Newspaper Page Text
8 THE COMME RCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OX THE MARKETS. Lumber brisk in the north. Coffee dull. Silver loner. Wheat unsettled. Barley steady. Oats, Corn and Rye dull. Flour and mitlsturts quiet. Bran very start and tirm Hay steady. Very liltle doing In Beans. Increased foreign impor.s. _!•,,,' -, . of $541,430 to China. Potatoes weak and doll. Onions stead.-, Dealers tins all sorts Of prices for Butler. Eggs still higher. Cheese unchanged. Auoih. r car of astern Poultry in. Game about the same. Seedling oranges, Lemons and Grape fruit lower. Mandarin Oranges in from Japan. Dried fruit still dull. Peaches about rone. Provisions unchanged. LUMBER BR SK IN THE NORTH. Hisher prices prevail tor lumber in Spokane. lav.- Hie oregoniau. i lie Lumber Association last week made an advance of 10 per rent because tor me first time In seven years ihe supply of dry lumber in he district bounded by Montana on the east. Oregon on the sontn. the Cascade Mountain! hn be west and tne Canadian Pacific Kail way on the north is entirely exhausted for several Weeks Spokane yards an.l mills have been mi con ing dry I umber from beyond Nortlipori and from Ihe coast cities, in order to supply the locreastng demands iucident to general prospeilty east of the mountains. -* 1 \l'i EXPORTS. The value of certain exports from the United (States in October is given as follows: Breadstuffs $26,156,694 Provisions 10 »«X.=e®JL : 'Vat tie and hogs 2,675,-03 Mineral oils 4. 960. 228 Cotton 32 .;- 45.3>.. Total $76.91 H. 131 tn D-95 76,078935 Decrease $840. 96 Ther? ' an Increase of $6,292,013 In bread- I'.urt's. but this was offset b. a decrease o: 95.006, --f.P7 in cotton, $1,133,935 in cattle and hogs and bver $900,000 in provisions. Heavy shipments of bread-.iufis are in pro. ress this month. FOREIGN IMPORTS. Foreign imports at this port durin • the first ten months of the year were $33,216,600, against fr11, 871.900 during the same period in 1896, and include J $6,552,400 from Japan, $5,317,500 from China, $9.467. 6U0 from lhe i.awailan Islands fj2, 148,410 from Ureal Britain, $2,603,900 from Central America. $1,458,300 from British Colum oia and $1,63*1.000 from the hast Indl s. TREASURE SHIPMENT. yam , anus"..*!. "■_a_B_g_ . The Coptic took out a treasure list of $541,430, consisting of $406,695 in Mexican dollars, $126,- DOO in siiver million, $5250 in Chilean pesos aud J3185 in go.d coin. K-s-nlanattOsi. Tbe arrow flies with tbe wind. Tbe top flgnrss sV station indicate maximum temperature for the days: those underneath it. if any, the amount of rainfall, of melted snow in incbes and hundredths during the past twelve hours. Isobars, or solid lines, connect pom s of equal air pressure; Iso therms, or dotted lines, equal temperature. The word '-hieh" means high barometric pressure and Is usually accompanied by fair weather: "low" relet-* to low pressure, and is usually preceded and accompanied by cloodv weather and rains, "Lows" usually first appear on the Washington coast. When he pressure is high in the interior and low along the coast, and the isobars extend north and south alonr the coast, rain is probable: but when 'h* "low" Is inclosed with Isobars of marked curvature, rain south of Oregon is improb able. With a "high" In the vicinity of Idaho, and the pressure falling to the California coast, warmer westher may be expected in summer and colder Weather in winter. The reverse of these conditions •nil produce an opposite result. THE WEATHER BUREAU. United Status Department OK ArtßKTl rrßi. Weather, -*ax Francisco, No vember 18. 1897. 5 r. si. The foi owing are the rainfalls for the pas'. twenty-four hours and the seasonable rainfalls to date as compared wi.h those cf trie same date last season: Eureka .00, this season 5.61. lu-i Season .41; Led Bluff .00. this season 2.79. last season 2.65: Si-crameuto .00. ibis season 2.14 last season '.36, San Francisco .00-. th s season 08, lasi season '-'76: Fresno .00, this sea«o 1 1.24, last season 1.57; san Luis Obispo .00. this season .86 las. season 1.68: Los Angeies .OJ, this season 2 47 last season 1.-5; San Diego .00, this season 1.07, season 1.18; Yuma .00, this sea son .81, last season 1.14. San Francisco data: Maximum temperature 64. minimum 50. mean 57. Weather Conditions and General Fore casts. A storm of considerable energy is central to-night over Washington, Northern Idaho and the British possessions to tne nor.h. Heavy ratn has fallen throughout Washington, with lush winds. 'I he temperature has risen generally over the country west of Rocky Mountains, except over North western Washington and along ih"s central coast of California, 'lii-i tollowlng heavy rain, fails re reported: Port canny 1 Inch 111 the pas' twelve hours. Seattle 1 46 inches, Por land 0.88 of an inch. The following maximum wind velocities are re ported; Fort (anby 88 miles, from the southeast; s.-nttle 60, from Hie southeas". Portland 52. sooth: Spokane 36 southsvest: Walla Wa la 36, south. Tin-, has be^n th* heaviest storm of tbe season over the northern half of the Pacific Slope. Forecasts made at San Francisco for thirty hours, ending midnight, November 19, 18117. Northern California— Cloudy Friday, ssith fog along Ihe coast: probably rain in northern por tion; colder northeast; soutbsveslerly winds. hern California — cloudy Friday, with fog along tbe coast; northerly changing to southwest erly winds. Nevada— dourly Friday: cooler north. Utah— Cloud.- Friday. Arizona— Cioudv Friday. Sau Francisco and vicinity— Cloudy Friday, with fo- In the morning; free)] south westers- winds. Alexander McAiiie. Local Forecast Official. NEW »OKK STOCK MARKET. NFW YORK. Nov. 18.- The volume of trans actions on the stock Exchange to-day was even smaller and ihanges In price.? even less than yes terday. Prices of securities have apparently come to a condition of equilibrium and specula lion is for the time being dead. Even the small chances in rices which occurred to-day and which wer" nearly ail gains were due to the manipulative operations with which the room- traders amused themselves. As tues: operations Involve the matching of the buying order with a corresponding ingorder for the purpose of at tracting outside busing and selllnp, the net result In the absence of tbe outside operations is very close to nothing. sugar displayed some specula live strength on account of buying, attributed to Washington account. • The coalers were weak on rumors that there were In the way of lhe proposed agree ment to r.-str.ct I lie output. Although specu.a tive buying ssas so restricted there continued to 1., evident some good buying 01 the heavy grade bo. d-> whose ■ cur is- is of ih- beat, thou svith a low return cf Inters st. Tn.S class 01 buying is a natural outcome of he easy condition Of the money mar., and the doubtful outlook tor specu lation". i ond homes report that there are quite large offerings of these bonds for the foreign sc count, be foreign bo_S"S being tempted by the high range of prices for them existing in this mar ket. ll is quite possible that this class of selling for foreign account has much to dowith keeping up the rile of exchange In face of conditions that •sou d te,Qd 10 weaken 11 in suite of the tendency toward easing the rates for money in London. Ihe trade balance in our iavor for three months. Including October, is nearly $165.00. .000. Lon don has been a buyer In this market of low-priced speculative secuVities during the last few weeks, as It was to-day. Foreign capital is known to have quite a large Interest in the Union Pacific organi zation syndicate, and payments fr> m abroad in proportion are due In this market- The operation of borrowing money on sterling exchange, which tends to keep up the rate of exchange, has appa leuily ceas"d The continued maintenance of tne rate of ex change above the told import point under these circumstances is not easy to lake, but sales tor foreign account of high-grade Investment bonds would aid in explaining It. A report from Chicago that there is talk there of a reduction In interests on ban.; balances io iV per cent shows that the abundance oi money ex tends to tne Interior. The imminence of the first pavmentof nearly $1 3, 001/ by the On on Pa cific Committee to the Government has made no impre siou whatever on the local money market, 'ibe day's returns of railroad earnings all con tinued markedly favorable, notably In the case of Southwestern and fat Western ami of the sou-coal roads 1..