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10 A QUESTION OF MONEY ONLY k Worden's Friends Working Hard to Save His Life. — Not Enough Cash Available to Successfully Carry on the Defense. His Cause Was Deserted by the Members of the American Bail way Union. As the time draws near when the fale of Baiter D. Worden, who was convicted ol murder ana sentenced to be hanged last June, will be finally decided, the interest in the case, which hud somewhat flagged, is again being re -rived. Although the cases of Worden, Dnrrant, Allender and Hill, which will all come up at the next session of the Supreme Court, are generally supposed to be parallel cases, there is a technical difference which may admit of Worden having a. new trial, whie the motions in the other cases may be denied. Worden was sentenced to be hanged on the 9th of June last, but his attorney, George W. Monteith, with only a few days' notice, managed to get out a writ of habeas corpus, followed by a writ of cer tiorari, upon the ground that the records only showed evidence of murder in the Becond degree, or what is known as con structive murder. The granting of the writ of habeas cor pus acts only as a stay of execution, while the writ of certiorari compels the court records to be brought before the Supreme Court and admits argument. The great est difficulty in fighting the case has been to raise sufficient money to carry it on. Tbe local trades unions worked vigorous ly to raise a sufficient sum, but were great ly hampered by the actions of the Ameri can Railway Union in deserting the case, and of Worden's relatives, who almost re fused to aid him. An effort was made Monday to obtain a statement of the case from Mr. Mon teith, but he was out of the city on busi ness. His clerk, Mr. Bixby, stated his position as follows: "I do not think Mr. Monteith will go to Washington to fight the case at present, as the journey involves a heavy expense, and of the $1600 promised only $240 has as yet been raised. Tne case is now In such a condition that we are confident of winning if the fight only be made. Mr. Monteith has been greatly worried over the case, owing to his absolute confidence in the entire innocence of his client, but at the present time that question cannot be determined, as tbe case must tirst be reversed. In short, Worden's Itfe depends upon the ability of his friends to raise the necessary funds to make his defense." FEAR FRUIT INVASION. European Horticulturists Determined to Crowd Out California Products. The inquiry in Europe for California fruits, according to the reports sent to J. A. Filcher of the State Board of Trade from Robert Hector, who is now in Ham burg, continues unabated. Mr. Hector took the place of Mr. Filcher when the latter had fully installed the State Board of Trade's beautiful exhibit in the Inter national Exposition in that city. The let ters from Acting Commissioner Hector in dicate that since the dealers and jobbers of Europe have seen what California can produce in the shape of fruits they have been very desirous of getting a strong hold on the trade of this State. This inquiry has been viewed with con siderable anxiety by the producers of the Old World, as shown by the following ex tract from a letter from Mr. Hector re ceived yesterday by Mr. Filchei: • The fruit sections here, as France, Italy, Hungary and Asia Minor, noting the possibili ties of Caliiornia fruits, and fully alive to the situation, are not going to let this market slip from themselves without an effort, which be comes more pronouced and apparent daily, and are here in lull paraphernalia, war paint and feathers. In other words, high state offi cials and ex-officials, silver buttons and all kinds of buttons, secretaries and ex-secreta ries, and so on to the lesser notables, with quantities and quantities of green fruit All fine irult, too. ..otas fine as California's, if we only had It here, but yet very fine. These Gov ernments have gone to tremendous expense in getting up their different exhibits, each vying •with the other, but all trying to excel Caliior nia. It would amuse, if it were not so pa thetic, to see all, where their interests are in Jeopardy, anxious to resist the invader, which is in this case only our California products— a little dried fruit and some few wines. We must look to It that our exports are choice and first class, so thai we may be able to not only retain the good impression made but deepen and make it indelible— so we may say. or any one may Bay, "From Caliiornia" and that will bo its passport. But to accom plish this we must absolutely discontinue con- EignmenU. and we must educate ourselves to a positively uniform good pack— that will be always ana all through true to sample. THE STOCK MAEKET, Mining stocks were considerably lower yester day and business showed a sharp falling off. Belcher sold down to $1 40 and Crown Point 10 $1 20. The whole list sympathized with the bold Hill slocks and declined under reduced sales- The sharpest drop of the day was in occldentaL which went down like a shot to $1 75, as against 52 75 on the preceding day. Tbe annual meeting of the Exchequer Mining Company has been called for Octooer 18. The Swansea Mining Company of Utah has de clared a dividend of 6 cents per share, amounting to $5000 and payable October 9. The of 10 cents per share will be delinquent in the company's office to-.:ay The annual meeting of the Hana Plantation Company baa been called for October 18. 1 he management of the Bullion-Beck mine in Utah has decided to s op the extraction of ore owing to the lo wness of the metal market Dunne ■iMiSM?_' ,he BnlHon-Beck has distributed -?« 7 */S 0 mo -' Us slockhol tiers, or a total of 117.000 to date. Fifty miners will be thrown out of employment. Mt-mnients -Urns-. ■following is list assessments now pen<*lne*. „ l>ellnq: I Iva Amu tb9 Sal* Dmr BoarH tale <fc -Norcross j 112 jo Sept 1 terra .Nevada US 120. sept : hollar 44 2r>...Oct ndes 44 IC.Oct avage 9S Si ...oct ellow Jacket. 6^ ...Oct lt« 67 1t). ..0ct liver HUL SS OJ> ...Oct °to«i 48 25. .0ct onflaence vs 80 .Oct : eicher... — sti 20 ..Oct i on. 1mperia1........ s« 011..0ct : ..Oct 13 ..Oct ia ..Oct 28 ..Oct 26 .oct as .Not 12 •Oct 87 ...Not 5 . Sov 4 ..Not 6 Nov 11 Xov 23 BOARD SALES. SA*' '^ ■»**^^** * - • 44 - 444 - 44 >— -—_. r oil owl n_ were the salt** in the San Franm-sa -lock Board yesterday: . ."™ JBWaU-AB MOKNIXO SESSION. mMMKVriXO 9:80. 100 A)i*--.a.....23 10JJ CP0UU..1.25 100 Orrmn 27 •700 Andes 31550 1.30 800 "_« 250 Belcner.l.4s 1000 Exchqr..Ofe too Poioii' 1< 1300 1.60 .IMIO&C B_r__;—Sf 60 8_*8.....7ei00 6b 60 mi 20J tulllon... IJ 60 8AN. ..1.20 200 __>______■ 200 ....14 500 JnUa...-.05 200 DCC "*""£. 100 Caleda... 60 »00 Justice. ...40 300 21 100 ChUnge..-65 100 42 100 i*BV***__B 100 ....eiaouMxic. 51 4 - 100 siiHiii" 04 260 ChoUar...7B 103 0ccdi....2.0(, £1 v£ScM 000 7.260 2.05 200 Ulau" 29 600 CC-_V..1.6t 150 a * 35 UOO YiC_l""7B IOU Cond... 1.30 6'J Onutr.. AFT Kit NOON SESSION— 2:3O. 400 Alta — 20 300 C Point 0.25(300 Ovrmn -.27 SOU Andes 31 .'OO Exchijr...o7 100 Potosi 38 350 Belcher 1.46 200 ..08 160 87 "JOSO ....... .1.50 60 H&N... 1.20 600 ..