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10 SOLDIER SHOOTS A COMRADE AT THE PRESIDIO Frank Wigfall's Cow ardly Deed. BADLY WOUNDS WESLEY KIBY DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO COM MIT MURDER. Prepares to Finish His Work When He Is Disarmed — His Victim May Lose a Limb — No Cause Is Assigned. A dastardly, unprovoked attempt nt : cold-blooded murder occurred at the Pre afternoon, when I'rlwit^ Wigfall, Company H, Twenty delfberately shot fuid j ■<1 Private Wesley Klby of the regiment. The shooting was un warranted and Kiby had no warning: of ill's murderous Intentions until he j ■ ■ from one of tho deadly \ rifles crash through his | rompi Interference of com . Kiby's life, for when "Wlgfall Baw that his '■' ■ lied of its loaded his rifle and was preparing to shoot again, when ' Private Clarke wrested the weapon fmm hfm and handed it to Corporal Wallace. .'I made no attempt to resist arrest, and while he was being taken to the Ihouse by several soldiers others I •Ir bleeding comrade up and carried him to the post hospital. The shooting occurred at C o'clock, while the men of Company H were in their quarters preparing for evening roll call. Wigfall was sitting upon his cot and . 'Kiby was across the room from him blacking- his shoes. .- . ■■::!>• Wigfall took ' his rifle from it? rack upon the wall. This ! did not attract any one's attention, for it ' is a common thing for the soldiers to han- ] dle their arms. One of the other men in the room saw him slip a cartridge into the magazine of the ritle. and before the sol dier realized what he was doing he saw him tak.^ deliberate :iim at Kiby. An in stant later "iVipfall tired and Kiby with | a yell of pain dropped to the floor. Th- i suddenness if the cowardly dee I so took the men by surprise that for a moment ' they were unable to realize what had hap pened, hut when they saw Wigfall again | reload his rifle and prepare to take a sec ond shot Private Clarke sprang- upon him. No one seems to know what caused Wig-fall to do such a cowardly deed. i Th^r^ was no bad blood between Kiby and Wigfall that any of the men know of. I They are both in the same company and j have their quarters in the same building. Some of the Idlers of the company de- j clare that Wigfall had been drinking, but j that he was not sufficiently intoxicated ' not to have known what he was doing. He was immediately taken to the guard house, where he was placed in close con finement and no one was allowed to see him. j Major Mosoley. the surgeon of th» post, : examined Kiby's wound. The bull' en- i tered the right leg a few inches below th^> knee and passed entirely through the [ bone. Kiby was so affected by the shock and pain that the major refrained from making a thorough examination until to day. The knee cap is affected, and from the examination made it looks as if it was so badly shattered as to necessitate am- j putation of th" leg. Morphine was admin- I istered to Kiby to relieve his pain and at a late hour last night he was resting gui- j etly. Cnlonel Freeman will make an of ficial investigation of the affair to-day. SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST HIS THEME Rev. F?thnr T. Canher of St." Francis Church preached an able sermon on the life of St. John the Baptist yesterday mornlnp at the 11 o'clock mass. Besides being- the Sunday within the octave of the feast of the Saint, it marked the twenty plxth anniversary of the well-known pas tor's ordination. The sacred edifice was crowded as usual. Father Caraher took for his text: "John is his name: Luke i:63." The musical programme was a feature of the services. Following are a few ex cerpts from his Interesting address: The* name of John signifies one favored by (">•<•;. Our saint was called John because he was exceedingly favored and privileged by God. Our I>ird the Braces and privileges of Ft. John when he says: "Amen, I pay to you. there hath not risen among men that are horn of women a greater than John the Baptist." Our saint is also called the Baptist for the reason that he preached the baptism of pen ance and bantized our Lord and many of the Jews In the Jordan. This baptism of St. John was not the same as our sacrament of bap tism, but was only an external rite or ablu tion that signified by its effects upon the body the Interior cleansing of the soul by penance. On the feast of Ft. John's nativity the church proposes a shining virtue for our meditation, but I will only dwell upon his virtue, penance and mortification. The Baptist had not only preached mortification, but also practiced It in an eminent decree. In his youth he forsook the world and the comforts of home and fled into the