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14 MEDICAL.. ALL Ladles— C only Dr. and Mrs. M. Davles, true friends of all invalids, men and women; 50 years' practice; safe and quick cure guar- anteed; any disease or irregularity; disgrace avoided; kind sympathy and aid; sure relief, though else fall: delicacy, privacy, home, etc. ; babies adopted; travelers treated; no; delay; aelf-cure tent; call or write; free; con- , fldentlal. MRS. M. DAVIES. 59 McAllister Bt. : pills. $1; very strong. $2; cure, %S. ALL of Dr. Foulefs capsules are guaranteed j absolute cure for all female diseases; posi- tively safe and sure; no danger or after ef- fects'- taken In time It also acts as a pre- I ventive; price Jl 50 per box. sent free by ; mall on receipt of price; consultation on all i special diseases free. WALLER BROS.. 33 Grant aye.. S. F. A Caution- Before pur- i chasing elsewhere write us. DRS QOODWIN makes a specialty of diseases of women; irregularities from any cause re- Stored in one day. or no Charge; restores Ftrength nnd vigor of organ unexcelled; ma- I ternity home, best medical attendance; low fees; cure, IS: pills. Jl: when others fail, , see free of charge. 401 Van Ness aye., near ; McAllister st. j NEW process: a great progress in medical j science for female trouble; no matter from 1 what cause; no medicine or instruments j used: restores in one day without fail; every ■ woman her own physician; away, disgrace; consultation free; can be sent and used at ; home: by the well known DR. POPPER. 318 ■ Kearny st.; pills nnd capsules, $1. I LADIES, Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand), best; safe, reliable: take no other: send 4c stflmps for particulars, 1 ••Relief for Lndles": letter by return mall; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Co., Phlla. A TREATMENT that restores all cases of monthly Irregularities (from whatever cause) in a few hours: safe and sure at all times \ when others have failed; no instruments used: , home in confinement: pills and capsules, $1; rVOTT case guaranteed: consultation free and ; confidential; hours 10 to 5 and 7 to 8. MRS. ' PR. WYETH. 208 Turk St., near Jones. A TREATMENT that restores instantly all cases of monthly Irregularities from what- ever cause; no Instruments U6ed; guaranteed cure at office. $5: travelers h»lped Instantly; home In confinement; consult free; hours 10 to 5. 7 to 8. DR. and MRS. KOHL, 1122 Market. DR. and MRS. WEGENER. 1312 Golden Gate aye., private home in confinement, with every j comfort; best care and attendance; terms ] moderate; infants adopted Into good homes. DR. WISE'S private sanitarium, 307 Jones st., j formerly of SOO Kearny and late of Belvlew Hospital, N. V. : diseases of women; advice free; experienced lady attendant. A BOON to wives and mothere — Seguro; price $1 RICHARDS & CO.. 40fi Clay St.; send 2c Ftamp for particulars to Keguro Manu- facturing Co.. 581 X St., Sacramento. Cal. ALPEAU'S French pills, n boon to ladles with | female troubles: no danger: safe cure; J2 50; express C. O. T>. ; don't delay until too late. ! 1 SQOOD BROS., Coast Agents, Oaklr.nd, Cal. j LADY with strong healing, power would like patients to treat at their homes: rheumatism and nei-vous diseases a specialty. Box 4469, Call office. NORTH Beach Sanitarium, 1412 Mason st. ; pri- vate home In confinement: competent physi- 1 clans and nurses; trms. rens. Powell-st cars. DRS. DONOVAN, 1306 Folsom St.. takes ladles at her home In their confinement: terms mod- erate and everything strictly confidential. DR. HALL. !) McAllister St.; diseases of won-.en and children. LADIES— Mrs. Dr. Puetz; Infallible, safe rem- j edies; 38 years' experience. 254'' 2 Fourth st. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. Sent to any address in the United j States or Canada one year for Jl 50, postage J free. LOST. LOST— RoII of typewritten manuscript, on ! Mi nt^omery. Slitter or Kearny sts., bet. Mlll3 building arid Post st. Finder will please re- | •turn to room 43. ninth floor. Mills building. LOST— May 27. pocketbook containing papers of no value except to the owner. Return to : southeast cor. Suttcr and Kearny sts., or 2(9 1 Valencia st. J. K. WKYPURN. LOST— Fox-terrier; black eye and brown spot on flank. Reward if returned to 115 Geary j st., upstairs. LARGE pfiding cat. dark gray, striped black, corner Van Ness aye. and Vallejo st. Re- ward for return to 1602 Vallejo St., flat 2. LOST— St. Bernard bitch 12 months old. orange and white. Return to JACOB SCHL'TTEN. 1602 Geary, and receive reward. LOST— Near the city front, a gold hunting-case ' Swiss watch, double chain and diamond ]ock>t. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning sajne to 316 Sacramento st. LOST— Trish terrier bitch: an.-wprs to th» name | of Puppy. 521 Thirtieth St.; reward. FOIXD. FOT'ND— Purse; call at 2117 P.ush st. and prove | ownership. C. BUCHANAN. BICYCLES. j W-VNTED — Bicycle: second hand; state price, ' etc. Box 46j1". Call. MARRIAGE LICEXSES. Marriage licenses have been Issued as follows- Glacomo Caprlla and Lena T. Cafferata 31-16 H-r-Hrrt Grey and Mattie IV McAlpine :;-!;< FMward Watson and Olli Pen.nell 27-19 . Cnrl A. Peterson and Gerda E. Haselbled. .26-26 : Guissip» V. Rolen and Lizzie McCoy 23-22 Ralph S. Hawley and Addle E. Krelcrer 33-27 Charles H. Bliss and Helen M. And»rssen.. 26-20 Gustav Romande and Margaret Monohan.. 29-35 "BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by i mail will not he inserted. They must be handed in at cither of the publication offices j and b-> endorsed with th.-- nam" and residence of | parties authorized to have the same Dublished. | HORN. I ALLEN— In this city, May 27, 1898, to the wife of W. O. All-n, a son. BAREILLES— To the wife of John P. Ba- reilles, a son. BOUQUET— In San Pablo, May 16, 1898, to the wife of J. E. Bouquet, a son. CARMAN— In Seattle, May M, }898, to the wife of Stephen A. Carman, a daughter. DILLON— In this city, M,iy 28, 1898, to the wife of John Dillon, a daughter. DODSON— In Cambria, May 16, 1898. to the wife of h. Dodson. a son. PARNSWORTH— In Hanford. May 24. 1898. to | the wife of Charles Farnsworth. a son. GERCKEN— In this city. May 17, IR9S. to the wife of Charles Gercken. a son. GILLIAM— In Paddock District. Kings County, Cal., May 23, 1898. to the wife of Mr. GU- liam, a son. HAMPTON— In Cambria. May 13. 