Newspaper Page Text
REJOICE OVER THE VICTORY Irishmen Show Their Love for America. TRUE PATRIOTISM IS SHOWN VERY FEW CATHOLICS IN SYM- PATHY WITH SPAIN. J. J. Clancy, M.P., The Call's Special Correspondent in Ireland, Gives a Review of Recent Events There. Special Corr«apond«no* of Th« Call. BY J. J. CLANCY. LONDON, May U.— The detailed ac counta of Admiral Dewey's great vlo tory at Manila, which appeared in the Irish papers early in the week, were, It need hardly be Bald, read with the most Intense eagerness and the greatest de light In Dublin and throughout the rest of Ireland. The Irish people had been almost feverishly waiting for a con firmation of the first telegraphic an- nouncement of the victor}', the more so as It seemed to be unaccountably de layed, and when at last it came it was a relief and a source of joy. The same may be said of the great majority of the Irishmen in London and England. Another circumstance which has caused much satisfaction among Irish Catholics, who, of course, consti tute the great majority of the popula tion of Ireland, is the declaration of the Catholic Bishops of America. The or gan of the independent or Parnellite party, the Irish Daily Independent, de voted a day or two ago a si ar ticle to the subject, and made most ef fective use of the declaration against that very small minority who, because Spain is a Catholic country', sympa thize with her on that account, for getting that there are nearly as many Catholics in America as in Spain and more than twice as many Irish Catho lics as there are In Ireland itself. Irish men are now looking with the most in tense anxiety to the battle which ap pears to be impending in the Atlantic, and the most fervent hopes are enter tained that not only the American fleet may triumph, but so decidedly that a Epeedy end may be put to the war. We have been all the week engaged in the House of Commons in a debate on the clauses of the local government bill for Ireland, but the debate has, for the greater part, been concerned so much with details that American read ers would scarcely be obliged to me for dwelling on its various points in suc cession. One subject, however, of gen eral Interest came under discussion— that of the bribe held out to the Un ionist or Tory majority in Ireland to accept the measure and make the best •if it. That bribe, as I have explained before, is the payment out of the im perial grant of £730,000 a year to Ire iif the local rates, to which the landlords are at present liable. This payment was opposed by the English Liberals and by one Irish member — Mr. Michael Davttt. Both opposed it for the same reason — namely, that the land lords deserved and ought to get noth ing. Mr. Davitt, of coarse, is perfectly sincere. He is the son of an evicted tenant; he knows what the unrestricted power of landlordism accomplished in the past, and he has vowed everlasting vengeance against the whole class. It may be doubted whether the same can be said of the English Liberals. They, In fact, are acting in this matter the part of the dog in the manger. They have not been able to do anything for Ireland in the shape of reform them selves, and they would, if possible, pre vent their British rivals from doing anything either. The answer to both was at once given, and It was conclu sive. It was that the relief to the landlords was an essential condition of the con cession of local self-government, and that, that being so, the condition must be accepted. The truth is, that the price paid for this boon and its certain consequences Is a small one after all. Those consequences are even more im portant than the measure itself, for it will certainly lead to home rule in the larger sense. The mere introduction of the bill has already alienated from the present government almost every sup porter of theirs In Ireland, and here in the House of Commons I really believe that the opinion entertained by Irish Unionist members is that, after this bill has passed into law, home rule can hardly have any terrors for the Irish minority. Last