deserts of Judea, where he led a most austere and penetentlal life. • The speaker then went on to describe St. John's mode of living and food and drink he contended with while carrying on his penance. The Baptist remained In the desert until his "thirtieth year and then left his place of re tirement to baptize and preach penance. The place where St. John was born is situated about six miles to the west of Jerusalem. It belongs to the Franciscan fathers, who have there an Imposing church and monastery. It was my treat privilege to celebrate mass in the crypt of the church where St. John was born and to administer holy communion to a number who assisted at the mass. About eight miles west of the place of his birth is the - desert where he spent the greater port of his I life and where he lived upon locusts and wild honey. If we aspire to the happiness of St. John the Bantlst we must practice in some degree at leapt his mortification in food and clothing Never yet did a saint reach heaven that was . not Kiven to penance and self-denial. From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffered violence and the violence beareth it away. *i*rMP., IF CHRIST CAME TO SAN FRANCISCO? "If Christ Should Come to San Fran cisco" was the subject of an Interesting Bermon by Dr. Charles Edward Locks of the Central Methodist Church last even ing In Metropolitan Temple. He said In part: We are rapidly coming to be a nation of cities. In the United States there are three cities with over 1,000,000 Inhabitants; six cities over 500,000: twelve cities over 300 000 and thirty-two cities over 100,000; 400 cities with a population between r.0,000 and 15,000; 360 cities with over 10,000. and more than 700 cities of 5000 inhabitants. The great problems and pos sibilities of our nation, therefore, are to a large extent connected with the cities. . If Christ «hould come to San Francisco how severely would he rebuke all forms of vice gambling, profanity and prizefighting, Impur ity, drunkenness and profligacy. The saloons with all their diabolical concomitants would be driven out. Avarice and greed, with all their cruel and devilish influences, would be hurled down the steep places into the sea When I think of the boys that are being ruined and of the girls that are being de bauched and the throngs of men and women that are being demonized and bestlalized; when I know of the -Bins at which so-called society winks and In which It largely participates when I remember the voracious Shylocks who feed on pounds of flesh, and think of the woes and privations when sin is everywhere in flicting, I know that If Jesus were to come to San Francisco he would kindly but severely rebuke a lethargic church and a quiescent citi zenship, and arouse men and women every where to a mighty crusade against the vile, vlcioup and cruel modern Saracens that hold carnivals of vice In what might be a holy city. If Christ were to come to San Francisco he would peek the needy. The needy poor, and give them bread; the needy rich, and plve them counsel as he went Into the house of Zacchaeus; the needy doubter; the needy cad hearts, and sympathize with them, as he wept at the tomb of Lazarus. And, hear me, i '*■ Jesus canoe to this city, he .would seek for j --»■•■ ?:.-'• «■»,-.--■-■ -- ...ill. ■- . ■ <*J the fallen men and -women. Those upon whom Foelety hurl? its missiles of ostracism; men and women who might be won by protection and affection hark to position* of virtue nn.l respect. "Oo ye into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in." ll ilitist's com mand. A man or woman is not beyond our obligation to serve or save because he has wandered from paths of honor; the church has a serial commission to these. The congregation was on the gui vivo, both at the morning and evening 1 service, expecting Dr. Locke would make the an nouncement of his contemplated change, but they were disappointed, as he did not allude to the subject The evening serv ice at the temple will be discontinued hereafter .and aY the services will bo conducted in the ctmrch on Mission street. REV. FATHER WYMAN DISCUSSES ST. PAUL At the 11 o'clock mass yesterday morn ing- Rev. Father Wynian of St. Mary's (Paullst) Church delivered an Interesting discourse on one of St. Paul's epistles to Timothy. In part, he said: "For 1 know whom 1 have believed, and I j am certain that he is able to keep that which | ] have committed to him until that day." These words express the intt-nsity of St. Paul's faith and hope. They were written during his last Imprisonment; the hand that penned them was fettered !