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ALAMEDA COUNTY NEWS. THORNS IN THE PATH OF AGED MR. BOARDMAN — ♦ — Prevented From Deed ing Away Property. — + — MRS. WALKER IS INDIGNANT ♦ — BANKERS STOP A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP. a To Escape Mrs. Gladstone the Ancient Bridegroom Wants to Give Up All to His Young Wife. #%c-\ •:••.':• :•:> -. •:• •. o % g_3oßEß_ossaa __ February 22 Joseph Board- __ j 'O. man, aged 75, became a wid- O | .' ower. g I £ June 20— Wedded Blanche & ' § Walker, a High School pupil, £ j ."• aged 17. ." O ' July 12— Sued for $500,- g % 000 by Mrs. Elizabeth Glad- .g j ■ .'• stone for breach of promise. __ I 8 July 25— Prevented by his & , /> bankers from deeding all his p. j '- property, valued at half a mil- £ | § lion dollars, to his young wife. _t j O O t»\o\ov:* ?;o ss o a «;• % o%o\v\ •:••.■:># | Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 90S Broadway, July 25. The matrimonial path of Joseph Board- . man, the aged millionaire, who last month led pretty 17-year-old Blanche Louise j Walk to the altar as his bride, is now thickly strewn with a multiplicity of thorns and family tribulations. Within the past four weeks a world of sorrow lias been added to the eccentric man's ; burdens. Shortly after the May and December nuptial affair, which created a decided ' sensation, troubles began brewing be- ' tween the aged benedict and his mother in-law. Mrs. E. E. Walker, over the re moval of shrubbery and trees and pet j ornaments from his garden about his residence on Eighth street, it being | claimed that Mrs. Walker had acted too J officiously in hiring a gang of men to clear the place without consulting the j owner, her .-in-law. Soon after followed another sensation j in the way of a suit brought by Mrs. Elizabeth Glads a San Francisco . widow, who demanded $300,000 damages as balm for her lacerated affections, she I alleging a breach of promise and relating a story of how she had been jilted for i the pretty Oakland school girl. This suit is said to have so gnawed at the sensitiveness of the aged capitalist that ie knew not whither to turn for ad- i vice, for he had severed his business re lations with those who prior to the sur prise marriage had managed his affairs, and in his despair — it is claimed ley the mother-in-law— he resorted to William Anderson, his gardener, for advice; while . others divine that the mother-in-law has risen in all her might and usurped the ! throne of adviser. Either way the result has been disastrous and responsible for ! the latest sensational chapter in Mr. { Boardman's troubles, which was enacted at tjiu Central Bank a few days ago,! wherein the lie was passed between j Banker W. G. Palmenteer and Dr. C. D. Cleveland; a prominent physician of San Francisco, who had come to Oakland ostensibly to protect the Interests of his ' old friend. Mr. Boardman. It appears that some one, either Gar- ■ dener Anderson or Mrs. Walker, the mother in-law. had advised Boardman to deed all his property to his young bride to protect it from the possible encroachments of Mrs. Gladstone, the suing widow. Mr. | Boardman had been finally prevailed upon , to_do this, and the -in-law, so it is | ssfh-nised. was once more triumphant, 1 but Mr. Boardman decided to first consult his banker. Mr. Palmenteer. What fol lowed is best told by Mrs. Walker: "Mr. Boardman tame back from the ] bank," said Mrs. Walker, "and told us that Messrs. Palmenteer and Havens at I the bank had advised .m not to deed | away his property. Something was said about a conspiracy and all that, but I can't see why It's any of the banker's business if Mr. Boardman wants to give his wife his property to protect it from I Mrs. Gladstone. Well; Dr. Cleveland happened to be at ! our house the other day. He is an old '. friend of Mr. man's, and BO after J •we ail talked it over my -in-law and ! the doctor, together with Attorney George ; De Golia, went to the bank again and de manded the deeds. Messrs. I 'almenteer i and Havens would not give them up. "Oh, 1 am so mad 1 could fight. Just j think. Those bankers wouldn't give Mr. ' Boardman the deeds ha belong to him. j It's all a lie that I tried to Induce him to deed his property to his wife, my ! daughter. Why pshaw! It was all tnc doings of his hired man, William Ander- j son. Boardman had been running over to the city to see whether he couldn't quash Mrs.. Gladstone's suit and it seems I did not succeed, nd so Anderson told him that if he deeded everything to hi.3 ' wife, why Mrs. Gladstone would get noth- i ing." From other sources it is learned thct when Boardman, 'Attorney De Golia, the bride |nd her mother visited the bank the •'banker frankly admitted that his friend Mr. Boardman had asked him for some advice and that he had given him the ; truth of the Iter, whereupon Mrs. Wal ker proclaimed thai she aid "not pro pose to see her daughter robbed," and that "Boardman ought to sign the deeds to protect her." Banker Palman-teer, however, tried to soothe matters by apprising Mrs. Wal ker of the fact that the daughter would ! probably get the property when Mr. Boardman dies. Attorney De Golia but mired thai the aged capitalist might make a will and cut his wife out. to which the banker assented "He might." At any rate Mr. Boardman would not Fign. and the quintet left the bank cha grined. During the consultation at the bank Dr. ! Cleveland, it appears, had urged the banker "to hand over the deeds and straighten out matters." to which the : hanker replied with the question: "If you were Mr. Boardman's brother would you i really advise him to deed the property j ns you suggest?" >:-. Cleveland re- j snondine affirmatively, the banker Ques tioned his sincerity, whereupon the doctor parsed the lie "nr-d by some it is said i was promptly ejected. FEAR FRANK LEGEORGE HAS BEEN KIDNAPED! OAKLAND, July 2.".