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VOU'ME LXXXIII.-NO. 77. SUNK IN BERNER BAY WITH CREW AND PASSENGERS Alaskan Steamship Clara Nevada Re= ported to Have Gone Down With All on Board. THE STEAMER CLARA NEVADA. SEATTLE, Feb. 14.— Meager details on the loss of the steel steamer Clara Nevada have been received here from I'pnaimo, B. C. Th? Clara Nevada left Pfcaguay for Juneau on her home trip {o Seattle, and when off Skyward City. Pmruw : Bay, about thirty miles south I ;>. Bhe was seen by the reef- dents of Seyward City to Vl^V 1^ all ablaze, a mass of hungry flames. While the ••^^ig wharf at Berner Bay was crowd * ed with spectators of the awful scene, a loud report was heard, -which re ;,led the explosion of boilers, and i thing more was seen of the ill-fated steamer. It is feared the unfortunate forty passengers and the entire crew arc lost as no trace could be found of tb^m along the beach of Berner Bay. The sea was rough and a furious gale was blowing. It is thought the vessel was trying to make Berner Bay for shel ter. The steamer Inlander, for Victoria, called to-day at Union, whence Captain Irving telegraphed the news of the dis aster. He sent word that the Clara Ne vada was reported to have been on fire and to have disappeared after a great explosion on board in the neighborhood of Seyward, fifty miles north of Juneau. The beach in the vicinity of Beyward is strewn with wreckage, freshly paint ed like the woodwork of the Clara Ne vada. This wreckage was seen by Cap tain Thomas Lathan of the steamship Coleman, lately at Juneau from Skag uay. On the evening of February 5 George Beck and wife of Seyward City saw a ■mall steamer proceeding slowly against a head wind well out in the channel, and while they watched its efforts to make headway the vessel broke out Into flames. This vessel was unquestionably the Clara Nevada. The pea was very rough, so that those on board would have had very littlechance to make shore anywhere in boats. The fire was seen by many other residents of Seyward City. This was the first trip of the Clara Nevada, and she was due to leave Seattle last Saturday on her second trip, with all berths sold. The steamer Rustler had left for the scene, but no report from her is obtainable. The Clara Nevada was formerly the steamer Hassler of the United States Coast Survey Service, and was sold last August to MeGuire Bros, of this city, who refurnished and overhauled her for the Alaska trade. She was on h^r way from Skagurty to Juneau and had forty passengers on board. She was a three-masted schooner, rigged without gaff 3. She was of 319 tons bur flrn, VM feet l'>ng, 24 feet beam and 10 '. -pp depth. She was built in 1872 at Camdcn, N. J. When inspected the boi!»rs of tho Clara Nevada stood a cold water pressure of 146 pounds, equal to 200 pounds steam pressure. She had a steel hull fitted with five transverse air-tight bulkheads. She cost the McGuires $15,000 and they upent $15,000 more on her alterations. Fhe was considered entirely seaworthy and was given a first-class rating. In the reports of the loss of the Clara Nevada it is stated that the steamship left Skaguay on her return trip to Se attle on February 5. W. W. McGulre says that he has positive knowledge that the steamship had not reaohed Bkaeuay on February .4. McGulre does The San Francisco Call SOME OF THE LOST. SEATTLE, Feb. 14.— The officers of the Clara Nevada were as follows: Captain, C. H. Lewis. First mate, Mr. Smith. Second mate, Smith. Purser, George Foster Beck. Steward, O'Donnell. Freight clerk, George Rogers. Pilot, Ed Keely. Chief Engineer, David Reed. The entire crew numbers twenty-eight, in cluding six sailors, five cabin-boys and three Chinese cooks. The vessel is supposed to have had forty passengers on board. not believe it possible for the Nevada to have left on the sth. There does not seem to be any doubt about a vessel being lost, he says, but there is a pos sibility that it may not be the one re ported. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 14.