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2 several years, and for the last two years we have been inseparable and constantly together. I met him by chance at bis studio in San Francisco about two years ago, and we have been together ever since. This was just after his last visit to the old country. He was going to Ger many again in April, and I was to accom pany him. I «m not as highly educated as Ballestrem, for he spoke seven languages, but nevertheless we were stanch friends. I have never heard much about his family affairs and especially about his parents. He was always very averse to relating any nine about them. "His sister he spoke of quite often, and he would receive letters from her regu larly. He was very devoted to his sister, and'spoke to me frequently about her. He was the heir to his uncle's vast estates. His uncle, so he told me, was ex-president of the German Reichstag, and I think was president only last year, hut I forget. His immediate family, however, was not wealthy, although titled. The Count was painting a large picture of Point Lobos, and had it nearly finished. This he would have taken back home with him. "I have been in America since 1868, and lived iv San Francisco for several years. For two years I was engaged as head clerk in the law offices of John Tuller in San Francisco. I have a brother-in-law and also an uncle who are both doctors and who reside in Stettin, Germany, at pres ent. This is all I know about my friend, and ail I care to tell about myself." Jacinto Damaral and A. Macbado, Por tuguese hshermen, living about a quarter of a mile from Ballestrem's house, were tue first to hear oi the killing. According to their story ihe tragedy occurred much later than 8 o'clock. "We heard a shot fired, but it was about 9 o'clock last night," they said. "We had gone to bed and were awakened by hear ing a shot. About a half hour alter the report of the gun Abiger came over to our hou-e. Damaral went to the dcor and Abiger told him he had killed his partner and wanted some one to come over with him. Damaral would not go, but shut the door. Machado finally got up and saddled his horse, and on his w«y to Cariuelito Gate met Abiger with a lantern. He said he was coming from Freitas' saloon, but Freitas would not help him, and he asked me for God's sake to go to town and get a doctor or some one. I went down to the Hatton ranch and telephoned into Mon terey to Justice Michaelis and told him to come out at once. It was about 10:30 o'clock when I telephoned to Monterey. "I then returned and went over to the Count's bouse, where I found Abiger and his dog outside. I asked him wLy he did not go inside, and he told me be did not want to go in that house again until some one else went tirst. 1 took hi- lantern and went inside the house. The sight was horrible. The Count was lying all in a heap against one door, and everything was mussed up as if there had been a big row. I thought this was strange, for I had seen a great deal of the two men since their arrival at Point Lobos, and had never heard a harsh word between them in the whole five niontus they spent there. I asked Abiger how it all happened. He told me a£out the affair but .'aid the Count did not speak at all alter he shot h:m. I did not stay at the house long, but went home." Justice Michaelis, who made the arrest, wa& a friend of the Count and Abiger. "I believe," said Justice Mif > haelis,"that I knew the Count better than any one in the neighborhood. I also knew Abiger quite well, and am sure the killing was an accident, pure and simple. 1 know that neither Ballestrem nor Abiger got intoxi cated, but I believe that last night Abiger had too much of that sour wine in him and att-mpted to go hunting long after dark, to which, of course, the Count ob jected, and a scuffle followed. It must have been much later than 6 o'clock when the shooting occurred, and nearer 9, from what, the Portuguese say. The gun used happened to be mine. The whole charge of shot entered tbe Cc.nt's left side, just under the arm, and went directly to the heart. 1 don't think it was willful murder at all, but an accident." When a Call correspondent visited the hut of the Bohemian Count to-day he found pictures V»f such mcc as Dunham, Joseph Bianther, Durrant and others tacked, up prominently on the wans in Abiger's room. The clay that the Count was evidently molding ut the time of the trouble was on the kitchen floor. Ihe whole place was more like a hermit's abode than the home of a German noble man. The Count's larder was well supplied. On the table was a large demijohn of claret wine about half empty ana several glasses half filled were on the table. Among the Count's possessions many let ters from his sister and uncle were found. There was aiso one from his mother, writ ten about a year ago and addressed to San Francisco. Count Ballestrem had been sojourning at Point Lobos Park for the past five or six montbs. This was bis second visit to Monterey, the first being made about two years ago. He th n camped ou the Pacific Improvement Company's famous Seven teen-mile drive and was engaged in paint ing tne sand dunes of Monterey, the most favored spot for the many American as well as foreign artists who come to this neighborhood for subjects. Some of his paintings of these saud hills are excep tionally fine, and were taken with him back to the old country on the Count's last visit home, about two years ago, im mediately after he left Monterey. These paintings now adorn ;he salon of his parents in Breszlau, Siiesia. The Count was an officer in the German army, ranking as a lieutenant, and al though he had been coming to America for the last sixteen years, yet under the German