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18 MRS HEJjy QFEEN, the Richest Wom&rx ii\ America. From her latest photograph. Copyrighted 1899 by Vander Weyde. New York. HETTY GREEN'S latest freak is to have a body guard. For some time past she has, been living" in fear of abduction, murder, robbery, arson and taxes. And the greatest fear of all is taxes, for X is to ' avoid paying theso that she exposes herself to- other dangers by moving from place to place. With nearly $60 ,000 .000 to her credit, this strange woman has never paid a cent of taxes into tho national treasury. • For many years sho found It an eßsy matter to avoid the tax collector by fail ing to have "a place of habitation." She kept constantly on the go, and for a time came near to sleeping in a differ ent bed every night. She used up nearly all the towns in tho vicinity of New York, because there is a paragraph in the law that says something about "a second residence." This has mado it nec essary for her to hustle, and avoid giving the collector time to locate her. It is this constant moving about in the SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WILSON'S ADVICE TO THE AMERICAN FARMERS. • «im.« nnri Declares That the Old-Fashioi)ed Farmer Must Go. His Golden Prophecy of the Conning Farmer. He Says That Agricultural Colleges flre Just as Necessary as Universities, ana ueciar«» Like the Indian, the old-fashioned farmer is doomed. James W. Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, says his methods are worn out. They must give way to the wisdom of science. The farmer youth of to-day is the scientific agricul turist of to-morrow. Mr. Wilson told me this when I called on him the other day. He said it was useless to try to hide the fact that something else was needed to make the farm pay Besides the apprenticeship of following the plow. People, he said might call these new fangled ideas if they wanted to, but they were sustained by facts. The farmer must learn how to make his ground yield the most. This knowledge he would never gain unless he familiarized himself with the sci ence of the soil. ' „ Science is doing a good deal in the farmer's interest. Mr. Wilson says. It has learned a secret that has given a new Impetus to the beet sugar industry. This is a fact that will make Germany pout and Denmark frown. It is that by feeding dairy cattle the waste of the sugar beet factories, tho milk they yield provides nutter and cheese that will hold Its own In any tropical climate. Den mark's dairy products have almost driven ours out of the Orient and elsewhere, because they would remain good while ours would spoil. Now it will be dif ferent. All this means that we are going to make a great deal more beet sugar. It means also that the United States Government is quietly adopting a new and more vigorous policy in agricultural science. It is; the same policy that has sent a man to South Africa to study tho date palm, preliminary to cultivating It In Arizona and New Mexico. Secretary Wilson says there's a new era in store for the farmers of the United Stateß, and those of New York and the Mississippi Valley in particu lar. It will be the new-fashioned farmer who will briny it about. He is the Moses of modern agriculture. THE farmer of the future must be a practical scientist. The man who does not understand the science of the 601 l has no business en the farm. If tho boy wants to be a farmer. It Is Just as neces sary that he tako a. course at an agricul tural college as it la to the boy who wants to be a lawyer, a doctor, a preacher, to have a university education. "The great need of the agricultural col lego has been instructors who could In struct. Why, out in lowa we could send to Chicago and get a carload of chemists, ir w<_ wanted to pay the money for them, but v.c could not Una a man who could teach the student the science of making butter and cheese. The Government can er.dow agricultural colleges all it wants to. The more that Is done the better. But it cannot furnish instructors, because there have not been any. We are going to giv^ a few young men a chance at the department to learn the scientific features of instruction In agriculture, but we can only heip a few. "Tho only way that these instructors can be maclo is through the agricultural colleges. Wo don't want the students taught the theory, but we want the prac tical facts put before their eyes. At one college I know of they are making exten sive experiments with livestock to show what pirticular breed it is that will pro duce the best basis for butter and cheese. Tho students aro being taught that, not by hearsay, buj by what they can see. lit sny that every student puts oh