Yacht Columbia Again
Outstrips the Defender
Dougias Loses to the
The New "King of the Links" For
merly a Football Player of Re
nown on the Princeton
College Team.
Special Dispatch to The Call.
LAKE FOREST. hi July S. -Herbert M.
Harriman of the Meadowbrook Golf Club
of Hempstead. 12 1., ' -day won the ama
teur po'.f championship of America from
Fir.dlay D. Douglas, who won the ehnm
pior.ship last year. The score was three
up. two to play. The game was by long
odds the most exciting that has been
played in the week's tournament, and
when the old Princeton football player
finally holed down on the thirty-fourth,
bringing the coveted championship to
himself, the crowd broke into enthusiastic
cheering and Harriman was nearly lifted
off his feet by. the crush to congratulate
For the first time amateur golf cham
pionship tournaments have been held in
America an American-born golfer holds
the honors, and this fact was most com
mented on by golfers to-night, who believe
it will go far toward popularizing th
game in the United States. Harriman's
work with the irons during the morning
game was pronounced the prettiest teen
during the tournament, although the
jnedal score (*1 > was one more than that
made by Douglas earlier in the week. But
hi? playing was a marvel of steadiness
and although Douglas almost invariably
I outdrove him the difference was not enough
to materially affect the result, and the
Meadowbrook man's appro; and work
on the greens forced Douglas to play the
odd in nearly every instance. Old golfers
—men who learned the game* on the links
in Scotland— pronounced Harriman's p!ay
Euperior to nny ever shown in a tourna
ment in the United States and fully equal
to amateur playing in Scotland. Douglas
on the contrary, especially during the
morning, was sadly out of form in his
putting, and although during th*- after
noon he made a remarkably game uphill
fight, the handicap of tight down, the
result of the morn play, was too
great for him to overcome.
Conditions were far from favorable for
first-class 1 golf during the morning, the
high wind which swept over the links
rendering good driving extremely difficult
-on the first, second, third, tenth, eleventh,
twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth holes.
But this apparently did not affect _ tne
; playing of either man. and their drives
were nearly all long and splendidly
placed. Douglas 1 poor short iron work
was fatal. Time and again during the
morning he lost holes or missed oppor
tunities to halve by missing puts of from
one to two yards. During the afternoon
the young Scotchman, with the score
nine-' in favor of Harriman, played
desperately. Playing bogey or better and
taking advantage of any misplay by his
opponent Douelas slowly but surely re
duced the lead.
But at last an error of judgment settled
the question. On the -fourth, the
"baby" hole, where Dougias had fallen in
the morning, h,e used his brassie and
drove far beyond into the trees. Harri
man smiled grimly as he saw the little
guttapercha ball alight in the grove, and.
taking his mid-iron, he lofted his ball to
a beautiful lie squarely on the green.
"With ..... disappeared Douglas' last
chance, for. a moment later. Harriman
holed his ball and the championship was
lost and won.
Mr. Douglas found some consolation in
his defeat fur the championship by win
ning the three-handed tie for the bronze
medal in the qualifying round on Monday.
Douglas' score was forty-two for the nine
holes played. W. J. Travis making it in
forty-four. D. R. Fcrgan gave up at the
eighth hole.
The annual golf tournament ball was
held in the Onwt-ntsia Clubhouse to-day,
marking the formal closing of the tourna
ment of I>&9.
At 2:2." p. m. Harriman teed off for the after- .
noon play. His drive ■'..:■ a*. -i die,
a full 200 yards. Douglas was about ten yards
fanner. Harriman's rrashie shot put him well
en the green. Douglas' approach going over.
Playing the odd, he was short by five yards.
Harr. - made a nice put to within a foot
of the hole. Douglas missed a long tut by
inches and Harriman holed in four. Harrlman,
9 up.
Both made splendid drives for the twentieth.
Harrin-.ans aprrL.a<~h put was uphill and poorly
played. Douglas overputted^ but got a good
lie. Harriman was a trifle short on his third.
Again the champion overputted. but played two
holes, ar.rt it wa? halved in four.
Harriman got a fine |ie on his drive for the
twenty-tirFt. Douglas was unfortunate, getting
into a wagon rut. His maahie shot was sliced,
but. playing two. he lofted nicely on to th»
gr^en. On the lik & Hani man's -shot was ov?r.
Douglas raa.ie a pretty approach pitch within
two yards of th« hole. Harriman was short
In his put,, but Douglas, playing the '-'■ 1. "
mt?sed his put. Harriman also bungled and
the hole was halved.
Harr:: drive for the twenty-second hole
was putted, but his inirJiron shr>t laid him on
the edge of th» gre^n. Douglas approached
well on the gr<-en, and, playing the like, rim
med the cup on a. fifteen-yard put. Harriman
missed a three-yard put and Douglas holed in
four. Hnrrirran, fa up.