^."1'."."..'36 60 B-&B 78 600 Justice. -.41 20J Savaze-. 60 60 » Ch0ir...... 76 BUI) Kenlck _. 10100 6t 400 74 300 < 1700 He? 8e1.... 19 10 J Cfaallire...6»9Uo 08 400 IS .Nev. .1.16 SUO r>**-_M.) -Mexican..!*.!} 3bo Union..... 67 600 .. 67 160 Occldt.. 1.76' '-"JO Utah 25 100 CCfcV. .l.(lO luO 1.80 150 26 250 1..).-, -15U 0nh1r... 1.16 750 X Jaua.e4-.78 SOU C Point 1.20 I Following hit*, 'he tu ,<•> 10 the Pacific Stock Board «-**. . ••*.*.,. BKOnLAR sfrkion— 10 :*fl. 100 Altiha 20 vOO CO* V... 1.60 600 0rrmn.»..28 SOU Alt*. 2. 100 Coutl.l .H2i;|r>oo 29 800 21 500 O NY ....05 600 l'otosl_...4S 10U ..20 200 V m.i 32-V<Jl<Jo *■* 200 -.191200 1.-71* '•!<•'(> ...". *<-- 150 Andes. 4 1200 I. * 500 38 300 31 1600 1.25100 39 650 SO two EC Nev 04 6"" SaTac«...62 IOU Belcher. 1.5 6 500 Kzcnqr ...06 500 61 400 1.5J1/2 500 UTwU 60 300 1.47-V. 100U -_U 60 300 6» 1650 1.-o2OU b. .^OO 6c0r010n..07 900 If. .100 61 500 Ml _.-_..... 20 600 1.40 .OJ 1.171*. 100 22 10J _._. Xi ... Jt* 500 Julia o*. 900 -Nev. ..1.*.0 400 77 100 Justice-. .4) SUO 1.17 V» 200 8u11i0n.... 161700 41.500 Hill 04 700 le-iOO Kentuclc..iO i .'oo Stlx>ula...2l 200 Caleda. ...:>► OUO .... Ob JSO s>ldr<ll.S2*V_ 100 51 .000 L Wash 0. 3UJ Onion. 58 iOJ *.'.» 200 ile_ til .100 ......67 100 f>i 100 500 uian...._2o 4 -0 i Chui;_e... 07 50 Occd ...2.00 ill O » J«c_:..7H 100 6*l 150 ..........1.75 100 i-0 100 66 ■ '<» OD__-._-I.IU .00 81 400 Choir ....75 iUO 1.15 100 78 100 74 200 1.17 V. AJKTKKN-OO 4 . SKSSION— ! lIX 60(1 Alpha -.20 100 CCAV.. 1.601200 0vrmn....30 •JUO Aits 20 -.Ml 1.62% -28 100 Andes.... 30150 ' cr\vn _■» I.J-io 50 I J'oius 38 900 Belcher 1.4. > 1000 1.25 60 -30 800 1.42* I'd 1.27 I. ' 00 Siivve 60 400 „ 1.4." 100 I.J-t.- *. Mli Scorpion.. 0 * 400 I.St .SUO i*:*- Nev. lif.-OJ bUtXM — is 250 1 .661600 K*tchr....u7 -OJ 19 400 1.571.. 100 o4£C. 61 iJlOi*Nev..!..o 400 ].7;.|loii JUN. ...1.20 200 1.17' 2 100 1.671 .. 00 Julia 01 100 Bit U1U.... 04 Ito l.bU l ' .^)0 Justice... .-1 1 100 C iiiou 58 400 -.i.*JO 500 Keiuct.... 10 100 60 .100 B_b. .. 7. IUO 11 «0U Utah 26 •Ou isullicu....!.- 100 13 .*>jo V Jckt. .._'<h SOU Chalice... t-t 4 -J * ' 51excn....57 JIOU — .77 800 anliuO -..5 -<io to 400 Ch011ar ....7 J . . 0 Occd ...1.7J..11J 8 -400 7 .0 .<......: 1.i7i... I*o 86 100 C0nn _..1. .0,-00 I 1-ul CLOSING «> . a nosrSi Ti fcstiAV. Oct 6- 4 p. «] BitlAiked. Alpha C0n.... lii 21 Julia. — 05 Altu 22 23 Justice 43 44 Andes So 3. ■Ki-i.tuck I<> 11 Belcher 1.70 1.75 Mexican 62 63 Benton ton... — 1.00 occidental 1.70 1.76 Best A* BJchr.. 80 fc2 Ophir 1.16 1.20 Bullion IS l4!.iver!iian 27 28 Caledonia 60 55 I'otosl 41 42 Chollar 75 76 lavage. 62 63 Con. Ctl ft Va.l-.6S 1.7' -eg. Belcher .. 10 20 Challenge Con. 65 60 Scorpion 06 08 Con. Imperial, 03 li -liver Hill 03 04 Confidence 1.26 1.35 ierr.i .Nevada. 1.20 1.25 Crown Point .. 1.35 1.41 -tan lard 1.80 — Exchequer.... 07 Oh Union Con 68 69 Gould <_Curr.. 68 70 Utah 26 27/ llale-_.Norcral.2U 1.25 Yellow Jacket 85 86 tlUCli AM» BONO KXt'HAM'B. TUESDAY, Oct 6-2 F. M. TNITKU SCaC— *** Bon Bid. Atked..\ --' Bid. Ashtd. t (-as eon-0.11-.'-'i —US «»-^«* —■ i- » - Itoew iaauec.6 — j MiM-Ki.i.ANKiir** •no**™*. rai-stcwas-*. ii*-'-*-** - , '-*H *-*■»*... »** , »/s - Cal Elec _ 6.1 128 — umuw 55.. _ 104 CauoWh 99 t»yi ... Do 2d I* 6a.. 108 — Ppoi-slex*ep — 98Vi I'mmbuitia,. 1- — I dsn LAP as —* 4 ' - IAI li Hit bilO." — I '-.CU By di. — 104 1.-farv-si;K6i - 100 1 wl-st KRiillJ* — 11 CtfcSbV.s.loo — Kmo. U'Ut — 10J Los An. L6i — 100 MctoPitu. - 10(1 Do On teed 6s 98 — IblttNlKS-i.. 10S*/klo3*Vi - , 5 ■•«l-t;i.,>l'KKArlxß« 99 ;*9i 4 DoKyCon 6s. lOS^silO bPRKCaIdi. 107 108*14 NatVin6slsl — iou jMUKlaln. - 95 N«?vCN«lt7s. y^3 4 - ••PBrKiJaiaj. 105>y5i — ByOal «». 106 110% ; fcVWateroj. 117-. 118i_ M-.yv.-_ — V b 3V>Vaier-ts. M_ — N PC, 6s — a 4 iiklii__.JiJ» 9a-V_ — wsna 6Tt)CKS. Centra J5 — Iteprn;; Valley 99 1 i 99*~a H-rinw 44 *..... 51—i sas and KI.KTRIC STOCKS Capiut. — 25 II aciflc I, .- 1. 6.i 4 — CentraL FBl-J. - bPG&KIeo. 9. ■■ - 97-t/i M Else Hem !'"« 10 -ran francasa .i 4 _sJ_ UwULill 661V_ 56 biucalou — 141- _ trsttt oas imii t>-ii 4 M^ IN-l KA-S.:K tSTOC'C-l. Flreman'BF.'lß2Va — | ;.-. . _, CO_MKKi*lvr. BANK STOCK**. Anelo-ral . 5514 571_!Hrs*. Na.ion. 4 l _ Bank of C-L.239-V. — London PA A. lib 130 Lal-JJAI Co 96% — |JMerch Ki... 11 - aavufoa bank BTOCKi Pf-rPAIO 44 *- 1475 1610 (I'avALoa-.. _ 100 IlnmbSiD.luo* HbO jptcurliy .. 253 — Mutual. 35 40 1 LUIOU Trust.. st) 10JJU b-Qav Union 46o — | STBEET kAILSOAD STOCKS. California..- 109 112 lOaa^L.tKHar - 100 Gear-*st 40 — ! l'realdio. .... 6 — M-i_oi*»l.... 48 48 Vi! POWIJKK STOCKS. Calliornla.... 90 — lUlantUox... 87 1 40 tuicruil — 80 — |Vi_oni. .._ ji 8 ;<&., Wl.-.1'KT.1.-VN-F.OOS PTOCK*. Alasita ncrs. 95% 99 |N*at Yin«» . 4 8 Ger Dead '"0. 105 — <)ceanlcSSC9 SiSi 33X4 BawCJt-Ca. 24% 2434 : Aux P A — ' 3 fa nicho a:-.- s "541/8 HacßoraxCa 100 — i.«_iA_a- m, — j fart PalatOo v; , — tALIi*- kUKM.'<<> o-kOa.j.-f. Board— 25 Hawaiian Commercial „ 24 50 100 do do „ _ 24 62% 5 Alaska Packers' Association ;: s 50 ' 100 Market-st hallway M . 48 26 1 1000 Market-si Ky Con Bond* 8_...— 109 76 75 Oakland Gas 65 75 45 i - V Water 99 25 600 Vlgorit Powder 3 25 I- ir*-**; — 914,000 Contra Costa Water Bonds. 99 60 $5100 tr- Pot A Bonds 99 25 200 Vlgorit Powder 3 26 ULU-AfltaMWS 4 4 VI tl> I. fWwr-1 — (2000 Contra Costa Water Bonds 99 60 60 Hawaiian Commercial.... 24 62% 150 Hutchinson 8 P Co 34 00 100 Mutual Electric Light 9 75 60 do do 10 00 10 B V Gas * Electric Co t»7 00 3 do do _ _, 96 75 60 SV Water 99 25 ft) 000 V4% Bonds 102 00 920008 Pol A Bonds «9 26 HOMEL AERIVALS. LICK HOUSE J M Wllmans, Newman E E Vincent, Madera 0 Q Yates, Los Angeles Ben Timmons. Cal Geo Redd, Cal H Crosby Aw, Centervllle C L Smith Aw. Sacto s *-. Foster, Ceres L Russell, Saratoga J F Chiles, Davli ville A C Snyder, Santa Cms J T Harrington. Colusa F DNlool, Stockton A P Cat! in. Sacramento G S Howe. Grass Valley J Dannenbaum, Vallejo J J Smith. Stockton H H Rowley&w, Vancvr G Brandt Paclflc Grove J T Burch. Tulare Mrs J F Colly, Nev City Geo X Porter, Cal W T Coffman, Merced R B Martin Aw, teatt'e Mrs M L swest, Marlines B W Alien, San Jose SM Cole, Grass Valley Mrs Idallancock.Los An II Todd. Oakland W Hoxle. <al T J Wilson AS. Edino.Mo E D Goodrich, N V ' DeVvanDoesbur-cb.StHelO L Gordan, Santa Cms W W Siousland, Viialia F H >tousland, Visaila J W Howeil. Merced C Morelng A w. -tookton WE Burk&w.TerreH ant Warren Green, Preston Thos B Bond, Lakeport II L Chiles St Helena GRAND HOTEL II Thorp, Sacto II Fraley, Sacto J B Brant A w. Chicago C J u'Mara, Id ..ho A M Robb, Los Gatos E Morgan Marlines W W Foote, Oakland T T Dargie, Oakland H C Main, Alameda H S Merle, Los Angeles A A Spachs. San Diego H J Delamer, San Diego H Culver, chico DrGWMcKlnnon, Eureka B Bell, Portland W J Tonkin. Nev J 1 Thorp, Cal G Lin-o, Birds Landing F C French Jr, S Clara J 1* CJaj.p, Chicago W V' Weeks, aebastopol Miss Ingram, Monterey H B Bishop, Stockton G L Bishop, -tockton H