overalls, takes a milking stool and goes out and milks, though I myself think that is a pretty pood way to do. Tho po-r.t is that <ach boy is taught by the facts that ;:ro laid before him— living facts— the r.f certain truths, and why they are truths. "There la no lesson as good as an ob ject lesson. Tha boy who sees expcrl l In dairying carried on from clay to day knows when he .sees the rc-smlts how it ail came about— and it is not because some one elso told him that !t was thus and so. He knows tho science of dairy ing ond has been taurrht it in the most practical way. The dairy farmer of the United States Is goir.g to bo a great fac tor in the future. He is a factor at pres ent to be sure, but nothing to what he will be, and I will tell you why— because •we have lcarr.ed the secret of Denmark's butter and cheese keeping so well in tropical climates. •"The farmers of New York State and tr-nao of the Mississippi Valley make a3 lood butter as la produced anywhere Denmark makes ifOOd batter. We send out butter to China; and it cannot com l)'l vith the butter of Dean* -o it won't keep. There Is a splen- J ' uau ' , . ,_ tV iA nrient but we are shut (li ,l market in the Orient u^ vtcinity of New York that has caused all her fears. There was a time when no body knew Hetty Green, as her appear ance never conveyed the Impression of the possession of millions. But now peo ple point her out and look upon her as they would a freak. This notoriety has greatly disturbed the wealthy woman. At present Hetty Green Is living in a cheap boarding house in Hoboken, pay ing for her accommodation about ?5 a w r eck. She has Just moved frr>m Brook lyn, and. It is said, does not like the change. But she never refuses to see members of the press and is always ready to talk about her lawsuits, several of which sho always has on hand. That is what she thought I came for and was all ready with her long tale of oppression. In Hetty Green's interminable lawsuits the attorney for the other side is usually Joseph Choate. To-night Hetty Green chuckled. "Joseph's gone to England," she said. of our beet sugar factories— nltrogenous produds. Now then, all we have to do in this country to make our butter just as good in the tropics as that of Denmark Is to raise the sugar beet and feed the waste of the factories to the dairy cows. There Is no healthier fodder than thl?. and it will make the sugar beet a mighty valuable product in a groat many ways. Congress has made an appropriation to help along the cultivation of the sugar beet. In this way not only is our sugar production given a great Impetus, but w are strengthening our dairy products in the only way In which they were weak. Now we will not have to tako Becond place anywhere. "This shows how necessary it is thai the farmer should understand the ocienci ' of agriculture. It shows what sr-ionti'ii < Investigation brings about. If I had not < wanted to find out why Denmark's butt-- (l would keep whore ours wouldn't, if I hail i net sent a man to Denmark to learn th« scientific reasons, we would not have beei.^ in the position we are to-day— able to < enter into competition with Denmark < without feeling that nhe has any advan- , tage over us In her butter and cheese. It < Is in everything the farmer has to cul- ( tivate and grow that the reason for his ' being an agricultural scientist Is found < If he knows the reason why things don't - grow or do grow, or his crops are largo-, or small, he gains a wisdom that will, help him the next year to increase his " crops and so make his Income greater. The scientific farmer has a better chance of making a big Income than any farmer' ever had. But the man who insists on following tho old-fashioned methods of, never learning anything that his father did not know Is going to have trouble to make both ends meet. "There is no placa that the farmer needs to apply scientific methods raorr than out where they irrigate th^ir land. I am going to have that matter thorough ly looked Into. Hundreds of acres of fine lafld are being ruinod because the in' n who irrigate them do not understand the scientific facts about It. They let ton much water run on the land; this brings, the alkali to the surface and tho result Is that there is no use trying to grow anything. Now what should bo done is to study the science of the soil so as to know how to apply tho water and in what quantity. If scientific reasoning had been employed in tho beginning, this Land would not have been comparatively worthless to-day. "The new-fashioned farmer, the scien tific farmer, must study the feeding of cattle. Not a pound of cotton r,?ed was fed to the four hundred thousand cattle we exported last year, although tho South raised 000,000 tons of It. That cotton seed was mostly wasted, or made fertilizer of. Think what it mi.qht have amounted to if It had been fed to beef cattle. The trouble with the farmer is that he don't know how to make tho best of what he lms got. and he has got to learn the sci ence of agriculture to know how. 