OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, January 16, 1898, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

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San Francisco's Hospital
and Pesthouse Are
State Health Board Says They
•Should Be Removed as
Woodland Physician Found Respon
sible for a Recent Diphtheria
Special Dispatch to The Call.
SACRAMENTO, Jan. lo.— The State
Board of Health held a meeting here
this evening. The board resolved that
the City Hospital and Pesthouse in Elan
Francisco are unsanitary, find in evfry
respect unfit for the retention of the
sick, and should be rondemnfi and re
moved as disgraceful.
The action of the San Francisco
Board of Supervisors in authorizing a
garbage incineration plant was com
A communication was read from Dr.
M. Gardner, medical director of the
Southern Pacific Company, announcing
that cars were now disinfected on en
tering the State from the South. The
quarantine on vessels coming from
Mexican ports was raised, there being
no infectious diseases at these ports.
A report had been made that the
Stockton Asylum, with 1500 patients,
had only fourteen cases of consump
tion, while the Southern California
asylum, with less than 500 patients, re
ported fifty cases, besides several
doubtful ones.
Dr. Henderson, who had been investi
gating the spread of diphtheria at
Woodland, reported that at least one
physician there had failed to report
diphtheria rases, and ha i in a nu
of pronounced cases reported them to
be tonsilitis and membranous croup.
As the cases had not been quarantined
the disease had spread. He ordered
that tonsilitis cases be quarantined,
and the spread of the disease was
Dr. Crowley v.-ns authorized to attend
the meeting and quarterly cente
.of the National Board of Health fit De
troit and then go to Washington and
confer with th« Secretary of Agricul
ture In regard to quarantining against
spl»n°t!^ fever in cattle.
Many cases of leprosy having: ap
peared recently in this State Dr. Morse
•was authorized to po to the Hawaiian
Islands and study the disease and th<*
best methods of treating it and report
The next meeting of the board will
be held the second Saturday in Feb
ruary In San Francis.-".
Diplomats Arrayed in Full Uniform Present
an Imposing Spectacle at the
White House.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.— The new
French Errbassador. Jules Cambon. was
presented to President IfcKlnley to-day
at 11 o'clock. The presentation was per
formed by Secretary Sherman, who did
not receive the Embassador at the State
Department, according to the usual cus
tom, but met him at the White 0
M. Cambon was accompanied by Paul Le
faivre, who has been the Charge of the
embassy since the departure of M. Pate
notre, and also three other members of
the embassy staff, all arrayed in full
uniform and making p.n impressive spec
tacle on the hn : the White
House. The party . .ed in the
red parlor by the President. The speeches
were a little out of the ordinary run of
commonplaces, from the fact that they
breathed on both sidrs an attachment
growing out of the ancl'-nt alliance of the
United States nnd France.
Jumps From the Sixteenth Floor of the
Masonic Temple and His Body Is
Mangled to a Pulp.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15.— Alfred C. Green
leaf, a bookkeeper, committed suicide to
day by jumping from the sixteenth floor
of the Masonic Temple. Greenleaf had
been out of employment for some time,
and, becoming despondent, decided to
make way with himself. His first attempt
was raado In the Chamber of Commerce
building, where he was caught in th(* act
of jumping over the railing from the
twelfth floor to the rotunda, and »•
from the buildlnp. He then went to the
Masonic Temple, ascended to the six
teenth floor, climbed upon the railing and
jumped off into the rotunda. His body
struck a marble landing on the third
floor, shattered a slab two inches thick,
and landed on the balcony of the second
floor. The body was reduced to a miTu
pulp. Greenleaf's fall was witnessed by
scores of people in the rotunda.
Work of the Board of Experts in Session at
New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 13.— The United
States Board of Tea Experts, which has
been holding executive sessions in this
city for the purpose of considering and
adopting standards to govern the im
portation of teas for the ensuing year,
announced to-day that four of the eigh
teen standards to be adopted had been
decided upon. The standards adopted are
practically those of last year, and govern
the importation of Japanese leas, in the
schedule of standards they are known as
Japan tea. Japan dried; Japan tea. sun
dried: Japan tea, basket find and Japan
tea, dust or farmings. In the first three
the condition is made that the maximum
percentage of dust or farmings must not
exceed 4 per cent, when slfte<' through
a No. 30 sieve made of brass wire No. 31.
The board has yet to determine fourteen
standards. The board announces that no
especial effort will he made to raise the
standard of last season.
