12 SAN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of The San Francisco Call, comer of Market and Third streets, open until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 o'clock. 200 Hayes street; open until 9:?0 o'clock. «5? McAllister street: open until 9:30 o'clock. «18 Larkln street: open until 3: JO o'clock. J9U Mission street; open- until 10 o'clock. 2261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open until 9 o'clock. 106 Eleventh street; open until 9 o'clock. 1096 Valencia street : open until 9 o'clock. Northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken tucky i-treets; open until 9 o'clock. MEETING NOTICES. ASYLUM of Golden Gate Com mandery «-"t — No. 16, K. T.. 623 Butter St.— Officers BUT and members of this commandery are iy hereby ordered to assemble at the r asylum In full uniform on SUNDAY, October 22. at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late frater, SIR HENRY D. ROBERTSON • JOS. C. CAMPBELL. Eminent Com. WM. T. FONDA. Recorder. CALIFORNIA Chapter No. B. R. A. M., a will meet THIS (SATURDAY) EVEN- J^L INC.. October 21. Nt 7:30 o'clock. R. A. T2_2? degree. By order of the 11. P. r^r> FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. 1 MOUNT Morlah Lodge No. 44, F. and A. • j M.— Officer* and members are respect- sA £"^ # I fully requested to assemble SUNDAY. tCJJT I October 22. at 2 o'clock P- m., to attend'^^ ' the funeral of BROTHER HENRY D. ROB- ERTSON, late member of Howard Lodge No. M, Yreka, Cal. THEO. FROHLI Sac. MEMBERS of Cosmopolitan Lodge -S== ble at their hall SUNDAY. Octo =^S^^ ber 22d. at 1 p. m.. to attend the ™' x funeral of our late brother P. G., JOHN HART. By order. W. ].. MBU3ER. N. G. OFFICERS and members of St. v V3 r sl ( Andrew* Society are requested to JJik ujy attend the funeral of cur late 'tiOUl* member. VERNO.V CAMPBELL, on SUNDAY, October 22. at 1:80 p. m., from Masonic Temple, cor. Post and Mont- gomery ats. JAMES a WEBSTER, President. ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Secretary. THE California Debris Commission, having re- ceived applications to mine by tha hydraullo process from Henry H. Meyer, et als.. in the French Claim, at Alabama Hill, near Downle- vllle. Sierra County, to deposit tailings In a ravine below the mine; from R. J. Slnnott and F. M. Spencer, in the Hopkins Creek Tailing Claim. In Goodwin Township, Plumas County, to deposit tailings In Hopkins Creek; and from James C. West, In the Eagle Gulch mine, in Butte County, near Strawberry Val- ley, to deposit tailings in a worked-out pit, gives notice that a meeting will be held at room R5. Flood building. Pan Francisco, Cal., on October 30. 1899, at 1:30 p. m. ANNUAL meetlnr -Annual meet of stock- holders of the KILAUF.A SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY will be held at the office of the company, 327 Market street, In the city and county of San Francisco, State of California, on WEDNESDAY, the SMh day of October. 1599. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi- ness as may come before the meeting. Trans- fer books will close on Saturday, October 14. IK-3. at 12 o'clock m. E. H. SHELDON. Secretary. rui \( CO! NTANT9. S. K. BALLARD, 401 Cal. St., designs, audits A adjusts accounts for corporations & firms: ref. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ADVICE free: R. W. KINO, sixth floor. Chron- j icle building; no advance charges; all cases; I estate*. mortgages, damages, collections, ! bankruptcy, wills, etc., drawn; moderate ; fees; coll or write. ADVICE free: divorce law a specialty; private; no fee without puccees; collections. G. W. , HOWE, atty at law. 850 Market, cor. Stocktn. NOAH F. FLOOD, 935 Market St., opp. Mason; ; consultation free: moderate fees. L. P. CLARK. Emma Spreckels building. 927 Market: consultation free; no fees in advance. NAGLE & NAGLE, attorney* at law, Emma j Ppreokels building, 927 Market Pt. ADVICE free: no char— c unless successful. W. ' W. DAVIDS B£7 Market st. opp. Mason, j — — - : 1 BICYCLES For Sale or Exchange. WHITE agency. HS4 Market St.; a few '93 Wheele, $23; mechanical repairing. BICYCLE REPAIRS- THOS. H. B. VARNEY. Market Tentibu RAMBLER AND IDEAL BICYCLES. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. BOARD AND ROOMS. ~ EDDY. 123— United tites Hotel; roomjT'sT'y) ! w*-k up. with board $3 50; suit for two with ' board, $12: board, $4 week; meals, 2oc; ele- vator runs all meht A NEW family hotel, c"7 California st., occu- pying corner opposite Grace Church. "BELGRAVIA." Polk and Clay— Sunny suites; best board: for 2, $15 up; single. $20. LEAVENWORTH, 21?— Sunny front rooms; ex- cellent table board; desirable location; reaa. MARKET. IS2O (Lac Palmas)— Suite of _ or 3 rms.; private: bath; Bin. rms. ; board optional. . O'FARRKLL. 742— I 'lean 'comfortable rooms; fU- perlor table board: bath: piano: reasonable. ' PINE, 1222— Handsome family hotel; sunny rooms; suite or single; refs. Miss Hutch: POWELL. 209 (The Waldorf)— Furnished suites 1 and ■■ :-g]e with or without board. BOARDING FOR CHILDREN. ACCOMMODATION for 1 or 3 small~chndrenl mother's care and home comforts MRS C L. Dl MONT, 51S East Eleventh St.. Oakland! ; GOOD board for one or two children; excellent ' homo. 3943 Army st. BOOKS — NEW AND OLD. SCHOOL BOOKS bought and exchanged! Holnrs Book Co.. 704 Mission St.. near Third. BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' best rubbers. 2oc and 35c; men's boots. $2; children's shoes, 610 up; ladies' shoes, $1 up; send for price list. People's Shoe Store. 1.*!03 Stockton, nr. Brdwy. BUSINESS CHANCES. $3SO— CORNER saio n, one block from Market i 6t., cl'.se to Odd Fellows' bldg; rent $40; ' lease; dally receipts $1S; death cause of sale. R. G. WILKE, 106 Market st. <7800- HOTEL of 120 rooms, offices, bar. din- ing-room, etc.; establ. many years, with large patronage; centrally located; this first-class i paying property must be sold at once; Impor- j tant family affair calls owner to Europe; full- I est investigation solicited. Call R. G. WILKE. f'o-5 Market St. A— SIIOO— CORNER saloon with « rooms; rent $00: mercantile lunch: between wholesale 1 houses and iron foundries; place clearing $100 | per month; lease. Call WILKE, 906 Market. I A-S"OO— CHIROPODIST and manicure parlors; Market and Powell sib. ; only the very best ! class of patronage; no rent to pay; a spledld off^r. R. G. WILKE, 606 Market St. $450— BRANCH bakery and stationery store on O' Fan-ell st., Including 4 rooms; dally re- ceipts $10; rent, $25: a splendid offer. R. G. WILKE. 806 Market st. A— ssrO; DYEING and cleaning store on Powell et.: rent !3J; first class; paying. Call WILKE :->') Market at. $600— FIRST-CLASS cigar stand; wholesale dis- trict; must be sold this week on account ether business. JONES. Sfi Market St. $275— SALOON doing prosperous business; 4 fur- rma,; cheap rent. KREDO & CO., 22V& Geary. $1250— GROCERY and bar; fixtures cost $1000; fresh stock: Invoice $1200: $25 dally; must be sold; sloknese. KREDO & CO., 22% Geary St. A— FIRST-CLASS saloon on Fourth st.; bar- gain this day; $175. COWING & CO., 995 Mar- ket st. B£M— BUTCHER shop: doing business $25 to 535 day: ICO route customers; 2 homes; 2 wagons- great sacrifice. JONES, 866 Market st. DO you want to get In on "the gTou>n* floor" In an oil well? Address G. W. PHELPS, 500 Safe Deposit bldg., San Francisco. $200— PAINT shop: oh tab. 40 years; good stock* fine tools. R. WILLIS, 926 Washington st. ' PRIVATE boarding-house; 2.'