-, oris irom the West Indicate that tb- large earnings are due in no small part tothe westbound movement of merchandise, snowing lhe activity and geneial business. \\ it i the sales of sugar de ducted the toial sales of all stocks for the day barely reached 100.000 shares. Bonds wen- more active in propo.tiou thai suets. Improvement was si. own In the high grade issues Total sal- $1.2110,000. United -tales lives registered declined, *yg bid. Total sales of slocks to-day were 147,600 shares, Includine: Burlington 9715, Beading 3150, Itock island 10.670. .*-.;. Paul 9290. People's Gas 13,815, Consolidated lias 6650, Sugar 39,450. LONDON* MAKKET. NEW YORK, Nov. 18.— The Evening Post's London financial cablegram says: The stock mar kets are featureless. Americans were better after a period of dullness, but there was do trading. Details of the gold movement for the week show the receipts 01 98,000 pounds in coin for the Cape and the saie of 40,000 pounds in eagles for the continent. The Paris bourse was quiet. N-EsV VOKK MONEY MAKKET. Closing l'rlce* J*or llomls and Railway Shares. NKW YOKK, Nov. 18— Money on call steady at IVs (?■-"(,'; last loan 2%; closed at 1-V_@'-*.; prime meicautlle paper. 3i__l4l / 3V: Sterling ex change steady, with actual business in bankers' bills ai $4 ?T"-;'_<<j;4 85 1.2 tor demand and $4 r>'J /i for I.IX \ oa.s; posted rates, $4 831_(_i4 s6**,/g commercial bibs. J 4 82; silver certllicates, 58Va<d 69*-_c; bar silver. Si'^c; Mexican dollars, 45. L (.•overnment bonds, firm; State bonds, dull; rail road bonds, firm. l ING STOCKS. Railroads— 'Sl Paul ft Omaha. 76* _ Atchison 12-54 Preferred 142 Preierred 2™ St P. M ft M .120 Baltimore ft Ohio. 12s, southern Pacific. .IP 1 /* Canada Pacific.... 803-4 southern hallway. 9C S Canada Southern.. ft* 3 /* Preferred 29«g central Pacific... 11% Texas ft i'aclflc... IOLj Ches ft Ohio 21 j U P,ir 2d assmt pd 191.4 Chicago ft Alton.. 158 1 UFDftG 7 Chicago, Bft Q.... »* Wabash 7 Chicago ft E 111... 52 ».-.,. Preferred IT -1 , Chicago, In Ift L. 81*. 1 Wheel ft _ E 2 do do prefd. 26 Preferred 8 CCCft st L. 321.4 j Express Companl*"s— Preferred 78 I Adams Ex 154 Del ft Hudson 109 Vi| American Ex 116 Del Lit 154 i United States 38 Del ik Rio O 10*4 Wells- Fargo. 110 Pieferred 44»,g Miscellaneous- Erie, new 14-V4 A Cot Oil 31% First preferred.. 3b\« Treferrei 7i'. 2 Ft Wayne 16*->»/4 Am'n Spirits 9 Gt.Norpfd ISO Preferred 20 lioc»iug Val 5 1 - Am Tobacco M'j Illinois Cent 100 Preferred 109 -. Lake Erie ft W... 15 14 Peoples Gas 93-/ 3 Preferred 69 Cons. Gas .185 Lake Shore 169 I Com. cable Co. 175 Louis ft Nasn 5 8 Col Eft Iron 203g Manhattan L J do do prefd... 80 Met St Rallsvay...lo4-_lGen. Electiic 321,4 Michigan Central. lo2 j Illinois steel 48 Minn ft St. L -'2 Laclede Gas 39% do do Ist pret'd. 85 [Lead- 33V_ Mo. Pacific 21-5.8 do prefd 103*, Mobile ft Ohio 241, 2 Nat. Mr. Oil 17 Mo. Kft T 1..*8 ; Oregon Imp. C 0.. .. 15 do prefd -****•>» Pacific Mall 30 N J Central 86 Pullman Palace,... 169 NY Central 106 --liver Certificates. 68 N V Chicago ft -t L 1 »% -tan RopeftTsvlne. 4' 2 do do Is- i.refd. 73 , Sugar 131 dodo 2d prefd. 30 j Preferred ill Nor West 13*._ 1 C ft Iron -J-Li, NoAnierco 4 jU S Leather 7' g No Pacific lblg Preferred 62*. Preferred &2-y_i U S Kubber 15- _ Ooiarioft W Isi_ Preferred 6:--4 OreßftNav . . 32 ; Western Union j*i'.'- 4 ore short Line.... IS-^IChGW 13 Pittsburg 167*4 c ft N W 120% Reading." 21 Preferred 163 Bock island 863* Rio Wstn — 'J'2 Si Louis ft 5W.... 4-- _, Preferred 62 Preferred 10 'StL ft southern.. 6V2 St Paul. .. P-*>„| do Ist preferred. 63Vj Preferred... '.'.'.'.'.'. li»-/»; do 2d preferred. . -jo-/-* tXOSINO bonds. V f New 4s, reg. .. 127* '.N ,1 cent Ren 55.. 113 do do 4s coup. . 127:1.4 North Carol. 6s. 122 Co 4s. Reg il2:< 4 Do 4s 10344 do4s. coup. 1133,4 Northern Pac lsts. 117 1 2 do2s. Reg Pbi/2 Do, 3s. s**i /8 dobs, reg 114 Do, 4s 91i_ do ss, coup 1141/8 X YC&Si L45,.104Vr District 3 65s 1091/4 Nor & VV 6s 1-0 Ala Class A 10s Northwest Consols 14 Do. Class B 108 Do, deb ss. 116 Do. Class C «8 Oregon Nay lsts.. 112 Do, Currency.... 101 Do. 4s 933 8 Atchison 4s >*t;t4 tO S Line 6s t r...- 120 : Do. Adj 4s 6414, Do, sstr 92T's Canada so. 2d5.... Is 6**_ O Imp lsts t r 102 Can Pac 1 sis. Do, 5s t r. 43 Chgo Term 43 Pacific 6s. of '95... 10'J*.* i&t'hiojs 110*. 'lendint 4s 84-«_ CH & D 4-_s 104, V Bio O West, lsts.. 81-. Den <fc X _ lsis...lo7i_iSt L <fc 1 M Oen 5s 851,4 len ifc BO 4s 873 /8 St Lis FGen 6s.llHi East lenn lsts.... 109 -t Pconsols i:-9 Erie Oen 4s 7U st P C A P lsts.. ..1191. F W <fc D lsts r.. 68-. , Do, 5 s 116V4 cen Electric 55.. .. 102*. S Carolina Nn-lnd. L, OIIA. *> A 6s. 104 -outnerp Xv 55... WVI do do 2s. ofd. 1023/4 1 -tanßpeitTwlne6> 60 H&TCentsj. 112 j linn New Set 35.. 851-4 do con 6s. 104 Tex Pac Lit O lsts 96 Iwa C 1-ts 99 1 /' Do, reg 2d s 27v 8 Kan P Con r. . .. I*9 U P lsts 102 Kan P lst(DD)t 2 U P D ifc Gulf lsts. 47 La Nw Consol 45..100 Wab lsi 6s 105' 4 LtfcNUni4s 843,4 Do. 2ds 78 j Missouri ts 100' West Store 45..... 11014 ' M X T 2s 611/4 'Vs. Centuries 67J-. Do, 4s BH-'.-4 . Do, del erred 4 N V central lsts.. j KsCiiy P&Ulsts 5s MINIMI STOCKS. (hollar S 48 'Iniario 8 300 Crown Point 20 Ophir 76 ' on. cal. <fc Va... 100|Plymouih 08 Deadwood 9!) Quicksilver 100 Gould _ Curry.... 25 do pfd 900 Hale A Norcross. 1 50 Sierra Nevada.... Ml Homesfake. SO 00 standard 360 Iron Silver. 20 U nion Con 30 Mexican. 35 1 Yellow Jacket.... 30 Boston. BOSTON. Nov. 1?. — Atchison. 12V_; Bell Tele phone. 263- Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, i»4!g-. Mexican Central, 514; Oregon -short utie, I8V4; sau Diego, - — . NEW YORK GRAIN AND PRODUCE. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. - FLOUR— Receipts. 16,662 bbls; exports, 7425 bb s. Less active but continued steady. WH 1 AT — Receipts, 8950 bushels: exports, 163,270. Snot, easy: No 2 red, 98fi. c. Options opened steady on covering, but immediately so.d off under big Northwestern receipts and uosails faitorr cables; advanced rapidly on rumor -d ex port business to Hungary, but collap ed finally under realiz ng and disappointing exports, closing s/sjc net lower. No 2 red November closed at Sbi.ic; December, 965__,97V_c. closeJ 96*V_c. Hop*-- steady. Mac common to choice, '95 crop. 4(ii 6c: '96 crop. 4@9c. '97 crop, 15fgiI8c; Pacific . oast, '.3 crop, 4(<z,6c: '96 crop, 6 @9c: '97 crop. 15@18c; London market, 95c@$l 05. WOOL— Quiet and steady. Fleece, 24 _.31c. PETP.ijl.i-.UM- Quiet, steady. United closed $6 80 bid. PIG IKON - Warrants, 56 75 bid and $6 85 asked. COPPER— Lake, dull. SlO 75 bid. TlN— Easier. $1:-. 65 bid; -*13 75 asked. SPELTER— Nomina'. S4 05 bid; ii lb asked. LEAD — i* xenauge dull; »3 77-^ bid and $3 82i/j asked; broker's, steady, S3 50. Col FEE— Options closed barely steady, net un changed to 5 points dcc. inc. Sales 22 250 bags, Including December, »5 35_,5 40; March, S5 65 _) 5 70. spot Coffee— Bio. weak: No. 7 iv voice. 63 8 c: No 7 jobbing. 6^ c. .Mild, sveak; Cordova. Bv-j@ 14c. >_B_M sUGAR — ltasv. firm; refined firm: ' cen trifugal 96 test. 3%; refined, strong, standard A. 4T/ 8 c; cut loaf. 56 /8 c: crushed. 56 /8 c; powdered, 51.t- granulated, 5c BUTTER— Keceipts. 2238 packages: steady: Western creamery, liMtitC; Elgius, 23c; faciorv, lli_@l4c. tin>-.- Kecein s. 6500 nackages: steady. State and Pennsylvania, 20(0.25c: Western, 22c. Dried Fruit*. NEW YORK. Wot. 18. — California dried fruits steady. Evaporated apples, common, 6(§i 7 : pr.rue "wire tray. 7'*/4C: wood-dried prime, fei/gc: choice. fc-/sc. fancy. 9_)9y a c. I- it UN ES — b.s.&l.c _ lb. us 10 quality. APBK-OTs — BoyaL 7(_B%c; Moorpark, 944 lie. PEACHES— Unoeeled. 7&10 v; peeled, 12@17c per pound. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. CHirAflO. Nov. 18.