yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 620 OATS— This market was inclined to follow wheat and corn, although the report on oats by the Gov ernment was rather bullish. The business was In termittently active, and some interest was evi dent. Receipts were 519 cars, and 58,810 bushels were taken from store. Bradstreet's reported an increase in stocKs of 617.000 bushels. Export clearances amounted to 78,412 bushels. Septem ber closed 3/ c under yesterday. Estimated re ceipts lor to-morrow 335 cars- FLAX-Was .steady. Old Northwestern, 70% @71c: New Southwestern, 89% c. These were the closing prices- September, 70c; December. 72%® 73c. Receipts were 149 cars. PROVISIONS— Product was strengthened at the start by the hog market, where a light run of hogs and a good demand had raised prices eariy. There was a fair trade, though local in its character, aril prices maintained a firm position. The weakness which developed In grain exerted a pressing effect on product later, the previous gain being entirely lost. September pork closed 12% c lower; Septem ber lard 2V3<&sc higher, and September ribs a shade lower. BUTTER— The butter market was firm to-day. Offerings were limited and the demand good, fine makes being wanted principally. Creameries — Extras. 15c: firsts, 13 @ 14c; seconds, 10@llc; imitations, fancy, lu@:ic Dairies— Extras, 12c; firsts, 101/2 C: seconds, 9c Ladles— Extras, 9i/a(iailoc; firsts, B@a%c; packing, stock, 6@7c: grease, 4<ssc. EGGS— Were in heavy supply, slow demand and weak. 1 resh stock sold at B%@9ygC per dozen. MONEY— Was firm at 6@7% botn- for call and limb loans. .New York exchange sold at 50c dis count. Cloning Prices. WHEAT— August. September, 565/8® 56% c; December, s^/gc. CORN— August, 231,4 - September. 23% c; May. 27V 2 @27%c ib- September, 16Vs®16V%c; May, 19Vs@ i9y±c. i-oKK- September. $6 45; January, $7. LARD— September, *3 2.">: January, S3 62%.. i..ii»t>— beptemoer, S3 35; January, S3 52%. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS, Ili., August 11.— Offerings of cattle were light, and a moderate busi ness was transacted at steady prices. Offerings of hogs were light, the demand good and prices firm. An advance of 10c was noted. The supply of sheep was fair. Desirable lots were steady, but others declined 10c. CATTLE— Receipts. 5000. Fancy beeves. *4 65 @4 70: choice to crime, 1300 to 1800 !b steers, $4 40(34 60; good to choice steers. 1200 to 1700 Ib, S4 15@4 35; medium steers, 1100 to 1350 ft. $3 80 ia( 10: common to fair steers-, 950 to 1200 a>s, $3 tO @ 3 75: rough Western steers, 82 90® 3 40: feeders. 900 to 1200 Ib, $3 15@3 75: stoekert, 500 to 875 Ib, 82 40@3 50; bulls, choice to ex tra, $2 80@3 26; bulls, poor to cnoice, $1 75 ($2 75: cows and helfera, extra. S3 75@4 15; cows, fair to choice, $2 30@3 70: <ows, common to fair canners, $1 2b@2 25: calves, good to choice. S5 lU@5 50: calves, common to good, S3 su@s 00: Texas grass steers. 82 25@3 25: Texas cows and bulls, 91 50@2 40: .stem range steers, $2 80@4 00; Western range cows and heif ers, $2 25@3 40: milkers and springers, ft head, 820@40. BOOS — Receipts. 6000. Heavy packlne ana shipping lots, $2 90C<43 25: common to choice mixed, S3 00@3 35: choice assorted, $3 35® 3 40: light, «3 10@3 45: pigs, $2 76<fli3 45. KHEEP— Receipts. 12,000. inferior to choice, «2<a3 25; lambs, $3(25 65. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALES. CHICAGO, 111,, Aug. 11.— The Earl Fruit Com pany sold California fruit to-day as follows: Pears— Bartlett, 81 20@l 55. Prunes— Gros, 80 @ 81.15. Plums— Quaclcenbos, 81 30@l 40; Egg, 'Bl. NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 11.— Porter Bros. Company sold California fruit to-day as follows: Plums— Japan. SI 15@$2 85 ~$ half crate; o her varieties, 50(a»80c. Pears— Bartletts, $l@l 45 1* box; Clapp's favorite, 90c. Prunes— Gros, $1 10® 1 20 ? half crate: Tragedy, 75@95c; other va rieties. 60®80c Peaches-Late Crawfords, 65c@ SI 15 * box: Early Crawiords, 45@85c; Fosters, 6U®6sc. Nectarines, 55c "# per half crate. M.W li/«A STOCKS. Bonds. Exchange, Money and Railroad Share*. Money on call easier at 3@4v. Ast loan at 3% and cloning offered at 3%. ' Prime mercantile paper, B#-V3%- Bar silver, 68c Mexican dollars, S;-%ai64%c. Sterling Exchange is -weak, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 86Vi@48t>% for sixty cays and $4 87i/fc®4 873^ lor demana. Posted rates. $4 87ya@4 08%- Commercial bills, $4»sVs@4 86. Government, bonds quiet; State bonds neglected; railroad bonds higher. Silver a: the board was lower. CXOBWO RTOCIC*. Am Tel & Cable.... 87 Norfolk A West™ 7V 3 Atch150n.... ........ I?V2 Preferred......... J2i/a Preferred 16 Northern Pacific,.. 37/ g Adams Express. ...145 Preferred li Alton. Terre Haute 34 Northwestern 90s/« American Express)os Preferred... 148 American Tobacco. b.'ji/a N. Y. Central... 6054 Preferred......... 98 N.Y..Chica«o<SS.l. -» V 2 Eay State Ga5...... 15 Ist preferred 60 Baltimore A Ohio.. 15V2 Yd preferred 22 Brunswick Lands.. hi N. Y.& N. H.......168 buffalo. Koch &P. 10V 2 N. Y. & New Eng. 35 Canada Pacific... 56 N. V.; Susq A W... 6 Canada southern.. 43 1 Preferred 1b Canton Land 50% Ontario ... 11 Central Pacific 18 Ontario <fe Western 12»/ 8 Ches. Ohio ...... 18% Oregon Improvmnt y Chicago A1t0n...... lie j Preferred ...... — Preferred 170 Oregon Navigation 10 Chicago. B. & Q 56% Oregon Short "Line. 10 . ChicaeoA B. 111... 35y 8 Pacific Ma 11........ 17J/4 Preferred.... .... fO Peoria, D. & Evans 1-Vi CblcagoGas 5oy 8 ! Plttnbur« & W. pfd 15 Cleve<t Plttsbnn;..lss Pullman Palace.. 139 Consolidation Coal. 31 Quicksilver.. HA Consolidated 0a5..138 | Preferred. ....... 12 C. C. C. &Su Louis 21 a Readme. ... ...... 9% Preferred 70 RioGrande&Westn 15 Colo. Fuel & iron.. 16% Preferr<»d. .. .... 40 Preferred.. 80 Kocfc 151 and........ 53 Cotton Oil Cert BV4 Rome Wat<feOgaen.llo Commercial Cable. 125 St. L. «fc 8. W.. 314 Del. Hudson- 116 Vi Preferred......... 7% Del.Lack&Westrn.l3B St. Paul . 64Va Denver* R.G..... JOY4 1 Preferred. .....120 Vi Preferred. 3By 4 St. Paul & Duluth. 17 Distillers 9 | Preferred......... 87 General Electric... 88% St. Paul & Omaha. 33 Erie. I2J/2 Preferred 125 Preferred 28 .St. P. M. AM... 104 Fort Wayne. ..;.... 160 silver Certificates. 68V* Great Northern pfd 107 Southern Pacific... 16 . Green Bay V 4 Southern R. X..... 7% Harlem. 284 Preferred I»S| Hocking Coal >o % Sugar Refinery ....1003/, Hocking Valley.... 123 | Preferred... »4 Homestake. ...... 84 Term. Coal «fe Iron. 163/, IJ.& Texas Cent... 1 Preferred. 80 > Illinois Central..... 84 |Texa* Pacific 6 lowa Central 5»4 Tol.A.A.<tN.MVcn'.— Preferreo ....... 2 1 i/<j Tol. & Ohio Cent. 20 Kansas <t Texas... V)Va\ Preferred. . " 60 Preferred ........ 