Declares That the Postal Telegraph and
Cable Company Will Not Be Absorbed
by the Western Union.
NEW YORK. Jan. 15.-A report was !
circulated in this and other cities last
right to the effect that the Western
Union Telegraph Company had absorbed
the Commercial Cable and Postal Tele
graph Company. Albert C. Chandler, i
president of the Postal Telegraph and \
Cable Company, laughed when he heard j
the rumor. He said that there was abso- i
lutely no truth in It and it had no foun
dation whatever.
Better Than Klondike.
"Wnntc".— Parties with from $500 to 110,000 to
oontrol pale or manufacture of patent to hitch
and unhitch horsea without getting out of the
vehicle. Prevents runaway*. Profit on sales.
$50,000 yearly. No canvassing. New York and
Illinois sold. Call at once and get choice of
territory. I. B. Snell, rm. 137. L!ck Hou»e,
Montgomery, near Market, Ban Francisco, Cal.
No Movement Yet to Stop
the Proposed Govern
ment Expedition.
Uncie Sam Wants Official Ad
vices as to the Condition
Of Minei*s.
Canadian Officials Sny They Will
Keep Food Trains Moviny Until
Spring Opens.
Special Dispatch to The Call.
\rw Y< >RK, Jan. ir>.— The Herald's
Washington correspondent telegraphs:
"The Government relief expedition will
be sent to the Yukon region unless of
ficial advices direct from Dawson
should |ved announcing that the
miners are amply supplied with food."
This statement was made to me to
nitrht i>y Acting Secretary lfieklejohn.
Mr. Mieklejohn states that there is no
truth in the report that the Govern
ment Will postpone the date of the de
parture of the expedition.
"We have only hearsay Information
from Dawson City in regard to the sit
uation." he said. "Major Hucker <>f
the Fourth Cavalry telegraphed yes
terday that miners coming from Daw
son City had reported that there was
ample food there, and this information
is in line with the statements these
miners have made upon their arrival
at cities on the Pacific Coast."
Mr. Mieklejohn is making an earnest
effort to pet an official statement in re
pa rd to the condition of miners in the
Yukon region. He telegraphed to
day to the Canadian authorities ask
ing them if they had any official In
formation, receiving this reply from
Minister Seftou to-night:
"My reports Indicate no immediate
danger of starvation at Dawson, t>ut
there is a great necessity for provi
sions being distributed between Tort
Selkirk and Bkaguay at various |
I believe the Ice has formed all the way
through now. Our provisions are being
pushed down by bones and dogs. I
intend to keep supplies moving unti the
water opens in the spring, to avoid any
possibility of disaster."
Another of the old New York pilot
boats has found a new career, and it
lies in an expedition to the Klondike.
Her name is the Actala, of ninety-two
tons, which has just been pun -
by C. C. McCarthy, recently first
of the steamer St&rbuck of San Fran
clscq, who is fitting her out for a voy
age to the Klondike around the Horn.
She will be commanded by her owner,
and will have a crew of six men. Ten
ngers are also to be taken along,
among v h<>ni are three women. Cap
tain McCarthy expects to sail about
January 20. The Actala was originally
buiit for a pleasure craft, and was first
owned by W. F. Weld of Boston, in
whose possession she remained for
some years before she became a. pilot
boat of the Sandy Hook lleet.
Sorry Plight of a Young Calif ornian Stranded
at Dawson City.
SAN RAFAEL, Jan. 15.— Word has at j
last been received from the party of i
three young men who left here last
year during the Klondike excitement to ;
search for gold in the frozen north. The
expedition "was composed of EC. C Kirk,
L. Emerson and C. Bergesen, all well
known here. Their object was to es- i
tablish a paper in Dawson City, but
the press and type were deserted and
left on the trail while the party pressed
• in. Backing the young men
some of the best-known people in San
Rafael. Rumors that the party bad
perished in the snow -were current, but
a letter received by James H. Wilklns,
of San Rafael yesterday, although tell
ing of hardship and suffering, is en
couraging to the extent of informing
th^ir friends that they are still alive.
Following is the letter in part:
DAWSON CITY, N. w. T.. Nov. 21.