law, in order to bold his office and also be heir to hid uncle's vast estate, he was required to be present at certain maneuvers of the German army at speci fied times every two years. The Count would attend these maneuvers, and directly after they were over would pro cure a leave of absence and sail ior the United States. He was never naturalized here, for if that was done he could not claim bis title or fall heir to the estate; yet it has always been remarked that in all of his studies, no matter how small or where located, the American flag was the chief wall decora tion of his apartments. Only three weecs ago he presented to the McKinley and Hobart Ciub of this place a large cam paign, banner, which stretches across Alvarado street in front of the Republican headquarters. Aside from this he presented many pictures of McKinley in water colors and paste to the prominent Republican can didates of this county. Count. Ballestrem was a "black sheep" of the family, and that is the principal reason why he came to America so otten. Despite his shortcomings, he was devoted to his sister, and she was the only one on whom he could count as a regular corre spondent. Of his family he would say very little, especially was this so of his mother; his uncle, also a Ballestrem, was his best friend. From him he was heir to the family estate. His sister was married since his last visit home and is now Frau yon Adeisfeldt Durlach. She is living in Baden. About four years ago the Couut was married, but lived with his wife only a little over a year, she getting a divorce on tt c ground of failure to support. She afterward married a man by the name of Bachman and is now riving on Howard street, near Tenth, in San Francisco. About the time or soon after ihe divorce was procured the Count met Charles Abi ger in San Francisco and formed a warm attachment for him. The two lived to gether until last night, an-i were always believed to be on the very best of terms. Abiger was older than the Count, but was not nearly so well educated, though com ing from an aristocratic German family. He came to America in 1868 from Ham burg and has lived here ever since. His brother-in-law, a Dr. Reny, lives in Btet tic, as also does his uncle, Dr. Herman Anseling. He is a nice-appearing man, of rather low stature, biack, sparkling eyes and black hair. He wears a Van Dyke beard. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH drug gists reload the money if it falls to cure. 250 ENCOURAGED BY MANY CALLERS Major McKinley Receives Cheering News From Visitors. States That the Candidate Will Carry Practically Insure Victory. TWO LIVELY WEEKS AHEAD From Various Sections Large De ega tiens Wil Journey to Canton to Prove Their Loya ty. CANTON, Ohio. Oct. 11.— Major Mc- Kinley speut a very quiet Sunday. He was up bright and early, took a short walk, attended church in the morning and in the afternoon in company with Mrs. McKinley he went for a drive and called upon his mother. There were few callers. Murat Halstead and ex-Congressman Finley of Missouri, who have been here a few days, called to say good-by to Major McKinley before leaving for the West. Congressman Bou telie of Maine, who assisted the major in yesterday's great reception of delegations, left for a speech-making tour in the West last evening. To tbe correspondent for the United Associated Presses Major Me- Kiuley said to-day that the arduous labors of the week which closed last night had not overtaxed his strength in any way. "I feel well to-day and expect to be in excel lent condition to assume my campaign work to-morrow. I think the next two weeks will be full of activity, and then I expect to rest until after election." There are a good many visitors who came here yesterday still in the city. The Maryland delegation did not leave until this morning. Major McKinley received a great deal of encouragement from his callers yesterday and to-day. The Michigan men say that they expect to carry that State by a hand some majority. The news which reaches. Canton from the South is ot a particularly agreeable nature to the Republicans. JJajor McKinley 's friends here now feel confident that he will carry Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Kentucky. This week will be a lively one. More than thirty delegations are already sched uled, and the li~t is likely to be increased by the addition of a dozen or fifteen more. The following delegations are expected: Monday — Miners of the Monongahela Valley; workmen of "Roscoe, Pa. Tuesday — Miners and mechanics of the Lehij,'h Valley; Sandusky County Repub licans. Wednesday — Cleveland old folk"' flay; McKinley and Hobart Clubs of McDonald, Pa.; Cumberland (Md.) Republicans; streetcar employes of Cleveland. Thursday — Citizens of Cambridge, Pa. ; political ciubs of Allegheny County, Pa.; colored citizens of Blair County; Erie County (Pa.) Republican clubs. Friday — Veteran McKinley clubs of Bradford; citizens of iiedford, Pa. Saturday — Garfield Club of Louisville, Ky.; Chicago Republicans; clubs of Hunt ington County, Pa.; Republicans of Blair County, Pa.; commercial travelers of To ledo, Ohio; commercial travelers of Co lumbus, Ohio; miners of Perry County, Ohio; citizens of Ashtabula County, Ohio; Railroad Sound-Money Club of Jackson, Mich.; Hocking Valley miners: employes of Oliver Bros., Pittsburg; McKinley and Hobart Workingmen's Clubs of South Fork, Pa.; Old Jf'o'.Ks' McKinley Club of Westerville, Ohio; Anti-Wilson Bill So ciety of Baltimore. ARE CONFIDENT OF VICTORY. Bepubliean Zendert A>»/ That McKtnley And Hobart Will Win. NEW YORK, N. V., Oct. 11.