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12 THE TALENT KEPT GUESSING Selling Platers Battled for the Purses Hung Up at Emeryville. Humidity Proved to Be a Very Fast Two - Year - Old Filly. Serena After Her Hard Race of a Few Days Ago Came Out and Won Easily — Three Choices First. There nothing to recommend the card at Emeryville yesterday. It was made up almost entirely of selling events, and the air was full of twisted reversals, puzzling inshoots and pyro technical starts. Several horses which In the past have been racing in a com atose state, suddenly became imbued with life, and were "real things" in the betting. Of the six favorites sent to the post, three succeeded in landing purses. Although his last few races looked rather poor, Sea Spray was picked out to win the opening six furlong run. Go ing to the post at odds of 3 to 1, Conley kept him back in third position until well on toward home, when the colored lad cut loose and got his mount past the wire a handy winner from McFar lane, a 15 to 1 shot, ridden by McNlch ols. Burns & TVaterhouse turned out a very fast filly in Humidity in the three and a half furlong scramble. She is a bay daughter of Hindoo and Calphur nia, and has speed to burn. Heavily played at udds of 4 to 5, she collared Royal Fan at the paddock and won rather easily from Ezeil's filly. In :42^ seconds, a cut of one-quarter of a sec ond off the coast record. Amo-ltopec, a rank outsider, was third. Dick Speakman finally got his colt, Mi'iian, up to a race, and he took the third event, at six furlongs, very easily. Backed down from 10 to 5 to 1, Jones laid away in third position with him to the stretch, where he gave him his head, and he downed the favorite, Yule, with comparative ease. If Dick Clawson had made his run sooner with old Roche, there might have been a different tale to tell about the mile and a sixteenth selling affair. As it was, he waited too long, and at the end was nipped and beaten out by the 2 to 1 favorite, Serena. Highland Ball made the running, and finished a close third. W. B. Sink had Refugee keyed up to It the first time out, and in the six fur long sprint, fifth on the card, he trailed the speedy Plumeria to- the stretch, and then assuming the lead won, eased up, from Lucky Star, a 20 to 1 shot. Amelia Fonso, the 11 to 5 choice, was lost in the shuffle. The final six furlong dash went to Melvin Burnham, ridden by Conley. Cochran's entry was a 6 to 1 chance in the betting, and in a hard drive led Ravelette past the stand less than a length. Flandes was a good third. Track Items. The entry of Midlan will not be accepted In future until the question of ownership has been thoroughly settled. It Is claimed by some that the colt belongs to Willie Martin, though rac ing In the name of Dick Speakman. Don Gara was backed down in the betting in the first event for a mild "killing," but got away from the post so badly that all chance of success was lost then and there. Humidity, winner of the two-year-old dash, Is a full sister to the good race mare Mabel Glenn and the good performer Uungarven, both turf celebrities some seasons ago. It might not be out of the regular routine of things to remind Mr. Ferguson that he Is the "THE CALL'S" RACING CHART. CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB— Oakland Track— B9th day of the Win \s ter Meeting, Friday, Feb. 11. 1898. Weather fine. Track good. Index. Horses. 'eight. 6SI Sea Spray, 6 107 I 136 McFariane, 6 107 ; 1 Csl Blue Bell, a 105' 7 MS Charles A, a 107| 2 464 Mahogany, a 107 1 9 661 Stentor. 4 104 10 659 Florimel. i 1021 5 P64 Lillian M, 4 102114 G6l Charmion. a X';" 4 464 Follork, 5 107!13 607 Don Gara. 5 UO ll 564 Durward, 4 KM 6 671 Dlablita. 4 W2 3 6(1 Heritage, 5 107 12 544 Metairf, 5 .107 * 3 h 2 1 1 V 4 4 h 6J4 7 h 10 14 11 2 5 2 13 1 14 9 h 8 % 12 h - 3 2 1 h 2 1 5 h 7 hi 5 Vi 6 Vi 9 1 4 h 11 Vi 12 10 Vi 13 14 1 2 2 h 3 2 .4 2 6 h C n 7 1 8 V 4 9 2 10 2 11 1 12 13 14 ; I ] coniey IMcNlchols ... Jones iSpencer ■Gray H. Brown H Cameron {Holmes 16-5 15 6 8 30 5 10 no I 100 30 25 100 i 60 3 15 6 10 20 5 8 SO 10 100 12 20 100 5 60 Woods Kt-rrin !McDonald ... Felghery McCarthy Clawson ;Gouin Time, I:ls**. Winner. P. Siebenthaler's b. g. by Imp. Mariner-Maranette. Won easily. Good .start. 79. SECOND RACE— Three and a half furlongs; selling; two-year-olds; purse, $330. ... Humidity HSI 1 530 Royal Fan US . 3 554 Amoltopec H f,73 Master Buck 101; 2 ElB Semicolon 106 8 IK Wrinkles 98; 8 654 Rainier 681 7 654 La Conslda 100! 4 ... Stone L lllilO ... Toluca 105; 9 ::: 2 2% l Hi 3 1. 4 I*4 6 2 7 h 8 2V4 5 h 9 1 10 1 2V4 'Thorpe 2 3*4 Gray 3 « O'Connor .... 4 2Vi I Clawson 5 2 McCreery .... 1 .6 1 Cameron j 7 n | Woods 8 2 H. Brown .... 912 O'Neil 10 K. Jones ! 4-5 3 30 S 30 20 8 10 30 6 4-5 7-2 20 10 30 50 15 20 100 15 Time. :42Vi- Won easily. Winner, Burns & Waterhouse's b. f. by Good start. 580. THIRD RACE— Six furlongs; three-year-olds; purse, $350. 555 Mldian 110| 1 ... i n 3 IV4 3 1 1 IV4 |E. Jones S 6 383 Yule 103; 5 ... 6% 5 1 6 Vi 2 Vi iSpencer 3-2 11-5 338 Woodford Filly ....10512 ... 2\ 2 »4 1 \ 3 3Vi Clayton 2 2 667 Socialist 102. 4 ... 3ns 4V» 4 lVii 4 2 Thorpe 4 7 477 Duke of York 11.... 105- 6 ... 6 6 6 5 8 Conley 7 6 454 Glen Ann 105; 3 ... 1% In 2h 6 [McXlchols ...' 40 60 Time. 1:14-34. Winner, R. Speakman's eh. c. by Imp. Mldlothlan-Rosetta. Poor start. Won easily. 581. FOURTH RACE— One and a sixteenth miles; selling; three-year-olds and upward; purse, $400. * 668 Serena. 5.. Slj 3 3h 4h 5 1 6 2Vi 5 IVi 1 n iGray | .2 2 66S Roche, a 99 1 5 4% 3Vi 44 42 42 2 IV4 !ciawson I 5-2 3 671 Highland Ball. 3...57;4 In 1 2Vj 12% IV$ lh 3h (Holmes 10 20 430 Argentina. 5 107 7 7 5 1 3 1 2Vi 2 IVi 4 4 Conley 4 4 (565) Palomaolta, 5 107 2 6h 6 2V4 7V4 1 H 71 52 Tlinrpe 5 6 662 Mamie G, 5 91 1 2Vi 2V4 2ns 31 3h 66 O'Connor .... 10 7 665 Alvin E, 4 SS 6 6 % 7 1 6 1 6 n 7Vi 7 8 Basslnger .... 40 CO 472 Lorena 11. 6 91 1 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 [McXlchols ...| 20 15 Time, I:4S. Winner, B. J. Johnston's b. m. by Imp. Deceiver-Lucy Lisle. Good start. Won first three driving. 2. FIFTH RACE— Six furlongs; selling; four-year-olds and upward; purse, $400. :r. ... Refugee. 5 113 i 3 E«5 Lucky Star. 4 101 1 10 382 Midas, 6 110j 1 3SO Sir Rlcliard. a HO! 7 544 Satyr, 4 107 9 402 Tat Murphy, 6 107 a E2O Amelia Fonso, 5 105| 6 2% Plumeria, 6 1071 2 477 May R, 4 102; 8 571 Spry Lark, S UN * r»*'»- 2 2Vi 8 1 6 % 10 - 7 H 4 b 0 n 1 h 9 ?h 74***. 2 3>,4 8 1, 4 h 7 n 9 % 5 2*4 S Vi i «4 10 I n 1 1% . 7 2 4 M 5 h 10 6 h ■8 m . 2 2-4 9 1 8 n |_ 1 2 jH. Brown ... 2 ns |McNicholn ... 3 3 jTuberville ... 4 1% IConley 6 IVi [Thorpe 6 % j Clawson 7 4 E. Jones 8 2 Gouln 9 4 J. Woods .... 