6 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 6, 1M97 CHARLES M. SMOKTRIDQE, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES-Postage Free: Dally er.d Sunday Call, one week, by carrier.. $0.15 Daily and Sunday Call, one year, by mall — 6.00 Daily end bunday Call, six months, by mail.. 8.00 Daily and Sunday Cali,, three months by mall 1.50 Daily «nd Sunday Call, one montb, by mail.. .66 Sunday Call, one year, by mail 1-50 Vv jLtKLy Call, one year, by mail .• 1-60 BUSINESS OFFICE: 710 Market Street, San Francisco, California. Telephone Maln-1868 EDITORIAL ROOMS: 517 Clay Street. Telephone MHn-1874 BRANCH OFFICES: 527 Montgomery Btrt-et, corner Clay; open until 9:80 o'clock. 539 Hayee street; open until 9:30 o'clock. 713 Larkln street ; open unlll 9:30 o'clock. feW . corner Sixteenth and Mission streets; open until 9 o'clock. 2DIB ilission street; open nntil 9 o'clock. 116 >inth street; open until 9 o'clock. OAKLAND OFFICE: 808 Broadway. EASTERN OFFICE: Booms 31 and 32, 34 Park Row, New Tork City. DAVID M. FOLTZ, Eastern Manager. THE CALL SPEAKS FOR ALL. The Legislature starts well. There will be economy at Sacramento this lime. What has Senator Perkins done to merit a re-election? California should have a Senator who is able to speak for her. The resolutions against the funding bill will get to Washington in time to do good service. The voice with which California speak 3 in the great councils of the Nation should be an eloquent voice. All inaugural addressas make an appeal for economy, and Mayor Pheian's was in the height of fashion. Republican legislators will remember it is never advisable in politics any more than in war to make the move the enemy desires. The way to advance the prestige of Cali fornia in the Union is to put to the front men who have in them some of the vigor of the State. It is a sure thing that the favorite can didate for the Senate of the Democratic organs is not the best candidate for the Republican party. The Post . u ays, "There will be a Vacancy in the office of United States Senator from California if Mr. Perkins is re-elected," and the Post is well posted. It goes without saying the Examiner would never support a candidate for the United States Senate whose election would strengthen the Republjcan party. The Examiner may be right in saying of Perkins, "He is no* a Mugttire, for in stance, or a Bowers, when it comes to the funding bill" — but what is he then? California requires much important leg islation from the National Government, but she will never get it unless she sends a man oi Jorce and ability to ths Senate. The persistent suggestion by the Exam inerol the possible use of a ?ack at the State capital is doubt!es ; caused by a lively remembrar.ee of the Senatorial election of 1837. It must be borne in mind that one of the Senators from California i 3 a Democratic free-trader. Can the Republican protec tionists of the State afford to leava their interests in the Senate to him or to a dummy? According to the Examiner, many Demo crats in the Legislature have been "out spoken in saying they would vote for Per kins at once in case tbe pinch came on a contest." What is the meaning of that sort of fusion? No man should be sent to the United States Senate to represent the Republicans of California who emnloyed his energies in the last campaign in looking after his own personal advancement instead of the Euccess ot the party. Dr. Abbott of the Massachusetts Board of Health is quoted as saying the use of the bicycle has diminished the death rate of women in New England from pul monary diseases, but there are others who dispute the learned gentleman, and de clare he has wheels]onjthe brain. The recommendation of the Governor that charitable, educational and similar institutions should be rslieved of the tax on bequests to them is a good one. It is for the general welfare that such institu tions exist and it is absurd to tax the gifts which liberal men and women bestow upon them. The only insinuation of a corrupt use of money in this Legislature and the only assertion of a desire of any of the mem bers to obtain bribes have come from the Examiner, which is making Perkins' fight. Is any further proof needed that the in sinuations are malicious and the asser tions mere fakes? In an earnest plea for Perkins the Exam iner correspondent at Sacramento declares an inability to see why tne Southern Pa cific should oppose him, and adds "I should not thins the railroad would feel that Perkins was a man to be looked upon with intense alarm." As the Examiner :s tne personal organ of Perkins in the con test this bid for railroad support is "signifi cant. The Examiner published yesterday un der scare heads a long ana lurid story of a direful mystery and tragedy at Anderson. The same story was sent to The Call, but by our correspondent was investigated and found to be a hoax. The Examiner, of course, never investigated. It spends so much time and money on fakes it has neither for use in getting legitimate news and getting it right. While Senator Perkins and his political manager were haunting the hallways ana anterooms of county conventions, self ishly intruding Mr. Perkins' personal in terest and ambition to succeed himself into the campaign, Samuel M. Shortridge was