. boarders; 13 rooms; all full: north Market. Box 1344 Call. CHICKEN ranch for rent— Half Interest in horse, wagon, furniture, brooders, chicken feed. etc.. for sale, or will sell whole. Box 876. Can office, Oakland. FOR SALE— Corner taloon on water front, with rooms above for 3 families and 2 stores below; all rented: barroom rent free. Apply 724 Front st. Price low. PARTNER In cheap and\useful invention, or will sell whole or part. Address 611 Eighth. RESTAURANT, good steady trade: 2 living rooms; cheap rent. Apply «.8V» Natoma st. CIGAR store; very cheap; good location; cheap rent; owner de3lres to go to country. Box 997, Call. FOR sale or rent — Good-paying restaurant; ac- count of leaving town. Address box 871, Call office. Oakland. ?.'.i> -SHOE shop: establ 4 years; plenty of work for 1 men; sickness the cause of sell- ing. Box 813, Call office. RARE chance; nicely fitted up saloon; central location; J«x _j« ciiea;> A Inquire Call office. , BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. $1280— GROCERY store (no bar); splendid loca- tion; best class cash trade: good horse and wagon; large stock; fine fixtures and safe; cash register; sickness. M. LESS, 765 Market. $375— Restaurant, near car house and I car lines; big regular trade: Saturday and Sundays large transient: living rooms. M. LESS, 765 Market. $4 500— RESTAURANT and oyster house; Market St.; magnificently fitted up private rooms; will easily clear $300 monthly; trial given if you mean business. M. LESS, 765 Market st. $250— PAYING branch bakery In the Mission ; 4 living rooms: receipts from $12 to $14 per day; rent cheap; old eFtab. M. LESS. 765 Market. FOR sale— One of the best corner liquor stores and saloons In Vallejo; new and complete in every particular: electric lights; 1 block from principal wharf; fixtures complete; select stock of goods: ready for business at once; price 11000: rent reasonable to good tenant. Cnll on FRED HOLLMAN. Hollman House. Vallejo. Cal. FOR sale Liquor store, established M years; retiring: from business: 2S-room house and store to let: fixtures and stock will be sold cheap; long lease If desired; suitable for grocery, drug store or hotel. 1153 Howard ft., cor. Sumner. bet. Seventh and Eighth. . CORNER grocery and bar: good corner: established 10 years; good trade; stock new and clean: cause of selling old age and re- tiring from business; lease if desired: stable on premises. J. IV ROHR'S, 682 San Jo3e aye., corner Valley m $2tOO— ONE of the best located drug stores In the city; clearing $200 per month: Belling on account of other business. Address L. 8., box M 4. Call office. "FURNITURE and good will of Hotel Bruns- wick; doing Fplendld business; must sell on account of death; $3200; terms, half down. rest on time. Ad. Hotel Brunswick. Oakland. BRANCH bakery and stationery store: good location; 3 living rooms; rent $11. 1342 Sac- ramento st. PARTNER wanted with $800; $500 cash; balance on time; light business; come investigate; no agent. Call at 2 Eighth St., barber shop. FIRST-CLASS horseshoeing shop with large stock and Al cash trade; cheap rent bears Investigation. Inquire 269 Third st. BARGAIN; restaurant and oyster house op- posite ferry; established 25 years. Box 221, Call office, GOOD-PAYING rooming house, for cash; 18 rooms. 133 Hyde st. VALUABLE patent for sale. 1811H Polk st. HALF or whole Interest grocery store; estab. 12 years. Call 1510 Telegraph aye., Oakland. LUNCH place and variety store for sale; cheap. 2474 Mission st. $600— PORK and delicacy store; $30 day; trial given. Box 843, Call office. WELL paying restaurant for sale on account of departure for Manila. Box 206. Call office. FOR sale— Dining-room: serving 200 meals per day; rent $25; Investigate. Box 204. Call office. WOOD and coal yard: established; good loca- tion; cheap rent. Box 795, Call office. RESTAURANT outfits for sale. D. McRAE, 743 Mission st. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. W. CA SWFLL <■■ CO.'S. 412 Sncramento St. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. FINE top buggy, almost new; business buggy, new; business was-' new. suitable for dry poods stores: rockaway. S2S Harrison st. ALL kinds of wagons, buggies, carts, harness, etc.. cheap. EOAN _ SON. 2117 Mission st. 100 SETS ".-hand harness; wagons, carts. buggies, surreys and horses. 1140 FolFom st. CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet- beating Works. SSS-357 Tehama St.: tel. S. 40. CITY Steam Carpet-beating Works. S. H. STEVENS, mgr.. $8-40 Bth St.; tel. South 250. J. McQUEEN'S California Carpet Cleaning Co.. 453 Stevenson St.; tel. South 228; lowest rates. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Butter st. : tel Main C 94. GEO. WALCOM. Proprietor. CARPETS cleaned at 3e per yard; laid at 3c. I \TT< INS. 3 Eighth St.: t«l. Jessie 944. J. E. MITCHELL Carpet Cleaning Co., -4" 14th Et. : cleaning, 3c per yard; ttrt. Mission 74. CONKLIN Carpet-beating Works. 533 Golden Gate aye.: tel. East lit. CLAIRVOYANTS AND Si IHITUAHSJW. MRS. DR. CLARK, the well-known trance medium and clair- voyant, may be consulted on all affairs of life. While entranced she will reveal every hidden mystery; she will show you how to overcome your enemies; remove family trou- bles; restore lost affections; unite the sepa- rated: -overs ldst. stolen or burled prop- erty; locates treasures and minerals; tells your entire life, past, present and future, while In a perfect trance : perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mall; send stamp for circular with special terms. MRS DR. F. CLARK. 205 Turk st. Home Sundays and evenings. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, the celebrated test medium, life reader and medical clairvoyant; sittings, $1; diagnosis free; "new method" treatment for chronic, private, obscure dis- eases; she has the divine gift of clairvoyance and never falls in her diagnosis; send stamp for circular. 232 Stockton, bet. Post and Gear}*. MADAME A. CERVANTES, the celebrated Spanish fortune teller, newly arrived. 8 Hayes St.. room 7. second floor. MME MELBOURNE, gifted clairvoyant: never fails: satisfaction guarantee.; hours. 1:30 to 5 p. m.. 7-10 p. m. ; L. 60c; G. $1. 6:2:, Eddy st EDWARD EARLS, Independent slate writer, 330 Ellis St.; seance Scottish Hall. Sun. night. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently: business advice; names given; 25c up. 5 Fourth st. MME. HANSON, palmistry, 10c: card reader; past, present, future. 25c. 14S Sixth St., r. 12. GYPSY life reader: satisfaction guaranteed; 25c; correct answers to all questions. 9 7th Bt. MME. MOREAU, the best medium and card reader; 25c up. 73 Fourth St., near Mission. MRS C. J. MEYER. 335 McAllister; sittings daily; test meetings, 10c; circles, 25c; 2, 8 p. m. MME. AUGUST, clairvoyant, card reader and palmistry, 26c; truth or no pay. 1149 Mission. MRS. WEST, trance medium and healer. 120« Market et., cor. Golden Gate aye., parlor 14. PROF. Medium; read's, We. $l:test circles Tues., Thurs., Fri.. 8 p. m.. 10c. 1035 Market. YOUR future told by cards, 25c; daily. 