Newspaper Page Text
METHODIST CONFERENCE CLOSES Ministers Are Assigned to Their New Fields of Labor. TEXT OF i\mm PETITION It Was Not Discussed at Any of the Sessions of the Conference. MILL COME TO OAKLAND SEXT YEAR. Santa Eosa Tried to Secure the Next Session, but Labored in Vain. OAKLAND. Cal,, Sept. 27. The nn nual conference of the Methodist Church South concluded its labors and WERE CORRECTLY QUOTED. 1 understand that an attempt is being made to discredit the statement published in THE CALL over the names of myself and of ex-Judge Strother of Fresno. 1 wish to state that those were our expressions, dictated to THE CALL'S correspondent, and that we outlined them with the full understanding that they were to appear over our names and offices. Judge Strother left for his home to-day, but we made the statement together, and as far as one man is able to speak for another 1 will say that it was thoroughly understood that our names were to be attached to it. Nor have I yet changed mv mind a particle. W. F. COFFIN, : Presiding Elder and Member of the Cabinet. adjourned to-night, to meet again in Oak land next year. The conference is said by the Bishop to have been one of the most fruitful and pleasant ever held on the coast. When it met there was an expectation that a very important discussion would arise as to the meaning cf the word 'control" in para graph 120 of the discipline of the church. A petition to the Bishop and other mem bers of the conference was drawn up and addressed to them, but was presented only to ihe cabinet, consisting of the five presiding elders and the Bishop. "The petition ot the lay members reached Bishop Hargrove and the cabi net." said Rev. C. W. C. Smith to-night, "and, having become acquainted with the expression of the laity, its mission was considered to be fulfilled. It was not de sired to brin-2 it beiore the whole confer ence, but was intended for the Bishop and el. ers. It was signed by a la*ge number of the lay members." The petition is a- follows : To the Bishop, pre?i!ina elders and other mem bets if the Pacfic conferthee <>/ thi 31. K. Church Smith, iti iefswn at Oakland, « a.'., Stplember, I*S7, and to all OttlClt concined— Deai*. BBETH i:tx: We, the undersigned lay mewl of the M. E. Church Sou.h, within said confer ence, carnestiy desirous 01 '.lie peace and pros jerity of our beloved church, yet profoundly impressed by a condition that exists among us. present ior your consideration the lollow ing paper, setting forth in brief the principles which we beiieve sbdbld be observed by all concerned, to avert cab mi, y and restote har mony and brottie:l>* love. We" believe that the doctrines of our church are taught in the Holy Bible, and that in its interpretation an.l application the :arge*-t lib erty of consciencj loisistent witn personal purity of hie and conduct should be allowed. We, the hndersigtied, believe that ihe Chris, i-n die is governed hy the l*w of spirdnal lite in Christ Jesus, a; 1 that ;he law of the "spirit of life in Christ Jesus .us made us free from the law of siu and ilea-. and re*, whoso looketh into the perfect law ol lib erty should De not a forge i bearer, but a doer of tne work, in be "blessed in his dee I." We believe that the spirit, in his benign work on the human spirit, Dears unmistakable iruit in life and conduct, and that "the iruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, and temperance," nnd chat "against such there is no law," human or divine. We desire to follow, and recommend 10 all to follow, the injunction of St. Paul, "Let us not be desirous 01 vain glory, provoking: one another," and when he says, 'Brethren, ii a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness.' 1 A. so, "Let every man prove his own work, and then he shall have rejoicing in himself an I not another." We find here th law of toleration and ol personal responsibility, which, when applied to pastois. invites the largest liberty ol con science and conduc;. iv view of ultima and annual judgment ami responsibility to judg ment, baaed on personal purity and ultimate fruitage 01 ministry. When applied to private members we see their right to the same liberty ,11 kind, ami certainly the rit-sht to "pray without ceasing and in everything to give 'banks." and other wise to worship God mi cord. to the dictates of tneir own conscience*-, at all time* anil placis, lift by the law of the land under legal control of otheis; free ironi menace or oilier inurference of any and all ruber persons; be ing responsible to the State for any infraction of its laws and to the church lor any impurity of conduct. We know cf no law, human or divine, to pre vent private member* from assembling wneu and where ihey may see tit, to pray or praise, or teli to one aiiotiier their experiences of the lore of God shed abroad in tneir heart! by the 11". i. Gho-t, which is given unto them— 11 men be the fact and desire. We rcct-gnize fully, and commend to all. the recognition cf both the law ol God and of the Church and the binding force of both, wisely and justly administered XV v be ieve mo*-t finny that both the law of God and the church niiio-e upon piston In charge weighty resuonaibllitle*. aim ti at, in order to the better fulfillment of