— Frank Legeorge, j an orphan, -aged 15 years, has been miss- j ing from the ranch of Robert Lowry, near Llvermore, the past week, and no j trace of him can be found. The boy was ; .taken from the orphan asylum at San Rafael about five years ago and adopted j by a woman who resides In San Fran- ] cisco. Three years ago she placed the ■ lad with Lowry to train him as an agri culturist. About a week ago the boy left the ranch and has not been seen or heard from since, and to-day Mr. Lowry ap pealed to District Attorney Allen to use his forts in trying to locate the missing boy. Lowry is under the impression that Frank Legeorge has been kidnaped. ■ A SNEAKTHIEF'S WORK. ' OAKLAND, July. Another robbery committed last Sunday night has just ! been reported to the police, and it is sus- j pected that the thief Is none other than the ! one who on the previous Sunday entered the room of Mrs. B. F. Gordon at the i Colusa House, carrying off valuable dia monds and Jewelry. This time the thief i visited the Avenue House, at Sixteenth ■ street and San Pablo avenue, carrying off about $40 worth of goods from the room of 0. I. Denison. Anions the stolen j articles are several valuable shirt studs, cuff buttons, wearing apparel and an El gin gold watch, which was presented by Mr. Denison to his wife over twenty years ago. It is stated that the police have a clew. O'Gara Was Temporarily Insane. • OAKLAND, July 25.— Charles D. O'Gara, ■■ the Democratic politician, was suffering ; from temporary insanity when he took his ■ life. This was the verdict of the Cor ; oner's jury to-night. Mrs. O'Gara was i the chief witness. She stated that last , Wednesday her husband left her at their I residence after giving her $60. She did ! not see him again until he was found in his saloon yesterday, after be had been dead several da vs. Police Officer Morrison testified that the saloon had been locked \ from Wednesday until last night, when i he broke it open. Boy Cyclist Killed by a Car. OAKLAND, July 25.-Roy James Bar racks 12 years of ape. was instantly killed to-night by a ear of the Hay wards elec tric road at Elmhurst. Young Barracks was riding his wheel on the track when he was struck. The conductor says he rang the bell but the boy did not appear to heed it. CHRISTIAN WOMEN SELECT OFFICERS Mrs. Henry Shadle of Sacramento Elected President of the Board of Missions. SANTA CRUZ, July 25.— The Christian Women's Hoard of Missions held the closing session of the convention at Gar field Park to-day. The early morning prayer meeting was led by Mrs. R. H. Sawyer of Watsonville. At 9 o'clock the convention proper was called to order by the president, Mrs. Mary Hartley of Berkeley. A parliament was held. The first paper was by Mrs. R. N. Davis of Gllroy, who spoke on "Why Are We Mem bers of the Christian Women's Board of Missions?" The work in America was H. W. Field's Rough Rider Raid Through the Streets of Alameda. outlined by Mrs. R. L. McHatton of banta Cruz. "On the Foreign Field" was the topic of an address by Mrs. J. Lipscomb of Saratoga. Papers were read by Mrs. Eli Fisher of Salinas, Mrs. Dr. Parker of Salinas, Mrs. Grace Harland of Wood land and Mrs. F. M. Kirkham of San Francisco. At noon a prayer meeting was held. The devotional meeting this afternoon was led by Mrs. Frank Ford of San Fran cisco. This evening a praise service was led by Miss Mary Durham of Irvington. The devotional services were conducted by Miss Vesta Vail. Addresses were de livered by Rev. S. S. Murphy of Red Bluff on "Home Missions," and Rev. H. K. Willhite of Tulare on "Foreign Missions." After the session a candy pull was given for the benefit of the Santa Cruz Church. At the afternoon session the board of missions elected the following officers for the coming year: President, Mrs. Henry Shadle, Sacramento; first vice president, Mrs. Sue K. Grant, Woodland; second vice president, Mrs. W. H. Craycroft, Warm Springs; secretary, Mrs. I*. B. Bur ton, San Jose; State organizer, Mrs. Eli Fisher, Salinas* superintendent of junior work, Mrs. W. Powers, Vacaville; editor, Mrs. S. P. Reed, Santa Cruz; distributor of literature, Mrs. S. C. Kirkham. San Francisco; district superintendents, Hum boldt, Mrs. A. B. Marco, Eureka; Lake, Mrs. W. T. Whitton; Sonoma, Mrs. Rob ert Burnett, Santa Rosa; Sacramento, Mrs. Allen, Vacaville; Colusa, Mrs. S. 6. Murphy, Red Bluff; Chlco, Mrs. R. M. Pimple, Chlco: Stockton, Miss Jessie Powell, Lodi; Santa Clara. Mrs. J. Lips comb, Saratoga; Fresno, Mrs. Angie Mar tin, Fresno; Santa Cruz, Mrs. Dr. Parker, Salinas; Bay, Mrs. J. Nash, San Fran cisco; San Luis Obispo, Mrs. A. D. Suther land, San Luis Obispo. The Ministerial Union has chosen its council as follows; R. N. Davis, Gllroy, chairman; Rev. R. L. McHatton, Santa Cruz; Rev. T. D. Butler. Oakland; Rev, J. Pearce, Elk Creek; Rev. J. A. Brown, Wheatland; Rev. J. I >. Wilmott. San Jose; Rev. Thomas Lawson, Santa Clara; Rev. J. H. Hughes, Chlco; Rev. Levi McCash, Napa. -A* Increase of Wages. MARYSVILLE, July 25.