night there was a debate in the Commons on the subject of the distress In the west of Ireland, and at one point It appeared likely to lead to a "scene." The Chief Secretary's unhappy "cham pagne" speech was the cause. In a former letter I explained all about that somewhat callous deliverance, and told how It had aroused feeling in Ireland. The curio-us thing is that it seemed to have aroused somewhat similar feel- Ings in England among the political supporters of Mr. Balfour, and yester day one of them — Major Raseh, a high anil dry Tory — openly assailed the Chief Secretary. The latter was pale with rage. He admitted, however, that he had made a mistake. He defended what he had said as strictly true and as meaning nothing mere than that there were some things which the Gov ernment could not do for the distressed people; but he added that he ought to have known that the power and habit of" misconstruction were great, and that he ought, accordingly, to have avoided the use of equivocal expressions. This, no doubt, was a plausible excuse; but, after .ill, the spirit which dictated such a raying as that the Government could hardly be expected to supply the peo ple of the '•■ ■ • ■-■ ■; Of Ireland with cham pagne can hardly be called sympa thetic. Moreover, while he showed that r the accounts of the distress in particular cases were exaggerated, Mr. Balfour admitted that the distress in many parts of Western and Southern Ireland was very acute. Indeed, he j went further, for he admitted that ! there were many cases in which the ] Government ought to and would have given relief but that outside charity had Intervened and saved him the ne cessity. This was virtually a confes sion of deliberate neglect of duty, for it showed that, instead of doing his duty, he waited until he had seen whether others who were not respon sible would do his business for him. The worst of it from his point of view j to that, according to his own further admission, he would have had no diffi culty in obtaining from the treasury any money for the relief of distress for which he had chosen to ask. A very interesting reunion of Irish men took place in London this week, of which no account, by the way, has appeared In the papers. I refer to a dinner In the Grand Hotel of Trinity College (Dublin) men In England. Mr. Leeky, M. P. for the University of Dublin, presided, and among others Dr«us«»nt were John Redmond, M. P.. A THE EMPOBIUM. [ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥\ New Books. Publishers' Our Price. Prloe. "Farthest North," new edition Nansen $3.00 $2.70 "Ideal Life,". Drummond $1.50 fi-35 "American Citizen".... Ryley $1.50 $M 5 '•Folks From Dixie" Dunbar $1.25 $1.10 "Children of the Sea" Conrad $1.25 t Graduating Dresses* These three fabrics are admirably adapted for the dainty gra uating dresses that must now soon be ready. A very charming dress indeed can oe made from the 50 cent goods. Swiss organdies, heavy and fine, an extra good quality can be _~ - r « bought tor '• -^ c y aro White Piques or Fancy Piques in striped, dotted or figured effects, made up exceedingly pretiy. We • have them in four qualities and a great variety of patterns. 20c, 350, 400 and 50c yard. 32-inch White Organdie Swiss— the /T\ L"l L very finest quality 40c — and five £J} hr£~~* o ther grades at 15c, 200, 250, 300 and 350 yard. These for Housekeepers* 75 extra-large Crochet Bedspreads in new Mar- _~ seilles designs, on special sale, each ••— /yj{ 150 pairs of extra-large hemstitched anJ embroiJereJ sheets with pillowcase* to mici at greatly reduced prices. . A . The Sheets now $2.50 to $3,50 pair. Pillowcases, now 75c to $1.00 pair. 62-inch extra heavy Bleach-d Damask in hand- ,« some patterns— this week per yard ouc 18-inch Checked Glass Linen, ex'ra quality— per f ~ yard * UC 250 dozen % size, all linen Dinner Napkins, sev- &*.nr eral different designs— p?r dozen... • .p*./3 "Stuttgarter" Union Suits> The best woolen underwear made — so that now the words \>^ "Stuttgarter" and Standard Sani- tary Underwear are synonymous. FHfff^w Ladies' spring-weight "Stuttgar- wW/1 foAr ter " Sanitar y Combination Suits: %MMrW 28............ 