1898. to the wife of A. Hampton, a daughter. LEOPOLD— May 26. IS9B. to the wife of George A. Leopold, a daughter. McDERMOTT-May 24, 1?? S. to the wife of James E. McDormott, a son. McKAY— In this city, May 28, 1898, to the wife of G. 8. McKay, a son. MAYNARD— In Santn Clara. May 26. 1898, to tiie wife of Jame.s W. Maynard. a son. MOHR— In this city. May 20, 1898, to the wife ..f A. M'lhr, a son. MONSEES— In this city. May 23. 1898. to the wife of John Monsees. a daughter. MORAN— In this city. May 24, lSi'B, to the wife of Frank J. Mnran, ;i ■ >n. KEWRIHARA— In this city. May 20, IR9B, to the wife of Arthur E. Newrihara, a son. STRAUSS— Mny 24, 1898, to the wife of Arthur Strauss, a daughter. TANNAHILL— In this city. May 21, ISSB, to the wife of J. A. Tannahill, a son. Tl'OHY— ln Round Valley, May 22. 1593, to the wife of James L. Tuohy. a daughter. WALSH— In this city. May 27, I»9R, to the wife of Dr. R. L. Walsh, a daughter. WOOD— In Corona, May 23, IS9B, to the wife of H. A. Wood, a son. WOOD— In Fltchburg, April 25, 1898, to the wife of E. M. Wood, a son. 1 WOSSER— In Tiburon. May 22, 1898, to the wife of J. J. Wosser, a son. ZINK— In this city. May 25, 189S, to the wife of Fritz Zink, a daughter. MARRIED. • EMITH— FREEMAN— In Martinez, May 19, isns, by F. M. Smith. Justice of the Peace, William B. Smith and Ai.nie A. Freeman. HASKELL— HARRIS— In Visalia. May 23. IS9R. by the Rev. J. A. Avcry, Frank Haskeil and Helen Harris. HOYKELDL.. — TONKIN' —In College Park, May 20. ISPS, hy th» Rev. T. H. Hopkins, Rev. Thomas Iloyselden and Mrs. Caroline T«nkin. HI'RD— FORRISTER— Near San Luis Obispo, May 26. 1898, John ll. ' Hurd and Cynthia C. Fnrrister. MATLOCK— KEENAN— In Chicago, May If, ISSS. at St. .Tarl;ith"s Church, hy the Rev. Fntber T. F. Cushman, Louis L. Matlock of Chicnßo and Annie C. Keenan of San Fran- cisco. MOYFJR- MOVER— In Colfax. May 10. 1898, by the Rev. A. C. Duncan, C. H. Moyer and Kate Uoyar. WEIDMAN— RAT— In Tulare, May 25. IS9S, by the Rev. H. E. Wllhite. C. E. Weidman and Liitlfla I It:i\ WILLIAMS HOZKMAX- In Tulare, May 25, 18& R. by the Rev. Mr. Rradley. Don W. Wll- llamb and Winnie Bnzpman. DHBD. Parry, James Kenny, Charles DaaHott, Lillian M. King. John nascl. Oueseppl Lolandc, Jean Denelcs, Carl McAvoy, James A. Boyle. Austin Murkn, Chiirleß Uowman, Henry Mcnn. John F. Briar Helona M<rrlll, Mary Drun, Oanevlevs Munk. Ernst Cii.-.n, Ira J. O'Connell. Surah Cnllen. Annie O'Connor. John F. Dorety, Charles Palmer, Mrs. Sarah Fabbri, G. Pixley. Amelia Favero, Michael Ryan, Annie M. Foster, Mattie Sireneu. Jose Gilbert, Minna Spiro, John Graves, Mrs. Lusetta Pternberg. Clara Grinner, Mary Sullivan. Nash J. Hennlng, Otto Sutton, Robert H. Hoag. William L. Vaughan. Gertrude Hornbeck, Mary F. Walsh, Anise J. .TM<-k*on. Amanda M. Wainwright, Edward Judkins, W. C. Walton, Joseph Kaufmann, Sophie Warren, John K. Keane, Thomas J. Watson, Mrs. M. L. Keith, Mrs. James Whelan, Nellie L. ' BARRY— In Soldiers' Home, Santa Monica, Cal., May 25, 1593. James Barry, uncle of Mrs. Mary E. Egan, a native of County Cork, Ire- la !id. cged 77 years. BASSETT— Ia Sacramento. May 27, IS9S, Lil- lian M. Bassett, a native of Caniornia, aged 22 years. BASSI —In this city, May 28, IS9S. Gueseppl Bas:-.i (of Temescal Alameda County), hus- band of the late Marh. Hassi. and father of Mrs. L. Siegrist. a native of Switzerland, ajjed 64 years 11 months and 1 day. C?" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 12:30 o'clock, fj-om the Masonic ! Temple, corner Post and Montgomery street. Irterment Mountain View Cemetery, by 2 o'clock creek boat. BENEKE— In this city. May 26. IS9B. Carl Beneke. a native of Germany, aged 5i years. BOYLE— In Antioch, May 26. 1898. Austin Boyle, a native of Ireland, aged 42 years. ! BOWMAN— In Us Gatos, May 25. IS9S. Henry Bowman, aged 74 years. BRIEG— In Alameda. May 26, IS9S, Helena, be- loved mother of Harry Brieg, a native of Ger- many, aged 63 years 1 month and 17 days. BRUN— In this city. May 27, IS9S. Genevieve, beloved daughter of Dr. Louis E. and Teckla Brun. a native of San Francisco, aged 3 months and 15 days. i CASE— In Sacramento. May 26. 1898, Ira J. Case, a native of California, aged 25 years 10 months and 8 days. I CULLEN— In this city, at the Potrero, May 27, 1898. Annie, beloved wife of Edward Cul- len, and mother of Eddie and Katie Cul- len. and niece of the late Michael Philbon. a native o- County Mayo, Ireland, aged 30 years. C?" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 8:45 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, corner Army and Missouri streets, Po- trero. thence to St. Teresa's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. i DOKETY— In Hamilton District, on Infirmary road, near San Jose, Charles Dorety, a native of California, aged 30 years 4 months and 26 days. FABBRI— In this city. May 25. 1808, G. Fabbrt (Baby), beloved husbßnd of the late Mary Fabbri, father of Elizabeth. Romeo, George ! and Nellie Fabbri, son Oi Ester Fabbri, and brother of Ferdinand Fabbri, a r.ative of Italy, aged 44 years. CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock, from his ate resi- dence. 6 Church avenue, between Vallejo 1 street and Broadway, thence to Sts. Peter and Paul's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. FAVERO— In Sacramento. May 27, IS9S, Mich- ael Favero. a native of New York, aged 66 1 years and 6 months. FOSTER— In this city, May 27, ISOS, Mattie, beloved wife of J. W. Foster, a native of Brooklyn. N V., aged r.2 years. , GILBERT— In this city. May 2S. IS9S. Minna, be- loved wife of the late Michael Gilbert, mother of Leo and Henry M. Gilbert. Mrs. Rose Coleman, Mrs. J. Senary, Mrs. D. Zellnsky and Mrs. h Coleman, and sister of I. Stamper, a native of Posen. Germany, aged 65 years. [IJT Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. SO2 Vallejo street, thence to corner Third and Townsend streets. 11:30 o'clock train. Interment New Salem Cemetery. San Mateo County. GRAVES— Near Antioch. May 22. 