— The manager of the Marysville Packing Company made a voluntary raise of about 30 per cent In the *vages of the cannery employes . to day. The increase is attributed to the scarcity of help. There is work for about 200 more persons in the canneries here abouts. In two weeks hop harvest will provide employment for those who will have concluded work In the orchards and grain fields. ss. . Swims Forty -Three Miles. LONDON, July 25.— The bicyclist Hoi- > bein made a record swim from Blackwell j to Gravesend and back to-day, covering the distance, forty-three miles, in 12 hours, 27 minutes and -12 seconds. He finished fresh and strong. •» ! Agricultural Directors Named. SACRAMENTO, July 25. — Governor I Gage to-day appointed the following directors of agricultural district No. 43 (Lassen County): C. E. Emerson. William Brockman, J. H. Holl, Charles Clark, W. G. Bromly, James Snell, F. M. Holland and W. E. Dozler. .... THE SAN FEAJS CISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1899. WILLARD FIELD NEARLY KILLS A POLICE OFFICER Wild Ride Through Alameda's Streets. —4 HE TERRORIZED THE CITY — t, — SHOT INTO HOMES OF THE SLEEP ING CITIZENS. ♦ When Officer Welch Attempted to Stop Him He Fired Twice at the Policeman's Head, Shat tering His Hat. ALAMEDA, July 25.— residents of Alameda throughout the center of town were plunged into a state of terror be tween 2 and 3 o'clock this morning by the insane antics of H. Willard Field, a young society man and member of a prominent Alameda family. He rode through the City at breakneck speed on a steed with out saddle or bridle, controlled only by a halter rope, discharging a pistol at the homes of the slumbering people, yelling like a madman. The whole night force of the Alameda Police Department attempted to round up the young man, and when Officer Dennis Welch finally headed him off the lunatic fired two shots at the policeman at close range. Field eluded the police until 5 o'clock In the morning, when he was ar rested by Officers Brampton and Law rence as he was peacefully sleeping In his room at his father's home, 717 Paru street. The Police Department for some un known reason made a determined effort to protect the man who had nearly mur dered one of its members. Everything possible was done to keep the facts from the newspapers, and Field was assisted by them to freedom and nominal punish ment. Some members of the force are in dignant at the leniency shown Field, and the public severely condemn the officials for their action in the matter. H. Willard Field is the third son of H. K. Field, ex-Yosemlte Valley Commis sioner and coast manager of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Field Sr. is away in the country, and Wil lard took advantage of his absence to in dulge In a night of the wildest revelry with a party of three companions. Early Monday evening they hired a carriage at a local livery stable and visited the way side resorts along the San Leandro road, returning to Alameda about midnight. The quartet then repaired to the Field mansion and had soon drained of their contents the bottles of liquor on the side board and consumed much wine that was stored in the cellar. It is presumed that this occupied their time until about 2 o'clock this morning, for at that time the lights in the house were extinguished. What happened Im mediately afterward is not known, but at 2:30 o'clock three pistol shots startled the neighborhood of Morton street and Central avenue, many blocks away from the Field residence. This was followed by a crashing of glass, a series of demon like yells and the noise of a horse's hoofs as it galloped along Central avenue. The man's arms were waving above his head and the bright barrel of a revolver could be plainly discerned shining in the moonlight. Officer Lawrence, who was patrolling that section of the city, gave chase, but the mad horseman easily distanced him. The sound of the galloping horse died away in the distance and the town pre pared to resume its slumbers when two more shots rang out in the vicinity of Union street and Clinton avenue, nearly a mile away from the scene of the first disturbance. It was here that Officer Welch started on the chase. He ran in the direction from which came the sound of the shots, but had covered but little ground when another report came from the direction of Walnut street and San Antonio avenue. By this time the whole night patrol was alarmed and running through the streets in an effort to locate the pistol wlelder. When Welch reached San Jose avenue and Willow street Field dashed by him riding in the direction of Park street. The officer shouted to him to stop. The answer was two shots fired In the air. At Park street and San Jose avenue the pistol popped twice more. Riding across Park street to Broadway Fields met Officer Keyes, who tried to head him off. He had to dodge three bullets for his effort to stop the young man in his wild career. There' was no more ' firing for at least ten minutes. Field had stopped occasion ally to reload his revolver and, according to the belief of the police, it was emptied for the second time when It