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12 MORELLITO WON WITH MARTIN UP Superb Riding on "Jockey Bill's" Part Landed the Eacine Stake. Monitor, With 1500 to 1 Laid Against Him, Made a Great Showing. Lucky Dog Kan Away With a Race and Changed Hands— Watomba Pirst in Handy Fashion. Tbe Racine stake for two-year-olds, val ue ii at $1000, was decided at Oakland yes terday. The distance was six furlongs, and of the six starters, Morellito, a son ot the dead Morel !o, trained by Mai fcsiorn and ridden by Willie Martin, proved the fleetest fooled. Tbe bettiug all favored the Oakland stables' pair, Torsida and Kovia, the former with Skeets Martin up being the one re'.ied upon to carry off the prize. The Burns & Waterhouse duo, Eddie Jones and Sybaris, commanded second call, while 5 to 1 was obtainable against Morellito. After a long delay, Ferguson sent five of them away; Her nioso being left, Sybaris was ihe one delegated to make the running, and he set a merry clip for Torsida to the stretch. At this point Tcrsida was third, but "£keeis" -made a shoot out and soon showed a couple of lengths in front. The heavy going, though, proved too much for the filly, and Morellito, taken to the outside pain, headed her again and, in a drive, downed Eddie Jones a length. Torsida was a bang-up third. The winner was splendidly uddeti by Martin. The books ail quit well ahead on the day, but two slightly backed favorite winning. Valencieune, 8 to 1, Count of Flanders, Ito 3, Watomba, 8 to 1, Morel lito, 6 to 1, an.; Lucky Dog, S to 5, were hor-es which earned brackets. Lucky Dog, the notorious mudlark, reveled in the heavy going and a weakly played 8-to-5 favorite captured the final seven furlong run away off from Doable Quick. Sam Hildteth entered the Darebin horse in the race, a selling affair, to be *old for $700. He was boosted $500 by Ed Corrigan and Hildreth let bim go. Probably a longer price was never laid against a horse that made as good a snow ing as did Monitor, a starter in the sec ond event. One penciler had the temerity to chalk 1500 to 1 against the gelding, which getting away well to a poor start, actually led into the stretch, but tired and finished third. A big Lunch of fifteen two-year-olds started in the opening five-furlong scram b.e, with Rebel Jack holding first place in lie Letting at o ids of 5 to 12. Gray on Yalencienne, an 8 to lchance, showed out in the lead soon after the start and was never headed, leading the favorite out by three lengths. Barney Schreiber's Im perious was third. Tom Ryan's recent purchase. Count of Flan *ers, was an overwhelming favorite lor the six furlong sprint next decided, and had he not outclassed his company many pounds would have suffered de feat. Mercutio, Walter J anil Che de layed the start for some lime and Fergu son finally let them off to a very stra. cling start, the Count being the tail ender. The 200 to 1 shot, Monitor, and Irompto cut a fast clip until well into the stretch, where Clawson by hard riding managed to cot the favorite up, and in a hard brush with Mercutio got the verdict by a neck. Monitor landed in the show. The lialiwin entry, Ban Venado, opened an 8 to 5 favorite for the mird event, a five-furlong in. but receded to sto 2 and finished third. .Doc Tuberviile made bis first appearance at the meeting on Wa tomba, against which the ring laid 8 to 1, and heading the others when straightened fur the wire got the Montana filly home an c isy winner over the post favorite, Lor ! Marmion, with Willie Martin in the ssd-. 1 le. TRACK ITEMS. After aD investigation of the Senator Bland-Howard Mann race the judges have exonerated Holmes and he can again accept mounts. The fifth race was declared off on ac "THE CALL'S" RACING CHART. £ALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB- Oakland Track-Thlrty-ninth day of the Winter Meeting*. *"' Wednesday, December 15, 1 897. Weather fine. Track heavy. Index.] Horse, weight. '. 2e9 Vaiencienne 108 197 lltebel Jack 11l 25 I imperious 108 257 I Prince Biases.. 106 2C9 doringa 1081 2 Oil I .V ail. oar 115 269 ■' luahington 108 .711 iKaiserin. 115 165 Ocean Blue 118 193 Rosa Rh 262 llenry C 106 (1D..); lot.) 115 269 llraden 103 168 ißessle Lee 103 197 jliodacia 108 ... __ 4 I 1 i 6 9 3 ! 5 10 14 I 8 13 11 [I 12 2 left Vi _____ :::::: : ! I Va 1 '' 2 811 3 h IVa 5 2 2 11 10 vi 4 1 _ 14 12 9 h 113 62 13 Vi 1 3 4 h 6 Vi 6 > * 7 1 3 H, 2 8 1 2 h 11 10 9 12 4h 13 I 1 3 : 4 1 ' 2V_ 6 V 'a 1 7 *• 8 8 i I" 5 i 11 10 m 9 i/o 13 " 12 I* str. 1 3 2 1. 33 ; 4 li 6 Vi 6 1 7 a 8 10 0 1 10 3 •113 ! 12 3 13 14 jOray iConley I 11. Martin Thorpe Devin Spencer Pignoit T. McHngh. . Mooney McDonald II Broun '■■ haw : Mc .inn JHussell 7 7-2 3 6 30 10 I 8 20 -0 40 10 1 . 20 6 6-2 3 8 60 8 12 26 50 60 10 7 150 30 1 ! ! : i < 1 ; i ! liood start. Won easily. Winner, I-.. F. Fredrlckson's eh. f. by st Carlo-Llbbertlflibbet Time. 1:033,4 -Coupled with Maiubar. _Bi. b_COND llACfc.— six furlongs: all ages; purse $400- Index. I Horse, age, weight. (-48, CL of Flanders. 2. 92 6' 246 Mercntlo, 3 112 1 264 ! Monitor, 4 1141 2 (209) Prom to, 2 89 3! Walter J, 4 120 6 (213) Chic, 3 109 4 216 Mislleton, 2 89 7 Ist I 1 Belli Vi V% 1 Vi Str. I Pin j Jockeys. Op. 1 5 5 i 58 6 3Vi In ('lawson 7-10 ■ 4 2i_ 4 1 3 1i 2 2 8 IPicgott 15 23 2 2Vi lb Mi Colden : 100 13 11 211/aj 4 4 Vi M. Mcli«ls 8 6 8 ! 610 65 51 ben 100 '* 1/2 32 4 6 016 H.Martin. 4 ! _ I _____ 7 I 7 |Meany ] 100 ' Belling. Op. ci Ing. ci 1-3 12 200 1* 200 0 200 Bad start Won first three driving Winner, I. H. Ryan's b. c. by e>u Carlo-Imp. Countess Lang- i. Time, 1:17. .-"■.-... " i )Q 1 } THIKD PACE— live furlongs; two-year-olds; purse $300. Horse, weight. Vi Va Vi Str. 6 1 4 h 1 li/, 1 Va lb 2 h 3li 2D 3 2 7 lVa 5h 5h | 51 72 4li 8 8 71 4h 62 6 Vi • • 2Va 3Va 8 Fin. Jockey a Betting. '•p. Ci. 268 Waiomba 115 1 195 Lord Maim on. ..118' 2 (2U4) -an 11 6 (173) "1 Mow 118 7 Lady Ashley 115 4 Kllilaa 118 8 Carbineer 10 .1 269 Henna li.S. 5 1 3 ,23 I ; »i„ 411 1 i 53 j ! 6 1 73 I 8 j 1 übervllle ! W. Martin Ilennci.y 11. Mi.rtin C. Mathews .... Conley 1 slaughter i Mcliitvie i 4 8-5 5 10 30 30 I -0 7 9-5 6 2 4 12 60 6> 20 Ooud start. Won easily. Winner. W. D Bandall b. f., [by Montana- Wampum lime. 1:041*. *;Q'-? IUI ;i "' 111 BACK— six fur.ongs; two-year-olds; tbe Kaclne stakes; value $1000- Index. Horse, weight. St. I St Vi Va Vi \ Str. 532 2 v 4 n 4 2V. 4 2V. lb 2XL 3 /2 '-' j 1 1/ 2 1 li 1 V, 3 li 5 5 I Betting. Op. ci. 216 Morelllto 113 2 248 I Eddie Jones 106 4 I (2>, ) Torsida 110 3 (269) -voaris -110 1 i (243) Via 107 5 j 2 8 liermosi HO Lfuj I I ........ i 1 1 XV. Martin 214 Thorpe 3 21/ a H. Martin 4 10 I Plggoit 5 U. Wilson jnolden I 7-2 11 4-5 * *• 60 4 6-2 3-5 * cc 80 I t ! I I ocod stfrt. Won first three driving. Winner, Wellman Bros ' br. c, by Morello-Mlss Cromwell Time, ltl6'/2- ■►Coupled with Eddie Jones. **Coupled wi.h Torsida. 