1-8. Mrs. Lusetta Graves. native of New York, aged 1 77 years fl months and 22 days. ! GRINNER— In San Jose, Mny 27, IS9S. Mary Grinner, a native of Ohio, aged 59 years. HEVNING— In this city. Mny 20, lb9S. Otto, beloved husband of Mary Hennlng. and father of Mrs. J. H. Ollson. Mrs. C. A. Beer, j and Henry, Frederick. James. Charles, George, John and the late Walter J. Hen- I nlng, a native of Germany, aged 65 years S j months and 24 days. (TTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- j fully invited to attend the funeral this day | (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resl- , dence. "62S Lombard street, thence to St. ! Peter's Episcopal Church. Stockton and Fll- I bert streets, for services. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. HOAG — In San Jose May 27. 1898, William L. Hoag, a native of New York, aged 65 years P, months and 22 days. HORN BKC'K— In this city. May 28. 1898. Man' ; F.. beloved wife of Gustis Hornbeck, daugh- ter of Daniel and the late Celia McKenny. ; and sister of John. Daniel and James Mc- Kenny. a nntlve of Brooklyn, N. V., aged 25 , years 5 months and 27 days. i JACKSON— In Panta Clara. May 26. 1898, ! Amandn M. Jackson, a native of New York.. | aged 62 years. JUDKINS— In Corona. May 24. W8 W. C. j Judkins. aged 26 years and 4 months. KAI'FMANN— In this city. May 2*. 18D8, Sophie, beloved wife of Henry L. Kaufmann. KEANE— In this city. May 2S. 1898, Thomas Joseph, secmd son of Mary J. and the late | Thomas Keane. a native of San Francisco, j a ge,] 21 years. ITTThe funeral will take place to-morrow 1 CM .nlav). at 10:30 o'clock, from Sacred Heart ( Church, corner of Fen and Fillmore streets. ; Plr-a.-e omit flowers. Interment private. KEITH— In this city, May 27, 1898, Mrs. James D. Keith, beloved wife of Captain James D. , Keith, and mother of Mrs. John A. Cran- i tori, a native of England, nged 62 years 2 months and ~> days. (New York and Boston I paper* please copy.) irTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend tne funeral this day (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the residence ! of her daughter, Mrs. John A. Cranford, 6; Walnut avenue. KENNT— In this city. May 26, 1898. Charles Kenny, a n.:tlve of Ireland, aced 67 years. KING— In Milpitas. Mny 2.". lSf'S. John King, , a native of Irelnnd, aged 57 year". LALANDE— In this city, May 26. 189S, Jean : Lalande. beloved father of Louis J. I^alande. j a native of France, aged 77 years. 1 [CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day | (Sunday), at 1 o'clock, from the parlors of ' J. S. Godep.'.i. thence to Druids' Hall, where I ser vices will be held, under the auspices of | Perseverance Grove No. 10, U. A. O. D. In- j torment Laurel Hill Cemetery. McAVOY— In this city. May 28. 189S, James | Augustine MeAvoy, a native of Pennsylvania, j r.ged 42 yearn. MARKS— In this city, May 27, 1898, Charles i Marks, a native of Germany, aged 58 years, j MEAD— In this city. May 28. 1898, John F., \ dearly beloved husband of Julia A. Mead, ! and beloved father of Mrs. J. W. Hennessy, i Mrs. W. H. Brlttain and Leslie, Katie. Mich- . ael. John, Willie pud Winnie Mead, and brother of Mrs. Bridget Brannan and the late Michael Mean, a native of County Meath, Ire- 1 land, aged f>B years 10 months and 14 days. [r^rFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late rest- ■ dence, 2247 Mission street, thence to St. i Paul's Church, Twenty-ninth and Church I streets, v here a solemn requiem high mass ! will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, at S o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. | MERRILL— In Antioch, May 15, IS9B, Mary Merrill, a native of Maine, aged 59 years 7 1 months and I*l days. MUNK — In this city, May 26, IR9B, Ernst Munk, j dearly beloved brother of Fritz Munk. Mrs. \ George Woller.schlaeger, William and Gus- j tave Munk, Mrs. Loenhardt Maier and Mary j Munk, a native of Unterturkhelm, Wurtem- j berg. Germany, aged 19 years !> months and | 25 days. (Calistoga, Napa County, papers please copy.) (T3*Fr!end« and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 1 o'clock, from the residence of his r.lEter. Mrs. Loenhardt Maier, ESB Rrnnnan I street, between Fifth and Sixth, thence to ! Pt. Paulua German Evangelical Luth-ran | Church, corner Eddy and dough stre.-ts, j wh«re services will be held, commencing at 2 o'clock. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme- ■ tery. O'CONNTSIir— In Sacramento. May 26, 189 S. | S;ir,ih O'Connell, a native of California, aged ! 3S yenrs. O'CONNOR— In this city. May 27. 1?98, at 313% j Grove street, John F. O'Connor, beloved brother of the late Mrs. William Welch, a native of Oneida County, New York, aged 26 years 8 months and 3 days. (New York j papers please copy.) (f;^»Frlends and noquainta.iees are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day I (Sunday), at 9 o'clock sharp, from the par- lors of' MeAvoy Si Co.. 123") Market street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. PALMER— In Saratoga. May 25, IS?S. Mrs. Sarah W. Palmer, a native of Ohio, aged 61 years. PIXLEY— In Corte Madera, Marin County, Cal., May 2C. W?. Amelia Van Reynegom, widow of the late Frank M. Pixley. [CTFrlends are respectfully Invited to at- ! tend the funeral services this day (Sun- I day), at 2 o'clock, at her Inte residence, i southwest corner of Union and Fillmore j str»"ts. Interment private. RYAN— In this city. May 27. 189R, Annie M.. I beloved daughter of Timothy and Annie Ryan, and lister of Mny, Wlnniford and Kittle Ryan, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 years 0 months and 20 days. (r-^Frlends and acquaintances are resDect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from the residence of her parents, 24'> Lexington avenue, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a solemn j requiem mass will be celebrated for the re- pose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. 1 Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. SIRENEU— In this city. May 28, IS9B, Jose Sir- i eneu. a native of Azores Islands, aged 35 j years. BPIRO— In this city. May 26, 1898. John Spiro, | a nntlve of Turkey, aged 58 years. STERNBERG— In this city, Hay 27, 1898. Clara, beloved daughter of D. L. and the late Ro- salia Sternberg, and sister of Jennie, Sadie. Morris. Henry and Less Sternberg and Mrs. Ray Bilverman, a native of Detroit. Mich. (rjrFriend* and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day ( at 10 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. 