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. ; Son.. 7to 10 p. m. 105 Larkln st. MME. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader; sittings dally. 212 V. Sixth Bt. CLEANING COMPOUNDS. UTICA Cleaning and Toilet Compounds and. Compound Paste; a household blessing; a sure cure for poison oak. . SAMUEL SEYMOUR. Agent. Office anil factory. 21 Sr-ar st. COLLECTION OFFICES. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency; no charge un- less successful. Room 810, 927 Market st. COTTAGES TO LET. SUNNY cottages, 5 and 6 rooms, basement, yard; flat, 6 rooms, bath; cheap. 1876 Fif- teenth St.. near Dolores. | DENTISTS. j— X^DrTt! IT~HIGGINS' dental parlors. 927 Market st., over Cafe ZXnkasd— Teeth extract- ed without pain by the use of electricity, gas or chloroform; also by local anaesthetics ap- plied to the gums; the best »nd most artistic dental work at reasonable prices; pure gold fillings from $1 up: other fillings from Me; badly decayed teeth carefully treated and filled or crowned without pain: plates that fit from $4 BO up; flesh colored plates from $3 50 up; teeth without plates a specialty; op;n evenings and Sundays. A NEW anesthetic for painless dentistry. Synol. on application to the gums, removes the pain; see our flesh colored plates, thinner and stronger than rubber, warranted for 20 years; crown and bridge work; teeth with- out a plate; fillings, 50c; crowns, $3 60; plate*, full set. $5; all work painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth St. AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC. 809 Mar- ket St., cor. 4th. rr n. 7, Flood bldg., you can have your extractions done painlessly; teeth without plates our specialty; gold crowns, $3 50 up; plates, extractions free, $4 50 up; of- fice hours, 9a. m. to 10 p. m. ; Sundays 9 to 2 p. m. G. W. WILLIAMSON. M.D., Manager. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O'Farrell St., ex- tracts and fills teeth painlessly by his won- derful secret method: crowns, $2; bridges, $4; rubber or flexible plates. fS: received 8 first prizes; no students; guaranteed 12 years. TEETH extracted free: the best work; the low- est prices: all work warranred and painless ; teeth without plates a specialty. Modern Dental Parlors. 1206 Market, cor. Golden Gate. YAW VROOM— Painless extraction by electric- ity; guarantee 10 years; lowest prices; 10 operators: no students. 997 Market St. OHIO Dental Parlors, Inc.. 8 graduate opera- tors; open evenings and Sundays. 850 Market. MEYER— Zfcihnarzt. i Turk: lst-class work; prices reas.; gas; crown & bridge work. DR. N. BAR DUE, r. 211. Examiner bldg. ; work reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. LOWEST prices In S. F. : work warranted 10 /m— . N. T, Dentists, Mission, cor. 6t_ THE SAN FRANCISCO CAKL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1899. DENTISTS. * DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1+43 Market St., near Eleventh; crowns, bridge work and fillings a specialty; all work reasonable; gas given. SET of teeth without a plate. DR. H. Q. YOUNG. IS4I Polk st. DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMSTRESSES S. F. Dressmaking. Ladles Tailoring parlors; French tailoring system taught. 305 Van Ness. PARISIAN dressmaking, 3SJ Geary: dresses made $5 up; dresses mnde ever; perfect fit. EDUCATIONAL. MR and MRS. W. F. AYRES have returned from their vacation and resumed personal su- pervision over Ayres' Business College; new and progressive methods in all branches: the onl> school in the city having the right to use" the practical Budget system of bookkeep- ing: satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue. HEALD'S Business College. 24 Post St., S. F. : practical courses In bookkeeping, shorthand, typing. languages, telegraphy, English branches, civil, electrical and mining engi- neering, etc.; new 80-page catalogue free. ENGINEERING School, civil, electrical, min- ing, mech. Eurvey.assay.archl. ;day and even.; est. 1864. VAN PER NAILLEN. 933 Market. ALL students but two taking full course this year got positions. San Francisco Business Ci liege, 1286 Market st. PROF. MERKI'S mandolin club resumes Nov. 2: new members welcome: ref. 1001 Mission. SPANISH— thorough, combined method; all branches. Prof. J. M. Ruiz. 201 Ash aye. FRENCH, Spanish, etc.. Prof. De Fillippe's Academy of Languages. S2O Post; ablest profs. LAW Schools, 927 Market, S. F., and 806 Broad- way, Oakland; day and night; correspondence. PIANO and German; pupil of Conservatory of Lelpelc; lessons 75c. 820 Golden Gat* aye. "EXPANSION" the order at DURHAM'S Bus! - ness College. SOS Larkln St., opp. City Hall. BOOKKEEPING, arithmetic, grammar, writing; day and night; terms low. 1024 Mission. nr.6th. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. 16 page*, in wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. JAPANESE Information Bureau; Japanese and Chinese help; housecleaning. 421 Post; tele- phone Main 1986. JAPANESE Mutual Intelligence Office; help recommended. 725 Geary st. ; tel. Polk 12. ORPHEUM Employment Japanese, Chi- nese. 426 Powell, nr. Sutter; teL Black 1321. FIELD'S Employment Agency; help furnished free. 665 Clay st ; phone Davis 821. ' JAPANESE-CHINESE Emp. Agency; all kinds I help. GEO. OAKI. 30 Geary et.; tel. Grant 56. ■ ' CHWESE and Japanese Employment Office; best help. 4141* O'Farrell: tel. East 426. SAM KEE, 513 Bush; best Chinese help fur- nished promptly. Telephone Red 1531. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED reliable nurse wants some en- gagements: would receive patients In her home; good references. Address Nurse, 47A • Clara St., Third and Fourth, Folsom and Har- rison. AMERICAN woman, speaks German, wants a position as housekeeper; good cook, seam- . stress; or In a small family; good references. Call or address 315 Sutter st. RESPECTABLE lady, good cook, wishes posi- tion as housekeeper, or would take charge of a lodging-house. Call Golden Gate Hotel, Ellis St., room 27, bet. 1 and 3. MAN or woman desiring faithful cultured com- panion and worker, city or country, near or remote, address box 299. Call office. YOUNG girl wants situation for light house- work; must go to night school. Call Saturday, between 1" and 3. 514 Second st. j GIRL wishes to work in small family; no chil- dren. Box 196, Call office. COLORED woman wishes day work. Address box 821, Call .-• - GERMAN woman wants work by the ' day washing. ironing and cleaning. Call at 856 Mission et. WANTED— By a middle-aged German woman, a situation for cooking and housework. Call at 3SO-J Mission st, near Thirty-first; wages $20. A FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes engage- ments by the day. Address 537 Howard st. YOUNG lady wishes position as stenographer and bookkeeper in an nee; position more of an object than wages; first-class references. Address box 999. Call office. GERMAN lady wishes position as governess, lady's maid or seamstress; speaks French, Italian and a little English. Address box M«, Call office. i DANISH lady wishes a position as house- keeper; city or country. Address box 812, Call. ; A TRAINED male nurse, graduate of Belle- vue. N. V., wishes engagement with private family. Address 330 Eddy Bt. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants situation as an Infant's nurse, care of children or laundress; references. Box 817, Call office. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St., near Mar- ket; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 night; $1 DO to $6 week; convenient and respectable; free bus and baggage to ari from ferry. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. Open till 9 p. m. j A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE. POSITION wanted by experienced young man. aged 2S, as office man, collector and book- keeper; am quick, thorough, accurate and Industrious. Address box 295. Call office. FIRST-CLASS, experienced cutter wishes a position In a good tailoring establishment; best of references. Address box 2834, Call. ELDERLY man wants situation as cook or ranch or help In hotel or boarding house city. J. H., box 297, Call office. GERMAN man and wife want to get work In a hotel or lodging-house; city or country; man good porter; wife good chambermaid; can ' give good references. Address box 434, Call office. ' WANTED— A middle-aged man would like po- sition of trust; fully capable In any capacity; good penman; first-class references. Address box 991. Call. YOUNG Danish coachman and gardener wants i situation; steady, sober and industrious; can milk; handy with tools; good references. Ad- j dress box 74, Call office. Oakland. 1 YOUNG man, experienced nurse, would like a patient In hospital or private house. Box 717 ! Call. ' YOUNG man 26 wishes situation to learn car- penter trade. 6 Post-st. court, near Larkln. STABLEMAN, reliable, wants position; all- round man; long experience; city preferred Box 709, Call office. A FIRST-CLASS gardener, good horseman and milker, wants position: handy with tools; best references. Box 225, Call. HAVE $",00 to invest with services; no agents. Box 824. Call. INDUSTRIOUS German gardener: understands the care of lawn, flowers, vegetables, horses and cows: very handy and willing; references; city or country. Box 809. Call. RESPECTABLE man and wife wish positions to do chamber work and waiting at table. Box 815. Call. YOUNG Irishman wishes situation of some kind; would like to learn bartending. Box 83$, Call. WANTED— Position as assistant carpenter by steady young man with 1 year's experience. W. XV.. 12>4 Hill st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and I subscriptions has been established at the ! northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. Open till 9 p. m. : A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia St. •' :■ - r EXCHANGE. .-;; , j 20 ACRES fruit and walnuts; good buildings; near Los Angeles; $5500 clear for property I around bay. J. H. EDSON, 1209 Broadway, Oakland. % EXPERT OPTICIANS. ,'-, GEORGE MAYERLE, German expert optician. 1071U Market at.. San Francisco: exam, free. FLATS TO LET. A— s2o— SCOTT St.; 5 sunny rooms with porcelain bath, washtrays, etc. CLAYTON, 872, south of Frederick — Modern sunny flat; 5 rooms and bath; cheap. FLAT hunting made easy with the printed list you get from BALDWIN _ HO WELL, 10 Montgomery st. MCALLISTER. 1129— Upper flat; 7 rooms; with light and sun; reasonable to good tenant. O'FARRELL. 1933-1937— flats; Just com - pleted; rent reasonable. Apply MADISON St BURKE. SEVEN rooms and 2 kitchens; modern: sunny bay-windows: for 2 families. 417% Third st. TO let— fiats of 4 rooms each. Key at 70 Clementina St.. bet. First and Second. $17 50— 6-ROOM upper flat, with porcelain bath. 541 Castro St., near Nineteenth. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. ' J ,16 pages, in wrapper, fo* mailing, }i per year. FURNITURE FOR SALE. HEAVY matting. 10c per yard; linen warp. 15c; tapestry Brussels carpet sewed. laid and lined, 60c per yard. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO.. 1310-1312 Stockton st., nr. Broadway. 4 ROOMS furnished ln oak for $48 50, with No. 7 range. King Furniture Co.. 1127-1131 Market. FURNITURE WASTED. ALFRED WOLLPERt7~773 MUslon~sTr^iys the highest price for your Ja-hand furniture. WANTED— SSOOO carpets.furniture.etc.; highest price paid; postal. M. Sllversteln.ll2l Market JTVRRIKRs, FIIKS. ETC ELECTRIC seal capes, Astrakan yokes. $10 to »0. ROIIT. WALLACE. ll."i Kearnv. tnp floor. HELP WANTED AGENTS AGENTS everywhere to sell map of the. battle- fields in the Philippines; 46x64 inches ln 6 colors, showing all the movements of Eighth Army Corps. Write for particulars to P. E. LAMAR. 31 First st.. San Francisco. SOLICITORS wanted; salary~besldes commls- sion. Consolidated Flavoring Co.. 1454 Mar- ket st.. 2 to 6. WANTED — Ladies or gents; salary and com- mlsslon 114 Jones st. HELP WAKTE D— FEMALE. WANTED— Cook, country hotel, $30- boarding- house cook, city, $25; cook for Institution, $25; cook. San Rafael, $25; cook, short distance, private family, $30: Alameda. $25; Oakland, $25; Berkeley, $20; Santa Clara. $25; Modesto, $20; Ventura, $20; fancy ironer, country, $25, fare paid; ironers for the city. $30; laundress, private family. $25; cook. American family, $30 and $25; 2 German cooks, $35; t cooks, German style, $25 and $30. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 31G Sutter st. WANTED, rain or shine— Parlor maid and waitress, $20; chambermaid and seamstress, $20; woman to do cleaning, $20; kitchen helper, $20; 4 second girls, city and short dis- tance; 4 hotel waitresses, city and country; chambermaid, country. $'-S; g restaurant wait- resses. |20 and $6 per week, city and country; a number of general housework girls, city and country. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 31tj" Sut- ter st. C. R. HANSEN & CO PHONE GRANT ISS 2 waitresses, hotels, city, $20; 2 waitresses, hotels, north. $20 and free fare, see proprie- tor here; 2 waitresses, same hotel, Nevada, $20 and fare paid; waitress, hotel, near city, $20: chambermaid and wait, city, $20; 2 laun- dresses. $20; second girl, $20; 20 choice places for house girls. $20, $25. C. R. HANSEN & _CO., 104 Gear}' Bt. AN Infant's nurse; one child; $25 per month. MISS CULLEN. 32:. Sutter St. GIRL to assist: $16; sleep at home. MIPS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. HOTEL Gazette Employment Bureau, 28 Mont- gomery—? waitresses for first-class commer- cial hotel, near city, to go to-day, and others. MRS. M. E. DAY, manager. GIRL for general housework; washing; us°d to children; wages $20. Apply at once. 2429 Telegraph aye., Berkeley. WANTED— First-class talloress; good wages, FRANCIS. 796 Sutter St. WANTED— Young girl for restaurant; $4; also lunch waiters. 680 Fourth st. OPERATORB on ladles' waists to take work home. 723 Market st., room 35. WANTED— Two waitresses In restaurant. 7 Taylor et. 2 CHAMBERMAIDS wanted. Call at Win- r Hotel. 44 Third st. WANTED— Experienced waitress! Call early. _J26 Ninth st. GIRLS! GIItLS! GIRLSI LEVI PTP.AUSS & CO.. 32H Fremont St.. are putting ln the very h*st sewing ma- ch! 1 -** and vrill take ln several hundred more operators on overalls; good wages. Apply to MR DAVIS. APPRENTICES on shirts and overalls; paid while learning. Standard Shirt Factory. Gough and Grove ets. FIRST-CLASS hands on ladies 1 tailor skirts and coats; only best need apply; highest sal- aries paid A. CAILLEAU, 114-116 Kearny. WANTED Good respectable girl to help at housework in small family; $15 per month and Increase. 