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The San Francisco Call VOLUME LXXXIII.-NO. 5. SAD SCENES WITNESSED AT CANTON Duty Compels the President to Leave His Dying / Mother. Soar After the Departure of the Chief % Executive the Aged Parent, by a Strange Coincidence, Suf : / fers a Relapse. *t**t ** ****•• •*••*••*•*** 5" * * CANTON, * hlo, Dee. 5, 1:30 * jf A. M.— Mother McKinley has not J J failed to any appreciable extent » j, dining the night.- At i:3O o'clock * i- most of the members of the j^ J family retired for a rest, several * * of them taking turns at vigil. * J Little change is now anticipated * *. before morning. J *** *** ******** ** ******** * ****** ******** ** ********* CANTON, Ohio, Dec. 4.— Sadder scene? were never witnessed than the leave taking of President McKinley from hi dying mother this afternoon. To the Very last possible moment the President remained at the old homestead. Before leaving the house he and the other members or the family went to the bedside of the dying mother. He looked at her long, spoke to her lovingly and tenderly kis-ed her. There was no re sponse, no movement to indicate that she recognized her son. He remained in a stooping position for some time, hoping that he might receive tome sign that she knew or telt his presence. It d d not come. With feelings of deepest emotion he at last left the room. It was a strange coincidence that almost immediately following the departure of the President the mother should suffer a apse. While yet in his home county -^ Within half an hour after he left the ' Tc.ty, the iilne.-a of the mother took a torn yerthe worse, and it was thought by the '«tmily that she had suffered a second stroke of paralysis, and such announce ment was made. The attending physuian, however, declared it was not a second as sault of the disease, but a relapse, which .*>r a time threatened to extinguish the faintly flickering flame of life. >Once more, however, the rugged consti- W tution of the aged woman withstood the assault. She rallied slightly and ere long was back to the condition in which she had been for nearly twenty hours— a con dition of quiet and seemingly restful sleep, but Which, it was fully realized, was . slowly burning out the vital spark of life. . In that condition she was to-night. How long she might continue no one could tell. It was thought impossible that she could linger until the President could discharge the important duties NEWS OF THE DAY. Weather forecast for San Francisco: Unsettled on Sunday, probably without rain until in tne afternoon; westerly changing to southeasterly winds. . FIRST PAGE. McKi'iley Leaves His Mother. . Armenians to Blame. John L. Sullivan Out. McKenna's Promotion Delayed SECOND PAGE. S!osson King at Billiards. ,Trolley-Cars Collide. Drank the Lady's Whisky. THIRD PAGE Californians Reach Washington Swanson on Annexation. Innocents Die in Prison. Strange Parricide Mania. FOURTH PAGE. The Boulevard Victory. black Jack's Vengeance. Blai: T — l **-*- l one. Grangers unpose Annexation. Mormons in Politics. FIFTH PAGE. Hounded by Rea's Gang. SfXTH PAGE Editorial. i t- - .. .„: an Old Grudge. What the Committee Will Do. Prjgressive Sacramento. California Up to Date. The Austrian Crisis. Gallantry on the Cars. Personals. SEVENTH PAGE. I All-America Wins a Close Game j Glynn Accused of Treachery. . N^wa of the Water Front. '- Ccwboy a Club. EIGHTH PAGE Austria's Grave Peril. The Kaiser's Speech. The 3 host of Dreyfus. Warships for Havana. . NINTH PAGE. . A New Temperance League. Burglar? Work Unchecked. i Fulton fcuici c Mystery. \ Sharkey Will Fight Jeffries. Bali-playtrs Will Go Home. TEUTH PAGE. Racing at lnglestde. A Chorus Girl and Her Dog. Danger-, of the Klondike Trail. Curry May Have Assistants. . ELEVENTH PAG The Treasury Criticizes Jerome . ' "" • SAN FRANCISCO, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1897— THIRTY-TWO PAGES. which called him to Washington. The attending physician again announced to night that the patient cannot regain con sciousness. The President left Canton at 2:05 o'clock this afternoon in a special car. Shortly before the departure he held a conference with the doctor, who assured the Presi dent that no act of a loving son or any other mortal could do anything for the aged mother and that she would never again be able to recognize him or to rea lize his presence or absence. His