Harris, Marysville F B Strong. Portland 1 Wertheimer.MtuView Mrs IT Field <fcd,Sianford J McClung. r-elma J Gregory, Stockton H Dllllue. Tacoma J E Dolan, Portola J B Jarrelt, cal H J small. Sacto Mrs F A Osborn, Sacto H Pilling, San Diego F Lewis, Pleasanton J fa Meloche, siockton COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Bed, Fresno „,, £ c McAdie, Galveston D Rlnch, Marysville H Diamond, Oakland Mrs Scully. Marysville Miss C Beattle, Boston J Fitzgerald, Cai Miss M F Ross, Boston S Millard, san Jose H Walcott, Sausalito M Lawless, san Jose R c Price, Oakdale Mrs Green, Ferudaie R Heycock A fy Or E A Bohm <fc fy, Cai c H Sherman, Sacto C Hail. Pasadena G Chappelle, c-acto A Ktrklaud, Stockton T Mulllns, Fresno L Y'oochivan, Chicago J Johnston &w. St Louis JMc Henry, Walerford Miss P Dunsmuir Mass Mrs Deaue, Napa Miss B Dunsniuir! Mass J Stafford, Wash J D Biassingame Ariz Mrs smith, Giants 7 ' BALDWIN HOTEL W 8 DeWltt Washlngtn C B Booth, Los Angeles C L White, sacramenio F T Bowers, Bevedere W Dwyer, Benicia T Rowley, OaKland F C Clark. -tockton J M Jose Wis Wheeler, Dublin Mr 3c B Bonhe. Tos An. Allie ij Banks, Cal W Byron, Los Angeles Mrs Byron. Los Ang c E Philltus, Sacramento A LRoxby, Watson vine 51 l. Maaienon, i os Am E G McPike. Grayson J D McPike, Grayson -1 G lasacs, Berkeley a Politzer, Alameda Mrs Poiltzer. Alameda W a Chapman, Colusa E J Blair, Stockton 8 P Hensley, Eos Aug PALACE HOTEL J A Hicks, San Jose J J Clayton. San Jose C Whitney, N V ' Mrs C Whitney, N V E Cummenge, Paris .R Mackintosh, Salt Lake J H Payne. Chicago Miss Leonard, Chicago Ml_i Overman, Chicago Miss Prait, Chicago Mrs Atwood. Chicago Miss De J.aven. Chicago N Eeete, ...exlco H iiinshaw. Burlingame A E Douglass, Flagstaff D Melon*, oak Knoll Mrs Hubbard Ad.SiLoulsE A Ross, Palo Alto O J Titus, Sacio OO sage, Sacto R D Stephens, Sac:o . NEW WESTERN HOTEL, J E Buckner.Santa Rosa C Swanson, NY iH I .**??- ■£-..* i Rottger, Fresno H J King, \ allejo J J Kennedy, Benicia W He-linger, Montana J H Chorteusen. Byron W A siraub, Antioch C Clndsey, Antioch A Shaffer, Los Angeles J Watts. Reno Mrs scott A dr, Antioch J H Kennedy,' Nevada THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1897. SAN FRANCISCO -CALL."' BUSINESS OFFICE of theSanFranclacoCAt-— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 627 Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 o'clock. SJ39 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 616 larkln street: open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets; open until 9 o'clock. 1243 Mission street; open until 9 o'clock. 2618 Mission street: open until 9 o'clock. 167 Ninth street; open until 9:30 o'clock. 0605 Polk street; open until 9:30 o'clock. NW. corner Twenty-second and Kentucky streets; open till 9 o'clock. MEETING NOTICES. •*£*_■!-■■•• MOUNT MORIAH LODGE NO. 44. m -^C F. and A. M— Statod meeting A\ I MIS (WEDNESDAY) 1-VKNIJSti al _f 7:30 o'clock. r^sf\ '■' - ryz THEa FBOLICH, Secretary. tt_sf=» EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. 166. at J? F. mid A. M.— Stated meeting THIS J*k (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, October 6,"*_r _r* a 7:^o o'clock. Z^rS THEO. E. SMITH, Secretary. •f^S=- CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139, F. m -■-^ and a. M.— stated meeting 'luls sfs\ WEDNESDAY at 7:80 P. m. HS.X 4 ... H. FURTRIEOE, Bee. /^T> Kg' KNII.HTBOFTHE RED BRANCH 0 *!t^£' —Attention: Yon are hereby request- JLA. ed to attend a most Important meeting nlckS_r your hall THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVEN- , ** r INC.. PRESIDENT. gyZS= A. O. IX, DIVISION '.•-TflEa^Mi -»*-*' regular monthly meeting of thlsdl-^^WJT vision will be hell ru Hiberuia 1 ul! on sk.'* WEDNESDAV EVENING, «>CL ft at » 4444 nfe5 1 l o'clock. Candldutta art-king admission *^_£ will please be prompt ln attendance, . be examin- ing pnyslciuu will be In the hall on that evening. Sojourning brothers are cordially Invited. BAST-.- LEE, President.* John Kknny. Baa sec. ft-ag-f* THE QUARTERLY MEET- -_ If-JS' ing of .Servian-Montenegrin 1. «22? and I. -,n i ... j* will i« held THIS mtifmsjsx i WKDM-'Sli \V) EVENINO. i 'fttiher 'fflr^H (I, ISJI7, st 7:'S'l o'clock, at 10 Ca if urn la HjJ-WHPi »;. ..1; othcera anil ntetnn^rs art* ,4; 'r-Bi£iJ_BJJ nestly requested to attend. Fine l.r nun- JM&B3_ attendance wld be strictly enforced. By l|s2».'J i *y order of r JOHN GLAVINOVIcn, President Sfiuo 8. Vccosavlievich, secretary. FtC^ THE REGULAR MEETING V- „ Kb-* ? 0 the San Francisco Rrlcklay-iFrr^^fea era' Asiociatloo will he held TUlS^ —^?"\ (WEDNESDAY) EVENINO, Oct o,___*_^_ ' 897, at B'nai li'rlth Hall, 121 l dm 5... ui 3 o'clock, a fun attendance requested. Business of Importance. Flues for non-attendance strictly en- forced. _L J. BRANDON, Pres. MPS' SAINT LUKE'S HOSPITAL— THE AN- 9r**r nual meeting t.f the members of the Corpo- ration of st. Luke's HospitHl will be held at the Diocesan House, 731 Caliiornia street San Fran- cisco, on MONDAY, the 18th Instant at 3:30 o'clock, for the election of Ave members of the corporation and any other business which may come befure the meeting. C V. S. GIB as, President WILLIAM DOXKV, Secretary. nt 44 - 4444 - 44 : 44 NOTICE— THE ANNUA L MEETING OF l>-*y the stockholders of tbe Bank of California will be held at the banking-house In this city on TUESDAY. October 12. 1897, at 1 1 a. U. ALLEN M. CLAY, Secretary. San Francisco, September 30, 1897. Wy&' NOTICE OF MEETING— THE REGU- •*-^ lar annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nevada Bank of San Francisco will oe held at its banking ollice, 801 Montgomery street, tan Francisco, Cat .on WEDNESDAY, tin* 13th day of October, 1897, ut the hour of three (3) o'clock p u. tor the purpose of electing a board of direc- tors to serve during the enaulig year, and lor the transaction of such other business us may come before the meeting. 1). B. DAVIDSON. Secretary. San 1 rancisco. September 28, 18117. SPECIAL NOTICKS. StrS MM E. HANSEN; LATEST GALVANIC t*-* 44^ battery and cabinet baths 116laylorst. Iff 4444 **- 4 *? - -NOTICE— LETTERINA BKKEI'I A, MY a-JP wife, having 'eft my bed and board. 1 here- by give notice to all concerned that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. PIETKO BEKKE'ITA. 1T_?" WANTED — POSITION AS HOUSE- w-^ keeper. 231 O'Farreli st, room 28. •^_g» MRS. STKWERT, GENUINE STEAM -**■*'--' and cabinet baths, l'-Jut _ Geary, room 11. JT 4^ 44 * Miss IKA.NKIE WILLIAMS, UENI- a-**^ ine electric baths. Kcom 15, 101 Va Grant av. KP FRENCH. SPANISH OR SHORTHAND. •*-*>' In class, 25c; private, 60c. 1606 Steiner. ■Jt^S 44 - MRS. 08, FISH, 14a OEARY. BOOM 1; **-="' electrician ; alcohol Turkish baths; unrivaled __***S» PAINTINW. WHITENING, PAPER- IS*-*' hanging. HaRTMaNN. 239 Third st 9-Z^- BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR f4: mY-^ collections made: city or country. Pscifia CoSectton Co.. 416 HmmtstfT st. room 6: tei. 6680. SITUATIONS WANTED-I'JEMALE. *V*EAT YOUNG GEBMAN GIRL DESIRES *> situation at housework, *10 to 16; oras norse or second girl; ref. -Mis-, CULLEN, 3-3 Sutter. THIRST-CLASS SWEDISH LAUNDRESS AND i- chambermaid des res situation; best reference: city or country. MISs CULLEN, 323 Sutter st i^-WKDIsH HOUSEGIRL; GOOD COOK AND if laundress: 3 years last place; B*2o. MRS, NORTON. 