Newspaper Page Text
12 WAN.' FRANCISCO CALL. BCVIIHOBS OFFICE of th» ban Franclsoo Tell, corner cf Market and Third streets, open jrull li o'clock every night in th* year. HRANfH OFFICES — 527 Montgomery street, ■roroer Clsy; open until &:*) o'clock. tn liar ta street; open until 9:20 o'clock. €21 McAllister street; open until »:30 o'clock. «5 Lorkln street; open until 9:20 o'clock. IMI Mission utreet: open until 10 o'clock. I2€l Market street, comer Sixteenth; open jntll i o'clock. IM Eleventh Btreet; 'iV-.n until » o'clock. lilt. Mission street: open until I o'clock. NW. corner of Twenty-second and Kentucky itro-r*; open until 9 o'clock. CHURCH NOTICES. IT PAUL'S. California. St., near Fillmore— The Rev. William Maxwell Reilly, rector. Holy c.iramaulw, 7:30 a. ra.; morning prayer and sermon by tho- rector at 11. EvensoM and sermon. 7:30 p. m. Special services with I^nteti sermons on Tuesday and Friday oven- Ings; L»nt»n music under lbs direction Of A. A. Rankin, by St. Paul's vested choir of m»n, women and t*,y». • . FIRST Presbyterian Church. Van Ness aye. and Ka'-ramento st. — The pastor, Rev. R. Mackenzie, D.D., will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:3.'. p. m. Evening subject. "The Divisions Of Protestantism." Sunday school at 12:4- -p. m. Y. P. S. C. E-, 6:_> p- m. All are welcome. - •■ '- -•-- CALVARY Preabyterlan Church, cor. Powell and C-rar> sts.. Rev. John Hemphill. D.D.. pa-«to!— Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. r=. Topic, evening, "War Itetween the OW and N*w and the Victory." • Music, morning. Te D-vam ta). C. K. Pay: offertory, soprano p: , -Shepherd Of Israel." Nevlr.. Mrs. Susie H^rtrr.ark. Music, evenir^. "JubP.a-.e Dec" fa). Schneck*.-: offertory. "In Dreads I Heard the Seraphim," Faure. alto and *ra"3 solo ar;2 quartet. All are mada wel- come. '_ CENTRAL Methodist Episcopal Church. Mls- t\ r. <•: h'l. Sixth and— Dr. Charles Edward' Locke, pa»tor. will prr-ach: subject, 3! a nC "Oce of the BiMe Josephs"; a: >:3.j p m. "The Modern Trojan Horse." Sunday school, 1 p. rr.. Oais meetings, &;£> a. m. and Ii 30 p. m. Men's Bihie class. 1 p. 88. Chris- tian Endeavor Society, 6 p. m. Midweek prayer service Wednesday evtnir.g. This Is a people's church. S^ats hth free. Everybody cordially Invited. Music led by chorus choir. J. J. Morris, choir master. • SIMPSON Memorial Methodist Episcopal Churrh cor. Hayes and Buchanan sts.— Rev. John Stephens, pastor; residence. Vf) Halgbt tt Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. At Ham the Rev. W. 8. Matthew. D.D.. will preach.' and at 7:30 p. m. the Rev. W. W. Case D. D. Sunday school at 12:30 p. m. : C. R Perkins superintendent. Epworth League meeting at «:3fl p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. The pub- lic cordially Invited to all the services of this church. Seats free. Ushers in attendance. THESFIrst Unitarian Church, southwest corner Geary and Franklin sts. Rev. Dr. Stebbins, rninlfter emeritus. Rev. Stafford W. Brooke, minister pro tempore, Charles A Murdock, superintendent of Sunday school. The Sun- day school Is at 10 o'clock. The morning tervlce If at 11 o'clock Rev. Mr. Brooke will occupy the pulpit. Mrs .J H. Birming- ham will sing. All are cordially lnvlt-.-d. There Is no evening service. THE West Side Christian Church wiil hold " services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. M W Williams. pantor. will preach In the morning on "The Disciples' Prayer," In the evening on "Giants." Sunday school Is held at 10 a. m. Young People's meeting at 6:80 p m. All are cordially invite.] THE First Divine Science Church, M. E. Cramer, pastor— Discourse at 11 a. m. Sub- J-r-t. "'What is Loyalty to Truth?" Ser- vices every Sunday in Yosemite Hall. Native Sons' building. Mason st., bet. Geary and Boat. Take elevator. FIRST Church of Christ. Scientist, Central block, 22.T Sutter si . bet, Kearny and Grant , iv e —Christian Science Bible lesson. Ham.; subject, "Reality." Sunday school for chil- dren at the name hour. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. All are welcome. REORGANIZED Church of Jesus Christ, 320 Post et.- Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. This church was organized by command of i;..d In 1.'.10 to prepare a people for the sec- ond coming of Jesus Christ to Judge the world. Is the '"Dispensation of the Fullness Of Time." C. A. Parkin, pastor. All wel- cume. ii Church, 1133 Mission " Ben ice Sun- day school, 11:80 a. m. ; preaching, 7.. p. m. In Welsh by Rev. .1. .). Berry from Wiscon- sin. Strangers cordially Invited. UNIVERSAL Brotherhood (The Theosophlcal Society in America). Academy of Sciences building, 819 Market st. — Lecture to-night, "Conscience." by Mrs. Mercle M. Thirds; Tuesday night. "Music In Nature*'; Satur- day night, "The Holiness of lxi!...r " . TiiEOHOPIUCAL Society— Public lecture to- night ot 8 o'clock In Odd Fellows' building by Miss Marie A. Walsh. Subject. "The Mystery of Mars." Lotus circle for children In same building at 1' ■'.-■ SUNDAY MEETINGS. SOCIETY of Progressive Spiritualists. Occi- dental Hall, corner 1 .arkm and McAllister sts. -Sun. ... March 19, at 7:30 p. m. Speaker, Mrs. It. S. Lillie; subject. "Han G.«i Done His Best? Moody Says No." Admission free. : REM ARK A RLE test and physical seance to- night; Mrs. D. .1. Moran and her gifted chil- dren: Crystal Hall. Pythian Castle, 909 Mar- ket ft.; admission, 16c. SUNDAY platform— Dr. York at lower Scot- tish Hull, Larkin St., this evening, on "Free Trade and High Tiurirf.*- All Invited AT Dr. Rines 1 spiritual society; 909 Market. 11- -2-&. Mrs. ngham. Bird, Seeley: all tests; Tuesday, Friday. .-. p. m., 1238 Howard St.; 10c. MRS. BBERHARDT, 937 Guerrero st., near Meetings Sunday and Thursday nights; Wednesday 2 p. "i ; 10c. MRS. SOPHIA BEIP. spirit seer, 1724 Market st., near Polk; counsel, BOo; by letter, 50o; meetings every night . 10c. POSITIVE proof Riven of spirit return; every one gets a test to-night. LEANDER, 313 Eddy st. grand spiritual test meeting to-nlshl 909 Market; Mrs L. S. Drew; convincing tests free. PEST meeting, 2 and Bp. m . 100 1346 Market. R. A. Stltt. Nits, Butler, Hargrave, others. MRS. HARLAND'S circle t. . -night, tt sealed letters lead; l"o; sittings dally. 120 Sixth St. C. V. MILLER'S etherealizlng, materializing seance, 8 p. m.; fOc*. 409 Leavenworth st. MME YOUNG'S convincing test circle to-night, 10c; 605 McAllister St.; come, skeptics. MRS. SEAL, spiritual medium; tobacco habit cured or no pay. 880 Valencia st. miS. EGGERT AITKEN, medium; sittings dally 120 McAllister ,-t . flat I. MllliM. NOTICES. , KINO SOLOMON'S Lodge No. 260, F. m and A M.— The officers and members _^V_ ar.- hereby notified to attend the fit- T£2f neral of our deceased brother. WAL- ram* TER HEASLEY BLAIR, from 1839 Fillmore St.. THIS DAY (SUNDAY), at 1:80 o'clock p. m. By order of the Master. HARRY BAEHR, Secretary. BT ANDREW'S Society— Open meet- . fT __ Ing TO-MORROW EVENING at 3L &OiJ Scottish Hall. 117 larkin st. Tanna- "tisajDt hill programme. Members and friends Invited. JAS. B. WEBSTER. President. A. R. PATTERSON, Secretary. CALEDONIAN Club -Thirty-third v <y >^ annual gathering and games at **n. Qiu'J Shell Mound lark, Berkeley, TUES- tJkXE*: DAY. May 80. V^3*» A NOTTS McLEOD, Chief. ANDREW McNAIR. Secretary. BRICKLAYERS" International Union—Cali- fornia No. 1 meets at 1188 Mission st. first and third Mondays In month. ANNUAL meeting— The annual meeting of th" Stockholders of the Western Sugar Refining Company will be held at the offlce of the company, 327 Market Mt.. San Prancisco, Cal.. on MONDAY, the 87th day of March, UM, at the hour of 12 m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi- ness as may come before the meeting. Transfer books will close on FRIDAY. Mar. 17. lM»f'. at 12 m. ROBERT OXNARD. Secretary. MEET to-day at 1 UNCLE HA RRIB', 15 Grant aye.. to borrow money on any old thing. SPECIAL NOTICES. ROOMS papered from $3; whitened. $1 up: painting done, Hartman Taint Co., 319 id nt. LAD tenants ejected for $4; collections made; city or country PACIFIC COLLECTION CO . 