traveling throughout California, elo quently, ably and unselfishly fighting for the success of the National ticket and for the election of a Republican Legislature, which would alone make possible the choice of a Republican Senator. Which of these gentlemen was engaged In the most laudable effort, and which has thereby shown himself most worthy of its reward? THE DUTY OF DELIBERATION. The Republican members of the Legislature should not allow themselves to be unduly hastened in their choice of a Senator, nor to be misled from their duty of deliberation by any tactics^hich those who rely tor victory upon other things than merit may sees to employ. The statutes cf the United States wisely provide for an intermission of more than a week between the date of organization and the time when the real work of choosing a Senator shall begin, and they further require that when begun the procedure shall mo*e slowly. The evident reason lor this delay is to promote that careful canvassing of the merits of candidates which should result in the selection of the one most emi nently qualified for the place. This wise purpose of the Federal laws should not be argued away by any such nonsense as ante-campaign and ex parte instructions, nor set aside by the dragooning plan of a caucus of less than a majority of the Legislature. The time has come in California when such schemes for compelling the selection of the less able candidate should be frowned upon by every legislator who takes pride in the exercise of his own independent judgment in the choice of the ablest man. The lime has also arrived when California should be represented at Washington by brains instead of moneybags; by an orator and statesman rather than by a million-' aire; by a man of ideas and eloquence in the place of a -possessor of dollars and cor porate coupons; by a gentleman of independent mind, of broad culture, of exact and eloquent expression, aud of far-seeing views of the power and future of our splendid State, instead of one whose claims to preference are founded upon fortunate invest ments in lands, or mines, or ships, or stocks. The Republican members of the Legis lature should give careful thought to these things in determining what quality of man they will honor with their support. The friends of Samuel M. Shortridge have based his claims to preference upon merit alone, and if the merit of a candidate is to be the measure of his success Mr. Shortridge will surely win. There is no citizen of California to-day who has greater abilities than he for the diversified duties of a Senator. He has youth, with all its energies, its ambition, its ardent and untiring effort to attain the honors and suc cesses of life. He has a personal presence which attracts, and a magnetism of manner which retains the regard and respect of men. He is an orator of National reputation, a lawyer of widely recognized ability, and in politics he has been for years considered and consulted as one of the foremost leaders of the Repub lican party. Above all, he is a true son of California in his education, his interests and his sympathies. As a boy he worked in its mines; as a youth he lived amid the farms and orchards of its fertile valleys, and exhausted all the learning of its public schools. As a young man he was a public school teacher, and later again a student in its college of law. His manhood has been devoted to the labors of his profession, varied only by his unselfish loyalty and willing and distinguished service to the Republi can party in councils, conventions and campaigns. In all of these capacities he has schooled himself to a most intimate knowledge of the resources, the rights and the needs of California until tc-day there is no one among her citizens who is superior in ability to represent in the Senate the claims of California to favorable legislation and to a place of influence aud honor amon^ her sister States. With such a candidate for Senator defore the Legislature, asking only an honest and deliberate expression of their untrammeled preference, its Republican members cannot afford to be hasty in their action nor to be enticed into caucuses or alliances which would in any way impede or prevent their choice for Senator of the candidate most clearly and eminently qualified for the place. WHAT do the Republican member* of the legislature think of the San Francisco I\ \T»i>i:i6"S reiterated in. suit to them and each of them in its daily suggestion ol* a "sack" at the Capital and of the likelihood that blackmail aud bribery will go liand in li:intl determining their choice of a Senator? THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. The first biennial message of Governor Budd is long enouph to form a fair-sized volume, aud probably will lie read only by those who have largo leisure or else take great interest in public affairs. Neverthe less it is well worth the reading of every citizen, inasmuch as it gives a fairly com plete review of the conditions of our polit ical institutions, and recommends reme dies where defects or evils have been preven by experience to exist. The Governor devotes the fir?t and most important part of ii is message to consider ations of economy. He says: "I turn from the natural advantages bestowed upon us to contemplate