52.50 1 36......... 5350 f"Stuttgarter" and Standard Sani- tary Underwear are synonymous. Ladies' spring-weight "Stuttgar- ter" Sanitary Combination Suits: 28 ?2.50 I 36 131 3 5O 30 2.75 138 - 3-75 =^^li,, ) 32. 3-9O 140 •' - 4°° JSS?3?\U 34 ....; •• 3-25 142 - 425 .— h|{ Ladies' Imported French Lisle '\JJ sj\ Thread Vests, Swiss Ribbed Crocheted, ']/ neck and arm hole inserted with silk ' ),/[ tape— colors. Ecru, White, Pink, Blue ■£-* and Black — pants to match— per ~ garment OUC Ladies' Imported Swiss Ribbed Cotton Combination Suit?, low neck, no sleeves : Ecru and White, $J.OO each Pink, Sky Blue and Black, $J.JS each Ladies' Imported Swiss Ribbed Cotton Combination Suits, high neck and short sleeves and high neck and long sleeves : Fc and White, $1.50 each Pink, Sky Blue ani Black, $1.65 each Children's E:yptian jersey ribbed --otton fleece -_ lin»J Vests and Pants and Boys' Drawers— each xOC .^ Wash Surahs, 50c. It^p'-iS' 24-inch All-Silk Wash Surahs — €Wash 75c quality — extra 24-inch Ail-Silk Wash Surahs — the best 75c quality — extra heavy— either large or small de- signs — in a most comprehensive assortment of color combinations — colors that will not fade — among them: Black and white, Green and white, w' r\ Blue and cream, Heliotrope and white, ujj. Gray and white, ( Navy and white, >J\J^ Red and white, ' Green, blue and white, __ j Lavender, green, black and white. Yard. New Cushion Tops t Even Cushion Covers have £V?lHa-=S^aE=#£fe/ taken on patrioic hues— and ]4.'5b ijfSk. c?" very pretty covers they mike. : r*-' • /& j# Those that cam; from the East ft vTv|'^\)(/^' ' as * we? k are of art ticking mEven Cushion Covers are taken on patrio ie hues— and very pretty covers they mike. Those that cam; from the East last week are of art ticking and duck, upon which are st; mped in coior«, ready for m <*moroiJering, portraits of M^^L^ll^K Dswey, ihe coat of arms of &^^%f<ol/§ 1 , our country, the American > fl.ig, Cuban flags, signal flags T-^L-*s**^*Sr*r* and other patriotic designs. Complete Cover (top and bottom), 50c and 60c. R:d, wnite and blue cord to finish them off —two . sizes ■.......:.. 6 and I2^cyard Plaid Linens lor Cushions are in great demand— it takes little work to make thtm up— they are effec- tive, servicci-bls and cleanly in appearance. We carry a great variety of thes: plaiJs in the leading co'ors— widths from 18 to 24 inches— prices per v?rd 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c Art Embroidery Department- Main Floor— rear Rotunda. $1.25 Gas Lamps JL = J^X^//y r Only 3CO of those Incandescent -^i^y^Tyh^^ Lamps left from our last week's sale — &C*2*ttk*£v£YS^: they are complete, as shown in picture *Es^ M|*^^^ — worth $1.25 eich. To jrive more --■$$11 %ci? -f •-'^^ customers a chance to participate in sZty-'Wzm'* tn s test of a " am bargains we .limit W^WViva the number to 3to a customer un- __ / ///^\\Vv lil tne lot ls S — complete for... 03C , T?f \\ \ Our m mtles fit any Incandescent S|Mi * Gas Lamp— worth 40c — our £ - >3^«sUsßsc:price..... -^JC the leader of the Irish Independent Nationalist party; Lord Wolseley. the Irish commander in chief of the British army (see Beck); Lord Rathmore, who, as David Plunkett, was M. P. for Dub lin University for many years, and is one of the most charming orators In these countries; Mr. Carson. M. P., the Irish lawyer who abandoned the Irish bar (at which he was In leading prac tice) a few years ago to become one of the leaders of the English bar; and a considerable number of Irish Protes tant clergymen, who, though attached to the Protestant church in England, are Irishmen to the core, albeit differ ing at least most of them, from the majority of their countrymen in poll tics. It was, in other words, a gather ing of distinguished men belonging to various religions and various parties, but united by a common bond of Irish feeling. The speeches were all very eloquent, but, perhaps, the- most