315 Suiters . COMPETENT INFANT'S NURSE, WITH reference, desires situation. J. F. CROSETT & Co., 316 sutterst. GERMAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE— MRS VJ LAMBERT, 417 Powell st (teL Main 6332), furnishes best heln of ai: nationalities. COMPETENT, RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS to do washing, Ironing, cooking or house- cleaning by the day; best refereucea. Mrs.M.CL'iU TIS. 336 7. Twenty-sixth st, near Mission. pi FINED WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS XI housekeeper or charge of children; Is a good music teacher and seamstress: thoroughly reliable; no objection to ihe country. J. K., box 35, Call. I ADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE- XI keeper: widower's family or newly married couple; can teach the rudiments of Kn;llsn and piano Address DLLIN, box 16, CalL 4^ RESPECTABLE GIRLS WISH SITUA- — tions as nursegirls: wages $12 to $15; nooo- lection to country.. Please call at '.'4s Clara st bet. Fifth aim sixth. P ELIABLE WOMAN WISHES SITUATION: it Is a good cook; willing and obllcinz: good worker*, moderate wages: short distance In the country or city. 27t_ Fourth St., over florist's K ESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES housework or chamberwork several hours a day: $1 50 a week; sleep home. Address B. s.. box 90, CalL ' •( 'OOD LAUNDRESS WISHES TO TAKE VJJt work home or could go out some days of the week: Is also a good seamstress. Address A. W. box 144, call. ' "IV" oMAN WISHES TODOOENERAL HOLSK- '» work in the country; $12 per month. 2ti4iJ. Tehama st YOUNG RUSSIAN LADY IN REDUCED CIR- A ttimstance.s would like housekeeper's place- will do plain sewing. 223 Post at, room I. I\rANTKD-POSITIO.s BY YOUNG GIRL; si experienced header and braider. Address a' 8., 808 Howard st GIRL WisHES TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- work; wages $16 to $18. Call *621 Bryant St., near Twenty-fourth. . I ' > M A N WISHES WORK BY THE DAY* »» washing or housecleaning; $1 and carfare. Call 619 Na.oua si. LADY WISHES POSITION AS PIANIST IN city or country. MRs. M., box 10, CalL COLORED WOMAN WANTS DINING-ROOM or chamber worn. Apply 242 Taylor st SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST - CLASS German cook, with reference; wages $30 to -Ji per mouth, S. W., box 14, CalL COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES &ITUA- I tiou to do general housework. 1020 Howard st, room 19. SWEDISH GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO odo general housework In small family. Call at 142 Eleventh at WIDOW WANTS WORK; PLAIN SEWING is or housekeeping; city or country. Call tor 3 days at 821 Mission at, room 3. EIRsT-OLASS AMERICAN COOK WANTS A situation in a private family. Call SO6V!i Hayes st.".. - ESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS slTUA- iloii to do housework in small American fam- ily- 1024 Howard at, room 2- GERMAN WOMAN 'WISHES SITUATION* cooking and housework la private family. las Minna sW~g*gßjg_M_H___4B-__---M_HH TRONG YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day washing, cleaning, etc.; wages si. Apply ln basement 748 Howard st SWKDI *H GIRL WISHES TO DO GENERAL housework; wages 312 to $16. 906 Powell at SITUATION WANTED BY. A YOUNG woman todo -general housework. 1634 Howard. KELIABLE WOMAN WISHES TO DO HOUSE- cleaning or washing by the day. Apply 2943-,*, Mission at . . * Gi EKMAN WOMAN WISHES WASHING OR r housecleaning, $1 a day and car fare. Apply at box A, 1243 Mission st - * FTTUATION 4 "-! TrANTED-ConflnnM. VOI'SG GIRL WiSHES SITUATION AS -L chambermaid; will assist -in waiting: sleep home. L. M., Call Office, Sixteenth and Mission. SITUATION WANTED by YOUNG germ an girl to assist light homework and chl. dren. Apply 488 Eighth st "pAINTING. WHITENINO, PAPER-HANG- x ing; roofs, gutters painted. EDWARDS, 1200 Webster st "yO^NG WIDOW DESIRES POSITION AS a housekeeper. Call 120a Eddy St.. room 2. TNTELLIGENT YOUNG LADY WISHES A care of children and upstairs work; sewing; references. R. R. v., box 16, CalL T--XORTH GERMAN GIRL WANTS SITUA- -7" .. Cl i^ to •** o general housework: wages $20. Call at 1708 Filimore st- "EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS WISHES aj a'.t nation. Piease call 611 1 olsom st SWEDISH GIKL WISHES SITUATION TO >J do housework. Please call 611 Folsom st CCOTCH woman wants SITUATION; IJ good cook, baker and laundress; references; sicks nurse wants position, too. 112% Langton st, near -seventh and t olsom. V, : Q - L,lbl i WIDOW WOULD LIKE 2 CHlL- an. "J"," to board * also 2 furnished rooms to rent 904 I olsom st. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP- A era position. Call 110« Miss.on st, corner of Seventh, room 10. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP- a eFs position. 121 Montgomery st., room 8. eat. reliable, MIDDLE-AGED lady J-i wishes position as companion to lady, ci.ild's nurse or second work; good seamstress. Address -"• " - -' ** 1 otlice, sixteenth aud Mission. t 'UMI'fcTEXT GIRL WISH. A SITUATION \J to do general housework and cooking in a small private family. Call 33:9 Twenty-second St.. near Valencia. SEWING AND REPAIRIN NEATLY DONE. Call or address 1 12^_ Grant ave., room 8. -youNG WIDOW JUsT FROM THE EAST X wishes situation as housekeeper; ciiyorcoun- try. Cad at 989 Howard St.. room 61. YOUNG LADY DESIRES A POSITION AS X housekeeper: widower's h-me preferred. 821 Mlssiou st, room 6. Y°UNG GIRL, STRANGER, DESIRES A X housekeeper's place: country hotel or widow- er's home preferred. Em, 24,. 906 Market, 2d floor. *V EAT GERM AN GIRL WISHES SITUATION; JA housekeeping or tending bakery or lunch- room. 550 Mission st, room 21. idow LADY. JUST ARRIVED, wishes '" position us typewriter or copyist Call room 7, first floor, 969 Jiission st DRESSMAKER-GOES OUT BY THE DAY. 1219 scott st., near Ellis. • RELIABLE PROTESTANT WOMAN WISHES housework and cooking ln American family. 627 Larkln at SWEDISH GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DO LJ general housework and cooking. Call 636-y-**. Jessie st DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING done at Woman's Club, 935 Market, room 12. Y OI'NO LADY WISHES TO MAKE HER- -0 self generally useful around bachelor's home. 235 O'Farreli st, room 7. I 9£» FOURTH, ROOM 23, SECOND FLOOR— A— Young widow wants a situation as house- keeper for widower. SITUATION WANTED AS COMPANION TO XJ elderly lady by educated, refined woman, age 35; understands care of bouse. Address for 2 weeks Companion, Stockton, Cal. YOUNG PARISIAN WIDOW IN REDUCED -I circumstances wishes position as housekeeper; city or country home preferred. 1122 Market st, room 31. 4 MARKET ST. — BRANCH OFFICE OF THE Call: want ads and subscriptions taken. "yoi NG PARISIAN WIDOW DESIRES A PO- X sltion as housekeeper; widower's home pre- ferred. 