19V* Tol.SuLouisi 6 Kingston Pern... 3 Preferred 6 LnKe Erie & Westn 1 31/4 Onion Paclnc""*" 5«. Preferred. ,|S^5- P. Ueii & iHM.~. 1% Lake Shore.... 137 U. S. Cora ace 3& National Lead 171^! Preferred '.'. 6Vi Preferred....;.... 77% Guaranteed ...... 13 Lone 151 and.....;., 66 |D.S. Express .80 Louisville A Nash. 41.% L . S. Leather 8«. Louisville Na<fcCl> 4aV 4 Preferred 441/0 Preferred .. .... 10i* U. S. Rubber....... 14% Manhattan Consol. 78%| Preferrea......... 65 THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1896. Memphis A Chads. 16 lUticaAß. River.. 150 Mexican Central... 67^|Wab. te. L A Pac. 5 Michigan Central.. 90 i Preferred 13 MInnAS.L. Wells-Fargo. 85 Preferred Western Vnion 76 :5 4 Mlun A St. Lcom. 14 Wisconsin Central. 13V8 Ist preferred 65 1 Wheeling AL. E.. 61/4 2dpreferred 33 Preferred 21 Missouri Faclflc.. 10 lAm Cotton Oil pfd. 88 Mobile A Ohio 17 |\V. V. Beet 6Vi Nashville A Chatt. 67y 2 Ann Arbor 61^ National Linseed.. 13 Preferred 17yj| N. J. Central 90 V4 BrooKlynTractlou. 19 North American. . . 3^4. Kne 2d pfd. CLOSING BONDS. U B4s.redstPred..lOs MX T 2ds.. 45 Do 4s. coupon.... 106 Do 4a 7$ 0 S4snew, regstrdll2 ' Mutual Union 65.. .103 Do 4s, coupon 112 . 5 J Cent ben 55... 11 Do 25.. 91% Northern Pac lsts.llo DoSs ....lOoS/i Do2ds ......104 i 06s. coupon 108% D03d5.... . ..„■ 64 Cherokee 4s, 1896.100 Northwest Consols. 1 33 2 Do 1897 10J I Do deb 55.......:106 Do 1898 101 JO RA N lsts. 104 Do 1899 ....100 iStLAlronMtGenss 70 Pacific -is of '05 . .". St L A 8 F Gen 6s. 1 08 DC 3-655.. .........109y45t Paul Consols.... 118 Ala Class A4s 100 St PCA Pa 15t5... 110 Do Class 84, 65..100 ■ Do Pac Cal lsts.. 107 La Consol 45....... 90 Southern RR 55... 78% Missouri funding. Texas Pacific lsis. 741/4 N Carolina con 64. 110 Texas Pacific 2ds.. 15 , Do4s ; 95 Union Pac lsta 96.100 ISo Carolina 4%5... 100 West Shore 4«......1005/ Term new 3s 78V 2 Mobile A Ohio 45.. 55 Va funding deot... 52 " R GrandeWest lsts ; Do registered..... Ches & Ohio 65.... 100 Do deferred 65..; 5 |Atcnlson 45.. 72i/ 3 Do trust rcpts st. 4 1 Do2dsA 31 CanadaSouth2ds..loo ,GH4SA6s 101 Cen Pac lstaof '9s. 98 Do2d7s.. 96 Den AP. Gist 109 H A Tex Cent 63.. 102 Do 4s. 82 Do con 65.... .....102 Erie 65 Vfel Reading 4s. 70 Kansas Pa Consols 67 Va i Missouri 8a.. . .. - 100 K.ti Pa lam Den divlo9 Alabama, class C. 95 FOREIGN MARK UTS. WHEAT IN LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL. Esq., Aug. 11.— spot market is steady at 6s 6d@6s 6d. : Cargoes dull at 265, sellers, pro . pt shipment. futures. .'• The Produce Exchange cable gives the following .Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: Aug ust, 4s 10S4d: September, 4a 1034 d: October, 4s lid: November. 4s 111/ id; December, 4s 1134 d. SECURITIES. LONDON, Eng., Aug. 11.— Consols. 112 16-16; silver, 31 3-16 d; French Rentes. 102f 60c. EXCHANGE AND BULLION. Sterling Exchange. 60 days. — nominal Sterling Exchange, sight... - — nominal Sterling Cables — nominal New York Exchange, sight — nominal New York Exchange, telegraphic. — nominal Fine Silver. ■c* ounce. — 68 Mexican Dollars — 63% PEODUCE MAERET. WHEAT AND OTHEK GRAINS. WHEAT FREIGHTS— Are firm at 26s 3d@2Bs, according to size and Quality of vessel, etc The chartered Wheat fleet in port has a registered tonnage of 63.000, against 26,000 tons on the same date in 1895; disengaged, 48,760. tons, against 6300; on the way to this port, 68,000 tons, against 81,360. HWHEAT— The Orion takes for Ipswich 16,839 ctls, valued at $16,000; Carle ton, for Brisbane, 44,465 ctls at $45,750. The market is dull and weak all over the world. No. 1, 92V2' a> 9- ): c 1* ctl; choice, 95c; lower grades. 87% i& < Jli-ii:; extra choice for milling, $1 (0,1 07% 5* ctl. CALL BOARD SALES. Informal session— o'clock— December— 2000 ctls, 971/4 C. second Session— lo:l6 o'clock— December— 1400 ctls, 97% c. Regular Mobnins Session — December — 4000 ctls, 96% c. afternoon Session— December— 24,ooo ctls, 9684 c. BARLEY— Shipment of 54,600 ctls Brewing, valued at $45,000, to England. The marKetisdull and prices show little change. We quote Feed, 62%@66y4c': Brewing, 72%@80c CALL BOARD SALES. Informal Session— 9:ls o'clock— No sales. Second session— 10:15 o'clock— No sales. Kkgular Moxkiks Session— No sales. Afternoon Session— No sales. OATS— is the usual jobbing demand. Prices show no change whatever. New Oats are quotable at 72y 2 @Boc: Old milling, 85@90c %* ell: tancy feed, 90@92y 3 c $ ctl; good to choice, 82% @90c; common to fair, 72%®77y Gray, 80® ft-Vsc: surprise, 95c@$l 02%- CORN — Weak and dull, with larger offerings. Yellows are lower. Large Yellow, 87>A@92%c $ ctl: Small Round do, 95c; While, 77%®80c. RYE— Continues dull at 72y 2 @76c f» ctl for old and 65c for new. BUCKWHEAT— Nominal at 85@950 H ctl. FLOUR AND MILLSTCFFS. FLOUR— The millers report a fair trade at un changed prices. Net cash prices are: Family extras, $3 60(n>3 70 *» bbl; Bakers' extras, $3 40 ®3 50; siiperllne, $2 76@3. CORNMEAL. ETC.— Feed Corn, $19 60@20: Cracked Corn, $20 50(gi21 f* ton. MILLSTUFFS— Prices lv sacks are as follows, usual discount to tbe trade: Graham Flour, $~ 10; Rye Flour, 23/Sjc; Rice Flour. 5»4c; Cornmeal, $2 10; extra cream do, 2»<jc: Oatmeal, s2 90; Oat Groats, 3y 3 c; Hominy, 96 Xo@* 30: Buckwheat Flour. $3 10@3 30; Cracked Wheat, 234 c: Fa rina, <Sy 2 c-. Whole Wheat Flour, $2 30; Rolled Oats, 3V2c; Pearl Barley, 31/gC; Split Peas, $3 20; (ireeu do, $4 10. HAY AND FEEDSTUFFS. BRAN-$12@12 60 tor the best and $11@11 50 9 ton for outside brands. MIDDLINGS-$15@16 » ton for lower grades and $17@18fi ton for the best. FE DSTUFF.S Kolled Barley, $14 50@15: Oil cake Meal at the mill, »21 V ton: jobbing, $22. H A V— There are the heavy receipts usual at this time of the year and tbe market rules sofi in con sequence. Wheat is quotable at $7@lo f>. ton; Wheat and Oat, $6 50@9 ton ; Oat. $6 50(aH; Barley, $6@7 50; ltiver Barley, $4 50@5: Alfalfa, $5 50®6 50 for second and $4 50®fi tor first cut ting: compressed, $6(5-8; stock, $4@5: Clover, j«5~50@7 50. STKAW-30@40c ■?, bale. Receipts have been somewhat larger of late. JSEANS AND SEEDS. BEANS— Are dull and quotations are largely nominal. It Is reported that Limas are being con tracted at $1 85. Bayos, 90@97y 2 c; Small Whites, $l<ai 15 V ctl; Pea, $I@l 20 $ ctl; Large Whites, 90c@$l 07y 2 "$ ctl; Pink, 70@80c: Reds, $1® I 15: BiacKeve. $1 15@1 40: Red Kidney, 90c; Limas. $2@2 40: Butters, $I@l 40. SEEDS-Brown Mus ard, $1 50@l 75 "$ ctl; Trieste, $2 25@2 75 ctl; Yellow Mus tard, $1 60<al 76; Flax,sl 75@1 90; Canary, 214 (" - :; +'' ** Ib: Alfalfa, nominal; Rape, 21,2 c 'p. lb; Hemp. 3y a c I*lb. DRIED PEAS— SI 10@l 40 * ctl forNUesand $1 25®1 50 for Green. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— SaIinas BurbanKs are higher. The cheaper sorts are weak, sweet Potatoes, 114® l»ic *> tt>: Garnet Chiles, 50@60c ?( ctl; Early Rose, 30@40.-: Burbank Seedlings, 30@46c for Rivers and 70c@$l for Salinas. ONIONS-Arelowerat 30@37i>sc* ctl: Pickles, 65@75c. VEGETABLES— The market is overloaded with Squash. Peppers and Cucumbers. Marrowfat Squash quotable at lc !b; Green Corn. 25c@$l * sack: Aiameda Corn, $I®l 60 * crate: Berke ley Corn, 85c®$l bx: summer squash, 16@25c tor Bay; E^g Plant, 40@60c f> I arge bx: 'i ornate s, 35@50c for Rivers; Aiameda Cucumbers, 15@25c * bx; Pickles, ly 2 c 3lb for No. 1 and 60@75 n* ctl for No. 2: Green Peppers, 2t>®4oc 9 large box for Chile and 4l>@6oc box for Bell; Green Peas, 50c $1 V sjick lor common and 2®2-/2C i* lb for Gar den: String Beans. 50c(a.$l # sack for common and 2(g,2'/2 ' f'r garden: Limas. 4@sc: Ureen Okra, (it ifq. 7 oV >. box; Cabbage. 40c' p. ctl; Carrots, 25® 30c ? tack j Garlic, y 2 (g2c «t lb. BUTTER, CHKESE AND EGGS. BVTTER— The market continues weak and deal ers offer concessions to effect sales. Cbeameby— Fancy, 19@20c: seconds, 17@18c $ to. ' Dairy— '•■ 17%@18c "9, It: good to choice, 16%®16%c; lower grades, 13@15c. Pickled— 15@17c V tb. Firkin— I4@isc ft lb. . i ... CHEESE— Firm, with , moderate stocks. Fancy mild new is quotable at B%@9c t l . Ib; common to good, 6V«@sc %i lb: Cream, Cheddar, 10®llc: Young America, 9@loc %( «b; \vtstem, 10®llc; Eastern, ll@l3c f» lb. EGGS— Prices continue to decline. Stocks are large, considering the supply available in cold-stor age warehouses. Oregon, 14@16c: Eastern, 15® 16V 2 c; store Eggs, 12@15c for poor and 16@17i/ a c for good: ranch Egijs, -O@23c; cold-storage rancu, 17@18c; Duett Eggs, 16@17c. . POULTRY AND GAMK. POULTRY— A car of Eastern is at hand. Young Boosters and Fryers are doing rather bet ter and good large Hens are steady. Ducks are in oversupply and demoralized. Live Turkeys are quotable at 13®i4c ~$ It. for Gobblers. 12@13c for Hens: youn™ '1 urtcys, 17@18c; Geese, ft p:»lr. ,-. 1 1 M; (iosllti ?s. $1 25@>1 50'; Ducks, $2 50r<i>3 ~f> doz for old and $2 50(&3 50 for young: Hens. $4 (d 4 50: Rooster*, young, $4@4 50: do. old. . $4 50(0,5 .)(). Fryers. $3 50@4: Broilers, $2 50@3 for large ana $1 50(32 101 small; Pigeons, $1 -Jbtgil 50 %i dozen for young and old. GAME— Nominal. DECIDUOVS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRXIITB— . Plums are lower, i Peaches .In i baskets are also off. Choice i Bur. let t ':■' Pears ' would sell i over the Quotations, but there are none co ml ns in. There Is p euty of poor s ock. Apples are steady.* Ke.i Nee arin^s. 40!jj60c: V. hi:e. 25M40c Tfi box-. Teaches, 2U@soc $ bx, 20@40c * basket; $12 50 @20 V. ton for frees and $25<jg30 for ings. Plums, -20@40c "$ box and 35@60c fl crate; White in bulk, $slO@ls ft ton; Japanese Plums, 25 @40c; Prunes, 30@60c- . .. Apples, 75c@$l •* box for choice and 40@60c for common. ■ ■-'■,' 7 ■ ' . , Crahapples, 20 (340 ci* box. i '■■ Pears, 20<a40c 9 box; Bartletts, 30@60c a box andsl2@l6?i ton. ■ - .....-:..... fe? Figs. 25@t0c V box for white and 60c@$l. for black, double layers. BERRIES — The market !s le«s demoralised than it was a week or so ago. Strawberries, $>@4 chest for Long worths and $1 sO@i 50 for large berries. Raspberne*. $3 60®5 fi chest. Blackberries. $2@3~50 A chest. Huckleberrie.-, tf@Bc ■$ ft,. UKAPKS— Muscats and Blacks sell well, but common White are slow. H.lack Grapes. 40® 75c ■$ bOT and 65(g;h.ic pi crate: Muscats, 50fji75c "$ box and 75@65c ri crate: Sweetwaters an<l Fon tainebleaux, 25@50c box and 35@60c ~$ <rate. MELONS— Cantaloupes have suddenly become plentiful and are lower, with stocK lefionhund. Watermelons, $5@12 50 IS 100: Cantaloupes, 50c @$1 25 $ crate: Nutmegs, 75c@$l ?• box. CITRUS FRUITS — Thin ni:»rk.-t Is dull a'l around. Oranges quotable at $2@3 50 %i box tor Valenclas and $2 50@3 %* box tor Mediterranean Sweets: Lemons. $1 :>o@2 60 $ box for common and $3@3 50 for good to choice: Mexican Limes, $6 si> %) box: Caliiot nia Limes, 75c@$l: Bananas, $I@^ %» bunch; Pineapples, $2@3 50 "£ dozen. DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. dried fruits no change in prices. Business is quiet. Quotations on the Fruit Exchange are as follows: Carload lots— New Apricots, 6@6i4c in sweat box, 6@eH- 4 c i» lb f. o. b. coast and B@9c for fancy MoorparKs. Old Prunes. 3c: new Prunes, 3to3Vac; new Peaches, -iiAc lb in the sweat-box and 5c f. o. b coast. Jobbino Pricks— New Apricots, 5y 2 @63/4C: old evaporated Apples, 4 y 2 c p! lb: old Prunes, 3c for four sizes: Fins, black, 3y 2 c; White Fins, :-@sc lb; Plums, 3yg@4c for pitted and l@iy 2 c for uii pittea- Nectarines, 4(5,5c f! lb lor prime to choice. RAISINS — Prices are as follows, carload lots, f. o. b, Fresno: Four-crown, loose, none: 3-crown, loose, none; 2-crown, 2"/gC ~$ lb: seedless Sultanas, 3c; seedless Muscatels, l : '4c; 3-crown London lay ers, 70c 'f. box; clusters, $1 35@1 50; Dehesa clus ters, $2 10@2 25; ci usters, $2 60@2 75. Jobbing Prices— Four-crowu. loose, 4i,j.c: 3 crown, 3%c; 2-crown, 33/ 8 c * lb. Seedless Sul tanas, 4c lb: heedless Muscatels, 3c; 3 crown London layers, 75@90c: clusters, $1 50@l 75; Dehesa clusters. $2 60; Imperial clusters. $2 75. NUTS— Quotations are as follows: Walnuts, 9@ lie tor No. 1 hard and lKa>l3c# lb for paper-shell, jobbing lots; Almonds. 6@7y 2 c 9 lb for Lan guedoc, 2y 2 <g3c %* lb for hardshell ana H@JOc %« lb for paper-shell, jobbing; Peanuts, 6@Hi 2 c lb for Eastern and for California; Hlck ory Nuts, s@6c: Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished; Filberts, B@9c: Brazil Nuts, 7@Bc lb; Cocoanuts, $4@5 9 100. HONEY— comb, 10@12i/<jc for bright and 6@9c for lower grades; water-white extracted, 5@5y 2 c: light amber extracted, 4y 2 @4 3 /40; dark amuer, -t(g> 4i/ic; dark, 2@3c tb. BEESWAX-25<5)27i/4c ■$ lb. 1 KOVISION3. Trade is not active, though there Is a steady movement right along. v CURED ATS— Bacon is quotable at 6y 2 c for heavy, 7V 2 cfi ft for light medium. 9@9%c for light, 10@llc for extra light and 12c for sugar curea; Eastern Su;;ar -cured Harm, 12012% c: California Hams, iO@llc t> ft: Mess Beef, $7 @«; extra mess do. $8; family do, $10; extra prime Pom, $B@B 60; extra clear, $13 iB bbl; mess. $11 50(5)12 "# bbl: Smoked Beef. JOe f>. ft. LARD— Eastern, tierces is quoted at 4i>4c ft for compound and 61/4 C for pure; palls, 6c* ft; California tierces, 4%c for compound and oi/ a i- for pure: half-bbls, 6%c; 10-ft tins, 614 c; do 5-ft, 6y c * ft. • • COTTOLENE— 2 in tierces and 6Vi<3 6%c 't- ft in 10- tins. ' ; : : : : HIDES, TAUOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKINS— WeaK and dull at the decline. Heavy salted steers are quotable at 7c 14 Ib; culls and brands, 6c: medium, 6c; culls and brands, 6c ft ft; light, 4ya@sc: culls and brand«, »c: Cowhides, 4@sc: culls and brands, 4@4Vac; salted Kip, 5c $* ft; salted Calf, 6@7c; salted Veal, s@6c: dry Hides, 10@10y2c; culls and brands, 7® 7y 2 c: dry Kip and Veal, B@9c; culls. 