416 Montgomery st.. rooms 9-10: tel. SX2O. DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIVIDEND notice— Dividend No. 65 (twenty- tlve cents per share) of the Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company will DC payable at the office of the company, 327 Market st., on and after MONDAY, March 20. ISP'). Transfer books will close on TUESDAY. Man 14, 1899. at 3 o'clock P. m. E. H. SHELDON. Secretary. I '—■ ' ****** ■ STOI.AGE. CE RUDOLPH Storage and Moving Co. Office, 401 i'"' st., cor. Powell; teL Main 5713. PIERCE * TAYLOR Storage Company: pack- ing, advance, etc. 736 Mnrket: tel. Black 311. DON'T store in cellars. -. (O. M. JUDSON & CO., 1123 Howard st. ; advances made. FIRST ci, a. storage room; reasonable. VIN- CENT CO., 332 Tost st. KITIATIOM4 * W '^ £_'^l^s^^~ f NUMBER of neat young cook* *r.d * ____" ■ « air. in ''7, "i T^vrn fit address or telephone MISS PLUN -.-Tin. . *.* j Sutter st. — — I *, EXPERIENCED trtaamakn**^'*^* =«***« \ engngements by the : day.„l» ia_r.s«. , _ITUA_TON*I-1 working •**^**'^?* r , ; S^f7 I ' enced; m«d-l*agetf£«*£««* ftl^i dfen. Call Mltg^ WHEE-O-K ***-*• Castro, j WA^fErT-By a cenip*t*nt "►*r;*i r ; c *^ *f?2!_ j , ran woman, the care of aa rw sc. «r a ccj- • pie of young children." wa*-« $-*- Bex lioa. all office. : . MIDDLE-AGED G*r=a= _!__!__ good cock. ' wishes position a*. to*aek**o*x *= country. Address box Uls. <-3_- -—-'*- , , WOMAN wishes work by th* day. ISS Web- ster et.; ser.d poart--. WANTED-By r^dls-a*^ lady. 4 to 6 hours work p-er day; a:c_ft:>c_ed to chamber work. Address 4CI Cteaeattea su j FIRST-CLASS dressciaker frc-ra the East would like sewing in good families. $1 SC per . day. Address i>~* 1114. Call office. COMPETENT girl would like place for sec- ond work in. private fa_-.IIy ir. country; good seamstress. SCO Van Ness aye. WANTED — By midd'e-aged worna-. position to do light housework for o!d couple or young married cruple with on* c_.*.'.i. Box 10S*. Cail office. i EXPERIENCED colcred infant's nurse wishes s:t-.i_t;er>.. AiJre^s 1*24 California, st. GOOD dre*sma_er w-.shes a few more -cage- j ments by the day. U2S> Filfcnore sL ' PIANO teacher wishes to give lessons fcr sew- In?. Box U29. Cail offlce. MASON'S widow wants plain sewing cr mend- ing to io at ho=r.e. Box U2-. Call office. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position to take full charge as working housekeeper; under- stands care of children. 23>»_ Fu'.tor. St. DRESSMAKING. $1 per day; drop postal. -Let- ter bax. H Murphy bldg.. 1236 Market st. EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires sewing by the day ln families. 1523 Clay st. FASHIONABLE dressmaking in families or at home; terms $*. '.' per day. Cail evenings, j j Dressmaker, fr^- Post st. ; WOMAN with 1 child would like housework: city or country. &-* 1125. Call office. YOUNG woman with small boy will assist in reflned family for room and board. Address box 1134. Call office. WOMAN wishes situation to do housework; city cr country. Address 512 Jessie st. REFINED, respectable young woman with 4- months-old infant wishes position as wet- nurse. Address box 1120, Call office. RELIABLE woman wants position as invalid's or Infant's nurse; first-class seamstress; city or country. Address M. C , 525 Stockton st. MAKER, first-class; perfection in fit- ting and style; evening costumes remodeled; price moderate by the day. J. PICOT, 501 Poet -.. room 34. HOUSEKEEPER, neat, reliable, elderly East- ern woman with references, wishes position: good cook and laundress; likes children: wages $12 month. 341 Minna su COMPETENT woman wants washing or house- cleaning or any kind of work: $1 80 per day. 727"% Natoma st , near Ninth. GERMAN woman wants washing or general housework. 121 Valencia st. GERMAN-Amerlcan cook wants position In private family, good references. Apply 16 Oak st. " GIRLS of all nationalities awaiting situations at MRS. HIRD'S, 631 Larkin st. Telephone Sutter 52. __ J ___ WOMAN with a child desires to work 3 or 4 hours a day in boarding house or rooming house. Call Rf>4i_ Howard st. y- YOUNG woman wishes situation as house- ice. -per or nurse; country preferred. Address bos 1108, Call office, Oakland. BOOKKEEPER: young lady: competent ln general office work, salary moderate; refer- ences N. 8., 1063 Franklin st . Oakland. RESPECTABLE American woman wants po- sition as housekeeper; no objection to a child; thorough housekeeper Box 714, Call office, Oakland. - LADY would like a position as housekeeper In hotel or a small family; no objection to the country: best of references. Call or address , MRS. A. A., 517 Ninth St., Oakland. SWEDISH woman wants washing. Ironing or housecleaning by the day. Address 30 Aztec St.. off ShotweU* ■'.."» STRONG, sober, middle-aged woman wants place to do housework, city references. Call ..a ahotwell st. YOUNG lady desires position as companion to an Invalid or as housekeeper for small fam- ily or do sewing In a family; good home de- sired Address 132 California aye. BORROW money on diamonds, silver, ..skins, silks. UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. WANTED A home In a nice family as assist- i ant caretaker and companion; good references as a lady: city or town. Address box 10-1. Call office. ' RESPECTABLE woman with a little girl de- sires a position as managing housekeeper; no objection to children; references. 122.1 Mis- j sion st. <;<«>!> strong colored woman wishes a position as children's nurse of lady's maid; city or traveling Call 1515 Leavenworth st. YOUNG lady of ability desires a home with refined family In exchange for piano Instruc- tions; references 1223 Mission St. _: GOOD cook, exceedingly neat, quick worker, wants work; sleep home; good references. 708 Taylor st. SUPERIOR Infant's nurse desires situation; bt-st local references. 719 1 . Bush st NORTH German girl would like a position as waitress and upstairs work. Apply 1642 Polk AN experienced laundress wants work by the day. 349 1 . Minna st., room 1. FRENCH girl wishes position as nurse; 1 or 2 children; good references. Address MISS JOSEPHINE MAITRE, Cosmopolitan Hotel, Fifth and Mission ■ t« RESPECTABLE middle-aged lady wishes situ- ation as a working housekeeper; thoroughly capable; city or country. Cull or address MRS. D.. U. I.askle sL MIDDLE-AGED woman would like a place as working housekeeper, city or country. Apply nt 402 Golden Gate aye., downstairs. COMPETENT young woman desires a position as companion or governess In a first-class family; references. 24 Angelica St. AMERICAN girl would like place for second work In American family; good seamstress. Call 200 Turk st. EXPERIENCED Infant's nurse with good city reference wonts a position. Box 1068. Call. WANTED by the day or half day by reliable woman. Address 2239 Adeline st., Oakland. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. 16 pages. In wiapper, for mailing. $1 per year. sITIATItr.S WANTED—MALE. CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office; best help. 414V'.. O'Farrell st. ; tel. East 421. JAPANESE-CHINESE Emp. Agency; all kinds help. GEO. AOKI. 30 Geary St.; tel. Grant s*. COACHMAN. married; understands the* care Of lawns and flowers: wife first-class cook or second work; city or country; Al ref- erences. Address box 1119, Call offlce. MAN and wife. German cooks, want positions tn hotel; city or country. 