122 l'ost st. rooms 10 and 11. YOUNG WIDOW DESIRES GENTLEMAN'S X mending, call at 321 Ellis st. room 46. (Competent WOMAN wishes TO GO OUT J as lady's nurse In confinement; best or refer- ences, Call at 2419 Clay st. la the rear, upstairs. YOUNG GIRL FROM COUNTRY DESIRES X position as typewriter or oflice work. Call 120 E.lis st, room 31. YOUNG GIRL, GERMAN. WANTS A PLACE X as housekeeper; no objection to country; wid- ower's home preferred. 207 post st, room 8. • ATTRACTIVE young lady, formerly* in good circumstances, would like a steady housekeeper's place; hotel or widow home pre- ferred. Room 2, 1201,2 Geary st YOUNG WIDOW DESIKES POSITION AS X housekeeper in widower's home. CaU at 128 Fourth st. room 21, second floor. "VEAT YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE A SITU- -1A ation as housekeeper: widower's home pre- ferred. Room 15, 361 _ Geary at,, second floor. YOUNG GERMAN GIRL, NEAT A-**D EX- X perlenced, wants a housekeeper's place: wid- ower's home or country hotel preferred. Room 11 223 Post st SPANISH WIDOW FROM CUBA WISHES XJ position as housekeeper for bachelor or elderly gentlemau. Apply 305a Mason st, room 1. ■■„- ; -y , fii Z. *-- AKKI N— BRANCH OFFICE OF THE sJX-iJ CALL Subscriptions and want ads taken. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. CHINESE A JAPANESE; EST'D 20 YEARS* helptteLmaln 1997. BRADLEY A Cu. 640 day HUNTER A CO.. CHINESE AND JAPANESE emp. offlce. 614V. California st, teL main 231. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU: KK- liable help, 709 Geary st TeL Sutter 2126. CHINESE AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT > office; best help. 414-V. O'FarrelL TeL K. 426. SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF 26, SPEAKS EN- gllsh, Spanish and Portuguese, wishes a posi- tion ln grocery-store: 8 years' experienci*,; good references: salary no object Address C. box 1 Call Office, Oakland. * * M MIDDLE-AGED MARRIED MAN WISHES situation as barkeeper or any other job* not afraid of work; several years' experience saloon business; good references. A., box 15, Call oflice. COMPETENT YOUNG MAN, 24. WITH BEST referencea wants position of any kind; experi- enced In grocery wholesale and retail business- able and wllllnz. a. W., box 10, Call Office. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND general office man, competent, steady, reliable, desires posit city or country; moderatesalarv. 8. T., box 19. Call Office. / *- * OMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND ALL- round business man wants work; highest cre- dentials. Kindly aidress Trustworthy, 816 Rail- road ave., Alameda. YOUNG INTELLIGENT MAN, SPEAKS SEV- X eral languages, understands massage, can lend horses, wants any kind of work, Address B. N box 84, Call Office. ANDY BOY WANTS WORK AROUND house, Inside or outside, of any kind. Address 102 Carlton House, room 19. I'tOD CHINESE WISHES POSITION IN ix rich family or board lug-house. Inquire Y'oung Company. 729 Sacramento st "VTAKA'S JAPANESE AND CHINESE EM- -1" ploy ment office, 314b Sutterst; teL Grant 30. PAPER-HANGER, PAINTER, . TINIER wants situation; best references. ANTON, 223 Fourth at . A'OUNG MAN, AGE 24. HAVING SOME EX- X perience, wishes a position as bookkeeper, hotel clerk orother office work. Address W. _* box 14, call Office. JAPANESE YOUNG MAN WaNTs SITUA- tion to work early In the morning or In the evening. Address G. K., box 15, Call office. ELIABLE INDUSTRIOUS GERMAN coachman and gardener: bandy around the place; good references. Address F. F., box 45, Call Office. AN, HANDY WITHCARPENTER'STOOLS, pipe-lilting, fireman or engineer; good refer- ences. H. E. It, Reno House, fcacramento at AN AND WIFE WANT HOUSECLEAN- MAN AND WITE WANT HOUSECLEAN- Ing or any kind of work. Address 9 sunshine court, off Eighth st T/'lKsr-CLAS 4 -*. GARDENER AND florist A wants a situation; handy with vegetables and can run gas-engine. Address Gardener, box lU, Call Office, Oaklaud. "yOUNG Baker just from HAMBURG X wishes situation. Apply 3778 Twenty-fourth s:., tear Church. ERMAN, AGED 26, WANTS SITUATION as porter or otherwise: attended 10 horses 6 years: can give best of references. B. G., box 92, Call Office. 41 EKMAN, 23 YEARS OF* AGE, HIGHLY ED* T acatea. 7 years' experience In business, spe- cially In drugs, wants position; also in foreign port: references. F. M„ 1222 Mission st YOUNG GERMAN WOULD LIKE A PLACE as driver; one who under*. lands the care of horses. D. Z., box 91, Call Office. JAPANESE FIRST-CLASS WAITER WANTS . sltnation as waiter ln family ln tne city. J.X., box 44, Call Office. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST.. NR. Market: 800 rooms 25c to »1 50 per -lcht; I I to 10 $6 per week; convenient and res pec unit; JUee bus and baggage to and from tbe ferry. HELP WANTED— FEMALE. COOK AND DOWNSTAIRS GIRL, FAMILY of 2 ln Oakland. Scandinavian preferred, f'2s; French girl, housewor <, citv. $2.; seco d cirl, city, f-.O: 20 girls for housework. $20 and *25; 10 young girls to assist -510. 912, $15. C. R. HAN- SEN A CO., 108 Geary st STEWARDESS: NO EVENING WORK; GEN- ...e}^ 1 P'*ce: city; $26. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 108 Geary st 2 WAITRESSES, COUNTRY HOTEL. C JR. HaNsEN A CO., 108 Geary st GERMAN OR HUNGARIAN GIRL: FAMILY of 2: city; $20. MaRTIN A CO., 749 Market fl IRL, GOUGH ST., $25; OIRL, MILL VAL- iJ, ley, $25: cirl. Vallejo. $25: girl, Alameda. $25: girl, san Mateo, $.0: girl, Fresno, $20*. girl. Fills st, $20; girl, Broderick st, 4*V!O: girl, 'lurk st, $20; girl, Golden Gate ave., $20: girl, Eddy st, $20; girl. Harrison st, $20: girl, sutler st, $20; girl, Washington st, $20; girt, Vacaville, $20; girl. Masonic ave., $20. MaRTIN & CO. , 749 Market st GIRL, WEBSTER, $15; GIRL, VAN NESS VA ave., $15; girl, country, $16: girl, Vallejo, $15; girl, Oakland, *15. girl, Broadway, $15: girl, Post, $15; ulrl, Geary, $15; girl. Bush, $15; girl, sianyan, $15; girl. Laguna, $15; girl, Santa Rosa. $15; girl, $15: girl, Caliiornia, $15: girl, ' Fresno, $15. MARTIN <_ CO., 749 Market st L'RENCH CHAMBERMAID. CITY, $15 AND X room; chambermaid, city, $20 and room; chambermaid, assist cooking. $15 and room; chambermaid, assist waiting, $15 and room. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market St. "iy AITRESS. COUNTRY HOTEL, $20 AND " room; 2 waitresses, Oakland. $15 and room: waitress, country, $15 and room. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market st M IDDLE-AGED COLORED WOMAN NURSE; six 1 child; country; call early. MARTIN A CO.. 749 Market st SWEDISH OH DANISH SECOND GIRL; SEE party here Thursday 9a. 11. MARTIN -» CO., .49 Market st. GERMAN GIRL, FAMILY 2. NICE PLACE, T $20; call early. MARTIN A CO., 7*9 Market "JVT URSEGIRL ASSIST SECOND WORK; CITY; 11 *'-<-** MARTIN A CO.. 749 Market st. <▼£.??*&£ COOK; PRIVATE FAMILY; $25. VJ MARTIN ._ co., 749 Market st ( i , _ >^A C l' r^;. sMAI ' L HOTEL; S2S. MARTIN \J <_ CO., 749 Market st GOOD COOK; COUNTRY HOTEL*. $30: SEE party here Ba. M. MARTIN A CO.. 749 .Mkt. 4 GERMAN SECOND GIRLS; CITY; $20. •A MARTIN -A CO., 749 Market st. I^ANCY IRONER. 