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LOW WATER IN HIGH RESERVOIRS Engineer Schussler Tells His Annual Story to the Super* visors==Pumps and Pipe. Spring Valley Asks for the Adoption of a Schedule That Will Increase the Vast Revenue of the Corporation. The Supervisors yesterday listened \ to the old story told by Chief Engi- \ neer Schussler of the Spring Valley ; Water Works. He spoke of tunnels ! projected, of pumping plants in pros- j pect and presented items of proposed improvement aggregating in expense I $?00,000. Reinforced by Attorney Kel- j logg and Secretary Pelham W. Ames, the engineer advanced the notion that the city ought to allow, in fixing the water rates for the year, interest on this i ontemplated outlay of nearly a million dollars. A question or two dropped in by Supervisor Britt indicat • i the student of monopoly that | • stress is to be laid on the employ- j ment of labor to bore the tunnels and erect the pumping works. The infer ence is thrown out at the start that I this labor will not be engaged if Spring j » has to pay for it, but will be \ >yed for the advantage of the ; water corporation if the city consents the bills. ■n the Supervisors were called to ■ Mayor Phelan made a short ad dress to the members. He mentioned 5 p-r cent as the rate of interest which i i not be exceeded in calculating I the income which the corporation | should derive. The Mayor also re- j marked that the company during the j past year had issued new stock to the value of $600,000 without the consent of the Board of Supervisors. In conclu- T h? Mayor said that the board was -■;J by its own acts and by a party t to aliow more than 5 per cent interest on the capital of the com ■ ■>'■ n of Supervisor Rottanzi the board went into committee of the whole | with Supervisor Clinton in the chair. Dr. Clinton spoke of having visited many large eicies during his recent ab sence. He had given some attention to the subject of water supply and the thereof. He was convinced that the people of San Francisco were pay ing 50 per cent more for water than was paid by the people of any other large city. The public looked to the Board of Supervisors for justice and relief. Supervisor Rottanzi suggested that there should be an investigation re lating to the recent issue of 7000 shares of stock by the Spring Valley corpora tion. Supervisor Britt desired a report from the Water Committee on a com munication from the company recent ly submitted to the board. Dr. Clinton promised that a report would be presented to the next regular meeting of the board. Herman SchussJer. chief engineer of the water company, was called to en lighten the board on various topics. The ceremony of administering the oath to Mr. Schussler was not solemn- j ly impressive. Responding to a quick f questions, he remarked that the 1 10 shares of stock were issued to pro * .de money to improve Lake Merced and other sources of water supply. Some of the money was used to re model the" city system of pipes and Borne of it went into the new building at the corner of Geary and Stockton streets. Supervisor Dodge remarked: "It is now time for Mr. Schussler to advance reasons, if he can, why the water rates should be increased. I thought last year that the rate to householders would not give the reduction promised. Six months' experience has taught me j that the reduction is insignificant." Supervisor Britt fancied that Mr. Dodge was taking up the time of the board in speechmaking when the mem bers were particularly desirous of hear- j Ing from Mr. Schussler. The report cf the company showing the receipts from all sources was read. Mr. Schussler — The city is constantly growing, and the quantity of water supplied is ever increasing, so there may be a great reduction in rates, and still the receipts will show as large as ever. Supervisor Dodge contended that there was still an unexplained discrep ancy in the figures. Attorney Kellogg asked the engineer what was the estimated increase of current expenses for this year. Mr. Schussler replied that $70,000 foT pumping was one item. "We are now erecting two large pumping stations. There was great waste of water last year. These two pumping works, to gether with the others mentioned, will cost a large sum of money to operate." i Responding to Mr. Kellogg, the en- j gineer said the contemplated expend!- ! ture in construction account this year would be fully $900,000. "The last year •was the most wasteful we ever had." a Reference was made by Supervisor to Mr. Schussler's former esti mates of the capacity of Crystal Springs reservoir and his assurance that It contained water to tide over two dry seasons. In the light of the supply al ready acquired the Supervisor wanted i to know why so much money was need ed for further development. Mr. Schussler replied that he was very proud of the reservoir, as it would save the city from a calamity this year. Supervisor Dodge wanted to know why $900,000 was necessary before we had a dry season. Mr. Schussler Baid the company must be ready for any emergency. He could not tell yet whether more rain would fall. "In 1887-88 we averted a calamity by the use of the Alameda Creek sup ply. Had we neglected to reinforce the system then, we would not now have i fourteen thousand million gallons in Crystal Springs Reservoir." The engineer explained that the ex- . tra cost of pumping was caused by the waste of people who inhabit the higher levels. Supervisor Dodge observed that the engineer last year advocated a free use of water or its use in large quantities. He regretted that the city should be ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 STOVE POLISH. I ■ v Produces a JET BLACK enamel gloss. Dustless, Odorless, Labor || Saving. 5 and 10 cent boxes. Try it on your Cycle Chain. 