Newspaper Page Text
10 HIS LIFE IS EBBING AWAY Isidore Gaulet, the Victim of a Footpad, in a Critical Condition. An Operation Performed Yester day in the Vain Hope of Saving His Life. The Murderous Footpad Is Known to Be Bert Grey, Alias Miller, Who Is Still Tree. The old man Isidore Gaulet, the victim of a murderous footpad, is hovering be tween life ami death tt Uis residence, 1511 Golden Gate avenue. lir?. Keeney and Shumate yesterday performed the operation of trephining the skull as a last hope of saving his life, but the chances of his recovery, owing to his advanced age, are slim. The Police Department is straining every nerye to capture the footpad, and Detectives Gibson and Wren and several ullicers in plain clothes are scouring the city in search of him. It has been no secret that the police knew who had knocked down and robbed the old man as he was opening the gate leading to his residence, but they refused to disclose his identity. Chief Lies yesterday sent out full de scriptions of iiim all over the State, as lie might have left the city, and a dispatch last night from the Stockton correspond ent of The Call states that he is Bert C. Grey, alias Miller, and that the police there are on the lookout for him. Grey is a young mmi and lived wilh his stepmother, Mrs. Miller, at Sutter and Devisadero streets. Last spring a warrant was issued for his arrest here on a charge of forgery. He fled irom the city and was caught in Santa Kosa during the lie-ta there. He waj locked up in the Santa Rosa jail, but succeeded in escaping. He returned to tins city and was ar rested by Ji.-tective Antnony. In the Police Court the charge was reduced to obtaining money by false pretenses, and he got ( ft with a sentence of six months in the County Jail. After serving his sentence he went hick to live with his stepmother, About three weeks ago he broke into her Ltdroom and stoic about $1100 worth of jewelry and other effects, and -he procured a warrant for his arrest on a charge of burglar}*, which has not yet been served upon him. He is, according to the police, a danger ous criminal, and they claim to have sufficient evidence to convict him of rob bing and possibly murdering the old man Isidore Gaulet. His weapon was an iron bar. Played Stud Horse Poker. Andrew .srnitb.n miner who intends going to the Klondike, met a cental individual yes terday morning and in a short time he was in troduced to « game of slud horse poker. He soon parted with $35 and then he complained 10 the poliCJ. Detective Graham arrested John Fitzgerald, a well-known bunko steerer, who was identified "uy Smith as the man who steered him into the game. Fitzgerald was booked for petty larceny. Post nfliri* Sunday. Beginning next Sunday the main and branch Pos to will b- open on Sundays from 12 o'clock neon until 1 p. m. instead of between 2 and 3 as hereto; REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Rebecca J. Gordon (now B one), wife or Chsrles H. Boone to chat Jl. Boone, 01 on W line 01 stone sireet, 117:6 N of Washington, N 20 by W till $500. Hattie Gage Mann, wife of C. M., to William 8. Gage, lot on N line of Bush street, ii-:.*'-. E of Taylor, E 31:31,4 by v 1i.7:6: $1. Real Estate aud Development Company 10 Tom Mallins, lot on NW corner twenty-ill rd (Nevada) and Carolina -treets, N 100 by \\ lU*.»; grunt. Jesde M. Stone to Catherine T. Myles lot on X 1 ne if Twenty-• In-d avenue, -75 N of X street, N '-5 by X 120; gift. Charles B. and Anna Baker to Charles J. Lets*, lot on sf* corner Roanoke and Arlington reels. 1. ?<s by fcj 105. olock S. ! .-. rniount; $10. Laurel lull Cemetery Association 10 Wil lam A. Steele, lot on vv line n] Lone Miuntaia avenue. 24:8 N* of Pioneer path, XV 13:0, N 12:4, E 16,S 15;$150 .M AMi DA 1 i.TNTY. Martha M. and Jeremy T. Ford 10 Henry Koot. : lot beginning at a pcini in center of Sherman street, where a lineal angles to said street won d bisect .1 c -train fence post on S line of said street, said post being about 5 feet W from lop 01 w bank of sausal CreeK, thence .**• i- 100 feet to center <f Sausal CreeK, said last-men none 1 line intersects N line of Sherman street at a point 85:7V_ ->\ fiom Cherry avenue, litem*, N alone: center" of Sausal CreeK 10 center of Sherman I street. thence >*. 50 to beginning, Brooklyn ]own- j sbi-j; $._O. Myioa T. an-1 Marion B. Holcomb 10 O. S. Or ric-,iotonN line 01 Eleventh street, 140 F_ of Oat, E 40 by N 100, block 160, su eject to deed of trust lor $3000. Oakland: $10. William M. liuiherl'ora 10 Ada A. Mci.eod. lot on N line of F'ou.teenih SLiei-i, 100 E of Markeu F; 50 by N 10.1 :'<, being lot 16. block A, on map of block 297, Oakland: $10. William A. 80-scow 10 Amellia A. Boscow. lot on B line of Kast F'liteenili street, 257:4 W 01 Twenty-third avenue, W -.*. by s 150, ran Oak land; gin. J. F_ and Emma J. Prewett to James A. John sou, lot oa Ii line of Thirteenth avenue, 100 is of Kast Twenty-first street, S L*o by E iVO, block KS, Clinton. East Oaklani: *10. Rebecca Douglas to Au;ustn M. Tormblom. wife of A Tormblom, undiviJed ij-i interest in lot '2b, block 4*. Oaklan i: £10. D. 1. Barnelt to the Central Land Company, lot on N li ie of -Thirty-second street, 116 in; W of Grove, w -jib N to a jniii.t :•; 2) l.fcO. s 6.9 l to be ginning, block 204*., Rowiani Tract, Oakland; cl. Ti.e Central Land cm; auv (a corp-ratlon) 10 Jennie 1. r-asi. lot on ."> line of i nirl>-second street, 271 96 W 01 crove, W 142.70, X 60 26, S IS'.OT to beginning, beck 0. Map of lands of Central Land lomp-Jiy. fmklaijii $10. san.eto Martin and Annie W. Brlgman. lot on N* line ot Thi ty-second street, -'*_..tiO \V of Grove, W 50. N 137 09, 1. 60.22,'S 132.4 *_ to beginning, block G. same, Oakland; «10. Charles T. smith to Too smith, lot on SW corner of Campbell and West 'lhiit* enth siree.s, W 115 by b3O block 1* "1 ract 8»3, Oakland; also lot on W line of Lusk street, 56H N of Ro .* Gar land way, N 30 by W 141, lot 35, Map of White House Plat. Oakland Annex; sift. A. and Liz/Jo Anderson 10 John A. ftnlton. lot on NW line of Eighth avenue."J2s -'.\ of East Twelfth street; s\V *_5 by MV 75, boot 33, Clin ton, East Oakland; $10. O. s. irru Ij Myron T. Hoi comb, lot 4, block G, Ap'.'ar Tract, subject 10 mor.g-ge for §500, Oakland Aunex;,slU. Laura G. Mall to Frank M. Wilson, lots 9 a id 10 block 1, Resubdivision of AnilselPa Map 01 Villa Dots, rerecord 003 d .46, Berae ey; #ic. Jamei and Nelile F. Ham: ton to Kat. .1. F.gau, lot on W line or Ninth street, 50 a of Bristol. 525 by W 130, beiiis lot 18, nock 83, .Map of Pronerty of Captain Bowea, Berkeley; $10. W. J. Laymance to James Corkery. .ois 2to 6, block D, E.mhurst Track, Brooklyn Towusuip; $10. John K. and Maggie & McDonald to Elizabeth iberger, lot 18, block a, san.e, Diooklyii Towuship; $10. Same to Wil. tarn Gu2e;sb?ri;er, lot 15, block A, same, Brooklyn Township; $10. .Mice C. < 'Leary to Teresa I. Castillo, lots 7 and 8, block 14, Map tf Northern Addition to Town of Livermore, Murray Township; ».0. .Mary Rand Ri.harJ C. 'lob.n to B. W. I'rster, lot on X. corner ol an l Webster streets," :>' VO'l by E 1 dO, .ois 1 to 11, 26,27.28, block 9, Oakland: $100. H. i). Ml Bast to Mary A. MolTat. lot on S lino of East 'lentti street. 