7c; dry Calf, 15c; culls, 10c; Goatskins, 20®35c each; Kids, sc; Deerskins, good summer, 26@27V2c; medium. 15® 22% c; winter, 7@loc: sheepskins, shearlings, 10® 15c each; short wool, 20@36c each: medium, 40® 60c each; long wools, 60@60c each. Culls of all kinds about i /2 c less. TALLOW— No. 1, rendered. 2y a @3c; No. 2, 214 c; refined, 6%c: Grease, 2c ft. WOOL The market Is neglected and demoralized at nominal quotations. Humboldt and Mendocuio, 10@llc; Valley Oregon, 10@llc; do lower grades, 8@10c; Nevada, 6@By a c: San Joaquln and south- ; crn Coast, six months, 4(46c: San Joaqum, foot hill, good to choice, 6%@7%c;San Joaquin, year's fleece, 4@5y 2 c: northern iree, 7@9c: do defec tive, . r i@t>i/ 2 c -0 ft. 1101.--N ominal at 2@4c ?. ft for 1895 and 6® 7y a c for 189«. ■ GENERAL MERCHANDISE; BAGS— Calcutta . Grain Basis, $4 25: San Qnen tln, $4 20; Wool Bags, @26i/ 3 c. COAL — with large supplies promised. Wellington quotable at $8 lj* ton: New Wellington, $8 "f. ton: Sontbfield Wellington, $7 60 %l ton; Seattle, $o@ssO: Bryant. $5; Coos Bay, 84 60; Wallsend, *7; scotch. $7 50; Brviubo, $7 50; Cumberland, $13 50 "-' ton in bulk and SI 6 in sks; Pennsylvania Anthracite Eg?, 811 "# ton; Welsh Anthracite, $9; Cannel, $7 60: Rock Springs, Castle Gate and Pleasant Valley- $7 60: Cose, ?U,cl: in bulk and $13 ft ton in sks. CANNED FRUITS— New pack of Cherries, black or red— 2y a -lb extra, $2 10@2 50 ft dozen; 2 -ft standards. $175: seconds, $160. Wbite Cherries— 2 i/2-tb extra, $2 50: 2%-ft standards, $2 10. Peaches— Yellow, tree. $1 50; yellow cilng, 2%-ft standards, $1 25@1 60: seconds, $1 10@l 20. Apricots— 9sr@sl )0. Raspberries— 2%-tb standards, 81 70; seconds, 8160. Straw berries—Standards. $1 85: seconds. 81 85. CANNED VEGETABLES— 80c * dozen. i-lb tins. Peas. $I@l 25 %>. dozen. (.();• FEK— The market con.inues quiet. Costa Rica— lßS4@'2oc for good to prime: 18® 18y 2 c for good mixed with mack beans; 16Vi(3> 17J.J.C for fair; 13@16c for common to ordi nary. Salvador— for good to prime washed; 17i/4®17-^4c "$, ft for fair washed: 2 @2oc for good wasned aberry : 17@— c for superior un washed; 15%@15%c for *ood unwashed; lb^ I @19c for good to prime unwashed peaberry. Gcatemalaand Mbxicas- 20%@21c for prime to s rictly prime washed; 18 3 ,4@1tf%c tor good to strictly go d washed; r<®lßVic for fair washed: H%@153/4c for meilium; lc@lii,oc tor ordinary: 10(a.f2y 2 e for interior to common; 201,4® 21c for good to prime washed peaberry; ls%@l9c for good to prime unwashed peaberrv. FlSH— Pacific Cod, catch of 1895: 1 00- cases quotable at 6c V tb; 50-lb bundles, 5c $ ft: Silver King strips, 8c %4 ft: Narrow-Gauge do, 7c %* ft; Tablets. 8c & ft; Seabright Blocks. 7y a c; Pacific Herring. 15c $ box; Dutch do, 90r®$l 10 %* keg; White Fish, *1 50 in half-bbls and $1 76 in kits: Tongues and Sounds, 812: ' Mackerel, bbls— No. 1, $25; No. 2, $23: No. 3, 821; half-bbls— No. 1, $10 50: No. 2, $9; No. 3, $8 50: kits, No, 1, $1 75; No. 2, $1 50: No. 3, $1 35. QUICKSILVER-Quoted for export at $34@36 * flask. OlL— California Castor - Oil,' cases, No. 1, 95c: bbls. 90c •© col (manufacturers' rutes); Linseed Oil in bbls. boiled, 42c:. do. raw, 40c: cases, 5c more; Lard Oil. extra winter strained, bbls, 56c; No. 1 45c: cases, 6c higher: China Nut, $4 90® 6 20 $ case. -.-.■■ -7- i-T PETROLEUM, GASOLINE, ETC. - Water white Coal Oil, in bulk. 12c -f> gal: Pearl Oil, in cases. 18y,c: Astral, do.;18%c: Star do, 18% c; Extra Star Oil. in cases, 22y 2 c; Elaine, do, 23% c; Eocene, do, 20% c: Deodorized Stove Gasoline, in bulk-, 14c; do, in cases, 19y 2 c; 63 s Deodorized Naphtha, in bulk. 13c; 63° do. in cases, 18y c; 86 Gasoline, in bulk, 20c ; 86° do. In cases, 25c gal. \V HITB LEAD— Quoted at 6y 2 c V ft. V RED LEAD-Quotable at 6%c ■$ ft. TURPENTINE-In cases, 38c; Iron Carrels. 34c; wooi-n barrels. 36c Bal. •. • • CANDLES- Electric Liht-6's, 16 oz. 7*Ac. do. 14 oz, 7c; do, 12 oz, 614 c: do. 10 oz, 5y 2 c2 Oranite-6's, 16 oz. 9Vic; do, 14 oz, B%c; do, 1 oz. 794 c; do, 10 oz, 7c %4 ft. LEATHER— Extra heavy Sole. 26@28c: heavy Sole, 27c for No 1 and 25c for No. 2; medium Sole, 24@26cfor No. 1 and W2c for No 2. Ltsjht Sole, 23(a24c for No. 1 and 20@22c "# ft for No 2; Harness, heavy. 30@35c: do, medium, 1:8 c; do, light, 24®25c: Rough Leather. 18@20; Kips, 840 ©50 # doz; Calf, 7U@9oc: Rough (splits, 4@sc. ftUUAR— Western !«ugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube and Crushed. Powdered, 5s /gC: Fine Crushed, 5 %c; Dry Granu lated, 43/ 4 c; Confectioners' A. 'l%c; Magnolia A, 8 c; Extra U, 4y4c; Golden C, 4y 8 c: half barrels, y^c more than barrels, and boxes %c more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. . Hogs are lower and a gool many thin ones con tinue to arrive. Otherwise there is no particular change. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from Slaughterers an- as follows: . , BKKI w r llrßt quality. 4%@5c; second do, 4® 4y«c; third do. 3y c > lb. - -■ Ai?^ L r Large> 4t^ 6c: srnal1 ' s @ 6c * tt> aiUTTON — Wethers, 4y 2 (ssc; Ewes, 4@4%0 f* ID." ■'.' 'I - - :■ ■ ; . ' . . LAMB-s(?!6c^n.. j PORK- Live Hogs, -3c « Ib for large and 3%c for small ana medium: dressed do, 4i4@6i/ic 1* lb. WOOD, LUMBER, ETC. Posts, 9@loc each; Redwood. $5 cord: Oak, rough, $6 50; peeled, $9; Pine, $5 75. TANBAP.K-sl4 fl cord. LUMBKK— Retail prices for pine are: No. 1 rough. $13@17 50 for the different lengths: No. 2, $11; No. 1 Flooring. $21@2t>: Lath, *2: Hedwcod, fib lor No. 1 and $13 for No. 2; Rustic, $18@23: Shingles, common, $1 50; Shakes, $9 $ M. RECEIPTS OF FKODUCE. >"OR '.'4 HOtIRS. tlour.qrsks ... 2,996' Straw, t0n5......' 3S Oregon 641) Butter, ct15...... 54 wheat, ct15...... 3,470 Cheese, ct15.:.... •50 Barley, ctls 665 Esgs, dor, ...;... 2.8») Oats, ct15........ •• i.'jtiS Hides, n0........ 156 Corn, ct15..:..... >,195 Pel. s.bdls. .•.„..: Beans 5k5. .:.... 1.922 Wire. ga15.:...... 38,710 Potatoes sks.... S 464 Wool, bi5.....;.. . 107 Onions, 5k5...... 790 Tallow, ct15...... 5 Bran, 8ts -"-"-V..; 6tJS!Llme, bb15....... 162 Middlings, sks... Leather, r011*.... 46 Hay, t0n5........ 711 Hops, bi5........ 81 THE STOCK MARKET. Quotations were off again yesterday as will be seen by the lUt of sales. Trie market exhibited no fea-ures worthy ot note. The delinquent Assessment sale of the .entuck Consolidated Minim.' Company will be held to-mor row. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the German Savings and Loan Society Monday, the old board of directors was re-elected unanimously as follows: B. A. Becker, Edward Kruse. A. C. Heineken, O. Schoemann, H. Horstmann, Ignatz steinhart, Daniel Meyer, N. K. Van Bergen and Emile Kohte. The board has been organized by the election of B. A. Becker as president. A. H. R. Schmidt was chosen cashier and Ueorge i'ourny secretary. At the annual meeting of the Security Savings Bxnk Monday, the following old directors were re elected: William Babcock, S. L. Abbott Jr., O. D. Baldwin, Adam Grant. H. li. Hewlett, E. J. Mc- Cutchen. William Alvord, W. S. Jones, J. B- Lin coln. The following officers were chosen: O. D. Baldwin, president: Winfleld S. Jones, vice-presi dent; S. 1. Aobotl Jr., secretary; Sidney V. Smith, attorney. Assessments Tending. Following Isa list 01 assessment now peniln<: Company. No. A nit. in the Hoard. Sale Oar. Kentuck 121 best & Belcher 60 ' Hale «£2Corcross.... 109 .'on 1mperia1. ....... 37 r -'onfldence ........;. 27 r MpliaCoo .......... " 17 8e1cher.............. 631 sierra Nevada. ■.;. ;lll|. 051. 17l.Aug 25iAog SS'.Aug 15 AOg Sj.Sept OIIAUg Sept 30 au; .Sept 10 Sept -3. Sept 25 Sept B'.Oct ■25|Sept"'7|.Ocf.' 12 27 4 22 24 29 2n 25 Following were tn«> sales In the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: ■...;': *notTT,An imwbw «ir«..o- . r t M.yii»» 9:30. 400 8A8.... .. 88 260 N COB 60 8Nev....47 760Ch11ar...2V4 lOOOcdd 69 200 Uni0n.. ..41 100 Conn" 90i30U .....60100 Utah. .'.'...07 950 HAN. . .U/i 1 500phir.....99 30U YJacis«l..3O ' 400 Justice... .ot> 200 Potosi 99 **t»rn-oon skswox- ?:tT 100 B A 8... .89 200 AC...:.. 63 200 0ccidt1.... 60 800 8u11i0n. ..16 200 Kentuck..o6ilOo 0pbtr.. ...97 100 Ch0ir. .'.2.20 100 Mxcn.:...63 100 5avae.....63 100 CCAV.. 1.70! I Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: ' 400 Alnha 071200 Ch01r....Z20 300 Occd 61 200 All* ;. 09200 2.22V 3 600 ...62 400 Andes 30500 2Vi-'OO 63 300 81 300 C0nn...... 9u 200 64 SOU 8e1cn«r...27200C0n1m...01400 P0t05.....98 \JOO B A8....;.85|200 ......... ..02 400 99 100 CrwnPt...3s 200 Bar 63 401) HO 300 0AC......63 200 63 200 .......92 300H&N....1.80 500 Scorplon-OS 200 Bodle 50 200.. _.. 1.22% 400 58AM....09 300 8u11i0n.... 17 30 Mexn 63 200 B Nv... 49 200 Caleda.. .. 111*00 M0n0. .....16 200 .50 200 Cbalng... 36 400 IS 300 Union C...41 200 CCV....1.70 4000r«h1r^....97.«00 Utah 07 200 l.tny, 200 0vrmn....15 SOU V JacJt«..3O AFTKBWOOK BKSSIOJf — 2: V}. 200 Air-ha.... .06|100 CCV.1.72V2|250 Ophlr 97 SnO Alta. 09! 50 ConU 921200 Overman. 16 200 Andes.... 3o 200 C P01nt....33 200 Potos 98 200 Belcher.*. 27 2oo ...........34 800 Savg...62Vs 600 tAB 90 800 GAC 400 S 8AM... 09 100 80d1e..... 60 160 HAJNI.27y 3 300 S NY......47 600 Bullion... 15 400 Kentck....oU 200 Union 41 100 8u1wer~..29 300 4i ex. '...... 52 200 Utah 06 100 Cba11*e...36 200 Mono 1H 300 V Jem.... 31 160 Ch01r2.22yjj3000ccd..;...61 Ci-OSINU QUOTATIONS. TUESDAY, August 11— 4 p. w . £Id.Atked.t ■ " ■- Bi<LA»kc&. Alpha C0n.... 06 07 Jackson 26 — Atta. 09 lOJnlla... — 08 Andes. 30 31 Justice... 06 06 Belcher 27 28 Kentuck. 06 06 Best & Belcher 89 90; Lady Wash.... — 14 Benton C0n.... 15. —Mexican.. 52 64 Bodie ......... 47 —M0n0.......... 15 — 8u11i0n........ 14 16' Nevada Queen. 03 — Bulwer 27 — North GA C. 07 — Caledonia...... 11 12 Occidental — 61 Ch011ar. ....... 2.20 2.25 Opbtr. 96 97 Con.CalAVa...l.7o 1.75 Overman 15 17 Challenge Con. '34 36 Potosi. 96 98 Con. Imperial. 01 02 Savage... 62 64 Confidence.... 91 — Scorpion 06 07 Con New York 04 — Seg. Belcher... 09 10 Crown Point... 33 34 Syndicate ■. — 04 EastSlerraNev — «4 Silver Hi 11.... — 03 Eureka Con... — 25 sierra Nevada, 46 47 Exchequer .... — 04 Union C0n..... 40 42 Gould & Curry. 61 62 Utah ..07 08 Hule«£.Norcrs.l.2s 1.30 Yellow Jacket. 30 31 sIOCK ANI> BONO EXCHANGE. TUESDAY, Aug. 11-2 P. K. - j-NITKD STATUS BONOS. Sid. Aiked. ■ Sid. Alked. US 4s coup.. 105 — US4sreg... — 107% Do new issuelll% — MIHCKLLANROUS BOVTW. Cal-MCbless. 109 'Z 112 Pacßoll M6s. _ _ CalElecL6s - VIA Do 2d Is 65... — — CntraCWss — '.- 94 l'*Oßy6s. — 116 Dpnt-stex-cp — 99 P&Chßy6<. — 107y» EdsnL<kP6sll7%lJßy Pwl-st RRBs. — 116% F&CHRR6S. - 106% Reno, Wju&L - 105 Geary-stRSs. — 107% >act<> I 1 AL. — •.. 102 iA LosAngLtfs. — 99 .MF&NPRSS. — 97% DoOnteed6s - 100 IsPßßAriz6s — — Mkt-stCble6s 1201/2 — SPRRCaI6s. : - 110% DoßyConss..lo2 103% SPRRCaI ss. — — NatVin6slst 96 - — 'SPBrRCaIBs. — 99 NevCNgß7s. Ot) 105 SVWater6s..llt%Hß' NPCRR6S. - 108 SVWateris.. — 98 NBy Cal — . 100% StktnG&E6s — 100 NBy Cal ss. — 100 SunstT<feTßs. —-■ — Oak Gas .102 — Suiter-atlUSs. — 111 Do2d la 65.. — 106 VisallaWCtu , — - Omuibud os. — ,119% ; , ■ . » -X-i'i. WATER STOCKS Contra Costa — 40 San Jose.... — — . Maria Co — 50 — |Sprng Valley 95 25*/ a f- ASBTOOKS. Capital — .30 ■ I Pacific Lleht -. 4914 Central. 95 — San Francsoo — .873^ OakGL&U. 62 — Stockton — Vf-VO - PacUaslmp. — 83 | .• : ■ '■ ■- INSURANCE STOCK*. : Fire man's 160 — (Sun .......... 11 50 COMMERCIAL BANK STOCKS. AmerßftTU — — | London i' A A. 135 127 Anglo-Ca1.... — 58 London AmF. — 27% Bank of Cal.. — 235 Merch Ex... 12 — Cal SD&TColll — Nevada — — FirstNationL — 183 Saiher B Co. — , — BAVINOS BANK STOCKS. OerS&LCo. 1210 1350 ISav* Loan.. — 10(1 . HumbSAL.llOO 1450 Security 2?5 276 Mutual — 40 i Union Trust. 7so — bFSavUnlon — 485 | ;,;'": / BTREBT RAILROAD STOCC^. California.... — " 107 |Oak SLAHay — 100 Geary-5t...... — 65 (Presidio .'....- 7 — Market-su... "40% 40% ! Sutter-5t..... — — . stocks. - Atlantic D... 15 — .Giant C0n..,. 16 18% Eastern D... 70 80 [Jndson !>.... — — California.... 70 — iVig0r1t....... — BOc MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Alaska Pkrs. — 93 NatVlnCo.. — — BlkDCoalCo.. — .. 10 Oceanic SSCo — 23 CM Cot Mills - — PacAuxKA 1 — Edison Light 109 112 PacßoraxCo. 98 100 GaiConAssn. — — I Pac Roll Mill — — Ger Lead Co. 86 — Part Paintco 6% 7% HawCASCa. 16 18 PacTrausCo. — .24 Hutch SPCo 191/4 20 Pac TAT Co. 70 80 MerExAssn.loo 110 Sunset TAT. *1 - SiElecLight — 4% United C Co. ; - --5 SALES — MO»A..Vo» KJCHSIO^. Board— ■ .- .1 20S V Water 98 25 . $1000 8 V 6% 80nd5..., 118 75 . '*' ■ BALES— AFTUBMOOV -iESIIOV. Board— 1 Edison Light& Power C 0....; 11l 00 street— ■ ; -^i '-> 75 Oakland Ga5.!.... 82 00 15 S V Water......... :............ 96 25 HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. C Meltzen, San Rafael O M Van Duyn, Oregon M small, Cal C Carlson, Newcastle M B Magnesen, Cal W H Morgan, cal 1 a Robertson, Chicago H Ringham, Ohio B J Miller, New York W H Miner, Chicago N Wines, cal Q I.ui^o, sutsun G Metzer. Emposium.Pa Miss Metzer. Pa J (.iallaghei, Fresno J J Kuchanan, -acto F W Wlnham, Salinas Mra EH E rle, san Jose Mrs J H Ka.rrel.