525, BOARD AND ROOM. Call early. MaRTIN A CO.. 749 Market st. TRONER. COUNTRY. $10 A WEEK. MAR- -L TIN CO. 749 Market st. 7 GERMAN AND SWEDISH GIRI 8. CITY * »--0t0525. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market st N IRONER: VALLEJO; $30. MISS CUL- LEN, 323 Sutterst. REFINED WOMAN OR GIRL; $15; NAPA. MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutter st Q HOUSEWORK GIRLS; ALAMEDA; $20 — each. MISS CULLEN, 823 Sutter at HOUSEWORK GIRL; BERKELEY; $25. MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutter st SEAMSTRESS. $20: WAITRESS, SAME ■J bouse. $20. MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutter st GERMAN COOK, $25: HOUSEWORK GIRL, san Rafael. $20. Miss CULI.EN, 323 fuller. GERMAN NURSERY GOVERNESS, $26. VJ MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutterst K EFINED GERMAN SECOND GIRL AND seamstress. MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutter st TRAINED COOK FOR INSTITUTION; 2 laundresses In lanndrv. »25; 3 German, French an! Swedish second girls, $20; cook and second girl, same place, $20 and $15: 3 cooks, private families, $2.') and $30: 2 German and .reueta nurses. $20: girl for housework. Redwood City. $26; San Jose. $25: san Luis Obispo. $25: girl to wash dishes, assist in pantry, etc., $20. and many girls for cooking and housework. J. F. CROSETT A CO.. 316 Sutter st ANTED —FIRST-CLASS WOMAN, GOOD • I cook, assist with children, $20: also cook for Redwood city, $25: housegirl. Menlo Park, 92b, 4 In family; housegirl. san Mateo. $20; fcoarc- ing*bouse cook, $.5. MRS. NORTON. 315 Sutter. HOUSEKEEPER, $20; CHAMBERMAID and seamstress, $25: cook, $80; iiild' , lH-a^eil woman, $20; and a number of girls at $25 and $20. MRS. NORTON, 315 Sutter st. WANTED—* GERMAN SECOND GIRL, '" must sew. $25; French nurse tor grown chil- dren. »25: a young Protestant nurse, $20; a com- petent Irish nuise, $30, must be under 30 years of age and bring in. rentes from private families only; seamstress, assi.t chamberwork, $25; 20 housework gir s, $25 and $ .0: also about 1 30 young girls at $16. $12 aud SlO. Apply MISS PLUNKETI', 424 Su.ter St. VKAT woman TO COOK FuR a FAIR, $2 "a .li day and found, 1 week's work: woman to do cooking, housework, etc on a ranch, *20: fare paid. MURRAY A READY, Leading Emiloy- ment Agents. 634-636 Clay st / * ERMAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, MRS. U LAMBEKI', 417 PoweU st. has places for girls of all nationalities. OMAN OR GIRL TO DO GENERAL '* laundry work in country boarding-house; wages $25 and found; fare paid. P. o. R., box 143, Call. ' WA NT ED— OPERATORS ON VAMPING »I machines. Inquire at CAHN, NICKELS- BURG <_ CO.'S shce factory, 117 Mayes st GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. $10 to $12: 3 in family. 713 Cole st, near Waller, Haiklil-st cars. GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL; GENERAL housework; plain cooking; $15 to $18. 1118 Turk st ANTED— ERRAND GIRL; ALSO FINISH- "» ers on braiding. 121 Pos; st, room 31. - YOUNG GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN housework. 2817 California st GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF CHILD; SLEEP home. 830 Howard st FIRST-CLASS SHOE - FITTER, PACIFIC shoe Factory, 133 First st. RAVELING man WANTS a YOUNG lady as a companion. A. 8., box 15, Call. GIRL WANTED TO LEARN VEST-MAKING. 3245 Sacramento st., cor. Lyon, lower flat GIRL FOR CHAMBERWORK, $10. 10 A M r 821 Howard st n EXTRA LADY IRONERS; BALDWIN HO- J tel; only first-class ones wanted; call early. EXPERIENCED OPERATOR ON SKIRTS; - also apprentices. 550 Valencia at YOUNO GIRL, LIGHT HOUSEWORK, CARE X baby; $8 to $10. 12 Belvedere, opp. Ch ntes GIRL FoR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. TROCA- dero Hotel, near Ingleside, Cal. APPRENTICE DRESSMAKING — NEAT seamstress: give three months. 1216 Polk. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 2001 Mason st ANTED-ENERGETIO LaDY AGENTS; big profits. Address B. P.. bjx 81, i all. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, X plain cooking: $10 a mouth. 124a Eleventh st ANTED — APPRENTICE FUR MILLI- -'» nery; call after 10 ax- 619 Hayes st ANTED — GERMAN GIRL OR WOMAN >• for housework. 451 Guerrero st. OPERATORS ON GENT*" WHITE SHIRTS. Ri.GERSON, 621 Valencia st OPE P. A'l OR 4 -* WANTED. LEVI STRAUSS «_ CO., 32% Fremont st. I_>ATTER.\S 25c; DRESSMAKERS FUR- -1 nished .-hops and families: positions free. Mc- DOWELL Dressmaking, Millinery school, 103 Post PAINTING, WHITE 4 - ING, PAPEK-H\NG- Ing; roofs, gutters painted. Ed warda 1200 Webstr ONE FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM, WITH IN- structlons. given away each month, &. F. Dresscutting saloon, 916 Market st ANTED— A I CLOAK FINISHERS AT M. SIMINOFF'S, 1228 Marke; st MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Ivi Winchester House, 44 Third st, Market: 200 rooms; -oc to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus and baggage to and irom ferry. HELP "WANTED— MALE. WAFFLEMAN, $30: FRENCH COOK, $45: " Italian cook, country, $30; dishwasher, help on range, country hotel, $20: 2 waiters for Fresno, $8 a week ; disn > asher, 46 a week; poiwasher, fib; vegetable man, $10 and found; ana others. C. R. HANSEN <_ CO., 108 Geary at. -I C MEN FOR IRRIGATION WORK, $2 50 A 1 O day; man to run BurlMth drill. $50 and found; blacksmith's helper who can shoe, **. 0 and found; hostler, -i 4 -5 and iound; choreman. $10, etc C. it HANSEN A CU, 108 Geary at. POUND BARRELW ASHER; $25 AND found; country laundry. c. it HANSEN A CO- 108 Geary at 4 , g. Daniel— please call early as . po-slble. C. R. HANSEN A CO, 108 Geary. NEaT EUROPEAN-PLAN WAITERS. C. R. HANSEN <_ CO., 108 Geary st TABLEMAN FOR PRIVATE STABLE: $25 and found. C R. HANSEN A CO., 108 Geary. "I f\ TUNNEL MEN, LONG JOB, $2 50 A DAY. IUtK. HANSEN A CO., 008 Geary at ninn iiiT-i ■wmi'tMllM— li^---Pii-i fciwim Ini i ■_■ ■ Bts^smmttmtmt , | HELP WANTED-Continned. LOOK WE WANT TO-DAY. Farmer and wife. $36: vineyardlst and wife, $30: 16 farmers. $26, $25 and $20; 40 laborers J and teamsters, < lty job ■, »1 75 a day, $1 60 a day, | $26 per month and found: 85 more woodchoppers. I >'-' 611 and $2 10 a dry and $1 6) a cord, tools and food advanced; 25 tiemakers. 8c each; 3 carpen- ters for a large ranch; 26 team-tiers, : $-6 and ! found, for a large bank company, country; 4 choreroys for ranches, different places; 3 factory boys, - cit. 4 , 55 week: 2 raisin-packers, $20 and found: gardener and wife, man to raise chickens, $25 and found: 2 stab emen. $25 and found; edger-hnnd, country sawmill, $35 and found; car- penter city, $2 60 a day. MURRAY A READY, 644 aDd 636 Clay st A COOKS; 3 WAITERS: BAKER'S HELPER ; t 3 dishwasbeis, etc.: luncn counter waiter. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 clay st WANTED — MINER. $40; BLACKSMITH tt and helper and finisher on carr.age work, $10 to $12; cabinet-maker, country, 25c hour: car- penter, $3 day: Scandinavian mau and wife for gentleman's place. $35 and increase; 15 lumber- pi ers, $2 5U day; 10 laborers, $1 day and board; teamsters. $1 day and board and *1 50 day . 