Newspaper Page Text
12 SAN FRANCISCO CALL.. BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call, corner of Market and Third streets. x>pen until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S27 Montgomery street corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. 357- Hayes street; open until 9:30 o'clock. £21 McAllister street; open until 9:30 o'clock. 615 Larkln street; open until 9:30 o'clock. 1641 Mission street: open until 10 o'clock. 2261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open until 9 o'clock. •: ' -^ ..-. -'-: 106 Eleventh street: open until 9 o'clock. 2526' Mission street: open until 9 o'clock.. 1505 Polk street; open until 9:30 o'clock. KW, corner Twenty-second and. Kentucky streets ; " open until 9 o'clock. CHIKCH NOTICES. FIRST ChureTi of. [Christ. Scientist, Central ■ block 223 Sutter St., between Kearny and Grant aye.-At 11 a. m.. Christian Science Bible lessons: subject, "Jesus' Last Observ- a nce of the Eassover." Sunday school for children at the same hour. "Science and Health" study Thursday at S p. m. All are welcome. _j CALVARY Presbyterian Church, comer Powell and Geary sts., Hey. John HemphUl, D. 1)., pastor Services at U a. m. and 7:tr. p. m. Professor W. H. Landon. D. ]>.. will preach morning and .venlng. Topic (a. m.). "Peace Through War," a Memorial Day sermon. Topic (p. in.), "Messiah's Messenger." Chil- dren may be presented- for baptism at tlie beginning of the morning service. Music (a. m.). "Recessional Hymn," Rudyard Kipling; "De Koven," barytone solo, Louis Weer, with chorus by choir; offertory, "Save Me, O God" (Randegger), tenor solo. Willis Bacheller. Music (p. m.), anthem. "I Am Alpha and Omega" (J. Stelner). bass solo and chorus; offertory, "I'm a Pilgrim" (Marston), alto solo and quartet, Mrs. Sedgley Reynolds. All are made welcome. iIMPSON Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, corner Hayes and Buchanan sts.. Rev. John ' Stephens, pastor, residence 309 Halght st.— Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. The pastor will preach at both services. Toplo at 11 a. m., "Crowned With Glory and Honor." At 7:45 p. m.. "The Mission of the English-Speaking Race." Sunday-school at 12-30 p. m., C. B. Perkins, superintendent. Epworth Leage meeting at 6:30 p. m. Prayer- meetlng, Wednesday evening at 7:4 a. The public cordially invited to all the services of this church. Seat 3 free. Ushers In attend- ance. GRACE Methodist Episcopal Church, corner Twenty-first and Capp sts. 11-v. J. N. Beard D.D.. pastor; residence. SlbS Twenty- fi-=t Bt The pastor will preach morning and evening. Morning sermon. 11 a. m.j subject. "Life's Plans"; evening sermon, >:4j o clocK ; subject. "Two Wars— Civil and Foreign Sunday school. 12:45 p. m. ; J. ,E. Pescott. superintendent. Epworth League service, C3O p. m. Class meetings, 10 a. m. and (5:30 p m Prayer meeting, Wednesday even- ing. Seats free and everybody welcome at all of our services. - ST PAUL'S Episcopal Church, California St., ■ near Steiner— Rector, Rev. W. M. Rellly. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Children s service, with sermon, at 9:30. Morning ' prayer, sermon by the rector and holy com- munion at 11. At 7:45 P. m. Whitsunday choral even sone by vested choir of men women and boys. David W. Loring. musical director; J. B. Warburton. organist. CHURCH of the Advent, Eleventh St., near i Market— Morning service at 11 o'clock. Special I musical service In the evening at 7:40. at , which senice the entire offering will be do- j nated to the Red Cross Society. Patriotic ' music by the full vested choir of fifty men ; • and boys. Address by the rector. Archdeacon Emery- -"« public invited. All seats free. THE First Unitarian Church, southwest corner Geary and Franklin sts.. Rev. Dr. Stebblns minister; Charles A. Murdock. superintendent of Sunday-school-The Sunday-schoo is at 10 o'clock. .The morning service Is at 11 o clock. All are cordially invited. There Is no even- ing service. THE Second Unitarian Church. Twentieth and Carp sts.-A. J. Wells, pastor. Horatio Steb- blns D.D.. will preach at 11 a. m. At Bp. m. Mr. Wells will speak on "The War for Hu- manity." a memorial sermon. Seats are free. SundaY-school at 10 a. m.. Festival and sale with tableaux. Thursday and Friday after- noons and evenings. June 2 and 3. Pas- tor's residence. 924 Valencia st. FIRST Congregational Church, corner Post and Mason sts.— George C. Adams. D.D.,. pastor, will preach morning and evening, morning service, 11 o'clock'; theme. 'Peter s Catalogue"; evening service r:46 o clock, a national and memorial Bervtce in commem- oration of Decoration Day: appropriate se- lections by the choir, assisted by the Masonic quartet, who will render familiar war songs; sermon by the pastor: theme. The Pres- ent War and Manifest Destiny ; Sunday school and Bible classes at 12:45 p. m : Y. P S. C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Samuel D. Mayer, organist and choirmaster. REORGANIZED Church of Jesus Cl t : 3 4° Post Pleaching 11 a. m. by Fred B. Blair of Lamoni: at 7:45 p. m., by H. Holt, missionary to Oregon. •_ ; THE First Divine Science Church, M. E. Cramer, pastor— Subject of discourse, "Don. t Worry " Services at 11 a. m. in Yosemlte Hall " Native Sons' building. Mason St., be- tween Post and Geary. Take elevator. All are welcome. ___ THE Theosophical Society of "Universal Brotherhood." 819- Market -Lecture to- night "Capital Punishment. by H. 11. Somers: subject Tuesday night. The Ego. The International Brotherhood League meets Saturday night. Subject next Saturday. "Education." •nrEOSOPHICAL Society— Public lecture to- night at R o'clock. Odd Fellows' building. Subject: "Crosses^ by Mr. Will C. Bailey. The collection on this occasion will be glvon over to the Red Cross Society. ~ PAT MEETINGS. FREETHOUGHT. LIBERALISM. Pythian Castle. 909 Market st., 8 p. m., George Sawkins, B. A., remarks on GLORY. Great theologico-astronomlcal discourse No.lo. . THE GOSPEL MENAGERIE. . Introducing Mr. Evangelist Mat Thew and his trained lion. - ' DR M MUEH_wBRUCH reads articles, gives messages, answers questions; fectura, Charles J. Anderson, the boy orator, aged 17; 909 Market St.. 8 p. m.. San Francisco. Doctor holds circles Tuesday evenings at his parlors, Brunswick Hotel, Oakland. ■ BOCIETT of Progresslx'e Spiritullista, Occi- dental Hall. MG Larkln st.-SunJay .evening. May 29. Mrs. R. S. Llllie. speaker; subject. "The Golden Year of Spiritualism. Song service at 7:45 sharp, introducing Mrs LU- lle's new Jubilee. song book. Admission 10c. MRS WEST, clairvoyant trance medium: magnetic treatments; card readings, 25c; 462 Ninth Ft.. Henry House, room 9; readings by mail. $1 50. , JOHN SLATER, grand floral test seance to- . night at s sharp, 909 Market St.; bring flow- ers. Admission 10 cents. XinDriunes TTplritualT TpIritual Society. 909 Market st 11 free; 2-S. 10c; Dr. Carpenter. Mrs. Seily Vipers': all tests. SPIRITUAL meeting, 8 p. m. 20 Eddy st : free- scaled questions and flcwers preferred. MRS. GILLINGHAM. AT 111 Larkin st,. to-night. Katie Heussmann's publieTwt meeting; sittings dally. 115 Frank- lin Et.; 25 cents. - T7ST meeting. 8 p. m., 10c. 335 McAllister st. SUtt Nita Meakln. Hargrave. Evens, But- ler, others. MRS. EGGEKT AI7KEN will give a circle to-night. 220 McAllister St.; 25c: sittings dally. . • . ■>T_5Tl3 REYNOLDS, materializing seance; E PvTnday 2 and 8 p. m.; 50c. 322 O'Farrell st. ifRS. FULTON TULET. -materializing seance; "jj^jepdayj.lght: 50c; sittings. 1013 Geary st. ™<; T meeting. 997 Market St.. to-night; ques- ttons "ans. Mrk wrcnn; other good talent; 10c - i IMF YOUNG'S convincing test circle to- nlgnu 10c. ■'■•"•• McAllister st. fine music. r V MILLER, ethereallzinft materializing se- ance, 8 p! m :^joc___)9__Leavenworth s_. MR~S~m7xWELL COLBY. 