nota ble was that of Mr. Redmond. He re THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1398. THE EMPORIUM. | The Big Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday, May 30, Decoration Day, Open BA* M* Tuesday. Watch the morning papers for the announcements of the 9 to 12 morning sales- San Francisco's greatest money-saving events. Send for our handsome grocery price list to be issued this week— it tells the prices that you should pay for pure foods — if you are paying more, why ? Mailed free, city or country. irltf^i^ AMD /* \ Shopping place... s C %z\j% iii/LVEn Hrl/i t% — V§4 |^3W vtSyCB 7/1/1 R. • F ESI^LrM«R"HET STREETC ARS" l^^^.^ ~/fi* Morning Sale Tuesday 9to 12 O'Clock, The store gons, will , ring at the above hours. th(one M. of these Capes at the sale prices before or after the ringing *nsJw of the gong. So be sure and be her, between 9 and 12. <#||§1 Silk and Chiffon Capes > fcS''Ai( I — \a it \ty\cp j^W^y 1 Ictli 1 1 ICC* rW'^^lV'r^fe^ For the fourth of our popular morning sales we :^^^ffiih-rt\^^^ offer: This season's most dressy Chiffon and Silk Wi/MilM IW) ' Capes— not an old one in the lot— fresh, perfect gar- KWWmIIB ' \ IP? ' ments— probably a hundred styles to select from— all viOp#^ Ik jr beautifully trimmed with lace, chiffon or beaded \\\ ) effects — at exactly half price. HL^^llv $5.00 Silk Capes... 2 50 $ i 0.00 Silk Capes. . .$5.00 b^/^ $6.00 Silk Capes. . .$3.00 $J2.50 Silk Capes. . .$6.25 ' $7.50 Silk Cap:s . . . $3.75 $15.00 Silk Capes . $7.50 $20.00 Silk Ca P 25...5J0.00 Furniture and Carpets for Cash* ■ : The prices quoted below, which even the most inexperienced furniture-buyer will recognize as out of the ordinary, are few of the hundreds of equally as low prices on good furnituie and carpets in Our Model Cash Furniture-Store. Of course, when you pay cash down on furniture and carpets you expect to save something. We say 20 pet cent less than credit houses. Compare our prices with credit prices and see if it is not so. This Handsome Hardwood Extension Table seats ten persons 'f—B^— : wirw'.-. -=^=f with comfort, brilliantly polished top, turned le2:s, with /^*f'[ a^^tr^--^==ys^^ ornamental carvings, cheap for $10.00, but if you &-[- r\r\ 2 "^3 ~~ ome this week you can have one for 4>O»UU - i£^\ . ! /> (1 = This rett Combination Book-Case and Desk, mahogany TTfvCi'XdS r -T eL«. ■ finish, five adjustable snelves, convenient drawers anJ . f/f^^ <S^J\ ":'■'', % *y^\. t pigeon-hoies in the desk part, brass trimmings, well an.! $> -f.\. j^l \ f^^^Ti^^f^^^S/V * substantially made and worth $18.00, this <t< <r\ p-r\ I y*\ \ VA \ Cf }L^ i^V week..:.'......;.............."......................:.......... >p >\J*D\J '/A I : xy^J J h ~'<t' 151 5 Sideboards, made of solid oak, extra large siz*, plate mir- /0 r J / , . A rors, hand polished, very massive and handsome, <^q nr i \ /[=JJ// this week.... .*. q>7.75 . -^| |gl 523 Sideboards, solid- oak, extra large size, very large pattern, French plate <}• 4 a *j£- ■ ■ |£ j[| - ■ \ mirrors, one of the most charming designs in the siore, this week 4) > **♦ I 3 j ""^ a . HunJreds of rolls of Carpets, in new designs, have been arranged and priced to >//■ jl jpaEj make this week's carpet sales the largest in our history — •••- 65c =-=j|L 85c Tapestry Carpets for 6»c I . JJ || *==* 60c Tapestry Carpets tor ......45c -m-.!^- Ji $1.35 Body Brussels tor : 97 c l/^V^T^ < Velvets f0r..... - ~ 90c Ssc Ingrains for 35c 65c Linoleums for ........: 40c Here f s a Rug Special* Large hand-made Rug, suitable for dining and sitting room— the actual size 6x9 — good, durable *■ -3 *\p- floor covering, that will p:iy for itself ten times over in carpet-saving. This week.... ~ >pO»Z,D Convincing Grocery Prices* We claim to sell the best Groceries for the least prices. These prices on well-known brands should convince you that we do — a trial order surely will. The daily list of specials can always be seen in the Grocery show window. Here are eleven specials for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only — Fancy Eastern Hams for three days only— per Ib He Surprise "Sun-dried Tea," "a natural cured leaf"— regularly 44c It — for the three days 35c Postum Cereal— 1 Ib package— regularly 25c — for the three d iys 20c Mix=d Nuts— best quality— regularly 12^; Ib— (or the three days 10c Evaporated Blackberries— "until the iot is 501d"— 1b.... 5c 10 Ib sacks Golden Rule Salt— "for three days 0n1y". ..5c bal Soda — 30 lbs for 25c Good Table Claret— regularly 38c gal.