90 1 1 IFTH BAG. and upward; purse $400. Judex j Horse, age, weight. I | I I i j *-*■•[ V* | _____ [ *A__ «tr. Pin. ; Jockeys. ? s?s_ U° IS "** 16 ill. Martin 1 5.Vi 3 3 3 5 34 23% Clawson 11l l 7s', _*" -h 33 O.Wilson .i.Jii 4 Va 4 2 4 3 4 20 Urav 4f?2v_66 « 8 Sn 5 6 j McDonald *;'.:-::; * J I**., I. '< 166 i-viclntyre ■'i*" l*» 2 5 2 6 11/, j 7 |Pig,ott ft. Betting, I p. cl. 259 271 I 246 I 271 (203) : lucky Dor. a 116 I Doub c Quick, .108 K«a 11, . 106 Harry Gwynn, 3. Vi I.Mesoero 4 .... ..100 I Tem Anderson, t. 3o l M fin, 4 107 6-5 a 7 SO 8 3UO 9-2 7-5 5-2 8 12 15 600 6 "(2_)l <>*>_ statu v. Won eauUy. Yv Inner, B. C. Hildreili's br. h., by imp. Darebln-Lou Lanttr. Time, count of a too liberal use of scratch blanks. In future at Ingleside and Oakland, and until further notice, it shall be optional with the judges as to the extent of dis qualification in cases of fouls. It bas been a custom for all time when a horse is dis qualified for a foul that he shall be placed last. The oilicals at the tracks, in view of the fact that at times the track is apt to be muddy during this the rainy season, and that there is bound to be bumping on bad tracks, have decided to Eive the judges power ro place horses back a position in a race instead of placing them last. Thus if two horses are out in front clear of tbe field and one bumps the other without interfering with any other horse, the judges may teverse the positions of the two horses without affecting the position of any other horse in the race. Should a horse interfere with more than one horse, his position in the race may be changed accordingly. Intend ing foul riding will be strictly dealt with, Following are to-day's entries: First race, eleven-sixteenths of a mile, two-year- Ol»s. selling. 280 Ocean Blue 99! 65 Al Gorta 101 282 lirrtlia 9s\ 257 t'ncle True 101 26-' BiugWlng 1< 3 20* san Carlos 99 Tennca 99 262 Morons 100 211 Aluminum. 96 252 Uuilay 99 276 enslave. 96 second race, one mile, selling. 212 Coda 10.' 275 lhe Drummer. lo9 1250 Presidio 109 229 Zonae 109 274 Mrs. shade 10U 2>5 St. Alguoa 109 27.'> Plck behan 105 275 senator Morrill.los 268 funny s 103 247 Veto! 93 2*7 Terra Archer. ..102 1 Third race, eleven-sixteenths a mile, two-year olds. 1-76 A 1 Koran 1041 273 Yule 96 27* Greenback 11... 99 280 Toto 101 280 Hebel Jack 99 257 La Uoleta. 104 243 Socialist 103| 244 Free Lady 107 Fourth race, seven-eighths of a mile, all ages, high-weight handicap. 272 Span well 112 (20) Flashlight. 128 (273)lttisa itucker...lls 1:78 Mainstay 130 207 Kublcon 14l»| 246 Horatio 120 Fifth race, one mile, selling. 263 vueen 5a11e.... 93 183 Cutaway. 105 284 Tom Anderson. 88 823 Wawona- 102 142 U'Fleeia. 102 -'65 Perseus 109 252 -auTuzza 106 255 Chariot A 102 228 Meadow-lark ...102 265 Collins 102 277 Song and Pan jelo2 Sixth race, of a mile, selling. 275 My: 104 233 Sly.. 99 (196) Fortunate . 1 «-7 271 The r.tiiocrat.. 102 206 <BXIC 105! Hafuela. 94 Breaico'Day. .108 279 Los Cerillos. ... 94 196 Aivin E 99 SELECTIONS FOB TO-BAY. First race— Sing Wing, Uncle True, Aluminum. Second race— St. Algnon, Dick Behan, Coil a. Third race— l.a Goleta, Free Lady, Yule. Fourth race — Kublcon, Bliss Backer, Mainstay. Fifth race— Perseus, Wawona, Queen Safin. Sixth Knee— Fortunate, Break o' Day, Myth. ONE MORE CONCERT. The Hopkin* Art Institute Is to Have Another .Excellent Evening of 3lu«ic There will be but one more concert at the Ho] k ns Art Institute after to-night, which will take place on the 23d. The concerts there all this season have been marked for their excellence. The programme for to-night is as fol lows: Organ overture, "L'lta'dani in Algeri" (Ros sini). Einilio Cruells; sonr», "For All Eternity" (Masciieroui). Arthur Cohnreich, violin ob.i eato by Henry Heyman; s^ng, "Good-night, Farewell" (Kuerten). Miss Gretche^ 1 emeu, aecompatii-; Mrs. 'lussle Fuegel-Crist; vio loncello, "Kiintasie Hongrois" (Gru'zmaec hr), Love 11 Lnt.g-foih ; io: g, "Love's Nocturne" (Kellle). Miss Grace Ewiug, companist Mrs. J. K. Mackenzie; trio, "Aye Maria" (Adolph. Loeher), violin, cello and piano, manu script, first time. Henry Heyman, L Lang strotn and the composer; song, "The Palms" (Faure). Arthur Cohnreich; organ, prayer irom 'Lohengrin" (Wagner). Ktuiuo Cruells; song, "Deep in My Memory" (Strelezki), Miss Gretchen Bernett; violoncello, fantasie, "Cav aileria Rusiicana'' (Mascag ii), Lovell Lam- stroth; song, "This I- the Time for Roses" (Lassen), Miss Grace Kwing; organ, march, (Weber), Kmilio Cruells. «. — m> 9 Fob-; Get "Will Come Back. Fong Get. father of the Utile Chinese boy who plays in -Tne First Born," and who himsell plays the role of the keeper of vegetable stall, writes trom New York to John T. Gray, bailiff of '.he United States Circuit Court, to the ef fect that he and "the kid" will return to Ban Francisco next Saturday. Both are in good health and are delighted with the histrionic profession. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Ten's D. Dean to Young Women's Christian Association, lot on s line of O' Earrell street, 190 W of Hough. W 30 by s 120: also lot Com men C DC 190 VV of o> ugh street ana 120 sof o'Farreli. W 30 by 17:6: *10. Louis Lipman and Carl D. Hatfield to Anglo- Caluornlan Bank (limited), lot on E 1111 -of *-t au van street, SO N of Frederick. N 175. X 106:3. ft 60, E a 5, H 50. W 25, IS 75. W 106 A. 810. Frederick U. Jones to Julia A. Jones, undivided half of lot on -1 line of Fourteenth street. 75 Eof Folsom, X 25 by a 100; also undivided half of lot on H line of Ivy avenue, 106:3 W of Lag una street, W 26 by B 50; HO. lieu ry, Sarah ani Martin Beverson or Eever THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1897. sen to Herman Itomle- lot on B line of Twentieth street, 25 X of siiotwell. X 35 by - 9j; $10. Edward H. and ldelle G Mitchell to \\il!iam H. Hartwell, lot on S line of Dor! and street, 145:6 \V Of Church. W 25, >> to point on X boundary line san Miguel Kancb, S 78 degrees E 2o:l*A N 123:7 to beginning: $5. Kstate of Maty Do. an by Thomas Dolan. execu tor, to James Lyons, lot on \V line of Sanchez street 55 X of Mxieemh X 27:6 by \V 100; SSUOO. Walter T. Robinson to Irabella W. Robinson, lot on E line of Scotland, 112:6 N of Kit ben, N 25 by X 57 6; also lot on X line of Qulncy street, 95 s of California, S 22:6, X 65 -.6, X 20, W 11:6, iN 2:6, W 54; aiso lot on \V line of Howard street, 124 X of 1 wenty-second, X 30 0/ W 1*2:6; gift. Antonla Canepn to salvatore Serin, lot on S line of 50-vara lot 1497. distant 91:6 Eof Taylor street, X 23 by N 57:6 (-> %Vater,9l .6 X of Taylor, X 23 by S 67:6), $1430 William Oswald to David Oswald, lot on N line Pacific street, 136 W of Mason, W :6 by N 60: $1. Same to same, lot on sE corner of 50- vara lot 632. thence W a'ong S line of Pacific street 20 by N 77:6, (V line Pacific, 137:6 W of Mason, W -JO by M 77:6); 51000. Ann O'Neill shea (by B P. Oliver, commis sioner) to Hihernia Savings ami Loan society, lot oi HK line of Hunt sires. 