-an Jose WJKMorgans.LosAngeles W f. Hudson, Cal s s Bun, Yreka W BQillis, Yreka A L Hart. Sacramento G A smith, Courtland Mrs H a Mclntosh, Cal Mrs F J Shinn <fe eh, Cal D I, Mauuire, Ohio J M Moore, W«»h T C Jons; on A w, Cal MrsN BMcMuter, Cal Master McMurer, Cal M Isa G Blessing^me, Cal J X Brownlie, Valiejo R B Richar, Cal i^ McCnllough, Sacto H D Foster, Cal T M Jackson, Nevada X G Smita. Nevada Miss Ualvln, Salinas THm Hatcli. Cnlico Mrs J B Olsons, >t Helena T A Hopkins, Mass B M Callahan, Mass T X Brown, sta I arbnra C W Ealnnd,sta Barbara F Wri(t!i . .-an Diego W H Dore A w. Ohio C H Wood A w, Cal J Thomann, St Helena C R Bushnell, Sta Crur, M L Ka'ser, Stockton F D smith. _>ovnto D F McPhall, Hollister E B Wallace. Sacto \V F Knox. Sacto G B N Clow, sacto C 1. TitiKham. Chico C F Schwlcv. src;o Mrs J H Smith, Sacto o W < t> s:al A w. Vacav W P Stovall, Williams T Reynolds, Cal RUSS HOUSE. J P Williams, Petaluma F Clark, Sacrameuto J C Purvine. Petaluma F A Hass, Kealdsburg Gil Kusse.l San Josh W Kerwin, Santa Clara c; A El. as. Cooks Inlet C Bethrant. Los Aiigelts C H Wheeler, Portland M A Newman, P llunsen, Sucranit-iKO J Fort, Virginia ('ity JH Hill, Port 1 ownsend W J Beard, Bak^rsfleld H Jerome, San l'.afael ll Wood, sau Jose Mrs liuc^lin A son, Cal Miss Peterson, Capitula F J l-.lls>vorl.i and w, Pa C HallicUiv, >an Juse Hnll Ellsworth, Pa Mrs Hmskeil, P?tcluma h Johnson. National City >' F Dickens, Chicago G A Ut-ds-.reak, < hlcuno J MUlt-r it w. -an Jose H J ostrauder, Merced C H Hucssey, Pi Keye* SC Johnson, Sacramento C E Hussey, Pi Reyes J W 1- astnian.L .\nßeles W Adams, WriKhts Mrs McMillan, Chicago C H Smltli, Llvermore 0 H Campbell Stockton U Smith A » , Los Ciatoa R H Cooper, Salem H lloagac. Honolulu J H Duff. Salinas L A Hichard*. t.raysou II Velt and w.San Lucas E J Jones, > cv City Mr< M E !»kelij, Lulte C < swain, Stockton J M bell. Mere; d D Wooster * w. Merced (jI Garvcr, Montana v Re nol.lsife w. Oakland J S White, Woodland J Kroiss, RertwOod City E J Jones, Nevada City Mrs H Parker, Ferndale LICK HOUSK. Charles coleman, Paris I Wertheimer, S Dak W P Squire, San Jo*e idiss Squire, San Jose WWThompsou&w.Napa Miss H Thompson, Napa E t> Goodrich. N V John Lowry, Cal W S Squire & w. Sn Jose G X Buck, Stockton H Kichardson. sacto Miss X Pe«t, Madrone Miss Peel, Madrone F Koenigsberger. Cal Clarence Wood, Danville W Sexton. San Jose I! Smyth, 1 al Mrs D X Parks, Cal J P Walsh, wan Jose B V Kay. Nevada C C Baird, SBlinag M J Jones, N V ts J Payne. N V C W BlaK.-, Monterey R G sheppard, Bntte J A Hicks, San Diego J B Purser & w, Porilnd X W Miller. Los Ang Miss Miller. Los Ang B J Rle, stockion A C Fox, Denver A M Gardner, Napa BALDWIN HOTEL. J W Brooks. St Louis J H Masterson, Oakland R Duncan, Riverside J W McLeod, Riverside F Warde A w, N V W G Beach. N V Miss R Coughlan, NY J T Sullivan, N V J R Brown, "Conn G Bassett, Ind 0 F Kretcbraer, Chicago M J Hardy A w, Fresno J G Lewis, Suisun T Patterson <fe w, Fresno Mrs O Goodman Jr.Naj a Miss M. Millard, Napa PALACE HOTEL. Geo W Calder. Chicago S H Babeock. Salt Lake W T Scott, Pittsburg A \V Page, Berkeley E C Oliver, Denver O Stevens. Los Angeles C C Carpenter, w <fc eh, Thos Keily * w, Denver Los Angeles W T Jeter," Santa Cruz Mrs I" Adams <fe f. Denvr C H Adams, Denver . R B Hyde, Visalla W H Lyons, Hollands X D Peters Jr, Boston W .T McChire, X V GA Mitchell. Glasgow WK Lawrence, Provdnce V L Smith, Providence \V Rohmer A w, City of H J Slator, Chicago Mexico W H Fuller, San Diego O P j-nkins. Stanford X B Crow <fe w. Jamestwn A A Clarion, San Jose H W Armstrong, Mexico. fiXW WESTERN HOTEL J Boke, Sacramento R Pritchard, Shell^ille M Baker, Kleno J Johnson, V n N J R Jones ifc vv, Sacto J M Desmond, J Pollard, Callahans C Cunts, Callahaus G Mastron, San Bruno Miss M Healey, Leadvtlle G Embory, Leaavil c L Klapprott, Leadville S A Bursby, Leadvllle J Burk, Sacramento J C Roberts, Chicago THE CALL CALENDAR, August, 1896. iU. Mo. Tu. W. 3 V; 6 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 2tf 31 Th. : It. Sa. , Moon s Phases 1 | /?*\.Last Quarter. l l^/ August 1. 8 7 8 ■ n^k New Moot.. vS/ -Aastust 8. 13 14 15 ; <-VsFlrs-- Quarter ■ : S^/ August 15 20 |21 22 — Fnl( Moon fiSk Full Moon. *>*/ August 22. 27 28 29 ; | /s*s Last Quarter. { , **>/ Augnst 31 I 16 sa 30 OCEAN STEAMERS. Date* ot Departure From San Francisco. GTKAMtK | J'KSTt.NATIOV. I SAtM. | PIER. I'maillia.... Corona P0m0na..... ♦ r«o l»r»iioo. .. Baraks .... - Weeott..... Colombia... Kmplre Pern (JityPuebl*.. Santa Rosa. City of Para Truclcee .... Coos Bay State of Hal. Vie »st P*t Una Aug IS. 9am I Pier I Han Diego Augl3.llAM Pierll Uumboldtßar AuglS. Uru Pier 9 Coot j>»r AuklS.lUau | Pier 13 Yaoulna Bar.. Augls, 9am Pier 2 Mawooß AuglS. Bam I Pier 11 Eel River A us; In. 6p.m | Pier 13 Portland Aug I(s.loam| Pler24 Urecon ports. . Augl6. Bpm Pier 13 China* Japan | Augl7. 3pm P M S 3 Vie <fc Pet j Aug 17. 9am I Pier 9 SantDlego AW 17 11am Pier il Panama AnglS. 3pm 'P M S Coos 8ay...... I Aug 18, 4pm Pier 13 Nawoort ...... ! Auk 19. 9am Pierll Portland. 'Aug 21.10 am PIT 24 STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. ttTKAMKH From UrK Kortb orit. ... Araeo ........ Pomona. Peter Jebsen.... ColnmDla rara110n. ....... Eorelca... ..._.. City or Poeoia.. Crticcnt City. Empire ..-. Coptic Weeotu City of Para.... Santa Hosa. Han Mateo San Bemto ProßTeso Alice Blancnard Arcata.... Del Norte Trnckee Coos Bay - Acapulco Walla Wa11a.... State of Ca! C0r0na....';. .... Humboldt Bay Coos 8ar.'.."............. Hum bold: our. Nairn! mo Portland Yaaulna J»ar ........ ..— Newport ...:.. .;..;..' Victoria A Pa«*t donna Crescent «juy_ ...„...„ Portland China and JaDan i£ei .River Panama t<an Di»*o.. .............. Comoi Tacoma. Seattle... Portland ...„ Portland Grays Haroor... Coos Bay Newport , Panama Victoria <& Pneet sound Portland San nic?a. . . . ..AUK 12 ..Angl2 ..Ad: 12 ..Aug 13 .Aug 13 .:Aug 13 .AUg 13 ..Ang 13 ..Auk 13 ..AUgl3 ..An- 14 ..Auk 14 ..AUg 15 ..Alls 15 ..Auk 15 ..Aug 15 ..Aug 16 ..Aug 17 ..Aug 17 ..An? 17 ..An? 17 ..Aug 17 ..Aug 18 ..Ang 18 ..Aug 18 ..Aug: 19 SUN, MOON AND TIDE T\ B. COABT AN» OEODETIO SPIIVIT TrDS 1 ) BTJLUtTijr Published by official V ArTHORITY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. ' ) Wednesday, August 12. Snnrtsas 5.22;.M00n rise* Sunsets 7.06!M00n sets 8.49pm August— lß96. ?