these, at lowa them large liberty of choice in the means to the accomplish nient of the best results. Responsibilities are largely measured by op portunity's. Among ihe rignts oi t. c pastor, by our discipline, are these: io preach the go'pel to coiitol the appointment of all serv ices i to' ... bed in the entireties in his charge, in "the absence oi the presiding elder or Bishop." (Par. 12J.) ... If the Bishop it personal y present he has "control." It he Is personally absent and the presiding elder is personally present he has ••control"; if neither is present (personally) the pastor has contio ; and any • radical as sertion of or claim to the power 01 a person ally absent ollicial of superior rank to "co: - trol" ibeie services is manifestly an unwar ranted and dan* rous i-Siumption of arbitrary power «lnch would be a mens*, tithe pea. c 01 the church am. a fruitful source of many evils, 1; should nerd no argument to show that actual "absence 'is mean*. If either su perior official isn'uiivs constructively present, and if co; strnciive presence gives contro', then the Bishop is always present and the alder never ha« control. This "control" on the part of the pastor is essential to personal responsibility for results, is a strong incentive to vigorous and wise activity, encourages a feeling of the true ale nity and worth of individual manhood, and. b? being a mark of confidence, losters brother ly kindness and all the virtues that are useful in such positions. A denial of this rirht and a system of offi cial espionage and menacing au.hority tcnus in the opposite direction, emaseolatlug indi vidual energy, destroying self-respect and en dangering every interest. Paragraph 120 of the discipline Is regnant on the subjects of which it treats, and neither In the paragraph 110, limited as it is by 111. nor yet In the ministerial vows, **Vf here any thing in conflict with the position here taken. So it seems piainly enousth 10 us. We encourage no violation of law. but uree the necessity ior conservative and kindly ad ministraiion of the law, omitting all harsh measures and-***ineasures of strained construc tion and doubtful expediency, If ever there v. as a tune for moderate use of power and the avoidance of all assertions of doubtful con structions of authority this s such a lime. At the same time, we recoenizo the right and the duty of the pastors to assign the local preachers In their charge to such york as comes within the scope their authori y. and Uie duty to do the work assigned. Paragraph 169 Discipline 1894. Perhaps If pastors would carcfullr select and assign the work of local preachers and encourage them in the performance of it, we might have less ocra-iou tor the complaint of iiicepi'ndent labors of local preachers in other fields. But we do not believe that the power of assigning worK to any preacher local or otner, was ever intend-**-! lo degenerate into a species ot absolute ownership of the indi vidual, to sucn an rxtent as to destroy all power ol any preacher to prescii the gospel any and every where lie may providentially be,' not in neglect o his own immediate work, without exciting local disturbances, or pro ducing irritating antagonisms, whicn we think --hoiiiu be avoided by all. Brethren, let us all remember the severe judgment of James the Just upon tiim who oridlitn not his tongue, with his -: it**ineiit that. "Where envying and strife Is there is confusion and every evil work. Bat the wis dom that i* Irom übuve Is first pure, then peaceable, senile, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good tin its." etc. In the earnest nope that we all may strongly endeavor to correct the mistakes and amend the faults of ihe past, and resolve to labor for the restoration oian era ol love and good fe.'l ing. by mutual lorgiveness and iorbiarance. and by striving for vxiellence in every good word and work, we pray for a percsiul, har monious and rtiitiul session of conterence, and * most successful year of re'.ig.ous pros perity to follow, fraternally yours. No formal discussion was had upon the I petition at the conference, but among the ' lay delegates e-p^cially it was often re ferred to between the S'ssions. In making his announcements this evening in the closing session of the Pacific annual conference of the Me I hod ist Church South, Bishop Hargrove said : "I have never attended a conference where I need a mere divine guidance. I teel that He has given it to me. We have a body of as trite and whole-hearted men on this coast as can be found anywhere. That od adversary has given us a pond deal of trouble. I wunt to see this body united as one man." He then read the following appoint ments: ; .*; j San Francisco district— C. R. Lamar, presid ing c der. Centenary. C. B. Redick; Alameda, J. A. G. Shipley ; Oakland, 11. M. McKnighi; Gtiroy. W. A. in. !.