Newspaper Page Text
BUSIXESS CHANCES. A— KREDO & CO. 1 22Vi Geary at. .- UP-TO-DATE BROKERS. List with us; no charge for advertising. I3Wo— Roadhouse; daily receipts $00. $1300— Saloon; tine corner; well stocked. Corner grocery and bar; 4 furnished rooms. 5175 — Grocery and bar; give-away. $1600— Plumbing and gasfittlr.g; $150 monthly. JSuO— Delicacy; fine corner; with living rooms. $6«v— Restaurant and furnished flat; $20 dally. y $125— Dressmaking; store and furnished rooms. V $460— Beet shooting gallery; cigar stand. For particulars call on KREDO & CO. . WOOD, coal, hay, grain and livery stable; clears $200; full value in stock. kri:i»o CO. land; receipts $15 daily; also }.-.■•. cigar stand. Oakland. KRI3DO <fc CO., . ' ■■■riry si. ;- LRTNER wanted In paying legitimate business; will pay to • & daily. Me- ' gt. ■N and club rooms tat sal- or ex- cTiange; pity or country ■. ear the _cuy. Mclaughlin - Kearny s t. store near the city; owner re- tiring; stock a 1 ■ For j.-nrttculars UGHUN & CO., 2S Kearny st. ■ ibllshed l>u- ng $200 10 a month; everything in first-class or- d-r; fullest Investigation given. McLAUGH- y st. CORNER nd bar; without doubt one ot" the t.e^r business corners Partner v. i tuission business tabllshed; s-ood corner and other bargains *.:: saloons, bakeries and ta ANDERSON £ CO. 777 Marke' .11 new third Its value ; call Market st. I • ■ ase the Nickel salon: ■ fittings, fixtures and piano forte 130 site. th $2000; wiil gel! X by June 1. J.. box 10. Call o:nVe, ' >itklaTid. S VLh. Cheap; fruit store doTng good busi: ' ILLAGHAN. 267 Third. ■ ■ ■ INVESTMENT. A— s«k>o: Orst-class restaurant on best street to <>akland; monthly receipts from | i 7 years; partner retiring fr >. call ur write M L WI'RTS, Seventeenth ana Broadway Oak- land. 1?l "' : ' fixtures of well-estabhshe.l ■ with refrigerator; will sell without -orator; $500 monthly trade free IdU San Pablo aye., Oakland dd 1 "* estat)l; ~ ng house to rent; San Bruno aye.. near Twenty-sixth St.; rent cheap. Aoplj to Q. J. DICKINSON. Mills building, third floor. "iCT'NG ::iarried man wishes some kln.l of of- fice work; is willing to invest in good pay- i:iy business; state wages and business. Box ■ ttce. W ANTED— lnstruction In white metal plating or Gray's system); state terms, sa box 4^4. Call office. i NER: business will net $75 to $100 monthly, with a fine future. See manager of New Faucet Co., branch office, 33 Third st. CANDT store and rUt to be vacated at 2017 Fillmore st. : fixtures and fountain have to i before first of June. C NINETEENTH, corner Diamond— Store and 3 iiv:, -uitable for barber-shop or shoemaker: r»nt $10. ESTAURANT; 3 furnished for man and wife. M.-LAUGHLIN & st. .KY store to let with oven; fixtures must M Chronicle building. FINE corner saloon; 4 living rooms; rent $20. icriflce. 331 Sixth st. I Newspaper Inside route. Apply at f - Ml !.ETE restaurant outfit for sale. ■: st. T RY, with fine trade: elegantly fitted up; ";sed. ;!025 Sacramento. CIG.A : '■ Market st., cor. Polk. Apply st. FOR SALE— Home bakery, notions, tamales; le; cheap rent. 1913 Howard st. Ms, furnished: cost JSOOO 1! years ag >; now asking $2200. Call 256 Third make offer at once. ANT; best location In Oakland; business. K. D., box 4, Call office. Oakland. 1 and shooting gallery very cheap. - vK< ' i . SALE — SaJoon with piano and 4 rooms; I ▼ I :-•:;. h vi n with 17 rooms; run- b] and gas in every room; no reason- the first of ■ ('all. ACTIVE middle-aged man of business expe- r. "ace with some capital and his services, !n some legitimate established • 17, Call office. CORNER saloon, good location: on account of Other business: low price. Albany Brewery. -hed groceries and bars; Apply Call office. ED— Partner with $2.">0; guaranteed -. X., box : kland. CO I'.NER saloon for sale at a bargain; good - .'!g:irs 24.? Fourth St. GOOD paying country barber shop; cheap for cash. Inquire Call Office. -ntral location, clearing over week, for sale; present owner going to Honolulu^ Particular Call office. FOR PALE— route at San Jose; for par- ticulars apply at Call business office or to E. F. PIERCE, Ban Jose. ■ BUMMER resort and beer garden to sell or rent. MRS. EOEKELMANN. Lorin. Cal. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. W. CAP WELL & CO.'S. 415 Sacramento st. BRANCH office of The Call. 106 Eleventh St.— Want ads and subscriptions taken. LODGING » ./USES FOR SALE. A— K RE IX) & CO~~~ l?i4~Geary'^iL UP-TO-DATE BROKERS. List with us; no charge for advertising; 500 houses; all sizes; all prices. The following at reduced prices: 30 rooms; Ellis st.; from $500 to $300 15 rooms; Third St.: from $400 to 275 16 rooms; sunny, corner; from $1650 to 1.350 20 rooms; corner Powell; from $2200 to., 1,600 22 looms; transient; new; from $1200 to.. l,o<>o 23 rooms; Bunny corner; from $1000 to 6TO 15 rooms; Post St.; frcm $1800 to 1.5T/0 100 rooms; with elevator; from $0000 t0... 5,300 Many other special bargains on Installments. I OFFER FOR SALE Tills DA? THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS 20-room house.. $8001 22-room house.... ' $500 10-room house.. 150 \ 24 rooms, corner.. 750 55 rooms, cor... 3,000 14 rms on Sutler 7ck> : 11 rs. ; must sell 2001 C 6 rms. ; best city 7,0u0 j 15 rooms; new.. 1,2."0 31-room house 1.400 SI rooms; new.. 3.00'j 110 rooms; corner. 6.000 SOO rms.; hotel.. 10,000 6 rooms; 0n1y... 150 35 rms.; central 2.500 10 rooms; Jones.. 300 H. C. DECKER, 1020 Market st.. opp. Fifth. A N' '. 1 family hotel on Market st. ; 100 rooms elegantly furnished; all newly papered; pas- senger and freight elevators: will be sold at a great bargain; no agents. Address box 4501, Call office. FOR Rent — well and favorably known St. George lodging house of 150 rooms, centrally located In Sacramento City and convenient to the railroad shops. For particulars apply to GEORGE TV. LORENZ. People's Savings Bank. Sacramento^ FOR Sale or Exchange— Lodging house. Market st : 60 rooms, all furnished: doing good busi- ness: owner unable to ' attend to same; no agents. Call 132 First st. - 11-ROOM house on McAllister St.. full of roomers: owner retiring. Box 4450, Call office. WELL furnished house. 8 rooms, for sale: bargain. Inquire 226 A McAllister, at. 61S LARKIN ST.— Branch office of Th« Call. Pubsrrlptioiw and want nd* tnken. ■ FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE of 5-room flat, with choice of renting flat. 113 Langton st. ALASKA ENTERPRISES. FOR Dawson. Alaska Venture Co. Steamship Prof. Morse, sails for St. Michaels June 10, 0 connecting with the speediest steamer on the Yukon the F. M. Smith: unexcelled facilities for handling freight and passengers: before making contracts call at general office, 630 Market st. ■ ■ rr ~- CARPET CLEANING. CITY Steam Carpet-cleaning Works: cleans, '■ moves, lays carpets. C. H. STEVENS. Mgr.. 38 and 40 Eighth Bt.: telephone South 250. WHEN' you become disgusted with poor work ; sand to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet- Beating Works. 353-57 Tehama Bt. : tel. S. 40. j j MCQUEEN'S Cal. Carpet Cleaning Co.. 453 'Stevenson st. : tel. S. --•; lowest rates. CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard: relaid at 3c. | STRATTON. 