— The Re publicans are making an active campaign in Virginia. A list of the meetings planned by tbe State committee shows 260 already arranged for, with more to fol low. Among the speakers assigned to duty in the State are Hon. Z. K. Pang born of New Jersey, Colonel C. H. Deni son, Colonel W. C. Plummer, Colonel F. A. Schlitz, Hon. C. Brain ard Jr., and Major McKilvie of New York, Colonel James Fairman of Pennsylvania, and Ex- Senator Blair of New Hampshire. Senators Hale and Frye of Maine will speak in Lexington, Ky., October 26 and 27; Senator Hale, BaJ'*idere, N\ J.. October 27, aud in Dover, N. J., October '28. N. M. Meigs, a gold Democrat and ousi ness man of Jacksonville, Fla., says he believes that the electoral votes of Florida can be secured for the nominees of the In dianapolis convention if the Republicans can be prevailed upon to withdraw their electorul ticket and join the gold Demo crats. He says from talks he has had with gold Democrats and others since he came to New York he believes that this will be done. Governor Griggs of New Jersey, from a trip through Hunterdon, Sussex and Warren counties, three of the strongest Democratic counties in tbe State, said: "I am confident that the Republicans will be succersful in this contest, which, to gether with Morris County, composes Congressman Pitney's district. The peo ple are enthusiastic over Pitney. New Jersey will give at least 60,000 majority for McKinley and Hobart, and I shall not be surprised if the figures run beyond this total." Hon. B. F. Jones of Pittsbur-*, formerly chairman of the Republican National Committee, said : "Everything tnat I can see and hear from reliable sources is of the encouraging kind for Repuolican suc cess. There is not the least doubt in my mind about Illinois, Indiana and Nebraska going for McKimey. The prospect is cer tainly getting better every day." Hon. D. D. Woodmansee of Cincinnati, presidents the National League of Re publicans, gave it as his opinion that the silver craze had spent its greatest force and is becoming less potent every day. He slated that Ohio was safe for McKinley by 75,000 majority. — • Nominee Hilton MUhdrato*. MONTGOMERY, Ala., Oct. 11.— Hon. H. A. Wilson, Republican nominee for Congress in the Fourth Alabama District, has written a letter declining the candi dacy. He says the split in the Republican party and the extraordinary use of money by one who "is an alien to our principles" makes it necessary for him to withdraw, because the Republicans cannot afford to send to Congress any one not in harmony with the principles of the party. Present THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1896. Conzressman W. F Aldrich is the nom inee of part of the Republicans and in dorsed by Populists, and to him Wilson's card refers. Palmer and at lietrnit. DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 11.— Generals Palmer and Buckner, the nominees for President and Vice -President respectively of the National Democratic party, arrived here from Grand Kapids shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon on a special train. They were accompanied by the committee from this city, which escorted the nomi nees from Lansing to Granu liapids last evening. Uiiey were at once driven to the home of ex-Postniaster-General DicKin son, whose guests they wilt be during their stay in Detroit. Many persons called on the generals during tne afternoon and evening, but they denied themselves to all of them. Both General Palmer and Gen eral Buckner will speak at a meeting here to-morrow afternoon. Bryan Club J-ormrd at Corning. RED BLUFF, Cal., Oct. 11.— John J. Wells oi Red 81-jff addressed a Demo cratic meeting at Corning last night, after which the preliminaries were taken for the organization of a Bryan silver club. A large number of names were signed to the roll. The meeting was under the auspices of the young men. It was called to order by Bert Foster, and W. H. Samson was chairman. IRELAND DECLARES IT REVOLUTIONARY I Continued from First Paoe.l chase no more than the half dollar? And why will farmers receive even nominally a much higher price than they do now? 'Ihe best market of the farmer for the produce is his own country, and if his own country is impoverished, if factories are closed, if labor ers in cities arc penniless, the farmer will re ceive but little for his harvest. Men on salaries will scarcely hope to have their salaries doubled even if nominally, and then their salaries, tuchas they may be, will have only half the purchasing power they have to-day. Those who owe debts payable, principal or interest, In gold will receive the same 6alaries as to-day and their salaries will have but half the debt-paying power which they have to-day. But those who owe debts not payable in gold? Well, if the country Is ruined where will they find even silver to pay their debts in silver? The only men benefited— and they are few to-day, and it is scarcely worth while to bring around a revolution iv the country to benefit them— are the debtors who have to-day gold on hand, and who by free silver coinage will hare their store doubled in nominal value and wiil be enabled to reduce their debts by one-half. And for those the question remains— is it honest ? It ia a delusion to imagine that sil ver will circulate so plentifully tnat it can bo had easily by all and that the quantity will make up for the lack of value. If silver bul lion does not increase in commercial value silver will not be produced in quantity, and as owners of silver wili not part with it, ex cept in exchange for commodity or labor which they deem useful and valuable, if the business of the country is not prosperous the people will get very little or no profit from mintage. But — aud here is ihe popular argu ment in favor of free coinage— we have bad