>y chains and they were addressed to his beloved disciple and co worker, St. Timothy, of whom ho speaks most t' nderly in the snme epistle, and whom he declares he remembers daily in his prayers. Th-' faith set forth in these words Is not, however, peculiar and personal to Ht. Paul himself, but belongs essentially to all Chris tians. It might he objected that one who had experienced ouch a miraculous conversion, wrought such miracles and had converted such multitudes by his preaching could thus speak for himself alone. Bui whatever knowledge arM grace was grlven to St. Paul belongs to the church and his personal experiences is one of hfr strongest credentials. His faith \v;i.~ as certain as bis hope and charity. It has been paid by a distinguished modern ' BISHOP W. H. MORELAND VOICES HIS VIEWS ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. "As a Religion Christian Science Will Not Do." preacher that opinion Is the attitude of intel lect toward divine truth and conviction is the attitude of the heart to the revealed modern law. Such, however, was not the faith exer cised by St. Paul and is not what the church requires of her children As a river cannot rife above its source, neither can hope nor charity be greater than faith. Ajtain strong conviction of the truth of the faith cannot be called prejudice which Is a state of mind formed without consideration or reason and is rather an expression of inclination. Finally, faith does not narrow but enlarges our scope of knowledge. It is a Rift, for it is a cir't from the author of reason himself, and Is Intended to supplement all natural knowledge. SHARP CRITICISMS OF SPIRITUALISM Rev. W. K. Pugan of Stewart Me morial T'niterl Freshyterian Church last evening delivered a lively talk on "Spir itualism" as a prelude to his sermon. He said: An Interest been aroused In our midst on spiritualism through a sermon preached by Pr. Moreland, and many comments by minis ters of our city have been made. Dr. More land holtls that we have th»- power of com municating with evil spirits but not with good ones. That Idea is absurd, as It srivea the devil more power with men than It allows God ■ to have. Other ministers argue again* t it be cause they do not jxiss^ss the power, but that is the silly argument of Infidelity against Christianity and carries no weight. Another Fays good spirit? would not want to come back even to leave their joys behind for a few minutes. That argument attributes to good spirits the vicious principle of selfishness and must droD out of Ficht; besides, heaven is not to be looked upon bo much as a place as a condition— yes, a condition which a good spirit could carry in Its heart to the onds of the universe. These arguments betray a weakness of lotlc and confusion of ethics. I think the argument against spiritualism Is this: There Is no netd for such a communi cation between this and the spirit world, and Q d does not maintain useless things. In the parable of Lazarus and the sick man there was no need for one to rise from the dead to teach Moses and the prophets wore enough. When we have the life of Christ and the work of God that tolls us all about the way of sal vation, why morbidly pry into things God has concealed? When every blade of grass and every l^a-f of every tree yea, when the face of all nature is trembling with th>> truth of God— why plunge to the dark bottom of the tomb for messages fritn tho spirit world? Whatsoever truth there is in connection with spiritualism is so vague and uncertain that we are not warranted in following it, espe cially when we have so mu<-h revelation in the providence of <; o d. Why grope through the dark tombs with a tallow can.llo when we can walk the beautiful valleys of tnit' un.ler the full blaze of the son of righto. .nsness? I do not know whether these tiu-diumß can communicate with the spirit world or not, but let us not condemn them ty a process of false logic and confused Ideas, but point them to Christ, the light of both worlds. If you cannot call personally, order by mail and get a fine Walnut Upright for $150 cash from The Zeno Mauvais Music Company. 