Mr, Wllkins: i wrote you some days
.'ip.i about our arrival here — how the boys
abandoned the printing outfit at I
and how we were unable to prooure pro
visions here. Kirk and Bergcaen are
working a lay and are securing provis
ions. Sy practicing the most ritd'l econ
omy I can pull through until the Ural
boat arrives, I hope, liut I want to get
• f this country before I starve to
death, for unless I can raise the D
me out on the first I \y be
lieve 1 shall newer get out. • • • 1
have been up ai.d down the gulch look
ing for work and can . abso
lutely none. There Is not employment
fur one-fourth of the people here, and
will be none; it's a case „f eat your grub
and Starve unless you can get out. Over
a thousand men will have to risk their
lives in getting out this winter or starve.
NtN >t a pound for salo in either
The country is all right if you have
E!ent\* of provisions and money. If you
aye not it would be better if you were
in Hades, l feel that i am In great
peril and I ask you for God's sake to help
me out. I'll be the most contented kid
in California when I get hack, and I'll
repay every cent you have put on me.
• • • I wish I had taken your advice
and remained where I was. but if you
will help me out of this city Of famine
I'll work my hands to the bone ir
, service. The trip has benefited me and
I am in perfect health.
Advise all you know to stay out of
i here, unless they have a thousand dol
! lars and a thousand pounds of grub.
I remain yours, L. EMERSON.
Monthly Statement Showing Trade Condi-
tions of the United States.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.— The monthly
statement of exports and imports issued
by the Bureau of Statistics shows that
the exports of domestic merchandise for
December last amounted to J123.151.743, an
i!.f-re;ise as compared with December,
1896, of over $6,000,0u0. For the twelve
months the Increase was over $93,000,000.
The imports of merchadise during De
cember last amounted to $51,514,733, of
which $34,184,580 was free of duty. This is
a falling r.ff In the dutiable merchandise
of over t&JU#>ftOO. For the twelve months
the Increase was about $54,500,000. The
gold exports for December last amounted
to $i7:-S.. r >3B, and the imports to $2.11').<j13.
For the twelve months there was a de
crease in the exports of $23,873,087, and a
decrease in the imports of $71,481,781.
The exports of silver during the last
month aggregated $5,800,271, and the im
ports $1,083 162.
The year's figures show a decrease In
the silver exports of $4,711,062, and 1057.527
in the imports.
/Catherine Grey Seriously 111.
NEW YORK. Jan. 15.— Kalherino Or«y, '
the San Francisco actress, Is seriously ill
In the Hotel San Remo. The hotel at- j
tachefi and her physicians will say Both- I
Ing 1 about the nature of her complaint, j
Miss Grey had a leadinp female role in j
company No. 2of "The First Born." She <
made her first su< ceaa in New York as
Helen Kerry in "Shore Acres," on the
original production of that piece.
Parchment used on the best banjos
is mtde from wolfskin.
Two Hours' Debate on the
Bill by Members of
the House.
An Increase in the Amount
Asked Due to the Im
proved Service.
Euiogies on the Life and Public Serv
ice of the Late Representative
Special Dispatch to The Call.
Call Office. Riggs House,
Washington, Jan. 15.
The House devoted two hours to gen
eral debate on the army appropriation
bill and the remainder of the day to
eulogizing the life and public service
of the late Representative Seth W.
Milliken of Maine, who served for four
teen years in the lower branch of Con
Immediately after the reading of the
journal Star (P.) of Nebraska rose to a
question of privilege to deny a publi
cation in a local paper that he had act
i attorney in the pension case of
Jackson \v. Cheney. As a Rep:
tative he said he had Interested him
self in the case, but he bad never acted
as an attorney in his life.
On motion of I.anham (D.) of T
a bill was passed authorising the Pres
ident to appoint an additional District
Judge for the northern district of
Texas. It was explained that Judge
r, now Judge Of the district, was
utterly Incapacitated from his duties.
The House then went Into commit
tee of the whole and took up the army
appropriation bill. The bill, as Chair
man Hull of the Military Committee
explained, carried 123.185,990. or $:
751 less than the estimates and $.">■;. 74>;
in excess of the law for the current
year. The increase in the pay of the
army was dv-- to the fact that the army
was nearer its maximum strength than
heretofore. A new provision in the bill
required the payment of troops by the
paymaster in person.
The general debate on the bill was
desultory and not confined to the sub
tnatter dealt with by the bill.
Henry (D.) "f Texas took occasfc
•denounce Secretary Gage's funding
Terry (D.) <>' Arkansas made S'>me
ut the pi • tariff.
and (Gainer • i.i '. > of
the claim of the publishing ho
the Methodist Episcopal Church South.