3 Elg in St.; tel. Jessie 944. GREAT Eastern Steam Carpet-Cleaning j Works. 14 St . Bt. ft GRANT, tel. Jessie 201. J E. MITCH Carpet Cleaning Co.. 240 14th st. ; cleaning .3c a yard: tot. Mission 74. J WATTS, reliable carpet-cleaning, renovat- | 'ing. alteration wks. 413 McAllister: Jessie 321. ADVANCE Carpet-Cleaning Co.'. 402 Sutter St.; tel . Main 394. GEO. WALCOM. Proprietor. CONKLIN'B Carpet-Beating Work*. 833 Golden Gate aye.; tel. Tast 126. " - ' ELEVENTH. 10*— Branch of floe of The Call. Subscriptions and want ada taken. I'RRSOSALS. JOHN T. DILWORTH. wheelwright, in San Francisco last in 1886, and JOHN T. DIL- W'OKTH JR., printer, or their heirs, will re- ceive valuable intormatlon by addressing OSCAS T. SHUCK, attorney at law, 509 Kearny et.. San Franoiico. MATRIMONY. MARRY— JcIn our special department; money refunded if not suited within six months; send 12c for monthly matrimonial paper and ■pecial terms. Address "Wedding Bell," 111 Ellis St., San Francisco. THE Tacinc. 406 Geary— Only legitimate matri- monial asan. west ot Chicago; details free. BUSINESS i KKSO.NALS. PACIFIC Employment Offices will furnish you with lirst-elass male or female iielp; hours 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. 777 Market st. I AM a. first-class hair dresser. The very latest styles of coiffures. 25c only. Good switches, $1; best, finest $3 50; extra heavy, long, $5. Open Sundays from 9 to 12. G. LEDERBR, 111 Stockton st. QUINONIA hair tonic makes a good head of hair. G. LEDERER, 111 Stockton st. COSTLESS clothes — Clothes made to order; clothes that fit; clothes that Jar the high- priced tailors in quality of goods and mini- mum of price: for instance, on a $20 suit, $5 down and $1 per week. Agency BOSTON WOOLEN MILLS, 920 Broadway, Oakland. ELECTRIC lights in ever}' room: Winchester House, 44 Third St., near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to 16 per week; free bus and baggage to and from the ferry. CEMETERY fences; best work; lowest prices. DOUGLASS, 1716 Central aye., nr. Bush st. MRS. DR. JOHNSTON, masseuse, electrician, ■ trained nurse; office heated. 579 Geary st. HOME in confinement; diseases of women. MRS DR. FUNKE. 1416 Bth St.. Alameda. CLOAKS and fine tailor-made suits to order at wholesale figures. 20 Sansoms st. SUITS to order on easy installments. L. LEMOS. in; Market St.. bet. 7th and Bth. DRESSMAKERS. MME.~GOLDSTEIN— Elegant, stylish dresses. Jo up; dresses made over. 6 Eddy st., rm. 86. SAN FRANCISCO Ladies' French Tailoring College, 916 Market st. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. F. CLARK, the distinguished trance clairvoyant and medium; while entranced she will reveal every hidden mystery in life: she will show you how to overcome your enemies. remove fami'." troubles, restore lost affec- tions; unites ' the separate, recovers lost, stolen or buried property; locates treasures. minerals; tells your entire life, past, present and future, while In a perfect trance. Hours 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; perfect satisfaction guar- . anteed by mail. Send stamp for circular with j special terms. MRS. DR. F. CLARK, rooms 26 and 26. 1206 Market ?t.. opposite Sixth. A— MRS. DR. E. J. M^ORE. U4I Market s'. : trance medium. Without asking a question ehe tells the name of her callers; Bha t»Ks past, present and future correctly; tells your a«e und occupation; she reunites the sepa- . chanp-es Hick, causes speedy and happy marring?? with the one of your choice; she locates burled tre;;sur>''S. rprr. ives evil influ- ences and all long-standing ailments, i vith stamps enclosed promptly answered. Hours 10 a. m. to S p. m. MME. HANSON, palmist, card reader; past. Nt and futm.-; '-'■■ 148 Sixth st., n MME. MOREAU, b.-st medium and card r ■ ier: 25c up; German sr>"ken. 73 Fourth Ft. MME. RAVEXA reals lift- fluently; business advice; names Ki\r-n ; Xc up. 6 fourth st. KISS EDNA V. GRANT, card reader and palmist. 215 Kearny st.. room 2. MME. SYBILLE, cm 1 .: I • future hus- band's picturo. 2>; lali"s. 914 O'Farr^ll ?t. MR? T>R. ANNA THOMAS, first in her pre- fesslon; never falls; a ivW: help, i' 29 Post st. SPIRITUALISM. TO-NIGHT - circle, 25c: readings, $1. C. MAYO- STEERS, 1124 Oak st. MRS. SEELEY. grand test meeting to-night; tests to all, l 'c. 1133 Mission st. MRS. BUTLER reliable clairvoyant, card reader: Hindoo control; hours 10-5. 579 Geary. MME. LE NORMANDE. reliable clairvoyant, card reader, magnetic treatment. 401 Leavnwth. MRS. SHAFFER, test and business medium; sittings daily. ZIP* Sixth st. MRS SHRINER. clairvoyant for business and spiritual sittings. 120 McAllister: tel.Jess MRS. ELLIS, medium. 233 Valencia st.; read- ings $1: clr. Tues., Frt., 2 p. m. ; Sat.. S; 25c. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance, test and busi- ness medium. 232 Stockton st. M FRANCES. Independent slate-writing me- dlum. lIS Halght st. • V.' ■'-■"- PALMISTRY. MRS. CHANDLER; readings. Tues.. Thurs., Sat. at hall. 305 Larkin st. ; Mem., Wed., Fri., residence. 353 Geary st. HYPNOTISM CAL. Institute. 402H Geary; hypnotism taugnt; diplomas Issued; diseases and habits cured. HORSES. WANTED— A good strong horse for laundry wagon. 2241 Mission Bt. 40 HORSES for sale: also wagons, buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Mar- ket, 327 Sixth St., auction pales every Wed- nesday. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. CAMP wagons, buggies, wagons, harness of all kinds; 40 horses; must sell. Emporium Sales Yards. 220 Valencia at. T. P. NEWELL. ~ WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. GOOD hack, coupe, surrey and wagonette, and second-hand and new wagons; cheap. -Bull's Head Repository. Fifteenth and Valencia. THREE-QUARTER end spring, ball bearing axle, rubber tire, piano body buggy. Can be seen at O'BRIEN & SONS', Golden Gate a«re. and Polk St. "--. • 61 E^IAL sale of harness and vehicles. Lie- bold Harness Co., 211 Larkin, opp. City Hall. FINE laundry, baker's and milk wagons cheap for cash or installments; 1 fire top tad opea buggy, also 1 hack. 823 Harrison st. FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. A PAIR turquoise cluster diamond earrings; price was $S3; our price now fGS. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. BABY'S buggy in good condition for sale VM Filbert ?t. ASK to Rpe the $11 solitaire diamond ring; ask to see the $11 solitaire diamond ring at UN- CLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. PIAXO box buggy for sale cheap; good con- dition. Apply 3SC€ Mission Bt. FOR SALE— S store signs. 6 showcases, 4 ta- bles. 48 candy glasses. 2 store scales, 2 coun- ters and shelving; now all In store room, 4274 Mission st. SECOND-HAND lumber redwood boards, rus- tic, fencing, t & g. Silver aye. and Mis- sion st. ONLY oamplng wagon in town; 6 berths; con- venient ac h.jmt- 1175 Valencia St. FOR Sale— Reasonable; soda fountain and Ice cream business at Sutro Baths. Apply at once at the premises or at 400 Front st. FOX Sale— Empty packing cases. Apply M. A. GINST & CO., 203 Kearny st. $67 50- -PIANO, good condition; $5 down $3 per month. 225 Sutler st. $197 60— MAGNIFICENT new upright piano; $10 down, %l per month ; guaranteed. 