769 Market street. * BALDWIN GOES TO ALASKA. Resigns From Polic; Force to Become an Army Officer. Sergeant QeorgC li. Baldwin sent in his resignation to Chief Lees yesterday morn ing, and in the afternoon sailed on the Ftcamer St. Paul for Alaska. A large number of his friends were at the wharf to wish him godspeed and success in his new and important position. As indicated in The Call a few days ago the sergeant has been appointed super intendent of construction of forts in Alaska, with headquarters at Fort Eg bert, and he has the rank and pay of a captain in the regular army. During his short term of service in the Police De partment ainl as captain in the Eighth California Regiment ho made a host of friends, who are delighted at his good fortune. He is not a stranger In Alaska, as he spent some years there. The famoui old JESSE UOORE WHISKY Is recommended by physicians for family and medicinal uw because it is puce. New Railway Officers. -It Is announced that the Santa Fe sys tem having acquired the San Francisco i and San Joaquln Valley Railroad, effect ! ive July 1, the officers In charge of the traffic of that line will be as follows: Ed ward Chambers, general freight agent, Los Angeles; John J. Byrne, general pas j senger agent, Los Angeles; John Moss, : assistant general freight and passenger : agent, San Francisco. Bag Time, Good Time, Big Time. I Kapp & Street^ tanuUe grotto; 'night time. * THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY. JUNE 26, 1899. BUTTED HER HEAD AGAINST THE IRON BARS Attempted Suicide in the City Prison. CATHERINE MURPHY'S WOES ARRESTED FOR VILE CONDUCT, SHE SOUGHT DEATH. To Prevent the Woman From Kill ing Herself, the Officials Had to Put Her Securely in Straps. Catherine Murphy. a middle-aged woman, who is confined In the City Pris on, attempted to beat her brains out against the floor of her cell yesterday. She was removed to the Receiving Hos pital, but ns she did not appear to be mentally deranged, the Superintendent of t lie Insane Department refused to receive " Denial of God's Personality Is a Fatal Error." her. The woman was then returned to the City Prison and strapped down to the floor of the cell. Mrs. Murphy was arrested last Friday night on a charge of using vulgar lan guage. Shortly aft^r being locked up she tw came violent and butted her head against tb< Iron pates. Fearing that she might seriously injure herself the officer In charge of the prison bad her sent to the Receiving Hospital. The surgeon, after giving her a soothing draught, ordered h> r removed to the City Prison. yesterday she again bf-came violent and after assaulting one of her cellmates at tempted to butt her brains out against the floor. When she was strapped down she ceared her ravings and begged to be released from the bonda. On her promise to L>e~ A FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE PASSES AWAY THEODORE G. COCKRILL THEODORE G. COCKRILL, Chief of Police In the early '70's and at one time a prominent politician of this city, died yesterday morning at his home, 1911 Broderick street. He was close upon the completion of his six ty-fourth year, lacking but one month of that life mark. About two weeks ago Mr. Cockrill was stricken with paralysis, and since that time his dissolution was expected momentarily. Hemorrhage of the brain hastened his end, which came In the early hours of Sunday morning. The deceased was a pioneer settler in California. In 1552 he crossed the plains, devoting the first few years of his California life to prospecting and farming! Latterly he came to San Francisco and engaged in the liquor business on a large scale. In 1872 he was elected by popular vote— as was then the custom— to the of fice of thief of Police. His political opponent was ex-Chief Crowley, who succeeded him in the following year. Cockrill proved a potent police director, and his administration was one of the best experienced In the city. After the expiration of his term of office Cockrill returned to business, but met with re verses. After the dissolution of his firm he was connected with Van Bergen & Co. Mr. Cockrill stood in the first rank as a successful lodge member. The highest honors of Masonry and Druidlsm were conferred upon him. He will he buried at Bloomfleld, Sonoma County, on Tuesday. He leaves a widow and three children. have herself the straps were removed form her body. Notwithstanding the fact that the woman was arrested Friday night her case has not been disposed of in the Police Court. To-day the prison officials intend to have the case called and will endeavor to have it dismissed. They fear that the woman might succeed to permanently injuring herself unless she is liberated from prison. Last night Mrs. Murphy confided to one of her cellmates that she intended to commit suicide by hanging herself with a strip of blanket. The woman to whom she declared her intention at once noti fied Corporal Parrotte, who ordered a "trusty" to keep a strict watch on her. If the woman is not released to-day they inte"nd to have her taken before the Com missioners of Lunacy and examined as to her sanity. DR. WOODS DISCUSSES THE GOSPEL OF MARK The second lecture in a course on the four gospels was delivered last night at the First Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev. E. A. Woods, D.D. In part he spoke as follows: Last Sunday evening I spoke of Matthew the first gospel as written by a Hebrew, In the language spoken by them, and that its pur pose was to show that Jesus Christ was the Messiah of the Old Testament. It is the gos pel of fulfillment. Mark, the author of the serond gospel, was not one of the twelve dis ciples, but was one of IVter's converts, and of him we know but little. He was the nephew of Barnabas, and concerning him Paul and Parnabas had a disagreement which re sulted in their separation. Mark seenifi to have been Peter's companion for many years, and it is generally supposed that Mark wrote this gospel at Peter's dictation, so that it is really Peters gospel. It was written in Greek, and seems to have been Intended specially for the Romans. It bears the stamp of Peter's direct impetuous temperament. In it many facts about Peter are modestly omitted, while the " Limit 01 the New Ecc/esiastic/sm /s a Pope in Petticoats." story of his denial of Christ is told without excuse or mitigation. As the Romans knew little of the Old Testament, very little refer ence Is made to the Hebrew worship of the prophets. The favorite word with the Romans was "power." They cared little as to the genealogy or parentage of Jesus. Their great question was: "Has he power and what has he done?" Mark's Kospel is a biography of Christ In an swer to the Roman question. Its Keynote is "divine power." Mark presents our Lord to us as the son of Qod with power, th' Lord and Master of men. the mighty conqueror, the destroyer of evil, the founder of an everlast ing kingdom. It is a pospel of conflict and of victory. The story of Christ's life Is graphic and vivid, and In it we see the presence and all mastering power of the Son of God. As a prelude to this address Dr. Woods spoke of Confucianism as the state reli gion of China. SAYS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IS NOT GOD'S CREATION Bishop Mbreland on the Movement. WOULD RHPLACE OLD FAITHS DENIAL OF GOD'S PERSONALITY A FATAL ERROR. He Refers to Mrs. Eddy as a Probable Pope in Petticoats and the Limit of the New Ec clesiasticism. Rt. Rev. Bishop William H. Moreland preached an interesting pennon on "Christian Science" at yesterday morn ing's services in St. Luke's Church. While ri ■c-otj7iizin£ "the beautiful principles" on which the movement ia founded. Dr. Mnreland pointed out the errors which have crept into it, and exhorted his hear- era to remain steadfast in their faith to the old church, which has stood for ages, and not to he inveigled into a new sys tem, which was replete with fallacies. Dr. Mor< land began his sermon by quoting from the Bible. "The Lord has created medicines out of the earth, and he that is wisi-' will not abhor them." "The Lord has created plants, vegeta bles and herbs," said Dr. Moreland, "and has endowed thorn with certain curative properties, and men skilled in chemistry combine and apply them to the ills and sufferings of humanity. We should put our trust in God's mercy through sickness and ill health, but we should not neglect the material means he has placed at our disposal for the recovery of health. "One of the mistakes "of Christian Sci ence is that its neglect of the means cre ated by an all-wise Providence is not a mark of faith, but rather a mark of pre sumption and folly. We pray God to give us our daily bread, but we do not sit idly by until the fond is thrust in at our door. Human effort should always go with the power of the Almighty. "God and man sin mid always work together. "When the child is ill we pray God for its restoration, and glorify Christ by the true prayer of faith, but we do not reject all medicine. We fchould not expect the child to be cured by a miracle. "The Christian Science way is not the Christian way. . It Is a part of faith to employ the skill of a physician and the nurse and medicine, and in doing so we are not guilty of any lack of faith or true religion. It is an awful presumption for the creature to say to God, 'You must cure my child.' The scripture itself teach es us to make use of the material means and the Ix)rd himself used loaves and fishes to feed the multitude, and the nat ural elements, bread and wine, are util ized In conveying his risen life to man kind. God has dwelt providentially with us in giving to us human agencies to ac complish his will. He can perform mira cles, but we should not expect miracles when we discard ordinary means. "I do not wish to say one harsh or un kind word against Christian Science. I have, a sympathetic recognition for the truth it contains, but I cannot close my eyes to the dangers and errors accom panying it. There are good things in Christian Science. Tt has undoubtedly