with regret the political conditions with which we have surrounded ourselves." He then pro ceeds to elaborate upon the extravagance and waste current in several departments of the State government, and on tiiis sub ject makes many recommendations which will be cordially supported by the people. The State Board of Examiners is said to have found official salaries and wages for the same service exceedingly dispropor tionate, the number of employes excessive, alack of uniformity in the system of keep ing books, and that attendants in the various asylums vary Rroatly in the ratio to the inmates thereof. To remedy these and kindred evils, the Governor recom mends the appointment of a central body with power to prescribe tbe number of employes and their compensation, and also to have a general business supervision of the affairs of the institutions of the State. The Governor points with satisfaction to the saving which has been made by economies introduced during his term of office. He estimates that by the transfer of the "Viticultural Commission to the university, the removai of the office of the Board of Horticulture to Sacramento and the veto of appropriations for district fairs, and by the repeal of the acts grant ing aid to aged indigents and paying bounties for coyote scalps, $1,239,451 has been saved; and adds that "including the veto of the appropriations for district agricultural societies, 1 felt constrained to disapprove of over $1,000,003 of appropria tion bills." It is calculated that if the appropria tions for purposes other than the regular running expenses of the government be kept within reasonable bounds the condi tion of the treasury is such that within the next two fiscal years, on the present valuation of property, the tax rate will be less than 3S cents for $100. and if the grad uated corporation income tax and the excise license tax raise $1. 500, 000 between them for State purposes the people of the State will be compelled to pay less than 26 cents on the $100 valuation of property. To emphasize this point the Governor adds: "The Legislature that accomplishes this good end will stand out as the greatest our State has ever had." In the way of constitutional amend ments the Governor declares that legis lative terms of sixty days are too short for the work of the State, and recommends an amendment extending the term to not exceeding 100 days and prohibiting the introduction of bills in either body after the first thirty day 3 except in caae3 of urgency. The Governor's term, it is recommended, snould commence on the first Monday of July succeeding hi 3 elec tion, the Legislature to meet in the Janu ary following, so that each Governor will have more time at the beginning of his term to devote to State affairs and the Legislature amnle leisure in which to make a study of State institutions, con sider recommendations and formulate needed laws. The message as a whole deserves com mendation. It is not probable that all ths recommendations will be adopted, but it is evident that the Governor has given a careful consideration to all our State in stitutions and has labored earnestly to promote economy and nood government. It is clear that this Legislature means to practice economy as well as to talk about it, and as a consequence it will be ranked among the best in the history of the State. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1897. MAYOR PHELAN'S ADDRESS. The inaugural address of Mayor Phelan is a plea for economy, a review of some of the departments of our municipal govern ment in winch waste exists, and an out line of a policy by which these was:es may be largely counteracted and the de sired economy obtained.. The Mayor points out that a new spirit lis awake in San Francisco. As he says: "The rise of improvement clubs, the dis cussion of a new charter and the imposi tion of an excessive tax have brought the forces of good government to the front to j make a battle for better, more progressive and more widely economical administra tion of municipal affairs." He reminds the Supervisors: "The people have ex pressed confidence in your willingness and ability to undertake this task, and they place their reliance in your integrity and honor." These words we trust will have due weight with the Supervisors and that they will cordially co-operate with the Mayor in establishing a business-like administration of the affairs of the City. Mayor Phelan is careful to point out that economy does not mean' parsimony. The people desire the public revenue to bo prudently expended, but they also desire the accomplishment of -long - needed ! municipal improvements. High taxation i in the past has been due moie to waste I and extravagance than to anything else, | and it is quite possible for the new City government to provide for economy and progress at the same time. The review given by the Mayor of the places where waste of public money is ! carried on is a repetition of an old story thoroughly familiar to the people. He has not covered the whole of this subject, Dut what he has said is clear and em phatic. Moreover he promises to call the attention of the Supervisors at some time } to other departments which are extrava gantly conducted, and therefore we may expect of him in the end a complete