'Ther? is only one way to find out those things w«» are ignorant of. I hoard that out In Japan they were growing better ricr> than we did, a rice that was more marketable and cheaper to grow. I sent a man out there to find out about it. He THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1899. "I always call him Joseph to his face, " she. said. "It makes him squirm." Then this richest woman in America stepped into the tiny back parlor and carefully lowered tho gas in the houso where she lives. Mrs. Green is known as Mrs. Pewoy. She admits, however, that sho is a resident of Hellows Falls, Vt., where she has a pretty cummer place. When she returned to the front parlor Bhe spoke of th.> time rnnre than 30 years ceo when, as Mips Robinson, she was one of the belles of New York society. When the Prince of Wales was here she danced With him. Later, Bhe lived in England and was presented at court. When Van Buren, then ex-President, summered at Saratoga, Mrs. Green, then Miss Robin son was his honored guest. Then her father dif^l, leaving $7,000,000. Since then she has devoted her life to business, has Increased her fortune to niore than half a hundred millions. Trie day Judge Hilton would have failed sho. handed him her check for $1,000,000 and esaved him. Her best friend now, next to her flaughti r Silvia, who lives with her, is Russell Sage. Her husband is an in- did find out. came back with a lot of the rice, and I am having ten tons of it sent out through the country now to experi ment with. "I sent a man to the steppes of Russia because I heard there was a grass there that many months of winter would not kill I got it. experimented with it here, and found that what I heard was right. It will stand all sorts of winter weather and yet be in such a condition that as quick as moisture strikes it will grow like a weed. That is not a particularly sclen ALMOST KILLED BY WOLVES Desperaee Adventure of Two California Miners Driven^ Into a Tunnel by the Ravenous Beasts. HUNTERS, miners and ranchers generally agree that wild anl mala have been bolder th£ last winter than ever before in the history of California. The long dry spell and the consequent scarcity of small game are ac 'ountable for this, but the extremes to which some Ot the beasts have gone are dimply incredible. ' Ip in El Dorado County a few days ago two miners, George Nelson and Henry • Young, were driven into a tunnel by a jack'of eight wolves, and had to fight ,'or their lives with pickaxes and shovels. The wolves were vanquished, hut both n< n are confined to their beds with t wounds.'-"' '•-'-:.- ■•■.,.»•,■, j . According to the story told by Nelson ».t was a terrible fight. • ' :->"-;; i The camp of the two miners Is about L 'nur miles from Pleasant Valley. On the I -illislde several hundred feet ■ above the T nmp Is the entrance, to the. tunnel In t-rhich the two miners work. It was on f the way from the cabin to the ; tunnel v bat the wolves made the attack. 0 "I had no Idea, that there . were any Ivolves close to camp." said Nelson. "Of i ourse I know there are lots of them up J n the high mountains, but I never ex t <-cted to see anything down our way any f iirger than a- polecat. . V "It was early Monday morning when «• Henry and I started for the mine. There « wa g some snow on the ground. Just I after leaving the cabin our trail starts Xrißht up the mountain side. Then it inins over a sort of lower spot right to the mouth of the tunnel that is at the : bottom of another hill. 7 "Henry and I had climbed up the steep Nascent and stopped a moment to get our breaths. Just then I heard a queer bark <*>back on the trail over which we had Just. ipasscd. T •■ 'Whoso dog is that?' I asked Henry. f " 'Wolf,' said Henry- 'Listen.' 7 "The bark came again and then several Sharks all at once. There was no doubt ♦ now but what .we were being chased by ! wolves and we hadn't a splinter to make v fight against them. k "Suddenly we saw tho wolves emerge f from a little clump of timber and take to .▼our trail as if they were sure we were <s> their moat. They bounded up the hill. I i stood spellbound. If It hadn't been for 'Henry I would have been eaten right there; but he is an old hunter and knows fa thing or two about wolves. <S> ""Run for the tunnel,' he shouted. ♦ grabbing my arm and almost dragging Imo along. 