1421 Howard street. Train leaves THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1893. " Third and Townsend stheets at 11:30 o'clock. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery-. • •- -■ C. of F. of A.— the officers and members of Robin Hood Circle No. 58, C. of F. of A. Worthy companions: You are respectfully re- quested to attend the funeral of our late compalon, Miss C. Sternberg, this day (Sun- I day), at 10 o'clock., from her late residence. By order MAIMIE BACKKSS, C. C. MAMIE SCHOEN, F. S. SULLIVAN— In this city. May 25, 1898. Naah J., beloved husband of the late Mary Sulli- van, and father of Daniel. Willie. David, Eddy and Llziie Sullivan, Mrs.. Robert Stock- fleth and Mrs. Charles Schiller, a native of Ireland, aged 57 years and 5 months. (Bos- ' ton papers please copy.) . ■'•■•' lET'Friends and acquaintances and members of the G. A. R. are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 9:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 528 Third 1 street, thence to the Alcazar bu.lding, where services will be held, under the auspices of I James A. Garfteld Post No. 34. Interment National Cemetery. f ' SUTTON— In this city. May 27, 1898, ( Robert . i Hall, youngest son of Walter and Bessie Sut- ton. aged 1 year 7 months and 14 days. [r:7"Funeral services in the chapel at Cy- ' press Lawn Cemetery, this day (Sunday), at - • 4 o'clock. : VAUGHAN— In this city. Gertrude, beloved ' ond oldest daughter of Jennie and the late John Vaughan. a native of San Francisco, I aged 0 years 6 months and 4 days. tC7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- 1 fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of r her mother, 2964 Twenty-fourth street. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. . WALSH— At University Mound Home, May 27, IS9B. Anise J. Walsh, a native of West India Islands, aged 78 years. E^Frlends and acquaintances are respect- ' fully Invited to »ttend the funeral this day : (Sunday), at 2 o clock, from the University Mound Home. ■ Interment Masonlo Cemetery. WAINWRIGHT— In this city. May 23, 1898. . Edward Harold, beloved »on of Edward W. and the late Emily Van Tassell Walnwright, a native of San Francisco, aged 8 years and 6 months. Friends are respectfully Invited to at- I tend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the family residence, 3 Tremont 1 avenue, near Waller street. Interment pri- vate. ! WALTON— In this city. May 27, 1898, Joseph Walton, a r.ative of England, aged 30 years. '. WARREN— this city, May 27, 1838. John K. Warren, father of Frank W., Sam 1., Irene ', E. and George W. Warren, a native of Ire- land, aged 65 years. (n7"The funeral will take place this day (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the residence of his son, Sam I. Warren, 711 Shrader street, thence to St. Agnes Church, Masonic ave- nue, for pervices, commencing at 2 o'clock. Interment private. No flowers. ' WATSON— In San Jose, May 24, 1808, Mrs. M. L. Watson, aged 51 years 10 months and 15 1 days. WHELAN— An anniversary solemn memorial I mass will be celebrated for the repose of the soul of the late Nellie L. Whelan, beloved ! wife of Will L. Whelan, at St. Agnes Church, Masonic avenue, to-morrow (Monday), at 9 o'clock. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend. ! Y. M. I.— Mission Council No. 3. Y. M. I.: The annual mass for the repose of the souls I of the deceased members of Mission Council No. 3. Y. M. 1., will be oelebrated at the Church of St. Charles Borromeo, Eighteenth and Shotwell streets, to-morrow (Monday), at 9 o'clock. Members and friends of the Insti- tute are respectfully invited to attend. EUGENE CALLAN, President. HENRY KUGELBERG. Secretary. IMcAVOY & GALLAGHER. I FUNERAL IURECTOKS & KMBALMERS I i 0 IJFTH ST.. Opp. Llncola 8oq»».. g Telephone, South 80. I Estab. 186S Tel. South 4T. CRAIG COCH RAN CO. Funeral Directors and Embalmers, 22. 24 AND 26 AUNT AVENUE. Lady uselEtAnts. Spacious chapel for the u» cf our patrons. Rubber tires on our ambulance. JAS. ENGLISH. T. R. CAREW. CAREW & ENGLISH, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBAI.MERa FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 41 Van Nebs aye., near Market at.. San Francisco. Telephone" So. 168. .." REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Emilia de and George Urioste y Vlterl and Fidela Urioste y Vltert de Urruela (wife : Juan) to Adolfo de Urioste y Vlterl, undivided ; 3-16 of following: N Oak 52:6 E Gougrh. E 27: C, N 120, W 35, S 25. E 7:6. S 95; also lot on 8 i line of Pacific street, 137:6 E of Laurel, E 137:6 ; by S 127:8 Vi; $10. Fidela Urioste y Viterl de Urruela (wife Juar.i, Adolfo de and Jnrge Urioste y Vlteri to , Emilia de Urioste y Viteri, undivided 3-18 of | following, K'E corner Fortieth avenue and R. j street, B 240 by N 600; NE corner Twenty i sixth avenue and O street, B 12<i by N 600: $10. Jane Campbell to Abble E. Hall. N line of 1 Hermann street, 106:3 E Steiner, E 26 by N i 130) $10. ! James and Sarah Perry to Friedrlch Muller, let on P lino I!r-snan street, 140 E of Guerrero, E « by S 82: $4500. Ellen L. O'Neill to Michael J. and Mary Ma ; hony, SE corner Darbon (Mission aye- I nue) and Seventeenth streets, being 327 W of ! Valencia. S I'M) by X 51: $10. John J. Norton to Hugh J. Carey, re-record ■ of 1751 and 311, lot on E line of Dolores street, 126:6 N of Nineteenth. N 26:6 by E 110; $10; ' lot on line of N Fifteenth street. 148:6 E of i Guerrero, thence 30, N 102, E 15:6, S to N Fif teenth; $10. Julia Swanson (wife John) to Harry W. ! Kool, SW corner Sparks street (or Fifteenth) . and Xoe, S 30 by W IM>; $10. Sarah McKeamey to Sadie J. McKeamey, lot on E line of Leavenworth street, 115:6 S of ' Ellis. S 22 by E 2:6: $10. Ellen Ross to Neil O'Neill, lot on N line of Bay street. ISS W of Leavenwurth, W 40 by N ! 137:6; $10. John, Patrick and Mary Movies and Wll- I Ham Smith to W. F. Williamson, undivided ; or.