an alysis of this evil iv our municipal admin istration. After dealing with some of the more im portant features of our municipal life, such as tin water and lighting supply, the school department, streets and high ways, railway franchises and the health department, the Mayor returns again to the importance of economy. In conclu sion he says: The watchword of our administration must then be, and the sentiment involves no incon sistency, enlightened economy and municipal progress. San Franclsoo, by reason of Its loca tion, is one of the great cities of the world, and it snould also, with its natural advan tages, be one of tbe most attractive and pros perous cities. I trust that you will dedicate your labors to realization of these ends. On the policy thus outlined, the Mayor will have the cordial approval of tbe people of San Francisco. Progress and economy are watchwords which euit the new opportunities that are opening in our city. We must go forward and our going will be dependent upon the sagacity of those who have been entrusted with charge of our municipal affairs. Mayor I'helan will have the general support of his feliow-citizens in the work he has out lined and a cordial co-operation to assist him in making his administration a credit to himself and a benefit to the munici- pality. THE INHERITANCE TAX. Among the features of the Governor's message which deserve special considera tion is that referring to the tax on col lateral inheritances, so far as it affects charitable, educational, eleemosynary and like institutions. The Governor recom mends that the tax on bequests to these bodies hould be abolished and the recom mendation is certainly deserving of adop tion by the Legislature. As tne Governor says: "While it is complained that the amount expended by the State for the care of orphans, etc., continues to increase with alarming rapid ity, and some safeguard must be thrown around this law if we are to keep within the bounds of reasonable economy, I hope you will not be aeterrcd thereby from in cluding these classes and tie institutions devoted to their care in the exemption." As an evidence of the benefit to be gained by exempting charitable institu tions from the tax on collateral inherit ance it may be pointed out that on the bequests made by the late Senator Fair there would-be saved $2500 to the Protest ant orphan asylums, $2500 to Catholic or phan asylums and $1250 to the Hebrew orphan asylums of this City. These sums woald be of comparatively little value to the State, but would aid those charitable institutions largely in their good work and would help to educate children to be come useful citizens of the common wealth. A The subject hardly needs argument. It is plain even to the unreflecting that the State can gain nothing from taxing such institutions and weakening their benefits to those who need help. A tax upon charity and education is literally a tax upon the children and the poor of the commonwealth who have no money of their own and no relatives or friends to help them. What is taken from them must be made up either by State aid or by the liberality of generous men and women. There can be therefore no profit to the State from such a tax, and the sooner such institutions are relieved from the operation of the present law the better it will be for all. AUDACITY ASD INSULT. The San Francisco Examiner, which has either made itself or lias been made the organ of Senator Perkins, and the arrogant advocate of his re-election, has furnished the Republicans of California with food for serious thought. Is it among the possibilities that this Isumaelite arotfng newspapers, this outcast in journalism which has so lately been publicly scourged and pil loried for offenses against truth and de cency which only a shameless pander among publications would dare to at tempt, can have any favorable influence upon the choice of a Senator by a Repub lican Legislature? Is it a thing to be per mitted that the newspaper which, as the organ of the fusionists during the recent campaign, spewed its venom at the leaders and candidates of the Republican party, and especially endeavored to defeat its nominees to the Legislature, should now dictate to the very men whom it libeled and maligned and vilified which way their duty lies? If we mistake not the character and temper of the Republican members of tue Legislature, they will regard the Examin er's support of Mr. Perkins as a disaster to his hope ana a most convincing reason for his defeat. EX-PARTE INSTEUCTIONS. Tho San Francisco Examiner and other supporters of Senator Perkins are insist ing with great vehemence upon the bind ing force upon members of the Legislature of the indorsements which were given to Senator Perkins by some county conven tions at the beginning of the recent cam paign. They declare these indorsements are of such force that no legislator can vote for any other man for United States Senator without being guilty of something like party treason, and assert that Senator Perkins has a lien upon the senatorship which no man in the State has a right to dispute. Claims of this kind will hardly have any weight with men of intelligence. No man can assert that the senatorship is his property without a degree of arro gance and assumption