'It's our only chance. " Grab Tthe picks and crowbars there. Run!' • f "By this time'the wolves were not more 4>than a hundred feet away and coming up itlie hill in long Jumps. We ran a race Ithat would have broken any track record. I When we had covered about half the dls ftance to the tunnel the wolves were not <*>more than fifty feet behind us and gain ling. ; <*, "'lf they catch us we are gone, said i Jlenry. 'Run for. all you're worth.' ' "The tunnel was only a short- distance Tahead. A big fellow was Just behind me,' f snapping hla Jaws as if he . was sure . of ♦ills game^ : ' ' ""•*"" "~"~"V"--\. *■ ■■'■■''*'" '*■ • ■ ' i .ii.i. HETTY GREEN, THE RICHEST- WOMAN IN AMERICA She Is Particufarfu Happy Just Now Because Joseph Cfioate Has Gone to ■ England and She Has Made a Strike in Her California Gold Mine, «_ J CVin at. valid. Mrs. Green told me that she dresses shabbily for a purpose. She declared positively that she believes there is a conspiracy among the lawyers of New York to take her life. "They are my arch enemies," she said, "and not one of them would heßitate to kill me if he thought he could do so with out being found out. 1 make them toe the chalk'.ine, and that's the reason they don't like me." Mrs. Green has a desk at the Chemical Bank in New York, and has to be there every day to look alter her vast inter ests. The traveling back and forth be tween the back and her home is what caueed her to get a bodyguard. "My bodyguard is a nephew of a form er New York Police Inspect 01 ", and a sfal wart young fellow at that. Of course, I wouldn't have his name published, be cause that would establish his identity, and some day when it chanced that he was not with me I might be attacked. "When we are traveling ho does not stay beside me. as you might suspect, and we never have any conversation. lie keeps a lookout for mo every morning and then follows me as if he did not knuw who I was. He changes his ap pearance every day or so in order to keep people from petting to know him. If we traveled together my enemies would sim ply wait for a chance to catch us un awares. "As It is, my guard keeps his eye on me, and I am sure he would be on hand ■when .wanted." As she prows older Hetty Green does not improve in manners. She is careless !n her speech, drops her final g's and uses slang freely. Money making and talking are her chief pleasures, and her main object in life is to leave to her son, Edward, who lives in a princely stylo on his ranch in Texas, a great fortune. She has proved that, in finance, woman can be the equal of man. Her energy and endurance at CO years of age surprise all who have dealings vrlth her. She is a woman such as only American soil could produce. The accompanying photograph was taken by flashlight in the back parlor of the Hohoken boarding house. It is an ex act likeness and gives a better idea of the character of the woman than any picture made heretofore. With all her fear of assassination, she had no hesitation about Bitting in front of the camera, even though the photographer was a stranger to her. But that is Mrs. Green's dispo sition; when she trusts people, she does so implicitly. Mrs. Green is now in a most happy frame of mind on account of a big strike said to have Just been made In one of her mines in California. "It may amount to a. million dollars," she said. "And if It doesn't reach that sum, why, well and gorxi. Whatever it does realize is that much gain. A dollar is a dollar." In the number ot years she has been around the money markets of America Hetty Green has changed very little. She looks* and acts now Just the same as she did five years ago. when she attracted the attention of the financial world by the boldness of her investmemts and her tiflo ff.ct, but it Ktinws the beneficial re sults of Investigation for the farmer in almost any direction. "Over in South Africa now there is a man whom T sent there, who is study ing nnd growing the date palm. This is being done with the. idea of introducing it into New Mexico and Arizona. You see. I believe in expansion in agriculture, and why not? I reckon if we had stuck to the little old thirteen States we wmild not have been able to supply ourselves with the things we need to eat. Where do we "That sight sparred me on and wo< dashed right into th« tunnel. At this mo ment I am sure the wolf In the lead made a bite at mv leg. But he didn't follow me in on the instant. The darkness scared him a little, and that gave us the chance to get a few feet in the lead and grab the picks and shovels. "We wore about forty feet back to the turn, and as the tunnel is largo there was considerable light. " 'Crack tho first one that comes along," gasped Henry. 