<*-g,uarter Interest in lot on NE line of Lan;; : ton (Downey) street, 217 SE of Bryant, SE 24 j by NE 80; $10. John and Elizabeth Klelnhaus to John A. Russell, lot on SE corner of Thirty-second av enue and J street. E 57:6 by S 100; $10. Elsie M. Whittle to Joseph I. Whittle, undi vided one-half interest in lot on W line of Ninth avenue, 83.49 S of M street, S 23.85 by W 120; $1. John L. Sale to William W. Sale, lots 33 and 34. block 15, Lakevlew; $10/ William W. Saale to Haywlii --vis (wife of W. P.), same; $in. George W. Moore to Jacob Heyman, lot 575, Gift Map 2; $10. Jacob and Llna Heyman (by Oscar Heyman, attorney) to Jacob K. Johansen, same; $10. David L. Levy to Nellie Levy, all Interest In estate of Esther Levy; $1000. Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association to Charles : H. Linn and John Schloen. lot 2, Plat 5, Omega ! Section Odd Fellows' Cemetery: S3OO. Ellen Dreydemi (McCourt) to Peter Dreydeml, lot on N line of Turk street, 164:9 W of Van Ness avenue, W 27: ft by N 120; gift. : Samson Tarns to Moses Heller, lot on SW cor j ncr of Van Ness avenue and Jackson street, 8 | 32:8",,, W 100. S 25, W 23, N 57:5i4, E 123; $10. Lucius L. and Helen F. Solomons to Harry : W. Kroll, lot on W line of Noe street, 30 S of Fifteenth, S 25 b- W 110; $10. Pletro C. and Amelia A. Rossi to Stefano 1 Dnnerl. lot on N line of Union street. 137:6 W ! of Powell. W 52 by N 137:6; $10. Sarah A. Cutler to T. W. Sturgis, commenc- I Ins 165 :fi from corner of Mason and Clay streets, i E 2K by S 71:6; $10. Margaret iJetels (O'Kane) (wife of W.) to Michael Meagher, undivided one-twelfth of lot on N\V line of Harrison street, 162 NE of Third NE 64:10% by NW 100; J3OO. E.-tate of Bridget O'Pay (by Henry J- O'Day, administrator) to Catherine Morrissey lot on NW line of Clara street, 376:9 SW of Fifth, SW 20:0 by XW SO; $1600. Mary M. B. Martin to C. L. Queen, lot on E line of -Eleventh avenue, 175 S of L street, S 25 by E 120; $10. Same to L. T. Queen, lot on E line of Elev enth avenue. 150 S of L street, S 25 by E 120; $10. Same to J. B. Queen, lot on E line of Elev enth avenue, 100 S of L street, S 60 by E ISO; $lf). Thomas .1. Stanton (by E. B. Pond and H. C. Campbell, trustees) to San Francisco .Savings t'nion, W6O <i 2RR, lot on NE line of Flint street, 1C:. NW of Sixteenth, NW 70 by NE 90. lots 48 ami 4!>. block !>. Flint trart; also lot on SW line of Sixteenth street, 245:4 SE of Mnsonic avenue, SE 25 by SW 125, block 12, same, trustees' ueed ; $12.->O. Jan:es T. Campbell (by same) to same. 15R5 d 14.-.. lot on W line of Mission street, S5 S Eigh teenth, S r.O by W SO. trustees' deed; $3530. Ernest J. Koch to Oliver Eldridge. lot on W line of Twelfth avenue, 150 S of M street, S 25 by W 120; . Francisco Glovannini to Ltugi and Angolo Giovannlni, lot on S line of Broadway, 114:8 E of Kearny street. E 22:10 by S 65:9; $10. Same to same, lot on S line of Broadway, 25 E of Ohio street, S 57:6 by E 20; $10. Alameda County. The Church of Christ (corporation) to the Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church of Oak land, lot on SE corner of Thirteenth and Mar ! ket streets. .E 99:11 to a point 22S W from the | AY line of West street, S 50. W 90:10^ to the E line of Market, thence N .'n : r> to beginning, I Oakland (subject to a mortgage for $2500); i *::7;.<>. Catherine M. Gllkey to May A. Atkinson, lots 21 to 24. block 67, tract B. Berkeley Land and Town Improvement Association, Berkeley; Edwin T. and Christina J. Thornlng to Wil liam Johns, lot on S line of Railroad avenue, HO W of Willow street. W 40 by S 150. block 9. lands adjacent to Knctna.l. Alameda: $10. S Ct. Beebe to Elizabeth Beebe. lots 6. 7 and 8, block H, Town of Union City, Washington Township; gift. William McKay to Jennie E. McKay, lot on NW corner of Fulton and Russell streets, W 125 by N 09:8. being lots 1 and 2. block H, map of southern portion of the Blake estate, Berkeley; gift. L. H. Elliott to M. S. Felnberg, block C and lots 2 to 8. block D, of Tuohy's second addi tion to Berkeley, Oakland Township; $10. Emma A. Dlemer to Martha Marker!, lot on E line of Wood street. 108 S of Taylor, S 27 by E 102:6, being lot 6. block 696, Casserly Tract, Oakland : $10. Charles Babb to G. L. Fltz, all that por tion of lot 21 In section 11. township 3 8. range 4 W. lying W of a line parallel with Prospect street, Alameda: grant. BATTLE OF THE GIANTS Oakland and Fresno in a Hot Game. A FALLDOWN AND A RALLY HOW EASY-GOING PROVED A PITCHEB'S UNDOING. BY JOE CORBETT. After fourteen innings of unceasing effort and patience, coupled with an unfair umpire, the Oaklands toiled and hustled In last Sunday's game with Fresno only, as reports have it, to be robbed of a game which they declare would have been won by them had it been allowed ' to continue. With the thoughts of this defeat fresh in their memory, they yesterday appeared on the diamond at Recreation Park with the gTim determination of wiping out that unfortunate defeat and demon strating in an unmistakable manner that Fresno, while a good team, is far from being "such a much." . Mr. M. Pluvius Rainmaker, who on Friday displayed perfect control over Recreation Park, listened to the pray ers of those Oaklanders, and in conse quence a day perfect In every respect for baseball was the result. Mr. Russell, according to schedule, occupied the pitcher's box. It was he who kept those "raisin-eaters" on "Queer street" for the fourteen innings last Sunday, and it was he who was seen at an early hour this morning "rehearsing his speed," in anticipation of the honor and glory that would rest upon his broad and well-proportioned shoulders should his curves prove an enigma. Umpire Sweeney, who was engaged for this particular game, and who will also from now on be on the regular staff, ejaculated "Play ball" at exactly 3 o'clock. Oakland took the field, and all hands moved around in search of comfortable spots, expecting, as was natural, that the greatest game of the age was about to begin. In a way they were not dis appointed. Fresno, assisted by Mr. Russell's wildness, coupled with large, juicy errors by O'Neil and Schmeer, to say nothing of the few hits that hap pened along, scored six runs, and shat tered the hopes of all present, who were laboring under the sad delusion that another fourteen inning game, full of brilliant plays and good pitching, was to be their lot. It was a cruel disap pointment. For a