VOLUME LXXXIII.-NO. 48. LOS ANGELES NOW UP IN ARMS! Its People Determined to Break the Clutch of the Water Company. Mayor Snyder and a Minority of the Council Standing by Their Pledge. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16.— A grave Question has arisen. Shall a water company rule this city? The present year will witness an eventful struggle to determine this point. No more im portant contest than the one to be waged between an entrenched capital and the taxpayers has yet l>een record ed' in local history, and the outcome must directly Interest every one of the 110,000 residents. Nevertheless, the peo ple who recognize the fact that their rights are in danger, that a corpora fattened on their generosity, is loth to relinquish its grip, are obliged to turn to San Francisco to find a daily paper bold enough to champion their cause. Almost as a unit the people of Los Angeles, taxpayers and voters, favor public ownership of a water-distribut ing plant. This statement Is not ad vanced as an estimate. It is simply declan <1 as truth, for the people have directly indicated their wishes at the ballot-box. It will be thirty years on the 22d of next July since the city of Los Angeles entered into a contract with private parties to take from the management of the little adobe town of 1868 the ■water works plant, then owned by the municipality, and to conduct and oper ate it for thirty years. To these private parties— now known as the Los Angeles City Water Com pany — the City Council of the later six ties gave the use of the water of the Los Angeles River for the period above stated, the same to be distri buted for public purposes. According to the terms of the lease, it was provided that at the expiration of the contract the plant of the water company should once more become the property of the city, the company to be paid at a fair and equitable figure for all improvements made thereto. When this contract was entered into and this lease made, the city of Los Angeles had a scattered popula tion of a few thousands. No one for one moment thought that at the ex piration of the lease there would be here the second city In size and com mercial importance west of the Rocky Mountains. But such is the case, and, as the city has grown, bo. has the re muneration of the original holders of that valuable lease, their heirs and assigns. Under this private direction and con trol the city and its people have for thirty years been put to a very heavy tax for water Bupply. The water com pany has had a monopoly and has been enabled to place a burden upon the peo ple which they have been forced to bear, complaints being futile. Accord ing to the rates now in force, and they have been reduced year by year for Borne rlx or seven years, there is an an nual profit of $400,000 accruing to the stockholders of the water company. The citizens have long realized this but In a good-natured way they have borne their burden almost without murmur. They had to. But they had ail the time one bright ray of hope In the future. In 1898 the lease, franchise all rights of the water company were lapsed by the contract and the property reverted to the city. Then a greater era would dawn. People could have all the water they desired for household and other purposes and It would be furnished to them by the city direct, at the simple cost of distribu tion, which would be exceedingly light. All agreed that when this time arrived their troubles as to water would be over. The water contract that was made In lobe days of Los Angeles has be come an historical document, and it is Inly a most extraordinary paper. It is given in full, as follows: 000000000000 o o O The Binding Document © O On Which o ° Much Depends. ° O O oo 0000000000 atlon Known as the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Los Angeles, and their luccessors in office, for and on behalf of said city of Los- Angeles, party of the first part, and John S. Grlffln, Prudent Beaudry and Solomon La zard. residents of the city and county of Los Angeles, State of California, party of the second part, witnesseth: That for and In consideration of the yearly payment of $1500 per annum In gold coin, such payments to be made on the first day of January of each year, after the signing and/approval of this ordinance and contract, until the conclusion of the term of this contract and the further considera tion that the said parties of the sec ond part will surrender to the said parties of the first part and cancel all claixn3 that they now hold against said city for repairs of said ] wate* works, and for damages amounting to the sum of $8000. a little more or less; .and for the further consideration of the said parties of the second part, shall make the following improve ments about, in and upon the said water works at their own proper costs and expenses, to wit: Lay down In streets of said city twelve miles of iron pipes of sufficient capacity to supply the inhabitants of said city with water for domestic purposes, and shall erect or cause to be erected one hydrant, to be used as a protec lion against fire, at the corner of each cross street of said city, where water pipes are now, or may hereafter be laid, by virtue of this contract, and shall, within one year from the ap proval of this contract an^ ordinance, erect or causa to be erected an omit, mental fountain on the pli.ii:. of this city, of such design as the Mayor or Common Council shall direct, at a cost not to exceed. 