122* Oak Bt^slt- tincf dnllv: circles Saturday evenings^ ._ MEETING NOTICES. IRISH Nationalists' Grand Literary v and musical Mtertainment In Metro- V" . jioMtan Temple, on TUESDAY EVEN II v. ING Jnne 21, celebrating the one ■ %Jljf ) hundred and thirty-fifth anniversary "<**r of Wolfe Tone's birthday, under the itus- pices of the Kniphts of Tara. REV. PETER _ YORKE orator. The committee having chanc* will meet at K. R. B. hall to-morrow (Monday) evening. ' ■ OFFICERS and members Austrian Be- -_J> nevolent Society, you are hereby no- |j__— _| tifled to assemble at Germanla Gar- Sflßp dens, Presidio. THIS DAY (SUN- PixJß DAY). 10 a. m., sharp, to partlci- .pate in twenty-eighth'annual picnic and re- union. By order M. SCANATICH. A. CONNICH, . Secretary. President. ' TWENTY-EIGHTH annual picnic and kV__^ jvunlon of the Austrian Benevolent f&Xtt Society will be held at German «Hffij_f Gardens, Presidio, SUNDAY. May i?£2§> 29. COMMITTEE. XV THIRTY-SECOND annual gathering . -cf *. and srames of the Caledonian Club 3V, imJij at Shell Mound Park, Berkeley, " i_*X_* SATURDAY. May 28. -**-snWT. .' JOHN REID. Chief. • JAS. H. DUNCAN. Sec. ■•-■-■ ORDER Sons of St. George ■ __flyv» Picnic — The eleventh annual f^pGitSJ ■ -- picnic will be held at Glen- r q\_ r ._ ' wood, in the Santa Cruz [ VV; "k^ Mountains, on : MONDAY, .__rX/__V--^V May SO. There will be prizes B\ IT^Sf and : games for . the old and M . \JJP*L^/ . the young. Remember the /_©2Ss___ good time we had last year. s _P' Tickets— Adults, $1: children, 50 cents. Leave narrow gau_e at 7:45 and 5;45.- '..-■■ : - - ; JAMES HALL, President FUANK WINTERBURN. Secretary. • " ■ • - * _■ MEETING NOTICES-Continued. S*.N FRANCISCO No. 1. National Association Stationary Engineers, 20 Eddy st.— Members are hereby notified that there will be nomina- tion and election of doorkeeper TUESDAY EVENING NEXT. C. C. ELSASSER, W. T. BONNEY. Secretary. President. SPECIAL NOTICES. BAD tenants ejected for $4; collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION .CO., 415 Montgomery St.. room 6; tel. 5680. MISS LESSER, genuine massage and vapor treatments. 124 Sixth st., room 2. MISS L. DEAN. 917 Market; parlors 11 and It. Turkish baths and massage treatment. - MISS R. CLEVELAND, from the East— massage; assistants. 29 Grant aye.. room 5. MISS WILLIAMS. Grant aye.. cor. Geary, room 15; vapor and cabinet baths. ALVINE HALL and assistant; genuine cabinet ■ baths. 154 Turk and 1118 Market, rms. 15-16. ; MME. HANSEN. latest galvanic battery and j cabinet baths. 116 Taylor st. ■ j MRS. STEWART, genuine steam and cabinet ; baths. 120^ Geary St.. room 11. ; ELEVENTH; 10G— Branch office of The Call, i Subscriptions and ads taken. MISS MAY'S genuine electric treatment for rheumatism. I<V.i Grant aye.. room 4. MISS VIOLA BURWELL of New Orleans; baths and massage. 1118 Market St., rm. 8. j ROOMS papered from $2 60; whitened, $1. Hart- mann Paint Co.. 343 Third st. and 2808 24th. 615 LARKlN— Branch office of The Call. Sub- i scrlptlons and want ads taken. ; ~~ DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIVIDEND Notice— Dividend No. 81 (fifty cents per share) of the Oceanic Steamship Company wl.i be payable at the office of the company. 827 Market St., on and after Wednesday, June 1. 1898. Transfer books will close on Thursday. May 2«. 0£»8» at * o'clock p. m. _. H. SHELDON, Secretary. SITUATIONS WANTED— LADIES in need of help will find that we have on hand a. supply of cooks, houseglrls. seo- ond girls, nureeglrls, etc. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary Bt. WANTED— Situation by middle-aged woman to do general housework; is a good cook, washer and ironer; wages from $10 to $12 per ; month; city or country. Address 924 ash- j lngton St.. City. ■ | REFINED, capable young woman; will work j In any capacity; doctor's office, lady's com- panion, invalid's attendant or assist in house- I work; good reader, sewer; references. Box 4476, Call office. . SWEDISH girl wishes situation to do waiting I and second work. 122 1 San Jose aye., near Twenty-fourth. - j COMPETENT young woman; very good cook; j neat and thorough houseworker; small fam- ily; wages |20. Box 4498. Call office. TWO girls from the East want places for housework and experienced children's nurse. 411 Fourth st. I WIDOW would like two children to board; I good home and care. 51 Clara st. POSITION wanted as restaurant cashier or I saleslady by a young lady of good at> i pearance, with some knowledge of book- ( keeping; can furnish recommendations. Ad- ! dress H. D. 'J.. box 4527. this office. , COMPETENT young woman wishes to secure | a permanent situation to care for children; j will assist with studies; can do upstairs work; ■ will travel or go short distance in country; references; wa_»s $25. Call or address 701 • Stockton St.. cor. California. BY a young lady, position as stenographer and typewriter; experienced; best of references. Address box 4475. Call office. WANTED— Work by the day; take care of sick; any kind of work. Call for 1 week at 1311 I Broderick Bt. . . _^__ DRESSMAKER and seamstress, good fitter, 60c a day. M. C, 304 Fifth St., upstairs. REFINED young lady would like position aa dompanion; traveling or at home. Address i box 4471. Call office. j MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes place to do | general housework; is good cook: will work for moderate wages; city or country; no pos- j tal cards, 10 Stockton place, between Stock- ton et. and Grant aye. WANTED— Position as seamstress by a compe- tent middle-aged German dressmaker, or to take charge of a shop; city or country. Call or address 1821 . Mason st. j WOMAN wishes to do work in the city or country. Call 337 Howard St.. room 53. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker desires a few more engagements; tailor suits a specialty; $1 50 per day; city or country. Address box 4560, Call Office^ - YOUNG girl wishes place at light housework. Call 626 Eddy St., two days. WANTED— a competent woman, a few days' work. at house-cleaning or office clean- Ing. Address box 4460, Call office. SITUATION wanted as second girl. 86S Mis- sion st. : no postals answered. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by the day in families; reliable; terms $1 60 per day. Address Dressmaker, box 4462. Call. DRESSMAKER, good fitter and cutter, would like engagements by the day; tailor suits a specialty. 1369 Sacramento St., between Hyde and Leavenworth. ■ AMERICAN woman wants to work In a small . family to do good plain cooking; no washing; no children; references. Call at 245 Natoma. AN elderly lady wishes family sewing and mending a day or two each week; If perma- nent generally useful; terms low. 3020 Twenty-sixth St., corner Alabama. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like position to care for sick lady 'or could do light house- work: city preferred. Box 4448, Call office. COMPETENT woman wishes situation as housekeeper In private family or hotel; best of references. Address 351 Hayes Bt. WOMAN wants work of any kind at home or | by the day; will do washing, cleaning, plain sewing. Apply Children's Day Home, 110 Hayes st. ii-..-^.' WOMAN wants work by the day washing or housecleanlng. Please call 614 Birch aye. WOMAN, with a child 5 years old, desires a situation; Is a good French cook and house- keeper. Box C. F., Call office. Oakland. YOUNG Protestant woman wishes general housework: Is ■ trustworthy and competent; wages moderate; references. Please call 992 Noe st., near Twenty-third. EASTERN lady wishes position to work in country or do housekeeping. 