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TAYLOR IS NOW IN JAIL Is Charged With Abduct ingr a Young Wife. FLED TO AVOID ARREST. RETURNED ONLY TO BE SERVED WITH A WARRANT. Attempting to Find Out Who Sent the Bogus Subpena That Caused Mrs. Struber to Leave Her Home. Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 90S Broadway, May 27. Joseph Taylor was taken to the County Jail to-day charged with a serious crime. It is alleged that some months ago he abducted a young wife from Oakland for the purpose of placing her amid disrep utable associates. Two months ago Mrs. Lemery Struber, «. girl about 17 years of age, was taken by her husband to a lodging house not fitted for her as a dwelling. For this offense Struber was convicted of a felony, and Is now spending three years In San Quentin. Not long after the trial the young wife's mother notified the police that her daughter had disappeared, and Inquiry showed that a false subpena to appear at an imaginary trial in Judge Cliffs court had been served upon her. end ihat advantage had been taken of her leaving home to attend the court to ab duct her. It was proved that there was no authority for issuing the subpena, and no case in which the girl was wanted as a witness. Joseph Taylor, who was suspected of being a party to the abduction, was at that time living at Fruitvale. working as a broommaker. The young wife's brother swore out a warrant for the arrest of Taylor, charging him with abducting his elster for immoral purposes. As soon as the warrant was issued, Taylor disap peared, and he has not been seen until a couple of days ago. He then felt it cafe to return, but only reached Oakland In time to be arrested. He was unable to account for his sudden flight, which Is Indicated as bearing out. in some meas ure, the suspicion of his guilt. After Taylor's disappearance, the girl was found in San Francisco and brought home, and it is presumed that she has confided in her brother, the prosecuting ■witness, who is responsible for her ab duction. Taylor is held in $2000 bonds, ■which he has not been able to give, and his preliminary examination will be held before Justice Clift next Tuesday after noon. MYSTERIOUS DEATH AT PIEDMONT BATHS A MAN BaDLY SCALDED IS FOUND ON THE SLAB. Jahnigan'g Stomach to Be Analyzed, as There Is a Possibility That Hs Swallowed Some Poison. Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 908 Broadway. May 27. Gustave Jahnigan, a bartender, died at the Piedmont baths early this morning under peculiar circumstances. He was resting on a marble slab after taking a Hammam by an attendant. For a few days Jahnigan has been absent from his work. After leaving the hot room at the baths, James Gouterman proposed to rub Jahni gan down, but the latter said he preferred to rest on the slab and would call the attendant when h>' needed him. As no call came, Gouterman went to Jahnigan, and found him dead. The body was re moved to the Morgue. Jahnigan was 4S years of age, and leaves a widow and five children. He was a popular member of the A. O. U. %V. One of his sons recently enlisted, and is now waiting for a cail to the front. Alter tiic bouy \sas reuiovcu to the , Morgue Coroner Baldwin was greatly surprised to find that the skin was burned so severely that it would peel off. , No autopsy was held, but the organs were found in a healthy condition and there was nothing to indicate the cause of death. "1 intended to hold an autopsy to- i night," said Coroner Baldwin, '"but after closely examining: the body I decided that it is scarce calling for a thorough exam lnatlon. There is no organic disease that may have caused death, so I suppose it was caused either by the great heat of the bath which has burned the body so badly, or else the man must have taken < ?oison. I have sent the stomach to Pro- Meor Colly at lite State University for analysis, and have set the Inquest for next Tuesday r.ight." HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES. Class Day Farce Wednesday and Commencement Exercises Thursday Evening. OAKLAND, May 27.— The class of '98 of the High School will present a farce on Wednesday evening in the gymnasium written by Miss Zue Ackerman. It is en titled "Cupid and Psyche Up To Date," a travesty in three acts with sixteen speak ing parts. The commencement exercises will take place Thursday evening and will consist of essays and orations by the class. Those who will graduate are: Grace Marie Avery, Edna Hope Alburn, Zoe Ackerman, Fletcher Ames, Raymond Haw thorne Bailey. Herbert A. Burns, Le Key Eu gene Caverly, Uerard Clement, Lydia Lee Dozler, Edith Anna Dearborn, Emma. W'hiton Finch, Mary Frances French, Henry Franck, Ernest Charlac Foster, Maud Dyer Garneld. Frederick Augustus Cowing, Isabel Grace (Jil mour, Pope Catlin Hartman, Margaret Hen derson, Ethel Carolyn Haas, May Isabella Hawkett, Charles Parker Holt, Jassie Beniun Harreli, Mabel Floretta Jordan, Gwendolen Key Jones, Waldemar Elmore Jahnlgen, Kath leen Movlan Kent, Elizabeth Theresa Kinsey. Ellen Lenore Lake, Charles Oilman Lister, Moretta Manning, Theodore Lewis Mick, Nettie Viola- Morgan, Anna McClelland, Letltla De Garls Priaul.x, Daisy Kebecca Peter, Lillian Metha Peterson, Uessie Pratt, Alma Fancher Penis, Flora Mabel Kobinson. Josephine Rosen berg, Benjamin Weiser Reed, Fred Thomas Rosenberry. Dv Ray Smith Jr., Stanley James Smith. Harry Thomas Stevens, Ada J. C. St. Johnson Edith May Schulze, Middleton Pem berton Stansbu.T. Elizabeth Harte Toohig, Mab<-i Agnes Thayer, Clara Maxwell Taft. Edith Richards Williams. Edson Dwinell Wil cox, Edith Garfleld Wheeler, Arthur Somes Wheeler Esther Elizabeth Wilson, Bessie Louise White. Laura Agnes White, Mary Bright Wallace. Holy Ghost Festival. OAKLAND, May 27.— The celebration of the Holy Ghost, or Pentecost, one of the treat religious festivals of the year with the Portuguese population, which num bers about 5000 In this county, takes place on Sunday. On Saturday night the festi vities will begin in Holy Ghost Hall. On Sunday there will be a children's parade, with a band, from the hall on Pacific street to the Chestnut-street church. Rev. Father G. Gloria will officiate, assisted by Fathers Kevin, Cranwell and Slevin. Charges Persistent Persecution. OAKLAND, May 27.— Mrs. Julia A. Kent filed a suit for a divorce from her hus band, Philip Kent, to-day, charging him with a persistent and willful persecution, to rid himself of her. They were married on January <i. 1882, in Topr>ka. Kans., and have three children. The domestic dis cord began in Napa Springs, but has con tinued uninterruptedly in this county. The wife desires her freedom, children, costs, alimony and a restraining order to prohibit the father or agr-nt from ever attempting to secure the children Frank Schottler in Trouble. OAKLAND, May 27.