225 Sutter st. BARS, back bars, mirrors, show cases, coun- ters, linoleum, office furniture, store and office furniture ami fixtures; new and Bec- ond-hand J. NOONAN. 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission Bt., above Sixth. SECOND-HAND hose for Irrigation purposes" pumps, gasoline engines, etc. H. 8. WHITE M 4, MO, 518 Mission St. GAS fixtures very low; large assortment: 1 and 2 bowl barber washstands, cheap. HCP- SCHMII'T, 623 Golden Gate aye. LAUNDRY machinery, engines, dynamos, electl goods; new, 2d-hand. Smith Co.. 527 Mission. J. R POOL, house-mover, dealer second-hand building material. 1124 Mission; tel. So. 787. BOILERS, engine*. 2d hand machinery. Mc- INTORII & WOLPMAN, Fremont & Howard. SAFES— New and second-hand; cheaper than ever. Hermann Safe Mafc, f.33 Saoramento. ! SAFES— Bargains in new and second-hand; all sizes: half original cost. 109-111 Market. S. F. i G^APHOPHONES. $10: Records, ~s6 per" doiT; ProJectOHCope, $100. BaclKulupl. 533-946 Mrkt. 1 COFFEE mill, scale, hand-truck, letter-press, des^k ard safe cheap 102 Clay st. BARS, showcases, counters, shelving, etc.. bought and sold 1063 Mission, near Seventh. SEWING MACHINES. $2 MONTHLY— Rented, repaired, bought, sold; machine supplies. 145 Sixth; phone Mint 45. I ALL kinds bought, sold, exchanged, rented; repairing, lowest ratns. 2f-5 Fourth st. TYPEWRITERS. ALL typewriters sold and rented; few partly used for RiU« ehenp: »end for sample* and prlc-CB. ALEXANDER* CO., 110 Montcomery. "YOriT. «w>d order, $25; send for sample work. 6COTT tt BANNAN, S2S Montgomery it. THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, MAX 30, 1898. HOI SES TO LET. A—s2A — $20 — SKAf 1 ; 7 room and bath house; nice yard; Leavenworth st. SPECK & CO., 602 Market st. ALL OVER TOWN ■ - You see houses to rent by BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery et. ELEGANT 8-room houses: Sixth aye., bet. Cal- ifornia and Lake sts. ; prices will surprise you. MARCUSE & HUMMEL, 628 Market st. j SACRAMENTO St.. 1630— North side, east of Polk; sun all day; new, clean and pretty; ingrain paper; new chandeliers; marble and tile lavatory; art windows; mahogany and oak mantels; new cedar closets with mirrors In doors; porcelain bath tub with marble washstand; servant's room, laundry, etc. in basement; postoftlc* and cross lines cable cars at door; key on premises 1 p. m. to-day. TURK, 024, rear, near Larkin — Modern sunny 6 nx)m house; bath; gas; $1S with water. TURK, 738— 7-room modern house and bath, VALENCIA, 7i'o — Upper part of house, 5 rooms and bath; rent cheap. $B—HOUSE8 — HOUSE 5 rooms; best condition; healthy place. 1555 Kearny St., near Greenwich. $26 — 15 Oak st.. near Market; S rooms and bath; modern conveniences. COTTAGES TO LET. ARMY, 362SA— Sunny cottage, 6 rooms, base- ment; rent SS; rear cottage. BAY-WINDOW cottage of 5 rooms and bath. 914 Alabama St., near Twenty-first. COTTAGE, 5 rooms and bath; basement; mod- ern, no < 'uk st. COTTAGE; o rooms and bath; large basement; large lot with stable. 107 Twenty-ninth st. FOR RENT— Cottage house; 2 large sunny rooms with yard and basement. 622 Minna. NEARLY new cottage of 4 rooms; rent $10. Folsom st. ; key next door. SUnVy cottages, 5 and 6 rooms; bath; base- ment: yard; cheap. 1576 Fifteenth St., near Dolores. PS COTTAGE. 6 rooms; prettiest in city; new; 29C3 Twenty-first St.; key at corner grocery. 339 HAVES ST.-Branch office of The Call. Subscriptions and ads taken. KIHMSHED HOUSES TO LET. BIRCH aye., s— Four rooms and bath; nicely furnished. TAYLOR. 810— Completely Turn! hed sunny house, 10 rooms and bath. Call bet. 1:30 and 4 pm. $43— Mcdern lower flat; 8 rooms, bath; piano. Call from 10 to 2. ISOB Vallejo st. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly CaU. in wrappers, for mailing. FLATS TO LET. A— sl0 — 4 ROOMS, near Fourth and Mission. A— slS — 5 rooms, bath, Geary st., newly painted. A— s23 — Elegant brand new 5 rooms, enamel bath: 10 other new flats. SPECK & CO., 602 Montgomery st. AA— Dale place, 8, off Golden Gate aye., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde — Six rooms and bath. ALABAMA, S32— Flat of 5 sunny rooms, bath and stationary tubs; $18. AN upper flat, 3 rooms bath, yard, $10. 409% Thirteenth si., above Valencia. ALL OVER TOWN ■ You see flats to rent by BALDWIN 4 HOWEXJIj, 10 Montgomery st. CASTRO, ISIS, near Twenty-fifth— Flat. 4 large rooms; bath, gas, mirror-top mantels; $11 60. CLAY, modern tunny rooms and bath. FIFTEENTH, 2176. bet. Xoe and Market— 6 sunny rooms and bath: water free; $13. FILLMORE, 207, near Halght— Upper flat of 5 sunny rooms and bath. FLATS. S and 6 rooms: improvements; good cellars; one block Jackson st. cars. 1135 Pacific St., near J^nes. FOLSOM, 1154 — Four-room flat; even with side- walk. FOLSOM, S. W. cor. Thirteenth— Two flats, 5 -. bath; rent suit times. Apply premises. GROVE, 10. near City Hall— Elegant top flat; 5 rooms; bath. j GROVE, 72SA— Lower flat four light sunny ms; bath. HARRIS* >N, 2041, opp. Eighteenth— Two gunny flats, 3 and 4 rooms; rent $9 and $10. HAVES, WS— Sunny flat of C rooms; bath; large jard; basement; $&j. HAVES. IT.'.!, and ITM Waller— Sunny flats; 3 to 5 rooms and bath; $7 60 to $15; near park. HYDE, 232, between Turk and Eddy — Com- plete bedroom and kitchen for housekeeping. LEAVENWORTH, 1H23, bet. Pacific and Jack- son—Upper flat of 5 rooms; rent $14. MCALLISTER, 726— Upper flat. 7 rooms; bath; rent $30. Key 725. MCALLISTER, 2040— Modern flat, 5 rooms and bath; rent $15. MODERN flats, E and 6 rooms; bath: yard; basement; rent $13 and $14. 839 Jersey St., near Castro. Ml 'i 'F.RN flat. 1007 Lombard St., near Hyde-st. cars. , 30, bet. Sixth and Seventh— Five large rooms and bath. Key at corner of Howard. NINETEENTH, 3&30. bet. Noe and Sanchez- Flat,:" large rooms; bath, gas, large yard;sl2 50. NOE. 151 — 2 nicely furnished rooms; modern flat; gas range; grate; bath; $12. PACIFIC aye,, 1671— Four sunny rooms; bath; _J!i. PAGE, 430, near Webstei — New handsome flat. 7 rooms; latest improvements; rent reason- able ; garden ; reference. POLK, 1710, near Clay — Sunny new bay-window flat, 7 rooms and bath. $2.'. POST, 625— An elegant fiat of 7 rooms and bath, $35 month. SHOTWELL, 4A. near Fourteenth— Flat of 4 sunny rooms and yard; rent reasonable. TENANT wanted for a rich little ranch of 60 acres. 3 miles of Snnta Cruz; apple orchard; vineyard, penrs. etc.; new hardwood house; farming utensils, etc. Particulars of JULIEN BMITH, Real Estate Agent, 420 Montgomery. TWENTIETH, 27m3, cor. Hampshire— Upper flat of 6 large sunny rooms, $17; stable, $19. TWENTY-SECOND, 3440, nr. Fair Oaks— Sunny lower flat; 4 rooms; bath; basement; $15. TWENTY-FIFTH, cor. Folsom— Four modem sunny rooms and bath. TWENTY-FOURTH, 8075, nr. Folsom— 6-room flat; hot and cold water, with stable; $15; water free. WEUHTER, 612— A corner flat of 5 rooms; yard; no children. $8 50— MIDDLE flat, 3 room!. 2.'6 Harriet St., bet. Harrison and Bryant. Sixth and Seventh. $22— f-ROOM flat. Sit O'Farrell &t., near Mason; no car fare. Apply 15 Grant aye. 527 MONTGOMERY, cor. Clay— Open until 9:SO o'clock; branch office of The Call. Subscrip- tions and want ad« taken. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. BRYANT, 1101, cor. Ninth— Three nloe furnish- ed front rma. complete for housekpng; cheap. BUSH, 710— Flat of 4 sunny connecting rooms and bath, $16; also lower flat. $14; very cen- tral. CALIFORNIA. 526, near Powell— 3 sunny house- keeping rooms, $15; also 3 at $10. CLAY, 2415 — Four sunny rooms and yard; base- ment. EDDY, 118 — Light, clean housekeeping rooms, $6 up; other rooms cheap; no transient. EDDY, 915—2 or 4 furnished or unfurnished rooms; gaa range; fine location; private resi- dence. EDDY, 917 — Desirable housekeeping rooms; gaa range, bath, garden; privaie; splendid locat'n. EIGHTH, 34, nr. Market— l or 2 sunny front rooms, with kitchen; furnished for housekeep- ing; hot and cold water; bath; private fam. EIGHTH, 36— Unfurnished large sunny front suite; mirror mantel, bath and gas; cheap. FIFTH. 322— Suite of rooms, furnished for housekeeping; rent cheap. FIFTH, 353— Furnished for housekeeping, 2 par- lors, kitchen, bath, $22; also $0 and $7 rooms. FILLMORE, 205— Two unfurnished rooms. FULTON, 116— Large well-furnished room, with summer kitchen, complete, $$ per month. GEARY. 111—2 nice front housekeeping rooms; also front single; very reasonable. GEARY, 556, formerly 518 — Elegant sunny par- lor: suites, single, double rooms; also house- keeping. GEARY, 1917 — For adults; 4 comfortable rooms; ! bath, two D*ci«; two stoves; pas and coal; $20. | HARRISON, 618— Common-sense adult can have 2 sunny unfurnished rooms, with stove, for $5; everything handy. HOWARD, 625— Large front room; furnished complete for housekeeping. HYDE, 703%, oor. Post— 2 sunny front con- necting rooms; unfurnished; light housekpg. JONES, 505— Sunny furnished rooms. $6 to $12; 3 housekeeping moms, $18 a month. JONES, 028—8 elegantly f; nlshed housekeep- ing rooms; gas stove; also tingle. MASON. 413. opp. Native Sons' Hall— Nioely furnished sunny rooms; very reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS— Continued MCALLISTER. 340— i sunny rooms furnished for housekeeping. MONTGOMERY. 1402—3 furnished rooms for housekeeping; $9 month. Key 429 Dupont st. MISSION, 625^— Completely furnished suuny front housekeeping rooms; gas and bath. MISSION. S39— Large sunny rooms, complete for housekeeping; $2. MISSION. 1063— Clean sunny rooms; house- keeping; others; no objection to children. MISSION, 1119— Large sunny front room and kitchen; housekeeping complete: strictly pri- vate. MISSION, 1217— Sunny front bay-window suite, complete for housekeeping; rent reduced. PT. LOBOS AYE.. 1S1B; cor. Eighth— 4 large sunny unfurnished rooms $10. POLK. 605— Complete for housekeeping, Includ- ing gas for stove; clean sunny room; $3 mo. PROSPECT place, 123, near California, be- tween Stockton and Powell— 1 to 4 rooms, bath, complete housekeeping, $41 to $15; prl- vnte German family. RAUSCH, 49. bet. Folsom and Howard— Three neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. SACRAMENTO. 1365 — 3 rooms; separate en- trance: rent $7; good yard. STOCKTON, 1307— Nice furnished rooms for housekeeping: rent cheap. SITTER, 550— Sunny basement floor of 2 rooms; furnished for housekeeping; gas. bath. SUTTER, 1111— Nicely furnished rooms; single or en suite; also housekeeping; reasonable. TENTH. 186, corner Minna— Sunny furnished housekpeping rooms; stove; running water; also single room. THIRD 362— Front sunny rooms, nicely fur- nished, housekeeping; first floor; $2 25 week. THIRTEENTH. 437, between Valencia and Guerrero — Sur.ny upper flat, 4 rooms and bath, $14. THREE sunny furnished rooms; gaa stove; to respectable pnrties only. Apply 40 Geary St. TT'RK, 543— Large front rooms, complete for housekeeping; gas and bath; $12 and $15. TWKLFTH. 145. corner Howard— Nicely fur- nished housekeppins,- rooms. VAN NESS, 1021—2 sunny aultes; gas range $22 50 and $15. WASHINGTON. 10KK-4 large unfumlshei rooms for housekeeping: also 2 furnished. ROOMS TO LET. APARTMENTS; quiet, homelike; reasonable; Com. Transfer Co., 22 Stockton st. ; trunks moved to any part of city. 20c; phone Main 49. ARLINGTON House. 127 Kearny St.— Pleasan sunny rooms, en suite anJ single; flrst-clas in every respect; terms reasonable. AT CO9 Hyde, Sutter. 715. 717. 719— Furnishe< and unfurn.: choice and sunny; reasonable AT 242 Stockton— Sunny rooms; pretty view quiet house; baths: gas; very reasonable. AT 52 Second St.- Nice clean single, double and light housekeeping rooms; $1 week up. AT 147 Powell and 211 O'Farrell, nicely fur- nished rooms by day, week or month. BOHEMIA. 239 Post— Elegant rooms; reason able rates; bath, gas, elevator; very central BRYANT, 430— Sunny rooms; reasonable; close to Third and Townsend depot. BUENA VISTA aye., Hi (Ashbury Heights)— To let, June 1, fine family residence of 10 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with use of piano and stable; grand view. CALIFORNIA, lf.lio— Pleasant sunny rooms; hot and cold water; table board optional. CHELSEA place, 4, off Hush, below Powell- Large sunny newly furnished room in pri- vate family. DELAWARE. 1433 Market— Furnished or un- furnished single and double mis.; $8. JlO mo. DIAMOND, 40— Large well furnished fronl room In sunny cottage surrounded by flowers BIDDY. 818— For 2 or more gentlemen, elegantly furnished sunny front bay-window suite, con- necting bedroom; running water, bath, gas, grate; private; references. EI'DY. 207— Newly furnished single and double rooms, $5 a month and up. ELLIS, S27— An elegantly furnished suite; piano, light housekeeping; $30 per month. ELLIS, 41S (Grand Carnot)— First-class gunny rooms and suites for gents, $1 SO to $S week. FIFTH, 107 — Pleasant sunny unfurnished rooms to let FOLSOM, 820, near Fourth— Furnished rooms, $1 per week. FURNISHED rooms In all parts of city; sin- gle, double and en suite. 1023 Market st. GEARY. 622— Pretty, sunny "bay- window front room; running water; single rooms. GIRARD House, cor. Seventh, and Howard- Pleasant rooms, single and housekeeping; lowest rates. GLOBE Hous», 821 Howard— Per night. 25c to $1; week. $1 to $4; reading-room; Howard cars. GUERRERO. 1152— Sunny bay-window front alcove room, well furnished; cheap. HANCOCK House, 781 Mission— Select family rooming-house; $1 60 to $6 per week. HOWARD, 741— Just opened: newly furnished front and other rooms; bath; gas; $3 mo. up. Ht "WARD, 959 — A nice sunny room in a quiet family fur a y..ung man; $4 a month. KKARNY. 104 — Three unfurnished rooms and bath: with privat.- family. $15. LARE3N, 1014— Small room with closet; suitable for gentleman; private fam.; no children; $8. ENWORTH, 1016— J oonnectlag unfur- nished basement rooms and bath; rent $10. MARKET, 1122 (The Parker House)— Nicely furnished suites; reasonable. MARKET, 1211, near Sixth (Ellis House)— Furnished rooms, $1 50 to $6 per week ; tran- sient. MARKET, 1032— Thoroughly renovated; nicely furnished sunny rooms; suites or single; suit- able for doctor or offices; also housekeeping rooms, $6 up. MASON, 18 (Silver State)— Elegantly furnished rooms, single by the week, $1 50 to $3; auites. |4 to $6; baths; hot water; transient; elevator. MASON, 411— Fine sunny furnished euite In private family; bath; telephone; very rea- sonable. McALLISTER. 