51000; and shall, within two years from the approval of this contract and ordinance, con struct, at their own expense, such ditches, flumes or erect such machin ery In connection with said water works as will secure to the inhabi tants of «-aid city a constant supply cf v/jitei for domestic purpose*, and shall construct reservoirs of sufficient ci.p.u'iv for that purpose. The said party of the first part, for the above considerations, and $1 in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby covenants and agrees with the said party of the sec ond part, their heirs, executors, ad ministrators and assigns, to deliver and concede to the said parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, ad ministrators or assigns, the exclusive use, control, possession and manage ment of the Los Angeles city water works, so-called, together with all and singular, the pipes, flumes, wheels and other personal property composing and appertaining to said water works in any manner whatsoever, with all rights, easements and privileges, and covenants as described and contained in a certain instrument of lease, exe cuted, by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Los Angeles, of date October IS, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, to Jean 1.. Sansovaine. for the period of thirty years from the beginning and approval of this contract and ordinance, with the right to sell and distribute water for domestic purposes, and to receive the rents and profits thereof, for their own use and benefit, except as here inbefore provided, hereby giving and granting the said parties of the sec ond part, their heirs, executors, ad ministrators or assigns, the right to lay pipes In any and all the streets of said city, and make all necessary excavations for that purpose, and the right-of-way through, upon and over land or streets belonging to the said city of Los Angeles, with the addition al right to take water from the Los Angeles River at a point above or near the present dam; provided, always, that the said parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, adminis trators or assigns, shall at no time take from said river for the use of said water works more than ten Inches NEWS OF THE DAY. Weather forecast at San Fran cisco: Cloudy Monday; probably < rain; southwesterly wind. • Maximum temperature for the past twenty-four hours: « San Francisco 46 degree* • Portland .1. 46. degrees Los Angeles C 4 degrees San Diego 68 degrees FIRST AND SECOND PAGES. LO3 Angeles Water War. BFBfi < Sanford B. Dole Arrives. i THIRD PAGE. Death of Ben Butterworth. < Forecast of Congress. < Treatment of Swine. i Crisis In Cuba Passed, . Mrs. Lane Shoots Herself. FOURTH PAGE. New Warship for Japan. Gold Digging Illustrated. Blow Torture and Death. Chile Was Called Down. Charles P. Villlers Dead. FIFTH PAGE. Cruel Boy Murderer. Marriage on the Ocean. Dr. Jordan's Sermon. A Belle Attempts Suicide. Entries for Turf Events. SIXTH PAGE. Editorial. Keeping Faith. The Week of Preparation. An Immediate Remedy Wanted. Marked Improvement In Trade. The Golden Jubilee Edition. . "Individual Thoughts," by a Mod > est Critic. » SEVENTH PAGE. > News Along the Water Front, > > Coursing at Ingleside. . Trying to Move the Hospital. . Mysterious Death of a" Woman. > A Suspected Robber Not Identified. > EIGHTH PAGE. , Baseball News. >. . A Whaling Episode. > Funeral of Mrs. Shafter. > ' NINTH PAGE. > News from Across the May. > TENTH PAGE. >> National Guard Notes. >> On the Shooting Ranges. :> ELEVENTH PAGE. ■ • Births, Marriages, Deaths. i, TWELFTH- PAGE. .> Burglars Still at Work. Hfj] !> * First Mass Celebrated. 5>Y . Ready for the Jubilee. $> Dun-ant's Life Criticized. • • Robbed by an Old Game. :> Waging a Society War. This agree ment, made and entered into this !oth day of July, A. D. tween the corpor- The San Francisco Call of writer, •without the previous con sent of the Mayor and Common Coun cil of Faiil city; :uid that they will, within sixty days from the d.ite here of, select the point from which the water will be taken from said river. The said party of the first part hereby covenant anil atrree with the nai. executors, adminis trators or assigi •■ to choose one man each, and th< j two men thus i to select a third man, and the judg ment of the three men thus selected shall be final In the premises. And the said party of the first part hereby covenant and agree to make no other lease, sale, contract, grant or fran chise, to any