— Mrs. U. S. Osborn of 1310 Eighth street caused the arrest of Frank Schottler, who has been con aucting a watch club at' 304 San Pablo avenue, for attempting to defraud her of $25. It was a year ago ■ that Mrs. Os born Joined the club and in January had paid" s2s, -for Ui£h, ghe w^s to have a ALAMEDA COUNTY NEWS. watch or equivalent in Jewelry. She had never been able to catch Schottler in un til this morning, when he informed her that he had sold out and that she was short 10 cents. After offering to pay the sum the police were notified and shortly afterward Detective Quigley picked him up and locked him in the City Prison. Tesla Mine Explosion Inquest. OAKLAND, May 27.— Coroner Baldwin held an inquest to-day at Livermore over the remains of -P. Sola, the Italian miner killed in the explosion in the Tesla coal mine yesterday. David Davis, the fore man. Thomas Jones, his assistant, and T. Morgan were the witnesses, but nothing definite was learned regarding the acci dent. It is believed that Sola caused the explosion by entering the shaft with an open lamp, against the company's rules. He was in no wise disfigured. The \ r erdict was death by explosion of fire-damp. The injured men are doing well and will re cover. To Recover Tax Money. OAKLAND, May 27.— Edson Adams filed a suit to-day to recover Slot") SO from the city of Oakland for taxes paid under pro test on the Adams estate tract, consist ing of 152 acres. The County Assessor valued it at $456,300, while the Board of Equalization reduced it to $304,300. The City Assessor took the former figure and collected taxes amounting to $794 40 on each installment, more than it would have been had it been figured on the equalized amount. No Kneisel Concert OAKLAND, May 27.— The Kneisel Quartet has canceled its two concerts that were to have been given in this city next •week, owing to Franz Kneisel being ill and unable to play without suffering. They promise to make up the loss next spring, when they will return to the coast. Oakland News Items. OAKLAND, May 27.— Miss Pearl Dusen bury fainted again this morning In Jus tice Lawrence's court during the exam ination of Herbert D. Fraser of Berke ley, charged with criminal assault. The case had to be continued. Archbishop Rlordan attended the grad uating exercises at the Sacred Heart Con vent this afternoon and conferred the diplomas upon the young ladies. There was a large attendance of the clergy and laymen. WILLOWS FROM ASIA MINOR. Successful Experiments With Phe nomenally Fast - Growing Salixes at Chico. BERKELEY, May 27.— At the Chico forestry station of the agricultural de partment of the State University the suc cessful experiment has been made of in troducing a new species of rapid-growing willow from Asia Minor. Six-inch cut tings of the new tree— the Salix salmonei — at the end of thirty-one months (ten months in the nursery and the remaining twenty-one months in a grove) reached the height of 32 feet. The circumference of the tree was 22 inches and the spread of its branches 12 feet The wonderful quickness of this growth is realized when compared with that of the common bas ket willow, which in the same period reached a height of 7Vs feet, with a girth of 5 inches and a spread of 5 feet. "Some day," declares Inspector Charles H. Shinn of the experiment stations, "for fuel, for fence posts, for charcoal and for manu facturing purposes, the new species of salix which we have succeeded in intro ducing will become of great commercial importance." Experiments with eucalypti and acacias at the Chico station have not met with such success. Even large trees of the blue gum variety were killed by the frost, and the only hardy varieties of the eu calyptus which seemed able to endure were the vimlnalls, the genokles, the alpina and the Gunnel. Although gums of all varieties grow well in Southern California and around the bay. Inspector Shinn has come to the conclusion that they are more adapted to the low-lying valley of the Sacramento. "The growth of forest trees, however, proves that the Chico district is as well adapted as any in the State to a great range of deciduous and coniferous trees, and particularly the oaks and ashes and other hardwood trees." ■♦ ■ — SUDDEN DEATH IN BERKELEY. The Body of a Professional Woman Nurse Found in the Cali fornia Hotel. BERKELEY, May 27.— Mrs. Mary Chat field, a professional nurse, aged about 50 years, was found dead this morning in a room of the California Hotel on the cor ner of Shattuck and University avenues. Certain peculiar circumstances surround the death, which, however, was in all probability due to alcoholism. Yesterday afternoon the woman was brought, to the hotel in a hack, while evidently under the influence of liquor. She threw herself upon the bed, where she lay groaning, disregarding the chambermaid's sugges tion that she disrobe and retire. Little attention was paid to her groans, as it was supposed that her conduct was due to drinking. This morning the groans had ceased, and when the room was entered the woman was found to be dead. The body was removed to the Berkeley Branch Morgue, where an inquest will be held. The dead woman for some months past has been employed as a nurse by Mrs. Kimball Easton of Jefferson and Eleventh streets, Oakland. For the past week she had been partially intoxicated, and yesterday Mr. Easton discharged her and sent her to the California Hotel in Berkeley, where she had stopped on previous occasions. After she had left it was found she had consumed nearly a pint and a half of wood alcohol, only a very small dose of which is necessary to produce death. Nothing was found about the person of the dead woman that would tend to in dicate suicide. Of her antecedents or associates almost nothing is known. Frightened Into Jumping. BERKELEY, May 27.— Andrew Hansen, the 8-year-old son of A. Hansen of 2417 Fifth street. West Berkeley, broke his leg yesterday in jumping from a high fence near the bay shore. The lad was playing with some companions on the fence, when some older girls threatened to give him a whipping. The little fellow, fearing that they would carry out their threat, jumped to the ground, receiving a serious fracture of the legbone. Berkeley News Notes. BERKELEY. May 27.— The Berkeley Lodge of Odd Fellows has nominated the following officers: Noble grand, Ed Pul len; vice-grand, B. E. Underwood; trus tees—Charles T. Kerns, George Davis and G. H. Schuster. The installation will take place July 1. The Republicans of West Berkeley will meet to-morrow evening in Taylor's Hall, West Berkeley. Recruiting for Company G. ALAMEDA, May 27.— Captain Simpson of Company G will open a recruiting of fice in Haywards for the purpose of ob taining volunteers to fill up the ranks of Company Gof this city. Although there is a population of 16,000 people in this city for some reason the young men appear loth to offer their services to their coun try, and hence it seems necessary to go outside of the town to raise the number of men required. The company had the full number just after the first call for troops, but many of the volunteers on finding that it was not going at once, en listed with other commands. Hence the present shortage. Railroad Crossing Franchise. ALAMEDA, May 27.