|Tlme Feet |T!mej Feet JTlme Feet jTlrne F6-| bJHW I L W I JHW |LW lsfip 1.47| 6.3 7.44J 131 2.25 4.9 8.22 14,| 3.38 4.5 9.05 15 5.13 4.1 9.51 16 6.54 3.9 10.47 L W H \V 17 0.55 0.0 8.22 18 2.05 -0.3 9.30 ~(J77 iiTITj 57b 87TS 174 1.3 2.47 i 5.7 9.11 I.C 1.9 3.29 6.7 10.22 o."i 2.6 417 B> 11.40 0.4 3.1 5.18 - 5.9 11. » II W 4.0 12.00 3.5 6.24 5.S 4.2 j 1.22 3.6 7.80 O.C Notk— Iv the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides are given in the left hand column, aud the successive tides of tbe day In tbe order of occurrence as to time. The second time column gives thfl second tide or the day, the third time column the third tide, and the last or right hand column elves the last tide of the day, except when mere are but three tides, as sometimes occurs. The heights given are additions to the soundings on the United States Coast Survey charts, except when a minus sign (— ) precedes the height, and then the number given is subtractir* from the depth given hv -he charts. HYDROGRAPHIC BULLETIN Branch HtdrosraphicOfficb, U. a N., ■» Merchants' Eichassk. V San Francisco. August 11. 1899. ) The time ball on Telegrapn Ulh was dropped exactly at noon to-day— l. c., at noon of the 120ta meridian, or exactly at 8 p. m.. Greenwich time. A. F. Fbchtblkr, Lieutenant U. Si N. in eh irge. SHIPPING INTELIGENCE Arrived. TUESDAY, August 11. Stmr Corona, Hall, 60 hours from San Diego and. way ports: pass and mdse, toGoodall, Perkins A Co. Stmr Point Arena. Johnson, hence Aug 10 for Mendoctno: returned on account of striking on the rocks off Point Reves. Stmr Albion, Lundquist, 20 hours from Needle Rock: hark. .0 J S Kimball. Benicla direct. Stmr Mackinaw, Littlerleld, 85hrs frm Tacoma; 3600 tons coal, to S P Co. Oakland direct. . schr Norm Bend. Wallace. 10 days from Grays Harbor: lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co. ;•:_,; Schr Sacramento. Goodmansen, 2 days from Albion; 260 eds bark, to A W Beadle A Co. . Cleared. r 'jj^jMj TUESDAY, August 11. Stmr Umatilla, Hunter, Victoria and Port Town send; Goodall, Perkins * Co. Br ship Morven, Pace, Queenstown; G W Me- Near. sailed. TUESDAY, August 11. Strnr Protection, Ellefsen, Usal. Stmr Excelsior, Hlggins, Eureka. ' Stmr Coos Bay. Jansen, San Pedro. ■Stmr Slate of California, Green. Astoria. ' Stmr South Coast. Hansen, Albion. Stmr Gipsy. Leiand, Santa Cruz. Etmr Greenwood. Carlson. Stmr Scotia. Johnson. , Stmr Caspar. Anflndsen. Caspar. • Stmr Mineola, Pillsbury, Comox. Ship (.lory of the Seas, Freeman, Nanalmo. Br bark C <rleton, Lowe. Brisbane. Schr Rio Rev, Ackerman. Schr Laura Pike, Johnson, Eureka. ' Schr Western Home Nilsson. Scbr Mary Etta, Wetzel. Iversens Landing. Schr Bessie K. Anderson, Devilbiss Landing. Mchr Vising, Peterson. benr Nettie Low. Low. Point Reyes. senr Etta B, Bourne, Fort Ross. - Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS. August 11— p. if. — Weather foggy < wlna SW : velocity. ; 14 uiiiej. • Charter*. The ship Dunsyre louis lumber at Tacoma for Adelaide; schr W H Talbot, lumber a* Tacoma for Melbourne, 40s: Freemantle, 50s, prior to ar rival-ship Giory of the >eas,. coal at Departure Bay for this port; bark Richard 111, coal at Comox ! lor ih.s port. ' • • •' ' ' ■ i . The bktn Katie Flickinger loads lumber on the Sound for Kobe. . ';• Homes tic Port*. " SANTA BARBARA— Aug 11-Bchr Ex celsior, for Port BlaKeley. YAQUINA BAY— Sallel Aug 10— Stmr Faral ion, for san Francisco. ' ASTORlA— sailed Ang 11— Bk:n Vldette. for I Redondo: stmr Arcata, for San Francisco: stmr Signal, for Puget Sound: Columbia, for San ; Francisco: stmr Empire, for San Francisco ; Br ship Ciesareu for Port Natal. ! Arrived Aue 10— Br ship. Harland. from Hong kong. - ■ BOWENS LANDlNG— Arrived Aug 11-Schr Monterey, hence Aug 10. USAL— Aug 10— Schr Ralph J Long, hence Aug t>.' ' PORT TOWNSEND-Arrlved Aug 8-Bark Cey lon, hence July •-'&.' PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived Aug 11— bark Artenius, from Hamburg. £UKKKA-Sa:le<i ll_-chr John A. for San Francisco; stmrs Navarro and Pomona, for San Francisco. • • GRAYS HARBOR— Arrived Aug 11-3tmr Del Norte. hence Aug 7. " • , SAN PEDRO— Sailed Au« ll— Bark Tidal Wave for San Pedro. .'-■.: ■■•... . TACOMA-sailed Aug U-Ship Dashing Wave, for San Francisco, i .. ■ . I, v 5 Arrived Aue 11— stmr Ban Benlto, hence Aug 8, and to sail Aug 16 for San Francisco. • ■ 'Foreign Port«. FLEET WOOD— Arrived Aug 10-Br bark Donna Franc 1 sea, from Tacoma HULL— Arrived Aug 9— Br ship Elginshire, hnc Apri 3. -..-■■• : LIVERPOOL- Arrived Aug 10-Br ship Mara thon, from Portland. '■-." .' • SWANSEA— Arrived Aug 10-Dan bark Clara, from Santa Rosalia. : , ' oailea Aug B— Br ship Clan Oalbralth, for San Iranc.sco. Aug 9— Br bark luveramsay, for San i ranclsto. ■ >..'• . SYDNEY— Aug la— Br stmr Miowera, for Vancouver. ■ ■ . ' Movement* of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. ■NEW YORK— Arrived Aug 11— Stmr Western land, from Antwerp. •■-!•; , ■ . sailed Am 11— stmr Havel, for Bremen. SCILXiY— Aug 11— Stmr Latin, from New York, for Southampton and Bremen; stmr Paiatia from New York, for Hamburg. « . •-:. ■ ■ : LlZAßD— Passed A' g i-stmr Amsterdam, Jin New York, for Rotterdam. ■..-, Jmportitir>-n. • SAN DIEGO— Per Cpr6»a— 3 sks seaweed, 12 hf bbls pickled fish, 1 operaing tanle. 1 cs meats. 4 bxs oranges, X bxs butter J!: bbl olives, 58 sks nba lone shells. 16 sks abaloneneat, 21 . sks sealskins. 10 bxs tyoei 9 csnooey.£oo bxs lemons, 1 bdl sacks, Ics cio. tuns, 1: coffee, 10 bxs limes, 1 bid organ. 40 at mdse, 2 kf:s » me, 132 bdls fish. "... Newpor'— lJ«6 bx* orans* 3P05 ska barley. Reui.udo— llßß ska corn. 1 pkg mdse. •_' bxs books, 133 bxs lemons, 1 blcvclt-, 16 bxs oranges, 6 bxs seed. \ Los Angeles via Redondo * bxs electrical goods, 8 bbls hams, 60 tierces lard, il sks asbestos. fort Los Angeles— 4 bxs lemons, 1373 sks corn, 1 cs n:ds?. I Los Angeles via Port Los Aigeles— 22 pkgs agri cultural implements and harxware, 8 r>Kgs mdse, 4cs hardwire, 1 pkg ca|>es, 13 roils felt, 1 bx hardware, '£ bxs automatic rogsters, "A pkgs wood spools. 6 cs 3 crts tobacco, 117 cs bottles. 4 bxd typewriters. Santa Barbara— l 6 sks flour, 5. pkg mdse. 1 pkg hardware, 14 bxs lemons, 10 bxioranges, 1 bx fish 30 sks crawfish. Por: Harford- 1 pkg chain, 1 bx starch, 1 bx soda, i bx codfish, 7 bxs butter, .7 cs eggs, 57 bxs green apples, 8 pkgs mdse, 3 cs hiney, 2 kegs beer, 1 bx dry goods. 20 dressed calve, 6-4 bxs green pears, 4 coops chickens, - coopdpoultry, 49 bxs fish. oanta Maria— 3oo sks barley. 1 San Luis Ooispo— 94l sks barley. Steele— ls6o sks barley. Nlpoma— l237 sks barley, 132 ski beans. Con*!