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2 their two sons and a Spanish valet, left Washington at 4 o'clock this after noon for New York, whence they sail to-morrow for Liverpool. A large del egation from the diplomatic corps, ac companied by their wives, gave a hearty au revlor at the station to their iate associate. Mme. de Lome carried a bouquet of red roses, and several baskets of flowers were carried by the attendants and placed in the car occu pied by the De Lome party. The en tire staff of the Spanish legation, head ed by Senor Dubose, the Charge d'Af faires, was present, and others at the station were Count and Countess de Lichtervelde of the Belgian Legation, Viscount and Viscountess de Sauto- Thyrso of the Pojtuguese Legation, Mr. Piedoa, the Swiss Minister; Gen eral Rengieof of the Colombian Lega tion; Bamn Riedl of the Austrian Le gation; Mr. de Weeherlin, the Minis ter of the Netherlands; Count d'Ar cos of Spain; Mr. Gana, the Chilean Minister, and Mine. Gana, and Senor Corea of the Central American Lega tion. Mme. Gana brought a handsome bouquet and handed it to Mme. de Lome Just before the train passed out. Senor de Lome passed among his for mer associates, giving them a warm farewell, and Mme. de Lome waved her adieux to the men and embraced the ladies. Quite a number of outsiders were attracted by the gathering, but further than that the Minister's de parture was entirely quiet and unob trusive. CAPTURE OF AN INSURGENT AMAZON Senorita Isabel Rubio Wounded Dur- ing a Skirmish and Taken by the Spaniards. HAVANA, Feb. 15.— 1t is announced In Spanish circles that Senorlta Isabel Rubio, who is described as an Amazon, was captured after being wounded in a skirmish between a detachment of Spanish troops and some insurgents in the province of Pinar del Rio. Senorita Rubio, it appears, joined the insurgents at the invitation of the late Antonio Maceo. She is said to belong to a prom inent family. FOUR NEW COMPANIES ARE MUSTERED IN. An Illinois Militia Regiment Is Hur- riedly Placed on a War Footing. CHICAGO, Feb. 15.— One of the signs of the times was the hurried mustering to-night of four new companies to raise the Seventh Regiment, Illinois National Guard, to its full strength. The order was received from the Gov ernor early in the afternoon, and though only circulated by word of mouth and mail by officers, more can didates for enlistment presented them selves at the armory to-night than would have filled twice as many com panies as were needed. Though noth ing was paid that would give the official color to the belief the order was given in anticipation of a call by the Govern ment for troops for service In a Cuban campaign, yet it was noticeable that every officer addressing the men re verted to the possibility of being called upon for Cuban duty, and was heartily cheered by men. THE MAINE DESTROYED IN HAVANA HARBOR Continued from First Page. few vessels here available. There were the torpedo boats Cushing and Erics son and the supply boat Fern, which arrived yesterday from the fleet at Dry Tortugas. All the other naval vessels had been scattered at different points in the gulf. Then came the report that the bat tleship had been blown up. This news was first received by the commandant of the station, who In turn communi cated the information to the several officers in command. A telephone mes sage was sent the commanding army officer at the barracks. Meanwhile the news rapidly spread over the entire city, and the cable of fice became the center of attraction. The fact that the two torpedo boats were getting up steam and would be ready to sail added to the excitement. A hurried conference was meanwhile being had between several naval offi cers present, and a line of action . promptly decided upon. The torpedo boat Ericsson was first to get under way. She steamed out with open throttles and headed for the westward. While it is not positively known where she has gone the im pression is she has been dispatched to the Dry Tortugas to notify Admiral Sicard of the disaster to the Maine. The Cushing is puffing at the wharf ready to steam out and apparently only waiting orders to proceed to Havana. As I write this dispatch, at 3 a. m., the quartermaster of the supply boat Fern is sitting in the cable office wait ing to receive any message that may come for the general. Every Government vessel in the har bor is getting ready to sail for Havana as soon as orders are received. RELIEF MEASURES FOR THE SURVIVORS. Reports Made to the State Depart ment and to the President on the Disaster. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.—Com- \ mnader Dickins, after carrying out I the Instructions of Secretary Long with regard to relief measures for the ; survivors of the Maine, went at once ! to the White House, where the Presi- j dent was aroused and informed of the i disaster. President McKinley received the news calmly and expressed his deep sorrow, but said nothing further, except that he was thoroughly satis fied with the measures adopted by the ! Navy Department. Secretary Long retired at 4 a. m. and ■ orders that all further dispatches \ from Havana should be transmitted to Captain Dickens. It is learned that Secretary Long's ; second dispatch from Key West, which | was not given out, was merely from ' Captain Forsyth, confirming the mes sage of Captain Sigsbee. "THIS IS DREADFUL," SAYS DUPUY DE LOME. The Ex-Spanish Minister Is Badly ! Shocked, but Declares There Will Not Be War. NEW YORK, Feb. 16.