121:, r.ush st. WANTED Competent young girl to elderly woman for light housework. 1317 Caroline St., Alameda. FI KPT-CLASS experienced saVslady for cloaks and suits. Paris il,, a k Hi;-.-. 1114 Market. GIRL, 14 to 16, to help mind baby; comfortable home; small wages. 1C62 Pi st st. WANTED — Girl for general housework; wages (20. 1" De I^ong aye. GIRL wanted ln small family: one to sleep at home preferred. 176.1 Ellis st. WANTED— A young girl for second work. 2016 Buchanan .-t. OPERATOR on coats; one that understands making linings and plain work preferred; steady work and good pay. 71S Market st. SCANDINAVIAN or Oermnn girl for house- work and assist In store; no family. 112 Sev- enth et. NICS German girl to help in baker store; sleep home. 1306 Polk st. YOUNG girl to take care of a child one year old; sleep home. 1205 Polk st. WANTED— Experienced hands on silk and woolen waists. S. F. Mfg. Co.. 409 A Turk st. FIRST-CLASS sewers to take work home. 11. FHIEI'LANDEU. 33S Fell st. APPRENTICES, finishers and buttonhole mak- ers wanted on custom work. 509 Kearny, r. 2. ACCORDION pleating factory; all kinds pleat- Ing, [linking. 121 Post, over O'Connor & Moffatt. SEVERAL ladies who want to make money at home. 472U Thirteenth St.. Oakland. A GOOD finisher on pants; good wages. 609 Kearny St.. room 1. TAILORESS as pants finisher. BH Keerny st., room IS. WANTED— 3 or 4 energetic ladies; good pay. 114 Jones Bt. WANTED— Experienced lroners at U. S. Laun- dry', Sixteenth and Valencia sts. McDOWELL Dressmaking School gives a thorough, artistic course. 103 Post St. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. Open till 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address ln the United States or Canada one year for $1, postage ;:ald. HELP WANTED— MALE. FREE FARE. ...COAST ROAD. ...FREE FEE Teamsters and laborers: ship Monday and Tuesday C. R. HANSEN A CO., 104 Geary. TEAMSTERS and laborers for the Valley R. R., $2 a day, free fare; laborers, city and country, $2 a day; quarrymen. country. $2 to $2 25 a day; woodsmen, $26 to $35 and fare ad- venced: working foreman for a ranch, $35; harnessmaker for a ranch, $30; six-horse teamster, $1 23 a day and board. C. R. HAN- JEN & CO., 104 Geary St. COOK, country restaurant, $S8; cook and wife, country hotel, $50, see noes here; restaurant cooks, $8 nnd $10 a week; second cooks. $60 and $40: waiters, $25 and $30; dishwashers, potwashors and kitchen hands. $20, $25 and $30. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary st. UPSTAIRS porter, hotel. $2?i bell boy. hotel. $7 50. C. R. HANSEN A CO.. 104 Geary st < ROUGH carpenters for a ranch; $1 50 a day and board. C. R. HANSEN A CO.. 104 Qeary. WANTED — Colored coachman. $20; cheese- maker. $lp to $80; 2 farmers and wives. $35 and $45; 10 mlnern, $2 50 day; tlmberman for mine, $2 75 day; buggy washer, $50; house painter. $3; plain painter. $2 25 day; paper- hanger, $3 50 day; shingle sawyer; shingle packer; butcher boy, $15 and found; stable- man; farmers for Contra Costa and Sonoma oountles, and others. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacrr.m«-nto St. WANTED-Cook. $60; second cook. $35; third cook. $30: dishwasher, $25; vegetable man and pot washer, $25; all for same country hotel; coffee saloon waiters. $ft week; dishwashers, and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sac- ramento st. 4 MORE men to handle grain team on large gran ranch. $1 50 per day and board; farmer and wife. $4.1; milkers. $25 and $30; 10 la- borers for mill and woods, $28 to $35 per month and board, and others; driver for milk route ln city, references required. $35 per month and found. W. D. EWER & CO., 610 Clay st. NOW open— Barbers' home; free, employment office; a social room connected for Journey- men: bosses will be furnished free of charge with first-class help. 120fi Market St., near telephone Main 61. COATMAKER and general tailor for country. Apply REISS BROS. & CO., 24 Sutter st. COMPLETE fixtures 4-chalr b.irber shop n K nr store, cor. Eighth and Washington. Oakl.ind. FIRST-CLASS custom coatmakers7~63Tl{earny St.: call early. WANTED— Lunch waiter. Southeast corner^f Howard and Main. YOUNG man to learn saloon business. South- -east cor. Clay and Davis sts. ; references. GOOD harnessmaker for the country. 400 Mar- k?t st. HELP WASTED — MURRAY & READY PHONE MAIN 5848 Leading Employment and Labor Agents Want to-day, from 7 a. m.. HELP FOR ARI- ZONA. UTAH. WASHINGTON. OREGON. BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALL PARTS OF CALIFORNIA ' harnessmaker for ranch bench hand wheelwright, country shop wood turner band sawyer shoemakers slate splitters lather — sash and door maker block maker shingle packer iron molder granite cutter $3 50. $3. $2 50 day COME AND SEE MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay St. 6 GOLD MINES 6 SILVER MINES IS OTHER MINES 12 miners, machine drills, gold $75 16 miners, single hand drills, silver.. s6o found 62 laborers, no experience required, $67 per month, Including board and lodging 23 laborers, you will suit, fare $3 $63 16 laborers, you will suit, fare $2 50 $52 50 27 laborers, you wi^l suit, fare $150.. 540 found GREAT CROWDS. .MURRAY & READY, GOING DAILY 634 and 636 Clay st. FARMS DAIRIES STABLES 26 plow teamsters $30. $26 and found 68 farm, orchard and vineyard hands, good steady Jobs $30, $26, $25. $20 and fd 12 milkers $30, $25 and found 12 chore men and boys $20. $15, $10 and fd MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay. WE PAY YOUR FARES ; TO 3S SAWMILLS. ETC ! NO EXPERIENCE WANTED ....197 MEN FOR 60 DIFFERENT J085.... ..FROM LABORERS TO RUN MACHINES.. Wages from $26 to $40 and found Also lumber pliers, crosscut sawyers ....Tree fellers, bark peelers, Jackscrewers.... woodsmen and mlllmen of every description, $80, $75, $65, $50. $43, $40, $30, and found; wood- choppers. t!emakers. shingle bolt makers, picket makers, etc., by the hundreds WE PAY MURRAY & READY, YOUR FARES 634 and 636 Clay st. • BIG WAGES 26 laborers, inside work $2 to $2 75 day 18 laborers, fare 50e $60 12 quarrymen. country $60 SPECIAL TO-DAY 197 laborers and teamsters for city and country Jobs, $3, $2 60. $2. $1 75 day; some by the day. others factories, etc MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. COOKS WAITERS BAKERS. ETC. IS cooks, also second and third $53, $45. $40. $30 and found 19 waiters $30. $25, $20 and found 32 dishwashers $25, $20, $15 and found 6 porters, $20 and found Hotel Bakers. $4» 4 bakers, first, second and third hands 6 laundrymen $40,- $35, $25 and found Bedmakers 2 barbers $50 MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. WE ship you free RAILROAD WORK 155 teamsters and laborers $2 day MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St. n CARPENTERS, steady Job $3 day MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. COOK and wife, country hotel kitchen, $50; ranch cook. 5 men, $23, found; boy to drive delivery wagon; 4 farmers and wives and milkers and wives. $10. found. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. • f BUTCHERS ".. BLACKSMITHS butcher, country, $30. found: 6 blacksmiths, $2 60 day, $40 and $30, found. MURRAY & READY, 634-036 Clay st. FOREMAN for vineyard, etc.: Mr. Hill, also Mr. Lamb, please call. MURRAY & READY, 6:{4-C36 Clay st. WANTED— Young man about 20 for office night work; must be a good penman, have good elementary school education, quick of per- ' ception, neat, bright and willing; good at \ ordinary arithmetic; no drones or thickheads; good start for right party. Apply at 932 Van Ness, between 11 and 12 a. m. BOY or elderly man for country; steady work- references; call 9 a. m. 90S Broadway, Oak- land. 2 BARBERS wanted; one steady. 217 Fourth st. j GOOD barber wanted: steady; come at 10 o clock; wages $2 60. 908% Howard st. GOOD barber; steady to right man. 252 Ellis street. WANTED Sklrtmaker at SCHIMMEL & STOVER'S, 408 Sutter St. DISHWASHER at 432^ Fifth St. . WANTED— Dishwasher for night work. 1436 Turk st. WANTED -Elevator boy. Call at 102 Ellis st. OYSTER opener wanted. M. E. WAGNER, 8 Willow aye. WANTED — A boy with some experience to as- sist in dining room. Apply 532 Third st. SECOND waiter wanted. Park Hotel 26 Turk street. DISHWASHER— home for right party call early. 44S Third st. WANTED— An experienced wax thread oper- ator. Apply to CAHN, NICKELSBURG & CO., 115-117 Hayes st. A GOOD cabinet stock cutter wanted at WILLIAM BATEMAN'S. 885 Folsom st. BARBERS— Shop in good country town for sale cheap; shaving 25c. DKCKELMAN BROS., Barbers' Supplies, 106 Ellis st. WAITER or waitress at Manhattan House, 825 Battery St. GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; 2"c- to 50c. 562 Mission st.. bet. Ist and 2d sts. FIRST-CLASS bushelman. San Jose Woolen Mills, 523 Market st., room 3, 12 to 1 o'clock. 600 PAIRS men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. 562 Mission st., bet. Ist and 2d sts. WANTED— Call at 1211 Polk st. BOY for printing office. Apply P. BOULIN, 619 Filbert St. TO Tailors— coatmakers wanted. Apply at 11 a. m. at the Stevenson-st. entrance. CHAS. LYONS. London Tailor. 721 Market st. WANTED— A young man with large circle of acquaintances as salesman in piano house. Box £29. Call office. WANTED— IOO men to try our 15c breakfast, dinner or supper; best In city. 406 McAllister st., near Polk. BARBERS' Protective Union— only legal organized union on the coast. J. J. HEINZ, Employment Secy., 630 Market, downstairs. SUITS to order on Installments at cash prices, $1 week. N. Y. TAILORING CO.. 115 Kearny. FIVE good hustlers, not afraid to work; good pay to right men; salary. .*OO Post st. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st. ; 130 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $2 per week. MEN to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re- quired; constant practice; expert instruction; lectures on dermatology: Saturday wages; call or write for free illustrated catalogue. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. 635 Clay st. MEN and women wanted to learn barber trade In 6 weeks: expert instructions: Saturday wages: call or write for catalogue. S. F. BARBER COLLEGE. 741 A Howard St. FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailor wanted as a part- ner to go Into business: good opportunity for the right man. Box 707, Call office. PENSIONS— J. H. SHEPARD ft CO., attor- neys. Hearst bldg.. Third and Market. SAILORS and ordinary seAmen for coast and Australia at HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. BARBERS' Progressive Union; free employ- ment. H. Bernard. Sec. 104 7th: tel. Jessie 152. 200 SINGLE furnished rooms. 10c, 16c and 25c per night. Llndell. 6th and Howard: read. rm. TRY Acme House. 957 Market st., below Sixth, for a room; 25c a night: $1 a week. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St., near Mar- ket: 700 rooms, 25c night: reading room; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. Open till t p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1099 Va- lencia st. HORSES, LIVE STOCK, — For Sale REGu£AR l L a^ctTon^aie r "TUESDAY at 11 o'clock at the Ormonde Sale Stables. 1517- -1519 Mission st., between Eleventh and Twelfth, of choice, sound, well-broke young horses Just from the country; we will b« pleased to hitch and show the above stock In harness any time up to day of sale. S. WATKINS & CO.. auctioneers. N. Sales . of horses direct from the country every Tues- day at 11 a. m. *0 HORSES for sale; also wagons, buggies, carts harness. Grand Arcade Horse Market, 827 Sixth st.; auction sales every Wednesday. SULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers. FOR sale— Handsome trotting mare, with trot- ting buggy and harness; complete; suitable for gentleman's use. Apply, at 1011 Sutter st. FINE span strawberry colored horses; age 6 years; suitable for light delivery work; 1 nth from ranch. 15 City Hall square. 60 HEAD fine draft and driving horses at 1821 and 1626 Market St.. between Twelfth and Brady: also some fine matched black teams. FOR sale— A number of work, road and busi- ness horse*. Tomkinson's Livery Stable. 57 Minna M.. bet. First and Second. HOUSES— LODGIXG— FOR SALE. $3000— House of 16 rooms. 12 furnished; pays from $70 to $75 a month: or will rant for $30 to responsible party. 113 Trenton St.. bet Pacific and Jackson. Stockton and Powell sts. 12 FURNISHED rooms on Third st. • $350; cause sickness. COWING & CO.. 995 Market st. BUSH. 421— Furnished house: 48 rooms; gas and i watejr. every, room; a bargain; $550, HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list; houses to let; send for cir- cular. G. H. UMBSEN .t CO.. 14 MontgomTy. FURNISHED or unfurnished house containing S rooms and bath; large yard; modern; 2015 San Antonio aye., near Chestnut st. station, Alam«dH; rent cheap. Apply MADISON A BURKE. 112 Bo— ll SUNNY rooms, bath; barn; garden: chicken yard; at West Berkeley; railroad sta- tion 1 block; 40 minutes from city. Inquire WM. HENDRICKSON & CO.. 614 Call bldg. HOUSE hunting made easy with the printed list you get from BALDWIN & HOWELL, 10 Montgomery st. $12— 6-ROOM house and batn. 729 Laurel aye., near Turk and Buchanan sts. REDUCED to $4S: 9-room lodging house; 313^4 O'Farrell. Apply 15 Grant aye. HOUSK of 10 rooms; large garden and stable. 4 i ' >llinxwi ■". - c t. LOST /AD FO IX D. LOST^Knlght Templar Jewel.; suitable re- ward. Return to 7SI O'Farrell st. LOST— Tuesday evening, October 17, Vallejo St., near Buchanan, long gold stickpin, with a star of smnll diamonds and pearls, a star sapphire In the middle; suitable reward. Box 996. Call. L< IST— A black overcoat at Gmnd Opera-house Monday evening. Liberal reward will b« given if returned to 344 Grove st. LOST — I p. ni. Tuesday, on Ellis, n«- ;lr Leav- enworth. black cocker spaniel (male puppy); padlock collar. Liberal reward at 430 Ellia. LOBT— Black and tan Dachshund pup, 4 months old. Reward at Sl7 Market st. LOST— A pasc-book with the Hibernla Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of ELIZABETH SAUL. No 190-085. The finder will please return to bank. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In tha United States, postpaid, for >1 per year. .MEDICAL. MRS. DR. WYETH, ladles' physician; consul- tation free; home in confinement; guaranteed treatment at office, $5. 942 Post St.. between Hyde and Larldn; hours. 10 to 5. 