45 Minna St., between First and Second. MEXICAN girl, speaking English and Spanish, wishes position to mind child or do light housework. Box 4507, Call office. . POSITION, wanted as working housekeeper; kind to children. Box 4608, Call office. LAUNDRESS wishes situation in hotel or boarding-house; references; first-class cook. Call or address 92T% Washington St., M. S. RUTLEDGE. • DRESSMAKER wishes few more engagements by the day: terms $150 ray; ref. 505 Jones. RELIABLE woman would like sewing to do at heme. MRS. EFFIE SIMON, 1907 Harri- Kon ft. " ■■ -••'•-' SITUATIONS : WAXTED-MALB. EMPLOYERS OF COOKS, waiters, bakers, etc , will find It to their advantage to secure euch through J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento .st. . : FIRST-CLASS help with the best of references. Call, at LEON ANDRE'S, 316 Sfocktoh st. CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office; best help. 414 V. O'Farrell st. ; tel. East 426. CHINESE and Japanese <estab. 20 years) help; tel. Maine 1H97. BRADLEY & CO.. 640 Clay st. JAPANESE first cook wants - position -■ to do light wnik: has good recommendations and speaks well. Address S. G., box 4473. Call. ! SITUATION wanted with large lumber, ship- ping or manufacturing establishment by man ; of 33, who has had considerable general busi- ness experience and can furnish first-class references; position : with opportunity for ad- vancement desired rnth"T- thnn salary. Ad- dress C. W., box 4191. Call office. SITUATION wanted at a mine by. practical assayer . and accountant: also competent to do surveying and run simple machinery; can furnish assay outfit If desired. Address C. S., box 4492, Call office. . . : SITUATION by young man In office or col- lecting; references and bond. - E. C, 126 Ellis. WANTED— By a first-class man of middle age, - as coachman and gardener; thoroughly un- derstands his - business; . can milk and make himself useful; best of city reference. Ad- dress JOHN, box 4494, Call office. COACHMAN • wants position; j thorough horse- man; single;- total abstainer; city or country; . best reference. Box 4496,. Call office. ;}., . ■_• WANTED— By man and wife, position as Jani- • tors; good references.* ' Address J. M., box ■4458, Call office. ■ --. '-,,., ■ FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants situation; small washirg. cooking; city, 'country; fam- ■ ily: ■ good references. ; - S. . X., 615 V. Dupont st. AMERICAN .nan and wife would like to take ' charge of gentleman's place in country. Call or address P. F.. 521 Howard , st.. . in ; bakery. ASSAYER' fit 10 years' : practical experience ' de- j sires a p/«eltlon of some kind in his line; will go to arjr place. Address box 4487, Call office. YOUNG Frenchman, - good • education, ' French, German. -Dutch, English and .- Spanish, - ac- quainted' ■■' with - principles of . bookkeeping, :: wishes' situation: small I remuneration. ■- Ad- dress box 4486, CaJl office- - . THE SAN FBANCISCO CAI/L, SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1898. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. GOOD French gardener wishes position on private place; city reference.. 1125 . Stockton. GARDENER-A first-class gardener with good references wishes a steady situation. Ad- dress Gardener, box 4517. Call office. YOUNG German 24 years old wishes work of any kind: as waiter, driver or anything; worked 14 months at the last place. Address box 4461, Call office. SITUATION wanted by middle-aged man as man about . place or to do porter or Janitor work; city or country. Box 4449. Call office. SITUATION wanted by a Dane, aged 60; was working 14 years in Oakland as coachman; gardener or man about place: has some ex- perience In cooking, baking and housework ; Is a total abstainer; left, last place for Alaska; good references. Call or address 331 Kearny St., room . 36. ; - ■ - GERMAN, strictly, sober and reliable, wants situation aa man about place or as porter; good with horses: handy with tools; good references. Box 4504. Call office. POSITION desired by thorough double entry bookkeeper of 15 years' experience; wh» also understands telegraphy;, married; age 33 | years. Box 5624. Call office. MACHINIST and tool maker accustomed to Jigs and tools for the production of duplicate- parts, turret tools, dies, etc. Address box 4502, Call office. WANTED— A position as traveling salesman; very best of references given. Box 4506. Call. YOUNG man 21 years of age desires position, wholesale house preferred; 4 years In last place; will give references. Address box 4022, Call office. . YOUNG man wants employment evenings and Sundays; willing to do anything; can furnish excellent references. Address M. F. J., box 4514. Call office. ' 'v^Nv CARPET-LAYER wishes situation; furniture store or will go out by day; cleans and relays carpets $1 60 per day. Addreso 2211 San An- tonio . aye., Alameda. ' ''-. "V^v--- SCANDINAVIAN gardener, 85 years old. «Ingl«. desires a position; flrst-claas references. Ad- dress 1322 Tenth St., Oakland. WATCHMAKER and engraver, first class, wants position with first-class house. C. C. WATSON, care International Hotel. FIRST-CLASS meat cook in hotel, European plan; also wife as chambermaid; years of ex- , perience. Address box 4526, Call office. TO Butchers— A young man seeks employment In the country: shop, slaughter house or wagon. Address W. LINES. 65S Folsqm St.. near Third. • BOOKKEEPER— Competent, first-class double entry and correspondent, desires position of trust; Al city references. Box 4563, Call. STEADY young German wishes position on a gentleman's place; good horseman; can milk; good references; small wages. Box 4557, Call. WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 Third St., near Market: 200 rooms. 25c to $1 50 night; $1 50 to $6 week; convenient and respectable; free "bus and baggage to and from ferry. ; . a-:--. ELEVENTH. 106— Branch office of The Call. Subscriptions and ads taken. HELP WANTED— FEMALE. WAITRESSES, different country hotels, $20; ranch cooks and housework girls for the coun- try $15 and $20. MURRAY _ READY, 634 and 636 . Clay st. PANTRY '• girl, $25; middle-aged woman for German cooking In summer resort. $30; hotel cook, resort, $25; hotel cook, city, $25; 6 wait- resses for country hotels and summer resortsj 3 restaurant waitresses, city and country, $5 and $6. C. R. HANSEN _ CO.. 104 Geary st. COOK and house girl for small private family, Reno Nev.; no washing; no baking. C. K. HANSEN & CO., 104 Oeary st. 60 HOUSE girls for city and country. $15. $20, $26- also second girls, nurse girls and young girls to assist. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 ; Geary st. SEVERAL salesladies, office clerks, hotel and shop hands to-day. 313 Buah t>t. , SALESWOMAN, dry goods, and also for glove department; good reterences. 1239 Market st. HOTEL, shop, office and store clerks. Ladles' Exchange; strictly confidential; 1239 Market. LADIES' private secretary, managing hotel housekeeper, north, to-day. • 313 Bush st. BOOKKEEPER, first-class double entry and correspondent; position of trust. 313 Bush st. CARE taker gentleman's place during summer; care house and put up fruit. 313 Bush St. CHARGE of fashionable rooming house, giving 6 o'clock dinner. 313 Bush st. LADY, charge of department, to visit branch offices: confidential. 313 Bush st. -j WOMAN for light housework; must sleep home. Call 2116 Devisadero, nr. Sacramento. WANTED— An elderly woman or young girl to mind baby and assist in light housework; good home. Call 101 l Geary st. GIRL for llg-ht housework and assist with baby, $10. 1666 Fell St. -■ WOMAN between 21 and 34 for light house- work; good home: fair pay for right party. Call for one week, 116 Taylor st. ; LADIES earn $8 weekly doing needlework at home; no canvassing; inclose -addressed stamped envelope for reply. Standard Nov- elty Co.. 101 Beekman st., New York. LADIES earn $8 weekly doing needle | work at home; no canvassing; . inclose -addressed stamped envelope for reply. Standard Nov- elty Co.. 101 Beekman st., New York. 100 EXPERIENCED operators on shirts, duck coats and pants. NEWBAUER BROTHERS, IS First st. . GIRL wanted, general housework, small fam- ily; wages $15; references. 