Newspaper Page Text
FINISHED LAST OF HIS FIELD Fates Unkind to Ben Brush in the Brighton Cup. The Friar Made the Running and Beat Sunny Slope a Nose. One More for Hamburg — Fylng Dutchman Too Much for Sir Walter at Saratoga. BRIGHTON BEACH, N. V., Aug. 22.— That uncertain quantity, The Friar, was again in evidence in the Brighton cud over two and a quarter miles, with but three starters fating the issue. Ben Brush, packing 130 pounds, was installed a warm lavorite and proved the whipper in. The Friar made all the running and at the end only downed Sunny Slope, which came with a rush, the scantest of heads in 3:56J^. In the Electric handicap at six furlongs for two-year-olds Hamburg shouldered his 132 pounds and won in romping fashion in I:l4'^ In all three choices captured purses. The truck was in hue condition. Six furlongs, selling— Bannock 100 (Hlrsch), 5 to 1 l Rotterdam 100 (Maher), 6 to 1 2 »KitigMeneilk 103 (H. Martin). _ to 1 3 Time, 1:1454. La Saye^e 90. C'sstleton 109. Hamilton II lu9. Pearl son;: li»9. Waterman 106, Dye 106. Jeannette H 104, Minnie aii honse 95, samovar 10 3, Musician 100, leu Spot 97 also ran •Favorite. Six furlong*., seUinj, two-year-olds— I •Warren ton 112 (Sloan), even l! hair Pin 112 (Sims), 3 to 1 '-' j Isen 107 (H. Martin), 8 to 1 3 lime. 1:1584. Pongus 110, St. Ives 110. Pocket | Book 110, Longacre 110, sallust 109, Florence | Beat}- 107, The Hipper 105 and Tinkler 102 abo I tad. •Favorite. I One and a sixteenth miies. sellinrr— ■Arbuckler" 1 10 (Sloan), '1 io 1 1 •Parmesan 110 (Sherrer), 8 to 5 2 Tyrant 1 jO (H. Lewis), 1 . to 1 3 rime, " :4US'i Summer Sea 110, Nay Nay 110, Loch Ulynn 105 and .\n-o i L 110 also ran. 'Fa vorite. Electric handicap, two-ye.-r-o'ds, six furlongs— •Hamburg 132 (Sims), 1 to 5 1 Handball I'JO (Sloan), 6 to 1 2 first trull »8 (Mabez). 30 to 1 3 Time. 1:1414- Don't. Care 105 and Irohman 118 also ran. "-Favorite. The Brighton cup. two ad a quarter miles— The Friar 115 (Littlefield), 5 to 2 1 Sunny Slope 110 (H. Lewis), 8 to 1 2 Ben Brush ISO (Mr. s), 1 to 3 3 Time, 3:56"/ 2 . Three starters. Pink Coat steeplechase, gentleman riders, full course — D.capod 155 (Tyson). 1 to 3 1 Trie 160 (.Nichols), 5 to 2 2 Time, 5:49. Two starters. SARATOGA. N. V., Aug. 22 —The Silen cer handicap furnished but two starters, _■' ving Dutchman, and game old Sir Walter. The "Dutchman" with Willie Martin up was an odds-on choice ana ex perienced no difficulty in winnin . Two other choices succeeded in winning brackets. Five furlongs, maiden two-year-olds .erelll lV2(McCaff-rty), ft to 2 .• 1 *.nverary LI 122 (Tarsi ). -to 1 2 •Chalmers 122 (W. Martin), 2 10 1 8 Time, 1:04. Lindlay "uurrajr 122, Navlculine 1.9 aud Spanish Princess 119 also ran. "Kqua 1 ..ices. One mile— •First .Male 126 (Taral). 1 to 6. 1 1.0. ejii, 104 (Irving). 10 to 1 _ bun r 123 (Clayton), 4 to 1 3 lime, 1:4514. Carib 116 also ran. *tavorlte. Six tarlonts, selling, three-year-oldi — 'Kinnlklnnlc 106 (Hennessy), even 1 »>e. Fast 101 (Carrlgan), even 2 Bbelnstrom 100 (Beauchamp), 8 to 1 3 Time, l:lsVi- Break u'Day 91 also ran. *Kqual ices. spencer handicap, one mile and a quarter— Flying Dutchman 123 (W. Martin), 1 to 2 1 Sir \*t alter lift floral), 8 to 5 2 lime, 3:10. Two starters. TheGetawav, five furongs — Hugh Penny 113 (He ff), 6 to 5 1 cci Fast 102 (Hewitt), .> to i 2 •Hi h Jinks 93 (Br-nale), even 3 Time, l-Ol 1 ,?. Purple Jacket 102 also ran. •Favorite. steeplechase, about two and a half miles— Lion Heart 160 ( Hamilton), 2 to 1 1 Sai-onara 146 (rtunlap*) 2 to 1 2 Koyal -rarlet 168 (English), 6 to 5 3 •Coupled with trillion. Time, i.:o9' ■_. 1 rill i n 168 also ran. ST. LOUIS, Mo, Aug. 22.— The crack youngster, Ettholin, was an edds-on choice for the Ozark stake, and had a close call, just managing to down Libation a nose, Favorites took all but one event. Seven furlongs, selling- High Noon 102 (Peterman), 4 to 1 1 •Little Billee 104 (Hall), 2 to 1 _ ] Bridge ton 94 (Combs). 4 to 1 3 j lime, 1:29*/4- Virginia M 82. Hatio Belle 92, : Judge Debouse 94, "Helen H. Gardner 102 and ! Karl Coot ran 114 also ran. 'Equal choices. One and a sixteenth miles, selling— •Madeline 109 (FreemaD), 1 to 2.... 1 May Gallop 10. (Peterman), 5 to 2 ..'"'. iruxillo 101 (Farr), 6 to 1 3 Time, 1:18. Koyal Choice 102 also ran. •Fa vorite, Six furlongs, selling— •Horseshoe Tobacco 97 (Gllmore), 4 to 5 1 Bridget, 96 (Peterman), 3 to 1 2 Nicholas 98 (Slaughter), 5 to 1 3 Time, 1:14. Astorei 96, Nick Carter 103 and Tricky Jim 107 also ran. *Favorite. Ozark stakes, six furlongs, two-year-olds— •Kit holla 121 (Garner), 1 to 2 1 Libation 1 18 (Foucon). 4to 1 '_ Sir Kola 113 (Slaughter), 10 to 1 ■'"._ Time, 1:16. Colonel Bramble 108, Fquliome 108 and Dave Waldo 113 also ran. "Favor, six furlongs— •Harry Duke 107 (Combs), 4 to 5.... 