Newspaper Page Text
business CHANCES. ♦ STATUAXT and chop house; best lo- cattoa. opposite the ferries; a first-class pay- ing l i usli tea; meals 20c and above; low rent; a rare chance and great sacrifice; owner has to l<av e for Europe at once. WILKE, 753 Market St. ; OARDINQ and livery stable. 1 block from Baldwin Hotel; 5 horses. 2 buggies, wp.fions, etc: rent $50; goad-paying busi- ness. See WILKE. 753 Market St. j: ( First-class branch bakery, candy and no- tf.-n store; 5 splendid living-rooms; rent $1C; this Is a bargain. WILKE, 753 Market St. jIfP— CIGAR-STAND on Fourth, st.: this is the lest bargain in city; no rent. WILKE. * 783 Market st. ,a CORNER saloon established many years In the very choicest location; average dally re- ceipts about $45; other business engagements compel owner to sacrifice. Investigate at once and make an offer. WILKE. 753 Mar- ket st. — THE best paying corner saloon on water front; rent $20; a very good paying place; owner keeps another businesss and must sac- rlflce. WILKE. 783 Market st. . $300— RESTAURANT, principal street, central, near Market, using 7 to S^ cans milk daily; receipts $43 to $47; owner there for years and retiring; hard to match this offer;, impossible to beat it; trial given. M. LESS. 765 Market. $450— BAKERY, principal street; baking 2 bar- rels dally: mostly store trade; horse and wagon; 3 living rooms; genuine offer. M. LESS. 765 Market st. $250— COFFEE parlor and home bakery; cozy place with good trade; 3 living rooms; rent - $15; owner there .4 - years. M. LESS, 765 Market. $450- FIRST-CLASS delicacy store; principal street; Al business: 4 furnished rooms and piano; rent only $15; this place is given away: call, see and be convinced. M. LESS 765 Market. RESTAURANT: splendidly fitted up; in one of best locations of city; big transient and regular trade: an "Al" offer; must be seen to be appreciated; trial. M. LESS. 765 Market st. BUSINESS men are invited to examine into an old - established manufacturing concern: stock and plant complete; will easily invoice over $2000; is offered for sate for less .than Invoice value: technical knowledge not re- quired: any one of ordinary business ability can manage the concern: satisfactory reasons for selling. M. LESS, 765 Market st. Coffee saloon I and chophouse: principal streets: central: neat place: monthly receipts from $900 to $1800; trial. M. LESS. 763 Market. $5000— PARTNER wanted in the manufacturing lof staple good?; trade entirely ■wholesale: in- coming partner will be required to keep books of the firm, receive all moneys and make all payments; responsible business man required. CURRAN & CO.. 30 Kearny st. ' $100« — COFFEE and chop house; receipts daily $S0: going to Klondike cause of sale. CUR- RAN & CO.. 30 Kearny st. PARTNER wanted; light indoor business; will pay $60 per month to each yearly. CUR- RAX & CO.. 30 Kearny st. $200— SALOON: bargain this day; leaving foi Klondike. CURRANT & CO.. 30 Kearny st $1100— BUTCHER shop; going to Klondike cause of sale. CURRAN & CO.. 30 Kearny. Restaurant: best bargain in the city; must sell. CURRAN & CO., 30 Kearny st. $150— LADIES' dressmaking and tailoring business. CURRAN & CO., 30 Kearny st. NOTICE— ARMSTRONG & CO.. removed to 90* Market St., room 16, will sell or exchange business quick for cash; partners negotiated. Corner grocery and bar. best locality.... sl.6oC Wood, coal, feed store; good bargain. 1.20 C Lodging house, 14 rooms: best location.. 500 Wood, coal yard and stalls to let: fine.. 25C And other bargains. ARMSTRONG & CO. $1200— WOOD, coal, feed store; good bargain. • $700 — Saloon, best location in city. $300— Cor. grocery and bar: Western Addition. $350— Coal oil route: well established. $125 — Bakery and delicacy store; a bargain; and other good bargains at .. ANDERSON & v.I.NX 777 Market st. JOHN A. WAN PELT has opened an office at the Russ House, rooms 64 and 65; he has pisiness for sale; free gold property, rooming nouses, groceries and saloons. Come see Wan. Print your pisiness with you. sell or buy. WAN PELT. $125 WILL buy a good barber business in god location; rent cheap. Box 1069. Call. S4SO— CIGAR-store; NW. corner California and Kearny st s. ROOMING house. 20 rooms; all occupied; pay- ing business: must sell on account of sick- ness. ?fis Tehama st.. near Fourth. WANTED— Coffee saloon or chop house: who! - sale district preferred; no agents. Box 1064, Osll office. ESTARLISHED tailoring business for sale cbea p. .. .CH A XLES .VATIU.V, 27 Post «t. ; * SACRAMENTO. 2COOVs — Plumbing business; also horse and w,agon: cheap. PARTNER with $300: sure thing to make money. Box 10S6, Call office. SALOOX for rale ch»ap. Inquire' liquor store 795 Mission st. ■"■j FOR sa!f^-A notion store.. with ' living rooms and large yard: rent $12 50. 904 Folsom st. . GROCERS— Fpaee. with fixtures, suit- able for grocery, dairy and produce, in Pear Market, 1513 Howard st. ; cheap rent. * HOTEL and liquor business in a suburb at a local road terminus: good bar trade, which may be easily doubled by a man who un- derstands the liquor business; price $?000- one-half may remain at S per cent. For par- ticulars inquire BAKER & MAKRHOFFER. 14 Third st. PAINT shop, cheap; good locality 1312 Van INessave. Call at 6 p. m. CALL. Bulletin and Guide routes; about 800 subscribers. Call before 10 a. m.. or after 6P- m - "237 Twenty-third St.. near Mission. PARTY to take charge of business in owner's absence. 6' 6 Montgomery, room IS. , FRUIT store with fixtures: rent cheap. ISO 4 Howard gt., corner Fourteenth. PARTNER wanted as cashier, good paying __restaurant: dally receipts $40. Box 1010, Call. PLAT the races on our new system; $60 a wee* on $100 capital guaranteed or no charge for services. The American Turf Bureau. rooms 5 and 6. 850 Market St.. San Francisco. FOR SALE— Barroom, billiard parlor, club room and cigar store; good location; good trade. 910 Seventh st., Oakland. FINE furnished saloon: paying Investment; owner going Into another business. 11l Fifth. BRANCH bakery. 4 living rooms, cheap; rent f'*'- account of sickness. 1751 Hyde st. PATENTS— Send for "Hints on Inventing." EDGAR TATE & CO.. Patent Solicitors. 245 Broadway. New York. $150— WANTED— Steady man; light indoor bus! neEs: ISO per month guaranteed. CURRAN 30 Kearny st. * TEXTS. '. ■■ SMITH & OSBORN, Regisfd Patent Agents; established 1&62. 319 Pine at., city. PORTLAND agency this paper. Inquire this office or at 133 Third St.. Portland. Oregon. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. W. SWELL & CO.'S. 415 Sacramento st. ALASKA ENTERPRISES. KTf.v., IKE ' L " " v - " .-.-■■■■--- Wanted— ls more men to go to Dawson City, leaving here about March 1 in the employ of the Alaska Transportation. Trad- ing and Mining Company; steady employ- ment "guaranteed on reaching Alaska; $500 cash required. For particulars call at com- pany's offices, rooms 20 and 21, Chronicle building, San Francisco. "KLONDIKE"— . placer miners wish fare and provisions; give good farmlntr land as security or sell same. Box 1074, Call. WANT 25 men who will go to a favorite point in Alaska. E. E. BUNCE. 908 Broadway. Oakland. Cal. DTE A or Skaguay ticket for sale; party changed mind: steamer palls on or about 15th. Address box 1033. Call office. KLONDIKE provisions, lowest prices, packed and delivered to boats. SBARBORO & CO.. wholesale and retail grocers, 531 Washington. ~~ ~— PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS for Woolen Blankets— Depot of the - Quartermaster's Department. 