— The City Trustees will hold a special meeting to-night to discuss the proposed franchise to the Southern Pacific for a crossing on Web ster street near the end of the estuary bridge. Inasmuch as it will be necessary to make quite a grade at that point, is has been suggested that the street be lowered a little and a bridge put in for the steam milroad, allowing the electric line and other traffic to go underneath. Other wise the crossing will be a very dangerous one and an obstacle to traffic in that di rection. Decoration Day. ALAMEDA. May 27.— There will be no celebration of Decoration day in this city on Monday next. A squad of ten men has been detailed from Company G to go to the cemeteries in Oakland and do the honors over the graves of two former rr.-mbcrs of the organization, but beyond this there will be no ceremonies or other observance. _ The Star speaks of contracts and Chi nese. Read it. * I THE SAN FKANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1898. SPOKE FOR AMERICA Patriotic Addresses by St. Mary's Gradutes. OUR FUTURE STATESMEN YOUNG SCHOLARS COMMENT ABLY ON THE TIMES. Interesting Exercises at MacdonougJbi Theater — His Grace Archbishop Biordan Presents the Diplomas. Oakland Office San Francisco Cajl, 90S Broadway, May 27. The Macdonough Theater was crowded ' to-night with the friends of the gradu ates of St. Mary's College. Archbishop Rlordan presided ajid presented the di plomas to the graduating class, consist- Ing of Thomas H. Donovan, Leo P. Tor mey, James J. ODea, W. P. Sullivan, An drew P. Finan, Edward T. Mallon. Frank I A. Silva and John A. Young. • The class essays were on Interesting j ' topics and showed much study and ; thought on the part of the orators. W. P. Sullivan dealt with '•The American Re public," and in his remarks said: "The j unity and liberty of our republic must be | preserved in order that we may attain to j the elevation that Providence has dcs- ; tlned for us. Wo must be ever mindful . of our motto, 'E plurlbus unum,' for In ' 'unity there is strength." We must ever I keep in mind the grand idea of true lib erty which it has been given our nation to realize and ever strive to reach a po sition that the God of nations intended we should occupy — the peer among the nations of the earth." "Who Fears to Speak of '98?" was the ! subject handled by Andrew P. Finan, who j said in brief: "Far from being ashamed ' of that eventful period of Irish history I known as the insurrection of '98, we find ; much in it to commend and admire. The history of Ireland has been a checkered one foV centuries. Still the shadows have ■ been brightened from time to time by the light of faith and hope. Most other coun- ! tries have had seasons of prosperity and i progress. But Ireland, rrora the landing ! of Strongbow, has had no such experi- ; ence. For more than seven hundred i years this devoted island, appropriately termed 'first flower of the earth and first ', gem of the sea,' has been the scene of cruel persecutions and atrocious misrule, i In consequence rebellions have been of \ frequent occurrence, though mostly un successful, but hope has never died out In the Irish heart." Leo F. Tormey, in a clever thesis, re ferred to the Monroe doctrine and said: , "Our republic has reached a point in its [ development where fear of European ag- j gression may be disregarded Away, therefore, with the purpose of those who i would carry us back to the conditions j from which we broke in the glorious i days of the Revolution. Base is the ill ! disguised purpose of those who would | Europeanize America. t"p with the glo- ' rious flag of independence. Long may it wave over us ana our posterity, symbol izing on its genial folds no base or de grading foreign policies, but, untainted and unpolluted, let it be transmitted to posterity, upheld by principles American in their origin, their nature and promul gation." "Pope Leo XIII and His Pontificate." was the subject chosen by Thomas W. Donovan. He said: "Fired by the holy and ardent desire j of drawing the human race nearer to their Creator and aided by his remark able abilities as a statesman, Leo XIII has performed prodigies in the cause of religion. He re-pstablished the Scottish ! hierarchy, secured the pardon and return i of the Polish Bishops who had been ex i!sd from their flocks, and secured for German Catholic* the right to practice their religion in peace. "Of a remarkable personality, he at- 1 tracts with a magnetic force which is ' almost irresistible. His manner, though kind, is firm and adamant and he displays ; a remarkable force of character in all ! his undertakings; the ardor with which j he performs every duty is infused into those who come in contact with him, and although he has reached the grand old ; age of 88 years he continues to perform the duties of his high office with an en ergy little short of supernatural." "The American Navy, Past and Pres ent," is a timely subject upon which j James I. O'Dt-a found much to say. He ! compared the navies of ISI2 and 1898 and dosed as follows: "And now we are In the midst of a conflict with a European nation untried before. We have taken up the gage of battle in behalf of a starving, perishing island— an upward striving nationality. t*owever opinions may differ as to the justness of the motives, Congress has de clared for war; and if present omens au gur anything of the future, the United States will achieve one of her greatest naval triumphs. Already the skies are brightening with the prospects of dawn ing victory and peace. The mantle of the old commodore has fallen on one gas lant man, the hero of Manila. The echoej of Dewey's cannon have gone reverber ating around the whole world, astounding the nations at American pluck, ability and triumph. "Our destiny, In a great measure, is in the hands of our seamen and we feei confident that it is in good keeping. The history of the American sailor makes us trust that wherever national interests may place him, they will be bravely, he roically and triumphnntly safeguarded." John A. Young presented an elaborate review of the pioneers of missionary work in America. He paid particular atten tion to the work of those pioneers of re ligion who laid the foundation of civil ization in the Spanish territory that is now the State of California. Frank A. Silva dealt with the life and work of General Rosecrans, who recently died in Southern California. He referred to the Christian character of the dead warrior and of how religion dominated his action both in war and in peace. In dealing with public opinion Edward Thomas Mallon said some very trenchant things. He stated that much that is ac cepted as public opinion does not deserve the name, but is the worst form of dem agogy. He also said that an able editor can mold public opinion to a great ex tent and thnt such opinion possesses power enough to even compel vice to hide its head, or if it persist in living it shall only do so under the mask of hypocrisy. ______________ A Wife-Beater Punished. ALAMEDA, May 27.