*>•; Hollis'er, XV. P. An drews; supernumerary, C. P. Newton; Salinas, J. W. Ba.n; Mountain View, W.A.Booker; San Benito, J. Z. Peu degas t; san L icas aim Bradley, XV. A. Lindsay; Lincoln, J. F. G. Fin ley; Wne.tlnnd. Z. J. Needham; Sacramento, W. K. Vaughn; Ban .lose, J. G. Squires; Klamath Indian Mission, J. ISmery; Japanese Migvon ot W. 11. M. society, H. McKuight, superintend nt; pub idler and editor of Pa cific Meihudisl Advocate, It P. Wilson ; con ference secretary of mis. ions, W. P. Andrews. Srtiuß Rosa district— P. F. Page, presiding elder. Santa R'-sa.J. A, Bstehelder; Petaiuma, J. E. Squires; Ckiah, J. Harmon; C.overdale, B. Booker; Coalville and Yorkviile, J. 1). Bouck; Heaidsburg, F. M. Staton; i.akepon, K. 11. jicWhorter; Potter Valley and Redwood, C. E. Ciart; Rocltville, P. G. Patterson; 1. --mirfl, A. P. Fiw; Winters sad Daviaville, J. C. Hyden; Wood. and, C. O. Steele; Knielns Landing, George Laugh; Dixon, Wiliiam Acton. Colusa ..district— A Odom, presiding elder. Colusa. R. I*. Aden; < bico, L. A. Green; Wil lows, W. D. Taylor; Red li.iiir. L. C. Reiuro; Princeton, C. R. Montgomery; Yuba city, XV. J. Mahon; Mux well J G. W. Archer; Oridley, to be supplied; Suiter City and Grace, J. M. Pratt: Arbuckle, M. <. Smith; Andersen, J. M. Barker: Big Valley, to be supplied ; Orland, .-. T. Reeve; Mil.vil e and Ouo, to be supplied. Fresno district— W. F. Coffin, presiding elder. Fresno, J. E. Carpenter; supernumer ary. M. Armstrong; Fresno circuit, C. 11. Green; S.Minn, 15. T. Ramsey; Sanger, to be supplied; Sulphur < eek, J. O. coppage; Diuuba, J. Redgpeth; Visalia, J. Wood; Wood vile and Exeter, XV. li: Cooper, A. 1- Hun- Faker supernumerary; Klngsburg, J. W.Ray; Baker- fleid, R. F. Beesley ; Coalluga, J. ii. Br wn; Haniord, to be supplied. Merced district— J. C Simmons, presiding elder. Mere.-d, C. K. W. smith; rialnsbunt, R. A. Sawrle; Modesto, R. 8. Boynsj Lindou, W, '. Austin; Milton, G. B. Frazer; Msriposs, Henry Leet; Hornitos and Cathay, 11. XV. cur rin; Stockton, I!, C. Her d ; mora, J. F. Roberts; Lo* Banes and Dos Psios, Co lis to phi r C. !'• flit; supernumerary, W. K. Phil lips; Ms dei J. oohuie; Raymond. J. H. N**ai; supply Waterford, C. C Black: Walnut '.rove. A. L. Haul; '-.;•. _». .V. blankenship; SnelllDg, A. 1 ■'. XV. Waiters. Traiisierred— I*. H. B. Anderson, Missouri; R. J. briggs. ixa-; K. M. Edwards, North Georgia; C. XV. 11,, , C. M. Mc .ashlli and H. C. Christen, Los Angeles. During the discus-ion on the place of meeting for next year Delegate Fein said: "Oakland is the best place ami iscaniraL here has been no fi*:ht in this c inven tion. It Ims ail been in the newspaper*. If we behave ourselves like gentlemen the newspapers will do liken The vote stood: Oakland 52, Banta Rosa 14. Berkeley .>»•«•« Item*. A reception will be given next Thursday evening to Key. John Coyle, ihe new pastor of trinity Methodist church. Piofessor Senger or the state University will address a meeting 01 the German Teachers' Asto.iation of California next Saturday at Alameda. President Kellogg will lender en informal r> c j. tlon to m-moers of the facility and their wive- next Friday evening at his bom*.* on Bushneli place. A reception will be tendered to Mrs. Phebe A. Hearst by the alumrite and alumni of the university at ihe Mark Hopkins lustltuie of Art on OctoUr 9. Professor O'Neill will read a paper next Tnursday afternoon before the chemical sec tion of the Scene ■ Association on "The Lie ami Work or Hjppc-Seyler." Colonel George C. Edwards of the depart ment of mathematics of the university has been invited to lecture for leachers' iiin'itutes at Fresno, Oroville and Santa Clara during the coining fall. a C ironer's inquest was held yesterday morning owr the body of Mrs. 11 «rry Weston, who died suddenly Saturday evening. Death was tound to have resulted from congest On of the lulu*.*, theefiectoi excessive driuaing. At the Farmers' Institute to be held on October 12 and 13 at Danvl.lo, Contra Costa County, under the auspices of the agricultural department of th.- university there will be experiments in ing sugar beets and in test ing ini.k for tubetculosis. Yelodrmn*, Litigation. Suit has been brought by the Velodrome Company against J I). Glib*-. J. J. Groom and Mar. GrOom for $500, al.eged tile due .'or damages r x-tt lous suits brought by the de fendants to interfere with tim management of the corporation's basin, s-. It is claimed that at pre-ent. the English language is spoken by 110,500,000 people. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1897. BASEBALL MEN WANT TURKEY They Say They Have Been Eating Crow Long . Enough. LWEREST IS THE COHE.T EAST. Some Old-Time Popular Favor ites Coming With the East ern Teams. TOE STATE LEAGUE FOR I.EXT YEAR. Meeting to Outline the Preliminary Work and the Clubs to Be Represented. The result of the final game of the series between Baltimore and Boston, which wa? played yesterday and which was won by the latt.r club, the score being 19 to 10, aroused much interest In local baseball j circles. Bat the name may not decide the National League champicnshiD for 1897- j Baltimore and Boston have jet three games to play each. The former nine j plays three games with Washington at Baltimore, while Boston plays three with ' Brooklyn at Brooklyn. The Brooklyn I club is a much stronger aggregation of J ball-tossers than Washington. Baltimore has another advantage over Boston, inas much as it plays on its own ground*--. Should Boston drop one came to Brook lyn and Baltimore defeat Washington in the three games the two crack clubs would be tied. Local interest in yesterday's game was increased ovtins to the fact that