36 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal., February 11. IS9B— Sealed proposals. In tripli- cate, will be received at this office until II o'clock a; m.. Pacific standard time, MON- DAY. March 14, UN, and then opened, for furnishing, this depot with . 3000 Woolen Blankets. Proposals for delivery iat other points will be considered. - The right to ac- cept or reject any or all proposals Is re- served. . Preference will be -given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, con- ditions of quality and price (including m the price of foreign production and manufactures the duty thereon) being equal, and such pref- erence given to articles of American produc- tion and manufacture produced on the Pacific Coast, to extent of consumption required by the public service there. Blanks and full In- formation as to bidding-. ' specifications, \ etc., will be furnished : by this office :on applica- tion. '■; Envelopes ■ containing proposals should be marked "Proposals - for ■; Blankets." JAMES M. MOORE, Assistant Quarter- < master-O>neral, U. S. Army, Depot Quar- LODGING HOL'-KS 'FOR SALE. 21 ROOMS, on Stockton; clears $125...'.....5!. 800 i 80 rooms; clears -$2M); new furniture.... S.BOO " 27-room corner house; clears $160 1.800 14 'rooms, on Ellis st. ; make offer . Jjjj 1 ' 7-room flat, on Geary st , °™ I 36 rooms; rent $75; fine....: £•«" ! 22 rooms; offices; clears $300 a month.... ; '» (| H. C. DECKER, 1020 Market St.. opp. Fifth. I 83 ROOMS, all ...-nted (corner house). $2000; part cash. DECKER, 1020 Market : BEST-PAYINO .'0 room lodging-house In the city; make offer; no trlflerg. 402 V& (.eary st. ! FOR Furnished 16-room lodging-house, : In good order. 136 Sixth st. . NEW MONTGOMERY, 103— Good chance to make money: 80 rooms; rent $.6: terms hair cash, balance monthly payments. i PRIVATE rooming house, 12 « >o ™* : *\\, ce c d e : cheap for cash. Address box Ml. Call ofnee. FOR SALE— Coso lodging house; 115 rooms. 411 Sansome st. —^——^—^— _ _ FURNITURE FCR SALE. 78 YARDS~^eT~go^dTs new. for •three rooms; couch, folding crib, agate ware, etc. Box 1036, Call office. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ANY person having use for a V 1 * 11 do without when-good instruments can be purchased from us at cash prices upon monthly payments of $3. $4, SB. $» . £.I*B. * : $10: handsome scarf and wood _f at . stool In- cluded: no charge for cartage, purchase your medium and low price pianos where , they^an be exchanged for a Bteinway w" 1 ""* ■«£! flee. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. Steinway Dealers, cor. Kearny and Putter snk ABSOLUTELY the "oldest and largest house west of Chicago is KOHLER * CH^ES, 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell St. Pianos, organs and all other musical Instruments of a 1 grades and prices. Terms easy; prices low- est. Everything possible done to please and satisfy the customer. WE are offering two beautiful walnut Clilck- erin f upright second Pianos "t Immense bar- s^ nS: B# 1 4 O jfrHTA^ h & tl SOX Sh ll t f ! > to U2OO-Fi°rrU 20O-Fi°rr 1 rrll et .'^ .li a C g^ A for the Chlckerlng, planoJ MAOVIFICEN'T large upright piano, standard make, almost new.' will be so.d this morn- inc- fnr one-third its value. THE J. DEW - ING CO.? second floor Flood building. Fourth and Market sts. CONOVER. slightly used, $330. ; Steinway. slightly used. $27... Phirkprlntr second hand, ♦l»u. '"•".." -'.1. 1 • Liree stock lowest prices, rent, Installments. The F. W SPENCER t-0.. 933 Market at.. PIANOS at cut prices: Improve the opportu- nity; agency famous HMnes ,Bros R ush & Gcfts and Bollerman. WM. C. HAMILTON, : successor to A. L. Bancroft & Co.. 324 Post. BARGAINS to-day A small English upright, ; $50: Decker & Son. medium size. $1.5; pecker & Son. large size. $250; new Decker & Son. ■ all styles at bargains. Market st. ' AT GARDNER & OLASSELL'S. 208 Post St.. yon will find a large and varied stock of pianos: prices and terms as reasonable as any house in the city. LARGE assortment second-hand pianos, $Cfl; uprights. Ivers & Pond. Decker, Steliway, Hornung and others. 216 Post ft. BOHMER ft CO.. Byron Mauzy, Newby. Evans, P.rlres and other pianos: see our rent plan; no interest first year. 30S, 310. 312 Post St. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale— sell pianos at Immense reduction for cash or on install- . ments. EATON ESTATE, 735 Market st. $4 > -CHICKKRING piano for sale; owner leav- ing city, l.'i" Grove st., near Baker. KNABE pianos: new scale; new styles. KOHLF.R & CHASE. 30 O'Farrell ■ st. BARGAIN— Nice upright cheap. SCHMITZ. 16 McAllister St., near intxrnla Bank. KINGSBURY riS97 model) Is the piano you want. .T. HARRY SCOTT, E26 Hayes st. SI'PKRIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. SMALLEST ad. lowest price. Heine. l.T*. Ellis. HORSES. FINE pair of mules; well broke: just the thing for Klondike™. Willows Stables, 2123 Mission. FINK horse for sale: sound and gentle. Apply at 711 Turk st. HOUSE, stable and grounds suitable for flor- ist. 272.' Howard st. KLONDIKE pack mules and burros for sal Koran's Ptockyanis. Tenth and Rryant sts. JUST arrived— 2 carloads broke horses; 1200 to 1600 pounds. 115 Valencia st. JUGGIES, wagons, horses, carts bought. «old or exchanged: cheap storage: 40 horses: must *ell. T. P. NEWELL. ISO? Mission, cor. 14th. 40 HORSES for sale: also ' wagons, b'ugeles. carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Mar- ket. 327 Sixth Ft., auction sales every Wed- nesday. PT'T.I.TV *- 'DOYLE. A«rt!'vr.«»iy;». WAUO: S AND CARRIAGES. FIRST-CLASS new phaeton, cheap;. owner has no use for it. 22 Golden Gate aye. WE sell at bargains the second-hand carriages, coupes and wagonettes taken In exchange. , O'BRIEN & SONS, corner Golden Gate aye. and Polk st. SECOND-HAND grocery. bakery delivery wagons, 2-wheeled carts, road wagons, bug- ' pies and harness bargains for cash. Fifteenth ■and Valencia sts. TOP buggy, new grocery, business buriry and good 3-spring delivery wagon. .161 Howard. FINE laundry, baker's and milk wagons cheap for cash or installments; 1 fine top and open tmesry: also 1 back. R2S Harrison at. FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. BOILERS, engines, 2d hand machinery. Me- INTOSH & WOLPMAN. 137 Beale st. AN 18-karat, minute register, fly back split second stemwlnding gold watch, bought of Tiffany, New York, at a cost of $450": will be sold for $150. At UNCLE HARRIS", 13 Grant aye. ■ FRESH milch cow. 720 Fourteenth St., above Church. . 1 AND 2-bowl barber washstanda, cheap. HUF- SCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. BUTCHER railings for sale cheap. ■ Inquire meat market, 576. Howard st. . NEWFOUNDLAND dogs, trained to pull In harness. F. BALTZER, 1313 Larkin st. ■ DOMESTIC sewing machine, almost new; 5 drawers: attachments. 1915 Mission, near Fifteenth. THE Pacific gas or gasoline engine. 2-horse power, double action force pump: also 16-foot windmill; bargain. MRS. REVIN VINCENT. 527 Park aye.. East Oakland. FRESH milch cow. 1669 Alabama Ft., near Twenty-eigiith. TEN GALLON KEG AT CAR LOAD PRICE. Choice Bourbon whisky, R5 proof, $16 30; Mc- Brayer ■whisky. 