Newspaper Page Text
PCITY RE.^li ESTATE. O. H. VMBSEN & CO., REAL ESTATE. AGENTS. 14 MONTGOMERY ST. LIST riFFERENT IN,' EACH NEWSPAPER. CHEAP HOME. $900— Cozy cottage and lot: street sewered and n icadamlsed; only 5 minutes' walk from ■ Mission and Valencia st. cars. FILLMORE-ST. BUILDING LOT. SllOt' — a fine bargain; i7:6xll0; street accepted; on lire of electric road; fine location for fiats; this is a snap. RICHMOND LOT— MUST BE SOLD. JU"<}— Good speculation at this price; we In- vite an offer; 75x12ii; Williamson st., near ! Geary; street graded, macadamized and sew- : ered. CHEAP LOT ON CAPP ST. $1450— Capp St., near Sixteenth; street ac- j cented; stone sidewalk laid. SOUTHSIDE INVESTMENT. IlSOO— Rents $336 per annum; house in 3 tene- ments and lot; street accepted. GOOD SMALL INVESTMENT. 12500— Rents J264 per annum: 2 fiats of 4 rooms each; 25xSS:6; Green st. ; near several ! lines of cars; always rented; street accepted. ,>, MISSION HOME-BARGAIN. $3000— Substantial 2-story bay-window resi- dence of 7 rooms, bath and basement and lot; : Dolores St.. the Van Ness avenue of the Mis- j sion; must be sold on account of foreclosure ; of mortgage. RESIDENCE IN WESTERN ADDITION— i ,„ EASY TERMS. $0350-Pjne st.; nice 2-story bay-window resi- dence of S> rooms and- bath. etc. ; street ac- cepted by the city; very nice location. „„. ELEGANT CORNER LOT. : ■ 'XT Elegant boulevard corner residence lot on Baker st. ; 37:6x96:10; this Is a snap. ii-^L CRIF 5 CE , AT NORTH BEACH. $42.0- May take less; must be sold; 4 flats Btre<M * Per monln; lot running to rear ! ■— .^^ayrc-BTBgET CORNER. $4500— Good corner for baker; double cottage of 6 and 5 rooms and bath each with high ?al-5? a 1-5, m l nt CoUld "* cony into store; lot fc>xbo. both streets accepted; business locality. : __, _ FORECLOSURE SAX-E. ■ 750— Rents $570 per annum; 2 elegant nearly r mTk JJr%? O 5 °° ms and bat : °OD WESTERN ADDITION INVESTMENT J.-aO— 3 substantial modern flats of 6, 5 and 4 rooms and bath each; rents about $800 per an- num; 2^x87:6; street accepted. > --^* «, . OWNER GOING TO EUROPE. $12,500— 2-story and basement; modern resi- dence cf 10 rooms, 2 baths, etc; 25x137:6; Post St.. Dot a short distance from Market; $3000 can remain on mortgage. A SPLENDID WESTERN ADDITION COR- » c ~« ■«, NER INVESTMENT. m $15,000— Ren $1300 per annum; 4 substantial *-Btory and basement house of 8 -rooms and bath each; brick foundation; all modern im- ' provements; both streets accepted- 87x82:6: splendid location. Call and obtain one of our "Real Estate Records," which contains a list of properties for sale in all parts of the city. G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. ■ 14 Montgomery st. UNIMPROVED Property. $450—47x125, Sagamore St., equal to two lots, cheap; easy terms; will sell for $400 cash. $350— 25? 100, Army st., near York. $900— lots, 25x100 each. Prague st. Where can you buy level lots near electric cars for $150 each? $1100 each— Castro St., near Twenty- second; ready to build on. $1500— 32Vix117 to an alley, Sanchez st-, near Twenty-fourth; . $1300 mortgage can stand. $i)oo— Noe St., northeast corner Day, 25x80; street graded, macadamized and sewered. $W0— 25x114, Hill St., near Castro; line view; small cash payment. $150 and upward — Homestead lots. Improved Property. $1500—60x100, two lots, with nice cottage of three rooms and bath. Richland avenue, eas» of South avenue B. H. ; easy terms. $3000— This is of interest; lot 25x125; new 2- Btoi-y house of 7 rooms and hath; price In- cludes a gas machine worth $300 and the fur- n.ture of 5 rooms worth several hundred dollars; hot and cold water; $300 down, bal- ance easy at 6 per cent per annum; a bar- ] gain for some couple about to begin house- | keeping; no furniture to buy; no gas bill to ! pay. \ $1650— Cuvier st., off Mission, 25x100; house one year eld; five rooms and bath; small cash payment" neighborhood of new houses. ■ — 35-foot front; a corner lot on Cres- cent aye.; beautiful modern improved cot- ■ tage of five rooms, bath and laundry: $75 mantel: stairway to attic; S-foot basement; -terms reasonable. $1500 — Fine cottage of six rooms and bath; lot 37x12;".. Lobos st., near Orizaba; Railroad Homestead Association; cost $2400: can be hun tor a small cash payment; owner's business takes him to the country. $2300— Cottage of live rooms and bath, high ' basement; lot 25x114; 125 Valley St.. between ' Dolores and Church; quiet neighborhood; terms $500. balance $25 per .month; other terms can be made. Apply to T. V. CREIGHTON, 1139 Valencia et-. corner Twenty-third; office open evenings. ■ BIG VALUE IN i ■ Real Estate at • A. M. SPECK & CO."S, 602 Market. I<nann. 6 to 8% per cent; insurance, etc '- $125,00*. ■ — Business property; gilt edge; one tenant; rent $700. $100,000. Corner; 73 feet, with new improvements: near Orphenm; for secured tenant; rents $700. $110,000. S0xl» feet, within block of Tivoll. $75,000. Corner; 200x127:8; on Leavenworth St.; partly improved ; rents $500. ■ $35,000. Cor; 220x100; vicinity Mission and 16th $30,000. 70- foot corner on Powell st, few blocks from Orpheum. $20,000. ;:;■.; .i; Cor. business property; rents $1800 (new Im- j provements). $14,000. —Fine investment near the Maze; rents $1200.— $2600. Two-story house, stable and largo lot on Pine st- $2300 — Four flats; rents $32. Other Bargains. Other Bargains. A. M. SPECK & CO. A. M. SPECK & CO. SOL GETZ & BROTHER, Room A, First Floor, Crocker Building. HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS. $100. $150 to $250— Level lots to build on; near Mission st. electric cars: only $5 monthly. SOL GETZ a BROTHER. ~ SUNSET HEIGHTS lots. $300, $400, $450 to $Sso— Graded lots and streets: splendid view of park; $25 down and $10 , (monthly- SOL GETZ & BROTHER. $400. $450 to $800— Choicest building lots in Richmond; perfect bargains; buy now: easy in- stallments. SOL OETZ & BROTHER. $1400 to $2200— Several nearly new 4 to 6 room ; modern cottages; best locations in Richmond , and Sunset Heights districts; easy terms. SOL GETZ & BROTHER. $225— BARGAIN— Lot on graded street near ! . car line, Sunnycide. Call for maps and diagrams. . ' SOL GETZ & BROTHER, Crocker Building. HUT - ••> ;V * _i/'.' "GRAND home and residence; good corner Western Addition; lot 30x100; house 3-story, 12 rooms and basement; very modern make; 3 good flats; at a sacrifice. BOODY & SLA- VEN, 23, second floor. Mills building. j HAVE YOU BOUGHT ■ I ONE OF THOSE HOMES — IN THE HEYMAN TRACT? • No? Then you are just the person we would like to talk to. We would like to show you the best investment you can ever make. We j have 2 new 5- room and bath cottages, Just 1 built (we've built over 70 in the last two or | three years). These houses can be had for the monthly rent money you are now throwing away. Splendid homes these are, finely fin- ished; in good locality: easy to street cars; streets sewered, graded and laid with water and \ ■ran pipes. Take Mission-st. cars, transfer to 22d St.. to Hoffman aye. and ask for Mr. James Cotter, resident agent, who will show you the i property. JACOB HEYMAN, 11 Montgomery ; st., will give all particulars. CHICKEN ranch, containing 15 fine level lots, j . at a bargain; 3 blocks from electric road; $10 monthly. JACOB HEYMAN, 11 Montgomery. 26:6x100— CORNER Noe and 23.1 : One business i corner; all street work done; easy payments. .JACOB HEYMAN. 