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VOLUME LXXXVI— NO. 130. WAR PRACTICALLY ON IN THE TRANSVAAL Great Britain Restrained From Beginning Hostilities by Her Claim of Suzerainty Over the Boers. Old Fort at Mafeking, Where the Boers Are Concentrating Troops. LONDON, Oct. Judging from the reports from South Africa a state of war practically exists between Great Britain and the Transvaal. This seems almost paradoxical in conjunction with the fact that the British diplomatic agent. Conyngham Greene, still remains at Pretoria, and the further, fact that the negotiations continue. A solution of this apparent paradox probably lies in an understanding of the curious relations between the two Gov ernments. Great Britain is not likely to make a formal declaration of war against what she considers a dependent nation, the process being a mere Issue of orders to a military force to restore the state of sovereignty which she alleges originally existed. Were England similarly at log gerheads with a power recognized by her us equal, pride and precedent would some time ago have compelled her to break off diplomatic intercourse. It Is this legend of suzerainty that enables her to palaver without loss of self-respect, and at the am» time to run a good chance of plac ing the onus of beginning hostilities upon the Boers, or, failing in that, to delay ac tion until she has in the field a sufficient force to overrun the Transvaal. This Is the only ground on which It Is possible to reconcile the Government's passive reception of palpably hostile acts on the part of the Boers, for it Is now Impossible to believe that the Transvaal forces are massing rely for defensive purposes. Thus war appears to be the only possible outcome. If the Boers are determined to participate in the conflict, hostilities are only a question of days. If England is allowed to take her own time, then two months may elapse before the first blow is struck. Though the week has produced no ne gotiations tending to thro.. light up<.n the merits of the case, it Is evident that ne gotiations had not ceased so far as diplo matic correspondence Is concerned. The pith of the whole dispute, however. Is dally becoming clearer. The Boers are thoroughly convinced that their freedom Is menaced] and England is convinced that her supremacy in South Africa is threat ened. This constitutes an Impasse, against which pacific measures can scarcely be effective. As the possibility of war increases Brit ish conjecture as to the unfriendly atti tude of other European powers increases. Reference is frequently made to probable Russian aggression In Asia; while it is thought that France, in the evei of hos tilities, is sure to become active i 1 North ern Africa. Interference at the seat of •war itself is not contemplated; for th '' apples which France and Russia wish to pick do not grow in South Africa. Dela goa Bay is naturally closely watched in thi6 connection: The Gorman press is making capital out of the report that Great Britain is sacrificing her friendship with the United States in the Bamoam af fair In ord.r to gain Germany's support in the settlement at Delagoa Bay. It seems "tain that an entirely new plan of government is being con*idere«l by the European powers interested In San but the? Associated Press is able to astcrt authoritatively that such negotiations vill in no way result disadvantageously or the United States; nor is there any trvh in the insinuation that 'l)" attitude of tie British Foreign Office toward Washington has been altered by Great Britain's d» eire to secure Germany's co-operation at Delagoa Hay. -,'An American diplomatist, discussing tho matter to-day, said: "Germany it too desirous of maintaining our friend ship to play puch a see-saw game as that " ■ The Speaker says: "There is a painfully Instructive analogy to be drawn between the present state of public feeling in Eng land and the temper of the Americans Just fore the war with Spain. In both cases a mass of vague humanitarian sent iment arid genuine hatred of oppression] though Imperfectly Informed as to facts la vagarized by the avowedly military party, Jockeyed by the Btock broking fraternity, maddened by the yellow press ami expected to do Its duty by Rudvard Kipling." Many officers believe that President Kruger's recent seizure of gold is an act of war, or is at least justifiable only on the theory thai a state of war exists The London manager of the bank of the South African republic— the institution whose specie was commandeered— takes this view. He said to-day: "1 do not con sider the seizure of great significance and I scarcely blame President Kruger if ho believes his country is threatened I do not expect any more gold to come out The San Francisco Call. ROME, Oct. 7.