90 I*. of FurK way, s :; 1 by F. 60. lot -4, Badgers' subdivision of block 11, Clinton, East oakiand, quite aim deed; $5. F.G. ana Annie E. Ceilerirh to George McLeol. lot on Sliiie 01 Stanley street, IOj.V-j F. of urove street. X 40. B 103.13. XV 40. N 102.73 10 begin ning b'o-j_ 8. .'oolCe * True., Oakland Annex, sub ject to mortgage tor $suo: $20. Ann J. stiles to nairl- t W. Blake lot on E line of Piedmont wav at Nvv corner of Pa mer's -34 --a* re tract, thence NF; 369, N W 121.60, sW 3 8.60, 1$ 94.23 to beginning, 1 or..en pat 80, Rancho V. and D. Peraiia, Berkeley; $.0. Warren ..til Mary L Cheney to CbarlesArm sirong. lot on F" line of sprue? street, .40 N of Vim*. N 60 by F. 1.-.4-7. being lots 11 and 12, block 1, i. M. Antls-li'sMapof Vina Lots, Berke ley; $iO. Clinton Day trustee to Harriet K. D. Palmer, lot on X line of Piedmont way, TO N irom the in tersection of a line of strict wnicb Is la] . along N side ot College Homest al tract. 1 x.ending E till il lniersects . line of Piedmont way, thence NE407:6. NW 301. &VV 3b9, ihence 1-. 10 be&. li ning, containing *_. 81 acres nd bein: port.on if Banci.o V.aim D. Per»lla, Berkeley; Martha G. Bailey to George M. Sheldon, lot on N line of Alcatraz avenue beginning at SE corner of ibe lands of Dixon by deed of June 26, 1897. thence NVV *.MO, W 51.15. SW to N line of Alca iraz venue, E 151:7 to beginning, j* onion of plat 53, same, Lerktley ; »10. I Imhurst Land Company and Lucile B. Forman 10 Margaret. Kelly lot 53, Fan*., Berke- Icy Township; $10. LvdlaJ. and G. R. Hurlbut to Lucien Simon, lot on E line of Dimond avenue. 7-5 > nt Hopkins street, N SO by F. 340, being lot 32, block B. Di mond Tract, Berkeley Township; $10. HOTEL ARKIVALS. GRAND HOTEL A Richards, Sscto 11 Kind, Nev J B Clv in lee, facto P Quick, Grass Valley 11 v, i al KJ Eraser, Rio Vista G Walsh. Auburn W J Henry, Oakland s Alexander it w. 111 J D Campbell. Victoria Mrs Brown, Los Ang Miss Brown. Los Aug *-> Brown, Lis Angeles X X llil-tard. St Paul C A Deuel, tliico J AGa.breuth. Grldley J 11 P. kdun. ( al I Tex ion, l'arcinco E J Hobsou Jt «. Cal X A l'r eman. Jackson i. 11 V Qdever, < r.i A Ak. sacto I.l*. Lewins, Phoenix Mrs Koppltz, Loi Gatos .1 T siunh. Auburn E Wills. .\ V li A Anderson, S.auford A Meyer, Modesto si-rant, Stockton J Hoyi. tat Mii-s E Hoyt, Cal A .N Bak.r, Sacto J !•' Hay s Los Anceles E A Purees. Cal W D Morgan, Ma cruz B Graves .v.* «*. Salinas X Tracy Jr, Cal E L Baireit, Colusa M Newton, tul 11 D Lawson, urovllle G \V Ford. Dalits Ana A Adams. Napa County T M Hope, Newport Miss a smith, Los ADg Mrs Collins, Los An*. F M Wll i ins. Cul 1) spr n;ei *.- w,* an Jose i* li locs.. Los Angeles Mrs O' .Seal, Seattle T A Banks, Cal PALACE IKL. P. Douglass Jr, S V J B Brlttain, Pittsburg <' McAllister. Cal J W VV egen<*r,Ho ils.N V J B Jnma, NY J A Lamb, Mi Bernardno 1. GastrutiE, st Louis Miss Lanib.Su Bernardno Mrs. i*. Eoy. -t Louis A, N V BBOpnbeinier.St Louis l'r / arrell. saucelito F Vallaml. Leipsic MrsFarre lAm, Sans* ll*o It v 1 haver, .-mnford C B Jacob*, Los Angeles Mrs It i.astroiiK a Louis <*i Strung, sail Jose Miss C a, lor, J Mc«.ee, oroville J \V Kingman, A *» V -leiu. I'omona il \\ ila dints, Denver J H Simpson, iresno a Hill. London . t J li.u s, -a* amento It P Winslow, London I. Green, Oh o .1 A Muir. Los Angeles Ti ou Ii Montana VV B Keeier.Philr.delpba Mrs ■»>' B Keeler, Phila Miss A -sniiin. i. .* ugeles Mr*».l A .*Hiir, L rtngeies \V t; Ma.i s, Pasadena li il Barker, L Ange es \v X Mart. v, Ei laSJ .1 C L'line, El l'aso Mis W It Martin, I*.. Pas I it ! Seymour, aonora c Ja son, Ponlai.d Mis **e*-monr, sonora C* C Mclvor, "ni Jose l .1 Held, Mont r*. A J Frank, B.stou 1* r Sutherland, Cal BALDWIN HOTEL. '; H Clark. Sacram?nto J W Breman, Sacto i. Haist. Virginia City Gen J<; Mi tine. ."•*. V M Sciirei.fe d,l ivermor W - mith, --an Jose li il. er.*., l>. ricetey J C Bass, Beikeley C siiitller Jr, mi Cruz C E 1 owi.e, snnta Cruz A Weav.-rJr, NY J Wailron, : ulare TJ Hunnmnench, Mil J V **otuitt. Boston 1. i. Howe, Boston MissG i yru.. N V firs VV It Hoolo, Salinas li llaraiitvn__w,Haywd s M Haled: w, Morgan 11 It J lli.*c'ns Morgan Hill VV Porter, Fresno Mis J 11 iiapan. Valiejo M llirsli. Chicago Jlis-i M M liagan, Vallejo P. Morrell, Chicago 1". E Wyam, llanfuid 1* .1 Hall, liani'ord A Andrews, Los Anseles B Dowel 1. San Diego C A oit j lyou,LsAngeles CAS Hig-iins, '. liico J Hartley. Reno M X Anderson. Hanford A Grant, Stockton A I. Lynch, sacramento J M tchell, Yub- city Lli HOCSE. i' M Cogian A*v sacto Wll Turner, Merced WH Watson, Elm Ira 11 I o.i I, Oakland I Da i. ban in, Vallejo X D Goodrich, N V .1 M \" ilmana, Newman John Baird, Winn J I*. Young it «*, ial Mrs V F' Hnrreli, Oaklnd MrsTG Vaucj*,Newman Miss M Van ■ y, Newman E W Allen, san Jose I) " Feekum, San Jose ii W Bagrnl. Cal M I. Kltiott, Santa Rosa J M Braly A vt, Fresno Miss E Braly, Fresno Miss X Braly, Fresno CJ Carpenter. Tex II Luncstrass, San Diego li 1" Wagner, san Diego l I) Font-ana. Cal X B Thompson, tal .1 Miller, tiakdne B I. Smith A w, Cal J M Williams, Visalia F P Hill, Oakland COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL V D Johnson, Germany J T Doyle, stock on W S Devin A *. 1. Angels J C Moore, N V L Asher, Gon-sles T S French. Gonzales X L Adams. Gonzales It Kretscbmer, Chicago J l; Baker, Merc.d J Stafford, N V P F Quinn, N \ M Foley, N V J D Stockholm, Napa F Alexander. N-npa Mrs I simps &f, 111 I) Parsons Aw, 111 A B Pomeroy, Dawson C.urs Nicholson, Cal J Dougbert* . Chicago M Wheeler, 111 .1 A I *a-in,;i:i. Salinas J Ltveagu, "Nevada Miss D Saunders, Tucson Miss ii Saunders, aria T ci Yates, Ariz V T llerson, Ariz I'D Dentworib A* w Mass NEW WEST EUN HOTKL A H Grosser, Cal A B Biebla A* w, Sonoma J H Hoffman, VSN A Johnson, V s N P J Thompson, Denver M J Hopkins. Denver X Ferguson. El Paso J Farnswerih, Fresno c C'bri-t anson, i »:i-itoga Miss F Howard, Cal D Veiasco, Merced (' Flnterg. N V .1 X Sutton. Denver 1' J Maga ■' i'etaluma H A (air, Fresno L B Kig-jS. Illinois Mrs Liebiiart, In. liana SAN FRANCISCO "CALU** BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco __— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every Bight In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 o'clock. S?9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 615 larkin street : open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner sixteenth and Mission streets; open tniil 9 o'clock. 1243 Mission street: open until 9 o'clock. 2618 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 187 Ninth strett; open until 9:30 o'clock. 1-05 Polk street; open until 9:30 o'clock. NW. corner Twenty second and Kentucky Itreets: onen till 9 o'clock. MEETING NOTICES. a^S**- ORIENTAL LODGE NO. 144, F. m IKS' and a. M —Third d«*.*re^ THIS il (TUESDAY') EVENING at 7:30 o'clock, "tf if A. s. HUBBARD. Se*.. /Vv rs= PACIFIC LODE NO. 136. F. m Lb-^ and A." M, 121 hddv St., meets J* THIS EVKMNi:. 7:10 o'clock. 3D. "tfAf GEORiIE PE LIS GV ON, sec. /Vi ft^S= CALIFORNIA L'HAPTI NO. 6, a *ir~& It. A.M., will meet THIS (tues- Jf* DAY) EVENING. Sept ---.a 7*3oo'c:nck."tf V P. M and M. E M. degre-s. By order of /^T^ the H. P. . FKaXKU.. .DAY. Sec. B_^S= GOLDEN (iATK LODGE Se. 30, ■ *<& F. and A. M. -Called meeting THIS ll ( TUESDAY) EVENING, Sept. 28, at 7:30 "tf "Sf o'clock. D. 3, GEO. J. HOBE, secretary. / **S*/\ C_**S=» MAGNOLIA L DOE NO. *_9, -■»,* ■_!