11 Montgomery st. i BUT a lot— What better investment? For $1 ; down and $1 a week we will sell you the I choice of 30 lots near Golden Gate Park: only $100 each; 12 already sold; electric road soon j to pa£3 these lots. JACOB HEYMAN. 11 Montgomery st. $00 AND upward— Building lots close to car lines; $5 monthly. JACOB HEYMAN, 11 Montgomery st. $00 DOWN and $13 35 monthly will buy a new - 4-room and bath cottage, just built, with ' level lot; convenient to cars; good neighbor- ! hood; 5 already sold. JACOB JIKYMAN, 11 , > .Montgomery- st. ■ . $2600- MAKE AN OFFER. .: ~~~ - Liberty. 122. near Guerrero— rooms; 25x114; good neighborhood: fine view; mortgage foi , $1500. CRIM & CO.. 118 Montgomery st. • WE have 10 or 12 men with $10CO to $20,000 who j . . want to buy a business, city or country, that they can make a living out of. If you want to sell your business or property, no matter • what it may be, call and see us, as. It may suit some of our clients and. effect for you an • immediate sale. HENDERSON REALTY j ' COMPANY. 408 McAllister, st. ... . .". . ■:< •16 LARKIN Branch office of The Can. Subscriptions and want ads taken. ' .. : / j CITY .lEAL ESTATE. V- MADISON & BURKE. Real Estate Agenta; ' established 1858; 626 Market st. Elegant business investement; Stockton st., i bet. O'Farrell and Market; 4-story brick: Al tenants; netting over 6V4 per cent on asking : price. Several business investments, from $40,000 to 100,000, in downtown property; call at office 1 for particulars. ■ ; $7000 — Elegant residence, 7 rooms and bath; > lot 34:10x117; on west side Howard, near 2Jth. Grand comer — Van Ness aye. and McAllister ; ! et.; 109x120, with improvements; must be sold. | Down-town investment— Bush St., between ! Montgomery and Kearny; 3-story building; lot ■ 04:4xii2:6; make an offer. j $13,000— Land alone worth the money; Bush, near Devisadero; lot 103:6x137:6. To close an estate— Southwest corner Six- teenth and Hardy sts.; store and flats; renting for $1S; lot 30xs5; price $7500; make offer. 3 flats, inside; Larkin, near Geary: new; lat- j improvements; good-size lot: centrally lo- 1 ! cated; rents $110 per month, paying over 5 per cent net; a rare opportunity for a good 1 investment; price $12,500. ! $4500— st., near Devisadero; 7 rooms and j : bath; lot 23x137 :& $2700— Church St., near Twenty-first; cottage ! ! 5 rooms and bath; lot 26x120. j $2000— House and large stable: Twenty-fifth ! ! St., near Douglass; lot 50x114. $1050— Cottage and lot. 326 Virginia aye., near | Mission st.; large lot. $3000— $24; Perry St., near 4th; lot 25xS0. $3500— Rents $36 per month; Clementina St., i near Third; lot 25x80. We have a large list of cottages at less than ; ! cost that must be sold for benefit of loan asso- | : ciations; call at office for permit to inspect. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. Corner on Haight and Octavla sts., 1 block I oft Market; 37:6x100; offered low; one-half pur- chase can remain at 6 per cent. I $7500— bet. Sanchez and Noe; 60x103:6. Corner, only $2250; California and Locust sts.; : 37: fix 107:7. Residence: corner lot; NE cor. of Bush and Lynn sts.: 25x100: price $3000; make offer. Near corner Leavenworth and Sacramento; 37:6x78:11; elegant location for flats; $2500. $3000 Corner Lombard and Octavia; 46:6x100. $2730— Clay St., near Spruce; 27:6x127:8. $2000— 25th St., west of Diamond; 80x114. $1750_i;nion. near Webster: 25x100. $12. ,i>— Sixteenth St., near Castro; 25x100. jIOOO— Fourth aye., near Point Lobos; 25x120. $900— Californja St., near Twelfth aye.; 25x100. MADISON & BURKE, 626 Market St. JOHN PFORR, removed to 403 Pine st., opp. i the Nevada Bank building. ! $2700— Renting at $28; two 2-story houses, near ; ' Pacific and Taylor sts.; always rented. j Renting at $65; two 2-story stylish, high | basement houses; 8 rooms and bath each; lot : 33x96%; in prominent part of the Western Addi- j tion; a snap. $.1250— A magnificent double flat of modern ! construction, on a corner, opposite Panhandle i Park; rent $67 50. ! $16.000— Renting at $160; a nearly new 3%-story modern built apartment house of 42 rooms; 6 j baths and other modern conveniences; lot 44 x 37:6: a. splendid investment. $10,000 — Ninth st., near Mission; 2-story and ! basement ; lot 25x75. Only 2 left of 2-story and basement double flats of 5 and 6 rooms each; near Sixth and Bryant Bts.; renting at $25; for sale at $2400 j each; the biggest bargain out. $15,500— Fine McAUlster-st. property; rent $130; 2 stores below: 2 -flats upstairs and large . lot ; best business portion of the street. Howard St., near Second; lot 25x85; old improvements; rent $37. $15,000— Downtown business property:' rent $170; 2 stores below and lodgings upstairs. $5500— Rent $56: fine double flat of 6 and 7 rooms, near Steiner and Pine sts. ; first-rate in- vestment. ' ■At a reduction to $5950 from $6500. rent $60, 4 flats of 4 and 6 rooms; lot 28x125 feet to rear street; on Geary st., near Devisadero. At a reduction to $6150: rent $47; a business property; fine 3-story house on Geary st., j one block from Fillmore: store and rooms be- 1 1 low and two separate flats upstairs; paying over 9 per cent. $25,500 will buy an elegant business corner, paying good rent, and is sure to improve to 1 $50,000. $5000— Fronting on the Panhandle Park; lovely house of . 6 rooms and bath; lot 25x100. Only a few days more and the chance to buy that tine property of 130 feet on Guerrero st. by 225 feet back to 2d aye. and 200 feet on 2d aye., between 15th and loth sts., with the 12 ele- : gant flats and factory will be withdrawn. Reduced to $4000 from $6000; 2-story and base- ! ment brick house on a principal street 4 blocks from Market St.: 25xS0: rent $35. $1100— Cottage on the Potrero and lot 25x100; on installments very cheap. At $1600— Lot 24x100 feet, on 17th street, a few doors west from Folsom street, with a stable. UNIMPROVED. $1600- Pine St., near Lyon; lot 30:5x87:6; ready for building; good surrounding. ' ; $550— Noe st., near Thirtieth. 30x112. • $3100— corner lot on Fillmore. $SoO— Noe St.. near Thirtieth: lot 36:6x75: | — — — . ITS A GOOD TIME TO BUY I and HERE ARE SOME GOOD BUYS'.! A fine 6-room cottage on the east side of Fillmore St., near Fell; lot 25x100; price $4600; easy terms. Near the Park Panhandle— modern flats in Al condition; rented for $60 monthly; lot 25x120; street bitumlnlzed and accepted; price only $6250; a bargain. Oak-st. fiats. Oak, near Laguna— flats running through to Lily aye.; lot 25x120 feet; rented for $90 monthly; price $11,000. -Seventh st., bet. Howard and Folsom: 1 3-story building, store and rooms above; good income property; lot 25x80. Pacific Heights— Seven beautiful building lots, southwest corner of Devisadero and Vallejo j sts.; $100 per front foot; sightly lots and low- j priced. Presidio Heights— Any size lot. on Clay St., ' near Cherry; price reduced to $55 per front foot; very cheap. CHEAP LOTS! CHEAP LOTS! The northeast corner of Sanchez and Jersey sts., 33x75; price reduced to $1100. Church St., near Sixteenth, 25x75 feet; street ; work done and acepted; only $1500. $1050— On Fourteenth St., bet. Noe and Cas- ; I tro; lot 26x115 feet; Ftreet work done. ; McAFEE BROTHERS, 108 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. BIGGEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. I $110,000— Market St., inside Ninth st., 50x165. j $18,500— RENTS $130. Valencia st. business property: 50x110; un- i der lease; elegant Improvements; mortgage j $0000 at 6% per cent can remain; offer wanted; | must be sold; a rare bargain. $30,000— Market st. property, close to Van Ness aye., 27:6-foot front; rents $90. . $5600— Opposite Alta Plaza: ■ elegant cottage I home; Scott .st., few feet from Jackson; land ' alone worth the money. . $50.0C0— RENT $300. Close to Orpheum; big value. , y: RENT $80. REDUCED FROM $9500. . Howard, st. business property, near Sixth; , must be sold within next few days; forced ' sale. BURNHAM & MARSH CO., ' 628 Market St., opposite Palace Hotel. I CHOICE BUSINESS INVESTMENT ■ ] Finest location on McAllister St.; lot 82:6x120 ' feet, to rear street; rents $130: with whole lot ! improved this property will pay, 10 per cent; a gilt-edge proposition and is sure to Improve; ; positively a bargain; see it. H. MURPHY, 628 Market st. jDO YOU WANT A HOME- . — — ! FOR LITTLE MONEY? I Only $7T<o— Neat hard-finished cottage of 4 rooms, with street work done; good location; near cars; a bargain; see it. J ■ H. MURPHY. 