278 Minna st. YOUNG German. 80 years old, wishes to get position ns choreman on a ranch or private place: Is also 11 good teamster and milker. Address A. RICHARD. 636 Commercial st. PAINTER— First-class In all branches; house and sign painting, graining, paperhanging and frescoing; established In San Francisco for the last six years, wishes to take posi- tion in country (own near San Francisco. Box 1104, Call office^ BRIGHT, active young man wishes situation anywhere where study and close application to business will earn promotion; salary not so much object at start. go..d references. O. E. 11.. 710 Rim- st. SITUATION wanted by young man ns bar- '■ tender; first-class. Address box 1115. Call. HAVING small Income will work cheap In small grocery or cigar store, or any light business or work: highest references. Ad- dress box 1116, Cull office. WANTED— By a sober, middle-aged American, ft situation about private place; horse, gar- den, etc. ; good home looked for at low ' wages rather than otherwise. Address WILL- ING, 224 Seventh st. • WANTED Situation as valet or attendant to Invalid by thoroughly reliable, steady Eng- lishman: well educated; good manners and appearance. Address TRAVELER, box 1091, i Call office WANTED— By active, elderly man. to do chores and make himself generally useful round place; understands care of horses,: i milking and garden work: handy at all work; • good references. CHOREMAN, 413 Natoma. FIRST-CLASS barber, young man, wants sterols position. Address Brooklyn Hotel Barber Shop. REFINED, earnest, willing young man. University graduate, wishes employment In office, store, private home, as valet; willing ' to do anything; good references. Box Ill's, Call office. t . ; • MONEY to loan you on watches, guns, musical Instruments. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. THiS <\N FUA^s-gI^QQ C MX, SUNDAY, MARCH^I9^JIB9fI> ___ -■ - ™ "— — — *■^~— ■— — ■ ' "■' ' "."""" , * • ITt \ Vto>« >*•■ A>""t'^'iV^V-*A**sH^t?.*^ j __Xr_DU_V<KQ_A w--* l * "* K! * <^vc^J»v*>. V.fl-.* 3 -*^ . Ktttftfea tw »..**KM^, W:\*\tt M*- : •g&x** to 4k !}-•-_,_._. iw-.-»v. -aW~«?** %*4 _t_j, ■ Q_Q_gttteg _ -- 4. .... t*^i* §&- '' rerwssVi. *ttO>v.-« Wvs^>tWn, _>t '»•''•; '^*£ l r-<v; tf I *- ■•-ax-*.*.. W-**s*s* «_! _*%CT, <•*'"-'.• Wf^ay .. WA.VTE^-SW*W "«» W^'y 'i'is'y'fe'^-7 I wage* ivt v*f«t* i'vn* vo :ui.l '-•/--..l v-V^-r-^-p I rives.. Ad&Ke-ft tt v'V.vS-ij, \g___ $•& ' situation V**>.i,*W ta % v i at 7; i,x *4.fer^L-*"***"t- Ch*r-S* Bllvf.. V -.;. ■ v.- I: £\ - .'-■■■•-■ ' » «& CV>., ST"* l S_x-'^*r."v« i^ ik- RELIABLE""-*^ * >*.•» V» *~i.Vo4 r '-~ l''' J £_~JSr> Isiar.ds. Ttufctt* ¥ t * i W?**y rv.vl^-t-v*. V* l *!. 1133." Call cC-gevi V '■;7 . RANCH cwr""*S w7k»> 7"¥" brains! First-etas* t'-c.'.'w*' **vi _r i stoeknuux w**« *w..*-f*i v..- *n*v V*w. v"*, ranch or arxywhvr*;. *'!, .... Hi>r_«u-4.u v married; wi> *vo«_ «.>ovk, lfi ov*K«^; *-r v '** v ha.* the manage weat OJ? iwv.r.4,l; uk-.i^'ios; ">*» references: salary tvt l coH,.-_ok'r*»>.tWtK »• *"*• 8.. 535 Twentieth » ! - C^KianJ. ACTIVE carpenter, *'^' w»_.r-t.M»Js s am» cabinet making. gt*Bta*. v*H»i,t»S> JWtf* etc.. U a sck*-1 mechanic. wtC» <*, HUio catuUl. wishes a chance tc> _**<» p-*?* i» .4 _vsJr_bl«> business, or '.-:■■■- tuon-y oi» -JOoo| se- curity and act as woc<yta.i*; b* **__. tor t"vj last 17 years busy In th!** city:. od!.v tm«A parties with security iu*j *.J_i<*«i- box iw, Call office. Japanese first-class cock. **_t>U po-ltloii In 'city cr country. A__r**s -V, MIYO. 55s Sev- enth st.. OaklatvL ; GARDENER, first -clas* In aU br*iK*he», wishes ■Ituation tn private family; thcioushly un- derstands orchard work: al*-*- handy with tooN; can run gasoline ettstne; reliable *" 1 obliging; references. Addr**» *•*• B-. bo -"** 1072. Call offlce. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket: 200 ro^ms: 25c to V 10 nts&t: UM to $•» week convenient ar.d respectable; rr»s bus and baggage to and from ferry. MIDDLE-AGED man. Just received hl» dis- charge from the XJ. S. V., would like <»• tet- tion; any kind of work; strong and reliable. Address box 1042. Call office. MAN and wife. German, desire positions on farm or dairy: man experienced dairyman and farmer; wife a good cook. 101 Pros- pect place, bet. Powell and Stockton, oil Sacramento. ; -'.'-' ■-* CHINESE first-class cook, meat and pastry, wishes position; private family. hotel or boarding house; satisfaction. WILLED JAMES. 906 Clay at. CHEAPEST and best D America— Weekly j Call. IS pages, sent to any address In the i United States or Canada one year for $1. J postage paid. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED— A girl for cooking and housework, 3 in family. Oakland. 890; 20 housework girls. i }_"■ and $20; 10 cooks, German families, $25 each. MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter St.. near Powell. CHAMBERMAID to assist waiting, country j hotel $20; waitress, country, $20. HOTEL ; GAZETTE. 420 Kearny st. j YOUNG girl to assist in light housework; $5 per month. 4 Twelfth st. . '_ j $12 PER month; light housekeeping. Call at 612 Stanyan St. ■ ' WANTED— A rich contralto. MARGARET JACKSON, studio, 528 Turk st. NEAT young girl or elderly woman to mind baby and assist; salary $8 to $10. Call between 2 and 4 at 108 Chattanooga St.. near 22d. FIRST-CLASS waist trimmer. 2014 Sutter st. FIRST-CLASS talloress on custom vests; good wages. Address 708 California st. ' LADIES everywhere to mall circulars, samples and copy letters at home; reply with stamped envelope. PEERLESS CO.. South Bend. Ind. ' OPERATOR on custom pants by the week. 541 Market st. I 3 YOUNG ladles to join theatrical company; no experience required. J. B. I". box 1129. call. GIRL to attend to customers; ladles' tailoring. 363 Geary st. OPERATOR wanted on Comely- braid- ing machine. MO Geary St., upstairs^ TWO experienced corders for underskirts and finishers on underwear. 647 Market st. LADIES' skirt Operators wanted. 226 Rush st. KRAKER. LADIES and gentlemen as correspondents; also to take graphs for Illustrating; fascinat- ing employment; no experience; camera sup- plied free- send addressed envelope for terms quickly. COLONIAL MAGAZINE, 106 Park Row. New York. THE McDowell Dressmaking and Millinery School is so crowded we hove had to secure additional room for our patrons, Our sewing- rooms are presided over by the most compe- tent teachers. Mme. Rowell manages the millinery department, and for making and trimming In her line she has no superior; hats trimmed In the latest styles for Ke; the only place In the city where you can get up-to- date patterns cut; terms reasonable. Make us a Visit; It will give us pleasure to show you through the school; send for circulars. McDOWELL DRESSMAKING AND MILLI- NERY SCHOOL. 108 Post st. BORROW money on your valuables; private en- trance, ladies, UNCLE HARRIS. 16 Grant ay. WANTED— Young girl for cooking and house- work, wages $2f,. Inquire between 9 and 11 a. m.. 2007 Devlsadero St. APPRENTICE wanted by MME. GRAESBLER. 127 Taylor st. OPERATORS on skirts; electric power. DA- VIDSON & MILLER, 731 Market st. WANTED— Woman to establish agencies; sal- ary and expenses. Box 1079, Call HELP WANTED Sl -.LE. MURRAY & READY Phone Main r.848 Leading Employment and Labor Agents. Wont 7 a. m. Monday blacksmith for lumber company. $60 and found; furnace man, quicksilver mine •>>. and found; coal miners for the north, SOc to 76c car. woodchoppers, $1 50, $1 ib, $1 and 70c cord; grafters, form, orchard and vine- yard hands: butter maker and milker. $30; milker, $26; gardener, private family, $30 and found; drillers and laborers. $1 76 day. MUR- RAY A READY. 