few innings it looked as though the game might possibly de velop into a tie score, or have a heart rending climax, as Fresno scored no more until the fifth inning, and the Oaklands kept plugging along making a run now and then. Just to show there was no hard feeling. But Pitcher Thomas was keeping the hits well scattered, and it really looked as j though Oakland must submit to the i inevitable. Pitchers, however, very often grow careless, especially when things appear easy, and Thomas is no exception to the rule. After pitching steady ball for half the game the work appeared to become monotonous, and before one could say "Spaniard" three foreign ministers were given their passports to first base without any interference from the other powers, and the battle off St. Thomas proved to be anything but a rumor. After filling the three corners, Russell, the next man up, dropped one toward first and beat it out, Held falling all over himself, endeavoring to get there before him and forgetting all about the runners • dashing for the plate. On waking up he let the ball go over to ward the grand stand and two runs | were the result. But the fun did not stop here. Donovan, the next man, hit to Courtney. He went at the ball as though his life depended on his get ting it, and as is alway-s the case with such playing, the ball was fumbled, an other run scoring, Donovan reaching first and immediately stealing second. Then old reliable Tip O'Neil put one into deep center, another runner cross ing the plate. Levy followed, and not to be outdone, hit one in the same direction, another runner scoring, mak ing it five all told. From this inning on each team put up a miserable article of ball. It ap peared as though they were endeavor ing to see which was really the worst team of the two, and Fresno came out with flying colors. In fact, they In reality gave up the game after Oak land made their rally in the fifth, and gave the impression that they were not stayers. Whether this be true or not, the fact remains that they played like a "bunch of Indians," Thomas par ticularly pitching very poor ball, con sidering the work he was doing in the I early stages of the game. In the sev enth Inning he was batted at will. I Sykes started the fun with a two base, Sullivan took a base on balls, then "Claudie" Schmeer, who was the hero of the seventh inning, making three of the vilest errors for such a good player I as he undoubtedly is, redeemed him self by putting a clean three base hit into right center. Moskiman and Rus sell followed' with hit.?, Donovan went out on a fly' to Courtney, and O'Neil hit safe, six runs crossing the plate, and the game wns won beyond all doubt. As to features, there were not any, and the less said about some of , the plays the better. The score Is as follows: FRESNO. AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Earley, 2b ..5" 10 3 14 2 Held. 1 b 62 1-4-10 10 Courtney, s. 5....... 6 110 2 3 5 Moore, 3 b..... 3 3 112 12 Fertruson. If 5 1 1 0 1 0 1 .McCue/c-f .4 1 2 0 4 0 0 nritton, r. f 6 2 10 0 0 Thomas, p 4 10 0 0 10 Manrernea c .... 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 Tawney, c. t 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 .Totals .42 12 1 11 21 10 11 OAKLAND. AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Donovan, r. f. ...: 6 3 3 1 0 10 O'Nell, 2 b. ......... 6 2 10 2 3 2 Lan*. 3b 6 0 1 o>l 4 1 Hardle, c. f 5 0 2 110 1 Sykes, lb 5 1. 2 0 11 . 1 0 Sullivan, c ......... 2 3 119 11 Schmeer,. a. 8 3 3 11 2. 2 6 Moskiman, 1. f. .... 5 3 2 110 1 Russell, p. ...... 5 2 2 0 0. 2 f 1 ; Totals. 43 17 15 5 27 ;14 12 ' RUNS BY INNINGS. ' Fresno ..................6 0 0 2 2 o—l2 nasf.htta .....2 01020110—7 Oakland ......110 2 5 2 6 0 •— l7 Base hits ..........'..12-1 3 2 15 0 •— ';■".- . SUMMARY. Three-base hit— Schmeer. - Two-base hits— Donovan 2, I-ang, Hardle, Sullivan, Courtney. | Ferguson. McCue. Sacrifice hit— Thomas. Bases I on Oakland S Fresno 8. ..Bases on balls —Oakland 7, Fresno 4.:'. Left on Oakland 11. ■ Fresno 7. Struck out— By< Russell 9. by Thomas 2. Passed balls— McCue 2. Sullivan 2. Wild Thomas. Time of game— 2:oo. Um pire-Charles Sweeney. >.< ■■-'■■- — —II ■ — —^h '. " " WILL STRUGGLE FOR SUPREMACY Oakland and San Francisco Teams Will Meet This After noon at Central Park. To-day at 2:15 p. m. the Oaklands, quite cast down over the game they put up yesterday, are going to redeem themselves by making the crack San | Franciscos look like amateurs. T lere | TKI^ DAY AT THE CHI IPCMPS ■■!■ 11 II 11 il^ hJlr\ 11 u\> 11 Hll Hlw vl 11 w / lr\,w'il KiL^^Jo * >k First Baptist. Eddy street, near Jones. German Baptist, Seventeenth and Rev. E. A. Woods . H. L. Dletx ~ and evening— Rev. H. S. Flsk of ■* i will preach. ♦ -"The Holy Spirit and Ills Office." # ?-"The Apostle Paul's Advice to # ers of the Church in Genesis." # ; ■ -v. Hamilton Square Baptist, Post street. Steiner. Rev. W. C. Jenkins _ hrist's Prayer for His People." "The Service of Song." Church of Corpus Christl, Alemany Croke streets. Holy Cross. Scott and Eddy streets. Our Lady of Victories, Bush street, Stockton. St. Brendan's, streets. Fremont and Father McGlnty Salesian Fathers _ Marist Fathers Father Nugent _ Morning— Gospel. Evening— and -H- Benediction. ■ \ ■ ♦ • Morning — high mass and sermon. 4f Evening— Vespers. # _ , , : Morning— Epistle and Gospel. Evening— •«• Rosary. " w ' : ; * Morning — Solemn high mass. Evening — * sary and benediction. . ' * Morning— Epistle and Gospel of the day. * Evening — Vespers and benediction. * Morning— Gospel of the day. Evening— Ben- * edlctlon. * ________ ■ : . j. Morning— Gospel and epistle. * * Morning— Solemn high mass. Evening— -if Benediction. : * sary and St. Brlgld's. Van Ness avenue and way. Father Cottle -. St. Charles, Twenty-fourth and (streets. Father Cummlngs St. Dominic's, Stetner and Bush streets. Dominican Fathers and epistle. St. Francis, avenue. Father Carraher -. Et. Ignatius, Van Ness avenue and street. Jesuit Fathers by Rev. Father Calzia. l by Rev. Father Woods. St. Mary's Cathedral, Van and O'Farrell street. Ness Father Prendergast. v. O Corning— Father Ramm will preach. 