62S Market St. I ONLY $1300! ONLY $1330! — ~~TH^ j ■ ' . COST $3000 — . COST $3000. Nice bay-window ■ cottage of 6 rooms tn<l bath: brick foundation, cement walks around ; the house and in front; street work done; good ; location; 1 block from cars in Oakland; don't > ' fail to see this. : ■ s--v I H. MURPHY, 628 Market st. ON Lyon st., '.- between McAllister st. and i Golden Gate aye., new.7-room cottages, beau- tifully decorated; bath and laundry. CC. BEMIS. rT: '. ~~ ! 7~~7 ~~ , REAL ■ ESTATE \ AND LAND AGENT 324 MONTGOMERY ST. i FOR S ALB. ' ■ Choice building lot on Army and Twenty- seventh sts. ; dote to electric road. $5000— G*od corner for store: must be sold: lot 52:4x60 feet. < . $6700—50x127:6 feet on Jackson st:, overlook- ing the Presidio and bay. EO-vara on Page St.; panhandle of park, n; \ . — Choice building lots north of park. Barsraln — Southwest - cor. Fifth aye. and C ' it. ; 109x95 feet. • : ■ : ■ : " . - " - .- j NEW house, 7 rs., bath; easy terms; Mission; 1 swap, part paymt for lot. BABIN, 413 Kearny. 2 FLATS and large lot for sale cheap. Inquire ; meat market, 576 Howard st. . CHOICE residence site, fronting Buena Vista | park; best marine and land view; large 1 j grounds: select neighborhood; easy of access; ' sheltered, from winds and fog; warm belt; I southeast corner South Broderlck and • Buena ; Vista avenue: 2 blocks from Haight and Ba- ' • ker. C. E. FARNUM. .305 Parrott building. ' CHOICE business * property. NW corner - Mis- : - sion and Spear sts.. 45:10 by. 117:8; must be : disposed of. H. , SCH WERIN. - 546 Clay. ,; <;; 339 HAVES . ST.— Branch office .of The Call. ,- Subscriptions and ads taken. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1898. CITY REAL ESTATE.; BALDWIN & HOWELL, TT T~~ ;, ~ REAL ESTATE AGENTS. $5000— $47; Pine St., nr. Franklin; 2 flats of 4 and 5 rooms and bath each; also cottage on rear street; lot has 2 frontages. $S2so— New modern residence on Gough St., nr. Broadway; contains 12 rooms, bath and all modern conveniences; lots of sunshine and splendid neighborhood. -- $3000— Tehama St., nr. Eighth; 2-story frame building, containing 8 rooms; also 2-story house of 8 rooms in rear; rent $35; lot 26x75. $9000— A bargain; Post st., nr. Van Ness aye.; 2-story residence of 10 rooms and bath; lot 27:6x120. -. ?.,N Vallejo St., nr. Buchanan; lot 27:6 x 137:6, with a good 2-story residence of 10 rooms and bath; mortgage $4500; would exchange I equity for city property. $9000— Lot 137:6xia7:8»4; northeast corner of California and Walnut sts.; improvements of small value. $96,000— Total rent, ■ $SSOO per annum; ■ promi- nent Slxth-st. corner, not far from Market st. ; substantial Improvements, stores and lodging- house; extra large lot. $20.000— A good investment; Geary-st. corner; down town; rents $111; Improvements fair. Corner Castro and Jersey sts.; 10t.30x 114; cottage of 4 rooms on rear of lot; Castro- st. frontage vacant; good business corner. $2600— Great bargain; Clement St., nr. Fourth aye.; modern cottage of 5 rooms and bath; on sunny side of street; lot 25x100; terms to suit. $4800— Cheapest flats In the Western Addition; rents $45; lot 25xS0; street work done; flats con- tain 5 and 6 rooms and bath each; Park Pan- handle district. $8000— Rent $85; Natoma st., nr. Sixth; lot 25x75, with 3-story building containing store and 4 flats above of 4 rooms each; improve- ments are in splendid condition. $8200— Fillmore st., nr. Haight; 4 flats of 4 and 5 rooms an* bath each; rent $70; lot 48x83. $6750 — Rent $774 per year; • business property; always rented; choice investment on Folsom St.. bet. Third and Fourth; lot has 2 frontages; pays a splendid rate of interest and bound to Increase in value. $4000— Rent $480 per annum; lot 33:9x80; 2- story building, store- and flats above; land alone worth the price asked; Bryant St., nr. Fourth. $4260— Rented low at $48: 3 flats and 2-story house In rear; 4, 4, 4 and 3 rooms; Paclflc-st. corner, nr. Taylor; steadily rented. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery St. $700 CASH, balance in monthly Installments, will buy the most attractive home, built this year; Twenty-fifth St.. nr. Church; lot 25:11x114; nicely arranged 2-story residence of 8 rooms, bath, etc.; best plumbing; hand- somely decorated walls; no expense has been spared; the house must be seen to be appre- ciated; open for inspection Sundays. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery st. A— s6soo; CORNER house at the park; c-ily cor- . ner unsold of 6 just completed; very hand- somely finished; marble steps . and built by day work; every possible convenience and every room sunny; terms to suit. Apply AL- BERT W ILFORD. cor. Shrader and Beulah sts.. 2 blocks south of Haight, from 1 to 4. IF YOU INTEND BUILDING let me submit an estimate, with plans and specifications; no charge; best of references, bonds, etc. W. W. KEDNALL. Builder. 1326 Hayes st. CHEAPEST and best in America— Weekly Call. Sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, postage free. country aeal estate. DO~YOU~~WANT~~ A Fruit. Grain or Grazing Ranch? Select one from the Bank of Woodland. Lands offered at less than foreclosure prices IN CAPAY VALLEY. The earliest fruit section, well settled and only 00 miles from San Francisco by rail. FRUIT AND GRAIN LAND. 88^4 acres near Winters $17 50 per acre 2030 acres near Esparto $20 00 per acre 160^4 acres near Tancred $20 00 per acre 101 acres near Winters 122 50 per acre 131 acres near Madison $30 00 per acre 320 acres near Winters ....$3O 00 per acre 161H acres near Capay $40 00 per acre ALSO 12S0 acres near Swingles $ 2 25 per acre 480 acres near Merritta $16 50 per acre 240 acres near Dunnlgan $11 00 per acre ALSO 1103 acres near Willows $27 50 per acre 800 acres near Anderson, Sacra- mento River bottom $16 50 per acre GRAZING LAND. 529?% acres flanking Capay Valley.s4 00 per acre 4520 acres flanking Capay Valley. s2 75 per acre 376S acres adjoining Capay Val.s2 "5 per acre 2SOO acres adjoining Capay Val. 5" per acre 7920 acres near Red Bluff $2 00 per acre . . McAFEE BROS.. JOS Montgomery St., San Francisco.^ Cal. CHEAPEST OLIVE FARMS -. IN THE STATE. Trees in full bearing; places well Improved. 80 acres, 65 in olives, San Joaquin Co., price only $6000. 160 acres, 70 In olives, Calaveras Co.. price only $5000. - \-.-\ '■■-■ IN SUBDIVISIONS! ! IN SUBDIVISIONS! ! AT ASSESSED VALUE! ! ■■:,V:.'