— Captain C. H. Lewis, of the steamer Clara Ne vada, has been in the employ of the < Togon Railway and Navigation Com pany and the Pacific Coast Steamship i 'ompany for twenty years. At differ ent times he has commanded the steamer George W. Elder, the Willam ette, the Idaho and the Michigan. Last August he attempted to take the stern wheel steamer Eugene from this city to St. Michael, but met disaster on Vancouver Island. G. Foster Beck, the purser and one of the owners of the Clara Nevada, was one of the best known young men in this city, having lived here the greater portion of his life. He was about 28 y^ars of age and was the son-in-law of Mrs. R. L. Hawthorne, probably the wealthiest woman in Portland. SECRETARY SHERMAN HAS NOT RESIGNED. Although Suffering From a Bad Cold He Will Soon Resume His Official Duties. NEW YORK. Fr.h. 14.-A Washington special to the Herald Bays: Sr-orr-tary Sherman is confined to his home suffer ing from a severe cold. His physician, Dr. Frank Hyatt, told me his condition is by no means serious. lie confidently expects that the Secretary will be able to take up his work at thr> department again in a very few days. Mrs. Sherman to-night donled emphatically tu^ report that the Secretary has resigned from the Cabinet, and said that he entertains no intention of doing so at present. She de clares that there is no foundation what ever for the rumor. It is also stated at the White House and at the State De partment that the Secretary is not known to contemplate withdrawing from the Cabinet at this time. New Cannery for Hanford. HANFORD, Feb. 14.— At a meeting of fruit growers and citizens to-day 1000 tons of fruit for canning purposes was guar anteed to Fontana & Co, and a site for their cannery to be built in Hanford was pledged the company. Fontana was pres ent and accepted the guarantee and said that operations would begin at once to erect a plant to cost $25,000. The cannery will employ between 800 and 600 arsons during the canuin* season. SAX FRANCISCO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1898. SHOT TO DEATH BY A ROBBER Dennis Connors, a Teamster, Murdered at the Head of Kootenay Lake. "Fire Away," Said the Victim, the Bandit Carried Out His Threat. Special Dispatch to The Call. NELSON, B. C. Feb. 14.-The steamer Nelson arrived this evening from Kuska nook, a new town at the head of Koote nay Lake, formerly Goat River Landing and brought the body of Dennis Connors! who was foully murdered on Sunday night. The facts of the case so far as learned are: The murdered man, who was a teamster in the employ of con tractors for the Crows Nest Pass Railway Construction Company, was sitting in the barroom of Erickson's Hotel, when a man known here as Doyle and in Ross land as Sullivan entered the place. With out any provocation Doyle drew a re volver and pointing it at Connors said: "Dig up or I'll shoot you." Connors replied: "Fire away." Doyle immediately fired. Connors fell dead without a groan, with a smile on his face. Doyle fled from the house. Constable Ford, who is acting in Con stable Jarvis" absence on special duty in Nelson, arrived on the scene about five minutes later and at once started out in search of the murderer along the toll road to O'Leary's place", along the route of the Crows Nest Pass Construction road. Although a strict search was made no trace of the murderer could be found MORALES CAN RETURN, BUT MUST COME PEACE. • PANAMA, Feb. 14.— Advices by cable from the Herald's 'correspondent in Guatemala, Guatemala, say - that Presi dent -Cabera refuses to see any one ex cept the , higher state; and military offi cials. Senor ) Auguiano, Minister of i For eign Relations, says ■ in an interview that the Government «:■ has no candidate for the Presidency, to succeed Senor. Barrios, who 'was * assassinated last Tuesday. ■> The present :; Government, he .says, is only striving to preserve peace throughout the country. Senor v Augulano also says that General .■„' ProspeTo Morales will be re ceived in a friendly manner if ho .returns to Guatemala in a peaceful way, inas much 'as »he t s ? included '< in '• an ■•: amnesty decree which was issued yesterday. v Gen eral Morales ! has ■ many friends in i Guate mala, ■ who have already taken' steps ; to • advance his ? candidacy for ', the i Presl- Aansx. ■'■'-. ; .■.;,• ?; ;;.- ■ -■;■.'; ' PLACED IN FALSE LIGHT BY A FOOL Spanish Ministers Are Grieved by De Lome's Letter. Sagasta and ' Associates Condemn the Vile Utterances. They Have Decided to Reply in Fitting Way to Minister Woodford's Statement. SENOR DUPUY IS SCORED. Luis Polo Bernabe, Director of Com merce, Appointed Minister to th© United States. Copyright, IS3S. bi James Gordon Bennett. PARIS, Feb. 14.