hard times under the gold standard. That is true, and what is also true, that under the silver standard we shall have much harder times. It Is the great fallacy of ihe day to be attributing our hard times to the gold stan dard, The craze for frea silver «s a cure for hard times Js explicable on the same theory that a man who has been a long time sick despite the attentive care of expert physicians will call for any quact who advertises to cure all the ills of humanity. Hard times have come through i,he severe and resistless working of economic laws, — which go their way In spite oi legal enactment of parliaments or con gresses. Our hara times have come from tbe general competition with the countries of the whole globe into which we are. forced by cheapness and facility of transportation, from over production in past years, from extrava gance during good times and from our own social and political agitations. One of ihe chief causes of hard times to-day is this agi tation for a radical change in the currency of the country. It the American people put down by an overwhelming majority this agi tation—bury it out of sight— one of the chief causes of 'hard times will be out of the way. Other causes may remain more or less. That of general competition with all the nations of earth must remain. Good times, however, may bs expected to come b>ck surely, if only gradually. The overproduction that glutted our markets has been used up. Capitalists are anxious to do something with their money —if it can be invested safely. Our wondrous natural resources invite investments to de velop them, and confidence restored th« out look is bright. The essential thing iscon" dence. To-day it is confidence that is needed more than an increase in the volume of the currency. The volume of the currency is large enough. To increase it fictitiously certainly wili not help us. Ninety per cent of the busi ness is done without currency— by checks and drafts — of which tne foundation is confidence. Those who suffer from hard times— and there are many— must hearken to reason, silence passion, turn away from delusive remedies and the country will be again pat on the road to prosperity. I ask is It honest to try to pay debts with half the money we received when we con tracted them? The National and private debts contracted upon a financial system, such as those who loaned money, gave it at a certain commercial value and believed, as they could not at the time have helped doing, that tney would receive it beck at the same commercial value, should be paid in values of that same financial system. That the great American Bepublic will, as a Nation, declare to the world that it will now make a law compelling its creditors to be satisfied with half, or a little of the money they loaned, goes on record in the eyes of the world as a broken-down, bank rupt, repudiating Nation, it li not possible to believe. No one will say in Justification of such a possibility that America is compelled by National poverty to do so; then no one should be able to Bay she thinks of doing so. There are a hundred aspects of this question which I do not touch upon. I merely throw out some few thoughts which show reasons for my present political faith, and which may be of some benefit to others in forming their own judgment. I may, of course, be mistaken. But I have come to look upon the present agi tation as the great test of universal suffrage and popular sovereignty. Can the people de fend public honor and the institutions of the country at the polls as they nave done on the field of battle? Can they be so calm ana de liberate in their judgment, so careful to weigh all thing! in the scale of reason and to avoid all rash experiments that they can be trusted with the settlement of grave social and politi cal problems? That is the question that is be fore us at the present moment. Ireland. GATHERING OF COMPOSITORS. Important Matter* to Be Considered by the International Union. COLORADO SPRINGS, Cou>., Oct. IL— The forty-third session of the International Typographical Union opena in this city to-morrow, with a large attendance of members. Thin is the first time that the session has been held in two years. The delegates have been arriving for several days, and are being entertained by the local union and citizen*. The present session will be of especial interest to the printers, as the Childs-Drexel Home for the care of indigent members of the craft is located here. This afternoon the visitors picnicked at Cheyenne Canyon. Among important matters to be con sidered by the union is an out of worn scheme and the question of uoing away with regular meetings, leaving the sessions subject to call. HELEN GOUGAR'S SUNDAY SPEECH Answers Gold Arguments Advanced by Chicago Preachers. Considerable Abuse Injected Into Her Harangue for Free Silver. HAD TO BKEAK INTO THE HALL Vituperative Language That Suited Those Who Forced an Entrance Into the Place. CHICAGO. 111., Oct. 11.