Newspaper Page Text
8 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THE MAKKKTS. Silver a fraction iower. Wheat Freishts stealy. Wheat declined. Barle.- weaker acain. Oats unchanged. Som*" variation In Corn. Rye dull. ' Htij and Feeastufls as before. J>o chance In Flour. Bean^ quiet. Seeds dull. Potatoes weak and dull. Tomatoes higher. Two cars of Kauern Poultry in. Game s'.eady. J- »stf m Eggs lower and demoralized. California Kgss doing bet • r Butter and Cheese unchanged. Fresh and Dried Fruits quiet. Cottotene advanced. Other I'rovislont un changed. • Hlde«, nops and Wool as before. Beef very firm, llova steady. No charge In General Merchandise. Shipment of $i7C.545 to hina. MCBTING (II THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. The annual meeting of the Bank of Ca'ifornla was held yesterday. O\er two third* of the SO.OOO shares of capita! H ck was repreaentoj. Tie net earn lugs show a (rain over the privious year. There was ■ lot 1' of $95.63 . written on lor bad or douiKfui a--- -r , agalaat an ellmlnaUOß of ■266,166 for ti e [re vl — year. Ihe condition of tbe bank on October I, the end o. the last llscal year, is as fo lows: Asse:s— Cash on hani ■•••••.•••••••••••• 218,641 18 Bills receivable 8,976,579 28 Banking-holts'! 250.000 00 Other re aeasate 228,035 15 Stocks and bond 9 1.827.75*2 'J4 Due irom baniis 2,444,059 36 Life iLsnrance 60.700 49 O.berassets 193,441 67 Total assets 817,184,209 32 LIABILITIES. Capital paid up $3,000,000 00 surplus I.O'JO.OUO Oil Profit and ioss 2. 142,] 99 05 Jjoposits. 7.85-' 604 4ti Pu- banks 2,8^4.747 91 Dividends unpaid 2,:-94 00 Acceptances 22&J263 90 change res-rye 1i7.1M.10 00 Total liabi ities $17,18V-'U9 3_' The total cash movement for the year was 1,747.042. The old officers were re-elected as follows: Presidcut, vt illiam Alv. vice-president, « harles R. Bishop: cashier, 1 homas Browu; as sistant caibier. •>. i'rentiss Smith: second a«sist ant cashier, Irving F. Moulton; secretary, Allen >j. Clay. The i su«l quarterly dividen.l of $3 a share was declared, payable 0:1 the 15th. iMronrs OF sugar.. .. The Bureau of .Stathtics of the Treasury De partment has prepared a statement shown g ap proximately tbe amo in: and value of sugars which lhst year were imported from the countries now paying an export bounty on sugar, and upon which the department has declared v countervail ing au:y equ Ito the bounty paid. The statement shows the total Imports of dutiable =u«ar dunnz the last liscal y» ar to havn bten 4.1!88 57*,554 pounds, tes.iug nu; above No. lti Dutcn g;andard aud va. tied Ht if t0,973,652, a.:d 82 831. li)S pounds testing above lo and va.ued at f4,9-'8.15u. uf tliej-e totals 1,604.'233,071 p u:jds, va.ued »-t $29, --844.019, were import, d from <iermany; 105,138, --I'2B pounds, valued a: ,9,i7.J -7. from .\ ustro- Huinarv. 4t5.940 75S pOB' valued at $91:>.477, from Argentine rtepublic, anJ 92,169,241 pounds, va ued at 51, 317, item France. Ti sugar lmpor:ed from the Argentine Kepub!ic was cane j exclusively, and tuat frcm the ottu-r countries was exclusively b et sugar. PUBLIC MONEY IN SAN FRANCISCO. C.'P. Berry, Assistant Treasurer United States at Fan Francisco, reports cash, ou hand September 30, 1897, as follows: United States notes 211,536 00 Treasury notes 1890 18.461 CO j National Bank notes 1.075 00 Gold certificates V 99.030 00 1 KUver certificates. 337.54. 00 old coin 10.845,2«ti 50 i standard silver dollars. 35,1*1,10600 Subsidiary silver coin 98.H99 ill llinorcom 9 9Us -J4 Total *09.75!,85_'04 Shipments of silver coin from tbe same office in the month of September 1b97. were as follows: Biand sliver dollars. XSiI,bUU; subsidiary silver, 99,015; total, $440,515. GRAIN BAG MOVtMEM. According to the figures of H. Llchtenber? the mcvement of grain bags at this port in 1897 was us follows: Imported, 31.241,000; made at San Qnentio, 4 0H5.000: stock on January 1. 929, 000 Tot -I stocic. 3i3,-j:iS,OUO. The distribution was 16 879.0U0 to California and 15,948, 00 to Oregon aud Waahinxton. TB£ASURK SUIP3IKXT. Ibe Doric took out a treasure list of 5376,345, consisting ot $.66,075 in Mexican Dollars. $1670 In <>old Coin. *100 in GolU Dust and $158,500 In Sliver Balliou. Kxplanatlon. ' Ttie arrow flies with the wind. The top fl res •t mation indlea;<- maximum temperature for ill* r.'n^M th^ se l ' nd nea '»> it. if any. tl,e amount o! raimall. cf melted snow in inches and 'mndiedil-* flunng tue past twelve hours. Isobars, or solid lines, conuf-ct pom s oi equal air pressure- i»i> u.erms^or , dotled lines, equal temperature. Tn» *ord hieh means high l.aromeirlc pressure and Is usually acoomoanled by fair weather: "low rpif-rs to low pressure, and is u-ually preceded arid accompanied by cloudy weather au.l raini r«f.T* w'lf' all^ Crst a it ' ar on the VVushineton «n^i'r,» . en the P rp ßllre is high In th* interior f.or.h". f Om V thP coasl - a " d !he '»Ob»rs extend worth ami Houth alone the coast, rain is probable: (he -low is inclosed with isohars o abll U^h™ l?\ ln soutn of Ore « on ls improb- Thi ; r » Vm'* h "' 'be vicinity of Idaho, and weather IT " X tO th " c * I!forn^ «Mt, warmer W(bi , ,'vtn . l<lX| vl " summer "d colder w H t rr,i • r ''" nY( rse °' win produce au opposite legult. THE WKATHI.K BUREAI' iNtTKD STATt-.S Vva-ahtuf.^t or Aoiucrrt. ti ri. Wbaihkr Bi-reaii. Say Francisco, tib ober. 1%, 18»7, 5 p. m. The following are the rainfalls during the past twenty-four hours and Hie seasonable rainfalls to date a* compared with thoae or th" same date last season: Kureka. 00, this seesnn 137, last season '-'6-': Red Bluff .00. ttiis seaso.j .'.<;<, last season 1.17: Sacramento. 00, this season .17. |.igt season i : »-an Francisco, truce, this season .10. last •c .66; Freai o 00. this season .54. Ust season .•- H; San I.vis ul iipo .00, this teason .06 last sea- .24: XX)S ADKele*.ot>, th.s season .26. ,ail sea -6011.0.1: San Diego. I'O. this season .05, last s^a,on .1. ■ Yania OU, ihiii sea.on.Bl, last, beason.o6. ■»'' Francisco oata: Maximum tern. eralure 58 mitiimiiDj 54, mean 66. "Weather Condition* and (irneral Fore* casts. A moderate barometric depression ov>rlles the pluieau region heiween the sierras and the hocky MopntMna. ai vVinnumu<«-a the baiomeier leads 'J9.68 mci The lilehes; pressure on the weather map is '..9 9 inches. (Jloudy weuiiier prevails throughout the region wett of the Hoc Icy Momu- J-iri. ana rain has f&llen througbout the Ktates north of California and Nevada; a traca of r»in also rccurr dat Sa:i Fr^ncisca Threa enlug weather It iepottfd from ah .veiions ot he »iate «nrl light showers wi.l 1 kely occur dorm.' th-» next Uvent.-fonr hi'urs Kaln warnings have been dis tributed throughout both Nor:hcrn and Southern California rerast made at San Francisco fortnirty nours, enainK miaiiljiht Ortob'-r l:-, 1897: Northern California— ccasional rain Wednes day: fresh Eouthuest winds. i«oiilh«>rn California-occa«lonil licht , rain Wednesday; fresh westerly wlud; ccoier. Nevada— Occasional raiD Weanesday: cooler. I'tah— Haln \Vedn«sday cooler. Arizona— lucreaslu? cloudiness Wednesaay; cooler. San Franri-co and vicinity— Occasional rain Wednesday: b isk southwest wl 1 1. Sp-ci»l report Mouui, Tamnlpals: Fogey, southwest wind, Imhl: l.uipt- rnture, 47; maxi mum temperature, 50. W. H. BAHHOV, Forecast OfflclaL NKW YORK STOCK MARKKT. NEW YORK. N. V., Oct. 12.— iluch parade was made yesterday of the allecen conversion of some of the le.i-.dlnc war operators on the KTchanse to tbe bull side of tbs market. To-day's develop ments prove that there is a very laige ni d ag gressive contlneeiit still left in the market. The operation known in W'Mll-street par:nnee as ti sl lag the market had for several days faile 1 to cause my marked movement In el:her direc tion. That Is to say. short selling by tbe tears had failed to induce any lar^e liquidation, and purchases by the bulls had equally failed to invltp any large followers. Skilled observers hat ar. rived at tbe conclusion that the market was due for a period ot dulineos. barring the development of s<;rue markedly xlcniflcant news. 1 '!.