100 proof, 5 years old, J22; Al Jamaica rum, 51(5 85: extra quality port, sherry, angelica, muscatel or Rhine wine, 2 years old, $4 50: 4 year, $7 E0: real 8 year, ! js 50: genuine grape brandy, 100 proof, 3 year, J22: 5 year. $24 TO; Zinfandel claret, $4 35, Bunsrundy claret, $5 25: no charge for cooper- axe or drayage; It pays to buy for ca»h. Standard L:iuor Co.. 62S Market St., S. F. ' BARS, back bars, mirrors, showcases, coun- ters, linoleum. #fflce furniture, store and I office furniture and fixtures: new and sec- , ond hand. J. NOONAX, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission Rt., above Sixth. i SECOND-HAND dynamos, gasoline and steam engines, boilers, pulleys, shaft Inar. laundry machinery, etc. SMITH CO., f.27 Mission st. ! BOW PAIR shoe lasts: also dealer In second- hand tools, machinery, etc.; mall orders promptly attended to. 846 Mission St. i SAFES — New and second hand: cheaper than ever. Hermann Safe Tac, 533 Sacramento. ENGINE, boiler, dynamo, motor, belts and pump. 11. S. "WHITE. 516 Mission st. J. R. POOL, house-mover, dealer second-hand building material. 1122-36 Mission st. ! SAFE?— Bargains In new and second-hand: all I sizes: half original cost. 109-111 Market. S. F. ! GRAPHOPHONTOS. $10: Records, $5 per doz. ; Projectoscope, $100. Bacigalupi. 933-946 Mrkt. I COFFEE mill, scale, hand-truok. letter-press, desk an-1 safe cheap. 102 Clay st. NATIONAL cash register cheap. Inquire at t meat market. 576 Howard st. BARS, showcases, counters, shelving, etc.. l.nueht and sold. 1063 Mission, near Seventh. j FOR sale cheap — Second-hand fireproof safe, at 4? Main st. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. In wrapper, for mailing. SEWING MACHINES. $2 MONTHLY— Rented, repaired, bought, sold; machine supplies. 145 Sixth St.; phone Mint 45. ALL kinds bought, sold, exchanged, rented; repairing: lowest rate* 20f. Fourth st. STORAGE. AT low rates— Furniture, carpets, pianos, household goodn; clean, light compartments: advances made. J. NOONAN, 1017 to 10SJ Mission St., above Sixth; open evenings. AT lowest rates— Household Roods, pianos; ad- vance* made; fireproof building. F. W. ZEKFCSS. 840 Mission st. Tel. Mint 1821. PHYSICIANS. DR. C. C. O"DONNELIj. office- and residence, 1206 Market; diseases of women a specialty. THE SAX FRAXCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1898. HOUSES TO LET. ALL OVER TOWN . You ccc houses to rent by BALDWIN * HOWELL, 10 Montgomery. GLEN PARK, 3C. off Twelfth st.-7 rooms, l>iith,_laundryjJB yards; $25. DEMPSTER. HOWARD, 72SV4— House of 5 rooms In good order. Apply at 725. upstairs. HOUSE of 4 rooms and stable. 4073 Army St., bot^een Sencbaa and Noe. BACBAUBNTO, ltWl-Sun all day: new through- out; tile and marblo lavatories, etc.; see it and you will llko it; rent reasonable. CO'BTAGES TO LET. COTTAGE of 6 rooW.^atnT^gaßT^renTTliT l-.lghteenth St., bet^'astro and Colllngwood. COTTAGE of I sunny rooms for housekeeDlne- rent $12 f.O. 224V t OFarrell st nouselteeDlng ' HATES, 1632— Handsome furnished cottage 6 rooms: bath; large yard; basement: rent rea- sonable; no Bmall children; cars pahs door R f ? £■ i - ii f 'TT w nny> 4 rooms - yard, cel- lar fll, also flat cheap; key grocery corner Rlncon aye. and Second St., near Brannan. S N £ T o°r^ n ! r cotta « e '' front porch. 6 rooms, bath. 3642 Army, cor. San Jose aye. • SUNNY cottages, 4 and 5 rooms; bath, base- ™ ( ;" t - y ard : cheap. 187G Fifteenth St.. near FLATS FURNISHED. FIRNISHED house, 7 rooms, bath; large yard- latest improvements ; furniture new' piano- near Pleasanton Hotel; only responsible par- ties need apply. Address box 827. Call office MODERN furnished flat or part of lT 109 SOUtll I*U!'K. h£^fif«S t£ U \n l h , alf reKular price at the big sale of the Michigan furniture and car- pets at PATTOSIEN'S. Sixteenth and Mis- sion ft a. FLATS TO LET. 4 ANT> 6 room flats; some with gardens; sunny- attractive view; on Twelfth st. and Glen Park aye ; $12, $13. $14, $18 and $23 50. DEMPSTER 3C Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st ALL OVER TOWN ~ ' You see flats to rent by BALDWIN & HOWELL. 1C Montgomery st. ■ ™ uw ™ * , B^ G > rVe^~st. rOOmB - bAth - Bt f le " Apply CLAYTON, 574, south of Frederick— New mod- ern flat, 4 rooms and bath; cheap. EDDY, 1244. near Lacuna— sunny flat, 5 rooms, bath; latest Improvements. EDDY. 1541— Sunny corner flat; 6 rooms and bath; modern; rent reasonable. EDDY, 1724— Modern sunny flat, a rooms; rent $16. FELL, 1118, near Devlsadero— 6 sunny rooms; alcove parlors. FULTON. US— Fine middle flat, 7 rooms, bath- near City Hall; $2S. GUERRERO, 1411, near Twenty-sixth— rooms and bath; $15. HAIGHT. 792— Beautiful upper sunny new cor- ner modern flat; 7 rooms and bath. LLOYD. 22, off Scott, near Waller— sl4; new flat of 4 sunny rooms; bath. . ■ ■ O'FARRELL, 923— Furnished basement, cheap, with large yard and kitchen. SAN CARLOS aye.. 159— New bay-windovr flat; cheap to good tenants. , SEVENTH. 430^— Bay-window flat of 5 sunny ' rooms; rent reduced. SUNNY corner flat of 12 rooms, bath, etc.. In first-class condition: only 1H blocks from Market st. ; rent ereatly reduced; an offer i wanted; see this at once. Cor. Grove and Polk fits. STEVENSON. 7— Sunny flat of 3 rooms; $6 per month. Apply at restaurant. 28 First st. $20— 5-ROOM upper flat. 315 O'Farrell St., near Mason. Apply IS Grant aye. $12 £o—Cheapest0 — Cheapest flat in city; 4 rooms and wash- tubs. S2O Larkln st. ■ _^^ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. BUSH. 2526— Tw0 sunny front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; adults only. CLAY. 1423 — 2 pleasant j sunny unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, DEVISADERO, 1611%— 2 unfurnished rooms, bath and large yard; cheap. ELEVENTH. 120—2 nicely furnished front rooms for housekeeping; upper flat: $12. - FIFTH. 314— Large sunny front : bedroom; kitchen; running water; bath; private; $11. FIRST, 3«>9 — Nicely furnished sunny housekeep- . ing rooms; hath and gas: rent reasonable.. - FOLSOM. S74— Sunny rooms complete for. house- , keeping; rent low; also single room. GEARY. 111— Nice furnished rooms to let; also housekeeping; also single. . <~ GEARY, 1917— for adults; 4 .comfortable , rooms; bath; 2 beds; gas; coal stoves. ; GROVE, 202, cor. Van Ness aye.— Sunny unfur- nished 3-room suites, with gas stove. HOWARD, 504— Two furnished , rooms complete for housekeeping; $11 per month. i HOWARD, 650— Front room and kitchen com- i plete for housekeeping: rent cheap; also sin- : gle room. . . , HOWARD, 821 r- Housekeeping rooms; single, $7; suites, $12 per month. IVY aye., 3<if>. near Franklin— Large double- window furnished rooms; stove: $5 50 month. MARKET, 102s — 3 rooms complete for house- keeping. $12; part rent taken In board. MARTHA place, 6, south, off Geary st.. above Mason— Large sunn}- front room for 1 or 2; al3o large room for housekeeping; terms rea- sonable. MISSION. 106?— Sunny parlor suite; complete for housekeeping: running water and gas. NEW MONTGOMERY, 105— Complete furnished housekeeping rooms, $6 per month; single, $4. O'FARRELL, 519— Sunny basement furnished for housekeeping. POWELL, 50ft— Two nicely furnished house- keeping rooms; bath, gas and running water; reasonable. SIXTH. USA— Nicely furnished rooms; also housekeeping. STANLEY Place, 19— $10, 6 nico sunny rooms. Including bath. SUTTER, 913— Unfurnished alcove front room; 2 closets; gTate; hot and cold water. TENTH. 124— Furnished large front room with kitchen; ch^aii. THIRD, 309— Front room and klfhen; fur- nlshrd for housekeeping; $8; other rooms rea- sonable. THREE unfurnished rooms with use of kitch- en, bath, etc., three blocks from Park Pan- handle: suitable for couple or ladles; Gorman preferred; highest references given and re- ! quired. Box 1070, Call office. TURK. 409 (Chelsea House.)— Rooms, single and en suite; gas stoves; hot water; reasonable. WASHINGTON, 1616-2. 