Ingleside Presented a
Great Card.
Lowlander and Fox Kenny Chased a
••Jack" for Over Five Minutes.
Metallic Victorious at
Union Park.
T. J. Mclnerney's handsome black bitch
Norah landed the open stake at Ingleside
rday. She wont through the stake
Ing the best numbers on the card,
and v . ■ edy Maud S in
the final. After an undecided. Norah
beat Curtis & Son's representative in one
of the prettiest and evenest courses of the
day. When the bitches were slipped
Norah led up and took the turn and got
[ght points. Maud S then
In and scored two and Norah took
for two more. Maud S dupli
performance and fell. Norah
took of Maud S - s mishap and
: re, tripping her hare and
; heavily. Maud S then came in for
four and killed, making the score 14 to 10
in Norah's favor. The time was 1 minute
■ seconds. In the undecided Norah
n the short end, but In the next at
tempt Bhe was made favorite by a small
Ingleside Coursing Park seems to
In popular favor. Nearly five thou
:• \ it< es of the sport passed through
and witnessed some of the
est coursing seen In the popular
The sensational course between H. A.
[man's Fox Kenny and Lowe and
Thompson's Lowlander caused intense ex
it in the betting ring and grand
stand. The hare 1- d the dogs once up
the Reid and then sharply turned and
took his pursuers past the grandstand
times and dropped as if heart
stricken, und was placed out of danger
by Field Steward Mcllugh. During the
piueilng course, Billy Thompson, one of
wners of Lowlander. tried to pre
his dog from continuing the race,
but without success. Bettors and'specta
like appealed to Judge Grace to let
fr sh dog to aid the exhausted
..-.. but the closeness of the score
pr< vi nted him doing so.
When the race ended the score stood 26
n favor of Fox Kenny and the time
for the course was 5 minutes and 18 sec-
Fox Kenny was carried off the
field and was withdrawn by his owner.
Lowlander managed to walk off, but
showed the effects of his long run.
Thornhill was put out by Maud S in
the ar?t round. While his defeat occa
sioned some surprise, experts seem to
think that Thornhill had not recupirat-d
from her hard courses for the Grace cup
on the previous Sunday at another park.
The running of Tommy Rex astounded
coursing men. .On Saturday he ran a I
minute-and-45-srconds course and after
the kill picked up another "jack" and ran
it all over the field. Yesterday he went
out and beat Wild Tralee and was barely
put out by Cavalier in the second round.
Eleven Spot won the puppy stake in
good style. He and Pleasant Girl, the
runner-up, proved themselves the best in
the stake. The final course wns won by
I! Spot by a score of 11 to 6.
Short-enders did not enjoy too much
prosperity during the day. The few to
land wen": Mystic Maid beat Lawrence at
2 to 5; Royal l'rize beat Kegina at 2 to 6;
Clifton Lass heat Flying Buck at 1 to 3;
Tommy R< x beat Wild Tralee at 2 to 5;
Cavalier beat Tommy Rex at 1 to 2; Maud
S. in a bye, beat Mayflower at 3 to 5, and
Norah beat Maud S at 2 to 5.
Following is the way the dogs ran and
: und— Eleven Spot beat
Twilight Jr., 3%-2; St. Klmo beat Empress,
Hympus beal Morse's Patrol, 13-3; Pleas
ant Girl In'at Honeymoon, 7-2.
Second round— Eleven Spot boat St. Elmo,
! leasant Girl, 9-5.
Final— Eleven s:pot beat Pleasant Girl, 11-6.
i >p<"i :-t ik'\ first round— Prince George beat
Black Night, 11--; Glen Chloe beat Vanity Fair,
Mystic MaJd bent Lawrence, ■*■■•->■: Buiy
Gladstone beat Peter M. 5-0; Nora beat Lady
Emma. 6-2; Royal Prize beat Regina. 6-2;
Hadlwist beat Hiack H<-=s. 9-7; Mohawk l"-at
Pastime, 7-2; Maud S beat Thornhill, 6-2; Tod
beat l>as Palmas, 3-0; Rusty Gold beat
- beat Flying- liuck, >->-X ;
Lux. r beat Royal Oak, 12-4; Mountain Beauty
beat Maid of Erin. 5-4; Fox Kenny beat Vlc
tor Queen, 9-5; Lowlander beat Maid of Hill,
6-2; Tommy Hex beat Wild Tralee, 9-4; Cava
lier beat Magdallah. 11-8.
Second round— Mystic Maid beat Prince
. 6-4; Hilly Gladstone beat Glen Chloe,
Nora beat Royal Prize, 13-4; Mohawk
beat Hadlwist, 18-11; Maud S beat Tod Sloan,
6-0- Rusty Gold bf-at Clifton Lass, 6-1; Luxor
la Beauty, 7-4; Fox Kenny beat
Lowlander, 26-18—6:18; Cavalier boat Tommy
Rex, 10-8.
Third round— Mystic Maid beat Billy Glad
-12-0; Norah beat Mohawk. 10-7; Maud S
beat Rusty Gold, 6-2; Luxor beat Scout In a
hye, 14-12; Cavalier beat Mayflower in a bye,
Fourth round— Mnud 8 bout Mystic Maid. 7-1;
Norah beat Cavalier, 5-4; Luxor lost to Las
Palmos In ■ b] c, 7-3.
Fifth round— Norah beat Luxor, 6-2; Maud S
beat Mayflower In a bye, 5-0.
Final— Nora beat Maud S, 14-10; time, 1:38.
At Union Park.
Metallic defeated her company yesterday
at Union Park In the open stake and
Morning Glory was runner-up. The John
Grace consolation stake was won by The
ron and the special stake was taken by
Bock Island Boy. The day was a great
one for the talent and few short-enders
secured the decision. Metallic, the winner
of the open stake, was in fine fettle and
wag picked by the wise ones as the win
ner of the stake early in the day. Re
port, the property of W. Creamer, ran
well In the second round and gave Craw
ford Braes a hard race. The results were
as follows:
Open stake, second round — F. Moran's Golden
Russet beat Hurley & Richy's O X Capitol;
Handy & Smith's Jennie Wilson beat J. Segger
son's White Chief; W. F. Hobbs' Mercy May
beat Pasha kennels' Emm Pasha; T. E. Me-
Eldownc-y's Rosebud beat J. Perry's Commo
dore Nash; Kay & Trant's Sylvia beat Handy
& Smith's Dauntless; Pasha kennels' Metallic
beat E. and K. Scott's Lord Byron; Dennis &
Porter's October Woodcock beat W. Creamer's
Report; H. F. Anderson's Crawford Braes
beat F. Moran's Bit of Fashion; G. Lahusen's
Fireball beat J. Flynn's Hicks; J. J. Edmonds'
Morning Glory beat J. H. Smith's Merced; R.