— Wheat opened weak and ,jc to S/ g lower for May and i/ c to s/ 4 c lower for December. The reasons for the weakness were from widely separated sourc«s- There svas but x .i<l$ 3 /-l advance at Liverpool, a distinct disap pointment in view of the fact that 1 1 4 was added to the price here yesterday- . The Cincinnati Price Cuireut was rather bearish in this week's crop summary. Owing to a mistake iv the May quota tons from San Francisco it was made to app ar that wheat for the delivery declined 7V a c per cental yesterday. That startling show of weak ness was supposed to be due to poor export de mand or some unexpectedly heavy . Pacific stocks. But these figures we ie afterward c. rrecied to show tha the pri c had in real! y advanced li.c and considerable buying was inspired' by tbe cor THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1897. rection. Oats got on a pave * about the same time and remembering the effect of yesterday's flurry in that market the buying of wheal was all tne more vigorous. May wheat 0) ened at fron 9; Sj" to 90*y 8 c as com par. d with yesterday's closing price of 9U**i flf.9 '%c. During the firs' feu- minutes' trading u.e price settled to 90V4(0.'9( S' B e. Then the market started on a leiov. which resulted in an ad vance to 91S / 1 / / 2 by noon. Ihe Atlantic port clearances of wheat and flour amounted to 475,000 bushels. New York reported good orders at tbe opening mere from English pro vincial ports. not her radical change occuned in the senti ment of the ciowd without any tn sh modification of tbt- general market surroundings, a scamper from under what was feared was about to become a falling market precipitated the event and prices had a sudden drop in the last i wen. minuitsof the session. May falling to 90@90V»c and closing weak at 90' - Corn was lairiy active at limes. The early mar ket for May was influenced by wheat, but the good short demand for December, urged o.i by the advance in oats strengthened the market consid erably. The market weakened toward the end in sympathy with the realizing decline iv wheat, bu. December did not get- below yesterday's closing prices oats attracted as much attention as yesterday and big business whs transacted. There was anx iety on the par;, of December snorts to get out and good buying by parties in the Unitea States .to in crease their lines, the result being higher prices ln tbat option almo.i from the start. There was a fairly good trade in provisions. The feeling was weak at the star , probably In sympathy with wheat. Commission-houses seen ed plentifully supplied with bin ing orders, and the demand from this source, coupled with moderate buying by shorts, made a Him market the rest of the session, though price changes were small. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No 2— November, New Decemuer. New iiav Corn No. 2— November December. War Oats No. 2— December. May M -us Pork V bbl- Hecember../. January Lard, * 100 Ibs- December January bhortßlbs, 100 &3 December | January I Aktici.ks. "95"" 905/8 -I 26% JBl/2 30 21 " 6 /8 iip«u. Hielj. Low. | Clo<e. ! 945-i G6 94»i 95 flVa 90 90 Vb 26 %| 26 V»! 16 Vi 26% 2t3/, 16V3 301/4 29=»/4 -'9% 221/g 21 22 25!» /4 1 12V* 2i!3/ 8 740 7!17%7 87V4 H 35 8 25 8 30 4 17% 415 4 17' a 4 32 Vi -1 2VV2 4 32 Vi 4 27Vi 4 -- 1 /* * 26 430 425 427 V a 7 30 8 27V» 4 15 : 4 3<) 14 20 1 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, quiet. Winter, straits, $4 50_14 60; clear, $4 30® 4 40:si*riiiB specials. $5 i.O Minnesota hard patents $4 90@5 00: No. 2. Spring heat, 88@89~: No. it Sprlne Wheal. «4'i92c-. No. 2 Bea. 95@ 97c; No. 2 Corn. 27c: No. 2 Oats. 22', 2 @-3c; No. 2 White, f.a b., 24*y B @24*y_c: No. 3 White, tali, 23*vi_i24.-: No. 2 47' f c: No. 2 Barley, f.o.b, 25',__&43c: No. 3. : \o. 4. ; No. 1 Flaxseed. $1 00i/ 2 @l 10' _: Prime Timothy Seed. $2 65: Mess For*. *s 00., $7 35@7 40; Lard. _» 100 lbs. $4 22i/2©4 25: Short Klbs sides (loose). $4 20 04 80; Dry Sailed Shoulder* (boxed). 4*4&9& c: Snort Clear bides (boxed). 4t_(asc: Wh sky, distillers' finished goods per gal. $1 18; sugar, cut loai. . granulated. ; standard A, . ARTii-j.ks | Kecelpis. I Shijimeuts. Flour, bbls !| 6.000 Wheat, bu 822.0001 144,000 torn, bu l»9,00U 670.000 Oats bu 391.00 1 356.000 bu 'J4,000| 60.000 Barley, Uii 55,000 A RTK-I.KS. On the Produce Exchange io-dav the Butter mar ket was steady; creamery, 16@21\_c: dairy. 12 @20c: cheese quiet, htgiSi/fcc; eggs firm, fresh, j 8c Wheat Movements. Receipts. Shipments. Bushels. titles. Bushels 427.800 Minneapolis 37.730 357.010 Duiuth 23.260 41,600 Milwaukee 70 200 3.2.100 Chicago -144. 226>2 Toledo 27 200 6..0J St. Bonis 74,000 5.763 Detroit. 026 43,500 Kansas City 63,500 1, 2*6,625 V 456,961 TIDEWATER. 19,577 Boston. 60,194 ...Boston. 60,194 163.270 ...New York 86.950 49 483 Philadelphia 25,723 121.856 Baltimore 152,000 Nesv Orleans 25 4,186 324. TARIS -rcTuaics. . _jK-g6fi Nov. Jan. Hour— Opening *"2 61 15 Closing 62 10 61 10 Wheat— Opening -9 60 '.H95 Closing 29 80 . 19 LIVJCBFOOL WHKAT rrTl'im Dec. Mar Ma v. Opening 7 43,4 7 s', 78% Closing 7 41,4 74% 7 3-._ EASTERN LIVESTOCK. SIAP.KET. CHICAGO, Nov. 18 -CATTLE— The bulk of the saUs of native beef steers sold at $1 104,.") Extra choice Slipping beeves svere sold at $5 30 _tb 4 ', and very common steers weie sold to dressed-beef concerns at ***3 7,">(<-j4 Sales ■ f fed Westerns avera:in; 1150 to 1360 pounds were at $3 75@5. Stockers and feeders S3 50 _;4 36; Western ranee tattle. S3 50@4 10 for steers. m OS— Sa cs were made at *3 25ftj)H 55. SHEEP -Were saiab'e at S2 50@i 60 for poor top ime; rane-rs selling at *3 90 _, I 50, aud f*d Western at $4 50 v.4 60 L-mbs sold at S3 75 @."> >*5, chief! v at $4 80_i5 75. A good many sheep were lett over. Keceipts; Cattle, 11,500; hogs, 30,000; sheep, 17,000. Kansus City. KANSAS CITY, Nov. -CATTLE — Receipts, 7000. Best grades steady, others weak. Texas steers, SJ (S3 85: Texas cows. 9'i sU_).i: native steers, S3 50_>*>; i a ive cows and heifers, $1(0. 4 25: stockers and feeders, S3 25_>« 30: bul.s. i'J . b(_i 25. BOWS— -Receipts. 14, 000. Market about steady. Bulk of sales. S3 3503 45: neavles $3 25(a) 3 471.: packers. 53 Vofti3 45: mixed. S3 1:0 (a,3 50; lights. *3 30©3 45: yorners. S3 40@ 3 45; pigs. .$3 15@3 40. SliEEi— Receipts. 3000. Market steady. Lambs, S3 50_6; muttons, S3 btV_4 75. • "ii.iiii s. OMAHA, Nov. 18.-CATTLE— Receipts. 4000. Market active, stronger. Native beef steers, S3 'o3 60; cows and heifers, $2 85@3 80: can n rs. *2(g.2 15; stockers vnd feeders. S3 60® 4 41); cat yes. »3 75@5 75: bulls, stats, etc.. S-'fis 3 7b. H< (is- Keceipts. 5600. Mark»t steady. Heavy, 43 25Cd>3 40: mixed, 93 30 'a. 3 35: light, »3 35., 3 46: bulk of sales. $3 aimH 35. SHEEP — Keceipts. i6oo. Market early. I-' air to choice natives, $3 75(g)4 50: fair to choice Westerns, S3 60 -{4 ' 5: common and stock sheep, s3_3 80: lambs, t4'_b 50. CALIFORNIA FKUIT SALES. CHICAGO. Nov. 18— The Earl Fruit Com pany realized the following prices at ruction to day: drapes— Single crates. Emperor $1 21; Red Emperor, 91 26: < ed Emperor, clusters, $1 76; White Emperor, $1 21. Three cars sold to-day. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 18. Auction sales of California fruit by the Earl Fruit Company: drapes— "-ingle crates, Tokay, 75c©*fl: avenge, 89c: Emperor. .fl_»l 45; average, $1 31; Ferraris, 75(£95c: average, pic one Car sold to-day. BOsTON. Nov. 18— The Earl Fruli company auc.tlo.ieO California fruit to-day realizing the fol lowing pries: drapes— I okay, single crates, 91 25 _)2 80: average. $1 49; double crate-, $2 90_i4 15: -verage, $3 69; Verdelle. single crates. P,*ic's $1 30: ■ average. Jl 04: Cornichon, $1 15@1 -to; average. $1 24: Ferrara. 9! 05; Muscat, $I_> 1 55; average, 91 88 Two cars sold to-day. NEW VuKK, Nov. 18. — ibe Earl Fruit Com pany's auction sales of California frul : drapes- Emperor, single cra'es, 90c@*2 65. average, 97c: Red Emperor, 90c@$l 15; average, 91 Di. Four cars sold to-day. CASH IN THE TREASURY. WASHINGTON. Nov. 18.— To-day's statement Of the condition ot the treasury shows: Available .ash balance, 1103 108,563; gold reserve, $156, --163,625. NORTHERN WHEAT MARKET. Oregon. PORTLAND. Nov. 18. -Wheat-Walla Walla, 73c; blue stem, 7£c; valley, 76c per bushel. Washington. TACOMA, Nov. 18. Wheat— No. 1 blue stem, 75*/ 2 c; No. 1 club, 72',_c, PORTLAND'S KUSINES-J. PORTLAND, Nov. 18 —Exchanges, $274,747; balances, 932,13 L FOREIGN MARKETS. Leaden. LONDON. Nov. 18— Consols, 113 7-16; silver, 26*5 id; French rentes. 103f SOc. Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 18. Wheat— Quiet: No I standaid California, 37s 6d; cargoes off ooast, nothing doing, 3d er; cargoes on passage, sell ers at ati vance 3d; English country markets, quiet; Fr* ich countty markets, dim; wheat in Paris, firm; flour in Paris. quiet. COTTON: Uplands 3 7-B*4. EX CHANCE ANU BULLION. sterling Exchange, CO day 5.... .... _, 14831. Sterling Exchange, right — . so 1 Sterling cables — 4 87 New Ycrk Exchange, sight — 15 New York Exchange, telegraphic — j7i_ Fine t-ilver, lier ounce — *»'% Mexican Dollars — 46 iKODTJCE MAKKET. *I\HJ£AT -»_\_J OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT— The Astree lakes for La Pa'llce 79, --306 ctls, valued at Sl 13.000 Tbe French and Eng, ish markets were stronger, ana this market should have sympathised, but the Irregularity ci the Chicago market kept It down until aiternoon, when it recovered. Tidewater quotations are as follows: $1 37 1 "j& 1 38»4 for No. 1, $1 40 tor choice anl $1 41*-_© 1 421*, ■_ c .i lor extra choice lor milling. CALL BOARU S-AII-S. ' Informal session— 9:l6 o'clock— M ay— -1.- OOOctls, $1 36%: 10,000, $1 36%: 10.000,$! 366/s. second SK-isiox— M»v-4000 ctls. $1.-7:2001;, «1 36%; 8000. $1 86% ; 4000, $1 36%: 200,, »1 36Vs Decern bT— OOO-, $1 »7*Vfc: '-WOO, »1 37* g. MoRNINa session— May— lO.iO ctls, $1 347 ; .0"0, $) :5: 2000. $1 3s*-/s- December 2000, *1 37; HOOO. $1 37' 4; 4000, $1 38. AFTERNOON "SESSION — JlsV — '.000 Ctls, $1 351/ 8 ; 2000, »1 351/4: 4000. **1 353/„; 80J0, $1 35*-/,; voio, $1 Mfyf, "-000. $1 35%: 30.000, $1 3i%. December— lo,ooo. $1 -8. BAIiIKY- Brunt Feed Is so senrce that it is hardly worth quoting. The market continues dull. Feed. 82*>_(_90c fordark to good and 9-V2<* * ctl for choice: Chevalier, for s-ed, $1 30_,1 <-0 *f»c:i; Brewing, $.1 05@1 10 lor No. 1 and 90@9->c _*. ctl lor dar_ Coast. CALL BOARD SALES. Informal t-EssioN— 9:ls o'clock — No sales. Second Session— No sales Kkoulas Morning session— May— l4,ooo ctls, 87V..; 2000. 873/ 8 c; .000. b7i_o. AFTERNOON session— NO Sales. OAT. — There is the u*ual jobbin? demand, and thai is about all. Fancy Feed, $1 -.'.o@l 25; good to choice. $1 l2i/ 2 (ai is «s ctl; common, $1 05 @1 10: Sumrlse, $1 2691 35; Ken, $1 25(q,l 35: i.ray, $1 loial 15; Muling, $1 12%_U l 7v 3 fl cil; Black, tor seed. Sl 35'|ftl 60. Cllpp.-d Oats sell at $lffl2 is ton over the ru"* product. COK.\— The demand lor I bis cc: eul Is slack and prices are weak as a rule. Small Bound yel low quotable at $1 05 9 cil: Large Yellow. 92Va _,95c; White, 96c. KYK— Very weak and dull at tl@) 05 ft ctL BUCK -Quoted at $1 2U@l 35 * ctl. FLOUR A-N!> MILLSTUFFS. The market continues dull and easy. FLO UK— Net casn prices are: lamily extra*. $4 75ft4 85: Bakers' extras. &4 50_,4 60 *# bbL COKNMKAL, KTC— Feed Corn, $22 _■ ton; Cracked Corn. $23 (524 ?! ton. MiLLsTUFFS— Prices in tacks are as fo'lows, usual discount to the trade: Graham Flour, »a f* 100 lis: Bye Flour. 52 50 100; Bice Flour. $5 75*. Cornmeal. $2 25 extra cream do, $3; oatmeal, $3 50: Oat Groats. $4; Hominy, $3 10_) 3 30: Buckwheat Flour. $3 26(33 50: Cracked Wheat, *3 25; Fariua, $4 50; Whole Wheat Flour, $3 25: Boiled Oats (bbls). $5 ?o»tas 90; In sacks. $3 76; Ptari Baney, $4; split Peas, ¥3 50; lireeu do, $4 25 ft 100 lbs HAS A*Nw fr' XX US TUFFS. Bran Is exceedingly scarce and quotations are accordingly firm Ml Idlings are also strong. Hay is showing nura tone, though thera lsnochange in prices. BKAN-sl7(a>iß fl ton. MIDDLINGS— $20 5()_|22 50 fs ton. FKKDSTUt'FS— Boiled Barley, *}20@21 ijston* OU caste Meal at the mill, 430 ft ton: Jobbing, $31; (.'bopped Feed, $165417 ft ton: Cocoanut Cate. $17 50: Cottonseed .Meal, $29 (530 ft ton. HAY — Wheat, $1201450 «ion; Wheat and Oat, tllftiil3so; Oat, $10_ll2; Barley. *10_»1 2: cm pressed, $12(_i4: Alfalfa. *B(ft9 50; block, nomi nal; Clover, $B@9 50 if* ton. bTKAW — 30_>46c _ bale. BEAN'S A.SO -l IDs. Shipment of 1191 ctls Beans to New York. The market for both Leans and S -ids is d ult. BEANS — Bayos. $1 76@2: Small Whites. Cl lOidil 90; Barge ss hlies." 90c'ii$l 05; Pinks. •Jfl 25(ftl 35; Beds. »1 .is(r£l 40: Blackeye, $1 75 U.\ 30: i.ed Kidney. $1 76_il 10: Llmas. $1 60® 1 70. Butlers, *1 36_)1 50; Pea, $1 -.0_)1 40. SEED-* — Brown Mustard, 9- iii ctl: Yellow Mustard. $2'av2 60 s?. ctl: Flax, $1 806*2; Canary seed, 2Vi_»23/4c 1? lb; Allalfa. 6>h_c; Rape, 2_l 23-4 C; Hemp. 3c: 'llmoihy. &V3C. DRIED PEAS— Niles, $1 25; Green, $1 20®1 40 V Ctl. POTATOES, ONION-. VEGETABLES. River Potatoes are weak and (lull. Vegetables s! o v no change worthy o. note. Onions ar^ steady. I'OTATOES— Ear., hose, 35 ,40c; ...s-r .:»li. 35@40c: River Burbanks, 30A$40c {_ sack); Oregon Burbanks. 40. .s'jc: Salinas Burbanks. 60 WbOc; Sweet Potatoes, 40©60 c "#1 ctl for Rivers anu 75c tor Merced. ONIONS— SI 25_,1 45: Oregons, "31 40@1 60; Pickle Onions. 50@>75c «*» sack. VEGETABLES -Mushrooms are nominal: Mar rowfat Squash, $10 V tou: Hubbard Squash. $10; Bay cucumbers, 40ia50c "i* box: Green l'eppers, 40@60c %s box: Dried Peppers. b&tic %s If,; Green j Peas, 4<g>sc * tb: string Beans, »><aßc _ lb; Lima Beans, nominal; Dried Okra, l-',-*-: Fgg Plant, 40©75 c: Cabbage, bl>_i7b.- _■ cii ; Carrots, 25 _) 30c ft sack; Game, StjgiO-jct* lb; Tomatoes, 35® 50c %i box. I'OULTlti .i.So GAME. A car of Eastern sold at ll(c012c for Turkeys, $4 for Ducks and Broiler?, $6 2S_)5 60 for He s, *6 tor young Roosters aud 14 60 for old Boosters. Another car goes on to-day. In local s ick there Is more firmness and Hens ana young Roosters are doing better. I Ive Tur keys aie also tinner, iliougu eased ur<- Silll dull. Game sho.< s uo particular change. FOUL I BY — Live Turkeys, 11*791 2 L!*c tor Gobblers and 11® 12 ] .: ior Hens; dressed Turkeys, 13@15i ; Geese. '.'■ pair $1 25SS1 50: Ducks, $3 60@r>4 50; Hens, $3 . (>_,.'> %■ doz 11; Roosters, young. «4(j)5: do. old, «4f«6* 50; Fryers. $3 Mlc.i 75: Broilers, $3 25 ©3 50 lor large and $2 50(_>3 lor small: Pigeons. $1 25(_1l 60 *' ftoz for young and 75c(_:$l for old. GAME — Quail, *_- dozun. **l@l X 6; Mallard, *3®3 50: ( unvaaboik, «J_»s: sprig, $2,162 LO; Teal. BT'so<u*i 75: Widgeon. *1 75632: **ruall Duck, $1 SOfftl 75 V doz; Gmy Geese, $2 6007.3; White, *1 -jftfjl 50 't dozen: Brant, $1 50;o.2; English Snipe, $1 75A2; Jack Snipe, $I©l 25 Bare. $1 r<Sl 25. Obits, $1 25@1 50 lor cottontails and 7oc(fl;.tl for small. BLTTEK. CHEESE AND EGGS. There was never any wider discrepancy between the views of dealers as to Butter than at present. Some r« purl sales of fancy Humboldt Creameries as us Sic, while 0.1.e.s insist that 2ec is the to of the market. Under this state of affairs it is almost impossible to give accurate qi o'-ations. I.kits con, i uue 10 ad si. nee. BUTTER— Crkam KRY— Fancy creameries. 28@29c; spe cials, Hie: seconds, 26@27c ¥ lb. Dairy— Choice to laucy, 23@25c > tt>; lower grades _ $<$■__> l/.,c— '_ tb. >IBKlM— l9(*t2oc ft lb. CKKAIIKKV IB— 221_@23l/ 2 c _) lb. I astkrs — 12_il3c for ladle-. lacked. CHEESE— Choice mild new, I'Jigl'JVz'". com mon lo good. 10_,1 Cream Cheddar, 11A12c; Youug America, l'J{£l2*ysc; lire. 10i (_)ilc; Western, ill__U2c; Eastern, 12i/ a @l3i/_c _ lb. EGGS— Kancn Eggs, Ab(cb4'Ac _ iloz; store Ecgs. nominal: Eastern. 30c for "fancy, 25c for firsts and 17@20c KM seconds; Duck Eggs, 20.'3'25c ft dozen. DECIDLOU-i AND LiTKL'S FRUITS, J-eerillng Oranges are lower. Grape Fruit has declined, Lemons are losvtr weak and dull. Persimmons are comlug in more freely ana are lower In consequence. Peaches are no longer worth quoting. HL__s_l Th- first .Mandarin Cringes this season have ar rived from Japan an.l are selling a', $2 _> box. DECIDUOUS FRUITS— Strawberries $2 50(0,3 £0 %s chsst for largo. Raspberries, S.i «*> cbesL Cape Cod Cranberries, S"@9 t» bbl; Jerseys, St. 25(<t9: Coos Bay, $2 bWa'J 7 5 _ box. Pears, Winter Nells. 7&c<s-*'l ; common kinds, 35f<iti5c > box. Apples, 26@40c ?! box for common and 60_.85c for good to choice: Lady Apples, $'J_i'2 60 for large boxes. Quinces, 2t@soc _■ box. Grapes, In boxes. 21 ftC4oc for all kinds. Crates sell about 10c higher than ooxes. Persimmons, 26@b0c . IB box. CITRUS FRUITS— Navel Oranges. Sl 50 (33 76: seedlings. $1 HHSfii Grape Fruit, S3 sU(a)<3; Lem ons, 75 ®S1 '-'5 tor common and $1 6V_,'2 for good to choice! Mexican Limes, if2ia)3 50 tf* box: Califor nia 1. imes, in small boxes, 25c: Bananas, $1 _,J 'ft bunch: Pineapples. 