2 boys for foundry. $4 and $5 week, and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 sacramento. ANTED FIRST-CLAS-. HOTEL COOK, '1 country, $60*. hotel waiter, »'JS; young man to assist in dining-room, 9 15; o d choreman about hotel; cook, private boarding- $40; restau- rant cook, countr* 4 , $35 to $40 and I. .crease, and others. Apply to J. F. CRO-ETT A CO„ 6-8 Sat- ramentost f. *-*;•■- COOK TO GO SOUTH, *50 AND ROOM: COOK, \J *10 a week; cook. $7 a week; cook, $8 a week; cook, country, $25 and room; cook, $35 and room. MARTIN it CO., 749 Market st pOTWASHER, $6 A WEEK; DISHWASHER, -- $4 a w. ek and room; dishwasher, $5 a week; dishwasher $6 a week; dishwasher, $20 and room. MAR IN & CO., 749 Market st. A WAITERS, $15 TO $20 AND ROOM; WAIT* zt ers, $5 and $6 a week; waiter, $8 a week; waiter. $25. MaRTIN <fc CO., 749 Market st 7 KITCHENMEN: $8, $10, $12 PER MONTH. i MARTIN <_ CO., 749 Market st A RANCHHANDS; $20. MARTIN <_ CO.. 749 1 Market sc. C YOUNQ MEN*. LIGHT WORK; $10, $1H AND sJ $15 ier month. MaRTIN & CO., 749 Market MAN AND WIFE: RANCH; $30, ETC. MAR- TIN A CO., 749 Market st BLACKSMITH*. $40, ROOM, BOARD, ETC. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market st. I.MAN PORTER; $2JS. MARTIN <_ CO., 749 Market st SHOP BAKER, $35. ROOM, BOARD. ETC. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market st. \l" A TED— MAN AND WIFE TO COOK ON 1 1 a vineyard In SonomaCouniy, .40 per month and found: JO scraper teamsters for large ranch, $20 and board, sieady job: 10 woodchoppers. san Maieo County. 4-foot wood, $125 per cord, good cabins on the ground, tools and provisions ad- vanced; driver for delivery-wagon. $30 and found, reference required; neat cook for lunchhouae, *35 per month, and others. W. D. EWER A CO., 626 Clay. WANTED-COOK, SHORT ORDERS. COUN- TY try, $40 and found; waiter, short-order house, $30; waiter, plain restaurant, $30; waiter, plain hotel, $25; young man to rnn elevator, first-class house. $16; boy to wait at table, el s to $20; boy to wash dishes, $10: middle-aged man as porter: etc. ANDRE, 308 Stockton st. T'HE S. M. IN VESTMENT COMPANY WANT A good wor«eis everywhere: something new. State manager, 218 McAllister st. GJ ODD CLOTHING AND FURNISHING r goods salesman; apply at once. U. 8. Indus- trial Agency, Crocker building. , /I OOD DRY GOODS AND DRESS GOODS VJ salesman, who can dress windows also; apply at once. U. S industrial Agency, Crocker bldg. WANTED — SHOEMAKER TO TAKE '• charge of shop; good location: rent *& per month. Inquire at Golden's .Leather Store, 367 Sixth st., near Broadway. AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN ON NEW and second-hand furniture. Apply to J NOONAN, 10-^1 Mission st WANTED— INTELLIGENT BOY ABOUT 17 1? to do oflice work and run errands. Address S, box 18, Cull ufflce. "UIC-K-. \uu.xo Man, nut afraid of work, A for short time each day: reference. A. &., box 80, Call Office. GOOD CONFECTIONER, WHO UNDER- VX stands bis business. Address a. 8., box 160. Call Office. " EXPERIENCED MAN* FOR A MEDICAL Xi work. Address J. F., box 31, Call Office. WANTED— IOO MEN To SELL NEW GAB- - 1» lights. 22V2 Geary si., roam 29. BA I'.BERS— WANTi-.D, 2 FIRST-CLASS PAT- ent chairs: cneap for cash. 1417 Mission st GOOD BUY WANTED - PAINTSHOP. 1604 Laguna st .: -;.-.;.* ... BOYS TO SELL NEWTON'S SODA GUM* wages $1 per day. Apply 101% Moekton st GOOD PRESSER WANTED AT THE CALl- fornia Renovatory, 116 Geary st DISHWASHER WANTED. 1805 HAIGHT street GOOD SHOEMAKER WANTED AT 255 r Fourth st GOOD BOOTBLACK WANTED. THE MOD* ■T em, 34 Fourth st YiriLLINU YOUNG MAN AT NORTH END 1 1 Oyster Grotto, 647 Vallejo st. SMALL BOY FOR PICTURE-STORE; ONE with experience preferred. 647 Mission st SHOEMAKER ON REPAIRING. 11 1161 Twenty-third ave., East Oakland. EG ENTERED DRUGGIST; WAGES $150 A- per day. 1086 Howard st BARBER FOR 4 DAY'S; NO STUDENTS. 408-V. Dupont st. fcl C LARKIN-BRANCH OFFICE OF THE sJXO CALL. Subscriptions and want ads taken. fi OOD DISHWASHER. 1185 OAK STREET, WAITER FOR RESTAURANT. 104 SEV- - 11 enth st BARBERS — OLD ESTABLISHED SHOP, just vacated, to let; will ..-novate to suit ten- ant; rent $25. Inquire 25% Sixth st. ANTED— 2 BARBER CHAIRS AND MIR- -11 rors; for sal*6 or lease. B. c, box 14, Can. BARBER TO BUY 15c SHOP; $30; NO rent Write Barber, 142% Fourth. ANTED— WELL - EDUCATED YOUNG TT man with good knowledge of shorthand and riling; salary $10; paid weekly. Apply in own handwriting, staling ix^e, to X Y. Z., box 6, Call Office. APERHANGER-CALL AT 7:30 AT BRAN- nan's saloon, corner Thirtieth and Guerrero sts STYLISH HAIRCUT IOC: ELEGANT SHAVE 6c; clean towels. 6 2 Pacific St., near Kearny BARBER-SHOP IN COUNTRY, NEAR CITY; rare chance; good reason for selling. Address U. K-, box 18, Call Office. SAILORS FOR AUSTRALIA, HONOLULU, const and England. HERMANN'S, 637 Clay. ANTED— A MAN TO SELL PLANTS ON 11 com -ion. Call a: 51- Haight st GENERAL SHOEMAKER CAPABLE OF taking charge ot business. 403 Van Ness ave. CARPENTERS WITH GOOD REFERENCES J can obtain emplovment and a home of their own on the b.*st terms. Inquire box 11, Call Office, Oakland. 1 FIRST-CLASS OPERATORS ON LADIES' IU cloaks. M. SIMINOFF, 1228 Market st. SIMON WANTS 100 MEN TOGET BOTTLE J. beer or wine 6c; best iree lunch. 643 Clay. \\T AITER WANTED THAT IS NOT AFRAID TT to work. ISOS Halght st. EAMEN AND ORDINARY— ALL PARTS OF the world. Shipping office, .10 Steuart, up- stairs. L"INE MEN'S CALF SHOES $1 75; TO ORDER As2 50: men's half soling 35c; -heeling 25c; strictly one price. 959 Howard st ' LADIES' SHOES, SOLINt 4 , 55c: MEN'S shoes, soling, 50c: all repairing dons at halt the usual price. . 662 Mission st. bet Ist and 2d. Ur ANTED— AT MONTANA HOUSE, 764% II Mission: men to take rooms: 10*, 15c aria 25c per night; 60c. 90c and $1 per week. Wanted— men to learn BARBER TT trade; shops, tools, positions furnished- S weeks required. S. F. Barber College, 138% Eighth, ROOMS. 150 TO *<5o PER NIi.HT; boo -- *i. »j lier wee*. Oriental. 2*-5 Drumm st SAILORS AND ORDINARY SEAMEN wanted at LaNE'S, 604 Davis, near Jacksoo. INGLE ROOMS lOc AND 160 NIGHT *. ltd and si week. Lindell House, Sixth and Howard. ELCHO HOUSE 863% MARKET ST.— ROOMS !i 20c. -5o 10 50c night: $1 la fi week, f LOT UP UNCALLED-FOR SHOES FROM ISC ap to $1 26. 562 Mission at, Pet! flat^___ 24 *-M)(lO P^JIKS— ANOTHER LOT OF MEN'S Q\JV\J shoes: been slightly damaged* ttSZ than one- fourth " th * v »»«>e: from 26c to $2 mi 662 Mission st, bet First and Second. W ANTED-GET YOUR SHOES MADE TO H^flt your feet at the same price you "x%ao^. made ones, irom $1, ti. $3. $4 and »i it 6rt_ Miasion at, bet First Seconi W. at 66- -• ■ HELP WANTE-O-Continued^^ • — ~~ ""^^KtJNITED RECRUITS WANTED *OR .