4 p. * m. — Confirmation. Evening— Father Han- a- nlgan will preach. # #. Morning— of the day. Eveiiin#— * Vespers. . * . * tornlng — and epistle. Evening— ■«• Benediction. * — , # Corning— "The Feast of Pentecost." Even- # — Vespers. - . * * : : * lornlng— Pentecost. Evening— Benediction. * * : ,—, — J5. Corning— "The Holy Ghost." Evening— * Benediction. 53&BBBH # [ornlng— "They Were Filled With the Holy * Ghost." Evening — Vespers. -jf — — —^ — — —^—— _— —^_M— _«_ X* Corning— "Beginning at Jerusalem." Even- -Jf- Ing — Praise service. . . ■ * lornlng— "The New Testament Good Man." * Evening — "Darkness and Night." : ,'.'*. * y lornlng— "The Slain of the .Maine; Will •£ They Live Again?" Evening— "The New ■£■ and Old in Gospel Truth." * . j«. lornlng— "Thou Shalt Guide Me With Thy -if Counsel." Evening— "The End Is Not •*• Yet." . . ;-.;• * ~ — .—. — . — — — . . _ .•/. lornlng— "A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ." * Evening— "God. the Hidden Savior." # ■ — ——————^____^ «j£ lornlng— "Seeking and Finding." Evening * "Might and Right." • Jf [ornlng— "The Ascension of Christ." Even- * Ing— G. H. Thomas and Liberty Posts. -5f G. A. R., will be present. ■» ........ Memorial and ' praise service. ♦ Address by Rev. H. Shepherd. • . * — Memorial -service, "The Present 4r War and Manifest Destiny." * ■ . lornlng— "The Future of the Work." 4fr Evening— Song service. # — •* [orning — Pentecostal service. ■£ '" . • _ jt [ornlng — Special Red Cross service. -Even- Jf. — Patriotic musical service. ■ ■%■ .. - — « p. [ornlng — "The Motive of Our War With * Spain." E\ enlng-^-Evensong. .jf. * St. Patrick's, Mission street, near Third. Father Gray St. Paul's. streets. Twenty-ninth and Father Connolly St. Peter and Paul's, Filbert ard streets. Saleslan Fathers St. Peter's, Alabama street, near fourth. Secular Clergy St. Rose, Brannan street, near Fourth. Father Nugent. .... St. Teresa's, Tennessee and Butte First Christian, streets. Mission and Rev. F. 8. West Side Christian, Devlsadero. Bush street. Rev. W. A. Gardner Bethany Congregational, Twenty-fifth Bartlett streets. Rev. W. C. Pond Bethlehem Congregational, Vermont near Twenty-fourth. Rev. W. H. Tubbs et." Richmond Congregational, Seventh and Clement street. Rev. P. Coombe "A Good Soldier of : —"God, the Hidden Olivet Congregational, Noe streets. Seventeenth Rev. H. T. Shepard Post street. Rev. F. B. Cherington Third Congregational, Fifteenth street. Mission. Rev. William Rader First Congregational. Post and Mason Rev. G. C. Adams Good Samaritan Mission, near Folsotn. Second Roy. W. I. Kip Jr Grace Episcopal Church, California Stockton streets. Rev. R, C. Foute service. Church of the Advent, Eleventh street. Market. Rev. J. A. Emery St. Luke's, Van Ness avenue street. and Hey. W. H. Moreland Spain." St. John, Fifteenth street and Julian nue. Rev. E. B. Spalding Feast of Pentecost." St. Mary the Virgin, Union and streets. St. Peter's Episcopal, Stockton and bert streets. Rev. H. Parrlsh Rev. M. D. Wilson _ * —"Magnificat." - -3* * . : _ -£ — "The Descent of tha Holy # "■•-.: • . #. —"The Pentecostal Gift." Evening * hly choral festival. * _ • *. —Holy communion. . Evening — Lit- ; •£• St. Paul's Episcopal, California street, be- tween Flllmore and Stelner. Rev. W. Maxwell Reilly Trinity Episcopal Church, Bush street, Gough. Rev. H. E. Cooke any. ■ * First English Lutheran, Geary street, Gough. Rev. E. Nelander —Memorial Day sermon, "IS6I and * Evening — "St. John's Vision." * Bethel African M. E., Powell street, Jackson. Rev. W. B. Anderson doming — "The Prophetic Visions." Even- —■ Ing — "The Ten Commandments." -x- . jj. ilorntntf — "Character and Environment." •>«• Evening-— Army platform memo- -se- rial service. M£flß * * — Memorial service. ♦ * * doming — "Divine Teaching." Evening — ■£■ "In Memory of the Dead." : ■*■.-'- '* doming— "Life Plans." Evening— "Two -jj- Wars, Civil and Foreign." ...^if. 1 . * #. klornlng— "How to Reach, the Downtown -:-:- Masses. Evening — "Lessons From the 4fr Past." ■* 4£. Evening— Memorial service). ■* #. — Sunday school. Evening- — "Needs * of the Hour." # * Joining— "Crowned With Glory and * Honor." Evening— "The Mission of the 4r English Speaking Race." * __ ____.»^__^ __• y torning — "Peace Through Wars." Even- * ing — "Messiah's Messenger." # *. lornlng — Sermon by Dr. Mackenzie. Even- 4t-' ing — "God and the Anglo-Saxon Race." # _ ; * Corning — "Knowledge Which Fasseth -3f Knowledge." Evening— "Our Honored * Dead." * .—:. — : # [ornlng — Special memorial service In honor * of the dead of the civil war and the war * ■with Spain. * Ing- Central Sixth. Methodist, Mission sttOJt. Rev. C. E. Lock* First M. E. Church, Powell and ton streets. Rev. W. S. Unny Fifteenth Avenue M. E. Church, avenue south and P street. Rev. H. Pearce Grace M. E., Twenty-first and Capp Rev. J. N. Beard : Howard Street M. E., Howard street. Second. Rev. J. A. B. Wilson Potrero M. streets. E., Tennessee and Rev. D. W. Chilson Richmond Methodist, Fourth avenue Clement street. Rev. O. W. Beatty Simpson Memorial, Hayes and streets. '. J. Stephens Calvary Presbyterian, Geary and streets. Rev. J. Hemphlll ing—' First Presbyterian, Van Ness avenue Sacramento street. Rev. R. Mackenzie Rev. H. N. Bevler ing- Memorial Presbyterian, Eighteenth and Railroad avenue. Howard Presbyterian Church, corner and Baker streets. Rev. F. R. Farrand Stewart Memorial U. P. Church, street, near Twenty-third. W. E. Dugan lornlng — "The Manifestation of Love." -H- — "Memorial Days and the Boys -K- in Blue." • * : * [ornlng — "The Compensation of the Chris- * tlon's Life." Evening— Memorial services, -x- . # [ornlng— "Our Nation's War." Evening — •* A question box service. - -jj toming— are cordially Invited. & * , . ,v. torning— "The ! Monk of Florence." Even- * ing-— "The War for the Sake of Human- £ Ity." * Ivenlng — "Israel's Wedding Day." -is. » — Christian Science lesson. # ' * [orning— "Don't Worry." >. ■$ t ■ . • * . Ivenlng — Evangelistic service. * * : * [orning— "Examine Yourself." Evening — -J5- George S. Lincoln- will preach. -s- Ivenlng— "Crosses,' -Red. White and Blue, * In Memory of the Dead, in Honor of the # Living and In Aid of the 'Suffering." * jj. [ornlng— Song service. # • * : * p. — An address to men only. * * iventng— Musical spiritual service; music * by Mr. R. S. Lillte. * : # [ornlng— "Pentecost Power. Evening— Me- ■*• mortal Day sermon. -s- Trinity Presbyterian, streets. Second and Rev. A. M. Carson Westminster Presbyterian. Oak and streets. Rev. S. S. Cryor First Unitarian. Htreets. Franklin and Rev. H. Stebblns are cordially Invited. Second Unitarian, streets. Twentieth and Rev. J. A. Wells Bush Street Temple, streets. Bush and Rabbi Myers "Israel's Wedding Day." First Church of Christ. Scientist. 