<• hardeiiirm of pi ices ia<-t mzht and the I ther advance this morniac lo ked termin atirii of the b-arc..iii|i Igii. Yet in tbe iwo n.ial iiLUrs of tbe market tbe bia s succeeded in work lr.K m sharper rlecine throughout the ho.c llian has been acompi-h<d on anyone day of their camiaign. They l:al no new even which oonld 11.flue.1ce the values of stock to Hid them, and no report of any cessation in the improve ment of the earning povver of prcptrt:<-s the shares in which are dealt in on 111.- exchange. The nominal motiveof the selling was ihe fe.*r that our relations uiiti aln were 111 danger of ruuture as an overgrowth of pjiicy which General oedford was ordered to pursue at .Msdrid. The dispatch from Madrid to tbe Associated Press, carrying the semi-official announcement of the substance of Spain's reply. it was leared wou'd for. Pres'aent MrKlnley U> take action that would lead to a decUratlon or war. a ppr.» ben»ion on this point became so arute ihtt targe umounts of ong stock were offered and numerous stop loss orders were uncovered which gave suc < e-,* to tii«- beats. Several inerT dual attempts were made to stem the decline, but rallies were only momentary aud fresti heavy rffL-rs kepi the liquidation to thecoseot the day. Last prices were in many cases the lowest and the tone of the mar<et at the last was very teverish. Losses ou the day extend all the way from a traction to over 4 points, the range in the leading active stock* bt> lu»; irom to 4 points. ihe bond market showed Increased activiiy aud shared in the weakness of tbe stocic market, though to a le«s extent. Total sales, 92.240,000. United .-Mates new 4's were advanced i/s i>ul. The total sales ot stocks 10-day weri 493,800 shares. Including: Atch'ison 3310, <io prelerred 15,4v!0, f. aud o. 6400. Burlington 36,570. 1. and N. 14,220, Manhattan 6400, Missouri Pacific 11.5U0, M. K. and T. preierreU 5800. New Jersey Ceatral 3600, New York Central 5600. Northern PaciSc SBJU, do preferred •- 6,015. Heading 12.525. K'.ck is.Hnd 19,620. St. Paul 52.950, >t Paul and Omaha 3200, Southern Kail way preferred 3.'00, L'nion Pacific 18,400, Wabash preferred 6i:60: American .-piritß 4H50, American Tobacco J6, --400, i>ay State Gas 11,350, Chicago Gas 63.720, General Ele:tric -.830, biandard Rope and wine 2100 Sugar 23,200, T. C. and I. preferred 6500, Western Union 6210, Chicago Ureat Western 10,4 LONDON MARKET. NEW YORK, N. V., Oct. 12.— Evening Po«i's London financial cablegram says: Tbe stock mar-cots were qnfet to-day, trading being absorbed with the commencement of the sutlf rueut, which reveals only a moderate hecount with fairly ligbt coutangoes, those on Americans being I usually 3Va percent. There was a better tone In I I Americans, bui the on.y pronounced rise wns in ; ; Caaadas aud Norfo k and Western, both of wh cb were largely oought. Tbe close was at the best. In the oiber markets the only feature was the 1 continued I oom In Australians. -New Yoik Haa bidding keenly for bar gold in j the open market to-day at about 77s 1 IH-d. ilore j cag es will probably leave tbe Bank of Knglaud j tetoielong. To-day's wlibdrawas of gold fiom ; the is fi r (if i many, whicn is also a strong buytr of gold. Tue Pails Uourse was dull and sensitive. The I 1 Berlin roarke. wasdu.l, being generally adversely cted ty the Imperial Bank ot Germauv de- ! <-.inui({ to dl-couut a certain kind of paper for- I im-r y clscoun.ed. It means some lurtailment of the credit syitem aud assists the monetary strin gency iv Germany. mjw YOKK MOXEY market. Closing; Frlces for Bonds and Railway *haies. NEW YORK. N. V.. Occ. 12.— Money on call steadjr at 2V a @3%: last loan Z%\ closed 2Va@3«ts prime mercantile paper, 4V 'ss%; Sterling ex change firmer, with actual business in bankerV i bi'.ls at S4 84Vi for demand, and C 4 H-.'i^ for sixty da.s: posted rates, (4 82Va@4 8.4y» and ki t<s@4 »5V^; commercial bills, *,* HUbiS 4 »1; silver certlticates, 5 6Vi@i7Vi: bar silver. st)" b e: Mexican dol.nrs. 43V2C-. (>overmeut bonds firm; State bonds dull: rai.road bonds weak. CLOBIXG BTOCK9- Eallroads— PauL 92y» I i Atchlson 1334 Preferred 13» Preferred -P l^ St Paul & Omaha. 7tf Baltimore <fc Ohio. 145g Preferred. 140 Canada Pacific — BH/» -outhern Pacific. 19 Canada Southern.. 64i 4 >outh> m hallway. lO l^ (entral Pacific... 16 Preferred 31^ Ches A Ohio 211/8' Texas <fe t'acittc... 107' 8 1 Chicago <t A1t0n. .163 l'nion Pacitic. . .. 20" M ' Chicago, B &Q.... «3 I'l'USii 7i Chicago i X 111... 65 Waba*h- 7j Chicago, in I <fe L. 9V4 Preferred Ihu, do ao pref'd. 321-^ Wheel &L, X . . li. CCC4HL 34 ! Preferred IH/t, Preferred 83V2 1 > x Dress Companies- Del <fe Hudson H3y 2 .\ dams Ex 185 Dei L ii W 153 American hi. ....117 Hel <k Klo U li l United States 44 Preferred 46 Wells-Fargo. 108 Erie, new 16S 8 Miscellaneous— First preferred.. 39 A Cot Oil 2li Ft Wayne 167 1 I'referre 1 75 Gt.\orpfd 137 I Am'll SDirlts Pi/fc '• Hocniug Val 6 Preferred 27^ ' JllnoisCent 101 AmTotaico 863 /4 | Lake Erie <fc W... 17., l'nferred Hjvj : Prefeired 74U. < hicaeo i>ti 871 a Lake Shore 167 Cons. Gas 204 ; Louis <fc Nash 57 Vs Cora. < able Co. 175 Mai.hattfan L. 1003/4 col f & Iron 22% ! Traction 118 1 do do prefM... 75 Michigan Central. 101 <ien Electiic RU Mlnn&Ht. L 24 ' Illinois steri 4:3^ dodo Ist prei'd. 85 i 1 iede Gas 40Va Mo. Pacific 28V4 Leati» 35 Mobile vjlilo 2<» ] do pref'd 1031.-2 AIo. K«fcT 14V4 Xat. L,ln oil lo do prefd 35i< Oregon Imp. C 0.... 13i* N J Central 928* ; Pacific Mall 33Vis NY Central lVH*,* I'ullman Palace,... 17^ 3 N V Chicago &f>tL I:^4 silver Certificates. 66^ do do Ist prefd. 76 Man Rope&Twlne. 6V» ! dodo 2d prefd. 34». 2 Sugar 14-' Nor West 15% Prelerred 1141*. KoAmerCo 4», TC&Jron 27 No Pacific 18V2 j U S Leather 76/. 1 Preferred bOB, h Preferred 63 Ontario*; W ies/ 8 UShubber 16V- Oreß&Nav 34 j Preferred 61v« Ore S-hort Line.... 18% Western Union.... 88V0 Pitt3burg 165 Ch G W loVa Heading. 23»4 C * H W l"^2iA liock island BbVi Prelerred 162 ! fct Louis *".... 4% Klo & Ws'.n. 22 Preferred. „ 10 Preferred. 61Va stP, M<feM 122 CLOSING BONDS. U P New 4s. reß-..1'J6" N J Cent G«n 55..1128, i do do 4s coup.. 127 North Carolina 6s. 123 do4s, reg 11: lio 4s 10-' i/i do4s, conp. 11: 3 R Northern Pac lsts. 120 V. ! do2s. teg 9Hi/ 2 Do, 3s. 59U. I do ss. Reg 1153/» l»o, 4s »OVs I d 053, coup 1163/g N V C 4 .-»t LU.. 104 Dlstr.ct 3 65s 109l /4 >or4\v 6s I^3 Ala Class A JO7 Northwest on»olsl43Ui Do Clasi 15 JOS I Do,debSa>. 117 Do, class C 9» Crecon ay lsts.. 1 1214 lo.Currtucy VS I Do. 4s 91 Atchlson 4s >>68/s O H Line 6i t r..._ 1 l«i,i Do. Adj 4s 6S j Do, sstr 9ia /4 Canada .>o. 2d»....1-6 Olmn lsts t r 100 Can Pac Ist j Do. 6s tr. 40' a C&NPtr6s 44Mj Pacinc6s. 0f '95... IC2U c.t(biojs 112V 2 heedinß4s 84(V» \ C H <fc I) 4V,s 104(V Rio G We«t, lsts.. BiXt Den<t X G 15t5... 11l L& 1 .M fien 5s 85V 2 len <fc II G 45 ... *M4'St I. & - F Gen 85.1141/2 I ! Eas. Term Ut5....108 list consols.. 340 | j Kiie(ien4s 70V; pit PC*PlsU.... llß*4. FW&Dlststr.. 71 " 1) ;5* 115>£ tiea Hectrlc 5i.... 100 S Carolina Nn-?nd. 1/4 G H it » A tis. 10."* Vi -outlierp Ky 65.. . 92 Vj do do 2s, ofd.lo2Va -tanr{petT«tne6f 62 > HA T Cent is. 11l jTenn New Set 3s h57 H con 6s. 10. iV, Tex Pac L&o lsts 958 ! IwaCLts 9H l>o, re« 2ds V6U ! KanPContr 100 U P lsts .'"lOl 1 K«n P lM(ni))t r.117 ;U P D <fc Guif ists. 41 --l.aNw Consol4s.. 97 Wab 1»l 6s 107»i ! L<feNUoi4» »3i Do. 2ds 77Vi i Missouri t-s 100 West st;or* 45..... 107% MKTili ... 613 i iVa. Centuries 67 Do, 4s 86 I Do. OeWri-d . . 4 N V Central Ists.l 1/4 KsCityJ'&Gls's 5s MINIXU STOCKS. Choliar * 67|Ontano $3 00 Crown Point 10 Ophir .. 90 Con. Cal. & Va... 125 Plymouth 09 Deadwood UOluolcksllver .'. 100 Gould <fc Curry.... 58 co pfd 800 Hale <fc Notcross. 051 Herra Nevada. . 105 Homestake. 29 00 ■* tandard 1 B5 Iron silver. 10 3j I I lion Con 50 Mexican. 45 Yellow Jacket.... t5 K«8t»:i. BOSTON, Mars.. Oct. 12.