1^ «I J. L. PRESCOTT A CO.. NEW YORK. E&> called upon to expend nearly a million dollars to increase the supply. Mr. Schussler — The city expert? The company expends it. Mr. Dodge — The city pays for it. Mr. Schussler— Only the interest. Dr. Rottanzl — We should not pay in terest on old and worn-out material, when you put in new pipe. Mr. Schussler — A fair allowance should be made for new pipe, especially when the fire department demands new and large mains. Mr. Ewald sought to ask a few ques tions about the Sunnyside district, and the chances' of getting water there, but the board put a stop to the interroga tories. Mr. Dodge — Would we not save time by getting the company to file a state ment of what it desires? Mr. Kellogg said that Mr. Ames would give all the data demanded. Supervisor Britt — Mr. Schussler, should the board reduce your rate, where would you curtail expenses? Mr. Schussler — In pumping. In order to keep the reservoirs full of water we must keep on pumping. We h.ive 507 men employed. We expect to have 1060 men employed sixty days hence. We pay $2 a day, but demand constant work. Mr. Britt — In the event of a reduc tion, would you be obliged to discharge these men or limit their labor? Mr. Schussler — We would have to largely curtail the quantity of water used and keep down expenses. Mr. Clinton — You would deem it a duty, in the event of a reduction, to keep up the supply as far as possible. Mr. Schussler — I have fully stated to our people that we are here to supply water for domestic uses and fire pur poses. Mr. Clinton asked if, in the event of a reduction, the company would still in sist on paying its stockholders 6 per cent, and the engineer replied that 6 per cent would be paid if possible. "If we cut interest down to 5 per cent we would not get more than $S0 for a share of our stock." , Dr. Clinton and. Mr. Schussler ex changed views as to the gilt-edged character of Spring Valley securities. The engineer paid a tribute to the busi ness sagacity of the Spring Valley board. Supervisor Dodge recalled the calam ities threatened last year when a re duction of rates was suggested. The dire calamities and the discharge of workmen did not follow. Pelham W. Ames, the secretary of the corporation, was next sworn. He was asked to explain items concerning the receipts of money by the company. 11" pointed out that the amount re ceived from shipping which was not scheduled in former reports was placed in this year's report, because the meth od of supplying the ships had been changed. The privilege was formerly | sold to Goodall, Perkins & Co. for $1600 a month. Now the water company ! deals directly with the ships. The | revenue received last year from this source was $41,000. Mr. Ames was ready to go right along with the explanations, but the Super visors preferred to adjourn the hearing until S o'clock in the evening, so an ] adjournmeit was taken until that time. The Supervisors convened shortly '. after 8 o'clock with Dr. Clinton in the chair. The first witness called was F. ! B. Howard, accountant of the Spring I Valley Water Works. After some ! questions this statement was Rroduced '. as an estimate of the amount of money ■ that the company would require for j the year 1888: Maintenance J 460,000 Interest 4S.OM Coupons 498,500 Taxes , 105.000 Dividends 536.500 Total $1, 942.000 An inquiry was directed to ascertain why the company did not place all its obligations in bonds paying 4 per cent interest. Attorney Kellogg said that the ques tion of consolidating the bonds would come up when the first bonds matured. In response to a question, Mr. How ard gave the income from rent of the new building at $2200 a month. George E. Booker, chief clerk of the Spring Valley Water Works, gratified Supervisor Dodge by replying to sev eral interrogatories respecting the in come of the corporation under the first section of the existing ordinance relat ing to water rates. He promised to pro duce figures desired. Supervisor Dodge, in giving expres sion to his delight over the ready and responsive answers of the chief clerk, said: "We fought for weeks last year to get this information-. We could not tell whether the reduction to householders was $141,000, the highest calculation, or $34,000, the lowest. Now that Mr. Book er says he can give us the information as to the amounts received under each classification, we can proceed intelli gently." I There was considerable time lost in 1 framing the request for Information, but finally it was put in this form: 'That Mr. Booker at the next meeting of the board give the number of houses in each classification of section 1 in 1896 and 1897." Under the classification the company collects $40,000 a month or $480,000 a year. In the class householders are represented. Mr. Booker could not give the num ber of bath tubs, but was obliged to admit that he must have made some calculation when he figured last year that a certain reduction would follow. The witness said: "I must have guessed at it." Dr. Clinton — Isn't that a loose way of conducting a public trust? Mr. Booker said the company could not tell how much was coliected in each section. The information was elicited from Mr. Booker that there were 44,600 dwelling houses and 18,720 places of THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 189 S. business that paid money for water. There are 6000 meters. The amount of money received on fixed charges was $87,515 a month. He said: "We have 8000 more consumers than we had in 1890, yet our income has but slightly increased." Mr. Dodge— How much of a reduc tion did the order we adopted last year make? Mr. Booker figured the reduction at $6000 a month. Chief Engineer Schussler was called again to state more in detail what im provements were in prospect and why the expenditure of so much money was now demanded. He remarked that the supply in the upper lakes — Pilarcltos and San Andreas — was running low. These reservoirs must be