E de B. Lopez's Minneapolis beat W. Cream
er's Jesse Moore: Dennis & Porter's Interesting
beat Larkey & Rock's Myrtle.
Third — Jennie Wilson beat Golden
Russet" Mercy May beat Rosebud; Metallic
beat Sylvia; Crawford Braes beat October
Woodcock; Morning Glory beat Fireball;
Minneapolis beat Interesting.
Fourth round— Wilson beat Mercy
May Metallic beat Crawford Braes; Morning
Glory beat Minneapolis.
Fifth round— Metallic beat Jennie "Wilson;
Morning Glory ran a bye.
Final-Metallic beat Morning Glory.
Tnhn Grace Consolation stake. second
round— George Whitney's Theron beat R. C.
Scott'sßock Island Boy; Ed Evatt's Hurr!
rane beat J. Dean's Moondyne; F. A. Mc
rv.mh's Royal Flush beat R. C. Scott's Victor
Kn«- M Kavanwh'e Swedish beat Bauer
m tier's O'Grady; F. A. McComb's
r-ush beat Handy & Smith's Victor; K.
Moran's False Flatterer beat J. H. Rossetter's
M?n£" Rabble: T. Butlers Susie beat J. H.
R^d ter Bund™he7on8 un d™he7on beat Hurricane; Royal
F Sn beat Swedish: Flush beat False Flat
'Tourfh'roun^-Theron beat Royal Flush;
Flush beat Susie.
in^ Th «a°k n e.flr»F round-Rock Is.and
t* V heat Little Joker; Bit of Fashion beat
& Norbo^ne; Sharpy beat Mill's Rabble;
1 &£S&V£tt «~ Bit of
Ormonde Ban to Death.
1,08 ANGELES. March s.— Queen Keep
*n4 Fleetwood (Passon'3 entries) dl
vided first and second money in the cours
ing at Agricultural Park to-day, "with
Nashville third. Despite the warm
weather there was a large crowd in at
tendance. Ormonde died during the aft
ernoon from the effects of a hard course
with Alice early in the day.
Gilt Edge Invincible.
STOCKTON, March s.— Gilt Edge re
turned to his victories to-day and made
the first clean-up. The day was fine and
the sport excellent.
Twenty-eight do* stake— Tip beat Diggs;
Gilt Edge beat Lady Hearst; Better Than Gold
beat Firebrand; Blue Bird beat Key del Key;
Red Cloud beat Lady Grace; Domino beat Mag-
Mystery beat Liltle Hope; Iron Duke
beat Mapnet; Sunbeam bt-at Decorator; Prince
of Fashion beat Ruby; Magnesia beat Lady
Claire; White Tip beat Gold Bug; |Slga beat
Wild Zip' Mission Tip beat Pacific^Jueen.
First ties -Gilt Etfge beat Tip; Bettor Than
Gold boat Blue Bird: Bed Cloud beat Domino;
Iron Duke beat Mystery; Prince of Fashion
beat Punbeam; White Tip beat Magnesia; Mis
sion Tip beat Olpa.
1 ties— Qllt Edjre beat Better Than
i If.; Cloud beat iron .Duke; White Tip
beat I'rlnce Fashion; Mission Tip a bye.
Third ties— Gilt Edge beat Red Cloud; Mls-
Bion Tip beat White Tip.
Final— Gilt Edge beat Mission Tip. Gilt
*2dge first money. Mission Tip second. White
Tip third, Hed Cloud fourth.
Faultless Beauty Triumphed.
SAN, JOSE, March s.— At the coursing
match to-day Faultless Beauty won the
thirty-two dog stake, beating Ruston in
the final.
Miss Janet Waldorf, who commenced a
week of classic repertory at the Comedy
Theater last night in "Twelfth Night," is
not yet ripe for definite criticism. She is
apparently a woman of 25 or 26, but her
acting proves her to be a youngster in
Btaet experience. She has a rich, pleas-
Ing voice which she uses in reckless ama
teur cadences, some personal magnetism.
and a wavering presence, Her Viola of
last night was purely a matter of elocu
tion. It displayed a certain amount of
raw talent and a rather pretty personali
ty but there was ho identity, no char
acter to it. Instead of starring at the
head of a cheap company Miss W aldorf
should be learning the basic principles OI
her craft by playing smaller parts with a.
good company. A fairly numerous and
quite sympathetic audience attended the
opening. The arrangement for the rest
of thp week la as follows: "The Hunch
back," to-night; '-As You Like It," Tues
day "Ingomar." at Wednesday's souve
nir" matinee; "Lady of Lyons," Wednes
day night; "Much Ado About Nothing.
Thursday; "Twelfth Night." Friday, and
"Romeo and Juliet," Saturday night.
Extra Sousr Concerts.
Gottlob, Marx & Co. announce that
Sousa-will play three additional concerts
to take place at the California Theater
next Friday night. Saturday afternoon
and Saturday night. On Friday night a
great Wagner programme will no doubt
Bring out a tremendous audience. The
Saturday matinee is to be devoted to ball
room music, and the farewell concert on.
Saturday night to a "Souaa programme."
