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VOLUME IAXXVI-KO. 128. SECOND CUP RACE RESULTS IN FAILURE, But Wireless Telegraphy Scores a Triumph Question of Supremacy of the Challenger and Defender Remains Undetermined, Owing to the Scarcity of Wind. NEW YORK, Oct. 5. -Given a little more time— a day or two— and with such -weather as was about to-day, the Columbia ami Shamrock ma; yet make a race of it, may at least get around the outer mark, which to-day Fanned by a breeze, a listless, waning zephyr, the yachts stood across the line with the wink of the starting gun, and then leisurely sauntering into a zone of calm, whir for four hours and more — until a signal was made and the race was off— the challenger and defender lay in a trance with naught to . do but watch their own shadows in the tide rolling dreamily under foot. And when at least the welcome signal came announcing that the race was off. there still stretched a good three milt-s of further drift between the yachts and the outer mark. Of the two conclusions reached by those who followed this marine saunter- Ing of the rival yachts, one is that when it comes to a plain case of drifting as was the case to-day, the Shamrock can drift as fast if not faster than the Columbia. The other expert opinion is that the weather ought to be ashamed of v- The pity of It, save for lack of wind, the day was perfect and warm, the skies high and blue and the sea all that could be asked. Brought by an excur sion fleet that seemed to have no end. a concourse of excursionists was there to look a: this second fiasco of a yacht race. These looked upon It from magnifi cent distances, the torpedo boats and revenue cutters keeping all craft well away from the yachts and well clear of the course over which they were trying Sir Thomas Lipton's steam yacht, the Erin, a guard boat by courtesy, was carried too near the course, and heedless of tooting whistles from the watchful revenue cutters; continued to drift athwart the path of the contesting yachts. Two of the cutters opened their whistles in a long, loud, lingering warning, one that seemed to have something of an apology in it. for it was clear to all on lookers that the Erin was not a willful sinner, but had been carried out of line through inadvertence of some une temporarily, perhaps, in charge. No one realized that the noisy tooting was meant for the Erin until a gun boomed from the cutter Onondaga. The smoke of the blank cartridge had hardly cleared away before the Erin pick up her heels and scurried back to the line of gunboats, . seemingly full of apology for the error of which she had been There was promise of a fresh wind when the yachts stood out for the starting lire— a promise held out by the Weather Bureau, and which the weather condi tions did not ser-m likely to fulfill .Over the lower bay lay a bank of mist, a silvery, gauzy vapor, that rendered indistinct objects half a mile away. The vapor thinned as the hours wore on. but with the lifting of the curtain there was still no hint of the promised breeze, no suggestion that it was traveling on schedule time. Singly ar.d by pairs, squadrons and divisions the excursion fleet came up and gathered near the starting line. The two racers were there circling abo . the jade.i lightship, a vessel ablaze with the memory of many such yachting scenes. Under staysail; club topsail and mainsail, the yachts went gliding over the blue •water, their amber-tinted sails barely swelling to the languid breeze, the canvas looking as squalid as if it had been cut from out of that morning bank of mist or sliced ironi ilie silver wind. The wind, what little there was of it. came from the northwest, and the course was laid southeast by east, a fifteen-mile run to lee ward and a beat back to the linish, if, perchance, there should be wind enough to waft the yachts over that route. A gun boomed from the yacht Corsair— the preparatory signal— and the yachts I edged toward the starting line, setting balloon Jibs as they neared It With the final signal the two yachts crept across the line, and very nearly abreast, the Shamrock dropping her spinnaker boom to. port before crossing. and eettißir.ihe spm^aiser immcCTiTeir after. The Columbia, which had crossed the line with for* staysail showing in addition to her .nher canvas, took in that sail soon after crossing, and stood down the wind, showing the same sail the Shamrock was wearing, ior a space of live minutes or so the two yachts kept well together ne;ther losing, neither gaining. Then tne Columbia began to draw slowly he id' so slowly as to be hardly perceptible, but gradually she drew away little by little' bit by b:t. until at last daylight showed between the two. The tired wind droned and died In flukes and patches. But it was more impartial than the wind of iuesuay. and favored one yacht no more than it did the