replenished by water pumped from Crystal Springs or the Western Addition would have no water. Mr. Schussler spoke of the constantly increasing supply which the growth of the Western Addition demanded. It was remarked also that the people of that section of the city wasted a great deal of water. Among the items of new expenses were 5280,000 for a pipe line from San Andreas and $200,000 for city pipe ex tension. A contract had been let for new pumping works at Milbrae. Attorney Kellogg asked Mr. Booker how much the existing schedule was short of the requirements for the year IS9S, and the latter replied that the amount the company would receive, in cluding the rent of the new building, would be $90,000 less than the estimated requirement of $1,942,0000. The attor ney then said to the Supervisors: "We now ask that the rates be increased so that our revenue shall be $90,000 more than the existing schedale provides." Replying to Supervisor Delany, Mr. Booker said the schedule of 1895 would yield the sum required. As the board was about to adjourn Dr. Clinton asked if the Mayor desired to ask any questions. Mayor Phelan simply remarked that the case was. proved last year. The board then adjourned until 10 a. m. Monday. VIEWS OF THE BOARD. Some Members Are Decided, Some Are Waiting. Mayor Phelan— There are two ques tions which should be carefully con sidered. Is not 5 per cent a fair rate of inter est on stock? Are operating expenses and cost of permanent improvements wisely and economically made for the purpose of supplying the city with water? These answered, a rate should be fixed that would yield not more than 5 per cent, on the stock actually issued for legitimate and necessary purposes. Five per cent is a rate of interest considered to-day full and fair for this class of securities, and no one can seriously dispute it. Supervisor Morton — Under no circum stance will I vote for an increase of the rate. The question of a scarcity of rain or a limited supply of water in the company's reservoirs cuts no figure •in this case. That is a matter effecting the company itself, and not one that the people of this city should be made to make good for the benefit of either the company or its stockholders. Under existing circumstances, and until I have something more to guide me, I .am disposed to let last year's rate stand. I consider the stockholders en titled to at least 5 per cent interest on the stock. Supervisor Dodge — I intend to live up to the pledge taken when I accepted the nomination for the office which I now have the honor of occupying. I stand now as I did one year ago when this same question was before us. I will, however, hear what the company has to say on the matter before I de cide on my vote in the committee and in the board. Supervisor Rivers — I will be entirely guided by the testimony and the facts adduced before the board during this investigation, and will vote accord ingly. Corporations have rights as well as the people, and it is our duty to deal fairly between the two in fix ing the rates. Supervisor Sheehan— l intend to live up to the pledge taken, and I will be governed a good deal by the represen tations offered before us during this in quiry. I consider last year's rates fair in the then existingconditions. Whether there is any change since that time that would cause me to think other wise now remains to be developed dur ing this investigation. Supervisor Delany — I will deal fairly with all parties concerned and will be in a better condition to Judge of the matter when the inquiry is concluded and when the company has had an op portunity to be heard. Supervisor Haskins — I decline to ex press an opinion on this question now. In other words, 1 prefer not to be in terviewed. Supervisor Lackmann— Last year's rates fixed a 5 per cent rate. I am in favor of a reduction. The rates are too high, more particularly on the small householders, consequently I will favor a greater reduction, and so vote. Supervisor Devany— l will he entirely guided by the testimony and the con ditions as they are presented before us. It would be too soon to ask me how I should act on this matter until I hear the question fully. Supervisor Britt— l will be governed by the circumstances and condition of affairs as they are presented before me. I am inclined to favor last year's rates as being fair and equitable to the people and to the water company. Supervisor Rottanzi— l will favor the same rates as I did last year. These I considered then, and do still, as being the only ones that this board should have adopted. Had it done so greater satisfaction would have resulted all round. I see no reason to change my mind on this subject. Supervisor Smith— Being absent his views could not be obtained. Supervisor Clinton— l have no reason to change my mind from the position I took last year on this question. To me the people come first and the cor porations next. I agree with those that favor giving- the stockholders a fair percentage on the capital invested. I think it would be unjust to crowd them, so to speak, to the wall, simply be cause they are stockholders. If the water company makes such a shoeing as will justify me in voting for a reduc tion from the present rates, why I will only too cheerfully vote in that way. But, I will certainly not vote to in crease the rates; they are, to my mind, too high as it is. In the meantime the company will be given an opportunity to represent its side of the question be fore the rates ar# fixed. FOR A NEW HOSPITAL. The Mission Will Rally 'i'o-Night to Support the Project. The committee appointed at the pre liminary meeting last week of the resi dents of the Mission for a mass meeting this evening of representative taxpayers have received the most flattering en couragement that the gathering will be a decided success. The committee on arrangements has so far announced the names