— The Figaro says: No state could make such an apology as the United States demands from Spain -without the loss of dignity, i If the United States should attack Spain under such a futile pretext as the De Lome incident the whole of Eu rope would support the latter. ' ■ - -■ ' . ' ' 4 4 * 4- 4 4 4 4 4-.4- 4- 4-;4 4- 4 4 MADRID, Feb. 14.— As a result of "the meeting of the Council of 'Ministers it has been decided to reply in a fitting way to Minis ter Woodford's statement about Senor de Lome's letter. I have just had a conversation with one of the Ministers- present at the council, and he said: "You may say openly, as ; coming from Senor Sagasta, and from each of us, that we entirely condemn, in a most absolute manner, Senor de Lome's letter. We . are ashamed, grieved and sorry thereat. The Ministers feel more aggrieved than President Mc- Kinle,y can possibly be. ; We are honest men, who "jave - been - placed In a ■ false posj t! on by ft& fool." ; . In reply to further questions the Minister said: "Canalejas* journey was absolutely private and in. no way possible did we trust him or use him." The council has appointed, to replace Senor de Lome, Senor Luis Polo Bernabe, now Director :of Commerce in the Foreign, Office, who has lately been engaged in preparing a treaty of commerce with Senor Moret. " He is,, there fore, especially fitted to take it and put it in shape in Washing ton. His father was Spanish Minister in Washingto-n in 1872.- WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.— Actuated by a sense of honor and a strict idea Continued on Second Paga. NEWS OF THE DAY. Weather forecast for San' Fran cisco: Fair ' on ■ Tuesday, probably fog In the "morning; northwesterly,? changing to southwesterly, winds. Maximum temperature for the past twenty-four hours: San Francisco ...70 degrees Portland 60 degrees .- Log Angeles ....86 degrees San Diego ' .76 degrees FIRST PAGE. Awful Tragedy, of the Sea. De Lome's Successor, Named. Sentiment Changing to Zola. Defective Shells in Congress. SECOND PAGE. Chief Dwyer to Enforce Law. Braly Escapes Prosecution. Kansas Pacific in Congress. Republicans Ready to Battle. THIRD PAGE. Blizzard Sweeps Whites Pas*. Laws to Favor Americana. • 11l Luck of the Oregon. Protection for A*merican Miners. , Annexation a Crime. Chinese Hatred of Foreigners. : : -,.'. FOURTH PAGE. San Jose Scandal to Be Probed. Son In Jail. Mother Dead. ; , Drink Leads to Suicide. Flannelly Given More Time. San Jose May Not Be Looted. Lawyer Jailed as a Firebug. , Perished In His Family's Sight. ( A Tragedy of Bakersfifld. • FIFTH PAGE. Grand Jury After Pugilism. Official Choice of a Fender. SIXTH PAGE. Editorial. ' Out of Towne. Put .Up or Shut Up. Branded Seals. Relief for the Whalers. * Perverted Justice. . The Dread Menace of Ophthalmia. Corridor Stories. '. ".■ .. ; < * Answers to' Correspondents. : SEVENTH PAGE. . Off for r the Klondike. ? Hospitals for Insane Consumptives." Slapped aßecreant Lover. : ' : Dogs at the Mining Fair. - EIGHTH PAGE. Water Rates No Lower. ■ : ;\^l Reported ' Famine", at J Dawson. ' -■-.-• NINTH; PAGE. i News of . the Water . Front. . . The : Bostonlans ' Are Here. Library Trustees ' In ' Danger. {• ' •: TENTH PAGE. Commercial World. • ■, ELEVENTH PAGE. W. \ News From Across the Bay. . Death of A. D. Wilder. : , Lieutenant' Peary. Here. ■"., : .... TWELFTH : PAGE. - ■ Racing at Emeryville. . . . " ;■• . THIRTEENTH v PAGE. Births, Marriages and ' Deaths. FOURTEENTH < PAGE. Rotten Harbor j Board Wharves. L --- '-■ ; ' Twice Robbed One House. '■ PUBLIC CLAMOR AGAINST ZOLA IS QUIETING DOWN M. FERNAND LABORIE, Counsel for Zola. AROUSED BY THE EXPOSE IN THE CALL Hilborn Will Cause a Thorough Investigation of the Defective Shrapnel Scandal. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. — Representative Hilborn to-day introduced in the House of Rep resentatives his resolution di recting the Committee on Mili tary Affairs to make an investi gation into the matter of defec tive shrapnel furnished to the army by private contractors. This matter is creating great Interest in army and navy cir cles and in Congressional cir cles as well. Copies of The Call containing accounts of the fail ure of the shrapnel at the Pre sidio have been brought to the attention of Congressmen and army officers. Members of Congress believe it to be a very serious matter and are in favor of an investigation. Congressman Hil born said to The Call correspondent to-night "The results of the tests of the shrapnel at the Presidio, when i>o per cent of the ammunition was found to be unserviceable, cannot be passed by without notice. It is too serious a matter. It Is true that war is not im minent, but 'in time of peace prepare for war.' And In no way can we pre pare for war more effectually than by devising means for certain delivery of perfect ammunition and stores in case of war. "It appears that we have purchased and paid for a considerable amount of shrapnel which is worthless. This means either that the inspection by our army experts was faulty, at the time of delivery, or that the materfal has deteriorated in a very brief period so as to become useless. In either case there should be a thorough investiga tion. If the army officers are careless in making tests of material received from contractors they should be taught to be more vigilant, and if the ammu nition we are accepting is manufac tured according to a faulty formula and lacks stability so that it becomes worthless in a few years we should know that also. If war comes we do not want to be in the condition in which France found herself when her war with Germany commenced. Her army marched to slaughter instead of war because of the insufficiency of the war material furnished by dishonest contractors. "Whenever practicable the Govern ment itself should manufacture its war material. Then there will be no temptation to furnish unserviceable ammunition. The cost may be a little more, but it will pay in the end. We recognize this in the manufacture of our navy guns and make them at our ordnance shop in Washington, with our own skilled men. They are not only the best guns in the world of the;r kind, but they are made so cheaply that no private contractor thinks of competing for the work. "In the matter of powder, our posi tion is peculiar. When we used the old black and brown powders made of sal- I neter. sulphur and charcoal, the Gov ernment purchased Its powder in the open market from some of the hun dreds of manufacturers of that pow der in this country. When, however, we required a special kind of brown and black prismatic powder for our high-power guns, which had to be made under great pressure, we had trouble to get contractors to bid for its manufacture. "Secretary Long in his last report complains of the lack of competition in the manufacture of powder by pri vate manufacturers. We have now, however, reached the point when the brown and black powders must be abandoned, if we propose to keep up with the other nations. Smokeless pow der is the powder of the future. It has 45 per cent more power and is not so destructive to the gun; it aoes not ioui the gun, and the operation of swabbing Is dispensed with. But its great ad vantage is that it is smokeless. The ship using brown powder will after the first fire be fighting in a cloud of smoke, while her enemy, using smoke less powder, will not have her view obscured. The ship enveloped in a cloud of smoke must necessarily shoot wildly and become an easy prey to the torpedo, which she •will be unable to discover and avoid. Our navy experts have worked out the problem at the experiment station at Newport, and have obtained formula for a smokeless powder of great energy, which is stable and will not deteriorate for years un der any conditions of heat or cold, dry ness or moisture. This was a great tri umph and reflects credit upon our na val officers. This r.mokeless powder is equal if not superior to any powder in the world for ship use. It has no nitro glycerine in it, which makes it a desir able powder for ships. The powder used by the army, called Payton pow der (in honor of its inventor, Bernard Payton, superintendent of the Califor nia Powder Works at Santa Cruz) has forty parts of nitro-glycerine. The army officers do not object to this and find this safe on the land. But there is some volatilization of nitro-glycerine from the mass, resulting in a deposition of free nitro-glycerine upon the cooler surface of the powder mass. The vola tilization will be accelerated in the hot magazines of the ship. "The army powder of which nitro glycerine is a component part is deemed unsafe to use in ships. The smokeless powder adopted by the ordnance de partment of the bureau is made wholly of