82(c.3 'ft doz. DRIED 1 RUTS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. Dealers report no lm nrovemenl whatever ln the markev The denial dis still very slack. DHIEI) FRUlTS— Quotations are as follows: Prunes, carload lots, 4i,_(ai«V a c :or 40-50's. 'A-\ 4c for 50- 60s. 3l.®3VvC tor 60-70's, 2<»4@3c for 7c-80's. 2i/*@2i/oc sf, to for 80-80* ana i*/__(ti,-Ja tor 90 100's; Peaches, bli_b\/ 2 c ft to: fancy. bi__j 7 1 _c; peeled, 10@12-/2*, Aprlcois. s@6c ?. to for Royals and 7(c.H>_o lor good to fancy Moorparks: evaporated Apples. _)7V_c: sun-dried, 3-C41&41 _c: black Plus, in sacks. -_'@3c: Plums. 3i/._)4*v?c %t lb fot pitted and ligil 1,-be for un pitied: bleached Plums, sc; Nectarines, -Kalrjc ft to tor prime to fancy: Pears, 2 (gibe lor quarters and '2L/_x_\ti\_c for halves, according to color, etc* RAISINS— New Raisins, '2 1 /4- i ! 'C for 2-crown. 4c for 3-crosvn. be for 4-imsvn, 61'jc for Seedless Sultanas and $1 10(<k 115 lor i-oudou layers. Dried Grapes 2%c. N UTS— dies' nuts are quotable at B_|.loc ft to; Walnuts, 7@7V 2 c _i lb tor hard and h_)9c * to for softshell; Almonds, 3(21 4c for hardshell and 9c for paper-he i Peanuts, 4054 for Eastern and 4c for California; Hickory ituis, s'_>t). fl lb; Pe cans, 9_Uoc _ lb: Filberts. 9_.9'_c; Brazil Nuts, B_.9c: Cocoauuts. 94 bC(gis %t 100. HONEY— Nesv Comb. loc for bright and 7®9c for lower grades: new water- white extracted, 41/49 43/-JC; light amber extracted, 3*>/.©4c %t lb. IiEEsWaX — -:8028c "ft to. VISIONS. The market continues quiet at the old quota tions. CCBEU MEATS— Bacon, By a c^ to tor heavy, Pc ior -lignt medium, 100 lor ight, lOVfcc IS lb lor e^tra ngnt and a 2c for snear -cured. East ern sugar-cured Hams. 10**_@llc; California Hams. 9(_i9i--*c ft to: Mess Beef, ?8 ft bbl; ex ra m»-ss"d". . *9; family do, 810: sal; Pork, l_@n 60 f» bbl: extra prime Pork. $9 60; extra clear. $].; mess, $14 %» bbl; Smoked Beef. 10Vi@l-.'iy<*n *# to. LARD— Eastern lierces quoted a: 5-/.C i? lb for compound ana Be tor pure; pans, 7c; California tierces, 6c V to tor compound and be for pure; half-bbls, 10-to tins, 7c; do 0 -lb. V*y_c. OI. EN E— Tierces, 6S, c. Pa_sta«re* less than SCO tt.B— l-to palls, bO in a case, b%c; 3-lb pails, 20 in a case, -3,'sc; 6- lb pahs. 1- in a case, M.c; 10-Ib pulls, din a case, 8i/ 8 c; -0- tins, lor '-' in a cat... 7fy B e: wooden buckets, '.'d lbi net, 8 c: fancy tubs 80 lbs net. 7/i,_c: half übls. about .10 tos. 7i_C©ib. HIDES. TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKINS— CuIIs and brands cell lc under sound stock. . Heavy salted steers, 10c * lb: medium. 9c: light. 8i..(a.9c: Cowhides, B-_@9c: Stags. "6i_c: salted Kip, 9c; salted Calf, V lb; salted Veal, 9c; dry Hides, 151 .c; culls and brands, 12@12Vi>c: dry Kip and Veal. 14c: dry calf, 18c; culls, 12c: Goatskins. 20_)35c each: Kids, sc; Deerskins, good summer. 25c iS lb: medium, 20c: winter. 10c; sheepskins, shearlings. Is(g>2sc each; short wool. 35(ffi60c each; medium, 60_)80 each: long wools, 80c(^$l each. TALLOW— Na J. rendered. : J fa3*_c ¥ tb; Na 2, '-U_t'2_&; refined, fk:; Grease, 2@2y<ic *•> lb. Wool. — Fall clip — Middle counties, free, ]0_313c. do defective. )0@llc; San Joaquin, de fective. 7@9c 'If, _>; do Lambs. 6i_®Bc: southern Mountain. 9®l2i -. free Northern, 12«fil4c $ tb: ao. defective, 9_,11c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 13@15c »* lb. HOPS— OId crop, 2@6c If* lb lor poor to lair aud 8_;10c lor good; new crop 10@14c. GENERAL .CHAN DISK. BAGS— WooI Bags. .'._,6oc : Fruit Bags, 6y_ft 5->4C and 6c for the different sizes. COAL— Wellington, $8: New Wellington. $8; «*o*-.:hlleld Wellington. »7 to: Seattle, $5 60: Bry ant. 3 5 50: Coos Bay. $4 75; Walisend, $6 75 * 10:1; Cumberland, $14 60 %> ton in bulk and $16 In sacks; Pennsylvania, Anthracite Egg, $14 «* ton; Welsh Anthracite $8@12: cannel. $9 50 V ton; Bock Spring's, Castle Gale ana Pleasant Val ley, $7 60 coke. $13111 bulk and $15 ti ion in sks. COt'^EK— Tne circular of C. X BlCKford says: "Business sice ihe 6th Inst has b.*en dull. Pr.ces remain abou i-s previously quote 1, prlucipa ly be cause the movement has not b -en sufficiently lar^e embri C > all q-' all lies, win c tims ■ dealt iv show a 1 eas > r miMke;. for al kiid., ver** low grudts. say 4r<i>6c. xcepte 1. lue la.ter i.r j ap clie p en. u.n to s tisfy 1 . ers' r quire, aid c ulail. pass 11110 cot sumption even when all other sorts remain neglec ed T -e first sale- of new crop Guatemala nave est. b ishad quotations for good to pr me washed, as Indicated further on, and are i ■ de '.a id at the figures given. Supplies at this wr tn ff are ot course nil. Mho New York ma ket 1, . , rnz Is is quoted to-day at bi_c or No. 7 and 8c for Santos No. 4, the latter ha log deciu.u i_c since 1 s". lepor . To-day's stcc . consists or 840 Cos a Kica. 285 cOls Salvador, 12.420 Guatemala and 400 .Uexi (au-in all 1e',963 bags, against 9092 bags same lime last year. The steamer colon Is due about the 19th Ins", with 3' o t);i-s " We quote. Costa Kica— lß@l9c lb nom. for prime washed (none here); 11(31 7c nom. for good washed (none here); 1 '< fa* i 7 *./ i: for good peaberry; 13© 14s 7 ic for goo.i to prime: ll*yi _u2y c for good mixed with black beans; ll@l2y 2 c tor fair; 6@loc for common to ordinary. Salvador— 1 1 i/j*fdil6c for good to prime washed: 12y 3 (ail4c for fair washed: 16_il7c t» lb for good to prime washed peaberrv; lli/ 2 f<-)l2c for superior unwashed: lKmlli.c for good green un washed: it %c %* lb for good bleached unwashed; 14@l'c for good to prime unwashed peaberry. Nicaragua — 10i__)!2c tor good o sunerior unwashed : 131/9^141. ior good unwashed peaberrv. GUATEMALA AND MEXICAN— 18© M- 2 C _ tt) for prime washed ( evs . pi: 1 7 _> i . - '■ _ for good to strictly good washed (--ew cio •)-, 14_>!.'i- yi lb for lair washed; 9—._)lsc 'Or medium: t@9c for ordinary; 4{s'v«/,,c TS 11. tor inferior to com mon; 1 (318 c tor good washed peaberry; 140 for good unwashed peaberry; ll(q)i2'_c for good to superior unwashed. sL'uAK— The Western Sugar lieflnery Company Quotes, lerms net. cash: Cube arid Crushed and Fine Crushed, 66_c: PowdereJ, 6%c: Dry Granu lated. 5y 3 c V lb: Confectioners' A. sy2C*. Magnolia A, 6i/ B e. Kxtra c, sc: (-olden C. 4%c: Candy Granulated, 5. r . < V California A, 51,4 c; naif-barrels Vie more than oarrels. and boxes '/2 C more. SAN FKANCISCO MEAT MARKET. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh terers are as follosvs. BEEF— First quality, @7c; second do. s*_@ 6c: third do. 4@sc s>. lb. VEAL— Earg- sC<i>6c: small. 6 @7 -ft tb. MUTTON- Wethers. 6_»7c; Ewes, 6c $» Us. La MB— Spring, 7_,Bc _ lb. POBK— Live Holts. _*/__,-?/$- lor large and 3V 2 C for small and 3fisi_)3s A c for medium: soft. nogs, -* 1 /^(st3Vsi--'%s lb; dre.-se.l do. 5«*,6c. KECEIPTS OK IKODUOB. -tor 24 HOO-Rl. Flour, sks.... 4 900 Eggs, doz 6,840 Wheat, ctls 58 805 Cheese, ctls .... 199 Barley, .340 Hides, no lob Corn, ctls 1 790 S Pelts, bdis. 7 Oats, ctls 950 ! Wool, bis 99 hye.ctls 320 Wine, gals 26,800 Beans, sks H/J!* Brandy, gals . 2.1-00 Potatoes, sks.... 1,416 Kaislns. ooies . 323 unions. sks . 17ol.ime.oDis. ..._ 81 Middlings. ski. .. 20 Leather. His .... 61 Bran, sks -ugar. bbls 3, 1'1l Hay. tons 290 Mustard Seed, sks 210 strasv, tons 10 Quicksilver. flskj 120 Butter, ctls 157 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. .1 L Ward, 111 F .1 Mats id, Chlcazo I! Rasmusien, Sacto 1) .1 Hanson, Vallej 1 I* Martin, suisun M J Foley. -* Luis cblspo J J Lurrlsou. Fresno S Stephenson. Stockton C B M .inland, L Angeles o Foster, Oasdale M McCarthy, Visaiia H samm. Angels Camp G F Leonard, L Angeles C E feeble, sta Bai Intra Miss T Johnson. Stocktn T Hammond, Portland A C X er, Mazatlan P Lam her _ w, Mexico O Jones. Panama Mrs Frautz, Ohio H Bay, Carson City LICK HOUSE. F Ba-rett, San Penito LT II field. Sacto X Wenbnum. Hauford Thomas Gannon, Cnl J Gannon. <al II s Wood, Angels C»mp i ti !»arnon, Cal L I* Aside sic, Idaho Obs I ard ft w, Idaho Misses Card, Idaho Mn D li Campbell, Idh John-on. San Jose E T Dixon. Merced W i, I Brothers. 