3 or 5 housekeeping rooms: very convenient. ROOMS TO LET. ARLINGTON House. 127 Kearny st.— Pleasant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first-class In every respect; terms reasonable. CLAY, 1532— Furnished room to let, suitable for 1 gentleman; private family. DELAWARE. 1151 Market^Furnishei single and double rooms, $8 and $10 mo. ; nice suites. FIFTH. 325—2 clean. sunny furnished house" keeping rooms; front; $12; also single, $5. FOLSOM. 549— Furnished sunny rooms, $7 to $10 per month; housekeeping if desired. FOURTH, mt— Nice sunny fronYTooms; rea- sonable; central; nice house. FULTON, ?, (Fulton House)— Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $8 and $15 up. FULTON, 500— Nicely furnished sunny parlor suite; private family; piano, grate, bath gas- s2o per month. GEARY, 402— Sunny furnished rooms for gents ■ $6 and $7. GEARY, 622—2 well-furnished connecting rms single rooms; balh and gas; reasonable. GEARY, 675— Nicely furnished front~ roonv bath and gas; rent reasonable. GUERRERO. SB. cor. Twenty-second— HamT some new store for any business; rent low. GRAND SOUTHERN. SE. cor. Seventh and Mission— Pleasant sunny rooms, en suite and single; elevator; moderate rates; families. HANCOCK HOUSE, 7SI Mlst'on; select family rooming house: $1 50 to $6 week. HARRISON, 661— Nicely furnished sunny par- lcrs, Hlngle or en suite; bath, gas, grate- terms reasonable. HARRISON, 820— Nicely furnished back parlor $S month; bath; private family; nice home! HOWARD. 715. ST. DAVID' S-200 rooms- suites; single; sunny reading -room ; 25c up. HOWARD. 98»— Doctor's office, furnished com- plete; also suites; other rooms, $5 per mo. up. HOWARD. 120 SB, near Eighth— Nicely fur- nlshed sunny parlor suite $15; also sunny single room $6; bath. JONES. 610— Nicely furnished sunny parlor suite; also nice single room; board optional. LARKIN. 227-Newly furnished sunny Xront rooms, near Pavilion. LEXINGTON. 212 Eddr— Large sunny rront euite», also •ingle; lor jenUemen. ROOMS TO LET— Continued. MARKET, 1032— (New management) ; fine, clean rooms. $1 to $2 50 per week; transient, 850 up. MARKET, 1926— (The Hawthorne)— Furnished, unfurnished: single rms.. suites; Jubilee vis. MARY, 40— Furnished rooms for middle-aged gentlemen in private family; references re- quired. MCALLISTER, Sl!— Large nicely furnished parlors, single or en suite; large sunny back room, $7; bath and gas; home comforts. "MCALLISTER. 515— Nicely furnished single room, $7 per month; gas; hot and cold water. MINNA, 28— Furnished rooms 75c and $1 per week. MINNA, 66— J\inny rooms in a respectable family. MISSION, 1129— A nicely furnished sunny housekeeping room for one person; Gejmau family. NEW~ FRANKLIN, 321 Pacific— Rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished; clay, week or month. OAK, 64— Elegant, large, sunny furnished rooms, $10 to $12; nice, light single room. $5; bath; gas; housekeeping. POST, 239—3 blocks Palace Hotel (Bohemia), sunny rooms; fine view; elevator; tourists. POWELL, 203 (The Montello)— Sunny suites and single rooms; reasonable: transient. POWELL, 233— New house; newly furnished; suits and single; also office rooms. PROSPECT PLACE, 123, off California, be- tween Stockton and Powell— Two large front sunny furnished rooms; German family. SECOND, 115— Sunny, clean, furnished single rooms, $1 ij'T week op; men only. R. R. HOUSE. 533 Commercial, -near Mont- gmy— Beds, 10c, 16c, etc; coffee and rolls free. RVENTH, 142— Furnished suites and single rooms at lowest rates. MRS. PRAHL, prop. SHERMAN Apartment House, 28 Elirhth St.. near Market; furnished and unfurnished. STOCKTON. 17, European— Elegant rooms: suite or single; day. week or month: baths; hot and cold water; transient; elevator. BUTTER, 309— Nicely furnished sunny rooms; suite or single; terms reasonable; transient. SUTTER, 715-717-71!). and 609 Hyde— Furnished and unfurn.: choice for offices; reasonable. TAYLOR, 108— Single rooms, $6 per month up; also sunny suite; housekeeping. TENTH, 111. near Market— Large front sunny furnished rooms: stove and closet; house- keeping if desired. THE FLORENCE, corner Powell and Ellis— Nico sunny suites from $1 day: single rooms from f>Oc; a quiet home for families; elevator. TURK. E4S— Nicely furnished front and hack parlor: kitchen if desired: gas and hath. WASHINGTON. 1210. near Taylor— t unfurnish- ed rooms and bath: cheap rent. • WEBSTER, 711—2 or 3 large sunny rooms; fur- nished or unfurnished; rent cheap. 100 BUSINESS cards printed $i : ?5 visiting cards. 25c. HTLL. 72t',4 Mnrket st. BOARDING AND ROOMS BOARDERS wanted— Limited number of In- valid gentlemen may have comfortable home, with attendance, at reasonable rate. Box 104 R. Call office. EDDY, 220 — Punny front single and double rooms; first-class board, $3 50. FOLSOM. 511— Swedish private boarding, with room. $4 to $5 per wpek : nice location. HOTEL SALISBURY: beautiful grounds; ta- ble unsurpassed. 299 Hyde. cor. Eddy. HYDE, 110." — First-class board; breakfast and dinner. $12 month: reference. POWELL. Bit— sunny cornpr room, niano; single rooms. ?20 up with board. MISSION, I'l-Ai-Flegnnt front room, with or without breakfast and dinner. THIRD. 530— Rooms and hoard: choice suite two front rooms: suitable for two -gentle- men or man and wife. In hotel opposite South Park; pxcfllent board; terms $4S per month with board. Apply Central HoteL Tt'RK. Sl2— Ntce rooms and board in private family; bfith. grnf. excellent table; cars pass the door: tPrms $20 up. STORES TO LET. BARBER shop, fixtures, complete; electric lifrht: rent cheap. 409 Dupont st. LARGE corner store, with bar.ement; rent cheap. Corner Howard and Moss sts. $26— FURNISHED tarpe fireproof store; center of business. St. Helena; Ions? lease. Address lof-k box 13. St. Helena. Cal. EDUCATIONAL. HEALD'S Business College. 24 Post. Book- keeping, business practice, shorthand, typ- ing, telegraphy, languages. English branch- es: electrical, civil & mining engineering, sur- veying, assaying, etc.: 20 teachers; 1100 grad- uates placed since 1892; catalogue. AYRES" Business College, 723 Market St.; individual instruction in shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, telegraphy, etc.; life scholar- ship. $50: low rates per week and month. ENGINEERING school: civil, electrical, min- ing. m»eh.. survey, assay, archit. ; day «fe eve.; est. IRC4. VAN DER NAILLEN. 933' Market. BOOKKEEPING snd rapid calculations; a course In Tarr's counting- room makes you thorough. Room 572. 855 Market St. MISS GAMP.LF.'S dancing school, 317 Devlsa- d<»ro; adults* Frl., 8 p.m.; children, Tbu., 3:31. SAN FRANCISCO Business Collie. 1236 Mar- ket St.; 124 positions In '96: 103 In '97. INSTRUCTION In tapestry painting, etc.: les- sons, 25c. Studio, 419 Geary st.. room 12. FIPK TEACHERS' AGENCY. 420 Parrott building: 13.000 positions filled: manual free. GUITAR, mandolin, piano and vocal lessons $3 per month. MARY WF.PTHAUR. 3!t Fifth. VOICE culture, piano Paris graduate: French. Spanish; new clauses: $2 mo. 109 Taylor St. FLUTE, mandolin, grultar l«ssorm; club $1 monthly. PROF. GASTALDI. 