^ tea navy; K states marine .corps. united ee _ 4 he BgeBof , able-bodied, unmarried men, «« e he Unit 21 and .30 years, who are ci"-**" 8 <-* eclare their States, or those who have '«*»'-•■" of good char- intention to become such; mwK beb_. \ a& vrlte acterand habits and able . lo f(^Tnches and 6 feet t^Ssss&si^^^Ss^m in helgnt For *""£« '"/"^n FranciiJco. CaL recruiting office, 20 Ellis at, sanJra , W INCHESTER HOUSE, 4TjhTkD sT.. £ . \ W Market: 800 rooma 2Bc n JfJ_; the terry. / room: tree 'bus and baggage 10 ano "» . _ . ARBER'S A«SOCIWN-FKEfi 1 J ment Office. S. FUCHS. sec. y>-» 339 c^^sgjgl^Lg-^! w -»asj^_^aff££??A--- T BV ACME H7^^^^f 1 .!!-^ 1 low Sixth, for a room: -5c a ni„ii«- 1 W ANTED-L ABORTS AND MECHANIC 4 ** ff 10 know that Ed -K*-"^- A-^ **SSS3 proprle- toknow tbat Ed Rolkln. Reno *»g"- i4J toe .till ran, i }enver Elouse. fo $3 per •*<*»*-. large rooms: 25c per night: 9 1 to *-» g i , A€K__»»aWAirrj*-j-x _____ pOOD AGENTS WANTED IN .CITJ /NO <t country; something new; 01 "'?™ Call 407 ness: this is the chance for live W|» * aa» day * McAlllster.betPolk and Van N ess, 8 o doc K to ■*"■*>_ VI AGIC DARNER: MARVELOUS STEEL M machine; weaves a periect darn over n oies in anything; merit and price S>^gS__iu--_S and solicitors wanted every where on Pacinc *- oas *- GUY R. JEWE IT A CO., 12 sansome st. aGE K T S WANTED FOR M*:l>I«^TED A wafers: positive safeguard; $1. . a '^ e *'* u "^ soeciflc for all female troubles: tor home usu DR. A DMH S. W - *■: NK R. 526 '"•' 8'- BOO3IS WANTED. „ BURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOM BY Fa gentleman in private Catholic family; quiet and Totality; price $10; refeiences given. li. O. 8.. box 82, CalL _ . ADY WISHES A SMALL FURNISHED OR i- unfurnished room; rent must be low. ai. u., box 94, Call Office. ' FUKJSITUKE TVANTED* „ CASH FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC.;> full value. Pac Fur. Co., 228 Stockton st. VI'KMTUKK, STOVES CARPkTS, COBS- J; ters. showcases. ANDERSON. 1121 Market LJ. NEUMAN, 121 SIXTH ST., BUVSiAND . sells furniture and carpets: also storage. INDIANA AUCTION CO. REMOVED iO 19 1 Montgomery St. ; hie best prices paid Tel. Davis 7l PARTNERS WANTED. PARTNER TO HELP SECURE PATENT for invention tbat will bring very large profit; $150. Address Inventor, box 121, Call. ■ - - PART ER WITH $1500. OR EQUAL THAT amount in fresh groceries and general mer- chandise, to op *n up a ••cash" grocery in a good live town; best of references and full investiga- tion courted: good opening for a live young man. Address X., box 60. Call Offlce. ■ WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH COWs; STATE LOWEST PRICE for cash. JR. F., box 84, Call Office. "L'-URNnURE OR OTHER USEFUL ARTI- x eles ln exchange for dental work. J. D., box 111, Call Office OOLS OF ALL KINDS, STOVES AND ranges bonght and sold. CURTIN, 1123 Market A KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., WILL PAY CASH . for clothing and books. OLD GOLD. GOLD DUST, JEWELRY. ETC., bought O. NOLTE, jeweler, 222 O'FarrelL PAWNBROKER— OLD GOLD. SILVER, CAST- off clothing bought Add. COLEMAN. 41 Third. DENTISTS. AT AN VROOM A CO.'S ELECTRO- DENTAL V Parlors, 997 Market st ; lady attendant; no gas or other dangerous anaesthetics given; electricity the great, agent used to relieve palu; teeth filled ana extracted painlessly by our new electrical process: a written guarantee given with all work done: lowest prices; best work: all surgical woric attended by U. W. Williamson. M.D- physician and surgeon; examination free by the use of our new electrical appliances: porcelain and gold crowns: bridge- and teeth without plates a specialty. Electro-Dental Parlors. 997 Market « FULL SET OF TEETH, $5; PAINLESS extraction: see our new combination plate; thinnest lightest coolest plate made; wananted / 10 years: fillings, SOc; crowns, $3 50; lady assist- \ ant. CHICAGO DENTAL PARLOR 4 -*, 24 Sixth. M "VfEW YORK DENTISTS-PLATE ?, $3 50 IP; JA silver fillings. 50c np; gold fillings. Sl up*, plates mended, $1 np; all work warranted. 963 Mission st , southeast corner sixth. DR. GEORGE VV. LEEK. THE GENUINE Leek dentist discoverer of painless extraction and patentee ot improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 20 O* Farreii. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET ST., Mi. Eleventh; nocharge for extracting when plates are made; od plates made over like new; teem from $8 per set .* extracting 50c; gas given. fflj-r FULL SET OF TEEIH; BEST MAKE; ♦4T-J. kept in repair: extracting free; fillings 50c; crowns $3 60. Pacitic Dental Parlors, 18 Third. CROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- ket, bet 3d and 4th: gais specialists*, paiules-i extracting, with gas. $1: plates, $7 up. fill, $1 up. OHIO DENTAL PARLORS; PAINLESS EX- tracticg, 60c; open evenings and Sundays, 906 Market st. i -_ DR. J. J. LEEK, 1126 MARKET ST.; OPEN evenings; Sunday till noon; registered dentist WC Harding, M. D., 600 SUTTER, cor. . Powell: teL Main 5375; painless extraction. ALL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR- ranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 1320 Market st SET OF TEETH WITHOUT A* PJLAIA. D_T H. O Young, 1841 Polk at OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 806*. ketst DR CHARLES W. DECKER, WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! IN new and second-hand wagons, buggies, carts, ' harness, robes aud blaukets. Lelbold Harness Company, 211 Larkln st, opp. new City HalL CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN; FARM WAG. ons, buggies, hacks and harness: new and sec- ond-hand. 15th and Valencia sis.; tei. white 371. 1->INE LAUNDRY, BAKER'S AND AlZ*_t' X wagons cheap for cash or installments* 1 MmSf top and open buggy: also 1 back. 828 Harrison*?^ SECOND-HAND BUGGIES AND WAGONS of all kinds at SHaW's, 1621 Market st GROCERY, DELIVERY, MILK. PEDDtJNG wagons;buslness cart and buggy. 1634 Mission £Jfk HORSES. WAUONS. CARTS. HARNESS^ sj\J auction sale every Tuesday. 721 Howard st TV* AGON: GROCERY OR FRUIT BUSINESS " 2404 Folsom st. °"- ATTORN EYS-AT-L AAV. ADVICE FREE— PRIVATE LAW MATTERS ! moderate fees: 8 to 8. ATTORNEY Mo- CaBE, It 3 Larkin st <* A ©VICE FREE; DIVORCE LAWS A SPE& laity; private; no fee wittloulsuccel G. W. HOWE, atty atlaw,Bso Market! , cor.sic^ktn » DVICE FREE — E. T. HOWES, ATTORNEY A at law. 201 spreckels buildim, 927 Marketst. J A. MITCHELL, REMOVED To 1206 MA rT . ket; all legal matters ; collections ; advice free! ADVICE FREE: NO CHARGE UNLESS SITi-*' cessful. W. W. DAVIDSON. 0-7 M___ft« LOST. T OST- A PASSBOOK WITH THeT'ITiI XJ bernia Savings and Loan society of San Pro-, Cisco, in the <->-"-■"- of HENRIETTA spr?v ( *? -No* 189.941; the finder will please return^ to ba-ntl lAMOND PIN OF 3 SETTINGS SATUIT aVe.?Yewa Urn to N. KNIGHT, 2*33 Van v«_ ave.; reward. f van Ness COLLIE PUP (BITCH), 3 MONTHS Or -,~ V. sable and white. Return to 400 Pacific .*■< an,* receive reward. »*»uncjt,sti(i 1 SUNDAY 2 STICK PINS ATTACHED AJ to chain. Return to 1717 Jones St.; reVartL HORSES. AUCTION SALKS^EVmtY^^I^TJRnrT^ 11 o'clock of horses. bugg lBa . wi«-^ kY AT eux Emporium t sales yw"^^^ *»«•?«* WATKIN-N auctioneer —«»—>-■ st,* , Eaat Fourteenth s" S_ t «^5-ffS_. AdQress »° 9 "STORAGE. *. 4 _S^__2? 2tt2&^^^^s partments: advances made ' , a . e - la * li &l com- FURNITURE fi a \us 7~T. " - ± ■■ii M lSS,|gt§_a l--AYL^O4F£