was dis charged at Keyes. At 2:50 o'clock Officer Welch, who had returned to Central ave nue and Lafayette street, heard a horse coming up the avenue from the direction of Grand street. Field had doubled back on his pursuers and was again in the vi cinity of where he had started on ais escapade. The horse had been badly used up and was moving slowly when it came up to Welch. The officer recognized the rider and, stepping in front of the ani i mal, spoke to young Field. "Hold on. Field, I want you, said Welch, at the same time reaching for the halter rope. '_ „ "You don't come any of that on me, was Field's answer, and almost instantly he leveled his revolver at Welch, who was but a few feet away, and fired twice. The first shot nearly grazed the officer ear. The second went through the crown of his hat, ranging downward and cutting the rim. missing Welch's head by less than an inch. ' The policeman was stunned for ment by the Concussion and thought the top of his head had been shot away. When he pulled himself together and drew his pistol Field had wheeled his horse about and was again galloping down the avenue, shooting right and left until every chamber in his weapon had been emptied. The officer took a shot at the fleeing horseman, but the bullet failed to reach him. ' _ ' Welch went to police headquarters, where he was seen shortly after his ar rival by a Call correspondent. He was badly scared and hardly able to talk. He professed ignorance of any shooting, de nied that a bullet had gone through his hat or that he knew the identity of the man who had awakened Alameda from its slumbers at such an unseemly hour. It ! was not until late in the afternoon, after I the efforts of the police to suppress the I truth had failed, that he consented to talk. _ , . . Officers Brampton and Lawrence found , Field at his father's house sleeping off ! the effects of his carousal. At the police station Sergeant Kamp insisted upon booking him on the felony charge of as sault with intent to commit murder. Some • peculiar work was done at once. Chief | of Police Conrad was soon in consultation with influential friends and relatives of the prisoner, with the result that Officer Welch was not permitted to prefer the felony charge. He was allowed, however, to swear to a complaint before Justice of the Peace Morris charging Field with dis turbing the peace, and another before Recorder St. Sure charging him with vio lating a city ordinance which prohibits the discharge of firearms within the city limits. To both of these charges he plead ed guilty and was fined $20 in each case. His relatives at once spirited him out of the city. During his ride Field sent bullets Into houses along the route taken, smashing windows and doing other damage. Sev eral of the missiles nearly hit the sleeping occupants of the houses. QUEEN'S EYESIGHT IMPROVED LONDON, July 25.— Truth says to-day: The Queen has been undergoing a course of treatment for ten weeks for her eyes, as advised by Professor Pagensteicher of Weisbaden, and I am rejoiced to say with the most successful result. The Queen's eyesight Is no longer in danger and an operation will be unneces sary. Her Majesty now wears powerful glasses of unusually large size and with black rims, which were ordered by Pro fessor Pagensteicher. and when she is obliged to use artificial light she prefers a shaded wax candle. DISTRESS IN CHILI. SANTIAGO DE CHILI, July 25.-Re ports from southern provinces show that great distress has been occasioned there by extremely heavy rain storms which have recently prevailed. Many cities are flooded and crops are completely ruined. Respite for a Murderer. SEATTLE, -July 25.— George Webster, ! who was to have been hanged at Spokane I next Friday for the murder of Mrs. Asp ' lund, was granted an extension of life to-day by United States District Judge ] Hanford. who refused his application for j i a writ of habeas corpus but granted him | leave to appeal to the United States Su i preme Court. Pending a decision on the j appeal the execution of Webster Is sus | pended. In their application for a writ of habeas corpus Webster's attorneys al- I leged that one of the jurors that convict | ed Webster was an alien, while another was a client of the prosecuting attorney. Governorship Contest Ends. CARSON, Nev., July Argument in the contest for the governorship of Ne vada closed before the Supreme Court this afternoon. Hon. Thomas Wren and Wil liam Woodburn made the closing argu ment for Governor Sadler and Judge Che ney finished for McMillan. The case is now in the hands of the court. With the amount of material to handle it Is not expected the court will hand down Its de cision before September. . Comedian Gerard Dead. ADELAIDE. South Australia, July 25.