10 O'Connor | 5 -'■■ 3 12 -20 7-2 9-2 -6 :12 6 8 8 8 3 11-5 12 ' 10 30-30 40 : 13 Time. 1:15. Winner, W. B. Sink's b. r. by Exlle-Brocken. Good start. Won easily. >O SIXTH RACE— Six furlongs; selling; three-year-olds; purse, $350. lex. Horses. Weight. ; St. Vim. Vfcm. \m. ' Str. Fin. ' Joel C 55 Melvln Burnham . .lor,; 1 476 Ravelette M 6 7 568 Flandeg 1051 3 417 Little T G 100! 9 441 Lee Kylo 102 10 604 Idomenus I'd. 5 •457 Scintillate 105: 6 54,: Mldrica 105; 2 476 P. A. Finnegan 105JU 564 Kummel 1051 8 642 Contado 10." 4 IM Forst Guard 102:12 200 Epplnger 1101 3 ... : 4 h 4Vi ' ... Hi 11 81 9 1 ... «i 6 m ... 91% 10 % .."..51 •' 2 %■•" .... 11% 7 %■•; ... 6 h 6 Vi ... ' ■10 % 11 7h 8 H 2n 3 % 12 8 -12 13 13 ■ -1 % Conley ....... 2 1 iDevln ......... 3h ■ E. Jones ..... ■ 4 h ; Cameron ; . . . . . 64 Spencer ...... j 6 2 McN'lchols ... 7Vi W. .Taylor... 8 h Clawson ..... 9 4.. McDonald... 10 1 Holmes ....... 11 2 Kerrln ....... 12 Stevens :..... 13 . J. Woods .... 6 6 10 10 5-2 " 2 20 20 10 : 15 30, 100 15 15 6-5 9-5 -10 . 10 20 40 20 : . 100 126 nSO 20. 50 i. Time, 1:15%. Winner, J. Cochran's b. c. by Joe Norwood-Sound. first three driving. Good start. Won possessor of a recall flat, and that It might be used to protect other horses beaides tho«u of the Burns & Waterhouse string. Yesterday when the barrier was released Duke of York, which had been one of the best behaved horses at the post In the event In which he started, was practically left at the post. Conley had the mount, and the chestnut was at one time as low as 4 to 1 in the betting:. It Is to be regretted that Spencer's ride on Tule ooukl not have been photographed for the kinetoseope. The rare finish furnished, to gether with the odds slowly drifting back In the betting, would have furnished a grand effect. Garland Barr, It la now said, came out of his race on Thursday, in which he carried so much weight, in good shape, and is expected to be a much better horse next time out. It might d>e worth the while of the stewards of Ingleside track to look at the previous race of Amoltopec. The nlly was the good thing for the show yesterday. All should be treated alike or Pise the unjust suspension of Nolan & Thall arid W. J. Spiers ought to be removed. Following are to-day's entries: First Race— Six furlongs; selling; three-year olds. I IS9 Miss Remsen ...100 : 56T Bow and Arrowlo2 r.67 Elidad Vn\ ">7O I>r. Bernays — 102 577 Blarney Stone... 112 i f-36 Valenclenne ....102 516 Chihuahua 104 "-01 Good Friend ...103 (s'«,>Morlnel 105! 4» Ideal 102 (476)Abina 100 < 429 Royal Prlzo ....102 563 Al Koran UB 567 Rio Frio 102 i 463 Y.'atomba 100) <344)Roxey Murphy. .lo2 i 555 Cat aw ba 107; 542 Ordago 105 ! 567 Kaiserin W8 i Second Race— Three and a half furlongs; two ' year-olds. ' ."66 Vloris 102' 579 Tolura 107 I Xl Mlio 110 573 Key Hooker 105 ■ 530 Odd Eyes 1M j (67J)Salntty 110 ! Foxey 107 47!* Magdalenes ....102 ! 554 Buena Ventura. 107 1 566 Ellen Wood ....102 ' Third Race— Six and a half furlongs; three year-old fillies; Flirtation Handicap; value, : $1000. I ... Allle Belle 109] 423 St. Calatine ....107 j (P.WN'apamax lOr. ' (511)Torsida 112 ' 476 La Maroma 1091 Fourth Race— One and a sixteenth miles; i Gunst Stakes; all ages. (529)O»tler* Joe 112' (552)Fleur de L 15....109 513 Kin* William... lo4 '577)Libertlne 112 | sf>7 Traverser 04 i Fifth Race— Two miles; three-year-olds and upward; Felling. (575) Marplot 831 556 Collins 101 663 Dick Be"han 104 1 (556) Judge Denny ...105 467 Charlie Relf 92! Sixth Race — One mile; three-year-olds and j upward. * j 5T2 Draught 9SI 575 Lincoln II 101 545 Trinee Tyrant.. 91 ! 582 Refugee 103 i f.6!> Flashlight 11l 569 Los Prtetos 88 | 505 Lord Marmlon.. 09 ■ 568 Little Chris ....103 i 442 Paul Griggs 101: First Race — Chihuahua. Catawba, Good Friend. Second Race— Saintly, Odd Eyes. Magdalenes. Third Race— Torsida, St. Calatine. Napamax. Fourth Race— Fleur de Lis, Traverser, Ostler Joe. Fifth Race— Judge Denny, Collins, Marplot. Sixth Race— Lincoln 11, Prince Tyrant, Flash light. Asthrr.a&Bronchitis cured. No pay till cured. Dr. Gurd!ns'Pan!tnrium.f.l4Pine,nr. Keamy,S.F..Cal. Baseball Benefit to Power. The friends of Tom Power, the popular and well-known baseball player, will ten der him a benefit at Central Park to morrow. The California Markets have volunteered their services, as also have some of the leading players In this coun try. In the morntng the Acme Cyclers and Olympic Cyclers will meet on the same grounds, the proceeds to go to Tom Power. The Bay City Wheelmen and the Enein al Cyclers will play at the Velodrome at 12 o'clock, and at 2:30 the Olympic Wheel men and the California Cyclers will cross bats. At Central Park to-day the college baseball season will open. A team com posed of the alumni of Stanford and Berkeley has been organized, and they will line" up against Stanford to-day. Football Between Cadet Teams. Football teams representing Company M and Company I of the League of the Cross Cadets will play the last game of the cadet series at the Presidio athletic grounds Sunday afternoon to decide which club is entitled to second place in the cadets. The game will be called at 2:15 p. m., and the teams line up as follows: Com pany M— Sullivan, center; Behan, right guard; Hornsman, left guard; Clancy, right tackle; McKenna, left tacklo; She ble right end; Cashman, left end; Acker son, quarterback; Grpsty, right half: Mc- Carron, left half; Ahem, full. Company I— AVadsworth, center; Nichols, right guard- Marianis, left guard; Rodenion, right guard; Hunter, left tackle; Jansen, right end; Arniot, left end; H. Healey, quarterback; Tricoulet, right half; \V. Healey, left half; Jacobs, full. O'Brien's patent spring; best and easiest riding buggy made; rubber or steel tires. O'Brien & Sons, Golden Gate avenue and Polk street. * THE SA]ST FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1898. JUSTICE CARROLL IS IN A BAD FII J. J. Raver Holds a Chattel Mortgage on His Fur niture. The Man of Interest Has Many Cases in the Justice Courts. Carroll's Wife Gets an Agree ment for Half of His Salary. Apparently the threat of the man who deposited $250 with Justice Carroll several months ago to cover judgment and who has not been able to get money or judgment 3ince is not the only trouble in which the Justice is entangled. Divorce litigation with his wife looms up in the background, and an overdue note, secured by a chattel mortgage, throws its shadow over him. Back of It all is the ghost of the Grand Jury. Justice Carroll is apparently in a financial "hole," for he is known to be under obligations to the money brok ers for than one month's salary, and the mortgage and his obligation in the Lichenstein-Murphy matter places