16 CREDITORS ASK FOR THEIR OWN Mrs. Elise Kohler Fails for the Sum of $300,000. Sacrifices Everything to pay Those Whom She Owes. Bad Business of a Wine Com pany the Cause of It. ASSUMES HUSBAND'S DEBT. At Last Pressed for Money Sha Asks ilia Court for Insolvency Papers. Mrs. Elise Kohler, the sole surviv ing- partner in the copartnership firm of Kohler & Frohling, wine merchants, has been declared insolvent by Judge Belcher. Mrs. Kohler, in her voluntary application to be declared insolvent, scheduled her liabilities at $333,173 41, but to offset this vast indebtedness she has in her possession property valued at $323, 12, and a judgment of $34, 891 20 against the Southern Pacific Company for damages to the Nadeau Winery, near Los Angeles, which be longed to Kohler & Frohling, the dam age having resulted from alleged neg ligent construction of a railroad bridge near the winery. The case is now on appeal to the Supreme Court, and in the event of that tribunal sustaining the judgment of the lower court it will be placed among the assets. This will allow a complete settlement of the in solvent's liabilities and leave a margin of $25,452 91. In her application to be declared in solvent Mrs. Kohier states that for some time prior to the Jst of January, 1895, the - . . ol Kohler a.- Frohling Ing of Elise Kohler, Charies Kohler and Hans li. Kohler, carried on business In this city and here. On the Ist of January, 1895, Charles Kohler died, and the tirm was thereupon dissolved. The liquidation of the affairs of the partnership were tnitted to Elise Kohler, and on the 13th of August, 1895, she purchased from Hans H. Kohler his interest In the firm, and in consequence is the sole surviving partner. As the surviv ing parti -imed the liabilities of the firm, and now surrenders all her estate and effects for the benefit of her ■ ■ >rs. H'-r liabilities are scheduled as fol lows: Herman Bohrmann, Mannheim, any, 145,480 L 5; estate of August F. Brecht. Philadelphia, $25,464 79; Wil liam Schoelgens, Philadelphia, (5161 54; J. Hobe, San Fraiv 76; P. F. Marx, Napa, $20,520 4^ ; estate of C. M. Gerichten, San Francis co, $15,592 82; Mary Smith and John Kelleher, San Francisco, $3051 92; Han nah Kelleher, San Francisco, S2IM .14; Kate M. Ryan, San Francisco, $lSl":l Sl " : ■"■4. j. < ;. Wall, Aiameda, $10,355 53; Adolph Sommer, East Cambridge, Mass.. $15, . George West, Stockton, $:;i^uo 15; - E. i>avis. San Francisco, $1047 69; Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco, 16 15; Anna L. Bauer, $3101 98; es ■ f Henry Hagen, Napa, 113.454 04; Lulu Van Bergen. San Francisco, $2476 79; Emma ii. Bertheau, San Francisco, $9811 20; Caroline Kohler, San Francisco, $516 15; Minna Roeder* Rostock, Germany, $1303. With the ex ception of the last Qve on the schedule, which Indebt* dness was incurred through open accounts, the liabilities are in the form of promissory notes Is sued by the flnn of Kohler & Fronting. The assets consist oi personal proper ty only. Four thousand, one hundred and seventy shares of the capital stock of the California Wine Association, val ued at $312,825, which is pledged to Wells, Farga & Co.'s Bank to secure th<- payment of a promissory note o* $150,000, is the largest item among the assets. The regaining assets, how are considered just as secure, and a full payment of the firm's liabilities v.ill result. Mrs. Koh'iPr is the widow of Charles Kohler, who in life was the senior part ner of the old firm of Kohler. Frohling &• Co. At the death of her husband she and her sons, Charles and Hans, tried to carry on the business, but it did not : r. Two years ago Charles died from poison, and it was sa.i at th-- time that, he committed suicide, but this theory was scouted by the young man's frier, dp. Max TWtheun. th» son-in-law of Mrs. K one shall be eligible to membership but members of the Order of Knights of Pythias, but the degrees <>f the new or der, which will be several in number, may be conferred on any member of non-Pyth lans, who will be permitted to apply for the privilege of becoming Inducted into the several mysteries, on the recommen dation of members. The ritual that has been prepared with great care is. It Is said by those who have perused it, one of the most Interesting of any side degree that han ever been pre sented. The candidates will be given an Insight into the workings of some secret societies, which will make th<*m feel at times somewhat startled, but the les sons they will learn will b" most in structive. The paraphernalia necessary for