634-636 Clay st. COOKS waiters bakers 6 cooks, different country hotels, $30 and $35; waiters, plain places, $20 and found; Ironer, country laundry; third hand baker, $25 and round; grocery clerk and tend bar. 815 and found MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. C. R. HANSEN & CO Phone Grant 186 IS German or Scandinavian laborers for tho woods. $30 and found. woodchoppers, Santa Cruz County marine engineer laborers mountain railroad hotel waiter, $.10 2 colored waiters, US starcher and polisher, hotel laundry, $30; porter, $20, country hotel; bell boy, $:;.'.; blacksmith ". and Others C. It. HANSEN A CO., 104 Geary st. COOK, country hotel, $70; head waiter, country tel, $35. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny. AN Eastern manufacturer wants a coast rep- resentative; must be well acquainted with Jewelry and kindred trade; a go. si salesman, with knowledge of bookkeeping; give full par- ticulars as tv experience and salary expected. Address box 1095, call office GOVERNMENT positions Don't prepare for any civil service examination without seeing our Illustrated catalogue of Information; sent free. COLUMBIAN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE, Washington, D. C. $10 DAILY Introducing new Gaslight Burners for kerosene lamps, no chimney: outfit free. PERFECTION GASLIGHT BURNER CO., E. 7. Cincinnati. O. WANTED A cultured Parisian to give French lessons in. exchange for Instruction In Eng- lish or stenography; evenings only. Box 11U6, Coll office. ■ WANTED— A competent dress goods salesman for Sacramento. Apply to-day (Sunday) from 10 a. m. to l p. m., 623 Market St., room 7. BARBER to buy a cozy barber shop and cigar stand; doing good business; owner leaving city; sickness cause. • Address box 50. Call. WANTED A first-class custom pants pressor; good pay. Call to-day between 10 and 12, 411.. Kearny St.; top floor. EXPERIENCED operator on the Wilcox & Glbbs machine to learn tucking. 840 Market. EXPERIENCED operators on children's and Infants' wear to take work home. 840 Market. WANTED Young man typewriter; good pen- man: salary; references. Box 1117, Call office. f - GOOD, energetic salesmen: steady employ- ment, good wages. Apply Monday, 9 a. m., at 20 Webb st. WANTED— good men. Apply at 22 Post st. from 7:3" p. m. to 8:30 p. m., 20th Inst. EXPERIENCED Job compositor; young man only. 16 Fremont st. BOY wanted to learn shoe business. 442 De- vlsadero st. BOY living at home to learn good trade. Box 362, Call office/ __■ WANTED— A man that understands nursery and florist business. 600 Haight st. GOOD cook wanted. . 432V4 Fifth st. " MARINER wanted In the shipping business with small capital. NAUTICAL INSTRU- MENT. 6 Market st. • CUSTOM coat, vest and pants makers; Sunday morning or Monday. 635 Kearny st. IS YOUNG men to leave city; no experience necessary; everything free; no charges for Job. HERMAN'S, 26 Steuart st. upstairs. UELV WANTED— 4 outtuue*. \L\N V" 1 clean store every day from * to 12; •jr^e?, \\*tn>k7* 6!*» LaTkm SV' IQ-ftrttls week — .-KH) ratrs men's shoes." some 'oejrlx* new.* 'from ■ 5.V lo *i\ _«.': new shoes. "llghty damped, one-bnlf price. CW Mission ttyhti- Flnit _nd Second. •**■*£ t^l !_____..„ \UN orlady "to travel and |pffQ\at K'Ktn^fiJQ 'S&blnheA lnn': 451. l«r »Mi%2Li#?l^ VVBUn. ' Manufacturer, tjn-i Mti. _ v'hu ago. IU w7\VtEl>-"- '_U.okko7per, CW^artW*? With Kuuvvl- v t:tge of -lumber bu~tm-tn; mute »nd experlenco. A<Utresa_ R.Mwond^ l»-x 107_. \ all- SPXCIAVTY btvlesn><»» *-***' l<"-r_6, well-juiovvu ftxnv.* salary and cMrmitt^t-m; only nr*.*. ouss mennee.l aiTU'. 'w't"n' roieTencta. bumlley MantiXaoturtn_ C?-. Cnlt-agf^ 111- -•■ . ■ ■ GET VoursTiiT^' hilf-soled while W«tUnft •"*>« to 500. 56. MUmion at., bet. ..... GROCERY "cIerk; st(U«) evpetleuc**. refeiunea aad salary. Bo* WW, CaU o""*iea. WANTED-Competent lecturer. Catholic or eoxleslastWal student preferred- ■,,, gX H 1 HI TION CO.. VETISR BACUIALU- > 1. M_n___r. W3 Market st. . FIRST-CLASS adveitlslns agent ; lady or gen- tleman. Room t. 405 CulKornla st. _ UOO.OOO .... ou diamonds, watches. Jewelry, pianos, silver. t*NCLE HAR_H|S,_lo Qrant a\ RECRUITS wanted tor the United States Ma- rine Corps, X*ulte_ States navy: able-bodied, unmarried men between Ou- ages of 21 and 3S years, wh.i are eiti-en» o*l \*~ Untted Staten, or th.ise wlu. have legally declared their in- tention to become s,uclr. must be ' goo«l char- acter and habits and able tv speak, read and virile English, and l>e between 5 feet ft Inches and 6 feet m height. -- a further Information apply at the- Recruiting Offioa, to Bills st.. San Prancisco. Cal. __________ WANTED- l-aborera and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third st.; 150 I***" rooms; 200 per night: %l tO ■"* per week. WANTED- Men to learn the barber trade: summer rates or percentage terms 1542 Mkt. SAILORS green hands, blacksmiths and car- penter* for steam whalers: seamen wanted at LANE'S. 504 Davis »t., near Jackson. bTrKERS" Progressive Union; free employ- .... H. Bernard. Sec 104 7th; tel Jessie 1184. HOBSON House, 417 Kearny Rooms from 25c to .V,-. Jt to 88 per week. SO MEN to < ■ on whaling cruise: no experi- ence required, HERMAN'S, 26 Steuart st. WANTED— v Montana House. 764^ Mission st men to take rooms. Kte, 15c and Be per night: 6<V. SKY' nnd $1 per week. ■: MEN and women to learn barber trade at S. F. Barber college. I.W- Eighth st SINGLE sunny furnished room, 12 50 a month. Llndell House. Sixth and Howard sts. ; MEN'S flne calf shoes to order. $2 50: men's solelng. 35c: only one price. 923 Howard st. : SINGLE rooms. 15c, -tV. 25c rer night: 75c. $1 I to *2 .- -1 wk. Elcho House, S63'_ Market st. WANTED— To collect wages due laborers and clerks. Knox Collection Agency. 112 Butter st. I SINGLE furnished fine large sunny and airy room. 25c night. Rosedale House, 321 Ellis st. TRY Acme use, 957 Market St.. below Sixth, for a room: 2Sc a night: $1 a week. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket: 200 rooms. 2Sc night: reading room: free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. AGENTS "WANTED. AGENTS- We will pay $100 per month and rail- road expenses to any man who will faithfully represent us in taking orders for the most re- liable portrait copying house In the world; we pay strictly salary. Address at once De- partment 404, G. E. MARTEL. New York City. JOHN L. KELLETT. Oil of Eden: removes * Impurities accumulated In nerve centers, which create disease and pain; reliable drug- gist or business man in every town as whole- sale and retail agent. Particulars write 1309 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. ' AGENTS make $4 to IS a day selling Handy Harness Riveter machine to everybody; coun- ties assigned; sample express prepaid. $1 50; weight 4 pounds. State Agency HANDY MACHINE CO., 58 Third St., S. F. Cal. CITY and country, to sell Leather Lustre: best »C article on earth. BROWN. 332 Bust st. AGENTS for new kitchen utensil; sells at sight; liberal commission. Call at 1148 Polk. CANVASSERS ln every town on the coast; something new. Box 1103. Call office. LADIES or gents; article of merit: should be In every family. srt Chronicle building^ SOLICITORS for an article used in every house; big money. Address C. 0., 303." Sixteenth st. LADY ngents: canvassers in every town for easy selling article. Box 10S.S. Call office. BE wise and get In while the proposition Is new and make good money. 