~J0hn »:«3ith of Railroad avenue and Union street wa? ar j rested last night on complaint of a neigh bor for disturbing the peace and for boat ing his wife. Heath was drunk. He was taken before Justice Morris to-day, and it being shown that it was an aggra vated case, he was fined $IW. with the alternative of fifty days' imprisonment in the County Jail. He went to jail. The Williams Killing. ALAMEDA. May 27.— Mrs. Gregory, the slayer of Williams, was taken to San Francisco this afternoon. by an officer to enable her to transact some business. The imprisonment in the gloomy coll in the City Hall basement is telling on her, and she will welcome the transfer to better quarters in the County Jail. Both she and her husband are quite confident of ac quittal, and maintain positively that the deed was done in self-defense. Red Cross Work. ALAMEDA, May 27.— The Red Cross So ciety is now settled in its headquarters on Park street, and has commenced act ive operations. Several sewing machines and other necessary appliances have been secured by donation, and the ladies are hard at work making bandages, etc. Do nations are coming in, and the socictv jg destined to prove a great help in "the good work that the ladies have under taken all over the State. Alcmeda News Notes. ALAMEDA, Ma^ 27. -The KnigUts of Pythias of this city will erect a flagrpole and raise a large flag thereon this even ing on their lot, corner of Oak street and Santa Clara avenue. The Current Events section of the Adel phian Club held its last meeting for the season yesterday. It will resume its ses sions in the fall. Mrs. Helena Breige of this city died last niprht at th« sanitarium on San Jose avenue, at the age of 63 years. She had lived in this city several years. Professor Jordan of Stanford University will lecture on "The Passion Play" at the Unitarian Church Sunday evening for the benefit of the Red Cross Society. The Encinal Yacht Club has postponed Its cruise until September. It was to have taken place June 4. THE STOCK MARKET. While the best prices for mining Btockß yes terday were rather above those of the pre ceding day, the feeling was weaker In the afternoon, as will be seen. There was a good business on the Bond Ex chajige and a wider range of securities was dealt in. Oceanic Steamship sold froro $61 down to $60% and Hutchison a4%-anced to $49%. There was rather more activitity in the pow der stocks. The National Consolidated Mining Company of Shasta County has levied an assessment of Be per share, delinquent June 27. The Pacific Lighting Company will pay a regular monthly dividend of 40c per share on June f>. Dividends of 60c per share will be paid next Wednesday- by the Oceanic Steamship Com pany and the San Francisco Gas and Electric Company. In the Standard Consolidated mine of Bodte for the week ending May 21 the regular pros pecting work continued to be done on the 150, 200, 318, 470 and 582 levels in the New. Se curity, Moyle. Bullion, East, Station, Main Standard, Black and Fortuna ledges. There le no change In the condition of the mine, which Is looking well. The usual amount of fair to good ore was extracted during the week. Standard Mill statement— Ore crushed for the week, 291% tons; average assay vanner tail ing, $7 68; concentrates produced S% torn; as say value, $140 30; amalgam produced 1427 troy ounces; value per ounce, $1 89. Tailings plant No. 1 worked 527% tons tailings; plant No. 2 worked 3."5% tons tailings. The Marysville Tunnel and Quart! Mining Company of Yuba County has levied an as sessment of 3-20 of a cent per share, delinquent June 23. The delinquency In office of the Fox assess ment of 10 cents per share on the capital stock of the Hale & Norcross Mining Company haa been further postponed to June 14, and the day of sale to June 30, pending the outcome of the Injunction proceedings in Judge Hunt's court. STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. FRIDAY, May 27—2 p. m. Bid. Ask. I •"•■: -A V---; Bid. Ask. V 8 Bonds— . Oakland Gas.. 47% 49 Is quar coup. .llo 112 Pac Gas Imp.. 88 — i is quar reg...105%109% Pac L Co 60 51 i Is quar new... 121%122M; S F G & E... 86 87 i Miscellaneous— San Fran .... 3W. 3V4 j Cal-st Cab 55.114% — Stock Gas .... 12 — I Cal El 63 .....125 — | Insurance— IC C Wat 55... 99 100 FlrenVs Fund. lßs — 1 Dup-st ex c... — BS% Bank Stocks — >*' :. i E L & P .127% — Angrlo-Cal .... -- 65 F&CI Ry 65. 107% — Bank of Cal.. — 244% Geary-st R ss. — 9S Cal SD & T.. 97% — 'HC & S 5%5..100 105 First Nat ....205 — ;L. A L Co 6s. — 100 I-ron P & A... 125 — Do gntd 65.. — 100 Mer Exchange 10 15 ; Market-st 65.. — 126 Xcv Nat B 152%160 ! Do Ist M 55.. — U3->; Savings Banks- Nat Yin 6s Ist — 97 ! Ger S & L..1400 1600 iNC NG Ry75.103 — Hum S & L 1050 1160 N Ry Cal 65.. 107% — Mutual Saw — 42% i N Ry Cal 55..1C0% — S F Say U.. — 500 PC R R 68.108 — S& L 50.... — < 100 NPC R R 55. 100% — Security S B 250 — ; Oak Gas r5...100 — Union T Co. 950 — 1 Do 2d Is 10594110 Street Railroad— ;Om Ry 6s 123% — California 108% — i P & O 6s 110 — I Geary 40 — !P&CI Ry 68.108 — Market-st .... 51% 62 1 Powell. st 65. ..118 — Presidio .......— 9% Reno "A - L&L..100 — Powder- Sac Elecßyos.loo — California ....115 150 ISF &N P 55. 107 107% E Dynamite .. 85 — SierraßCal 6s. — 102% [Giant Con Co 44% 44 i S P of Ar 6a.104%104'4 Vigorit Z\i 3V. S P Cal 65... .— 113 Miscellaneous— SPC Is ctr 55.. — 96 AI Pac Assn.. 93% 94 W, S P Br 6s 11l 114 Ger Ld Wks..lio' — B V Wat 65...116 7 *, — Hana P C 0.... 12 15 S V Wat 45... — 102% H C & S Co.. 19% 19% Stock Gas 65.. — 103 Hutch S PCo. 49 49% Water Stocks— Mer Ex Assn. SO — Contra Costa.. 5$ 5834 Nat Yin C 0... — "7 Marin Co 50 — Oceanic S Co. 60% 60% Spring Valley.loo%loo% Pac A F L... 1% 2Vi Gas <fe Electric — Pac Bot C 0.. .101 — Cent Qasllght.los — Par Paint Co. 7 — Mutual El Co. — 12 Morning Session. ' • 60 Contra Costa Water 68 50 40 do ' do ■ .......... ...;;... ....... 58 75 10 Giant Powder C0n. .'f.'.'.. ..K. ;.. 4425 200 Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar...... 19 87% 195 do do 19 75. -50' do do 19 62% 20 Hutchinson S P €0 • 48 75 20 do do 48 62% 10 Oceanic Steamship Co 6100 ■ fiO Spring Valley Water 100 25 525 Vlgorit Powder 3 00 100 do do 3 121/ 100 do, do „ 325 " • Street— . 100 Market-street Railway 51 75 15 Oceanic Steamship Co ..60 50 $14,000 Park & Cliff House 6s Bonds 107 50 Afternoon Session. 70 Alaska Packers' Association 94 00 100 Giant Powder Con 44 ;.i 20 do do 44 50 25 do do 44 62<4 50 Spring Valley Water 100 25 TO Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar 19 25 335 do do 19 50 50 Hutehlnson S P Co 48 62^ 70 do do 48 87Va 70 do do 49 00 50 do do 49 25 20 Oceanic Steamship Co 60 62ty 20 do do 80 50 10 do do 60 37% 10 do do 60 75 1M Vigorit Powder 3 25 300 do do 33714 175 do do 3 50 Street— .. r-.