— At 5:30 a. m. Dupuy de Lome, the ex-Minister of * Spain to the United States, was awak ened by a reporter and informed of the blowing up of the Maine. De Lome ap peared extremely agitated. "This is dreadful, awful," he said. "I pray God this news is not true. I pray God that it is a mistake. Why, I have I many dear friends on board the Maine — men that I know intimately in Wash 1 lngton. I should feel their loss more j than would most Americans. "It cannot be the result of any Span ish agency at all. The Spanish min istry and the Spanish people have been 1 greatly misunderstood in this country. ' They all desire peace; they all want i peace with America and Americans, not only from motives of policy, but be cause they love America. "I am forced to say now by this ter i rible affair what I should have been | precluded from saying before. Spain cannot afford to have war with the ! United States. If only from motives of policy they are determined not to have any war. There can be no war ; between this country and Spain. Such a thing is out of the question. "If the Maine has been blown up In Havana harbor it is the result of an accident. That is absolutely certain. There will be nojwar." WILD EXCITEMENT AT THE CAPITAL Nearly Everybody in Washington Is of the Opinion That Spain Has Proven Treacherous. "WASHINGTON. Feb. 15.— News of the disaster at Havana spread rapidly over the city and the hotel lobbies -and all public places were crowded with people eager to hear and discuss every particle of information as fast as it wus received. The wildest reports were in circula tion, both in regard to the number of fatalities and the cause of the explo sion. Nearly every one seemed to suspect treachery on the part of Spain or its over-enthusiastic friends in Havana. Few would believe the explosion was the result of an accident, but cooler heads expressed a willingness to wait for later news before forming any con clusion. President McKinley was greatly agi tated when he heard the news and he expressed the hope that it was an acci dent, making no reference to treachery In his conversation. It was stated by a person who came from the White House that the Presi dent received the news with perfect coolness, but that he expressed deep sorrow for the sailors who lost their lives. At the Army and Navy Club there were groups of deeply interested offi cers, some of them showing their deep sorrow in every word and look for their acquaintances aboard the Maine. Meager information concerning the cause of the explosion prevented any intelligent discussion of the probable outcome, and none could be found by the correspondent of The Call willing to venture an opinion. There is much conjecture as to what course is being or will be pursued by the Government. Among laymen abroad at this hour a strong jingosplritismanifested.andit is feared this feeling will be so intense throughout the country that the con ; servatives will be swopt off their feet i when the day dawns, unless it is made ; unmistakably plain that the disaster was the result of an accident and not of Spanish design. Long after midnight the telegraph of fices were besieged by friends of those known to be on board the Maine. Many [of the officers and men have friends, ' some families, L. this city, and some of the latter were in a state of excitement better imagined than described. They were almost beside themselves when they learned that 100 lives were lost. But when news came later that '■ over 200 had been killed they wrung their hands and begged piteously for j the names of the lost. There were no crumbs of comfort for i any one, every new report picturing ! the disaster as more terrible than the i one preceding it. THE EXPLOSION IN THE FORE PART OF THE MAINE. Not in the Powder Magazines, Which Captain Sigsbee Says Were in Perfect Order. NEW YORK, Feb. 16.— The Worlds Havana correspondent says: The cx i plosion was in the fore part of the ves j sel, and not in the powder magazines, ! which Captain Sigsbee says were in perfect order. Captain Sigsbee although badly j wounded in the face, was very cool in giving orders to officers and : .?n. The officers also showed great cool 1 noss and valor in giving orders to the j men. They were in their shirt sleeves, i having been hurled from their bunks. ! At this moment they are bringing in j the wounded to the land. Some are ■ mortally wounded and will probably • die. Five minutes after the explosion the Spanish warship Alfnnso Doce had lowered her boats, and was picking up those who were swimming. United States Consul-General Lee is at the Governor-General's palace con with Captain-General Blanco. THE MAINE PRACTICALLY A NEW BATTLESHIP. Was Built in 1890 at New York, and Had a Complement of 874 Men. The second-class battleship Mairie ! was built at the United States navy j yard at New York in 1890. Her dimen i sions are as follows: Length, 310 feet; > breadth, 57 feet; draught, 21Vfe feet. The i Maine was of 6648 tons displacement. I She was provided with engines of 9000 ' horse-power, and could maintain a speed of seventeen knots an hour. She carried twin screw engines, vertical and with triple expansion. Her armor was eleven inches in thickness. The fight i ing machinery of the battleship con ; slated of four 10-inch and six 6-lnch breech-loading rifles. As a secondary battery she carried fourteen rapid-fire, four revolving cannon and four Gat : lings. The cost of the battleship was ! $2,588,000. She had a steel hull and a complement of 874 men. SPANISH CRUISER VIZCAYA ARRIVES TO-DAY. And in the Event of War New York City Would Be at the Mercy of Her Guns. NEW YORK, Feb. 15.