the carrying out of the degrees and tho uniforms to be worn by the kings of purgatory, namely, the sublime king and his four imps, it is said will be very fine. At the meeting held last night commit tees were appointed to carry out the ob jects of the organization and to make preliminary arrangements for the con ferring of the degrees on the 19th of next month. Another feature will be the selection of a queen fr.r the day of the celebration. Each lodge will be permitted to BUKKesi one lady; then a vote will be taken. The one receiving the highest will be the. queen, and the four next highest will be her mauls. Champagne. Moet & Chandnn has the proud dis tinction of occupying the second place in our Champagne table for the first time in the annals of the trade. The brand has not only moved up in posi tion, but the importations have in creased in 1897, as compared with the previous year, over 12Vs per cent, which is a larger ratio of increase than that made by any of the other prominent brands. In addition to this. Moet & Chandnn was selected during the year as the only wine served ;.t some of the ultra-fashionable entertainments given in this city. The fame of the win- has traveled from coast to coast, and its quality has endeared It alike to the connoisseur and occasional drinker Bonforfs Wine Circular. THE SAX FKAXCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1898. FARES WILL BE DOUBLED The Old Puget Sound and Portland Rates to Be Restored. With the Sailing of the Walla Walla the Rate War Comes to an End. U. S. Marshal Baldwin Waited in the Rain AH Day for the Steamer Peru. The rate war between San Francisco and Puget Sound ports and San Fran cisco and the Columbia River is over. Fares will go back to the old figures on the 20th inst., both by rail and steamer. The first steamer to go out under the new schedule will be the Umatilla, leaving here on the 21st inst. for Puget Sound, while the State of California will follow her two days later on the Portland route. The Walla Walla which sails to-day Is the last steamer to go out under the cut-rate rule and In consequence there was not a spare berth on her. The cut rates between here and Port land are $5 and $2 50, and those be tween here and the Sound an> $8 and Jl. Commencing with the 20th inst. the rates to Portland will be $V 2 and $v whilf those to Puget Sound will be Jl"> and $S. This is simply a return t.. th' rates that were in force before the rat> war i>e^an two years ago. Many «>n her? on 'b" PertL The Kritish torpedo destroyer Spar rowhawk and the cruiser Phaeton must have caught it ofT the Columbia River on their way to Esquimau. They came from Pan Diego here flying, l.ut left for the Sound in the face of a pre dicted south storm. It tr>,.k th>-n 'hr-.. days to reach Tatoosh. which ik «low run for such fast vessels. WILL HAVE GOOD JURIES. Superior Court to Be Purged of Professional Jurymer) by a New SysterT), The various departments of the Superior Court will be surged of "professional jurymen." This has b-en definitely de cided upon by the Judges on the Superior bench, anil a system is nearlng comple tion by which only men of good characn-r and more than embryonic ideas of jus tice will be allowed to sit on juries, bota criminal and civil. The Great Register of last yenr Is at present being carefully run over, and when an available Juryman Is found a blue pencil mark Is run through his name. In this way r)\o |urym n are m copy of the mai in the hands of each .■■ . ■ ■ In future years it may I :rui ;i vast amount of labor will be Bayed In the drawing of Juries. ■ has been hinted many men who ha stilly selected as juryn ■ ■ b rye wee* in and week out, solely .or the the accompanying remuneration. In or i'.-r tc. !..• >. ■; icted to sei ury, they ■ know anything ni ■> I when questioned, and". In i re sel dom challenged. In tuis way they become k!,'iwn as "professional lurymen," but th-ir way wHI be a difficult the new list is read) lor us--. Over 9GOO jurymen sit In vari durinp the period of \ ear, and quite a number <.f them ma'K«- their livi: . following tl tlon, which frequent ly results in Injustice to litigants. MARK HOPKINS INSTITUTE. School of Design in a Prosperous Condition— New Classes Created. The School of F the Ban Fran- Ctoco Art ."> is in ;i prosperous condition. At th. . »\ nf th>- s ad Of thi u.: ejjjht pup! ■ -.. thirty In the night I fifteen in the Sat urday A nifjlit liffl class fur ugurated at the beginning of :!ie present t>-rm. Instruction In drawing from the nude is Imparted t.