_;. /'-, W-Jy 1. . o. 1-.— mi. ial ion Tills jgryJSCr (1 UKSDAYI EVENING. Brethren -^^O^r please attend. -^T / /if\"!* > " O. GUSTAFSON, N. G. Samtki, I'olack. sec. WyS' 11 ANN LODGE NO. <«_tf!lttt.«_. *-& 145, 1. O. O. V., 1749 Mission -Sg'^'tefc^ st. IniLiation TUESDAY E\En - *^»*^r ING, September 28 V. suing broth- 'W/Ilw*"*' ers are cordia ly invited. -. sa > DER. N. G. (has WikskL Hecordlng Secretary. &-**»=» MARINE ENGINEERS BENEFICIAL tS^S" Association— Nominations for oflicers lor iis lin*-* term will ie made at regular meeting. September 28- "l ou are earnestly r>. quested to a lend. THOS MALCOLMSON, PresldenL J. J. Skarkv, Cor, Sec jf-_S' ST. GEORGE MEMBERS AND &*-*£»' shareholders are requested to attend an im- portant Dieetl c WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sep- tember _9. at 8 o'clock, at the c ü brooms, 31 7 Mason street. EXECUTIVE i OM M I IT *. E. SPECIAL NOTICES. IK'S 3 FRENCH. SPANISH OR SHORTHAND Sfi*-^ In ilass, 25c; private. 50a 1604 fteiner. |J^3= Jills. MIRANDA, ELECTRIC Va POR mir-JSr baths, 1122 Maiket s.. room 31. * "C^-Jy-. MRS. DR. FISH, 14 A GEARY, BOOM 1 -. tt**--*^ electrician : alcohol "1 u.k. sii oi-tlis: unrlr.iled *tp<&* BAD IENAN IS I.JICJMi FOR $4: ia-£S rollei tions made: oty or country. Pacific I clieriiori Co.. 415 >:■ ■■•* 'V *•.. room (1* let. &5811. SITUATIONS AVA NT ED FEMALE. L'IRSI- CLASS 'GEHMAN HOUSEWORK A mr! desires sitnation: good cook and laundress: be*<treferen es; ciy or country. Miss CULLEN, 323 sutter st. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT K.VGLISH x < ook and housework girl desires situation: best lucid references; city or country. MI-S CUL- LEN, 323 -utt. r st. owiss girl; YOUNG, STRONG, GOOD- O plain cook, wants a situation. Address or tele- phone to MISS PLC iKETT, 424 sutler at. SWEDISH COOK WUH BEST . ; REFER- IO ences wants a place. Address MISS PLUN- KtCT'l . -124 utter si. / 1 1*: P. MAN COOK. UN D iT A Nils AMEKL ' ' can i coking thorough y. wants a situation. Ad- dress or leiepnone Miss 1 Lt'NKETT, 424 Sut- it r st. I* RST-CLASS PROTBBTAN . in OK FOR X hotel or institution desires a siina. ion; best of reference. J. F. i Kosi-.ti Ai O . 316 .-utter tt. QWEDD-ll FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS AND <j chambermaid withes situation; 5 years last pace. .* i;;-. NORI-..N, -15 setter su T* l ■ sT - CLA SWEDISH lIOL'SI-GIRL 1 nisei .si.uaiion: good cook and laundress: $20; city or country. MR-. NORTON, 315 Sut- ter sU GERMAN EMPLOYMENT OF'FIOI— MRS r LAMBERT, 417 Powell st (el. Main 5332), furnishes best heln of al* nationalities. PBRMIN GIRL V.-.NIS upstairs OK VJ general housework. 3111 FT muiest. » merican woman AND DAUGHTER _r\_ want positions louether* exceli* nt cook and manager: can tike lull charge; line reierence; country preierred. L. a., box IU-, call Office. \roUNO GIRL WISHES Nil ATION ;.GHN^ X eral housework and cooking; will answer no postals. Cah 7*3 Folsom st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1897. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. yOU.\(3 GIBL WAN IS SITUATION DOING J- light bousewor- In lamlly of *_ or 8. is nice p. ain seams! l*. sc Address O. G., box 28. Call. SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WISHES SITUA- -0 lion to assis*. in hou-ework. Cat. .0 Minna St., in basement, right-hand side. VY r OUNO GIRL, STRANGER, DKSIRES A housekeeper's place: country hotel or widow- er's heme preferred. Km. _ 906 Market, -d floor. EASTKRN WIDOW WANTS STEADY PLACE ! -Ci as housekeeper: widower's home or hotel pre- ferred. Room (3, 116 .-lxlh st., FLr_AS.-.*.T, REFINED FRENCH VJ lady as companion to iady or child in refined family; piano or vocal lessons if required. P.P., box 55, CalL GERMAN GIRL WANTS POSITION TO AT- VJ lend children or do upstairs work or light housework; wages not le*.-. than $15. Call or ad- driss li Redwood court, off Howard, above 16lh. JVEW MARRIED COUPLE WANTS SUNN. Ia front room with private f.mily near city iront; Scandinavian or German family preferied. Ad- j dress 74 F'err.e st. Ur ANTED— SI'I CATION BY EXPERIENCED Infant's or children's nurse; -nazes $-5; coun- try preferred a poly 204*1 McAllister s.. rPHORoUGH HOUSEGIRL WISHES PLACE lin suburbs; is good cook; small wash; wages *-5. Apply -Obi McAllister st. DKEsSMAK R WANTS WORK AT HOME; children's dresses, any style. *1. 1590 Hf- tecnth st. C-lOMPF.TENT WOMAN WIsHES SITUATION I as lirst-class cook and laundress; good city referei.ces: willing _uj obliging; sbort lime irom (be East. 314 Jessie st. SWj-DIsH girl wants pla<. as cook 0 or general housewoik; wages $-5. Address .*>_ Minna St. 10 D t'nuK WISHES PLACE '1 O DO Hi_UsK- "JT work for private family or business house. 737 llo.vaid st., room t6. yoUNGUI L wishes SITUATION TO AS- J sis; in general house* ork and care of children. AdJre.s M. M.. box b, Call OlHce. po.Ml'l*:ii*:.M t.iKL WISHES SITUATION V' to do general houseworK and cooking. Please call -"-'7 liayei st. \\r AN ii*. D— POSIiION AS COOK IN AN IN- »» slltutlon. L G., box 91, Call. riOMPETENT SWEDISH GIRL WISHES sll- VJ uation doing general housework and cooking; good references, cai. 457 1 .- Jessie st. t"JfHE SIIUATION WANTED BY YOUNG GERMAN girl to do light housework and care lor chil- dren. Apply 12411 Ml sion st. 11** ANI ED— BY CANADIAN Pi.OTF.sTANT '' woman cook'ingand housework in private family, call t!J7 L_trkin st. 1 1 krmaN WOM.-.N WISHES WASHING U and cleaning; $1 a day and carfare. Address 1-.43 Mission st. \OUNG WOMAN DESIRES TO TAKE C ARK J- of children and do upstairs work. tail at '2d'2<S Sixteenth .street. STBaDV, BF.LIABLE GlttL DESIRES SITU- ! ation at general housework and cooking;wages fj.o to $ 6. Address ltfB Lexington aye., near Nineteenth. V 1X I' R IKM'ED SWISS GIRL, SPF.AK- in*. trench, German and Ei.g.ish, a siiua.ion a. Srco id work; is -.-ond seam.*,. ress: -class waitress; city references; *_0. A., box 4, CalL L" I LST-CLASS GERMAN COOK WISHES Jr .liuation. 'JO4B Mits.ou st. Air ANTED— BY LADY WITH CNEXI'EP- '» ilonable reierence and thoroughly versid in institution wurk, position as matron. Address V., box I*.', call. I ADY WISHES SITUATION Aa HOUsE- -- keeper; city or country. E-i'A Fourth St., r. -. V'OL'NG FRENCH WIDOW WANTS HOUsK- -l keeper position for widower or to do plain sewing. 7 • lain aye., ro. m 2. \'OCNG LaDY, RELEN FROM RUSSIA, JL desiies a place as housekeeper; city or couu- try. --'.•. Post st.. room 1. X ELIA RLE WOMAN: GOOD COOK; WOULD \ •do downstairs worn; assist Willi washing, i pos*.n s answered If carfare paid; good ief*. re 1213 l v ill st. \.Nli GKRMAN (IIRL 16 VEALS OLD X wishes a poniuon toassi>t In light housework, tall at .V. -' I hesli ut St, in rear. DRESSMAKING BY 'TIF. DAY; IS OOOD cutter and liner. D. M.. box 31, Call office. VCUNG WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKKF.P- X. er's position. 121 Montgomery st., loom 8. Y'l L'.Mt SWEDISH GIKL DESIRES PLACE i X to do general housewoik; wages $25; lefer- ! | ences. I9**su Union at. A STERN LADY WOULD LIKE II OUS X- | J_l keeper', posi.ion. city orcountry. 