. , AT ASSESSED VALUE! ! • A grand opportunity — offer for sale 5000 acres of the estate of Sarah Blake (deceased)' In subdivisions at exactly the County Assessor's valuation. There is no better land in the State for GRAIN. FRUIT, VEGETABLES and AL- FALFA. It lies on the Merced River, on the line of the proposed Merced and Yosemite Val- ley Railroad, and has unsurpassed possibilities for supplying the great mountain and Yosem- lte Valley trade with fruit, vegetables and dairy products. Just think of it. In plats of 33 acres and upward. At prices from $3 to $20 per acre. Write now for particulars to McAFEE BROS., 108 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. SWEENY RANCH, ~ ~ NEAR REDWOOD CITY, SAN MATED COUNTY. We will subdivide the celebrated ranch of the late Miles D. Sweeny in tracts of 100 acres or less; rich soil for fruit, grain and vege- tables; plenty of water; this property imme- diately adjoins Redwood City and is only one hour's ride from San Francisco: suitable for small homefarms; prices below all former quotations and upon unusually easy terms. For particulars call or address EASTON. ELDRIDGE & CO.. 638 Market St.. San Francisco. Or our branch office at Redwood City. MOUNTAIN VIEW LANDS for suburban homes. Especially adapted to raising deciduous fruits and vegetables: we have a few choice subdivisions of 10 to 20 acres each in the New- hall & Wide tract, which we off-r at extremely low prices and on very easy terms; small cash payment; balance monthly:- one and a half miles from Mountain View station. Apply for full particulars to EASTON. ELDRIDGE & CO., 633 Market St., San Francisco. Or WOOSTER & WHITTON. 7 West Santa Clara st., San Jose. ■ $6000—90 ACRES, Napa County, nr. St. Helena; 18 acres wine grapes on resistant stock; small orchard, grain land, some timber, liv- ing creek; house 4 rooms, barn, wine cellar, 30,000 gallons cooperage, wine press and pumps; 2 springs. 1 piped to house; 4 horses, harness, wagon, farm tools; all fenced ; owner non-resident, hence low price; easy terms. j $3000 Bearing orchard of 20 acres, nr. Tulare City; water for irrigation; fence, but no build- ings; easy terms; a rare chance for a dead bargain. 1 Orange County, nr. Anaheim — acres superb land'; 20 acres 7-year-old choice walnuts; 40 acres sugar beets: sugar factory within 2 miles; irrigation from flowing artesian well on the place; a splendid buy; $10,000. only $3000 cash, balance long time at low interest; or will ex- change for San Francisco property unincum- bered. GEORGE A. RAYMOND. Real Estate, ' 210 Sansome st. ' CHICKEN ranch for sale cheap; home and wagon, 150 laying hens, Incubator, brooder. Improvements: house. 10 rooms, part rented. Inquire 1618 Everett St., Alameda; broad gauge Park st. station. $5 DOWN, $5 monthly, no Interest,' no .taxes, for fine 10-acre tracts of fruit land I near Au- burn, Placer County; over 750 acres sold. JACOB HEYMAN, 11 Montgomery st. $450—160 ACRES; nearly all level land; 20 acres in cultivation; 100 acres fenced; house and barn; running water: 2% miles from P. O. ; Lake Co. C. F. MOORE. 935 Market st. MILL VALLEY— For. sale, house, furnished or unfurnished: very reasonable; lot £oxlso. Ad- dress box 884. Call Office. ' SECTION of fine redwood timber; less than Government price. 911 Magnolia St., Oakland. SUMMER boarding-house and ; ranch. Sierra Nevada Mountains. A. J. INGALLS, Chi- ! cago Park. Nevada County, Cal. - A BARGAIN. . MUST. BE SOLD. 125 ACRES located on county road, one-half mile north of Redwood ' City (known as , WELLESLY PARK). Offer ' wanted Immediately. APPLY COMPANY'S OFFICE. • 1008 CLAUS SPRECKELS BUILDING. WANTED to rent— dairy in suitable lo- cation for shipping milk to San Francisco; . give particulars; cash rent. Address A. 8., . box 1034. Call. . -. ; ,' 2 SMALL ranches In Santa Cruz mountains, 7Vj miles from Santa Cruz. Address W. E. FALKER, 646 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. ; $5 PER acre, 160 acres good bottom land. Coos County; half value. CURRAN, 30 Kearny. FOR sale — 3889-acre ranch at $50; crops. Imple- ! ments, stock, water ditch and water, switch on the ranch and 11-acre fine lemon : and or- ange grove. 8 years old. In full bearing; pos- sess at once. . ■ Particulars ' address C. ' PAR- MENTER. Winters. Cal. Wanted— for 3 j years, 6 per cent; real estate security; no agrts. LITTLE homes close Ito town; improved: easy terms; also 4 to 12 acre pieces on 8 and 10 years' credit. D. H. TWING. Sonoma City; every Monday at 632 Market St., S. F. '';..?.; 2000 ACRES of coal land In one body for sale. For particulars apply to NEIL MUNRO. Rus» House. ■ 141 ■ Montgomery St.. ,8. F.. ■ Cal. , : - -■■. \ BOOK and list of cheap ■ land free. : M. -M. GRIFFIN. ; Cotton wood. Shasta County. Cal. : 627 MONTGOMERY ■ St.. branch office of the ; Call; want ads ; and subscriptions taken. ,;:\.; COUNTRY REAL ESTATE— Continued G. H. UMBSEN & CO., David Bush, Manager Country Department, •. 14 Montgomery st. $6500—24 acres near Livermore: 12 acres in or- chard: balance grain land: good buildings and with all stocks and tools; will exchange for San Francisco property. For Exchange— A finely Improved income pro- ducing ranch of 230 acres near. Marysvllle; 55 acres in bearing orchard; balance good grain and alfalfa land, with flne Improvements of every description and completely equipped with stock and tools: value $16,000; no mortgage; will exchange for San Francisco property and assume mortgage. v For Exchange— Half a block north of Market pt.: suitable for flats or stores; 75 feet front- age; will exchange for well-located residence property in San Mateo. ■ Call or send for our new circular. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. 11% ACRES. 600 feet from San Leandro road, this side of Elrhhurst. at a sacrifice. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. 10 ACRES. Sunol, very cheap; good house; fine orchard, creek -and springs. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. 5 ACRES, Haywards; house and barn; only $1200. C. K. KING. 902 Broadway, Oakland. i 143 ACRES, San Mat-" County, near Palo Alt'.. $4500: to trade; great bargain. C. K. KING, m Broadway. Oakland. ■ SONOMA County, ranch and summer resort, 150 acres; great bargain; to trade. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. 160 ACRES near Llvermore, $3250; SO acres. Llv- ermore. $4500. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway. Oakland. . ■ PIEDMONT aye.. corner, 13-room house, large lot. 145x164; for sale. C. K. KING. 902 Broad- way. Oakland^ . $4500— BEST bargain ever offered in Napa County; 62% acres, part in vines and fruit; 2 houses, barn, etc., complete; main county road: paid this year $1063 cash. ALDEN- GARFIELD CO., .902 Broadway. 1000 ACRES flne stock ranch in Alameda County: will be sold at half actual value. ALDEN-GARFIELD CO., 902 Broadway. $37",0— NEW all modern 8-room house, Just com- pleted; within 4 blocks of ■ Broadway, on Grove st. Apply quickly, ALDEN-GAR- FIELD CO., 902 Broadway. ; $4500— BEAUTIFUL house of 8 rooms, laundry and bath, basement completely plastered: nickel plated plumbing, open work; roll rim porcelain tub; plate glass windows: house beautifully tinted; in fact, everything to make a home comfortable and complete; house is open for Inspection; call and see fo» .. yourself; situated on east side Grove st., between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth. GEO. B. M. GRAY, 451 Ninth St.. Oakland. 