him in a bad plight. The fine hand of J. J. Raver, the man of collections and large Interest, ap pears behind the mortgages. A glance at the records shows that more than two years ago Justice Carroll gave his note to Bier & Regensberger, loaners of money, for $175, payable in thirty days, with interest at 5 per cent per month. The note was secured by a chattel mortgage on Justice Carroll's furniture at his residence. About a month ago the mortgage was assigned to R. J. Graf, better known as "Dick" Graf, a nephew of J. J. Raver, and the manager of his office. Raver, who is well known to be the actual holder of the mortgage, has dozens of cases now pending be fore Justice Carroll. Carroll recently had trouble with his wife, who threatened to obtain a divorce from him about a year ago, and the threat was renewed. In order to settle the matter he held a meeting with her attorneys and signed an agreement to pay her regularly half of his salary of $200 a month. The latest meeting between Carroll and the representatives of the man whose $250 he holds resulted in a sinis ter threat. "I'll take $25 for that $250," said the man. "which shows how much I think of you. If that is not paid or a judg ment rendered within thirty days I will have you before the Grand Jury." Justice Carroll was said to be out of town on a quail hunt yesterday. St. Bernard Dogs Will Show. Admirers of the noble St. Bernard dog I will have an opportunity of seeing some of the high class representatives of local kennels at Mechanics' Pavilion on Mon day. The following letter is self-explan atory: Editor The Call— Dear Sir: The St. Bernard Club will hold a show of St. Bernards under the auspices of the Mining Fair at the Pavilion on Monday and Tuesday next. All the principal dous of that bree.l will be shown, Including ' Koxy Savage Taylor, Kegler Jr., Major Me- Kinley. Diablo. Montana Queen, California Bute and a score of other prize winners Very respectfully, j. c. CUTTfcN. Secretary St. Bprnard Club. No one will use a fountain pen after trying 1 a "Koh-I-Noor" copying pencil. • Insane Woman's Freak. Mr?. E. Clunan, 3035^2 Sixteenth street, while laboring under an insane hallucina tion attempted to throw herself from a second-story window yesterday. She wai taken to the Receiving Hospital In the patrol wagon and locked up in a paddod cell. She was very violent and it took two officers to prevent her from throw ing herself out of the patrol wagon. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. J , M 7w M ;. Whltleyto George L. Whitley, un divided half of lot on X line of California street, 129:9 W of Webster, XV 25:6 by N 132:1%; Elizabeth I. Couch to Fannie J. Whltaker and Nellie R. Couch, lot on%W: line of Ash bury street. 50 N of Page, X 23 by W 106 3 gift. Christian E. and Gertrude Steenberg, Daniel Suter and George Schroder, by Thomas E. Ryan, commissioner, to Enterprise Mutual Building and Loan Association, lot on SW line of Norfolk (Nevada) street, 357:6 SE of Folsom SE 25 by S\V 73: $2732. William H., Grace M. and George S. Crim, estate of Samuel Crim, by George S. Crlm, trustee for Samuel M. and William H. Crlm Jr., to Robert and Lizzie Rennilson, lot on W line of Bryant street, 160 S of Twenty-second S 25 by W 100; $1675. Constant and Catherine Richert to Joseph and Josephine Niglis, lot on E line of Mason street, 78:6 S of Filbert, S 25 by E 100; $10. Elizabeth A. Burke to Augusta Van Zandt, wife of J. W. Van Zandt. lot on ij line of Yerba Buena street, 112:6 S of Clay, S 20 by E SO; $5. ." , David I. Mackey, Llllle I. Mullln and Mar garet I?.. McCormick to John McCormlck, lot on S line of .Golden Gate avenue, 137:6 W of Hyde, W. 34:4% by S 137:6; $10. Thomas P., Ellen M., William P. and J. M. Carroll and Susan B. Jones to Edward D, Car roll, re-record 1758 d 251. lot on NE corner of Sierra and Tennessee streets, E 100 by N 100; also lot on W line of Valencia street, 162:6 S of Twenty-fifth, S 36 by W 90; also lot on W line of Gilbert street, '230 N of Brannan. NW 26 by SW 80; $10. Minnie, Frank P. and W. L. Givln. Mary and J. F. March (by F. J. Kierce, commis sioner) to Mrs. F. M. MeCully, all OL block 856. except city and county lot; also all OL block 987, except city and county lot; excepting property In 1612 d 134 iSE corner O street and Forty-third avenue, S 57:6. N 100. W r>7:G); $607. Fanny L. Stanley to Joseph Hutchlnson, un divided half of following: Lot on W line of Eighteenth avenue, 79:6 N of Q street, N 325, NW 78:6, SW 827:6, RE 96:3; lot on W line of Seventeenth avenue, J03:l S of P street S 327:11, NW 240:1. N 328, SE 240:4; also lot on E line of Seventeenth avenue, 212:10 S of P street, S 327:10. SE 153:2, NE 327:6, NW 200-11 $lO. Harry Davis to Marion L. or Marion S Fuller, lot 1261, grift map t; $10. Owen Kelly to Amelia Louvau, lot on X line of Stanley street, 75 W of Bright. W 50 hy N 100. lots 4 and 6, block CO, City Land Associa tion; $25. Edward 13. Stnnehill to Sarah J. Stonehlll lot on SW line of Latdley street. :'7l:<i SE of Harry, SW IGO, SE 53:3. NE 143. XW 50. lot 6, block 21, Falrmount: also lot on SW line of Laldley street, ."46:6 SE of Harry, SW 163 SE 26:9, XE 160. NW 25, lot 6, block 21, Falr mount: gift. W. X. and Charlotte Miller to James W. Hamilton, lot on SW line of Berlin street I*s XW of Wayland, NW 75 by SW 120. lots 12 IS ami 1?. block 20, as per "map lUs on Uni versity Mound survey; $10. Stanford Addition Land Company to Maggie G. Dowllnp, lots 46 and 47, block 130 Sunny side Addition Xo. 1; $10. Susie E. and Thomas T. Pottlnirer to Henry rind Herman Peters, lot on E line of South P.roderick street. Sl:l N of Fourteenth X "5 hy E 86:3, block C. Pnrk Hill Homestead; $10 Vernon Park. Oaklnnd annex: $10. Alameda County. Central Land Company to Edna F. Beckett lot on S line of Thirty-sixth street, IGO W of Grove, W SO by S 120:3. block (\ property of Central Land Company, Oakland: $10 Hannah Kellum to Alfred W. Burrell lot on X line of Walton rtreet, 431 W of Telegraph avenue. X 120 by W 80, being lot 30, block P. Brown tract, Oakland; $2000. Phillips Fuchs to Patrick O'Bryan. lot on W line of Center street, 72 S of West Fourteenth S 33 by W 100, block 580, Peralta and Center street lands. Oakland; $10. W. H. Cornell to Albert L. Wolfe, tot on N line of Brown or Thirty-fourth street. 199 W of Telegraph avenue. W 16 by X 119:10, being a portion of Brown tract (subject to a mortiratre for $400), Oakland; $10. ■ "-"gage John and Emma V. Marshall to H. S and Gerald C. Cunningham, lot on SE corner of Euclid avenue and Adams street, j? 40 E 144 65 X 70.20. W 149.91 to beplnnlns, block 1, map' of subdivision 1, Adams Point property, Oakland; Patrick and Man- O'Bryan to Phillipp Fuehi lot on S line of Summer street. 