106 Eddy I _:., rooms 24 and 25. \'(UN(I GKRMAN WOMAN WISHES POSI- I J iiiii 010 general housework, cooking or car.* lor children. i.O-aE BKI/illhi. sua Moi.gom- j er» si. CIOLOKED WOMAN WANTS GENEKAI. V^ housework or chamberwork. Call 10- Clemen- I tina si. ERMAN WOMAN WIsHEs SITUATION *Jt lo do gent housework or Keep house; good plain cook: no obj .ciion to country; $10 to 12 a mouth. .'O4 Howard. « YOU GIRL (PARISIAN) WANTS A X place as housekeeper; no otjecifon to country; widowei's home preferred. Looms 10 and 1!, . 12" I'os si. ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY. FORMERLY in good clrcumsiaoce3, wou d like a steady housekeeper's place; hotel or widower's home pre- ierred. Room *-'. 1-0' _ Geary St. V'OUNG LADY. WILLING AND OBLIGING, JL wishes posiilon as companion to elder.y lady; will do i oirtsponding, etc: good home more an object than; nest of references. Address M. R., box 96. Call. RELIABLE YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED Jl schoolteacher, wishes si uation to attend 2 or | 3 children; reterences. Please call or address i 704 Powell s:. "I (If* FOURTH, ROOM 23, SECOND FLOOR— IAXj Young Widow wants a situation as house- keeper for widower; call in atternoon. \\r ANTED— A POSITION AS HELPER TO | ' * invalid lady or io do light work In small family by an c derly lady of Intelligence and Mood heai.h Addre s MRS. J. K. JONES, oriental Hotel, ('a (land, Cal y'OU.N-n GIRL, HERMAN. WANTS A PLACE X as h< usekeeper: no objection to country; wid- ower's home preferred. 207 post sl, room 8. YOUNG GIRL FROM COUNTRY DKSIRKS X position us typewriter or office work. Call 120 E lis st . room 31. IT OUNG WISH Es POSITION AS DKFIsS- X maker; 10 months' experience. 214 Steuarl. VOUN.. OKKMAN GIRL, FORMERLY IN J- good ciicumstances. dis:ies a place as house- keeper; city or country; widowei's home pie- ferred, Loom 2, J23 los: st. SPANISH WIDOW WISHES to TAKE CARE of invalid or lie c mpanion. or do any otherday work. 160 Fourth st , room 12. Y'I.LNO FRENCH WIDOW WANTS A JL housekeeper's position: no objection to Coun- try. . J tO _ Geary st.. room 1. A'OUNG ENi'Llsll LADY, FORMERLY IN X j.ood circumstances, desires a place as house- keeper; hotel or widowei's home preferred. 117 Eddy su. room 1. YOUNG OIKL WAN IS A HOUSEKEEPER'S { 1 piece; hotel or widowei's home preferred, j 36i/ 3 Geary, room 15. second floor. OUNG WIDOW DESIRES A POSl'l lON* AS J. housekeeper in widower's home. 1-6 Fourth St., room 21, second floor. VOl'Sd WIDOW* FROM THE EAST WISHES I position as housekeeper in widower's home. 7 Gram aye , rooms 2 and 3. i'] - LARKIN — BRANCH OFFICE OF THK 1)1 c" CAUL hut. scriptlons m.i want ails taken. SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE. STEADY, TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG MAN wants position to drive or lake care of horses and make himself general useiul. Apply toMlss UL'LLF'N ; tel. 323 suiter. ( -* J., I A.-, St.; ksXD -'0 YF-AKS: ./help: lei. m.sin 19V7. BRADLE V ..Co. .1140 Clay JAPANESE EMPLO.MENT BUREAU: RE- liable help. 709 Geary sU TeL Sutter 2125. HUNTER A CO.. CHIN AND JAPANESE IT emp. ollice. 6141/2 California st.. lei. main 281. CHINESE AN II JAPANEE EMPLOYMENT V ollice; best help. 4l4Vi O'Farrell, Tel. E. 426. ! PAINTING, WHITENING, PAPER-HANG. X ing: roof; gutters painted. FDWALDS, 1200 Webs;er st. •SCANDINAVIAN BUTCHER, WKLL AC- -0 qunlnted in city, wants a position. Address S. S. it , box 33, Call Office-, G ERMAN. 23 YEARS OF AGE. HIGHLY ED- VJ ucaied, 7 years' experience In business, spe- cially in d i ties, wants position; a'so lv foreign party; references- A., box 6, Call Office. GENTLEMAN EXPERIENCED IN ALL VJT branches of Institution work, educated and mustca', with got d references, wants position. G. * box 81. Call office. g "[INDUSTRIOUS, ECONOMICAL GERMAN. 1 25 years of age, not afraid of work, speaks three lan-tuases, would like 10 have posit. on in private house or to t»k» care of a Keut.'eman; bes* of refereLCes given. Address P. G. G., box 10, tall. FTTUATIONS WASTED- Contf*-*-*". . VOUSO GENTLEMAN DESIBFIS EMPLOY- -1- ment; sneaks fluently and corresponds tn four languages. G. B. X., box* 91, Call Office SITUATION BT YOUNG MaN AS PORTER or shipping clerk in wholesale store: can mark good and writes _ fairly pialu hand; can furnish best references. Address F. LU.sDIN, _*_5 eighth. MAN WHO CAN FURNISH A HoRsE AND bugay and who Is thoroughly scijui inted In the city wou.d like 10 do collecting, put up notices for a real estate office or work of a similar character. Address M. I., b*»x 8, Call. •"TWO BKOTHi-.RtTToNE MARRIED) WOULD I like 10 take charge of a ranch; both understand farming and handling of horses and Stock; wife will do the cooking; no one need apply for us un- less a steady place is guaranteed. D. J., box 67. this offlce. 1 GOOD WAITER WISHES -TKADY Po- sition. Inquire at New Atlantic Hotel, 207 Montgomery aye., room 15. MA AND WIFE WISH POSITIONS: WIFK for housework; man for general ; no objecuon to country. Address M. R. box 56. Call. L* IRST-CLASS CARHI.-.C-.E BLACK-Mi.ll -T warns a sready job: also handy at ropairing wood worn. V. c, box 89, Call. 1 EXPERIENCED GARDENER WAN'IS SIT- -2 nation; care of horses: can milk; first-class references* more for home than high wage**. C. C., box 5, Call. MAN WITH YKARS OF EXPERIENCE iti wishes position at any -general office work; real estate, insurance, who esale office preferred; referei ces from present employer. B. 0., box 14-', Call. GERMAN. AOED3»: UNDERSTANDS GAR- uenlng; care of horses: cm milk: reter nces; wag s modera.e. P. M., 674 six. tenth st , East Oakland. i.ARTENDEU OK MANAGER— GOOD REX- » ' erences. I will give you a system that pre- vents over-generosity, careles-mes' or dishonesty ot employes. G. H., box 75. call f flce ■Til " PARKIN— BRANCH OFFICE OF THE c"-L_l CALL, "subscriptions and want ads taken. ANTED— POSH lON AS COACHMAN OR care of horses by Englishman from the East; good references; wa^es reasonable. RAVVLIN- sON, Bfc3V<j Market ml VOTXIi MARRIED MAN WANTS TO KEN 1' i. dairy complete or on shares 621 Cal.foruiast. INCHESTER HOUSE 4*4 IHIRH ST.. NX. tf Market; 200 rooms -be 10 8150 per nlebs; II CO to tn per week; convenient aud respectable Iree bus and bacgage to and irom ihe lerrr. HELP IVANTED-FEMAIE. MIDDLE-AOED WOMAN. OAKDALF, $20: 12 housework girls, city and country, $20 and $25; 8 young girls to assist, to *15. MlsS CULLEN, 82S Sutter . IUOItKINO HOUS -KEEPER. WITH A »' chil . $15 (see gentleman here): call early. Miss CULLEN, 3 .(suiters.. VUHSE, ONE CHILD; Mi EP AT HOME; 1> $18; MISS LULLE.s, 323 Sutler St. DEFINED HERMAN SK'IND GIRL $25. J I MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutter St. COOK, $30. Miss CULLEN, 323 SUITER V' street. \TK.