which will be offensive to every legislator, who has a rightful sense of his own dignity or the responsibilities of his office. The indorse ments given to Senator Perkins are not in any sense binding upon a legislator. The conventions which gave them were not chosen for the purpose of electing a United States Senator, and therefore had no authority to bind those who are charged with that duty under the law. It is easy to see how Senator Perkins obtained such indorsements as were given to him. The contest before the Republi cans of the State in the last campaign was a most difficult and arduous one. The fusion winch had been brought about be tween silver Republican^ Democrats and Populists threatened to subvert the Re publican forces in the State and to carry California for Bryan. Under those cir cumstances every patriotic member of the Republican party laid aside all thought of personal advantage or ambition, and strove earnestly for the success of the party without consideration of seltish in- teresls. Those who were less loyal had therefore a free field for tne display of tbeir personal ambitions and easily se cured indorsements. It was well known to the abler leaders of the Republican party that if a contest arose over the senatorsuip which would divide and carry dissensions into the rank and tile the party would be hope lessly beaten. They therefore stood aside from such a contest and sought only to make sure of a victory for McKinley elec tors and a Republican Legislature. There was but one Republican in the State who intruded his personal ambitions into the contest and subordinated ttie party to himself. He had a clear field for the ex ercise of his talents in gaining indorse ments, and it is not to be wondered that when no rival appeared he should have succeeded in deriving something of personal advantage from inconsiderate county conventions. Indorsements given in this way are purely "ex parte." They result from the hearing of one side only. The Republican leaders who earnestly desired the success of their party did not care to combat this demonstration of selfishness, as they feared the contest would be moro disas trous than the selfishness itself. In their high regard for public welfare and the interests of genuine Republicanism they avoided this danger of party dissension and acted in such a way as to bring about the victory which was accomplished. Unaer the constitution the Legislature of the State is charged with the responsi bility of choosing the representative of the State in the United States Senate. Loyal Republicans did not endeavor to forestall the action of the Legislature nor to de prive the members of that body of the rights which their duty under the consti tution gives them. It is the right of a legislator to act freely in accordance with the dictates of his judgment and his con science in the selection of a Senator, and no legislator can surrender tnat right without sacrifice not only of his personal dignity but dl his official responsibility. THE USUAL INCONSISTENCY. The New York Journal in its issue of somewhat more than a week ago con tained an article upon Senator Perkins, accompanied with a caricature wherein he was held up to contempt and ridicule as a sort of unctuous nonentity, a make believe statesman and a laughing stock among the lawmakers at Washington. The issue of the Journal containing the article had just abou^ time to reach Cali fornia when Mr. Hearst's local organ en tered upon an advocacy of Mr. Perkins' re-election to the Senate with a fulsome ness of flattery ana a dejrree of partisanship as audacious as it was unexpected, even in a newspaper of the Examiner's well-known aptitude for the extreme. A comparison of these op posing views of Mr. Hearst's two news papers suggests the idea that the Exam iner is supporting Mr. Perkins in order that the New York Journal may have a suitable target in the event of his election. This is not, however, the only thing of which the Examiner's editorial support of Mr. Perkins is strongly suggestive. At the close of his long message Gov ernor Budd says "Some of our depart ments I have not touched on." This may be a hint that the document is to be a serial story. PERKINS San .Francisco Post. Many good men in this State who are aware of the fact that Senator Georae C. Perkins is not our greatest or our wisest Republican are in favor of abandoning the contest against him at Sacramento on the ground that several legislators have been pledged to vote for him and no one ran against him in the late canvass. The Post ia in favor of electing Senators by popular vote. Four years ago it visorously agi tated their nomination by State conven tions. We believe that as a result of that agitation Mr. Perkins went to the county conventions of the State, made his claim-* and secured a sufficient number of votes to defeat M. H. de Young, the so-calied "railroad candidate."' But nevertheless we are not in favor of abandoning the fight against Mr. Perkins because tie has succeeded in pledging a sufficient number of members to control the caucos at Sacramento. Our principal reason is that we think the State has had enough of Mr. Perkins. He has served us now about three years. That is as long as we could stand him in the Governor's office, and