1668 Fell st. YOUNG -girl to assist at general housework in a Catholic family. 1538 Guerrero st. AN elderly lady for good home. 401 Leaven- worth st. ; COME, come, come; be your own dressmaker and milliner and learn dressmaking and mil- linery at the largest and best school: Mc- Dowell system of dresscuttlng received diplo- mas and gold medals In Europe and America. We thoroughly teach every part of dress- making and millinery; easy payments; pat- terns cut, 25c up; hats trlmmed-free; all are Invited. McDowell Dressmaking and Mll- llnery School. Post St. HOTEL, shop, office and store clerks. Ladles' Exchange; strictly confidential; 1239 Market. WANTED— Competent girl for general house- work in small American family, $20 ■ month. 233 Third aye., Richmond District; take Geary cars. - - - ■ . -■■ PUPILS wanted at Rood's Dressmaking School; work solicited; prices very cheap. 207 Taylor. ■ ' NURSEGIRL for country, near Menlo; wages $10. Call mornings at 1636 Hyde st. WANTED — Girl or middle-aged ■ woman for housework. 716 Green st. WANTED — German woman from 80 to 40 years old for light housework and cooking; $12. Call at 402 Pacific st. OPERATORS on ladles' underskirts; power and steady work. L. E. NEWMAN, 523 Market. LEARN dressma. ng and millinery; positions free: patterns 25c up. McDowell's, . 103 Post. DR. WISE, the ladies' specialist, 1118 Market St.", monthly troubles, etc., cured at once. LAWRENCE Dresscuttlng School. 1079 Market ■ st.; perfect fit; no trying on; trial free. 6J6 LARKIN ST.— Branch office of The C_*_ Subscriptions and want ads taken. ' HELP WANTED— MALE. BAKER' and pastry cook for a springs hotel, $45;. bread and cake baker, country shop, $50 and fare paid, see party here: bread and cake baker, shop near city, $40 and found; sec- ond bread baker, $35 and found; second cook, who can make biscuits,' mut'tins, etc., $10 a week; fry cook, $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary st. MAN and wife for a private place in the coun- try. $60 and found, references; call 9 a. m., Monday. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary. NEAT, experienced barber for a good country hotel shop. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary. WASHER, ■ country Eteam • laundry, $30 1 and found, see party here; starcher and poUsher, $12 a week. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary. 60 TEAMSTERS, laborers and tunnel men for , new ' railroad work, $20 and board to $2 50 a day and free fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary Ft. -, -•'.:''-■' . ■* ■'■■ r 10 BARKERS and cross cutters for the woods, $35 a month and board: 18 laborers, $1- a day and board: all to go Monday afternoon. C. R. HANSEN _ CO.. 104 Geary st. ■';,--. WANTED— Cook for officers to ,go , to ■ Manila; bread and cake for nice country place, $50;- second- cook .for nice lunch house, : $45; second cook, ■ restaurant,- $10 a week; cook, country, $40: cook ■ and wife f for - restau- rant, $55.' Apply to J. F. : CROSETT. & CO., 62S Sacramento st. • ' • ■.^ TWO barbers wanted. ,= 309 Fourth aye., between f Point- Lobos and Clement st., Richmond. ' MAN to -. work In boardingr-house. 2759 Mis- sion St., cor. Twenty-fourth; call bet. 1 and 3. ACTIVE young ■ ma^ ; to solicit orders ' and ; de- liver goods for wholesale -liquor, house.; Ap- plications not stating former occupation will not' be considered.: Address box 4479. Call. WANTED— Young man In butcher-shop; must have experience and references: $3 ■a ; week and found. , \ Call ■ to-day between 10 and •„ 12 :; o'clock. Sunset : Market, corner Waller and * : ,. Stanyan sts. ;v • :'.: c '■ • -■"■.-'.■■ WANTED— ; good bright, strong boy. NEW- V TON BROS. GUM CO., 131 First st. WANTED— '■ salesman > for chewing ; gum. r _ Address box 4483, . Call office. <•:••■.:- > ; FURNITURE ■ house watchman,'- willing to ■ aa-- ; sist in shelving; carpet lay ar. ' 313 Bush st. , HELP WANTED— Con tinned. i A— EMPLOYERS OF HELP — Please remember — — MURRAY & READY 1 supply most of the corporations ■ syndicates, banks and trusts — and other large concerns, including smaller enterprises, located on the Pacific Coast. v\ c sent (17,000) seventeen thousand men to work during year 18»7. What MURRAY & READY have done and are doing for others they can do for you, send you first-class help at imce, — — "free of charge." — — — 634 and 636 Clay St.; telephone Main 6845. GROCERY clerk, city Job, $8 week; grocery clerk, country Job $^0 and found. MURRAY & READY, 61i4 and 636 Clay St., Leading Em- ployment Agents. 9 COOKS for hotels $60, $50. $40 and $30; 5 cooks for restaurants $50 $40 and $30; 5 waiters, $25 and $20; 6 waiter boys, $10, $15 and $20; 6 dishwashers $20, $1£ and $10: bed maker, city Job, $25. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. 85 MINERS for different places, $2 50 day up, for banks, trusts corporations, etc. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St., Leading Em- Agents. MACHINE blacksmith $2 to $2 60 day; wood turner; cabinet maker. MURRAY & READY, 634 aiid 536 clay st.. Leading Employment Agents. 3 STABLEMEN city and country Jobs. MUR- RAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay St., Leading Employment Agents. 226 WOODCHOPPERS, $1 60, $1 25, $1 and 70c cord; 225 tie makers for different places. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St., Leading Employment Agenta. 8 LABORERS~7or a city manufacturing com- Sany. $20 and found. MURRAY & READY, !4 and 636 Clay et. 4 CHOREMEN and boys for ranches, etc., $10. $12 and $15; boy to learn trade. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St., Leading Era- _ployment Agents. 10 TEAMSTERsF~city Job 3, $1 75 day. MUR- RAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay s^ 10 LABORERS, city Jobs, $1 75 day. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St. 3 BUTTER makers. $30 and $26 and found; 6 milkers. $25 and $20. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st.. Leading Employment Agents. 10 SCRAPER teamsters for a large ranch, $20 and found. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St., Leading Employment Agents. 15 MEN to cut brush, clear land, etc., $20 and found, for a great San Francisco corporation. MURRAY & READY, P34 and 636 Clay St., Leading Employment Agents. A— MARRIED^ ■ OR SINGLE, 6 laborerr wanted for a city Job, $1 75 day; board yourself where you like. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay St., Leading Em- ployment Agents. 2fi FARM, orchard and vineyard hands, $26. $25. $20 and $15. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. 3 WASHERS country laundries; 2 ironers, country laundries. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st., Leading Employment Agentß. BAKER, $45 and found. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St. ITALIAN or French cook. $50 and found: coun- try Job. MURRAY & REAPY, «34 and 636 Clay st.. Leading Employment Agents. RESPONSIBLE man of good appearance as amusement house ticket taker; to-day. 31S Bush st. NIGHT manager restaurant; country hotel manager; quarry foreman; to-day. 313 Bush. ENGINEER and 2 firemen; electric elevator man; storage h.iuse packer. 313 Bush; to-day. MAN for ranch who understands raising poul- try by Incubator; also butler. 313 Bush st. RARE opportunity for a man with small capi- tal; control of business. 313 Huhli St. MAX to drive a laundry wagon and collect; well acquainted. 313 Bush st. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house; bill clerk; ship chandler's clerk; dock watch. 313 Bush. $15 PER week and interest in profits; office duties; permanent. 