— The Spanish armored cruiser Vizcaya, with a crew of 484 men, Is expected to arrive In New Fork harbor some time to-mor row. To-night the United States war THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1898. ship nearest to this port was the ar mored cruiser Brooklyn, which was in Hampton Roads, 350 miles away. It would take eighteen hours of record steaming for the Brooklyn to reach here from the Virginia 6hores. Naval men say the Vizcaya could de molish the greater part of Greater New York in less than two hours. There are no warships in the Brooklyn navy yard which could be made ready for service in less than two months. The cruisers Atlanta and Chicago are there, but they are at present nothing more than useless hulks. Their engines, fun nels and boilers are stripped of arma ment, and in a fight theshlps would not be as serviceable as a ferry boat. The dispatch boat Dolphin, the Presidential yacht, is also in the navy yard, in the stone dry dock, being refitted with new boilers. She could not be made ready for a sea trip inside of two months. In an engagement with the Vizcaya's type she would be as impotent as a baby against Sandow. The Vizcaya comes here ostensibly on a visit of courtesy. Captain Gilmour, chief aid to Com mandant Bunce at the Brooklyn Navy yard, was asked to-day what protec tion the people of New York would have against the guns of the Vizcaya if war with Spain were begun while she was anchored in the harbor, and all the American warships at distant points. "This country would not declare war under such conditions," said the cap tain. "But suppose Spain should take ad vantage of the opportunity and declare war?" "Why, the Vizcaya would be invited to leave the harbor," replied the cap tain. "At t any rate it would be a sui cidal proceeding for her to bombard the city. She could never leave the har bor. The forts would see to that. But there is little doubt that when the Spanish warship arrives there will be an American man-of-war close at hand to take care of her. It is not likely she will be long in the harbor unat tended." GREAT INTEREST IS MANIFESTED. Excitement in New York and In quiries From Many of the European Capitals. NEW YORK, Feb. 16.— News of the Maine disaster created wild speculation and great excitement in the navy yard. The extraordinary nature of the inter est manifested in the news of the dis aster may be gained from the fact that long after midnight the officials of the State Department were aroused by messengers bearing dispatches froni European capitals asking for verifica tion. From such distant points even as Glasgow and Paris these inquiries were wired to Washington. NAVAL FOOTING OF THE TWO NATIONS. Comparative Strength of Spain and the United States Duly Set Forth. At this time a comparison of our : navy with that of Spain will prove iof interest. The revolution in the , methods of naval warfare makes it impossible to estimate the strength \of a navy by the number of i ships or the weight of its guns. It may , be that in the next great naval con ' filet some one small vessel will show I that it can destroy the combined navies | of the world; and it is almost certain : that some of the battleships or armored ' cruisers will prove as destructive to j the unarmored or protected cruis rs as j the Virginia would have been to our ■ wooden fleet had the Monitor not i stopped her career so suddenly t in [ Hampton Roads. While there will doubtless be desul- I tory fighting among cruisers, it will be ! mere "out-post skirmishing," amount : ing to little. The real fighting will be j between battleships and their supports I — protected cruisers and coast-defense vessels fitted for seagoing. Battleships are divided into three ! classes. The first (A) includes those of j 8000 tons or more, built since 1890; or, if before that, of 9500 tons. They are gen erally considered as equal in strength, I but in any close calculation this would not be fair. Some are much more heav ily armed than others, while some are faster and stronger armored. Of ves sels of this class Spain has but one, the Pelayo, and the United States has nine — four in service and five under con ! struction. The Pelayo is a prand fight. ng ma chine of 9900 tons with 17.7 inches of steel armor, carrying two 12.5-inch guns, two 11-inch, one 6-inch, twelve 4.7-inch, and smaller guns. She has seven torpedo tubes. To match her the United States h..s fie Indiana, Massa chusetts and Oregon, each of 10,231 tons, l :th 18-inch steel armor, carrying four 13-inch guns, arranged as the Pelayo's four he-vy guns are — fore and aft and broadside — and eight 8-inch guns in