— Atohlson, 13»4;Belt Telephone. 252: Chicago. Burltncton and Quinry, 93: Mexican Central, 6V-: Oregon cliort une 20; ban Die^o, . NKW YORK GRAIN AND PRODUCK. NEW YORK, N. V., Oct. lU.-Flour receipts, 32.070 bamlf; exports, 37.245 barrels. The mar ket suffered from tho bieak in wheat and was weak all day. Minnesota patenis, *5 l()@j 60: winter straits, f4 60@4 70: do extra, »3 20@3 60. WHI. A-I-Heceipis, 235.650 bushels; exi>orts, 491,226 btishela. Spot weak. No 1 Northern Duluih. 9tJVao afloat. piions opeoed weaker, owing to liquidation and bearish cables: 111 ed general y weak all day, influenced by 18,000,000 bushels Increase in I Taditr.-et's visible, but, rallied sliehtly near the clcse on export demand; closed l@li.4C net lower. No. 2 red Cctober clos. d at J»o3,. 8 c; December. 83 616 it 94 1116 c, closed at vo '/gc liori-— l ' ir , ra State, common to .lolre. 1895 crop, 4®t>c; 1896 crop. 6<fli9c : 1897 crop. 14®17cj THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1897. Pacific Coast 1895 crop. 4@6c; 1h96 crop, 6@9c; 1897 crop, 12@17c. WOOL— Firm: domestic fleece, 20027 c; pulled Ko. 2. extra, '..7(gJ3Oc Texas, 101016 c. 1 i.ULKUi- Dul.: no market. M i- 1 A i.S— . oodliioDs In tbe metal market con tinued un.ia;l.<iactnry. '; he .''.eia F.xcbange re pons tbe closing ot the various departments an follows: IMli IKON— Warrants easy fit (13 90 bid, $7 CUPPBB— lake, quiet, at Sll 15 bid, $11 J'6 asked. TI -Quie. but firm at $13 70@13 80; fpelter, dull at -f 1 .O:{£4 .5 LKA — KaMeral *4 15@4 221*: spelter, ?4. C'OFFKK — Oatlons oDened null, unchancert; Closed dull: net to 7 p l;ns decline: sales. 62t>0 tia:« inc.udiiiir December, $•• 40. BfMM — Hi... qulft Invoice .No 7. 7i/ 8 -; ] bbing No. 7, 7* s r. Mild— Steady; Coidova, literal tii /3 c: ] sa cs, 800 bai,-3 Maracaibo, "J(jO bags Sav-Tiillx, i 00 ba.s Central American I. T. BUG AH— Haw. fair refining. 3 516 c: centrifugal 96 test. 3%c; refined aleady: un cbanced. HUT IKB— Receipts, 7072 packages: Western creamery, 14(0.2'ic; llein. 22c: lactory, 9(<£l2c. EGGss— Keceipu, 11,000 packages: quiet; State i and Pennsylvania, lb@lß^c; V\ ejiem, 16«£ j @17c Dried Fruit*. NFW YORK, N. V., Cct. 12,-Cali'ornia dried fruits quiet: evaporated apples, common, E@7c j ■»( Ib: pume wire tray, BVic: wood dried, prime. BVic: choice. KVj(di8 4C. tancy. 9c. riIUMiS- ft® rj 14c %> lt>. 8S "> size and quality. APRKOT> — hoyal. TiftfcVjc; Mcorpark, 99 1 1 i,2C »ka< HKS-Unpeeled, 7@llc; 12Vj© 17c fl Ib. CHICAGO GRAIN MAKKET, CHICAGO, liL., Cct. 12.— Wheat was'Qtilte weak Hi the opening, December, whicn closed yesterday at *«(S,?l Vie, Btarttng to-day »t 9CS <aSO%c. '1 he Government statement In Its October re port that tbe estimate or area and condition of wheat was withheld pending special investlKatlon wbs given a very bearish construction by tne trade. It was taken a* notice that the previous estimate of area was to be Increased. This and tbe weaker lone at Liverpool, which market opened ''uS' s .i<i lower, and the io.-al dec iue in corn made 'he trade bearish. Despite the weak ness In Liverpool. th- Fr.-nch markets were flim r. as there were indications of continued Fiench buying at the seatoard. TbeNorthwes;ern , receipts showed a marked falling off. Dululh ntid ! M nneapolls r<celved 1267 cars, against 166il i cars a week a(.o and 1433 cars the corres(o diug | day last year. Notwithstandlbg the bearish temper of the j trade trie niurket declined very sltwly. It sold up a trifle shortly after tbe open December ad- ; vanciiiK to 90" (a,91c by llo'ciurK il se 1- ; lng around 9Uc. As the day advanced, however, it became decidedly unileasaut for holders 01 i wheat, Ihe Bmdstreet statement showe ian In crease la the wor.d'i visible of H,-'12,000 bushels for the treeJc where an iucre.-se of not over 3.0J0. --000 was ext ected. This ru used renewed selling. I December declining to b9s/»c under decidedly free i liquida ion. The i lverpoul closing was S-i©ld ' j lower than yes erdav, and the con mental mar- | 1 kcts, which had been strong at the call, closed i with slight Oec.ines Tber<s was nothing in the day's recoji of wheat > movement to discourage a holder. Primary uiar- j kets rece.ved 1,319,00'J bushels, against ] 1.540,000 bushels a year a,a Tho At- I Ikii Ie exports equaled 770.000 bushel*. New York repurted expt r. engagements uf fifty boat- j loads. After the effect of the Bradstreet stat»- j mi in bad been I spent the tenurof the news seemed j to<h«ni!f. There were denials that the Argen- 1 tine droiuht hau b<«n broken aud renewals of tbe ' I natertioii of damage by locusts. Very strong local I I buying attei.ded ibese bullish ieport4 and a | gradual recovery in prices ensued. December was bringing 90 'ie at the close. I Corn was very weak on account of the Govern- : j mem crop report. This In Icated a total yield of ' ICO.i 00,000 bushels more than the trade bad esti ' mated There was a partial rally late In the session in svmiathy with wheat. Peiemter ranged from 28V^c to 'J7-< c. cio»inj{ " c lower, at27^ia'Jßc. In oats ibe UuveraraVDi report was tne most in fluential feature, and was mainly responsible for tn decline in prices and caused liberal selling. December ranzed from lUi^c tv 18 4C and closed s/ c li.wer at 19c hid. Provisions star ed strong In sympathy with an advance in hog prices, t-nt weakened unde. free selllnz. Prices recovvred a li:tle at the close. December pork closed 20c lower at $7 6'J: De cember lnrd 6c lower, at if 4 I^, and December ribs 7y <glUc loner, at »■» 4 '. The lt-adine futures ranged at follows: A X i II I.KS. Low. Clone. Wheat >o. '1 — October, New DecemDer, New ilay Corn No. 2— Octooer December. ilav.. vats No. 2— October December. May. Mess Pork % bbl- October V t-cem ber^ January Lard. I* 100 lbs- : October i December ' January t-bortKlbs, 100 tt>» ! October \ December- January j i i I 9UV S 91 90 Va SHfe 1 268 i 263, i 3- >.4j »ZV4: iMi- 18W i»i; is; 217/8 22 7"B : ii* 7*82% - : . «77Va I 4*3o*" 4: : 0 " 4 45 1 45 457 ; 2 i 57^ 45-V* 15-V», ■155 14 55 ; "89% I 8«Val 26V4 '-'7s 4 nvk 18Vi 18»,i 1 901 901 fc9V» I 261 ' 8 87*5 31 !» 7*3*6% »47V*i i I 760 " 8 521 42b" ' 1 135 4 37V4 ■4 45 4 40 ;4 40 4 47ij 4 40 |4 n Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, easy; No. 2 Spring Wheat. 851/ic: No. 3 ,-pring Wheat, 78987 c: No. 2 Red. 80i4ra,80SIc: Na 2 Corn. 1:63,0 : Na S Oats. iS- 4 . Na 2 Whltr. f. o. b, 21@22»ic: .No. 3 W nlte. fab., 2i i ._. <t*'2c: Na 2 K>e. 45c: No. 2 Barley non.inal; No. 3. f. o. b. VB(g,42c: Na 4 f o. b., •Jsi.j @ SBc: N». 1 Flaxseej. $l@102; I'rlme Tlmoiny Seed, $2 60; Mm Pork » bbl. $7 550» 7 60: Lard «t 100 lbs. »4 22y*: short Klbs tlcea (loose). *4 35-<S4 70; Dry Saltid Shoulders (boxed), 43 / i©sc: s-hort Clear Side* (boxed), 5 @ sVs=- Wmsuy. tistillers- tlnlstied goods, per raiion 81 22; Suj:ars. Cut Loaf, <5 96; Granulated, |5 34: standard "A," . ARTIO.ICB. K« Flour, bbls * heat, bu Lorn, bu )ats bu bu Barlfv, t>u ARTKI.KB. t-celpis. 14.00 C 1. 11. 000 657,000 619.000 -.4 000 Six. ooo 103.000 no.coo •JlO.OOO ►'.•i.UOj 6.UUO On the Produce Exchange 10-day the Butter mar kec wcs steady; creameries. 15@'.'lV<jC: dairies l'JCdl9c: cheese, quiet at B®BVsc; eggs, firm: fresh, 14ci/2- Wheat MoTemeuti, Eecelpts. Shlptcents. tushels. t nies. Bnnheis. '.'4 360 Minneapolis N i 680 530.999 : Duiutti 4t>o 895 500 Mllwaunee 650 161,395 Chicaru " 102 661 18.460 ToieCo ...'"'..■.' °°\ 6-.COO s»t. Louis ".V.V.I 46,i«U0 41,953 Detroit. €o>w ' 153,285 Kausas (. Uy. .*...! '.'.". 23,000 1,87«, Ma 713,786 TIOIWATKB. 111,251 Boston t66 .... New York .'.'.. 491 -j-'rt 9.456 Philadelphia 3 006 68.i!30 Baltimore - rseworiMD, ;;;. 188,917 494.898 lIVEBPOOL WHEAT FDTDRES. Oct. Dec May. Opening 7 53/, 743/. 73 losing 751.4 74 73 parir roTcuiei. _ Oct. Nov. Hour - OpenlDg Xl P6 61 10 _ , Closing 6180 61 \\ heat— Opemnjr v 9 ,vo •_••< 85 0wm,...-....