183 Seventh st. ROOMS AND HOARD WAATED. WONDERFUL healer would like room and board In country In exchange for treatments. Box 1099, Call office. y .yy YOUNG lady wants board; widow's family: no other boarders: reference. Box 1092. ''all. ROOMS WANTED. 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; rent not over $•'. KM Fourteenth st. 2 OR 3 rooms, furnished complete for house- keeping; bath and laundry; north of Market; must be reasonable. Address, stating terms, etc., box 1 -.. ''all office. WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED— Name and address of all persons Interested In the subject of cremation; hand- some Illustrated souvenir pamphlet mailed free. Address FRANK B. GIBSON, Cypress Lawn Cemetery Association. S. P.. Cal. WANTED A saloon; must be cheap for cash. Address box 1094, Call office, WANTED Second-hand lady's wheel In good order; must be cheap. Box 1107. Call Office. PAINTER wants to buy falls and staging. ''all at 228 Fulton st. WANTED Everybody to know that the Metro- pole Club lb". ore running at 773 Market m . next door to the Midway Plalsance. WANTED Decked boat; outside ballast. Box 1075, Call office. > yv WANTED— 10,000 ft. 2d hand water pipe for Ir- rigating: 1 to 4 In S. V. Iron Yd. 204 Mission. CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. PORTER. wonderful clairvoyant and card reader; born with double veil and sec- ond sight; diagnoses disease; full life read- ing; ladles, f.oc; gents. $1; sit., $1 50. 126 Turk. GYPSY life reader give! true readings: ladles, 25c; gents, 50c. 1063 Mission St., near Seventh. MME MOREAU, the best medium and card render; 25c up. 73 Fourth St., near Mission. M~ME AUGUST, 1180 Mission St.: clairvoyant and' palmist; truth or no pay: 25c. CLAIRVOYANT, card reader; 10c; ladles only. 643 Natoma St., bet. Sixth and Seventh. MME. HANSON, palmist nnd card reader; past, present and future; 25c. 153 V. Bth, r. 21. NINTH, 77— Your future told by cards; laities. lie. gentlemen. 25c; satisfaction guaranteed. JESSIE BURNETT, card reader and palmist. 216 Kearny st., rooms it and 10. MME RAVENA rends life fluently: business advice; names given: 2. .c up. 6 Fourth St. GYPSY life reader gives true readings; ladles, 25c; gents, 50c. 1063 Mission St., near Seventh. Blanche DE CHAPELLE— Clairvoyant and card reading. 417 Bush st.. rooms 9 and 10. MME. SYBILLE, cradle to grave: future bus- band's picture. 25c; ladies. 914 O'Farrell st. PALMISTRY. MME. NEERGAARD, pupil Count St. Ger- rnaine. 3388 Twenty-flrst St.. above Valencia; tel. White 1571; reading by mall. Bi. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently removed by electrolysis. MRS. DR. WELCH. 2115 Bush st.; 15 years' experience: references given. HORSES. WANTED- To buy, a horse not over 6 years old; weight about 1100 pounds; good style and build and easy driver. Apply to R. BAUER. 1157 Folsom st. 40 HORSES for sale; also wagons, buggies, carts, harness: Grand Arcade Horse Market, 827 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednesday. SULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers. .>,■- "WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. FELLING out— New and second-hand wagons for sale cheap at 630 Broadway. FINE laundry, bakers', milk wagons; 3 bug- gies; 2 extra fine delivery wag. S2S Harrison. 100 SETS second-hand harness; wagons, carts, buggies, surreys and horses. 1140 Folsom st. FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE. 6-room house, for sale cheap; complete for housekeeping: rent low; three- nuarterß covered by roomers; no dealers. Call 2 to 4 p. m., except Sunday. 1132 McAllister. FOLDING bed with mirror front for sale; near- ly new; cheap.; 3624 Seventeenth st. • 4 ROOMS. furnished in oak for 848 50, with NoT 7 range. King Furniture Co., 1127-1131 Market. PERSONALS. AMERICAN gentleman, genial and generous wealthy, lucrative business, seekH congenial wlfu. HOBSON, box 4-. 1 >__ -Third aye . New York. __ ,,,,,. Qulnonla Hair Tonic, the finest hair Riuil. 3'h' hnttl*. LKDEREIVS Foamo. lUtt besl sh.umiuio._su ,1- '-■ Htoc.kton_Bt. i EDI vi.v Km leading hairdresser, price 25c; l-.iiKt-Bt . rolls, only 3f-c; stuck of fins wigs tv l>e i' nut,' »8; win* (or $2 60; mini «... i Synches, |l us Stockton at. LINCOLN i.i...i HI Hi HutUrj 250 full; uicii hams, 7>,.n lh; cheese, hag nil flour, WO stink; ouriimuul, 200 sack; 20 lbs neai iii '*> «''ns sardine*, ft; l0_O»n* tulilu -fruit, ill IS !».» pninen, pfiais, pearl 1...1 Ick ur spill pi*-**, *t; tomatoes, UOii iio*en! J ..., Ml I SUUi el, al.uVb r'ulsuili, ( AlJ^lr and jteftip ill»«rfss a snaeially; dand- niff, ei'-mutt, ralllnK Mlr cur«il; no pay until wa grPW mill en ball heart*; l > raj hall re- stored lv Ha 11 o,„i t'olur; Hto 4 months; rernsdy sent by mall, un: >l ITINB LO., 6 LMity sl., H I"'., HI. Anna building, mum jh Xl ,., . good* "t eviary de-crtnttoni catalogue ,. UDWIN Ml 11. it..-. l'"., ' 1. .1ed... °* I WANT an envelope self-addressed and 111 tell you how i.. curs drunks without patient's knowledge; «i<nt't send money. Mils, M w HAWKINS. Grand llaplds. Mich.. Luck ii(.*4 Ml "''".___. RAO carpets wove to order and for sale; also chenille- wove ruga, silk portieres.; dealer In carpet twine, in hank or Chain, ii lowest rates GEO, MATTHEW. 709 Fifth. Oakland. WALLAt'E'H system uf dresscuttlng taught at 419 San Pablo aye.. Oakland. _ j. Un i lady and gentleman who were on track No -. Steeplechase, night of January 21. when Jockey tot hurt, send address to box 1070. call office, SUPERFLUOUS halt removed; no electricity or strong medicines: treatment simple and effective. IMS Butter st. MRS. CLAYTON. HARMONIC Life Institute has moved to 70S Sutter si , near Taylor; the Harmonic Vibra- tor cures, positively removes wrinkles, de- velops busts; tests free. ■ • OPERA bangs and switches. We up; this week only; artistic opera dressing, La Verite Hair- d retain-* Parlors, 30 Oeary; phone red 3733. DROP In to the Metropole Club rooms; the finest In the city. 773 Market St., opposite the I'helan building. JOHN L BOONE. Patent. Trademark Attorney nt Law. and Copyright No. 4 Sutter St.. Law a i_£claity. San Francisco. Cal. American and Foreign Send for Circular. Patents Solicited. ELECTRIC lights In every room; Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market; 200 rooms; 260 to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. Till: genuine inlstlt. .272 Fifth st.: $30 and DO suits at your own price; perfect nt guarnt'd. PRIVATE residence for ladles In delicate health. MRS. DR. FUNKE. 1416 Sth. Alameda. RUPTURE, stricture cured: no knife; no In- ject ion. urnt d . Dr. Gordin, 514 Pine, Kearny. DR. F YON BUELOW has removed from 822 Valencia to 1206 Market St.. rooms 9 and 10. BATHS. 12^c; 30 porcelain tubs: separate en- trance for ladles; lady attendant. 34 Fourth. FOLDING beds $8 50: bedrm sets $8: bed loung- es $4 50; open ev's. L. J. NEUMANN. 121 6th. A- Ladles' or gent's clothing, furniture, bought, sold: tel. Mint 997. JACOBS. 1023 Folsom st. BERWIN & GASSNER. urrlers. formerly on Post St., removed to store 110 Kearny st. A— CLOAKS, furs and suits at wholesale prices. H. KRAMER, 20 Sansome st. SUITS to order on . easy Installments. L. LEMOS. 1117 Market St.. bet. 7th and Bth. DRESSMaKKRs. SILK or cloth dresses made, $s up; dresses made over: perfect fit. 3 Eddy. MME. GOLDSTEIN. SPIRITUALISM. A— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance test medium, life reader; medical clairvoyant; treat all pri- vate, chronic and obscure diseases; diagnosis free, sittings, $1. 