— The Italia, the Arena and other papers state that the Pope has again written to yueen Victoria, appealing to her Majesty's humanitarian sentiments and requesting h^r to use her in f.uence with her Ministers In the direction of peace. The Queen, It is said, replied courteously to the message, giving his Holiness to un derstand that it was beyond her power to interfere with the prerog atives of the Ministry. :of the Transvaal until the crisis Is •d." The Government Is much criticised by many of the papers of their own follow i Ing, as well as by the military assemblies, j for tardiness in sending out the army ; corps, some going so far as to say that : if Majuba Hill repeats Itself, Lord Salls- I bury will have only himself to blame. i The Admiralty Is also coming In for a share of cr.iicism over the length of time required to get transports. Incompetence and bungling are alleged. Lieutenant J. C. Colwell, United States naval attache in London, when asked regarding this charge said: "I believe that the Admiralty has done splendidly, fully maintaining the reputa tion of the British navy. I am fairly ac quainted with the details of the present operations, and I believe they are a proof oi the great advantage to be gained by having the navy control the transporta tion of troops." A royal proclamation summoning Par i Moment to meet on October 17 and author ! izing the railing out of the reserves was | signed thi.s morning. The Gazette an j nounces that a summons will be issued for the number of reserves necessary to bring every battalion ordered to South Africa up to Its full strength of 1000 men. men must present themselves before ■ r 17. The forward movement is counterbalanced by stories of mlll ireparatfons In the Transvaal and [ Free State. The field force for service in South Af- I c War Office announces, will com •• mobilizing next Monday. The War announces that, under the procla mation railing out the. reserves. 2^.000 men will be summoned. It is rumored at Portsmouth that th<* Admiralty will organize a flying squadron 1 for the <"ape. • of Great Britain's military preparations 'an scarcely be grasped by the more reading of individual items as they appear from day to day. A fair no tion of their immensity can be gained from j the semi-official statement that for the transport of the army corps about seventy ships of from 2000 to 4ijOO tons burden are required, not Including a score or more j of transports already on the way to the Cape. If these vessels effectively disem bark their cargoes of men, horses and I equipment within five weeks from their ; date of sailing, the programme will have fulfilled the forecasts of the most opti mistic British military experts. If all the I troops are able to lake their places as component parts of the army corps by tho 1 end of November they will have done, ac cording to the best available opinion, re markably well. The disembarkation of 1 General Shafter's army from its thirty i seven transports Is not forgotten by Brlt i ish officers. Although the vessels to be ! employed In the Cape service are larger on the average than those which carried the Americans to Santiago de Cuba, the admiralty, In accordance with the exist ing regulations, is supplying them all and taking complete charge from water's edge to water's edge. This means a tremend ■us outlay of capital. Although the Impending army corps lp a tnatter of pre-eminent military interest, the troops already on the scene of prob able action constitute no Insignificant I > idy. The original Cape garrison wa-s ' ;• 10 men. and this has been Increased by V *). There are 12,000 men at sea on tho to the Cape, and their arrival will jVutke the approximate total of British 'troops In South Africa, prior to the ar lvn.l of the army corps, 25,000. These « .ops do not Include the irregular forces, 1 tie Cape Mounted Rifles, the Port Eliza |b\h Volunteers, the Natal Police, the llrban Light Infantry, the Australian face and the regular naval brigade. the Cape squadron now Includes ten i wiships, all heavily manned, and the ; Brtlsh first-class protected cruisers Ter- I ribti and Powerful will soon arrive, en- SAN FRANCISCO, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1899— THIRTY-TWO PAGES. 4- I abling the navy to land a brigade of about ♦ 2000 men. BOERS REPORTED TO BE ABOUT TO YIELD LONDON, Oct. 7.— The most important ' news comes from the Transvaal to-night, which, if true, probably indicates that the South African republic is about to yield, . or in any that the Boers have aban < doned all ideas of invading Natal. The news is comprised In a cablegram from Newcastle, Natal, which says that the farmers who arrived there to-day j from the Buffalo River state that the B';--rH are returning to their homes, leav ing patrols along the river. The comman i ders still remain on the Free State bor der. The dispatch also says that the feeling , i at Newcastle now is that the Boers do not I Intend to attack that place and that the i evacuation of the town was premature. ! A dispatch from Durban also states that j the excitement there has abated, owing to I the Hours holding back from the frontier. This retirement of the Boers is what the I British war authorities have exp?