last words to the family were that he he tele graphed at every station along the route as to bis mother's condition. The President has definitely arranged to return to Canton Tuesday morning, leav ing Washington on Monday as soon as he has completed his duties in connection with the opening of Congress here. Mrs. McK:nley will accompany him, as will al-o Mrs. Abner McKinley and her daugh ter, Miss Mabel, i New York. The near friends of the family are nearly all at the home-lead, including the sur viving children, several gran (Children and Mrs. Abigail Osborn, Mrs. McKinley's sister, ana mother of Will am McKinley Osbor, Consul-General to England. TREATY OF PEACE SIGNED. And Now All Differences Between Turkey and Greece Will Be Speedily Adjusted. WASHINGTON. Dec. 4— The Turkish Icat. on to-day received the following: "CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 4.— Treaty of peace between the Sublime Porte and Greece has been Msrneri this day.*? . : DELEGATE BARNEI'S MISSION. Will Endeavor to Induce Venezuela to Recognize the Struggling Cubans as Belligerents. Copyright, 1897, by James Gordon Bennett. CARACAS. Venezuela. Dec. 4.— Dr. Barnet, a delegate from the Cuban Junta in New York, has arrived here. His mis sion is to try to induce the Government to acknowledge the independence of the rebels in Cuba. The City Found Wide Open. Grant and the Marion. FOURTEENTH PAGE. To-day at the Churches. Births, Marriages, Deaths. FIFTEENTH PAGE. News From Across the Bay. People of the M Son Patient. SIXTEENTH PAGE. A Lying Circular Exposed. Suicide of Vincent Wallace. Sensational Real Estate Frauds. SEVENTEENTH PAGE. Fireplaces of Aborigines. Strange Stories of the Scu'bwest EIGHTEENTH PAGE. The Case of Captain Dreyfus. NINETEENTH PAGE. Tale of Human Sympathy. TWENTIETH PAGE. Passing of the Seal Hunters. A Tale of Two Women Part 111 TWENTY-FIRST PAGE. A Bexar's Big Bank Account. Bakersfield Woman's Club. TWENTY-SECOND PAGE. With the "Lion of Plevna." The Public School Department. -TWENTY-THIRD PAGE. In the Field of Literature. TWENTY-FOURTH PAGE. Current Events in Society. TWENTY-FIFTH PAGE. Fashion's Fads and Fancies. TWENTY-SIXTH PAGE. Boys' and Girls' Page. TWENTY-SEVENTH PAGE. . A Dissertation on the Drama. TWENTY-EIGHTH PAGE. Pergonal News of the Stat*. TWENTY-NINTH PAGE. "Uncle Jim and Uncle Billy." . THIRTIETH PAGE. News of the Fraternities. Mines and Miners. Whist. THIRTY-FIRST PAGE. Commercial News. THIRTY-SECOND PAGE. Trouble at Girls' High School. Too Poor to Pay Alimony. PIPER MILNE'S ACT OF HEROISM AT THE BATTLE OF DARGAI. When the order was given to the Gordon Highlanders to take Dargai the pipers struck up " Cock of the North" at the head of their companies as they dashed into the zone of fire. Bullets fell like rain, and it seemed as if the column would' be annihilated, but the hill was ultimately taken. Corporal Milne was shot through both legs, but, seated leaning against a rock, he sat through the fire wounded as he was and continued to play " Cock of the North." He has been recommended for the Victoria Cross. The picture is reproduced from the London Graphic. JOHN L. SULLIVAN OUT OF THE RACE FOR THE MAYORALTY Pathetic Appeals From Friends Whose Bread and Butter Depends Upon Quincy Cause the " Big 'Un " to Stay Out of the Fight. BOSTON, Dec. 4.— John Lawrence Sulli van will not be a candidate for Mayor of Boston, and no nomination paper in his behalf was filed to-day. The decision was arrived at three days ago, after con sultation between Mr. Sullivan's political lieutenants, and it is due to. the expressed wish of the big "on," who is now travel ing with hi* vaudeville company. Up to three weeks ago Mr. Sullivan had every intention of standing as a candidate for Mayor, bui he never authorized anybody to lake out nomination papers in his be half. :>•;* When he was last in Boston he wa visited by a well-Known representative of the Boston Tammany Hall party, who came from Mayor Quinsy with full powers to arrange terms, but Mr. Sullivan refused in positive and expressive language to re cede from his declaration that he would go into the fh'ht against the Mayor. What has cau^eu Mr. Sullivan to change his mind? Mayor Quincy did not doit. Mr. Qaincy's political banner-bearers did do it. It was the largeness of Sulli van's heart and' the sympathetic qualities of bis nature which led him almost at the last moment