barbette, six 4-inch quick-firing guns, and seven torpedo tubes. Either of these three would be mope than a match for the Pelayo, being larger, more heavily armed, and sailing fifteen knots to her twelve. The lowa would be a fairer mateh — of 11,296 tons, with fourteen inches of steel armor carrying four 12-inch, eight 8-inch, and six 4-inch guns, with six torpedo tubes. The battle-ship of the second class (B) Is one of 7000 tons or upward, launched since 1871, not included in the first class; and neither Spain nor the United States has one. All other battle-ships are put In the third (C) class. They are those under 7000 tons. The United States has one — the Texas — and Spain has two — the Nu mancia and Vitoria — but the latter are of the old-fashioned broadside type built in 1865 carrying muzzle-loading, 10-inch Armstrong guns, while the Tex as is of the '95 model, carrying two 12 inch breech-loaders and able to outsail, outmaneuver and . outfight the two combined. To the battle-ship the sea-going coast defense ironclad may be expc»cted to give great assistance. Spain has none — the two little ones of 500 and 700 tons used as school ships being out of the count. The United States has elx — three double turreted monitors and three with double-headed barbettes of 4000 to 6000 tons each, and each carry ing four 10-inch breech-loaders. Armored cruisers are for fighting mainly. They are brevet battle ships. Spain has four— Emperado Carlos V, Almirante, Oquendo, Vizcaya and In fanta Maria Teresa — afloat, and four building, ranging from 6890 tons to 9090 tOtti, each carrying two 11-inch "breech loaders in turrets. The United States has three — Brooklyn, New York, Maine — of equal tonnage, armed with lighter guns, but more of them en barbette. A fight between the Brooklyn and Carlos V would settle the disputed question of armament, as to whether the two 11-inch guns in turret were a match for eight 8-inch guns in bar bette. The Spanish vessels have been built, like ours, since 1890; but they represent an entirely different prin ciple in construction and armament, and which is the better has yet to be proved. Here is a brief table for com parison: CARLOS V. BROOKLYN. Tonnage, 9090. Tonnage. 9153. 2 turrets. 4 barbettes. 2 11-lnnh B. 8 8-Inch B. 10 S'/i-lnoh Q. 12 5-inch Q. 4 4-lnch Q. 12 8-pdr. Q. 2 10-prlr. Q. 4 i-pdr. Q. 4 6-prtr. Q. 4 maeh. 4 1-pdr. Q. 5 torpedo tubes. 2 maoh. 6 torpedo tubes. The armament is light— one 8-inch breech-loader, two 6-inch quick-firing, eight 4-inch twelve pounders and six torpedo tubes, but they can outßteam anything in the Spanish navy, and de stroy any vessel lighter armed—gun boats and protected cruisers — with practical impunity. The armor of the American is much heavier, the barbette being protected by fifteen inches, and the turrets by only ten inches. In addition, the American quick-firing guns are protected by 4 inch shields. The last in the battle line are the "protected" cruisers. Of these there are three classes— over and under 6000 tons and under 3000 tons— G, H and J. Spain has one of the first class (G) and the United States has two, the Minneapo 11b and the Columbia. Of the second class (H) Spain has two —Alfonso XIII and Lepanto, carrying four 7.8-inch B, and six 4.7-inch B. The j United States has eleven— Olympia, I Philadelphia, Chicago, Newark, San Francisco, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Ra leigh, Charleston, Atlanta and Boston. Each one is better protected than the Spanish type, but while some are more j heavily armed, the majority of them ' are less heavily armed. The Olympia j carries four 8-inch and ten 5-inch guns, j j the Baltimore four 8-inch and six 6- | J inch, but the Chicago carries only four- I j teen 5-inch guns, the Newark twelve ! 6-lnch and the Raleigh one 6-inch and ten 5-inch guns. Of the third class (J), under 3000 tons, Spain has purchased one built for the Japanese Government at Kiel. It has j not yet been named or armed. The | United States has the Marblehead, De- ! I troit and Montgomery, each carrying ! j nine 6-lnch quick-firing guns. In addition to several light-draft j gunhoats building, the United States has thirteen torpedo boats in various I stages of construction, but most of ! them will be ready before the close of j the present year. Spain has under construction In her | ! own yards at the present time, In ad- j . dition to the vessels named, four ar- ! i mored cruisers, four protected cruisers, ! ; four gunboats,, four torpedo-boats and , three battle-ships, to be equipped with armament and motive power in France, j From this brief review of the fighting I 1 strength of the two navies it will be , seen that the United States has a great i advantage over Spain in every respect. HYDROPHOBIA WITHOUT BEING BITTEN BY A DOG. Strange Case of a Swedish Servant Girl Who Died in a new York Hospital. NEW YORK, Foli 15.