8 Rosa J C Hardin. L Russell, Saratoga J Wilmansftw,. A L. True, Spokane sv l* **hasv, Louisville W Pannlster, Columbia W J Henderson, Sacto T M Mannon, sacto E i' Donohoe, H Kafael II .1 sea'ou. San Rafael F Watson, Oaklsnd J J Morrow, Cal E W Allen. Saa Jose COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL J Mundorf A- sv. **onora Miss X Mundorf, Sonora A S Baker. Auburn Miss M Mundorf, sonora W J Hall, Oakland J F Woodbury, Gulnda C Weaver, Delano H s Sambo. Tamoia J A Burns, Omaha G Mlcgell. Omaha A A Johnson, Tulare T C Collins, Fresno F For J. Los Angeles O X Wall, Elsinon KOallanav, San Jose . Ci Harris. Sac'.o I, Parker. Sacto ' .Mrs p. Larrtni Cal J E Collins, re-no a II i her & sv. Cal J H Hand, ,-an Jose M l.onsb»rry. Cal Mis M < alklns.V-d, .Mich J McStay, Michigan II -*• Lustre it iv, Ca' F M Ellis, Portland W B Cook, Portland A C Har- shorn. Portland J D Biles* A fm. Seattle Mrs B Rilev, seatt c M'ssJ Klles. J-eatt'e OJ summers, Cal Mrs Is Thracker, Boston Miss O Ihracker, Boston KISS HOUSE. W B McDonald <fe w. Cal G W Barnett, Sonora i. McConn lg, Rocklin W White Jamestown II Barnett, Sutii.ra 11 Buckman. Hop, and E* Oswalt. Los Angeles VV Nichols, Manchester E A Ward, Chicago M David*on. Fru tva'.e E Kendall, st Louis G Olivas. Fruitvale F Edlesten, Los Aug L Walters, Frultvale Mrs P Cauncy, San Jose C San ters. Australia E Mathle, Loi Aug W Rnffner, Eompoc L McVay, Del Norte W shea, Paris W Marshall, S Rosa B J Wright, Arizona M Marshall, s Rosa J Smith, Dakota W 31 cl ml re, NY J Humphries), Arizona II Baiker. iioplaid J Kelllng, Ukiah E Houghton, Oakland CH Bryan, Sacto X Sntherla d, s Kosa R ianeman, Texas II I'auihright. Wash AMolenhauer, Wash J Davis, Portland J A Shosvers, Cal E E Lawson, Victoria AY H Grant, Honolulu palace hotel. H W Patton, Los Ang Es Kendall, St Louis J Marx. N \ J W s-mih. Colo II A Ensign, N V Miss Ensign, N V HWehrnene. Ei.lgesvood G M iiynms. N V M A Myers, Chicago W - Beiille3*, Chicago C R Williams, N V A .-* l.elund. Boston W 1' c, Seattle W W Cliapln, sacto H Liodiey, i os Ani C f Keller Jr. Hamord J C McKee, Anz L v. Doming, N V O A Hal ard. N V _>_ O Matthews, Washlngn L N \\ ood, Copper River W D Holland, Cinacas Mrs ) B Allen, --oaitle Miss G C Allen, Seattle Mrs Holland, Venezuela It h, Brown, Victoria G D Aiendiil, Australia D B Lazarus. Australia O s Minn. Nev It Peters, N V .1 T Boyd <few. sanßafael _ II i layton, Omaha W - King, Indianapolis C C Mclver, .Mis Sn Jose 1. 15 Mclver. N V - 11 P<mery. Palo Alto P J Donahue, Colo B W trimmons, Colo BALDWIN HOTEL, J A Adam*. Los Aug II T Grlllin, Chicago E F Enuer. Milwaukee W H Mill's, Ukiah J J Jury, sau Jose J II Butcher, Livermore G Laumar, Portland Mrs N Mackay. Seattle H Crane, london J McCudden. Vallejo Mrs J cuddeu, Va.lejo Miss McCudden, Va.lejo J Thesgraeii, Louii W H Carew, N V James Comp my " - Laudie <fc sv. N V C J Amen, NY HO Bland, N V B C Thayer, NY' L J Henderso 1, N V .Ml as U Worden, N V Miss A c'Keefe, N V Miss i.'Keefe, N V _ Dickson. N V C A Cotter, .N V .Miss Bouton, N V s Mlgliavacco, Napa I Kahn. Plymouth J Temans^y. Sacio F CiOwley, Cal E (i i oung tfc sv, B C J c Walker, Fresno Mis J C Walker, i- resno Miss Walker. Fresno J W stilt, Vacaville N Merrill, N V Heleu Car, Boston • GRAND HOTEL. X F Eraser, Sacramento F Tayio , Birds Landing It A Sommo:ly, Sacto F snow. Sacramento J McKlunon, Sacto 11 W, kureka J it llllborn, --almas Dr H symmons, Cal F Fowler tfc w, Cal S Peters. California G Mack, Ca lfur. ia O B Mcßrlde, California J F linl, in, a: erf ord Mrs W li-uter. -New-caul T Boyd, Santa Maria 11 Stowell, Sauta Monica J V Hi.l, Treutou E L Moss c. Stockton I Bird. Meice i J II Millzner. Tucson P Musto, Tu.son ll (Ij . ago .a, Los Angls J A Waters tfc w, Denver V E Cooper * w, Denver EP. Pengret, St Louis OH Reichiing, Jackson T B Corv, Chicago Dr J D May, Santa Ross C Hamlin, Jackson A L Kopp," Port Harford R Gardner, ('akland E P smith, Los Angeles Ci F Hillwortn, Oakland A Mil haelson, Cal A E iiivernoll, Husvail *-> OBreen, Victor. a it O \v hile, J.anford G P Stewart, Crows Jdg II Pales tfc w. Virginia A H Anderson, Belmont J W Power, Be. mom Ci E Want**, Be mont D W Marietta it w, Colo J C Johnson, Bedding J E Potndexter, Yuba Mi-s I. Chudhurne, Suisu Miss J Giudiugs, -ulsun WD Buckby — w. Mian B A Counol.y, sacto . . v H Thomas ifc wf, Utah A P Colema .. Martinez T ii Walker. Wats invllle W .s shersvoou. Salinas S McConklin, S-alinas ! A Meyer. Modesto - Br S J Call: CSS Bear J H Brusel, LockeforJ O W Kimble, Placerville W S Wallace. Boston W F Puruell, sacto R S Brosvnr, -aula «osa J s Marrler. Lincoln S J Peterson, View B Carro.l, California F A R ush, San. a Rosa The Tim,, Ball. BRANCH lIYPRonKAPHIO OFFICE. U. S. N., ) MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, V- San Francisco. November 18, 1897. ', )■ - The lime ball on Telegraph j till was aroppsl exactly at noon to-day— L c., at noon of the l'JJ'.a meridian, or exactly at 8 r _. Greenwich time. '■ w. s. nouns. Lieutenant U. S. N., in charge. tTEAMKKS TO SAIL. BTK«M*II ; KSTIVATfvV.| -• * i us. I PI KB President... Oregon Ports.. I N ov 19. spm Pier 2 Arcata Coos ISay N'ov IV.IOax fieri' Columbia.. Portland No v lii.lViH flee '-'4 I omnnit.... | liamboldtliav Soy 20. 2pm Pl*' Queen Isaii bieso.... Nov'Jj.llam Pier 11 UmatllU.. .. Vlo<fePetsnu \"ov j-j. Ham l'i«*r ;» Weeotc ' HumOoidtKav N'ov 2V, 9am Pier 13 urek» j New port Nov •_"-•, Vau Kirn LI Hurabo'dt. . Hnmboldtßav Nov 23, Ipm Pier 3 fotate of i a i'uriiaii-i nov 24,i114M : fier . 4 Puma Koss San I>leso Nov ".4 Ham Pier I. (.'hiiKai KTnditle. . ... \ov 9a « I'ler 13 loo» Bay.. . Newport Nov . >>. Hau PIt.U BTKA3IKK, TO AIUiIVE. ->T KA M X II BOM i Dub Freiideoc j Yuquintt Bay Kmplrb 001 liar Iruckee Vaouma Bay I'matllla, ■ Victoria .tt i*ueec Sound North tore .... : U 11mb 'l at Colon I'r.nama Pomona.. , Humboldc any Ktirelcau. ,. Newport. Weeott Humboldcßay Mlneola Comoi State of Cal I'oruium. ilumboldt. ... Uuraboldi i Homer Coos Bay j t-anla Ko«a :>aa l)i».'D _ I eter Jebsen... Niviaiino (-l)ilkat.. he; Klver Procreso Seattle Mackinaw 1 aroma C'ltv I'iiPDla Victoria x Paces souqj Coosßcy Ne port „ ' Au»lr»ll» i Honoiaiu Arm; a ! Coos Bay ' Crescent City. .. ! I'resceuc Oltv ! Orizaba ' Mexico | Columbia lortlana : Queen ; *an Dieea. .nov 19 .\ov 19 Nov 19 ..Nov 19 ..Nov 19 ..Nov 19 ..Nov IV ..Nov 20 ..Nov 20 ..Nov 20 . Nov si ..Nov 21 ; .Nuv i.'l Nov _'•_• ..Nov.' 2 ..Nov 33 ...M'V 22 ..Nov 28 ..Nov 23 ..Nov 24 .Nov 24 ..Nov 24 ! . . ov 25 ..NOV -'5 : ..Nov '26 . .Nov 26 SUN. MOON ANU XIOJK. Cxitut) STATER Coast and Geodetic StTRVUV. Times and Heights of High and Low Waters at Fort Point. Entrance to San Fr.« ncisco Bay. Published by Official Authority ok the Sdpkkintkndknt. Notk— The high and low waters oc ur a' ths City Front (Mission-street Wharf) about tsvent/ five minutes later than at Fort Point; the height or tide Is the same at both places November — 1897. FrHar. November 19 Ann rises 6.55] Moon rises 1.l Bam Sun sets 4 56 I. Moon sets > Hill: Feel i±i|Fee» ill!^ Fee:' 1 """ Feet j? 'L, IV ! H W j L SV I H U ' i» oTill 1?7 0.56 I 6.41 1.^5 isi K. i^ To •JO 58 -.1 7.3! 6oj 2.15 1.0 9IS 4.9 -1 1.45 2.5 B.OM 6.0 3.04 0.2 10 08 4." 2.' 2.80 2.H 8.47 6.1 3.n-J —0. 11.04 4.4 ■J3 ?.lli 30 28 *.3 4.3 k -0.9 1!..)5 4.4 24! 4.03 5.3 10.14 0.3 6.281 — 1.2 li W L Wj a W L W 25 O.SO 4-5 4.51 3.4 11.02 64, B. IS -1.2 26 1.46 4.5 6.42 3.4 11.62 6.1 7.09]-l 1 Note— ln the above exposition of the tides Urn early morning tides are given In the left band column, and the successive tides of '.be day In lb* order of occurrence at to time. Ths second tims column Rives the second tide of the day, the third time column the third tide, and the last or right band column gives the last tide of ths day, except when mere are but three tides, as sometimes iccarts. The heights given are ' additions to the •oundlngs on tbe United States Coast Survey Charts, except when a minus sign (— ) precedes in* height, and then the number given la subtract! vs from the depth given by the charts. NOTICE TO MARINERS. U. 8. Bran<-h HYDBOBRIPItIC OFFICE, i San FKANCISCO. November 17, 1897. / The Depart ment of the Interior. Honolulu, H. 1., under date of November 4. 1897, gives notice that fixed white lights have b*en established on the Islands of Kauai and Hawaii us follows: First— Nininl Point, north of the entrance to Nasvllisvili Pay. inland of Kauai. Tower, an open wooden frame, surmounted by an Inclosed lamp room, painted white. La-. 