-. .:....::: '_'» i! 5 287 5 KA STERN I.IVKSTOCK SIAItKET rnicAOO. Ilu. CCU 12 -CATTLE-Native t'Cf-f steers sold at f3 800£4 for the poorest dressed beef grades, up to #5@5 3i for choice to shipping lots, ihe greater part of the offerings crostl.iK the scalp.s at $4 60(55 10; stock meers, fc@4 : b<st hel:er«, *4 5054 55. H>-OS— Salei were largely made at $3 70@4; coaiee, heavy racktrs sellinß at *3 45(& 1 70. and prime assor ed iigbtwei hts at $4 Jo@4 12M, I'ht- creaiei-pari of the piRS went for * 1 Bofejs 9u! fcHEKP-Were «ant<> 1 at i^-Jfa-j 50 fur cnTs, u> tn SAW. '. "Jf> f. r choice 10 |iriu.«' na:lves Western raiiK<- sheep found purchusf-rs at J (AA 85 :he greater (.art of the »el in« rH>i: Ka «<t &0«3 «0. Uunbi w. r* bought at f3 &o@l 75 for the pooreit "P 85®& 5(i1568 ° r the oest, Westerns fetching 9000 CelPlS t "* tU '' 6500: hOBBI 14,000; sheep, Omaha, OMAHA. NKBR.. Oct. I-!.—C ATTLE— Receipts, 6SOO. Market steady to lCc lower. Native bepi steer*. g4@s 10; \v.»iern sievrs. 3 80@4 4l). Texas steers, *3(<t3 75: cows and hellers, *J 8u«»3 70 --canners, f 1 7S®2 70: stocKent and feeders' $3 40|»4 41*; ta.ves, f4@s 50; bulls, stags, etc., 92@3 CO. iim.b— ReceipLi. 5000. Market steadv.Schlcher. Heavy, f3 50(a*;J 65. mixed, »3 85®3 05- lißhi ' J3 65@3f0; bulk of sales, *3 55@3e3. ' .-HfcKl-— Kecelpts. 1 501. -Market stronger. Fair to choice natives. *3 6U@3 85: lair to choice Westerns, 4U@3 60: oumiiion anu sloclc sheeix «aK-3WJ; lambs, f3.75®5 to. Kanaita <-itr KANSAS 11TY. Mo., Oct. 12.— CATTLE— Re celpis 1?,000. Fat siocks steady: oher< weak to lowrr. lexas . te«-rq. ft 76(84 SO: Texns cows, *l 61)@3 'IS; native steers. $4(&5 Mi native cows aiMi beifsrs *1 60@3 90; stockers and teeders. »2 40g14 50: Lul s. .^(q,3 25. HLK4IS- Receipts. 14,000. .Mark.t siron; to 6c hlKh^r. Bulk of sales, fi 67^(23 71: heavies. $3 65 @3 75: packers. *3 60@i 75; mlied. S3 65«6 3 80; ligh:s. $3 65<9>3 80; yorl!ers - ¥376 @ !180 = pIKS, 93 4 103 76. HtiKti* — itPCPttts. 5000. Market stro Lambs. S3 50©5 15. muttons. $■«> i6(«03 90. "' CALIFOK.MA KKUIT SALES. NEW YORK. >\ V.. Oct. 12—Porter Bros. Company sold to-day: Grasrs— Tokays. $1 91>9 245 double crates and $1 O.'.(|il 40 single cr«;es; Muscats, 95cS$2 10 slngtp crates; Black .Mo roccos, 91 60; assorted, «i 3^160: Cormchoos, «1 15@1 30. Peaches—^always, f t@l 15. NEW YORK, N. V., Oct. 12 -Ihe Earl frail pany sod 10-day: Grapes— Todays, single Sir^l S5. »vpin-e $1 18; doiioie crates. f2 3»«B 3 io. avera?p $s 49. Pears— Klefers, «1 36*1 46; isartletts, ii,.if boxes, $1 30. Nine cars sold to-day. J-oNDmN. txo.uct '2— K.irl Fruit Com pany auctioned «>lltornla fiuit at th» lollowlnst prices: i ears balf-bozea— G. Morce<ui, *-' 10: ; v Comlee. *•_• 16 B. i;«sc, $1 56: Kuchess, *i 6S: (> ' iel. . 1 39. Kiefer, 91 o; B. Clatrgeau, ifl 20; JMoter Scckel, »1 ..„•-. White ltoycnne. »1 3J. Hums, $1 40 Quinces $144. leaches 98c P.UL,aDKL,FHi , PA, Oct. .-The Karl Fiult y urupany so:d Cal fern. fruit a auct.on to-day: (.rapes— folcav, small era es $1 15u.l 60. average 51 db; double crates $2 85£$3. average f2 b9: Ma,*gas, small crates $l Two cars sold 10 --' HICA(»o. 111., Oct. 12.— The Earl Fruit Com pa'.v -sold io-<iav: Grapes— lOhavs, smal. orates. 80CS91 15, a\, ,- 99c; doub c cra.e.s f J 03: oin.i.hou. small crates 9O(@sl. averase 9>c: Malagas, 9 c@*l. average 5J6c Plums-Kelsey J»l'»n. *l «5. Pears— in;er .\eli-i, small crates. ]•>?:'• Xi fers. boxes, *1 25@1 55. averase»ltl; \ icar. 51 Vsa«l 40. Nine < .so.d to-day. AVAILABLE (iRAIN SIPPLT. NEW YORK. N. V., Oct. 12.— Special cabe ard telegraphic dispatches to Brids:reet's cover ing the principal points of accumulation Indicate the following c&auges in available supplies last unlay as compared the previous Satur diy: Wheat — Unite States ana Canada, east of the Kockies, lncr<asa 2.512. JOO bushels. Afloat for and In turope, lnciea>e 5,400.000 bushels. Llverpoo' quiet. orn Trade News world's sup ply net increase 8,212,030 bushels. torn, CMted Mates »rri Can..da, east of tlie Rockie«, Increase 292.000 buihels. < 'a-- — United >ta . s n' <1 Ca:i»da, east of the Kockies. Increase 2,447,100 busnels. Th^ larger iicreaae ot tlocici of available wheat last week, noi Included in tbe ofllclal vi»lble sup ply staternen , are 570,000 bush-n In hvest ern interior elevator*, 47H.000 bushels at various | Manitoba storage points. 200,1100 busUeis at Fort | Wlliiams (Out.), llv',ooo buabels in Chicago ] rt vate elevators, 7:.000 t.u.h.-.s at Cleveland and I 45,000 bushels at .Newport News. I Correspon increases Include 250.1)00 bushels iat ugdemburg and 18°i,000 bushels at New rm—s JLONJJON WOOL, SAL.KB. LONDON, Enq., Oct. 12.— At the wool auction salef to-day 9978 bales were offered, of which li oo were withdrawn, 'lhe at;endin;e was large and the demand keen. There was a. good tupp.y i of slip, which wus In demand and iealiz d full rates- Finer grades of merinos told well up. Scoureds were firm, but fau ty di scriptions ruied weak. A small supply of Cape uf Goud ii ope anil Natal Western scouiui sold as high ai Is 5d llie home buyers purchated large antities of cross breds. The Ameilcan Inquiry mas small and only sp'Culative. Tbe next series will be held Novem ber 21. The first seri s for 1898 wl Ibe beld Janu ary 18 and tbe second series tur thii: y ar Ma cv 15. Ti.e follow ln>: are the salts ii deldi, : New south Wales— baK-a: tcoured, 8Vil& Is 'J>..'l; creasy. 6@lod. Queensland— ll6 bales; greaiy, 6 /2d@7l4d. Victoria— l2s6 bale.i; scouied. b^di^is l -jj 1; greasy. 6V«aßVid. south Australia— lß9 bales: «iea<y. 6 V«@7d. eat Austr lia— 223 bales; scoured, is -'d© Is 3Vid: greasy, 6@7i4d. New Zealand— 67i.9 bales; scoured. 6d@ls 3d; greasy, 4» 4 &iiH (i. cape of Gt.od Hope and Natal— 36l bales: bcoured, Bdais 6d; greasy, 6d. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON, Ma*9. uct. —The wool mnruet here has shown a quieter tone this week, although prices are held firmer for moat classes ot wool. Territory wools still heal the list lv the amount of business transactions, and tbe price Is a tr ti ■ higher, taking ibe a arltet aa a whole. About 50c scourtd lor fine medium and fine Is the «eu«;ral estab.lshed i rice In the market Staple wools would go higher, but tbe supply is very meager. The denumil for Australian wools continues ith ful prices obtainable. Quo:atlons: lerr:tcrv wools— Motilana. fine medium ana fine, 16918 c; scoured, 49&5Uc: s:at.l>-. 52@55c: Utah, Wyoming, etc.. flue inediuui and fine, 15® 17c: scoured price, 48@60c; staple, 62@5ic. KORHti.M JIAKKKTS. I.uiitlun, LONDON. E.vo.. Oc:. 12.— Consols. 11111-18; silver, 2ts/ g O. French ren:»s, 102f 87Vic. Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. E.vo., Oct. la — Wheat-Qulef No. 1 standard California wheat, 3Bs 3d; cargoes off coast, i.otning doing; cargoes on passase, firm; ish country markets, s:eady: French country markets, firm; whe?t In Paris, bar-iy st-adv; flour In Paris, barely steady; Liverpool wheat. No. 1 California. e«@ s Id. COTTON - LplaLds. IIUH KOKIHtRX WHKAT MARKET. Oregon. PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 12 —There was an easier tone to the local wheat market today, but while I hastern and foreign cables showed a slight de cline, no chaiue was male In local quotalons. ' Rece pu lontinue very heavy, and hie over j 2.000.0U0 nnshels In wheat and flour have been j afloat In Portland already this season, everythluy; ' Is jarcmei with wheat, at the present time, and i unless ivnue or the vessels now due arrive thu ' week exporting wl t come 10 a s andstili . I harters ! «re still joint: 11, • and 37s t>d was paid to-day for t«o vesse s for December. Wheat— Wai;a alia, 79@b0c; blue stem, 82c; val ey, &3c per bushel. Washington. TACOMA. Wash.. Oct. 12 — Wheat weak and lower. No. 1 blue stem, fc2Vjc; No. 1 iluo, 79' c I'OKTLAKD'S RUSINKSS. PORTLAND, Or., Ccl 12.— Exchansej, J849,- '< 666; balances, 956.9K9. XiXtIIANGK AND BULLION. Serling Exchang*. 60da;s — f 4 831-% Ster Ing Kxcbange, Mglit — 4 Msi^ Sterllug cables — 4 86 New Yor» Excbanee, slcht — 16 New YorK KxrhaiiKv. tel«Jsrapntc-» — 171^ Fine Miver, p>;r ounce — 66i' Mezicau L>ollars 453,4 46 1 " * PRODUCE MABKET. VinEAT A>l> OTKEX GRAINS. WHEAT FRBIOBTH— An stead.