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18 THE WAR SPIRIT TOLD IN LETTERS AND ANECDOTES AMONG the gallant gunners of the Olympia, Dewey's flagship before Manila, is Frank Lock ridge. Any act of bravery he may perform will merely live up to the traditions of his family, as his father was an officer in the War of the Rebellion. He distinguished himself when the blockade was run at the siege of Vicksburg. At the same time three of his uncles were fighting in the ranks for their country. Aside from this showing for the males of Lockridge's ancestry, the fe male side has distinguished Itself in martial events. His aged gr wdmother, a resident of this city, rendered valu able service to the nation by bearing, at the risk of her life, information to our Government during the entire pe riod of the Civil War. She calmly re lates such experiences as riding seven miles through the cold of a wintry night, upon a race horse never before ridden by a woman, to carry valuable news to the Governor of the State, by which a great calamity to the land was averted. She also tells of anxious moments upon Ohio River mail steamers and flag boats, when rifle balls from the shore whistled uncomfortably close to those on b ,rd; or the strife for su premacy which war often breeds even among compatriots, made quarters in the cabin even unsafe for peaceful passengers. "I never carried papers," she said, when the risk of bearing information between the two armies was men tioned. "With a good memory one can carry dates, the names of places as well as plans in their head, and nobody is go ing to swear to what you are thinking or Just what you are going to tell." When asked what she thought of the present declaration of war, she replied: "It was the only thing to be done, as I told my family when we heard of the Maine outrage. They took it quietly and said they didn't think there would be war — that President McKlnley would never approve it. "We don't care whether he does or not!" I said. "We shan't ask President MrKinley's permission for everything. Where will the United States be in the annals of history if she doesn't go to war after this insult? Benedict Ar nold's shame will be nothing compared to that of our whole nation! Her dis grace will not be lived down in six gen erations to come. But my country has lived up to my expectations of her; she has done the only thing possible under the circumstances. "Admiral Dewey's victory is the most glorious victory ever known. There is but one that will compare with it in my estimation — that of General Jack son at New Orleans over Sir Edward Packenham's British troops in 1815. "I have always felt proud to think that I once met and shook hands with that grre^t hero. General Jackson, though at the time I was a very little girl and paid for the honor with a se vere whipping. •When I heard that he would past, through Steubenville, which was then my home, on his way up the Ohio River as he journeyed to Washington, I felt as much interest as any of the grown people. "General Jackson found it necessary to receive the admiring citizens of the towns he passed, and understanding that a reception would be given upon WHAT THE AMERICAN AND SPANISH CARTOONISTS THINK OF THE WAR. SPANISH CARTOONISTS Draw AMERICANS AS PIGS. ALLi the cartoons here depleted are from recent Spanish papers pub lished either Jn Madrid or Barce lona. The cartoonists of Spain always represent America as a hog. In one cartoon It will be seen, for In stance, Uncle Sam Is represented threatening Spain by sending the ship Maine to Havana, whereupon Spain turns to take revenge and Uncle Sam runs away in the shape of a hog. In another cartoon the American hog is impersonated by Minister Woodford. while the Spanish nation takes the form of a dove with the head of Senor Gullon, the Foreign Minister. In another cartoon President McKln ley is represented as a hog dressed in the stars and stripes, attempting in a treacherous and cowardly manner to stab the Spanish lion through the bars of a cage. Another cartoon represents America In the form of a hog mingling In the gay throng and making advances to Spain, represented as a fair lady. The cartoons are a fair sample of the Spanish wit expended on the present relations betweeen the two countries. \ his boat to the people of our town I i begged my mother to take me to see ! him. "Not understanding my Inborn admi ration for heroism my mother laughed ! at the idea and s said*'no.' "But tot though I was I made up my mind that see General Jackson I would. ; So when the day of his arrival came I : said nothing further to my mother and j stole out of the house, but took good ! care that she did not see me cross the | square toward the river. "When I reached the river I saw that two flatboats were already busy, one carying and another bringing back from the military vessel the people who were bent on shaking hands with