'If you show fear we are gone. They'Jl be here in a second If they are coming at all.' "And in a second' we were right in the track of a fight. The big fellow that wa3 right behind me only waited for the rest of the pack to catch up and then dashed right after us. Our running away seemed to give the beasts courage. "The big follow seemed to have singled me out, for he Jumped Btralght for my throat. I was ready for him and floored him with the pick between the eyes. He went down like a log. "Then I warmed up to the fight and went for the wolves without giving them a chance to come at me. Henry did the same and we laid about us on all sides, and wherever we saw a wolf one of us hit it. But we didn't get in another blow like my firnt one. Every wolf had to be struck several tlmep. I hit one fellow on tho head and rolled him over, but In a couple of seconds he was on top of my back with his teeth in my shoulder. Henry caught him one over the loins with hiH shovel ,and laid him out. but my left arm was useless for fighting after that and things began to look mighty serious. "Part of the time the wolves would crowd us, and part of tho time we would crowd the wolves. Our arms . and legs were bitten and our faces and hands scarred, but fortunately we managed to beat the beasts off. "After we had killed three wolves and had all the others pretty badly battered up a big fellow got up behind me and knocked me down. For a moment I thought all was up and expected to feel the sharp teeth In my neck. But Henry was on hand. With a swinging blow from his shovel he caught the wolf under the Jaw and put it out of the fight. Another blow on the back of the head stretched him out good. "Then I got up and went at it again. I was badly used up, but so were the re maining wolves. In a few moments there was only one wolf left. He lost courage and started to get out, but Henry cor nered him and spilt his head with his shovel. Then we sat down to rest and cool off. "We killed eight wolves, and all of them big fellows. We were badly used up, but with no serious wounds. We managed to get back to our cabin, where we found neighbors. They went up and skinned our game after seeing us safely in bed. Tho eight skins are beauties and I guess we can sell them for enough to pay U3 for the time we have to spend in bed. I am feeling all right now, except my shoul der. It hurts occasionally. Both of U3 will bo out in a week. Pass me the ar nica." close manner of living. Old Wall street men tell innumerable stories about the woman's closeness and about her wonderful success on the street. She was In Philadelphia one day when the market suddenly changed, and she found that unless she reached New York before the close of the Stock Ex change she would miss a chance to make several thousand dollars. No train would bring her here in time, and she opened negotiations for a special engine. A price was named for an engine and one car, and, after Haggling some few minutes, Mrs. Green made this final proposition: "Take off the *:<.r and make it $5 less. I'll ride in the locomotive cab." She had a dusty but a speedy ride to this city, and she reached Wall street in time to make a successful turn. At another time she had a large amount of Reading securities which she had ordered aei brokers to transfer to Phila delphia for her. When she Learned that they would have to pay the express com pany a rate in proportion to the value of the securities j-h« was horrified. "What, pay $100 for taking that bundle to Philadelphia! I can gq there and back myself for $4 and save ?Sfi." Sho gath ered up the securities In her black bag and carried thorn over to Philadelphia herself. Once when John J. Cisco was her bank er she came into the establishment with seyeral hundred thousand dollars' worth of securities In the black bag. She said she had walked all the way down town and was tired. The banker expostulated with her for her recklessness in taking such a risk of attack and robbery on the street. "Why didn't you come down in a car riage?" he demanded. "You may be able to ride In cabs, Cis co," said the richest woman in America, sharply, "but I can't afford it." Mrs. Green used to keep all her plate and diamonds, as well as her securities. In the strong hoxes of the Clscos, and once a month she would go down, there and polish up the articles and cut her awn coupons. She keeps up the practice to-day at the Chemical Bank. One clay a report floated around Wall street that Cisco was in trouble. The re port was not verified, but it reached Mrs. Greens ears, and she went at once to the bank and demanded every cent of her account. She had $750,000 on deposit there. Cisco protested that the with drawal of such a