Douglas drove w^il or. a line for the twenty
third. Harriman again patted his drive, but hfc
iron shot was I. a!, putting him almost out of
bounds and in a poor lie. Douglas' approach
laid bin d-»ad r.n the green. Playing the odd,
Harrin was away short, and, playing an
other, he rimmed the cup. With two for the
hole, Douglas made it ir. four. Harriman. 7 up.
Douglas outdrove Harriman five yards for the
twentv-foufth. Harriaian's brassie shot was
well placed en the green, but Douglas" shot
was perfect, landing him within two yards of
the hole. Piaying the odd, [arriman was
ehort, and. playing two m«ir«, he missed a
three-yard put with two for the hole. Douglas
putted to the rim of the cup and hrnled in four.
Harriman. 6 up. '•-. . ■■
Douglas' drive for the skookle was to a good
I!*>. Harriman was silently pulled and he
barely cleaned the mashie. His hazard shot
put him In the road hazard. Douglas drove
into casual water, but Harriman on his third
pitched into the skookle and the hole went to
Douglas. 5 to 6. ■Harriman, ', up.
Douglns drove into the hazard for the boom
erang hole, but was well out In two. Harri
man's approach was to a good lie on the green.
Playing the odd. Douglas putted within three
yards of the cup. Harriman was over in his
put and playing tirel. again missed. Douglas
missed a two-yard put and the hole was halved
Driving for the twenty-seventh hole, both
rot good lies. Harriman eclaffed his mashie
approach, but on his third he pitched well, on
the grern. Douglas' mashie shot was a good
lie and his fourth was within « yard of the
hole Piaying the odd. Harriman overputted
and Douglas won it. 4 to 5. Harriman, -4 UP.
Douglas made n ppl«r. lid drive for the twen
tv-elKhth. Harrlman's was to a cuppy lie.
V«ing his brassie he drove well ont, but lost
th* distance. and playing the odd his iron shot
was idly putted. Douglass made a splendid
approach shot, landing within five yards of the
hole Harrlman's fourth laid Douglas a styme.
The latter played safe to one side, but Harri
man. by a beautiful four-yard put, halved the
hole' in" five. ~ : y-
For the twenty-ninth Douglas a* usual out
drove Harriman. Their maahie approaches laid
them i.-a.l on th« green, but Harriman was
over on Mr third, and playing the odd, missed
a two-yard put. and E»ouglass went down in
four, Harriman 3 up.
Approaching the thirtieth hole, both were, on
the green in three. Douglas rimmed the hole
en his fourth, on an approach pitch of twenty
yards and the hole was halved In five.
Douglas"" drive for the thirty-first was shorter
than Harriman' s, but was to a good lie. His
low brassy shot went Into the bunker, but
bounded out to a good lie on the green. Harrl
man's went low and was slightly sliced. Play
ing the odd, he over pitched and Douglass laid
him ■ Ptvme. Harriman attempted to play
safe, but wont too far. Douglas missed a two
yard put and the hole was halved In five.
Driving for the thirty-second. Douglas was 30
yards to the good, his shot going about 223
yards HaTiman's brassie shot cleared the
bunker, but was slightly pulled. Douglas, using
»>i« Iron, overpltched to a poor He, and, playing
' another, again overran rh» cup. Hai
short in hip approach Playing tii
las overran a yard. Harriman i utted wlthJn a
yard of the cup. Douglas downed fn i
i h.- 1p was halved.
Harriman sliced badly on his drive for the
thirty-third, and his brassie shot was short.
Douglas' second struck the end of the bunker
and bounded into the long grass. His third
overran, though landing well, and, playing one
more, he was short. Harriman. playing the like,
putted within a yard of the cup. Douglas holed
in .'. and Harriman, with an easy chance to be
come dormie, miFsed an easy put. Harriman
two up.
Douglas drove far into the tr<=e<= for the
thirty-fourth, with a euppy lie. Karriman used
his mashie and landed fairly on the green.
Playing the odd. ...... overran the
hole by eight yards. Harriman overran the
cup on a fUteen-yard r.ut. Douglas' put was
to the right, and. playing another, he rimmed
the cup. Harrimsn then fully cleared the gras,s
between his ball and the cup. and then holed it,
and the amateur championship was his.
Pitcher Hughes Almost Succeeds in
Shutting Out the Quaker
City Team.
ClubE— W. L. Pel Clubs— W. L. Pet.
Brooklyn 48 22 .654 jPiU^burg ...So 33 .515
Boston" 42 26 .618 Cincinnati ..33 31 .433
Chicago 40 26 .606|New i'0rk...30 0~. Ai>
Philadelphia 40 2T .597 Louisville ...27 43 .386
Baltimore ...3£ 2S .576 Washlrvton 23 4? .324
St. Louis 39 29 .574 Cleveland ...12 54 .IS2
NEV,' YORK, July S.— The Phillies got two
hits in both the sixth and ninth innings
with Brooklyn to-dny. thereby escaping a shut
out. In the other seven Hughes dished up an
' assortment of curves that the visiting sluggers
could not touch. The Brooklyns won the gam»
in the fourth by bunching three hits. iv:th as
many bases on balls. Attendance. Score:
Clubs- R. H. E.