the Bal timore nine as now constituted will play in this city in October with a team known as the All Americans, composed of the j crack players of the National League club". The first panic of the series will be played on Sunday, Octoter 17, at Kec- \ ret'tion Park, Eighth and Harrison streets'. ; Before coming West Boston and Balti more will play nine tomes for the Temple i cup, a handsome trophy donated three i years ago by President Temple of the Pittsburg cub. The trophy belongs to the nine winning it three times in succes sion. Baltimore has won it twice. Alter these games are deeded Baltimore will leave for this coast, playing several games en route. William Barney, who will manage the All Americans, is the present manager of j trie Brooklyn*. He played ball on this j coast many year 3 aco when the game was in its inception. Barney caught lor the j "Only" Nolan, the first curve pitcher on this coast. He is expected to reach San j Francisco on the sth of October, ahead of j h.s team. SS£2SSi" ' Ed Hanlon, present manager of Balti- I more, will look alter the team's interests ! here. Hanlon was a member of the cele- j brated Sp tiding team which toured the < world, playing a gams at the base of the \ pyramids. A large force of men is employed in Get- I ting the grounds at Becreution Park in readiness for what promises to be the i greatest game of ball played on a local diamond tins year." The "contest occurs Sunday and will be between those crock ' clubs, the Reliance ol Oakland and the GUI Edge of Sacramento. Doyle will be j in the box for Reliance and Hughes lor : Gilt Edge. The grounds will surpass in j excellence those formerly at Haight street. . Much money is being expended for the comfort of the spectators and to develop j the skill and efficiency of the players. A | heavy layer of manure Is being put on the j diamond, and this will be covered by eight inches of loam. This is done to j make the grounds elastic, and great field- I mi* will be the result. In all the gomes played at the park the regulation ball will be used and not the mushy dead ball of the yellow journal's tournament. By using the regulation ball a ureal improvement in the playing of Reliance and Gilt Edge, as meritorious as it has been, will be noticed. Great ball C«nnot be played with a pu iding bag. On Saturday morning at .".'creation Park foothill elevens from Hoit's Bur lingame school and the Sacramento High boot will contest on the gridiron. In the afternoon the first game of the univer sity series will be played, Berkeley and Reliance elevens lining up. Among the baseball magnates to reach town last evening was Fred Swanton of Santa t'rrz. Scranton lor a number of years was manager of the Santa Cruz nine. He is building new baseball grounds in the city by the sea. They are centra ly located, being just behind tne bathhouse. To-night at the Baldwin there will be an important me tint; of baseball man agers to make prel minnry arrangement* for the season of 1898. The games in this city will be played at liecreatton Park. Al to-night's meeting Stockton, San Jose, Sacramento, Fresno, Oakland, San Fran cisco and probably Santa Cruz wi.l be represented. The ball business next season will be taken entirely out of the cali-hucd jour nal's hands. The clubs composing the disrupted tournament are a unit on this proposition. The ball-tossers who payed In the new association at Sacramento Sunday feel highly encouraged. Owing to tne liberal percent given by the management they averag?d $-0 apiece for their afternoon's work. The biggest amount that a player ever receive! in the yellow journal's tourna ment was $13. Generally the compensa tion was $.'> and $3 50, while in the case of F.esno the receipts did not meet the ex penses of tbe nine, and a subscription had to be taken up in Fresno to reward the players, yet the ochnr journal, in its col umns, pronounced the Sunday game, in which (be nine from the raisin center par ticipated, t lie greatest name of the tourna ment. The ball-players say if the veilow jour nal, instead of diverting $1000 from the charity fund of the tournament for Thanksgiving turkey, would divide that sum among the players, all interest* would be iter subserved. "We have been eating crow," paid a player last night, "long enou li, and now why not Rive v* a little turkey And now why not? Meatier*. Will Probated. Litigation over the Edward I). Heatley cs- i tate is Hearing an end, as the second will, so called, of the decedent has been sdmitted ti probate by Judge Coffey. So many claims have been filed by creditors that the heirs wilt probably have very little lor distribution among tin m. Two Small Failures. Arthur K. Turner, drayman, h s filed a peti tion in insolvency. He owes f'335 snd has as-eU nominally north §320. M. A. Graham, a mining speculator, is also bankrupt, his debts tooling up $2901 98, with no t-s-is. VALUABLE LANDS UNDER DISPUTE Suit Instituted to Eeclaim the North Beach Water Front. The State of California on Re lation of A. Miller, the Plaintiff. The Attorney-General Ha? Filed His Permission for the Bringing of the Suit. Suit was instituted yesterday by the State of California on the relation of Al bert Miller to test the right of the James G. Fair estate in