to withdraw. The friend whom Sullivan esteems .'most highly among all his friends in this city, the man who has been in reality a friend of the eccentric pugilist in prosperity an 1 pov erty, tells the reason for Sullivan's deci sion in this language: *;.;*;! "•! A "Yes, John L. is out, and now some will hasten to declare that he never in tended to be a candidate. Nothing could be further from the truth. John L Sul livan was very much of a candidate and Mayor Quincy knows it. I found that Sullivan would not be crowded out. He was very angry with Quincy, and nothing that I could do or say would change hi mint. tie was oound to 'knockout Quincy, as he expressed it. What I shall now tell you comes to me direct . from Sullivan. He las had letter after letter ince he went upon the road beg. ing him to refrain from usine his name as an in dependent candidate. Some of them came from city employes. "They pleaded with him pitifully. They, told him that the Quincy machine was desperate and that thee who were known to be friendly to Sullivan would be dis charged without pretext if the ex-cham pion insisted on making the battle. ' "Other letters said that Quincy; waswi'l ing to make "any kind of concession, and* one of them it was hinted that Sulli van could make money by coming back to Boston and engaging in business as a teaming contractor. There has been some correspondence of an important nature, and as a result of it tome o! us had a con ferenCJ and last evening the final decis ion was reached. Mr. Quincy has been notified that Sullivan will not file nomi nation papers, but that he cannot vote for a man for Mayor w o refused to shake hands w'th a citizen of the Hub whose claims to greatness are not based on fights that took place in 1812. ' "It is solely, because of concessions that have bam made, pledges that have been given anl entreaties that have been made by those whose bread and butter denended on his action, that Mr. Sullivan is not to day a candidate for Mayor." TURTLES FROM THE GALAPAGOS Success of the Rohschild Ex- pedltionto the Far South- em Islands. No Such Collection Has Ever Been Secured Since the Days of , Darwin. - • Special Dispatch to The Cau. AUGUSTA, .Me.,* Dec. 4.— Dr. W. H. Harris of this city has just received an interesting letter from his brother, Charles M. Harris, who is now at the head of the Rothschild expedition to the .Galapagos Archipelago after flora and fauna. Mr. Harris was one of a party -of five, who sailed from New York for Panama on March 20, where they expected to charter a schooner for. the. trip.- -There yellow fever was contracted, from which three of the party died.; . , Mr. Harris proceeded to San Francisco, and organized a party and sailed June 21 in the schooner L la and Mattie, arriving; at t c islands alt-T a forty days' passage. So far a known, the collection of birds and tortoises has been excelled only by that secured by Darwin in 1836. Mr. Harris writes:. "As to our success, I think, barring accidents, it is assured. We have now on board thirty live tor toises of two species and two prepared skins; about 200 birds have been, saved so far. Besides the tortoises ana .birds, we have a targe number of two species of iguanas and numbers of lizards, snakes, birds' eggs and turtles. We have covered about half of our ground, having visited the following islands in the order named: Kulpepp^r, Wenman, Abingdon, Bindloe,- Indefatigable, Duncan, Jervis, James and Chatham. From here will go to Hood Charle3. Battle, marie, Marlborough, Tower and Cocos, and then. start for San Francisco, which we • expect ,to reach about the middle of March next. We nave so far succeeded in ■ etting > about all the species of birds recorded for the different islands visited, and* undoubtedly some new ones. , ">IV.}, •,'...."