'. Philadelphia - * *
Brooklyn b S 1
.■■•'•■ and McFarland; Hughes
and Smith. Umpires— Lynch and Connolly.
PITTSBURG. July $.— Pittsburg split even in
the series with Chicago by shutting out the
Orphans to-day. Leever was in fine form and
allowed no hits until the seventh inning.
Phyle was touch*-! uj. effectively after the third
Inning. Atten.Jar.ee, 35*. Score:
Clubs- P.. H. E.
Pitu-burg 6 W 3
Chicago '' *."
Batteries— Leever ar.d Schriver; Phyle and
Donahue. Umplres^Swartwood and Hunt.
LOUISVILLE, July S.— The Colonels made it
four straight to-day. Both teams played good
' ball and It was anybody's game until the last
man was retired Attendance, 3000. Score:
Clubs- R. H. E.
Louisville '- 11 3
Cincinnati ■• 1- ..
Batteries — Cunningham and Powers: Hahn
and Wood. Umpires— (Jaffney and Latham.
■ - ■■
BALTIMORE. July «.— But one game was
played here to-day with Washington; and Bal
timore won that after a somewhat featureless
contest. A double-header v.as expected, but
rain delayed the beginning for half. in hour
and at the end of the third inning of the. sec
end grp.me McDonald brought matters to a close
on account of darrVess. caused by another
storm. At that time the score was tied, each
[»am having secured one run. Attendance,
lbs— R. H. E
Baltimore 4 12 l
Washington •• 1 " 1
Batteries— Hill and Robinson; Weyhlng and
Slagle. Umpires— McDonald and Manassau.
?T. LOUIS, July S.— The Perfectos had their
batting clothes on to-day and captured two
games from the Exiles. Sf. Louis came near
losing the first through loose, fielding, but a
baiting rally In the tenth won out for them.
Attendance, 5100. Score, first game:
Clubs- R. H. E.
St. Louis 5 17 6
Cleveland 4 : 1
Batteries— Toung, O'Connor and Criter; Knep
per and Schreckongost. Umpires— o' Day and
.- ■
R H. E
... -; 14 3
7 4
Batteries— Fudhnff and Crieer: Hughey and
Sugden. Umpires— O' Day and McGarr.
BOSTON. July s. — Rain prevented to-day's
game between New Torfc and Boston.
Winners of Running: Races on the
Eastern Tracks.
. ■
- and a half furlong?
M M won, f'arda
bird. Tim«-.
Two miles— Teut -n w I, Ban
-11 third. Tin • .
rt third. Time,
NEW YORK, July i.— Results at Brighton
Five furlongs, selline— Bold Knight won,
Mynheer second. Vendig third. Time. 1:02 1-5.
One and a sixteenth miles Hannockhurn won.
Merry Prince second, Azucena third. Time. 1:47.
■Undergraduate, five and a half furlongs-
Flaunt won. Short-ham second. Mischievous
third. Time, 1:08 3-5.
Pix furlong?. Belling— Skyscraper won, Rinal-
Time, 1:14 8-5.
Thp Billow =ta'S'-?. one mile -Beula
[la second Lackla id third. Time, 1:41 i-f>.
The Chantilly hurdle handicap, imip
half FiTEct won. Premier ■
third. Time, 2:47.
ST LOUIS. July B.— Track Blow. Results:
One mile selling— Mitchell won. Moralist sec
ond Wilson (barred) third. Fortmsh fourth.
Selling seven and a half furlongs— Dr. Graves
won Sir Joseph Lister second, Easter Card
third. Time. 1:39.
Selling- one and a Quarter miles— Chimura
won. School Girl second. Hushflelds third. Time.
2 '15
Handicap two-year-olds, five and a half fur
longs'—Thrive won. Alice Turner second. El
Caney third. Time. 1:10.
Handicap, one and a sixteenth miles—Raf
faelo won. ■..-. , Planter second. Crocket third.
Handicap six furlongs— wen, Richard
J second. Lord Fairfax third. Time, 1:15%.
BtTFFALO July B.— At Fort Erie to-day the
w*-Hther was' threatening an.l the track heavy.
'six furlongs Simon won. Windward second,
Domineer third. Time, I:22W<
Five furlor.gs— Sidney Lucas won. Advance
Guard second. Basle third. Time, 1:06%:
Five furlongs— Triune won, Carlotta C second,
Tvran third. Time. 1:04.
"Mile and an eighth, handicap— Down Town
won, Topmast second. The Gardener third.
Tim», 2:<sl=i. ; , ,
Th« Cascade, purse fIOOO. seven furlongs—
Jude-e Wardell won, Tohe Payne second, Da
moclts third. Time. 1:43%. .
Handicap steeplechase, full course, about two
and a hall miles— Eli Kendig won. Brack Jim
mle second. Dr. O'Brien third. Time, ii:i&=i.