200 Mi of Third, Ski. 48 by XX 55, 31.671. *820. William F. wniuler to William P. Fuller * Co. (a corporation), lot on \W line of lownsend street. 275 » E of Fifth, NE 137:6 by NW 120; $29 126. Frank W. Fuller to same, all interest In same: $1323. William F. Wblttier. Frank W. and George P. Fuller .'by llermau shaiuwald. referee) 10 same, sane: .$33.0110. Same to same, lot on SW line of Beale street, 188:6 .-<E 01 Folsom, SF 40:10 by S\V 137:6; $i,7500. Frank W. lul er to same, all Interest in same; $681 William F. hittier to same, same; $14,985. Same to same, lot ou SW line of Beale street, 18 1:6 BE of Fol-o-m. «X 48:1 I. SW 130, SE 22:11, SW 7:6, WW 71:9,tNK 137;6; $10. ALA M KIM COUNTY. Felix and Mil via hapD<-ll>-t to Victorlne F. An thony, lot on S line of Jones street, 100 W of Telegraph avenue. W 40 by s 100. being portion of Corrected Map of Joues Tract. Oakland: $10. Louise S. Harrington to William S. Harrington, lot on N corner of Tenth avenue and East Twenty first street, S X 100 by HW 150. being lots 11 and 12. block 131, A. Brenan estate property, East Oakland: gift. Margaret E. Kingsland to Hetty T. Henshaw wife of William O-, lot on S corner of county road, Oakland to San Leandro, and Bay avenue, SK 16.02 chains, SW 10 81 chains, *hl 4.37 chains, SW 6.53 chains, NW 18.74 chains. NE 18.26 chains to beginning, containing 30 acres, Brooklyn Township: $10. E. P. Vandeicook, same to same, quitclaim deed; $10. C, A, and Electa A. Stoddard (by commissioner) to r. B. Clark, lot on X Hue Hepburn street, With sW line county road trom Havwards to San Lean dro. thence WW 84.1. s\\ 75.6. Br >0. N X 103 :rt. to beginning San Leandro. f iien Township: also lot on sW 1 ne of conn v road, san Leandro 10 Haywarda, 126:1 i/& .n \s from NE Hepburn street, ihence 5W81. 5. N. . 24, \>. 73. SIC 25..") to be- 1 ginning san Leandro. Eden Township; $-820. Manuel J. 1- una to to John P Silvia, lot on xw line of seventh street. 150 NE 11 street. NW 150. XX to SW Lizzie street, thence SK. 173.93. SW 303.« to beginning, biock 53. Southern Addition to town of Liveimore, Murray Township; $10. Theodore and Ida Wagner to George J Wagner, 10. on si corner of Third and Madison streets. S 50 by £ 100. lots 7 and 8, bt ck 181, Oakland: $10. W. 11. Cornell to Louis Pochait, lot on N line of Brown or Thirty-fourth street, 2. 9 W of Tele ■rraph avenue, W lv by X 119, portion of Brown Tract. Oakland: $10. Mountain View i emetery Association to Emma J C. Keye-, lot 184 In plat 4.1. Mountain View- Cemetery, Oakland Township- $67. Charles «■ Henry to William .1 Ditigee, lot on NE line of Olive avenue. 321.88 NW of Oakland avenue. NW 60 by NE Hit), lots 33 and 34, block C, Bather Tract, Oakland Township: $5. Joseph E. and Flora D*fg» to W. J. Edwards, lots 1.8 and 149, bock 2, lots 152 to 156, block 27, resubJivislon Peralta Park, Oakland Town snip: $5 Joaquin .1. da stlva to Catherine Semerla, lot on F line of san I'ab'o »venue. 168 N from N line of plat 60, llancho of V at d 1). Peralta, N 40 ny E .86 82,8 40. W 165.34 to beginning, portion of p. at 62, Rancho of V. and D. Peralta, Berkeley: also loth ginning eta point 150 E from X line of San I'ablo avenue aid 548 X trom s line of plat 62, Kancho of V. and D. Peralta, E 14, B 40, W 14. N 40 to beginning, portion of said 62, Berkeley; 100. Herman Bomigto Henry and Martin Beversen. lot on S line of road avenue, 146:3 X of Stan ton. E 48:9 by s 150, lot 1, powers Tract, Ala meda; 10- SAN FRANCISCO -'CALL." BUSINESS OFFICEof theSanFranclscoCAi.l^ Corner of Market and Third streets, open until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICE!*— S27 Montgomery street. corner Clay; open until 9:30 o'clock. SM Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 615 Larkin street: open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner sixteenth and Mission streets; open nntll 9 o'clock. 143 Ninth street: open nntll 9 o'clock. 2618 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 1605 Polk street: open until 9:30 o'clock. NW. corner Twenty-second and Kentucky Streets: open till 9 o'clock MEETING NOT -. IfS"- CALIFORNIA LODGE NO. 1, F. m »~-^ and A. .M , will meet Till- ' I'Hl'Hs- J* DaY) EVENING. Decc-moer 16, a- 7:3o^rjP o'clock. Third degree. Ry order of the f^r\ master. FRANKLIN m. DAY, Secretary. jf^= CALIFORNIA LODGE NO. 1, F. * &--& and A. M. — Funeral iiotice — Of-,^^^ tl'-''n and members of the above-named TfTjT lodge are bereoy notilied to attei'd the/^^N funeral of our late brother, CHARLES m B- -1 IMKB PLI.'.M. In King Solomon's Hall. Masonic Temple. THIS DaY (Thursday). December IS, at 2 o'clock p. M Master Mas and friends of the deceased are invited. Rv order of the master. FRANKLIN* 11. DAY, Secretary. ff-'g-' YERRA BUKNA LODGE ZigitWßto*. Or^Sf No. 15. I. 0.0 F.— Officers and -!^^^Sfe members are earnestly tested to 35"59*K§r attend tee next recular meetinr, •^w/ftW- THURSDAY EVENING, Leoembec 16. at 8 o'clock, as business of ureal importance Is to be transacted a. D CHESHIRE, S. G. 11. 1. \n-\inm Itec. -«<■ SPECIAL NOTICES. {■"^"■j*--* THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY •-*' ribbons, curtains, dress goods, corsets, hosi- ery, underwear, bidspreadt. towels, laces, linings, tr. turnings, v i In s, etc.. very cheap, at Pioneer Dry Goods Store, 105 Filth st". •'--g' MY WIFE II VINO LEFT MY BED Xm^AV and board. I will no longer be liable for any debts she may contract. AN I ONE HARETO. gPSS* ROOMS WHITENED FROM «1 AND fo-*' papered $2 50 up. 2.9 Third street. "f "*X=> J so HULI HEN. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC m-Ar massage treatments: alconol baths. 8 Mason •*:""§» MME. JiANsEN: LATEST GALVANIC ■ -*' buttery and cabinet hat lis. 116 Taf.or aL »#--^=. NOTICE — ABANDONED CHILDREN xV-*? In the Catholic Orphan Asylum since July, IKP6: Alabel Madison, ace 7 years: Isabella I.eveque. age 8 years; Mary o'leary, 7 years; Margaret Stack. 7 years; Mary Warren, 12 years; alary Sullivan, 8 years. f-^Sf BAD 'iIi.NA.MS EJECTED FOR »4: m~& lections made: ciry or country. Paeilio Collection Co., 415 Moat-ry at.. 100 m 6: tel. 6580. g:T5=» AIRS. BTKWEBT, GENUINE STEAM fk~*' and cabinet bams. l-iM/2 Geary, room 11. •»T^=» MRS. DR. FISH, loi'- GRANT AV.KMS, tt-J*' electrician taicohol 'i in k ish buths: utirlvaled ■ ■■■- mVll>K>l> NOTICES tjrr^S' DIVIDEND NOTICE-SAN FRANCIS-CO m^C' savings UOIOC, 532 California street, cor. Webb. lor tbe ha f year ending with the Slat cf December. 