1 $75 WILL buy a lot worth $150: $5 cash, $5 j monthly; Allendale Settlement, East Oak- land, and now covered with homes and bulding up rapidly: build your home or we will build it for you; payment as rent; all ■ streets graded; some • macadamized;' 3 elec- tric-car lines and flne scnool; view, climate and soli the best: call or Bend for circular, 459 Ninth St.. bet. Washington and Broad- way, Oakland; carriage free. H. Z. JONES, owner. $450 will build a new 3-room cottage, with lot 50x125, in the Alvin Tract, fronting Elmhurst station; local trains and electric-cars; $25 down: $5 monthly. JACOB HEYMAN, 11 Montgomery st -r.-i ■-;,.; EIGHT-room residence in lovely Piedmont; close to electric cars; large grounds; fruit, berries, etc. : rent reasonable. ■B. C. FAB- RIQUE. Real Estate, 460 Ninth st., Oakland. HOUSE and lot, 16th St.. W. Oakland, for sale or exchange. 1431 Bush St., S. F. i BARGAIN— OnIy $2500 each for those new mod- | crn houses being built In Oakland; easy pay- ments: call and see plans: money to loan. LANE, seventh floor, room 6, Mills building. San Fran.-'.:--'-" ■ I ADVERTISEMENTS' ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL NOTICE. FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED. JUST I.IKE PAYING RENT. $1200. $1700. $ISOO. $2200, $2600.- $3000. ' The above are lovely cottages, which have ' been thrown on the market for non-payment I of Installments, and they are now offered at a great sacrifice to close accounts. They contain I 4. 5, 6 and 7 rooms and are finished up to date; ; almost new, and located near schools and sta- : tions. ... ... ■; ... ■'. We are going to wend them out. ami Invite I inspection. i MARCUSE ft REMMEL, I 'Bay st. station. Alameda, and C2S- Market St., San Francisco. Open Sundays and holidays. 2-STORY house of 7 rooms: lot 50x100; artesian well windmill, tank; must be sold; make an I offer. T. F. BAIRD, 1303 Park M.. Alameda. I $1200— SACRIFICE: lot 40x207, with good 7- room house; half block from station and high school: easy. terms. $2800— New modern cottage: lot 40x150; fine I location: $150 cash, $25 per month; for cash $2500: snap. ! $2500 — Beautiful new S-room house, complete; lot 50x20.1: choice location; very easy terms. To Close an Estate— lo-room house; lot 60x140; ! Alameu.'s best location; see this and make an ! off»r. i — Better than a Klondike, as an Invest- I ment; properties bringing $130 per month: i mortgage of $9000 can remain: bargain. Houses to let in all parts of the city. H. P. MOREAL & CO.. 1432 Park st., Alameda. I AT a big barzaln — 12-room modern house on one of the main avenues of Alameda: a corner [ lot 75 feet by 174 feet: house cost when built $7000; now to be had at. less than $6000. For particulars inquire of HERMAN CORDES, IJBtt Hi*h Ft.. Alamedn. ALA MED A HOUSES TO LET. TO LET— In Alameda. sunny 9-room house, furnished, unfurnished or partially furnish- ed. Inquire at 1137 Broadway, below San Jose aye. ' - T BERKELEY BE AL ESTATE. j NEAR the University and Station— 4 fine lots for amount of mortgage ami Interest: a posi- tive bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Real Estate, Berkeley Station. -rvev' ! FOR RENT— A fine large furnished house of 9 rooms, near Berkeley Station.; $50, including ' water. O. G. MAY & CO., Berkeley. I OFFICE OF O. O. MAY * CO., ~ 2123 Center St., Berkeley. — For sale on terms to suit, a flne large i house of 7 rooms and bath; lot 40x135; street work t done; close to electric cars, local, churches and university; property worth $3500. $2400— New cottage of 6 rooms and bath; handy to. cars; best of plumbing; good high basement; convenient in every respect; lot 35x135; fruit trees and flowers ;• street work done. Call and name your terms. 1 FOR RENT— Elegant 9-room house; large grounds with shrubbery; situated In the midst of the best part of Berkeley; rent $10, and water. O. G. MAY & CO., 2123 Center St.. Berkeley. : ■ .;• I NEW house of. 7 rooms, all modern improve- ments, 2 blocks from station; all street work done: easy terms. .TAS. J. MASON, Real Estate, Berkeley Station.' I ORDERED by mortgagee to sell fine corner lot. house of 9 rooms. • beautiful view, near station; a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Real Estate, Berkeley Station. ____ili_^ FROTVALE REAL ESTATE. ABSOLUTELY a. great bargain; cottage of 5 rooms and 2 rooms In basement; stable, chicken houses, fruit trees; corner lot, 150x125; all fenced; city water and sewerage com- plete. • •■J-v-V;.' $1500— 1,2 acres of sandy . loam: house of 4 j rooms; large barn, 2 hogpens, chicken houses, i good well, '; plenty ..wood on the place; all I fenced; only 2 blocks from electric cars. $550— House of 5 rooms; good well and force 1 pump, : barn, 2 f chicken houses, fruit trees, ! shrubbery, hothouse; lot 75x108; all fenced. $600— House of 4 rooms and basement; fruit trees; lot 35x115; only 1 block from Fruitvale aye.: $50 cash, balance $10 per month. ».-?■■« H. A. PLEITNER. Fruitvale Station. Cal. A BEAUTY— New, artistic;, corner. 5 rooms; complete home; $250 cash and $25- per month buys It. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market Ft., S. F. D. PRATT. -Fruitvale station. • PROPERTY , TO - KXCIIA.NGI. A— 525,000: Fine ' business oorner, new; rents , $200; $15,000 equity, exchange for $6900 to $12.- 000 ranch - near city. " KREDO : & CO., : 22& Geary. St. .:', „ ' -'*.'r .....••-■ -..-7 ;.■■. '' ;_ BUSINESS corner, stores, flats and houses in suburbs: equity $9000; rents $150; ex- change for ranch; .will, assume. KREDO & j CO.'. 224 Geary st. -;: ' . $6500— FLOURISHING business corner, 2 stores, j 2 flats, new; rents $65; ; exchange city | lot or home, balance time. KREDO & CO., 22* ; Geary. st. ';■■ .' ■ * .■ .-■■-. '■ ..- ;'.-;. : - '.-■ : .- . _-_. .. . -• EXCHANGES - * 120 acres, near Santa Rosa, 6-room house. .$2,500 4 lots In this city, for $500 each......... 2,000 H. C. DECKER. 1020 Market St.. opp. Fifth. :.-. 7-ROOM - house , In S. F. worth $2000 and lots h for lot or country place in Sausallto, San Ma- . teo, San : Rafael or Ross Valley. THE Mc- , CARTHY C 0.,, 646 Market st. ; :;'.; r ; WANTED— A small i Improved ranch 1. for the $6000 equity of gilt-edge Income property " * situated : in ' the : center ■ of ? Oakland. • Address Ranch, box 9,. Call office, Oakland. HOUSES TO LET. ALL OVER TOWN — 1 — — — You . see houses ;to rent by BALDWIN A HOWELL, 10 ' Montgomery. CHURCH, 1317—5 sunny rooms and bath; rent 5112. , . : DEVISADERO, 727— House, 7 rooms, $20; also stable if desired.. GLEN PARK. 36. off Twelfth St.— 7 rooms, bath, laundry; 2 yards; $25. DEMPSTER. HOWARD, 728%— House of 5 rooms, in good order. ; Apply at 723. upstairs. HOUSE of 4 rooms and stable. 4075 Army St., l>;t-.. eon Spr.eliez and Noe. : MODERN house, ' 7 rooms; fine neighborhood; Broderick and McAllister; rent cheap. SACRAMENTO, 1634. north side, near Polk— Sun all day; dry. new throughout, clean and pretty; ingrain, tinted papering; marble and tile lavatory, new chandeliers,' mahogany and oak mantles with mirrors, porcelain bathtub and marble washstand; servant's room, laun- dry, etc.. In basement. Keys on premises at 1 p. m. to-day. TWENTY-THIRD, 2754. between York and Hampshire — House 6 rooms; bath; large yard; $16. ■ ■ TWO-STORY sunny house and yard; bath; "modern conveniences. 1724 Clay st., near ■ Van' Ness aye. ■■ ■ FURNISHED HOUSES, TWENTY- FOURTH. 3?32— Modern house, 8 rooms: carpeted: large yard: low rent; see it. COTTAGES TO LET. '''■'?'■'% COTTAGE of 5 rooms, bath, eas; rent $14. Eighteenth st., bet. Castro and Collingwood. COTTAGE of 6 sunny rooms for housekeeping; rent $12 50. 