- at '.:8s 9d, usual op; lons. The chartered wneu: fl. et in port br.s k registered touuage of 83,000, against 74 800 tons on the same date last year; disen gaged. 25.000 tons, against KZ.SOO; on the way to Utla uon. 202,670 ions. Against 269,600. Whkal — l:.crease<! sliU'iuenn trom several Impor ant export ng countries, together wltn the Ilitlog of the aruugtit In tlie Western^Staies, caused afa ling oft iv pr.cei In Chicago an 1 Liverpool yesterday, and this marlcet uvnt ort with the rest. Local quotations are as follows: $1 47y a tor No. i 1. f 1 -iS^i for choice and f 1 50@l &2y 'f* ctl for j extra ctiuice lor mllili.g. GAIX EIIARO SAI.FH. isromiAL fc*M»ioN— B:l6 o'clock— December— 8000 rt s. fl 4S; . 2,000. $1 47: 2000. SI 46%' 28.01)0, *1 47^)4; 0000. $1 47S 8 ; 8000. fl 476-.; l-.'.OJU. $1 47V&. May— 6ooo, si 48; 2000. fl 47 --BUOO. fl 471 i: £000, $1 4 7Vi Kxcmro f-Kssiox — May — 4000 <tl«, fl 471 A; 4000. «1 47: 4000. fl4?l 8 : 2000. $1 4'.^'»; 16. --(JOU, *1 47V« UeffiDiei- i 2 010. SI 47Vb: 2COO, $! 1 7V 4 ; -000, $j 47Vb: 10. 0U0, *1 4"S ; I'J.OoO. $1 473,4. I Keoulab Jlornino Sessiox — December — ; 18.000 ctls, 81 47»i: iOAOO $1 475»; 4000. $1 47V4: «s°oo, fl -7^'g: aOUO. *1 471/ i: 4UOO. f 1 47i : hUOO, $1 47. Jlay-8000. fl 4V%! 200!), »1 473/ s ; 4-.00. $1 47 Vi: 12,000. fl 4T; 20C0, fl 4t7 /8 ; 4000. fl 46« i. ArTKBNiioN MJthlc.N — Mxy— Vooo ctls. #1 461 4; 32.t00. *I -'BV^. Dtoemboi— fl 47V4' 3i». -000. fl 46 7/ 8 : -000, fl 465 . 1 .000. $1 47. DAKLKY- Keedaescrlpnons ate dull and weak at a fi-rtljer decline. Ctiolce bright Brewing is ! scarce and wanted at full llgures by th« sh }.pera. Feed. 82Va@b7V»« - : Chevalier. fl &'2\' a biy a for No. 1 and 35@1 40 lor No. S; Brewliig. f 1 07Vi@l 10 for iNu. 1 and 90©85 c f» cti lor daric coast. r*n ROAKD SAI 83. Informai, Peksiox— i>:ls o'clock— December— 8000 ctN, S4T/ h e; 4000. H6c. O2fO Si miox— I>. cen b-r-4000 ctls. BSc BMI i.ah -MuKMNu McsaioN— December— Booo Ctli, Bic. 0 '0. -■S" l . AFTtp.Noox y*.ssioN— December-6000 ctls.Kßc OATa— &e«U de.cljuious lule firm, hough tbere is no farther advauc». Ke il are duil anl un chaniced. Fanry tf.d.fl V7^@l Wh*oad tochoice, fl 17V4«ai25: commoD, f 1 ti7V"<*l 15: Surprtsf, fl 3-.'v 37M,: Km, f 1 15«1 •_'&; Uiav, #i 15(* liO; Jai.llii({. $1 2ll^#l -^7i a 1* c>l; Black, for seed. SI os'<nl to. Clpycd Uals at.- II ut f I®-' %i ion over iho rax product. COKN— >mall I; inn Y<>l o\t is clran»d up aid firm at the nnprovid jr:ce-i Large Yellow is «rnk and quiet, w nite is more or less nominal, suiall Hound V-llow. *1 JO*tl 25 V«tl: Large Yellow, tl 07iy*.Q(l Hi: WhltK flO7»/a(§:l l^Vi ** CO. i ltYt—Contlnucs <Ju 1«i H l-.'iA@i 15 * ctL BUCK\V'l£t;Ai-i>6c®?!l 16 »ic"tL FLOUR AM» JIILLSTUFFS. There Is nothing new to r. port In this market. FLOUK— Net cas:i priOM are: Faintly extraj, fSBS 10: Bakers' extras. $\ 76(0.4 85 %» bbl. OKNMKAL. KTC — Feed Corn, f24@25 9 ton; Crarked Corn. *25@L'6 t* ion. Ul-Ft-— l'rices in sacks are as fo lows, usual discount to Urn tra<l<-: Oraliam Flour, f 3 t« 100 Its; Bye Flour, (2 50 10U. Jtice Flour. 1 f5 75; Cornraeal f2 2S; extra cream do, f3; | Ontoieal, f3 60: Oat (jroats. S4: Hoiniuy, *3 1HI& 3 30: Buckwheat Flonr. »3 "Jsa3 f>o; (racket! j W)ie»t, f3 25; Farina. $4 60: Whole Wheat Flour, i S3 26: i^olled Oats (bbls), fa "o«t3 90: In sucks, *3 75: IV«rl Barlejr. »4; fcpiit l'eaa, *3 &0; Ureeu do. f 1 25 r 100 lt.i ■HAY ANi/-FKKDSTCFFi Hay and Feadatuffs aru steady at the familiar prices. Oiound Barley Is eff again. iJRAK— SiS@I!> 50 ior ttm best and f 14@14 50 V ton for outsulo brands. MIUDLIN(iS-fJO(a)JO 50 for lower grades and *21 5(1(^22 5J * ion for 1 he best. FKKiftfTUrmt— Koilea Barley, flB 60@19 50 OH ca«e Meal at the mill. 130 V ton: lobbing. f3l; Chopped Feed, fls<<*!6 %* ton: Cocoanat Ca«e. 17 60: Cottonseed .Meal, f2»«30 y, ton. HAY — Wheat, fl--'®ls *- ton; Wheat and Oat, fll«l4; Oat, SlO^Ia; Barley, tlO(g)12; Com pressed, *lj<al4; Alfalfa, *B<g9 60; Btucic »b(gi»: Clover, $»@lo t* ton. bTKAW— 30©40 c « bale. • KKANS AN'l> SEEDS. There la a fair movement in Beans reported by the trade an<l quotations show no cnance. fceeds are dull aud more or less no;n:nal. BKANS-Bayos. *1 V6-i>)i 90. Small Whites. $1 25@1 35: Lar?« White*. *1 10@l 20; Pin** *1 4(>ra,l BO; KpiU. SI 3U@l 40; Blackeye, «2 25 «2 50: 1 eil Kidney. *- 25^2 75: Umas. $1 80@3. Butlers, *1 20®l 40: Fen, $1 20@l iv. sKED— Brown Mustard. *•_' 25<9'J 50: Yellow Mustard. !fj 23ftt2 50; F:a.\, *1 75gU 85; Canary Seed, I»,ift{2i4c %* Ib: Alfalfa. 6Vic; Bape, l'V4@ 3 ,i0; Hemp, 3c: lnioiiy, 41,3 c. bltlED l-t.AS-?Mies, *1 1:0; Green, $1 20@l 70 V cti. POTATOES, OMON , VEGKTABLKS. Potatoes are slow at unchanged prices. The Ve.etab.e ninrket is well supplied at the old fig ures. 1 xodl lorna oes, which have advanced. A.TOKS— Early Most-. 30@35c; Kiver Keds. *i>@6oc: Burbanks, 30<537y a c: .-allna* Burbanks, suio,bOt; Sweet Polaloe-,,50<f1<75c ft cti. ONlONS— 9oce>sl: Pickle onions. 75c fl ik. YE..KTABLKS-Bay Squasli, 60<&75c fl box: Marrowfat Squash. $6«8 %1 tou; Bay encumbers, 30<ft40c H box; Pickles. 2c for No. 1, lc «i Ib for .No. 2: Green reppers, 25©40 c for Chile and i>U(§.soc for Bell; Green Peas. li-5,(312c V Ib: string Beaus, li£®2c: Lima Beans, 75c<£$l fi sk: Green OKra, 40(g, 5 %1 box: Dried Ukra, t>(g>Bc t» Ib: Egg Plant. hu@4oc: abhage. 60^75 1- cti; Car rots. 'J:fal3oc %* smck; Garlic, 1 " '..(g|Jc y Ib: Toma toes, 30@4Uc tor river and 40(550c for Alameda. I'OILTKi: AXk> GAMK. POITLTRY— cars of fiasiern Poultry came In yoster.lay afternoon. Domestic Pou.try Is kept down by these incessant receipts from the East. Game Is brlngins fair prices, but tbe weather Is muggy again anU will doubtless have its effect In a few days, in receipts are aiwaya lv poor condition when tbe weatber Is warm. - .Live Turkeys are quotable at 14«B17c for(4ob blers and 13@14c for Uens: Geese"%l pair, $1 25 ©150: Docks. *3(a4 SU: Hens. $3©4 50: Roosters, J'onus. s3«S!« 50: do. old. $3 t>o34; Fryers. *2 *_"s(<a 2 50: Broilers, f 2 25 for large and $1 60<a>J for small: Pigeons, *1 25@1 60 \>> doz for young and 76c@*l forold. \MK — Quail, %i dozen, *I@l 25; Mallard, I S3@s; Bprtg, $2@3 50; Teal. B -<g/i 60; Widgeon, *1 7f»vs2 50; bniiill 25@1 50; Gray Geese, Si . r >o(a.-' 50: Kncllsh Snipe. $2@3: Jack Snipe, $1; Hare. $1; Rabbits, fl 25@1 SO for Cottontails I and 75c®$l for small. BOTTER, CUKKSK AND EGG 3. Tbe Egg market Is in a curious condition. East ern Kg;s have gon-» to smash, owing to free re ceipts, but the domestic article Is scarce and higher. Butter and L'hee-.e show no change. The latter is lv very liaht »uppl)-. BUTTKK— * C'bkamery- Fancy creameries. '27@'26c t* Ib ! seconds, •-Ofa'.'Gc t- Ib. Daiky— 1 iiolce 10 fancy, 23@24c H Ib; lower grades,.^m Picklki>— 1* Ib. iIBKIN-174t,i9c f* tb. CRtAHKKY 1 i:ll— •-'0(^-" 1 / jj3 ft Ib. t'ASTtRN— 12(g»13c for ladie-pacued. Ciitlist — Choice mild new, 1 w<j>l;>c; common to good, 9(g>loc; Cieam Cheddar. ll<g,l'Jc > Ib; Young America, llQjl-.'Vic; Western, iiailVa"- : i-a>tern, l2^,@l3V^c fl 1t... tGUs— r.a'ilcii Kkks, 2tifaii6c: store Eggs, nomi nal; i.a.-.teiu, '.Oc lor fancy, Ibe for flrs.s and 14 ia.o'o .'ot seconds; Ducic t.^z-. JUc. DttlUlOlS AM> CITKUS FKUITS. The market for most kinds Is simply stagnant. Peuchts, Pears, Apples, Quluces and Table Grapes are In imivjr stock and hard to sell, even at the low prices. Urapf are steady and receipts arefi.ui:i« oA. Watermelons are neglected and other Molnns art> lower 1 ltrus Fruits are slow. DECIIUUIS Fi.HTs birawberrli-8, $3(55 "# chist for largj. Huckleberue* 4@6c >» a.. Ka.«pberrle<, f 4®o i* chest. 1 00.. granates. &o@7£c f« box. Cai-e CoU Crauberrles, t-S'sl> V bbl; Coos Bay. f 2 60(a.' It >» box. Peaches, - s<g>-: Oc ¥> box. Pears, Bart t-tts. *I@l 25; Winter Nells, 60© 75c; common kinds, 25<$6Oc box. Apples, 2!>( fs box lor common and 50@760 for good to choice. Qnlnces, '..'.«■.