of the following speakers: Supervisors C. A. Clinton, Rot tanzi and Dodge; Messrs. George L. Cen ter, Joseph Leggett, Jantes H. Barry, James Denman, Judge F. W. Van Rey negom, Captain George Raabe, E! P. E. Troy and A. P. Van Duzer. The place of meeting. Mangel's Hall, on Folsom and Twenty-fourth streets, has been kindly offered by its owner free of cost. At this meeting the "whirlwind gulch" deal will be laid bare and it will be made manifest that there is no necessity for saddling the people with a burden of $400,000 for the purchase of a piece of land for a col lection of wild animals that would re quire an untold sum of money to main tain the year round. FRENCH SOCIETIES AT WAR. Editor Marque Attacks the Two Bergerots and Dr. Bazet in Several Caustic Letters in Flmparcial. There is a great deal of excitement in the ranks of two of the principal French social and benevolent societies of this city owing to the fact that there is a great contest for control of the French Hospital and French matters in general. These societies are La Ligue d'Henri IV and the Alliance. K. Marque, an aged editor, has long been amusing himself by writing some such letters against three prominent Frenchmen as were common in this country in the days of the American revolution. His epistles ap pear each week in a paper called L'lmparcial, and the general tenor of the accusations is that three men, whose names each begin with the let ter B, are trying to rule or ruin matters that pertain to the welfare of the French in this city. His attacks are directed toward Attorney P. Alexandre Bergerot, his father and Dr. Louis Bazet, of the French Hospital. The accusation Is that a local society called La Ligue d'Henri IV is conducted in the interest of the three men whose names begin with B, and that the purpose of the whole organization is to make Bergerot Jr., who is a lawyer, a sort of local political boss. There are allegations that Dr. Bazet is an old fogy, opposed to American physicians, and that he Is an ally of Bergerot Jr. Although the old and well-known French league of this city has never taken part in politics heretofore, it is being drawn into this fight for self-protection. Its membership consists largely of prominent business men, who are not willing to see all power slip from their hands into that of the ambitious Bergerot and his society, which is only three years old and whose membership consists almost entirely of the proletariat. FRIDAY NIGHT AND THIRTEEN ACTORS Harry Corsen Clarke Defies Superstition and Scores Success. "What Happened to Jones" a Farce of Much Merit— The New Com pany Admirable. Last night Harry Corson Clarke twinkled as a star at the head of a little company that is all his own, reopened the Columbia Theater with George H. Broadhurst's farce, "What Happened to Jones," and went the original Frawley company one better in daredevil defiance of the superstitions. Mr. Clarke not only had precisely thirteen persons in his com pany including his stellar self, but he opened on a Frrday. I am glad to say that Mr. Clarke's recklessness brought him no apparent misfortune. The worst that happened was an embarrassingly long "stage waif in the opening of the fir"! act, which left Mr. J. B. Polk alone on the stage and at his wits end for what seemed to be several moments. A deathly whisper from the wings broke the BUence: "For God's sake say something!" And Mr Polk, with a ter rible patness, repeated several times one of his earlier lines: "I cannot work I cannot work." However, the big audi ence was enthusiastically friendly and justly made this one of the hits of the ""Everything was a hit with that audi ence; everybody then- seemed to be a personal friend of the new star; after the first and dullest act of the farce he was made to blush by curtain call after cur tain call and wild demands for a speech, and at least twenty bunches of sweet vio lets that were pelted lovingly over the lights. But Mr. Clarke behaved with dig nity and tact, and I am glad to chronicle that he did not make a speech. No mat ter what happens to "Jones ' and the new star on account of that thirteen-Frtday combination it can never be laid up against Mr. Clarke tßat he started out to soar-starrtly with a speech at the end of the first act. I am not a devout believer in the evil of Fridayy and thirteens myself, and far and beyond the friendly audience that boomed everything last night I think the symptoms of real success were discerni ble in the piece, the star and the com pany. Mr. Clarke is not always a fortu nate comic, actor. Ho has mannerisms that are not entirely lovable and that are built to last a lifetime, and during his associa tion with the Frawley company he was en couraged in playing fussy old gentle men who poked people in the ribs and pranced around on rather song-ancl-dan cey legs, all the time displaying a broad smile with superb dental appointments until I grew to regard him as a positive bore. But as the irrepressible Jones in Mr. Broadhurst's farce Mr. Clarke is seen in proper person; and as the part calls for none of the subtleties of farce acting, but rather for a bustling Ameri can temperament— which Mr. Clarke has in profusion— and a certain oft-hand di rectness of delivery, he is able to play it In very fair proportion of its full value. The piece deals In the good old farcical device of the wrong man in the wrong clothes with several clever complications, good construction and common sense lines that do not detract from the situa tions by extraneous gagging. Old Ebe nezer Goodly, a professor of anatomy, ia induced, in the Interests of his science, to attend a prize-fight. You see him start off, accompanied by the young chap who is to marry one of his daughters; and you see him come home, torn and soiled, for the fight was raided and he escaped by climbing down a water pipe. Then enters the hustling