large single amount In one day would ruin him, but this mado no difference to Mrs. Grrcn. She de manded her money and got it. It re quired two cabs to carry away all her strong boxes. The bank failed the next day. A few years ago it was discovered in Chicago that forged deeds to property owned by Mrs. Hetty Green to the amount of (1,000,000 were in circulation. When the attempt of the schemers to raise money on the forged deeds brought the plot to light Mrs. Green's attorney. Mr. Bisbee, set to work to protect her interests and bag the crooks. A trap was set for the forgers, and the assistance of the Chief of Police and his Detective Bu get our cotton from mostly? The Louisi ana purchase. You see, that is why I am for expansion." I asked Mr. Wilson if he believed the statement that we could starve Europe out if we wanted to; that we really had control of the food markets of the world. "There is no doubt about the truth of the last half of your question." he said. "As things stand to-day we have what the speculator calls the bulge on the rest of the world in breadstuffs. We could certainly supply the markets of the world if it was necessary, if they would make kit worth our while. We are not growing "a tithe of the wheat we might Take my own State of lowa. Why. the farmers '" there could raise any amount of wheat ► if you would give them a dollar a bushel »for :t. But at the present price it don't pay them, so they don't raise it. •'lf we should stop shipping food prod >ucts to Europe, although such a thing ► Is not possible, we might not starve them out. but we would make them mighty reau and of a big trust company was secured. It was necessary to consum mate some transfer or deal on the for geries to obtain the forged document it pelf. Secrecy was the only hope of gain- Ing proof of guilt, as the law does not touch the holders, but only the makers of forged deeds. Attorney Bisbee was to delay filing a bill in chancery to quiet the titles to the property until the thieves were caught. But the minute Mrs. Green, who was at Far ftockaway, heard of the arrange ment she hurried to Chicago and hired another lawyer to file the necessary bill. SI i- had a storm\- interview with Mr. Bisbee, in which she declared that she hn'\ not the slightest interest in bringing the forgers to justice, and that he should have known better than to take any chances. "You look after my interests. P.isbe.e," she said sharply, "and keep tne titles to my property clear. That's what I pay you for. I^et the police catch their own thieves." The son, Edward H. R. Green., has de veloped into a gooii business man, and while not what might be called extrava gantly liberal, is not especially noted for closeness. He has an r>rt' n - ; --i! Ipst. His knee was injured while coasting when he was 7 years old and it was never prop erly attended to. Years afterward, when It was too late, Mrs. Green secured treat ment for the lad from a prominent sur geon of Philadelphia, but he could not save the limb, nnri after young Green had attained his majority the amputation was performed. The operation took place in a boarding house ;it No. 2f> West Eighteenth street. The Greens have not stopped at that house for some years now. Once, when Ned was a tall, lanky youth, he lived with his mother some where in the neighborhood of Fourth avenue and Thirteenth street. He spent most of his leisure time around the Fire Department house on Thirteenth street, and Captain Breslin and porno of his men remember him very well. At that time his mother allowed him 50 cents a day for his meals, and he used to eat in a cheap restaurant on Fourth avenue, just below Union Square. Up to the time he was 20 years old Ned Green was accus tomed to take the newspaper which his mother bad purchased early in the morn ing and sell it on the street corner after she had finished studying the finan cial page. The general public learned with aston ishment that Hetty Green had a husband and a daughter. Mr. Green has dropped so completely out of sight during the last decade that even the financial world and the brokers who used to know him In Wall street had forgotten him. He is a very tall man. very quiet and polite and a confirmed "club bachelor." He was a member of the Union Club for years. He sleep? in a room on West Nineteenth street and eats and reads and look? out of the window at the Union Club. One of his days is very much like another. He sees his wife occasionally. It 19 years since they have lived togeth hungry. Any such action as that on our ).;trt would stimulate the rnising of wheat in the valleys of the Nile and would give the Russian farmer a chance that • has never come to him. I do not say