regard to its claim to th • land now being reclaimed on the North Beach waterfront. The complaint is di rected against diaries A. Warren and EJ ward Malley, the contractors, and James S. Angus, Thomas P. Crothers and W. S. Goodfellow, executors of the Fair estate, as well as the children of the decedent. Charles G. Fair, Theresa A. Oelrichs and Virginia Fair. Attorney-General W. F. Fitzgerald has filed his written permission for the bring ing of the snit in the name of the State, hut the lawyers actively engaged in the management of tie litigation are Evans S. Pillsbury ana John B. Mhoon. The basis of the action is the allegation that the people of the Slate have a rich. to the fiee and undisturbed use of tne water Iront or seaboard within the State limits end that upon the admission of the State into the Union it ac quired and continues to retain juris- I aictton over the soil of the bed of the bay ' of San Francisco and of the arms thereof, subject only to the right of the United States to supervision over the navigable waters of said bay, so far as may be neces sary in exercising its right :o regulate ' commerce. Consequently, it follows that I the Slate has a right to protect and de fend the same from encroachment and to ' sue for relief in respect of any encroach i ment or infringement of its sovereign or prone ny rights. The Ipnds claimed by the Fair estate, i and now under course of improvement by filling in wih stone and earth, are al -1 leged to be situate and lying below the ordinary line of low tide, and are in the neighborhood of the foot of Webster and Fillmore streets, the same constituting a part of the harbor of the city of San Fran c sco; that these Finds extend under the navigable waters of the bay of Ban Fran cisco about three-quarters of a mile, the I depth of water being more than 24 feet, the said bay b--ing a tidal bay, connected with the * Pacific Ocean through :ha Golden Gate; that the city of Sau Fran cisco contains more than 300,000 Inhabit- I ants and is constantly increasing; thai its commerce is increasing ana j needs additional facilities; that for more than thirty years there has been in con stant use a public whan or pier extending irom the foot of Fillmore street into the navigable waters of tho bay to a point where the water is 17 feet deep at high tide. This wharf is alleged to be necessary for the uses and purposes of navigation, J and it is further averred that more than! $3,000,000 worth of merchandise is annu ally snipped and received over the navi gable waters of the above-described tract ; of land, and lurther that there is no other place between the Presidio and Fort Mason on the east side of said tract where such commerce can he advantageously or at all carried on, and that if 'the waters * described be filled in said commerce will j be destroyed, and all those inhabitants now using the advantages hereinbefore mentioned will be deprived of the same. The plaint mentions th'j fact that the defendants claim some estate in ihis property and have been rilling in thesime ! for several year?; that. they have estab lished a private 'look', and have driven a row of piles in fr jut of the property, leav- j ing on y a small gat) -00 feet wide near tie foot of Devisadero street, and it is only thr .u_h mis gap that boats may pass \in going from the ocean and hay to ; the. mainland at this point. i In view of these facts the plaintifF asks that the defendants be called on to show what title they have to the property; that a juagment of court te given d»creeing that the title is in the State of California, and that all the ructions placed on the property be ordered removed, or that i they be given into the possession of the Suite of California; lurtherniore, that the defendants be enjoined from lurther in cumbering or tilling up the property men | tioned, and that particularly they be for b.dden to close up the narrow space be i tween the piles at the foot of Dtvisadero i street ibrough which boats now pass. In compliance with the prayer of the complaint Presiding J ulte Seawell granted an injunction, which will have ; the effect of stopping alt operations on the j enterp-i < of tilling in this land which ! j was commenced by the late Senator James j '* (l. Fair and has been continued ty the j j managers of his estate up to the present , \ time. Before Senator Fair died a similar i suit was instituted in the United States ! District Court, but the injunction was j finally dismissed and Mr. Fair died in the belief that his title to this valuable prop- ' I erty would never again hn disDiited. DE GREAYER'S SON WON Echo of a Sensational Killing in Golden Gate Park Long Ago. An echo of the killing of Harry de Greayer in Golden Gate Park on January MO. 1892, by Policeman Harper camo up in Ju ige Hunt's court yesterday. De Greayer was insured In the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New YorK for $5000, and after his death the ompany re fused to pay the policy on the ground that the policy issued to Di Greayer specified that he should not voluntarily or un necessarily expose himself to danger and that he had violated the terms of the agreement. The evidence at the trial of Harper for the killing of De Greayer showed that the young man, in company with a lady, was driving in the park and was cautioned by Harper to keep within the limit allowed by law. He persisted in driving fast and was finally stopped by the policeman. An altercation arose and both the de ceased and the policeman drew revolvers, the latter using bis and killing D? Greayer. Harp;r was acquitted on a charge of mttruer, und is still on the park police. Harry Gardiner de Greayer, 'lie minor son ot Harry de Greayer, "by hi*i uucie, Septimus de Greayer, a brother of the de cease I, sued the company for the amount of the policy and the interest from _S!)