the old soldier. "I kept with the crowd going out, and young as I was my heart thrilled at the thought of seeing him. "In those days village children went barefoot in the summer, and as I had to get out of my mother's sight with out exciting her suspicion, I wasn't dressed up for the occasion and had on neither bonnet nor shoes. But I didn't give a thought to my dress. I was busy thinking about getting near the great tall man, who stood surrounded by his staff, and of shaking his hand as I saw the others doing. "At last my turn came. "I think I remember the occasion better because Black Abe, one of the town water-carriers, went up just be fore me with his little son and intro duced him to the general as his name sake, Andrew Jackson Abraham Moore. "As I had no proud parent there to introduce me, after Black Abe moved on, I caught hold of the big hand and craned my little neck to get a good look at the man towering so far above me. "I saw a lean, tanned face, with a pair of sharp eyes, which glanced down into mine from under bushy eye brows as he slightly smiled. "Whether he had smiled or frowned it would have been all the same to me, for I had seen a hero, and in the coun try there wasn't a happier child than I all day long, though I did go barefoot and carried on mv back smarting rec ollection of a hard switching." "Now I'm a grandmother, but the scene is as fresh in my mind as though it had occurred yesterday. My grandson is on board the Olympia before Manila, fighting for his country. I think of him a good deal, of course, and I pray for him. I know that he is in the hands of the Lord and that he is doing his duty, as every American should. "My one regret is that I am too old to be of further service to my country, for apart from the watch I kept upon its interests I nursed many of our boys back to health, tending them as though they were my own. I have had dozens of grateful letters from them long after I had forgotten even their names. HOW COMPANY G OF THE SIXTH LEFT BAKERSFIELD. The following letter received by a lady residing in this city from her sis ter residing in Bakersfleld well illus trates the spirit actuating Americans, young and old alike, in the pending contest: SUNDAY, May 8, 1898. Dear Sister: Well, this is the day of days. Our boys have gone to the war. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1898. Company G, Sixth Regiment, recruits, left this a. m. It truly was exciting. I 11 tell it in pieces. We stayed in town last evening and went with Mrs. Taylor and others and decorated the cars the boys were to go in with bunting and flags on the in side and nailed big banners the full length of the car, with the words. Company G, Sixth Regiment, Ba kersfleld," on it. We got home about 12 o clock, and then went out early this morning to put the flowers in. The train pulled out at 7 o'clock, and we got up at 5. About a dozen went out* to decorate. At 6 o'clock all the bells in town were rung and all the whistles blown, so the people would wake up. Ihere was a Jam of people at the de pot. Three bands, the regular one, the juvenile band and the colored band. Between them, they kept musio going all the time. When word came to town that the boys were called out, the town people took up a collection and bought them a beautiful silk flag. Lawyer Lock hart presented it while the boys stood 'uncovered." Captain Cook replied for the company. It was a very broken and disjointed speech, but all the gaps were rilled with lusty cheers, for every one was feeling the strain of the good-bxs, and anything to make a noise and relieve the feelings was welcomed. The captain is very popular with the boys. The Governor offered him a commission as lieutenant of artillery under Major Rice (did you know he had gone?) which pays better and is very much easier than captain of in fantry, but he declined and requested that he be allowed to keep his com mand of Company G. Isn't that kind of nice? The boys cheered and cheered and the bands played and every one shook hands with every one %lse and said "Good-by!" "Good luck!" "Don't stop any Spanish bullets!" "God bless yju: " The mothers and sisters and wives were red-eyed but smiling, and every one did her best. Every one looked kind of dewy, and mamma shed copious teurs of sym pathy. The boys felt gay and then a trifle dewy, too, when they looked at their mothers, and once or twice I saw tears when they said the last good bys, which we hastily swallowed as unsoldierly. I knew the boys would hate to be cried over, so I determined that not one drop of brine should come from an excess of sympathy on my part, so the result was that I had a very nice time. The boys all stood around and talked to me and we laughed and sung snatches that the band played, but there was so much noise we couldn't hear' ourselves. Claude Blodgett says they'll "never kill him, not while there's anything to hide