— Mrs. Helen Gougar oi Indiana spoke at the People's Institute this afternoon in answer to ser mons recently delivered by local preach ers in advocacy of the gold standard. The meeting was called for 2 o'clock, but at that hour the hall was still locked, and the trustees announced that they had rented the hall for church purposes, and refused to allow it to be used ior political purposes on Sunday. The announcement, in view of the fact that the committee in charge of Mrs. Gougar's meeting had paid rental charges and had a receipt for the same, caused much excitement. Many ladies were in the crowd crushed against the inner doors, and they were hurried to the rear and preparations made for testing the question by force. Just at that mo ment a young man in front forced the doors, and the crowd, with a cheer, rushed in. It was reported thai the police had been sent for, but there was no attempt to oust the audience. Before beginning her address Mrs. Gougar requested the assemblage to sing "America," which was done with a will. She then referred to the sacredness of the day, and said it was time the people ob jected to confining politics to the saloon and the devil and took it into the church and the home. She had so apology to make for speaking on this great question on the Sabbath: the preachers themselves had set the example. Mrs. Gougar drew a picture of an imag inary town where no money was used, but in its stead black and white horses, and drew a parallel between the demonetiza tion of silver and the "de-horse-iiation" of the white horses by the owners of the black animals, and the train of evils that followed ttie sending of these black horses out of the country and thus compelling the payment of taxes and all other charges in white horses at a valuation arbitrarily fixed by the "black-horse tru3t." Mrs. Gougar carried her parallel even to the issue of bonds and the attacks of the financiers and preachers upon those who wished to "undehorseatize" the white horses, who were termed "anarchists," "repudiationists," "hobos," etc. The ap plication oi the story was readily made by the audience and heartily applauded. The speaker then turned her attention to Bishop Newman and Rev. Dr. Hillis, who had spoken from their pulpits in lavor of the srold standard, and paid her respects to Rev. <J. H. Wolston, a Phila delphia Baptist preacher, who recently wrote a letter demanding that the debts of bis church and his own salary be paid in gold, in the event of tne adoption of free silver, which he stigmatized as "the devil's dollar." The clergy, she declared, were, as a rule, the best paid workers in the cities, and are not in a position to know tne wants of the poor laboring classes; they belonged to the same class who crucified Christ and who supported slavery, claiming it was sanctioned by divine injunction and precept. There is not an argument now used by the gold standard people, she declared, that was not used by the advocates of Luinan slavery. Taking up Dr. Hillis' sermon, she de clared that if as he claimed there could be no such thing us a double standard, then the gold men were the guilty innovators, as the original money metal was silver and was recognized by the American con stitution as such. Forty trainloads of people had in one day recently been taken to Canton to "witness a porch dance." Presidents elected by "running free rail road trains" will not oppose legislation favorable to corporations and trusts. Her understanding of the "over-production" theory of the Republicans was that "the harder we work and the more we produce the poorer we get." Yet statistics show that every year 10,000 children die in iSew York City of starvation. She said it was a shame and disgrace to the Christian church that any minister of the gospel should assist tho money power in its tie faious work, and said they were doing more harm than their efforts lor good could overcome ntnone; the people. Quoting Senator Sherman, she charac terized him as one of the three great traitors in American history, Benedict Arnold and Jefferson Davis being the others, and asserted that no man could have acquired his great wealtb while serv ing the people in Congress at a salary of $5000 a year and living at an expense of 110,000. Blame, had he lived, would be con sidered an anarchist and repudiationist of the worst kind, and McKinley's speeches, "before Mark Hanna took hold of the string," showed him to be one of ihe lead ing reDudiationists of the world. In tnswer to a suggestion that McKinley had aeen convened, Mrs. Gougar said: "Yes, he's been converted, because ho would rather be President than be right." McKinley and Cleveland were pro nounced "financial twins"; tbe banks were denounced for their exercise of tyrannical power; the gold papers of Chi cago were declared to be owned by English syndicates and the rum power; Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge, candidate for Con gress on a gold platform, was bitterly as sailed as the "Prince of Immorality"; McKiuley was said to be supported by the English brewers and the American whisky ring, with whom the gold preachers had allied themselves in his support, and the 3t Louis Convention was said to have been marked by more drunkenness, de bauchery and licentiousness than any previous convention ever held in America. Mrs. Gougar was frequently interrupted by bursts of applause and was given quite an ovation at the conclusion of her speecn. SILENT FOR A SINGLE DAY. After a Bard Week of Talking Bryan Takes a Rest. , ST. PAUL, Mum., Oct. 11.— The sweet balm of rest has been William J. Bryan's to-day, after his ? hard week through the South, Middle West and Northwest. " He was up bright and early this morning to meet Mrs. Bryan on her arrival here from Lincoln, and at 11 o'clock they went to the Central Presbyterian Church together and heard a sermon by Rev. Mr. Beattie of Mankato. The church Was well filled with people who came to see the candidate and his wife. '■ V".')