there is no good reason why the 1 Republican party should inflict him upon us for six years longer in the United States Senate. There are fifty Republicans available who are wiser and abler and who can do more for their party in the Senate than he. Senator Perkins is a follower, not a leader. Personally he is liked and, having risen from cabin-boy on a clipper to the proud station of a steamship millionaire, he is naturally admired by plain prople. But in all his* public career he has never said anything or done anything that will outlast his generation. The Republican party has men who are intellectually his superiors aud who, if elected to the Sen ate, woald Jeave a mark behind them. There will be a vacancy in the office of United States Senator from California if Mr. Perkins is re-elected. AROUND THE CORRIDORS. C. B. Bratnober, an extensive dealer at Waterloo, lowa, in all kinds of lumber, is at the Occidental, accompanied by Mrs. Brat nober. They have for some time been at Tacoma and Seattle, where Mr. Bratnober has been going for several years in the Interest of his patrons. He deals largely in white and yellow pine and red ceaar, but in fact handles nearly everything in the lumber trade. "The lumber market is pretty quiet, and I do not think there will be an immediate rise C. P. Bratnober, tlie Heavy DeaJer in Pacific Coast Lumber. [Sketched from life by a "Call" artist] in prices," he said; "there is not enough activity any where to warrant It. Everybody in the East, at present, as in some places on this coast, is living on hopes. "My interests on Puget Sound relate purely to the lumber product. I am not interested in timber lands there, nor are my associates." Mr. Bratnober is en route to Los Angeles for a short Visit He is a nephew of Mr. Bratnober, the wealthy mining man of this City, who sold the noted Harqua Hala gold mine to British capitalists two or three years ago. NEWSPAPER PLEASANTRY. First Kid— l had a nicer tine 'n you on Chrismus. Second Kid— Bet yer didn't. I'm sick yet.— Philadelphia North American. Johnson— l've just seen the meanest man on earth. Thompson— You don't tell me. Who is he? Johnson— Old Skinner. He gave his boy a snow-snovel lor a Christmas present.—Cleve land Leader. Wife— Here's a message from the next door neighbor, John. John— What is it? Wife— He says if you'll spirit away our Tom my's Christmas horn he'll hide his Willies drum on the roof.— Philadelphia North Amer ican. , It is not putting things in the right place that bothers a man so much us finding the right place after he has put things in It.—Lon don Tit-Bits. "A poet never writes for money, sir," assert ed the long-haired mau, oracularly. "What does he write for?" asked the younsj business man. "For tame— for posterity." "But I have seen some of your poems in the magp.zlneß." "Oh, yes," replied the long-haired man, carelessly. "Of course we have to accept wins editors insist upon paying us for the privilege NEW TO-DAT. ?m \9- CHAN DON Ay K^^fl^ i\u£llimm WHITE SEAL (grand cuvee>, Ccl e brated 1889 vintage, unsurpassed in quality, dryness and flavor, now being Intro- duced for the first time by us on the Pacific Coast. BRUT IMPERIAL, A natural dry wine. Stands pre-eminent among all Brut Champagnes.' ■ We beg to announce that we have assumed the agency for the above brands shipped to this country by the famous house of MESSRS. MOET CHANDON. EPERNAY, Proprietors of the most extensive vineyards and the largest shippers of Champagne in the world. , The attention of connoisseurs is respectfully invited to these brands of fine Champagne. ?.,. For sale at all leading establishments. - . i ..,.■. ...- ,i. ■: r , WILLIAM WOLFF & CO., 329 Market St. I of conveying our work to ; posterity."— Traveler. — - ■ - \ , Dobson-There goes a man who made his fortune by true grit. Hobson— did he manage it. Dobson— Started a ; sandpaper factory.-New York Advertiser. - _ , . In summing up the military resources of Texas we find that this great State ; can in an emergency be depended upon for 9b04 , gen erals of the different grades, 317,414 colonels. 73,001 lieutenants, colonels, majors, captains and minoi officers, to say nothing of 117 pri vates.— Dallas News. PERSONAL. Al Griffin of Fresno is In town. William H. Furlong of Gilroy is registered here. Dr. H. J. Fulton of Portland Is at the Grand. C. H. Remington of the Lick Paper-mills is in town. J. B. de Jarnatt, an attorney of Colusa, is at the Grand. JohD C. F. Randolph of New York arrived here last night. E. E. Bush, a real estate dealer of Hanford, arrived here yesterday. A. C. Hamilton, the mining man of Vir ginia City, is at the Palace. John Thomann, owner of a large vineyard near St. Helena, is>n the City. Lyman M. Parker and N. J. Armstrong, both of La Mesa, Cal., are at the Lick. M. L. Kelevy of Boston, Ma?B., is at the Occi dental, accompanied Dy his wife. O. R. Runyon, the wealthy resident of Court) and, is a recent arrival here. W. R. Macmardo and J. L. Depouli of Kern County are among the visitors here. General N. P. Chipman of Red Bluff arrived here yesterday. Ho is at the Palace. John Poole, a ship- builder of Seattle, ar rived here yesterday, ana is at the Russ. Tom T. Lane, the superintendent of the Utica gold mine at Angels Camp, is in the