232 Stockton sL _^ MISS E. L. DAVIS, clairvoyant, card reader; 5".*.3^ Howard St.; ladies, 25c; gents. 50c. MRS. ELLIS, tests to all; Tues.-Fri.. 2 p. m. ; Mon., 8; 25c; sittings. 11. 233 Valencia st. MRS. B. BAUMANN. the well-known fortune teller, has opened an office at 315 O'Farrell. MRS MENA FRANCIS, independent slate writing medium. 118 Haight st. MEDICAL. A SURE, safe and speedy cure for all female diseases; all those who are sick or discour- aged should call on the doctor and state their case before going elsewhere; they will find in her a true friend; a home for patients, with every comfort, convenience of a hospital and privacy of a home; consultation free and ab- solutely confidential: satisfaction guaranteed, without Injury to health, or money refunded by MRS. DR. GWYER, s*) Eddy St.. bet. Hyde and Larkin: office hours. 10 to 12. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Sundays by appointment only. A TREATMENT that restores Instantly all cases of monthly Irregularities (from what- ever cause), safe and sure; relief guaranteed at any time when others have failed; travel- ers helped instantly and can return home the same day; no instruments used; self-cure, $5; home in confinement: skillful medical atten- tion; all can save time and expense by con- sulting the doctor, free, before going else- where. MRS. DR. WYETH. 942 Post St., bet. Hyde and Larkin; hrs. 10 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. in. ALL ladles— C only Dr. and Mrs. M. Davles, true friends of all invalids, men and women; M years' practice; safe and quick cure guar- anteed: any disease or irregularity; disgrace avoided; kind sympathy and aid; sure relief, though else fail; delicacy, privacy, home, etc.: babies adopted; travelers treated; no de- lay; self-cure sent; call or write; free; confi- dential. MRS. M DAVIES, 122S Market St.; pills, $1; very strong. $2. Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand), best, safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c stamps for particular*; "Relief for Ladles": letter by return mail; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Co., Phila. A NEW process for female trouble, no matter from what cause and how long standing: every woman her own physician; can be sent safe and sure: no medicines or Instruments used; consultation free; traveling parties helped instantly nnd safe treatment guaran- teed: cure, $'>: by the well-known specialists and ladi»s" physicians for 37 years; see us. , DR. POPPER and DBS.. 318 Kearny st. A— DR. G. W. O'DONNELL, world-renowned female specialist, relives monthly Irregulari- ties, from whatever cause. Dr. O'Donnell has treated successfully more cases or irregulari- ties than any other physician: never fails to cure: consult him first, save time and money. treatment can be used at home; consultation free. Call or write. 10231. Market st. AILMENTS peculiar to women, also obstetrics; latest methods: strict antiseptic precautions; ladles near or far see DRS GOODWIN free; well-known: reliable, safe and sure: cure In 24 hours guaranteed: any time; maternity home; best medical attendance; pills $1; cure $5. 1362 Market St., bet. 7th-Sth, tel. Mint 1633. A TREATMENT that restores Instantly all cases of monthly Irregularities from whatever cause; positively no Instruments used; guar- anteed cure at office. $5: travelers helped In- stantly: consultation ■ free and confidential. MRS. DR. KOHL, 1122 Market St., between Mason and Taylor: hours 9 to 5 p. m. DR. and MRS. WEGENER, 1312 Golden Gate aye. — Private home ln confinement, with every comfort; best care and attention; terms mod- -1 crate; regular physician In attendance; con- sultation free; Infants adopted into good homes; call before consulting others. ■_. ALL married ladles know "Seguro," the great- • est boon to them. Richards & Co.. 406 Clay 1 st.; $1 50. Send 2c stamp for circulars to Se- guro Mfg. Co., 531 X St., Sacramento. Cal. ALPEAU'S French pills, a boon to ladles with female troubles: no danger; safe cure: {2 50; 1 expressed C. O. D. don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Coast Agents, Oakland. Cal. LADlES— lnstant relief for monthly troubles or money back: $5 up. Dr. Wise, 1118 Market. PRIVATE home In confinement; best refs. ; , 154014 Howard; Mrs. M. Wiedemann, midwife. DR. WONG him. herb doctor.treats all dis- . . eases of the human body 115 Mason st. CAill'ET CLEAM.VG. CITY Steam Carpet-cleaning Works -Clean*. moves, lays carpets. C. H. STEVENS, Mgr7 1 38 and 40 Eighth St.: telephone South 250. ' — I WHEN you become disgusted with poor work ' send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet- beating Works, 353-357 Tehama St.; tel. S. 40. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st ; tel Main 301 GEO. WALCOM. Proprietor. J. McQUEEN'S California Carpet Cleaning Co. ; 453 Stevenson St.; tel. South 8S8; lowest rates. . CARPETS cleaned nt 3c per yard; laid at 3e I STRATTON'S. 3 Eighth St.; tel. Jessie 944. . J E. MITCHELL Carpet cleaning Co.. MO 14th St.: cleaning. 3c per yard: teL Mission 74. . CONKLIN'S Carpet-beating Works, 333 Golden Gat, aye. ; tel. East 126. ! SEWING MACHI .ES. . $2 MONTHLY, rented: repaired, bought, sold machine supplies. 145 Sixth; phone Mint 45. [ ALL kinds bought, sold, exchanged, rented; re- palrlng at lowest rates. 205 Fourth st. T*i PEWRITEHS. • ALL typewriters sold and rented; few partly used for sale cheap; send for samples and prices. ALEXANDER & CO.. 110 Montgomery. : " MUSICA^^^STRCMENTS^^ AS we are selling good upright pianos for $6 cash and $6 per month, we ask you to in\ estl- Ale and approve this method; prices are the Same as If purchased for all cash; bargains 1, good second-hand uprights upon some easy payment, and some good piano. L'°*\* - $4 and a. per month. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO., Steinway dealers, corner Kearny and sutler it™, San Francisco, and Thirteenth and Broadway, Oakland^ A» ri. UPRIGHT BARGAINS. in... . gOOd for practice 5 <- Weber; fine condition 16 i Sterling; walnut case JBa Bradford grand upright.............. ...... wo Easy payment*: guaranteed. BENJ. CUR- TAZ 4 BON, 16 O'Farrell st. - ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest house west of Chicago is KOHLER & CHASE'S H 28 and 30 O'Farrell st.; pianos, organs and aft other musical Instruments of all grades and prices; term* easy: price* lowest; every- ililiik jioasible -«»* to please and satisfy the customer, '777 lIORNUNO'I pianos praised by all great ar- tlets; his touch regulator the wonder or the .las. please examine, 216 McAllister st. ATTENTION cash buyers— fine second-hand upright* In splendid order. $150, $L->. Slhb, 1200 will outwear any cheap and nasty new piano In the market. BRUENN. 208 Post St. ji ,'. ELEGANT upright; stool, cover; on $5 Installments. 1115 Post st. PlANOs'^ccurately tuned and warranted. S, nd postal card to COOKE. WW Howard st. PIANOS at auction prices to realize advances and Storage. Wilson's Storage Rms.^l7lo Mkt. BARGAIN In I fine upright piano at room 16. 1021 Van Ness ave.^ ] NEW pianos, stool and scarf. $3 per mo. rental. SCOTT- CURTAZ Piano Co.. 560 Hayes st. A UPRIGHTS, $89 up: Installments. $5 75" up; rents $3 50 up (allowed on purchase). 136 nils. W C BADGER 415 Sacramento St.. agent for Francis Bacon and Hallett & Davis pianos. BARGAIN— Good upright cheap. SCHMITZ, 16 McAllister St., next Hibernia Bank. SOHMER pianos are the best. BYRON MAUZT, Sole Agent, 308 Post st. A PIANO that will please you, the Byron Mau_y, __ Post st. _______ KNABE pianos: new scale: new styles. KOH- LER .v CHASE, 30 O'Farrell st. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H. MULLER maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. SALxJ--MISCELLAXEOUS. . BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery. MC- INTOSH & WOLPMAN, 195-197 Fremont st. THOROUGHBRED eggs for hatching: Black Minorca* and Plymouth Rocks. $1 per setting. 2029 San Antonio aye., Alameda. BAR outfits, showcases, counters, shelving, portable offlce, etc.; etc.; selling out cheap. 862 Folsom st. FOR Sale — Articulated skeleton, French Import, $20 cash: also a White's manikin. Box 1123, Call office. LARGE variety thoroughbred chicken eggs for hatching; also fowl. KRAUS. 1031 McAllister. 23 TABLECLOTHS for 4 and 6 chair tables; nearly new. Inquire 349V_ Minna st. QLENMORE Kennels has nothing but the best Irish setters. 2041 Linden St.. Oakland. FOR sale or to lease— Sloop yacht. 38x12. Par- ticulars from WM. .''RYER, SWA Brannan st. BARS, back bars, mirrors, showcases, counters, linoleum, offlce furniture, store and offlce fur- niture and fixtures: new and second hand. 4. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. ' FINE 12-bore Remington shotgun for $30, cost originally $60, at UNCLE HARRIS*. 15 Grant aye. Mercy Mineral Water Co.. Oakland. Cal. ; natural cure for female complaints, stomach, kidney. liver.bowel disorders, rheumatism;sampl ;write. FEMALE canary birds; strong and healthy; 50c and 75c. 3168 Sixteenth St., near Valencia. GAS and gasoline engines; all sizes and prices; second hand engines purchased and exchanged. Dynamic Engine Co., 603 Cal. St. A LAUNDRY plant complete; dryer, boiler, en- gine, etc. WHITE'S. 516 Mission st. SAFES sizes new and second- hand. THE HERMANN SAFE CO.. 417 Sacramento at. BOILERS, engines, second-hand machinery. ASHMAN & BURKE. 139 Beale st. FIRST-CLASS Prentice screw cutting lathe; a portable forge. Call at once 64S Mission st. OVERSTOCK— St. Germain Billiard Co. ; tables, saloon fixtures, beer pumps; rented. 409 Mkt. GASOLINE engines— horsepower, $100; 2, $125; 3, $150; 4. $175. SMITH CO.. 527 Mission St.- LEATHER belting, lace leather, pump cups, etc. Cal. Belt Co.. 619 Mission st. : tel. Br. 331. POLYPHONE. $35: attachment (only), $15; will fit phono or graphophone. Bacigalupi. .'33 M«. SAFES— Bargains In new and second-hand: all sizes: half original cost. 109-111 Market, *■ ~ DENTISTS. ■y BrTt." S.IHIGGINS- Dental Parlors. Emma Spreckels bldg.. 927 Market St. Painless extraction a specialty; inferior work done on the teeth is always the most expensive; badly decayed and aching teeth we carefully treat before they are filled or crowned; pure gold filling from $1: plates from $5 We guarantee to fill sensitive teeth without pain. Best materials used only. AT the ELECTRO DENTAL CLINIC. 809 Mar- ket St., corner Fourth, room 7, Flood building, you can have your extractions done pain- lessly; teeth without plates our specialty; gold crowns. $3 50 up; plates, extractions free, $4 50 up; office hours, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. ; Sunday. 8 to 2 p. m. O. W. WILLIAMSON. M. D.. Manager. A FULL set of teeth, $6; see new flexible plates; light and thfn: guaranteed 10 years; teeth without plates, crown and bridge work our specialty; fillings, 50c: crowns, $3 50: all work painlessly and warranted. Chicago Den- tal Parlors, 24 Sixth st.; telephone Jessie 1132. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O'Farrell st., ex- tracts and fills teeth painlessly by his wonder- ful secret method: crowns. $2; bridges. $4; rubber or flexible plates. $3: received 8 flrst prizes: no students; guaranteed 12 years. TEETH without plates a specialty: full set of teeth. $5: crowns. $3: fillings. BOc; all work warranted for ten years. Modern Dental Parlors, S Mason St.. corner of Market. VAN VROOM Dental Parlors; guaranteed work; lowest prices; ten operators; open evenings and Sundays. Sixth and Market. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 Market St.. near Eleventh; crowns, bridge work and fillings a specialty: all work reasonable: gas given. SET of teeth without a plate. DR. H. G. YOUNG, 1841 Polk st. LOWEST prices In S. F. ; painless extraction guarntd. N. Y. Dentists. 969 Mission, cor. 6th. PARIS Dental Parlors, 235 Kearny; set of teeth $4: filling, gold. 50c: silver. 25c: crowns, $3. 627 MONTGOMERY, cor. Clay— Open until 9:30 o'clock: branch offlce of The Call. Subscrip- tions and want ads taken. MONEY TO LOAN. ~"~ ANY amount on furniture, pianos, without re- moval, or any other good security; payable back In Installments or as a whole; If you owe a balance on the purchase price we will pay it and carry the loan as long as you de- sire; avoid red tape and publicity; see us first; you will be waited upon quietly and quickly. Call 68-69 Donohoe bldg.. 1170 Market st. LOANS on furniture or pianos In S. F.. Oak- land or Alameda at lowest rates, without removal; no commission; no delays. J. NOONAN. 1017 to 1023 Mission st., above . Sixth; telephone South 14. . : **, - I ANY amount at 6^ per cent on real estate. 2d and 3d mortgages, estates, real estate ln pro- bate; mortgages and legacies bought: no de- lay, R. McCOLGAN. 24 Montgomery, rm. S. TO LEND. SIMS FROM $500 TO $50,000. at from 6 per cent on mortgage of real estate, 1 for a term of years, or redeemable by Install- i ments. Money loaned on PATENTS. INVENTIONS FINANCED and capital procured to DEVELOP ! AND PERFECT SAME. R. GOULD, 131 Montgomery st., San Francisco. HIGHLY respectable and private place to ob- tain liberal advances on. diamonds and jew- elry at tho lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 846 Market St.: telephone Main 1644. j BORROW money on indorsed paper or your salary: small loans a specialty; any secur- j Ity. THE REYNOLDS CO.. cor. 3d and Jessie. | ON furniture or pianos, city or Oakland: no re- i moval; low rates; no commission: $25 up; I private party - BONNELLI. 130 Powell st. , $500,000 TO loan sums to suit. 6 and 6V4 per cent. J. MoCALLAN. Sun of London offlce. SOS Pine st. A— WHEN tire,! of other pawnbrokers try THE CUT-RATE LOAN OFFICE. 22 Mason st. ON furniture, pianos, without removal: no com- mlsslon; private LICK. 116 McAllister st. SECOND mortgages nnd undivided Interests In .estates a specialty. MURPHY. 636 Market st. $50 TO $80,000 lowest rates: Ist nnd 2d mortg.: any proposition. Drvden. 413 Montgomery st. KINAXCIAL. MONEY to loan— Real estate. 2d mortg.. chat- tels, etc. Harper ft Kreiger. 312 Ems miner big. PHYSICIANS. MRS. DRS, y DONOVAN, 621 Hayes St.; all kinds of womb trouble a specialty; diseases of th* eye treated by herb* _ REMOVAL notice Dr. C. C. O'Donnell. offlce and residence. 1021->6 Market, bet. «th and 7th. BUSINESS CHANCES. $300— HORSESHOEING shop: good location* »_ departure cause sale. McLaughlin, "77 Mkt! i $1000— SALOON; old-established business; death in the family cause of sale. McLAUGHLIN & CO., 777 Market st. $650— SALOON; bargain on account of slckn^s" McLAUGHLIN, 777 Market st. £ y CALL and examine our large list of lodging houses; you will surely find something o suit. German-American, 34 Kearny st. $350— A SNAP: well equipped saloon in the Mis- sion; investigate. German-American, „ t Kearny st. $350— WORTH $800; coal yard. hay, grain, oil route; 150 customers. BASILE, 873% Market. WANTED— Free-milling gold property: ca*h buyer. BASILE, 5734 Market st. TO buy, sell or exchange city and country property see HARTLEY & CO.. 1206 Ma-. FOR business chances, rooming-houses. city and country real estate, bonds, stocks. loans etc., call on CLARK & CO.. room 509. E*. . airliner bulldi ig. LADY or gentleman with $1000 or 12000. will- ing to make headquarters In Phlladelph'T, New York or Boston, can acquire one-third or one-half Interest in a valuable pat°r; : novel, useful, attractive, the coming "fa.i'; 10,000 young ladies or gentlemen can pny their "outing expenses" with profits of th-ir personal sales of the articles: genteel busi- ness; no soliciting. Address "COMING FAD." box 1111, Call office. GROCERY and bar, well stocked. Seventeen- *- and Noe. for sale, cheap; established 12 years; low rent, store and 3 living roorr.