— Oscar Gerard, an American comedian, who has been playing with the "Belle of New York" Company here,, is dead. ■ PREPARING FOR THE BOYS' HOMECOMING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROOMS OPEN AT THE CALIFORNIA. Planning for the largest Parade Ever Seen on the Streets of San Francisco. Having accepted the offer of General Warfleld to allow the executive commit tee of the joint committee of the Native Sons and Daughters who are preparing the reception of the Califor- ; nia boys from Manila rooms in the Cali fornia as headquarters, the rooms as signed for that purpose were taken pos session of yesterday by Grand Marshal Pistolesi and Henry I. Fisher, who will be in charge of them every day from 9 in the morning till noon, and from 1 in the afternoon until 5 o'clock, and if It be comes necessary some one will be there all the time. The first duty that was undertaken yes terday was the preparing of about 750 in vitations under the direction of the com mittee appointed at the meeting held last Monday night. The list will include every society of whatever character, that the committee can learn the name of, and i there will be invitations to Federal, State , and city officials, to foreign Consuls and . to officers of the army and navy. It is j the desire of the committee that the pa- I rade, which is to be held on the day fol- I lowing the arrival of the fighters of the Golden State, shall be the largest that has ever been planned in this city. The suggestion that was made in the National Guard column of The Call last Sunday has been taken up by the com- ] mittee, and it is likely that the several companies of the Fifth Regiment of In fantry, which forms part of the Second , Brigade, to which the California First be longs, will be furnished transportation from the following points, where the com panies are located: A at Oakland; B, , San Jose; C, Petaluma; D San Rafael, E. Santa Rosa; F. Oakland: G. Alameda; H. | Napa, to enable these guardsmen to greet their fellow-soldiers on their return. The Signal Corps of the Second Brigade will, | as well as Troop A, cavalry, take part in the reception. _ , A feature that the committee has under consideration is the placing of all the public school children by schools along the line of march provide them with flags to wave and flowers to shower- on the heroes as they j march past. And it is probable that an , effort will be made to have the children of , private schools do likewise. «_-*„ The subject of having appropriate floats | in the parade has been discussed in some | of the parlors of the Native Sons and of the Native Daughters, but as i yet no defi- | nite conclusion has been reached still it is j thought that some will be Introduced -,^_ j The Exempt Firemen, whose headquar- , ters are on Brenham place, and the as sociation known as Sons of Exempts as well as the Association of Veteran Fire- { men, who have their headquarters In the Pioneer building, will turn put with the trappings of the days "of old, and each I organization will man the ropes of appa ratus that was in vogue when the volun teer system was in operation in this city. The- Naval Militia will also form part of the great turnout, as light batteries with rapid-firing guns. Joseph W. Hughes of Sacramento, erand chief ranger, and John J. Cord*. , grand secretary of the Foresters of Amer ica wil 1 issue a circular to-day to all the courts of the jurisdiction calling at tention to the noble deeds of the soldiers in the recent war as expressed in a resolu tion adopted at the last held Grand Court session In Santa Clara and winding up in the following appeal: these resolutions •'ln accordance with these resolutions you are requested to appoint a committee of three from your court to attend a meet ing to be held Tuesday evening, August 8, 18», in the committee room, third floor. Alcazar building. ISO O'Farrell street. San Francisco, for the purpose ot^devUUlS ways and means to give the First Cali fornia Regiment, United States Volun teers, a fitting reception and welcome on their return from Manila." McGOVERN CALLED A TRAITOR. Disturbed Political Conditions in the Twenty-Eighth Reach a Climax. The disturbed political conditions in the Twenty-eighth District reached a climax last night at the meeting of the regular district club at Armory Hall, corner of Second and Folsom streets, when John J. Greeley took the platform and Introduced a resolution branding John J. McGovern as a traitor and reading him out or the The resolution was unanimously adopt ed but back of Greeley's unexpected move there is quite an interesting story. When the Commltte of One Hundred or ganized a club in the Twenty-eighth Dis trict some weeks ago under the leader ship of J. D. Maxwell and John J. Ferris, McGovern, Greeley and Assemblyman Eugene Lacy created a rival club. The political pot simmered antJ boiled between the two rival organizations, but during tire latter part of last week the repre sentatives of the two clubs sat down to gether and settled their differences. A compromise was agreed upon and they decided to consolidate the two organiza tions. At the last minute McGovern noti fied Ferris and Maxwell that his organ ization had decided against consolidation. Accordingly McGovern called a meeting of the club, but Greeley and Lacy, who seem to have the entire following of the club, marshaled their supporters and brought them over last night to the feast of consolidation. • It is now rumored that McGovern In tends to join hands with Larry Conlon, who represents Buckley's interests in the Twenty-eighth. ■ ♦ ■ Democrats in the Twenty-Eighth. The Democrats of the Twenty-eighth Assembly District held a high jinks last night at Third and Hunt streets. The Buckley element was largely in evidence, and speeches were made by James Bow lan, Thomas Egan. Dr. Loryea and R. Porter Ashe approving the policy of the Buckley regime. Bowlan in his