Jones, who has also been to the fight, has battered a policeman, and now demands shelter in the Goodly household. He has left a coattail in the clutch of the law by which he fears iden tification. So he disguises himself in the costume of the Bishop of Ballarat, who is ex pected any day to arrive at the Goodlys, kisses all the bishop's nieces, nearly breaks the heart of the old maid, to whom the Bishop is secr«tly engaged, and fall 3in love with old Ebenezer's ward. The thick of the complication comes, of course, when the real Bishop arrives on the scene, and In turn this situation is countercomplicated by the introduction of an escaped lunatic who is mistaken for the Bishop. To be sure the plausibility of all this hangs on the mere fact that Ebenezer does not tell his family about the identity of Jones because he fears to answer for his own share in the prize-fight— but you do not look for too much plausibility in farce. The ortly glaring fault In the piece is that the first act is not lively enough. It was very dull last night, but this was partly due to the nervousness of the company. Tn a leisurely way the otheu acts are funny all the time, and the thread of the story is seldom lost sight of even for a minute. The whole farce, while extravagant to a degree, is con structed with a certain legitimacy that is not common in the lighter American pieces. Mr. Clark Has chosen his company with admirable care and judgment. With the possible exception of one or two of the subsidiary feminine parts the entire cast seems to be fitted by players of special ized ability. Miss Affle Warner is de lightfully ingenuous and real a« the Goodlys' ward; J. B. Polk, a little easier than he was last night, is just the man for Ebenezer; Charles Charters plays the young man of the piece with a jolly swing; and John Allison does farce-acting of the very first quality In the part of the genuine Bishop. Every farce nowadays seems to have its character servant There is a wonderful Swedish girl in "What Happened to Jones," and I will wager that Maude Allison makes a rec ord in the part. She was an emohatic hit last night. ASHTON STEVENS ELECTED NEW OFFICERS. The San Francisco Yacht Club Held Its Annual Meeting Last Night. The annual meeting of the San Fran cisco Yacht Club was held at the Mer chants' Exchange last evening. Reports of the officers in charge of the club last year were read, and they showed that the organization was in a very prosperous condition. After transacting a great deal of routine business the officers were elected as follows: Commodore. Dr. Thomas S. Hill; vice-commodore, G. T. S White; fleet captain. Dr. A. W. McKen zie; secretary, Charles B. Hill; treasurer, Robert B. Hogue; measurer, J. M. Pur nett. The newly elected officers w?re made the directors for the coming year. THE AMERICAN WATERLOO The Bloody Battle of Gettysburg Fought Over Again at the Fair. Lincoln Day to Be Observed With Special and Appropriate Ceremonies. To many at the Mining Fair last night the chief feature was undoubtedly the musical programme, and it was accept ably rendered by Bennett's band under the direction of W. B. Rogers. It con tained seven numbers, and the first after the intermission was the grand fantasie of the Battle of Gettysburg. This particular elaboration of a familiar theme is by Cappa, the late director of the New York Seventh Regiment Band. As a development where those accesso ries of war tones have been properly util ized it is certainly a master composition. Thoroughly extensive in its range, yet not too wide In Its scope, it embraces twenty-three phases, beginning with the army bivouac and culminating in the na tional anthem, "The Star Spangled Ban ner." The chorus and musketry firing were very effective. As for Rogers' conception and discretion of the fantasie, the piece illustrates how near realism band effects may be brought where the director is capable and actu ated by a love for his art. The Martels were again another feature with their bicycle riding, and they gave a smooth and enjoyable performance. The management made each lady who visited the fair happy by presenting her with a cup and saucer. Over 2000 of* these dainty souvenirs were given away yes terday. To-day being Lincoln day an elaborate programme has been prepared to com memoi^ite the birthday of the President. In addition to the 500 school children from the Horace Mann, Mission Grammar, Hamilton and Burnett schools, the mem bers of the California branch of the Lin coln Monument League will participate in the exercises. In the evening the G. A. R. veterans will render a speciab pro gramme. The musical programme for this even ing is as follows: Overture, "Ruy Bias" Mendelssohn Selection, "Rlenzi" Wagner Intermezzo. "Aprez le Bal" Czibulka Seartet from "Lucia" Donizetti Scenes frum "Carmen" Bizet Grand American Fantasie Herbert Solo for cornet W. B. Rogers "Invitation a la Valse" Web.T Paraphrase, ' 'Ix>relel' ' N'esvadba Torchlight Dance "No. 4" Meyerbeer March, "Bride Elect" Sousa Saved From Death. LIFE WAS EBBING AWAY WHILE IN THE MOUNTAINS. A Woman Was Rescued When in a Peril ous Plight— Novel Method Used to Save Her. From the Press, Ottumwa, lowa. Miss Lola Noble of 416 East " Maine street, Ottumwa lowa, daughter of Mr. E." M. Noble, the sairt manufacturer, has accomplished a work which will not only benefit her, but undoubtedly be of ser vice to many others. It was a praise worthy undertaking; one which she may feel proud of fend amply repaid for her in defatigable efforts. ■ ■ A reporter of, the Press, hearine of her successful achievement, sought an inter view with her. ' .. ■■•■••■ ', Miss Noble seemed cheerful, hopeful and in the best of health. . Apparently she had not suffered any ill effects from her efforts which were reported to have done much good. ' About two years ago she accompanied her parents to the West, and resided