710 Lombard. LUDLUM School of Elocution and Dramatic Art. 92S Sutter st. MEDICAL. ALL ladies— C only Dr. and Mrs. M. Davles, true friends of all Invalids, men and women; f.n years' practice; safe and quick cure guar- anteed; any disease or irregularity; disgrace avoided; kind sympathy and aid; sure relief, . though else fall; delicacy, privacy, home. etc.; babies adopted; travelers treated; no delay; self cure sent: call or write: free; confidential. DR. AND MRS. M. DAVIES, 1 City Hall aye., cor McAllister: pills, $2. ALL monthly Irregularities or other conditions from whatever cause restored at oaq»: aaf* and sure at nny time; kind sympathy and aid; instant relief for travelers; tumors re- moved by electricity: home In confinement: best care and privacy; for guaranteed relief consult the doctor, free, before golnij else- where: repulatlng pills ana capsules, $1. MRS DR. WYETH, 918 Post St., nr. Larkln. A PROCESS that never falls to restore every case of monthly sickness from whatever cause in few hours when medicines and others have failed; no instruments used; many years' experience; every case guaranteed; ad- vice free; terms reasonable; first-class pri- vate home for confinement. MRS. DR. DA- LEY, 1126 Market St., over Owl Drugstore. A SURE, safe and speedy cure for all female diseases; a home In confinement, with best possible care; with privacy of home and con- venience of a hospital: those sick or discour- aged call on the doctor and state their case; they will find IB her a true friend. MRS. DR. GWYER, 226 Turk st. SURE cure, when others fail; no medicine or Instruments; every woman her own physi- cian for all female troubles, no matter from what cauße; restore In 1 day; never falls; consultation free; can be sent and used at homo. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny; orders by telephone. SOUTH American Indian Syphilis Remedy! To all persons suffering from syphilis I offer to cure in all stages with a purely vegetable remedy within thirty days or no charges; confidential consultation Tree. Address F. E C, Hay wards, Cal. DRS. GOODWIN, diseases of women; ladles; safe, quick cure guaranteed; any ailment: maternity home; best care; skill only; low fees: Dr. Schuck's self-cure. *5. 401 Van Ness A BOON to wives and mothers— Seguro: prloa $1 50. RICHARDS & CO.. 406 Clay St.: send 2c stamp for particulars to Seguro Manu- facturing Co., 531 X St., Bacramento, Cal. ALPEAU'S French pills, a boon to ladies with female troubles; no danger; safe, cure; $2 50; express C. O. D. ; don't delay until too late OSGOOD BROS., Coast Agents, Oakland, Cal A TREATMENT that restores instantly all cases of monthly irregularities; guaranteed cure at office, $5: capsules, $2 50; hours 10 to 5. DR. and MRS. KOHL. 1118 Market st. CAPSULHT \S --Preventive; sure: harmless: guaranteed or money refunded. MME. MAS- » 'X. 1-^23 Geary st. DR. HALL. 1 City Hall aye., cor. McAllister & Leavenworth; diseases of women, children. STKRILTTV cur^o 1 by Mrs. Dr. Sattler. gradu- ate midwife. 1709 Powell St.: tel. Red 2641. LADIES— Mrs. Dr. Puetz: infallible, safe rem- edies; 38 years' experience. 254H Fourth st. HOME in confinement; diseases of women. MRS. DR. FITCKE. 141« Sth St., Alameda. DRS. K. A K. cure chronic, nervous, blood, skin or private dls. ,ses. S Mason st.. S. F. TYPEWRITE!". &. REMINGTON No. 3; fine order; $25; sampl* •ent. SCOTT A BANNAN. J33 Montfomery. PEKSOAALS. A. WILL be oft to-morrow. Why d-jn't yen write or come? I must see you. M. BUSINESS PERSONALS. I WISH that everybody who should happen to read the falae statements made by -a former umbrella-maker, who styles himself a musi- cal critic, which a certain little weekly pub- lishes about my ability as vocal Instructor would call at my oftlce and get the addresses of all my pupils and Inquire of their friends and relatives as to their really wonderful im- provement. JOS. GREVEN, Murphy build- ing, Market and Jones Bts. SEND for my "New Treatise on the Hair," free; I dress hair for 23c; good switches. $1; finest, bent quality, $H 50; extra heavy, long, $5; open Sundays from 9 to 12. G. LED- ERER, 111 Stockton st. CAL. Institute, 102H Geary st.— Hypnotism practically taught; diseases and habits cured. NEW method massage, electric treatment; heated room. MRS. JOHNSTON, 514^ Geary. MRS. HELEN ANDERSON, midwife an. nurse. 355 Fourth St., near Harrison. QUINONIA is a powerful nourishment for the hair. G. LEDERER. 11l Stockton St. TRUNKS moved, 25c. Commercial Transfer Co., 22 Stockton St.; phone Main 49. ELECTRIC lights in every room; Winchester House, 44 Third st.. nr. Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to ?6 per week; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. lISS ANDERSON, graduate. Swedish nurse; baths; genuine massage; Swedish movement; ladles, gents. 906 Market st.. room 25, 2d floor. BADGES, photo, and badge buttons, made In Pun Francisco at Eastern prices. WALTER V. BTUrNT. R35 Clay st.. S. F. 6UIT to order on easy Installments. I*. LFMOP, 1117 Market st.. bet. 7th and Bth. $14 — Suit to order: samples; try one. NSJTJ- FAI.'S & CO.. latlors. 116 Ke*rny Bt. CLOAKS and tailor-mad* nults retailed at wholesale flnires. 20 Snnsjane st. DRESSMAKERS. MME. GOLDSTEIN— EIegant, stylish dresses. $5 up; dresses made ovor. 6 Eddy St.. rm. 86. CLAIRVOYANTS. ARRIVED! ARRIVED! ARRIVED! TRANCE MEDII'M AND CLAIRVOYANT. DR. REEDE. HE TELLS E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-O. He gives full names, dates, facts nnd fig- ures. Dr. Reedf wishes It distinctly under- stood he accents no fee unless you find him SUPERIOR TO ANY MEDIUM or Clair- voyant in San Francisco. When In doubt or trouble of any kind Bee this gifted man. and he will set you right. Hft has helped others. He will help you. He doesn't want your money If he can't hf»n»fit you. Private parlors. 23C Sutter, nr. Kearny; r. 1. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sun- days to 2 p. m. MRS. DR. F. CLARK, the distinguished trance clalr\-oyant and medium: while entranced she will reveal every hiddpn mystery In life; she will show you how to overcome your enemies, remove family troubles, restore lost affec- tions : unites the separated, recovers lost, stolen or burled property; locates treasures, minerals; tells your entire life, past, present and future, while in a perfect trance. Hours 10 a. m. to sp. m. : perfect satisfaction guar- anteed by mall. Pend stamn for circular with special terms. MRP. DR. F. CLAPK, rooms 25 and V,, 120fi Market St., opp. Sixth. MME. PORTER, wonderful clairvoyant card- reader: horn double v°il and second sijrhr: dia«rno=e? disease; full life rendl^? 1 ladies BOe, jrentssl; palm, and elalrv.; sit. $1 60. 126 Turk. MME LE NORMANPE, clairvoyant, card render, magnetic treatment; hours, 10 to 9. 401 Leavenworth st. MRS. MAyi'KN'A. medium and palmist: rend- Inps 2.'c ami EOc this week: satisfaction. Vi fith. MME MOREAT". best medium and card- reader: German spoken: 2Zc up. 73 Fourth st. MRP. RAT from Ohlcaero, magnetic bpnW and card reader. 101S Market St., room 17, 2d floor. MME. RAVEXA reads life fluently: hi.= inps« advice: names griven: 2»c up. 5 Fourth st. HAT FAIR, card reader; magnetic healing a specialty. 223 Post st.. room 2. OLLTF LAKE: returned from Chicago: card reader. TO*; Market St.. or 9 Fills, room 22. MIPP MELVILLE. <rreat clairvoyant and WRter reader. 021H Mission: Cerman spoken. JOPTE TAYLOR, magnetic healer: mind read- fr. 223 Post st.. room 11, second floor. MME. HANSEN. palmist, card-writer; past, present and future: 25c. 14S Sixth, room 5. MATE MOREAT T test medium, clairvoyant, card-reader: 2"c tip. 73 Fourth St.. upstairs. KMK. STBILIfB. cradle to grave: future hus- band's picture 2no; Indies. !>l4 O'Farrell st. MIPS FDN'A V. GRANT, m Taylor St.. room 3: mind reader and palmist. MRS. SHAFFF.R. tn F t am i business medium; slttlnps dally, list; Sixth st.. room 14. MRS. DR. ANNA THOMAS— First in her pro- •vsoi,rn- never foils: (lilv)rc: h»ln <•?