other Realizing that the indolent air was a true Columbia breeze, the narrow-waist ea lierreshoff boat did her best to improve her opportunity and to leave her broad-beamed opponent far behind. But the Shamrock was not to be so easily shaken off. and. persistent as the Columbia's own shadow, the Irish yacht hung on the flank of the American boat. The wind hauled a few points and, taking in the spinnaker, the yachts stood away on the broad reach, the Shamrock luffing ciose up. evidently trying to blanket the Columbia by running under that vessel's lee. To prevent that the Columbia luffed also and then came a series of jockey- Ing, in which neither boat seemed to gain any advantage. But the two loitering along the course, came to a zone where the weakling wind died Into a breathless calm. The rest was drifting, an aimless, steerage, wayless pointing in one direc tion and then another. The sea pull drew the yachts together, and for a time It looked as though they would rub sides. Finally there came idling by a lazy, listless breeze, a veritable Weary Willie of a wn.,i. it bellied out the sails of the yachts, and the two headed down to the taring mark, which then bore south by east, their Jockeying for position having carried them right out of the straight course on Which they; had started lu^ consl ;? erab ' y afttr 3 °' clnck when that wind ca ™c by; and "the mark was still three miles or more away. They had proceeded but a short distance when a signal was made declaring that the race was off. there not then being time In which it could possibly be finished, the time limit of five and a half hours ha y ing expired. l " ours> Ila *- The two yachts were on nearly even terms when the race was declared off it being then manifestly impossible to round, the mark and make the fifteen-mile run back to the finish i:, the little time that was left. ,v, S »° L°u g as . the i wrinfl l *l<s the- Columbia steadily outfooted her rival but in the battling airs that followed, when it was all drift and Jibe and beat and reach to catch the streaky wind; the Shamrock worked close up to the Column bia. .The puff of wind that came toward the end sent the Columbia beading away on the port tack and with the evident intention of crossing the Shamrocks bow It looked for a time a* if .he would do it, but as she neared the Emei yacht Cantain Burr apparently thought better of it. and putting up his helm passed under "•Shamrock lee. A few moments later the yachfa assent to the committee heat's query] "Do you consent to a postponement of the race? and the race was officially declared off. ' lelllenl OI the , T , There has as yet been no indication as to what either boat can do with the other in a brisk wind and lively sea. ■»»"• me The next race, that of Saturday; will be the same old fifteen-mile run to lee ward and back or a beat out and a run back, according to the direction It the TECHNICAL STORY OF SECOND FAILURE '-' YORK, Oct. s.— The weather con- ' ... the early morning hours, :.; >re favorable for a race than those of Tuesday morning. The '. .g-ht from ■ I treat . . unbia by the tugs j and Jam. k Lawrence i lr moorings In Sandy I latins ' lIIs on the ! ■ Ct from her tU| minutes . imbia changed t lub i :-iar<l • rd was supported In s. It waa . ■ . a wooden club '.ard ■ ■ ■ . tip ■■ her The Columbia's sails seemed to set better" than on Tuesday. She carried, as then, a cross-cut mainsail, and her club topsail Beemed to be the largest one she has yet carried. There were four battens In the leach of the mainsail. Just before the start she substituted a balloon fore stay sail for the small one, which she set in place 01 her way out. Besides Managing Owner C. Oliver Iselin and Mrs. Isclir. there were on board Butler Duncan Jr., Captain "Woodbury Kane, Newbury Thorn Captain Xat HerreshofT, Herbert Leads, Pailmaker Hathaway and Seth Kelley, representing the Royal Ulster Yacht Club. Captain Charlie Barr steered the yacht and the crew wore white working suits with watch cap« bearing the Iselin colors. On board the Shamrock, besides her skippers, Hogarth and AVringe, were Navigator Hamilton, Sailmakcr Ratsy, Messrs. McGildowney, Sherman Craw The San Francisco Call. lot 6 end Henry F. Llppett, the last named representing the New York Yacht Club. Her crew were carrying: Sir Thomas l^ptou's colors on their watch caps and they wore white working suits. The com mittee tug, Walter Luckenbach, estab lished the starting line at 10:40 by anchor ing a cable's length southwest of the lightship. The course signal was imme diately hoisted. It was southeast by east. the wind being very light from the opposite quarter, northwest by north. Un der mainsail, club topsail and jib and with balloon jib topsails and staysails in tops on the respective stays, the two yachts played for places for a good start during the interval between the preparatory