Protest of Marin Sportsmen.
SAX RAFAEL, July B.— The unpopular
ity of that clause in the new Mark! Coun
ty game ordinance making it illegal to
hunt with a repeating shotgun led I
C. W. Hibbard and W. S.
ilcher. t i th«
--• discriminated against many local
sportsmen as against members of th'
large clubs, while the intent of the law
rved by tl making i<
■ fill to kill more than a ~j
number of i.mis in a day. In ca> I
repealed. Dr. Hibbard de
: a teat of the whoie ordinance
would 'be made, and he as I could
unconstitutional. The qu<
was taken under i I by the
and a decision will l<e given on the
17th inst.
San Rafael Hunt Club to Revive the
Sport This Week.
SAN RAFAEL. July S.-The San Rafael
Hunt Club has finally ftcekle.i that golf
shall not have a monopoly this season as ;i
society game. At a meeting <>f the org un
ixation lust evening it was decided that
the Initial paper chase of the bi
Should take place next Saturday.
New officers were elected as fol!ow«:
President. Dr. H. O. Hewitt: Been
and treasurer. A. H. Bocqueraz; direc
tors — Dr. Howitt. A. H. Bocqu'-raz, Fred
H Green. Jonathan J. Crooks and Baron
J." H. yon Schroeder.
Ocean Water Tub Baths.
101 Se\-enth 6trect. corner Mission. Bait
water direct trvm tbe wc«a.
Stands Up Stiffly in the
Teeth of a Strong
Special Cable to The Call and the New York
Herald. Copyrighted, 1593, by James Gor
don Bennett."
SOUTHAMPTON*. July B.— At 10 o'clock
this morning' the America's cup challenger
Shamrock spoke to the world when she
made a shot into the wind, having oomo
■ -i Lter in order to trim
Her great mair sail i : .
•' forty worked like
work in their chararteri=tic green
It was almost. a clean run of eight miles
to Needles. Very soon the foresail and
flying jib were broken out with a jib
headed topsail, hoisted beneath ?v bloody
hand on white ground, the pennant of the
Royal Ulster Yacht Club. That was all
the sail she carried during: the spin,
which lasted for seven hours and twenty
five minutes. On the run down the Sham
rock appeared sluggish. Her mainsail
puckered badly in the after leach, but top-
The cup yachts Columbia and Defender have In the • intervals of their races been anchored off the New R<-,ch<>lle
Clubhouse on Long Island Sound, where they have attracted much attention during the week past.
sail, flying jib and foresail were perfect.
Her mainsail; remarkably peaked, attract
ed attention. «' ; V
Outside the Needles there was a good
sailing breeze) The Shamrock came about
on the starboard tack, close hauled for
the each to westward. Then, as though
now life had been infused in her. she
started off. leaving everything with pails
standing", only the quickest steamers man
aging to keep level with her.
The wind was now northwest. The
Shamrock, it became evident, was a stiff
boat, standing up like a church In the
strong breeze, and while she was sloshing
up under her bobstay she left the water
very clean. From these facts yachtsmen
can "draw their own conclusions.
Nearing with the boom to starboard.
which, notwithstanding its size, caused
no perceptible list of the boat, and reach
ing back to Calshot, she met a stiff gale,
going straight into the wind toward home
on this last Tacking.
When the Shamrock returned the wind
had effectively blown out all the defects
of the mainsail previously mentioned. It
looked as nice a stretch of canvas as one
would wish to see. setting remarkably
well for the first day. During the spin
the Shamrock was smartly handled, the
spinnaker and Jackyard topsail not being
used. .
At Cowes and Ryde much excitement
was aroused when it was known the
Shamrock was out. On her return to
Southampton the fleet of yachts met her.
Sir Thomas Lipton, on the Erin, accom
panied by his guests. Admiral Lord Clan
willan and Lady Clanwillan and Lord
and Lady Lovelace, steamed out to see
the Shamrock.
Wheelmen Taylor and Bowler in a
Dead Heat at Chicago. '. - ■
CHICAGO, July B.— The national circuit
meet of the League of American Wheel
men at Parkside to-day packed the
grounds. Fully 3000 persons witnessed
good and exciting racing, and saw
"Jimmy" Bowler run Major Taylor to a !
dead heat in the mile national champion
ship. Summary:
One mile, national championship, professional
--Major Taylor and James Bowler tied for first.
Nat Butler'third. Time, 2:17.
i Two-mile handicap, professional— Nat Butler
! (20 yards) won, Barney Oldfleld (65 yards) sec
ond. Major Taylor (scratch) third. Tim», |
4-40 1-5.
Professional multicycle handicap, two miles—
Phillip" Newkirk, Van Ness and Lavigne on a
quad first, Nat Butler on a single second. Ma
jor Taylor and Tom Butler on a tandem third.
Time not taken.
Wins the Gi-and Circuit Mile Event
at Berkeley Oval.