1897, a divid-nd has be. ii declared at the rate per annum of four and two-tenths (4.V) per cent oiilerin deposits » til three and five-tenths '». 6) per cent on ordinary deposit , tree of taxes, payable on and after Monday, January 3, 1898. Li V ill. win Casnier. DIVIDEND No. 50 (FORTY CENTS PER share) of the Hulchn son sugar Plantation lorn* pany, will lie pivaoie at the ollice of the company. Ail Market ai., on and after M nday, December 20. 1K97. Transfer books \«. I 1 close Tuesday, December 14, 1897, at 3 o'clock p 11. I. H. - HI- . I .Don. secretary. SITUATIONS WANTED— FEMALE. i) COMPETENT GERMAN* NURSES WITH — reference desire situations. J. F. CROSETI* <fc CO.. 316 sutler st. 'tJg?&B pOMPETKMT SECOND OIRL DESIKHS V.' siiuatto-i. or as nurse to children or invalids: best telerenoe. Miss i CI.l.Es. 325 sinter st. /•ERMAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICK, MUS ' J I.A BKRT, 417 Powell St. : telephone Main 5332; furnishes b»st help of al. nationalities REFINED LADY, WITH ontl. OF 12, DE- sires position as housekeeper, or will try an . - thing honest; smal. wages unci a good home. Call oraddreas MRS. D., 1430 Broadway. COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUATION to do housework: is good cook and will do small washing: city or country; wages $15. Ad- dress C. W , box 8-.'. ' all • Hie-. DAY WORK — FIRST- CLASS Hot' E- cleaner: carpet cleaning and lace curtains If required. 8., box 17. Call Office. GERMAN WOMAN WISHES ANY KIND of work by day. *J2l3Vi Ma on st, yOUKG GERMAN LADY DESIRES PO- J. gltlon as housekeeper. 112 Taylor st., rm. 7. L'IRSI-CLASS DRESSMAKER WANTS J? work by the day. .005 Bush s . \r-OUNG LADY DESIRES PLACE As HOUSE. ■ keeper; city or country. Apply 118 sx h st. room 52. yOUA'Q LADY WANT* PLACE AsIUIUSE- -1 Keeper. SO J Market St., room. 31, 2d floor. SITUATIONS ANTED— Continued. IADY* WOULD LIKE A STEADY PLACE AS I stewardess: no objection 10 traveling. 223 Post St.. room 1. EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIRL WANTS A ■i place as housekeeper or will do. plain mend- ing. 223 Post si , room 11, 2d floor. COMPETENT LAUNDRESS AND HOUSE- J cleaner, with te>t references, wants work by the day; terms $1. 315*, ■„ Stockton su COMPETENT COOK WISHES SITUATION in private family. Call 227 Hayes st. WOMAN WANT- WORK BY" the DAY* AS •1 laundress or bousecleaulug. Call at 43 Wil- low aye. , cor. Polk. SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WISHES STEADY' place as laundress In private family. Address by letter A. S., 25-0 Mission st. SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN 0 general servant: an excellent cook and laun- dress; references. 10^3 Market st. GOOD WORKER, STRONG WOMAN". WANTS VI work: can do any kind: is first-class in a heme: can give references: by tbe day or any way; washing; 75 cents. Please call 255 Third. VIMNI) LADY WANTS A STEADY PLACE A as housekeeper; no objection to the country. 8-1 Mission st., room 6 QTRUNG AND EXPERIENCED MIDDLE- O aged German, ex. ellent cook and - laundress, » Ishes worn of any kind by n.e day. Addresi Mils **-. 44 Third st., room 32. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY To DO 11 cleaning or washing. 640 Howard, robm 23. yOUNG GIRL DESIRES POSITION AS A typewriter or bookkeeper.. 131 Taylor, r. 2 COMPETENT DRESSMAKER WISHES J work by the day: $1 50 per day. 1436 Howard. yOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND A typewriter seeks a position. Address 140 PbeUii Building. yOUNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE PLAIN A sewing and mending; satisfaction guaranteed. Call room 7. first floor. 969 Mission St. T.Y EXPECTABLE WIDOW OF 35 DESIRES it housekeeper's position in widower's family. Address E. C. D., box 10, Call Oilice. yoUNG GIRL WANTS WORK BY THE A day: plain washing and housecleaning. Ad- diess 1331 Fulton st. CI ERMAN WOMAN WISHES TO GO OUT VJ washing by the day. 1020 a Capp st. yOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION* -I as housekeeper Call at 126 Fourth st , room 9. yOUNG WOMAN desires a place AS A housekeeper. Call 1104 Mission, nr. 7 b, r. 10. y OUNG LADY' DESIRES PLACE AS HOUSE- A keeper; city or country. 969 Mission, room 19. yOUNG SWEDISH GIRL WANTS TO DO A general housework in small private family: wages $20 per month. Address or call 602 suiter. y OUNG LADY DESIRES A STEADY' PLACE Aas housekeeper; city or country. 123 Fourth St.. room 23, second floor. yOUNG WOMAN WISHES WORKING A housekeeper's position or do plain mending. 131 Fourth st., room 1. yOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION AS A housekeeper; city. 107 Taylor st., room 9. MISS Vlola MARTIN, JOB TYPEWRIT- ing. 601 Post sl, room 19. yOUNG LADY* WANTS A HOUSEKEEPER'S A place; no objection to a short distance In the country. 207 Post st., room 9. WEDISII GIRL WANTS WORK BY THE i~ day; washing, ironing, or any kind of work in private family. 217 c Colllngwood sL, bet. 19th and .oth. yOUNO LADY DESIRES PLACE AS GOV- A erness. 101 Vi Grant aye., room 16. y OUNG LADY (FORMERLY* OF OGDEN A city) desires a s.eaay place as housekeeper; city or country. l'-lHa oeary sL, loom 2 i pLAIN OR FANCY SEWING WANTED BY' 1 the day. Call or write B. E. NELSON, 616 Eddy st . IECTABLE, REFINED NEW ENGLAND At woma i desires position as housekeeper In widower's family or for elderly couple, where honesty and good housekeeping would be appre- ciated. G. 11. N., box 33, Call. MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES, DlA- monds, jewelry, etc. Uncle Harris, 16 Grant ay. J MARK a. I ST.— BRANCH OFFICE OF .mai J CaLL want an and siioHcrlntmns taken. SITUATIONS WANTED)— 3I ALE. CHINESE A JAPANESE; EsTD 20 YEARS; help:tel.main 1997. BRADLEY A; v. 0., 6401 lay HUNTER A C".. CHINESE AND JAPANESE tain, otiice. 