224>4 O'Farrell st. COTTAGE, 3 rooms; cheap rent to small fam- ily. Apply 732 Capp st. HAVES, 1632— Handsome furnished cottage, 6 rooms: bath; large yard: basement; rent rea- '• sonable; no small children; cars pass door. i RENT $13; bay-window cottage, 5 rooms, bath and yard. 4027 Nineteenth St., near Castro. SUNNY corner cottage, front porch, 6 rooms, 1 bath. 3542 Army, cor. San Jose aye. SUNNY cottages, 4 and 5 rooms; bath, base- ment, yard; cheap. 1876 Fifteenth St., near . Dolores. '-< •■ , TO LET— Cottage of 5 rooms and bath. 449 Bryant St.; rent $18. Inquire of C. C. BEMIS, 324 Montgomery st. 4-ROOM, $10; 6-room, $15; 7-room, $17, or will sell $50 to $100 cash, balance as rent. THE MCCARTHY CO., 64 Market st. FLATS FURNISHED. FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, bath; large yard; latest Improvements; furniture new; piano; near Pleasanton Hotel: only responsible par- ties need apply. Address box 827, Call office. MODERN furnished flat or part of It. 109 South Park. FLATS TO LET. 4 AND 6 room flats; some with gardens; sunny; attractive view; on Twelfth st. and Glen Park aye. ; $12, $13. $14. $18 and $23 50. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth St. ALL OVER TOWN You see flats to rent by BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery st. BEAUTIFUL flat, 8 rooms, bath; every con- venience; rent $30. 1505 Geary st. BYINGTON, 18—5 rooms, bath, stable. Apply IC2I O'Farrell St. CAPP, 416 — Two lower flats, 6 rooms each; bath; $10 and $16. . CLAYTON, 874, south of Frederick— New mod- ern flat. 4 rooms and bath : cheap. EDDY, 1244. near Laguna — Elegant sunny flat, I 5 rooms, bath; latest Improvements. J - EDDY, . 1541— Sunny corner flat; 6 rooms and : bath; modern; rent reasonable. EDDY, Modern sunny flat, 5 rooms; rent $16. ; i FELL, 1118. near Devlsadero— sunny rooms; i alcove parlors. FRANKLIN, 214— Upper part nice sunny tene- ment: 5 rooms and bath. FREMONT, Flats of 3 and 6 rooms; grand view of bay. ! X-' FULTON, 118— middle flat, 7 rooms, bath; near City Hall; $23. FURNISHED sunny corner, 5 rooms bath; rea- j sonable. 511 A Buchanan st. . . GUERRERO. 1111, near Twenty-sixth rooms • and bath; $15. ■ . -,.. HAIGHT. 792— Beautiful upper sunny new cor- ner modern flat; 7 rooms and bath. i LLOYD. 22. off Scott, near Waller— sl4; new flat of 4 sunny rooms; bath. MISSION, 1511%— and 5 large sunny rooms; bath, laundry, yard; rent $14 up. • | MODERN Bunny 5-room flat: warm belt. SSI j Capp st., near Twenty-fourth. ■ NEW flat, 4 rooms and bath; all modern Im- provements. 3443 Twentieth st., cor. Capp. 1 O'FARRELL. 923— Furnished basement, cheap, with large yard and kitchen. ■ POND. 35, near intersection of Market— of ! 6 sunny rooms and bath. : SAN CARLOS aye., 159— New bay- window flat; cheap to good tenants. SEVENTH, 46, opposite new postofflce lot — Store, yard and stable; also flat 4 sunny ro/>ms: business location. ■ SUNNY corner flat of 12 rooms, bath, etc., In first-class condition: only 1% blocks from Market st. ; rent greatly reduced; an offer ■wanted: see this at once. Cor. Grove and Polk sts. ■ ■ . ■'- j STEVENSON, 7— Sunny flat of 3 rooms; $6 per month. -Apply at restaurant. 28 First st. i TWENTY-THIRD, fcßfc near Dolores— flat in good order: 5 rooms; bath; $15. UPPER sunny flat, 5 rooms and bath; yard: basement. 3905 Twenty-fourth St., near San-- ' chez; electric cars pass door; $12. - $12 to— Cheapest flat in city; 4 rooms and wash- • tubs. 820 Larkin st. ■ ■ $15— MODERN - upper flat, -6 rooms, basement; , water free. 341 Jersey st. Castro-st. cars. ; NICE sunny comfortable flat, 5 rooms and • bath. 2134 O'Farrell st. ' | $20— 5-ROOM upper flat. 315 O'Farrell st., near Mason. Apply 16 Grant aye. ■ $22 FLAT, 5 rooms, bath. 127 Ash aye., be- tween Polk St., Van Ness aye., McAllister , and Fulton sts. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. BRANNAN. 422— Two nice, large unfurnished sunny rooms (upper flat); rent $6 per month. BUSH 2526 — Two sunny front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; adults only. ! CLAY, 1423—2 ' pleasant ; sunny unfurnished room's for light housekeeping. ■..-.■- DEVISADERO. 1611 2 unfurnished rooms, ■ bath and large yard; cheap. , ! EDDY, 305— 2 large sunny housekeeping rooms; also single room ; private family. ■ELEVENTH, 120—2 nicely furnished - ■ front rooms | for housekeeping; upper flat ; $12. ELGIN • PARK, 36, off Thirteenth— Flat of 2 large sunny rooms, with large pantry, wash- room and yard, furnished complete for house- keeping. • '-' • ': ' ' '- : ''.-"...'•"■'■- '■"■■ .■ FIRST 3C9— Nicely furnished sunny housekeep- i ing rooms; bath and gas; rent reasonable. FOLSOM, 704— Sunny front housekeeping room; 4 also others; all sunny and front. .-■ -.-.-;. FOLSOM, 974— Furnished room complete for :.- housekeeping, $1 50 week; also single room. FOURTH, 225— Rooms suitable for light house- - keeping; also single. FRANKLIN, — Two furnished . rooms .- and separate kitchen in corner sunny flat. GEARY, Nice furnished rooms to let; also housekeeping; also single. -",.-'. , : GEARY, 518— Nicely furnished sunny suites; single and double rooms; also housekeeping : . rooms. ■ '• •-"■.' ; ' :■■' ' ■ •■ ; - -•' -'■ v' GEARY 1917— 520 for adults; 4 comfortable rooms; bath ; 2 beds; . gas and coal stoves i all necessaries. - ..- ■ .-.:.■■ •-' . GOLDEN GATE, 1050—2 or 3 large, nicely fur- . nished " rooms • for ; housekeeping, sor ' single, ' gas cookstove; free use of phone... .• , " GOLDEN GATE, 1059— One sunny unfurnished I room; running water; closet.. • ;». ' GRANT aye., 116— Newly , opened, - pleasant, ,-- light inside suite; housekeeping:; $10 month. GROVE, 202. cor. Van Ness aye.— Sunny unfur- •. nished ; 3-room suites, , with gas ; stove. !;; '■%':: ■ HICKORY. : 181, near v Gough— 3 large front housekeeping rooms, complete; $12 per month. HOWARD, ■ Two furnished rooms complete for housekeeping; $11 per : month.;. , - HOWARD, — Front room and kitchen com- \ plete for housekeeping; rent. cheap; also sin- , . gle room.: • ; ..,:..-. .. .-. - .; ' .' • HOWARD, 821 — Housekeeping- rooms; single, ,f.. $7; ■ suites, ; $12 per month., ;. .*- -:..•:-. -■<■; IVY > aye. , , 124—2 = large i front ' rooms * for light housekeeping; large ; yard. ;-, ; -'.:.. .;■>; ;vr JESSIE, Yj9— Housekeeping ;. and unfurnished; .;' also single and ; double rooms. : % ; - . - LARGE ? bay-window * room 5 for ..;. housekeeping; ■?•■ unfurnished: rent $17; also single furnished ; . room; , $5. 12 Essex ; st., off ; Folsom, : near ■ 2<3L i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS— Continued MARKET, IC2S— 3 rooms furnished complete, $12; part rent taken In board. MINNA. 421— Large double front sunny fur- nished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping MISSION, 10<i3— Nice rooms suitable for of- fices or housekeeping; running water; gas. MISSION, 1217— Front bay-window sunny suite, complete for housekeeping; modern conveni- ences. MISSION, 1324—2 furnished housekeeping rooms. NATOMA, 645—2 sunny furnished rooms, com- plete for housekeeping, $11. NEW MONTGOMERY, 105— Complete furnished housekeeping rooms, $6 per month; single, $4. NOE, 151— Furnished small sunny alcove suite; bath; garden; $S. OCTAVIA, 811—3 elegant large rooms complete for housekeeping: select neighborhood. O'FARRELL. 519 — Sunny basement furnished for housekeeping. POLK. 605 — Completely furnished front room and kitchen for housekeeping: gas, bath and running water; $13 per month. POWELL. 154— Newly furnished sunny rooms, suites or single: rents reasonable. POWELL. 