14— A few lanre sunny rooms; studios, office, $7 month: suits $12. MINNA, 667, comer Eighth— Newly furnUhed bay-window room, $1 per Week. MISSION. 1226— Nice large sunny parlor, piano; running water; bath; suitable 2; $10 month. NATOMA, 103, corner Second— Nice corner room, nicely furnished; rent reasonable. NATOMA. 919—2 connecting rooms, nicely fur- nished, $7; light housekeeping If desired. NINTH, 20, near Market— Front sunny suite: 1 or 2 beds; light housekeeping; single; water; . gas. . -• -"•.-. NINETEENTH. 4059, near Castro— Elderly Ger- man lady wishes small family to take part of flat; near car lines. OAK. 45— Newly furnished sunny room. O'FARRELL, 231— New management, new fur- nlture;- elegantly furnished sunny suites and single rooms; bath and gas; rent ' reasonable. O'FARRELL. Large front room, well fur- nished. $10; sunny single room. <7. ■ PHILADELPHIA Furnished rooms, 75c week and upwards. 421 Bush st. POLK, 17— Front double or single rooms. $1 to ■$3 ; per week. . - - ■ ' ;' ' POLK, 1408— Large bay-window sunny front room; use of kitchen. - . ■■.■■-•.'•-'..■ POST, 216— connecting sunny rooms, suitable for offices or otherwise. POST, 622— Sunny suite or single rooms; first- class in every respect. MRS. M. BCHULZ. SEVENTH, 553—4 unfurnished rooms; . sunny cottage;: $9. : ■ SHERMAN Apartment House. 28 Eighth St.. near Market— Furnished and unfurnished. SIXTH, 124— Single and double rooms, »1 50 week up; complete housekeeping, $10 mo. up. SOUTH PARK. 4«— Nicely furnished front room, v.ith bath; new flat. TAYLOR. 109— Sunny double room with sep- arate bods. $10: sunny single room, tl 50. TENTH, 123, near Market— Nice large sunny rooms; kitchen if desired: very cheap. VAN NESS aye., 613—3 furnished rooms, sepa- rately If desired; $4 each. Call 11 to 4. l.i;i,Al. NOTICES. RAILROAD Consolidation— Pursuant to the statute In such case made and provided, no- tice Is hereby {f iven that . the Southern Pa- cific Railroad Company, the Northern Rail- way Company, the Northern California Rail- way Company and the California Paclflo Railroad Company, railroad corporations In- corporated and existing under the laws of the State of California, upon the written con- sent of the stockholders holding more than • three-fourths In value of al! the stock of each of Bald corporations, respectively, and by agree- ment of the respective Boards of Directors of eald corporations, made and entered Into In accordance with such consent, and pursuant to the statute In such case made and pro- vided, did. on the I4th day of April, A. D. IK9S amalgamate nnd consolidate their capital stock, debts, property, assets and franchises under the corporate name and style of ths Southern Pacific Railroad Company. 3. L. WTLLCTJTT. ■eeretary of th« Bouthßrn Pactfio Railroad Company, Ban Franclaee, Cal.. May 6. MM UOOMS A.»D BOARD. ALL sunny bay-window rooms, everything new, cheerful: first-class every respect; board optional. The Sirius, 1505 Stockton; Kearny cars ELLIS, 518— Nicely furnished rooms, best board; $20 per ipnth. FOLSOM. 511— Swedish private boarding, with room. $4 to $5 per week; nice location. GOOD home in private French family; single or en suite. 1011 Hayes st. MINNA, 571B— Nice sunny rooms and board; private; investigate. PINE. 932— T0 rent, with board, sunny suite of unfurnished rooms. SOUTH PARK, 159— Good table board, $3 per week; with nice sunny front room, $4 week. SITTER, 1128— Sunny 3Uite; single rooms; first- class board; large grounds. Mrs. W. F. Evans. SUTTER, 112S— Nicely furnished sunny front rooms; board; home comforts; moderate. THE Oriel— With or without board; new. ele- gantly furnished, beautiful funny Market-st. suites, with br.ard for 2. $40 per month; single j rooms accordingly. VAN NESS aye., 808— Sunny newly furnished rr>, rlt-ctric llehts, bath, with board; terms moderate. $4 A MONTH; pitting and bedrnom combined; sunny: gentleman: furnished. Box 4497, Call. CHILDREN BOARDED. ORPHAN Klrl of about 11 will be given good homo and schooling for services. Box 4443, Call office. RELIABLE lady will board infant or 1 or 2 children; nire yard: own cow. 339 Jessie st. AN elderly lady will take infants to board: a mother*! Tire: referenrps. 2"4H Sixth Rt. STORES TO LET. A NICE large store to let at 623 Poet Bt.. r<»rit S2O. CORNER store: 4 rooms and stable: rent $15; 22d-st. cars j.ass- the door, 3*-l Twenty-fourth St., corner of Vicksburg. NE cor. Pacific and Sansotr.e — Handsome cor- ner store, with or without basement; cheap. i-MALL store to let. between LAgur.a and Fell sts. Inquire grocery, Hayes and Lacuna sts. STORK, 4 rooms and stable; corner Twenty- fourth and Vicksburg sts; Twenty-seconO-st. cars: rer.t tin. \ OFFICES TO LET. DESK room. Emma Spreckels building, room 60S, between 1 and 2 p. m. OFFICE room, all furnished, with large vault, at CLARK & COS.. 224 Montgomery St., next rhe Mills building; (agents for the sani- tary BtlllS). FINK partly furnished offices. 901 Sutter St.. corner Leavenworth. medical! ALL Ladies— C only Dr. and Mrs. M. Davles, true friends of all invalids, men and women; 50 years' practice; safe and quick cure guar- anteed; any disease or irregularity; disgrace avoided; kind sympathy and aid; sure relief, though else fail: delicacy, privacy, home, etc.; babies adopted; travelers treated; no delay; celf-cure sent; call or write; free: con- ■ fidential. MRS. M. DA VIES. 59 McAllister St.; pills. $1; very strung, $2; cure, $5. ALL of Dr. Foulet's capsules are guaranteed absolute cure for all female diseases; posi- tively safe and sure; no danger or after ef- fects; taken in time it also acts as a pre- ventive; price $1 50 per box. sent free by mail on receipt of price; consultation on all special diseases free. WALLER BROS., 33 Grant aye., S. F. A Caution— Before pur- chasing elsewhere write ue. DRS. GOODWIN makes a specialty of diseases of women; irregularities from any cause re- stored in one day. or nu charge: restores strength and vigor of organ unexcelled; ma- ternity home; best medical attendance; low fees: cure. $5; pills, $1; when others fall, see free of charge. 401 Van Ness aye., near McAllister Ft. NEW process; a great progress in medical science for female trouble; no matter from what cause; no medicine or Instruments used; restores in one day without fall; every ■woman her own physician: away, disgrace; consultation free.: can be sent and used at home: by the well known DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. ; pills and capsules, $1. A TREATMENT that restores all cases of monthly irregularities (from whatever cause) In a few boars; safe and sure nt all times when others have failed; no instruments usd; home In confinement; pills and capsules. $1: every case guaranteed; consultation free and confidential: h"iirs 10 to 5 and 7 to 8. MRS. I>H WYKTH, 20S Turk St., near Jones. A TREATMENT thnt restores instantly all cnV.'s of monthly irregularities from what- ever cause: no instruments used; »;u:iranteed cure at office. fS: travelers helped instantly; home in confinement; consult free; hours 10 to 5. 7 to 8. DR. and MRS. KOHL, 1122 Market. PR. and MRS. WEGENER. 