<! Pn«t. SPIK/TUALISBI. MRS. FAIRBANKS, clairvoyant; c!r. Tues. Frl. eves., 10c; readings dally, 25, roc. 10S 6th. BOOKS— Occult and spiritual at 1429 Market | • St., office of Philosophical Journal. MISS SHRTNER. clairvoyant for business and splrltufll sittings. 230 Kearny St., room 24. ; A. M. FRANCIS, Independent slate-writer: de- veloping circle Wednesday eve. lIS Hutght st. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, spiritual medium, for MOSEY TO LOAN. ANY amount at 6% per cent on real estate; 2d and 3d mortgages, estates, undivided Inter- ests, real estate In probate, life Insurance, goods in warehouse, furniture and pianos without removal; mortgages and legacies bought: no delay. R. McCOLGAN, 24 Mont- gomery, room 3. LOANS on furniture or pianos in S. F.. Oak- land or Alameda. at lowest rates, without removal; no commissions; no delays. ,T. NOONAN, 1017 to 1023 Mission, above Sixth; tel. South 14. ADVANCES quick on furniture, pianos, with- out removal: mdse In storage: lifr> ins. poli- cies, house rents, bank books, etc. : low In- terest; private; no com. R. 68. 1170 Market. $5 VP to any amount on indorsed paper, pianos, furniture or Jewelry; all bustness strictly confidential: private offices. M. E. DOT'GAN & CO., 230 Kenrny St.: upstairs. HIGHLY respectable and private place to ob- tain liberal pdvnnces on diamonds and Jew- elry at the lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 94S Market st. ; tel. Green 204. ON furniture, pianos; city or Oakland: no re-* moval: low rates: no commission: $"" up; private party. BONELLI, 402 Geary st. LOANS on real estate and on furniture or pianos without removal; any amount; lcrwest rates. TIKCKKR J: CO.. 32$ Montgomery gt. $1,000,000 TO loan on diamonds; low interest; perfpct Fecreoy; private pntmnce: gentle- manly assistants. TTncle Harris, 15 Grant aye. GO to a regular licensed pawnbroker at 1 Fourth St.. upstairs; strictly nrlvate;' low rates: tel. Red 1121: established ISK3. I ANT ram, Ist or 2d mortgages, estates In pro- ho.te, ftr. Room 7. SOS California st. $50 TO $."0,000: lowest rate*; Ist nnd 2d mnrtg. ; any proposition. Prydpn. 413 Montgomery st. CITY and country: any sum: Ist and 2-1 mort- gages, estates, etc. MURPHY, 62$ Mkt st. ON pianos, furniture: no removal: lowest rates: no com.: private. 116 McAllister st. .' SIXTH.' Moat I reliable place to . borrow money: ■ diamonds Ipwlry. ■. FINANCIAL. . r LOANS -on real estate, bonds, etc.: lowest rates. McAFRK BROS.'. IPS Montgonr--- st. . MOSEY WASTED. ■ '■>..:. ; WANTED— A loan of $10,000 for 4or 5 years at 5 per cent n"t: secured . i* ATam->rta ; r<»il es- tate renting at $150 : per ' month. Address " box 1054. Call Office. ■ ; . ; . LEGAL NOTICES. DEPARTMENT No. 10, Probate— In the Su- perior Court In and for the City and Coun- ty of San Francisco, State of California- In the matter of the estate of JACOB C JOHNSON, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Thursday, the 24th day of February, A. D. IS9S, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and the court room of De- partment No. 10. of said Court, at the New City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, have been ap- pointed as the time and place for proving the will of said JACOB C. JOHNSON, de- ceased, and for hearing the application of ANNA.E. JOHNSON for the issuance to her of letters testamentary. Dated February 10. A. D. IS9B. CHARLES F. CrRRY. Clerk. . [Seal] By E. S. HAWLEY, Deputy Clerk. J. A. STEPHENS, Attorney for Petitioner. Room 503, Claus Spreckels building. THE California Debris Commission, having re- ceived applications to mine by the hydraulic process from William N. Lamb, In the Croflf mine, near Oleta, Amador County, to deposit tailings behind the dam of the Cambridge mine, in, Dry Creek: from B. F. Steese and O. Woehler, in the Long Ravine mine, near Spencevillp, Nevada County, to deposit tail- ings in Long Ravine; and from J. W. Cum- mins, In the Amo mine, near Oroville, Butte County, to deposit tailings in Cherokee Ra- vine, gives notice that a meeting will be held at room 59. Flood -building. Ban Francisco, Cal., on February 2S, ISOS, at 1:30 p. m. CITY REAL. ESTATE. NEW house, 7 rs.. bath; easy terms; Mission; rwap, part paymt for lot. BABIN, 413 Kearny. 2 FLATS and large lot for sale cheap. Inquire meat market, 576 Howard Bt. CHOICE residence site, fronting Buena Vista park; best marine and land view; large grounds; select neighborhood; easy of access; sheltered from winds and fog; warm belt: southeast corner South Broderlek and Buenci Vista avenue; 2 blocks from Haight and Ba- ker. C. E. FsARNUM. 305 Parrott building. A— s6soo; CORNER house at the park; cily cor- ner unsold of 6 Just completed; very hand- somely finished; marble steps and built by day work; every possible convenience and every room sunny; terms to suit. Apply AL- BERT WILFORD. cor. Shrader and Beulah sts., 2 blocks south of Haight, from 1 to 4. $695 EACH, $1390 for both, 2 choice lots, 25x 120 each, ready lor building; graded; street work done; sewer in; elevated ground; fine marine view; electric cara pass every few- minutes; east side Twelth aye., 125 feet north of Clement; easy payments, $25 first installment; located in the choicest part of Richmond; a splendid purchase; exceeding- ly cheap. Apply to W. J. GUNN, 410 Mont- gomery st. CHOICE business property. NW corner Mis- sion and Spear sts.. 45:10 by 117:6; must be disposed of. H. SCHWERIN, 546 Clay. IF YOU INTEND BUILDING let me submit an estimate, with plans and specifications; no charge: best of references, bonds, etc. W. _W. REDNALL, Builder, 1326 Hayes st. COUNTRY i(£AL ESTATE. A BARGAIN. MUST BE SOLD. 125 ACRES located on county road, one-half mile north of Redwood City (known as WELLESLY PARK)". Offer wanted immediately. APPLY COMPANY'S OFFICE. 1008 CLAUS SPRECKELS BUILDING. WANTED to rent— Milk dairy In suitable lo- cation for shipping milk to San Francisco; give particulars; cash rent. Address A. 8., box 1034, Call. 2 SMALL ranches In Santa Cruz mountains, T^ miles from Santa Cruz. Address W. E. FALKER, 546 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. $5 PER acre, 160 acres good bottom land. Coos County; half value. CURRAN, 30 Kearny. FOR sale— 3SS9-acre ranch at $50; crops, Imple- ments, stock, water ditch and water; switch on the ranch and 11-acre fine lemon and or- ange grove, 8 years old, in full bearing; pos- sess at once. Particulars address C. PAR- MENTER. Winters. Cal. Wanted— sso,ooo for 3 years, 6 per cent; real estate security; no agts. LITTLE homes close to town; Improved; easy terms; also 4 to 12 acre pieces on 8 and 10 years' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City; every Monday at 632 Market St., S. F. 2000 ACRES of coal land in one body for sale. For particulars apply to NEIL MUNRO, Russ House, 141 Montgomery st.. S. F., Cal. BOOK and list of cheap land free. M. M GRIFFIN. Cottonwood, Shasta County. Cal. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. HOrSE and lot, ICth St.. W. Oakland! fop sale or exchange. 1431 Bush St., S. F. WHY not look into this if you desire a rare homesitr? Large lots for $200 upward; $10 cash and any sum you can afford to pay monthly; build your own home or we will build it for you; Gnllndo Tract, East Oak- land; tbe soil and climate is superb; all lev?!, with grand view; city water and sewer; fine public school and electric cars; streets all graded and macadamized; nice homes sur- rounding and building up rapidly; call or send for circular. 