Orders for seats may be left at the box
office of the California to-day. The sale
of reserved seats will begin on Tuesday
morning. _
The Corrigan Track Reopens To-Day
"With a Fair Card of Running
Ingleslde track reopens to-day with a mod
erate card. The entries are as follows:
First Race— Three and a half furlongs; maid
ens; two-year-olds:
703 St Agnes 110 646 Kitty Kelly ....110
768 Infinity .' 110 672 Tanobe 110
733 Tar Hill 113 710 Sls*quoc 108
. Flush of Gold ..113 646 Morbid 115
703 lamboulia 113 763 Giga 116
733 Mountebank ....113 . Glissando 118
Second Race— One and a quarter miles; hur
dle: four-year-olds and up:
654 Tyro 1391 680 CoL Bartlett .7.125
765 Colonial .Dame.. 129 1 697 Monlta 132
Three Forks 1391 667 Arundel 142
773 Joe Cotton 139! 697 Major S 132
... Cyrus Hock 1381 C7B Imp. A,llen 133
Third Race— and a sixteenth miles; sell
ing; four-year-olds and up:
769 Tom Cromwell. .lo9l 7C7 Joe Mussle 109
(766) Dare II 109 (76:')Truxillo 101)
753 Ootobed 1051 €99 Dick Behan ....109
746 Peraonne 1091 78S Stan Powers ...105
679 Major Hooker... 747 Peter II 112
Fourth — Five furlongs; four-year-olds
and up: selling;:
572 Ztorazzo 123 784 Mldlan 119
254 Flora Hawk ....114 689 Maxello 119
749 Socialist 116 731 Al 120
761 Schnitz 1231 345 Pongo 119
70S Two Cheers 120 (612)D0n Luis 116
653 Judge Napton . .11«! (<6S)EI Salado 114
762 Crawford 120 756 Merry Boy 120
756 Mel. Burnham..H9 96 Trappean 123
771 February 118
Fifth Race— One mile; selling;; three-year-olds
and up:
67« Morinel 103' Ad. Spreckels...lo6
(734)Rey del Tierra..loo| Survivor 91
Sixth Race— One and an eighth miles; selling:
701 Lady Hurst 104 1 (74J)M«r< pa 94
700 Wing 86 754 Gllberto 91
(GoDLodestar 106 (764)T0m Calvert ...105
650 Cromwell 112 i 700 Sardonic 106
Selections for To-Day.
First Race— Tar Hill, Morbid. St. Agnes.
Second Race— Col. Bartlett, Tyro, Monlta.
Third Race— Peter 11, Gotobed, Tom Crom
Fourth Race— El Salado, Schnltz, Trappean.
Fifth Race— Adolph Spreckels, Survivor, Rey
del Tlerra.
Sixth Sardonic, Cromwell. Lady Hurst.
■ m «
Complex Matters.
"I shall not marry," he declared, "be
cause if I wore to be shipwrecked a wife
would he right in the way."
But he never was shipwrecked. Instead,
he was pursued by wolves in Russia.
Now at once he became aware of the
unwisdom of his choice.
"Alas!" he cried. "'lf I had a wife I
might throw her out to the wolves and
mak* 1 my escape while they were devour
ing her."
ft is very difficult to anticipate exigen
[clee.—Detroit Journal.
Sailing of the Trans
port Valencia.
Horrible Suicide of Steward McKenna
of the Puebla While Suffering
From Delirium Tremens.
Visitors to the lowa.
Yesterday afternoon the United States
transport Valencia sailed for Manila, by
way of Honolulu, carrying thirteen army
officers and a detachment of troops, to be
distributed among the regiments sta
tioned in the Philippines. The officers
were Major Eugene Coffin, Surgeon Rob
ert J. McAdory and Second Lieutenants
Munton, Minus, Bushfield, Bundill. Si
monds, Kerr, Herron, Way, Merry, Har
ris and Foster. The eleven second lieu
tenants are this year's graduates from
Weft Point, on their way to take their
baptism of fire in the jungles. Ordinarily
they would have graduated in June, but
by a special act of Congress they were
"rushed" out of the cadet-gray into the
army-blue and sent out to Manila ahead
of the six regiments that will soon be
transported to that warm field of action.
Major Coffin's baggage Is about the
most valuable that any officer has car
rind out to the front from this port. It
is worth something like J1.500,000, and con
sists of gold and silver coin. The major
is a paymaster, and with the exception
of Jio.ooo he will leave with the soldiers
at Honolulu he will distribute all the mill
ion and a half among the troops in the
Philippines. Major Coffin was an officer
in the Twentv-thlrd Ohio Infantry dur
ing the Civil War, a lieutenant In Captain
William McKinley's company. He re
entered the service at the first call to
arms of his old commander and has re
turned from Cuba to go to distant Ma
The transport Puebla arrived in this
port early yesterday morning, thirty clays
from Manila, including a stay of six days
at Nagasaki, Japan. She brought as pas
sengers a number of Invalid soldiers, six
sailors from the cruiser Boston, en route
home for discharge, and two volunteer
army officers, Lieutenants Goodale and
Wadley. the latter a resident of Los An
geles. Miss West, a Red Cross nurse, was
also a passenger on the Pueblo.
The only incident of note which trans
pired on the run across the Pacific was
the horrible suicide of Chief Steward John
McKenna at sea a few days out from
Nagasaki. He went on a spree in the
Japanese port, the wind-up of a long
drinking bout in Manila, which resulted
In an attack of delirium trenuns. By or
ders of Captain H. C. Thomas, the man
was placed under restraint in his room
and attended by Surgeon George H.
Strowbridge, the ship's surgeon. He asked
to have his curtains drawn that his room
might be darkened, and a few hours af
terward the attendant saw blood issuing
from under his door. When the door was
opened McKenna was discovered stabbing
himself in a savage manner in the throat
with a corkscrew. He had punctured his
larynx and windpipe six or seven tinif-s.
When the instrument was wrencned from
him he tried to tear the wounds with his
lingers, and was with difficulty prevented
from completing his self-destruction with
his naked hands. He died the noxt day,
February 20, and was buried at sea on the
22d. McKenna was about 40 years old and
well known In this city and in the Pacific
Coast steamship service.
The Pwebla had rather more than her
share of*crazy people on board during her
trip. James Jameson, a sailor, belonging
to the steamer, became crazy and had to
be kept in irons. He was violent at times
and will be examined by the Lunacy Com
mission. Another man, a passenger, nam
ed Wilson, drank himself into a demented
state at Nagasaki and was a general
nuisance for a portion of the time. The
Puebla Will probably be returned to
Manila with a load of soldiers and muni
tions of war.
The battleship lowa in popularity bids
fair to rival the Oregon in this port. Yes
terday afternoon six or seven tugs and
launches were busy carrying visitors out
to the big white ship. They wore re
ceived on board by the officers and crew,
who vied with one another in pointing out
the objects of interest to the strangers.
First the guests were shown the four mas
sive 12-inchers that helped beat down the
Viscaya, the 8-inchers that disabled the
Maria Teresa, and the 4-lnchers that
wrecked the Spanish torpedo boats at
Santiago do Cuba. They were also snown
the patch forward a few feet above the
waterline where the Viscaya paid her
compliments to the lowa in the shape of a
hot shell that penetrated the battleship's
The British ship Cedarbank which ar
rived in this port Saturday night. 186 days
from Dundee, lost at sea two apprentices
named R. Jackson and R. Norris. both
aged 17 years. Jackson fell from the miz
zen topgallant yard to the deck September
3, IS9B. and was instantly killed, while
Norrls died of heart disease January 9.