1 La ii rea c 95 (Gllmore), 5 to 1 , _ Eva Rice 77 (J. Woods, 7 to 5 8 Time, 1:13 V*!. Don logo 77. Bonnie lone 77, Mabel Ml, Organ Pilot 90 and Mlsj Verne &8 also ran. »Favorltee. One mile, sellinc— •Jane 101 (Uarner), 4 to 5 1 .•.r.lath 102 (■•eldy). 3 to 1 2 Dickßrehan 108 (Webster). 8 to 1 a Time, 1:413/4. Courtesy 93 and bquire G 100 also ran. *.i-'i»vorite. BUTTE. Mont Aug. 2L— After four ' weeks of racing in Butte the attendance shows that the snort is as popular as ever. The original piogramme called for five weeks' racing in this city, but it has been decided to give an extra week or two, for non-winners only. The races to-day were interesting. The spoils went mainly to I outsiders. Tom Keating's fill y. Imp. | Devil's Dream, won the Yellowstone I hand. cap, Keating bought her from j Maicti-s Daly a short time ago. The j weather was fine and the track fast. Pacing, 2:17 class, two in three, pursessoo, Jib won, Black Cloud and Best-ie Rankin di vided second ana third money. Bist time, 2:14"^. Five and a half furlongs, handicap, purse £350, Salmern won, Pnleiiurni second. Negli gence third. Time. 1:10. Six furlongs, selling, purse $300, Polish won, Bi 1 Howard second. Colonel third. Time, 1:11%. t 0 i- wile, the Yellowstone handicap, value $1000, Imp. Devil's Dream won, Jim B >ck burn second, Cherry Leal third. me, I:43'^. Six furlongs, sellin.-, purse $350. D ra.i Wood won, Vltrltiga second, Fortunate third. Time. 1:15^. Six fur.o.ig-., selling, purse $300, Dixie Land won, Joe Cotton second, Governor John third. Time, 1:17*4. ' One ana tnree-eigbth miles, hurdle handi- Dap, over five purse $300, J 0 C won, Sylvester second, Mestor third. Time, 2:35. 'Jnm Sharkey Returns. NEW YORK. N. V., Aug. 21.— Tom Sharkey, the sailor pugilist, who went to Ireland some lime ago, arrived on the Umbria, accompanied by a younger brother. "I have returned for the express purpose," he said, "of fixing the necessary details of the match with Maher. It ap pears to me the match is as good as made, •dthougn not one of the clubs hereabouts has made another decided bid. As soon as Maher gets here and his managers are convinced we mean business offers will crop un rapidly." He declares he did not meet Maher abroad. He will begin train in on Stuten Island next week. THREE Rr MARK ABLE HEATS At Washington Park liar Pointer Again Lowers the Colors of Joe Patchen. CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 21.— 1n three straight heat-— time, 2:02, 2:04^ and 2:o4 Star Pointer to-day again ami de cisively lowered the colors ol Joe Patchen. Sixteen thousand people saw the race at Washington Park, 'lhe spectators were rewarded by a race, one heat of which was about the most sen-ational ever witnessed. In the first heat o; the great match Star Pointer and Joe Patchen crossed the finish line on so nearly even term« that those most careful in their observations will nev<-r be able to satisfy themselves. The mistake might not have been ttie judges' in declaring Star Pointer the winner. Moreover the time wa- the fastest for a first heat in harness ever raced. In the second heat Sar I'oin won with ease and he took the third by a length. CLOSING DAY AT CHICO. Seven Heats Trotted Before Mamie Griffin Captures the 2:13 Class Event. CHICO, Cal.. Aug. 2L— The Pacific Coast Breeders' Association's meeting closed at Chico to-day after a week of as I fine racing as was ever held in California. i To-day's races were the best of the week, 1 especially the 2:13 class trotting, in which ; three crack-a-jacks were entered. They I were Mamie Griffin by Blackbird-Morrell, bred near Chico and owned by Colonel ! Park Henshaw of Chico; Zombro by Mc j Kinney- Whisper, entered by G. F. Beckers, | and Jasper Ayres by Ins-Babe, entered I by J. A. Perkins. It took seven heats to j decide the race. i 2:20 class trot FW (J. Gordon) 3 111 ! Octoroon (W. Masten) 1 7 7 4 i Dave Kyan (J. Sullivan) 6 3 2 2 ! Floraclta (J. Baker) 9 2 3 2 I Cora? (Hogoboom) 2 6 3 6 I Adela (1) Lieglner) 3 5 4 7 I Butcher Boy (O. Misner) 5 4 tf 5 i Adjutant (i. Thornnulsi) 7 8 8 9 ' Prince P (F. Mosierj . .... 4 9 9 8 Time, 2:l4V a - 2:15— 2 . 2:1 8 class trot— ! Mamie t.ritliii (J Sullivan) 5 4 4 3 111 I Zombro (C. A. Durtee) 6 12 1 2 2 2 •lasper Avres (J. Perkins) 2 2 12 3 2 3 Helena (K. Havev) 1 6 6 tf ft n- Libel Dowries (C. Bunch) 3 3 3 4 6 * Margaret Worth (K. Franklin) 4 5 5 5 4 * Time, 2:11 - 2:11 V. - 2:1 134— 2:11— 2:121-4— 2:13-2:16. •Sent to stable. 