among the mountains for several months. This was done in the hopes that her health might be improved, as she was suffering from anaemia. Instead of the change of climate benefiting her, she rapidly be came worse and ncr parents hastily re turned East with her. Reputable physicians were, summoned and exercised their skill, but it was of no avail. Her condition became worse and her face assumed a ghost-like ap pearance. She was wasting away for want of blood, and what little she did have was watery and in a depraved state. Any slight exertion caused ex cessive " fatigue, and palpitation of the heart. She had no appetite and the dain tiest viands did not tempt her. Her condi tion was deplorable ■ and death seemed nigh. Many of her friends thought she was going into consumption. Finally some friends . advised her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, prepared by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N.Y., as t^ey contained in a : condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. •• •-.■■■ They had learned . of cases similar to hers which had been cured. The pills, they said, were inexpensive, 1 only costing 50 cents a box or six. boxes for $2 50, and could be had at any druggist's. " ' Miss : Noble was reluctant to try them, for it seemed ; as If all possible remedies had been tried .and V.*e expense had been considerable," without being, benefited. Her friends were so enthusiastic regarding the good qualities •of ; the pills, ■ that she fin ally decided to try a box. and purchased one from E. M. B. Scott's drug store, v A decided improvement was noticeable after the pills had been taken and she purchased some ■more. * / The change in her condition ; was so great -.that : after taking four boxes of the remedy, she con sidered herself, well, and stopped taxing the medicine. ! But her severe sickness could not «be ■ cured > so soon and .- she ; was obliged to "commence taking the pills again. > After using a few more [boxes all traces of her fearful disease had: dis appeared." To-day ; she is the picture of health, her complexion being that :of an Ideally healthy young lady, and she is as active as in her younger days. Her father was so much impressed with the marvelous improvement wrought in the health of his daughter through the merits of Dr. - ; Williams',:- Pink < Pills that he too, is using them and is ranidly re gaining his failing health. • Several have hoard of Miss Noble's. case and experience with these wonderful. pills and; are using them with : satisfactory re- Mr. E. :M. B. Scott, 'who Is one of > Ot tumwa's prominent druggists, can testify to ' the wonderful improvement Jin the health- of i Miss; Noble. He Is having a large sale of these health restorers. ADVERTISEMENTS. Woman's Nerves. -d& Mrs. Platt Talks About Hysteria. "» • r^w\ Whet a nerve or a set of nerves supplying V-^pP s^L^"~\ any organ in the body with its due nutri- _/?^/T / ment grows weak, that organ languishes, [~ / I I \V When the nerves become exhausted and / / ~/{ I I i\.\ I j\ die, so to speak, the organ falls into de- V I /I V 1 1 cay. What is to be done? The answer is, >c^~ '^ i /I \ vv — — / do not allow the weakness to progress; 'Hi \\ // 1 Jm^c^~^j stop the deteriorating process at once ! lffi« \\ / /j[jyWwjST~ A) •Do you experience fits of depression, alter- ej^b\yjr^^»^^k \ nating with restlessness? Are your spirits \^Bf;f^\\ <^ easily affected, so that one moment you laugh laMßy (// p and the next fall into convulsive weeping ? ||9b _ ° Again, do you feel something like a ball rising Egaa I|||) in your throat and threatening •to choke you, Wfljjl II * all the senses perverted, morbidly sensitive to 1 H \ V ? light and sound, pain in ovarj'', , and pain es- in \//- 1 pecially between the shoulders, sometimes loss ■ | of voice and nervous dyspepsia? .If so, you are Ml \ hysterical, your uterine nerves are at fault. J^ 5.7 *\ You must do something. to restore their tone. < - Nothing is .better for the purpose than Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com* pound; it will work a cure. If you do not understand your symptoms, write. to - :,", . ,' •. -«ip^_ ■, Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and she will give you houept, ' f^^^^^^K 1 ex^^rt advice, free of charge. -». I^Pl^^^^^L A^ Mbs. Levj F. Pi.att, Womleysburg, Pa., had jt^S^!|^®*c?i|Rfcjn^ a terrible experience with the illness we have W^Ml *****> £$Mtip^m just described, iiere is her own description of t\vsL, A^J fl^W " I thought I could not be so benefited by any' &$$&!&&£• **^^988 thing and keep it to myself. I had hysteria ■SB flPflMp'V '"JS^Es (caused by womb trouble) in its worst form. I M^Sfe^^^'^^^^fflß^lfly was awfully nervous, low-spirited and melan- *^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^>S choly, and everything imaginable. /* " The moment I was alone I would cry from jBR' MP BfPSßm®. : hour to hour ; I did not care whether I lived 4WW BllEF^wliW/ or died - I told m - v husband ;I ; believed Lydia ""^/Wftul lsSlii)l^^i ! i'SM^' E " Pinkham ' s Vegetable Compound would do # Vv^'li'Hi/ljjj Hi- » '«' 'i ' me good. I took it and am now well and ■' '.-'•• strong, and getting stouter. I have more color in my face than I have had for a year and a half. Please accept my thanks. ,\ hope all who read this and who suffer from nervousness of this kind will do as I have done and be cured." . • . : fv^S^Q SANITARIUM \ 1 MSMsis&l^^ No KNIFE or Pain. •£/ N0 PAY until cured FREE with home tes- KBBB|^Evfc^*'M timonials and exact JjfßWsTt^fjS^^ adeireisfs of h v n- cured of large Jfl I Cancers, some S. 10 U T^R Jp M land 12 lbs, in alcohol. *MB& -^ I have positively cur- ed over 000 Cancers in California in 8 yrs; 25JTS 1 experience. Any lump in the breast Is Cancer: . they always poison from breast to arm-pit and lip to throat. If large it is then too late. S. R.CHAM LEY, M. 0., 0FF1CE. 719 MARKET ST., S. F. • SEND TO SOMEONE WITH CANCER MADE ME A MAN §AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE ALL Kcrvous lHxr<t*e*— Falling Mem- ory, Impotence, Sleeplessness, •to., onosed by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis- cretions. Tliey quickly and surely restore Lost Vitality in old or Tonntt. and fit a man fnvstudy, business or marriage. > Prevent Insanity and Consumption if mo. Thoir shows iromed'ato fniproTe- nent and effects a ODBB when* all ether fall In- sist upon having tho genuine Aj.