\T, REFINED NURSE: $12 to $15. Is Miss CULLEN, 328 Sutter st. WAITRESS; $20; SLEEP HOME. MISS '" CULLEN, 323 Sutter si AN IRONER; COUNTRY; $26. MISS C LLEN, 323 Butler St. SECOND • IRI* SAN MATEO, $26: GER- roan second girl, $20. MISS CULLEN, 3-3 Sutter st. GIRL TO RUN ERRA DS AN DO PLAIN f ironing, $15; sleep home. Miss CULLEN, 323 sutler st. MAID, $15. MISS CULLEN, 323 SUTTER street. ERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN HOUBE- -0 work girl, $25 to $30. MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutler st. pOOK AND LAUNDRESS, $-0. MISS CUL- V; LEN, 323 Suiter st. SEAMSTRESS AND CHAMBERMAID, $25. kJ MISS CULLEN, 323 setter at, t.) GIRLS. ALAMEDA, $25: GIRL, SCOIT. $20; — girl. $20: i.i.l, Ellis, $'_*.; cirl. Bra l- ericK, $.0; girl, F'renso, if-.O; girl, countr., $ 0: ilil. Union, $20; (tit:, Rush, $-0; girl, / lam. da, $-0. girl. Page, $2J, MARTIN it CO., 749 Mar- ket st. GIRL, LAGUNA, $15; -fURL, **AN I A KOSA, $15; girl, California, 115; girl. Fresno, $15. girl McA lister. $16; gin, Broderlck, »15; .1.-1, Suiter, $15: girl, country, $15; cirl. Fair Oaks. $15: nirl. Poet $15; sin, a. ameda, £15. MAR- IIN <fc Cu.,749 Market su HEAD WAITRESS. CITY HOTKL, $.'. AND room: 5 waitresses. 1 i;y restaurant. *5 aw ek ; waitress, assist, pantry work, $18 and room; wa t- -.s, ai-s st sewing, countiy, $15 and room; wait- ress, country, $20 and room. MaRTIN A CO., 749 Market su CGIA.MIIKII.MaID AND WAIT SOME. COUN- VJ try. $20 ttnt room; 4 chamhermuins. assist waiting, ci >'. »15 and room; cii. mbermaid. assist wa ting, count y, $20 and room. MARTIN A in, 749 Market sU /■1 IRL, NO C OKING, AL A M DA. $'-0; GIRL 'j Snnta Rosa; girl, Nevada, fare advanced; 2 cirls for Fresno, $15 and $20. MaRTIN A CO., 749 Market sL T RON STEAM LAUNDRY, $10 PER J. week; louDdres*, $40;. hotel laundress, $20. room, etc MARTIN" A CO., 749 Market st. /' lI'.L, BELVEDERE $20, sKi* Pa RTY HERE VT 10 A M. MARTIN* <fc CO., 749 Marketst. GIRL CORTB MADERA. $15. BKE PARTY VI here bet. 10 a. M, and 2p. m. MARTINA CO., 719 Marketst. COLORED Sl-C >ND GIRL, CITY, »15 TO $20. MA HI IN A --0., 749 Maricet st. A GERMAN OR SWEDISH SECOND GIRLS, i $20. MARTIN A CO. 74 J Market s". lAUNDRKSS, HOTEL; COUNTRY, $20 AND - room. MARTIN A CO.. 749 Mar_etjt. GIRL. SHASTA COUNTY, $25. MARTIN A CO., 7.9 Market *t. I ADV'SM VID CITY; CALL EARLY. MAR* 1- TIN A CO., 749 Market s . HOUSEKEEPER. $10 TOs.o PER MONTH, see party here. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market. Housework] -- IN FAMILY, $25! C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 108 Geary st. 0 IRONEaH sTEAM L * lINDRY NEAR THE — city, $25 and board. C. It. HANSEN A CO., 1 08 Geary st. 1t) GIRLS, HOUSEWORK. $20; 16 YOUNG I***., girls to assist, $15 aid $12: nurieg'rl lor S.o-ktou, see parly here, $15: girl, housework. Alameda, $18. Oakland $20, Fiesno $25 . nd free fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 108 Geary st. LAUNDRESS, PLAIN HOTEL,* CITY, $.'5. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 108 Geary st. f WAITRESS!**---, COUNTRY MOTET, SEE 1 psr.y here, $20. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 108 Geary st. COOK, RESTAUR V NT, CITY, $3! C. R. I HANSEN ACO., 108 ueary sU pEKMAN SECOND GIRL. $20; 2 FRENCH V_r 1 iris; upstn*rs and nur-iegirl, $*_0. C. K. HAN- SEN it CO, 108 Clear/ st. I)ROTESTAN. LAUNDBE-S INSTITUTION, A $1 day, st-ady work: matron or housekeeper, Ins.itutton, reference r> quired: German or French maid and seamstress, $25; lirst-class hotel cook, Sill; 3 German, French and Protestant second girls, $20: German or siandinavian cook tor miners, $35: 3 waitresses, restaurants, etc., $20 and $25, and a ]«rge number of gir s lor cooking and houseworK in city ana country. J. F. CROsETT A C a. 316 Sutter st. SECOND GIRL; NICE AMERICAN FAMILY; a short distance; s.-e lady hero at 10:30 to-day. J. 1". CROaETT__CO- 31b Sutter st. ■yOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST LADY' AND ACT X. as companion: small wages: goid home In the country; lee and fare paid; Germau governess for south. m California and others. MURRAY A- READY, Leading Employment Agents, 634-636 Clay su HOUSEWOHK GIRL FOR ENsENADA, Lower Caliiornia, $20 and tare paid; kitchen maid, $20. It. T. WARD A CO.. 610 lay su I AU »l'REss lOR PRIVATE FAMILY, *30; Ij .tairs girl. $20; housegiil,2 in fami y. $25: chamiwmaid, $20; hoiueketper, $15; Irlsi housegirl. $25; cook, $3»: neat German houseg.rl, $20; middl-aged woman to take full charge of nouse, $12; 20 housegirls for country. $15 to $30, and a great many girls for city, $-J 10 3*25. MKs. NORTON, 315 Suiters'. Cook for Dairy. $au: holsegirl, 2 in VJ family. fib; housegirl. must sleep home, $12. MRS. NORTON. 316 sutler ' GERMAN" EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, SIRS. \J LAMBERT, 417 Powell su, hai places for girls of all nationalities. OMAN FOR railroad EATING-HOUSE II lunch-counter; $35. HoTfc.l. GAZETTE, 420 Koarnv si. TAT AN TED— FIRsT-CLASS DRESSMAKER; II callearlv. 1079 Slarket St. Al' ANTED— APPRENTICES FOR MILLIN- II or, 609 McAllister st. OOD. HAND ON VESTS; ALSO APPREN- " I tice. 40 *-**/_ Grove st. EXPEKIENCED IRON XV AN. ED AT the -Modern i.aundry, 385 Eighth st. ■p ERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL FOR GEN- ' I eral housenor and cooking; must under- stand cooking. 51U Fulton at. HKLP WANTED- Continued. 1 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON OVER- - shirts: steady employment: MORRIS COHN A Co., Los Angeles. Apply at 308 Sacramento si., city. GIHL FOR SECOND WORK AND CAKE FOR gr-wn chllii; city relet ences required. Call 2295 Franklin SU *\""oUNO GIRL, GERMAN PREFERRED, TO A. ass.s. light housework ichildien); $10. 1029 Suoivvill at. GOoD Cue FOR COUNTRY; SMALL F AM- iiy; re eremec call 9 to 12, 1900 Washing- ton st. i^IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEVvORK. 4522 VJT Twentieth su, near Eureka VyANTED-*. NEAT IOL'NO GIRLS TO AS- II sist proprietor in roadhouse; steady beneficial home. Aduress O. 8., box 57. Call. YOUNO GIRL, TO TAKE CARE OF BABY; A wages $6. 604 tday st GOOD PLAIN COOK; GEKMAN OR SCANDI- -navian preferred. Call 1610 Green, 9to 12. AY r A -VTED— DHESsMAKEK, WAIST HAND. II MRS. NOLAN. 387 San June aye. WANTcD— AN OLD LADY TO MIND CHI li- ii dieu. 411 Brauuansi. GOOD FINISHER ON CUSTOM COATS. 236 Ellis St. ty ANTED-OPER AToRS ON LADIES' •I waists an.l wrappers. MARKS BROS., 106 Sixth st. PARTNER WANTED—A WOMAN; MUST —be good cook in restaurant, with $250. A., box 1, cal Offic-: no aeems. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- T work; wages $10. Call to-day 703 Lar .in. GIRL tOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND c okmg. 1.16 Mason. c aye., mar Haight st. I'ATTF.R .» 25c; DKESSMAKr.CS FUK- L nished Lops and families; positions free. Mo- Dreasmaklu^, Millinery school, 103 i'o,i. ONE FKE.sCH TAILOR SYSTEM. WITH IN- structlons. given away cai h mouth. o. F\ Diesscuili.ig saloon, &16 Market st. 4 MARKET XI.— BRANCH OF'i-ICE Or' LLLLi Call: Ham ads and subscription, laueit V^'^l*. **"""Sl**-._S — SUiiaCRiPTIONJi *->»> _-_>_. \> want ads «aken lor THK CALL I*/ ANTED— A 1 CLOAK FINISHERS AT M. II si .Ml. miffs, 1228 Marke: st. I_*U lis 1 -CLASS TAILORESS WANTED. BOW- .' HAY'S, 504 Sutter st. MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third st.. near Market: 20 J rooms: 2.->c to $1 50 per nieht: $1 60 to $6 per week: free bus and baggage to and trom ferry. HELP AVANTED-MALE. COOK. $9 A WEEK: 3 COOKS, $30 AND room: broi er $5o: night ceo:., $25 and room: cojk, . ounliy, $60 and room c* ok, Sll a weeK; took. *7 a week. MARTIN A CM., 749 Market. 