NEW YORK. July S.— The grand circuit
of the Nattonal Cycling Association began
this afternoon at Berkeley Oval, and \
nearly 100 individual bicycle riders took
part in the events. The grand circuit open j
professional event at a mile was cleverly
won by Tom Cooper of Detroit by a j
. of inches. Scarcely a foot sep- j
arated the four men. Summary:
Grand circuit mile open professional —
Final heat won by Tom Cooper; E. H. |
Ki**er Dayton, second; Bob Walthour,
Atlanta third. Time. 2:06 4-5.
Professional half-mile handicap— Final ;
heat won by P. A. Raymond. Greenwich,
Conn, (70); R. A. Miller. Galveston (48), I
second; I. W. Lawson, Chicago (45), third;
W. E. Becker, Minneapolis (40), fourth, i
Time, 0:56.
Woodland vs. Colusa.
WOODLAND, July B.— The Woodland
baseball club will meet the Colusa ciub at
Colusa to-moirow.
Wood Scarcely Used in the
Construction of the
Special Cab!» to The Call and the New York
Herald. Copyrighted, 1599, by James Gor
don Bennett.
SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., July B.— The
Shamrock, with her light green glis
tening sides, lies off Hythe, which is
almost opposite here, in the bay. just
at the mouth of the Achen. Her pe
culiar color makes her very conspicu
ous. She is the object of constant at
tention. She- lies almost in the direct
route of incoming and outgoing steam
ers. The passengers of the last out
going American steamer lined up and
gave the Shamrock three rousing
cheers, which the crew of the racer re
plied to with re-echoing heartiness.
Yachts in number from Ryde, Cowes,
South Sea and Southampton hover
about the green racer. Opera glasses
and telescopes are raised, with eyes full
of curiosity behind them. The usual
remark after scrutinizing her is:
"What a boom th-' Shamrock has."
On board all is movement. She has
two captains — Wringe and Hogarth.
She needs both. They have their work
cut out. Remember that she has ji n
enormous canvas area of 14,000 square
feet, with its » ndlesa tackle and ac
companiments to be looked after and
dealt with. All that canvas is the most
finished work of the creat-st sail mak
ers of the world — Lapthorne & Ratsey.
They are far from being ordinary sails,
but ar^ made of the finest selected sea
Island cotton. They are very, very
dear, but exnense has not been con
sidered in this particular point any
mure than in any .-thtT Whatever
money can get has been got. Never
has a yacht so equipped !» s ft England.
Fife, her o>s;ign"r. has put his entire
mind, all his well-known genius, and
th^ full results of his long experience
into tlv- Shamrock. !!>• Jealously over
set a every detail of fitting up.
File- the most silent of men— will not
speak; having been h^r creator, he now
is silent, vigilant guardian of his prreat
work — its sentinel. Even Sir Thomas
Ldpton's closest friends are not allowed
aboard. But nevertheless were he to
speak, Fife would say:
"We have £"t a flyer; we have a
yacht much better than anything be
fore known here. If the Americans
beat us they will have to work hard
for it. Don't let you American yachts
men think that you are going to have
a run-away triumph."
There are at least two persons here
who are much interested and who be
lieve that the Shamrock stands more
than a good chance of bringing home
the cup. That best and most skilful
English yachtsman, known as "Willie"
Jameson, who, like Fife, is a man of
few words, has spoken highly of her.
He is a yachtsman who has so many
times steered the Britannia to victory
and who used to be invincible with the
I^ocal people, who all know a hit
about yachting, are very much taken
with the Shamrock. She is a racer's
craft, they say. She reminds them of
the lines of the Navahoe, but then, of
course, the spars are ever su much
larger. The mainmast is vast, and the
topmast is in proportion. Her llyin?
jihhoom seems to stretch out over forty
But what strikes one most about the
Shamrock <>n close examination is that
there is scarcely a bit of wood about
her at all. Her entire hull is of metal —
thin metal. What we see below th»
light green paint of the boat-topping
is glistening bronze. The deck is
covered with canvas, but from the
noise it makes when men walk over it
it must evidently be of metal. The
water splashes up against the beautiful
overhang of stem and re-echoes a me
tallic response. But the noise shows
that the shell is thin. Her boom and
gaff, as already known, are hollow
steel. The big mainmast is of steel.
The long spinnaker boom, which is
stowed, as it reaches within a foot of
the topmast, is of steel. The topmast
is of wood and the crosstrees of Ameri
can ash. The jibboom is a beautiful
bit of wood. All the rigging is of wire,
and appears exceedingly light, with
much of tackle of corrugated steel. The
report that the Shamrock has a center
board is pure nonsense.
Satisfactory Test of the
Speed of the Two
Special Dispatch to Th» Call.
] NEW YORK. July B.— At last the bis
I sloop yachts Columbia and Defender have
I met in a battle-royal that has been satis
-1 factory to all concerned. In a strong and
fairly" steady breeze and smooth water
they sailed over a course of about twenty
six miles to-day, and in covering that
' distance the Columbia fairly and squarely
outsailed the Defender by S^inutes 13
seconds actual time.