Twentieth Annual Opening of the
Favorite Pleasure Besort.
Captain L. Siebo, proprietor of Shell
Mound Park, opened the well-known
pleasure resort yesterday for the present
season of 1899. It was the twentieth an
niversary of these events, for the captain
has spent a large part of his life in the
same place, endeavoring to please the
public. During the past week or more
he hns sent to the officers of the many
charitable and fraternal organizations of
this city and Oakland upward of 1000
tickets of admission and the response was
liberal, almost that number of invitations
being accepted.
The day was all that the pleasure seek
ers could desire and, judging from ap
pearances, all had an enjoyable time.
Dancing was the order of the day, both
big pavilions being crowded with danc
ers until the late trains started for home.
Interesting Sermon Before the Cal
varian Society by *cv. T. A.
"Human Cruelty" was the subject of an
interesting and instructive address
ered yesterday afternoon by Rev. T. A.
Caraher before the Calvarian society. Tne
theme was drawn from the Biblical text,
"Then, therefore, Pilate took Jesus and
scourged him, and the soldiers, making a
crown of thorns, put it on his head.
The speaker emphasized the idea of yie
cruelty of the generation of to-day toward
the Redeemer. Every thought, he said,
should be of Him in preference to the
world. Worldly ambitions should always
be subjected to that extent that we
should think of God not only in the hour
of adversity, but in the hour of prosperity.
Our passions should be mastered and a
love and practice of virtue made a sud-
Stitute for the gratification of passions.
At the Cathedral In the evening the mis
sion under the direction of the Redemp
torist Fathers was concluded impressive
ly with the administration of a Papal
blessing to all those of the congregation
who had faithfully kept it.
Rev. R. Mackenzie Compares Old and
New Methods of Reform.
Rev. R. Mackenzie of the First Presby
terian Church delivered the first of a se
ries of lectures last night on the
"Changes in the Protestant Religion."
"Fundamental changes have taken
place in the Protestant religion in late
years," he said, "that have come by evo-
lution. and not revolution. The days of
conclave an<l council, by which sweeping
changes were made, have passed. The
changes which are now wrought are due
to natural development of life in the
heart of the church, and not by art or
artifice. These minor innovations are un
noticed at the time, but their accumula
tion makes a great change."
The Contest for Golden Trophies
Will Be Decided on
the First Sunday in
Members of the California Wing Shoot-
Ing Club swung into line at the Olympic
Gun Club grounds yesterday and opened
the battle for honor, gold and golden
trophies. The crack 3of this crack, club
loaded their weapons, donned -un shades
for the interesting contest and 'he game
Jack Fanning, who has made l:nown to
all the sporting world the existence of the
Olympic Gun Club, was first to face the
traps. The trap lifted and this expert
had slain the first bird of the contest.
Fanning phot at thirty-one yards, a
handicap of three yards over him being
enjoyed by his opponents, but ho would
not have it otherwise. In Eastern and
international contests Fanning takes the
thirty-one-yard mark, and much shooting
at a lesser distance might result in con
fusing his calculations. So he stayed at
tlie farther mark. C. A. Ilaight, at
twenty-eight yards, as were all other con
testants, was second at the traps. From
Haight down the line-up stood: L.. D.
Owens, C. P. Grant, F. Vernon, IT. Ver
non, A. Rose, A. M. Shields, J. J. Sweeney,
C. C. Nauman, W. H. Williamson, H. F.
Wagner, I. R. D. Grubb, J. Kullman and
Otto Feudnrr.
In this aggregation of experts Fanning
fell behind, hut his records, established
in past matches, was sufficient to call
forth various explanations as to how he
failed to hold "high gun." Fanning, out
of 12 birds got 10, using a second on 9
occasions. Haight winged 9, Owens 10,
Grant 8. F. Vernon 9, H. Vernon 4. Roos
S Shields 10, Sweeny 11, Nauman 12, Wil
liamson 10. Wagner 11. Grubb 3, Coleman
7 Fay stopped 3, after which he withdrew;
Kullman 8 and Otto Feudner 12.
Feudner and Nauman, it will be seen,
held "high guns." each killing his alloted
number. To win a trophy, three of which
ar« hung up as incentives to good marks
manship, "high guns" must be held once
a month, or rather a majority of months
between now and September, on the first
Sunday of which the final shoot will be
held. , , ,
At the conclusion of the medal shoot a
sweepstakes of six birds for $2 50 a corner
was shot off with the following result:
Fanning 5, Fuedner 6. Nauman 6, Coleman
5, F. Vernon 5, Haight 6, Burrell 6, Roos
5, H. Kullman 3, Holby 3, Wagner 6 and
Williamson 4.
Printers Sail for Manila.
A larfT'- representation of the San Fran
cisco Typographical Union were at the
wharf yesterday to bid farewell to mem
bers of the union who departed on the
Valencia to take charge of Government
printing at Manila. The cablegram re
qu.-stiiis that printers be sent was re
ceived only a couple of days ago, but the
matter was handled so promptly by
Colonel Long that the boys were on
board, bag and bagpage, ready to com
mence the trip yesterday. The colonel ex
erted every effort in their behalf and pre
sented himself at the wharf, that he
might attend personally to things per
taining to their comfort and convenience.
The union appreciated his kind work
and tendered him warm words of thanks.
The men who sailed were: D. H. Shahan,
S. Behan. T. M. Butler. John H. Hieater,
Maurice Bloomington and Joseph Reuben.
Lurline Salt Water Baths.
Buih and Larkin sts. Swimmlne. Russian, hat
tad cold tut> oaiiia. Saltwater direct IromoccAQ.
A Cash Prize Shoot
Across the Bay.
Independent Rifles, Kriegers, Naval
Militia and National Guards
men Line Up for
There was plenty of rifle shooting at
Shell Mound Park range yesterday, the
principal feature being a public prize
shoot under the auspices of the Nord
deutscher Schuetzen Club. The competi
tion was keen, there being $200 divided
into amounts ranging from $20 down. On
the ring target the ten prizes were from
$20 to $7 50. For the ten best centers on
the ring target the prizes were from $7 50
to $3 50. First and last bullseyes were
worth $1 and $2 50. Three prizes of $10, $6
and $4 were offered for the most tickets
shot. Each ticket entitled the marks
man to two shots, making a possible 50.