1 A MINE BS, ALSO a MINING FOREMAN; Ift see party nere. MARTIN A Co., 49 Mar- ket st. '—- - Oft TO 80 LABORERS AND TEAMSTERS; 4*yJ city; $1 75 day. MARTIN A CO., 749 Mku '_*• DISHWASHERS, $20 AND RO '51: 4 DISH- • ' washers. $15 and lo.m; 2 dlsowushers. $5 a week: 4 ki'.cheiimen, $2 50, $4 a week. MaR- TIN A CO., 749 .Market st (' WAITEUS, $25 AND ROOM. MARTIN A ft CO., 749 Marketst. 3 GERMAN WAIT MS, $25 AND ROOM. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market St. /• RANCHHANDs, $15 TO $20 PER MONTH. ft MARTIN A CO., 749 Mm kit. LAKER'S HELPER, CITY. MARTIN A CO., li 749 Market, at. •_. POR I'KRS, $15 TO $25 PF:R MONTH. MAR- O TIN A CO., 749 Market. WANTED— TO-DAY ARIZONA, 12 Lv. II borers for rip-rap nan.,; railroai work; $175 a day and free are; we ship this a!ter..oon. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 108 Geary st. WANTED TO-DAY -100 MEN TO PICK 'I crapes in Tulare County : wages $1 a day and board; fare $.1 60: no ohi r charge: we ship to- iilgh*.. Get your tickets at C. H. HANSEN Aco.'s, 108 Geary st. _^ A* li'i.TA BLFI GARDENER, COUNTRY. $25, I see party here; 10 t»amsler-, city. $175 a day: 10 laborers, city, $1 75 a day: 3 lumber eis. $-6 and found. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 108 Geary st. SECOND COOK, COUNTRY RESTAURANT, O 10 a week; 2 wait country restauram, $8 a week; French cook, lestaurnnt, $45 to $50; broiler, restaurant. »55; waller, country hoe, t'2b; porter and scrubber, country hotel, .-'. O. Innrh cook, $25; man and wife, country laundry, $50; 2 lroners, country laundry, $26; second cook fir an iti-titution, $25. C. R. HANSEN A Co.. 108 Geary St. 6 ROUGH CARPENTER- FOR A L.ARGE U ranch* 125 laborers and teamsters, city and country jobs, $1 75, $1 60 and $1 50 a day (not neceis.i o know streets of cuy to drive team); 60 scraper teamsters, country, $.6 and found; 86 tiemakers, 8c each: 185 woedchopppre $2 60, $2 10 and $1 60 curd, too aid food furnished; 50 shingle and shake bolt makers, $1 26 and $1 60 cord; 4 Inmber-plleis »l 75 day; eager hand for s iwmi.l, $35 and lound. MURRAY A READY, 634 and b36 Clay st. GRAPES, $30; FRUITS, $23; GRAPES, $30. 1 1 r R WANT 65 MEN AND BOA'S TO TACK II gripes, frui.s. etc.. no experience required, reduced ralln ad fares: 25 farmers, orchard and vineyaid hands, $26. $25, $.0; 3 chore boys. $15 and $10: 26 b?ani.nllers to pu I beans, thrash and sack them: 3 Loys to learn trades. $4 week; 3 factory boys: 2 milkers, $20: 2 pruners, $26: cabinet-maker, city. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay st- HOl'H, 1 ) PA RIME N'T. '. . Cook, boarding-house, $50: cook, small rest- aurant, »35 to $40 and room, country: 3 hotel cooks, $25, $30 and $50: 2 i-econd cooks. *5 and $6 week: * waiters. «35 and $25: rt dishwashers: washer, 'ounir-r latimiry, $30 and found: barber: 3 meat t'imniers, $1 75 day. -MURRAY A HEADY', 634 and 636 clay s\ 'ft RAILROAD EN. FREE FACE: I AUOK- • ->"' ers and teamsters. MURRAY A READY", 634 and b36 Clay s . "WANTED— FOREMAN FOR MINE, $8 DAY; I' machine men, 25c to 3Jc hour: min-r, $40: younz German to drive mi k--.vagon, $20 and found: Canvassers, salary and commlss.on: •r- -chardist, $20; farmer for santa Cla-a County; tailor; earring*) tl.cksmiih helper, $.0 to $1. week; 8 scraper-team diivers. »1 day and board; I laborers, $1 7. "» day : boy lor docto.'s office,' $12; 2 men ajd wives, $35 and »50: grainie-cutiers.snd i others. Apply io J. F. CROScTT A CO.. 628 | Sacramento st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS IN DOW- ESS- II ir for dealing dry-goods house: teacher of gymnastics and pnvsical culture. a poly to J. F. C'RosET i A CO , 628 sacramento si. "lIT A NTED— COOK, PKIVATE B >ARDING- »i bouse. $30*. young man to as. lst in coffee saloon, $5 wi ck; « ushers, $15 to $25: | oriers for restaurant, $20 and ■ il.ers. Apply to J. V. UKOShTT A CO., 628 . acr.imento St. ' ANTED— LAUNDItYMA.V FOR INSTITU- II tlon. $25: waiter f r hotel, $30; kitchen hand. $25: dlsliwa.lier for hotel. $20; cook for c.iop- liou c, $7 a week; broi er, SUO; French boy io drive wa. on, $15, etc. ANDRE:, 3uB Stockton. IiAKKB. IOI'NTBY, $40; CON D BAKER, l> $30. man fir vegetah c gulden, $20; 2 larm- ers, 520; 10 grape-pickers, $26; wm dchoppers on shares. It. T. WARD A CO., 008 and 610 lay St. .."WANTED— YOUNG MAN WHO HAS II AD II experience driving firs -class delivery-wagon In city ; reference required; salary *35 a montb and board ami lod ing. Apply to W. 1). EWER A CO., 626 Clay st. WANTED— JAPANESE BoY TO WAIT * ON ■i gent emeu and to do I onsework; wages $20. MISS PLL'NKKiT, 424 suiter st OY WANTED FOH Fi OW'ER-STORF- AD- dre^s Boy, box 99, (all Office. ,» } -XP'.RIK.\-CED PITCHVEIN COAL MIN- J ers: s.eady work: coed wages, li quire room 515, Safe 1 e*.osii buikliii*., 328 Aloutgoiuery st. PAINTERS WANTED: CALL AT 7:30. 1730 X Greenwich st \'OUNG MAN AROUND YARD; SMALL wages, room and board; call af er lv. 915 Sacramento su WANTED— MAN OF GOOD CHARACTER II in a fir t-class winehouse as barkeeper; also act as indoor salesman; German-speak. pre- ferred. J. M., box 56, cal i like. 1-UR--T-CLASS CO .X WANTED. 154 SECOND X s.r eL .ARBEK VVANTFD. STEADY*. 797 MISSION 13 st., corner Fourth OOD D.sHW i.sHER WANTED IN KKS- GiOOD D..-HW ibHER WANTED IN KKS- T laurant. 11 Mason st. WANTED-UOOD SECOND COOK. 249 Fourth s;. GERMAN CLERK FOR GROCERY' AND I" bar. Corner Geary and Leavenworth sts. GOOD BARBER WANTED FOR VV'EDNEs- day, Saturday and Sunday. 872i/_. Howard st. HELP WANTED— Continued. STEADY" LUNCH WAITER WANTED AT 28 First st. :.".'.' WAN TED-GOOD BOOTBLACK. 34 FOURTH " street. tH&B i.ARBEK; STEADY" MAN. 1318 MARKET 1' street. EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER; *4 WEEK. 406 McAllister st. LINE MEN'S CALF SHOES *1 74; TO ORDER A" $2 50; men's half soling 35c; beellng 25c; strictly one price. 959 Howard st. BARBEK-SHOP Foil HALF" CITY; SHORT hours: cheap rent; good bn-dness: no opposi- tion; cash or ins. ailments to good i-t-ady man. Apply at once WILL & In CX, Barber Suppv House, 818 MarKet st. RELIABLE MAN WITH 160 TO ASSIST IN- AL office of cash business and satisfied with $60 per montb. with chance of Increase. Apply room 2. 1118 .Market sl. STYLISH HAIRCUT, 10c: ELI* GANT shave, Cc; cieau towels. 602 Pacitic St., near Ktarny. i"* I RST-CLASS CAHINF'T-MAKER WANTED. A 1 FINK A SCHINDLER 13.9 Mar-el St. I YOUNG MEN OGO IUTH; NO CHARGE "3 fur job. HERMAN'S, 637 Clay st. BARBER WANTED; ALSO BOY TO LEARN trade. 227 Second st. (JABBER-SHOP ON MARKET ST. FOR SALE A) cbeap, if sold this month. Apply Call Office. SHOEMAKER WANTED; STEADY WORK. iO 202 Second st. pOPPER Rl\ ER-ALASKA-COPPEK RIVER VJ The fast and safe schooner '*W. S. Fhelps" will sail in a few days under command of Captain John Kiss- he his been thoroughly refitted and overhauled; has the oest accommodation*! of any vessel thai bus yet lett for the North: Is now lyi-.g at Mlfsion-sL whaii No. 2. The well-known phy- sician and surgeon. Dr. Frit I 01 Oakland, will ar- comnany tbe expedition. Fare, including one yea's revisions, wim 1 riv.lese Of 1000 pounds extra freight, on y $200. Only a few mote pas- 's ngerscan be accommodated. For further par- ticulars apply at vessel or at owner's office, room 201, Safe Deposit buildintr, 328 Montgomery si. IIF.CRUIIs WANTED FOR THE UNITED J I Mates mirine corps, United states navy: anle-bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 30 years, who are citizens of the United States, or those who have legally declared their intention to become such; must be of good char- acter and habits and able to speak, read and write F.nieiish. and be between 5 feel 5 inches and 6 feet in height. For fnnher information apply at the recruiting office. 