-'-' '''■•'/': "" C- ! "":"':'" Most of the afternoon Mr. Bryan received calleis, including Senator Wilson of Washington, who bolted ■) the St. Louis nominations and platform Senator Ben ! Tillmun of South Carolina, who was pass- . ing through St. Paul; Isnatius Donnelly and Representative Charles A. Towne, who abandoned the Republican party and declared for Mr. Bryan. Mr. Towne has a hot fight on bia hands in the Duluth Con gressional district and Mr. Bryan is going up there Tuesday to help him. A general outline of Mr. Bryan's pro gramme for the remainder of the cam paign has been made out It is as follows, subject tochange: Minneapolis to Duluth, Tuesday, October 13; Wisconsin and the northern Michigan peninsula, Octo ber 14. speaking at Marquette in the even ing; from Marquette to Grand Rapids, October 15; Grand Rapids to Lansing, October 16; Grand K,apids to Detroit, October 17; Detroit Saturday night and Sunday; through Ohio October 19 and 20; through Indiana October 21 and 22; Illi nois from October 23 to '60, going as far south as Cairo, and spending the 28th, 29ih and 30th in Chicago; leave Chicago at 10:30 p. m., October 30, for Council Bluffs, lowa, and speak there on the afternoon or night of the 31sr; Sunday, November 1, probably in Omaha; Monday night, November 2, will end tiie campaiern some where in Nebraska, probably at Kearney; election day, Lincoln. DISCHARGED THE SILFERITES. Dugald Crawford Does Xot Want Anar chists in Bit Employ. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. Dugald Craw ford, sole owner of one of the largest de partment stores in St. Louis, is an ardent admirer of the gold standard, t Recently he caused a canvass of his employes to be made and found many of them free silver men. Yesterday morning be called twelve heads of department* before him and told them they were no longer in his emply, explaining that he did not want any anarchists to breathe the air of his establishment. / ; ; "Spread the news throughout the city," said Mr. Crawford; "let it be known' as far and as near a3 you choo3e thai you are discharged because you > are in favor of free coinage of silver.' 1 -: " - » The publication of the above story this morning, with a mass of contradictory in terviews, caused much commotion. : The labor unions took up the matter at their weekly meeting ana Mr. Crawford was ex coriated. The indignation crystallized in the ap pointment of a committee from various unions who will call an indignation meet ing for some evening this week to give ex pression to the workingmen's views on tbe matter. FIERCE ATLANTIC GALES. Considerable Damage Done Along the Ccast, at Sea and Ashore. Vessels Blown Ashore, and There Are Evidences of Other Disasters Among Sh pp eg. LEWES, Del., Oct. 11.— The schooner Luther A. Koby, from Bchiverio, N. S., consigned to Souder & Co. of Philadel phia, with plaster, came ashore at day break this morning, in the heavy northeast gale, below the point of Cape Henlopen, and almost immediately went to pieces. Three of the crew were lost and five saved. Since yesterday a tierce northeast gale has been blowing along the coast. The life saving crews have been on the alert and all last night patrolled the beach on the lookout for vesssls in distress. In the early dawn the schooner was seen driving toward the beach. The life-savers hast ened toward the spot sue was heading for, but she struck before they came opposite to her. The wind is blowing a fearful gale from the northeast to-night and the tide is piling up on the shore. It is feared that at high water to-night, the life-saving stations on the shore may be swept away. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. IL— The northeast storm that has been traveling along the Atlantic coast struck this city tnis mornine, and in connection with an extraordinary high tide has done consider able damage. Two of the three piers along the ocean front have sustained the greatest damage so far. About 200 feet of the iron pier at the loot of Massachusetts avenue nave been battered away. A section of the wrecked schooner Met calfe, which was lying near the pier, was broken by the surf and for an hour or so it rounded with territtic force against the piling of the pier. The piling "withstood the battering at first, but at last the mid dle section went down with a crash. The mass of wood from the wreck is still float ing along the beach front and more dam age may be done by it. The center of the pier at the foot cf Texas avenue has partially given away. It is expected thai the weakened part will go out to sea before morning. The bulkhead Ht Chelsea has beeh destroyed. Railroad travel on the Camden and Atlantic Rail road has been suspended, owing to the high water on the meadows submerging the tracks. The entire force of the life-saving station is out to-night on the beach v, atoning for any ship in distress. The cottages on ih° meadow side of the city have been surronded by water all day and the ocoupants have been compelled to use boats to get to and from their homes. The wind reached a velocity of fifty-miles an hour to-day. Many railroad ties are floating in on the beach to-night and it is believed they indicate tne wash ing away of the trolley railroad on Brig antine Beach. VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass., Oct. IL— A northeast gale oaa prevailed here to day and it is increasing in force to-night. The tug Mercury arrived from Boston. No shipping disasters are reported in this vicinity. The tugs Plymouth and N. and W. No. 1, with barges and a small fleet of coasters, are harbored here. NANTUCKET, Mass.. Oct. 11.—Informa tion of what may have been another ocean tragedy was obtained yesterday, when James O. McCleave picked up on the south shore a bottle containing the following hastily scriobled note on a leaf of a book: September 16. We are off Nantucket twenty miles, and are about to sink. Please notify my wife, Mrs, Mary Frazer of Gloucester. John C. Frazee. We will never reacn bhore alive. Good-by. The gale increased steadily for the past twenty-tour hours, and is blowing a hurri cane to-night. Small boats are being sunk at their moorings, but shipping was so thoroughly warned iv advance that no other wrecks are anticipated. A small fleet of vessels anchored off Sankety Head last night, and made for this harbor this morning. One three-masted schooner is anchored in the sound near Great Point, and is in a dangerous position. GLOUCESTER, Mass., pet. 11.