made cures, and on many occasions peo ple have escaped suffering under its in fluence, and it has restored the sense of God to many. "In these days, when people are ob sorbed in making money and the mind is almost irresistibly drawn to materialism, there have been many efforts in opposi tion. The materialist says there is no spirit, but all is matter. The Christian Scientist says there is no such thing as matter, all is spirit. These, efforts em phasize the spiritual realities of lite, but they are not well balanced and cannot last. They eventuall^ipse strength and are split into fragmeiW. Christian Science teaches that disorders of the body spring out of disorders of the soul. This prin ciple is earnestly carried out in Christian Science, which occupies the mind with kindness, piety and love, and only with these can you be a well man. "I would like to dwell on this side, but there is another. The cures done by Christian Science have been paralleled by many systems of metaphysical healing. They have been produced by the shrines of the Roman Catholics, the Indian med icine men, the soothsayers of the East, the Hindoo fakirs and by all creeds and nationalities, therefore the good of Chris tian Science is not original with itself As a religion, it has not Dorrowed enough of the Christian faith to keep it alive. "The other side tells of the harm it has done and the dangers accompanying it The denial of the personality of God Is a fatal error and neutralizes all the truths It teaches. We have been taught that God is more than man; he is a being divine and exalted, and the impersonal principle of Christian Science disappoints our af fections and robs us of our father. Chris tian Science not only contradicts the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation, but denies that God is a person. "Again, Christian Science fails to notice the providential purpose of pain in the world, which causes the sufferer to reign triumphant in the strength of Jesus cru cified. Christian Science often Inspires in its converts an unholy sense of superior ity, which Is assumed in the house and among friends. Aside from the hurt It does to character, it confuses the reason of man to teach him there is no such thing as pain. It urges Mrs. Eddy's knowledge of anatomy against the under stood laws of health. Dietary exercise is of no consequence as compared with Ed dy's writings at $3 a volume. "The intention of Christian Science Is excellent, but it is a cruel wrong to de prive an Invalid, especially a child, of the stored up riches of medical science which have been accumulating like a reservoir of mercies. Some diseases may yield to It, but what shall we say of infectious sickness, such as diphtheria, scarlatina, smallpox and the like? It is an awful responsibility to shut out the doctor with hla remedial plans. ADVERTISEMENTS. WASH DRESS FABRICS! This week we will offer Extraordinary Bargains in our WASH DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT in the following goods : LAWNS, PRINTED PIQUES, SCOTCH CHEVIOTS, SCOTCH MADRAS and PRINTED ORGANDIES. We call particu- lar attention to the following three lines. I^2 C Yard. 5 cases IMPORTED CHEVIOTS, stripes, dots and figures, in New Blue, Lavender, Pink, Navy and White grounds, goods 33 inches wide. Reduced from 25c. IOC Yard. 3 cases 32-inch SCOTCH MADRAS, in Plaids and Checks, good variety of new colorings. Reduced from 15c. 75 pieces NEW PRINTED PIQUES, all this sea- son's importation, at 10c, 15c and 20c per yard. Former prices 15c, 25c and 40c yard. 111. 113. 115. 117. 119. 121 POST STREET. "The last count in the indictment against Christian Science is that it offers itself as a. substitute for the old church of Christ. It is another form of secta rianism. Instead of the old church which has withstood the blasts of twenty cen turies, it offers Mrs. Eddy's church, which has Just begun its career. Instead of the old Bible, it offers Eddy's Science and Health, which, reading, we cannot under stand and. understanding, we cannot love. It offers a new hierarchy of heal ers and readers, and the limit of the new ecclesiasticism is a pope in petticoats. "As a religion, Christian Science will not do as a substitute for the Christianity of Christ. The latfer is virgin gold and the former .is the ore. from which we must separate the worthless matter. Let no one take you away from the dear old church Trust God when illness comes upon you, but make use of the means he has provided, and so best deserve the dear old name of Christians." HE UPHOLDS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE An Enthusiast Takes a Fling at Bishop Moreland. F. W. Gale, "chief