A: I ..'dock f was sus;>
to give the members an opportunity to
pay tribute to the memory <>f the late
tentative Milllken of Maine.
Speaker Reed occupied the chair dur
ing the delivering '>:' tie- eulogies.
Those who spoke were: Burleigh
(R i ■'{ Maine, who succeeded Milli
ken; Dlngley (R.) o? Maine. p..utelle
<X i of Maine, Dinsmore <D.l of Ar
kansas. Skinner (I>. ) of N"rth Caro
lina, Mer er < X."> Of Nebraska. Hil
born <X.) of California, Hicks <R.) of
Pennsylvania and Little (D.) of Ar
At 3.2r> p. m.. as a further mark of
respect, the House adjourned.
Career of Dishonesty Revealed by the Fail-
ure of the Kentucky Trust Company,
an 0/d Corporation.
LOUISVILLE. Jan. ir> — The assign
ment of the Kentucky Trust Company to
the Columbia Finance and Trust Compa
ny was filed this afternoon. The UabiH
,; • - : Th<»
• : by Reinecke,
who was allowed to manage all its af
fairs. Reinecke was here thirty-flve
and had the confidence of all his
countrymen. He spoke six lans .
and was a splendid musician. He was the
Italian • Consul here and is allegi
baVe appropriated much of the money
that was Intrusted to him to remit to the
old country. He has a brother who is ;i
musical composer of note In Oem
He is married and has relatives In Cin
Strange Disappearance of John
Sweetnam, Late of
Departed Without Having o-cupied
a House Which He Had Just
Special Plspatrh to The Call.
SAN RAFAEL. .lan. 15.— Tn a little
homo in Boston. Mass., there Is a heart
broken maiden who Is anxiously await
ing tidings of John Sweetnam of Novato,
a dairying town thirteen miles from here.
In Bedford. Mass, there is a brother,
George EL Sweetnam, who also is await
ing knowledge of whether his brother is
living or not. Sweetnam's disapt>earance
Is one of the mysteries of the little town
of Novato, and interest has been revived
by developments which leaked out to
In August of last year John Sweetnam
purchased some land in Novato with the
purpose of making the place his home.
Sweetnam then drove to Petaluma, where
he mortgaged his property for $450 and
proceeded with the money to buy lumber
for a boose. Tin- lumber was paid for
and delivered and Sweetnam had money
lejt— about $100, it is suld. Soon after he
returned he hitched his horse to his cart
and without a word to any one drove
away. From that day the people of
Novato have not set eyes upon him.
Constable Devoto took the. east* in
charge, and has been energetic Jn his ef
forts to trace Sweetnam. Devotq learned
that Sweetnam, after leaving Novato, had
gone to Angel Island, where he has ■
trunk. Letters were found there that led
to the discovery of his sweetheart ami
brother in the East. Sweetnam had left
Angel Island and from there dropped out
of sight. It is possible that he may have
become deranged and was sent to an
asylum. Constable Devoto will ascertain
by inquiry if such is the case, but the
prospects of finding him in any of the
State's institution is slight.
George H. Sweetnam. the brother of the
missing man. has written t.» Devoto ask
ing for information and appealing tr> thf
authorities to locate his brother, if he still
lives. His address is Bedford, Mass., or
246 Devonshire street. Boston.
in th<- letter from the jrotmg •woman
she pleads that something may be done
on the part of the authorities or others to
learn the whereabouts of her betrothed.
Estate of M- F Wlndel.
The estate of Henri Frederick Wlndel
has been appraised at 558,589 49. The es
tat" consists of personal property solely.
The last ■will of George Scharetg was
filed for probate yesterday. The estate,
consisting of personal property, the value
of whirh is unknown, is bequeathed to
the widow of the decedent.
Repeal of a Statute Mak
ing Them Such Is
Andrew Furuseth's Mission to
Washington Will Be
Imprisonment of a Sailor for Viola
tion of a Civil Contract a Relic
of Barbarism.
Special Dispatch to The Call.
Call Office, Riggs House,
Washington, Jan. 15.
Captain Thomas Wallace of San
Francisco is at th»- Kljcks House. He
is here to attend the convention of
masters and pilots, which meets n^xt
week. Andrew Furuseth of San Fran
cisco is also here and will urge the re
peal of the T'nited States statute
which provides the penalty of imprison
ment for seamen who leave their ships
In harbor and refuse to carry out their
sailing contracts.