2:50 class— Dr J (Kd Holly) 4 111 I'ayinoot (Hogoboom) 1 9 3 4 I I'il'.etla Muuger (J. sulilvan) 3 3 2 2 Joe Selby (J. Smith) 3 4 4 3 ! Ci W W (S. H. Hoy) dis Time, 2:223^-2:21%— 2:26%— 2:31. j LOWERS A COAST RECORD. Wheelman Krafts Covers five Miles in 12:31 on the Santa Rosa Track. SANTA ROSA, Cal., Aug. 21. — The bicycle races at Cycling Park this after noon were well attended. The feature of the meet was Krafts' five-mile ride, un paced, against time. Owin * to tie slow ness of the track and a baffling breeze the speedy little Teuton failed to get under the world's record (11:58 2-5), but he lowered the coast record from 13:09 to 12:31, a cut of eight seconds. Before Krafts made his supreme effort he had two hard falls while participating in other events. Had a.l conditions been favor able he certainly woui l have lowered the world's record. He is at present the world's twenty-mile champion. The first event on the card was a one mile scratch for amateurs. he first heat was won by J. C. Williamson, B. C. Wheelmen; Kirk Beal, H. W., second; George Ferris, Acme, third. Time, 2:27. The s* cond heat was won by F. S. Peck, B. C. W.; John Davidson, B. C. W„ sec ond; C. J. Birdsall, C. C. C, third. Time, 2:32. The final was won by F. G. Peck, B. C. W. ; John Davidson, B. **-. W., sec ond; Henry Noonan, B. C. \V., third. Time, 2:30. _ The second event was a one-mile handi cap for amateurs. The final heat resulted in a tie between Ben Noonan, B. C. W., who started from the scratch, and P. G. Peck, B. C. W., who had a fifteen-yard start. G. A. Wyniun. Acme, ten yards, was third, and Kirk Becle, seventy yards, was fourth. Time, 2:22. The second heat was won by A. Theison, G. C. C, seventy yards; Walt Davidson, B. C. W. (scratch), second; I. C. William son, B. C. W. (scratch), third. Time, 2:30. The final was won by G. A. Wyman, Acme, ten yards; F, G. Beck, B. C. W., tiiieen yards, second; A. Theison, C. C. C, seventy yards, third, 'lime, 2:19. The mile tandem race was won by Noonan brothers, B. C. W. ; Birdsall and Theison, C. C. C., second; Bolte and Wvman, Acme, third; Williamson and Stolen, B. C. vV., fourth. Time, 2:21. The race was the closest and most exciting of the day, the Noonans only winning by inches. Alv »' LU.\(i - 111 4A CE records. Little Michael, the Helsh Cyclist, Easily JJefents Starbuck. NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 21.— Twenty thousand people saw the diminutive Welsh rider, Michael, defeat the American j rider, Starbuck, of Philadelphia, in the thirty- three-mile race at Manhattan Beach to-day by two miles. Michael rode In tine lorm, while Starbuck rode listlessly, and at t mes in much distress. His tire became ; deflated and he used another wheel, but j this did not suit, and he finally went back \ to his old wheel, which bad been repaired. j Michael made a new American record for j fifteen miles in 25 minutes 11 seconds, and a new hour record by covering thirty miles , and one lapin that time; also new records from fifteen to thirty-three miles. Michael ) finishes'! fresh. In the previous American hour compe tition record, 27 nines, 1690 yards, was held by Michael. The one-hour American paced record against time is 30 miles, 1091 yards, held by Lucian Lesna. The world's one-hour paced record is 32 miles, 448 yards, held by J. W. Stocks of England. II .i ruin,/ to Sportsmen. UKIAH. Lai,., Aug. 21 —An ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors of this county to-day wiil be of great interest to sportsmen throughout ihe State. It de fines as trout streams all streams within this county up to that point near theii mouth to which ordinary tides flow, and also all other streams which do not flow in ; o the ocean. Big River, Ten-mile River and Noyo River are each declared trout streams from their sources to their mouths. It is, by the same ordinance, declared a misdemeanor in fishing in trout streams to use . ines, nets, wire-netting or traps, and conviction on this charge is punishable by a maximum fine of $500. This ordinance goes into effect on Septem ber 15. Aoted J im Loses His Life. SAN DIEGO. Cal., Aug. 21.— "Judge" Antoine Knox, a native California Indian and ''judge" of the Sequaw reservation at Dehesa, was killed during the storm of Thursday night at his brother's house on theConeja reservation, near Valle de Las Viejas. fi.s wile and another woman were so badly injured that one of them will die. The thatched house in which they were at the time of the storm was demolished. Antoine was a noted Indian and a man of many stable qualities. He was just recov ering from a severe illness at the time of bis death. - THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 1897. HARDY DOWNING WINS A PURSE Tacoma's First Races Under C. A. A. C. Auspices. The San Jose Wheelman Takes the Twc-Thirds Mile Handicap. Sharlck of the Sound City Victor In the Professional Event at Two Miles. TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 21.