If the Columbia, after measurement, is
: found to allow the Defender two minute?
! she will still have beaten her by 1 minute
il3 seconds. That means that she can beat
i her now over a full thirty-mile course by
J at least two minutes, corrected time, and
\ that when she is tuned up. say by the
■ September races, she will easily beat her
[ five minutes, which is all that is required
of her.
1 To-day's race was as fine a smooth-
w.-it<>r tf-st as the yachts may ever expect
t< get. Here are the official figures show
ing the times of each yacht:
Boat— Start. Finish. Time.
Columbia 12:40:53 3:2»:03 2:43:16
Defender ... 12:40:41 3:27:10 2:46:2)
On the first leg of the course, a reach
of about four miles, with a beam wind,
the Defender gained two seconds. On the
second leg of six miles, in which there
was some windward work. the Columbia
gained 1 minute 53 seconds. On the third
leg. a three-mile run before the wind, with
spinnakers set. the Defender gained six
seconds. On the first leg the secord time
around the Columbia gained 1 minute, 11
seconds: in the close-hauled work on the
second leg she gained only 36 seconds, and
in the run to the finish the Defender
gained 43 seconds.
The only unfortunate part of to-day's
event was the fact that both of the yachts
sailed the wrong course. It was. In fact,
the feature of the day. and the strange?
action of those in charge of the yachts
kept every one guessing as to the ultimate
The fir-* !<-g of the course n-as to have
been tight milfs long, the turning point
being off Stamford, Conn. Th*> yachtsmen
of the Riverside Club were having a rate
• sound. They set their turning
point un the course the Columbia a-H De
fender wore to sail over, but only four
miles from their starting- point. Whi n,
after an exciting luffing match. Captain
Rhodes saw this mark, he promptly kept
the Defender off and rounded it, and for
a while no one knew whether it was a
r> j al race or not.
C. Oliver Iselin explained matters when
seen aft*>r the race. He said:
"The Defender made the mistake and
we simply followed her to make a race.
It has turned out a good one. We are
very well satisfied with it all around. We
both made a mistake, but it has been the
best all-around race we have yet had. I
am satisfied that the Columbia is the bet
tor boat, but she will go to Bristol and
have her sails recut before she races
The regatta committee says that the
event will be considered as a race and
Commodore Postley probably will award
the cup to- the Columbia.
LARCHMONT. X. V.. July S.— The Co
lumbia, in running in' for her moorings
after to-day's race, fouled the Defender 3
boom .with her port topmast shroud and
afterward by the topmast backstay,
bending the Defender's hollow steel spar
almost at right angles. The Columbia
was uninjured and immediately afterward
caught her own moorings. The Defender
will go to Bristol on Monday, where the
damaged boom will be straightened and
if ntcessary spliced.
McCoy Will Not Fight McCormack
in August.
BOSTON, July R.— B. H. Benton, rep
resentative of "Kid" McCoy, says the
announcement sent out from Chicago
last nig-ht that McCoy had been match
ed to fight "Jack" McCormack of Phil
adelphia on August 8 was a mistake, as
McCoy has canceled all engagements
and declined to make new ones, in the
expectation of arranging a promised
fight with Fitzsimmons.
A prospective match between Byers,
the colored fighter, of this city, and
Choynski is off, the reason being given
that Choynski draws the color line.
"Billy" Hill of this city has chal
lenged "Kid" Parker, who defeated
"Jack" Carrig last night.
Fought to a Draw.
NEW YORK, July B.— At the Green-
Amateur Golf Championship
Of America Won by ffarriman
wood Athletic Club to-night "Tommy"
Sullivan of Brooklyn and "Johnnie
Richie of Chicago fought twenty fast
rounds to a draw.
Sale of Haggin's Yearlings.
NEW TORK, July 8.-*Tbe World's
cable from London says: The sal^ of
eighty-seven yearlings from J. B. Hag
gin's Rancho del Paso stud, in Califor
nia will be a great feature at Newmar
ket next week, for px present there is a
boom in American blooded stock.
Defective Wires Cause a Destruction
of the Buildings and Many
Valuable Belies.
COMO. Italy. July B.— The Volta Electri
cal Exhibition was entirely destroyed by
fire to-day, due to defective electric
wires. Many relics of Volta perished.
There was no loss of life. The firemen
succeeded in saving a number of the prin
cipal effects of Volta.
The fire broke out in the marine gallery
and spread with marvelous rapidity owing
to the combustible nature of the build
ings and their contents. Many visitors
fled in a state of panic. Two gas meters?
exploded with a report that was heard a
distance of several miles, and the im
mense column of smoke which arose, was
visible in Milan, twenty-eight miles away.
The insurance on the property destroyed
is light, being only 1.000.000 lyre, exclusive
of what was carried by individual ex
Road Building Advocated by the
People of Woodland.