person or persons, cor poration or company, for the sale or delivery of water to the inhabitants of said city for domestic purposes dur ing the continuance of this contract, always without prejudice to any rights already granted. And the said parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, adminis trators or assigns, hereby covenant and agree with the said party of the first part that they will pay the sums of money at the time and in the manner hereinbefore mentioned and pet forth, and cancel the claims here re mentioned, upon the signing and approval of this contract and ordinance by the proper parties there to; that they will make thf improve ments hereinbefore mentioned and set forth. in the following manner, to wit: That they will replace all the •; pipes now belonging to the said water works within one year from the signing anil approving of this con tract and ordinance, and that they will extend said Iron pipes as : the citizens dt-siring to be supplied M. P. SNYDER, MAYOR OF LOS ANGELES. RINGING WORDS. with water for domestic purposes ■will agree to take sufficient water to pay 10 per cent per annum Interest upon the cost of extending such pipes through the streets now unsupplied with water. That they will within one year from the date hereof place a hydrant to be used as a protection against fire at the corner of one street at each of the cross streets where the pipes are now laid down, and will erect hydrants at other street corners according to the terms of this contract as fast as the pipes are extended through the streets of said city. Thar they will erect or cause to be erected an ornamental fountain upon the public plaza, of such f the first part at the expiration of the said pert* d of thirty years in good order and condition, reasonable Wear and damage by the elements excepted. The city of Los Angeles not being Insolvent, the water company could in duo timo recover all it is entitled tv for improvements under th<- contract. I consider Uie Water company acting sim ply in the capai Ity of trustee, and that acting as such the com pany lias absolutely nothing to Bay about operating the plant after the expiration of the contract. By terms of the contract the plant reverts to the dtjr. All the water company his is a claim on the city for the real value of the improvements wit during the 1 i r.» of the contract. There Is no doubt that nearly thirty years ago when the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Los Angeles entered into con- With the water company, it was never intended (and if it had been Intended it would have been expressly provided in the tract) that the water company should at the expiration of the contract hare any rights in the premises except to the real raloe of the Improvements. The press dispatches made it appear that in my annual ffe I advocated confiscation and other anarchistic meas ures. T have not tsid a word about confiscation. Why should I? The water plant is the property of the city of LOS Anp.-1.-s. and under the contract all that the city has to no is to pay for the Improvements. I believe that the City Water Company, after having made millions of dollars out of a privilege granted by the city and for which it paid nothing, should be philan thropic enough to assist rather than obstruct the efforts at an early settlement. It is a plain case. Kither th<* city or the water company is to rule. If the city doesn't demand Its rights, the rock of ages will crumble away before we are any nearer municipal owner ship of water works than we aro t<> In conch rmit me to say that I am standing firmly on the platform upon which I was elected. I am exert ing every effort to bring about a fair, just settlement of the question at issue, and I shall continue to do so while in tsa office I now occupy. Very sincerely yours. M. P. SNYDER. Stayor of Los Angeles. PRESIDENT SANFORD B. DOLE. TO FURTHER THE CAUSE OF ANNEXATION flrrival of President Sanford B. Dole of the Hawaiian Govern ment as an Err)bassador to Washingtor). After a stormy passage from the Is lands, and nearly four days overdue, the Peru slipped in through the fog last night, and just before 9 o'clock dropped anchor off Melggs wharf. There had been some anxiety as to her welfare, but she arrived with all well, and bearing the President of the island republic, Sanford B. Dole. President Dole Is in a hurry. He will stay no l«inger in San Francisco than possible, and then he will speed on to Washington— for Washington is his goal and Congress is his object, and his mission the cause of annexation. Doles arrival just now is particular ly significant, for the question of an nexing the Hawaiian Islands is now be fore the Senate, and the presence of an embassador no meaner than the head of the Provisional Government itself shows how deeply * concerned the an nexationists are in regard to the fate of their favorite project. President Dole will appear before the committee on foreign relations in the furtherance of