(<* 4Uc «4 box. Grapes, In boxes, 2t©-£c for Mnscats, 15®25c for black. 15(§,Vi5«; for Tokay, cl(a 50c f>.r Isabella and .U@26c for bweetwater. crates sell about 20c hlßUer than boxes. /miaude. Wiu» Grapes, J14(g,17 "f ton: Willie Wine Grapes, fii(a,l4; Mis sion (irnpes. $l'.(d,l<l. Watermelons, fto@lO W 100. Canta oupes. 50@7ftc *« era c. Nutmeg Melons, 3."Cai4uc ~& box on tbe wharf. CiTKUs FK L" 1 1>— Valencia uranges. $S@3 I f* box: Lemons, sl@l 60 v* box for common and |'J@3 lor good to choice: ilexican Limes, (2 754 a 5o ft box: Bananas, $1 'Jita-" "n* buncti: Pineapples, $■£ 60@3 "r doz. I'MIH »BVITt», KAISINS, NITS, ETC. There Is no change worthy of note, and the mar ket is still slow. 1 hero is a fair inquiry in a small way, but It does not amount to much, DKIKD r'KU ITS— Quotations are as follows: ! Prunes, carload lots, 5c or 40-sO's, 4Hc for 60 --60 s, 4c f> Ib for 60-70's, 31/20 lor 71-80's. 3c T- Ib lor bO-90s and 2V«jC lor 90 100's; Peaches, B\4#< l AO ?* tt>; fancy. 7c; peeled, ; Apri cots. S^@ey c for Royals and 7@8 I.aC1 .aC for good to lancy Moorpurks: evapora'.ed apples, oV 2 @6c; sun-dried, SatMe; bacK I"i?s, In sucks. - ii^c; Plums. 4@4V*c f\ tb lor pitted and l@->c for v 11 --pltted: bltaclie.l Plutus, 5<VL&i/ic; Nectarines, s(^ 6c f> Ib lor prime to fancy Pears, 5(a5 ; , for quar- j teM and oVs(fl»7c lor halvi-i UAIM.NN— Sew l;al»ins, 3c for 2-crown, 4c I for crown. 5c tor 4crown, si^c for Seediest bultanas and $1 10(<£ lIS tor London layers. Dried Gr*p»-s. 2»4c. >'U'ls— Walnuts, 7V-fe«c fl Ib for hard and 9c 1 for softsbell; Almonds, 3(s4c for hardshell at.d 9@ \ ltlc for papershe I; Peauuts. 4®sr for East»r:i and 4c lor Cu:i:ornla: kory uts, s@Bo fl tt>: Pe cans. 9@loc f> Ib: Filberts, 9@i»i«c; Brazil Nuts, Bfo9c: cocoauuts. $5 %1 100. 11ONKY— New Cumb, 10c for brlzht and 7®9c for lower grades: new water- white extracted, 4t^ ; 484 c; light amber extracted. 4 ig,4 C f) Ib. uKEbWAX— «l tb. PKOVISIOXS. Cotto'ene In tierces is higher. There are no other cbanges. Trade is merely fair. ll'KEl) MEATS— Bacon, 9c ft tt> for heavy, 91/2 C tor light medium, 100 for light, IOV3O V Ib for e*ira luut and i2c for sugar-cured. Ka«it- I crn sugancured Hams. ll@l2i^c fl Ib: fornia Hams, 10(a,ll)i/ac > Ib: M'ipsi Beef, »7 60 fl bbl: extra ms-ss dV. $9; family do, «10: salt Pork, t>@v| 60 ft bbl: extra prime Pork. ilO; mr» clear. *1 6 .'-0: mess, »16 fl bbl: t-moked Beef. 10%®l-JV3C fl Ib. LaßD— tasi»-r 1 tierces quoted a: 6i,i@6 4c for compound and tS I jjc for pure; pails, *c; California I tierces. 5®5'.40 V Ib for romponnd and *iV ? c for 1 pore: hnif-bbis. 63/ic; 10-Ibtlns, 7 V4C; dos-tt,, V Vie | COTTOLENE— Uerces, ts c. Packa' Uss than BtO Us— l-lb pails. «<i in n case, B%c: 3-tb | palls, 20 In a case, 83/ 8 c: 6-rb palls, 12 In a cas<-, i 4C. 10-lb pills. 6 111 a case, 8y 8 c: 50 Ib Hns, lor ! 'i in a case. 8 c: oodeu buckets, 60 Ib* net, 7T' 8 c: fancy tubs 80 tbs not. 7<j 8 c; half bbls, about i io lbs, 7i&c n tv UIDKS, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. It Is the same story day ait«-r day. ; Hides and Wool are active and dim and iloi s are bringing l&c in the coun rr, while 14c is the very best fig ure obtainable l.ere. HIDKS AND 'KlN.'— nils and brands sell lc under found stock. He.vy salted steers. 10@ lOi/tjC 1* Ib: scedium. 9Vi>c fl Ib; light. 9c: Cow hides. 9@.9V2C %t Ib; Stags, ec: sated Kip. 9c; saltfd Calf, lie %t Ib; salted Veal. 9c; dry Hides, 16@15V«c; culls and brands. l'-'@l2Vgc dry Kip and V»-al 14c: dry « alf, I7c: culls. 10c: Goatskins. 2U@3sc eaih: Kids, 6c; Deerskins, good summer. 25c V. Ib: medium, 20c: wlnier. 10c: sheepskins, Bhearilngs. 10(g*20c each; short wool, 25@40c each; nivdioiu, 6O(^7oeach: long wools, 75(g90c each. 1 ALLOW— No. 1. rendered. rf>:HV 4 c fl Ib: Xo, 2, '-'^ftfiSi.^c: retlnetl. be; Gieasc,"2c ft Ib. Woot, — Fall clii> — Midd.e counties, free, 10313 c: do defective. JO@llc; San Joaqu'n, de fective. 7@9c ft tt>: do l.nuibs. 6V>^Bc: M-uthern Mountaiu. 12c; tree NorlbenC 12«£14c fl Ib: ao. defectivf, 9®llc; Huiutoldt and Mendocino, 13@15c iR Ib. HuPb— OM crop, e@Bc f» Ib lor fair »nd f@loc forgood; new crop, ll@l4c. GKNEItAL Itt'HAXDISK. BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags, s«tgc; s.inQueniln, ] f6 40; Wool Bay*. -7®3oc; Fruit Bags, 514 c, 6»/ c 1 and 6c for the ilifferent sizes. COAL— W«tltast*«, $8: New Wellincton. $8; 8ou:i:fleld Welllugton. »7 JO: Seattle. »5 60- Bry ant. » 6 6O; Coos 1 ay. $4 75; Wallsend. 36 75^ ion; Cumheiland. $14 60 fl ton In bulk and $16 in aacKi; iViiiisvl vanla, Anthracite Egz. *l 4 f» tou; Welsh . Anthracite, $:@l2; Canue:. "s» ton: Rock si). rums, Caslle Gaie and Pleasant Val ley. $7 tiu: Coke. ♦lNjflia in bulk and Sl3 ft ton in sks. OU DACE- Prices for 10,000-n> Invoices ar : lVi inch Manila, 6i/ic; do Sisal, 614 c: 12-thread iiiimu. 6^/ic: tlo Sisa , : >4c: and S thread Ma nila, 7»/*c; do Msal, tt»Ac; liile Rope (3 and 4 sirand), Manila, ti^c; do Sl<-nl. 614 c; Bale Hope I-, o and 8 strand), Manna, 6%c; do &isal, &^c V &>• CANNED FRUlT.'— Cherries, black or red. 2iA- Ib. i-xtra. »2 fl dozen: Whit-; Cherries. 2U, Ib. extra. »2 50: l'i tl.. standards, f'2 10; Peaches— Yellow, free. $1 10@l 50: Aptlcots. 90c®$l 05- Kaspbernes. $1 75: Straw berries, $1 75. A.NNKn VEGETABLE- Txciatues, 700 ft dozen Ui/a-!b iln»; Peas. #ltol 25 fl dozen. C iKKr. 1 — Costa Kica— 17@17i.jc Ib nom. for prime ! washed (none here); 16(e;l t>c uom. lor cood washel ■ (none here): ltrg/ib'-vi: f»r v iri r»-aberr.v; l:->(t9 I li'.ic for goo i» prime: ll^ssx£3u.c for good ' mixed with black beans; ll@l2V^c for'falr; 6@loc ' for common to ordinary. >ALVAi»it- I6(<slbc for good to prime washeJ; , i3(oßl4Vic for fntr washed: lb@l7c fl Ib for . good to prime washed peaberrv. Ili4®l2iac for I superior unwashed: 1 i(<£lli/»c for good green un : witshed: It »ie «* Ib for *< od bleached unwashed; 14©1 c for good to prime uuwasbed berry. v Nicabaota— loVi@l2^j for good to su .prior nnwashett: 13i^fa;l4i for jroon unnashea Deaberrv- Cil ATKKAU AND KXICAN - 1 blAc $t Ib I Oni. for strictly prime washed (none here); 17Vi @18c f Ib f. r prime washed; 15@16Vic for good to strlctlv good washed; 14®15c lor fair washeo; 10@l. c or medium: 7®9i^c for ordinary. 40ti.< 4 c »Ib lor inferior to com mon: lsiaiPc lor good to prime washed pea berry: li<#rji forgood 10 superior unwashed: 14(g.15c for gooa to nnme unwashed peaberry. FISH— I'aclUc Codfish la quotable as lollows: Bundles. 5c i» tb: cases, selected. sVic $ Ib: boneless. (U/jc V> Jb: strips. Norway, 63,4 c ft Ib: strips, Narrow-gauge. 7c ?» tb: »mps. silver King, 7Va c i* lb: blocks, Clipper, 6^ic; blocks, orien tal. 7c; blocks, seabnglil. .7tyic; tablets. Crown brand. 8c; middles, v.o aen Mate, 7c; middles. White >fi\), 9c t» tb: desiccated. GUI K<l-,v, * case of 2doz, fl bti «...« 15^ pekieiilol, bbls. «9: half-bbls, $1 75 raciflc rrinsr, 15c f» box: Uutchdo. 90>.(alf 1 10 1* Keg; Whtitflsh. *1 50 in ba f-bblsand *"l 75 in Kiis; Tongues and isoands, fl2: Mackere, bbls— o. 1, *20: No. 2, fl» 50: No. 3, $17: half bbls— No. 1, $9(d)9 50; No.;: J8 50 <g.9\ .No. 3, W 50; klis— .No. 1, $1 50: So. 2. $1 25; No. S 9',. QUIt!KSILVEi;-S3B 9 flask. OlL— California Castor oil, cases. So. 1. 95c; bbU. 90c V pal (manufacturers' rates): Linseed Oil, In bbls, boiled, 4 5c; do raw. 43c; rases. 5c more: Lard Oil. extra wmier strained, bbl*. soc: No. 1, 4f>c; cases, 5c more; China Nut. 47@51c «H gallon: Nearsfoot Oil, bbls, «SOc; cases. 65c; No. 1, bbls. 60c: cases. 56c: Sperm, crude, 60c; natural whitf, 80c: bleached do 85c: Whale OH, natural white. 4Oc: bleached do. 45c: Pacific hubber Mixed Paints, white »ua houje colors. *1 i.'6(gl 35 %* eal: wacon <o ura, 9i&\! U5. PKTRuLKUM. (iAM)LI.NK. ETC.— The stand ard Oil Company quote 3 as follows: Waierwhite <oal 1 hi. in bulk. lui/ac: I'earl ot!. In cases, 16c; Astral, do, 16c; Star, do, 16c; Kxtra Siar Oil, In cases. 20c; Klulne, do. 'Jlc; i ocene, do, 18c; Ue oaorlzed Siove Uasoleoe, In hulk, lie; do In cbr*s, lH^c; «3% Deodorized Naphtha. in bulk, lOVsc; 63deg. do, In cases. 