It will he recalled that the United
States Supreihq r<>urt in the Arago
i-'d that this statute (passed
in 1790t is sril] in force and Is constitu
tional. Therefore, the only remedy for
• is to have this odious stat
ute repealed. Mr. Furuseth contends,
with reason, that the imprisonment of
a sallt r for violation of a civil contract
Is ;i species of slave lab^r and is a
relic of barbarism.
He says the fugitive slave law of
R*aS based <>n this same statute,
which was never repealed, but should
be He justly contends that there is
no more reason for imprisoning a
sailor who violates a civil contract
than a land-lubber laborer who does
A bill for its repeal will be urjfed by
Maguire in the House and Perkins in
the Senate. The seamen will also urpe
the passage of a bill requiring the
"bridge officers" of vessels, first.
ond and third mates, to be licensed;
also a bill requiring that for neglect of
giving pr ils or orders pilots
and officers of -hall be tried
and convicted by .i board of three in
stead of a single inspector before their
license is revoked.
Dr. J. H. Stallard Gives His
Views on Organic
Law Making.
No One Man Power, No Civil Serlvce
System, but a Constructive Non-
Administratiyo Document
Dr. J. 11. Stallard lectured in the Me
chanics' Institute last night on a "Home
Rule Charter.' He prefaced his remarks
by giving his experience of twenty-five
years In London, where he had been con
nected win the great problem of muni
cipal government. The English system of
conducting city affairs was contrasted
with that of the American as he found it.
Statistics from the various leading
American cities were referred to, which
went to show that v. , are far behind
our English cousins in the manner of
running large municipalities. Figures
from the Auditor's reports of this city
were quoted to show the woeful extrav
agance of our system.
In 1889 and 181*0 the total in salaries
alone was $2,274,293. This was increased
during the seven following years, until
In 1896 and 1897 it had grown to $3,173.391— a
difference of $$99,0'.i8, or at the rate of
$128,444 a year. The various Commission
ers' departments were shown up to be
nothing but places especially created for
political time-servers who owe their al
legiance to the political bosses. The
greatest of all of the many evils was
pointed out to be the License Ofnee.
where the salaries had Increased from
$2* .729 in •■'.< and 1"." to $40,721 in 1596 and
1597, without any perceptible increase in
the revenues; yet there was $11,992 ex
pended for salaries alone. Other offices
were cited also to show the rottenness of
our present system of city government.
He advocated the idea that a charter
for the people should be framed and
adopted upon the principle of a railroad
board of directors.
Senator Perkins Interested in the Transpor-
tation of Goods in Bond Through British
an/ American Territory to Dawson.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10.-Senator P. r
klns w.is ;it th«- Treasury Department this
morning and s.iw Commissioner of Xavl- j
gation Chamberlain relative to the trans
portation of goods in bon<l Cor British
territory through American territory to I
Dawson City. This Is not only to Include
the transportation of relief supplies for
the Klondike, but is Intended to apply
to the. transportation of all goods Into
that country. The visit of Canadian
Minister of the Interior Sefton was made
fur this purpose Senator Perkins was
given to understand at the Treasury De
partment that there would be no diffi
culty about the transportation of goods
in bond to Dawson and that the regula
tions would be Issued during the lirst
part or' next week, probably on Monday.
As the goods are to be shipped from Van
couver (British territory* through Ameri
< an territory into Dawson City, inspectors
or surveyors of customs will be appointed
to supervise this transportation of (funds
in bond from St. Michaels up the Yukon,
• uptne and Stickeen rivers.
i'< nsions have been granted as follows:
California: original --James A. Morri
son. Pan Diego. $10; .Tames N. Qettys,
Stockton. JR. Original widows, etc.—
Martha J. Case. San Francisco. $8; Mary
Havens. Pasadena. JS. Minors of Owen
Byrnes. Hut-tm vista. $12.
Oregon: Original— Da r. ford R. Odell,
Portland. J*; Patrick Murphy Coles Val
ley. $y Increase— Arthur Bridges. Marsh-
Beld, V t<. US. original widows, etc.—
Sarah V. Reickarda, Baker City, $8.
Washington: original widows, etc.—
Sciota CabansU, Seattle. $12.
Superintendent of the Mint l>ach was
at the Treasury Department to-day and
made a protest* against, any reduction of
wages of San Francisco Mint employes.