— for the 3 days.23c Good Port Wine — reguarly 68c gal. — for the 3 davs...s3c GOOJ Sherry Wine — regularly 79c gal. — for the 3days..63c Fin: Kentucky Bourbon Whisky — per gtllon 52.10 Regular Prices. New goods under our own label guaranteed to please you or your money refunded. Evaporated Lemon Extract— very fine— 2 oz size 20c 8 1 z size. 6dc 4 oz size 35c 16 oz size $1.15 Emporium Vanilla Extract— none better— 2 oz size 25c 8 oz size 75c 4 nz size 40c 16 oz size $1.35 | Emporium Baking Powder— if it does not do as good work as any you have tver used send it back and get the money paid tor it — 40Z tins ioc 3 Ib tins $ v Ib tins 20c 5 Ib tins $1.50 1 Ib tins 37c sponded to the toast of "The Quests of the Evening," and, without trenching either on politics or religion, made some significant allusions which evoked a response, rather notable for such an assembly. It being well known that he was both a Catholic and a Nationalist, he took occasion to say that Irish Catholics could have no hostility to the great Irish Protestant University, see ing that it had opened its doors to Catholics nearl- three-quarters of a century before any English university had taken that ::tep, and that it had produced such Nationalists as Grattan, Robert Emmet and Wolfe Tone. It might be thought that the mention of such names would have looked a mani festation of hostile feeling or at least would have been received in chilling silence by a gathering, most of whom belonged to the Irish University; but the fact is that it was met with a burst of hearty cheering, which largely came from the clerical element to which I THE EMPORIUM. | have referred. It would be easy, in deed, to exaggerate the significance of such an incident, but it is not going too far to say that, like many other things, it indicates the gradual birth of a new state of things in Ireland. Classes and parties are drawing together there slowly but surely, which have long been separated; and, in my opinion, it is impossible to exaggerate the extent to which that change may go within the next few years or the consequences by which it may be attended. The career of Mr. Carson, to whom I have just referred, is worth a word or two. A few years ago he was but what is called a rising Junior at the Irish bar, and seemed likely to follow the usual path trodden by the average Irish barrister who is to any extent successful. He was taken up by Mr. Arthur Balfour when the latter became Chief Secretary, and figured largely as prosecutor for the Government in the Coercion Courts. He became a Queen's THE EMPOBIUM. The Vacation Time* Bought your. tent and hammocks yet? We carry the largest retail stocK of these goods in the city— sure to have the kind you want and at the right price.' fc§2 :: ' Tents are make of all "-\ r___£JJjV r ,- weights of duck, from the 8 *^cYK NJr^/ oz. single to 12 oz. army. i\ vj! A tent 5x7 feet,, shape like \v il \ r ' picture, complete with poles /^~^J/ Jl \ \ and pins, costs fr0m.. ......... W*mk \ \ ; -.-..... $4.25 up v-^4-ttP^Z_ \ \ > An Bxlo foot tent, with a ' VcS\ T^r-^\ -*^ac^c^' 3* cot wall, complete with *~*t-. ""* «*iV A ''U«r— -s—— poles and pins, costs from... — — _X*_.l/ x v . ' - ' 90.00 up We have about every style of Hammock manufactured. The Fancy-Colored Cotton Hammocks, with spreader at one end, cost irom .........75c up Same Style Hammocks, with pillow and snreader, cost from • $!.4O up , Sisal Grass Mexican Woven Hammocks, with rope edge, many different styles, from 75c up Camp Stools from ..............................20c to 50c Canvass Reclining Chairs , $1.00 and $1.25 C0t5..........