-.i Tablets. Thoj hove cared thousands and wlilcaroron. V'o sirs a pos- itive written guarantee to effact a euro (Jf| pTQ lc each or refund the money. I rice UV V I Wip«r PQckatP; or six pkgss (fall treatment) for £2.60. li; mail, in plain wrapper, upon receipt of rrico. < ircul * 0 - AX RBWf^'rfV- j :91> "- w -- For pale in San Francisco by L<»lpnltz & Co., 150- Sutter. No-Percentage Pharmacy, .953 Mkt. aajJiiJjuilJHlfe-1 HAVE YOU Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper- M Colored Spots, Aeh<v*. Old Sores. Ulcers m In Mouth, Hair-Fallin?? Write COOK REM- ■ EDY CO.. 213 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHI- ■ CAGO, ILL., for proofs of cures. Capital 3 m toOO,OOO. Worst cases cured In 15 to 36 days, n 100-pag-e book free. cured lv 16 to 36 days, m lOtWpage book free. ■ ** J .<^£ti??S!>s''w-H Bi » <* is a non -poisons <'y^K :^-""^ Ml %/^3 mm for l,onorrtiu-a. >fdger»jnaEftr^jS fleet, Spermatorrhoea, /ftSRJT in 1 toSdij-g.ia Whites, unnatural dls- fftfijff Oaarantccd w rliargop, or any inil.imm:i- HIS»H not to itricture. , tioD, irritation or ulcera- i_* PfBT;gts contagion. tirin of uco v a mem- gg»"WTHEEvANS CHEMinii.Ro.' francs. Non-astringmt. W^ICINCINNATI.O E^4l SCld by »>"lj:j7i»?'». «?BK^ c. S. j. >« or Bent in plain wrapper, ;«* *cSs*sl!»s^^^*£sS py exprefis, prepaid, for V^ft«s|r^ f! f lM '-'r T '"' bot * lee ' —"'■ ; -'*''sj£jy-^* v U Oircuirir e°nt on r<>ou<><<t RAILROAD TRAVEL. HpgaamfrMil CALIFORNIA LIMITED. l^^ffl^P I SAN FRANCISCO Linn i;Trii.i— .1 I CHICAGO. Leaves San Francisco at f:3o'p.:m. MONDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Carries first-class passengers only, but with- out extra charge. DINING CAR, BUFFET SMOKING CAR. Pullman Palace Drawlngr-Room Sleepers, 314 ■ days to Chicago, 4^ days to New York. THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Leaves daily at 4:30 p. m.,' carrying Pullman Palace and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars on fast - time. Direct connection in Chicago and Kansas City for all Eastern points. Trains arrive and depart from Market-street j Ferry. San Francisco ticket office, 644 Market street. Chronicle building. "Telephone Main IE2O. -' Oakland office, ; 1118 Broadway. Sacra- mento of nee, 201 J street. San Jose, 7 West Santa Clara street. .* . : ;•: THE SAN FRANCISCO & SAN JOAQUIN } : . VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY. From September 10, 1&)7, . trains will run a* follows: ■;. ;■_ _ ' ' ' . - "7. Southbound.'-. ' . . ,-J , Northbound. Passen- Mixed <,t lnn« Mixed ' Passes- :, ger t "Sunday :^ tatlons - Sunday ! * srer Daily. i Exc'p'td ; -: Exc'p'td Dally.;;. j 7:20 a.m." 9:00 a.m. Stockton 8:45 p.m. 5:40 p.m. j '-9:10 a.m. 12:30 p.m. -Merced 12:50 p.m. 1 3:53 p.m. ' 10:40 a.m. 3:50 p.m. Fresno ?■ J:3oa.m. f - 2:20 p.m. 11:40 a.m. i 6:20 p.m. Hanford , . :45 a.m. ■ 1:15 p.m.; 12:15 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Vlsall.a; 6:40 a.m.' 12:4(1 p.m. ! : Stopping: at intermediate pointso ints when required I " Connections— At Stockton with steamboats of C. N. & I. .: Co., leaving' San Francisco c and Stockton . at : 6 p. m. daily; • at Merced with stages to and from Snelllngs. Coultervllle, etc. ; also with stage for Hornitos, Marlposa, etc.; at linkers!) im with stage to and from Madera. NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. Via Sausalito Ferry. From % San Francisco, Commencing ' September 19;_1897. WEEK DATS. - For Mill Valley and San Kafael— *9:30, 11:30 a. m. ; *1:45, 3:45, -»5:15, 6:00,6 :30 p. m. Extra trips : for -San - Rafael . on '"• Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 11:30 p. m. SUNDAYS. ■ -■■:..-■ For Mill Valley and San Rafael— •S.-00, »10.00, •11:30 a. m. ; *1:15, 3:00, *4:30, 6:15 p. m. . Trains marked • run to San Quentln. ' ..:■■■-, 'TH ROUGH TRAINS. - . : 7:25 a. m. week days for Cazadero and way sta- tions; 1:45 p. m. Saturdays - (mixed " train) ■■ for Duncan -Mills and -way stations; 8:0u a. .m. -.; Sundays lor . Point . Reyes : and \\'ay stations. - MOUNT TAMALPAIS SCENIC RAILWAY ■; ' ''■■-•■ (Via : Sausalito Ferry). "' Leave San • Francisco, < commencing ■ Novem- b er 13, :ti97:^mm^sgßsJKMtmKJg3mKSaSßSSßKm 1 Week Days — 9:30 a. m.. 1:45 p. m. ' I Sundays— 10:00, 11:30 a."- m.. 1:15 p. m. Round • trip ; from , Mill Valley, - *1. U THOS. ', COOK : & ': SON, ; Agents, 621 Market street, San Francisco. ■■" .",-■■ • -, RAILROAD TRAVEL. HOlTKi:it\ I'A«'IFIC COMPAST. (PACIFIC BJtMJUL) , - Trnlna !<■»««< m<l mi <!••«• to nrrlr« at . SAX .ritANCIMW. ■ (Main Line, Foot of Market Street) ■ :—: — — —^—^—^— — — — —^— -.^— — — leave — From January 1. 1898. — abbtti "•6:00a Jfilcs, San Jose and Way Stations... *8:43 a 7iO«a KerJcia. Suisun «nd Sacramento ... 10:43 a 7sOOa Marysvilie, OroTille and Redding via Woodland S:4sp 7iO*a Vacaville and Rnmsey - 8:45 f Ti^Oa Martinez, San llatnon. Vallejo. Napa, CaU«toga and Santa Rosa.... 6:13r SrOOA Atlantic Kxprcss, Ogdcu and Mast.. 8:43p t»>:i»A Nile.-i. San .lose, Stockton, !■■..■, * Sacramento, Mnrysviile, Chico, TehamaandßudlUiiiT *»••* *Mi3oa Peters, Miltim ami Oakdale '7:lSp 9H>Oa New Orleans Kxnrem, Merced. Ray- * mond, J''rcsiio, llaltcrsllelil, Santa, l.os Aiiuuluk, Domini;, El l'aso, New Orleans and Kast. Ox€ilp 9:00 a Vallejo, Martinez. Meroed and Fre5n0....... >........ 