From tally In the morning the competi
tion was keen, and until the targets
closed at 5:30 p. m. the best riflemen were
striving for tne possible.
As n fact the best shooting was done
late In the afternoon on account of the
excessive light during the morning and
mid-day. There was but little wind arc!
the gauges were set on center nearly all
the time. On account of the largo num
ber of tickets shot In all the winners will
not be known until after the committee
lias a chance to go over the bonk-s. The
distribution will take "'ace to-morrow
evening at 9:30 o'clock, in California Hail,
620 Bush street. At the close of the
shoot this much was known, that the 49
rings made by D. "\V. McLaughlin v.HI
take first money. The 4S rinks of W.
Glindemann, A. Bertelsen, L. Haake and
probably one or two more are good for
prizes. The best scores of the day an-1
the bullaeye money winners were as fol
D. W. McLaughlin, 49 47. 46: W. Glindemann.
45, 46, 4C, 46, 4S; A. Bertelsen. 4S, 43; A. H.
Pape, 46, 47, 47, 47; F. Koch, 44, 42, 40. 45; F.
Rust 41, 45: F. P. Schuster, 49. 47, 48, 47; J.
DeWlt, 43; L. Brune, 37; N. Ahrens, 46, 44, 47;
Philo Jaooby, 43, 45, 47; J. Gefkln, 43. 43; L,.
Haake, 4<i, 46, 45, 48; D. Ralsfield, 43. 42, 43; G.
Alpers, 40; F. E. Mason. 45, 45. 47. 47; J.
I'tschie, 43, 44, 45; A. Strecker. 46. 47. 47. 47;
W Garms, 46, 45, 44; J. D. Hoise. 43, 42. 44: H.
H. liurfeind, 43, 44: O. Schulz, 42, 41; H. I.ln
kendey, 40; H. Hillberpr, 43, 46; O. T.emeke. 40.
First bullaeye in the morning-. L>. W. Mc-
Laughlin; lai-t in the morning. Philo Jacoby;
first in the afternoon. A. H. Pape; last In the
afternoon, John Utschlg.
There vras a fair attendance of the
members of the Deutscher Krieger Vcrein
at the regular monthly class medal shoot.
Twenty shots were fired by '-h ; riflemen
on the* German 25-rlng target. The hifeh
class men and their scores were:
Champion class, C. WeKjremann, 415; first
class Fritz KalsT. 321: Becond class. John Ben
der 341; third class, C. Koehler, 317; best first
shot, X. Silberzahn, 2"; best last shot. C.
AVfiDjemann, 22; most bullseyes, C. Wegge
The Independent Rifles us« the mili
tary musket and tho Blunt targe; at their
regular contests. The ten-shot recoids
yesterday were as follows:
Corporal H. Frederlckson, 18; C. Frederick
son 27; C. Iverson, 29; c. Gllborson, 24; W.
I,lndecker. 3.".; Sergeant G. W. Mitchell. 40;
Corporal G. B. Worthington. 30; J. Donovan, 9;
H. Gaetjen. 40; H. Wilkens. 11.
Company A, Fifth Regiment, N. G. C,
held Its regular monthly medal shoot, ten
shots on the Blunt target, Springfield
rifle. The scores made were as follows:
Serjeant Talt. 41: Corporal King, 42; Lieu
tenant Flint, 41; Captain Poulter, 44; Private
Valentine 27" Private DuPoy, 36; Private O.
Schmltt 26; Corporal Welle, 26; Corporal Crow,
40; Private Nlckols, 36; S. A. Wiilard, 37.
The regular class medal shoot of tho
First and Second Divisions of the Naval
"Militia drew out a larger attendance than
usual. The ten-shot scores on the Blunt
target were as follows:
First division— W. Lindecker. 39: J. Tousalnt,
37- E Alphonse, 26; A. M. Stammerer, 19; O.
Thiele 36; W. Bode, 30; W, Holdrldge. 25; Dr.
c C TVnnls, 42; J. F. Murphy, 35; O. Smith,
85*: J Brattle, 25; O. "Wulzen, 25; C. Walker. 21;
w Bauer. 23: W. Ast. 16: J. Back. 33; R.
Nathan 19- W. H. Morsan. 14: G. Christensen,
37- H Sandy. 22; G. Green. 35: H. Miller, 35;
H' Harris, 39; A. G. Quinlan. 31.
Second division— J. Farnam, 11: H. Hilton,
5- M Kellogg, 15: V. Paris, 2S: R. Blake, 29;
C Welby 31- G. F. Sutton. 13: R. B. Cogging,
23; J R. Garrett. 0; A. T. McCabe. 19: W.
Buckley. 15: A. McKee, 1?: L \annier. 12; F.
Sutton. 37; G. Hammond, 30; E. Nickel, 15; E.
Bob. 14.
Three Clubs Hold Monthly Contests
and the Biflemen Make Excel
lent Scores.
SAN RAFAEL, March s.— Three clubs
were at the butts at Schuetzen Park to
day, and some good scores were made.
The' California Schuetzen Club held a
medal shoot, the San Francisco Grutll
Shooting Section both a medal and a
bullseye contest, and the Verein Eintract
Schuetzen Section a medal shoot. In de
tail the scores of the California Club were
as follows:
First champion class— John Utschlg Sr. 233,
F X Mason 223. Second s champ on class— J.
Li' Vtschlg 210, Captain F. A. Kuhls 200, A.
Rahwyler 160. Fir*t class— O. ISrenier 209.
Second class— J. Jones 215. C. J. WaWlen 388, J.
E Corman 20S, K. Stettin 195. J. Tammeyer
193 A Breupw 193. A. G.-hret 197. Third class
ic ' Lanser 104, J. C. Waller 173, A. Hampel
179 J Straub 104, J. Uorstmann 163. C. Sagre
horn 149, F. C. Hasrerup 165 Fourth class-
F Acker 100. VV. Walden 109. A. Schrumpff
138. Cadets' class— E. Woenne 189.
The monthly medal shoot of the Grutlis
resulted in the following scores:
Champion class, A Gehret, 400; first class,
R~ Hauser. 375; second class, August Studer,
399- third class, Charles Sussli, 335; best first
shot, A. Gehret, 24; best last shot, A. Studer,
In the monthly bullseye shoot of the
Grutlis the best centers were made in or
der by the following:
First Charles Gut; second, August Etuder;
third, Charles Ott; fourth, Charles. Sussli;
fifth Jacob Appenzeller; sixth, Robert Hauser;
seventh, A. vun Wyll; eighth, Ed Kunz.