20 Kills St.. San Francisco, Cal. TV" ANTED— YOUR SHOES MADE TO " fi your feet at the same price you buy ready- made o.ies, irom tl, 52, S3, $4 and *_, at 562 Mission st, Lot. Firs: and Second. *4 I INERs WANTED— 2 OR 3 FOR CoPPER it* River; adveriiser will pay hilf expenses for third i f discoveries Addreis M . W., box 4a, Call. , ARHF. >'s ASSOCIATION— FREE; EMPLOY- I ment Office. S. PC CHS sec, 325 Gran, aye Ur ANTED— AT MONTANA HOUSE, 764L_- Mission; men 10 lake rooms; 10', 15c auu 25c per night ; 60c 90c and $1 per week. PARTY TO TAKE INTEREST SURt.-P.VY- ing enterprise; capital now invested $2000; Guarantees $300 to $400 per mo. 8. , b* x 3 J, Call. GENT TO TAKE ORDERS FOR PRINTING. P. BOULIN. 519 Filbert-,!. SHOESHOP FoR SALE CHEAP: GOOD BUSI- O uess: good reasons for selli. g. App Call office. SAILORS FOR EUROPE, HONOLULU. ALAS- -0 ka and steamships at 109 Montgomery aye., upstairs. Tlf AN TED— MEN lo J. EARN BARBER '» trade; shops, tools, positions furnished: 8 weeks required, s. F. Barber College, 13b"/2 Eighth. LI RST-CLASS LADIES' TAILOR WANTED." A BOWHAY'S, f,04 sutlers*. DUOM- 150 io isu I'F.H NIOHT; 51K! -v ♦- aj XL per weeK. Oriental. 225 Drumm »L Vl* INCHES.TEK HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NR '* Market; 200 rooms, 25c a night; reading- room: tree 'bus and baggage .0 and trom the ferry. ..HI Mt: *' FOR FURNISHED ROOMS; 2ic lUU night; $1 26 week up. saraio^a, 118 Sixth. X OSEDALE, 321 ELLIS ST., NIL IAY LOR— X\* 100 rooms, 25c night; $1 week, reading room SAILORS AND ORDINARY * SEAMEN wanted atLANE'S, 504 Davis, near Jackson. QINGLE ROOMS 10c AND 15. NIGHT, 75c 1. and 3<l week. Llndeil House, Sixth and Howard. KLCHO HoUsE, 863% MARKET ST. ROOMS 20c. 25c to 50c night: $1 to I*2 week. LADIEa' SHOES, SOLING, -sc: MEN'S shoes, soling, 60c: all repairing done at halt the usual price. 562 Mission sl. bet. and 2d. ! O/A/iA PAIR'S— ANOTHER LOT OF MEN'S tIUVI" shoes: been sl-htly damaged; a: less than one-fourth their value: from 26c 10 $2 50. 662 Mission St., bet. First and Second. T OT OF UNCALLED-FOR SHOES FROM 250 Xa np to $1 26. 562 Mission st., teL Ist and 2d VY ANTED.TOCOLLKOi' WAGE- due LABOR- '" rr*=.tclerks KNOX Collection Agcy, 110 Sutter. It SIMON WANTS 100 MEN iooet bottle i, beer or wine sc: test iree lunch. b43 Clay. TRY ACME Hi. USE. 957 MARKET ST.. BE- low sixth, for a room: -5c a nighi: $1 a week. UTANTI-.D— LABORER'S AND MECHANICS to know that F°d Rolkln, Reno Honse proprie- tor, tun runs Denver Horn*). 217 Third St.; -J J large rooms: 26c per idem: $1 10*:** i>er week. agents wanted. Agents Wanted for medicated _*\. wafers: positive safeznarJ; $1: also tonic unecific for all female troubles: for home use. DR. AND MRS. WW OWNER. 526 ddv s*. KOOMS WANTED. "IMMEDIATELY, BY 2 YOUNG MEN, A rooms adjoining: privilege of li?ht housekeep- ing; bei«e-n Bush, Jackson, Buchanan aud Devi- sadero sts : give full paituulais about' 12. B. B , box 121, la 1 Office. HOARD. NO WANTED. BY GENT; ROOM, WITH BREAKFAST AN dinner; no other roomers; $16. B. R., box 122, CalL DENTISTS. \TAN VROOM A CO.'S ELECTRO- DENTAL Parlors, 997 Market st. : lady attendant: no gas or other dangerous uniesthetics given; electricity the great agent used 10 relieve pain; teeth tilled and extracted painlessly by onr new electrical process: a written guarantee given with all work done: lowest prices, best work; all surgical woric attended by G. W. Williamson, M. D.. physician and surgeon: examination iree by the use of our new electrical appliances: porcelain and gold crowns: bridge-work an! leeili without plates a ► Electro- Parlors. 997 Marke*..*; A FULL SET OF TEETH, $5; PAINLKSS extraction: see our new (Ombtnalioti plate: thinnest, lightest, coolest plate made; wananted lOyeiirs; fillings, EOc; crowns, $3 50; lady assist- ant. CHICAGO DENTAL I'AI'.L 24 Sixth *\'r.\V YORK DENTISTS; ARTIFICIAL -A; eih, $3 50 up; sinless extracting. 60c; none bin experienced dentists con nee. ed with this office; all work warranted. 969 Mission, co. Sixth. DIL GEOROE VV. LEEK*. IHE GENUINE Leek dentist, disoverer of palnlesi extraction and patentee of improved bridg* work or teeth without any plate, moved from 6 10 20 O'l-arreii. R.* LUDLUM HILL, 1413 MARKET ST.. N R. Eleventh. 1. ochirge for extracting when plates are made; o d plates made over like new: teeth frum $8 per set: extracting 50c: gas given. rn.r- FULL SET OF* TEEIH; BEST MAKE; Siys). kept in repair: extracting free; fillings 50c; crowns $3 50. Paclttc Dental Earl rs, 18 Third. Croomf; DENTAL associai ion. Votf MAR- ket, bee 3d and 4th: pais specialists*, palnlesi extracting, villi gas, $1; plates. $7 up. till. $1 up. OHIO DENTAL PARLORS; PAINLESS EX- trading, 50c; open eve Ings and Sundays. 906 Market st. DX. J. J. LEEK, 1126 MARKET ST.; OPEN evenings: Sunday till noon; registered dentist. \\r C. HARDING. M. D.. 600 SUITE X, COR. If . l'owell: tel. Mam 6373; painless extraction. ALL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR- a\. ranted. DIL J. W. KEY, 1320 Marke*. sL F.T OF TEETH WITHOUT » ruin, DR O H. C. Young. 1811 Polks:. COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIAiION. SO- _-.-_,*- J ketst DH. CHARLF.S W. DKCKEIi. LEGAL NOTICES. THE CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION having received applications to mine by the hydraulic process from Horace Taber. In the Taber Gold Mining Claim, near Gibionviile, Sierra Coun- .v, to deposit tal lugs in Gibson Creek; from Fred smith, In the Black link Mine, near Yankee Jim's P.acer • ounty, to deposit tailings in Owl Creek* irom W. H. Leekeials., In ihe Miocene Mine, near Cresient Mills, Plumas County, to deposit tai. lngs in Rush Cieek: from Henry Conbrough, in the I F'llris. Mine, near Carbonda.e, Amador County 10 deposit tatlln-.s on a flat: from John C. Murphy In 1 c slate 1 reek Placer Mine.near Kel ey EI Dorado County, to deposit tailings In Dutch Cre'en- from .Lb 11 M. Jackson, in th - Jamison Placer -Mine, near Join, s v. lie. Plumas county, to deposit tailings on a flat: trom'.-ook Hung Lung, in th- Bar- nard's Diggings, near Lsi Porte. Plumas Coun v to deposit tai inits in aDt.reek.aiid from the Junior Oravel Mm ng and Water Company, in the Jun- to- Giavel Mine, near Dogtcwn, 1 alaveias Couikv tod' posit tallingi In San Domingo Creek, elves no! tice that a meeting will be held at room 69. Flood building, san Francisco, Cal., ou ociober 11 1897 BUSINESS CHANCES. (H. I .)