223 ter street. The Bible. Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures Science lesson. The First Divine Science Church, street, between Geary and Poet. M. E. Cramer "Don't Worry." Metropolitan Temple, Fifth street. Market. Rev. P. B. Morgan Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ. Post street. C. A. Parkin Theosojihical Society. Market and streets. Marie A. Walsh in Mer Living Salvation Army, Market street, near enth. Evans service. Y. M. C. A.. Mason and Ellis streets. Bishop Stanford * . p. m. — An address to men only. Progressive Spiritualists, McAllister Larkin streets. Mrs. R. S. LUlie Evangelical Emmanuel Church, 1834 ard street. Rev. F. W. Fisher ' | is no doubt In the world that the boys intend putting up a good game and to make the Frisco aggregation look like dolls- they are undertaking, the hard est task of their lives. it is unneces sary to mention the intense amount of rivalry that has always existed • be tween these two teams In former years and suffice it to say that. instead of abating, through the decadence "of the game, it is "more better" than ever, and to-day. if the weather will permit, two of the best clubs In the league will struggle for supremacy. ; Come one. come all; ladies free. The line up Is as follows: » ■ San Francisco. Positions. Oakland. Hamm0nd. ......:• Catcher Sullivan Wheeler or Krog.:. Pitcher ............. Russell Murphy.... .First ba5e.......".........5ykes Engan. :....'... Second ba5e............0'Ne1l Monnhan ...... .Third baxe... '...'.......... Lang X Krug.. ....V... "..5h0rt5t0p:....... ..;... Schmeer Hearty.... ....Left fie1d.... ...... Mosher Dunleavy ...... .Center fie1d...;.... Hardie Strocker . . ... .".Right field ..'.......... Donovan . A Jewish merchant while ?• passing through Pownal, Mass.. had quite a little adventure. As he neared Barbers duck pond, sitting on the fence was a huge bald eagle. -.When quite ; near '.the bird ; opened his bill, raised his claws. and i was about Ito make an attack :on the merchant.;; He hurled ; a sharp stone at It. and his aim was fatal in its effect, as the bird was in stantly killed. It measured 5 feet 9 Inches from tip to t|p.-3ggg^||gKg|g||g '", '.■'.'. . /"!!.'."' .•!.'" — ——.'" :« There are coal mines in Cuba, but none of them have been — -eloped, and all the coal ' used in the island la : shipped there from "America- • : -• ■ . • . HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. IV W r Hartley, Vacavl .R S Tesfey. Stockton M B Benjamin, Cal JW Gunnud. Angels C I M Squire, S Barbara jF B Perkins, Cal ■ H Baldwin. Stockton R A Tucker. N V I J M Cameron. B C F D Ryan. Sacto ; W A Steel. Seattle I Clark. Chicago E T Botsford. V S W T Barn. Castroville R H Tucker. Cal C E Lindsay. S Cruz T P Bums, Cal W Hepburn, Auburn i F Aliman, San Jose G R Parkinson&w,Cal H H Meyer. Healdsbg J Warren. St Paul H Edwards. Cal Mrs H N Yates. Crockt | W G Logan. Mo S J Allen. Naval B I Mrs B Home. Sacto J Flanagan, Mendocino ! W S Hopson. Idaho J D Mullen. Colo J C Cooper, Fresno T H Carter&w, S Jose B T Scott. Fresno F Reeve. S Bernardno J M Brooks, Lor An* J A Whitmore. Redlnd ! A J Wallace. Los Ang H D Rowe & w. Oak ; W W Turner&w. Tex H L Smith, Fresno ■■ W H Casey. Pa G Lingo. Reids Lndg ' P Martin. Sacto D A Cole & w, L Ang I F E Raynes. Treka L M Hendey, Los Ang I D L Rilpy, Mendocino F N Hunter. I^os Ang F Cox. Sacto . H Rudin. Fresno H H Blood, Nev 1 J Dunn. Berkeley W R .lenks, Los Gatos J Goldman. Merced T Turkow. Cal B Burkln. Merced F M West. Stockton P C Cornell. Merced IG E Cutts. Stockton GII Angnew, Merced BALDWIN HOTEL. P Ball. S Jose |O Dugdale. S Mateo H H Sroval. L Ang F E Alken. N V P S Keefer & w. Colo Q W Jones. Fresno J M Gale, Vallejo D Mahoney&w, 8 Jose Miss Jackson. Vallejo J E Henry. Wli Mrs Hopkins. Sacto W D Davis. Ooat Isl Miss Hopkins, Sacto H Lion. S Jose E J Sherman. Sacto Dr Bangs. S Jose C G Hughes. Sacto R C Long:. Cal H M Mitchell, S Jose H Worams. N V L LaVerne, NY IH Block & w. Maine J Woolsey A w. L Ang |J A Keyes. Suisun A A Eberson. NY W X Downing, Suisun 3 H Martin. NY IT E Mullen. Fresno Mis« Martin, NY IEC Langhorn. N V Miss Ewen. M V JB'.gler & », N 3 L R Prince, Boston I PALACE : HOTEL. C M Wilbur, S S China J M Oaktson. Stanfd N P Rogers. N V Mrs Gregory. • Wash Mrs Rogers, N V W G Blatt. Michigan Miss Friedman, Oakdle J . D ■ Sproul&w. Chlco A Atherton, Boston F 1 Macomber, Sulsun C Clement. N V Miss M A Oliver Mass Mrs Clement, N V Miss L D Oliver. Mass F H Miller. Ind Miss Murphy, S Cru» Mrs R L Rush. Wash A G Lewis. S "Jose J N Stahl. Texas Mrs ' Lewis, S Jose E Gibber. Texas Baron yon Schroeder. G Cohn, Guatemala ■ ■■ S Rafael Mrs Cohn. Gauteraala Baron A yon Schroe- W S Gardner, Alaska der. - S Rafael F Alman, S Jose R E Pierce. S Jose CDol ph. Stanford Mrs Danforth. S Jose J N Coppells, Pittsbg E Strauss, Chicago Mrs Coppells, Pittsbg J Eisendroth, Chicago J Wolfrom, ■ Tulare (Mrs Underwood, Bostn J P. Yates. L Anglo - lo H Savage&w, S loss T O Toland.- Ventura \V Somerset, London H"W Patton. L 'Ang B U Stelnman, Sacto C McKevett.-S Paula J E Burnham, Boston Mrs Wolfskill. L Ang H Frank. X V Miss Wolfskin. LAng Miss Withers. Texas G D Weston. Colo ; : NEW WESTERN HOTEL. P Greenfield, L Banos J J Engels. Woodland Mrs Martin. Mo M Foley. V'allejo Miss Martin. Mo - H Higginp, Sonora Z Buckner. S Rosa J A Jones. Sonora J KSutton. N V H Jackson. Chicago C Ftnberg. S Rosa - Mrs H "Jackson, ' Chgo H Tobln. Walla Walla S Bassett, Fairfleld E Hedman & w. Or.-- R Bradley, S Cruz L McDonald Chicago F M Howe, R Vlata. Mrs L - McDonald, 11l C J Randall. Fresno F Kelly. . Modesto iJ Morell, Healdsburg C Wlnslow. ; S Jaclnto I .- ', '.' — ■» ' — — — ' ' ■•": The excavations In orogreas of - th« tomb >of Qautarna { Buddha have brought to light ; buildings more : ancient : than any yet found In India. ■ '