614 3 California st., teL mala 231. CHINESE AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT ollice: Lest help 414 O'Farreil, Tel. E. 426. JAPANESE AND CHINESE EMPLOYMENT oflice, Lest help, 3148 Sutter St.; tel. Grant 3a YIT ANTED— SITUATION AS HEAD PoRTER 11 in wholes Ale liquor store; has had 27 years' experience as con. pounder and rectifier; nineteen years In last place: best of reference; speaks Ger- man. Address box 3010, CalL PRACTICAL -ND THEORETICAL MINING engineer, expert metallurgist and prospector wants sltunllon to co to Alaska: ye<rs' ml. ing experience in Alaska. Yukon, box 22, Ca11. pOOD STRONG MAN WISHES WORK OF " I any kind is honest and in need of assistance. Help, box 46, I a I. GOOD RELIABLE BOY WANTS EMPLOY* meut: college graduate: first-class references. A. G., box 10. Call. MAN WANTs JOB TO ASSIST IN COOK- ing or as dishwasher. LAWSON, box 124, I call ollice. j JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION* TO DO 'I cooking for saloon, or store cleaning iv morn- ing. Y. B, 41lL/ s Duponlat. yOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS A butcher. Butcher, box 35, Call. SITUATION WANTED BY GENERAL ALL- O around butcher: hotel or restaurant; couniry preferred C. G., box 109, Call. (IHINEBEC OK * ITII GOOD REFERENCES J wants position. Address 542 Kearny st, drug- store; phone Brown 254. JA PA NESE .GOOD BOY) WANTS PLACE as srhoolbov- or general housework; little wages. L. SHIGA. KOO Pacific aye. yoUN'. MAN FROM THE EAST. GERM AN- I American. wishes position as bartender la wine saloon, club, or as night clerk in hotel; good refer- ences; wages noobjecL W. S.. box 108, CalL ALL-ROUND COOK WANTS SITUATION: it hotel or restaurant; married: If stead,- wages reasonable, c. E. c„ Henry House, Ninth St., near Broadway, Oakland. y OUNG MAN (SCOTCH) WISHEs SITU »- A Hon as cellarman or barkeeper; experience In both; good mixer: best references. R. S., box 10. call Office. POSITION WANTED BY* AGARDENER AND A experienced greenhouse man: understands care of horses and mllklnz; good home desired rather than bl{h wages: references. Box 3001. CalL yOUNG MAN. BUTTER AND CHEEsK I maker from Holland, would like to rind em- ployment, li. C, box 100, Call. yOUNG LADY TYPEWRITER DESIREd A J. steady place; city or country. 1015 Market St.. room 17, second floor. yOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS COOK J- or Laker in hotel. Address P. HASStLER. 322 Mftnst. ENGLISH MAN, MIDDLE AGr.D. WITH GOOD Preferences, would like work in stable, etc.. or do chores In private place; small wages. M. X.» box 3, Call OOice. DESIGNER AND FORE.MAN IN MEN'S youths', boys' and children's clothing would like to communicate with flrst-cla.s house in ref- erence to position: firs -class Eastern references; 5 years wlto present firm; would make change February 1 next. A. L. P., P. O. box 159.', Phi a- delpbla. Pa. i EASTERN YOUNG MAN, 30, SPEAKS GER- i man fluently, desires position In hospital or some Institution 10 learn professional nursing: leserences; pay no object: willing to work Ad- dress »i. G. il.. box 38, CalL yi'aichm an— position wanted by a '" middie-aged man with good references, in lie stitution or an asylum: can bake home-made tread. A. H., box 83, Call office. i 1 ERMAN COUPLE WISH SITUATION- AS vl cook and helper; Is a good baker; city or couniry. 119 Third st., room 7. y OUNG MAN JUST FROM ALASKA WOULD A like to be staked by a parly to return and prospect; either private "par.y or company. A. X , box 95, call. youNG MAN desires A position AS A cutler and general tailor: city or country: good eference. Address G C. W.. 1618 V&Turk st. FIRST-CLASS COLLECTOR WIsHEs HITUA- tIon with some reliable house; can furnish best of references and security. R. a., box 91, Call. lr I - LAKKIN— BRANCH OFFICE OP THE ell il CALL, subscriptions and want ads taken. JAPANESE COOK OR SUTLER. WHO HAS first-class reference, wants position iv city. B. N., 35 Willow aye MONEY LOANED— WATCHES, DIAMONDS jewelry, silverware Uncle Harris, 15Grantav WINCHESTER BOUSE 44 T HIRO BT.. NR, Market. 200 rooms 25c to $1 60 per nlibt. II to to $6 per week; convenient and respeclaUs, Ji ie bus ami baggage to and from IDs terry. HELP WANTKO-FKMALE. 1 A GIRLS, GENERAL HOUSEWORK, CITY IVI places, $-,20; youa? girl tend bakery and as- "lst light house .york, cliy. $12; waitress, country hcttl, $15: chambermaid, pain wash, country hotel $15: and other places. MURRAY* A READY, Leading employment Ageuu, 634 and 636 Clay st. SECOND GIKL, COUNTRY, $15: 2 WAIT- O resses, $15 each; 8 housework g ris, $12 to $:-0. Miss, LULLEN, 325 sutler st. V-Ea'j HOUSEWORK GIRL; LIGHT WORK: AA sleep home: $12. MISS CULLEN, 325 suiter. WOMAN" FOR A LODGING-HOUSE; $20; " seep hou.e. MISS cULLEN'32S sutler st. C) GIRLS FOR BAKERY; $15 AND $12. MISS ** CI LLEN, 325 Sutter sL T\JEAT IRIsH GIRL TO ASSIST; $15. MISS -i-Y CL'LLEN. 325 sutter st . GERMAN OR SWEDISH HOUSEWORK girl, 3in fsmiy; $30. MISS CLLLEN, 325 s utter st. VEAT YOUNG GIRL, $12 TO $i 5. MISS XI CULLEN, 325 nutter st J 'BENCH NURSERY GOVERNESS, $25. MISS AC U LLEN, 325 Sutler sL KEFINED GERMAN NURSE, $20. MISS -It CIi.LEN, 325 Sutter st. HOUSEWORK GIRL. 3 IN FAMILY, $20. MIsS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. GIRL, AMADOR COUNT V. $20, SEE PARTY* VJ here: lady agents, salary $12 a week; girl, Kcntiett, Cal., $25; gin. Broderi.-k sL. $18; girl, Castro St., $21); tirl, Berkeley, $^0; girl. I erkelev, $25, see party here girl, Willows, CcL : girl. Nil**, CL second girl, $lo; girl, Page. »20: girl. Ful- ton, $15; girl, Marin County, $25. see party here: ironer, couitry laundry, '.s2s. room, board, etc.: girl. Corte Medera. Lai.: LO girls, ,*l5; 17 young girls, $8. $10 and $12 per month; 12 Danish. 11 Herman, 9 Swedish gins. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market st. COOK, PRIVATE FAMILY". BKLMONT, $30; / cook, small hotel, country, $25. MRS. NOR- TON. 323 suiter. VI OTHER AND DAUGHTER. PRIVATE ATI boarding-house, $35- come, $30; 4 house- girls, *25. Mils. NOR ON, 323 Sutter. IV' AITRESS, $20; NORTH GERMAN NURSE, ■• $20; houseglri, 2 in family. $20; housekeeper, $15; 4 housegirls, $15; 6 girls to assist, $10, $12 and $15- MRS. NO .TON, 323 Sutter. EAD WAITRESS, CITY HOTEL, $25: chambermaid and wait, $20. for first-class clty hotel. 4 waitresses, country hotels, near ci r, $20: waitress for railroad ting-house, $20; 2 girls for sao c couniry hotel, a waitress and chu bermnld. $16 each 12 girls, housework, $20: trench nurse- giri. $16; 20 young girls, to assist in housework, $12. $16. C. R. MAN sEN di CO, 108 Geary st. BOOKKEEPER A D STENOGRAPHER, $9 a week; call early. C. R.HANSEN A CO., 108 Geary sL 6 COOKS IN AMERICAN AND GERMAN families, $25; mother and daughter as cook and second girl, see party here at 10 to-day; cook, small boarding-house. .25; waitress and chambermaid. $20: ironer in laundry, and girls for cooking and housework In city and couutry. J. F. CROSETT a CO.. 316 Suiter st. GIRLS OF ALL NATIONALITIES To FILL various positions. MRS. LAMBERT, 417 Powell su ERMAN NURSEGIRL, 820. MRS. LAM- VJ BERI, 417 Powell si. •J YOL'NG GIRLS in ASSIST, $12 TO $15 «1 nurseglrl. $12; 2 house girls. $20: French second gir, $15. MRS. LaMBeRT, 417 Powell. STENOGiIAPHEP. AND TYPEWRITER: 0 lady matron: 6 sale. ladies; traveling corre- spondent; matron; pnotograph retoucher; pack- ers. 313 Rush st. STEWARDESS, LINEN -ROOM WOMAN. soda fountain attendant, salesladies. 1023 Market. Tjy ANTED— NEAT YOUNG GIRL FOR ii light housework; plalu cooking; good home. 1538 Fulion sl lir AN I ED— A MIDDLE-AGED COOK FOR ii the country: wages $15: call at Royal House, Ellis St., irom 4tosp. m. S. JONES. VI' AN IED — GERM -,IRL FOR LIGHT ■ I housework. 