and Btarting Bigcalg. The former was given Ski ppera Barr and Hogarth made the best of what Little wind they had | their boats 1 turning capacity in the light air. Five minuti the starting sig nal the Columbia, with boom to passed north of the lightship head ing to the eastward, and the Shamrock tg from the southward, met the Bristol boat about on the line. She luffed out across the Columbia? wake after hay ■.: tempted to pass her to leeward, having their booms to starboard. At two minutes after tli»- gun lire the Shamrock set her staysail and dropped I Innaker boom to port. She was then ■ yards northwest of the committee boat and heading to the south. Columbia, coming from the south had passed the Sandy Hook light ship, leaving it on her port hand, at about one minute before the signal. When thirty seconds were left Captain Barr rolled his wheel over to port, jibed the Columbia, broke out her balloon jib top ■.:.d headed for the line. The Sham rock's balloon topsail blossomed out at the same moment as the Columbia's, she w-.^ do the latter's starboard hand and nearly a length astern when the starting signal was given. Her spinnaker was i<r<>kt;n cut while she was crossing the line. The Columbia's* men rigged out her spinnaker bf>..m while they were ap proaching the line, hoisted the sail and broke it out in just forty-five seconds. The Columbia had the. better of the start. The official time for the start was: Co SAN FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 18953. The Wizard of Wireless Telegraphy. MESSAGE FLASHED TO MAYOR PHELAN HIS HONOR'S REPLY WILL BE SENT TO MARCONI The compliments of Signor Marconi and the New York Herald, vibrated wirelessly from the ocean off the Jersey coast, were presented yesterday afternoon to Mayor Phelan a few min utes after 1:30 o'clock, San Francisco time. Such a messagi was totally unexpected by the Mayor. "What?" he asked. "You don't moan to say that this came by wireless telegraphy?" He was assured that the message had been started by nn less a hand than that of Signor Marconi himself, who was even then on the steamer Ponce returning with the challenger, and defender. "Well, that beats me." he exclaimed. "How was it done?" It was explained to his Honor that the message, like the bulletins of the race sent The Call, had been sent out on Hertzian waves, produced by the Marconi apparatus. These trav eled at speed until thty met the apparatus on the Xavesink Highlands attuned to the same key. As the word waves vibrated against this apparatus it was set vibrating in key, starting in mo tion a registering telegraph, the record rolling off on paper tape, from which it was sent San Franciscoward instanter by the Western Union Telegraph Company. "It's marvelous," said the Mayor; "nothing short of marvelous. I can hardly believe it yet, although here is the evidence in my hands." And the Mayor read the message again. He wanted to know how he should acknowledge the compliment. Mnyor Pheian "Will The Call send a message for me?" he asked. He was assured it would, and he sat down at once to write a reply, when he was stopped by the suggestion that it would be better to send the message Saturday dur ing the progress of the yacht race, when there was a certainty that Sigrnor Marconi would be at sea on the Ponce. The Mayor fell in with this idea at once and promised to prepare a message Saturday morning for transmission to the Italian scientist to testify his wonder at the perfection of wireless telegraphy. The Call will send the Mayor's message, and out on the bosom of the Atlantic Ocean, in the heat of the next struggle for the America's cup, it will be carried to those on board the steamer Ponce. lumb'a. 11:00:53; Shamrock, 11:01:06. The first ten minutes after the start were anxious ones for those directly In terested In the Shamrock ;md the Colum bia. In two minutes the Columbia's bow sprit began to creep past the Shamrock's bow, and in ten minutes the Columbia was clear out ahead of the Shamrock. Both took In their staysails and jib, so as to give the immense balloon sails plenty of draught. So light was the wind at this time that only the balloon sriils seemed to be doing service for either yacht. The main sheets hunt slack in between the bows and the booms and the great mainsails hung flat .nis from over the starboard side of each yacht. Mile after mile the yachts traveled slow ly to the southeast, the Columbia gaining slowly but steadily all the time. At 5 minutes to 12 the wind freshened a bit, canttng at the same time a couple of points to the eastward. Captain Hogarth saw it first and his crew took in the spin naker smartly, the Columbia's men follow ing suit a minute later and setting their forestay sail at the same time. Fearing that the Shamrock would try to luff out and pass him to windward, Cap -1 tain Barr began to luff the Columbia. j Both