-cted, as j their defective commissariat would pre vent • them from long remaining massed along the border. Telegrams received here lately have made frequent reference to the scarcity of forage and supplies in the Boer laagers and have stated that many of those in the camps were inclined to strike for their homes unless active operations were undertaken Immediately. The dispatch from Newcastle looks as though they had done as they threatened and had abandoned the idea of fighting. Meanwhile further transports from India, j with two field hospitals and hussars, have arrived at Durban and the men and ma | terial were forwarded to Ladysmith in stantly. General Sir George Stewart White, V. C, who will command the Brit ish forces in Natal, has also arrived and landed. He was greeted by a large crowd. General Sir William Symoris, his second In command, came from Glencoe to meet him, showing that he does not fear a Boer incursion into North Natal. A num ber of other officers were present and the whole party left by train for Ploter ! maritzburg amid great excitement and j cries of "Remember Majuba." ANTI-BRITISH SPIRIT OF THE GERMAN PRESS BERLIN, Oct. 7.-Affalrs in South Af rica are still commented upon in the press hero and elsewhere in the same anti- British spirit. Even the Liberal press !b now hostile to England. The Frankfort Zeitung says: "It is a regrettable face that even in a constitutional country like England the Cabinet is enabled to put Parliament in the presence of accomplished facts in a way that makes it almost impossible for Parliament to do anything but consent to warlike measures." The Cologne Gazette calls the coming struggle of the Boers "heroic, with the same heroic thought as inspired their struggle in 18S1." "They go Into the fight fearlessly," says tho Rhenish organ, "and the world may hear of their losing battles, but never of thoir loping courage or hope." The influential Hanover Courier consid ers that Germany's chances will be very poor if England vanquishes the Boers, as then German Southwest Africa will be lost. The papers are also considering the military probabilities, the general opinion being that England will not be ready to take the offensive until November. In the meantime, it is believed the Boers will do England rral damage. The mili tary expert of the Cologne Gazette's staff says: "German and French artillery and the Mauser will be opposed to English weapons. Both sides, are good shots and military experts will follow the duel, which will be mainly decided by the rifle with keen Interest." Some of the papers discuss the eco nomic consequences of the war. The Ber liner Tageblatt believes that a diminu tion of the gold output would seriously affect business. The Government press remains mute, with the exception of the North German Gazette, which recalls the fact that the Transvaal has no right to expect German Outlanders to render mili tary service. Continued on Second Pago. MARCONI'S SYSTEM MEETS ALL DEMANDS Wireless Telegraphy Now Firmly Established on This Side of Atlantic. TRIUMPH OF WIZARD People Ashore Informed of Move ments of Yaohts Before Those on Excursion Boats. PONCE IS IN A COLLISION Sending Vessel Stniok by a Drifting Steamer, and Signor Marooni Is Enabled to an Additional Example of the Value of His Woncerful Work. Special Dispatch to The C«Jt NEW YORK, Oct. 7.— Ag-ain to-day did. the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy meet every demand made upon it. All during- the day Signor Marconi kept the yachts in view, at the same tim<' giving those asbcre i almost as plain an uruierKtandlng of the ' maneuvering that was being done as was ] enjoyed by the excursionists. Unfortunately for those on the steam j ship Ponce, the view of the start of the | yachts, which was a magnificent one, was i marred by what for a moment promised ' to be an accident of serious results. The Cambridge, a light-draft steamer from Baltimore, was caught in the current and drifted across the bow of the Ponce. Cap tain Lloyd was on the bridge with "Dyna i mlts Johnnie" O'Brien. Both saw that a ' crash was imminent, and in a moment the ; great whistle of the Ponce sounded a ter ! rifle warning, while the signal to the en ] gine room set the propeller in motion for 1 a sternway. The momentum of the Ponce, however, j was too great, and she went crashing Into ! the smaller craft, whose railing was crushed in and a hole made in her hull. ; For a time it was feared that the Cam i bridge would sink, and her captain asked the Ponce to stand by ready to take off ', the passengers should it become neces sary. All was excitement on the Ponce, I and" for a few momenta a panic was nar : rowly averted on the Cambridge. Had there been a larger crowd on the unfortu nate boat there certainly would have been ! loss of life. As it was, several women ; falntt-d, while others were restrained ; from hurling themselves overboard into ' the water. The Ponce did not have time to hnck out of the hole her nose had made in the j Cambridge before Signor Marconi was : giving the news of the accident to the I operators at Navesink. Fortunately It ■ was learned before great excitement could ! be caused ashore that the damage to the Cambridge was Blight and the passengers were in no dang-r. While all this was going on the final i signal for the had boon given, and i the Columbia and the Shamrock went I over the line with as pretty a start as has ever been seen in any race for the Amer- I ica's cup. Just as soon as it was di ter mlned that the Cambridge was in no dan ger all eyes were again turned on the yachts, and bulletins of the race, which | had been Interrupted, were resumed. I The attempt of the Shamrock to blanket and take the wind from the Columbia was flashed to the bulletin boards in New York City long