— It appears from the history of Ellen Callson, the 19-year old Swedish girl who died In Roosevelt Hospital, that a person may become in fected with hydrophobia without being bitten by a dog. An autopsy upon the girl's body marie to-day revealed the fact that her death was caused by hydro phobia, although so far as can be learned no dog over l)it her. The girl was employed as a servant by a family at Congers, N. Y. She was brought to the hospital on Sunday after noon, apparently suffering with a vio lent attack of rabies. She seemed to be suffocating and had the hallucinations usual in such eases. Where she was employed there were three large New foundland dogs of which she was very fond. One of the dogs died on November 20, a second on November SO, and the third on Jaunary 20. A veterinary who attended them found no trace of rabies in any of them, yet to them is traced the fatal malady of the girl. The presumption is that the germs were com municated to her by dogs licking her hands which were badly chapped. "THUNDERBOLT" IS EASY. The Colored Heavy Weight Knocked Out by Maher in Three Bounds. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 15.— Peter Ma her and "Thunderbolt" Smith, the colored. Buffalo heavy weight, met at the Arena in this city to-night In a six-round bout, and Malier won in the third round. The fighting was fast, and Maher had all the better of It. In the final round Smith landed a hard left on Maher's ear. Maher countered with his left on Smith's face and repeated the blow twice. Smith ducked into an uppercut and Maher sent left and right on his opponent's head. He again landed his left and right on Smith's face, knock ing him down. As Smith rose to his feet Maher banged him repeatedly on the face and jaw and "Thunderbolt" went to the floor again. Maher kept after him and soon had him in a groggy condition, hang- Ing onto the ropes. To save a knockout, Smith threw up his hands and quit. Brutality of a Husband. SAN RAFAEL, Feb. 15.— A pitiful case of cruelty and a woman's suffering came to light to-day and claimed the atten tion of District Attorney E. B. Marti nelll. Mrs. Rossi, wife of Frank Rossi, was reported to the District Attorney to be starving. An investigation disclosed the fact that Mrs. Rossi had been with out food for days; that her husband had forced her to work until from weakness and exhaustion she dropped to the floor, and lay In a semi-conscious condition. Mrs. Rossi has five children. They were placed in an orphan asylum and Mrs. Rossi given a berth at the poor farm. Lord Neville Sentenced. LONDON, Feb. 13.— 1n the Central Crim inal Court to-day Lord William Neville, fourth son of the Marquis of Abergaven ny. who was placed on trial charged with fraud In connection with the suit of "Sam" Lewis, the money lender, against Spencer Clay to recover £11,113 due on two promissory notes cashed by Lord Ne ville, pleaded guilty of fraud, but claimed he was not guilty of forgery. He was sentenced to five years' penal servitude. ♦ Sugar Company Buys Lime Rock. SANTA CRUZ, Feb. 15.—The Daniels Transfer Company has a contract to haul SCOO tons of lime rock from Thurber's quarry, a mile and a half from town, to the depot, where the rock is to be loaded upon cars: anci taken to Salinas. There it will be used by the Western Beet Sugar Company for "foundations for its build ing. The sugar company uses lime rock from Santa Cruz for refining sugar. Pugilist Slater Wounded. ANGELS CAMP, Feb. 15.— A difficulty arose between Charles Slater, the sailor pugilist, and Joe Monteverdi of Altaville here to-day, and Slater was shot In the groin. Monteverdi is under arrest. Slater is under the care of a doctor. Slater fought Carkeek in the ring here two weeks ago and was defeated. Slater may die. ■■' ■ • « ' gg To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quintal Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet IS COMPLYING WITH THE LAW Attorney-General Griggs and the Sale of the Kansas Pacific. Replies to the Questions in the Senate Resolution of Inquiry. Property Will Be Sold to the Highest Bidder and Government Claims Paid in Full. Special Dispatch to The Call. Call Office, Riggs House, Washington, Feb. 15. Attorney-General Grlggs replied to day to the Harris resolution, which passed the Senate. The Attorney-Gen eral says that the Government has al ready complied with the decree of the court which entitled it to become a bidder. If the sale was allowed to pro ceed upon the adjourned day, with no chance of a bid equal to the amount of the principal of the Government's debt, 1/ would be incumbent upon him to bid on the property for the Government. This would have been attended with difficulties, which would be mainly that the Government was not author ized to operate the railroad in its own name or through its agencies, and seri ous doubt existed as to whether the court would, after the sale, appoint and continue receivers for the mere purpose of operating the road on behalf of the Government. He then refers to what took place in St. Louis when the reor ganization committee offered to bid the amount of the principal of the Govern ment debt. In conslusion he says: "Answering specifically the questions contained in the resolution of the Sen ate, I would say I have not authorized any agreement by which the property is to be sold for the face value of sub sidy bonds, nor has the Government agreed not to be a bidder at the sale. The only agreement made was to dis continue the motion for postponement, a redemption and the appointment of a receiver, upon the guarantee that the minimum bid by the reorganization should be the principal