Mrs. M.Kenna and Miss Marie Mc-
Kenna have issued cards for a reception
on Tuesday at f> o'clock. When Miss
Marie will make her debut.
Senator Perkins and Representative
Barham have recommended the reap
pointment of F. J. Thompson as receiver
of the land office at Eureka, Cal.
Robber Irwin Arraigned.
SAN JOSE, Jan. Isaac Irwln, alias
Marvin, who robbed and nearly killed E.
A. Brown last Saturday morning, was ar
raigned before Justice Gass to-day on a
charge of grand larceny. His examina
tion was set for January 18, with bail
fixed at $.?000. An additional charge of as
sault with intent to commit murder will
be placed against Irwtn. . The whole of
the $200 taken was recovered.
Light Showers Fall in
Several Sections of
the State.
More Are Needed to Give, an
Impetus to Grain and
Fruit Crops.
Extent of the Damage by the Recent
Froats in Los Angeled
Special Dispatch to The Call.
SAN JOSE, Jan. 15.— Rain began
falling in San Jose and vicinity this
morning and continued at intervals
until evening. In all .10 of an inch
fell. The farmers are pleased because
the indications point to another down
pour. Several inches more of rain is
needed to meet the demands of the
soil. A few more rains, and the Santa
t'ktra Valley will be assured of large
crops, both of fruit and grain.
SACRAMENTO, Jan. 15.— There was
a short shower of light rain here this
afternoon, which probably pleased the
farmers. The continued frosts and
cold weather, it is said, are keeping
back the grain, which will not make
much headway until a warmer speil
comes on. No complaints of a lack of
moisture are heard here. The crops
are in a state of statu quo, so to speak.
The grain is all In the ground, awaiting
only warm weather, with occasional
rains, to show rapid growth. There
are no reports of injury to crops in
this section from drought or other
causes, but they are retarded and held
back by cold weather. As soon as the
conditions change, the growing crops
will come right along.
The County Horticultural Commis
sioners report the chief damage of the
week's frost to have occurred in the
neighborhood of Downey and Rivera.
Many of thr- orchards there suffered se
verely, fruit and young trees being
frozen in many instances. The da:
occurred in streaks, following the ex
treme lowlands and gulches. Lemons
were also injured. Fruit insp
have condemned a quantity of frosted
oranges offered in open market in this
city. The damage to trees and fruit oc
curred only on lands unfit for citrus
cultivation. The high foothill orchards
.■•!•■ not affected by the touch of low
STOCKTON. Jan. 15.— The rainfall
to-day was very light, and had no ef
p outlo -k. The farmers
have generally finished plowing and
are awaiting heavy falls of rain, hut
no damage is feared from the delayed
downpours, and tlvre is no present fear
of a dry season, for it is remembered
that last year there was very little
rain until February and then it came
too fast and crops suffered for late
rains In the spring. It is the late rains
that make crops, and farmers feel no
anxiety until the spring opens. While
the winter rains hold off the indications
are good for late spring rains, and
these make the farmers glad. The acre
age in this county will be larger than
for many ypars. and from the present
outl<-..,k the crops will be abundant.
The rainfall in Southern California
during the week was sufficient in most
cases for general farm work. Plowing
and seeding has started afresh and
there is general confidence of a full
crop. Early sown grain is doing well
and pasturage has revived. The total
rainfall for the season is 3.77 inches.
The indications are for more rain dur
ing the next twenty-four hours. The
maximum temperature to-day was 62
degrees, minimum temperature 40 de
BAN DTEOO, Jan. 15.— The late rain
has removed all present danger of the
grain prop failing. The acreage is much
r than last year. Early in the sea
son immense tracts were sown to grain,
which is already well advanced. This
is notably tho case in the Santa Maria.
Xl Cajon, Poway, Kscondido and D?l
Mar districts, in all of which an in
■ed acreage has been planted.
Since the last storm farmers have been
busy sowing more grain. The weather
is clear here to-night.
Watching for the Storm Which
Is Traveling Interior
More Rain Will Fall Throughout the
Coast According to Pre
The wh*at men throughout San Joa
qutn Valley are watching anxiously for
the storm which Is traveling in that di
rection according to the reports of Fore
cast Official Hammon. It will mean con
siderable to the growers there if a heavy
rain should fall within the next few days.