313 Bush st. WANTED— Boy for grocery business; state age. Box 4442, Call office. ACTIVE solicitors wanted everywhere for "America's Battle for Cuba's Freedom:" of- ficial war book; all about Sjain, Cuba, armies, navies, war and all great command- ers; graphic description of Dewey's famous victory; his complete biography; biggest book; 600 large pages; magnificently illus- trated: tremendous demand: only $1 50; com- mission 66%; bonanza for agents; 30 days' credit; freight paid: outfit free. Write quick. THE DOMINION CO., Dept. 32, Chicago. WANTED— A clerk of some experience In a commission and shipping house; must be young and well recommended. Address, giv- ing full particulars of where previously em- ployed, experience and salary expected, box 4499, Call office. WANTED— Responsible man of good appear- ance as night watchman: references; $40 and board. Address box 4500. Call office. FIRST-CLASS salesman with moderate capi- tal; make $300 mo.; fine chance. 82 Flood bldg. 2000 PAIR; another lot men's shoes; been slightly damaged; at less than one-fourth their value; from 7."c to $2 50. f.6- Mission st. RECRUITS wanted for the United States marine corps. United States navy; able- bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 30 years, who are citizens of the United States, or those who have legally de- clared their intention to become such; must be of character and hal>its and able to ppeak, read and write English, and be be- tween 5 feet 5 inches and 6 feet In height. For further Information apply at the recruiting Offlre. 20 Ellis st , ?an Francisco. Cal. MAN to take orders for printing. Apply P. BOULIN, 519 Filbert st. WANTED— Man to drive laundry wagon; must give $125 security; salary $10 week, with room and board. Box 4662, Call office. WANTED— 6O men for Alaska mines; wages $10 per day; leave June 5. Box 460t«, Call office. BARBERS' Progressive Union; free employ- ment. Bernard, Sec, 104 7th; tel. South 623. ROSEDALE HOUSE. 321 Ellis 1"' furnished rooms; 2.1 c night; $1 week; reading room. WANTED— laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkin. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st. ; 150 large rooms; 2.'.c per night; $1 to $3 per week. SAILORS, ordinary seamen, carpenters, coast, Australia. Europe. HERMANS. 26 Btenart at. BARBERS' Ass'n Frf" Kmploym't Office. S. FUCHS, Sec, 325 Grant aye.; tel. Grant 136. WANTED-Soamen and ordinary seamen for Alaska Puget Sound. Mexico, etc. : apply Mariners' Home. W. W. LANE. 6M Davis ft. WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 Third st., nfar Market; ZOO rooms, 25c a night; reading room; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry^ WANTED— At Montana House, 7«4% Mission, men to take rooms; 10c. 15c and 25c per night; 60c, Me and $1 per week. SINGLE rooms. 10c and 15c night; 75c and $1 week. Lindell Hoose. Sixth and Howard sts. WANTED— To collect wages due laborers and clerks. Knox Collection Agency, 110 Sutter. TRY Acme HOBS*, Wl Market st.. below Sixth, for a room; 2.".c a night; $1 a week. 300 PAIR of men's new and second-hand shoes half price; half-soling. Kft M* Howard st. MEN to learn barber trade In eight weeks. S. F. Barber College, 13SV_ Eighth *t. MARKE" 4— Branch office of Tlu Call: want ads and subscriptions taken. HOUSES WANTED. PARTY looking for rooming-house, S to 12 rooms within the lines of Sutter st. and Van Ness aye., will buy the furnishings if a bar- A responsible party wants house of 15 to 20 rooms, suitable for a private hospital; no contagious cases admitted; will clvo guarantee for lease of 5 years, with extension privilege; best of references. We need more furnished houses of 5 to S rooms within fi blocks of this office and the City Hall: parties waiting for them. THE REYNOLDS CO.. 4'13-V'j Examiner bldg. ROOM S~AND "BOARD WANTED. COUNTRY board wanted for 4 people on ranch: near city; low price; cash; state terms. Ad- dress 4451 Call offlcc_ YOUNG marTwftTvts room, with breakfast; give particulars. Address box 4451. Call office. ~H«OMS WANTED. WANTED for 2 adults-2 sunny ro >ms for light housekeeping; hnve dog. Addnss MRS. A. C. MARTIN, general delivery. W ANTED— MISCELLAK EOl/S. WANTED— At 619 Mission St., tools, machin- ery, metals, stoves and wrenches, etc. WANTED— WaII tent TxlO or about; must be cheap. Box 4503, Call office. WASHBURN mandoline (second-hand) wanted. 416 Tehama st. WANTED — Two good second-hand Junior Monarch hay presses; state condition, loca- tion, lowest price to O. A. KNOTT, Trask's Postofflce. Sacramento River. Cal. WANTED— Second-hand camera, not smaller than 6M,xBH- Address box 4513, Call office. CASH paid for old gold and silver; any quan- i tlty. ROBERT BENJAMIN. 11l Ellis st. PAWNBROKER— OId gold, silver, cast-off clothing bought. Add. COLEMAN. 41 Third. 627 MONTGOMERY, cor. Clay— Open until 9:30 o'clock; branch office of The Call. Subscrip- tions aad wast ada taken- I i AGENTS WANTED. ■ WANTED— and women In every town tc work for us at their homes i ' - \;\« - NO CANVASSING. We will send you- work Immediately. We have several lines of work to give out, some : of which requires no experience whatever. II you can't devote the whole day to our work • you can earn $5 or $6 a 1 week by working ar hour or two of an evening. Enclose stamp, we will send you full Instructions free o( charge. Standard Art "Manufacturing Com- pany, 51 Standard building, 142 West Twenty- third st.. New York. AGENTS wanted— Murat Halstead's great war book, "Our Country In War"; all about armies, navies, coast defenses, • Maine disas- ter, Cuba, war with Spain and relations with foreign nations; nearly 600 pages; all written 6lnce Maine disaster; magnificent colored il- lustrations; agents making $10 to $39 per day; -.■no experience necessary: ' liberal, terms; . io days' credit; price low; freight paid; outfit ■ free: send 9 2-c stamps to pay postage. Edu- cational Union, 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago. WANTED— General agents and " canvassers of both sexes In every State west of Colorado to sell beautiful new edition Ridpath's His- tory United States, in 4 volumes: sells $6 50 per set: liberal Installments; attractive proposi- tion. Address or call The .Tewett Swain Co., 42 Nevada block. AGENTS to sell self-lighting oil lamp: greatest novelty out; 35 per <->ent profit; complete work- ing outfit $5. Empire Co., 63 . Murray St., New York. I AGENTS for good paying business; rid Jewish people. Apply 1122 Market st. A FEW good agents can make big money. Call 33 Third st. _■ . / CATALOGUE of war emblems, flags, etc., free. L. N. CUSHMAN, 84 Oliver st.. Boston. Mass. CLAIRVOYANTS. ! MRS. DR. F. CLARK, the distinguished trance I clairvoyant and medium; while entranced she will reveal every hidden mystery in life; she will chow you how to overcome your enemies, remove family troubles, restore lost affec- tions; unites the separate, recovers lost, stolen or buried property; locates treasures, minerals; tells your entire life, past, present and future, while in a perfect trance. Hours 10 a. m. to sp. m. : perfect satisfaction guar- anteed by mall. Send stamp for circular with spectal terms. MRS. DR. F. CLARK, rooms 25 and 26. 1206 Market St., opposite Sixth. A— MRS. DR. E. J. MOORE, 1346 Market s». : trance medium. Without asking a question she tells the name of her callers: sha tells past, present and future correctly: tells your age and occupation; she reunites the sepa- rated, changes luck, causes speedy and happy marriageß with the one of your choice; she locates buried treasures, removes evil influ- ences and all long-standing ailments. - Letters with stamps enclosed promptly answered. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ■ i MME. HANSON, palmist, card reader; past, present and future; 23c. 14S Sixth St.. room 10. MME. MOREAU, best medium and card [ reader; 25c up; German spoken. 