— 0n the Pierce County fair grounds to-day was the first bicycle meet since the Tacoma riders sec ded from the League of Ameri can Wheelmen. The meet was under the auspices of the Tacoma Race Promoters' Association, the newly organize! branch of the California Associated Cycling Clubs. The afternoon's programme com- prised a two-thirds of a mile and a two mile handicap professional races and am ateur handicap races of one and five miles. The meet brought together the crack riders of California and Puget Sound, and each of the two professional races were splendid contests. The two-thirds mile was an open event. It was brilliantly won by Hardy Downing of San Jose, with W. B. Vaughan of San Diego second and George Sharick of Ta coma third. Sharick is known as "the wonder of the Northwest." His friends expected he would win. Viewed from a local standpoint, it seems that Sharick thought he had to beat Ziegler of San Jose, the racing partner of Downing, the winner. Sharick accordingly trailed Ziegler for nearly two lap**, or until they they were entering the end stretch. See ing that Ziegler was not trying to win he started alter Downing, and made a mag nificent effort. He closed a large gap, passing several other riders and was able to win third place. In the two-mile handicap, local riders had better luck. On the fourth of the six laps Ziegler, who had started at scratch, pulled out. This left eleven riders on the track. They rode so closely bunched, with Sharick pocketed in the middle so completely that escape seemed impossi ble. The positions of the eleven riders re mained relatively the same until the last lap. When they had nearly reached the stretch, Sharick succeeded in emerging from the crowd, cut down the lead and crossed the line first. Bartholomew wa*. second and ••Jack" Sharick third, Tacoma riders thus winning all three places. Over 1000 enthusiastic wheelmen saw the races. To-night a purse of $100 or over is being raised, which will result in the matching of Sharick an 1 Ziegler for a race to-morrow afternoon. Friends of both men are betting eagerly on the re sult. To-day's races were the first held on the new one-third mile track at the county fair grounds. Riders were very much pleased with the track, which is a fac simile of the noted tracks at Washington and Louisville, with two short turns and two long stretches. Two-thirds of a mile, professional: First heat— Ziegler, Allen, Elford, Jack Sharick, Crawfotd. Ziegler won. Allen of Snokane sec ond, Sharick third. Time, 1:37. Second heat— G. Sharick, J. A. Jones, Bar tholomew, Whitman. Sharick won, Barthol omew second. Whitman of Los Aug les third. Time, 1:53. Third heat Vaughan of San Diego, A. Jones of Ssn Francisco. Downing of San Jose. Bee mer of Tacoma. Downing won, Vauglian second, Jone* third. 'J lme, 1 :38 1-5. Final— Otto Ziegler, ueorge Sharick, K.Allen, Bartholomew, Downing, Vaughan. (J. sharick got place, being third in fastest ol three heats.) Downing won, Vaughan second, G. Sharick third. Time. 1:30 1-5. Elford acted as pace maker in final heat. < One third of a mile, amateur, first heat— Wing of San Francisco, Dow of Ti'coms, Lau meister of Tacoma, Hedderly of Tacoma, Crawford of Seattle. Dow won, Wing second, L umeister third. Time, :49 2-5. Second heat— Mott of Oakland, Cotter of Tacoma, Shipp of Salem, Ore., Fink oi Tacoma. Shipp won, Cotter second, Fink third. Time, :51 1-5. Final— Wine, Dow, Laumeister, Cotter, Shipp ana Fink. Wing won, Sh.pp second, Dow third. Time, :49 2-5. Two-mile, professional, handicap— Ziegler scratch, G. Shnri' k 50 yards, Bartholomew 100 yards, Elf'rd 140 yards, Whitman 80 yard.-., Downing 40 yaiiJs, A. Jones 15 yards, Beeemer 100 yards, J. Sharick 90 yards. E. Allen 50 yards, Vaugnan 100 yarus, Crawford 80 yards, J. Jones 90 yard*. G. Shnrlck won, Bartholo mew second, F. Sharick thiid. Time, 5:45. Five amateur, handicap— W. T. Shipp 120 yards. John C. Fink 380 yards. Frank Heiiderly 300 yard«, Frank cotter 120 yards, L. Laumeister 200 yar s. L. Dow 120 , ards, William Crawford 200 yards, J. E. Wing scratch, P. R. Mott scratvh. Wing won, Cotter second, Dow third. Time, 13:20. ON THE DIAMOND. Scores of Yesterday's Games in the National League and Standing of the Clubs. CT,TTBS«. W L. Pp.! <"i,t!Keei_ W. __. p r . Boston 69 31 .6SOI Pittsburg... 43 54 .443 Baltimore... 64 32 .b67 Louisville ... 44 57 .4.-6 Cincinnati... 61 34 .642 ."hlladelp a.. 44 58.432 New York... 59 37 .614 | Brooklyn.... 4t> 67 .412 Cleveland... 62 45 I.Washln rcoa. 40 58 .408 Chicago . 49 53 .480|si. Louis 27 74 .267 NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 21.— York 7, Louisville 1. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Aug. 21—Philadel phia 6, Cincinnati 2. BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 21.— Boston 13, Pitts burg 12. BALTIMORE, Md , Aug. 21.— Baltimore 12, Cleveland 6. BROOKLYN, N. V., Aug. 21. -Brooklyn 3, Bt. Louis 4. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21.— Washington 6, Chicago 4— (called In the seventh on account of darkness). . \ ~y . - HUG THROUGH A BRICK WALL. Sacramento Prisoner Almost Succeeds in jU a king His Escape.. SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Aug. 21.— A pris oner named hittle, who was arrested to day for robbing a United States mail car at the depot in this city, was almost successful in an attempt to break out of jail to-night. Hittl-s was arrested by Officer Talbot and made a boast that he could not be kept in jail. The manner in which the remark was made aroused the suspicions of the officer and an investiga tion was made. It was f und that Hittle was wanted in Ogden, ah, where he bad broken out of prison eirly this week. Hittle was locked in a ceil with a forger named Reed, and a little before 9 o'ciock this evening sounds were heard by a Chinese prisoner which led to the giving ot nn nJartu. Hittle had dug through a brick wall, and in a few minutes would have been at liberty. SUGAR PL AMT J- OR SIOCKTOS. "Jt Will Be Built" Is the Emphatic Declaration of John Herd, STOCKTON, Cal., Aug. 21.— "1t will be buiit, and yon can quote me as saying it," said John Herd to-day, in sneaking about the proposed beet-sugar factory.' A week ago K. G. Korn, 1 president of the Sugar Machinery Company, and . Fred Bolzendal, secretary and treasurer of the company, were in this city and visited the Boggs tract in company with local persons who are interested in the proposition. j A meeting will be held on Wednesday next for the purpose of organizing a company to arrange tor the erection of the factory. Enough land has been promised on the reclaimed districts to insure success. | - 1 j THE EMPORIUM. Cutting Prices- Forcing Sales-Reducing Stocks We are exclusive agents for the Pacific Coast for the famous Stutt- garter Sanitary Wool Underwear for men, women and children. 1000 Dozen buttons! D _ BUTTONS! DUttOnS On Who has got Sale Monday. the buttons, at prices like these. We close out our entire stock of Colored, Crochet, Ivory and Fancy Metal Buttons this week to make room for new stocks. Those that have been 25c to 75c the dozen now 3c, 4c, 9c ; those that have been as high as $2.50 to $3.50 dozen will be found on ;he \a^ *~ AQ r bargain table at... •T** IV "t^*^ Hose Supporters. 250 pair Ladies' Satin Belt Hose Supporters, pink, white and yellow, the 2sc kind, but sizes are bro- i*?. ken, so we close them out at..... *DL Bargain Tables in Notion section. Dress Goods And a brill - -r || r iant begin- Fall Season ningfor good Begins NOW. dressers who would make a little money do a great deal. Our prices so far have not been affected by the increased tariffs. Early purchases before the tariff went into effect bring to you bargains like these. 44-inch Wool Popiine, an entirely new faerie, beautifully finished, en- during in wear, positively dust repel- lant, in the latest shades of navy, myrJe, olive, rouge, brun and gris. Opening price, per yard, only.. o-? f 48-inch Princess Cloth, rich and lustrous, the proper weight for Fall Tailor Costumes, quiet in effect, so peculiarly adapted for street wear, Na- poleon blue, serpent, purple, gris, myrtle, brun, rouge and navy. Opening price, per yard **£| **-j qj 23 pieces 46-inch Changeable Frieze, old blue and gold, purple and green, brown and blue, myrtle and mignon- ette — green and gold and purple and reseda, the price was 90c a a o yard. Special this week at "tO-L I ■fires " =a " s tocks daily ar- . . riving. Many nov- VeilinQS. elties in these dainty 1 accessories that will INeCKWear. be sure to meet with your approbation. Just received a new stock of the Black Brussels Net Veils now so much in de- mand, bordered and dotted. We jo„ offered the 50c grade at 3C3-L Others at 50c, 75c and Upward. Ruches, Fronts and Boleros, all at the leading styles of the season, of rrom. 6 . 5 ... 1 : 3 ". 2 . 1 75C tO $2™ Venetian and Irish Point Laces, heavy net top effects, colors white, butter and cham- *->o_ *._. 4. j. js pagne. Yard *J*jC IO <J)l — Novelty Bands, used for trimming dresses and mak- *ye r j._ C 0.50. 50 ing dress fronts.. ****' I*'1 *' Ml **4'*J — Silk Lace Flouncings coming in style again. We have them in cream and black, 42 inches wide, formerly fa _ worth $2. 50 to $3. 50 yard. Now *Jvt Heavy Quality On Double Fold sale Flannelettes, 9c. Mon- day, and until sold, i;oo pieces of high-grade Flannelette, width 3 i inches, fuzzy on both sides, very heavy qual- ity, 40 different patterns and color effects, the spe- 9c cial price will be. . . . -Yard Displayed in Main Aisle, Near Market-street Entrance. Duck Tailor A full as - c* •a*~~^ k\~.