of the Govern ment debt. The property will be sold at public sale In open competition to such party as may offer the highest bid, subject only to the stipulation ob tained in open court on Saturday last, that the minimum bid will be $6,303,000 instead of J2.500.000, as formerly fixed by the court." REORGANIZERS TO BUY THE PROPERTY. To-Day Uncle Sam Will Foreclose the Liens on the Kansas Pacific Property. TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 15. — To-morrow TV. D. Cornish of Omaha, sperlal mas- ter, will sell the Government lien on the Union Pacific Railroad in Kansas. The upset price of the Government Hen is $6, 303,000. A. W. Krech of New York will make the purchase for the reor ganization committee, which is the new Union Pacific Company. Special Mas ter Cornish will sell under a special mortgage the eastern division of the Union Pacific— l4o miles. The upset price Is to be $4,500,000. Krech also will buy this property for the new com pany. On Friday Cornish will sell under a special mortgage, and Krech will buy for the company, the middle divi sion of the Union Pacific— 2s4 miles. This sale will take place at Salina. The upset price is to be $5,300,000. On Saturday, the entire line, from Kansas City to Denver, will be sold under the consolidated mortgage. This sale will be made in North Topeka. The upset price is to be $8,000,000. There was a talk for a while that the Alton would make an effort to get hold of the Union Pacific road in Kan sas, but nothing has been heard about it lately. The reorganization commit tee will have a clear field. In the advertisement for the sale of the Union Pacific road in Kansas, the property has been referred to as the Kansas Pacific, that being the name of the original company— the company with which the Government first did business. SESSION OF THE HOUSE. Passage of the Bill to Amend the Navigation Laws. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.— The House put In a busy day. The time was devoted to the consideration of bills and joint res olutions under the call of committees, and sixteen of more or less public importance were passed. An order was entered for the consideration of the Loud bill relat ing to eecond-class mail matter on March 1, 2 and 3, and the order for the consider ation of the bankruptcy bill, which begins to-morrow, was modified so that the final vote shall be taken on Saturday inßtead of Monday as arranged last week. Payne (Rep.) of New York, chairman of the Committee on Merchant Marine, called up the bill to amend the naviga tion laws of the United States. Payne ex- Slained that the bill had been prepared y the Treasury Department and was de signed to protect our sea coast trade along the Pacific Coast with Alaska. After some argument the bill was passed. Loud (R.) of California, from the Com mittee on Postofflces and Post Roads, called up the bill to make it lawful to transmit through the mails private pos tal cards with a one-cent stamp affixed. The bill was passed. Loud stated that it was very important that the House should act on the bill relating to a di vision of the law relating to second-class mail matter, as the postofflce appropria tion bill was being held up, pending the decision of the House on that measure. He asked that March 1 and 2 be devoted to its consideration. Loud then called up a bill reported by his committee requiring prepayment of postage on all first-class mall matter, but after a brief debate it was recom mitted. A bill was passed empowering registers and receivers of general land offices to Issue subperaa and compel attendance. A bill was r issed repealing the statute requiring affirmative proof of loyalty by the holders of bounty or land warrants. At 5 o'clock the House adjourned. Sought to Incinerate His Employer. WALNUT CREEK, Feb. 15.— John Eaw ler, who for the past ten years has been employed on the ranch of A. P. Penlman, has confessed that he set fire to his em ployer's barn, which, with its contents of hay, grain and farm implements, was burned on Sunday. He says that he ex pected his employer would perish in the flames. Lawler is said to be addicted to morphine, and his friends allege that he committed arson while temporarily in sane. The damage to the barn was" $5000. Lawler has been arrested, and will be tried for arson. Equal Suffragists Heard. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.— The Senate Committee on Equal Suffrage to-day granted a hearing in the Senate marble room to a large delegation of ladies from the National Woman Suffrage Associa tion, now in convention in this city. FIND A CACHE OF LEGAL LORE Selma's Alleged Firebug Placed in a Bad Light. Officers Discover Accused At torney Robinson's Law- Books. Removed From His Office Before the Fire and Buried Near His House. Special Dispatch to The Call. FRESNO, Feb. 15.