> the pupils. The life class for men Is a separate dep rtm< nt *>r ej iln O r Eli prw to the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art valuable marine views painted by B. Walters of 1. verpool, England. JOHN W. HEPBURN PASSES AWAY He Was Well Known in Busi ness and Political Life. Had Extensive Mining Interests In Calaveras and Amador Counties. John W. Hepburn, a prominent citizen of Chicago, died at the Occidental Hotel yesterday morning at 8:35 o'clock. Mr. Hepburn had been in ill-health f«r sev era! months, and about six weeks ago his wife brought him down to the Occi i dental Hotel from Jackson, where he has i large mining interests. 1 >r. Kerr has been in almost constant attendance upon him, but be gradually l last Tuesday morning suffered a stroke of apoplexy, which ren dered Mm unconscious; during the last four days his lif.- baa been maintained by oxygen Introduced Into his lungs by rubber tub Saturday morning na ture refused ■• be longer aided and the great struggle for life ended; he died peacefully and without pain, in the pms ence of his wife, Mary J. Hepburn, and pome Chicago friends. The remains will be embalmed By Gray, ihe undertaker, and will be taken back to Rockford, near Chicago, the early home of Mr. Hep burn, for interment. John W. Hepburn for many years has been one of the best known men In Chi cago; he was horn near Toronto, Canada, forty-six years »k". but baa t n In ac tive business md political life in Chicago for tl>>- past twenty years; seTersJ years •• was ,-. prominent member of the Chicago Board of Trade, and i>">st and made many fort I About a y.:, r ami a half ago Mr. Hep burn '.".nie to California and ii:-. largely in the gold mines of Amador and Calaveraa counties, beinK the sole owner of the l.ell Wether mine at Jackson, which he has developed for the past year and in which ho has invested about J40.1V10. FOR THE TEXAS RAILROADS The Southern Pacific Company pinds That h|orT)e MaQufac- tures Are the Best. The Pacific Rolling Mills in Sacramento have just completed a shipment of ancle bars, bolts and spikes for the Texas roads of the Southern Pacific Company and are now at work on another larpe order for more of the same sort of manufactures recently given them by the same com pany. These orders are of Interest inasmuch as they show that the Pacific Coast is gradually asserting itself and entering a held in which Eastern States have here tofore reigned supreme. Formerly all material of this nature was contracted for- and furnished by Pennsylvania firms and the order just Oiled is the first one of its kind on the Coast. H. .1. Small, Superintendent of Motive Power for the Southern Pacific, has r<> ceived ten new Pullman day coaches and • rdei ■ ■! from the of varney & Smith of Dayton. O. They (tr " '" be fifty-four feet In ienpth. with high back seats, and will be furnished with Pinch gas. They will be run in through trains, dis placing the old coaches now In use. A COAI FAMINE IS THREATENED There Is Now a Scarcity of Fuel in the Local Market. Every Coal-Laden Vessel Ar riving in Port Met With a Long Line of Carts. Prospects Not Very Encouraging fc£ an Immediate Increase in the Supply. There is a scarcity of coal in the market, and coal dealers are far behind in filling the orders for their customers. Early yesterday morning the steamer Empire arrived in the port with a cargo of about COO tons, and she was met at the wharf with a string of coal carts that reached nearly six blocks. The coal dealers were notified the day be fore that the vessel was to arrive dur ing the night, and that she would com mence discharging at daylight. Al most as soon as the notices were re ceived carts were sent to the dock to wait the arrival of the vessel. The first of trie string of carts was at the bunk ers fully twelve hours before it was known the vessel would commence to discharge, and all night long the line grew. The coal was hauled away as soon as it came out of the hatches, and by dark last night the market was, as far as the big bunkers at the wharves are concerned, as bare as before the Empire came into port. The recent bad weather along the coast has held coal-laden vessels back, and the supplies for the past month have not been as great as desired, and then the recent cool spell greatly In creased the consumption of the supply then on hand, until now there is little coal of any kind to be had. The pros pects for a supply for Immediate uses are not very encouraging. The total amount of foreign and Eastern coal that can possibly arrive here in the next sixty days from all sources foots up less than 47.000 tons. The consump tion of the city and vicinity depending on this port for its fuel supply will be fully 240.000 tons. It means that a big draft will have to be made on the out put of Seattle, British Columbia and 1 Iff Vaii Vroom Elcctro = !