160 E from SE line of Claremont avenue, thence SW 120 SE to center of Temescal Creek, XE to S line of Summer street, W 70:9 to beginning, block A, Vernon Park; $10. T. B. and Annie Draper, J. V. Jeffress. A. Marie and E. Tyrell and W. W. Stomberg (by commissioner) to Lester A. Pelton, lots 1 and 2, block E, Corrected Map of subdivision blocks 1> and E, Champion Tract, Brooklyn Township; Katie Lane to Gordon E. Parker, lot on E line of Bryant street, 634 N of East Fourteenth, N 50 by E 146, being lots 41 and 42, block A, Fruitvale Tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. Joseph and Jane Brandenstein to Mary T. Vvilson, lot on SE corner of Pacific avenue and Benton street, R 49:4 U. S WO, W 41.22, N 100:2^4, to beginning, Alameda; $10. Alexander and Mary E. P. Johnson to Felix Marcuse, lot on SW line of Blanding avenue, 3-0. bVj SE of Everett street, SE 22:6 by SW 100, block 4, Jenks and Mead Homestead Tract, Alameda; $10. Minerva J. Sweeney to C. A. Gore, lot on N line of Twenty-fourth street, 66:S W of Filbert. V\ 33:4 by N 101. block X, Northern Extension to Oakland, Oakland; $10. Charles T. and C. Downing to D. C. and Virginia D. Wilhelm, lot on S line of Twenty seventh or Park street, 22:6 \V of West. W 45 by S 85. block 2020, Whitcher Tract, Map 2, Oakland; $10. Adelaide A. James (administratrix estate Emma E. James) to Mary Hammerly, lot on SE line of Cameron street, lOu NE of Jackson, NE 25 by SE 100. East Oakland; $300. Same to Teresa Ford, lot on SE line of Cameron street, 125 NE of Jackson, NE 25 by SE 100, East Oakland: $375. M. Queeney to Kimball G. ttaston, lot on Nw line of Howe street, 125 SW of Amethyst, NW 130.-S, SW 60:8. SW 181:1, NE 60 to begin ning, being lots 5 and 6, block C, Thermal Hill, formerly the Howe tract. Oakland An nex; also lot on NW corner of Grove and So noma streets, W 113.84 by N 90, being lots 16 and 17, hlock S, Alpine tract, Oakland An nex; $10. Joseph and Emma S. Relnhardt to George T. Wright, lot 2. block I, Klinknerville tract. Oakland Township; $10. Mary Hammerly to Franlc T. and Amelia L. Gerst, lot on SE line of Cameron street, 100 NE of Jackson, NE 25 by PE 100, being por tion of Ghirardelli tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PALACE HOTEL. J Webster. N V ID B Suydor. N T J R Ludgren, Chicago |L S Wilcox, Champume G F Klemberger, N YiMrs Wilcox, Champgn F H Buck, Vacaville CII Taylor, Boston W H Sears, N V Mrs C H Taylor, Bostn E M Sanky, Manitoba Mlra E Taylor, Boston Count Lederbury, Aus iMlss G Taylor, Boston Count Colloredo, Aus If B Bernall, Boston P Taylor ,Jr, Wash iMrs G B Bernall, Minn J J Danona, Phlla J F Kelly, Reading C Taylor, New York Mrs J F Kelly, Readng X C Lockwood, Phila J X Goodrich, Pa Miss M Luick, X V Mrs J X Goodrlch. Pa Miss L V Cooper, Ind J A Sach. Washington \V C Wyman. Chicago 8 F Haywanl. N V \V H Bailey, Louisville C N Davidson. B C Mrs \Y Bailey, Louisv! Mr* C N Davidson, BC G \V Peltier. Sacto E F Botsford & w. NY Mrs G W Peltier, Sacto J Ladue & w, N V H P Stebbins. N V A E Miller, Evansville Mrs H P Stebbins, NY C H Kraft. Salt Lake M H Hortogh, N V ;Miss A ll.>fer, Chicago 1 C Bass, Berkeley |Miss H M Roe, Chicago \V H Cooper, Berkeley Mrs O Zimmerman, 11. H Auger. London M R Engel & w, N V F Dia*.. New York F F Rogers. Stanford E 'Mirk, New York Mrs L Harney. Englnd T E Brettlnßham, Wle >'• B Ptoddard, Chiega Mrs Brettingham, Wls C P Montgomery, 111 1 M llixon, La Crosse I A Gatly, Victoria GRAND HOTEL. J T Orne. Phoenix !Mrs J E Avery, Sacto E H Brandt. I, Ang Mrs F P Krebs. Sacto L B Hornbeck. Cal R E Spargus & w, Cal P Hutchinson. Cal IE D Starbuck & w, W II Kinney, Chicago: Stanford T C Snider, Sacto >T E Lyons. Wls W H Smith, Chicago iE J Hill. Eureka R M Swain, S Rosa Mrs C M Brown. Cal W Murray, Pleasantn I) Alexander, Chicago A Arnold, Oaktiale lW C Potts, w & <1, Cal J C Skiff. St Louie A Rozanoff, Wash Mrs E J Sanford, N Y'J M Peck. Chicago Miss M Sanford, N TIE A Muth. Seattle J N Woods & w, Cal iMlss Bernard , Saoto R White. Chico W X Belt. Chicago Mrs A Barker. Port Id \v T Miller, Willows S T Hayward. N V H B Muir. Ukiah Z T Vauphn. N V 1, J Mnddox. Modesto Mrs Uorner. S Jose L W Fulketh, Cal E Berwick, Pacific G C M Mage, Modesto Mrs C E Rood, Cal IM Wallace, Yosemlte BALDWIN HOTEL. A W Dingwall, Cal |R V Davis, S Jose T Shea, Cal I. i> S>kos, N* V A E Irvine, Cal J McCudden, Vallelo L X G Smith, Portlnd Mlsa McCudden, Cal L E Winne, X V ! A J Wright. Chicago B F Markham. T S N 1 Schilling. St Louis P Bush & w, Chicago Mis? Hamilton, S Jose C T HirfOiall, Cal Mrs C B Tennyson B R Phillips. Stockton R Jose T M Baker & w. NY T Long-more. Cal W G Drown. Angela CL 3 Smith, Phila M Goldsmith. Chicago I J r^tton. MarysvtHe J E Bird. Vancouver C W Tompklns & w C P Montgomery. ChjjO X V NEW WESTEUX HOTEL,. S Gordon, Bonldln I?! .T Brown, S Jose C E I^owe, P Robles M B Sanderson". Cal W S Crawford & w, .T Van Dorn. Vallejo El Paso M Peterson. Riverside H D Stnl'ey & f. 11l R Berrlngton. Cal W H Seetey, Alamo C r Oreen, Panama H T Brl!"-oe. Stockton G W Burd. Panama W Va-^iergraft. Stktn D Doyle & w. Xcv W Chirm. A'allejo |A D Swan. Chicago W Barley. Sacto ]j W Fry, Spoknne G W Slack. Cal lW J Gibbons, Denver SAN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call, corner of Market and Third streets, open until 12 oVlock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICER— S27 Montgomery street, corner Cl*y; open until 9:30 o'clock. 3*3 Hayes street; open until 9:30 o'clock. 621 McAllister street; open until 9:30 o'clock. CIS Larkin street: open until 9:30 o'clock. l!'4i Mission street; open until 10 o'clock. 2261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open until '.i o'clock. 108 Eleventh street: open until 9 o'clock. 2520 Mission street: open until 9 o'clock. 1505 Polk street; open until P:3O o'clock. N. Wi corner Twenty-second and Kentucky street?; open until 9 o'clock. CHURCH NOTICES. LARKIN, 111—8 p. m., Mr. Simpson lectures, Mrs. Wren, tests free. ;j —^^^?!!?^!f^ — ™ — —^*^^ BIKKTIXG NOTICES. EXCELSIOR Degree Lodge No. 2, vs\Blili(Sfc, I. O. O. F.— Regular meeting =3i5»53»J& THIS EVENING. Second deer.* -^SP^ will be conferred. -'■ •'*««<«'** A. K. KINGSFORD, D. M. RIGGERS and Stevedores' U. A.— All members are hereby notified to assemble at their hall at S:3O a. m. THIS DAY. to attend the fu- neral of our late employer, CAPTAIN THOMAS YOUNG. By order A. CAMPBELL, President. M. J. MORAN. Sec. P. T. SPECIAL. NOTICES. BAD tenants ejected for $4; collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO., 415 Montgomery St., room 6; te!. 5080. MISS PEARL HARRISON, medium and mag- netic healer, charms. I2OVs Geary at., rooms 2 and 3. MRS. DR. FISH, rm. 2. 