In the Verein Eintract shoot the win
ners took rank as follows:
Champion class, R. Stettin. 391; first class,
J Zahn, 346; second class, C. yon Hartwig,
811; third class, C. F. Over, 287; first best shot,
Christian Sohroeder, 23; last best shot, Chris
tian Schroeder, 24.
Alert Gun Club Shoot.
ALAMEDA, March s.— The members of
the Alert Gun Club held their first clay
pigeon shoot for the season to-day at
Birds Point. There were four ten-bird
matches and a twenty-bird contest be
tween Palmer and Neustadter. The day
was an Ideal one for the sportsmen and a
majority of them made excellent scores.
The results follows:
First match— Loujee 5, Jones 7, Smith 2,
Neustadter 5, Schuster 4.
Second match— Jone3 8, Palmer 10, Summer
field 7, Hoyt 7, Schuster 7, Neustadter 8.
Third mateh — Neustadter 7, Jones 9, Palmer
9, Isaacs 5, Smith 5, Loujee 6.
Fourth match— lsaacs 5, Neustadter 6,
Loujee 6, Palmer 9, Jones 8, Smith 5.
The twenty-bird match between Palmer
and Neustadter resulted in a victory for
the former. He cracked eighteen of the
clay discs, while his opponent only
reached fifteen. __
Large Number of Contestants at
Stow Lake.
Yesterday was a hard one for those
members of the San Francisco Fly Cast-.
ing Club who tried for good records at
Stow Lake. A northeast wind was blow
ing, sending the flies close to the bank
and away from the buoys. A larger num
ber competed yesterday than at any pre
vious meeting in the club's history.
Mansfield was the top man In the long
distance event, and in the lure casting.
Harry Golcher showed up well in every
event, and H. Battu made a great record
in the lure casting.
' Following are the complete scores:
Long distance— W. D. Mansfield, 116% feet;
C. G. Young, 78: E. A. Mocker. S5: F. M.
Haight. 73^; Huyck, 80; H. C. Golcher. lOti :
li. F. Muller. SS; J. S. Turner, SO; E. Everett,
f'3; Charles Klein, 7S; F. E. Daverkosen. 9S; R.
nek, 62: H. Battu. 72; J. M. Hanford. 7ti;
F. H. Reed, 85; 11. G. W. Dinkelspiel, 64.
Distance and accuracy— Mansfield, 92 per
cent: Young, 52 4-12; Mocker. 92; Haight,
94 S-12: Huyck. S7 4-12; Golcher, 30 4-12; Muller,
89 S-12; Turner, 91; Everett. 95 4-12; F. Daason
ville, S9 S-12; Klein, 91 S-12; Daverkos-
Battu, S9 4-12; Hanford, &S S-12; Reed, 93 8-12;
Dinkelspiel. 81 8-12.
Accuracy and delicacy (net scores)— Man
sfield, SI 5-12 per cent; Young, So 6-12: Mocker,
78 3-12: Huyck, 07 6-12; Golcher. S2 5-12: Muller.
77 4-12; Turnpr, 7B 11-12; Everett, 77 3-12: Das
sonville. 75; Klein. 77 3-12: Daverk^en. 74 10-12:
liattu. 79 5-12: Hanford, 66 4-12; Reed, 77 9-12;
Dinkelspiel, 62 11-12.
Lure casting— Mansfield, 96 2-5 per cent;
Young, 69 1-5: Mocker, 75; Golcher. 79 2-5: Mul
ler. 65 1-5; Everett, 77 4-5; Klein. 66 1-5: Daver
kosen. 69 4-5; Battu. 93 4-5; Resd. 51 2-5: W. F.
BLigart, 76 4-5; G. A. Bluhm of Chicago, 93;
Dr. Watt. 74 4-."..
A Truthful Person.
"How wel! Mrs. Plnliftt holds her age."
"Yes. she doesn't look a day older than
she says she is."— lndianapolis Journal.
(120 th Meridian— Pacific Time.)
PAX FRANCISCO. March 4, 5 p. m.
The following are the seasonal rainfalls to
date, as compared with those of same date
last season, and rainfall In last twenty-four
Last This Last
Stations— 24 Hours. Season. Season.
Kureka 0.00 23.60 26.74
Red Bluff 0.00 13.26 12.07
Sacramento 0.00 7.93 8.55
San Francisco 0.00 8.00 7.32
Fresnc 0.00 3.74 3.45
San Luis Obispo 0.00 7.20 5.15
Los Angeles 0.00 2.92 4.30
San Diego 0.00 3.71 3. 1S
Yuraa 0.00 1.34 123
San Francisco data: Maximum temperature,
72; minimum, 50; mean, 61.
The weather is partly cloudy over Washing
ton, Oregon, Idaho. Montana and Northern Ne
vada; elsewhere on the Pacific Slope It is
clear. No rain ia reported.
The pressure is highest over North Dakota,
from which section It gradually diminishes
toward Southern Arizona. The barometer has
fallen slightly over the entire Pacific Coast.
The temperature has risen slightly in all dis
tricts. It was above 70 degrees throughout
California to-day.
Conditions are favorable for fair and con
tinued warm weather In California Monday.
Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty
hours ending midnight. March 6, 1599.
Northern California— Fair Monday; continued
warm; light, variable winds.
Southern California— Fair Monday; con
tinued warm; light, variable winds.
Nevada— Fair Monday; continued warm.
Utah — Fair Monday.
Arizona— Fair Monday; continued warm.
San Francisco and vicinity— Fair Monday;
continued warm: light, variable winds.
G. H. WILLSON. Local Forecast Official.
March, 1599.
1 ;
I 28
I 80
Mooa 'a Phases.
.o- Last Quarter,
**£ March 4.
jCS New Mooa.
Vi? March 11.
-m. First Quarter,
9 Maroh 18.
©Full Moon,
jW March 26.
I 31
I 28
23 I
i .
A branch of the United States Hydrographic j
Office, located at the Merchants' Exchange. Is i
maintained in San Francisco for the benefit of
mariners, without regard to nationality and j
free of expense. ,
Navigators are cordially invited to visit the
office, where complete sets of charts and sail
ing directions of the world are kept on hand j
for comparison and reference, and the latest j
information can always be obtained regarding
lights, dangers to navigation and all matters
of interest to ocean commerce.