—-' Per Corona— Hllmer. Bredhoffisrfchulz; New man A Levlnson: Wilson it Baecltel : Stanford University : M T Freltas & Co: Le\^Sp!egel <&Co- Sather Banking Co: san Francesco. B>-ewerv Co- Enterprise Brewery: C<impo<lonico<l>lalcoim; \v" Mebach: Wetmoreßros; Mitchell Co; Pacific Postal Telegraph Co: J Ivancovlch «jO: Minaker & Wei banks; Amer Press Assn: Evaeth& Nash- C E Whitney & Co: Bros & Co; Wolf <& Son- Gray <fc Barbieri; D E Allison & Co; TK Smith- j M Spotford: Castle Bros: Dalton B*s; Charles Tetzen: Hills Bros; H O Greenhood; V F Se«rle- California Fruit Exchange: Newmark A Edwardn' California Electrical Works: Pacific Ammonia and Chemical Works: The cudahy Paean. Co- \v 5 Newhull; Garcia Magginl: E J Bowen 4 Co- j M Alexander Co; Crowu Distillery c>: Joseph Wagner; O II Ames & Co: Asbestos MfnCo: otto Stelner: Luscomb<& Isaacs: Smith & YoVng; v H T Jackson:Chaux A Bernard; TUlmann &Beadel' Holbrook, Merrill A Stetson; Willamettt Pulp <& Paper Co: Brlgham, Hoppe<fc Co; Witzel 1% Baker- A Paladlnl: American Union Fish Co: H Dotard' G Camillonl & Co: Hooker Co; OB Smitk A Co- L C; Sresovich A Co; Smith's Cash Store: Wasinng'- Ingiou Mfg Co: Jones A Co; Russ, Sander) <£Co- Dairymen's Union : E R Stevens <& Co: F B Halgnt • Murphy, Grant & Co; M feller it Co; FBHalcht- San Francisco Auto Photo Reg Co; Del Monte Milling Co: L D Stone & Co: Enterprise Bravery Buffalo Brewery: Wieland Brewing Co: Marshall <fc Reimers; Norton, Teller* Co: B G Ruhl & (jo s p Mining Co: California Wine Assn: J F Ulrich- Chicago Brewery; F.I Murray: Western Meat Co • H Heckman A Co: Slnshelmerßros: J PThoßas: Erlansrer&Galinger: .V'-. ii.U a Co. \ OCEAN TRAVEL. V PACIFIC coAST^riiisiiir^immT STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM A^ft Broadway wharf, San Francisco, asJcSSSiC follows: For Mary Island, Loring, Wrangel, Juneau. Kil. lisnoonnd Sltka (Alaska), at 9 a. m., Sept. 11,36. For Victoria and Vancouver (B. C), Port Town- send, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacortes and New Wi atcom (Kellin?ham Bay, Wash.), 9a. if Auk. 2, 7, 12, 17. 22, 27, and every fifth day there- after, connecting at Vancouver with the C. P. R. R., at Tacoma with N. P. R. R., at Seattle with U. N. Ky., at Port Townsend with Alaska steamers. For Kureka, Arcata and Fields Landing (Hum. bold t Bay) str. Pomona 2 p. it., Aug- 1, 5, 9, 13, 17. 21. 25, 29. and every fourth day thereafter. For Santa Cruz. Monterey, San Simeon, Cayucon, Port Hariord (San Lui3 Obispo), Gavlota, Santa Barbara, Ventura. Hueneme, Man Pedro, East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport, at 9 a. M. Au- gust 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31 and every fourth day thereafter. For san Dieco. stopping only at Port Hanord (San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara, Port Los An- reles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport. 11 a. M. August 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29 and every fourth day thereafter. For Enseuada. San Jose del Cabo. Mazatlan, I* Paz and Guaymas (Mexico), steamer Orizaba, 10 a. K. August 27, and 25th of each month there- after. Ticket office. Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. OOODALL, PERKINS A CO., Gen'l Agents, 10 Market St., San Francisco. ASTORIA ANIPOETLAN& $6 Second Class. $12 First Class, MEALS AND BERTHS INCLUDED. Columbia sails ....... ......July 27, August 6, 18 Bute ot California sails.. July 22, Angus* 1, 11,21 • From Spear-st. Wharf (Pier 24) at 10 a. X. OOODALL. PERKINS A CO., Genl. Supts. F. F. CONNOR, General Agent, fiSO Morlr., .-■..„. OCEANIC S.S. CO. f\ DAYS TO HAWAII. SAMOA. L*. HONOLULU NEW ZEALAND, fl »r AUSTRALIA. \Js.S. AUSTRALIA. S. S. MONOWAI sails via HONOLULU and AUCKLAND for SYDNEY. Thursday, August 20, at 2 p. if. 8. S. AUSTRALIA for HONOLULU only, Satur day. August 29. at 10 a. m. Special party rates. LInetoCOOLGARDIE, Aust., and CAPETOWN, south Africa. J D. SPRECKELS A BROS. CO., Agents, 114 Montgomery street. Freight Office, 327 Market st., San Francisco. CO3IPAG lIE GENERAL TRA.fSATLASTIQCB French Line to Havr^ /~IOMPANY'SPIER(NEW),42NORTH Art. V 1 River, foot of Morton st. Travelers by -dSWRJJ this line avoid both transit oy English railway "and ' the discomfort of crossing the channel In a small 1 boat. New YorK to Alexandria, Egypt, via Parti, first-class -$160: second-class, $110. . LAGASCOGNE Aug. 22. 9 A. H. LA BUKTA""' X .... August :!i. in. m, LA BOURGOGNE Sept. ,'.,9*. m. LA NORMANDIK Sept. 12 64.11. LATOURAINE Sept. 19, 7 A. M. t&~ For further particulars apply to A. FORGET. Agent, No. 3, Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FUOAZI A CO., Agents, 6 Montgomery avenue, San Francisco. FLHT & CO.'S PACIFIC COAST CLIPPER LINB For San Francisco and All Pacific Coast Ports. FROM NEW YORK: The Al Clipper Ship. WM. H. MACT Amesbury, Master. - FROM PHILADELPHIA: The A 1 Clipper Ship A. J. FULLEB Colcord, Master. Insurance effected at lowest rates. . For freight apply to FLINT <fc CO., 88 Broad street. New York. Consignees in Han Francisco: J. F. CHAPMAN A CO., 22 California street. WHITE STAR LWE. United States and Royal Hail Steamers BETWEEN* New York, Queenstown & Liverpool, SAILI>'O KVKivl \Vi;KK. CABIN. ANDUPWARD, ACCORD- ja/gm ing to steamer and accommodations wKBB select second cabin, s■- •>«» ami *1. • 0; HBmvM ami Teutonic. Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing- dates and cabin plans may ■ be procured from W. H. A VERY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at lha General Office of the Company, 61 Market street, under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER. Goneral Agent for Pacific Coast. ROUSDTHEWORLD.^^^ A SELECT PARTY, ACCOMPANIED BY A gentleman of many years'experiencein round- the-world travel and thoroughly conversant with all countries visited, will leave Vancouver September 14. lor itinerary, etc., apply THOS. COOK & SON., 621 Market Street, San Francisco. ROYAL MAIL STEA^JACKET COMPACT. STEAMERS " LEAVE ASPIXWALL y*9*BU fortnightly for the West Indies and ''«■■ Southampton, calling en route at C^rbourgU, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. Through bills of lading, in connection with lh« Pacific Mail S. S. Co., issued for freight and treas- ure to direct ports in England and Germany. * Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, $195; third class. *97 50- For further particulars apply to PARROTT * CO., Agents. • MW C-..1i-.-> »t. STMITOI STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St.. At U I*. -"• .Daily. r .-t-njh received up to •::{!» P. Ji. tS" Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. STKAJIEKs: T. C. Walker, J. D. Peters, Mary Garratt, City of Stockton. Telephone Main 805. ■ Cau Nay. and Inapt Oo US: SAVYYAPtD. MIRE ISLAND, VALLEJO. *Bcniria, *P«rf. («sti. *<rtclicti and *Valona. STK. MONTICELLO, Daily 10:30 a. m., 4:00 P. M. (Saturdays ••l":30 *- m.), 3:30 p. m. S-uadays 8 p. m. only. Offices and landing. Pier 2, ji'is.sion St. Telephone Biaclc 261. wptgtfiemm; .- hatch BKO>. * 4 and 8 P. M. trips only. . *• Excursion trip, r'Olves 5 hours at Navy-yard. FOR m JO^E, m GATOS & SASTA CRUZ QTEAMER ALVISO LEAVES PJER 1 DAILT O a: 10 a. m. (Sundays excepted): Alviso daily at 7 p. m. (Saturdays except ed ). . Freight and Pas- senger. Fare between san Francisco and Alvijo, 50c; to San Jose,. 75c Clay st, Pier L 'Hi W» flsjltt Clan liujiaii Jom» -