behind," etc., and every one tried to say something witty, and if they didn't succeed, it didn't matter, for it went just as well. Percy and Rush Blodgett are under age and they are so mad at their father because he wouldn't consent for them to go that they can hardly live. They are perfectly green with envy of Claude. Percy related in a very disgusted tone when I was talk ing to him this morning that a little girl about six years old said to him: '•You great, big, lazy boy, why don't you go to war like your brother?" Charlie Ward and Bert Colton have gone. The one I felt sorriest for was Mabel Blodgett. Charlie has enlisted, and they've only been married a month. She wasn't crying, but she looked too pale and miserable for any use, and trying to laugh it off all the time. If I had had time for a tear it would have been then. While the boys were drawn up to receive the flag, she stood right facing him, and she never moved her eyes from his face, and then the captain said there would be a few minutes for good-bys before they went aboard, but told the men not to break rank. Charlie held out his hand to her and she just came flying. He put his arms around her and I looked the other way. It didn't do any good, however, to look the other way, for every one else was doing the same thing. George! There Is the tear now, but it was really enough to make any one wee to see her face. We didn't have any one to shake . hands with; we'd done it all before, and that part was rather painful to see, so we walked up to the west end, way up by the express office, so as to wave as they pulled out. When they were all on board, people began hurry ing along down the track to wave good-by. While we were standing there I saw a cute pup, and I said to George Me Leod, "Steal that pup and give it to them for a mascot. There was a little boy there and George asked him if it was his. The kid (about six years old), said yes, and George asked him if he could put it on the train, and the kid grabbed the dog and hugged it close and said "No-o-o!" No more was said to him. but he heard us talking about they're not having a mascot, etc., and so just as the train started by us (it went very slowly on account of the crowd), the kid pulled George's coat and held up the pup and said; "Here, you, put it on, quick. I can't reach. Give 'em my dog for a mascot." George grabbed the dog and yelled in a voice they could all hear, "Boys, the kid wants you to take his pup for a mascot." The boys all reached for it and yelled, "We'll take it." "Hurrah for the kid." "Bully for you, Johnny," and as they went out of sight they were waving flags out the windows and one fellow had the pup by the back of the neck holding him out for every one to see, and everybody cheered and yelled, and . the band played' The Girl I Left Behind Me." That pup is the right kind of a mascot, all right. The fellow had him by the back of the neck and was waving him with one hand and a flag with th« other, but the pup never Bouealod a Hit. Hf> is clear grit. How was that for patriotism on the kid's part? It was probably his dear est possession; but he thought they certainly ought to have a mascot, and he grave It willingly, once he made up his mind, and yelled with the rest when they wore cheering for him. It's wonderful how much good it did them to cheer. ' They gave three cheers for the flag, for Captain Cook, for the ladies who brought the flowers. Then the civilians gave three cheers for Company G. for Uncle Sam and for Captain Cook. Some «ne yelled, "Remember the Maine!" and the yells and howls that greeted that remark would have caused the Spaniards to turn pale if they had heard it. It was splendid, and like the boy in the song daddy tells about: "I burned to wear a uniform. Hear drums and see a battle." Oh, dear, I am all tired out (mam ma's upstairs asleep); but I am so stirred up I want to have some one to yell three cheers for something again. I just feel thrills clrar to my toes. I wonder why I wasn't a boy? "O. mah honey!" I wish you had been here. It was just I'm-ra! As the train was pulling out some of the boys gave me a particular "lit tle salute. I hadn't seen Bert Colton to say good-by to him, and as he rode slowly by he sang out, "Good-by Violet." and I said. "Good-by Bert "' though I doubt if he heard In all the noise and shouting; but we nodded and waved and smiled. Kenneth, who is a sergeant, was riding on th« step and I was standing a little buck in the crowd. I'd given him some beautiful red roses, and he had them pinned "where he wantid the bullets to be scarce," that is, over his heart. And when he rode by he waved at me, pointed to his flowers, nipped one off the stem and threw it back to me and waved and waved and smiled and tried to make me hear his yells above the rest. Isn't that fun? Claude Blndgett waved his flag and shouted, "We'll lick 'em now, sure." Winston Spencer from Tehachapi