1312 Golden Gate aye., private home In confinement, with every comfort; best care and attendance; terms moderate; infants adopted Into good homes. DR. W IBIS'S private sanitarium, 307 Jones St., formerly of S'Ai Kearny and late of Belview Hospital. N. V. : d:seases of women; advice free: experienced lady attendant. A BOON to wives and mothers — Seguro; price Jl 60; RICHARDS & CO.. «tf Clay st. : send 2c stnmp for particulars to Se^uro Manu- facturing Co., 531 X st.. Sacramento. Cal. kLPEAU'S French pills, a boon to ladles with female troubles: no danger: safe cure; $2 50j express C. O. D. ; don't rielay until too late. OSOOOD BROS.. Coast Agents. Oakland, Cal. NORTH Beach Sanitarium. 1412 Mason st.: pri- vate home In confinem»nt: competent physi- cians and nurses; trms. reas. Poweii-ot. cars. >RS. DONOVAN. 1306 Folsom St.. takes ladles at her home in their confinement: term? mod- erate and everything strictly confidential. DR. HALL. 9 McAllister St.; diseases of women and children. LADIES— Mrs. Dr. Puetz; Infallible, safe rem- edies; 38 years' experience. 254^ Fourth st. DENTISTS. A FULL set of teeth, $5; see new flexible plates; light and thin: warranted ten years; teeth without plates, crown and bridge work our specialty: fillings, &0c; crowns, $3 50: all work painless and warranted. Chicago Den- ■ tal Parlors, 24 Sixth St.; telephone Jessie 1132. NEW YORK dentists; painless extraction; teeth, per set, $5. up; gold filling, 75c up; sil- ver, 2jc. up; old plates made over, SI up; all work warranted; open evenings and Sundays. 969 Mission st., cor. Sixth, and 371 Hayes st. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 Market st., nr. 11th; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 60c; gas given. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, genuine Leek dent- ist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without plate, moved from 6 to 20 O'Forrell. VAN VROOM Electro Dental Parlors: full set of teeth, ■$5 up: fillings, 23c up; all work painless and guaranteed to stand: open even- Ings. 997 Market St.. corner Sixth. ; DR. LUELLA COOL, 554 Sutter; crowns, to; aluminum plates & bridge work a specialty. L. A. TEAGUE A. CANE and F. TEAGUE. removed to Call bldg., 6th floor, rms. 603-607. ALL work reasonable and warranted. DR. J. W. KEY. 1320 Market st. SET -of teeth without a plate. DR. H. C. YOUNG. IS4I Polk st. _________ __ PROPOSALS^ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS— to an order of the , Board of Trustees of the State Normal School -of San Diego, . California, : no- * tice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by said board until 1C o'clock a. m. of June 24, IS?S, . for furnishin* * the materials and performing the labor necessary for the erection and completion of the cen- tral portion of the San Diego State Normal School building. '- ■ Separate proposals will be received and ■ separate contracts made for furnishing the materials and performing the labor neces- sary for each of the following parts of said building, to wit: 1, For the 'masonry work. including all brick, concrete and cement work and all necessary excavations and fill- in*; I. for the iron work; S,- for the carpenter, plastering, electric and glazing: work; 4. - for the plumbing and gas-fitting; work; 5, for the tinning and galvanized iron work; 6, f>r painting and varnishing. . No proposal will be considered unless ac- companied with a bond of such proposer, equal to 10 per cent of his proposal, with at least two good and sufficient sureties, con- ditioned that If his proposal shall be ac- cepted he will duly enter into a proper con- Each proposal must be made on blanks furnished for that, purpose, and, together with the above-mentioned bond, inclosed in a sealed - envelope, addressed to the Trustees State Normal School of San Diego, with an ; Indorsement thereon showing what portion of the building Is covered by the inclosed pro- posal, - and delivered to the Merchants' ~ Na- tlona Bank of San Diego California, before 10 o'clock a. m. of June 24 1898. Said proposals will be publicly opened and contracts based - thereon will be made on June 24. 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m., at room 35, Fisher Opera-bouse block, In San Diego, Call- The contractors : to whom contracts ' are awarded will be required to file with said board a good and sufficient bond k ' to the amount of 26 per cent of the contract price for the faithful and proper performance :of his contract. > • ' - The ' plans and specifications of said build- Ing can be seen; during business hours at the office of Hebbard A Gill, architects. Grant building, Son. Diego, California. ;,.■/ -■ ; • The -Board . of .Trustees . reserves the right , to reject any. or all proposals made. State Normal School of Ban \ Diego. Call. 'fornls,,- '■■'* •-"■-■■ .v.-v : ,v-i;:^ '■ By W H. OUT, President Board Trustees. >" Attest: V ROBERT C. JONES, Secretary. ?r : CITY REAL ESTATE. THIS IS A SNAP. $9000— Corner investment on Folsom St., ar.d within 3 blocks of Keamy, Market and Third sts. ; 8 substantial modern flats of 7, 7 and fi rooms and bath each, which cost $15,000 to build; rents »S1 per month: 2.".xl00; owner lives ln ,, En g;land, an^ has Riven positive orders to sell. Q. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgom-vy. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE CHEAPEST FLATS ■ IN SAN FRANCISCO IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN , ———-THIS WILL PLEASE YOU Only $3000— Nice modern, well-built flats only four years old; contain 5 and 6 rooms; bath; brlrk foundation, etc. ; building alone cost $37. r .O; nicely bituminlzed street, stone walks and in a fine location. A BIG BARGAIN _ PAYS 810 INTEREST — A SNAP-SEE THEM- THINK OF IT- ONLY $3.00 HKRMAW MURPHY, 62^ Market st $350—240x200; BLOCK IS3, Abbey Homestead As- sociation. San Mateo County. CHARLES C FISHER, 624 Market st. HOUSK and let for pale; lot 26xS0; house 5 rooms. 21 Morris aye. C NKW elegant 2-story houses: grand marine vi,'\v; 1 and B rooms, basements; $3600 and lots 27:6x11"; caab or Installments; on Leaven worth, near Lombard Ft. COMB to-. lay and se« a new 4-room cottage, nice lot, to exchange or to sell on easy terms. J. D. MOREL AND, 116 Congo St.. Sunnyside. or write. A— .">o-page Illustrated catalogue with map fr*e at A. M. SPECK & CO., 602 Market st. - i NTH. ]R7— Branch office of 1-8 Cah. sub- scriptions and want ads taken. PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. WANTED— Orchard or vineyard, about 2* or 30 acres: give particulars; no agents. Address j •M 74. Call office. TO exchange— Houses and lots for ranches. J. H. EPSON', 1309 Broadway. Oakland. COUNTRY REAL INSTATE. MODERN cottage in Berkeley for exchange for country property; near Auburn preferred. Address box 7355, Call office. THE btyt general ranch in California; 455 acres; two-thirds alfalfa land, balance good j hay land: improvements cost $13,000; a snap to i tli- right parties. CLARK & CO., 224 Mont- gomery st. WRITE for list; good land. $10 and $20 an acre M. GRIFFIN. Cottonwood, Shasta Co.. Cal. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. Sent to any address in the United States, postpaid, for Jl 50 a year. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. 