509— Two nicely furnished house- keeping rooms; bath, gas and running water; reasonable. SIXTH, 119 A —Nicely furnished rooms; also housekeeping. STANLEY Place, 19— $10, 6 nico sunny rooms, including bath. SUTXER, 913— Unfurnished alcove front room; 2 clnspts; grate; hot and cold water. TENTH. 111, near Market— Large front sunny furnished rooms; stove: closet: housekeeping. TENTH. 124 — Furnished large front room, with kitchen, cheap. THIRD, 309— Front room and kitchen: fur- nishod for housekeeping; $8; other rooms rea- sonable. THREE unfurnished rooms with use of kitch- en, bath, etc., three blocks from Park Pan- handle; suitable for couple or ladles; German preferred; highest references given and re- quired. Box 1070, Call office. ROOMS TO LEST. ARLINGTON House, 127 Keamy st.— Pleasant Bunny rooms, en suite and single: flrst-clasa ; in every respect; terms reasonable. BUSH, 706— Elegantly furnished sunny front ! parlor, $10; private family. BUSH, 1092— Nicely furnished sunny single and double rooms, $7 per month up. CENTRAL HOUSR 52~Second— Nicely fur- tilshed single and double rooms, $1 to $3 per week. CLAY, 1532— Furnished room to let, suitable j for 1 gentleman; private family. DELAWARE. 1151 ' Market— Furnished single' and double rooms. $8 and $10 mo. ; nice suites. EDDY, 607— Unfurnished bay-window alcove suite; newly papered: modern improvements. | HARRISON. 664— Nicely furnished sunny front room, suitable for two, $7 per month. FAIR OAK, 94, corner Twenty-second— Front sunny nicely furnished room, $4; cars pass the door. FOLSOM, 549— Furnished sunny rooms, $7 to $10 per month; housekeeping if desired. FOI'RTH, 27Vi — Nice sunny front rooms; rea- sonable; central; nice house. FULTON. 3 (Fulton House)— Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $8 and $15 up. ■FULTON. 500—Nlcely furnished sunny parlor suite; private family; piano, grate, bath, gas; $20 per month. FRANKLIN, 421— Nice sunny bay-window par- lor; gas. bath and grate: $8 per month. GEARY, 402— Sunny furnished rooms for gents; $6 and $7. | GEARY, 622—2 well-furnished connecting rms. j single rooms; bath and gas; reasonable. GEARY, 67."- Nicely furnished front room; bath and gas; rent reasonable. . GRAND SOUTHERN, SE. cor. Seventh and ', Mission — Pleasant sunny rooms, en suite and single: elevator; moderate rates; families. HANCOCK HOUSE. 781 Mlss'on: select family j rooming house; $1 50 to $6 >er week. j HARRISON. 661— Nlcrty furnished sunny par- lors, single or en suite; bath, gas, grate; terms reasonable. ELLIS, 720— Nice clean furnished single room, $5 per month; gentleman only. HARRISON, 820— Nicely furnished back parlor, $S month; bath: private family: nice home. HAVES, 737— Newly furnished front room; rent $5. HOWARD, 715, ST. DAVID'S— 2OO rooms; j suites; single; sunny reading-room; 25c up. HOWARD, 989 — Doctor's office, furnished com- j plete; also suites; other rooms. $5 per mo. up. | HOWARD, 12088, near Eighth— Nicely fur- | nlshed sunny parlor suite $15; also sunny Eingle room $6; bath. j HOWARD, 1513 A —Furnished rooms to let in pri- vate family; single or en suite. HYDE, 112— Sunny front room, suitable for 2; ] rent reasonable. JONES, 610— Nicely furnished sunny parlor ■Ulte; also nice single room; board optional. ; LANGTON, 212 H. near Seventh— 2 or 3 unfur- i nished rooms; rent cheap. LARKIN, 327— Newly furnished sunny front rooms, near Pavilion. LEXINGTON, 212 Eddy— Large sunny front suites; also single; for gentlemen. i MARKET, 1032— -(New management) ; fine, clean 1 rooms.. $1 to $2 50 per week; transient, 25c up. ■ MARKET. 1926— (The Hawthorne)— Furnished, unfurnished; single rms., suites; jubilee vl». 1 MARY, 40— Furnished rooms for middle-aged j gentlemen in private family; references re- quired. McALLIPTER, "22— Single sunny room; also back parlor; bath and gas; private family. McALLISTER. 511— Large nicely furnished parlors, single or en suite: large sunny back room, $7; bath and gas; home comforts. McALLISTER, 519— Nicely furnished sunny rooms, suite or single; hot and cold water; gas and bath; grate; board optional. MINNA, 28— Furnished rooms 76c and $1 per wp<-k. MINNA. 66— Sunny rooms in a respectable family. MINNA, 330— Nicely furnished sunny front room, $3 per month; private family. MINNA, 667. corner Eighth— Newly furnished bay-window room, $1 a week. MISSSION, 1025— Neatly furnished sunny suite of parlors; rent moderate. MISSION, 1129— A nicely furnished sunny housekeeping room for one person; German f arqily. MISSION, 1515%— Single or double parlors: gas; bath; private; with or without board. NEW FHANKLIN, 321 Pacific— Rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished: day, week or month. O'FARRELL, 635"M> — Nicely furnished front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. POLK, 17— Sunny front rooms; 1 or 2 gentle- men: single, $1 week up. POLK, 22m. near City Hall— Xicely furnished double room. $7 per month. POST. 239—3 blocks Palace Hotel (Bohemia), sunny rooms; fine view; elevator; tourists. POWELL, 203 (The Montello)— Sunny suites and single rooms; reasonable; transient. POWELL, 233— New house; newly furnished; , suits and single; also office rooms. PROSPECT PLACE, 123. oft California, be- tween Stockton and Powell— Two large front sunny furnished rooms; German family. SECOND, 115 — Sunny, clean, furnished single rooms, $1 per week up; men only. R. R. HOUSE. 633 Commercial, near Mont- gmy— Beds. 10c, 15c, etc; coffee and rolls free. SEVENTH, 142— Furnished suites and single rooms at lowest rates. MRS. PRAHL. prop. SHERMAN Apartment House, 2% Eighth st. near Market; furnished and unfurnished. SHOTWELL, 736 — Two furnished rooms, $3 each. STEVENSON, 664— Large sunny front room; nicely furnished; half block from Market st. STOCKTON, 17 — European; elegant rooms; suite or single; day, week or month; baths; hot and cold water; transient; elevator. SUTTER, 309— Newly furnished sunny rooms, single or suites, $1 50 week up; transient. SUTTER, 715-717-719. and 609 Hyde— Furnished and unfurn.; choice for offices; reasonable. TAYLOR, 108 — Single rooms, $6 per month up; also sunny suite: housekeeping if desired. TENTH, 111. near Market— Large front sunny furnished rooms: stove and closet; house- keeping if desired. THE FLORENCE, corner Powell and Ellis- Nice sunny suites from $1 day: 9lngle rooms from 50c; a quiet home for families; elevator. TURK, 543— Nicely furnished front and back parlor: kitchen if desired; gas and bath. TWENTY-FOURTH. 38k£-4 rooms; gas and bath; Twenty-second-st. cars pass the door; rent $10. WALLACE, 348, rear— Nicely furnished sunny front room: suitnble for 1 or 2; cheap. WASHINGTON. 1210, near Taylor-4 unfurnish- [ ed rooms and bath; cheap rent. ROOMS TO LET— Continued. WEBSTER, 711—2 or 3 large sunny furnished or unfurnished rooms; every convenience. 500 BUSINESS cards printed $1: 23 vuuin* cards. 25c. HILL. 724% Market st. HOARDING AND ROOMS BOARDERS wanted— Limited number of In- valid gentlemen may have comfortable home, with attendance, at reasonable rate. Box 1048. Call office. !HDDY, 220— Sunny front single and double rooms; first-class board. $3 50. FOLSOM. 511— Swedish private boarding, with room, $4 to $5 per week: nice location. HOTEL SALISBURY: beautiful grounds; ta- ble unsurpassed. 299 Hyde. cor. Eddy. HYDE. 1105— First-class board; breakfast and dinner, $12 month: reference. POWELL. 502— Large sunny corner room, piano: single rooms. $20 up with board. THIRD. 