- LADY WANTS A PARTNER IV •Jl 1 __t.) . delicacy an 1 lunch liouse; take care of kitchen: prefers pari uer to hire uelp. M. LESS, jf o Fourth st. - I * M 01* -J* fT DELIC VCY STOKE: GOOD LOt A- tJp->— O. tlon; furniture of living- rooms In- cluded; low rent: r>ce;ps $10 per day; n.ce place. M. LES , 6 Fourih s:, •"J-V9P*. OHOCFRY-aTORE. AND BRANCH «Ip — --_). bakery in tue Mission; 2 liv ng-rooms; rent only $10; doing good irade. M. __ss, 5 Fourth sL •ft'^h MANUFACTURING BUSINESS ES- »C.— Ofl. tab ishea 15 years; manuf.ic- urln? for the trade; all necessary machinery; clears $100 a month; owner will remain and it. struct purchaser. M. _.E?S, 5 Fourth st. •ftf-Uin A -° AY LUNCH AND COFFEE <n"U".*»V;. house; in th- wholesale district: ele- rant fittinss: old established; sp'endid oppor- tunity 10 right man. M. LESS. 5 Fourth sL •fltT-^O CORNER GROCERY AND BAR IN tiP Isjyj. the Mission; 4 nice living-rooms and bath: doing a gool trade; cheap leut; bargain. M. -ESS, 5 Four h st. **l7nn KER\' ON PROMINENT. tn* * yJyJ. street; bakes _!. barrels Hour per day; good horse and wa* on; 4 rice livmg-rooms; owni r Is scrionsi*. silk; established over 25 years. M. LESS, 6 Fourth st. *%4 "SO SALOON AND 6 FURNISHED «U triyJ. rooms upstairs; opposite factories; ho: and told lunch: owner 2 years: tine place for man and wife. STENBERO A Co., 632 Market SI- TE YOU WANT TO BUY OB SELL A BL'sf- X ness see Cal. Business Exchange, 850 Market. ONE OF THE LEADING RESTAURANTS IN Oakland; clearing J2OO monthly; owner leav- ing; bargain. AN in*. n. -min dt CO., 777 Market. HOME BAKr.RY: WELL ESTABLISHED; out -a.d; b-st location; beau. iful show-cases and fixtures. Address Reasonable, box &9, Call. S')Z_l\ "*0 " RESI AUKANT.F-.i-K SaLE; SiT-sJf'. a birgaiu for Ihe r ght party; good cause; trial given. 21.0 lll. more st. ffl; I.A BAKERY AND NOITON STORE; '_ tir A — V. rooms; doing -00 1 business; low rent 241/2 ib id st. <sj*-Y|A FINE OLD-ESTABLISHED SA- W — yJyJ. loon; good business: cheap reut. 80S Howarl st. DOWNTOWN" SALOON FOR SALE: CHEAP rent. sIEBE BROS. <fc PLAGEMANN. 3-8 some st. RESTAUR CEN I RALLY LOCATED: must seil to-day. Inquire Meat Market, 578 Howard. •flll^A SALOON AND GROCERY FOR. •JpLOyJ. sale. Call 1340 Minna St., b?i . 6 and 8 P m. RESTAURANT: GOOD BUSINESS: FINE location; cheap for cash. G IL, tox 109, Call. \'OUNG OIBL, STRANG - R, WANTS BUSI- A ness prmer. 906 Market St., r. 21, 2d floor. SALOON: MAKE OFFER; MU.-T SELL; O other business In country. Aptly «. a 1 Office. "ARBER-SHOP FOR SALE; GOOD L'«CA- '-> tion; Italian or Fre.icb nan. 731 a.i. jo at. lIOULIRY RANCH; EVERYTHING INCLUD- • J ed; cheap; horses and wa. 011. 45 1 hird su /"SAIL ROUTE; CHFIAP. 1116 V, BROAD- VJ way. rilWO-CHAIR BARBER-SHOP; MUST BE 1 sold ibis month; clv a*-. Apply Call Office.' "IV ANTED— PARTNER FOR A FIRST- '' class restaurant: good chance for a ton 1 nun: particulars given: man understands the business Apply & CLRRAN, 268 Minna St. BRANCH BAKERY FOR SALI-, CHEAP; with 3 good I. vim:- rooms and cheap rent. Ap- ply 721 Br.tiinan. b.L -iv li and Seventh. yii-/*./\ WELL- ESTABLISHED COFFEE *ij"*)fJ*W"J. and lunch house; big profit; party leaves city. D., box 5, iah Offite. LiOR SALE— HALF INTEREST IN WELL- -C established ies. aurant; well-paying bus. ness. 38 Seconl .st. SALOON AND ESTAURANT. FOR PA K- -0 ticulars inquire cigar-store, corner Eigh h and Market sis. m%ii,~.T\ GOOD CHANCE; BKANCH BA- «Ii U I tt. kerj*, de icacies, groceries candies no- tions, cigars, etc.: cause il ness. Apply mis office. YOUNG LADY FROM EUROPE WANTS A business partner. 11l Geary St., room 2. 4£ ♦->;-, NEW STORE; GUERRERO AND t^iOsJ. 2*.'d; good location dings or groceries, yoL'.NO EASTERN LADY WANT'S a GEN- X tleman partner. 101 Grant aye, rcom 15. GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT FOR SALE T ai a bargain. 613 McAllister st. 1-/1 RESTAURANT; NICELY FIT*! ED C"iiJ". up: good location; new $200 « ash reg- ister: doing tood business; 10 agents. Apply Call. h RANCH BAKERY: GOOD CHANCE; GOOD living rooms: bargain. Apply Call Office. /-1 OOD- PA ING HOTEL BUSINE-S; LONG- IT established: half interes*. $500; whole $10JJ. Address Cosmopolitan Hotel. Petaiuma. I)ORTL'AN-» AOEAC. nils I'APER. IN- . quire in.. UUII.I. tetmt 1i.3 '.una __, rorila-J, Oregon. *)7\rii- MISSION - SUBSCRIPTION- A.stt — iO—D want a.O taken :or Thk Cal_. - LOP fi -- tI Q ' i - --ROOM HOUSE. GOOD FURNITURE.. if 80 v 1 10-room house, b si on eartn 65i»> 14-ronm house. $50 * ash 225 20-ioora house, best in city 100 J 28-rioin house, $*_00 cash 4 0 house, dears $150 18J0-- -14-room house on Eddy :.. 1) 14-room hcuse on Mason, near Marke: 250 Ciiy property, ranches and business places ier and exchan-je. H. C. DtlK-K, iU2.) Marke.. 1 ft ROOMS, 424 POi-T, REDUCED To $400; I —. 27 rooms. Market at., worth (1151.0, $55d; 40 rooms, One location, any offer: 68 roouis, splendid boose, rfl'er wauled. A. M. SPECK A CO., 6J.1 Market hL 111-EGA NT ROOMING-HOUSE OF 21 NICELY J furnished rooms: lent cheap. 429 Larkin sl SUNNY FURNISHED FLAT OF 4 ROOMS; parlor organ cheap. 73 st. upstairs. 1 O ROOMS, WELL FURNISHED, ALL XO rented; must be sold at once on account of sickness. Apply 120 Fourih St. 1.. ROOM FLAT; WELL FURNISHED: 5 0 rooms rented: steady roomers. Call 1219 Polk FURNITURE FOX SALE. FURNITURE, CARPr.TS. OIL PAINTINGS and improved Singer machine cheap. 13.2 Alabama st- LURNITURE FOR SAi_E AND FLATS TO J" let. 135.' Alabama su HOUi-EHuLD RANGES ALE THE -_.!' JOHN F. MEYERS CO. 947 Market st. T7"URNITURK 3-ROOM FLAT: CHEAP; A north of Market; rent *9. 11. N., box 10-', Call. In- itu f; of 7-room FLAT AT a SAC- ! ritice; centrally located. F. 0, box 88. Call. T/iURMTURfc*. sTOVF;s CARPr.T.\ COU.v- F ters. showcases ANDERSON, 1121 Mark*-- BIG BARGAIN IN FURNITURE; SELLING out: going to Alaika. 81 6 Mission st. |*|X LAI'.KiN — BRANCH OFFICE OF* THK Ml CALL EubscriotloMi anl wan: ads taken. FURNITURE WANTED. LJ. NEU.mAN, 121 SIXTHS.., BUYS. AND . sel. s furniture and carpets; also storage. INDIANA AL'CiION CO. REMOVED ,OIJ Montgomery st. :hi*.be t prices pad. Tel. Davis 71 CARPET- CLEANING. CI.V STEAM CARPET-CLEANING WORKS; V titans, moves, lays carpets. G. H. STEVENS Mgr- 38 and 40 Eighth at.; telephone South 250 Vy IiES foe: Bb-COME DISGUSTED WITH " poor work send 10SPAULDINOS PioneerO*:- -pet-bea nn-j Works. 353-5/ '1 ehama si tel. *-k). IL GREAT EASTERN S TF* AM RlE I -CLEAN ing works. 14 Bth, B. GRANT, lei. Jessie 201. JWATTS.rellable larpct-cieanlng.renovttf.alter- . ation works. 413 McAllister. Tel. Jessie 32L t> ARBEH'S ENI ERPHISE CARPEI-CLE V N- -1' ing v.ks, *-*3» 14th. Tel Mis. 100. 7.. T. Barber. CARPETS CLEANED, RENOVATED IIKK J new. J-McQUEtN, 453*,i: tel. 5.224 Advance; cartet- clean inu co., 401 -TV Sutter; lei. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM, prop. CO-EASING, 3c; LAYING, 3c RU . SAM- .' pies tree; tel. Jessie 944. Stratton, 3 Eiahtn. C" AHP .CIS CLEANED LENOV'ATcD LlK.l! ''new. '-a Tenth: ie,. south :*>6. Mackintosh A Co. • J*. MIICIIEIL, CARPET-CLEANING CO., si . 240 14. st-; Cleaning lie. a yard; lei. Mis 7L CIONKHN'a CA RPE-' - B.'.AIIMI \MHl_*. 1 i.33 Oolden Gate aye. 'leiephone Eas- l-_> wanted-miscf:llaneous. OLD gold. GOLD dust. jewelky. etc., bought. O. NOLTE, jewel, r, 222 c'F'arrell. BOOK-! BOOKS! BOOKS! - OLD LOOKS bought a. KLEIN'.-. 127 * Ixth st. Pawnbroker— old GOLD, silver, ca-i- J- clothing bought. Add. COLEMAN, 41 T__ttL