gun cotton of high nitration. It is called pyro-celluloise. This powder possesses remarkable properties. A splinter of it may be lighted and when in full flame may be blown out with a breath. But fired in a high-power gun it takes on another character. Two powder manufacturers in this country have undertaken to produce powder ac cording to this formula, which has only been perfected within the last year. These companies are the Dupont Powder Works of Wilmington, Del., and the California Powder Works of Santa Cruz. The California company has turned out a product which is pro nounced fully up to the standard, but has as yet delivered none to the Gov Continued on Second Pa«a. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CHANGE OF THE FRENCH •SENTIMENT Greater Regard Is Shown the Perse cuted Novelist. Some Fresh Sensations Sprung Daily at the Trial. Disappearance of Document Upon Which Dreyfus Was Convicted. TESTIMONY OF EXPERTS. One Declares That Friends of th» Convicted Captain Offered Him a Big Bribe. Copyrighted, IS3S, by James Gordon Bennett. PARIS, Feb. 14.— A remarkable change Is manifest to-day in the demeanor of the public toward Emile Zola.. In the crowds of people who collected outside the Palais de Justice there could not have been more than a dozen or so at most who went with the intention of making demonstra tions in favor of or against Zola. The impression obtained by the Herald correspondent, who was present outside the court from the time of Zola's arrival until his departure at half-past 5, was one of calm — such absolute calm that one almost wondered if hos tile intentions had ever been shown by the public toward the novelist. At 10 o'clock there were few people In the Galerie de Harley facing the Place Dau phine, and when Zola arrived at 12 o'clock at Quai dcs Orfev riers the number was not percep tibly increased. He was greeted with a few cries of "A has Zola" and "Vive Zola," with an accom paniment of whistles from a small body of anti-Semites, but it is a notable fact that there were no cries of "Vive l'armee" when the military witnesses ar rived. As the day wore on the num ber of people increased, and there must have been at least 20,000 on the various quays and Place Dauphine. To-day being a Paris workmen's holiday, a great part of these were arti sans, who sauntered along the boulevard with glances of curi osity through the large gilded gates at the main entrance to the Palais, then along Quai de l'Horloge, where a company of soldiers were on picket duty, back to the Place Dauphine, and thence to Quai dcs Orfe vriers. thus making a complete circuit of the Palais de Justice. An incident in the afternoon pro vided a matter of much gossip. Prince Henri d'Orleans pre sented himself at the court, but was refused entrance because he was not provided with a special permit. As Zola left there came from Quai de la Messagerie the sound of whistles. About a dozen anti- Semites had taken up a position on the parapet of the quay and did not lose this opportunity of demonstrating, at a distance, against Zola. Now the question arises to what can we attribute this change from the vociferous demonstrations of last week? It is suggested that the answer can be only one of two things — either the police previously employed agents or provocateurs who are now withdrawn, or the public feeling toward Zola has been in fluenced in his favor by the reading of the reports of the trial. PARIS, Feb. 14.— When the trial of M. Zola and Perreux was resumed to day M. Jaures, the socialist member of the Chamber of Deputies, was recalled and reiterated his belief in the culpabil ity of Major Esterhazy. The examination of It Bertlllon, the handwriting expert, was then resumed. He said he thought it impossible to ask the Minister for War for the incrimi nating documents seized at the resi dence of Dreyfus in 1894, which, accord ing to the testimony of the witness on Saturday last, would enable him to prove that Dreyfus wrote the border eau. M. Laborie, counsel for M. Zola, thereupon protested, and twitted M. Bertillon with being unwilling to tes tify in court, while giving interviews to newspapers. M. Bertillon said the interviews were ""Being pressed by M. Laborie to tell how unless he had seen the secret doc uments, he was able to prove at court martial that Dreyfus wrote the border eau. M. Bertlllon answered that he