— The schooner Alsatian, sixty-nine tons,- from Bath, lumber-laden for Boston, capsized off Baker Island this afternoon ana if a total loss. The crew was saved. SEA ISLE CITY, N. J., Oct. 11.— The gale has raged witd great fury here to-day and to-night. The meadows in the rear of the city are flooded ior miles and as far as the eye can reach, there is only a foam ing sea. The avenues and streets /ire inundated by heavy breakers that are washing in all the upper end of the city. A ship's yawl-boat, bottom up. was seen at sea this afternoon, which leads to the fear that some vessel has foundered. Many small yachts have been badly dam aged. LONDON, Ens., Oct. 11.— A northeast gale is prevailing. The Danish steamer Scotia has gone ashore at St. Abba Head, on the east coast of Scotland. The crew was rescued. The schooner Caramel has foundered in the Mersey. Six of her crew were drowned. In many places the gale is accompanied by snow. A sailing vessel engaged in the coast wise trade was wrecked to-day in Colwin Bay, Denfcyshiro. Two of her crew were drowned. IN THE REALM OF THE KAISER Pro- Armenian Movement of Germany Makes Little Progress. Czar Nicholas to Receive the Of ficer Who Was Presented to the Sultan. THAT COLD FROST IN PAEIS. Indignation Among Diplomats Who Were Ignored in the Important Festivities. [Copyright, 18S6, by the United Associated Presses] BERLIN, Germany, Oct. 11.— The lull in the excitement over affairs in the east continues, the newspapers having decided to await developments which are expected to follow the departure of the Czar from France before resuming their campaign of agitation. It is understood that the Czar will shortly give an audience to General Grumb koff, the German officer in the Ottoman service, who is the bearer of an autograph letter from the Sultan to the Kaiser. Gen eral Grumbkoff is accompanied by the Sultan's Ambassador, Ghalib Bey, who will also be received by the Kaiser. The niifsiou of General Grumbkoff, according to the semi-official Berlin Post, is one of great political importance. In the mean time an interview with General Gruinb tcoff appears in a Berlin paper, in which the Turkish commissioner vig orously defends the action of the Sultan and the leading Turkish, officials, contend ing that no man occupying the Turkish throne would fulfill the demands of the powers unconditionally. The Sultan of Turkey, he maintains, must alway3 take into consideration the 'probable effect of the fulfillment of such demands upon the Mohammedan populace, otherwise there would be great danger of Moslem fanati cism leading to annihilation of the Chris tians in the empire. "Abdul Hamid," the general says, is a wise man and in all his actions he invari ably looks carefully forward to the prob able or possible result. If tue Sultan could follow his own desires Turtey would be a happy country, but his most excel lent aspirations are fettered by empty pub lic coffers. The true reform which is needed in Turkey is financial assistance; perhaps administered under a control similar to the administration of Egypt, I but as there ia no money there can be no reform." The pro- Armenian movement in Ger many is making little progress. Although the official wet blanket which has been cast over the movement wherever it has existed has not bad the effect to quench the flame of agitation altogether, the movement itself Las not been seized with any degree of ardor by the public. Dr. I Pepsins, the leadei of the Armenian agita : tion, has been summoned to the Foreign Office and requested to desist from further activity in the matter, he being informed, it is understood, that as the movement was a strongly political and in no respect a philanthropic one, the Government could not countenance it. The Hamburg Nachrichten, the personal organ of Prince Bismarck, in its discus sion of the Armenian question, argues that the Armenians are rebels, while Ger many and Turkey have the most friendly relations. Therefore, the German aiders and abettors of the Armenians are liable to punishment under the German crim inal code. The circumstances of ignoring the entire diplomatic corps at Paris in the matter of extending invitations to the various func tions upon the occasion of the Czar's visit to Paris, which caused feeling of intense indignation among the diplomats them selves, is being much discussed in official quarters here. At the outset of the enter tainment or the Czar the diplomatic body only received invitations to the gala opera penormance, and were not asked to be present on the occasion of the Czar's entry into the city or attend the luncheon at the Russian embassy, the religious ceremony at the Russian church, the banquet at the Palace of the Elysee, the laying of the foundation-stone of the bridge Alexander 111, which was really the beginning of the preparations for the exhibition to oe held in Paris in 1900, the visit of the Czar to Versailles or the penormance at the Come die Francaise. After all, or nearly all, of these func tions were over, the diplomats received invitations to attend the grand military review at Chalons, and the attaches of the various embassies and legations only ob tained these in consequence of the remon strance made by Count yon Munster, the German Ernbassador, to the Foreign Office. It is possible that the officials of the Foreign Office did not relish the quarter from which (he demand for invitations to attend