73 Fourth Ft. MME. RAVENA reads life fluently; business j advice; names given; 25c up. 5 Fourth st. MISS EDNA V. GRANT, card reader and palmist. 215 Kearny St., room 2. "'-. MME. SYBTLLE. cradle to grave: future hus- band's picture, 25c; ladies. 914 O'Farrell st. MRS. DR. ANNA THOMAS, first In her pre- fession; never falls: advice: help. 929 Post st. SPIRITUALISM. MRS. BTTXLER. reliable clairvoyant, card reader; Hindoo control ; hours 10-5. 579 Geary. MME. LE NORMANDE, reliable clairvoyant, card reader, magnetic treatment. Leavnwth. MRS SHAFFER, test and business medium; sittings dally. 212^ Sixth st. MRS. SHRINER. clairvoyant for business and spiritual sittings. 120 McAllister: .tel. Jessle.9oB. MRS. ELLIS, medium, 233 Valencia st.; read- Ings $1; cir. Tues., Fri., 2 p. m. ; Sat.. 8: 2oc. MRS J. J WHITNEY, trance, test and busi- ness medium. 232 Stockton st. M FRANCES. Independent slate-writing me- dlum. lIS Halght st. .PAL.MISTKY. S^TUDENT~oTchTero's gives a scientific reading of the hand at 777 Market St. MRS. CHANDLER: readings. Tues., Thurs., Sat. at hall. 305 Larkln st.; Mon.. Wed., Fri.. residence. 33 Geary st. HYPNOTISM CAL. Institute. 402 1 2 Geary; hypnotism taugnt; diplomas issued: diseases and h:il>its cured. HORSES. WANTED — A good strong horse for . laundry wagon. 2241 Mission st. 40 HORSES for sale; also wagons, buggies, carts harness: Grand Arcade .Horse Mar- ket 327 Sixth St.. auction sales every Wed- nesday. SULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers. CAMP wagons, buggies, wagon*, harness of all kinds- 40 horses: must spII. Btmwiiyn Sales Yards. 220 Vnlonr'a st. T. P NEWELL. WAGOXS AND CARRIAGES. j GOOD hack, coupe, surrey and wagonette, and second-hand and new wagons: cheap. Bull's Head Repository, Fifteenth and Valencia. ! THREE-QUARTER end spring, ball bearing axle, rubber tire, piano body buggy. Can b« Been at O'BRIEN & SONS', Golden Gate aye. and Polk st. : . SrECIAL sale of harness and vehicles. Lie- bold Harness Co.. 211 Larkln. opp. City Hall. ■ FINE laundry, baker's and milk wagons cheap for rash or Installments; 1 fire top «nd open buggy: also 1 hack. 823 Harrison st. FOR MISCELLANEOUS. PIANO box bogey for sale cheap; good con- dition. Apply 3.i66 Mission st. ' FOR SALE— S store signs, 6 showcases. 4 ta- bles. 48 candy glasses, 2 store scales. 2 coun- • ters and shelving; now all in store room, 4274 Mission st. . ;■: *"> SECOND-HAND lumber redwood boards, rus- tic, fencing, t & g. Silver aye. and Mis- sion st. . FOR SALE— Maltese kittens. 755 Hayes st. , SECURITY cash recorder: splendid condition: cost $35; now $10. TAYLOR. Berkeley sta- tlon. " ' HISTORY Roman empire translated German; printed , Strasburg A. D. 1594. TAYLOR. Berkeley station. ONLY camping wagon In town: 6 berths: con- venient as home. 1175 Valencia st. LADIES' hand-knitted undervests, cheap. 326 Eddy st., room 34. ' FOR Sale— Reasonable: soda fountain and tee cream business at Sutro Baths. Apply at once at the premises or at 400 Front st. THOROUGHBRED Angora kittens at 557 Ellis 'street, f - WANTED— Cylinder press; must be In good order; give size of bed, price and make. Box 4541, Call office. . FOR Sale— Empty packing casea. Apply M. A. GUNST & CO., 203 Kearny st. $67 50— PIANO, good condition; $5 down $3 per month. 225 Sutter st. . • •.••' $197 50— MAGNIFICENT new upright piano; $10 down, $5 per menth; guaranteed. 225 Sutter st. BARS, back bars, mirrors, show : cases, '. coun- ters, linoleum, office furniture, store and office furniture and fixtures; new and sec- ond-hand. J NOONAN. 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st.. above Sixth. SECOND-HAND hose for 1 irrigation purposes; pumps, gasoline engines, etc. K. S. WHITE, 614, 516, 618 Mission st. GAS fixtures very low; \ large assortment; 1 . and 2 bowl barber washstands, cheap." - HUF- SCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. LAUNDRY machinery, engines, dynamos, electl. goods: new, 2d-hand.\ Smith Co., 527 Mission. J. R POOL, house-mover, dealer second-hand building material. 1124 Mission: tel. So. 787. BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery. Mc- INTOSH & WOLPMAN, Fremont & Howard. SAFES and second-hand: cheaper than ever. " Hermann Mafc, 533 Sacramento. SAFES — Bargains in new and second-hand: all sizes; half original cost. 109-111 Market. S. F. GRAPHOPHONES, $10: Records, $5 per doz.; i Projectoscope,. $100. . Baclgalupl, 933-946 Mrkt. COFFEE mill, scale." hand-truck, letter-press, desk and safe cheap. 102 Clay st. y . ; BARS, showcases, counters, shelving. - etc.. bought and sold 1063 Mission, near Seventh. • EDUCATIONAL. HEALD'S Business College, 24 Post st. Book- keeping, business . practice, shorthand, typ- ing, telegraphy, languages, English, branches; electrical, civil and mining ; engineering; sur- veying, assaying, 1 etc.; 20 teachers; 1100 grad- uates placed since 18S2: catalogue. AYRES' Business : College, 723 Market st. ; individual instruction- in shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, telegraphy, etc.; life- scholar- ship. $50: low rates per week and month. r -..^ UNIVERSITY Ccach— Perry, B.'.'.Fel- low :in Mathematics, U. C, 2407 S. : Atherton. nr. Charming way, Berkeley; write for circular. ENGINEERING School :i civil, electrical, mm.- . ing, mech. survey, assay, archit.: day & eve.; . est. 1864. VAN ' DER NAILLEN, 933 Market. BOOKKEEPING - "and v' rapid ;; calculations; -: a :■ course : . In Tarr's '■ counting . room ' makes . you thorough. ; Room 572, .855. 855 Market st. -- UNIQUE evening's entertainment' for societies.' C. C. FONTANA. '24 Sixth; > parlors 5 and 6. SHORTHAND; to write f 100 ; words -a" minute: taught In one month; terms $10. 712 Van Ness. PERSONALS. YOUNG man with good habits and steady po- sition; would like to meet young lady: object matrimonial. Address box 4482, Call office. v CLARE DEPUE. who formerly resided at 67t> Tenth St., Oakland, kindly communicate with his father, J. E. DEPUE, Oakland,' Cal. JOHN T. DILWORTH, wheelwright. in San Francisco last ln-ISSS. and JOHN T. DIL- WORTH JR., printer, or their heirs, will re- ceive valuable Information by addressing OSCAR T. SHUCK, attorney at law, 500 Kearny st., San Francisco. _^^ ~~J~™_^, MATRIMONY. MARRY— Join our special department: money refunded -if not suited within ■ six months; send 12c for monthly matrimonial paper and special terms. Address "Wedding Bell," 111 Ellis st., San Francisco.. THE Pacinc. 406 Geary— legitimate matrl- monial assn. west ot Chicago; details free. \^ BUSINESS i ERSONALS. A REDUCTION sale for this week— hair restored. $1 60; Wrinkleine Paste, 75c; Wrin- kleine Cream, 50c; Creme de la Creme, 40c; every purchaser presented with bottle of the best skin tonic in the world. MME. MAR- AND, 28 Geary st. PACIFIC Employment Offices will furnish you with first-class male or female help; hours 7a. m. to 9 p. m. 777 Market st. I AM a first-class hair dresser. The very latest styles of coiffures, 25c only. Good switches, $1; best, finest quality, $3 50; extra heavy, long, $5. Open Sundays from 9 to 12. G. LEDERER, 111 Stockton st. QUINONIA hair tonic makes a good head of hair. G. LEDERER. 111 Stockton st. A COMPETENT masseur : who understands hydropathic treatment would like to engage either with an Institute or private party for the summer. Address N., box 4478, Call. MANAGING housekeeper, country resort, by lady thoroughly experienced. Address A. D., box 4489, Call office. . RAG carpets wove to order and for sale; also chenllle-wove rugs, silk portieres; dealer in carpet twine, In hank or chain, at lowest rates. GEO. MATTHEW. 