before it was known by those ; who were watching th<; maneuver Whether : it would be successful. Again, the experi '. mentlng with the sails which was going on was fully described by Signor Marconi. Often as a certain sail would be carried in ■ the stops into position, those on shore ■ watching the race through Signor Mar coni's eyes knew what was being at ! tempted before the canvas was given to : the wind. Finally, when about a mile ' from the start, the Columbia gradually drew away from the challenger, the suc cess of the American yacht was bulletined before half the boat's length separated the two contestants. As usual, the ap paratus employed by Signor Marconi was i accurate in its work, and was watched by ' all who could crowd near the chart room. I Aboard the Ponce was Lieutenant Commander Hubert yon Rebeurpaschwltz, naval attache of the German Embassy in Washington, who officially represented his Government in watching the opera tions of Signor Marconi. Although the German was Intensely interested in tlv> contest going on between the Columbia and Shamrock he seldom took his atten tion from the apparatus used in sending messages ashore. At the close of the day he expressed himself as more than pleas ed with what he had seen. "The Herald is to be congratulated." said the lieutenant commander. "This has been the ilrst time that I have seen the Columbia and Shamrock together, but on Tuesday and Thursday Signor Mar coni, through the Herald, made it possi ble for me to watch the yachts almost as well as I havo been able to do to-day. However, 1 had no adequate idea of the j importance of the work being done until ] I saw for myself. The world will accept this discovery just as it has accepted everything else, and in a very short time the people will cease to wonder. But it Is all really marvelous. Signor Marconi has gone far in advance of his contem porary workers in the field of practical science as applied to electricity. No doubt England is already making ar rangements to use wireless telegraphy in the war which Impends in South Africa. There it will be given a severe test, which j I have no doubt will be successfully met. Here we are away out on the ocean with out tangible connection with the land. and yet the Herald is enabled to tell us , that Queen Victoria has called out the reserves. Her Majesty's action makes j it appear as though peace is now im possible yet. Important as her act is it ' is not. In my mind, of so great importance as In the discovery which has made it ! possible for us to know that it had been j taken. Of course It Is impossible for me j to say how much importance my report I to the German Government will have, ! but 1 venture the assertion that the ex- ! ample of the Italian Government, using tho Marconi system on all its war vessels, j will speedily be followed by every other ! naval power." From the Ponce upward of 2000 words I were bulletined ashore during the yacht ' race, and more than the usual number of ! private messages were sent. Some of the latter were cabled to England, while oth ers were intended for friends in distant cities in the United States. In addition to sending to the Ponce news of Queen Victoria's action in call- dftntiniiad an ■ F%ft}t\TtA. Pajrt GRAND STRUGGLE FOR THE AMERICA'S CUP Columbia and Shamrock Fight Gamely for Supremacy, but the Wind Fails and the Third Race Is a Fizzle. Steamers Ponce and Cambridge in Collision. ON BOARD THE STEAMSHIP PONCE, OFF THE HIGHLANDS OF NOVESINK, Oct. 7- Another fizzle, but a grand struggle. A race which was a fight fron) gun to gun. A finer struggle for the cup was never witnessed. The yachts got off nearly to gether. Each at times had an advantage over the other, but neither was able to shaKe off her rival. The turn of the staßeboat was the closest ever seen- The Shamrock led around it, but the Columbia almost lapped her, and when around can)e into wind ward position and stood off shore to begin tt)e long, hard fight for home against the wind. But there was not wind enough to tal^e the rivals home. They were still sev eral miles from the Sandy HooK lightship when the gun ended the struggle The ShamrocK did remarKably fine windward worK- The Columbia was handled splen didly, but she did no 1 : do as well In reaching as on Thursday, owing to the roll of the sea. Her satis suffered by comparison with the Shamrock's. The question of which is the better boat in light weather is still a matter of opinion. Three efforts at a decision in this cup keeping ,ir cup-losing matter and the tale Is yet to run. Three attempts at racing and throe resultant flukes, and all that is known of tho ability of either yacht to hi ;it tho other is that on the first occasion the Columbia had a slight advantage at the inconclusive ending of the contest: that on the second trial the two finished on even terms, and In yesterday's unsat isfactory bout the American boat quit with a slight lead. The averaged-up prob lem stands where it rested before the con testants met. lint it is not so much a question as to which yacht is the speedier in a race. It is when there is going to be one. That'B it. That's the problem which overshad ows that other one regarding relative merits. What the people are asking now is: "When is the wind going