had no one to say good-by to, so I was especially nice to him (which, I guess, surprised him. for I never talked to him before), but he seemed especially pleased and waved his cap as Me went by and shouted, "Tell 'em goo4-by at the Summit." There's no use in trying to tell It all, for things lapped over each other in happening and all came fast. Anyway, I expect this is all I have stamps to carry, and you're probably a wreck from trying to read It. Don't expect anything rational from me for some days. Love and love to my sister. VIOLET. WANT TO FIGHT FOR THEIR COUNTRY, HERE are two letters written by two American lads who are wildly ambitious to be right at the front in the present war. One of these boys is at the front and the other hopes to get there at an early date if his father will only consent to his enlistment. Here is his last letter to his father: Los Angeles, April 22, 1898. Dear Father: I am writing to you about a very serious matter. 1 suppose you have heard that Spain has declared war against the United States and that the United States cruiser Nashville has captured the Buena Ventura, loaded with lumber. This State has offered a regiment of cavalry volunteers to the United States Government. Mr. H. J. To berman, son of Major Toberman, ex-Mayor of this city, has organ ized or rather is organizing a troop of cavalry from the High School to go with this regiment. Mr. To berman has graduated from a mili tary college and has served as cap tain in a company of cavalry for a year and a half. The boys will serve for the war with Spain or for three years. They will elect Mr. Toberman captain and have some other reliable men for officers. General Jones, an ex- Confederate officer, who has some thing to do with the regiment — I think he is raising it — left for Sac ramento yesterday to see Gov ernor Budd, who is a special friend of his, politically and otherwise. He will give the regiment the first chance at the first call for volun teers. The boys in the company Mr. To berman has got up are all High School boys, and I know most of them; they are of good character. Claire Umsted, our neighbor on Houver street, for one has joined. When the first call for volunteers comes the cavalry will go to Chiek amauga and will there receive horses, uniforms, arms, drill, etc. Tin y will most likely be along the Atlantic coast. I WANT TO ENLIST WITH THIS COMPANY OF CAVALRY FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL. Father, I am in earnest. I wish you were here and could see me. I have thought the matter all over and know what I am talking about. The kind Lord has my life all mapped out, and I will have to die some place some time; only he knows where and when. If it is his will that I should die serving my country instead of at home with the family I am perfectly willing. It will be a great disappointment to me if you do not give your con sent. If I get yours I am sure I can get mamma's. I think thnt you would be will- Ing to sacrifice at least one out of eight for your country. I won't go expecting to be killed, but will make the best of things. I don't go ex pecting to have a picnic at the ex pense of Uncle Sam, but will go prepared to enuure hardships. Mr. Toberman says that I can enter even if I am under 18 with parents' consent. I am 16 years old now and I have the size and constitution of a boy of 19. The boys are most all 18 or 19 years old. I suppose you will hate to let me go. but when you think why I am going and who I am going for you will let me go. Claire Umsted asked his father and he said "Yes. I am glad to see you want to go," or something to that effect. I will havo everything furnished by the Government, in cluding all the hardtack, pork, bacon, beans and coffee that I want. I will get $13 per month. I would a great deal rather be in the cavalry than in the infantry, be cause it is lighter duty and no marching on foot. You can write to Mr. H. J. Toberman, 613 South Pearl street, and get particulars. I want an answer immediately, if possible, because the volunteers may be called out very soon, and I want to be with them and help represent the Los Angeles High School. I do hope you will let me go. I have made this solemn prom ise before God and signed the pledge that I will never drink a drop of liquor. I intend to live up to that promise in the future as I have in the past. I will not forget my Bible. Last night I went down to River station to see the First Regiment of United States troops. They didn't get in till 11 and I didn't get home ti— half-past 12 on acount of the crowded cars. They said it took them 26 hours to come from San Francisco. There were three trains of them of about twenty cars each. The band played all the patriotic songs and played them well, too. Hoping that you -will consent to my enlisting in such good company and in such good cause, I remain, Your loving LUCIUS. P. S.