that they could all do these things In a mo ment, over in Europe, but if they had to get along without us that is what they would do. "Europe never will get along without up, however. She will never want to. She thinks too much of us. And there are no set (if circumstances that could entirely stop the shipping of meat and breadstuff s to Europe. There can be no laws passed in this country that will do it, and if any country tries to have an international law so construed a3 to shut us out anywhere we will have the law changed. You can not keep the American farmer down." "Do you believe," I said, "that there there is as good a chance for the farmer boy on the farm as there was fifty years ago? Do you think the boys ought to be urged to stay on the farm Instead of go "We SWung Our Weapons as They Sprang at Us." er, though they never quarreled. She al lows him a sort of pension from her enor mous fortune. It suffices ior his modest wants. Yet. in his time, this tall, quiet old man was known as "Spendthrift Green." He was a high roller before the war and the gayest of a very gay set. He came from Bellows Falls, Vt.. and made a fortune at Manila, the capital of the Philippine Islands. He lived on the islands pever.tce-n years, and he had a million when he met and married Harriet Robinson. Tlv'ir married life was happy enough, but after he lost his money spec ulating in Wall street Mrs. Qreen did not feel that she could accord him that re spect and honor due from wife to hus band. He was too poor r; man of busi ness, she said; so they agreed to live un der different roofs. Miss Sylvia Green, who Is about 30 years old, has led a rather uneventful life. For several years she has traveled around with her mother from boarding bouse to boarding-house, but she tired of this two years ago. and it was decided to launch her into society. Miss Annie Leary, who had always taken a deep In terest in Sylvia, agreed to Introduce her, and Sylvia went to some parties and to Newport for two or three seasons. She doesn't like society, and she has so de clared herself several times. She would like a home of her own with her mother, but Mrs. Green knows that a permanent residence means regular visits from the tax collector, and so she clings to her boarding-house life. Br& These are the four people most directly interested in a fortune of $60.000.000— .the largest fortune ever owned by an Ameri can woman. It is a fortune that pays no taxes, develops no new industries, supports no charities. Its enormous pow er and influence are wielded solely for Its own increment. It is as useful to human ity and civilization as a miser's hoard or a' buried treasure. A bookseller's opinion of a book may be as instructive afl a critic's, thoupb the point of view is different; and a letter which Literature has received from a correspondent throws a certain amount of light upon this branch of the subject: "For reasons which concern no one but myself," writes the correspondent, "I re cently decided to get rid of a certain number of modern books, and a book seller duly arrived to look at them and make an offer. " 'What I particularly want,' he said, as he turned them over, 'is rrd books.' " 'What port Of books?' I asked. " 'Red books— that is to say, books In red covers,' was his reply. "And he proceeded to explain: 'Of course, there are a few people who know about books, and insist on having tha book they wart without reference to the color of the binding; but the great mass of our customers .nidge by appearances. Drab books and gray books and brown books they won't have anything to do with; green books will pass: blue books sell a shade better; but red books always find a market. You can have no idea, unless you're in the trade, what a differ ence it makes to a book to be bound In red.' " Ing to the city?" "There never was a time," said Mr. "Wil son slowly, "when the boy who wanted to be a farmer, and was willing to go about It the right way, had a better chance than he has tn-day, nor as good. He has got scientific facts to aid him now where before he had nothing but example. "So far as making the boy stay on the farm is concerned, I think it Is a great mistake to try ' to influence him. Ha should bo allowed to follow his own in clinations or he never will get to tha front. There is just one thing to remem ber always, and that is that a boy doesn't make a good anything unless he wants to. I>et him stay on the farm if he feels sr> inclined and let him go to the city if ha ciocfn't." "Where do you think the best opportu nity lies for the young man who wishes to be a farmer?" I asked. The answer came with the speed of a Mauser bullet: "In the United States of America."