_to date. The jury cave [nri-ffment for the luce of the policy and $:>2OO interest and cost*?. The fao-simile ,*>-$ y/f/y____A*' **"* °** L ever y wrapper rignatttr? of UCt^yff^4^ of CASTORIA. HARNESS SPORT AT BERKELEY Lynhood, lora and Flora- eita Winners the Opening Day. Pacific Coast Trotting-Horse Breeders' Meeting Suc cessfully Launched. Backers of Prince Ansel Disappointed to See Their Favorite Distanced. '■ Ladies' Day" Wednesday. The first day's racing of the Pacific Coast Trotting-horse Breeders' Associa tion's fall meet, which openei at the Cali fornia Jockey Club's Berkeley track yes terday, while not extensively patronized by the general public, saw nearly all the harness-horse enthusiasts of San Fran cisco and vicinity in attendance. There was nothing particularly attractive about the card, but the betting was good, and the management are well satisfied with the outlook for the week's snort. Wednesday, the day on which the 2:13 trot and the 2:13 pace, the star events of the entire programme, are down for de cision, will be "ladies' day," and on the occasion the gate will be free to the fair sex. The as oc.ation it striving assidu ously to furnish high-class racing ana is deserving of all success. If form can hi followed with any degree of certainly among harness horses, those who played the winners yesterday on their recent past performance gathered in the coin — with one exception possibly. Lyn hood captured the Palo Alto slake for two year-old trotters, lora, plainly looking the best of the four starter-**, got the big end of the purse for 2:27 class trotter-, and Floracita, which has been chasing out the black hurricane, Joe Wheeler, won the 2:30 pace. In the lust two events the heats weie chopped up somewhat, but Lynhood shuffled off two heats like saw ins wood. The judging was done by W. H. Cohen of Alameda and J. C. Kirkpatrick of San Francisco. The distance flag was handled by E. P. Heald, president of the associa tion. Frank Covey occupied his usual position of starting judge and appeared in rare form, sending the fields away wiib very littlo scoring. The two-year-old contestants for the Palo Alto stake were the firs: to score up for the word. There were five starters and before the firs' heat Lynhood, Valentine and Corinne Dillman, selling in the fie d, brougit $25, Prince Ansel $15 and Dr. Frasse $3. The Prince showed unmistak able signs of lameness and it seemed folly to start him as he was distanced in the opening heat, which was taken in a jig by Lynhood after drawing the pole posi tion and leading from the word. Dr. Frasse was second in the heat. Tnn settled the bsttine position, and Lynhood took the heat following without effort in 2:33, Valentine this time beating Dr. Frasse for the place, thus dividing secon l and third money with the equine medicine man. Wan Claudius, Pasonte and May B to beat, the 2:27 trot lookel exceeding bright for the chances of lora, and in the opening pools sold tbe Humboldt mare was 11 . to 1 choice over tier field. She drooped the first one to Claudius in a rattier tight fit at the wire, but it did not change the complexion of affairs, for an average pool beiore the second heat was lora $10. the field $.'*. The mare responded by taking tno second heat with Driver Noble easing up, Pasonte leading Claudius out for second position. With pool-selling at a standstill, the favorite broke on the back-treich in the thud heat, and In a* hard drive Claudius scored one more by beating out Pasonte a scant head in 2:l6>£. It now looked us though there was a chance the main choice might be amiss, and previous to the horses being called for the fourth heat the held sold even up against the Humboldt mare. It proved a delusion, though, lor she took the two heats succeeding off the reel, Claudius and Driver Bunch being the contenders in each. Dr yer Tommy Keating has been seen bemud so many winners that doubtless were he to drive a three-legged horse in a race the animal would be accorded sup port. And 90 it haDpened in the 2:30 pace. When pooling first began Keating' s entry, Alto Genoa, brought $20, 1* l-.'.racita $10 and the field, consisting of Betoaica, Blue Bells, Senator and Bave Ryan, $8 It later shifted about with Floracita first at $-0 and the field going for $111. Alto Genoa has speed to burn, but a weak heart, it is said. However, Keating managed to land the first beat with him, bat lie ceased to become prominent In his tory thereafter. Selling nearly equal up in the pools, with the heat winner and the field fetching $4, I'lorncita took the next three heals, tne lamest being the record, covered in 2:14. In ihe last two paced, Sullivan, holding tlie reins over the sluggish Dare Ryan, made a bold bid, but was outiooted the last furlong. In the j opening heat, While leading her company nt the head of the stretch, 'Bute Bells broke one of her hopples and was dis tance!. SUMMARY. First race, Palo Alio sake, two-year-old trot ters: in his 2 in a l.vtihoiKl. b. g., by I.ynmont-Knishthood (Ho guboom' 1 1 Valentine,' by Boodle (Rodriguez) 3 '2 I Dr. Fras.e, by Iran Alio (Bunch) . 