his mission, and his hopes reach to a hearing before the bar of the Senate itself, should such a course be allowed. At any rate, he comes armed with all the weapons of a diplomat, and the fight against the au tonomy of the island government will be a bitter one. President Dole is accompanied by his wife and daughter, both of whom will continue on East with him. Dr. Rosenau, the Federal quarantine officer, whose Jurisdiction in the matter of inspecting foreign vessels has been decided by the courts, followed his usual custom in the case of the Peru. He made no effort to allow the passen gers to land, having had no Instruc tions from Washington to waive the usual custom. Drs. Chalmers and Hill, however. State officers, accepted an invitation to become reporters for the yellow journal on Mission street, though they failed In tatlve that they had made their late trip through the rain for the benefit of the press. A singular fatality over took them, for but one paper received any intimation that the doctors were losing their time for the benefit of news in general. The ship's officers said that they did not know that the doctors were act ing as reporters. It was learned from both doctors and from Mr. George Hooper, who accom panied the yellow paper's tug, that not anyone of the party was allowed to see President Dole and that the reporter was not allowed to leave his tug. Drs. Hill and Chalmers were very eager to have the papers denounce Dr. Rose nau for not allowing the President to land, though he seems to have stuck closely to his line of duty, refusing to lend himself to yellow methods. The extent of the anxiety felt for the Peru can be best Judged by the comparative silence of the Merchants' Exchange telephone. It has kept up a constant jingle since the ship was due, the racket increasing in proportion as the hours flew by and the ship was still unsighted. It took the full time of one man just to answer queries about the vessel. President Dole was not the only one for whom a welcome was prepared. United States Marshal Baldwin, Uni PHICE FIVE CENTS. ted States District Attorney Foote, Secretary Macao of the Japanese con sulate and United States Deputy Mar shal Mi -nekton waited at the wharf for the arrival of the steamer with war rants for the arrest of possibly two of her passengers. One was for a Japan ese named Kamejtro, who was wanted at Yokohama for forgery, and the other was 1 >r. Herbert, alias Onpen, who, was thought, might come on the vessel from Honolulu. Herbert was accused of causing the death of a wo man in Auckland from malpractice, and he lied on the steamer Alameda to Honolulu, and it was supposed he would come on to this port on the Peru. Colonel Hay Goes to Egypt. LONDON. Jan. H;.— The United States Embassador to Great Britain, Colonel John Hay and family, will sail from Genoa on the North German I^loyd steamship Prina Regent Luitpold on January I'O fur Egypt on a tour up the Nile. A Great Fire at Trikhala. ATHENS, Jan. X.— A great fire at Trlk bala has done damage to the amount of £50,000. NEW TO-DAY. Many, a buisness man -jSrl^ who is envied by his as- Zi\*-^yfc \ v 1 sociates and acquaint- S^SSHj^ ances as a "lucky fel- i2%s^Tj|4r low" stands but a step **^gf from the grave. He has • we. purchased success at the cost of health. For every ■ step forward in wealth he has taken two backward in health. Now that he has al- most achieved his ambition as a money-get« ter, he is standing on the verge of his grave. Just one more big business strain— just one more step backward in health — and he will step into his grave. No man has the right to gain money at the expense of health. H* owes something to wife and children — some- thing to himself. He may have health easily. Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery makes men and women strong and well. It wards off disease. It makes pure blood, solid -flesh, and strong nerves. When the arteries are filled with rich, pure blood, a man doesn't easily break down or get sick. He can stand almost any amount of work or strain. The "Golden Medical Discovery" corrects the embracing disorders that cause all manner of disease. It corrects dis- orders of the digestion, irregularities of the bowels, and impure blood. Druggists sell it. ■ " I was afflicted with pimples and toils, and running sores face and neck," writes Robert S. \Y--r:. of No. 615 Galloway Aye., Columbus, Ohio. "Nothing did me any good. I took Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets;' before I had taken four bottles I was cured." Every family should have Dr. Pierce'a Common Sense Medical Adviser. The book was cheap at $I.so its regular price. Now, for a limited time, it may be had for nothing. 21 one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only, will procure you the book in strong paper covers, post-paid. Or you can have the book in elegant cloth binding,' for 10 cents extra; 31 cents in. all. - World's Dispensary Medical Associa- tion.. Buffalo, N. V.