530 — Rooms and board: choice suits two front rooms; suitable for two gentle- men or man and wife. In hotel opposite South Park; excellent board: terms $45 per month with board. Apply Central Hotel. TURK, 812— Nice rooms and board In private family; bath, grate, excellent table; cars pass the door; terms $20 up. STORES TO LET. BARBER shop, fixtures, complete; electri* light; rent cheap. 409 Dupont St. — — — « BASEMENT to let cheap. 418 Larkin st. LARGE corner store, with basement; rent cheap. Corner Howard and Moss sts. STORE, with fixtures, corner Howard and La- fayette sts. ; cheap rent. $16— LARGE storeroom and t living-room*. SW. cor. Ellis and Scott sts. J26— FURNISHED large fireproof store; center of business, St. Helena; long lease. Address lock box 13. St. Helena, Cal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ANY person having use for a piano need not do without when good Instruments can b« purchased from us at cash prices upon monthly payments of $3. $4, $5, $fi. $7. $8. $?. $10; handsome scarf and wood seat stool In- cluded; no charge for cartage. Purchase your medium and low price pianos where they can be exchanged for a Stelnway without sacri- fice SHERMAN. CLAY & CO., Stelnway Dealers, cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest house west of Chicago is KOHLER & CHASE'S, 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. Pianos, organs and all other musical Instruments of all grades and prices. Terms easy; prices low- est. Everything possible done to please and satisfy the customer. WE are offering two beautiful walnut Chlek- ering upright second pianos at Immense bar- pains: also fine upright, slightly used, for $180. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, IS to 20O'Far- rell st., sole agents for the Chickerlng piano. PIANOS and organs at factory prices; low rent; small profits: agency Hardman, Chase Bros.. Hackley. Sommer, Dewing Bros., etc. J. DEWING CO.. second floor Flood building. Fourth and Market sts. A FINE line of second-hand pianos offered this week at very low prices. Including Stetnways, Chlckering. Hallett & Davis. Emerson and others. THE F. W. SPENCER CO.. 533 Market st. PIANOS at cut prices: improve the opportu- nity; agency famous Haines Bros.. Bush tk Gerts and Bollerman. WM. C. HAMILTON, successor to A. L. Bancroft & Co.. 324 Post. COLBY pianos are the best for the money In the market: highest award at World's Fair; call and see for yourselves. 933 Market st. LARGE assortment second-hand pianos, $60; uprights, Ivors & Pond. Decker, Stelnway. Hornung and others. 216 Post st. SOHMER A CO.. Byron Mauzy. Newby. Evans, Brisrtrs and other pianns: see our rent plan; no interest first year. 30R, 310. 312 Post st. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale— Must poll pianns at Immense reduction for cash or on Install- ments. EATON ESTATE, 735 Market st. AT MAUVAIS'. 7W Market St.. you will find pianos from $50 to $250 in second-hand: new nlanos for cash or on payments. BARGAlN— Upright piano, $65. 208 Post St. KNABE pianos: new scale; new styles. KOHLER & CHASE. 30 O'Farrell st. BARGAIN— Nice upright cheap. SCHMITZ, 18 McAllister St.. near Hibernla Bank. KTNQPBURY HS97 mnden Is the piano you want. J. HARRY SCOTT. 526 Hayes st. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. SMALLEST ad, lowest price. Heine. 136 Ellis. FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. BOILERS, engines, 2d hand machinery. Mc- INTOSH & WOLPMAN. 137 Beale St. FINE $50 thoroughbred pug dog; nrust sell; no place; $5. 706% Pine st. NEW baby buggy: also highchalr and buggy combined. 1024 Mission st. TEAM of mules for Klondike. Address L. WILLIAMS, San Pablo. Cal. FOR sale— Fresh milch cow. Inquire at gro- cery corner of Fourteenth and Belcher sts. AN 18-karat, minute register, fly back Bplit second stemwlnding gold watch, bought of Tiffany, New York, at a cost of $450; will be sold for $150. At UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. 1 AND 2-bowl barber washstands. cheap. HUF- SCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. BUTCHER railings for sale cheap. Inquire meat market. Sn Howard st. NEWFOUNDLAND dogs, trained to pull in harness. F. BALTZER, 1313 Larkin St. DOMESTIC sewing machine, almost new: 5 drawers: attachments. 1915 Mission, near Fifteenth. FRESH milch cow. 1669 Alabama st., near Twenty-eighth. TEN GALLON KEG AT CAR LOAD PRICE. Choice Bourbon whisky. 85 proof, $16 30; Mf- Brayer whisky, 100 proof. 5 years old, $22: Al Jamaica rum, $16 S5: extra quality port, sherry, angelica, muscatel or Rhine wine, 2 years old, $6 50; 4 year, $7 50; real 6 year, $s 50; genuine grape brandy, 100 proof. 3 year, $22: 5 year. $24 50: Zlnfandel claret, $4 35; Burgundy claret. $5 25: no charge for cooper- age or drayage: it pays to buy for cash. Standard Liquor Co., 628 Market st., 8. F. BARS, back bars, mirrors, showcases, coun- ters, linoleum, office furniture, store and office furniture and fixtures; new and sec- ond hand. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. SECOND-HAND dynamos, gasoline and steam engines, boilers, pulleys, shafting, laundry machinery, etc. SMITH CO.. 527 Mission st. 6000 PAIR shoe lasts; also dealer in second- hand tools, machinery, etc.: mail orders promptly attended to. 646 Mission st. SAFES — New and second hand; cheaper than ever. Hermann Safe T^ac. 533 Sacramento. ENGINE, boiler, dynamo, motor, belts and pump. H. S. WHITE. 616 Mission at. J. R. POOL, house-mover, dealer second-liand building material. 1122-36 Mission st. SAFES — Bargains in new and second-hand: all sixes; half original cost. 109-111 Market, 8. F. GRAPHOPHONES, $10: Records, » per doz.; Projectoscope. $100. Bacigalupl. 933-946 Mrkt. COFFEE mill, scale, hand-truck, letter-press, desk and safe cheap. 102 Clay st. NATIONAL cash register cheap. Inquire at meat market, 576 Howard st. BARS, showcases, counters, shelving, etc., bought and sold. 1063 Mission, near Seventh. FOR sale cheap— Second-hand fireproof safe, at 42 Main ?t. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. In wrapper, for mailing. LEGAL NOTICES. DEPARTMENT No. 10, Probate— ln Che Su- perior Court in and for the City anfl Coun- ty of San Francisco, State of California— In the matter of the estate of JACOB C. JOHNSON, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Thursday, the 24th day of February, A. D. 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m. of Bald day, and the court room of De- partment No. 10. of said Court, at the New City Hall, In the City and County of Ban Francisco, State of California, have been ap- pointed as the time and place for proving the will of eaid JACOB C. JOHNSON, de- ceased, and for hearing the application of ANNA E. JOHNSON for the issuance to her of letters testamentary- Dated February 10, A. D. 1898. CHARLES F. CURRY, Clerk. [Seal] By E. S. HAWLEY. Deputy Clerk. J. A. STEPHENS. Attorney for Petitioner. Room 60S, Claus Spreckels building. THE California Debria Commission, having re- ceived applications to mine by the hydraulic process from William N. Lamb, fn the Croft mine, near Oleta. Amador County, to deposit tailings behind the dam of the Cambridge mine, in Dry Creek: from B. F. Steese and O. Woehler, in the Long Ravine mine, near Spenceville, Nevada County, to deposit tail- ings In Long Ravine: and from J. W. Cum- mins. In the Amo mine, near Orovllle. Butte County, to deposit tailings in Cherokee Ra- vine, gives notice that a meeting will be held at room 59, Flood building, San Francisco, Cal., on February 2S. 1898, at 1:30 p. m. PROPERTY WANTED. CHEAP lot on Bernal Heights. Address bo« 1081. Call office, 13