15i,0c : 86 dee. Gaso lene, In bulk, 20c; dee. do. in cases. 25c * gal. WIIITK LKAD-yuoteU at 6((*7c ft Ib. RKD LEAD— Quotable at 6i,4«57c %( ib. TUKPKNTINK— Incases, see: In iron barrels, iHc: In wooden barrels. !,0c ft gal. LL'COL— Boiled, biU, 41c: d > cases, 49c: raw, bbls. 41' c: do cases 47<. : CAiNDLKS — Tho (standard Oil Com panv quotes as follows: Electric Light— 6's. 16 OZ, 7V2C: 14 oz. 6»ic; 12 oz, 6c: lv oz. ft^ic. Granites— 6-s. 16 oz. By a c: 14 oz, 7V«C: I'J oz, 7c: 10 oz, 6Vic Parr.Hin« Wax Candle*: l's, a's, 4's, 6's »ud 12's, whtie. B^*4o; colored. P3/ic. HEX— Harness, neavy, Is Quotable at 30@35c 1» tb: do medium, 2Mc; aolight, 26®27c; Hough Leather, 21@23c ~$ lb: Kips. *40'<S45 <j» dozen; Calf, 90c@Jl 10 f* ID: Kough splits. 7@Bc; Belt-knife Splits, 10@12c; Collar Leather, black. 10®12c V foot: do russet, 10@12c; Skirting Leather. 3U@3SC e». tb. SUGAR— The Western bugitr Keflr.ery Company auotes. terms net cash: Cubs and Crushed aud Fine Crushed, 6 c; Powdered. 6!/4c: Cry Grann lated, bfyge %t Ib; confectioners' a, l>s,sc: Magnolia A, SV4C. Extra C, 51/ ac: Golden C. sc; Candy Granulated, 5%c; Callfurma A, 53/ g c; bait-barrels Vie more thau oarrels, and boxe.i V;> C more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT 3IAKKEI. Beef Is very firm at full quotaUons. Mutton and Lamb are steady. Hogs Had a fair market at the old quotations. Who.esale rates for dressed stocic from slaugh terers are as follows: BEEF— First quality, 6^4c; second do, s'Vac; third do, 4@sc "* Ib. VEAL— Larg- £@6c: small. f@7 Ib. MUTTON- Wethers. «@6V,c; Ewes. 6c » Ib. La vlH— Spring, 7(g,7 "i» lb. POKK— Live Hogs. 3y 3 @S<ygo tor large and 3% @3%c tor sma 1 and medium: soft nogs, -V 2© ai 4C r Q>; dressed do. si4(a6c. WOOD, LUJIBEK, ETC. The Luab'.r market has been much more active of lata. '•'.t- Posts, B@loc each for No. land styj 3 c for Na '_': Kedwood, $5 per cord; Oak, rough, $6 50; I peeled, S9; Pine, *5 75. KECtIPTS OF I'RODUCE. TOB 24 HOURS. Flonr. qrsfcs.... 7. 84K| Butter, ctls 171 Oregon 14.777 Cheese, ctls .... 213 Wheat, ctls 1.935 Kegs, doz 7,650 Oregon ],*6oi Hides, 110 . .. 904 Barley, ctls 7,815 Pells, bdis. 970 Corn, ctls Wool, bis 1,19. Eastern 1,60 c Leather, rlls 72 Oats. ctls. iWiue. gals 34,1U0 Oregon 2,C0) ! Brandy, gals. ],000 Kye, ctls 130 ' Hops, bis 2 J*t-aiis, sks 1,844 i sugar, bb15....... 5.098 Potatoes, sics.... S,4l!< Kalslns. boxes.. 2,130 Oregon 46. Lumber, M feet.. 10 Onions, ska Quicksilver, tlsks 80 Oregon. 20 1 allow. <:ti .. 16 Hay.tons 45T Chicory, bbls.. f>s Bran, sks 4tß Broom Corn, bu. 82 Oregon, sks.... i. BJO8 JO -jlions. Or, sks.. 3,500 Middlings, ski... 101 • — ♦ » Pedagogic Grade-Up in Kansas. It it understood that Super. ntendent Stryker, in order to "(trade up" the teachers, has prepared an entirely new set of questions lor the next examination. Amen,; them are these: "You can frequently see a white horse; why do you never see a white colt?" "Why does a horse eat grass backward and a cow forwam?" "Why does a hop vine wind one way and a bean vine another? Explain fully, "Why does a horse tethered with a rope always unravel it, while a cow twists into knots?" "Wliat is the length of a flour barrel "What animals have no upper teeth, and why?" "Why did Abdul Hamid delay accept ance of the proffered mediation of the powers? ' "After the Omaha platform, what is the greatest American document written sinre tne claration of Independence?" '•Give a historical fact of tne following great men: William Stryker, George Washington, William Shakspeare, Jerry bimpson, Napoleon."— Abilene Reflector. « • » Kedhot Stove Rather Titan a Mouse. A Topclca woman who resides on Morris avenue declared war a few days ago upon a mouse which inhabited her cupboard. Having secued incontrovertible < vidence that the mouse was in the cupboard she seized the rolling pin. Tne cupboard doors were opened and the mouse jumped out, making straight for its assailant. The woman lost her nerve and looked around for something upon which to climb. The stove was the only thing in sight. Sbe cave an awful tcream and leaped upon the stove, which was blazing hot. The soles or her feet were badly scorched. The mouse escaped. — Topeka State Journal. • — — The remedial effects of laughter are really wonderful. Cases have been known wsere a hearty laugh bus banished dh ease and preserved life by a sudden effort o: nature. • THE CALL CAL£.NOAH. October. 1897. Ma |Tu. W. 6 6 :9 I SO I — 1 !^1 i 2 * 3 First Quai Ocu J. l~ i, 7 9 11 14 16 16 X* Full Uoon. &J Oct. 10. t 18 — I ! n 17 .1 '1-1 .7""n Last Quart* V Oct. 18. 25 I .8 I 28 29 I 30 ! New Moon, Vy Oct. 25. 1 aXKAWKKa TO SAIL* BTK.«MKK I IHW I 111 X I l"l - I -ah-s. f iikr Arcaia IUMMy Oct I'.MOam \Vceo:t...... Humboidißav net IX, 9am Kureka. ... Newport Oct 13. I'au : City J*uebla Vie P*t Sna Get 13. 9am »'<imnnn Humix»idili»> Uet 13, 'int. Moana Hydner Ojc 14 sn • btatf of (a I'ortlana Oct 15,1041" t»:ita Rosa, ban Dieso.". . !<ict 16 11*1. I'liilKat Krrndalo. ret 16. Jpv Corona — ; .\»rrnnr; Oci 17. Sam City f»ra... Panama [Oc. 18.12 Ml Walla Walla , Vie <£ ie: Ban Oat IS. Vax ; Homer Coos 1iar..... |Oc: 18.JUAUI Queen sm Diego..!. |< -cl 19,1 iam C»:uniinii • I Port mi' | ■ ct -.'O.IOaVi flO." Li I Pier 1 i Plsclt Pi*r9 1 L'l« I Pier 7 Met U Pier I L (Mer L I PUW IL P M 83 Her • I Pier 13 Pier 11 I i i»r • l MEAMEBi TO AKKiVC. >T KA HKR I I Mini,* ll'M* Mackinaw Korth tort. ... Crescent cur. .. Walla WjUia. .. ChllkaL. Proereso Corona. Wash'.enaw .... TrncKee t Pomona.. j Homer : Columbia ' Alliance Arcata ; Queen San Jose won Koreka. t'matllla. ' Belc!c ■ ' -<ai> J)i«ii» _ Tnroraa _ ... ; Tacoma .. Cn>tc»nt Uii^ ' Victoria A- I'uzßvßoum ! Eel Hlver | Seattle i *nnl>ie~o ............... i lacoma ! \'aau'na Bay I liumuolj; Bay Coos Bay 1 KorUao'i. j Portland ; | L'ooi Bar San Dieca '.. fanama „ I ilumboldi Bay Newport ! 1 Victoria it Puzec Soun J China ami Jnnan ..on H ..Oct 13 ..Oot 13 ..Oct. 14 ..Oft 14 i .Oct 14 ; ..Oct 15 ..Oct 15 ..Oct 15 ..Oct 15 ..Oc: 16 ..Oct IB ..Oct 17 ..Oct 17 . Oct ] 7 ..Oct 17 ..Oct 18 |..Oct IK 19 ..Oct 19 .Oct HO NOTICE TO MARINERS. A branch or the UnJ;ed state* Hydroeranhln Office located in th* Merchant, 1 Exchfnze Js maintained In San Francisco for the beneat of mariners without regard to nationality and Ire* o! expense. >'avi«aiors are cordlailv invited to rlsit the office, vrhere complete sets ot charts and saltlnz directions of the world are kept on hani or com parison aud relerence. and the latest Information cun always be obtained regarding tiglits, dangers to navigation and ail matters or Interest to octsau commerce. Thetlm* ball ontOD of the bnlldin* on Tele graph lilll Is hoisted about ten minutes before uoon. and It dropped at noon. 120 th meridian, by teieKraphlc signal leceivvd each day Iroin' the United states I*, aval Observatory a .Mare Island A notice statin; whether the ilm« . ball ■ was | dropped oa time, or giving ttm error, If any, v publishe! the same day oy the afternoon p<tperj, and by me morning papers the following <iav. W. a Hughks, Lieutenant. V. a. N» in charge. The Time Ball. iiKANCH Hydsooraphic Office, V. S. N., 1 ) Mebchants' KicH/xot >■ «san Fbancisco, October la. 1697. ) The time ball on TeJt>,'rapn Hill was <iroDp*l • exactly at noon to-day— l. c.. at noon of the liiUCH j meridian, or exactly at 8 p M, Greenwich time. ' W. Si Hughes. Lieutenant U. S. N. in rharxa.- S>U>, MOON ASU 'lIDIS. Unitkij States Coart axd Gfodbtio Sukvev. Times asd Hkights of Hish and Love WaTKRS AT J-ort i'OIST. ESTKAXCE TO Sa* Fba>' CISCO BAY. Publibhkd BY OFFICIAL aithority of THE fcbpkwntksbist. Note— The high and low waters ocut atth<) City Front (Mission-street Whan) about twenty live minutes later than at Fort Point; the height of tide Is she same at botn places. October— lß97. Wednes'la7. October 13. Bnn rises 17 1 Moon rises 6.49 pic Sun seti 6 F5 Moon sets H \V i, w I Ih_\* ■ [U_w 4 5 5 l 7 > 19 ! 