talk said that the Examiner would hereafter keep its literary hands off Mr. Buckley for its own welfare. The enrollment committee reported a total membership of 340. At the end of the regular meeting short ad dresses and songs were given by Walter Curley, Dan Maloney. J. Collins and John D. Condon. _ . ■» o . PRIZE FOR A POSTER. The Mechanics' Institute has gone in for the poster fad. The board of directors decided last night to offer a prize for the poster accepted for the coming fair. All the posters submitted in competition are to be placed on exhibition. To givo the public a chance to say what sort of public improvement it most de sires Curtis Tobey Jr.. a member of the institute, sent the board a communica tion suggesting that every architect and civil engineer in San Francisco be invited to submit plans in competition for some public improvement, the prize to b_ awarded to the specifications receiving the largest public vote during the fair. The suggestion will probably be adopted. The University of California sent sev eral letters to the effect that it will 1 aye an exhibit at the fair. It is probable that the art exhibit made at the National Educational Convention will be part of this exhibit, as well as designs from the College of Mechanical Arts. Th- United States War Department no tified the institute that the old wooden cannon captured by the Twenty-third United States Infantry near Malolos In the Philippines would be at the institute's service whenever desired. This cannon is made of a piece of gaspipe driven into a log. the log then being bound around with hoops. ST. BRENDAN'S FAIR. The ladies In charge of Sacred Heart booth at St. Brendan's Fair have left nothing undone to make to-morrow even ing's entertainment a success. The rapid sale of tickets indicates a crowded house. The programme includes the following numbers: . Selections by the Orpheus Glee Club director, Professor Sandy; soprano solo, Mrs. McGlade; song and dance, little lima McAvoy; instrumental duet, the Misses Hlckciy"; bass solo. S. J. Sandy; selections by Professor Miller on his combination silver orchestra (four pieces manipulated by one man'; humorous selections by Herbert Ely of the Occidental minstrels, accompanied by S. Yale; cakewalk. Mas ter Buttner and Marguerite <'ronin; con tralto solo, by Miss Adeline, E. Blrchler; tenor solo, by Harry Wood Brown; Irish dancing. Professors O'Connor and Kelll her; selections by Orpheus Glee Club. The price of admission will be 25 cents and tickets can be had at the hail. ir,u : .-:**- SOLDIERS RUN AMUCK ON BARBARY COAST WIDESPREAD TERROR CAUSED BY KRAG-JORGENSENS. James Cassin and John Beach Escape From Transport Tartar While Drunk and Abuse Citizens on the Street. Two soldiers who ran amuck on the Barbary Coast early yesterday morning narrowly escaped being responsible for a murder before the*.* were landed in the California-street station by the police. Both were scheduled to sail on the trans port Tartar on Sunday night, but before the vessel left the wharf th&y changed their plans for. the Manila trip, and,' se curing two loaded Krag-Jorgensen rifles, escaped, hatless and coatless, to shore and immediately became the terrors of the dance halls and saloons on the Barbary Coast. About 2:30 yesterday morning they landed In a saloon on the first floor of the Prescott House at 933 Kearny street. Both were drunk, and after driv ing every one from the place one of them discharged his rifle at the ceiling over head. The bullet passed through several boards into a room occupied by Gustav Welman, who conducts a jewelry store at 622 Merchant street. In tearing its way through the floor of the upper room it struck a gas pipe and glanced. Had the missile continued in a straight path it would probably have killed the jeweler. After deserting the Tartar the soldiers, whose names are James Cassin and John Beach, entered saloon after saloon, in each place driving out the occupants and threatening life. While on the street they prodded pedestrians with their bayonets .- nd usually had the sidewalk to them selves. In several houses they smashed whatever they got their hands on and tore the blinds from a building on Mont gomery avenue. When the shot was fired they again started on their rampage, but were met by Police Officers Peters and Cavanaugh, who had been detailed to round up the murderous soldiers. When the officers ap proached both of the men made motions as if to shoot should any attempt be made to arrest them. By strategy the officers succeeded in getting close enough to the fellows to seize their weapons. A struggle commenced and the soldiers, disarmed of their rifles, reached for knives which they carried in their belts. Officer Cavanaugh quickly subdued his man, but Peters was not co fortunate with his. The scuffle with the latter was long, during which the soldier made repeated efforts to get at his knife. At length Special Officer Dag gett and several citizens came to the of ficer's assistance and soon had the culprit handcuffed. _ . At .he police station Cassin was recog nized as the man who did the shooting and in addition to being booked for dis turbing the peace he has a charge of dis charging firearms within the city limits placed against his name. Beach will have to stand trial for disturbing the peace The military authorities