21 57 N , long. 159 20 W. Elevation above sea level 10 fjet. Visible 10 miles. Seco d— On Keawemoe. near Alia Point, Ha waii, nine miles N. half-W. fiom Uito Bay and N. 3 W. magnetic from licht on Paukaa bluff. Tower, an open svoolen frame, surmounted by an in closed lamproom. painted whne. Lai. 19 51 N., long. 155 6 W. Elevation atove sea level 65 feet. Visible 10 miles. Th rd— On Katihola Point, svest of Keokea har bor, district ot Kohata. Hawaii. Tosver, an open svooden frame, surmounted by an inclosed lamp room, painted white. Lat. 20 15 N-, long. 155 46 W. Elevation 60 feet Visible 10 miles W. s. HrRHKM, Lieutenant IV S. N. bHIJPFLNG IMhLL.OLMJi.. Arrive I. THURSDAY. November 18. stmr Tillamook, Hansen, 41 hours from San Pedro: ballait, to Pollaid ft Pod.**. stmr Olpsv. inland. 18 hours 'rim Santa Cruz, etc: produce, to GoodalL Perkins .too. >tnir Colon, Mackinnon. 20 days frm Panama and wa. ports: pass and mdse. to pM S b Co. Stmr Crescent City, stocs tieth. 34 hours from Crescent City; pass and mdse, to Hobbs, Wall ft Co. Stmr Mariposa, Hay ward, 24 days from Syd ney, via Honolulu . days — hours; pass and mdse. to J D Spreckels ft Bros Co. stmr Point Arena. Hansen. 15 noun fron Mendocino, etc.- pass and mdse, to Mendocino Lumber Co. Stmr Queen, Jepsen, 61 hours irom San Diego, etc.: nasi nn i mdse, to GcoOhll. Perkins ft Uo. SimrGeo Loomls, Brldeett. 33 hours fro _ Ven tura: 6272 r.bis or, to Pacific Coast OH C->. stmr Greenwood. FagerlunJ. i 4 1_ hours from Greenwood: lumber, to L E \s bite Lumber Co. Stmr Areata. Reed. 52 hours from Coos Bay. via Port Oriord — hours: pass and mdse, to O C ft N Co. Brsbip Wainrlsht. 55 days from New castle. NSW ; 4134 tons coal, to R P. Hogue. Br ship Pen I cc, Donaldson. 157 days from Ant werp; mdse, to W it Grace ft Co. Haw bark santiato John on. 25 days trom Hllo: ballast, to J D Spreckels ft Bros Co. Bktn W H Dimond.Nilson. 21 d<ys from Hono lulu; pass, sugar and rice, to J D Spreckels ft Bros Co. Brig Galilee. Dinsmore. 32 days from Tahiti; pass and mdse, to ,M Turner. schr Monterey, Beck. 18 hours Irom Bosvens Landing: lumber, to F Hey wood. Clearoit THURSDAY. November 18. stmr Cleveland, Hali. Seattle: ET Krnie. Br stmr Coptic, Sealby, Hongkong and Yoko hama via Honolulu : O&OSS Co. stmr Cits* of Sydney, McLean, Panama; Pacific Mail s S Co. simr Oregon. Jensen, Astor a: OR & N Co. ■ Stmr Columbia, conway, Astoria: Oregon Rail way and Na\* Co. Dal ship Macdiarmid, Cricuolo, Queenstown; Ci W McNear. Br siiLi Alosven, Page. Hull, Balfour, Guthrie A Co. Haw bark R P Rlihet, Thompson, Honolulu; Welch & Co. Bailed. THURSDAY. November 18. Stmr City of Sydney. McL*">n, Panama. Br stmr Coptic, Sealby, Hongkong and Yoko hama via Honolulu. Stmr Tillamook. Hansen. Stmr Washtenaw. Crossoup, Tacoma. Mmr Scotia. Johnson, Yaqulna Bay. simr Coos Bay. Hall, San Pedro Stmr Oregon, Jensen, Astorii. Br ship Balclut .a. Dnrkee, Queenstown. Schr Maxim. Olsen, Caspar. Schr Re lance. Christiansen. . S'hr Bender Brothers. Wetzel, Timber Cove. Schr Five Brothers. Jensen, t'ihlers Point. Schr Christina Steffens, Nordllug. TVls-ur-ipl-ii*. POINT LOBO-. November 18-10 pm— Weather thick; wind SW; velocity 8 milej. Charters The Br barks Brussels and Selkirkshire were chartered prior to arrival for wheat from Portland to Europe, 37s 6d. Domestic Ports. SAN DIEGO- sailed Nov 18— Stmr Excelsior, for San Francisco EUKEKA— SaiIed Nov 18-stmr Alliance, for Portland . LANDING- Arrived Nov 17-Schr Ocean Si. ray, hence Nor 13. FORT BRA GO— Arrived Nov 18-Stmr Rival, hence Nov 17: stmr Coquille River, hence Nov 17. PORTGAMBLE-SaileJ Nov IS— Bktn Kliki tal tor Honolulu. VENTURA— sailed Nov 18-Schr Mary Buhne. for Eureka. TACOMA— Sailed Nov 18— Bark Levi G Burgess for -au r rancisco. ED I'EKA— Arrived Nov 18— stmr Humboldt, hence Nov 1/; stmr Weeott: schr Sparrow, hence Nov 14. SAN PEDRO— Sailed N v 18— Schr North Bend fir Willapa Harbor; sch.- Hueneme, for Hue neme. EUREKA — Sailed Nov 18— Stmr Pomona, for San Francisco. TACOMA -Cleared Nov 15— Br ship Howard D Troop, 'or liueenstown . SEATTKE-Arnved Nov 18-Stmr Thrasher, hence Nov 11- saiie i Nov 18— Jap stmr Blojun Maru, for To koboma. HUENEME-Arrlved Nov 13-3cir Vesta, frm Port Blakeley. Eastern Ports. - NEW YORK— Sailed Nov 17— ship Reaper, frm Philadelphia, for San Francisco. J-'orssien Ports. SYDNEY— Arrived Oct 22— Br bark Darra, frm Port flake Br bark Helen Denny, from New Whaicom. In port Oct 15— Br ship North Riding, for San Francisco, via Newcastle NsW*. bark Oregon, for San Francisc*, via Newcastle, NSW. PORT l'l KlE— Arrived Oct '4— Br ship Annie Thoma -, from Moidyviile, and in port Oct 25, for Oreiton. PORT ADELAIDE— In port Oct '25— Br ship Hornby Cattle, for Oregon. NEWCASTLE. NsW —In port Oct 25— Br bark Alm«ra, for Oregon; Ssved bark Aracan. for Panama: Br ship < ambusitent.eth. for San Fran cisco; r ship Conishead. for San Francisco; Ger barkGu-tavo Adolfo, for Acipulco: Br oark in veramsay," for san Francisco; Br ship Pyrenees, San 1;' rancisco. Cnariered to load— Br bark Antartlc, Hal ship Australia, for San Francisco: bktn Chas F Crock er, for Honolulu: Bchr Defiance, ' for Honolulu: bark Gen Fairchild, . Br baric luvercoe. for San Francisco: schr King Cyrus, for Honolulu: ship Louisiana, for Honolulu; baric McNear, for Hono lulu: Br fhip Nor Ridmsr, for San Fianclsco: soli Oceania V,. nee, for Honolulu; bar < ore-on. Nor bark Prince Robert, Jtal ship Royal *>vor»gn, park Seminole, bark Snow _ Burgess and nark Undaunt-", for san Fran is o. HONOLULU — Ai.lved Nov 10-s:mr Mariposa, from S.*di c,. COLON— Arrived Nov 17— Stmr Allianca, from New York. . , DUNGENESS-Passed Nov 17— Br ship Andel ana, from -nsiowu. PORT AN LEY— Sailed Nov 9- Br ship Ag est Oswalt, for Vancouver. IV YOKOHAMA — Arrived Nov 17— Br stmr BelS'c^j hence Oct 30. '^ SYDNEY— Arrived Nov 17— Schr O jj, from Eureka sHaN'-Hal—Arrived Nov 17— schr Normad, from T»'oma suiied Nov 16-schr Golden shore, tor Hako date. I NEWCASTLE, NSW- --ailed Sep '27— Hr Ship Marlborough Hill, lor San rancisco net 6— Br ship Kate Thomas, for San Francisco. Oct 7— Sch \\ 11 la! bot. tor Kabul in. Oct 11 — Br ship Pen** weiu. for "-an ■• rancisco. Nov 1 2-Br ship Gleuo gil, for San Francisco. SYDNEY — .ailed -ept :-;0-B;tn Mary Wlnkel man, for San Francisco. Movements of Trim--- Atlantic Steam-srs. .NEW YORK— Arrived Nov 18-Stmr No ge, i m Copenhagen: stmr Amsterdam irom Amsterdam. QCEENSTOWN-Saiied .Nov 18-3 . Adriatic for New York; stmr Waeslaud. tor Phib.del- Ph ONDi'N-salled Nov 18-Strar Mohiwk, for Nesv York. . ,• v, _■' , ' CHICBBOURG-SalledNov 18-Stmr Spree, lor * AN TWERP— Arrived Nov 18-stmr -outhwark from Ne-> York. .. , ROTTERDAM- Sailed Nov 18-Stmr Veeudam, for New York. 1 tnr>ort»t.ion». HONOLULU- Per W H 1 imoud-VO4O bags rice. 72 bags coffee. 24 pkgs mdse, 5400 bags su ' * TAHITI-Fer Galilee-1e8.560 kilos copra. 84. --347 coc anuis. 1184 sks 103 bales fungus, 203 sks beche de mer, 30 tins vanilla, 1 piano. 32 bbls 1 os shells. " , CRESCENT CITY— Fer Crescent City- 1 horse, 210 M ft lumber, 1 dynamo, 8 lubs 'i kees 50 bxs butter. 46 bbls salmon, 127 apples. lcs guns, 3cs 1 bbl meat 'i chsts express Ics mdse, 1 sk coin. MENDOCINO-I'er Point Arena— 2l bxs apples, 2 bals pelts, 74 hides, 1 sk tails. 2cs mdse, 1 bx .vers, 1 valise. Point Arena— 29 bxs butter. 123 bxs apples. - coops turkeys, 1 cs eggs, 1 sk bides, 14 bides, bes mdse. 2 bdis peits, 1 basket, 1 coop geese, b4OU posts. 9S M ft lumber. 26 M shakes. ANTWERP— per Ben Lee- 3328 nkgs •'*-'•„ board, 916 obis whisky. 200 cs soap. 22;' cs » 'MP oil, bes sculpture ,20cs b ue. 6 csks -4 cs ' ' ._t 45 cs liquors. IB cs msrble, 1 cs picture fram- /^» cs maibles. 5 cs 50 drums chloride of lime, 165 bbls sulphate o bar.' tes. t.7 phur. 13,10*> bbls cement, 111 kios coke. iHd cs mineral water, 3d boilers. .40 crts 7*» cs machm ery. -00 cs geneva. 360 M k 109 silver sand. MOSS LANDING— Per Gipsy— l bx butler. Id sks corn. Salinas 1 chest tools. B anto -440 sks potatoes. Moro c0j0— 1675 sks potatoes. Monterey— 6s okgs mdse. Santa Cru«— 2 bxs butter, 3 cs cheese, 50 rol leather. 