116 A Grant aye.; else- trician; alcohol, Turkish baths; unrivaled. ROOMS papered from $2 50, and whitened from SI up. 239 Third st. and 2SOS Twenty-fourth. MRS. STEWERT,. genuine steam and cabinet baths. 120% Geary st., room 11. ROOM-RENTING Bureau, . room 24, Flood building, corner of Fourth st. MME. H.ANSEN. latest galvanic battery and cabinet baths. 116 Taylor st.: DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIVIDEND No. 52 (forty cents per share) of mi Hu tchinson Sugar Plantation Company will be payable at the office of the company, 32i Market st., on and after Monday Feb- ruary 21, IS9S. Transfer books will close, on Tuesday, February 15, ISfiS, at 3 o'clock p. m. E. H. SHELDON. ■ Secretary. '" SITUATIONS WANTED— FEMALE. GERMAN, Scandinavian ' and Irish first-class servants furnished promptly by J. F. CROS- ETT & CO., 316 Sutter st. COMPETENT Irish woman desires situation In a first-class Jewish family; best city refer- ences. MISS CIJLLEN, 325 Sutter st. LADIES wanting- houseijirls,/ maids, " second Blrls. nurseglrls, cooks, apply . at Ladles' Exchange, 1023 j Market. AMERICAN lady of some refinement would like a position as housekeeper; is reliable and fully capable of taking entire charge or lodging-house. Address Housekeeper, 106 Eddy st. ; room 7. * ANTED — A position by a competent woman to do general housework; no objection to a short distance ; In the ■ country. ; Call ■ at 308 Minna St.. third: floor. EXPERIENCED arrssmaker desires to go out at $1 25 per day: dresses made at home. Call or address MRS. FLOHR, 1835 Howard St., near Filteenth. YOUNG girl nf experience desires position in small Protestant family to do general house- work and plain cooking; $15. Address K. M.. 2:.2G Mission st. REFINED girl wants light housework in small family for good home and low wages; refer- ence. MARY FOSTER, 2S Hickory aye. YOUNG lady wishes a position to do light housework for two in family; references given. Call or address 1275 Clay st. YOUNG German girl wishes situation; up- stairs work and wait on table; reference. 1022 Larkln st. V OMAN wishes a situation, housework; Bleep home. Call 1229 Golden Gate aye. WOMAN for housework or cooking; ref.; city or short distance In country. 714 Point Lobos. SITUATIONS WANTED- Continued. YOUNG woman wishes working housekeeper's position or to do plain mending. 131 Fourth St.. room 1. GERMAN woman, good cook, wishes a place in a saloon as lunch cook. Address 121S Fol- som st. CAPABLE American woman wishes situation as working housekeeper or as cook for men on ranch; references. 13 Liberty St., near Valencia. FRENCH nurse: experienced with young chil- dren. Apply 21161,2 Van Ness aye. : REFINED young girl wishes to assist in light housework. Call 735 Harrison st. WOMAN wishes position to cooking and gen- eral housework. 27S Minna st. SINGLE woman, first-class cook, wishes place as housekeeper or cook. 1030 Folsom st. FIRST-CLASS cook and help, understands all klnd3 of cooking, English French or Ger- man; does all kinds pastry; wishes situation. 704 Bryant St. ELDERLY lady, experienced in the care of children, good cook, wishes position. Box 1047, Call office. RESPECTAP.LE woman wants a situation as child' 8 nurse; understands full charge of children. 636% Jessie st. POSITION as housekeeper by refined lady. Call from 4 to 8 p. m. at 118 Grant aye., r. 7. WILLING young lady wishes a position for upstairs work and sewing. Apply Prescott Houee, cor. Pacific and Kearny sts. YOUNG girl wishes situation light house- work or care of children under 2 years. Ap- ply. 1816 Post St., lower bell. SITUATION wanted as stenographer by young lady. Inquire 1510 Harrison M. YOUNG woman wants employment by day, week or month; not afraid of work. Address or call at 1165 Howard st. SITUATIONS WA.NTfcJIJ— MALU, FARMERS, coachmen, cooks and all kinds of mechanics furnished at snort notice by ap- plying to J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 62S Sacra- mento st. JAPANESE. Chinese Employment Office; house cleaning; tel. Grant 56. GEO. AOKI, 30 Geary st. CHINESE and Japanese (estab. 20 years) help; _tel^ Main 1997. BRADLEY & CO., 640 Clay St. CHINESE and Japanese employment office; _beBtjielp. 414% O'Farrell st. ; tel. East 426. HUNTER & CO.. Chinese and Japanese emp. Office. P4M California St.; tel. Main 231. JAPANESE employment office; work day, _ hour or evening. 122% O'Farrell; tel. Davis 805. YOUNG man and wife woul.l like a situation at the mines, sawmill or raacft; wife pood cook; man fair machinist and Kood team- ster; best of reference f urn Ismail. For a good ' reliable couple call or address J. A. ROB- JERTSOX, Coe aye.. San Jose, Cal. MARRIED couple, German, wa.nt work on farm, orchard or vineyard: long experience and wages reasonable; references. Address B. R, box 1073, Call office, JAPANESE, young boy, understanding cook- ing snrl waiting at the table, wants situation in good family; city or country. PETER, IW9 Fillmore street. PRINTER, country, $5 per month and found, or $10. Address Printer. 758 Sixteenth st.. Oakland. YOUNG married ' man wants position as de- livery wagon driver. Box 1071, Call office. YOUNG man with first-class reference wi«h*s In stable or as teamster. 80x1072, Call. SITUATION wanted by young man, 20; good caller-out and experienced on road in view photography: desires to travel with good man who has view outfit for the road. Box K>6B. Call office. YOUNG married man, speaking French and English, wants employment of any kind: clerk, porter or Janitor; wholesale or retail store; references. Box 1062. Call office. GOOD French. Italian and American cook wishes a position in a restaurant; good workman and kitchen manager; best refer- ence. 211% Polk st. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook, speaks good • English, wants position to do cooking and general housework. Address D. 0., box 5, Call office. Oakland. DRUGS — Thorough, practical graduate of Philadelphia College of Ph.; 2S; single; Ger- man; best of references. Box 1065. Call office. RELIABLE man wishes situation as watch- man or uny kind of steady work; is a good teamster. Address box 1C67. Call office. CHEF cook with his complete crew, wants work; first-class place only: city or country. Box M 57, Call office. TOONS man wants Job as porter or any kind of work; willing to make himself penerally useful. Address S.. box 14. Call office. YOUNG man would like a job as milk wagon driver or milker. Address O. 8., 35 Eddy st. BY an American man and wife, to take full charge of r mechanics' boarding house; country preferred: references furnished. Ad- dress W. H. WRIGHT, 803 Railroad aye., Alameda. FIRST-CLASS gardener and horseman wants position on gentleman's place, or cook for ranch or private family: good references. Ad- dress box 794. Call office. YOUNG, sober. Industrious Swede wants work around family place; care of horses and drive; references. Address H. H., 1434 Broadway. FIRST-CLASS waiter, Japanese, wants place in city or country; best references. Address K. HOSHINO, 121 Haight st. BOOKKEEPER— Thorough experienced ac- countant, cashier and correspondent; Al city references. Box 1041, Call office. FIRST-CLASS family cook (Chinese) wishes situation. Address 905 Dupont st. DRAUGHTSMAN wants a situation. Ad- dress box 1035. Call office. BAKER on cake and bread wishes situa- tion. Address 1009 Powell st. YOUNG man, living at home, desirous of at- tending business college, wants employment mornings and evenings or afternoons; refer- ences. Address C. J., Call office. MIDDLE-AGED man, well accustomed to care of good horses, carriages or cows for private family, wishes position; references. Address C. R. C. 709 Minna st. FIRST-CLASS landscape gardener now ready for engagement; private or grow flowers for market; best references. Gardener, box 11, Call office. Oakland. .BSENTEES— Confidential employe of leading corporation will devote his spare time to any business of absentees: bonds furnished. "Con- fidence," box 1024. Call office. BAKER, reliable and well experienced, wishes situation. Box 1026, Call office. MAN and wife want position in boarding- house or hotel: man first-ciass cook; wile good housekeeper; city or country. 314 Minna st. ; upstairs. GERMAN, middle-age, mechanic by trade, handy with tools, speaks English well, wants any situation. Box 983, Call office. YOUNG man wants situation: any kind of work: city or country: understands care of horses, cows, garden; furnish reference. Ad- dress J. ALLAN MACDONALD, 214 Third St. RELIABLE find, experienced German wants situation, private family, as coachman and gnrdener; thoroughly understands care horses, gardening, milking; strictly temperate; good references; city, Alameda or Oakland. Ad- dress Box 936. Call. RELIABLE man of experience (German) wants Situation in private family as coachman and pard'nfr: thoroughly understands care of horses, gardening &pd milking: strictly tem- perate; good references. Address box SS9, Call office. TRAVELING man wants position; steady and hard worker: can keep books: best city ref- erences: familiar with machinery and hard- ware. Box S9O. Call office. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third st., near Mar- ket; 200 rooms. 25c to $150 night; $150 to $8 week: convenient and respectable; frae 'bus and bagirnge to and from feny. FEMALE HELP WAXTED. WANTED— 2 German cooks. $30 and $25; sec- ond girl. $20; waitress, boarding-house, $20; girl, country, $26; cook and housework, two npfks. •$« a wfck; young girls t;> assist. $10 and $12. LEON ANDRE. 30S Stockton St. HOUSEKEEPER, $15; girl, Pine, 3 in family. J2O; prlrl. Oakland. $15; girl, Pan Rnfael. $20, girl. Fell. $1.1; girl. Yallejo, $20, see party here: girl. Broderick. $20; girl. Baker, $20; girl, O'Farrell. $17 50; girl. Niles Canyon, see party hero: girl. Ilollis. $1.1; 3 girls. McAllis- ter, $15 to $20; girl. Aubbury, $13; girl, Ross Valley, $25. see party here; girl, Page, $20; girl, Sauealito. $20. see party here; girl, Eddy, $25; girl, Merced. $20; girl, Powell, $20; girls for Alameda, S2O to $25; girl. Clay, $20; girl, Washington, 525; pirl. Franklin, $25; 13 Ger- man, 12 Swedish and .1 Danish girls. MAR- TIN & CO.. 749 Market St. SECOND girl, $20; 3 nursegirls; family cook, $30; family cook, $25. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market St. 4 CHAMBERMAIDS and wait some, $1.1 to $20 and room; 5 girls for kitchen work. $10 to $15 and room: 2 girls, general work in small ho- tel, $30 and room; woman to work in bakery, $18 and room; 6 waitresses, $15 to $20 and room; waitress, $6 a week; 4 girls, small restaurants, $3 to $4 a week. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market st. FARE paid for cook to go short distance in the country, American family, $25; woman with a child to cook on ranch, $20; laundress, $20. MURRAY & READY, Leading Employ- ment Agents, 634-636 Clay St. GOOD operators on power machines; taught how to moke wrappers. STENER. 416^ Ellis. HELP WAKIJ2-D— Continued. 2 RESTAURANT waitresses. $6 a week. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 108 Geary st. MORE waitresses, south, $20; arm waitress. San Jose. $25; 2 waitresses, same hotel, Fresno, $20: 4 waitresses, $15. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 106 Geary st. HOUSE girTsTsi2~to $25. C. R. HANSEN~& CO., 108 Geary st. WOMAN 2 or 3 days a week for cleaning, $1 a day and car fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 108 Geary st. • NURSE, $10. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. GIRL, assist bakery, $18. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. SWEDISH cook, $30; second girl, $15. MISS <VLLI-;N, "■::. Sutter St. GIRL as companion and light housework, $10. MISS CULLEN. 325 Sutter st. GERMAN cook, $30. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sut- I ter st. WOMAN with a child, $15. MISS CULLEN 325 Sutter st. 5 GERMAN. Scandinavian, French and Irish second girls. $20 and $25: 6 cooks. German style. $25 and $30; laundress, country hotel, $20; 5 waitresses, hotels and restaurants, $20, $6 and $7 week; and a great many girls for housework. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 316 Sut- ter St. i GERMAN girl to assist in housework; small family; wages $10. Call at 1525% O'Farrell st. YOUNG girl for general housework. Call 23 Hollis st. YOUNG girt to assist with light housework, I" per month. 101SA Capp st. PLEASANT little girl, 13 or 14 years. Call after S a. m. 544 Third st. GIRL for housework and plain cooking. 834 Turk St., near Gough. WANTED— A governess to go to Mexico; one versed in foreign languages; $100 a month, all expenses paid. Apply to MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. GOOD home, moderate wages, two in family, for girl (orphan preferred) or middle-aged woman, to do housework In Berkeley. Ad- dress box 1066, Call office. NURSE girl wanted at 910 Devlsadero st. WANTED— Young girl to learn dressmaking. Apply MADAME RICHEY, 2116% Van Ness. SKIRT hands; experienced, suit saleslady. Ap- ply the Black Goods House, 1106 Market st. GIRL for general housework and plain cook- ing. Apply bet. 9 and 12 a. m.. 2431 Folsom LEARN dressmaking and millinery; positions free; patterns 25c. McDOWELL'S. 103 Post. GIRL for general housework and cooking; small family; German preferred. 