-, sortment of Suitings, Now Fine Duck 8C Yard. Tailor Suitings, the kind that have been l2Sc a yard all the season, 50 patterns in light and dark colors. To make room for new stock will be closed at Be. GRAND COUNCIL ENDS ITS LABORS Young" Men's Institute Delegates Parade at Santa Rosa. Decide That the Session of 1900 Shall Be Held in San Francisco. Officers Are Installed, Votes of Thanks Passed and the Con vention Adjourns. SANTA ROSA, Cai*, Aug. 12.— The thirteenth Grand Council of the Young Men's Institute is but a pleasant memory. The session terminated this morning and to-night the delegates ; reluctantly bade Santa Rosa farewell. ' The delegates met in Odd Fellows' Hall at 7:30 o'clock this morning. Rev. Father Slattery, the grand chaplain, opened the session with prayer and then the unfin ished business was taken up. The finance committee rendered a report snowing tbat the appropriations made by the Grand . THE EMPORIUM THE EMPORIUM, AUGUST 22, 1897. Striving in every way to dispose of as much of the merchandise now on hand as we possibly can before September I. Want to begin the business of the great consolidated stores with entirely different stocks. We begin moving from the Golden Rule Bazaar this week, so time is short. No matter what you want, it will pay you to learn our Clearing Sale prices. The special features this week will be Furniture at Cost. Suit and Cloak Sale. Flannelette Sale. Shirt Waist Sale. Silk Remnant Sale. Ladies' Underwear Sale. Wonderful Blanket Bargains. Special Glove Sale. A Carpet Sacrifice. Sale of Fancy Buttons. An Important J he end of c-ii n -the season bilk Kemnant finds us with Sale This hundreds of short IVppl/ lengths of all tt-cciv. c i asS es of Silks— pieces range in length from 1 to 10 yards just what you want for skirts, waists, linings, trim- mings, children's dresses, etc. Every yard is now marked at less than balf former prices. Extra Heavy Fancy Taffetas— in two tones— stripes, checks and plaids — all good designs and choice colorings. Regular prices fr and $1 25 a "JELf. yard — go this week at ■ DX, Fancy Figured Silks — more than 20 designs and colorings, including Mono- tone Jacquard figures and fancy stripe effects cannot be duplicated for less than $1 25 and $1 50 the yard Q/f| r — go this week at "UC Main Floor,. Fast Siae. Extraordinary Furniture Sale. We have bcught the entire stock of Furniture from the old manage- ment at a great discount, and we shall revolutionize the furniture trade this week with the unheard-of low prices at which we shall sell this stock, to make room for our new stocks en route. These three great bargains are fair samples of the all-round reductions we have made on furniture. 150 Solid Oak, Latest style 3-piece Curly Birch These luxurious handsomely uphoi- Bedroom Suite, piano polish, French Easy Chairs, of stered Rocking plate : mirror, oval front, plush- Curly Birch or Chairs, like pic- lined drawer, was 557.50. Now highly polished ture, that were for- ; solid oak, have merlys4each,now 4^*3f| f\_f\ been reduced 1 from go at -UJsJ C/« S 10.00 each to SI.OO. ; ,' crv l^ -.^j' BS.OO. Reorßßnized Furniture Department Eniire Jessie street Side, Second Floor. Carpets Lower These Priced Than areabso- Ever Before, Jutejythe best Car- pet bargains you have ever had. We want you to see the new Carpet Depart- ment, on second floor, near main elevators. Largest as- sortments, good, light stan- dard makes at cut prices. Very Best Grade Tapestry Brus- sels Carpets, with borders to match. This week made, j lined and >■» laid, per yard............... i DC (Former Price Was 90c a. Yard). Imported Linoleum's, 4 yards wide, enough to cover kitchen in one piece. We lay it on floor, per square _4^ r yard *x3C 300 only— Moquette Rugs, size 27X 60 inches, many choice patterns, regu- lar price 53.00, to 'introduce you to the new Carpet Department. Will sell to-morrow . until lot is gone <*-« 1.85 The Emporium. . - . -*• - V '/>,**,. i . Council aggregated $8415, apportioned to the salary, lecture, printing,. mileaee, sup ply and miscel'aneons funds. The per ( a pita tax was fixed at $2, of which amount 75 cents will be the share of the Supreme Council. '■'{.'.'!.'. : '''/-*'-'^->'y; f y V.'v>? The thanks of the council were extend ed to the gentlemen who last' year lec tured under the auspices of the Central Lecture Bureau. JJyrjy. .