to blow long I'lmtitrh for one to see which of these j yachts is the better boat?" "White folks and women," the Southern j darky says, " Is mighty onsartin'." The I same may be said of the New York her. The Weather Bureau promised ' a wind that would send the yachts kiting | over tho course, and during the early morning and forenoon there was every sign that the promise would be fulfilled. But a change came as the day wore on. The wind weakened as the hours went by, and the heavy sea, which had been rolled up by the gale of Friday and Frf dny night, moderated to a long rhythmic swell. It was blowing a good twelve to fifteen miles an hour breeze when the yachts stood out to the starting line. It was from the north-northeast, and the course was laid 'south-southeast to the turning mark, anchored fifteen miles down the coast. The sea was rolling in a heavy swell from the northward and eastward, so heavy that the yachts would frequently disappear to their main booms behind the bulky rollers. There was but little maneuvering for position before the start, and the starting gun found both yachts near the line. To observers it seemed that they crossed it in company, the Columbia setting her bal loon jib as she went over it, the Sham rock luffing up under baby jib and jib top sail, seeking to gain the weather berth. To prevent that the Columbia also stood away to the westward, and the first part of the race was merely a luffing match for windward position. Neither gaining any advantage in that direction, the Shamrock took in her baby | jib topsail, set a lug foresail in place of j the staysail, and breaking out her bal ' loon Jib as the Columbia set her spinnaker i aloft, the two settled down to plain sail ! ing. Meanwhile the wind was gradually 1 dying out, and before the first hour went i by both yachts were dipping their balloon jibs aback with every pitch of the sea. They had plenty of room on that race ; down the wind, the lane they traveled be i ing a full four miles in width. On their I starboard hand was a line of torpedo boats, under command of Lieutenant Com. ! mander John C. Fremont, which kept the i excursion fleet on that side well clear of j the course of the racing yachts. On the ! port hand was a line of revenue cutters, ; commanded by Captain Robley D. Evans, i guarding the seaward side of the pre scribed course. As the yachts were midway In the run to the turning point, a nomadic freighter came blundering up the lane from the southern end. The cutters tooted warn ing signals, but the stranger kept on, and not until the auxiliary yacht Allen had fired two shots did the vessel sheer out of the course of the racers. The spectacular feature of the race lay at the outer mark and at a time when the yachts were rounding It. That was the turning point of the race, but it was no turning point in the fortunes of the contestants. One may live long and never again 6ee such a spectacle as was presented when the two yachts swung- around the stake in company and so close together that one was sailinc in the other's shadow. There was hardly a second's difference between the two and to an unofficial ob server of the race the contest might yet I be in doubt, so close were the yachts to j gether when they made the turn. The manner in which they approached the mark was almost as exciting as the way in which they rounded it. The Sham rock, which had stood a few hundred yards to the westward of the line, gybed around to the starboard tack and headed straight for the mark, intending to keep it on her starboard hand in turning and intending, moreover, to get around it first. That well laid plan of hers went all aglee through a clever maneuver of the Columbia's captain. That vessel, hur rying to the mark, managed by a fine bit of seamanship and a quick shift of the helm to interpose between the Sham rock and the stake boat just at the mo ment when that point was bobbing past the Shamrock's bow. Round went the wheel of the Columbia, up went the tiller of the Shamrock, and, turning on their heels, the two boats | swung around the stake, beam to beam, and so close together that a penny might havo been flipped from one deck to the other. Around they came with tho Co lumbia's bowsprit slightly overlapping that of the Shamrock. But so slight was the lead of that vessel with its narrow margin of Inches or of seconds that no one could tell by what distance she led. Trimming the sheets flat aft as they came into the wind the two headed back to the finish line, close hauled and with booms to port. Then followed a series of tacking and reaching In search of the wind or In an effort to blanket each other or to get the best position. As far as one could see there was nothing to criticize in the handling of either boat, both being man aged with a skill that compelled the ad miration of all who followed the contest. The wind grew steadily lighter, and owing to its fluky character, which worked alternately to the advantage of one and then to the other, first one yacht had the lead and then its rival. And as the hours wore on it began to look as though the history of the two preceding races would be again repeated. This feeling became conviction when, at 4 o'clock, tho finish was still three or four miles away and the