kept it dp for fully ten minutes, : until they were both heading east. Cap- I tain Hogarth kept the Shamrock's spln ■ r.aker mast headed, with a couple of men I holding it half way down the mast, ready ; to be shot out at a moment's notice, until I 12:02 o'clock, when he let it ru: down. Finally, at 12:06 o'clock, the Columbia, still being 50*) yards ahead, kept broad off ! for her course again, the Shamrock Im mediately following suit. The wind hela in the same quarter until 12:40 o'clock, the Columbia meanwhile Raining on her rival. ; At that time the wind backed around to i the northwest and the Columbia jibed, ; the Shamrock following her two minutes later. At 1:18 the Columbia's crew sent her ■ spinnaker out to starboard, and two mm■ ■ utes later the Shamrock's was set. Far , ! away in the blue haze the outer mark was , sighted at 1:16. With th<? weather prevailing at that timo I there was little chance of finishing the i race within the prescribed limit of live j and a half hours. During the next half hour the wind dropped out almost en tirely. At 1:30 the spinnakers came in on both yachts, and they were jibed to starboard. At 2:10 the Columbia set her spinnaker to port, taking it in again five minutes later. Both jibed to port at 2:20, and a few min utes later a light breeze came in from the southward. Sheets were trimmed down and both yachts were soon close hauled on the starboard tack. The Shamrock set her baby jib topsail at once, but the Co lumbia was held some five minutes before being set. At 2:38:30 the Shamrock went about to port, the Columbia following suit twenty seconds later. The Shamrock then ap peared to have a slight advantage. The wind was very light, and the Shamrock in this smooth water seemed to be doing very well, her larger sail plan proving a little too much for the Columbia. When the later went about to starboard at 3 Continued on Second Page. By the Aiarcorf system The Can ueFt flti Rivals Behind J!"i sivths the News and secured the "Scoop" oF the Century IN addition to the wonderful triumph of wireless telegraphy in reporting the international yacht races, the world applauds the slap in the face the new discovery ha? administered to yellow journalism. In this city the mask of fake and false pretense has been torn from the jaundiced front of the Ex aminer, the leader on this coast In the ranks of the saffron hued; and, painful as was the task, the grandmotherly visage of the ancient Chronicle was also exposed, blstanced by the enterprise of The Call, which first harnessed ;ne new electrical current to the car of journalistic progress, the very elderly but very religious Chronicle contented itself with an unavailing effort to convey intelli gence of the great international yacht race through the agency of Associated Pr< ss bulletins. It failed ignominiously, but it saved its honor. The Examiner, equally up a stump, was true to Its policy of fake. fake, al ways fake. True to its history of fake, it also blundered, this time, however, beyond all recovery. It was caught red-handed, but instead of sneaking off and lying quiet until its faking was forgotten, it attempted to brazen it out. At 11:80 o'clock, San Francisco time, it put out its first bulletin on the yacht race. It read: "Columbia leads; wind twelve miles an hour." For more than an hour The Call had been continuously posting bulletins on the event that was engag ing the attention of two worlds. For the next fifty minutes the Examiner did not post another bulletin. The Call, thanks to wireless telegraphy, still sending them forth. The Examiner was getting sore, and, yellow journal that it is, turned positively green with envy. In absolute jealousy at the coup of The Call, it decided to take a petty revenge on Marconi. 3i"Xi miles away. It was so blinded with rage at the fact that he was in the service of a rival that it was blinded to the great scientific value of his achievement. Instead of hailing him as the greatest discovery of the century, it resolved to scoff, as the world once did at Galileo and Columbus. In lieu of any other bulletin, it had the extremely bad taste to post the following: BY WiRELESS-Macaroni. 12:20 p. m.