3 NEW TO-DAY. ./%^*V%'*V'V**V^©&%/*V-V**t/^^/^-' WE ARE AUTHORIZED BY SEVERAL MILLIONS OF CONSUMERS TO BTATE THAT Blatz STAR |HLp&tf3*f* Milwaukee U^Jo*k&^& & Fills the bill to perfection as a health beverage* as a pleasure beverage, or any way you drink it. Call for Blatz. See that ••Blatz*' is on the Cork. VAL. BLATZ BREWING GO. MILWAUKEE, WIS., U.S. A. Louis Cahen & Son, Wholesale Dealers, 416-418 Sacramento St., San Francisco. Telephone Main 416. _«— • _»*^&Sk_; C Auction Saice CHAS. LEVY & CO., IGCIItIBU salesrooms— 1 i:t."i "ilarke; Street TO-MORROW. Wednesday September 29. 1897, At 11 o'clock a. m., on the premises, 90-, MillKia NlKlKl NEAK FIFTH, Weare ins.rurted to sell to the high' st bidder. for cash, th • contents of ihe WINDSOR SALOON! Comprising 1 Highly Polish-il Wall til-To;; Coun- ter, with French- flate Mirror Back: cost $7:.0: 8 Crystal Chandeliers, 4 an*! 6 lights eacn*. ***tue Lights: Poker and Par-Room Tables; hairs, 1-aiminrs, tf Room Glass Par. liio*i«. Water Urn, import j d Wmes. Liquor*, Cigars, and every. bins appertaining t*. a 11 si c a-s s i o n cii * s. LEVY A* CO, Auc*. oncer. LLECAtIT FUKIITIIRE. TniS DAY (fUt.SU AY) AT 11 A. M... 138 OAK ST., COB. OOTJOH. FRANK W. BUTTE RFIKLD. 002 Market St. *' orlnne Dlllman, by George Dexter (Bennett! 4 4 Prime Ansel, by Dexter Prince (.Bigelow) dis. lime, 2:36—2:3.. second race, trotting, 2:27; heats 3 in 5; purse $600. lor , b. m., by Ira-Daisy Haywards iNibe) ". 2 1 3 1 1 Claud us by .Nut wood- ilk es (Butch) i 3 I 2 2 Pastille, by Palo Al.n (Havey) '■'■ 2 2 dis. .May b, by Alioona (Van Bolt Helen) ...4 4 4 dis •rime, 2:17-2:18' . - _;l.' 2 -■-:.■.' _• Thirl race, pacing, '2:';iJ class: heats 3 in 5; puis.* *600. Florae, ta, v. m.. by Rod Conk (Baker) '2 111 AltoGeuca, eh. so., PvDtx ci I'r.nce (Keat ln.) .- 1 2 3 4 Dave i van, I*. s., by Antevole (Sullivan).. 3 3 2 '. Belonica, b, c.,bf A 7-moor (Havey) 5 5 4 3 riena.or, Ll h.. by Secretary (Miner) 4 4 5 5 Blue Bells, b'. m., by San 1 ieuo (Bennett) dis. Time, 2 : 1 6***4-2 :1 4- *_ : . 4y — 2 1 ■ 5 *' _• The entries for to-day's events are as follows: Western stakes, two-year-old pacers, $250 added — Walnut Grove -stock farm's br. c Sable La Grande, Mrs. J.. W. Callendiue names eh. c. Diswood, J. B. Iverson names s. m. Dicta tresi-, Oak wood Park stock iarm names b. c. Klalawali. 2:30 class, trotting, purse $000— XV 0. Bow ers names gr. m.'D.illy Maui. mi, Mrs. J. V. Leek names eh. g. Dr. Leek, J. A. Perkins names eh. m. Lydu, K. Sweasey names en. s. Eureka, Harry L. Wise names b. m. Mabel W. '2:25 class, pacing, purse $000— C. A. Owen names bl. p. Joe Wheeler, P. ii. Quinu names li. h. Arthur XV, Walnut Grove stock farm names b. m. Mnj.lla li, Harry E.Wise nsmes bi. g. Patsy, A. McDowell name* b. %. Captain Hackett. ' _______________ Alameda ****otes. ALAMEDA, CAL. Sept. 27.— The City Trus tees have decider! to prosecute the Lincoln avenue case on its merits and will endeavor to get au early trial in the Superior Court. The employes of the Pan Francisco Post ollice nave challenged the employe* ot the Aicmeda office to play a baseball match. The game will probably be played on the 10th ms;. Ah Kon*r has been sent to jail for ten days for sprinkling clothes with his mouth, in vio lation of the statute. The German Operatic SDCiety of Oakland gave a Concert this evening at Twelfth and Webster streets. The Alameda Art League will shortly be re organized and begin work for the fail and winter season. « — • — • Tift Baldwin. It is to be sincerely hoped that Crane's liver is not going io trouble him again, for. ia spite of a pretty play and excellent company, a red plush audience at the Baldwin Is strongly in evidence. This is the last week of Crane, and It is to be feared that San Francisco is only going to awake to the many excellences oi his play and company alter star ami c -inpatiy fire gone. — -— An eminent Austrian physician de clares that rheumatism em be cured by a plentiful diet of ripe fruit. Gross Outrages Upon the stomach and bowels are perpetrated by multitudes of li judicious j eople «ho, upon expe riencing the annoy an c of constipation in a slight degree, infiltrate their bowe.3 with drenching evi.cuanis, which enfeeble the intestinal mem* brane a iei .ou; extent sometimes, even, super inducing dysentery or piles Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is ihe true succedaneum for these no* trams, since It is at nine Invigorating, gen'le and effectual. It also Imnishes dyspepsia, malarial complaints, rheums ism ami kidney trouble**. • Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, iji_»>£_kltjl <>25 KKAKN'V XT. Established fijWf^jrejl in IS.II for the treatment of Piivate §Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary. 623 KEARN _T ST. Established In IH.