459 Ninth st., bet. Broad- way and Washington st., Oakland; carriage free. H. Z. JONES, Owner. BARGAIN— OnIy $2500 each for those new mod- ern houses being built in Oakland: easy pay- ments; call and see plans; money to loan. LANE, seventh floor, room 6, Mills building, San Francisco. SUNNY cottajre, bet. Center and Adeline st. stations: 5 rooms and bath; large lot, 50x115; good neighborhood; modern house; price $2800; terms to suit: installment plan If desired. Lake Shore Land Co., 1070 Broadway, Oak- land. AIMDA'iDVERTiiMENTS. AL.ASLEDA REAL ESTATE. 2- STORY house of 7 rooms; lot 50x100; artesian well, windmill, tank; must be 1 sold; make an offer. T. F. BAIRD, 1303 Park Bt.. Alameda. BARGAINS IN ALAMEIA HOMEsT FIXE two-story house en Broadway, lot 50x HO: price J2400. Neat two-story house on Buena Vista aye. : lot 50x150: price $1400. Five-room cottage on Buena Vista aye. : lot B0xl02; price $1600. Large 9-room cottage with basement, on Taylor aye.; lot 50x140; price $2fi."o. Two new 5-room cottages on Taylor aye.: lot 33x100; price $2000. New 6-room cottage on Pnnta Clara aye.: lot 35x110: price $2650. For Investment— A fine corner, fronting 115 feet on a business street, with 4 stores rented; will sell for $7500; worth $14,000; half purchase price may remain on property. Several other bargains. Call at 1503 Webster st.. Alameda, next t-> drugstore. A. R. DENKE Sr. $1200— SACRIFICE : lot 40x207, with good 7-room house: half block from station and high school; easy terms. $2SO0 — New modern cottase; lot 40x150; fine location: $150 cash, $25 per month; for cash *25<v>: snap. $2SO0 — Reautlful new 8-room house, complete; lot ,r)0x203:, r )0x203: choice location; very easy terms. To Close an Estate — 10-room house; lot 60x140: Alameua's best location; see this and make an offer. $12.750 — Better than a Klondike as an Invest- ment: properties bringing $130 per' month; mortgage of $9000 can remain: bargain. Houses to let in aH parts of the city. H. P. MOREAL & CO., 1432 Park St., Alameda. AT a big barsaln— l2-room modern house on one of the main avenues of Alameda: a corner lot 75 feet by 174 feet; house cost when built $7000: now to be had at lens than $6000. For particulars Inquire of HERMAN CORDES, 1332 High st.. Alameda. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT— Elegant 9-room house; large grounds with shrubbery; situated In the midst of the best part of Berkeley: rent $40. nnd water. O. G. MAY & CO., 2123 Center st., Berkeley. NEW house of 7 rooms, all modern Improve- ments, 2 blocks from station; all street work done: easy terms. JAS. J. MASON, Real Estate. Berkeley Station. ORDERED by mortgagee to sell* fine corner lot. house of 9 rooms, beautiful \Jew, near station; a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Real Estate, Berkeley Station. PROPERTY TO FXCMANGf. WANTED— A small Improved ranch for the $5000 equity of gilt-edge income property situated in the center of Oakland. Address Ranch, box 9, Call office, Oakland. DRUG stock Rnd fixtures for house and lot; pay cash difference. DECKER. 1020 Market ATTORJTEYS AT lAT\ ADVICE free; divorce laws specialty: private; no fee without success; collections, wills, probate, insolvency, deeds, damages, mort- gages, copartnership, bills-of-sale, patents, trademarks, etc. ; established 10 years. G. W. HOWE. Atty-at-Law. BSO Market, cor. Stkn. PRIVATE law matters. Insolvency, collections; moderate fees: free advice; open evenings. BcCAHE, 103 Larkln St. \DVICE free; no charge unless successful. W. W DAVIDSON. 927 Market «t. BIRTgS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage - and death notices '. sent by mall will not be 'inserted-. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and- be Indorsed with the name and residence of i persons authorized to have the same • pub- lished. . ■: .-■■ ■ : V -"., . ■ ■ - BORN. ; ' ASHER— In " Pomona, * February *8, 1898, to the wife of I. M. Asher, a daughter. COOPERS— In San < Jose, February 8, 1598,-. to ; the wife of E. T. Coopers r a daughter. DE SURVILLE— In < Inverness, Marin I County, January 19,^1898, to the wife of A. M. 1* Brun de Surville.'a son. . \ FLTNN— in; Tomales, "January 15, 1898, to the wife of C. J. Flynn, a daughter. ■ ... MADSEN— - Port' ; Pirle, v South Australia, January ; 8, • 1S»8, : to the wife of M. A. Mad- 'sen, a daughter. .„''.".-:' ' -■■ • MARRIED. . .-.;. ■';;;■- BAILEY— KERR— In : West Berkeley, ;=; = January 25. : ISSS, ' by the Rev. ■ Westwood ' Wright ' Case, ' D.D.. Rev. A. M. Bailey of the California Methodist Conference, and 7 Mrs. Luvenia A. Kerr of D1x0n,..Ca1.. » ■ ,■, ■ . • v GRAF— MORRIS— In Fairfield, Cal., February. 3, IS&S, i by Judge M. A. ■ Maynard. Henry Graf and Etta Morris. s . ■ WEPMORE— GUM— In San Jose, February 9, 1898. by. the Rev. Dr Wakefleld, Sydney James .Wedmore and Lillian May Gum. . ; , .-=- DIED. Antonsen, Nlcolaus Lornsten. Andrew Barnctt, Mary G. Lovell, Edna N. Barrett, Mary McQualde, Michael Beebe. Rosanna Magulre. Mary Boweti. Mrs. R. P. Michelsen, Rasmus Broiran, James Mulvlhill, Thomas Donnelly, Edward Miller. Nicholas Faylor, William A. Nolan, Patrick Foster, Henrietta E. Rusteberg, Andrew Hanson, Edward A. Smith. Ann E. Hanson. William L. Smith, Harry M. Hennessy Katie Taylor, Mrs Victoria - Herrmann. Julius Walsh, Patrick Hitchcock. Francis Wolf, John W. Horrell, Sarah W. Young, Captain T. Keating, Richard Younger, Sarah H. ANTONSEN— In this city, February 10, 1898, Xieolaus, dearly beloved son of Hans and Mary Antonsen, and brother of Sophie and Willie Antonsen, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 2 years 10 months and 18 days. C Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his parents, corner Vermont and Hum- boldt streets. InteVment Laurel Hill Ceme- tery. BARNETT— February H. IS9B. Mary G., infant child of F. B. and' Maggie Barnett, a native of San Francisco, aged S days. BARRETT— In this city, February 10. IS9B, Mary, beloved wife of Maurice Barrett, mother of John Joseph Barrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, and sister of Willie, George, John and Emma Casey, a native of Brooklyn, N. V., aged 35 years. (New York papers please copy). KTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at S:3O o'clock, fom her late residence, 27R2 Twenty-second street, thence to Bt. Peter's Church, Alabama street, where a solemn requiem mass will be cele- brated for the repose of her soul, commenc- ing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Crosa Cemetery. BEEBE— In Alameda. February 11. IS9S, Ro- sanna, beloved wife of the late Colonel Jake Beebe, and sister of Mrs. Mary Marlowe of 3'J6l Harrison street, San Francisco, a nativa of County Meath, Ireland, aged 64 years. (Cr Notice of funeral hereafter. BOWEN— In Alameda, February- 10, IS9S, Mrs. Rebecca P. Bowen, widow of the late Wil- liam Bowen, and mother of Clara Bowen, Mrs. C. H. Paxton and Mrs. Alfred Todhun- ter, a native of Huston, Mass., aged 81 years. (CT Funeral private. BROGAN— In this city, February 10. IS9B. James, beloved son of John and Margaret Brogan, and brother of Michael, John, Lizzie. Mary and Joseph lirogan, a native of Kar- rafurges, County Antrim, Ireland, aged It years. DONNELLY— At Santa Clara County Alms- house. February 'J, IS9S, Edward Donnelly, aged SI years. FAYLOR— In this city, February 10, IS9S, Wil- liam A. Faylor, a native of Texas, aged 56 years. FOSTER— In Oakland, February Hi 1S98! at the residence of her father. Rev. Dr. Thompson. Henrietta Elizabeth Foster, a native of Illi- nois, aged 3» years 7 months and 24V days. ICTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Monday. February 14. 