were notified yesterday and will take action on the disgraceful conduct of the soldiers. Of ficer Peters visited the Presidio and laid the matter before the authorities. GOING TO PARIS TO SECURE HEADQUARTERS C. L.. P. Marais, a well-known local newspaper man, was appointed assistant secretary and commercial representative of the California commission to the Paris Exposition at a meeting of that body yes terday at the Occidental Hotel. The ap pointment was made on the recommenda tion of Raphael Weill, the presidents of the different French banks and leading members of the French colony. Mr. Marais will leave for Paris on the 15th of next month to procure headquar ters in the business portion of that' city and to generally look after the business of the commission until it arrives. The Southern Pacific has hit upon a co lossal advertising scheme. It will erect a building of its own at the Paris expo sition, where will be exhibited the re sources of such portions of the State as are tapped by its various lines. For this purpose the company has set aside ; the ; sum of $50,000, and its expenditure has been placed in the hands of W. H. Mills, | who will superintend the scheme. INTERRED WITH HONORS. Dr. H. R. Morton Sr., the pioneer den ! tist, who died on Saturday last, was buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery yesterday after c noon under the auspices of Hesperian I Grove No. 13 of the Order of Druids. In I compliance with the wishes of the de ceased no religious services were held, ■ but the services of his order were read i at Druids' Hall by Past Noble Grand H. .1. <;cl!er. who concluded by paying an elo quent tribute to the memory of the de parted. The funeral Was largely attended by Pioneers and their families. Floral trib- u tes were heaped in rich profusion around ; the casket. A floral pillow of large size came from Hesperian Grove: a broken i wheel was from the sons of the deceased and scores of bouquets and other pieces came in m friends. Dr. Morton was one jof the best known men on the coast. He ! came here in 1846 and entered into the practice of his profession. He was a prominent factor in political and fraternal ! circles. SAY HE WAS INSANE. as anticipate"-, me win vi me miß Jo seph M. Wood has been assailed, and a lengthy and bitter legal battle will oc cupy the courts before the order for dis tribution of the estate is made. Yesterday afternoon the children of the deceased capitalist filed a contest to the will, on the ground that the deceased was of un sound mind when he affixed his signature. Evans & Meredith have been retained by the contestants to make the attack upon the will. Decedent's estate has been ap praised at $273,000, and it is for the largest portion that the children intend to fight, and for that purpose have joined forces. . ■ ♦ . Death of H. C. Lambert. One more of the number who arrived In Yerba Buena in 1849 has passed away. This time the telegraph announces the death of Henry C. Lambert at \Ve=>t New ton, Mass., on the 18th Inst, at the age of 87 years. The deceased was born In Eng land In 1812. On arriving in the United States he located in Massachusetts, where he was ordained a minister of the Unitarian church. . Previous to hig leaving Massachusetts in 1849 he fitted out two vessels for the Golden Gate, one of which was the Dux bury, and which put into Bolinas, which circumstance gave to the reef at that place the name of Duxbury Reef. Be sides his widow, who is now S3 years of age, and several grown-up sons and daughters, the deceased leaves a brother, Charles Lambert, a resident of Oakland, to mourn his demise. FATHER SEMERIA CHECKED. Special Cable to The Call and the New York Herald. Copyrighted, 1899. by James Gor don Bennett. ROME, July 25.— The Pope has charged i the Commissioner of Cardinals with the j duty of studying the doctrines of Chris j tian socialism in order to preyent his be ! ing misled through an imperfect under standing of the question. In the mean ! time his Holiness has forbidden Father ■ Semeria to continue his lectures favoring I the movement. OCEAN TRAVEL. COKPAONIS GENERALE TRANSATLAJtTIQTJB. DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS. _-*___ Sailing every Saturday at 10 a. m. <**¥??« from Pier 42. North River, foot of •_«■«»» Morton st. LA GASCOGNE, J«ly 29; LA TOURAINE, August 5; LA CHAMPAGNE August 12: LA BRETAGNE. August 19; LA NORMANDIE. August 26. First-class to Havre. $63 and up-.-ard, 6 per cent reduction on round trip. Second-class to Havre $45* jq per cent reduction on round trip. GENERAL AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES AND CAN- ADA. 32 Broadway (Hudson building) New York. J. F. FUGAZI & CO.. Pacific Coast Agents. 5 Montgomery aye.. San Francisco. PHff-flHl,--} V* S - & Australia 18 *J_fi ■*??"_ for Honolulu _*X-* m "- ,w Wednesday. July H. a »t 2 p. ra. G4_t__._'S\ s - 6 Moana rails >JpJimSfin<J * ,a Honolulu and C^WIIOIHU^ Auckland for Sydney V-"'r-" J,w ? at 10 p. Augu ' x Favorite Line Round the -World. 