18j13p •I:OOp Sncramcnto 1 liver Stminers "!»:«Op 1 :OOp Niks, San Jose and Way Stations.. JO; 1 3 1 :3 Or Martinez and Way Stations 7:45p tsOOp Livprmore, Mendota, Uanford and Visalia •••.. 4515.- liiTerstore, Ban Jose, Niles and Way Stations $1©«1!*\ 4 jOOp Marlines, Kan Ramon, Vallejo, Napa. Calistnga, 101 Vorono and Sun Rosa. »il» 4 4:O«r Bfnlcia, Vacavilio, Woodland, Knights Loading, niarjsvillc, Oin- ; »1110 -Aiidharrninento... .' 1O:4I>A 4:SOp Nlles, San .Togo, Tracy and Stockton .. 7»15p 4:301' Latinop, Modesto, Merced, Bcrenda, , l'Vcuno, Mcjavo (for Randsburg). r-'-C :J : Santa ISarbaraand J,o» Angeles. , 7:45 a 4:»»p Santa F«» Itcnte, Atluntii: Kxpreas • for Mojrto uiiil Kant 6:43p «*s:3Op " Sunsot Limited." Los Angeles, El Paso, Fort Worth, Little lcock. St. - • Louis, Chicago and Kast §I0:13a •irS:Bvp " Sonnet Limit,. d Annex," El Paso, New Orl^cs and East §IO:I3a 6:O«»r Ktirulioaii Mull, Ugilo.i Kant C:4s\ : G:»M»f HiiyiviinlM, Kilnmiil Kan .10ne...... 7:45 a :«:««!• Vftllojo.. ...:........ t7:43p 6:lM*i> Orugon Kx|irras,hlucraiiientn, !Mury»- tiric, Uclili-iL', 'Portland, l'ii«ot .5...,.i.l rin.l I last 8:I»A SAN UUSMUI A.M» lIAItYAItOS LOCAL. •/ - (Foot of Market Street.) 1*6:0011 r ~ ~ 7 7sTh7 8:00 a Mcl rose. Seminary Park, t*»:-a^A 9:OOa I ' •.„.•,,- KlmliurHt, \'u,r,l lO.OOa YUehbnrg, Elmliursr, 11:13^ tll:OO\ San I.eandro, South San lZ**Lr ■^ I.candro^Kta.imo, $$& "iSrOOp Lorenzo, Clierry -j «4:43p 4:OOp . t3:45p B:OOp a:l(1 Oil.> 5:30p I Hsywar<!«. ~ A S' V 7:00p I " t***t 8:00p i-Rnun through to Niles. .U : a?, p 9:00p 1 FroiaKii - nigs; ttll:13p; "">"*""-»• m'-i:00y COAST I«VI>!O.N (.Narrow «ani;c). - ~ ••■"•. (Foot of Market Street.) M:1-1a Notviirk,Cuiilui'«ill<;,Hnii.lobo,l'>Uoii, llouldcr</rcck,Sunta Cruz and Way Stations... ••»•»)■■ •*i»sr Newark, OentcrTille, Han ,li»e. New Aintmlrn, l''ellon, J'ouldcr Creek, Santa Cruz mid Principal Way Stations ...«1«i504 4tl."H- Newark, Bui .loan and Los Gatos ... 9:90* t11:45p Hunters' Excursion, • San Jose and Way Stations .. }?;20p CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From SiS raiKCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip 8)— •7:15 . 9:CO- 11 :00a.m. '41:00 *2:00 • t3:00 •; »4:00 .;.. ,45:00'., '6:00 p.m. OHUND— of Bro?iw»j.— "C:00 8:00 10:'X)a.m[. • tl2:00 . •1:00 ■ t3:00 ■ ' 3:00 t4:00 . '3:O0l-.M. ' COAST lIIVIMOA (liroad (iaugre). (Third and Towngcnd Sts.) '6iSsa San Joso and Way Stations (New Altnndcn Wednesdays 0n1j). ...;.. «:58a 9:0* * San Jobo, Tits J'incis, Siinta Crux, Pacilic (iiovc, l'aso llohlcs, 'Sail : liiilß <)l>i(inn. Gnadalupe, Surf imd Principal Wny Slnllniis 4:15p 1O:4Oa .lose nnd Wny Stations:........ «8:«i0a 1I:3Oa San Joso nnd Way Stations StB3A *2:30r San Matei), Redwood, Mcnlo Park, Santa Clara, San Jose, Gilruy. Hollistcr, : Santa Cruz, ■ Salinas, Monterey ami l'ncilic t. rove . ... *I«:4«A •8:1 San. lose and Principal Way SUltotis »9:0« a •4llSr San Jose and Principal Way Stations »:43.\ •S:OOp San Jose and Principal Way Stations 1 :30p S:3or San .lose anil Principal Way Stations . S:3op 6:»0i- San Jose mid Wny .Stations.. ... 7:2«P 1ll:43p San .lose ami Way Stations ?:2»r A for Morning. 1* for Afternoon. * Snndnrs excepted. } Sundays only, t Saturdays only. ■tt Monday. Thursday and Saturday uights only. •j Mondays and Thursdays. ..'-'• v,.v-: •■: g I Wrdii«-«lajc and Saturdays. SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tiburon Ferry, Foot ox niarket St. ' SAN. FKANCISCO ill SAN RAFAEL. . '.;■ WEEK DAYS— :3O, 9:00, 11 :00 a. m. ; 12:35, 3:30, 5:10, 6:30 p. m. Thursdays— Extra ■ trip at 11:30 p. m. . Saturdays — Extra trips at 1:50 and 11:30 p. m. S&aEpSpßfewa SUNDAYS— B:OO, 9:30, 11:00 a. m.; 1:30, 8:30, 6:00, 6:20 p.' m. - - • SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 6:IO, 7:50, 9:20, 11:10 a. m.: 12:45, 3:40, 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:55 and 6:35 p. m. SUNDAYS— B:IO, 9:40, 11:10 a.m.: 1:40, S:4O, 6:00. 6:25 p. m. . ' Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Park . same schedule as above. ' ' ■■;■".•:•. Leave '. -.-. T _ _«.„. Arrive *. ' San Francisco. octT I San Francl9Cr) - Week 1, Sun-- TiPHt^tinn Sun- i Week • Days. I days." Destination days . ' da . _ 7:3()a.m. 8:00 a.m. Novato, ; 10:40 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 8:80 p.m. '9:3ua.m.| Petaluma. | :10p.m. 10:2aa.ra. 6:10 p.m. s:oUp.m. Santa Hos;i. ! 7:bop.m.i ii:'J3p.tiL .'■■-;->■ .■•■■■•- ~~~ Fulton, - ; ' 7:80 a.m. . Windsor. 10:25 a.m. ■ Healdaburg 1 , . Lytton. . Goysorville., ! . 3:30 p.m. R:ooa.m. Clorerdale. ■ ' 7:35 p.m. <i:r? v . I - , 1 Hopland and) 7:3t>a.m. IS -00a.m. 1 Ukiah. {.7:85 p.m. 6 :23 p.m. 7:<Joa.m. j > '■ ~~ , " ~. |10:25 a.m. • 8:00 a.m. Guerneville. 7:85 p.m. j S:Sop.m. ■■/ •■■■--■ ■ -■■ I 6:22 p.m. 7 :<)oa.m. S :ooa.m. Sonoma ! 10:40 a.m. j 8:40 a.m. ':■■:•■■ '■:■■ ■ >'■•- ■ ..- .'"•:•■■• and ■ , : ■ - 5:10 p.m. 5:00 p.m. -Glen Ellen. 1 6:10 p.m.! 6:22 p.m. 7 ":30 a.m. ]8:00 a.m.) o / , aitr.n/ii - 110:40a.m.|10:25a.m.| - | 7:35p.m.| 7:22 p.m. Stages connect at' Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs; at Geyserville for Skaggs Springs; at Cloverdale for the Geysers; at Hopland for - Highland Springs. ' Kelseyville, : Soda . Bay, ■ Lakeport ; and ; Bartlett Springs; at Ukiah for Vichy' Springs,"' Saratoga' Springs, Blue Lakes, : Laurel Dell Lake, Upper. Lake. Porno, Potters Valley. John Day's, Riverside, Lierley's, Buck- null's. I Sanhedrin Heights, ' Hullville, Boonvllle. ■ Orr's i Hot ■ Springs, .--• Mendoclno City. Fort - Bragg, Westport, Usal. = ■ •-■ ■ ' :' ' ' ;_-r; _- r Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at re- duced rates. ••-•:• ' On Sundays round-trip •tickets to all points - beyond San • Rafael at : half • rates. . - - Ticket Offices— Market ; street,' Chronicle bl A^W -FOSTER. ■■■-../> H. X. RTAN, - Pres. and Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. A*t. \<. 9