The time ball on the tower of the new Ferry
building, at the foot of Market street, is hoisted
about ten minutes before noon and dropped at
noon, 120 th meridian, by telegraphic signal re
ceived each day from the United States Naval
Observatory. Mare Island, Cal.
A notice stating whether the ball was dropped
on time or givlßg the error, if any. Is published
in the morning papers the following day.
Lieutenant. U. S. N.. in charge.
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey-
Times and Heights of High and Low
Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San
Francisco Bay. Published by official au
thority of the Superintendent.
NOTE— The high and low waters occur at
the city front (Mission-ntreet wharf) about
twenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point;
the height of tide is the same at both places.
Run rises 6:32
Sun sets 6:09
Moon rises 2:33 a. m.
« Time Time Time Time
» Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft.
6... 5:54 6.71 1:15—0.3 8:30 4.4
7 ... 1:00 ?.9 7:05 5.8 2:10—0.4 9:15 4.8
8 ... 2:05 2.6 8:11 6.0 2:59!— 0.4 9:64 8.2
9 ... 3:00 2.01 9:11 6.0 3:441—0. S J0:30 X.4
10 ... 3:."1 1.5| 10:06 6.0 4:26! o.o| ll:05| 8.6
11 ... 4:41| l.Oj 11:00 5.8 B:07| 0.3| 11:40] 5.7
NOTE— In the above exposition of the tides
the early morninsr tides are given In the left
hand column, and the successive tides of the
day in the order of occurrence as to time. The
second time column Kives the second tide of
the day, the third time column the third tide
and the last or right hand column gives the
last tide of the day, except when there are but
three tides, as sometimes occur. The heights
Kiven are additions to the soundings on the
United States Coast survey charts, except
when a minus sijrn (— ) precedes the height.
#nd then the number given Is subtracted from
the depth given by the charts. The plane of
reference Is the mean of the lower low waters.
Steamer. I From. I Due.
k. Blanchard.. irons Bay !Mar. 6
Veeott ICoos Bay IMar. 6
ircata [Coos Bay IMar. R
:mpire ;Coos Bay 'Mar. fi
lacklnaw ITacoma IMar. 6
itateotCal [Portland Mar. «
■rosrcso Seattle [Mar. 6
iam Nanalmo ;Mar. (5
:. Thompson... Seattle Mar. 7
.eelanaw 'Seattle Mar. 7
illiance Oregon Ports Mar. 7
irizaba INewport IMar. 7
lonRk'ngMarulChinn. nnd Japan !Mar. 7
'omona IHumboIdt |Mar. S
lorth Fork IHumboIdt IMar. S
ilameda ISydney JMar. S
\'alla Walla... 'Victoria & Puget Sound'Mar. 8 I
Bristol (Departure Bay IMar. S|
lineola Tacoma iMar. R
ViUamette Seattle Mar. 8
•hllkat... v Humboldt Mar. Si
:oquille River. (Tillamook Bay Mar. 9 S
'oint Arena jPoint Arena Mar. 9
:anta Rosa (Pan Dipgo Mar. ft
Vellington iDeparture Bay Mar. 10
Aiella (Crescent City Mar. 10
;oos Bay INewport Mar. 11
rrescent City... (Crescent City Mar. 11
•olumbla I Portland Mar. 11
'matllla 'Victoria & Puuet Round'Mar. 13
Steamer. Destination. I Sails. I Pier.
A. Blanch'd Cooa Bay JMar. 6. 5 pm'Pier 13
Newport .. Alaska Mar. 6, 12 m 'Center
Queen Vic <t Pprt Sd. Mar. 7. in amlPier 9
Corona San Diego Mar. 7. 11 amlPier 11
Arcata Coos Bay Mar. 7. 10 amjPIer 13
Weeott Yaqulna Bay. Mar. 7, 10 am'Pler 13
Australia .. Honolulu Mar. 8, 2 pmlPler 7
Aloha [Point Arena.. Mar. 8, 3 pmjPler 2
State of Cal Portland IMar. 9. 10 amlPler 24
Orizaba [Newport IMar. 9. 9 amjPler 11
Gaelic IChlna&JapaniMar. !>, 1 pmiPMSS
Curacoa ...'Mexico IMar. 9, 10 am I Pier 11
Santa Rosa'San Dlepo 'Mar. 11, 11 amlPier 11
Pt. Arena.. IPolnt Arena.. IMar. 11, 3 pmlPier 2
Walla Wall) Vic & P*t Sd. IMar. 12, 10 am Pier 9
Columbia ..IPortland |Mar. 14, 10 am'Pler 24
■ l Sunday. March 5.
Stmr Albion, Erickson, 46 hours from Port
Los Angeles.. ■
Stmr Navarro, Higglns, 46 hours from San
Stmr Aloha, Jorgensen, 11 hours from Point
Stmr Greenwood, Fagerlund, 14 hours from
Stmr Corona, Debney. 60 hours from San
Diego, etc.
Stmr Noyo, Johnson, 14 hours from Fort
Bragg. -:._-.:„ .; .«*
Stmr Gypsy, Leland, 28 hours from Moss
Stmr Crescent City, Stockfleth, 32 hours from
Crescent City.
Stmr State of California, Goodall. 49% hours
from Portland via Astoria 41 hours.
Stmr City of Puebla, Xhomu. 28 days 14 .
U bark Brussels. Tonkins, 100 days front
N Bk^will^B:^me. Brown,, 16 days from
S s n chr Reliance. Nordllng, 33 hours from Fisk*
M Sc'hr Bender Brothers, Wetzel. 40 hours from
B ° S chr nS Ar a c ! nfe nl and Fontie. Jensen. 18 hour,
from Timber Cove.
Sunday, March 5.
! Stmr Alcazar, Gundersoj. — dro
Stmr Coos Bay, Shea. San Pedro.
Stmr Chllkat, Anderson. Eureka.
SSS D^na\ e c^ n b r^ hot-
Stmr Fomona, Parsons, Eureka.
Stmr Sequoia. Thwing. Fort Bragg.
Stmr Valencia, Lane. Manila. fra _
Stmr Grace Dollar, . Fosen. Alcatras.
I Bark Alien Besse. Potter. Honolixh£ H—
Brig John D. Spreckels, Chrifctianben. nuu«-
I lulu and Mahukona.
Schr Guide, Olsen. Coos Bay.