— The' officers of Selma worked all last night and un til 11 o'clock to-day searching for evi dence against Edward J. Robinson, the young attorney who was arrested on a charge of arson, and who is now in the County Jail here awaiting trial. The lawyer was arrested for an attempt to burn the building in which his office was located in order to get $500 insur ance on about $100 worth of law books, and it was ascertained that nearly all the volumes had been removed from the office before the fire was started. The officers made a diligent search to find the books, believing that Robinson had secreted them. This forenoon they made the discovery, and obtained very damaging evidence against the young attorney. Deputy Constable Y. A. Burns searched Robinson's home and found several of the books, but most of them were found burled deep in the ground near his house. The find was made by Constable E. Vandergrift, who noticed some loose earth and leaves. He made an excavation and 149 vol umes were found buried in a hole three feet deep, two feet wide and four or five feet long. The hole was care fully lined with papers, and the books were covered with sacks. All the books had the attorney's name on them, so there can be no mistake as to the ownership. An effort was made to attach them by the insurance companies to equal ize the loss on the building, but they were found to be exempt from execu tion. Robinson will not make any statement, but merely exclaims that "it is all like a dream." He affects mel ancholia in Jail, and is evidently feign ing insanity. He is a step-brother of the Ruggles boys, who were lynched at Redding Borne time ago. AMERICANS VIE WITH MEXICANS Meeting of Two Governors at the International Boundary Line. Reception and Banquet to McCord of Arizona and Ramon Corral of Sonora. Special Dispatch to The Call. NOGALES, Ariz., Feb. 15.— For weflp past extensive preparations have bee\ under way for the reception by citizens of Nogales, Sonora, and Nogales, Ariz., to Governor Ramon Corral of Sonora, Mexico, and Governor M. H. McCord of Arizona, who now are guests of the twin cities on the border. The Mexican exec utive, accompanied by the State officials and members of the Sonora Legislature, arrived from Hermosillo last evening. The hospitality ot Nogales was tendered the visitors, who stood on Mexican soil to receive the welcome extended them by the Anglo-Saxons standing on American territory, and escorted by Company G, First Infantry, National Guard ot Ari zona, and fully half the population of both cities. The southbound train to-day brought Governor McCord, his family and staff from Phoenix. The two Governors to day exchanged calls, and many toasts were proposed in honor of Mexico and the United States. Much good is expected to follow the meeting of the two executives. This evening a magnificent banquet and ball were given. To-morow they go to Her moßillo, the capital of Sonora, where elaborate preparations have been made for their entertainment. PAY DIRECTOR BILLINGS 15=1 OUT OF THE NAVY. Dismissed From the Service for Tell- ing an Untruth to Secretary Long. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.— Luther &. Billings, pay director in the United States navy, has .been found guilty by a court martial which has been in session at the Washington navy-yard for the past few days of falsehood and scandalous con duct, and has been sentenced to dismissal from the navy. The result of the trial caused the greatest surprise in naval circles. The accused held the highest rank in the naval pay corps, has a host of friends and has never before been suspected of misconduct. The offense charged against him was in connection with the supply to the navy of an emergency ration. It was shown that he, as patentee of such ration, had turned it over to a stock company, in which he retained an In terest, although he had officially denied the Interest, and that he had been instru mental in selling the ration to the Gov ernment. The amount of profit at stake was so small as to make his conduct in explicable to the department, but Secre tary Long, after a thorough Investigation himself, decided that a court-martial was necessary, as it was desirable to have it understood in the most formal fashion that under no conditions should naval officers enter into connections that mischt place their integrity under the faintest suspicion. It is felt that this result has now been attained as the reSult of the conviction of the accused pay inspector. NO MORE SMALL PURSES. Stewards of the Grand Trotting Cir cuit Fix the Schedule. DETROIT, Feb. 15.-The stewards of the Grand Trotting Circuit, at their an nual meeting to-day, admitted Buffalo and Portland, Me., to membership. The dates for races and total purses fixed are as follows: Detroit, July IS, ;.- ADVERTISEMENTS. : Has Disappeared rroubled with Catarrh, But Hood's Sar- saparllla Cured It. / -:. : -• . -■■■ -r- ■-.'.-■,-■ ■ :w.J ■ - .- - ■■ ■ ' / _ "Since : taking , Hood's SarsaparlUa I have .; not ; been ' troubled with catarrh, and it keeps my blood pure. I have rec- ommended it to ; others, ' and advise all troubled with impure blood to £lye it a trial." T. B. PULLJNS, Chula \lsta, HOOD'S Jfev UAAH'C SARSA- HUUL) b PARILLA Is the best— in faot the One True Flood Pnrlflor. ; : HOOD'S PILLS ouro siclt hc»dncha' " J6c $50,000:YCleveland. July, 25. «^ <*> lum bus. August 2, 530,000;, Fort Wayne. Au_ gusf ; 9. $25,000;' Buffalo^Aurust 16 >*®,OW. : Glen : Falls; August. 23, $30.000, R^^igf August 30, $40,000; Hartford, SePtgPXST. 5. $40,000; Portland; September U, $30.0 W. Total purses,; s32o,ooo.' ■ _ .