-. * * It was unanimously agreed that tho Grand Council i of 1900 should bo held in San Francisco. During the summer of that year a magnificent twentieth century celebration is to be held, and the fiftieth anniversary of the admission of California to statehood is to be a conspicuous feature of the demonstration. The Young Men's Institute intends to: take a prominent part in the State's semicentennial jubilee. Telegrams of congratulation and coun sel were receiv d from Bishop Montgom ery ol Los Angeles and Bishop O'Nary of Nesqualy, Wash.,; and 1 the reading of tbem was received with applause. The retiring grand * officers were ex tended a rising vote of thanks.. In re sponse to this graceful tribute of apprecia tion each retiring officer made a few ap propriate remarks, and was roundly cheered. The installation of the newly elected grand officers was the concluding work of the session. The | ceremony was impressively performed by Deputy Su preme President John Lynch of /Oakland. The delegates and members of Santa Rosa Council formed in parade at 11 o'clock and, led by the Santa Rosa band and the Common Council in a' carriage, marched down Fourth street to the de pot to meet the excursionists. Upon the arrival of the train at noon the parade was reformed in the following order: Grand Marshal H.'.r -. chief of art, and -. his aids. - ' »"•»•■ '**.'.'■. ■ Santa Kosa band. .. ' :.' .',■.;■■.' standard bearers, carrying the - Stars and Stripes and banner of the i'aciflc Jurisdiction. Grand council delegates. . .; .sy' ■'"■ c ■ Mustard Club. THE EMPORIUM. Three Great The new Ra^amc _** Linen Section Bargains in _ SanFran . Linens. Cisco's largest and best Linen Store — offers these special bargains for early- comers this week : 72-inch Bleached Table Damask all pure linen— a varied and beautiful assortment of patterns to select from — regular price $1.25 per yard. <•*•• 1 /\/*| Special price v.«?yW Bleached Napkins, three-quarters square to match above in quality and pattern— are reduced to (per <{*••-» -»/\ dozen) sp£*D\J 100 dozen Bleached Huck Towels — 21x42 inches — hemstitched damask borders. The 3 for a dollar tf*- -3 r\r\ grade per dozen •4>3.UU Linens Second Section, Left of Main Entrance. $3.69 For * 300 pairs $5.00 Grade 0 White Blankets. £, aIi '° rnia Wool Blan- : kets, full size, regular price $£.00 pair, go on sale to- | morrow 'at $3 69. The rea- j son is that a careless employe in the mill allowed the border colors to run very slightly into the ; white, just as warm and just as j good as though they cost fit 0.69 j $5.00, but they are only »P**3 . Chinese Bazaar n The Chi : nese and HOW On the Japanese Bazaar ■-• * m has moved to the TirSt MOOr. main floor— Jes- sie - street side, adjoining the Book Department — : larger and handsomer than ever posi- tively the most beautiful Oriental Bazaar in any department store in the world. Bring your friends from abroad to see this— one of the sights of San Francisco. Carriage containing .Mayor J. W. Jesse, • Council men T. P. Keegan, W. E. Bagley, F. Burke, W. B. Simpson, J. AI. Cai ter. Carriage containing Grand Chaplain Siatterv, Past President Lynch, Grand Treasurer W. T. Ageller, Grand Secretary G. A. Stanley, Second Grand President W. E. Laiinlgan. Carriage containing < Irani President Samuel Has kins, Past Gran President James Gallagher, Grand Directors 1 rank Hoosen and P. ■•- ■ t '. '-■- - Prlnceval c. Carriage containing the Rev. father Lawler.Grand Director E. B. Thomas, J. B. AtcNiffa, E. H. Kungulbnrg. Carriage containing F. P. of SanU Rosa and G. M. Kelly of. San Prancisco. Drum corps. League of (ue Cross Cadets. Cathedral Council, No. 59. sau Prancisco. ; . San Francisco Council. No. 7. Sta- dard bearer W. C. AlcNulty, President J. P. Plover and Santa Kisa Counci', No. £08 St. Vincent's Council Na 9. Psialuma. Professor Ruiiconvipn's bud of San Fraucisco. 1 loueer Council No 21, Sun Francisco. Golden Gate Council Na 34, San rancisco. Sheridan Council No. 72. Igna'.ian Counci. No. 45, San Francisea League or the Cross Cutlets arum corps. San i 1- rancisco. Washington Council No. 4, San Francisco. The parade was in charge of Grand Mar shal F. J. McHenry of San Francisco, Colonel J. C. O'Connor, chief of staff, and the folio wing aids: T. J. Stanton, J. F. Collins, J. F. Caiiaghan, Hancock, J. H. Hoare, F. J. Maroney, J. J. O'Toole, J. P. Foley, Charles McCarthy, J. P. Phalen, J. A. Riley, Dr. H. Vandre, A. P. Palcovicn and J. J. Cantlin. The line of march was up Fourth to Ex change avenue to Third to Hinton, coun termarch on Fourth ' to B, along B to Tenth, to Mendocino, and on Mendocino to the Courthouse, where the parade was disbanded. The streets were crowded with people. At Grace Bros.' Park, in the afternoon, an orchestra supplied mu sic for a ctowd of merry dancers. EAST I.IVJ-.i. a'l'E.