-N BO California-street Railway 108 50 100 Market-street Railway 5175 60 Oceanic Steamship Co 6100 15 Pacific Coast Borax .......10125 INVESTMENT BOARD. Morning Session. lOOVlgorlt Powder — 3 00 40Market-st R R Co 6150 Afternoon Session. 25 Giant Powder, b 3 44 00 25 Contra Costa Water Co 59 00 MINING STOCK& Following were the sales in the San Fran cisco Stock Board yesterday: • Morning Session. 1 00 Alpha ...; 04 J 100 Crown Point ... 12 £00 Belcher 11 WO Hale & Norcrs. 90 100 Bullion .: 06 I 200 ...... 89 100 Challenge 25! 150 Mexican 20 100 .:.... ....; 26 ?00 Overman ..OS lOOChollar 18 1000 . 09 200 Con Cal & Va.. 54 . 100 Potosl 21 Afternoon Session. ■ : 100 Belcher 10 100 Gould & Curry.. 21 £00 Best • & - Belcher 26 100 Mexican . . ; 19 W0 Bullion .......... 06 100 Ophlr 34 »00 Challenge ....... 23 ! 100 Overman ....... 03 100 22 «00 Sierra Nevada.. 48 200 Con Cal & Va.. 47 100 Utah ............ 05 $00 . . ,46 1 100 Yellow Jacket... 24 Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: Morning Session. 1700 Alpha 03 SOO Ophlr .. 83 500 Andes 08 1 >on Overman 10 100 Best & Belcher. 30 500.. 0 1200 Challenge ...... 25 500 OS tOO ...... ........ 24 200 Potosl 2J 500 Chollar -IS 100 Savage 12 200 Con Cal & Va.. S3 200 Sierra Nevada.. 56 »0 .. 54 100 . .... 55 UOOCrown Point .. 12 100 ................... M 500 Gould & Curry. • 21 100 Union Con ■ ... . . . 10 200 Justice ..10 I ! 00. Yellow Jacket... 25 150 Mexican ........ 20 Afternoon Session. 200Alta ... IJI' 100 •••• ............ 9-J JOW Bent & Belcher. 27 100 :. ...... 95 >00 Caledonia ....... 200. 9( j 200...... .....'.....•• 24 200 Mexican ........ 19 tOO ............ • 23 200 Ophlr 35 500 Challenge . ••• 21 '00 Overman ."OS 1500 Chollar ......... 1» .00 Potosl ..; ...21 100 Con Cal & Va. . 60 800 ............ 19 200 ...... 4*. 200 Sierra Nevada.. 48 $00 Confluence ** '"0 Union Con ...... 11 $00 Crown Point ... 12 ,00 10 100 Gould & Curry.- 21 500 Yellow Jacket... 23 Hale & Norcrs I _92^ CLOSING QUOTATIONS. ; .. FRIDAY, May 27-4 p. m. '■ Bid. Ask. : v. . BltJ.Ask. Alpha .......... 03 -04 Justice .......... 08 - 0:1 Alta ;..-....•...'.. 10 11 Kentuck ..:.... — 01 Andes ..:.......' 08 09 Lad Wash .... — 02 Belcher-;....... 10 H Mexican ....... IS 19 Best & Eelcher - . 23 27 ! Occidental ....". 65 — Bullion -■'■ ■......" ;".'-»■ 05 06 ?phir :......'..... 34 '33 Caledonia • . • .'. . . •21 ;23 Overman ..... ... OS 03 "hollar ..::..... 15 ,17 Pot.^l ........... 20 21 Challenge Con. 20 - 22 ravage r. ........ 10 Ml Con Cal & Va. 45 47 -t-R Belcher ... 03 . 03 Confldence ..... — A ' : corpion .. — 02 Con Imperial .. — 02 Sierra; Nevada. 48 50 Drown Point ... 12 I 4 Silver Hill .... 05 06 300 .New York.' — . 01 Syndicate ...... — 04 Kureka Con ... — -JO Standard :...... —150 Exchequer .:...— 03 Union Con ... ; . —. 12 3ould & Curry. 19 , 21 /tan :...........: 04 . M Hale & Norcrs. 95 — Yellow Jacket. 22 24 Julia ....... ■-":.. f- 02 , Will Observe the Holiday. : : The Custom ; House, the Appraiser's \ de partment, the i'-. Federal Courts * and tbo other Federal offices will Vbe .c closed yon Monday, Memorial ; d4y, . th^at > \>e{oe %' le gal holiday. - :> , ; -- ; - - CHRISINGER VERY ALIVE One of the Nail Case Witnesses Irate. HE WAS POSTET AS DEAD THINKS THE ANNOUNCEMENT WAS MALICIOUS. In the Meantime Other Parties to the Church Scandal Are Scouring Around for a Beason of the Humor. Oakland Office Saij Francisco Call, 908 Broadway, May 27. A little notice stating that P. B. Chris inger, a resident of North Oakland, had died, was sent to the newspapers last night. The notice was as follows: "Died, P. C. Chrißiuger, Wednesday evening, while at tending a meeting of the Thirty-fourth Street Methodist Episcopal Church; be waa called upon to give testimony and waa stricken down and died suddenly. Cause, heart trouble. Arrangements for the funeral will be announced later." P. B. Chrisinger was one of the parties who signed the formal complaint against George Nail, superintendent of the church Sunday-school, which resulted in the re cent sensational trial. At this trial one of the most interested witnesses was Erasmus T. Leavell, an elderly man who, it is said, is responsible for the notices of Chrisinger's death. An investigation showed that the death notice is entirely false. There was no meeting of the church Wednesday evening, and Mr. Chrisinger is at present alive and enjoy ing excellent health. He declares that the circulation of the death notice is a plot ! to bring him into an unpleasant compli- ] cation. "Do I look like a dead man?" asked Mr. i Chrisinger to-day. "I certainly don't feel like a corpse, nor can I understand what i under the sun could set people to circu lating such a story. I was at the prayer meeting Wednesday night, but no one dropped dead. I would like to know what j Mr. Leavell means. 1 suppose they are still trying to draw me into the church trouble. I was class leader there for two I years, and while this cnurch trial was in ! progress they were trying to drag me into j it. One women said I had made the as- j sertion that there was not adecent woman < in the congregation. When she was called before the church committee to repeat it she said it was some other man that made the assertion. It happened that there were two ladies present when she said I had made the statement, and they were ready to testify I had said nothing of the kind. "Now, I suppose, somebody wants to prejudice me in the church. 1 was a wit ness at the recent trial and told just what i I knew and no more. The matter now | rests with the committee, and nobody i knows what the decision will be." In the meantime the other members in volved in the church scandal are trying to discover a reason for the circulation of i the report of Chrisinger's death. The bit ter feeling engendered since Jhe filing of the complaint is growing rather than de- | creasing, and itis not beyond the bounds of ; possibility that the unpleasant affair may j yet have a tragic ending. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Sigmund and Rosalie Stern to Mary A. De lameter. lot on S line of Broadway, 77:2% E of ! Octavia street, S 133 :S by E 62:9%; $L Patrick H. Herlihy to Frances M. Herlihy, lot on S line of Vallejo street. 137:6 W of Pierce. W 27:6 by S 137:6; gift. William F. and Georgle A. Mau to Mrs. Ot tilia Mau, lot on S line of Broadway. 125 W of Baker street, W 100 by S 132:7%; $10. Ann Riley to John Riley, lot on W line of Mission street. H6 S of Slxt<¥:nth, S 23 by W j 100; also lot in Solano County: gift. Alary Douning or Downing to Hanora Burns, | lot on S line of Liberty street, 205 W of Dolo res, W 25 by S 114; $10. Hibernia Savings and Loan Society to J. B. , and Kate Marshall, lot on S line of Liberty ■ street, 325 E of Castro, E 25 by S 114; $10. Margaret and Getirge R. Munroe to Frank H. Hodgi\ lot on N\V line of Market street. 