The storm is slowly advancing toward
the Interior, and in the mean time more
rain is expected to fall along the coast
during the next twenty-four hours! The
forecast during to-day states that South
ern California will have rain as well as
the northern portions. The summary
states that the storm that was hovering
over Vancouver Island has divided, a por
tion advancing eastward and the other
traveling toward Oregon, thence south
through Nevada,
Cloudy weather still continues in San
I.vis Obispo County, accompanied by
southerly winds, as far south as Bakers
rl-ii). The Sacramento Valley has been
visited by the recent downpour, and snow
has been reported at Imnsmuir. It is re
ported that the temperature has risen all
o\er the coast, especially noticeable in
portions of Nevada.
The peculiar shape and wide area of the
storm movement accounts to a certain
extent for its slow progress.
Thinly Clad He Walks From a Train and Is
Found When Near to His
LOS ANGET.ES. Jan. 15.— Ouster Mc-
Kay, the IS-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jamos L. McKay of Oakland, came with
in fifteen minutes of being frozen to
death at Tehachapl on Thursday morn
ing. The young man is subject to som
nambulism and while en route to the
City of Mexico with his mother he left
the train at Tehachapi. clad only In his
underclothes. The train proceeded on its
way and after young McKay had. while
■ound nsleep, wandered about In the snow
for a while he lay down and started on
his slumber of death. A railway man on
his way stumbled over his snow-covered
body and took the young fellow to the
depot, where medical aid was summoned.
It took hard work to brinj the boy to
Booth-Tucker Talks of the
Salvation Colony at
Returning to New York He Is
Enthusiastic Over the
Unstinted in His Praise for the Many
Kindnesses or Landlord
C. F. Romie.
Special Dispatch to The Call.
NEW YORK, Jan. 15.— Commander
Booth-Tucker has just returned from
a visit to his newly founded colony at
Soledad. Cal., of which he speaks en
thusiastically. It is a poor man's par
adise, he declares.
"To Northern and Eastern people,"
he said to-day, "the idea of opening our
homestead colony on January 5 might
not have seemed wise, but out there It
appeared quite a natural thing. The
people of the valley declare that the
clouds have been held up by the pray
ers of Salvationists till they could get
the roofs on thirty neat cottages that
dot their 500-acre tract of land. And,
curiously enough, just as we took the
i train to leave, the clouds spread them
| selves over the valley. Mr. C. F. Ro
| mie Is a fine type of the hospitable
California^, and he has placed at our
disposal what is generally admitted to
be one of the choicest spots in the val
ley. Innumerable have been the kind
nesses of our sympathetic landlord.
More than 2000 trees for ornament and
shade await transplanting. An irri
gation plant is to be purchased for our
use and paid for in easy installments.
The land itself is sold at a ' reduced
price and in time payments. "
"And the colonists, what sort of peo
ple are they?"
"Well, they were the pick of 400 fam
ilies numbering 2000 persons, who had
applied, mostly living in San Francis
co. Ninety per cent of the applicants
had had more or less experience, hav
ing drifted to the city, and being anx
ious for an opportunity of getting bark
into the country. All of the selected
families were able-bodied agricultu
rists. For three months past they had
been attending weekly colonist meet
ings, at which Professors Hilgard and
Jaffa and a Salvationist graduate of
the Agricultural College had been giv
ing lectures on a variety of farming
Library Association of Central California.
At the annual election of the Library
Associatlon of Central California, held
last night in the rooms of the San Fran
cisco Teachers' Club. Mercantile Library
building, the following officers were fleet
ed for the ensuingyear: President, Gi
T. Clark, librarian San Francisco Pub
lic Library: vice-president, A. M. Jellt-
Sin, librarian Mechanics" Institute; sec
retary. F. J. Teggart. .-lssistant librarian
Stanford I'niversity: treasurer, Miss Em
ily I. Wode, San Francisco Public Li
The total number'of gypsies In Hun
gary is estimated at 185,000.
"'" : NEW TO-DAY.
Will Surely Be Doomed to Disappointment.
Usually Deceives Those Who Seek It.
Established 15 Years
ATT ■ .'
VAITVfi MAV If you are suffering from early indiscretions, excesses or unnatural
lUtnU lUALI losses, which rob the blood of its richness and the body of its ani-
mating Influences, which enfeebles the constitution, weakens the brain and finally
results in impotency, paralysis and insanity; if you are tormented with unnatural
lust or morbid fear; if your days are passed with distressing thoughts of your
disease and your nights with frightful dreams and unrefreshing sleep; if your
memory is failing, if you are bashful and unfit for business or marriage; if you
have purple spots before the eyes and a wandering mind; if you have all or any of
these symptoms, you are suffering from Seminal Weakness and its kindred ailments.