TACOMA— Sailed March 4— Bark Gatherer.
ship Columbia, for San Francisco.
SAN PEDRO— Sailed March 4— Schr Chal
lenger, for Port Townsend. ..
COOS BAT-Sailed March 5 - s * 1 r , np Al i^;
Blanchard, for San Francisco; schr Viking, for
San Francisco. — Arrived March 5-—
PORT TOWXSEXD - Arrived March i 5—
Bark Oakland, from San Pedro: ?tmr_ I ma
tllla. hence March 2. Sailed March 5-Schr
Louis, for Callao; echr W. F. Jewett, for
VENTURA-Arrived March 5-Stmr George
Loomls, hence March 4. Sailed March 5-Stmr
K^rrl^a^f £&,%£& F f^
Yaquina Bay for San Francisco f
Ft'RFK A.— Sailed March u— Schr Alice, iw
NEAH BAY-Paased March 5-Bark Gain
e T6R% 0m T T O fl^XS a E^§ai,rd ran M^ 0 h -mm
*Z&F$&-&iM SSSfT* tmr Arcata
and BUnr Empire, for San Ifrancisou
24. Sailed March Br ship St. Mary s hb.j,
for Queenstown.
NEWCASTLE. N. S. Sailed January .4—
Hawaiian achr Honolulu, for Honolulu.
TOINT LOBOS. March 5. 10 p. m.— Weather
hazy; wind northwest; velocity 8 miles per
hour. — — i
s?> AT "fe
MONDAY. MARCH 6th. at 11 o'clock.
On account of settling up Murry Estate. We
will sell
100 head of broken and unbroken horses,
suitable for all purposes; weight from 900 to
1500 pounds. will positively be sold to thu
This stock will positively be sold to tn<»
highest bidder. Stock can be seen on the
premises. g WATKIXS & CO., Auctioneers.
Pacific Coast Steamship Co,
|~ Steamers leave Broadway
m... wharf. San Francisco:
HnMk For Alaskan ports.^lo a. m
ISO^Sv'^ change at Seattle.'
i IBkSß^i For Victoria. Vancouver (B.
Bjg«r*gtfMl c \ port Townsend. Seattle,
r^^&mM Tacoma, Everett. Anacortes
,^«Sq| and New Whatcom (Wash.).
. 1 an d le"er1 e"ery m fl£?h day ■■ 1-. l't • — •
i .nd every fifth day thereafter:
27; Apr. . -qp^tle to this company's steamers
change at Seattle 10 •■ . Tacoma to N.
for Alaska and <f-£\oC-P.Ry.
j thereafter. Monterey. San Simeon,
fa^ro^st l£^ro fa -geles) and
ETtfbtfm fourth day Rafter
Ca F b°o\ Maza n mn. Altfta La Pa,. Panta R-jsal.a
without previous notice steamers, sailing dates
""TICKET* omiJK-4 New Montgomery
THE 0. R. & N. CO,
From Spear-street Wharf at 10 a. m..
CADC SI 2 First Class Including Berths
lAnt $8 Second Clas* and Meal*.
Columbia sails Feb. 12. 22: March 4. 14.
State of California sails Feb. 7. 17, 27,
M Short 9 'line to Walla Walla. Spokane. Butte,
Helena and all points in the Northwest.
Through tickets to all points East.
E. C. WARD. General Agent.
630 Market street.
Compagnie Generate Transatlantics,
(French Lino)
(FRANCE). Sailing every Saturday <go^
at 10 a. ' m. from Pier 42. North ■JNIMJIUkk
River, foot of Morton street.
First class to Havre, $65 and upward, 5 per
cent reduction on round trip. Second class to
Havre $45, 10 per cent reduction round trip.
AND CANADA. 3 Bowline Green. New York.
J. F. FUGAZI & CO., Pacific Coast Agents.
5 Montgomery aye.. San Francisco.
From New York Every Wednesday, 10 a. m.
St. Paul. ...February 22|3t. Paul March IS
St. Louis March 1 1 St. Louis March 23
New York and Antwerp.
From New York Every Wednesday. 12 noon.
Kensington ...Feb'y IE Southwark March $
Noordland Feb'y 22 Westernland.. March 15
Friesland....... March l! Kensington.... March 2J
Seattle, St. Michael, Dawson City.
For lull information regarding freight and pas-
sage apply to
tO Montgomery it., > ay of Its agencies
ner First and Brannan streets, 1 p.m., for
YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at
Kobe (Hlogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and
connecting at Hongkong with steamers ' for
India, etc. No cargo received on board on day
of sailing.
HONGKONG MARU ....Friday, March 17
NIPPON MARU ...........Wednesday. April II
AMERICA MARU Saturday. May i
, Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For
freight and passage apply at company's office,
421 Market street, corner First.
W. B. CURTIS. General Agent.
: .lj?i \TJS. i&£rf _-— — «*-t 2 p. m.
fHßßsamaml The s - Australia
[j3l fiHIC sail 9 fnr Honolulu
•t** a ""*» Wednesday. March 8,
M ™ ' at 2 p. m.
(*iS^\^\ The P. S. Alameda
K»MfWVtffinmch|n,) sails via Honolulu and
CMwlllDlliy^ Auckland for Sydney
<skss*^ •nmFWDU-. Wednesday, March 22.
&Z> VyilipUlwp at 10 p. m.
Favorite Line Round the World, via Hawaii.
I Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, India, Sue*.
England, etc. ; $610 first class.
J. D. SPRECKELS BROS. CO , 114 Montgomery Street
Freight, 327 Market St., San Francisco
Steamer "Montlcello."
Mon., Tues., Wed.. Thurs. and Sat., at 9:45 a.
m.. 1:15, 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thurs. night); Fridays
1 p. m. and 8:30; Sundays 10:30 a. m., 8 p. m.
Landing and office. Misslon-at. Dock, Pier No.
I. Telephone, Main 1508.
FARE 800
•*""V Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary,
jL^A 625 HEARST ST. Established
flpT fiSSI in 1854 for the treatment of Private
ijjLJJ^gssSP Diseases, Lost Manhood. Debility or
- BaEESaSS^S) disease wearing on body and mtudac4
<hSrw2vtßs! Skin Diseases. The dociorcures when
os"E3§i»«^ others fail. Try him. Charges low.
Carmen nrantrrd. Callorwrita.
„ »r. J. JT. UIBBOKi Box. 1337. San ft saclae*