11S:4V 4 NE of Caftro. NE 25 by N\V 90; $10. Estate of Catherine Sloane (Wakefleld) (by Peter Allen and Henry B. Isaacs, executors) to Albert and Louise Katz, lot on N line of Alvarado <M> street, 350 E of Guerrero, E 25 I by N 114: $ll'.O. i Cnvington Johnson to Justin and Marie Tara i vellpr. lot on SW corner of Ewer (Commercial I place) and Mason streets, S £0, W 60, S 38, W ! 25:10, N 58. E 85:10; $10. Robert Bragg Sr. to Robert Jr. and Frank ■ Bragg, lot on SW line of Main street. 220 SE of Folsom. SW 137:6 by SE 30; $10. Sarah J. and C. J. Cheney to John Armstrong, lot on E line of Twentieth avenue, 275 N of B street. N 25 by E 120; pft Fannie Mott to William Harvard, lots 293 and 295, gift map 8; $10. Mary Douning or Downing to Hanora Burns, lot on N line of Seventeenth avenue, 100 E of R street E 25 by N 100, lot 29, block 334, Haley Tract: $10. Lean Christensen 'wife of Andrew) to R. H. Jagoe and Charles Ellis, lot on SE line of Chen ery street, 256 NE of Miguel. NE 19:10 by SB 100, lot 16. block W, Fairmount; $10. W H. Kenny (by X. Block, tax col lector) to O L. Fitz, undivided one-half inter- I est In lot 9, block 454. Bay View Homestead i Association, tax deed; $2. G. L. Fitz to William Wolfsohn, undivided one-half interest In same: grant. P. C. 11. Sloan to Peter Allen and Henry B. Isaacs, all interest in estate of Catherine Sloane, quitclaim deed; $1. James LMdln to Ellen Connolly (wtfe of Thomas), lot on E line of Guerrero street. 810:6 S of Twenty-fourth. S 23:4 by E 125; gift. Jacob and Lina Heyman to Martha L. Dletz, lot on N line of Alvarado street, 175 W of Hoffman (Ellen), W 25. N 57:5, NE 32:4. S 75:9, lot 157. Heyman Tract: $10. Ellen McKernan to Annie McKernan. lot on SE line of Sherwood plnco. ISO NE of Third street. NE 40 by SE S5; gift. Same to same, lot on S line of Seventeenth street. 2G0:3 E of Sanchez. E 25 by B 100; gift. Same to same and Mary Mangan (trustee for Philip McKernan), lot on SE line of Sherwood place. 160 NE of Third street, NE 2u by SE 55 (trust deed); $1. Same to Mary Mangaji. lot on X line of Guerrero street, 250:5 S of Seventeenth. S 20:3 by E 96:9; gift. John Elliott to Eunice Elliott, lots 541, 543, 54 r >, 547 and 649, gift map 2: gift. Laura Rapp to Jean M. Bourda, lot 89, Ben Franklin Homestead Association; $10. Peter J or J P Quinn to El Dorado Loan Association, lot on N line of Clipper street, 152:9 E of Sanchez. E 25:11 by N 114: $10. John H. and Margaret E. Gallivan to Fran cis H Jones, lot on W line of Eighteenth ave nue. ICO N of C stieet, N M !>y W 120; ?10. Francis 1!. and Sara M. Wilde to Robert Mc- Millan lot on NW comer of X street and Fortv-slxtb avenue. W 82:6 by N 100; also lot on NE corner of Forty-seventh avenue and X street E 107 6 by N 100: also lot on E line of Forty-second avenue. 100 N of Q street, N 50 by E 120- also undivided one-half of the fol lowing- Lot on SW corner of J str-.-et and Forty-sixth avenue, W 32:5 by S 100: lot on W line of Forty-elxth avenue, 250 S of J street. R 50 by W 120; lot on E line of Forty-seventh avenue 100 N of X street. M 50 by E 120; lot onE line of Forty-seventh avenue. ]00 S of J street S 50 by E 120; lot on S line of J street 57-6 \V of Forty-sixth avenue, W 50 by S 100;' $10. * , _ Alameda County. Mountain View Cemetery. Association to J. H Murray and 11. B. . Fahrenholz, lot So. In plot 34. Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland T Frederick Herdel to Charles W. Estate Frederick Herdel to Charles VS. Heyer .38 of an acre,- being survey No. 3. or lot 45 on Official Connected Plat Extension Mis sion San Jose: also lot on SW corner above de scribed and Washington street. ; S to SW , cor ner, above, W 69 S 72. E 73, to . beginning. Washington Township: $1230: , _ ■■ -■. - Susan F. Condon to Lucy F. Packer, lots 1, 2. 6. 8, 10 and 11, block 8, same, Brooklyn Town- Marie <L. Troost to Justus ■. M. Reynolds, lot on S line ■of Central avenue, . 60 . E of Regent street. E 57.31, S 153.68, V/ 56.9, N 147 to begin ning:. Alameda; $10. :_. . V-i; -. • • ; ,;■ ' Treat P. Clark to Lillian M. E. Clark, - lot on S line of.E Twenty-fourth street, 375 E of Twenty-first avenue. E ICO by S 110, block 75, Northern Addition to Brooklyn; East Oakland; SB 'and Gertrude E..T7ry to Etta Scheafer (wife -of L.>. lot . H. block *9, San ;Leandro,' Ed»n Township: grant. ".■: ."• - j A. Falrchild to .Warren G. Fairchlld, un divided 1-5 Interest 10 ■ acres, being lot 11, : and 25 18 acres, being. lot I*. map of property. J. A. Rose Pleasanton. Murray Township: gift. \V B. and Sarah ' J. Stone to Lizzie de Ver ner, lot on N line of Edwards i street. - : 650 - E of Telegraph ' avenue, -B- 50 by N 125, being lot 14. Pacific Theological Seminary Tract, • Oak- Edward P. ! Flint to Niels M. Martin, lot on V." corner of Pearl street and ■ WaJsworth ' ave nue,' NW 240.80,- SW 117.19, -E 227.76. ME 138.60. to beginning, : being lots 2 to •5, block .C, Flint Tract Map !2, ' Oakland; $10. ' :■> .■••■-•--/■■:-' '■-* ■■ ■■■■■ Ella Beach ;to George - Lydlksen. lot on NE WH& of E Twej4j'-«fvealh street/ 3^o §E'J^e Auction Sales M AUCTION SALE . THIS DAY. SATURDAY :........ ..MAY 2S.;iS9B fe* At U a. m. j^fc By Order of Probate Court, at J. H. SWAIN'S LIVERY STABLE, 417 FOLSOM ST., NEAR FIRST, We Will Sell 7 HEAD LIVERY HORSES. 5 TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES. ' ; 1 CARRIAGE. HARNESS, ROBES, ETC.. ETC. KJLLIP & CO.. Auctioneers. 11 Montgomery street. AUCTION SALE* , OF ""> ■ BANKRUPT STOCK. THE ST. LOUIS JEWELRY COMPANY'S entire stock of $SO,OOO worth of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. CUT GLASS. STER- LING SILVER NOVELTIES, ART GOODS. ETC., will be sold regardless -of cost at 1036 Market st. Sale opens FRIDAY at 2 p. m. i , H. L. REED. Auctioneer. MAGNIFICENT FURNITURE. | THIS : DAY (SATURDAY). AT 11 A. M. 1125 GEARY , ST., NEAR VAN NESS AYE. FRANK W. BUTTERFIELD, 602 Market. teenth avenue. SE 80 by NE 140, block 92, Northern Addition to Town or - Berkeley, East Oakland; $10. - Oakland ■ Loan and Investment Company to Edgar Gorham, lot on S line of Todd street, 50 E of Occidental. E 100 by S 136, being lots 2 1 and 3, block J, Paradise Park, Berkeley; 3«io. • J. F. and May E. Ives to O. E. Derby, lot on E line of Spauldlngr avenue, 183:10 S of Ban croft way, S 189, E 255.50, N IS9, W 258.10 to be ginning, being: lots 7 to 12, block 4, Spaulding Tract, Berkeley; $10. George and Anna E. Lydiksen to Ella Beach, lot on E line of Cameron street. 270 S of Jack son, S SO by E 100, being the S one-fifth of lot 2, Ghlrardelll Tract, Brooklyn Township, sub ject to a mortgage for $650; $10. Benjamin W. Ferris to James Ranklin and Henry Mohr. lot on SW corner lof Palmetto street and Boston avenue, W 100 by S 129.75, being lots 23 to 28, block B, Prospect Hill Tract, Brooklyn Township: $10. •.