--The Race Is On. What a magnificent revenge! Poor Marconi! Great Examiner! Great heavens! Fifteen minutes later, having unloaded this gob of bile, the Examiner gave forth another bulletin. It said the Columbia was seven-eighths of a mile in the lead. The fake staff had evidently returned from a hasty lunch and was a little off on distances. Marconi's bulletin of even time said the Columbia was only an eighth of a mile ahead. Of course, three-quarters of a mile difference made no difference, according to Examiner calculations, and so that there might be no kick coming to the adherents of either racer it immediately posted another bulletin that the "Shamrock is apparently in the lead. " At the Examiner office, it appears, "you pays your money and you takes your choice. Which'll you have?" "While The Call was putting out bulletins right along the" Examiner contented Itself with just three more until 2:25 p. m.. New York time, when it posted: "Boats are on home run. Columbia one mile ahead." At 2:45 p. m. it said the yachts had covered twenty miles and .he Columbia had a good lead. The faker In chief, not content with this fast sailing, went himself one better. Five min utes later, or, to be exact, at 2:45 p. m., NeW York time, he posted a bulletin read ing: '•Shamrock rapidly overhauling the Columbia— a few lengths apart." Half a mile gain In five minutes. Whew, how the wind must have been blow ing through the faker's whiskers! Or. maybe, he was onl^- trying to make his log jibe with the erratic wanderings of the mimic boats on the outer wall. Half a dozen other alleged bulletins equally dopy and contradictory were posted,, -probably to keep up appearances. • ■ !£***> At 3:12. New York time. The Call posted a bulletin that, with the Shamrock pointing higher, the stakeboat was still two miles away. One minute later the Examiner posted a bulletin, time New York. 3:15 p. m., which read: "The two racers are about six miles from finish. Shamrock seems to have gained a little." That bulletin could mean nothing else than that the boats were on the home ward reach, racing for all they were worth. The management of The Call wired Marconi: "Examiner bulletin to the effect that yachts have turned stakeboat and are on the finish." In the briefest possible period the answer came back: Examiner bulletin fake. Yachts have not turned the stakeboat. MARCONI. At 3:17 P- m.. New York timf. the posted a bulletin saying, "Very exciting finish probably." At 3:45 p. m.. New York time, the yachts swung around and headed for home, before they reached the outside mark, and The Call pub lished a bulletin to that effect, with the statement that the race was declared off At 3:49 P- ni.. while the Examiner, apparently bewildered, was trying to discern tbe boats through the haze. The Call posted the bulletin announcing "No race." And there wasn't. The Examiner was no nearer to the truth in any of its fake bulletins than were either of the yachts to the finish when the last bulletin was posted. The Call had distanced it as it has done many times before. The j, ,',',,. ;,; Chronicle threw up its withered hands early in the game, and with the ted Press, once the greatest news-gathering agency on earth, took off its hat to The Call and Marconi. For the benefit of such as wish to make the comparisons The Call submits below a number of the bulletins on the races received by this paper, and all of tho*e posted by the Examiner: THE CALL BULLETINS. 10-40 a m.-Wlnd blowing at rate about six miles an' hour from west, very flnky. Haze dis ■ii't%»rine ssea Binooth. Va hi race will start il a m Hare will be over straightaway course to windward and return Mtten mile* Betting In Fneland even money. In New York, even rnWy ori i to-day' s race; 5 to 3on Columbia for Se io e M a. m.— Preparatory gun fired. 10:54 a in— Yachts jockeying under mainsail, club topsail and jib. Columbia to windward coming about for start. 10:55 a m.— Shamrock swings to get windward n. tut Columbia swings around In time °10:57 a. in.— Shamrock crosses line first, Co lumbia overlapping. Spinnakers set on both boats. n a. m.— The? are off. 11:02 a m.— Both yachts standing about near line under mainsail, flub top-ail, jib staysail. They are quite close together, but have, very littii- headway. 11:06 a. m.— Both yacht? have spinnakers oft to port, matnbooms to starboard; wind north east, very light 11-1' a m. — Yachts went over line about on even terms Columbia in better position. 11-22 a in.— Yachts only 100 yards away; slm plv dri.'tinf,' with breeze. Wi:id must be much fresher or there will be no race. 11:80 a. m.— Columbia now about a length, her mainboom squared off to starboard, spinnaker suuared oft to port, its sails catching little wind Prospects for finishing very slight. 11-31 a. m.— Clear water between yachts. Col umbia leading, her balloon, jib and club top *aiU doiim' light work. strengthening n w, filling sails. Spinnakers also flopping considerably. . 11:35 a. m.— Columbia now good two lengths ar.d In better position. 11-4° a m.— Both yachts now about two and a haff knots Columbia's advantage thus far, due largely to better luck getting wind Into h< U-50 Si a b "m.— Columbia four lengths in tead. Wind freshenir.g somewhat. Both crews are mussed on quarters. 11:14 a. m.