'rla Hawaii. Samoa, New Zealand. Australia. India. Sues, England, etc.; $810 first class. J. 0. SPRECKELS & BROS. CO.. Agts.. 114 Montgomery Pier 7, Foot Pacific SL Freijht Office, 327 Market SL ADVERTISEMENTS. A FASTIDIOUS MAN Always sees that his linen and fancy vests are well laundered, white and im- maculate. "We are catering just now to the summer man in laundering everything that is necessary to his hot weather apparel. Negligee shirts, duck, pique and crash suits, fancy vests and white linen collars, shirts and cuffs. Ladies' shirt waists, dickies, etc.; we launder just like new. The United States Laundry. Offlca 1004 Market Street. Telephone South 4-20. , Oakland Office, 54-2 Eleventh St. ■ i OCEAN TRAVEL. FIRST STEAMER FOR Cape Nome Golofvin and St. Michael, Connecting With River Boats For " DAWSON And All Points on the YUKON RIVER. \ THE ALASKA EXPLORATION CO. Will Dispatch the Steamer HOMER, HIGGINS, Master. " " ' From Spear Street Wharf. FRIDAY, July 28th, at 3 P. Mi For Passage and Freight Rates Apply at Once at Company's Offices, 139 Post St. THE ALASKA EXPLORATION CO. ALASKA COMMERCIAL CO. FOR ST. MICHAEL. GOLOVIN BAT, CAPH NOME. DAWSON AND ALL POINTS ON YUKON RIVER. The New Steamer BERTHA, Carrying U. S. Mail. Will leave San Francisco about August 1 for above points, making prompt connections with our river steamers on the Yukon River. For freight, passage and further information apply to . ALASKA COMMERCIAL COMPANY, 310 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. j __, Steamers leave Broadway W&fc_^ wharf, San Francisco: ! SgSSSafcH. For Alaskan ports, 10 a. m.. l_P_3tt July "'- °* August 4. change I i_-_S_N V-l For Victoria, Vancouver (B. C___^_3 C.), Port Townsend, Seattle. 1 i*^""^* t\_u\ Tacoma, Everett, ■ Anacortes * and New Whatcom (Wash.), t * 10 a. m., July 2.">. 30. August 4 and every fifth day thereafter: change at Seattle to this company's steamers for Alaska and G. N. Ry.: at Tacoma to N. P. Ry.; at Vancouver to C. P. By- _ . - _,_ For Eureka (Humboldt Bay) 2 p. m., July 23, 28. August 2. and every fifth day there- a For Santa Cruz. Monterey, San Simeon. Cavucos Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Gavlota. Santa Barbara. Ventura. Hueneme e-Jnn Pedro East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport! 9 a. m.. July 23, 27. 31, August 4. and every fourth day thereafter. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Har- ford (San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara. Port Los Angeles and Redondo (Los Angeles), 11 a. m.. July 25, 29, August 2. and every fourth day tl For a Ensenada. Magdalena Bay. San Jose del Cabo Mazatlan. Altata. La Paz. Santa Rosalia and Guaymas (Mex.), 10 a. m., 7th of each For further Information obtain folder. The company reserves the right to change without previous notice steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing. ■ __ ' TICKET OFFICE -4 New Montgomery ■street (Palace Hotel). GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts.. 10 Market st.. Pan Francisco. THE 0. R. & N. GO. ' DISPATCH FAST STEAMERS TO PORTLAND From Spear-street Wharf at 10 a. m. CADE Sl2 First Class Including Bert» lAnt 68 Second Class and Meals. Columbia sails July 22. State of California sails July 27. Short line to Walla Walla, Spokane, Butte, Helena and all points in the Northwest. Through tickets to all points East. E. C. WARD, General Agent. 630 Market street. GOODALL, PERKINS * ™ __,_„_,, nt ____ cn _ AMERICAN LINE. HEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON, PARIS. Stopping at Cherbourg, westbound. . From New York Every Wednesday, 10 a. m. New York.... August X I New York. . . .August 23 St Louis August 9 St. Louis August 30 St. Paul August 16 1 RED STAR LINE. New York and Antwerp. From New York Every Wednesday, 12 noon. A drla July 26 1 Kensington ....Aug. 19 Southwark ..August 2 Noordland Aug. 23 Westemland ...Aug. 9 EMPIRE LINE. Seattle, St. Michael, Dawson City. For full Information regarding freight and passage npply to INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY, 30 Montgomery St.. or any of its agencies. TOYO KISEN KAISBI STEAMERS WILL LEAVE WHARF. COR- ner First and Brannan streets. 1 p. m., for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at ! Kobe 'Hloga), Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hongkong with steamers tor ! India, etc. No cargo received on beard on day ! of palling. ... i AMERICA MARU Wednesday, July 21 , HONGKONG MARU Thursday. August IT NIPPON MARU Tuesday. September 13 Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For i freight and passage apply at company's office. 421 Market st., corner First. W. B. CURTIS. General Agent. SAY AND RIVER STEAMERS. ». _ STOCKTON EXCURSIONS. THE STEAMER H. J. CORCORAN Will leave Washington-street wharf at 8 a. m. dally, returning from Stockton at 6 p. m. daily (Saturday excepted). Regular steamers leave "Washington-street wharf at 6 p. m. dally (excepting Sunday). . r I CALIFORNIA NAY. AND IMP. CO. Telephone Main 805. .-; - , — . __—__—_, FOR U. S. NAVY-YARD AND YALLEJO. Steamer ''Monticello." MON. Tries.. Wed., Thurs. and Sat. at 9:45 a. m.. 3:15. 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thurs. night); Fri- days, 1 p. m. and 8:30: Sundays. 10:30 a. m.. 3 p m. Landing and office. Mission-street Dock, Pier No. 2. Telephone Main 1508. FARE Wo a Gibbon's Dispensary, 025KEABBYST. Established In 1834 for the treatment of Private Diseases, Lost Manhood Debility or disease wearing oh body and mind ana Skin Diseases. The doctor cures when others ffJL Try him. Charges low. Cnre* raßrantred. CtJlorwrita, 2>r. J. «** WIBBQN, Bex 1997. «j*fc >'__-■*■ 9