*>| for the treatment of Private {^sk2>2iTO disease wearingon bodyandmindand skin Diseases. The doctor cures when "^"t'-ivjW^a otliei Try him. Charges low. JgaiEßtaj it » k" a rani «*••«!. Call orwrite. Pr. J. F. lilßliU.V flo* t'J.IT.San Francisco. m SAN JOSE. I.OS WTOSA SATTirHI/5 STEAMER ALVISO LEAVES PIER I DAILY (Sundays excepted) at 10 a.m.. Alviso dail.* (Saturdny exreptedi a*. ,' P. it. Freight and Passenger. Fare between San Fran.isco anl Alviso, 50c: to Sm Jose. 75c. Clay St., fieri. ! 20 XV. banta Clara St.. .-iau Jojj*. 7 — U 1 {HjEßnl wBWL V_f _jff P^JL jSL _on_ _m3_S K2T THE NEW 111 fjf FIVE-CENT PIECE^I ENLARGED 40^ JgTO SPECIAL AUGTIOS SALE £?*. fe AT fe fe Derby Stables, cor. Leav.nwortb & Geary sts. SAN FKANCISCO. THURSDAY. Thursday .September 30, At 11. a At, by order of CF. ACKLKY, we will sell all the stock of the HOTEL RAFAEL STABLES; SAX RAFAEL, Consisting of 1 slrncst new Miller hack, 1 Miller U-«ea ed Surrey, i ii;ht Miller coupe, 1 victoria, 3 li.lit 0- seated surreys, 4 '--seated -urreys'. 2 phae- tons, 6 top bucgies, 5 ■ peh i i ■-!> a 20 head driv- i..*.* and riding horses, 10 s-ts of dou be harness, _0 ' sets Ing c harne«, robes, blankets, c.c. btrck can be seen at any time previous to the sale. No re- serve or limit. Hale ro i* Ive SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Offlce— 327 Sixth st. Livestock Auctioneers. OCEA*Sf travel: P>H%lH_ma P. ■**• AUSTRALIA for &fi*||f: HONOLULU only. W WKS**m -i .... ■„,-. Oct 6, at 2 ** m I'M. special party rate.*. /I * \ The -. .-*. Mi> A n ,v itMnKnind ss? ** ia Honolulu llCCllDiliy*"'' a nd -AUCKLAND for ■fnlDPlr'ntU **y DSi X V i hursday. ■LOiiipaiCfer < .oberlt. 2 p. a. Line to COOLGARDIE, Australia, and CAPS. TOWN, (south Airica. - _'• y n . _ J. D BPKECKKLS * BROS. CO. Agents. 114 Montgomery street Freight office 'i' 27 "Market street, ban Francisco THEO.R.&N CO. DISPATCH LAST 6T -£*____-_» TO _E>o_l-H.-3?I-.__3>a' 33 From PrPar-streo*. Wharf, at 10 a. a. Ft -PIT'S."' I'lmt-class \ lncludln*r IA'XVJiIsa.SO Sd-olass /berth -mm.i t-i HKOLL.BI U-' SAILINGS: State of California Kept 5. 15, 25, Oct. 5 Columbia Sept. 10. 20, 3-. Oo; 10 Throoett tickets and through ba«K»*te to a.. las*-eru points. Rates and iolden upon applica- tion to I.T. CONNOR. General Agent. 630 Market stieet. GOODALL PERKINS A CO.. Superintendent- FACIFIC COAST_^TEA3ISUIP CO. STEAMERS LEAVE BROADWAY Ag^ wharf, San Francisco, as follows: _-__B_-Bt lor i oris in Alaska, 9 a. m. Se leraber 3, 8, 13. 18.23. 'i A , and every tilth day thereafter. For Victoria and Vancouver (B. c.), Port Town- send, Seattle, Tacoma. Everett. Anacortes and New Wi atcom (Bel n*hara Bay, Wash.). BA. _t. Sepu 3. 8, IS. 18, *- <, 28 an I -very fifth day there- after, connecting at Vancouver with the 11 P. R. R. at Tacoma with N. P. R. It., at Seattle with U. N. Ry.. at Port Townsend with Alaska steamers. For rurcr.i. Ai :*. ;i an I Fields Landing (Hum- hold I Bar), >tr. i'omona - P. a., -ep'-emher 1, 8, 10. 14. 18,2- 27: OtiW.ber 1. ft, 9. 13. 18, -8,38 .0: Nov* m he* 3 '- 12. 16. 20, 24. -9. For Santa Cruz, Monterey. San Simeon, Cayucos. Ton Harford (san . v!**-. Obispo), Gaviota, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Hueneme, San Pedro, East Sai Pedro (LOS Angeles) and Newport, at » a. a. gen em el 7 11, 13. 19. -I*'. 27. and every touriu day thereafter. For -an Diego, slopping only nt Port Harrorl (San Luis Obispo), santa Barbara, Port Los An- .'eies. Redondo Los Anceles) and Newport. 11 A . v September J>. 9. 13, iT, 21, -5, 29, and every lourth liay thereafter. _„«.„ or Enseuada, San Jose del Cabo. Mazatlan, Ls Ise and Guaymas (Mexico), steamer Orizaba. IJ a. M.. the '-' i of each monlli. '1 he Company reserves lie right to change with- out previous notice steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing. Ticke*. -Palace Hotel, _ New Montgomery street. GOODALL PERKINS * CO., Gen'l Agents. 10 MarKet St.. San Francisco^ COfIPAGTIFfInERAL TRASSATLAATIp Freno'a Line to FTavrrj. riOMPAWY-S PIER(NEW),42 NORTH jSK^sfn. VJ River, foot of Morton St. Travelers by <*"-£•*? this line avoid botii transit by English railway anl tbe discomfort of crossing the channel in a small boat. New York to Alexandra. Lcypt, via Pari* flrtt class *1.0. second class «lltt. LA TOURAINK October 9, 10 v. C LA BRETAGNK October 16 10 a. m. LA GASCOGNE i c*. 2*. 10 v. t. LA CHAM PAONE...., « c*. 30- 10 a. it LA TOURAINB -r.^n-^^«.r <**. 10 v. t *__ i vi* ;i.ner particulars apply to /». FORGET, Agent, No. 3 Rowiiog ureen, New York. J. F. r.iiaZl * CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery avenue, ban >rain;isco. STOCKTON STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St.. At 45 1". M. Daily, i reign *. received up to .: .: > I*. M gg" Accommodations Reserved by Telephone 'i he only in:** >.* im . through tickets and giving through- freight rates lo all loin s o:i Valley Railroa*.!. 31 Kit*: T. C. **Vi_lk<»r. J- l>. Peters, Mary Gamut, City of Stockton. lelephoue Main 805. Cat. Nay. and imply ..a io:ii. S. SAVYYARD m num. 1 ll AME ft -MONTICKLLO." Mon., Tnes., Wed., Thuis. and Sat ..9:45 a. m. and 3:15 p. ,i (9 p. a ex. Thur-i.) Fridays 1 p.m., D_r. x. Bundays 10i31),t. m. an J M c. a. Lauding and oilices. Mission Docit, Pleri. Telephone Green -31. 9