City. E. F. Benson, a business man Ot North Yakhna, is here, accompanied by his wife. F. F. Paget, a business man of Victorin, B. C, is among the arrivals at the Occidental. J. Wells Smith, the widely known mining man of Denver, is among the arrivals at the Palace. R. J. MaybeU, a wealthy business man of St. Paul, is at the Grand, accompanied by Mrs. Maybell. Fred Cox, the millionaire banker of Sacra mento, is visiting the City. He is here on a business trip. Major H. P. Egbert of Philadelphia, father of Horace Egbert the local newspaper man, is here to remain a few weeks. /!. Soutt of St. Petersburg and Arthur Savage Utica, N. V., were among last night's arriv als. They are at the Occidental. Among the arrivals here yesterday was Howard A. Harris, editor and proprietor of the Fowler Ensign. He is at the Russ. I. N. Pevton, one of the owners of the famous Le Roi mine, reputed to be the best at Ross land, B. C, was among last night's arrivals. Captain F. E. Mathieson has been appointed to eucceed Pilot Jones, who disappeared two months ago. He is the son-in-law of Jones. Lionel A. Sheldon, the ex-Governor of New Mexico, who has for some years been living at Pasadena, is among the arrivals at the Grand. Mrs. S. L. Lee of Carson is in the City, ac companied by her youngest son, who is con templating a college career at Stanford Uni versity. The Rev. Dr. William 3, who has been the pastor of Plymouth Second Congregational Church for six years, has announced that he will resign on March 1. H. F. Martin, a cattle-raiser and owner of a large ranch near Montague, Northern Cali fornia, arrived here yesterday, bringing sev eral cars of cattle for this market. CALIFORNIANS IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, N. V., Jan. s.— At the Windsor, B. A.Evans; Hoffman, R. Mitchell and G. H. Redding; Belvidere, W. O. Butler and L. Briet myer. Harry Francis ieft tn,e Windsor to sail on the steamship Campania. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Bets— M., Stockton, Cal. The answer to X. N., this city, "Election bets," in The Call of January 5 is an answer to your question. For Cl'BA— A., Sisson, Siskiyou County, Cal. If you are anxious to enlist in the cause of Cuba you can obtain all the information you desire by communicating by letter with Colonel Francis Nelson, llljj West Third street, Los Angeles, Cal. Snow in February— t. M. G., City. Snow fell in San Francisco on the sth of February, 1887. In the central portion the depth was about 3.6 inches and in the Western Addition about seven inches. Finding a Certificate— J. T., Oakland, Cal. If A should find a certificate of stock on the street and some person not the owner of it should ascertain the number and other par ticulars and then claim it as his, and receive it, tbat individual would be liable to arrest and prosecution for obtaining property by means of false representations. Ten-cent Fakes— H. H. W., City. It was on the Ist of October, 1893, that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company reduced the fare between San Francisco and Oakland to 10 cents. It was on the sth of July preceeding that the Rosalie of the Davle opposition terry carried passengers between the two points named for 5 cents each way. The German Bank— S., City. The report of the BanJi Commissioners for the year 1896 gives the following as the financial condition of the German Savings and Loan Society ot San Francisco at the close of business on the 31st day of July,' 1806: Resources— Bank premise?. $175,031 8.0; real estate taken for debt, $589,353 y6; United States bonds, $2, --175.000; miscellaneous bonds and stocks, $3 299.243 90; loans on real estate, $23,578, --200 02; loans on stocks, bonds nnd warrants, $816,500; money on hand. $632,750 30;checK8 and other cash items, $12.25170; furniture and fixtures:, $1000; expenses, $(Jti39 09; other assets, $1810; total, $31,236,058 01. Liabili ties-Capital paid in coin, $1,000,000: reserve fund, $750, 000; continpent fund, $5/. 891 -<>; due a posiiors. (f29.174.293 99; dividends un paid,sl2,Sls; State, ciiv and county taxes not vet payable, $169,749 72; interest, $121, --308 04. Liabilities, 5r:U.286,05S 01. Cave-dwellers— Philomath, Philo, Mendc cino County. Cal. "Cave-dwellers" is a term applied in European archteology to a popula tion inhabiting cartain portions of Western Europe! n the palaeolithic period of the stone age and by extension to similar populations in other localities. The most characteristic caves have been discovered in Southern Belgium along the valley of the river Meuse and in the valley of the Vtzere of the Dordogne. in Southwestern France. In ISOO much atten tion was directed to a cave explored near Aurigtiae, in Southern France, by Lartet, wno was nmoug the first to define clearly the hab its of this ancient population. In England there is the Cavern of Kent &ud others iv Devonshire, and there are some in Clyde, Wales. Switzerland and Spain. "Here's Youb Mui.k"— F. M. ( City. The following is given as the origin of the cry "Here's your mule," that was popular in the Confederate army during the War of the Re bellion: In the fall of 1861, after the battle of Mauassa. 