-...— $».00 and $2.00 each Anything and everything needed to make camp life a pleasure on sale in the big store. Outfng Goods Department — Second Floor Front. Flags* \"- The emblem of our country is now in great demand. We have at present a complete stock of American flags — from 'X 3 inches up to 2ofeet ' in size— maJe on muslin, silk, cotton bunting or wool bunting, all guarahteeJ fast colors. Prices at the factories are constantly advancing and bid fair in a short time to be double wnat are now quoted. ' , Send for special flag price lists. counsel in due time, and shortly after ward Solicitor-General for Ireland, and member of Parliament for the Uni versity of Dublin. The natural con clusion of every one was that he would after a short interval mount to the bench. His membership of the House of Commons and his temporary resi dence in England, however, changed completely the spirit of his dream. When his party returned to power in 1895 he refused, to the astonishment of all his brother members of the Irish bar, to resume his position of land of ficer, which he had been obliged to re linquish on the defeat of his party in 1892. and determined instead to prac tice at the English bar in London. His courage has been rewarded with ex ceptional success. In three or four years he has advanced so rapidly that his Income is now about £12,000 or £13. 000 a year, or übout ten times as much as he was making in Dublin. Yester day, I hear, he refused a £ j of 1000 I THE EMPORIUM. | Men's Furnishings* New line Neckwear— ihe latest creations of the New York manufacturers— basket and swivel weaves in this season's colorings — plaids and checks— the sbapes are tecks, purrs, four-in-hands, band bows and m clubs i>UC A large assortment of Gloves for workingmen, griprnen and conductors, in buckskin, calfskin and goatskin — prices from 50c to- $1.50. We carry the celebrated Dan Hayes buck glove. Ask to see our driving ~y glove at... • ~.» • 3UC Boys' A II- worsted Sweaters, with sailor collars— colors navy and car- dinal — the collars have two rows of (f^\ white striping — best in the *. -..- Y*Jy city at the price- $*.UU \»2 If you are buying Shirts to stand hard sd&^tejmttfA usage you should look at our assort- /V/W"tllinlSS^ mentat half a dollar. We make a (\J fjj l liflSfrM* specialty of workinnmen's shirts at j J r'r, LlUj this price. The material is a heavy \\m\ ij'n, pi' l twill and the colors are woven— not 111 r |T|| ' Vy printed. You cannot get equal qual- XShi \\j .■ U\W ity elsewhere for less than 75c. - :n A»\ 'I. Hlf ' Our price is SUC »Pf Pajamas are in great demand now 11. \ for the Philippines. We are head- quartets for these goods and carry complete lines in Flannelettes, Madras and French Flannels. Delight- fully comfortable and reasonable in price— I*4o to $4.00. . .. , f -j The New Gloves* t 'Chamois Gloves are now in great demand. The season started much earlier this year, but our line of satisfactory Chamois Gloves is still complete in styles and sizes. Here are three new lines of Kid Gloves at popular prices: Our Ladies' DOLLAR GLOVES— two- clasp lightweight kid glove— in the new shades of ox-blood, greens, navy, pur- ples, tans, — also white and black —best value in the city— "war- <tt nn ranted and fitted" --... 4>>-.UU Our Ladles' DOLLAR AND A QUARTER GLOVE— a two-clasp real kid glove — in the new shades of browns, tans, modes, English reds, greens, navy— also white * t c and black— "warranted and fitted" 4>>.ZD Our Ladies' DOLLAR AND A HALF GLOVE— a two-clasp Eng- lish walking glove— real kid— new embroidered backs —colors English reds, tans, modes, new greens, navy, browns, white and ''warranted c . f cr and fitted" v $1.50 India Silk Parasols* Particular attention is called to the window display this week. Many dainty Parasols suit- able for city and country get their first showing. Ladies' India Silk Parasols, in white- one ruffle— paragon frames — <tf _._ t pretty wood handles. Each — 4>>.50 Ladies' India Silk Parasols, in white— one ruffle — canopy top— paragon frames —dainty handles. Each *. __ J../5 Ladies' India Silk Parasols, in white- two ruffles — canopy top — paragon frames — choice assortment of *. _ n handles to select from. Each.4>^«sU - . . r Curtains and Portieres* * Six items which should command the attention of economical housekeepers. Chenille Portieres— size 44 inches .by 3 yards— with double knotted fringe top and bottom — colors from .which to select— worth 54.25 per pair— special *- "_ at. .:... • • •• ..