— REMEMBER THE MAINE, and excuse poor writing, because I have had two examinations this afternoon and have written a good deal. I will earn as much money there as in the city and will send money home. Here is the letter from the other lad to his mother. He is an apprentice on board the Petrel, that same little gun boat that did such heroic service in the late gTeat naval battle at Manila. The letter was written when the vessel lay at Hongkong, while rumors of ap proaching war were in the air and be fore Admiral Dewey sailed south to carry out the order, "Find and take or destroy the Spanish fleet." HONGKONG, April 3, IS9B. Dear Mother: "Rumors of war and rumors of war." That is the way things are on board the Petrel. We are as well prepared as we can be and could go to sea at a minute's notice. The com modore is anxiously awaiting the outcome of affairs in the United States. Our fleet is daily expected to be re-enforced by the Baltimore and maybe the Oregon. The Reuter telegrams are about as reliable as the . We raised a nice subscription for the Maine relief fund — I don't know how much, but I think $1500 would not miss it far. England, Japan and Russia are having quite a bit of trouble in the Far East. Russia wants the whole province of Manchuria. It was reported that a Japanese cruiser fired on a Russian ship in Taiien Wan Bay. A Russian man of-war sent a boat over to find out the reason, which was given them, and both captains agreed not to commence hostilities until the Czar and Mikado were notified. The news was suppressed as much as possible. I see Old Krauth. It is very disagreeable and unhandy to be kept In suspense like we are. All the news we g-et are the Reuter telegrams, and they are very short. The Chinese papers don't pretend to write up any news ex cept local brevities. We were ex amined for the quarter and I was the top one. The Concord is alongside of us and I can see many people I know. My inability to write a letter is plainly evident in this epistle. All we hear are rumors, and I don't like to write about them, as a sailor's imagination is something wonderful. When the ship's cook shines the coppers he is liable to find out wonderful things pertain ing to the topics of me day, or when the leadsman hauls up lead" many a strange tale clings to the lead line, and when the helms man turns the wheel the spokes are always sure to tell him what is happening in other parts of the club Vessels sunk, nations at war, rulers killed, etc.— all come to these jolly boys as easy as falling off a I hope this letter will find you In good health. Your HONGKONG. March 20, 2M& Dear Mother: At present things look as if some trouble was brew ing. We have been divided off for landing parties in case of bombard ment. So many men to land and so many to work the guns aboard the ship. The chief quartermaster and I are detailed to send and receive signals. Everything is dull or\ board the ships, as lots of changes will be made when the Olympia and Boston go home, and many of the men would like to go home in one of thorn. The Olympia will un doubtedly leave when the war cloud blows over and the Boston about three months after. Prince Henry is receiving all kinds of banquets. The Deutsch land has gone into the drydock at Kowloon, just across from here. The Gaelic is expected in here Wednesday and we will read all about the Maine affair. When you write to Sally send her my love* also regards "to Jim and Baby. I would like to be in the country for a change myself. These Chinese cities are dead, no life at all in them. I am trying to think of something to write, but can't. Tell Ed I think of him oft^n and won der how he is getting along at school. I am getting an idea in my head that I should like to be a Thespian, but have sense enough to know that all the acting I would ever be able to do would be to col lect tickets at the door. March 22. The Raleigh has just challenged the Olympia to a cutter race. There may be an international regatta soon. Mail closes to-night, so I will finish. Your loving son VERD. HONGKONG, April 3, 189 S. Dear Ed: If the excitement In the United States is half its great as it is here I suppose all the boys are talking of fighting. It is not so much fun as one would think standing behind a large gun when she is tired. You think your head is flying off, and the concussion makes you dizzy until you get used to it. Just at present I don't know where our next destination will be, but I would like to go to Yokohama. Your loving brother, VERD. Up to March 23, 4060 Klondlko miners* licenses to prospectors (mostly from tha United States) had been issued at tho custom-house in Victoria, at $10 each. The cash receipts therefor were $45.600 ' and the cost being less than 3 per cent.' the remainder of this sum was turned over direct to the Dominion Government. In a cubic foot of phosphorescent sea, water there have been found 25,000 living creatures.