-H.SHIP. Jt llill Soon Re (.Imvin- the Water* of the San Joaquin. STOCKTON, Cal., Aug. 21. —Before many months a fast stern-wheel steamer, THE EMPORIUM. Qtiick and satisfactory mail-order service. Send in name and address at once for complete illustrated Fall Cata- logue, telling how best to shop by mail. TWO Black These are Dress Goods f° od st + ap + le />*L ww fabrics, taste- thanCeS. ful in pattern and guaranteed excellent wear- ing material. You would still have good values if prices were a third higher. 50- inch English Figured Mohair Suitings— new designs, sheds dust and lint, no fabric more serviceable, regular price $1 yard, note the width and wonder how we can sell it /-Grip this week for V V 38-inch Pure Wool Figured Princess Cloth— ln 10 effective designs, no cloth to equal it can be had for *3C r 50c yard elsewhere. This week DDK, GOOd Kid Sole, agents for Gloves, Like *f*p. ? u niJ ?%Z .. ' & Cie. French Kid Picture, 75c cw These are new, rJ\\ fresh goods, • [' 'L. imported into ) j \i. this country 1 ill within the past J p. few weeks. 1 / 1 Perhaps fifty J / / dozen pairs left **-n< of the 300 X/rT***^^' -«^*-*to**\ dozen that we //A^^)*fr^^^ advertised a /<& iLi/ rT^>^* fortnight ago- /M JPr 'M& two patent fe/ /w\ ;j 1^;. : clasps, em- V *n? broidered back 'grr; Colors now remaining: Black— Tans— Ox-Bloods— English Keds— Pearl— White. $1.50 Gloves for $1.15. Two styles Ladles' Gloves— Derby Finished Pique Kngllsh Walking i.lov-. 2 large clasps embroidered backs (if they break we give you a new pair), and Veivat i hushed Mocha (.'loves, 2 patent clasps, embroidered backs, the very latest style, all the new colors. $2.00 Jouvin Gloves $1.25. Ladies' 2 patent clasps or 4 large pearl but- tons, in a pretty assortment ot shades. We are exclusive agents in the West for these Best French Kid Gloves made, and to make tuem better known offer this special. Bangs' New As a ,eader in Book BBc £,** : £ ThlS Week, week we offer ioo copies of John Kendrick Bangs' new book, "The Pursuit of the House-Boat," a sequel to "The House-Boat on the Styx," published at $1.25, for __ OOC Hosiery Specials. At Yy x C — Ladies' Seamless Cotton rtl ,A 3 l Hose, fast black, sizes 8! i to 10. At |*-*»r — Children's Heavy School rtUJt Hose, fast black, sizes 6 to Q'i. A* 25c — Ladies' Imported Hose, r-%1. _*kj\, with double soles, sizes 8 to 10, the 35c kind. At •"-.Or - Ladies' Imported French r\l, JUt Cashmere Hose, double soles, sizes 8 to 10. Stuttgarter The best h y - ... .** gienic under - WOOlen wear made. Underwear. The y sur P ass in texture, cut, make and finish. We import di- rect from Stuttgart, Germany. We are sole agents. Ladies' Stuttgarter Sanitary Wool Vests and Pants, steam shrunk, light and heavy weights, sizes 28 to 42. Although the new tariff advances the prices 30 per cent ours remain <£|.50 the same. Per garment *4***l — Children's Stuttgarter Woolen Union Suits, heavy weight for Chil- dren from 3 to 12 years. Si{e 18, $1.25 per Suit. T^tse of ioc on each size. Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Wool Union Suits, buttons across shoulder, sizes 4, 5 and 6, white ornatural, regular price $1.50. Special this week at... C J. 25 which is expected to make the round trip between Stockton and San Francisco in one day, will be cleaving the waters of the San Joaquin. At a meeting of the Cali fornia Navigation and Improvement Com pany yesterday the plans for the amer, of which a detailed description was Riven recently in The Call, w»>ie approved, and the building of the vessel ordered. As or iginally intended, the steamer will be built in the shipyards of the company at Stockton, and work will be begun at once. BONES OF PREH.STORiC MAN. Skeleton of a Giant Found in a Rude Sepufcher on Pine Ridge. UKIAH, Cal., Aug. 21— The discovery of the bones of a giant in a rudely exca vated hole in a limestone rock on the western side of Pine Ridge has aroused considerable interest among local anthro pologists. U. N. Briggi and Frank Patton unearthed the remains of what appeared to be a prehistoric man la^t week while out hunting on Pine Ridge, it being Quite warm the hunters had sought a shady place at the base of a tall limestone cliff. They sat lor an hour or so enjoying the soft breezes wafted from the valley beyond, and Briggs in poking around in a hole in the rock uucarined several bones. They appeared to be those of a human be ing. Upon closer scrutiny it was discov ered that the cavity in which the bones had been deposited was evidently the work of human hands. The walls had been cut with a sharp-pointed instrument and the entrance to the tomb or sepulcher had at one time been closed up. The hunters examined the tomb closely and found a number of bones of the leet and hands and a portion of the skull. The re mains will be sent to the Smithsoniau In stitution. 5