5 p-gs eat her, 16 bxs apples, 10 bxs peais, 124 sks oones, 1 cs drugs, _ ens heads 400 bbls lime. .',; NEW YOBIC— Per Colon-l»5 rkgs paper. obO pkgs hardw: re, 415 bbls oil. 239 pkgs wire, 70 pK s picks. 631 kegs shoes, 500 keg- nails, 226 coi.s rope, 860 cs sauce, 221 bales sheetiu_, 200 bbis starsch, 77b bdis 382 bars 90 pat s iron, 40 p at<;s stee., 80 bb.s chain, 180 bbs ash, 896 pk_-J mdse. Guayaquil— loo sks coffee. Ce.itral * merica— 29 sks coffee, 3 pkgs treasure (value $2634 in gol I). Acaptilco— s4B cs limes. Maa-Htlau-75H hides, 389 sks ore, 49 sks treas ure iva:ue $60. 46 In gold). PORT OBFORD-I'er Areata— l4 bxs butter, **_ bb. fish, 1 hide, l bdl hide*. Coos Bay— i tub 27 bxs butter, 42 cs cheese. 677 bxs butter, 3 bbls butter 21 bdis hides, 40J tons coal, 9 p-tzs express. SYDNEY'— Per Mariposa— lls bdis skins, 3 bdis hone-hid 26 bags honehides. 99 bales wool. 55 bxs sovereigns '75.000), 300 bxs sapo* 15 bagi coal, 120 okgs wrappers, 60 cs mdse, 85ciem lies. 1 b.t "paintings. 4;-(7 Ingots tin. 1 cs bicycle rim*. 2811 hides, 53 hides, 10 emptiei, 4 bxs ni.'se, 60 cs mdse i csk pelts I bx leather, 1 cs finings. - Auckland— 9l bxs skins. 1676 hides. 10 bxs sovereigns (150.000). 113 sks s-ed, 4 caks pelts, 1 csk sausage c s ng, 94 sks coffee. t* pia - : 51 6 bags copra, 8 pkgs plants. Honolulu— 2 cs nousenold goods, 832 bchs ba nanas. 4 crts bananas SAN EGO— l'er Queen— 62 bxs raisins, 1 bx wine, 20 cs olive oil, 3f>s bxs lemons, 20 bdis dry tlsh, 5 uf-bbis pickled fi*h, 1 cs tobacco, 174 i sks wheat. 1068 sks oats. 26 ca honey, 1 bx waste, 77 bxs limes, 1 keg olives, 139 bxs oranges. 1 cs dry goo s, 1 bx scales. 1 bx telegraph supplies. Bedondo- 2 sks asbestos. 58 lemons, 1 sk cement, 1 hblcats»p, '.0 i.bls vinegar, 33 cs pow del, 1 cs cheese, -Si sks cos, 217 tuts ©rang***, 1 cs dry goods, 1 sk nuts, 215 sks walnuts, 6 sk3 dried fruit- Port Los An:e es— l chest tools. 360 cs canned goods. i 75 sks wheat, 1 crt machinery. 4 cs poul try food, 1 bag ginger. 1 cs paper. 1 cs citron. Santa Barbara— l bx China. 250 crts persim mons, 1 sk cbestnu.s, 92 bxs lemons, 4a bdis bides. 21 sks crawfish. Port Har -10 cs eggs, 63 bdis hides. 2 bbls I tallow, 1 sk tails. 4 wheels. 5 i. ononis, 3 ndls iron, I 1 bdl moies, 9 sks walnuts, 948 ssts dried fruit. it I pkgs household goods, 1 bill paper. 2 bxs baking 1 powder, 10 oxs outlet, 10 coops chicken i. 6 bxs <. ears, 89 bus apples, 2 cs dry uoods. 6'J sks bones, J 189 sks dried prunes. 81.1 sks dried apricots. 6 s.s dried p an. 4 dressed ca. yes , 4 cs honey, 1 Ddl pelts, 46 ski dried peaches. 6cscneese 2 sks rope, 634 sks wheat, 402 sks btrley, 210 sks milliard. 3913 sks beans. 328 sks ttarvanzas, 9 sks fish. . . consignee*. P-t Gipsy— H Joost; LO Anderson _ Co; CC Moore; Enterprise Brewery: Erlamier <fc Malinger: Thomas Louguran; Wolf <fe sons: Dalmn Bros; Derooto it Co: Htaudaid « II Co; Buffalo Brewery: tal Bottling Co: McLeod .v. HAW rink: lulls Bio: Kron Tanning Co: stevartsfc Co: N Ohlamp <fc Co Lahgley ifc Michas.s; U H Brewery; U Co well ifc Co. Per Marirosa— J D Spreckels ■ <fc Bros Co: Gi' bert, Clements & Co: - London, Paris aha Ameri can Bauk; U Beveridge; Willamette Pulp ami Paper Co: Bedington A Co: the Standard Biscuit Co; Anglo-California Bank, limited; Mrs. Jean netteMoo ebons*: ii A Lozier <fc Co; John Wie land Brewery: 1-rank coffee: Mack -V Co; D W Muratta: California Transfer Co; • C E Heise; Over Freight CO; 3 Koshland «fe Co: Can Enllgh; II O Oreenbood: Cox Seed and Plant Co; Mattson «fc Donglade; Sherman it Kirshner; Nightman A Co; Wilkins & Co; Williams, Di mond 4 " o; W Ford: Thomas; Chas de Leon; J McLachliu: Wetmore Bros; M I) Vanvans: A Collie Fruit Co; Hugh Howell: Jno F Martinson. Per Galilee— M Turner; Man, Lee ifc Co; J 1 luet & Co; John Wightman Jr; Wilkins & Co; I E Thayer: order. Per W 11 Dimond — Jones, Paddock & Co; Louis Thomas; M S Gnnbaum it Co; Alexander & Bald win; Sing Fat ifc Co. Per Point Arena— D Keefe & Co: S N Nason; Standard Oil Co: W B Sumner <fc Co; Captain Ericksen; Charles Joy; O Plummer: F Bint man; Dennisou it leillng: Buss, Early ft liarvllle; Le gallert & Hellwlg: J Baggreen; Boss ifc Hewlett; J Kircham: Dairymen's Union; Immeltt lot A New field; Dunham. Carrlgan tfc Hayden; J F Kenny; W F Mitchell. I'er Ben Lee— Louis Taussig: L Westhoff : F A Last; Junes de Fremerv ; A Yignier; Hellman Bros. J M Boden to; Brown Bros ifc Co; Ameri can Import Co; E Gegana; Charles Graef ifc Co; Claus Spreckels: W R Giace ifc Co: order. P,r Areata— Hiimer. Biedhoff tfc t-chulz; F B Haight: Dodge. Sweeney _ to: Gela Bros <fc Co; TH Dillon: s H Frank tfc Co; Legalist it rlel wie; Wells, Eargo ifc Co: T ioughrnn; D Deßer***sß nardl ifc Co; ... arshali &R; Marshall. Teggart ft J Co. G « Starr* Co; k C Frederickson; Dalton Bros: Labor exchange; Nash — Boesnecker: W - R sumner & Co; G Dennler; H A Moss; H Brenauer. 1 er Queen— Kohier ifc Froling: the Johnson- Locke M Co: We Ituan, I-v-ck tt Co: Goodwin ft Co; ST Gage: Francis Bros; F A Miller: B E Rush: Anient an Tobacco Co; S Wangenheim .fc Co; southworth ft Fo:ger; Gray ft Rarbien: ore con Coal and Navigation Co: Sel by Smelting and Lead Co. Payot, I'pham it Co: J 1 emartir.i tt Co: Campodonico tfc M; X 11 de Witt: Page & son: C D Calkins: .V H Adams A; Co: KaiinKios: Pair banks, M tfc Co; Mitchell -c Goodsll; H G Green hocd; L Sp; Bell ft Co: H Bit Co; J O Bhln hurt; Wolf ft sons: E Adams: I- --ca-ena ft Co: O M Fox: J lvancovich ft Co. Galli Fruit Co: J M Pett grew: --unset 1 and T to M Moskosvitz; Sresovlch ft Co; Neal it Kalish; Sherwood ft sher wood; Ca liornia Wine Association: New mark ft Edwards: J W Goodwin ft Co: McDonough _ Runyon: J Newman; J Miler; P V Kelly: AG Freeman: Dalton Bros: J H Cain st Co: D - Alli son ifc Co; .1 W Evans: G \V McNear; E J Davis; J 11 Cross: Tillmann ft B-ndei, A E Beid: Lit M Alexander: M hhrman it o: Sanborn. Vali ft Co: I* A McDonald: A Faadlni & Co; Pacitt- Coas- Fish Co: Milan! tfc Co: J H uuu^liaft o: American Union Fish co: A levy d: Co: J Ivancovith - Co; W i: -umner .t i ,; Wnzel ft Baker: standard Oil Co; Jackson Napa t-o.aio; SStrali-s: Baker ifc U'miton; Bosen berg Bros; slnsh-lmer Bros; J Is. »rmsny ft Co; Union Paper Co: I -rlcke,fc Co; Marat I ft B; X Vaninnt: 11 Kiischman -fc Co. WKCauileld; P N Anten: J J Ryder: I- G Sre.ev ich & . io;D X- Alison; Labor Exchange: A Failles: Ga.rla ft Mag. H He • o: A Federal \V heaton. Lreon ft CO; A it T Web ifc Co; Murpbr, Gram »_ Co; N (Hi alidt it McMurlu. ; Hose be g Bros: L Dailman it Co: 11 Heekmau ft Co; .. 11 Smith ft Co: boss it 11.-wlei-; J is -sewbauer.fc Co- W ss' Madge; B M Buhl tfc Co: Weaieru Meal Co; Yon Bonn, H _ Co: Mcore, Ferguson ft Co; Basieil it Bunker; E' ft Galinger co; A Enia; A I'aus.iana Per Colon— A Ze.lerbach ft -on: a gnew ifc Co; Barristul ifc lot Bluineiitlial tfc to; Ba.,er.t llam- II iou; c. A Wo th: cai ctr.c \\ oiks; C l-'r lii b; Cleveland Faucet ifc P (': (.obur.i, 'Levis ft Co: C J Hendry .-ons co: « unnin^iiam. Cnrtiss ft Welch: D .uham, Carrlia i it H Co: WeCvii an it: Co: X J Sbaiuc.ftC'. i. G Deunlstou: Gold stein Bros: Geiz Bros A: Co G H Tay .t Co Go! : berg, Bowen .*. v o; HO W edere: lia .Is 11 os .v. to; lluise. Bradf-ird tt c i ■ i ft Co; .i Wolf it B.o; London ft - F Bank; J Wl terbu.ntfc Co; JHA m iter ifc Bro; J G ..11-:i Key Un« Bros: Levinsun & Co; 1 levre. Kric. & Co; J.osvenb*-rg,tsi Co; Le count Brcs: »- Foa.-. : ,'; Perry; Miller, sioss ft • cott ; o P Dowi.lng it Co* ' Pac lei ft Tel Co: Payot. Upham tfc Co Paical* I Dubedat ft Co; J I Wr. lv; Urruel a, Ur.ose § ft Co; -chsvartz Bros: Bedingtou ft Co; it \\ J Varason & Co; it J .--nih-r: L B Leave Its tfc i o<' Stevenson tfc Co; Sherman, Clay ft Co; Sadler it Co: SHnnorn. Vail <fc > o: sussmnn, Wo niser — Co; Tillmann ft Bendel; Hairy Unna Co; Nov da Eaik: Vermont Mamie to Wester ifc co* sVv coff. S tt Benedict: Wit-land I ro-.: W Loa'zitfc Co; G W Gibbs & Co: ihe Aimer Doble Co; JJ Meyerink: J ivaucovich ft Co; a Levy & Co; Cal Powder Works; fcelby .* melting ft Lead Co: Dr D A lie. uer. Per Crescent « Ity— Hobbs.W all ft Co; F Cramer: J H Newbauer ft Co: F B Haigh : Dodge.Sss*. eney ft Co: C E Whitney it co; i. Kir. toman 4 to: Wiizel ft Baker: Get:* Bros ft Co; s Black: E Pratt: E T Allen: Kingan ft i o; Cal Bottling Co; Enterprise Brewery: Wieiaud ros; J M Allen; Standard Oil Co; Wells, Fargo sk Co.