120- Pacific St., near Jones. GIRL To DO HOUSEWORK A.N D COOKING. VJ Apply Bj6 Hayes. GERMAN 'GIRL. GENERAL HOU-EWORK VJT and p aln cooatng: »a ; $20. 933 Ilaiglit. GIRL mil GENERAL HOUSEWORK; sleep home. 232) Folsom. ANTED— A \OI NG GIRL FOR HOUSE- "i work. 1535 Geary st. THIRST-CLASS COOK, WHO UNDERSTANDS A cooking for boarders; reference. 1106 Hyde st. Mill, FOR GENER L HOUSEWORK: " J must be good cook; small washing; German or Swede preferred; wages *25; bring 3232 Jackson st. 'ANTED — AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN, li energetic and re lable: good opening. Call 10 to 5, 3-4 Phelan building. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH CHA 51- -ber work. Call after 12 p. m.. 303 l 2 Sutter St.. room 2. :• ..>-:; ACTIVE OIRLS AT SI. NICHOLAS L.VUN- -f V dry. 3076 seventeenth sL, near Folsom. GIRL WANTED rOB LIGHT HOUSEWORK; wajes tBa month. Call 2231 Mission st. 11' ANTED— GIRLS OF GOOD PHYSIQUE it for new amusement enterprise: good 'salary; call 1 1 a. Mto 3 K. 225 Ge iry st. 11/ ANTED— GItIL For GENERAL HOUSE- ii work and plain cooking. 1225 Webster st. OPERATORS ON FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS and underwear. Li-JVI STRAUSS A CO., 32*, i Fremont st. I A DIES' SHOES. SOLING, 35c; MEN'S » J slioes, soling, 5dC: all repairing done at half the usual price. 662 Mission si., bet. Ist and 2d. MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES, DlA- jewelry. etc. Uncie Harris. 15 Grant ay. I AWRENCE llltK-S- CUTTING SCHOOL, -1^ 1079 Market: a perfect fit guaranteed without trying on; call and be convinced. VTEW FRENCH SKIRT ATT. HNS, 25C: i-1 dressmakers furnished positions tree. McDow- ell Dressmaking and Mi.linery School, 103 PosL MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third sL. hear Market 203 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: SI 60 to *•> per week; free bus end baggage to and irom ferry. DR. WISE LADIES'SPECIALIST. 1118 MAR- ket st- ; monthly troubles, etc.: 1 visit suflicienL pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THM \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. HELP WAXTED-HALK. -Qr- M E N — "I ~~~~~- *.>>' I Wanted to-day fordifferent positions; con- crete finisher, *.■ day: 5 laborers. $26 and found: Steams ers, #1 75 dßy; blacksmith andnorseshoer- -86 tie makers: 75 ingle and box bolt makers,*] 60 cord; 37 wrodchopper», $1 75 and $1 cord; 13 farm, orchard and vineyard hands for different localities. $26 $25 and *20: 5 vineyard pruners, see boss at our tfllce; 3 chore boys; man to drive milk wagon and milk 13 cows, city. $25 and found; laborer who can do some blac thing, city job; repairer for a bicycle shop: 3 wire-nail operators; harness- maker; 3 bricksetters, tSSuday; s-'ranlte-cutters. *3dy. MURRAY A READY, 634-638 Clay st. HOTEL COOK, *50: RESTAURANT COOK #15: 3 cooks $40 and $ 0; 3 wait era, *20 and $25; 2 dishwashers: bushslmaii. tend store- so- licitor for a carpet factory. MURRAY & READY 1 34 and 636 Clay st. EXPERIENCED SHAMi'OOER FOR BATHS. i MEN TO WORK IN AN ORCHARD, $16 ' and found; 2 fa m ers. see boss here, $15- -ranch teamster, $20 and found. ' 1 A EXPERIENCED ITEM AKERS, SEE BOSS I v bi re. /.SCANDINAVIAN MINERS, $3 A DAY, U stealy, dry work; 4 coal miners by the ton. JLTEAT QU ICK ARM WAITER, GOOD WAGES. I-RENCH OR GERMAN VEGETABLEMAN I *25: cook, small restauraut, $36: porter for a roadhouse, $10 and found. nOOKKEEPER FOR A RETAIL BUSINESS WORKMAN FOR DISTRIBUTING DEPaBT- X mem la laundry. 9 NEAT BELLBOY'S FOR A HOTEL. $10 — and found." -•"•:.-_ C. R. HANSEN A CO., 103 Geary su YATANTED-BUGGY-WASHER. $50; FARM- II ers for orchard, $15, see boss here; carpenter to lay flooring by contract: wood-carver; coal miners: choreman end others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacramento it. • lir ANTED - lIRST - CLASS FURNITURE '» and drapery sal. sman: good salary. Apply to J. F. CROfETT A Co.. 628 Sacramento St. 11" ANTEI -GERMAN RESTAURANT COOK, »» $12 a week and increase; night cook. $10 a week, and others. A pply to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 6-8 Sacramen.o st. lir ANI ED-BUTLER, $45; GERM xN LUNCH 11 cook, $40: French restaurant cook, $40; sec- ond cook, $9 a week: pantryman. $-.'0; assis ant In garden, $15; choreboy, near city, French. $10. ANDRE 308 Stockton st. ''. rm W u.»i«. T'UtNITURE MAN AND UPHOLSTEERR 1 for country hotel. HOTEL GAZETTE 420 Kearny st. Dl S H WASHER: ONLY SOBER, CLEAN, ste-dy men need appiy. 33 Sixth st, bakery. HELP YVANTED-Continued. SECOND COOK, $5 A WEEK: NIGHT 10 cook. *7 a week: restaurant cook, $10 a week: 2 cooks, country. $50 and room: German cook, $50 and room; restaurant cook. $55: cook to go south, $30 ami room: Spanish coos, small place; boarding-house cook, $25 and room: second cook, bote . city, $30 and room, call early coo i to go sou.h. $50 and loom. MaRTIN A CO., 749 Market st. ll' AFTER, $6 A WEKK; 5 WAITER", *20 " and room; 3 waiieis $25 and room: an assist- ant head waiter: 3 waiters, $25 and room: 4 wait- ers $5 a week: 3 young men wait sum-, $15 aud room. MARTIN A CV., 749 Market st. AN TO ACTASCASHIER ANDSTEWARD, Hi small piare; solicitor for coal yard: chore- man, small place, $10, room and board, etc.; young man to make collections, etc. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market st ERRAND BOY, $2 A WEEK; ERRAND BOY', i $10, room and board: errand bo-r, $3 a week; chore boy, *2 to $3 a week. MARTIN A CO., 7-19 Market a -. TV" AN .ED-TAILOR: YOUNG MAN; GOOD if tailor. 190 Jessie st. MARKER AND Dl -TKIBUTOR: $50 PER mouth. MARTIN A Co., 749 Market st. IRONER: COUNTRY LAUNDRY; $30. board, room, etc- MARTIN & CO., 749 Market. PASTRY COOK; $50; CITY. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market sb TIT ANTED— MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK " at home; I pay $8 to $16 per week for mak- ing crayon portraits: new patent method: any one who can read or write can do the work, at home. In spare time, day or evening; send for particulars at once. H. A. GRIPP, c.ermaii Artist, Tvrone, Pa lir ANTED— GOOD CITY SALESMAN, WELL * » acquainted with the grocery and liquor trade. Repl. d. , box 109. Call Office, stating experience, age and references IT* AST-SELLING PATENT ARTICLES; $5 TO -T $10 per day; city or country. P. S. Company, room 82. Flood building. GUM SALESMAN, CANDY-MAKER, 6 BUP- piy-depol receiving and dispatching clerks, bntcher, usage-maker. 313 Bush, BOOKKEEPER, MANUFACTURING Busi- ness, clothing salesman, crockery pucker. 1023 Market. MAN AND WIFE AS MANAGER AND cashier; Oakland branch: cash business; $60 and percentage. Exchange, 1023 Market st. pLERK; IN OAivLANDGROCERY': EXPEBI- " > enced; good references; wages $16 to $20; biard and room. Apply 232 Minna. 