«; lease obtainable: store and inventory open for inspection. For particulars apply on premises or to CURTIN A; BEAL'S. room :•(. 3d floor. Mills building. TO Kenilworth Inn; romantically Bttu- tr- ated in Mill Valley; 50 minutes rid- from '■ San Francisco: completely furnished; 41 rooms; steam and hot water baths; electric lights; heaters throughout: elevators, etc.; rent low. Apply MADISON & BURKE, *..■* Market st. $250— RESTAURANT; rent $25; good location. Partner livery business; cigar stand ta rent $10. $250— Dining parlor; rent fres. STEVENSON, K'27-2 Market st. WANTED— A few good men with $1000 cas*i each to join In a first-class under* . business $10,000 a year income to each. Rox 1106 Call office. . PLUMBING shop for sale very cheap: owr-- r called away on account of sickness ln fam- ily. Address H. B. S., box 1097. Call offlce. $1000 FOR half of well established mfg. busi- ness: household article; well introduced; good, honest business-venture. Box 1089. Cail. $200— SALOON, with furnished rooms; good location: good trade; low rent: sell cheap; owner can't attend. 651 Mission st. $550— PARTNERSHIP in a profitable offlce bus- iness: open for investigation; no fakers. Rox 1121, Call office. FOR sole— A well paying hand laundry and lace and ourtain business; cheap. Box 1132 Call. _ SALOON; central location; good business; will sell as a whole or half. Inquire c a ii office. $1000— COSMOPOLITAN Hotel business; Peta- luma, Cal.; 44 rooms; well furnished, and bar. HAVE big-drawing novelty for side show; want partner, small capital. Box 1131. Call office. BRANCH bakery: delicacies, candles; sunny rooms; going East. Box 1113, Call. WANT to buy a good chicken ranch, near city or San Jose. Box 1098, Call office. FINE fruit ?nd notion business in large coun- try town: cheap. Call 825 Filbert st. FOR sale or exchange— Good paying country hotel. Box 666, Petaluma, Cal. , FOR sale -Dry goods business. Address P. O. . p box 112, Benicia, Cal MILK depot cheap; ill-health cause of sale. 524 Third st- ; CHEAP branch bakery and dairy store; 4 rooms. Apply 707 Devlsadero st. SHOE shop that will pay $•"> 50 per day; no cheap work; low rent. 332 Bush st. JOHN REDLEY— Leaving for Europe, desires to sell his tailoring business, including stock and good will. 340 Third st. $100,000 TO loan on diamonds, watches, jewels. » silver, pianos, guns, sealskins, silks, paint- ings, at UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. SALOON and restaurant, with 14 furnished rooms; city front; rent $25. Apply Call. SALOON. Inquire Anchor Brewery, after 3 p. m., or at 636 Third st. $150— LIGHT manufacturing business: clears $100 per month. Box 1093. Call office. SALOON, good paying, business quarter. Ap- ply book store, cor. Clay and Montgomery. CIGAR store; pays well; good location: cheap for cash: ill-health of owner. E. E. BUNCE. 908 Broadway, Oakland. DR. F. P. MI'FFE'S OFFICE, PRACTICE. HOSPITAL, ETC., FOR SALE. For particulars inquire at the offlce. 425 Kearny St., between 10 and 12 a. m. PARTNER wanted with some capital in dyeing and cleaning work. Box 1031. Call offlce. $450— RESTAURANT: worth $1000; selling on account of death In family: receipts $30 per day: located In 200-room hotel; owner going to Europe; no agents. Call 933 Kearny st. OLD-ESTABLISHED blacksmith shop for sale. with stock and tools. Inquire 630 Broadway. RESTAURANT for sale: near Postoffice. 105 Seventh St.. near Mission. FOR Sale— First-class bakery; all store trad*; in good location: on .account of ill-health. .Box 1029. Call offlce. RESTAURANT. Sixth St.; established 10 years; good business; $600. Apply Call offlce. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. J W. CASWELL & CO.'S. 415 Sacramento it. ' CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address in tha United States, postpaid, for $1 per year. i LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE. A— KREDO & CO 22% GEARY MONEY ADVANCED ON ALL HOUSES. 100 rooms; 10c. 15c. 20c; clears $300 $5000 65 rooms; best on Fourth st.; half cash.. 2400 49 rooms; Geary St.; will pay for Itself... 1600 28 rooms; housekeeping: clears $100 800 16 rooms; Post st.; all full; cheap rent... 850 9 rooms; new and clean: clears $25 300 6-room flat: Geary st. elegant house — *00 WINSTON & CO.. 1026 Market St. 25 rooms; rent $50; Sixth St.; snap $850 24 rooms; rent $35; pick-up 6 i 18 rooms; rent $50; near Market st. ; only.. 38 rooms; corner; one floor; bargain 1050 FOR sale or exchange at a bargain: lodging house, 68 rooms: best locality In city; take cash city or Alameda property. Landlord, box 1110, Call offlce. . ; 40- ROOM lodging house: good location; owner has run It for 10 years; compelled to sell account of other business; a bargain; cheap rent. Call 317 Third .st. TO buy a lodging-house, borrow the money of UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. TURK, 127—17 rooms, all rented, for sale cheap; party going East. EDUCATIONAL. ENGINEERING School, civil and mining; as- saying, blowpipe anal., chemistry, geol., min- eralogy, surveying, math., cyanide method. ELECTRICAL— Theory and practice, con- struction, mechanical drawing, mathematics. BUSINESS— Bookkeeping, business practice.. V shorthand, typing, languages. English; 24 _f teachers day and evening: catalogue free. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 Post st. FRENCH classes, under the auspices of "Al- liance Francalse." will open at the French Library afternoons and evenings for adults only: graduate teachers from French Govern- ment will give tuition; every pupil who joins class becomes member of the library, ror terms apply at French Library, City of Paris bldg.. Geary and Stockton. 3 to 4, 8 to 9 p. m. MERRILL-MILLER college shorthand, typing; individual Instruction; new typewriters; book- keeping : rapidity at figures by noUd>« e**g»" Mr. Tarr; day. eve. Rms. 572-6_Parrott blag. AYRES' Business College. 723 M »*" il_ V shorthand, typing, bookkeeping. telegra pßT. penmanship, English tranche*, eta. me scholarship. $50; low rates wee* am m _ ACCOUNTANTS and reporters teachers; ffiUSSaßffiSS. B°USiSeS_ COL- LEGE. 1236 Market st. _ ENGINEERING g»^^^2 5£ est ' I^64 eCh vlN^lg_j__EN. 933 Market. DANCING U«^^^ st.. St^V --owen* *or class. IP\ 1- "T_*___r— —- - — - .. ". <_.. »,^ tet good teacher. Prof. L. N Meria vgtgj manlollnf guiur. 1008 Mission. ;.;-., -E- <!=.« horn Di pcs! flings. fancy skirt S^n G cFngVo^ *°* ""' C »" ° fflCC ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 7^vv7oF~free: R. VV. King, att'y-at-law; 6th floor Chronicle building: no advance charges; ««ni'es m't'gages. damages, attachment-. JSnlcru-otcy. all cases: wills, contracts, etc.. draw™ moderate fees; call or write. _ TWICE free; all legal matters. J. B. EVANS. 14 McAllister st.. near Hibernia Bank. Im* ICE - free; divorce law a specialty; private; I nn fee without success; collections. G. T\ l HOWE, atty-at-law. 850 Market, cor. Stock* 7~"a CLARK-Emma Spreckels building. 927 Market: consultation free; no fees ln advance. ADVICE free; no charge unless successful. W. W. DAVIDSON, 927 Market st.