1830 Eddy. GOOD woman or girl to take care of child 2 years old. 25 West Eapt st. OPERATORS on Singer buttonhole machine. LEVI. STRAUSS & CO.. 32U Fremont st. OPERATORS on steam power sewing-ma- chines to make Levi Strauss & Co.'s riveted clothing. Apply to MR. DAVIS, 32% Fremont. LAWRENCE Dresscuttlng School. 1079 Market St.; perfect fit; no trying on; trial free. 615 LARK IN ST.— Branch office of The Call. Subscriptions and want ads taken. REMOVED again— Dr. Wise, the ladles' spec- ialist, to 14 McAllister; monthly troubles, etc. MALE HELP WAI.TED. WANTED — 5 men to clear land, $1 a day, see boss here: man handy with tools, $25; cook, boarding house, $45: cook, $30; waiter, $25 to $30, etc. ANDRE'S, 308 Stockton st. TWO neat, first-class waiters. Eastern men preferred. $35. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 10S Geary pt. SHAMPOOER for a Turkish bath. C r! HANSEN & CO., 108 Geary st. KITCHEN hand. $20: dishwasher. $20: for an Institution. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 10S Geary. VEGETABLE gardener who can milk a few cows, country, $25 and found, see boas here C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 10S Geary st. JAPANESE to do cleaning, city. $4 a week. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 108 Geary St. FRY cook, French or Alsatian preferred, for first-class country hotel, $50 and free fare; head cook, restaurant, $S0; fry cook, coun- try restaurant, $13 a week: baker and pastry cook, small country hotel. $30: dishwasher, _$30. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 108 Geary st. RAILROAD camp blacksmith who can sharpen tcol^i. C. R. HANSEN <fc CO., 10S Geary St. 5 SCANDINAVIAN laborers for railroad work. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 108 Geary st. MARRIED ■ II 2- r . families to cut 4-foot pine wood, 4-foot redwood, $1 cord, good cabin to live in and . near school house. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. GROCERY clerk city job; 2 boys to work in bakeries. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay. WE WANT r- To ship 25 men to cut stove wood. $1 23 cord, steady job. fare $1 SO; also 36 woodchoppers. different places. MURRAY & READY, 634- C 36 Clay st. 86 TIEMAKERS, Sc, 9c and 10c each. MUR- RAY & READY, 634-636 Clay St. ARPKNTKRS. married men; 2 farm hands. $25; American farm hand and drive milk wagon. $20 and found; choreman for private family. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay. BOYS 3 chorebovs to work on ranches: 2 boys to wfirk in bakeries. MURRAY & READY. 634- C3fi Clay st. WANTED— Engineer for hoisting works, $2 50 day; 4 timbermen for mine. $2 TO day; clerk for grocery. $S week: 10 laborers, $175 day; vetrMnble pnrdener, $25 to $30, sec boss here; quartz miners, $3 day; 20 woodchoppers, $1 25 cord; ten tiemakers. 8c to 10c; farmer and wife. $35. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., C2S Sacramento st. WANTED— SO coal miners, must understand pitch vein, see boss in city; office fees $1, long job. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 62S Sacramento st. WANTED — First-class second cook and broiler, $45; fourth cook for restaurant. $9; assistant butler, $30; restaurant waiter, $10 week. Ap- ply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 62S Sacra- 1 mento St. ; WAITER, country. $25 and room; waiter, city, $20 and room; 3 waiters, $5, $6 and $7 a week; waiter, city. $30 and room. MARTIN & CO., 74!) Market St. ; 25 MORE tiemakers. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market st. COOK'S helper, $6 a week. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market st. 1 THE Clerk's Exchange, 313 Bush 6t., will not under any circumstances or for any consid- eration promise or guarantee situations. The fees paid are exclusively for advertising and membership privileges and are good for one year. We particularly request all those in- terested before paying fees to Investigate this system. We have booked 500 orders from leadinpr business houses for help against a membership of 300. We employ five city canvassers under bonds. We report the result gf their work daily. The highest fees charged do not exceed 10 cents per week: as one por- tion of the fee is contingent and we being liable to refund 60 per cent if we do not succeed, members are fully protected. Cata- logues, fully explaining mailed on receipt of stamps. DREPSGOODS salesman: domestic goods clerk; furnishing goods clerk; window dresser; ex- perienced lubricating oil salesman: manager for new advertising medium; trade cata- logues. 313 Bush; interviews at once. ; TRAVELING salesman; office manager; book- keeper and cashier, with references. 1023 Market st. TICKET agent; one of the best paying posi- tions ever offered. 1023 Market St. WANTED— First-class hatmakerl office boy; cook; gardener. 1023 Market st. MAN and wife to work on a farm; good home: salary $25 per month. Apply JOHN NOR- GROVE. 12 Geary st. COAT maker for country. Apply REISS BROS.. 24 Sutter St. GOOD, steady finishers on pants. 560 Fourth. GOOD barber wanted at 53 Fifth st. BARBER at 252 Ellis st. Sunday. BARBER wanted at 302 Vi Fourth st. ; BARBER for Saturday. 40S-i Dupont st. GOOD barber wanted for Saturday. 605 Broad- way. JEWELRY traveler as a side line on commit Bion. Box 1063, Call office. WANTED— Boy acquainted with hardware business. Address box 1053, Call office. WANTED— Young man to learn artistic and well paying trade; must have fair handwrit- ing; a rare opportunity. HAMILTON, box WANTED— Press machinist; one who has had wide experience on cylinder presses. Apply at once at 216 Bay st. WANTED— IOO ship carpenters; good wages' steady work. Hale & Hern Contract Com- pany, Portland, Or. $200— BARBER shop, 2 chairs; 3 living rooms good location; going to Alaska. 321 San Pablo aye. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to knoir that Ed Rolkin. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third St.; 150 lars* rooms: 260 per night; $1 to J3 per week. HELP WANTED— Continued. RECRUITS wanted for the United State* marine corps. United States navy; able- bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of I 21 and 30 years, who- are citizens of the United States, or those who have legally de- clared their intention to become s>:ch; must be of good character and habits ana able to speak, read and write English, and be be- tween 5 feet 5 Jnches and fi feet In height. For further information apply at the re- cruiting office. 20 Ellis st.. San Franclrco. Cal. WAITER wanted at Manhattan House, 825 Battery st. SHOE-REPAIRING shop for sale; best location In city. Apply at "67 Market st. CIVIL service Government positions — 50 ques- tions and answers free. Address HUGHES Preparation. Washington. D. C. SAILORS and ordinary seamen wanted at LANE'S. :>(l4 Davis st., near Jackson. wTnOTTESTER House. 