*;■""; Annie Hart to Gustav Sassenberg, lot on N line of Eagle avenue, 50 E of Wood street, E 50 by N 100, lots 3 and 4, block 3,' Chapin Tract, Alameda; $10. • • ------ "■■■ ■ W. F. and Maria A. Pierce to D. Edward Col ling, lot on NE corner of Park avenue and Haven street, E 162 by N 125, block 13, map of portion of plat 6, • Rancho V. & D. Peralta, Oakland Township; also lot on N line 1 of Park avenue, 25 W of Haven street, W 100 by N 125. being portion of block 16 In plat 6, same, .Oak land Township; $10. K. L. Fltz (wife of G. L.) to Daniel "Wilson, lot on NW corner of Dwight way and Tremont street, N 135.48, W. 60, S 138, E 50 to beginning, being lot 2, block 6, Barker Tract, Berkeley, quitclaim deed; $5. . . ■ Sunol Land and Improvement Company (cor poration) to A. S. Baldwin, same four descrip tions as in deed of Sunol Land and Improve ment Company to A. S. Baldwin In transcript No. 2217, April 20, 189S, Murray Township, to correct 607 d 135: $10. Thomas Hallaban to Rose Hallahan, lot on E line of Market street, 100 X of Thirtieth, N 60 by E 115,' being lot 22 and N half of lot 23, block 2033, Rowland Tract, Oakland; also all interest in shares of stock of North Shore Packing Company; gift. Richard and Nancy J. Bowdich to Benjamin Healey. lot on E line of Adeline street, 210:6 N of Twenty-sixth E 127 by S 26. block N, Northern Extension to Oakland. Oakland ; $10. Oakland Loan and 'Investment Company to Morris Lobner, lot on W line of Peralta street, 40 S of Fourteenth, S 22 by W 100, block 7?6A, Oakland; $10. Albert O'Brien to Amelia O'Brien, 5 acres beginning at a point in W line of county road. Hay wards, to Redwood Canyon, NW 2853:7 from center of Matrox road, thence NW 907 by SE 241:2. Eden. Township; $10. George •W. Buttner to Caroline M. Buttner, beginning at a point on line dividing lands of Buttner and J. B. Alameda, 1.69 chains from E line of 100-foot right of way of Central Pa cific Railroad, thence NW/1.69 chains. SW 5.54 chains, E 3.16 chains. NE 3.30 chains to begin ning, being a portion ■of SE V* of section 8, township 4 S, range 1 E, Murray Township; gift. > ;.t' -■■ •-.■.=••■■ ■ ■ ■■-■■ ■■■-. ■■ - ■ Samuel. Coy (by tax collector) to M. McCann, 11.27 acres,' being lot 24, *• Batchelder rancho, Murray Township: $10. -.'- ■ M. McCann to Sunol Land and Improvement Company, same, Murray Township, quitclaim deed; $10. - ! Alexander and Louise Campbell, Morris and Jeannie K. Lobner to Franz Loebel, lot on S line of Piedmont avenue, 57:4 W of Moss, SW 25 by SE 100, being lot 7, map Salisbury & Campbell's resubdivislon of block A, Oakland Heights Tract, Oakland; $10. Aage and Ida Wiegandt to same, lot on SE line of Piedmont avenue, 32:4 SW of Moss. SW 25 by BE 100, being lot 8, same, Oakland; $10. Hannah B. Dingley to Mary T. Lyon, lot on SW line of East Seventeenth street, 100 SE of Seventh avenue. SE 50 by SW 100, block M. Clinton. East Oakland: $10. Charles Babb to .lames Rankin and Henry Mohr. lot 25, resubdlvision of block B. Pros pect Hill Tract, Brooklyn Township, quitclaim deed; $5. -A. L. and Abbie C. Payne to same. lot 23, resubdlvlsion of block B, Prospect Hill Tract. Brooklyn Township, quitclaim deed;- $5. J. C. Hewlett, Annie P. Balrd (wife of R. H.) and Emily Kelton (wife of .A. H.) to Frank HdWlett. lot on SE corner of St. Charles street and Buena Vista avenue, E 131:7 by S 125, being lots 1,-2 and 3, block G, Taylor & Page Tract, Alameda: $10. Alice M. Waltt to Pauline Waitt, lot on S line of Tenth street. 75 E of Harrison. E 75 by S 100. block 122. Oakland; gift. Oakland Bank of Savings to Ella J. Saxton (wife of I. L.). lot on X comer of East Eight eenth street and Seventh avenue. NE 50 by NW 150. block 103. Clinton. East Oakland: $3500. E. B. Pond and 11. C. Campbell (trustees - for George Knapp) to San • Francisco Savings Union, 472 d 441, lot on S line of Carrison street. 125 E of San Pablo avenue, E 100. S 125.37, W 100, N 123.07 to beginning, being lots 7 and 8, block D. Carrison Tract, , Berkeley, trustees" deed; $61.". ' Same to same , S"C d 37. lot on SE corner of Carrison street and San Pablo avenue. E 123, S 123.07, W 125. N 120.20 to beginning, being lots 4. 5 and 6, block D. Carrison tract. Berke ley- also lot on SW corner of Carrison and Newton streets, W 368.85. S 129.96 E 3G4.92. N 138.40 to beginning, being lots 13 to 20. block D. except lot 16 on above, tract, trustees' deed, Berkeley: $2980. . . .... R. P. and Nellie M. Smith to Enclnal B. L. Association, lot on S line of Buena Vista ave nue, 110 W of Paru street, W 50 by S 150. (Note— This deed is given to avoid deficiency judgment In case of foreclosure of 527 m 43S for $1200.) Alameda; $1. . j. Same to same, lot on E line cf Stanton street, 150 Nof Pacific avenue. N 32.27 by E 101.23, portion of Powers Tract. . (Note— This* deed is given to avoid deficiency judgment in case of foreclosure of 526 m 259 for $1100.) Alameda: $1. Gustav Sassenberg to Tiiekla Sassenberg. lot on N line of Easrle avenue. 50 E of Wood street.. E 50 by N 100, being lots 3 and. 4. block 8, Chapln Tract. Alameda: gift. Millicent E. Harris to Adolph breiling, lot on E line of Weber street. 475 S of Central ave nue. S 50 by E 100. being portion of Enclna! Park Tract. Alameda: 510. • ■ . • a Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, 025 KEABXY ST. Established in 1854 for the treatment of Private DiseHses, Lost Manhood. .Debility or i disease wearing on bodyand mind and i Skin Diseases. Thedoctorcureswheti others fall. Try him. Charges low. _J i,'areiienarantrra. Callorwrlte. Dr. I. *'. GIBBON, Box 1937, San Francisco. OCEAN TRAVEL. "blue star~lin¥ To St. Michael. Damson City and Inter- mediate River Points. New steamship "Charles Nelson" will be' dis- patched' June' 2. connecting ■ with company's own Yukon River fleet." consisting of four lame modern equipped steamers, •• built by Morun Tiros, of' Seattle, and now en route for St. Michael. SI'FOIAL. ATTENTION called to the fact that ~ coal .will be used exclusively on - river boats, v insuring most rapid passage possible, : Company's ' responsibility -. guarantees con- tracts. For passage and freight apply, to BLUE STAR LINE; 1 18 California i St.. > or its agencies. References. CAPTAIN ' CHARLES ■ NELSON. 6 California st. Telephone Drum 22. -:;■ - DIRECT TO PARIS. LONDON. HAMBURG. A. Victoria .S. June ■ 16 1 F. ■ Bismarck:. .".July 23 F Bismarck.. ..June 30 A. Victoria.. August 11 '■"TWIN-SCREW." PASSENGER : SERVICE. NEW YORK-HAMBURG I DIRECT. ./ V;- Patria ■.;....":.■.: June <: Pennsylvania.. June 25 Phoenicia. V. . . June :S I Palatia : . .'. . . ; .". ; July - 2 ':■■■ Hamburg-American Line, 37 Broadway, N. T. HERZOG & CO., General Agents Pacific Coast. 401 California St., . cor. Sansome. ■ San Francisco. FOR U. S. NAVY-YARD AND VALLEJO. ' . Steamer "Montlcello". Men., Tues.. Wed.. ' Thuri. ■■■ and . Sat:. . . 9:45 a. m., - 3:15 n m. (8:80 p. m. ex. Thur«.) Fridays v.~.... "....1 1 p. m. and ! 