WOODLAND, July B.— The sale of the
Knoxville quicksilver mines to parties
who say they will put in a lot of new
machinery, con-- rud t of new 1
and make oth^r substantial Improvements
. ■ ■ ■ ■ _ .ration that
may rt-suit in opening r and more
direct route from Yolo and adjoining
counties to L,ake and Mendocino counties.
The tf-rminus of the railroad line is Rum-
Bey, in the extr-me waetern portion i
pay Valley. From that point to the Knox
ville mir.es the distance is only sixteen
mil^s. by way of Cache Creek Canyon. The
roads are already passable for light wag
ons and small loads, the grades are eas>
and the expenditure of an insignificant
sum of money, considering the advan
tages to b^ derived, would make the road
a comparatively easy one for the largest
freight wagons.
Ail freight for the mines is now deliv
ered by steamer to Napcu Big waj:or.s
are rm'ployed thence to transport it over
the mountains to Knoxville. Five "lays.
or practically th>> whole week, an
quired to make a roii::d trip. If the road
is put into ion the round
tween Rumsey and Knoxville can
be made in two days. Another good re
h:;!< would >'<■ to shorten the route from
YnJo and Sacramento to j.ak.- County and
induce a great deal of th^ freight and
• nger traffic of that f'rtil<= section of
lss through v I I bounty.
Both : ?d and the Yolo County
would profit enormously by the
truction of such a r< -.- ■■'. A 1 present
the railroad does not carry a pound of
freight destined for the mines. Yolo
• ". ' nty would secure the trade of 150 men
to be employed in the mines when they
are again put into operation.
New Move Made in the
Sr*clal Dispatch t« Th* <~~^\.
REDWOOD CITY, July S.— Mrs. Miran
da B. Mills, the administratrix of the es
• of the late Robert Miils. yesterday
the final account of her administra
tion of the estate, at the same time pe
titioning that the residue of the estate
now in li^r ha- -rrihuted to the
i" r» ms • atitled chr n
The account is a voluminous document.
.sing twenty-seven pages of type
write:! matter covering a period of al
mosi two years. It shows that the ad
ministratrix has received in cash during
h-r administration *4-V.">3 7 5 . The total re
ceipts other than cash, consisting of real
estate, promissory notes and miscellane
ous personal property, amount to $'S-1.
--!.■>•» 4S, making a grand total from all
sources of $369,812 2<v After paying all ex
penses of administration there remains in
her hands ready for distribution valuable
real estate in San Mateo County and in
the city and county of Snn Francisco, be
sides $27.-7.: ll in cash. In her petition for
a distribution she names certain sisters
and the children or the deceased sisters
and brothers of Robert Mills as the
heirs, who. with hers entitled to
the whole of the '--Mate, and further al
that "there are no other lu-irs of
On two different occasions prior to the
filing of the final account proceedings had
Instituted by Robert Chatham and
Maria K. Chatham to determine heirs hip
under section 1664 •>f ttin Code of <"ivil
Procedure. The first proceedings were
stricken out on account of s >me irregu
larity, but were immediately ■ "rnmenced
anew by the sam^ pern as, who claim to
be the children of the deceased. Should
th'ir claims be sustained the widow will
cam* in for one-third of the estate and
the oth^r two-tnirda will go to the rhat
hams. Should th>'.v he defeated the
widow will be entitled to one-half, and
the other half will be divided among the
heirs of Robert Miils. most of whom are
non-residents of the State.
There are two cases pending before the
court, one to determine heirsnip and the
other final distribution. The same result
will be obtained under either, though the
latter appears to be the more simple. The
tinal outcome is awaited with a great
deal of interest here, both on account
of the value of the estate and the promi
nence of Mr. Mills In his liietime. Rob
ert Mills di<"l intestate In this county
about two years atf". leaving no children.
During the Recess Czar Nicholas Will
Visit the Principal European
LONDON, July EL— A t^leerram from St.
Petersburg asserts that the Hague o.ir
ferenee will adjourn at the end of July,
the members agreeing t<> reassemble in
the early spring, and that during the in
terval Emperor Nicholas will visit the
principal European countries.
— . « . —
Bishop of Panama Dead.
Special Cable to The Call and the New York
. Herald. Copyrighted, 18», by James Gor
don Bennett. .
PANAMA. July S.— The Right Rev. Jose
Alejandro Peralta, Bishop of Panama.
died early this morning, after a week's
illness with grip. ••: ..
General Julio Renjifo, until -lately Co
lombian charge d'affaires in Washington
has been appointed Minister of the Treas
ury at Bogota by President Saclemente.
Placer's Assessment.
AI'BT'RN". July I— County Assessor
Mitchell has completed his work and his
return places Placer County's assessable
property at a trifle over 19.000,000 or prac
tically the same as last year.
Ag-uirre Names a Democrat.
Warden Aguirre has appointed ex-Sheriff
Henry Harrison chief engineer of the
prison, to succeed John Young. This is
the first Democratic appointment the
Warden has -made. It is rumored that
twelv* guards will be disp!aced within
ten days.