20 acres near Santa Rosa: 10 acres In corn. 6 acres in vineyard; family orchard; stock and tools; house and barn; will sell for $2tW>; snap. E. K. BTJNCK, MM Broadway, Oakland FOR sale or exchange for San Francisco cot- tage, house and lot centrally- located. Ad- M 2 Third St.. Oakland. OAKLAND FURNISHED BOUSES. CHESTNUT, 2023— Xew 6-room cotta- neatly furnished: piano; $30. OAKLAND HOTELS. HOTEL WILSON, newly furnished and reno- vated; under new management; entire satis- faction guaranteed; American and European plan: the tnMe is a special feature; meals 15i up; special rates week or mo. W. H. Buehler & Co.. Props.. 11 65 Washington. Tel. Main 163 OMiUMi KOOMS. VNKT'RXISHEP rms. to rent Ahrahamson bdg, SE. C"r. 13th A Wash. .Ahrnhamson Bros. OAKLAND ROOMS AM) BOARD. SUITE of pleasant sunny rooms; running water: fireplaces; excellent b'-ard. MRS. E. W. MERILL, 1427 Franklin st., Oakland. ' FIXE sunny suite: also sunny single room; va- cant June 1. THE LORNE. '.P2 Eighth st. I OAKLAND FURXITUHB FOR SALE. i FURNITURE and household goods this week. SCHELLKAAS' old store. 408 Eleventh st. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. COTTAGE, 6 rooms; lot 35x125; close to station and High School; street work, sewer, cement walks, etc., complete. — Modern cottage and lot in good location; any terms; snap. $2200 — To close an estate; fine modern cottage. 5 rooms; lot 50x140; best location; $1500 can remain. — Modern colonial cottage, 6 rooms; corner j lot; good location; very easy terms. Fine list of furnished and unfurnished houses to let In all parts of Alameda. H. P. MOREAL & CO.. 1432 Park St., Alameda. SPECIAL NOTICE. " ™~~ " FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. JUST LIKE PAYING RENT. $1200, $1700, $1800, $2200, $2600. $3000. The above are lovely cottages, which have been thrown on the market for non-payment of Installments, and they ore now offered at a great sacrifice to close accounts. They contain | 4, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, and are finished up to date; I almost new, and located near ecnools and sta- We are going to weed them out. and Invite inspection. MARCUSE & REMMEU Bay-st. station, Alameda. and 62S Market St., Son Francisco. Open Sundays and holidays. ALAMEDA KOOMS AND BOARD. FURNISHED rooms and board near beach. 1824 Clinton aye., Alameda. ALAMEDA HOUSES. TWO-STORY house to let. 421 Taylor aye., Alameda; rent $13; large grounds. BERKELEY HOI'SES. BEST, healthiest place on this coast; very cheap to the right party; house, stable and garden, in East Berkeley. Apply at Call. BEREEXET FURNISHED HOUSES. VIXE st.. 2325, Berryman Station— Fine modern res., f urn. ; oxtensive grounds; marine view. BERKKLEY ROOMS AND BOARDING. BANCROFT. 2247. Berkeley— Sunny, well-fur- nished rooms with beard; fine view; five min- ut.'S to Berkeley station. PROPERTY WANTED. MODERN residence wanted; 7 to 10 rooms; north or west side of street on Pnclflc or Presidio Heights; cost not to exceed $8000: state price and details. Address box 4659, Call. WANTED — A country home for a paying li- quor business. SPECK & CO.. 602 Market st. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS on furniture or pianos In S. F.. Oak- land or Alameda. at lowest rates, without removal; no commissions: no delays. J. NOON AN. 1017 to 1023 Mission, above Sixth; tel. South 14. $6 lIP to any amount on indorsed paper, piano*, furniture or Jewelry; all business strictly confidential: private offices. M. E. DOUGAN & CO., 230 Kearny St., upstairs. ANY amount at 6*4 per cent on real estate; 2d and 3d mortgages, estates, real esta/e in pro- bate, furniture without removal. R. Mo- COLGAN, 24 Montgomery 3t., room 3. OAKLAND loans on real estate secured promptly; reasonable interest and moderate expenses. HUGH M. CAMERON. Real Es- tate Broker, 479 Ninth St.. Oakland. HIGHLY respectable and private place to ob- tain liberal advances on diamonds and Jew- elry at the lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 948 Market st. : tel. Green 204. ON furniture, plnnos, city or Oakland; no re- moval: low rates; nn commission; $25 up; private party. BOXNELLI. 120 Powell st. $100,000 TO loan on income city property; $10 - i-f <m furniture. G. W. OWEN, 140S Ca*ll bldg. REAL estate, furniture or pianos, any amount: lowest rates Becker A Co., 328 Montgomery. ANY sum. l»t or 2d mortpaßes, estates in pro- bate, etc. Room 7, sns California st. $50 TO $50,000; lowest ratps; Ist and 2d mortg. ; any proposition. Dryden, 413 MontKomery st. CITY and country; any sum: Ist and i 2d mort- gages, estates, etc. MURPHY. * 628 Market at.' ON pianos, furniture;' no removal ;• lowest rate?: no com. : private. 119 McAllister st. MO Y~ WANTED. . . ■ -_ _ '_ ~_j _ • f^i ~ ■ - ■ ._._'. - WANTED— S3OO; big Interest; *ood , security. Box 4472. Call office. - . ' FINANCIAL. ~~~~- LOANS on ." real estate, bonds/ etc. ; : lowest • rates. McAFEE BRO3. 10» Montgomery st. r AAVKB KO KER»7~ . BE -wise and borrow from the - Cut | Rate I Loan j Office. 22 Mason St.. bet. Market and Eddy. | EDUCATIONAL. HEALD'S Business College, 24 Post st. Book- keeping, business practice, shorthand, typ- ing, telegraphy, languages, English branches; electrical civil and mining engineering; sur- veying, assaying, etc.: 20 teachers; UUO grad- uates placed since Il>y2 ; catalogue. AVHES' Business College, 723 Market St.; individual Instruction In shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, teiegraphy, etc.; life scholar- ship, $50; low rates per week and month. UNIVERSITY Coach— Newel Perry, i*h. 8.. Fel- low In Mathematics, U. C, 2407 S. Atherton. nr Charming way, Berkeley; write for circular. ENGINEERING School: civil, electrical, min- ing, mech. survey, assay, archit. ; day & eve. ; est. 1564. VAN DER NAILLEN, 933 Market. BOOKKEEPING ;iPd rapid calculations; a course In Tarr's counting room makes you thorough. Room 572, 555 Market st. UNIQUE evening's entertainment for societies. C C. FONTANA. 24 Sixth: parlors 5 and 6. SHORTHAND; to write 100 words a minute: taught in one month; terms $10. 712 Van Ness. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. Sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, postage free. PHYSICIANS. DR. C. C. O'DONNKLL. office and residence. 1206 J/irkf-t; diseases of women a specialty. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and bi> end rs.-,l with :h-.> name and residence of parties authorised to have the same published. lum.v BALLINGER— In this city. May 24, 189S, to th* wife f William Battlnger, a son. DONALDSON— In this ■ : «S, to the wife of William D. Donaldson, a daugh- ter. Hl'.