— Only two and one half knots sali ed In one hour. Ncon-Columbla's jib drawing well, bo Is a hamrock'" Columbia has balloon staysail set Shamrock has hers in Mop*. Columbia has increased l<*ad slightly In consequence OI shKt of wind. Yachts heading easterly. jo.j 0 p m —Both yachts taking in spinnakers. Columbia taking in balloon staysails. Both now under mainsail top, club topsails, balloon jib topsails. ■\"> n % r i" — Wind about northeast; both yachts moving between five and six knots Co lumbia about an eighth of a mile In the lead. Yachts doing very well. Course remarkably Cl f| r )' s _c ta k-boats going southeast. Yachts about three miles east by north of here. Co lumbia full leading. Shamrock on inside near ■nr«-e held by the stak.-boat. v' 44 p m —Both yachts held to the north ward of the course, giving advantage of wind. They are now heading for the mark, with spin nakers taken In and main Fails to port IS-B1 v m —Immense fleet is following races. I*'a3 P m.— Columbia continues her lead; wind so light that shivers run up and down •-ailF of both yaehi?. " jo" .7 p m.— Cunarder Servla, bound in, passed "^ « m.— Wind freshening. Columbia widens the gap. Yachts still several miles from cutt'r mark. 106 p. m.— Both yachts are sailing under mainsails, ciub topsails and balloon jibs. Co lumbia's staysails are in stops. 1:11 p. m.— Wind died out, so that Columbia's sails hang like bags. Shamrock doing a little better. 1:15 p. m.— The race is now a drifting match THE EXAMINER BULLETINS. 11:30 a. m. — Columbia leads. Wind twelve knots tin hour. Associated Press boat says that at 12:20 Columbia leads seven-eighths of a mile. PRICE FIVE CENTS. and unless breeze springs up the yachts cannot finish within the time limit. 1:29 i>. m.— Shamrock set spinnaker. Columbia followed suit five seconds later. Wind is right aft. 1:24 j.. m.— Shamrock unable to close gap. Ex cursion craft giving yachts plenty of rwra. :o-boats doing pood service. Course clear for two mile* side. 1:30 p. m. — Yachts scarcely making steerage way. Columbia keeps lead, but does not in crease it. 1:36 p. m— Pea like a millpond. Both yachts are in the doldrums. 1:61 p. m.— Yachts slowly drifting toward th» outer mark, with the Columbia still holding her I»ad. 1:66%. m.— Columbia took in spinnaker and sm bosm over the starboard. Shamrock dropped her spinnaker, but kept her boom to port \\ md still lacking force to fill sails. 2p. m. — Wind freshening slightly. Shamrock jibed_ and is gaining a little on ""olumbia. p. m. — North Atlantic squadron, cruiser New York leading, passes the Mackay-Bennett headed for the yachts. 2:OS p. m.— Yachts set spinnakers to port. Shamrock closing up the gap. 2:13 p. m.— Columbia's lead, which was fully half a mile, has been cut down M 100 yards. Shamrock's sails seem to be drawing better. 2:2" p. m.— Shamrock has main sheet eased off. Continues gaining and less than a hoat'3 length of open water separates the boats. 2:2n p. m.— Wind veered around to the south, heading Columbia off. Spinnakers were taken in and Columbia crossed Shamrock's bow on port tack. 2:30 p. m. — When the wind shifted about, the Shamrock was to windward and near the outer mark. Both boats are now heading toward Long Island on starboard tack. 2:40 p. m.— Columbia worked through Sham rock's lee. taking the lead and going on port tack. Shamrock also on port tack a moment later. 3:05 p. m.— Shamrock on starboard tack was about to cross Columbia's how. when Colum bia came about on the starboard tack Sham rock drew up a'tngside and passed. Columbia being a short distance to windward. 2.1U p. ni.— Shamrock retains windward tion, although very close together. Both fly ing special No. 2 jib topsail. 3:12 p. ni.— Shamrock seems pointing higher. Sta.keb.iat about two miles away. Boats can n"t possibly finish in time limit. 3:15 p. m.— Shamrock ccmes about on port tack. Columbia at once follows. Shamrock's sails fill quicker than the Columbia's. Sham rock apparently holding her lead about two lengths. Yachts close together, making pretty picture. 3:20 p. m.— Columbia makintr srreat effort on Shamrock and is slowly succeeding, appar ently nearly lapping challenger's stem. 3:30 n. m.— Shamrock eats her way ahead a bit. Columbia's effort does not succeed. North Atlantic squadron follows wake r.f yachts. 3:34 p. m.— Columbia comes about, on star board tack holding southeast. namrock holds port. 3:37 p. m.— Stakeboat in plain view. Both yachts on starboard tack. Shamrock to wind ward position and leading. 3:38 p. m.— Columbia comes about <■-. port tack. 3:45 p. m.— Swinginer around and heading for home. Columbia drop? Jib topsail. Shamrock drops staysails and jib topsail. Race appar ently declared off. 3:49 p. m.— Another failure through the lack of wind. Shamrock has again showed won derful ability in lieht airs. She is fully equal to Columbia in this respect. She showed sur prisingly well in pointine. Conditions po un even that day's ra I >t settle which is better boat In lighter weather. Long Branch. 12:20 p. m. — Sham rock apparently in lead. 12:35 p. m.— Columbia leads half a mile. New York, 1 :06 p. m— Wind fresh