•"•.' "On James Island is an enormous vol cano in a state of great activity. . This is the first active volcano on the islands since 1855. - Twenty -nine of our tortoises .we're 'taken from Duncan Inland, where it was supposed they were extinct. -They were at the top of the island, and in the bottom of an immense crater." . ARMENIANS ARE BLAMED FOR SOME OF THE OUTRAGES An Investigator Interviews Foreign Residents of Trebizonde, Who Tell of. a Fright ful Massacre and Causes: Lead ing to It* NEW YORK, Dec. 4— Dr. George Hep worth, the Herald's commissioner sent to investigate the Armenian outrages, sends the following from Trebizonde under date of November 12: I have had lone talks with persons — foreigners — who were present on the oc casion of the massacres, ' and they all agree as to the essential facts. I went to foreign residents for information because both Turks and Armenians are strongly prejudiced/ . I had a. long interview witn one whom all Herald readers would trust if 1 were at liberty to give his name. - "Where did" the fault lie?" I asked. "Was it with the Turks or with the Ar menians?" • • ■-- • • • - "Well," said he, "let me tell you a story and you shall judge ior yourself. You re member' the Ottoman bank episode at Constantinople ".»...■ :, . i^. ' "Perfectly," I answered.' j "News flies fast," he continued, "and what occurred there became known here. Two or three ■ days- afterward, I • forget which, Bahri Ba<hi was walking. the main street of' Trebizomie, when a couple of young men, evidently members of the revolutionary committee, fired upon him, their purpose b?ing assassination. They attempted -to., duplicate /the movement .which was be*uh in Constantinople. After bring the fellows fled and found a hiding place. , The authorities, urged by the populace, which could hardly be re strained, "called ;on the Armenian com-. munity to deliver un the miscreants, and added that unless they did so it would be impossible to. answer for the conse quences.'' - (.:?•:; "And what were, the consequences?". I asked. >\l'+, "That 500 men were killed." , "The number was no larger than that?" I queried. . .; '-> '^v'Sn.'t '•„; .^; ' 0,, . "That is a somewhat conservative esti mate, but after a careful investigation I think it is about a fair figure. They were frightful limes and the worst passions and fears of the populauce were aroused. Business was at a standstill and we were all. paralyzed. After that as many Ar menians, as could find a way ot escape fled, most of them io the Russian bor ders. . • . .'-X.' '" '* "And the women \ and - children?" f I asked; . . :.vr ;^ J "There were strict orders not to harm either one or the other and (bat order was willingly obeyed by the soldiers. Only two or three women and children suffered and that by accident, not by design." .1 said to my friend: "Tell me about the present condition and future prospects of the Armenians." ir'V-t..: nV''^*" "Well," was the answer "in most of the village's the Turks and Christians, Greek and Armenian, , live in perfect amity. Right here in TrtLizonde there have been very serious trouble*, but they are over. These Armenians are an elastic race, and they recover from a wound rapidly. They fled after the massacre, as I told you, but they are now returning, especially from Russian territory. They bate Russia be cause Russia does not tolerate religions differences. In Turkey they are free and can worship as they piea«e. There is never any friction, except when politics is involved. And so |they are slowly coming back and setting themselves up in business." "And this peaceful condition of affairs is likely to continue?" I asked. , "It looks so." After this 1 spent an hour with another gentleman, an Englishman, and a resi dent also. He showed- me copies of re ports which he had sent home. • • "■ "What is the present condition of the district?" I asked. - •'Wei I ,'* he replied, "It is impossible, as you can see, to make much commercial progress when disturbances are likely to occur." • "Well," I asked, "do you feel . that in security now?" . " . ■",.'•' "No," he replied. "Everything is set tling down into the old ways.. In my judgment we have fairer prospects than have been known here for years." •"What elements of ; a disturbance are there?" !"•*-.; "Very few. The Armenians are. return ing, and by spring we shall be in good condition." , , "Let me say to you," be continued, as 1 lose to go, "that for years there has not been as strong a sense of security here as there is at the present moment, for which we cannot be too grateful," and so the in terview ended. ....;-.. .. EXPELLED > FRoIU THE CLUB. Massachusetts Reformers j No Longer Have Any Use for - George -■ Fred i ■ ' Williams. • . • j BOSTON, Dec. 4.