the great military spectacle of the review of the French troops came, for they promptly disclaimed any responsi bility for the omission to send invitations, and referred the Embas-ador to the Elysee Palace, from which quarter the invitations eventually emanated. According to a special dispatch to the Cologne Gazette from St. Petersburg, President Faure will not pay a visit to the Russian capital as has been suggested, but Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria will return the Czar's visit to Vienna, and the Emperor and Empress of Germany may also visit St. Petersburg concurrently with the Austrian Kaiser unless the unexpected accouchement of the Czarina should com pel a postponement of the Imperial visit. The German Colonial Council will hold a meeting on October 19. The programme of the meeting embraces discussion of the colonial budget and the questions oJ slav ery and slave trading, the military obliga tions of settlers in Southwest Africa, the training of colonial officials ana the mat ter of penal procedure regarding natives. In addition to the discussion of these questions the recent events at Zanzibar, including the matter of the removal from Zanzibar of the usurping Sultan Said Kbaiib by a German warship will doubt less receive the attention of the meeting. The more extreme members of the Colo nial Council regard the removal of Said Khalib to Dares-Salam as an important Look /Sharply to tbe condition of your health ai this seauon, for peculiar perils assail the system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes rich red blood ; keeps the body healthy. HnnH'c Piltc * re th ® onl y Pitta to take score in favor of Germany and against Gnat Britain, and are .hackling at t;.e furious iunguace of the English jingo press in regard to the incident. The ex tremists profess to regard the Said Khalib * affair as being fraught with mosi valuable results to Germany, and believe that something serious is imminent Irorn the facts that the British warohip St. George, tbe flagship of the Cape and West African station, which sailed southward from Zan* zibar on September 24, nas been ordered to return to Zanzibar, and the cruiser Gibraltar, from Saionlca, has been ordered to join bftr. The Gibraltar is now passing throush the Su^z canal. Colonel Tro'.ha, commanding the Ger man troops in German East "Africa, has had another enjrauement with the Wahehe tribe, with the result that he has com pletely routed them, making a prisoner of the Wahehe chief and carrying him off to Dares-Salam. The Munich socialists have resolved to move at the socialist congress which met at Sieblichen, near Gotha, to-day that the congress hereafter meet only biennially, as the results- of the meetings are in no degree equivalent to the enormous cost of holding the congresses annually. Dr. Raffel, the German Assessor at Dares- Salam, German East Africa, who nas been proposed by an agreement between Ger many, England and tne United States for appointment to the office of President of the Municipal Council at Apia, Samoa, as the successor of Herr Schmidt, has made an excellent record daring his term ot ser vice in German East Africa. He is kcown as a per ectly equitable Judge, and is highly regarded by both whites and na tives. The officials who have been charged with the duty of considering the emigration question are agreed upon the principle of ihe establishment of a special office form ing a sort of board oi emigration. The matter of emigration is now normally un der the supervision of the Home Office, which lacks tbe means of properly dealing with the question. One of the func tions of the new board will be to ciirect German cmi. ration into proper channels. In plain language, this will be to divert emigration from America and Australia to the German African colonies. Dr. Nanscn. the Norwegian Arctic ex plorer, will pay a visit to Privy Councilor Neumayer in Berlin in a few days, and will be entertained at a banquet by the German Geographical Society. NEW TO-DAY. r?i. fir Im ■S^l 9 \ '■ ; Beware of the Svangalls now trying to'hvpn»- tize you In o buying fake '■bargains" in clothing. No. 1 Boys' Long Pants Suits, dark plaids and plain colors, perfect fitting and .« well made, for ages 13 to 19. Our price, i 14.50. ;^': •■ : "^ Boys' Odd Long Pants, ages 13 to 19. Our price, $1.50. ■ Boys' Double-breasted Suits and Reefer Suits, ages '3; to 15, all wool, latest pat- terns. Excellent values. Our price, $3. Boys' Odd. Knee Pants, 25c ! Depot for Overcoats and Ulsters for all ages. . Low prices. ,-.-.-•, We want your Mail Orders. ■ <yN cbs fai l Oq DOCTOR SWEANY. HE HAS CURED PEOPLE ALL AROUND YOU. READ THIS LETTER GOLD BEACH, Cal., Sept. 15, 1896. DR. WEAN Y, Dear Sir: I drop you this note to let you know that I never felt better in my life as I do just at present. I sleep well, eat well, and feel well. This is all I have to tell you at pres- ent. ." Respectfully, Thousands of similar genuine and unso- licited testimonials on file at Dr. Sweany's % private office. NOTICE— No names or testimonials will be published without request from patient. All, dealings and correspondence strictly confidential. See some of these people or some of Dr. B's private testimonials at his office. He has the best testimonials on earth of cures of all diseases, especially Lost Manhood and Nervous Debility. You can be convinced. Un. F. L. OHLHiII,. EanFrancisoo,O»l. FOR MAYOR, JAMES O, PHELAM. Democratic and Son-Partisan Nominee. 4ZMRNYSI TS THE . VERY ; BEST I XX TO EXa miuj, 1 your ey»s and tit them ; to Spectacles and £t2 glasses .with Instruments of his own" invenM^r whose superiority ha* not been equaled Hy^ cess has been due to tee merits of i.v work. 7 •"*