yachts were bobbing about in a breeze that was not very far removed from no breeze at all. Then boomeu a gun announcing that the race was off, the Columbia then being ap parently about 250 yards nearer the goal than was her rival. The excursion fleet was out in as great a force as in any of the preceding days, and in the drunken beam-sea roll many of the excursionists discovered what sea sickness is, if perchance they had not made the discovery before the boats did some wild reeling in the sea that surged about the lightship while waiting for the start of the race. Dipping their noses deep in the sea. Racking their stays and stanchions free; In the wash of the wind-whipped tide. The wallowing as exceedingly uncom fortable and the rolling was but little lessened when the fleet Rot under way and stood down the course in company with the racers. The run back was not so disquieting, the sea then having moder ated so much that but little motion was felt on the larger craft. TECHNICAL VERSION OF THE THIRD FAILURE NEW YORK, Oct. 7.— There was a spanking breeze from the northeast and a heavy swell from the eastward when the yacht Columbia, under mainsail and jib, filled away from a point oft the south west spit at 9:25 to-day and, with sheets PRICE FIVE CENTS. ! eased a trifle, headed for the Sandy Hook | lightship at a twelve-knot clip. I Besides Managing Owner Iselin and Mrs. i Iselin, there were on board Herbert Leeds, ; Captain Nat Herreshoff, who when the ; yacht passed the Associated Press boat j John Nickols was lying on the weather I side of the deck watching the sails through a pair of green goggles; Captain Woodbury Kane, Newbury Thorne and Hugh Kelly, the la:~t named representing j the Royal Ulster Yacht Club. Captain ; Barr had the wheel to windward, one of the crew assisting on the lee .side. The rest of the crew was distributed along the weather rail. The Columbia was carrying the same mainsail as on Thursday. The Shamrock made an early start from Sandy Hook Bay. She passed out by the point of the Hook at 9:06, carrying the same sail as the Columbia, arriving off the lightship at a few minutes before 10. On her deck were seen Henry F. Lippett, the New York Club's representative. Sail ! maker Ratsey, Hugh McGill Downey, j Sherman Crawford and Captains Ben j Parker, Hogarth and Wringe. At 10:20 I the Columbia sent up her working topsail ;in stops, the wind being strong enough at that time to warrant the Betting of ' that sail, but even while they were hoist- I ing it the wind lightened considerably. | and fifteen minutes later the No. :> club topsail was bent on. The Shamrock a^so j bent on a No. 2 club topsail, and both ; yachts set these sails at almost the same ■ time. j At 10:50 the tug which was to drop the i outer mark started to log off the course ;of fifteen miles to leeward. Pour minutes ; later down came the Shamrock's club top sail, and in just nine minutes her big jackyarder was mastheaded and si i out. The Columbia kept her No. l i sail on. Captain Barr probably hoping j that it would be a more d^esirable sail in i the windward work and that it would not ' make sufficient difference in the work ! down the wind. At 11:06 the preparatory signal was ■given, at 11:13 the warning signal and at 11:20 the gun to start. When the warn \ ing signal was given both yachts were on the starboard tack, east of the committee boat, the Columbia to windward, and both J heading to the southwest. The wind was ! then light from the north-northeast, with , little promise ot freshening. The Colum- I bia luffed first of the two, until she was j close on the wind on the starboard tack, ! heading as if to cross the committee I boafs bow. The Shamrock stood on a i little longer, then jibed and came up on the same tack, setting her staysail as she did so. Captain Barr, to fill in the time kept the Columbia off for about thirty seconds, then luffing her sharp on the wind again headed her to fetch close by the committee boat's bow on the way to the line. Her staysail had not been set, and the Shamrock was traveling with bet ter headway toward the same spot. Skip per Hogarth, seeing his chance, it now being less than a minute before gunfire, sent the Shamrock's bowsprit close along the Columbia's lee quarter, ready to luff out at gunfire if the opportunity came. Both yachts were running parallel to the line, neither daring to keep off until the signal. They were able to be at the cen ter of the line at gunfire. Quick as a flash Skipper Hogarth put her helm down, shot the Shamrock across the Columbia's wall and as he straightened her up asain tier bowsprit overlapped the Columbia's weather quarter. He was able to accom plish this by reason of the Irish boat having better headway than the Colum bia. Captain Barr held his course almost over to the lightship at the w^ath^r Bide of the line before sweeping off, thus try ing to force Hogarth out of the command ing position which he had so cleverly ob tained, but in vain. The Shamrock not only held her position, out began to over haul the other and blanket her. The official time at the start was: Co lumbia, 11:21:02; Shamrock, 11:21:19. As on one of the previous races Hogarth did not set his balloon jib topsail, being better prepared with the No. 2 lib toDsaJi