Strikers Induce the Workmen to
Leave Their Posts.
PUEBLO, Colo.. July B.— The Ei>rg'
smelter at this place, one of the trust
plants which resumed operations a few
days ago, was again shut down to-day.
Members of the Smeltermen's Lnion in
duced the workmen to come out. The
company claimed fn have 350 men work
ing and all bat about fifty refused to
work to-day. The company at once or
dered the fires drawn. There were ru
mors of a serious collision between the
strikers and the guards at the smelter.
but investigation showed little foundation
for the story. The strikers have been
careful not to trespass upon the compa
ny's property and everything ;s very
Fund for -J>xt Year's Fourth.
"WOODLAND. July S.— Contrary to all
precedent the Fourth of July Committee
had a surplus of nearly $100 after the pay
ment of all claims, and this has been de
posited in bank as a nucleus for a cele
bration fund for 1900.
T.ove makes a man think of diamonds,
and marriage makes him think
Have Been Added to the Staff
of California's Most Popular
and Efficient Medical Insti-
Ever in the Lead With Cures. Ever
in Favor With Suffering Men,
This Association of Specialists
Have Recently Brought Skill ard
Experience from the Old World
Which Is of the Utmost Import-
ance to Men Who Are Suffering
With a Weakness op a Disease.
Not being content with th« largest
and best equipped medical insti-
and the most extensive practice in
America, a large and experienced staff
of doctors and surgeons, the ma: ?
of Dr. Meyers £ Co. haw secured the
services of two of the most emin^-i.t
specialists in Europ«, Dr. Holsman and
Dr. Palmer.
The?^ two specialist?, mature inyears,
and experienced in all branches of their
profession, have been making marvel-
ous In England. France an i
many for over twenty years. They are
both graduates from the best schools
of medicine and surgery have be-
come proficient in treating chroni dis-
eases in general.
They have brought with them the
latest and most important discoveries
in the lines of remedii s, methods and
curative appliances the world has
known. A large number of Americans
have gone to Europe to see these spe-
cialists at a cost of hundreds of dollars
and were cured by them.
People can now consult Doctors Hod-
man and Palmer without an expensive
trip across the ocean, by calling at
■ol Market street, this city. The price
of cures has not been advanced by Dr.
Meyers & Co. on account of this addi-
tion to their staff. although this innova-
tion will necessitate an additional ex-
penditure of many thousands of doilarg
annually. No pay till cured.
In the meantime all the doctors who
have so long been with Dr. Meyers &
Co., and who have cured and restored
so many men on the Pacific Coast, are
still at their post, as willing as ever and
still more capable of healing the sick,
giving strength to the weak and hope
to the despondent.
Ailing men always find it a pleasure
to call on Dr. Meyers & Co. They are
given the most courteous attention and
learn much of value about their physi-
cal condition, even if they do not de-
cide to take treatment.
Sufferers may call at the San Fran-
cisco office, consult a part of the staff
when they make th<Mr regular monthly
visits to interior towns, or take the
home-cure treatment. While it is pref-
erable to see patients in many in-
stances, it is not always necessary.
Dr. Meyers & Co. have been using a
successful system for curing out-of-
town patients for many years. Thou-
sands of men throughout the West
have been made strong and healthy in
this manner.
If it is not convenient for you to
see th^ doctors write them a letter.
They will send you free of charge ques-
tion list and give you much valuable
advice. After you learn the exact na-
ture of your ailment and find out the
cost of treatment, you can be cured or
not, just as you pleast*.
If you have a symptom don't imagine
that it does not mean anything. Symp-
toms always mean something', as thou-
sands have learned to tht-ir sorrow. If
you have an ailment do not labor under
the delusion that it. will "Get well it-
self." Such things, unfortunately for
mankind, never occur. A sufferer may
feel better at times, but in such in-
stances the deadly enemy is only lurk-
ing in the shadows of a dansr- ■
stimulant or temporary relaxation of
pain to spring upon his unsuspecting
victim like a veritable demon of de-
A few dollars should not stand in the
way of health, life and happiness. Na-
ture decreed that you should be sound
and healthy. If you are not in that
condition at the present moment, you
are doing an injustice to yourself,
friends and family by not hems cured.
Lost Vigor, Premature Decay, Un-
natural Losses, Wasting Drains, Nerv-
ous Debility, Stricture, Rupture,
Tumors, Varicocele, Special Diseases,
Eczema, Cancer, Sleeplessness.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Dis-
ease, Bladder Disease, Spine Disease,
Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Blood
Disease, Skin Disease, Stomach Dis-
ease, Eye Disease, Ear Disease, Lung
Disease, Rectal Disease.
If you are troubled with any of these
afflictions do not increase your danger,
discomfort and the ultimate cost
curf. Consult the specialists, who have
become famous by curing their pa-
DR. MEYERS & CO. Offices 731
Market street, San Francisco ; ele-
vator entrance. Hours, Bto 5 daily ;
7 to 8 evenings; 9 to 11 Sundays.