-HT— ln this city. May 2S. 1898. to the wife Of Stuart Hight, a datt| D!i:i>. Bass!, Gueeeppl L^U-her. Maud W. Boahnell, Frank E. McAvoy, James A- Cullen. Annie M«ad, Joim F. Dehertoglt;. Adrian Morrtsy, William Giibtrt, Minna Myers, Mary Hornbeck. Mary F. Ryan, Annie M. . Leith S. Bchuur, Conradine Kiiinc. Thomas J. Vaughan, Uprtrude Kaufniann, . phie Wain Wright, Edward Whatan, Nellie -. BASSI — In this city, May 23, UK, Gueseppl 1 Bassl (of Temescal. Alameda County), hus- ( band of the late Maria Basel and father of • | Mrs. L. Slegrist, a native of Switzerland, : aged 64 years ii month* and 1 day. G^Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this da 7 (Monday), at 12:30 o'clock, from the Masonio Temple, corner Post and Montgomery street. Interment Mountain View Cemetery, by 2 o'clock creek boat. BUSHNELL— In Walnut Grove, May 27, 1898, Frank Edward, only son of Adrian and Rose Bushnell (deceased), nephew of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McConnell, Elizabeth Brock and Ed- ward S. Hall, a native of California, aged 25 | years 9 months and If days. Friends and acquaintances, are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock, from his cousin's | residence, Mrs. Jennie Ilendrickson, 3236 Brine avenue, Alameda. CULLEN— In this city, at the Potrero, May £7, 1898, Annie, beloved wife of Edward Cul- len, and mother of Eddie and Katie Cul- len. and niece of the late Michael Philbon. a native o- County Mayo, Ireland, aged 30 years. (£7"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 8:4.1 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, corner Army and Missouri streets, Po- trero, thence to St. Teresa's Church, where a j .requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DEIIERTOGLE— In this city. May 29, 1898, Adrian,' beloved father of Frank, Azline, Adrian and Lizzie Dehertogle, a native of Belgium, aged S3 years. GILBERT— In this city. May 23,1893, Minna, be- loved wife of the late Michael Gilbert, mother ■ of Leo and Henry M. Gilbert, Mrs. Rose Coleman, . Mrs. J. Schary, Mrs. D. Zellnsky anil ' Mrs. K. Coleman, and sister -of I. Stamper and the late Mrs. S. Damner, a na- tive of Posen, Germany, aged 65 years. ' ' {^Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 802 Vallejo street, thence to corner Third and Townsend streets, 11:30 o'clock train. Interment New Salem Cemetery. San Mateo County. Members of the First He- brew Ladies' Mutual Benefit Association are invited to attend. j HORNBECK— In this city. May 28, 1898, Mary F.. beloved wife of Augustus Hornbeck, mother of Frances Hornbeck, daughter of Daniel and the : late Celia McKenny, and sister of John, Daniel and James McKenny, a native of Brooklyn, N. V., aged 25 years 5 months and 27 days, ITT" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 9:30 o'clock, from the parlors of the United Undertakers, 27 and 29 Fifth I street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. * j HESS— In this city. May 23, 1898, Leigh Stone- man, : beloved son of Henry and Sarah Hess, I and brother of Albert. Theresa, Bennte, Mar- ion, Cyril, Edith and Emanuel Hess. KEAXE— In this city. May 38, 18M, Thomas Joseph, second son of Mary J- and the late Thomas Keane, a ' native of San Francisco, aged 21 years. "P'The funeral will take place this day (Monday), at 10:30 o'clock, from Sacred Heart ' Church,- corner of Fell and Fill more streets. Please omit flowers. Interment private. KAUFMAXX— In this city. May 2S, 1898. So- phie, beloved wife of Henry L. Kaufmann. (E7"The funeral will take place- to-morrow (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 1003 Mason street, . between Clay and Sacramento. Please omit flowers. Interment private. LETCHER— In this city. May 29, 1898, Maud W., beloved- wife of Beverly Letcher, and* daughter of GeorKe E. and Anna R. Welling- ton, a native of San Francisco, aged 25 years and 2 months. E^Notlce of funeral hereafter. McAVOY— In this city. May 2S. 189S, James A. McAvoy, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 42 years. ICFriends and members of Typographical , Union No. 21 are respectfully invited to at- tend the funeral services this day (Monday), • at 2 o'clock, at the parlors of N. Gray & Co., 641 Sacramento street. Interment printers' plat. Laurel Hill Cemetery. MEAD— this city. May 28, 1838, John F., dearly beloved husband of Jailia A. Mead, and beloved father ■of Mrs. .T. W. Hennessy, . Mrs. W. H. Brlttain and Leslie, Katie, Mich- ael. John, Willie and Winnie Mead, and brother of Mrs. Bridget Brannan and the late Michael Meaa, a native of County Meath, Ire- land, aged 58 years 10 months and 14 days. [E?"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully ■ invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi- . tience, \ 3217 Mission street, thence to St." Paul's ' Church, Twenty-ninth and Church streets, v* litre a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MORRISY— In this city, May 29. 1838. William Morrisy, a native of Ireland, aged 32 years. Remain? at the parlors of J. c. O'Con- nor & Co., 767 Mission street. MYERS— In this city. May 28, 1898, Mary, be- loved wife of the late William Myers, a na- tive of Maine, aged 62 years. RYAN— In this city. May 27, 1593, Annie M.. beloved daughter Of Timothy and Annie Ryan, and sister of May. Wlnnlford and Kittle Ryan, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 years 9 months and 20 days. (ETFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully 'lnvited to attend th" funeral this day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from the residence cf her parents, 243 Lexington avenue, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a : solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the re- pose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy. Cross Cemetery. SCHVUK— In this . city. May 29. 1898, Con- radlne Schuur. a native of Emden, Hanover, Germany, aged 49 years and 5 months. tQTNotice of funeral hereafter. VAUGHAN— In this city, Gertrude, beloved and oldest daughter of • Jennie and • the late : John Vaughan, a native of San Francisco, aged 9 years ti months and 4 days. •'- (C7*Friends and acquaintances are respect- * fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her . mother, 2964 Twenty- fourth street. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. ■ ■.■ r «-■ RIGHT— In this city. May 23, IS9B, Edward Harold, beloved son of Edward W. and the late Emily Van Tassel 1 Walnwright. ' a native of San- Francisco, aged 8 years and 6 months. . . ETFriends are respectfully Invited to at- . tend the funeral this day (Monday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the family residence. 3 Tremont ' avenue, near Waller street. Interment pri- vate. ■-.-•■ • , WHELAX— An anniversary solemn memorial ' mass will be celebrated for the repose of the soul of ' the late Nellie L. Whelan. beloved wife of Will L. Whelan. at St. Agnes Church, ' Masonic • avenue, this d.ay (Monday), at 9 o'clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. . :,. Y. M. I.— Mission Council No. 3. Y. M. I.: The annual mass for the repose of the souls of the deceased members of Mission Council No. 3. Y. M. 1., will be celebrated at the Church of St. Charles Barromeo. Eighteenth and Phitwel! streets, this day (Monday), at 9 o'clock. Members and frlen.l<> of the Insti- tute are resr f " ( ' t^"">' invited to attend. EUGENE C ALLAN. President. HENRY KrORI.RERn. ««<TOtary. IMcAVOY & GALLAGHER. - 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EiIBALMERS I J£o mTH ST., : Opp. Lincoln 8sh«ol. '. \ Telephone, South 80. ■' ' | ■ I. n. n. m'avoy. iianagor^^^^^ l^^ < J McflVOY <Sc CO., - 1 I FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EJIBALMBB* I ; . ,■- 1234 Market St., betweeu Sth and 6th. I I .-. ■ ; Telephone. South 247, . ■ • ■ I •.—■ r— —. ...... ... . . .... .. ,"■ 9