— \3+Zo Tapestry Portieres — fringed top and bottom— 48 inches by 3 yards— olive, terra cotta, red, rose c - __ and blue— were $3.25 pair— special at....... 4>/.Z5 Tapestry Portieres— handsome, turnover tops — fringe on top and. bottom — size 50 inches by 3 yards — 5 colors- were $$ pair — reduced for special sale t0... *o'4r 4)0.75 200 pairs of $1.00 Lace Curtains— size 46 inches __ * by 3 yards — either ecru or white— while theyjast 75c 250 pairs New Fine Net Curtains — 52 inches by * f jp . yards— worth 2. 2s— while theyjast h>J.65 100 pairs perfect copies of the French Novelty *_ A _ Curtains that sell for $25 a pair— this week.... $5.00 Curtain Department— " j ! Second Floor— near Elevators. < - \ Some Good Hosiery* j ■ ,4 Ladies' extra fine quality Imported Si\. \ Black and Tan Cotton Hose— high- 2^r/^\i'>r\ spliced heels and double soies, guaran- lilffVfyA iced, fast and stainless, Richelieu, nar- /^^SWZJ^K row anc wide ribbed— also plain— _^. mlvM r\f : 7 psr Ladies' *Lac» Lisle Thread "Hole, nJn^i/ \VM ! |^ Ladies' Lace Lisle Thread Ho*e, ■"•^JT/ ••'. \\l vI^V k' ac^ or tans, extra heavy heels apd fr^sJ'\*\^^ soles, the latest novelty for spring _L - wear — pair.-.....:.. ..'.... 50C fi/^ : Ladies' French Cotton and LiMe ■ . , .. - - r . Thread Hose, in fancy;; plaids, Roman stripes, black boots with fancy tops, other fancy _L , - novelties— the most complete asso r tments in the ciiv at SUC Extra fine gauge Children's Imported Cotton Hose, .'ribbed, double knee and high-spliced heel and douple ■ sole, colors Black or Tans, guaranteed stainler-s, or medium and heavy weight— per pair.....^... ......... 2pC guineas to cross over to that city as counsel in a set of actions expected to last only a week. Though an able man, he is not, however, a particularly bril liant one. He has left behind him in Dublin, in fact, able men who lack the courage to follow in his footsteps. The moral of the story is that the English bar must consist of a somewhat dull lot of persons and that an average Irishman among them must appear to the average Englishman somewhat of a man of genius. SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY FORMED AT REDDING REDDING, May 28.— The women of I this city have organized a Soldiers' Aid Society and have a number of propo sitions under consideration by which to raise funds to devote to Red Croßs work. The officers of the society are: THE EMPOBIUM. New Coon Songs. "I Guess That Will Hold You For Awhile"...... 35c "How 1 Love My Baby Lou" 35c "He Cerfney Was Good to Me" 35c "Christening of a Little Black Coon" 35C "Mammy's Little Pumpkin Col- ■ ored C00n5"......:......". 35C President, Mrs. Mary L. J. Smith; vice president, Mrs. W. W. Williams;, treas-' urer, Mrs. T. B. Smith; secretary, Mrs. Mary J. T. Rohm. , An advisory board was chosen, consisting of . Miss : larga retl. Poore, chairman; Mrs. O. jGrutt ner, -Mrs., Joseph Bailey, ■ Mrs. Julia Brigman and Mrs. S. Coughlin. j ; Contribution boxes ■ have been placed all over the -city and will be extended 'throughout I the. county. A fund-rais ins 'entertainment; will be given in the ; near future. • A committee consisting of Miss Margaret I. Poore, Mrs. George M. I Fisher and Mrs. E. W. Jose, has thq affair> in .charge. Contributions 'ara coming in liberally and the lowest es timate placed on the amount 1 these en thusiastic womer will succeed in rais ing is • $1000 in cash, besides "no * end of blankets, : underclothing, shoes and other necessaries.'- _ ' ' Advances made on furniture and plano», with or without removal. J. Noonan, 1017-1023 Mission. 5