189S, at 2 o'clock, from the resi- denco of hef father, 1350 Franklin street, Oakland. Interment private. HANSON— In thin city, February 11. IS9S. Ed- ward Alvln, beloved son or Oscar B. and M. Sophie Hanson, and brother of Edna Maria and George Benard Hanson, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 year. tC?" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the home of the parents, 14S1 Fifteenth street, near How- ard. HANSON— In this city, February 11, 189 K. Wil- liam Leslie, beloved son of W. E. and Sara L. Hanson, and brother of L. Amy and Charles B. Hanson; a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 3 y«ars 5 months and 8 days. HENNESSY— In Rio Vista, February 11, IS9B, Katie Hennessy, beloved sister of John Hen- nessy and Mrs. Michael Donovan, a native of Rahun, parish of Myross, County Cork, Ireland, aged 23 years. HERRMANN— In this city, February 11, 1898, Julius Herrmann, a native of Germany, aged 23 years 10 months and 7 days. A member of Herrmann Stamm No. 224, D. O. R. M. IC^Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from Red Men's Hall, 510 Bush street. Remains at the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co., 1209 Mission street, near Eighth. Intsrment Laurel Hill Cemetery. HITCHCOCK— In Sulsun, Cal., February 9, 1898, Francis H. Hitchcock, aged 43 years. HORRELL— In this city, February 11, I<W. Sarah W.. relict of the late Judge J. Hor- rell of Napa, a native of Indiana, aged 77 years 3 months and 1 day. CTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Saturday), at 2:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 702 Guerrero street, corner Nineteenth. Interment Napa, on arrival of the 10 a. m. train Sunday. KEATING— In this city, February ,11. IS9B, Richard, dearly beloved husband of Eliza- beth Keating, and father of Maggie, John, Daniel, Thomas. George, Arthur and the late Richard KetUing. a native of Tipperary, Ire- land, aged 65 years. LORNSTEN— In this city. February 11, IS9S, Andrew, beloved husband of Ingeborg Lorn- sten, and father of Hans, Arthur, John. Charles and Mary Lornsten. a native of Nor- way, aged 45 years S months and 23 days. LOVELL— In this city, February 11. 189 S. Edna Nellie, beloved daughter of Charles W. and Agnes G. Lovell, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 year and 15 days. McQUAIDE— In this city, February H 1898. at his residence, 3369 Seventeenth street, Mich- ael, beloved husband of Mary McQuaide, and dearly beloved father of Kathryn G., Owen J. and Sarah E. McQuaide, Mrs. M. Cooper and Mrs. James P. Fogarty, a native of County Donegal, Ireland, aged 74 years and 3 months. ETNotlce of funeral hereafter. MAGUIRE— In the City and County Hospital, February 11. IS9B. Mary Maguire, a native of New York, aged 65 years. MICHELSEN— In this city, February 11, 1898, Rasmus T. Michelsen, beloved father of An- tone and Millie Michelsen. a native of Nor- way, aged 53 years 7 months and 29 days. MILLER— In the City and Count- Hospital. February 11, 1898. 'Nicholas Miller, a native of Germany, aged 26 years. MULVIHILL— In Los Angeles, Cal., February — , IS9B, Thomas Mulvihill, beloved Bon of the late Johanna Sullivan, and brother of John and Jerry Mulvihill, Mrs. John Mur- phy and Birdie, Dollie and Willie Sullivan. CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 12 o'clock, from the residence of his sister, Mrs. John Murphy, 3214 Seven- teenth street, thence to St. Charles Church, Eighteenth and Shotwell streets, for serv- ices. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. NOLAN— Near Tomales, February 3, IS9S, Pat- rick Nolan, aged 63 years. RUSTEBERG— In this city, February 10, 1898, Andrew, beloved husband of the late Fred- erike Rusteberg. and father of Mrs. F. Lan- genberger, a native of Hanover, Germany, aged 62 years 5 months and 22 days. A mem-, ber of Musical Fund Society, Musicians' Mutual Protective Union and Verein Em tracht. (CyFrlendg and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 11 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 2705 FoUom street, thence to Elntruclit Hall, Twelfth street, between Howard and Folsom, where funeral services wtll»be held, commencing at 12 o'clock. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery- SMITH— In this city, F. bruary 9. 1898, Ann I'.ilz.'i Smith, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Charlotte E. Dixon and Charles C. Smith, and mother-in-law of Edmund Dixon, a. na- tive of Marlborough. Ulster County, N. V., aged 75 years 7 months and 9 days. (t^Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 2:30 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Edmund Dixon. 1006 Washington street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. SMITH— In the City and County Hospital, Feb- ruary 10. 1898, Harry Mallett Smith, a na- tive of California, aged 33 years. TAYLOR— In this city, February 9, 18S8. Mrs. Victoria, beloved wife of the late John Tay- lor, and daughter of Mrs. M. J. and the late. Martin Hammersmith, a native of Al- giers, aged 39 years. ICTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Saturday), at 9:30 o'clock, from the parlors of VaJente, Marinl & Co., 1524 Stockton street, near Union. Interment Masonic Cemetery- WALSH— In San Jose, February 8. 1898, Pat- rick Walsh, a native of Ireland, aged 79 years and 11 months. WOLF— In this city, February 10. 1898, John William, bt-loved husband ->f Margaret C. Wolf and father of William H., Alice M., Annie M.. Lulu E., George E., Ralph R. and Daniel L. Wolf, a native of Germany, aged 75 years 9 months and 28 days. Mem- ber of Oakland Lodge No. 183, F. and A. M.. University Lodge No. 144. I. O. O. P., and Golden Rule Encampment No. 34 ICTFuneral services to-morrow (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, at Masonic Temple, Oakland. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited. Interment Mountain View Ceme- tery. YOUNG— In this city, February 10, 1898, Cap- tain Thomas, beloved husband of Annie Young, and father of Harry and John T. Young, a native of Liverpool, England, aged 68 years and 9 months. IprFriends are respectfully Invited to at- tend the funeral this day (Saturday), at 10 o'clock, from his late residence. 418 Lom- bard street, thence to St. Francis Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his soul, commenc- ing at 10:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, by special train from Third and Townsend streets at 12:30 o'clock. YOUNG— In this city, February 10, 1898, Cap- tain Thomas Young, father of Margaret Jane, and grandfather of May •E. and Thomas L. Beston, a native of Liverpool, England. YOUNGER— In this city, February 10, 1898, Sarah Helen, youngest daughter of Andrew Jr. nnd the late Rachel J. Younger, and granddaughter of Mr?. Margaret Vance, a na- tive of California, aged 2 years 4 months and 3 days. |C7Friend9 and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral service! this day (Saturday), at 1:30 o'clock, at 1225 Pine street. Interment private. IMcAVOY & GALLAGHER, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMER3 I 20 FIFTH ST., Op;. Lincoln School. I Telephone, South 80. | Estab. 1858. Tel. South 47. CRAIG &COCHRAN CO. Funeral Directors and Embalmcrs, 22, 24 AND 26 MINT AVENUE. Lady assistants. Spacious chapel for the u sa of oui patrons. Rubber Ures on our ambulance 13