1 1 "A NT ED— 3 YOUNG MEN CAPABLE TO " coach football team. Call 11 a. v 10 3p. if . 225 Geary St. lir A NTED— LUNCH WAITER. 210 FIRST " streeL Yl* ANTED— LYMAN TO DO CHORES. ii Call 7 o'clock 214 Langton st. WANTED— GOOD TINSMITHS. APPLY TO IT power A PIKE 49 Sacramento sL l" A NT I >— FIRST - CLASS WAITER. 207 " Second st. BOY WANTED FOR PRINTING OFFICE AT 619 Filbert sl I ' OOD BOY* TO LEARN PLUMBING TRADE. II 1706 Polk st. VETERINARY SURGERY— RESPECTABLE youn? man to learn the veterinary profession; small premium required as guarantee of tood faith. Address Vet., box 3002, ca 1 office. CAPTAIN AND ENGINEER FOR STEAMER \J on Yukon: sails April L 1203 Claus Spreck- els building. - -C'iIAJK BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE. 1179 — Market st. IT ANTED— RELIABLE REAL. ESTATE AND »' house solicitor; salary or commission. Box 2009, Can Office. L-IRST-CLASS COATMAKER; QUICK AND A sharp. 617 Montgomery st. TR- NO BOY WITH FINEST REFERENCE. Particulars to .-. s., box 5, Call office. SAL! -MAN EXPERIENCED IN STATION- ery) full par.iculars, age and references. P. Y\, box 5. Call Office. X ECRU ITS WANTED FOR THE UNITED It states marine corps. United states navy: able-bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 30 years, who are citizens of the United States, or those who have legally declared their intention to become such: must be of good char- acter and habits and able to speak, read and write English, and be between £ fees 5 inches and 6 leet In beighL For further information apply at tha recruitin? office. 20 Ellis eL, san Francisco. CaL 1)OS-T>AIE HOUSE, 321 ELLIS— ROOMS 26c It to $1 night; $1 to $4 week; hot and coid baths. . 'JABBERS' ASSOCIATION FREE EMPLOY- II meut Office. S. TL'CU- Sea, 325 Grant aye. VillMl PAIRS SHOES —ANOTHER LOT OF — "L/l '1/ men 'B shoes: been slu-ht.y damaged: at Ie s than one- fourth their value; from 25c to 42 50. 562 Mission st.. be- First and Second sts. Ur ANTED— AT UN TANA HOUSE. 764% Mission: men to take rooms: 10;-, l&c aud 25c per night; 60c. 90c and $1 per week. A MARKET ST.— BRANCH OFFICE OF THE ~i Call want ads and subscriptions laaeo. MEN 'SEINE CALF r-HOHS ToO.iDER, $2 50: men's soieing, 35c; only one price. 939 Howard. LARGE STOCK OF SECOND-HAND SHOES for sale; also ladies' and misses', from 25c up; misfits exchanged; good repairing; shoes made to order, any style. central Repairing shop, 749 .Mis. ion, near ('rand Opera-house. KOOMSISC TO 75C PER NIGHT; TO $1 50 -IV per week. Oriental, 225 Drumm st. MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES, D£A- monds, jewelry, etc. Uncle Harris, 13 Grant. SHOEMAKERS! MEN'S UPPERS TO MEAS- -10 ure: $1 and up. SHIRLEY, 921 Howard st. SAILORS AND ORDINARY' SEAMEN O wanted at LaLe's. 604 Davis st. near Jackson. MEN TO LEARN BaRBkR TRADE IN 8 weeks. S. F. Barber College, 138% Eighth. MEN'S SOLEI..G, 60c: La DIES, 40c: WHILE you walL 638 Market; branch 767 Market I*l,- LAKKLN- BRANCH OFFICE OF THIS I'll' CALL, Subscriptions and want ads taken. t* Simon WANT'S ILO MEN TOGET bottle i. beer or wine sc: Lest iree lunch. 643 Clay. L'LC'HO HOUSE, 863Va MARKET ST.— ROOMS -J 2Uc. 25c to &0c night: $1 to $2 week. I OT OP UNCALLED-FOR SHOES FROM 250 li np to $1 26. 662 Mission st.. BeL Ist and 2d. TRY ACME HoUsE. 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room: SEftc a nlgnt: $1 a week. INGLE BOOMS lOc AND 16c NIGHT, 760 1. and sl week. Llndell House. Sixth and Howard. l<^ ANTED. TOC'OLLEC I W AGE'S DUE LABOR- " trsAClerks KNOX Collection Agcy. 110 -sutter. OQQ HAVES- BRANCH OFFICE OF THS sJsJi) Calx: subscriptions and want ada taken. 11 INCHE&TEtt HOUSE. 44 THIRD SI.. NR »' Market; 200 rooms. -5c a night; reading- room: free 'bus and burgage o nnd irom the ferry. ANTED-LABORER-S AND MECHANICS >' to know mat Ed Rolkin. Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third si: Aid large rooms: 25c tier night: $ 10 $3 ;>e.r week. AOEXTS WANTED. I AGENTS WANTED— MALE OR FEMALE; new paying business: big money for you; send address for samp es and full particulars free. Charles Marshall, manufacturer. Lockport, N. Y. MEN OR \AiM.-N OF GOOD ADORKSS Call bet. 10*. m. and 1 p. it., 401 California St., room 21 ll* ANTED— MEN TO SELL TO THE TRADE* 1* bi- money. H. W. MERRITT. 628 Market. FURNITURE WANTED. LJ. NEUMAN, 131 SIXTH ST.. BUY'S AND . sells furnitur- and carpets: also storage. 11* A N T 1 •'. D— FURNISHED FLAT OR HOUSE* 1 1 cheap for cash. Y. Y\, box 35, Call Office. ' ASH FOR EURNITURE, CARPETS , TC • \J full value. Pacific Eur Co., **28 Stockton st." HIGHEST PRICES TO FILL NEW BUILD." ing. 840 Mission s .; teL Mint 1821. INDIANA AlCi lON CO. REMOVED IOU lMontgomery St. :hl-he*H prices paid. Tel. Davis 7 1 ROOMS WANTED. p ENTLEMAN WANTS R.OM. FURNISHED YJ for getting light meals; private famllv nre- ferred. H. H , box 99. ■ all Office. * mmti * P rc * YYANTED-MISCKLLANEOUS. \irANTED--tECOND-HAND BIKE; STATE » price. Add. ess M. B , box 89. i all Office. ' H '\s' i' ' l '"-i^DRE^E-. f * KAL-.KINS - wanted; beat prices; send postal. 1020 Folsom •..ACHINERY, BOILERS. ENGINE- BEIT a wiiTT^'ftif-^r^- me,a ' cash «*' "*** £ s. fin i., 516 Mission st„ near First \j ACHINERY. BELTING. PIPE. BLACK M smith tools, brakeblo.k ruhberT hose to^s of all descriptions bought and sold. 204 Mission si Branch store, 46 Clay sl J. lAVIN "*To" LADIES' SHOES SOL INo -v„. M tv a shoes, soling, 50c; all repairing ' dSn, « „at« the usual price. 662 Mission sl teL Ist and *l PAWNBROKER-OLD GOLD, SILVER. CAST-" oil Clothing bought. Add. COLEM M^I'i-huS PERSONALS. 1 SNOW, SALT, TURKISH AND ALCOHOL mm JJ. baths. Office 27, second fljor, front, 17 If Stockton sL AG CARPETS WOVE TO ORDER AND FoR •sale: also chenille-wove rugs, silk portieres; dealer iv carpet twine. In hank or chain, at lowest rates. GEO. MATTHEW. 709 Fifth at.. Oakland. , ■ — — — MINING MAN OF IS YEA PRACTICAL ns well as theoretical experience open for en- gagement as for. man or any other i>r-ncn of min- ing; lirst-class reference. F. ft., box 87, CalL W. "lir A NTE O— P. R UNKT I E~ BOY BABY FOR IT a<iop Ion; will receive a good home, MRS. DR. FUNKE, 1416 Eighth St., Alameda. FIC TURE -FRAMING COMPLETE, Willi class 7xB inches, 10c: Bxlo and 10x12. .5 ; 11x14 a -.i 12x16. '-0c: 14x17. 25c: ItiX-'O, 3(lc*. 18x2.;. 35c: 2Ux-'^, 45c; 22x2d Inches, 6U5; hard- wood curtain poles complete. 16c: room-moldlag, ail colors, lc per fooL Junes, 647 Mission st. \ ' P.s. DR. RALPH RETURNED: GENUINE -VI thermal cai met: baths; ladies and gents. 995 Market sl, rooms 3 and A y HAIR- DRESSING PARLORS ARE UN- questionably the best: hair-uressimr Only 25c: switches, $1 to $6; finest, best quality, S3 50 only; extra heavy, ions, $5 up: doll wigs a specialty; open Sundays and holidays, 9 a. m. to 12. v. LEDERER, 111 Stockton sl. , — QUINONIA: HA iK ionic: Use none BUT the bes . G. LEDERER, ill Stockton st- L-UCCr. SbFl LLY APPEAKED IN OPERA, 0 concert and church, the following pupils of J. Greven. 