709 Fifth, Oakland. COSTLESS clothes — Clothes made to order; clothes that tit; clothes that Jar the high- priced tailors in quality of goods and mini- mum of price; for instance, on a $20 suit, $5 down and $1 per week. Agency BOSTON WOOLEN MILLS, 920 Broadway. Oakland. ELECTRIC lights in every room; • Winchester House, 44 Third St., near Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. CEMETERY fences; best work; lowest prices. DOUGLASS. 1716 Central aye., nr. Bush st. MRS. DR. JOHNSTON, masseuse, electrician, trained nurae; office heated. 579 Geary st. _ HOME In confinement; diseases of women. MRS. DR. FUNKE, 1416 Bth st., Alameda. CLOAKS and fine tailor-made suits to order at wholesale figures. ■ 20 Sansome st. SUITS to order on easy Installments. L. LEMOS. 1117 Market st., bet. 7th and Sth. DRESSMAKERS. UP-TO-DATE dressmaker: In families or take work home; tailor-made suits a specialty. 200 Turk St., room 3. MME. GOLDSTEIN— EIegant, stylish dresses. $5 up; dresses made over. 6 Eddy St., rm. 88. SAN FRANCISCO Ladies' French Tailoring College. 916 Market st. • LODGING ' ..USES FOR SALE. A-KREDol'ca 224Toeary s£ UP-TO-DATE BROKERS. ! List with us; no charge for advertising; 600 houses; all sizes: all prices. The following at reduced prices: 10 rooms; Ellis St.: from $500 to $300 15 rooms; Third st. from $400 to 275 16 rooms; sunny corner: from $1650 t0'.... 1,350 20 rooms; corner Powell; from $2200 t0.... 1,600 22 rooms; transient: new; from $1200 to.. 1,000 23 rooms; sunny corner: from $1000 t0.... 600 25 rooms; Post st. ; frcm $1800 to I.SDO 10") rooms; with elevator; from $6000 t0... 6.500 Many other special' bargains on Installments. SPECIAL BARGAIN LIST — 15 rooms; rent $75; doctor pays rent $500 18 rooms; elegant place; investigate 600 19 rooms; central; a money-maker 500 20 rooms; rent $45; good furniture 800 21 rooms: rent $25; see it.....' 400 21 rooms; rent $45; must sell 350 32 rooms; this is a bargain 900 67 rooms; rent $12": a pii-k-up 1600 WINSTON & CO., 646 Market st. I OFFER FOR SALE THIS DAY THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS 20-room house.. $Soo| 22-room house $500 10-room house.. 150 24 rooms, corner.. 750 55 rooms, cor... 3.000 14 rms, on Sutter 700 11 rs. must sell 2001 66 rms.; best city 7,000 15 rooms; new.. 1.250 31-room house 1.400 SI rooms; new.. 3.0011 110 rooms; corner. 6,000 300 rms.; hotel.. -10.000 6 rooms; 0n1y... 150 35 rms.; central 2.500 10 rooms; Jones.. 300 H. C. DECKER, 1020 Market St.. opp. Fifth. A NO. 1 family hotel on Market st. : 100 rooms elegantly furnished; all newly papered; pas- senger and freight elevators: will be sold at a great bargain; no agents. Address box 4501, Call offlce. .__ FOR Rent— The well and favorably known St. George lodging house of 150 rooms, centrally located in Sacramento City and convenient to the railroad shops. For particulars apply to GEORGE W. LORENZ, People's Savings Bank, Sacramento. FOR Sale or Exchange— Lodging house. Market st. ; 60 rooms, all furnished: doing good busi- ness: owner unable to attend to same; no agents. Call 132 First st. $350— 11-ROOM house on McAllister St., full of roomers; owner retiring. Box 4450, Call office. WELL furnished house, 8 rooms, for ' sale: bargain. Inquire 226 A McAllister st. 615 LARKIN ST.— Branch office of The Call. Subscriptions and want ads taken. FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE of 5-mom flat, with choice of renting flat. 113 Langton stJ FURNITURE WANTED. INDIANA Auction Co. Removed to 19 Mont- gomery St.: highest price paid. Tel. Davis 71. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AS *~" are selling good upright pianos for $6 cash and *6 per month, we ask you to Investi- gate and approve this method. Prices. are the same as If purchased for all cash. Bargains in good second-hand uprights upon s?me easy navirents and some good pianos for $S, $4 and $5 per rronth. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. Steinway dealers, corner Kearny and Sutter sts.. San Francisco, and Thirteenth and Broadway. Oak'tnd. -. ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest house west of Chi -ago Is 'KOHLER & CEASE'S. 26, 28 and .'0 O'Farrell st. Pianos, organs and -•' other musical Instruments of all grades and prlr-- Terms easy; prices low- est. Everything possible done to please and satisfy the r-istomer. . .;.-. ■■.>.'•,. CLARK. WISE & CO.. cor. Grant aye. and Geary st.. agents . Conover, Klngsbury and other pianos; opened May.l; new stock; spe- cial prices; easy terms; inspection invited. SECOND-HAND pianos : nt all prices: terms extremely accommodating. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, 16 to 20 O'Farrell nt.. agents for the Chickering md other pianos. A STEINWAY piano for $100: a Chlckering for $90: examine list of bargains this week. THE F. W. SPENCER CO.. 933 Market St. EOHMER & CO.. Byron Mauzy. Newby. Evans, Briggs and other pianos: see our r jnt plan; no interest first year. 308. 310. 312 Post st. NEW pianos rented. $2 50 per- month. SCOTT- CURTAZ PIANO CO.. Hayes St. 3-PEDAL" upright piano and latest improved Singer, sewing machine cheap. SS4A Natoma. A— s3s: fine rosewood piano in perfect condi- tion. 1361 Folsom St.. corner Tenth. BEST goods; lowest prices; easy payments; pianos. to rent at MAUVAIS', 769 Market st. BARGAINS— $125, 1 $150; agency , famous Haines Bros. W. C. HAMILTON, 324 Post st. GREAT bargains: ' Decker, : Schu!>^rt, Steinway. Neuman. others. Hornung's. 215 McAllister. "AD" smallest; pricp lowest: uprights $75 up; rents $2 up. HEINE, 130 Ellis st. A GOOD uprteht. .v. ry cheap. 16 McAllister . St.. next Hlber U Bank. SCHMITZ. KNABE . pianos; new scale; new styles. KOHLER & CHASE, 30 O'Farrell st. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and irew. H. MULLER, maker, repairer. 2 Litham place. CARPET CLEANING. CITY . Steam I Carpet-cleaning Works; cleans, moves, lays carpets. . C. H. STEVENS, Mgr.. 3S and 40 Eighth St.; telephone South 250. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet- Beating Works, 353-57 Tehama St.; tel. S. 40. J. MCQUEEN'S Cal. Carpet Cleaning Co.. 453 Stevenson St.: tel.. S. 225; lowest rates. CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard: relaid at 3c. STRATTON. 3 EiK ih St.; tel. Jessie 944. GREAT Eastern Steam Carpet-Cleaning Works. 14 8t st. B. GRANT, tel. Jessie 201. J. E. MITCHELL Carpet Cleaning Co., 240 14th st.; cleaning »c a yard: tel. Mission .4. -? J. WATTS, reliable carpet-cleaning, ' renovat- '-' Ing,' alteration .wks, 413 McAllister; Jessie 321. AD V ANCE^'arpet -Clean ing Co., 402 Sutter st: ; ' tel.'; Main 394. ; GEO. WALCOM. Proprietor.; CONKLIN'S Carpet-Beating Works. 333 Golden , Gate aye.; ■ tel. East : 126. ..■.;.,,; . --: ■:: ■.-,:■ ':.7:-l ELEVENTH. ■- 106— Branch "* office of ": Th« ; Call. ; ; Subscriptions and want ads taken. - -■ , BUSINESS CHANCES. A^-KREDO & CO. :—: — -'2 Geary ■t^j , UP-TO-DATE BROKERS. . List with us; no charge for advertising. *; $3000— house; daily receipts $60. £ $1300— Saloon; tine corner; well stocked. =. Corner grocery and bar; 4 furnished^ rooms. Grocery and bar; give-away. . $1600— Plumbing and gasfitting; $150 monthly. $soo— Delicacy; fine corner; with living room*. $600— Restaurant and furnished flat; J2O dally. $125— Dressmaking; store and furnished rooX^* $450— Best shooting gallery; cigar stand. 