- .r, T A resolution offered by P^f^"*^-,;?; Campau of. Detroit was adopted, - P ro v) a ing- that hereafter purses in the- circuit must be at least ♦.000, except in colt races for two and three year olds These lat ter must be worth at least $1000. JSext year, however, all colt racefc ,. m s ,L.?n worth at least $15J. After a discussion as to the stakes and classes for the com ing season the meeting adjourned. - San Rafael Lads in Jail. SAX RAFAEL, Feb. 15.— Juan ana Jo seph Garcia, the elder being only 14, are in the County Jail charged with malic ious mischief. They were arrested by Marshal Healy and an effort will be made to have them placed In some State insti tution, for they are old offenders, al though young in years. The lads took the window glass out of the home of William Dickson and sold It. Their par ents were, at one time, among the ricn est property owners in the county, but misfortune overtook them. Mill Valley's Big Engine. MILL VALLEY. Feb. 15.— Ernest Thomas, chief engineer of the Mill Val ley and Mount Tamnpais Scenic Rail road, will leave on Wednesday for Erie to make the necessary arrangements for the transportation of the new compound mountain-climbing engine recently pur chased by the Scenic Railway Company. The engine is of peculiar construction, built by the Holster Works and capable of hauling six cars up the mountain. ADVERTISEMENTS. FREE Tt |¥li7oNS. A Valuable Little Book Sent Free for the Asking Medical books are not always inter* esting reading, especially, to people en- joying good health, but as a matter of fact scarcely one person in ten is perfectly healthy, and even with such, sooner or later sickness must come. It is also a well established truth that nine-tenths of all diseases origin- ate with a breaking down of the di- gestion, a weak stomach weakens and impoverishes the system, making it easy for disease to gain a foothold. Nobody need fear consumption, kid- ney disease, liver trouble ot a weak heart and nervous system as long as the digestion is good and the stomach able to assimilate plenty of whole- some food. Stomach weakness shows itself in a score of ways and this little book de- scribes the symptoms and causes and points the , way to a cure bo simple that any one can understand and ap- ply. . ' Thousands have some form of stom- ach trouble , and do not know it. They ascribe the headaches, the lan- guor, nervousness, inso-mnia, palpita- tion, constipation and similar symp- toms to some other cause than the true one. Get your digestion on the right track and the heart trouble, lung trouble, liver disease or nervous debil- ity will rapidly disappear. ;>-,' ( i This little book treats entirely on the cause and removal of indigestion and its accompanying annoyances. It describes the symptoms of Acid Dyspepsia, Nervous Dyspepsia, Slow Dyspepsia, Amylaceous Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Stomach and all affections of the digestive organs in plain lan- guage easily understood and the causa '-removed. NTt gives valuable suggestions as to die*, and contains a table giving length of rime required to digest various ar- ticles^ of food, something. every per- son wfth weak digestion should know. No price is asked, but simply send your name and address plainly writ- ten on postal card to the F. A. Stuart . Co., Marshall,' Mich., 'requesting' a lit- tle book on Stomach Disesases and it will be sent promptly by return mail. IFvYOU ARE NOT A MAN In all rhat the words imply you can soon be 1 restored }and strengthened by DR. ■ MEYERS ' & CO., Usl Market «t. Hundreds of men of all ages aHfl various walks of life owe their pres- ent ttfysical condition to the unequaled skill of theH^great specialists. NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURE IS EFFECTED. This is the\motto of DR. MEYERS & CO., this is one of Vnany Inducements they hold out to sufferers who have paid money to incom- petent doctors and found no relief. DR.V MEYERS & CO. ' have made a special study of the most complicated ailments of men, including troubles which have been recently contracted, those which have become danger- ous by bad . treatment and long standing, and partial or complete loss of vital power. For these afflictions DR. MEYERS & CO. have their private formulas, remedies that heal and restore, and methods I which have never failed them during their many years of con- tinued success. ; -/'•,<-•* Our great book for men will be sent you ■ FREE upon request; also symptom blank and question list. . : CONSULTATION FREE. DR. MEYERS & CO. Specialists for Men of the Enellßh and German Expert Specialists, ; t 731 Market Street. Hours: 8 to 6: evenings, 1 to 8; Sundays, 9 to 11. Phone Green 601. - THE SWELLEST BICYCLE , IN TOWN IS " THE "98" CRESCENT RACER PRICE $50. - Has All the Latest Improvements. ♦Tis a Beauty in Good Looks. ■ M 1 CRESCENT |so BICYCLES CQK Flt «J>oo Everybody. $50 Price and Quality Guaranteed. LEAVITT r & BILL, 303 Larkin Street, 8. F. 20 San Pablo Avenue Oakland 'DOTTCUI7C FOR BARBERS. BAK- 4 jßMH«^Se^^lffi: t S I brewers, bookbinders, candy-makers, : canneru, ** dyers, '- flourmllls, ; foundries, ' laundries, ';■. paper- " hangers, printers, -•; painters, . shoe . factories, ■tablemen, tar-roofers, tanners, ■■ tailors, etc. , BUCHANAN* BROS., .-tj, w Brush Manufacturers, 6o9 SacramcntoSt.