— lt was announced at the annual meeting .ana dinner of the Massachusetts Reform Club, held at .Young's Hotel this evening, that two members had been expelled' for non-pay ment of dues. George Fred Williams was one of these and Herbert S. .Carruth was the other. No regret was expressed at Mr. Williams' expulsion,' indeed there ap peared to be a disposition to 'indulge in hilarity when his name was read. " ' , I The announcement' was incorporated in the report of Secretary Warren- and was unanimously adopted. There is deep sig nificance, in this occurrence. Of course the non-payment of dues is not an excuse for the expulsion of 'Williams, for he is a comparatively wealthy man, while Mr. Carruth is rated at several hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Carruth was formerly, chairman of the Board of Al dermen and considered one of Boston's foremost financiers. It is simply the oust ing of an objectionable member who became odious -to the gold bugs by his recent candidacy for Governor on the sil ver platform and bis stumping ot New England for Mr. Bryan. The } Massa chusetts Reform Club has more than local fame, for its repute as' a leading mug wump organization is . national. Mr. Williams has always -been a very promi nent member. • * ' PRICE FIVE CENTS. DELAYS McKENNA'S PROMOTION Will Stay in the Cab inet Until New Year. TO SETTLE PACIFIC ROADS CASES. This Is Reported to .Be at His Own De ■ • sire. ' " GRIGGS CAN'T TAKE HOLD JUST YET. That Is One Mora Reason Why There Should Be No. Pres- • ent Haste. Special Dispatch to The Caiju Call Office, Riggs House.) Washington, Dec. 4.. f From the best information obtainable at this time it appears that no change is to be made in the .composition of the Cabinet auring the remainder of the current year, s There are two good reasons for this. Attorney-General Mc- Kenna has charged himself with the pros ecution of the Pacific Railroad cases, and it is not to be supposed that he will re linquish his present i>ffice until the Kansas Pacific sale has passed into history. It is generally understood that Governor : Griggs of New Jersey lias been offered the place in the Cabinet to be vacated by Attorney- General McKenna, but it will not be pos sible for him to take the office before the beginning of next year. The New Jersey constitution fails to make provision for a Lieutenant-Governor and the Successor to tne Governor would be the. pre-ide.iit -of the State Senate, who is limited in the assumption of the office to the lime when the Legislature is in actual session, which will not occur until January 1. Saould Governor Griggs relinquish his place now, there consequently could be no bead to the State government during the period of time between now and January 1, and the Governor is an willing to leave matters in such a state. The nomination of a successor to At torney-General .McKenna, therefore, is a good way off. Mr. McKenna will have to be nominated for the Supreme bench and confirmed by the Senate before his sue-' cessor will be named. There may be some delay in the confirmation of M - Mc- Kenna because of the protests which will be entered, but it is not thought, from present indications, that these protests will result seriously. ;.v; Close friends of Attorney-General Mc- Kenna were somewhat bitter to-day .in talking about the protest. They unhesitat ingly said that Judge Gilbert is a personal enemy of Judge McKenna and that this is well known on the Pacific Coast. The two men quarreled some years ago oyer the appointment of some clerks in their respective courts and Mr. McKeana won the victory, thus making an enemy of Judge Gilbert. Judge Hanford of Oregon, who was pushed for a position in the Cabinet as the representative of the Pacific Coas., reiused' to sign any petition. So did Circuit Judge Morrow and District Judge de Haven of California. • The California friends of the Attorney-General denounce in unmeaa NEW TO-JDAY. FOR SKIN-TORTURED And rest for tired mothers in a warm bath with Cuticura SoAP.andasingleapplication of Cuticura (ointment), the great skin cure. . Cuticura Remedies afford instant relief, and point to a speedy cure of torturing, dis- figuring.numiliating, itching, burning, bleed- ing, crusted, scaly skin and scalp humors, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. Pott D SCO AJTD CBtK. Cotr.. Sole Props., Boston. 07- " How to Cur* Skin-Tortured Babies," free. SKIN SCALP Bn c UT^u B A n^. ,,r — — — : — ~* ; — : They Wear Like Iron COPPER RIVETED OVERALLS SPRING BOTTOM PANTS gjfl ■.fry*. *uiS^ LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Every Garment Guaranteed. I