4 . For particulars call on KREDO & CO. ■' A— s2ooo; WOOD, coal, hay. grain and livery stable: clears $200; full value in stock. KREDO & CO. ■ • , A— s4so; CIGAR stand; receipts $15 daily; also $375; cigar stand. Oakland. KREDO & CO., 22Vj Geary st. ' ANY one who has from $5000 to $25,000 to In- vest in the best dairy, hog and wood propo- sition on the Pacific Coast wIU find It to their Interest to write for particulars to R. W. SWEET, Klrkwood, Cal. A— CORNER grocery and bar; without doubt one of the best business corners. $200— Partner wanted: commission business. $300— Saloon; old-established; good corner, and other bargains In saloons, bakeries and restaurants. ANDERSON A CO., 777 Market. $2500— SALOON and club rooms for sale or ex- ' change; city or country property near the city. MCLAUGHLIN & CO., 2* Kearny st. $4000— DRY goods store near the city; owner re- tiring; stock at a discount. For particular* see McLAUGHLIN & CO.. 23 Kearny st. $3500— AN old established business clearing $10* to $300 a month; everything In first-class or- der; fullest investigation given. McLAUGH- LIN & CO.. 23 Kearny at. $398— WHY toll and strive amid uncertainties to amass wealth, when there Is a field of rich, harvest In which your surplus dollars will yield you golden returns; by It many home* are the recipients of fortune's golden showers, and continuous prosperity; take advantage of this means of accumulating wealth. Oth- ers do, why not you? $398 realized In on« week; write for particulars. CONDEN. ■ CO., Boon Bloolc. Covlngton. Ky. ' FINE INVESTMENT. $650; flrst-olass restaurant on best street In • Oakland; monthly receipts from $900 to $1000; same owners for over 7 years; partner retiring from business. Call or write M. I* WURTS, Seventeenth and Broadway, Oafit- land. ' $1250— established and well •qulpp«d r«*i estate and Insurance business: team. sun ?5u buggy, office fixtures, etc.; good paying bt.^lr ness, but must sell on account of slckne-.* Box 65, Los Gatos, Cal. . • I BUTCHERS— fixtures ot well-established market, with refrigerator; will sell without refrigerator; $500 monthly trade free. 1081 San Pablo aye., Oakland. OLD established boarding house to rent: Ban Bruno aye., near Twenty-sixth St.: rent cheap. Apply to G. J. DICKINSON. Mills) building, third floor. ■■ • YOUNG married man wishes some kind of of* flee work; Is willing to Invest In good pay* In? business: state wages and business. Bo< 4493, Call office. FOR SALE— store saloon: established corner; fine location; good chance for hust- ler; no agents. Apply 132 First st. WANTED— lnstruction In white metal piatinjr (Harrison or Gray's system); state terms. Address box 4454, Call office. $500— PARTNER: business will net $75 to $10(1 monthly, with a fine future. Bee manager o* New Faucet Co., branch office, S3 Third st. . CANDY store and flat to be vacated at 201T Fillmore st. ; fixtures and fountain have to be sold before first of June. 4245 NINETEENTH, corner Diamond— Stora and 3 living rooms, ' suitable for barber-shopj or shoemaker; rent $10. $475— RESTAURANT; 3 furnished rooms; good place for man and wife. MCLAUGHLIN Sm CO., 23 Kearny st. ' TO exchange: new restaurant doing good busi- ness for anything unlncumbered. Box 4447. Call office.' FIRST-CLASS saloon; billiards a.nd pool; go.od location; complete; $350. Box 4470. Call office. BAKERY store to let with oven; fixtures must be sold at once. 81 Chronicle building. FINE corner saloon; 4 living rooms; rent $20; selling at sacrifice. 331 Sixth- st. FOR sale— Newspaper Inside route. Apply at this office. ... — COMPLETE restaurant outfit for sale. Apply 827 Mission st. BAKERY, with fine trade: elegantly fitted up; no reasonable offer refused. 3025 Sacramento. PARTNER wanted In dressmaking school, tok . Taylor -st. . A T FRUIT store for sale. Cor. Paciflc and Jones . sts. '■ . . * CIGAR otand, 1G56 Market st.. cor. Polk. Apply ' 227 Battery st. . ' FOR SALE — bakery, notions, tamales; good trade; cheap rent. 1913 Howard st. FINE milk business, including 2 routes in Ala- meda; cheap. Box '.'5, Call office-. Oakland. $200— 3-CHAIR barber-shop with 6 living rooms; best location; $50 down, balance in Install- ments. Apply H. EERNARD. 104 Seventh st. GOOD paying chop " house, suitable for man and wife, for sale cheap on account of de- parture. Address box 4521, Call office. HOTEL for sale— 26 rooms, furnished; cost $SOOO 11 years ago: now asking $2200. Call 256 Third St., get terms: make offer at once. WANTED Reliable, active partner in a whole- sale wine and liquor business. Address box 4523. Call office. ■ RESTAURANT; best location In- 1 Oakland: owner has other business. K. D., box 4, Call office, Oakland. TO let or for sale; nice saloon; fixtures com- plete. See owner, 609 Clay st. FOR sale — Restaurant and chop-house; opposite the ferries. Call at 18 East st. CIGAR stand and shooting gallery very cheap« Call 815 Kearny st. ■. . $250— FOR sale at .a great bargain on account ot sickness, a photograph building, including new carpets, show cases, etc., in a prosperous ■ country town; no opposition. ' Further par- ticulars address ,L. E. BOSTWICK, Sacra- mento, Cal. I * FOR SALE— Saloon with piano and 4 roomsi lodging-house over saloon with 17 rooms: run- ning water and gas in every room; no reason- able offer refused If sold before the first of the month; no agents. Box 4535. Call. $800 — HOME cooking and delicatessen buslnesg with an established trade; well located; low rent: living rooms and every convenience; ta a good cook this place offers a small fortune. Box 4576. Call office. - ACTIVE midjlle-aged man' of business expe- rience with some capital and his services, <wlshes to go In some legitimate . established business. Address box 4617, Call office. CORNER saloon, good location: on account ot other business; low price. Albany Brewery. FOR sale— 2 old-established groceries and barsj > price $2500 and $1250. Apply Call office. WANTED— Partner with " $250; guaranteed salary $50 month. X.. box 10, Call. Oakland. CORNER saloon for sale at a bargain; good stock of liquors, cigars. 243 Fourth st. GOOD paying country' barber shop; cheap for cash.' Inquire Call Office. PARTNER wanted: good paying restaurant. Apply 621 Montgomery st. - ■ BARBER shop, central location, clearing over $20 a week, for sale; present owner going to Honolulu. Particulars box 4f.61. all offlco. FOR SALE— CaII route at San Jose;- for par- ticulars apply at Call business of nee or to B. F. PIERCE. San Jose. . '_ SUMMER resort and beer garden to sell or rent. MRS. BOEKELMANN. Lorln. Cal. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. \y. PAPWELL & CO.'S. 4T- Sacramento st. ALASKA ENTERPRISES. FOR Dawson, Alaska Venture . Co. Steamship Prof Morse, sails for St. Michaels June 10. connecting with the speediest steamer on the. Yukon, the F. M. Smith: unexcelled facilities for handling freight and passengers: before making contracts call at general office. 030 Market st. DENTISTS. < A FULL set of teeth. $5: see new flexible plates; light and thin: warranted ten years; teeth without plates, crown and bridge work our specialty: fillings, 50c; crowns. $3 50; all work painless and warranted. 1 Chicago Den- tal Parlors. 24 Sixth St.; telephone Jessie 1133. NEW YORK dentists: A painless extraction: teeth, per set. up; gold filling, ,75c up; sil- ver. 25c up: old plates made over. $l"up; all work warranted; open evenings and Sundays. 969 Mission »t.. cor. Sixth, and 871 Hayes st. DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market St.. nr. 11th; .no -■ charge for' extracting when -plates ar« made: old plates made over like new; teeth, from $S per set: extracting 50c; gas given. . DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, genuine Leek dent- ist, discoverer of , painless extraction and patentee, of: improved bridge work or teeth ■ . without plate, moved from 6 to 2 i O'Farrell. VAN VROOM Electro Dental Parlors; full set of teeth, 1 : $5 up: fillings. 25c up: >. all work painless and guaranteed to stand ;• open 1 even- ings. . 997: Market st.. - corner, Sixth.: DR. i LI'ELLA COOL. 554 . Sutter; crowns, {3* , t alumlnum . plates & . bridge work :«t -. speclalty.j L. A. TEAGUE. A. CANE and F. TJEAGUB removed to Call bldg.. 6th. floor, rms. 603-607. ALL work ' reasonable and warranted. DR J W. KEY. .: 1320 Market. St. .:.,,. " ■ SET -of teeth ; without . a plate. "DR.- H. C. YOUNG. 1841 Polk st. -