1226 Market sl, during November: Mrs. K. Burns. Misses M. de Chent, L. Hansen, J. La Fontaine, E. Henderson, L. Roedcr, M. unison, L. Wilson, and Mr. Ch. Schwerdifeger. ADVICE FREE: DIVORCE LAWS a SPEC- lalty -.private: no fee without success icollectlons ii. W.HOWE, atty at law, 850 Market. cor. MIsS ANDERSON, GRADUATE. SWEDIBH nurse; baths: genuine massage; Swedish movement; ladles, gents. 906 Market sl, room j 25, second floor. C» "I A SUIT TO ORDER: SAMPLES; TRY <JP-L"i. one. Neuhaus & Co., tailors, 115 Kearny. GREAT CATARRH CURE; WILSON'S VlP- orizng Inhaler; 326 a Ellis; test free; cure $9. MRS. DR. D. BAKTON, SPECIALIST IN CON- flnemems and female diseases. 808 Howard. — _— _ — — —^______^_________ ; CLOAKS AND TAILOR-MADE SUITS R«- i tailed at wholesale figures. 20 Sansome^d- I HHUF&CHMIDT, SANITARY PCOJ^rafi^ . 1: as titter. 623 Uolden oate »v. Tel. Suu?r47l. BADGES. PHOTO. AND BADGE BUTTON made in San Francisco at Eastern prices. WALTER N. BRUNT, 635 Clay St. S. V. BIG OUTDOOR STEREOPTTCON SHOW EVE- 0 ry night cor. Market and Sixth sts.- artistic ad- vertisements in living light: promoters of busi- i ness. Consult OWL ADV. CO., 1140 Market St. ELECTRIC LIGHT'S IN EVERY ROOM; J Wlncnesler House, 44 Third sl, nr. Market; £00 rooms 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week; free bus anil baggase to and from the ferry. SUPERFLUOUS Hauls removed- BY electrolysis. MRS. DR. WELCH. 2115 Bush. SUIT TO ORDER ON EA-Y L\»I'ALLID-.NT3. L. LKMOs. 1117 Market sl. bet 7th and bth. L - i SELECT WINES AND LIQUORS. SEND VOIR HOLIDAY ORDERS TO MOHNB A KALTENBACTI, 29 Market St.; largest store for family trading: 100,000 gallons of old, mild wines and liquors to select irom; claret, case,l quarts, $2 26: Zinfandel, $3: Burgundy, $4; A.eaoc, so; choice Riesling, $3 50; Gutedel, $4: fine whiskies and brandies, $2 50 up. sell by ihe gallon or bottle: free delivery across the bay; no charge for sampling; country orders promptly filled; we are not grocers, but solely wine-hand- lers: Tel Main 310 1 DRESSMAKERS. MME. GOLDSTEIN— ELEGANT, STYLISH dresses $5 np; dresses made over 6 <idv. rB6. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. V. CLARK, THE DISTINGUISHED trance clairvoyant and medium; while en- tranced she will reveal every bidden mystery in life: she will show yon how to overcome your enemies remove family troubles, restore lost at- iectlons: unites the seuaraled. recovers lost, .stol.:i or burled property: locates treasures, minerals; tells your entire life, past, present and future, whlla in a periect trance. Eours, 10 a. it. to sp. m. ; perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mail. Send tamp for circular with special terms MRS. DE. F.CLARK rms 25 A 28. 1206 Market, opp. sixth. "I I ME PORTER. WONDERFUL CLAIR\*OY*- -1»1 ant card-reader, born doub c veil and second sight; diagnoses disease, full life reading; la. 50- ; gents $1: palm, and clalrv.; sil $1 50. 126Turfc MISS LOLA STEVENS, CARD READERf-"" iYI and magnetic healer: daiiy. 202*^3 Stockto'l sl, rooms 1 aud 2. MME. VIGARS, CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD- reader; ladies, 15c; gents, 25c. 148 Sixth it., room 6. -.IISS DEAN, MEDIUM. OF 1020 MARKET HA St., room 12, moved to 865*/« Market, room 1 MME, SODAN, SCOTCH S< KRESS, CARD- reader and palmist. 619 Eddy, 9108 P. v. MRS. MANDENA, MEDIUM; KKADIXG3A -'1 25c; satisfaction guaranteed. 26 sixth st, W CARD READER AND UENUINE ELECTRIC battery for rheumatism. 15 Turk sL, r. 18. MISS MELVILLE, GREAT CLAIRVOYANT and water reader. ' 92J Vi Mission, opp. Mint. MME. HANSEN. PALMIST, CARD-WHITER- past, present and future: 25c. 148 6th, r. 5. MME. MOREAU, TEST MEDIUM, CLAIK- voyanL card-reader; -ibc up. 73 Fourth sL MRS. DR. ANNA THOMAS— FIRST IN HER profession: never fails: advice; help. 929 PosL MME RaVAJIa READb LIFE FLUENTLY- business advice; names given; 25c up.s l~ourti-L ME. ZINELLA, THE BUSINESS MEDIUM and astrologer: 2d lioor, r. 12. 109 Grant aye, MME. BYBTLLE. CRADLE To GRAVE; Fu- ture bnsband's picture ladies 914 O'Farrell '1 SPIRITUALISM. DR. COON LEY'S SPECIAL LAOIES' SE ance. 2p. it.; developing circle to-night; 250 1151 Market st. Al ME. YOUNG'S TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; AH- 10a: wonderful tests. 605 McAllister st- VI "5^ M £ YO STEERS, 112V 3 OAK: CIRCLES Ha Tues. 8 p. m.. Thurs. 2 p. it.; 26c: readings *L MRS KATE HOSKINS. DEVELOPING CIB, Mon., dr. Tues , sittings Sl. 214 Franklin. -^Ay \| RS. SHP.INER, CLAIRVOYANT, MEDIUM! TO sittings daily; 10 to 4. 230 Kearny st. v 1 RS J.J. WHITNEY. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, D ' for messages and advice. 218 Stockton bl FOR SALE— MIS CELL, ANEOCS. WHISKY' McBRAYBR, APRIL, 1892, FROM '» Kentucky bonded warehouse direct; 65c per gallon. F. EPHJ-.AIM, 623 Market st., S. F. MALE PUG, NINE MONTHS OLD, S5. 130 a 111 Hayes st. 9 LARGE COMBINATION SHEARS AND — punch machines at a sacrifice. A. N., box 85, ,mm Call. W FOR SALE CHEAP— SECOND-HAND FlRE- proof safe at 42 Main st. VICE MALTESE KITTEN AT 669 a N'A- As tomasi. "U*OR SALS— A DOZEN OF LAYING PUD 1 Lets, improved incubator, brooder and bone* cutter. 917 Elizabeth sL VINE GENTLE JERSEY' COW. E. G. DEN- A NISToN, 3454 21si st., near Guerrero. GRAPHOPHONES, -510: records, $:, a dozen, KOLLMANN CO.. r. 536-538, Parrott t>dg.; BARS, SHOWCASES, COUNTERS, shelving, etc., bought aud sold. 1063 .Mission, nr. Seventh SECOND- HAND DYNAMOS, GASOLINE AN d" steam engines, boilers, pulleys, shafting, laun- dry machinery, eic. fcMiTH CO.. 527 Mission st. — 1 RETIRING FROM BUSINESS: OUR ENTIRE -Lb stock of rattan furniture and lab.- carriages will be sold at wholesale cost. California Rattan Works, 745 and 747 Mission St., be:. 3d and 4th. JR. POOL. HOUSE-MOVER, DEALER SEC- . cud-baud bui:din^ material, 1122-36 Mission. B OILERS, ENiUNE.-s.2D HAND. MACHINERY Mcintosh & wolpman. 137 Beaiest. SAFES— BARGAINS IN NEW AND SECOND hand: all sizes: half original cost. 109-11]. Market st. S. F. . C COFFEE-MILL. SCALH-, HAND-TRUCK. hEvi 1 ter-press. and sale cheap. 102 Clay at. m BARS, BACK BARS, MIRRORS, SHD'JrVV cases, counters. linouum, oflice furniture. i,ior« end oilice luruitnre and fixtures: new and second- hand. J. NOON AN. lbl7-10A9-AU2I>AU2i Mi*> ■ion st., above Sixth. - - MO.NTv.OMtt.RY CO. -NER OF CLAY— A UJ-i open nnili 9:3J c clock: branch otliojji Ihe I all: ful-scrlrit'oru and wan; ads. taken. MIIVING-.YIACHINEA $9 MONTHLY; RENTED. REPAIRED -j bought, sold: machine supplies. 145 sixth. ALL KINDS BOUGHT. SOLD, EXCHANGED, rented; repairing; lowest rates. 20& Founto,