1.38 j 4.0 0.0 i «.slla-lo| 0.4 i 70.i 078 228 4.0 X.40 3..V 12.45 6.4! 7.47 06 8.21 4.0 7.-4 3.« i . 1.-4 5.. 8.30 U.g 416 4.0 8.19 3 7 2.07 &.«' 9. 0 0.9 ! 51b 4.2 9.2(> 3.8 2.57 4.6 .U.I 1.0 6.4/ 4.4 10.4(1 .-«.{< 4.00 4.4 11.06 1.l I 6.48! 4.6 11.58 3.i 5.-2 i:\ I .... soix-In the »oove exposition of th» tides tha t»rly morning tides aro given in the left baail column, and tba successive tides of the day In tha order of occurrence aj 10 lim& The second tlm* column gives the second tide o! the day, the ihtr.l time column the third tide, and the last or rijni hand column glve« the iast tide of the day, except when there axe but three tides, as sometlmo* »ccur*. The height! glvea are additions to th« ■oundlngs on tha United Htates Coast Survey chart*, except when a minus ilgn (— ) precedes tna helcht, and then the number given U uubtracur* from iba depth given by the charts. SHIPPING I>*TELJLIGKN«fc. Arrived. ""^ TUESDAY. October la^ Fr man of war Doguay Trouin. • Fort, 10 Jay* irom Honolulu; to French Consnl. Btmr Pomona. Cousin*. 17 hours from Ears**; pass and radse. to Good all. Perkins it Co. Stmr Rival. Johnson. 16 hours from Fort Brazs: lumber, to ii'r:-iy & Mitchell. Stmr Alice Blanchard, Doran, 8 days from Poitiand, via Astoria, me; pass ana indse to North Pacific Steamship Co. Snip 'lory cf the Seas, Freeman, 9% days from Departure Bay; 8380 tons coal, to I? Dunsmulr Sons Co • • Bark Aureola, Swan, 7 (lavs trom Wlilaoa Har bor; lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co. Brg Lurline. Mcl.eod, aw days from Knhululi sugar, to Allen & Lewis. Schr Go amp, Dedrlck, 4 days from Coos Bay; •I'M M it lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co. Scbr John A, Hellqnlst, 72 hoars from Hum* boldt Bar: HSU M ft lumber, to Pacific Lumber Co. t'chr Equator, I oolnson, 13 days from Chisini* Bay, via. Astoria 3 days 11 hours: ballast, to Hume Bros <fc Hume. Schr Arthur I, Krog, 48 hours from Point Arena; 151 cds hark, to McAbee Bios. Scbr Lizzie Vance, Hardwiclc, 12 days from} New Whatcum: lumber, 10 Belllngham Bay Imp Co Schr Fanny Adele, Ogilvie, 9 days from Grays Harbor; iunioer. 10 S X siade Lumber Co. Schr Eureka, Erickson, i days from Coquill* Klver; lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co, Clear ad. TUESDAY. October 12. Btmr Doric, Smith, Yokohama and Hongkong:: O&OSSCo. ftmr Eureka, Parson?, San Pedro; GoodaU. far- X lllH i CO. " Stmr City of Puebla, Debney, Victoria and Port Townsend: Ooodall, Perkins <S Co. ship America, Harding, Nanaimo; A Dunsmuir Sons Co. snip James Kerr, Ponies, Queenstown; Ep pinger & Co. Sailed. TUEFDAY, October 12. Br stmr Doric. Smith. Yokohama and lion kong. Bimr Protection. Lundquist, Yaquina Bay. Stmr Alcatraz. Carlson. Stmr Cleone, strand, Albion, with «chr Sacra mento In low. Nor stmr Peter Jebsen, Hansen, Nanaimo. fcinir Ulpsr. Leland. Sant i Urns. Stmr Arcata. Heed, Coos Bay. - Br ship Toxteth, Biomley, Port Townsend. ship America. Hard Ins:. Nanaimo. Br .ship Blackbraes Chrishoim, Liverpool. Br ship Lancing. HatfieM, London. I'.r ship Fall* of Hal lad ale, Fordyce, Queenstown, Schr Eliza Miller. Christiansen, Kureka. Schr Sacramento, Hansen, tow of stra , CKone. . J Schr Joseph ana Henry, Christiansen, Coqallli ■ River. ,11 Scbr Laura May, Hansen, Portland , ■ echr Monterey, Beck. Bowens Landing, '*/ ' Telegraphic. POINT LOBOa October 12—10 p «— Weattm cloudy; wind aw; velocity 12 miles. Charter*. The Roderick Dhu loads mdse for Hilo. Th» ship America loads coal at DeDarttira Bay for this port; Br stmr Tekoa, salmon on Frassv Klver for ValDaralso. Montevideo and London; schr Robert Lew en. lumber at Port Gamble fo» Honolulu. Spoken. a Sept 2fs-Lat 3 a long 32 W, bark Gay C Oo»s, t from Philadelphia, tor Port Loi Angeles. Blis eel lan eons LONDON, Oct 12— Br ship Kate Thomas, from Newcastle, NSW. for s«u Francisco, put into BydZ ney partially dismasted in a gale. Domestic irti. PORT BLAKELKY— Arrived Oct I.— B*tl| Amelia, from llonolul Sailed Oct is— sen. E X Wood, for San Fran* Cisco. KL'REKA- Sailed Oct 12-Stner South Coast, fof San Francisco; schr General Banning, for San Francisco. Arrived Oct. 12— Schr Oceania Vacce, hence Sept TATOOSH— Passed Oct'll— Stmr Progreso. frn» Seattle, for Sau Francisco. Oct 12— stmr Wash* tenaw, from Tacoma, for San Francisco. SKATTLK- Arrived Oc; 12— BrthpCape York, from Port Townsend. VENTURA- Sailed Oct 11-Stmr Geo Loomis. for aan Francisco. ASTORIA — Arrived Oct 12— Stmr Columbia. Den- c Oct 10. • GREENWOOD— Arrived Oct 12-Etmr Whites* boro, hence Oct 11. I'ORT A.n'.KLES— In port Oct 12— Ship Yo Semite, from Tacorna, for san Francisco; bitn Kit* kitat,tro Honolulu, for Port Gamble. * SOUTH BEND— Arrived Oci 12— sonr Roy Som ers, hence Sept .-8. • COOS BAY-Airlved Oct 12— Tug Primer, hnca Oct 9* ■ SAN PEDRO— Arrived Oct 12-Bktn C C Font from Tacoma. URAY> H ARBOR— Arrived Ojt 12-Schr Jas A Gartield, from St Michael. Eastern . Ports. NEW YORK— Arrived Oct 12— Ship St PavlCL_* hence June 16. sailed Oct 11-Stmr Alllanca, for Colon. Of Korelen Port". C ALL AO— Arrived Aug 23— Br ship Alice A Lei eh. from ) on Blakrley. DUNKlKK— Arrived Oct 11— Br ship Ardn*. muicban. Un -Snnta Rosalia. MONTEVIDEO— saiIed Sept 14— Br bark Alder grove, for Oregon. . =>KLVKRKY-SalledSept 16-Brship Pats of Xi Utcrankle, for Victoria- CHKMAIN US— saiIed oci 7- Schr KlngCyruj. for Sydney. •»*"»• YOKOHAMA— hailed Oct 9-Br stmr Olymnia for Tacoma. " Movements of Atlantic Steamer*.' BREMEN— Arrived Oct 1-'— Stmr Bremen, frrn m\ New York. % NEW YORK— Sailed Oct I'J-Stmr Cev^c. foif Liverpool: stmr Trave, for Bremen. PHILADELPHIA — sailed Oct 12— Stmr Pena sylvanta. tor a nine 1 p. BAI.TIMORK-Aruvea Oc: 12— Stmr Munchoa for .Bremen. '-■■■• MnnnrUtlnn*. KAHULUI-Per Lv line 5044 bars sugar, 70 crt-^n hides -2 bots scrap brass, BO bbls molasses. "40 baits bones. EUREKA — rer Pomona— 1 cs dry coods, 60 pea molding. 13 rolls leather. 9)9 M shingle*, 1 ctate picture f ames, 72 ttxi hutier, 6 M shakes, 3 s-t peas. A k- its lieiries, 5 do"r«, : sk i-otatoes, 1 pkj . iSn s i iron, 46 pices iron bolts, 3 b.xa pears. 87 Mft lumber, 1 keg herrings, 1 lon house hold loods, 12 pkss express. 1 sk coin. E U and E R X— -.7 bxs batter, 1 sk wool, Ics hats. 1 owl, 4 B doors. PORT^AND-Per Alice Blnn haid— 292s bdlg shook 41 bills barrel he«ds, .Obdis barrel hoop*. Astoria— 9 M ft lumber. 4SO« bdl» shoots. Marsi fi 11— 36 bxs apples -cs cheese. 1 c* bard* ware. 16 picas Dot le •, iwu cs salmon. -2 blls hides ana skins, i bala Lin k-ts, 3 ba c- flinnel. Myrtle Pln —11 bxa c..«e«e, 1 o\v point. Coqullle R.ver— l6s !<xi npples, 24 bxs butter, 36 rs 290 buli i room handles KI'KKKA- ] cs pictures. 223 sks feas. 2 crates saws, io bxs api Irs 24 bxs garlic seed. 1 bx lard, Ics dry i.o. a> . 1 cs lobaccu, Ics surgical ins ru menls, 2 pxcamdsc *' tits notions, 28 pigs furul tare, 4 bxs books, siO M shlnglej. Per Lurllne— Allen & L>wls. Per Alice Blanch*. d— Clatsop Mill Co: Golden Gate Piaster .Mill*: VV A Dwlght: W J Clark: Gate liroa. H timer, Bredhoff <fe Scbulz; Meyers. Cairlclc & v\ii iams. liakerJt Hamilton: Standard Oil Co- Ca iforniii ItoxCo; W .Itney's Express: Henry B / Allen; JBantlon Woolen-mills; Hulme>& Hart* J l; R-ert: Wieland Krewini? Co; Whit land ProducnV- Co: Wiean<i IJio*: nils tro ; H WarUeld- » &O\i <inmp: Marshall, Teggar: &Co ; McDon»U <S Me- II Kiunon: Park A lacy; California .-a v Works' t.l/ Fel-enbaum A Co: Pacific coai New 3 pa per s'vb«% dicate: l arroll A Carroll; L G *resov IC n & to- F D L^yton m ore llunt.tco: D»vi json .fc Miller- Overland Freight and Transfer Co; W.eland Bro«. ior Pomona- W bit nevr ,c C. • X B H,l • Brl bam. Hopoe & Co; Christy A Wise *ai.nlai & Fran. ; Hills Bios: J H .\ewi.aui-r & Co- H * Li. commercial Co; Wieland Brewing Co- Pac Co1«mI o<) X v, .-weeneyftco: Aluo. Lumber Co- "cott* b w^.°: : fflfe ffiß^S 2 Co- Trobock A Bergen: G.rViii Ma in* "j "",'„ * Overland Freight au., Transfer Co: Ji! ? SpeiTacy^ "»"»•'" Lumber *" °- tv »-rpri se Brewery; jf \\ achter; i Korbel & Bros; W lsland fcroj.