7 to S. A STRICTLY private confinement home; sunny rooms; best of care; nice garden. DR. AND MRS. WEGENER. phone Pine 2751; residence, 1312 Golden Gate aye.. MRS. DR. KOHL, ladles' physician, 1122 Mar- ket Ft., bet. Mason and Taylor; guaranteed treatment at office, $5; hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. DRS. GOODW^T. formerly of 401 Van Ness aye. and 1362 Market et.. has returned from Eu- rope and is now at US Eddy st. MRS. DR. GWYER. ladles' physician. 510 Eddy St.. bet. Hyde and Larkln. HOME In confinement: treatment $o; consulta- tion free. MRS. ALLEN. 22S Van N-^a ay». DR. POPPER, ladies' practical physician for ST years. 318 Kearny Bt: consultation free. MRS. DR. DAVIES, ladles' physician. 1228 Market rt.. bet. Taylor and Jones. DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor, treats all dls- »nsep of the hnmnn body. US Mason st. MISCELLANEOUS — FOR SALK. BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand machinery. Mc- INTOSH & WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st. BARS, back bars, mirrors, showcases, coun- ters, linoleum, office furniture, store and of- fice furniture and fixtures, new and second- hand. J. NOONAN. 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission *t , above Sixth. BARS, cjunters. showcases, shelving, mirrors, bought, sold and exchanged. 1063 Mission St. AND still another latest style nenrly new seal- skin for $105. At UNrs, one 40xC.S inches In 4-inch blrdseye maple frame, $2S; 1 unframed, 40x54 Inches, $19. jones. :<7 Mission st. SIX h. p. gasoline engine: also 15 h. p. portable boiler, engine. Krogh Mfg. Co.. Stevenson st. FRAME building and stable for sale cheap; ha« to be removed. Cor. Main and Bryant". BAFEB— New and second for banks, merchants, steamers, residences; portable safety boxes'; specie chests; bullion safes, vaults etc. The Waltz Safe Co.. 109-111 Market st., S. F., Cal FRESH snowballs— "T. Carr" and all brands English fire brick, fire clay, brick dust. 6 R. CHURCH, 307 Sansome St., tel. Main DOB 6. 8 HOISTING engines, 3 steamers, S locomotives, 110 cars and all machinery used on Eureka Breakwater. J. B. JARDINE. 220 Fremont. DESKS, office and card tables; desks repaired or exchanged: furn. bought. 244 Stockton st. DR. CREELY'S C. P. Worm Fills by all drug- gists, or Dog Hospital. 510 Golden Gate aye. COMPOUND condensing Corliss engine and boilers. Krogh Mfg. Co.. Stevenson st. SAFES— Nbw and second hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-421 Sacramento St. A— s3 50 DERBY and Fedora hats, $1 75. Pop- ular Price Hatters. 330 Kearny st., near Pine. BARS, counter*, shelving, showcases bought and sold. EIBEN. 1118 Mission: Tel. Jessie 1163. 2D HAND doors, lumber, sash, etc., for sale cueap; old houses bought, rem'd. 8 Valencia. DO you know of tools or machinery for sale? EPSTEIN, 64S MJssion, pays good commission. SECOND-HAND machinery', electrical supplies, boilers and engines. H. S. White. 516 Mission. BOILERS, engines, lathes, wood planers. 12 and 24 In.: gas eng., 2d hand. J. Burke. 139 B»ale. DRESS pants. $2 75; fine suit $10. MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS. 513 Montgomery st. MISCELLAXEOIS WANTS. WANTED— Irish setter hunting do B ; small pre- ferred: well trained; state price and where may be seen. Address box OS, Call office. WANTED— To hire. ICO flrst-class scraper teami with harness and pead bars; long Job. E. B. BTONE. Elmhurst. A— Ladies' or gents' clothing, furniture bought, sold: tel. Mint 997. JACOBS. 1023 Folsom st. OLD gold, cold dust, platinum and silver bouirht H Landeoker ft Co.. lIS Montgomery. MONEY TO LOAN. ANY amount of furniture, pianos, without re- moval, or any ether good security; payabls , back In Installments or as a whole; if you owe a balance on the purchase price we will pay It and carry the loan a» long as you de- sire; avoid ied tape and puWiclty; see us first; you will be waited upon quietly and qutekly. Call 6S-69 Donohoa bldg.. 1170 Market gt. ANY proposition; any amount; 6 per cent: first, cecond mortgages, estates in probate, interest in estates, legacies, life Insurance; chattel mortgages; confidential: advice free. G. E. OLSEN. room 16, first floor. Chronicle bldg. ANY amount at « per cent; Ist, 2d and 3d mort- gages, undivided Interests, real estate In pro- bate; mortgages and legacies bought; no de- lay; get my terms before doing business else- where. R. McCOLGAN. 24 Montgomery, r. S. LOANS on furniture or pianos In S. F., Oak- land or Alameda at lowest rates, without removal: no commission: no delays. J. NOONAN, 1017 to 1023 Mission St.. above Sixth: telephone South 14. AVOID delays; try all others, then see me.s:.oto $100,000; 6 per cent; Ist, 2d or chattel mort- gages ;estates in probate, undivided interests m estates, legacies and mortgages bought; advic* and money furnished. P. A. Dolan. C3R Markt. HIGHLY respectable and private place to ob- tain liberal advances on diamonds and Jew- elry at the lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store, 846 Market St.; telephone Main 1644; branch 19 Third it. ANY amount by private party on furniture and pianos: no removal; low rates; confidential. BONELLI. Conservatory bldg.. 130 Powell st. ON real estate, Ist or 2nd mortgages, and on furniture or pianos; no removal; any amount; lowest rates. BECKER, 26 Montgomery «t. CASH loaned to salaried people on note with- out Indorser; also on diamonds, watches and Jewelry. MORRELL. 609 Examiner building. ALL propositions, small or large; salaries; rents. KLOTH. 220 California st.. room 7. LOANS on furniture, pianos. Jewelry, stock: low rates. J. H. FDSON, 120'J Broadway, Oakland. A RELIABLE place, to borrow money on dla- monds. «gwelry. XV. J. HESTHAL. 10 Sixth. $50 TO $50,000; lowest rates; Ist and 2d mortgs.; any proposition. DRYDEN, 413 Montgomery. ON furniture, pianos, without removal; no commission; private. LICK. 116 McAllister st. MONEY loaned salaried people on their notes without Indorser. TOUSLEY. 592 Parrott big. IF your property Is mortgaged and you need more money see H. MURPHY. f>3o Market St. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AS we are selling good upright pianos for $8 cash and $6 per month, we ask you to investi- gate and approve this method; prices are the same as if purchased for all cash; bargains In good second-hand, uprights upon same easy payments and some good pianos for $3 $4 and $5 per month. SHERMAN, CLAY '& CO Steinway dealers, corner Kearny and Sutter Bts.. San Francisco, and Thirteenth and Broadway. Oakland. FORTY years in business here has placed us in position to serve you better than most oth- ers: a fine assortment of Hazleton and other pianos at the lowest prices: a few used pi- anos at great bargains; a Steinway upright Hardman, Chaae Bros.. Arion, Dewing Bros • specials for this week; squares from $25 ud' THE J. DEWING CO.. 2d floor. Flood build: ing. Fourth and Market sta. A FINE Steinway upright left by private Dar»W- sacrificed. Room 12. Flood building,. MUSICAL insintjioiiia A bargains for this week. . Ste^n e wav g upr'ight; flrst-class condition. Steck; nearly new; walnut case. Fou'r'Vew W°eb?rs: reasonable offer accepted. One Chickertng: mahogany st. Bt:xj. CURTAZ &_SON, 1« O Farrell st. ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest house west of Chicago is KOHLER & CHASE » 26 2S and 30 OFarrell st.; pianos organs and all other musical Instruments of all grades and prices- terms eaay; prices lowest every - Thing possible done to please and satisfy tha ™P?AJ^^Kir&7T beBt t0 DECKER & SON pianos are always best to bwyTAt MAPTA&-. 76» Market rt. $7«T $150 $175. $200 or $200 WILL pay for a good T«no At MAUVAIS'. 769 Market St.. if you buy now. LARGE church organ used at Mechanics' Fair; a bargain. BYRON MAtTZY. 808 Post St. PIANOS: great bargains; $25, ,$3O. $55, $60, $200. 1181H Mission St. BARGAIN— Good upright; cheap. SCHMITZ, 18 McAllister St.. next Hlbernla Bank. A-UPRIGHTS. $89 up; installments, $5 75 up; rents. $2 up (allowed on sale). Heine, 1.6 J^ins. XV G. BADGER. 412 Sacramento st, agent for Francis Bacon and Hallett & Davis pianos. A— UPRIGHT piano In fine condition; also the famous Hornung Bros. 216 McAllister st. CHEAP Stein-way upright; also the famous Harming Bros." pianos. 216 McAllister st. SOIIMER. Byron Mauzy and other pianos. 303 Post St. KNABE pianos: new scale; new styles. KOH- LER & CHASE. 30 O'Farrell st. ST'PERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H. MtTI.LER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET. FOR rent — Large cement-floored basement, suitable for wine vault. Address box 714, Call. PACIFIC, 324— Handsome large store; cheap to good tenant. PALMISTRY. MME. NEERGAARD7~puptI of Count St. Ger- main. 616 Geary st., above Jones; classes; office hours. 1 to 8 p. m. ; reading by mall, $1. PERSONALS. ELEGANT remnants for suits. $10 75; pants, 13 75, or overcoats, $12 50; made to order; samples cent to interior. One Price Tailoring Co.. 1644 Market St.. St. Nicholas Hotel. MRS. BENNETT. 1165 Mission— cur« I days; no knife, no caustics; references. MRS. FONTAINE'S manicure parlors; open from 10 to 12 and 1 to 9 p. m. 326 A Sills st. ALL gents wishing to marry wealthy send 100 for latest list. MRS. HERTZ). 706 Ellis st. HIRSUTINE CO., hair specialists, grow hair or no pay; book for stamp. 6 Eddy st. SLAUGHTER in unredeemed pledges. Jewelry, clothing, etc., for amount loaned and inter- est. CUT RATE LOAN OFFICE. 22 Mason. LEDERER'S QUINTONICA hair tonic; a pow- erful nourishment to weak and impoverished hair; 35c bottle. G. LEDERER, 123 Stockton. IMPORTED HAIR styles halrdressing, 25c; shampooing, 50c; short hair, 25c; restoring gray hair to natural color, $1 50 to $5; bleach- ing roots of hair, 50c. G. LEDERER. 123 Stkn. JOHN L. BOONE. Patent. Tradmark Attorney at Law, and Copyright No. 4 Sutter St., Laws a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. I American and Foreign Send for circular. Patents Solicited. ELECTRIC lights in every room; Winchester Hotel, 44 Third St.. near Market: 100 rooms; 2r.c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. I WORKS of art worth $100,000 on exhibition at Palace of Art. 10 Post st. Ladles with escorts ! admitted from 8:30 p. m. to 11:30 p.-m. E. HAQI'ETTE. DR. C. A. McQUESTEN has returned and re- sumed practice. Office, 317 Powell st. A. KLEIN buys clothing, bric-a-brac, tool* and old gold; send for him. 109 Sixth st. FRINGES, braids, beads and Jewels made to order. ETTINGER'S, "722 Market st. ANTIQUE and curiosity shop; goods bought, sold, exchanged. 523 Dupont St.. nr. Cal. MRS.L.J.WHEELOCK has removed La Verlta Parlors to 1140 Market; phone Folsom 446. I PAINTING and paper hanging; rooms papered, $2 50 up. JENSEN & BATH. 308 Sixth st. INCRUSTATION— New invention for china dec- orators. See S. R. CHURCH. 307 Sansome st. "BALL-BEARING" sowing machines; no fric- tion. White Sewing Machine Co., 300 Post St. M.Mr-:. LOUISE'S manicure parlor has removed from O'Farrell to 132 Eddy st. MLLE. CLAIRE BERTRAND, manicure par- lors, 238 Kearny st., first floor, room 2-S. i LACHMAN & CO., mfrs. of fine furs and seal garments; also remodeling. 104 Kearny St. i IF you wish full value for your cast-off cloth- [ ing, call on B. COHEN. 157 Third st. ■ RUPTURE, stricture cured; no knife; no injec- tion; guarantd. Dr. Gordin, 514 Plne.ab.Krny. ' SUITS to order on easy Installments. L. LEMOS, 1117 Market St., bet. 7th and Bth. WANTED — Old gold for manufa'ng. O. Nolte, Jeweler. 248 Farrell, bet. Powell & Mason. j CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In the United States. pn«tpald. for $1 per year. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. FINEST and fullest stock: square deal and prompt service; country orders our specialty; catalogue fr»e. Gal. Camera Co., 22 Geary st. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. C. C. O'DONNELL, office and residence, 1021H Market St., bet. Sixth and Seventh. PROPERTY WANTED. SMALL ranch wanted; must be reasonable. Box 70S. Call office. — ■ REAL ESTATE CITY FOR SALE. STORAGE ON RAILROAD TRACKS^ ~" LARGE WAREHOUSE TO RENT, KING. BERRY AND SIXTH STS. ■ — Lot 275x275 feet; building is 275x150 In size. ■ and spur double tracks from King st. run into rear of warehouse: will fix up or alter ware- house to suit tenant; will rent as a whole or in sizes to suit. THOMAS MAGEE & SONS. Real Estate Agents, 5 Montgomery st. I FORCED SALE. Reduced to one-third real value; 15 lots on Pacific Heights, including 2 corners; only $11,000; or single lots from $600 up; send for plat. Box 992, Call office. NEW CORNER FLATS ." $4S0O; RENT $540 A YEAR $1000 CASH, BAL. MONTHLY Five and nine rooms each, with all modern conveniences. F. NELSON, builder, corner Twentieth and Castro sts. | IF you have lots north of Golden Gate Park. w*st of First aye., and you wish to sell them, call on W. J. GUNN, 410 Montgomery st. $1500— 514 per month: 4 rooms, 9-foot basement, barn, stalls for 2 horses; lot 30:3 by 114 feet Particulars 409 Thirtieth st. FOR sale — Business property on Howard St., near Fourth; renting for $130 per month. Sea Hew Drug Company, Alameda. CHICKEN ranch on San Bruno road- $SOO Ap- ply to MRS. GRAVES, opp. Six-mile House. REAL ESTATE — COUNTRY — For Sale TO lease— Contra Costa County, on San Pablo Creek, 8 miles from Berkeley. 1150 acres"; well watered, wooded: 200 acres good grain land; balance excellent pasture; suitable milk or stock ranch; railroad facilities. In person R. E. ROWLAND. Orinda Park. ROOMS for housekeepixg. CALIFORNIA, 2..23^NlclTr~lfu^s^eT^u^7 rooms, all modern conveniences, bath gas complete for housekeeping; also sunny rooms for gentleman; a quiet comfortable ho"me. CLAY. 2421. In rear' near Fillmore— 2 unfur- nished upper rooms; water; rent $7. FIFTH, 353— Furnished housekeeping; 3 con- necting. $13; also single. $5 to $7. FIFTH, 309- New house; parlor, kitchen, bed- room, hot and cold water; Ist floor; other rms. GEARY, 622—2 large sunny front rooms; large yard; ground floor; for housekeeping. JACKSON. 920, near Furnished larg» sunny housekeeping rooms. $7 to $9; single, $4. Kr.ARNY. 230— Single rooms, sunny front and housekeeping rooms. LEWIS, 18. off Taylor, near Post-3 furnished rooms: upstairs: $14. MARTHA place— Two well furnished sunny rooms; complete for housekeeping: yard. NATOMA. Sunny trout housekeeping rooms; $10 per month. °n K - 116— Elegant newly furnished rooms for light housekeeping; bath; private. ___ O'FARRELL, 314 A-Nlcely furn. rooms com- plete for housekeeping ; telephone Black 1299. POST, 2607—3 rooms: furnished for housekeep- * ing; modern improvements; JX2 60.