reader" of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, while not sur prised at the opposition of Bishop More land to thr teachings of Christian Sci ence, claims that all the bishop gave ut terance to was Incorrect and not founded on good reason. "We have scripture., the gospel and Je sus on our side," he said yesterday. "You cannot cite an instance where Christ em ployed drugs to work a cure. It was by truth that He healed and the teaching of it. The assertion that we are not Chris tian in spirit is untrue. It all depends upon what your definition of Christianity is. We follow religiously the early teach ings of the faith. "Results speak for themselves. Not long ago at a big meeting in Boston those who were cured by Christian Science were asked to rise. There wore 3000 present, and a great mass rose to their feet. The attack on the book 'Science and Health' may be answered by an actual occurrence at the same meeting. It was asked how many were cured by the reading of the book and 300 people arose. Of course the mere purchase of the book will not effect a cure; it is the reading of it." India-rubber heels are to be attached to the shoes worn by French soldiers. It is claimed that they decrease the fa tigue of marching. Celebrate the. Fourth with California fireworks. Buy direct from makers. Cali fornia Fireworks Co., 219 Front st. • ADVERTISEMENTS. FREE FOR TWO WEEKS! <^W oilw f>IVEN TO INSURE] iNSNrMirtr' satisfaction and to IM«^^'sl?K show the superior mer- 's<»"^'N*r pt^. it of the treatment. b ' "UTAbYV cr» »6 : Wlth m >' inspirator TOR e^'vHll fit* healing germicide mcd- , * 4& rf jagßt, lcines can be placed I UDnAT^5555*l directly to the diseased ______/ OPTlfli partß. and gives mar- ■VT Wl "-fi5 Bt '$■ velous cures. In 2000 Ji> rfill 1 X) !• test cases 95 per cent #1 flw AWs '* successful. JW y^iO kSI Sfc REV. FATHER \Vs4hv c K2l RVAN of St. Louia Hi'w^l !" *1 says: "I have tried the flgl QliU l| 5 treatment and received *\ < J-??l s =L i !S great benefit. I can I UUNQ ' 15 conscientiously recom- V■■ .■■ >( «|S ill mend it." /<s^t<lf if REV. R. T. PHIL- /jKsyJ&*l f!S^ LIPS of C. P. Church. /^^/MJIw Dallas. Texa*. «ay»: rt<9 V// S«a''i I |J '8 ' "The Inspirator has Hr/o IIiJALO cured me. I can r 6O , 0111 - -fyiy MCrtußß mend it to all suffer- <-. •*£3* r . ers." JTIDOB MARTIN of Moberly. Mo., says: "ft has cured me after suffering for years with catarrh, asthma and lung trouble. it is scientific, far in advance of all other treat- "reV FATHER J. 8. HOOG of JEFFER- SON CITY. MO. says: "I have tried ydur antiseptic treatment and consider it the Ne plus ultra' of treatments." Call or address at once, for FREE TREAT- MENT, DR. COTTINGHAM, 638 Market St., opp. Palace Hotel. JS2UOteM4JJL^JftI->JftAAa4Lta»P..M. BDWEN KCO New season's Japan teas arrived — a large stock comprising the very choicest selection of early spring leaf pickings. Our 50c grade will be introduced through our special tea sale this week. Fresh new crop tea possesses twice the fragrance and flavor of old tea and costs no more here SPECIAL SAVING SALE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tea— 10 flavors 1b 40C Our regular 50c grade reg'ly special Hermitage rye 1886 bot $1 50 $1 15 " " gal 600 450 Old Crow bourbon 1889 bot 125 100 " " " " gal 5004 00 Olives— Manzanilla qt 20C Their flavor cannot be excelled Mustard with horseradish 2 bot 25C reg'ly 15c Adds flavor to meats — creates an appetite Lemons— reg'ly 25c doz 20C Thin skin, fancy Californian Fruit Syrups— reg'iy 50c bot 40c A variety of flavors; our bottling and guarantee for purity Paraffine-reg'iy 15c lb 10c For sealing jams, jellies and pre- serves—an absolute preventive from mould Oysters— reg'ly 12Jc tin 10c Selected stock— oval tins— for finest family trade. Sardines- reg'ly 12Jc tin lOC Genuine French, in pure olive oil Com— Seaf onm 1 2\ C Young, tender kernels, packed in Maine— reg'ly 15c can Soap Powder "1776" 7 for 25c Babbitt's best ill /"^l^o^o covered 30C Jelly Glasses unc overed 25c reg'ly 30c and 35c doz — strong glass Telescope Baskets reg My 90c 75c 65c 50c 40c special 70 60 50 40 30 Shawl Straps— durable kind oniy reg'ly 75c 50c 35c 25C special go 40 30 20 Face Powder— viout 40c 3 colors— Violette de Parme— reg'ly 50c bottle Our coffee plant at Pine street store is much talked about, but particularly the coffee roasted there daily. Coma and inspect it Shipping to out of town resorts a specialty with us; trust v? to care for your orders — quickly — accurately Our catalogue explains our system and tells you the kind of groceries we sell— all for a postal 432 Pine 215 Sutter 2800 Ca!iforr:a San Francises 1075 Clay between Eleventh and Twelfth Oakland 1 im CalliLOd ilßai