8:30 .p. ; m. Sundays .......... ......;.10:30 a. m. and 8 p. in. Landing and Offices— Mission Dock,' Pier 3. ' '■ . ■■ r • ■■ Telephone. Bed 2241. GREAT DISPERSAL SALE Under Instructions of I. K. MOFFITT, Trustee, J^j ALL THE Stallions, Brood Mares, Colts, Fillies and Geldings BRED BY WILLIAM CORBITT At the Celebrated San Mateo Stock Farm, (The former home of Guy Wllkes, 2:l5Vi) ] To Take Place at the Farm, Burlingame, Cal. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1898, AT 10 O" CLOCK A. M. As well bred as any in America, and many of ; them the dams ot winners. The Great Young Stallion, PRINCE AIRLIE! By Guy Wilkes, dam by Nutwood. 44 Filljes, Colts and Geldings, Ranging i'rom 1 to 6 years old, all the get o? GUT WILKES. 2:1.v t . SABL : WILKES (3). 2:18. OKO WILKES, 2ii. and PRINCE AIRLIB In addition to these are 22 suckling colts, ; which will go with the dams, the majority by 1 Oro Wllkes, the rest by Prince Alrlle. The Stock Is AH in Fine Condition This sale Is Imperative, and everything of- ! fered must be sold absolutely and without re- serve. i A lot of sulkies, carts, horse boots and blank- ets will be disposed of at private sale at low prices. Those not sold by June 2 will be sold j at auction. Cntaloguea now ready. Take 9 a. m. or 10:40 a. m. train from Third and Townsend streets. KILIP & CO.. Livestock Auctioneers. 11 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. , OCEAN TBAV£V Pacific Coast Steamship Co. v. Steamers leave Broadway fcajh—- wharf, San Francisco. ■ \ '■'?£***> or Alaskan ports, 10 a. m.. i tflgKiiMafc May 1. 6. 11, 16. 21. 26. 31. Jun» i Hfc ■Kfffj 5'5 ' transfer at Seattle. ffHv9l IB 3 " or Alaskan ports (from I Sa&SfcS^n&M Folsom-street wharf). 10 a. m.. I r^^&WS&S May 18, June 5 26. July 17. •J' August 4. 25. transfer at Port- For Victoria, Vancouver (8.C.). Port Towns- end. Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacortes and New Whatcom (Wash.), 10 a. m., May 1, , «. II 16 21 26 31. June 5. and every fifth day thereafter, connecting at Seattle , with .this com- Sl^h cr N. rO p. A R a Sk %rVa nco luve^-w»X1 uve^-w»X For Eureka (Humboldt Bay). 10 a- m.. May 2 8 14 20. 26. June 1. and every sixth d %r tlie sSta eP Cn,». Monterey. San Simeon. Cayuoos, Port Harford (San Luis Obispo). Gavlota. Santa Barbara. Ventura. Huenern* San Pedro. East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport. 9 a. m.. May 1.-6. 9. 13. ".21. 25. 29. June 2. and every fourth day thereafter. „„ For San Diego, stopping only at I .->rt Har- ford (San Luis Obispo), Santo Barbara. Port Los Angeles and Rednndo .(Los Angeles). 11 a. m.. May 3. 7, 11. 15, 19, 23. 27, 31. Juna 4. and every fourth day thereafter. _ • For Ensenada, Megdalena Bay, San Jose dsi Cabo. Mazatlan, Altata. La Paz, Santa Rosa- lia and Guaymas (Mex.), 10 a. m.. May i». June 10, and 2d of each month thereafter. For further information obtain folder. The company reserves the right to chaw without previous notice steamers, sailing dates and hours of Bailing. TICKET OFFICE—* New Montgomery atreet (Palace Hotel). COODALL, PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts.. 10 Market St., San Francisco. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. |^ For SEATTLE 111 l *n1 TACOMA Direct. r^^||||£p The New. • Past and Elegant SENATOR, Carrying Freight and Passengers. Will Leave Broadway Wharf San yrancisco. ■ SATURDAY. MAY 28. at 10 A. M. Ticket Office.' 4 New Montgomery street. ' GOODALL, PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agtß.. 10 Market street. San Francisco. THE 0. R, & N. CO. DISPATCH FAST STEAMERS TO PORTLAND From Folßom-street Wharf at 10 a. m. FADE SI2 First Class Including Berth IHIiL $8 Second Class and Meals. ~- SCHEDULE OF FAILINGS: 0reg0n.:.......... .....May 6, 15. 24 Columbia..... May 9, 18. XI State of California.. May 13, 21. SO St. Paul $16 00 1 St. Louis $32 00 Kansas City 26 00 1 Chicago 27 50 Omaha 26 00 New York 3100 ■ "■ E. C. WARD. General Agent. 630 Market at. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO.. Superintendents. AMERICAN and RED STAR LINES. •NEW YORK, QUEENSTOWN, SOUTHAMP- .■-.... . TON. .-.•:,».;'?**' NEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON, ANTWERP. Steamers sail unfler , Belgian or British flags. Kensington ....June 8 Noordland June 15 Berlin June 111 Frlesland June 22 PHILADELPHIA, QUEENSTOWN, LIVER- POOL. Steamers sail : under Belgian flag. Waesland June 4 Rhynland June 11 EMPIRE LINE. TO ALASKA AND ■ THE GOLDFIELDS. Steamers formerly employed in trans- Atlantlo services of the International Navigation Com- pany and specially refitted for this service. S. S. Ohio, 3500 tons, from Seattle, June 13. S S. Indiana. 3500 tons, from Seattle, June 22. S. S. Pennsylvania, 2500 tons, from Seattle, June 29. Connecting with the company's own fleet of 18 new and modern steamers and barges on the Yukon River, through to Dawson City and intermediate points. For passage and freight apply to .INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO.. 30 Montgomery St. y" Or any of its Agencies. xg£F*^ /OGSPSJ S9 S&SfI Sailing of June Ist Kpt^rWs\^^^nE^' or H° nolulu canceled. M Ha J-— -^ ' The s - s MOANA ©■Wailllfl Sailing of June Ist • Pmifl!w' or Honolulu canceled. fc" 1 . The S. S. MOANA 7a x / > T N sails via Honolulu and »^^S^t{MfTi r ,h!n^ Auckland for Sydney s^£s«.W G/ I **'"' J Wednesday. June 15, *o^s*^ (o!lU3(tp.y-* at - p - m - Line to COOLGARDIE, Australia, and CAPB TOWN, South Africa. J. D. SPRECKELS & BROS. CO., Agents, 114 Montgomery street. Freight office— 327 Market St., San Francisco. Compagnie Generate Transatlantiquß. ; French Line to Havre. , : Company's Pier (new), 42 North _^»^a» River - foot of Morton st. Travelers < .TfETT*> lii- this line avoid both transit by**^*^** English railway and the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small boat. New York to Alexandria Egypt, via Paris, first-class. JIM; second-class, $116. ■ .. • _* ■ . .. LA BOURGOGNE ....June 4, 10 a. m. LA^ TOCRAIXE.... June 11, 10 a. m. LA- GASCOGNE June 18. 10 a. m. LA BBETAONB .........June 25, 10 a. m. I. A BOURGOGNE. .•...- ....July 2.10 a.m. COWAGNffi '"^IENERALE "TRANSATLAN- TIQUE. Agent, : ■ _ , -■; .... . No : - 3 , Bowling Green, New York. '■•: J.F.FUOAZI & CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery aye.. San Francisco. .. ; '*.:. ANCHOR . LINE •: United States Mall Steamships'. Sail from New York every Saturday for - Glasgow via Londonderry. Rates for Saloon Passage— City ! of Rome, $60; other steamers, $50. :;**"■".'■; '■'-:■'■'■. r-" r r";v ■ Second Cabin— Rome, 142 50; Fur: essta, $37 50; other steamers 535.- •'. ' ■ • ; ■Steerage < Passage— Rome. $25 GO; Furnessia, $?■! SO; other steamers,- $23 CO. .v ".'«.'. For nook of Tours and Information," apply ,to HENDERSON BROTHERS, General Agents. 7 Bowling; Green, Nev York: or J. T FUGAZI, . 5 Montgomery st. Kor L. F. COCKROFT, ■ 114 Montgomery st.; -or:R. * R. RITCHIE," I Mew t Montgomery. St., San Francisco. '-. - ' ;-»i- : i; 11