§§ I 6EO.W KLEISER, {J en | a J p ar | ofs# 1 Wit ' n'n q ' " Uwlllttl idriirlo§ \hi WW/ UiUiOi • $&& Wm/i OUT The Best and Most Dif- j^| '^WMll £-♦ {«• ficu lt Crown and Bridge Mil |||p ; j opSCialtlCS Work— Work That We >g|ip f]J|pr3s Guarantee— at Such Moderate Prices that |||^| tp^fj Every One Can Have Perfect Teeth. ; :SfeS W§ QQ7 MARKET STREET, '^3^ _„_.„. _ COR. SIXTH. TEL.— JESSIE 1695. vlt^ '&~£*y Gold Fillings 75e cp J*t>^ Amalgam Fillings. .. j^^SSsx r .. n .„„„;„,,. r ]p?W 25c up 5 - C P cn « T enmg» Js/ Cleaning Teeth 50c np jSH tUI 10 ociock - '^3 P/ Bridgework. per tooth i*^St x Suniay.. 9to 12. «v^ \*M $3.50 .MMjM W^BB^ " German and \W WJBI, Sold Crown, 22-K . . . sij^^H §^§BH^ob\ French spoken. ,\H \-j3g $3. 50 up £Sk ■•'^t>^^a\ Ten skilled op- j*£r No oharge for extract- . .Th erators Lady H NEW TO-DAY. DiljulAL DiiJuXj OF FIIsTE On MONDAY, January 17th, and following dags, we will place on sale 35 CASES BEST QUALITY WHITE and COLORED WOOL BLANKETS that we have just pur- chased from the Golden Gate Woolen Manufacturing Company this city, • These Blankets are in all the different sizes, Theu come in white from 66x80 inches to 90x90 inches, The colored are from 51 pounds to 102 pounds in weight, Theu are all PURE WOOL, Most of them are made from IMPORTED AUSTRALIAN WOOL, and the en- tire lot will he offered hu us fullu 15 cer cent less than the present cost to manufacture, See exhibition of above Blankets in our show windows, with sizes, weights and prices marked on each quality. TELEPHONE QRANT 124. 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121 POST STREET. Coop Ray. The coal can possibly be had at those points, but the question now is will th-re be enough vessels dis engaged from the Klondike rush to*car ry It In sufficiently larpe quantities to B supply in the market to meet all emergencies. W HIST TOURNAMENT ENDED Pacific Coast Association Elects Offcers — Winners in the final Events. The Pacific Coast Association nf "Whist Players dosed its fourth annual tourna ment last nlgbi and the whole affair was n marlcably successful and exceedingly w. n managed. At the morning's busf meetlng of the conTentlon the foi i'iwiiifr off) ■ elected: President, P. J. Tormey of San Francisco (r< ed); vice-president, I>. W. Harrier of Val t. mi (reelected); treasurer, (•'. Ji. Atwater taluma; recording secretary, \\. 11. Hotallng of San Francisco (reelected).; corresponding Secretary! M'"*- J. D. Bby kland; directors. Mrs. George E. Messrs. George M. Mott, H. Payot, A. 1.. Harris, P.'Jaynes, B. C. Hum phreys. Mrs. A. ].. Moore, who are hold overs, and 1.. Therkelsen and John n. Suit.:], who were newly elected. The HMenut trophy was won by the team composed of J. A. Thompson, cap tain, Beverly Letcher, Thomas M. Rey nolds and Jus<;>h <;. Cox, representing thr Mill Valley Club, by threp tricks. It will bo hold by the winning club subject to challenge under the rules adopted by jodation. The winners of the match for club pairs Mr. Haley :tl id Miss Brown OI the Trist Duplicate Club. Bxtra prixes and souvenirs were award ed to the successfu] contestants, and the convention adjourned to meet next yea:-. Nearly TO.ono tons of cork are needed for the bottled beer and aerated waters consumed annually in Great Britain. NEW TO-DAY. for LADIES only Ail my NEW STYLES of JACKETS, SUITS, CAPES, SILK SKIRTS, WAISTS, FUR CAPES, COLLARETTES marked down /2/ 2 Price. Ladies must remember that all my old stock was sold last year in my big sale. Nothing now but NEW STYLES. NO OTHER house In town can com- pare with the finish, quality and fit of my Garments. IiENDINE J4-PRICE SALE. ARMAND GAILLEAU 48 Geary St., corner Grant Aye. Furniture, Carpets, Bedding! "SORRY THEY MISSED US." CASH or LITTLE4T-A.TIME PAYMENTS. J.NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., 516-518-520-522 Minna St., fIBOVE SIXTH ST. . Telephone, South 14. Open Evenings. fENNYROYAL P!LLS ENNYROVAL PSLLS ■^tX " r| C<"»' »nT ""A'ii- -Z- 7 '\ich " "* D ' E * " k jK\. la r^\jM boxe »-»«»'o<> »itii tlae ribbon. T«t«W ■Pi *^ *^n» other. fttfutt dangtraa* tubktuZ >5^ I L. flFtionaand imit-ttiona. At I)ruggi«t«, or C«q ISi « I ,JJ n C?,' or J1*"10111*".J 1 *" 10111 *". t»stlmonl«l-, «c 4