Do not be deluded with the false hop.? that Nature will come to your relief, but
bravely cast aside all shame and lay your case before Doctor Sweany. His experi-
ence in treating such diseases has been world-wide. His success in effecting- cures
almost phenomenal. He has cured thousands of others and he can cure you.
WFIY R4flk^~ unmistakable sign of diseased kidneys. Does your back ache?
IT CAR u.-lvlw Do you have sediment or brick-dust deposit? Have you weakness
of the sexual organs, partial or total impotency? Have you emissions at night or
unnatural losses? These symptoms mean to y.ou Diabetes or Bright's Disease, and, if
neglected, a premature grave.
PRIVATE DISFASFS — Gonorrnea ' Gleet, Stricture and Syphilis positively and for-
YinifAfci pfHydrocele, Piles, Fistula, weak organs; Stricture, Swellings and Ten-
» .•iniWuvLL.Lr derness of the Glands treated with unfailing success.
PIIPTIIPF New Method. Sure cure, painless treatment, no knife, no detention from
ivtii lunti work, no experiment. A positive, and permanent cure.
LADIES Wlll receive careful and special treatment for all their many ailments.
Doctor Sweany has thousands of testimonials on file, but none are published or
exposed. If you want references before coming to the office there are living wit-
nesses all around you in the city and country. Ask the businss men, the manufac-
turers, the merchants, the lawyers, laborers, farmers and literary people who have
been cured by him, after having struggled in vain for years against the ravages of
disease. * °
WRITE If yoU llve °?V of the oity and cannot call, and get the Doctor's opinion of
ITHIIL yol]r case and hls advlcei which wm be fflven free of COBl A valuable book
eveo- D^r!o°n o^aSoaUo^.^ Address. all the or S ans and their diseases, sent free to >
737 Market Street, San Francisco, Gal;
"When ordering please refer to advertisement in "The Call."
Charles M. Shortridge
Dying at Gilroy Hot
Physicians Announce Their
Belief That the End Is
Heart Trouble Responsible for the
Condition of the Stricken
Special Dispatch to The Call.
SAN JOSE, Jan. 15.— Charles M.
Shortridge, editor and proprietor of the
San Jose Mercury, is critically ill at
Gilroy Hot Spring* and his physicians
have little hope of his recovery. Mr.
Shortridge has had several severe at
tacks of heart trouble recently, and in
the latter part of December was taken
to the springs in the hope that the
mountain air and mineral baths would
benefit him. Some improvement re
sulted and he was contemplating re
turning to San Jose, but new compli
cations set in and yesterday his con
dition became alarming. There has
been no Improvement since.
Charles M. Shortridge became much
worse yesterday, and is now dangerous-
ly ill. " His physicians expect the end
to come within the next twenty-four
hours. Mrs. Shortridge and daughter,
accompanied by Dr. Curnow, the fam
ily physician, of San Jose, arrived at
Gilroy to-day. >
MONTREAL, Quebec, Jan. 15.— W. Bi
Chapman, a well-known capitalist of Ja
maica, In an interview to-day, stated
that the party in favor of the annexa
tion of the island to Canada has grown
to great strength and that definite meas<
ures are on foot to secure the union. It
is the intention to unite all the British
possessions in the Western Hemisphere
into one dominion, and Chapman says
definite encouragement has been offered
by the British Government.
'While this may bo to the advantage of
the empire, Canadian politicians are pro
testing vigorously against boing har
nessed with such incompatible int.
The differences, they say. b.-tween prov
inces now in the confederation are suf
ficiently rampant to justify opposition.
Some years ago a delegation from Ja
maica broached the subject of union to
the Canadian Parliament, but the pro
lect was overwhelmingly defeated. The
present party intends to appeal to the
British Government and is sanguine of
success. The leaders here claim that if
the scheme goes through all the strength
will be taken from the confederation and
stilt-- that Canada will resist it by all
possible means.
Charge Withdrawn-
Frederick S. Adams Jr. of Oakland was
not arrested on the warrant issued from
Judge Conlan's court Friday at the in
stance of R. D. Hagerty of Golden Gate
Villa. Adams' brother called upon Ha
gerty Friday night and paid the bill,
amounting: to 1428. The warrant was ac
cordingly withdrawn yesterday.

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