5 , a farmer came one day into Beau regard's camp near Centerville in search of a stray mule. Some of the boys swore that they had seen the mule in the camp of aa other division, half a mile away, but hardly had the old farmer started when they shouted : "Come back, Mister; here's your mule!" He turned to retrace his steps. Immediately the other camp, knowing only that some fun was on loot, cried out: ".Mister, they uns lyin' to you uns. We uns have got you uns' mule"— a travesty on the dialect of the troops from the North Carolina Mountains. As he turned in that direction he was hailed from »till an other camp with "No, they haven't; here's your mule." And so the whole army joined in and had the bewildered countryman thane ing his course as the cry came from quarter 10 quarter, "Here's your mule." The phrase "caught on" after the Incidents of its origin were forgotten, and was everywhere rapeated upon all sorts of occ»sions. One thing that helped to make it popular was that it formed the refrain of a parody on "My Maryland" satirizing the supposed disposition of some vi the Maryland reingees to seek "shade" offices rather than field duty. California glace fruits, 50c lb. Townsend'*.' Special information daily to manufacturers, business houses and public men by the Pres* Clipping Bureau (Allen's), 510 Montgomery.'* "Just thirty years ago to-day," said the old soldier, "the top of my head was grazed by a bullet." "There isn't much grazing there now, is there, grandpa?" was the comment ot the yountrest grandchild, and as the old gentle man rubbea his bare poll he had to admit the correctness of the assertion.— lndianapolis Journal. Phillips' Kock JUlaud Excursions X gomary street, h*n Francisco. "Mrs. Wimlow's (soothing: Syrup" Has heen nspd over fifty years by millions o? mothers tor their children while Teething with per fect success. It soothes the child, softens thegams. allays Pain, cures Wind Colic regulates toe Bow-!* and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea*, whether aris ing irom teeih Ing or other causes, .For sale by drug gists lv every part of the world. Be sure and a<< lor Airs. \\ iusiow's Soothing Syrup. 25c a bof.la. Cobona to.— Atmosphere" Is perfactly dry, sott snd mild, being entirely free from the mlati co-n --mon further north. i:ound-trip tickets, by steam ship, including iiftecn days' board at the Hotel Coronado, $65: longer stay $2 60 per day. Appiy 4>iew Montgomery st., £an Francisco. With a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral (the unrivaled cough cure) and Ayer's Almanac (the best calendar), we wish yon a happy New Year. "Well, my son, now that you have been ad mitted to the bar I hope you will select a specialty. This is the nge of specialization of talent and a general practice rarely leads to the top of the ladder." "Oh, I've chosen my line already, father." "What is it?" ; ■ "Alibis and expert perjury."— Chicago Jour nil. r ,- *t-- r -»'.-.: r-■ V-: 1 ; : . :- . .-i t - ." NEW TO-DAY. One reason why Scott's Emulsion cures weak throats weak lungs, makes rich blood, and strengthens puny and delicate children is be- cause all its parts are mixed in so scientific a manner that the feeblest digestion can deal with it. This experi- ence has only come by doing one thing for nearly 25 years. This means, purest in- gredents, most evenly and delicately mixed, best adapted for those whose strength has failed or whose digestion would repel an uneven pro- duct. For wle b >' all druggist* at - 10c. and %v 50T1CE UYITHOJiEUED PROPOSILS For the Purpose of Sale of Bonds of the City of San Jose. THK MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OP -I theCi.y of San Jose, having* by ordinance en- titled "An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of >an Jose." etc., i passed oa tae '21st day uf December, 1896, and i approved on the 23d day of December, 1896, ordained that there should be issued by sui.l city of Ban Jose six hundred hlgii school bu!ldi:i«r bonds, of the der.omlnatlon of $125 each, aud four hundred sewer bonds or the denomination of $100 each, both classes of bonds to bear interest at the ratu of 4X>U |tr cent Der atintim. payable semi- annually, and a year thereafter, both principal and interest payable in goid coin or lawful money of rue United States . -■ ~.• r £aidhlgh school building bonds shall be num- bered consecutively from one to six hundred, both inclusive, and be divided into forty series, num- bered consetutivel/ irom one to forty, both lii- clusive, each series consisting of fifteen bond<; the first series is to include those bonds which are numbered from one to fifteen, both inclusive, and each succeeding series is to include the fifteen bonds numoered- consecutively after those in- - eluded in itie next preceding sTies. - ftsa«a«nwpfg in Said sewer bonds ' shall be numbered consecu- tively from ona to ■ four, hundred, b>>th inclusive, and b ■ divided into . forty series , numbered '"ou- secutlvely rrom one to forty, both inclusive each series consisting of ten bonds; the first aeries is to inc.ude thos>- bonds which are. numbered from one to ten, both inclusive, and each succeeding series. is to include the ten bonds numbered con- secutively after those lucludud in the next pre- ceding series- ' - ■■ • ■ •v The first series of said high : school building bonds and saicl sewer bonds sh-ill be made payable on ihe first