44 Tnird St.. near Market; 200 rooms. 25c a night; reading-room: free 'bus and baggage to and from the terry. BARBERS' Associntion Free Employment Of- fice. S. FUCHS. Sec. 325 Grant aye. ROSEDALE House. 321 Ellis— Rooms 25c to $1 night; $1 to $4 week: hot and cold baths. MA.RKET, 4— Branch office of The Call; want ads and subscriptions taken. LARKIN. filS— Branch office of The Call; want ads and subscriptions taken. MEN to learn barber trade in eight weeks. S. F. Barber College. 13SH Eighth st. SINGLE rooms. 10c and 15c night: 75c and $1 week. Lindell House, Sixth and Howard sts. MARKET. >63H (Elcho House)— Rooms 20c, 25* to 50c Bight: $1 to $2 week. DRUMM. 225 (Oriental)— Rooms, 15c to 75c pc» night: 50c to $1 50 per week. WANTED— At Montana House. 764H Mission Ft., men to take rooms: 10c. 15c and 25c pef night: GOc, 90c and $1 per week. WANTED — To collect wages due laborers and clerks. Knox Collection Agency. 110 Sutter. TRY Acme House. 957 Market st.. below Sixth, for a room; 25c a night; $1 a week. 4 MARKET St.— Branch office of Th« Call; want ads and subscriptions taken. AGENTS "WANTED. AGENTS wanted to canvass the best gas lamp in the market. Daylight Gas Lamp Co., ms Market Ft. . : FURNITIJJUE WAITED. HIGHEST prices to fill new building. 840 Mis- sion tt. : tel. Mint IS2I. INDIANA Auction Co. Removed to 19 Mont- gomery st. : hlsrh»*t jvlo«>s paid. Tel. Davis 71. HOUSES WANTED. WHY lose money by having your houses, stores or flats vacant, when they can be quickly rented by HENDERSON REALTY CO. (pub- lishers of Weekly Real Estate Register)? Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. HENDERSON REALTY CO...JOSC McAllister. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED. GERMAN lady wants room and board in a respectable family: $2 50 per week. 33 Dor- land St., near Guerrero. WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. PARTIES having steam, gasoline or electric launches for sale please communicate with C. F. SCHERMERHORN CO., Honolulu, H. I. : give length, capacity, speed, other very complete Information. 5000 TONS of castiron at once. 204 Mission street. . . ■ WANTED— S2O,OOO; centrally located property: assets $50,000. .- T. W. WOODWORTH. 108 South Broadway. Los Angeles, Cal. PHOTO and magic lantern apparatus; second- hand. 103 Montgomery st. WE buy all kinds of second-hand tools, stoves, etc. JAMES CURTIN. 1123 Market St. SECOND-HAND clothing, aresses, sealskin*, wanted: best prices: send postal. 10V3 Folsom. MACHINERY, belting, pipe, scales, tools, etc.. bought and sold. J. Livingston, 204 Mission. PAWNBROKER— Old gold. r?i'.ver. cast-oft clothing bought. Add. COLEMAN. 41 Third. DENTISTS. FULL set of teeth, $3; painless extraction; see our combination- plate, thin as paper; war- ranted 10 years; teeth without plates; crown and bridge work our specialty: teeth im- planted or transplanted; fillings 50c, crowns $3 50; all work painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Parlors, 24 Sixth st. VAN VROOM electro-dental parlors: palnlesa dentistry; nr> shock; painless extraction a positive" fact: full set of tefth. $". up; silver fillings, 25c up; gold crowns, S3 LO up; your teeth put In without a plate* open evenings. 997 Market St.. cor. Sixth: 'Phone Jessie 635. NEW YORK Dentists— Painless extraction, 50c; plates. $5; gold filling, 75c up; silver. 25c up; plates mended. $1 up: special inducements to Klondikers: open evenings and Sundays. SC3 Mission St., cor. Sixth. NEW YORK Dentists— Painless extraction, 5iV; plates. $5; gold filling, 75c up; silver, 25c up; plates mended. $1 up: open evenings and Sun- day*. %9 Mission St., cor. Sixth. DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market, nr. 11th; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $S per set: extracting 50c: gas given. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, genuine Leek dent- ist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without plate, moved from 0 to 20 O'Farrell. $S—FULL5 — FULL set of teeth: best make; kept in repair: extracting free: fillings. ."Or: crowns. $3 50. Pacific Dental Parlors, IS Third st. ALLEN GRIFFITHS, dentist, has resumed practice. 44 Donohoe bldg. Market and Taylor. L. A. TEAGUE. A. CANE and F. TEAGUE. removed to Call bldg.. 6th floor, rms. 603-CO7. ALL work reasonable and warranted. DR. J W. KEY. IS2O Market Ft. SET of teeth without a plate. DR. H. C. YOUNG. 1841 Polk st. COLTON Dental Association. 806 Market St. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. I.OST. ONE piece rough granite, with beveled face polished; reward. G. W. EMMONS, 212 Cali- fornia st. STRAYED— From 312 Capp St., half-breed mastiff pup. Reward by returning same at above address. STOLEN— From Swanson. Bay View. S. S. F.. bay mare; 15 hands high, very long tail and mane; lame in left hind ankle (or hip); par- ties receiving or having same in possession will be vigorously prosecuted. Return to W. F. C. 1122 York St., city. LOST— A pass-book with the Hlbernia Say- ings and Loan Society of San Francisco, la the name of LENA ROSAIA. No. MS. 4*. The finder will please return to bank. LOST— Greyhound pup; white, with black spot on right ear. Return to 259 Precita aye. and receive reward. LOST — A pass book with the Hlbernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of FRANCES BOWES. Xo. 205.496. The finder will please return to bank. GOOD safe for sale cheap. 402 Third st. ELEVENTH. 106— Branch office of The Call; Fu v )Scriptions and want ads taken. TEAS^ TEAS, to, 25, 30, 86, 4". .'0 per pound, COFFEES. 10, 15. 20. 25. 35. 40 per pound. SPICES. 10. 15. 20. 25. 40 per can. RUNNING 100 STORES ENABLES US TC SELL VERY CHEAP. WE GPVE FREE PRETTY DISHES GOLD WATCHES, BICYCLBB, MUSIC BOXES. ATR RIFLES GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA CO. Stores Everywhere. CAIIPET CLEAMXG. CITY Steam Carpet-cleaning Works; cleans, moves, lays carpets. G. H. STEVEN'S, Mgr.' 38 and 40 Eighth St.; telephone South 250. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send to SPAULDIN'O'S Pioneer Carpet- beating Works, 353-57 Tehama st. ; tel. So. 40. CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard; relaid at 3c. 6TRATTON, 3 Eighth St.; tel. Jessie 944. J. WATTS, reliable carpei-cleanins, renovating, alteration works. 413 McAllister. Jessie 321. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co., 420 Sutter; tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM. prop. GREAT Eastern Steam Carpet-cleaning Works, 14 Sth st. B. GRANT; tel. Jessie 201. J. E. MITCHELL Carpet-cleaning Co., 240 14th St.; cleaning, 3c a yard; tel. Mission 74. CONKLIN'S Carpet-beating Works, 333 Ooldaa Gate aye.; telephone East 126-