2 PARLIAMENT IN AN UPROAR OVER WAR APPROPRIATION Irish Members Fteht the Bill and Redmond Is Finally Forced to Leave the House. LONDON, Oct. 20.— 1n the House of Commons to-day the First Lord of the Treasury and Government leader, Arthur J. Balfour, moved an address of thanks to her Majesty for the royal message call ing out the militia. John' Dillon, Nation alist member of East Mayo, moved an amendment declaring lit- embodiment of the militia unnecessary. This was rejected by a vote of 2'Ai against 36. In reply to a question regarding j the rumored purchase of Delagoa Bay by Great Britain, Mr. Balfour ; paid no arrangements had been made for such a transaction! Replying to i a question as to Samoa, he said no d#cl- Bion had yet been reached as to the future administration of the Islands, and that the matter was still under consideration. The House having 'gone into committee i of supply, the Parliamentary Under ore- ! tary of State for War, Mr. Wyndham. in- j troduced the supplementary army eeti- j mates. In the course of an explanation of the nature of the call and of the man- ' nor in which the nation had responded to I it. he said: "The British military system. If it is worth anything, must enable us to send an expedition abroad without depriving our homes of protection. We cannot be satisfied unless we can send such an expe dltlon without destroying the machinery for maintaining our army abroad." Dealing with the army corps now going \ out. Mr. Wyndham said it numbered 24,- ; (H>J regulars, all trained and mature men. Including 6000 cavalry, 114 guns, 261 wag ons, from 9000 to 11,000 horses and 14,000 mules. It had been necessary to call a portion of the reserve In order to bring | some of the regiments to their full war j 6trulnt on a frontier of 2020 miles, a fron- j tier everywhere hundreds of miles from the sea, arid when we further consider the area involved, which is Inhabited by 3,300,- ' ouo natives, it is clear that considerations <-.f humanity dictate that the empire : thould display an unmistakable exhibition of strength to secure one of its greatest dependencies from the horrors of dilatory operations." In explaining the organization of the j enormous transport service, Mr. Wynd- > liam said the reason it was not mobilized ; Amid the shrieks of whistles the Columbia swept grandly across the finish line at 2:^. followed six minim-? and thirty-four seconds later by the beaten Shamrock. This Is what Sir Thomas Upton had to Fay about his defeat: "We had to-day a fair wind and what we supposed to be Shamrock weather. The Columbia won on her merits, ajid she is the better boat. My opponents have treated me not only fairly, but generously. 1 have no complaint to make, and even if ] wished to iind fault I would not do it. I certainly have it in mind to win the cup. I must consult -with the builders and take a few days to consider the challenge, but 1 shall challenge again unless Bom« one else comes forward. If so, I shall stand aside." Mr. Iselln. when seen after the race, taid that he had been convinced all along that the Columbia was a better boat than the Shamrock, and that this test In weather" has proved it. Captain Barr of the Columbia said he thouerht it was a grand race and said fur ther that he had never had any fear as to the final outcome of the contest. "As for my sailor men," he added, ' they deserve all the credit in the -world." Mr. Morgan was delighted with the vic tory, as were all other members or the New York Yacht Club. ,\ r ""-i, "Are the dudes all here?" asked Mr. Mor gan, laughingly, referring to some news paper criticism about a multitude of coun selors:. The joy that was on board the Co lumbia spread" to that vessel's tender, the St. Michaels, where each member of the winning crew was greeted with a storm of cheers as he, came on board. Captain Robley D. Evans of the United State? navy, who had charge of th pa trol fleet; was the recipient of many con gratulations last evening on the manner in which the course ha-: Deen kept clear. "I am glad." he said, that th( contest Is over, for it had grown a bit tiresome. The officers and men of the revenue cut ter? and those of ■ ie torpedo flotilla are entitled to all credit, and if I ever have another detail like this I will not want a better fleet captain than my friend Cap tain Roberts of the Manning." Though his yacht has been beaten In the contest for the cup, there is to Sir Thomas Lipron no gloom in defeat. Throughout it all he has conducted himself as a true sportsman should, .id so popular has he become that there is now a movement on foot to present him a loving cup, a move ment that is headed by former Mayor Strung and other prominent men of this c ' tv - TECHNICAL STORY OF THE FINAL RACE OF THE BIG YACHTS NEW YORK. Oct. 20.— Out of the north ward with a rush came a (rood stiff breeze this morning, <-'.earing away what hale and fog then waa between 7 and 8 o'clock and giving the skippers and crews of the Columbia and the Shamrock the best encouragement they have yet re ceived for a race. By 9:30 both yachts were passing through tho ro:ter end of Gedncys Chan nel and a few minutes later, after easting off from thoir tugboats, they were stnnd- S and on, under mainsail and Jib, trying the bree*e, which was now from by '-ast and Increasing in weigl mute. By 10:20 the wind was blowing fully twenty miles an bour, churning up quite a littlu sea off th<> hip, and it I : i-tful then ■ins would be able to carry even working topsails over their main sails, much less their big clubpails. Tl i! corns ■ ■ ■ the course slg- ! nals, south by west, soon after 10:30. The' ratory signal was given .it. IQ;4C, the warning at v>. .'■."> ami th-> one to start at lock. Just v* the preparatory signal ' ;■>•■ n the Shamrock ?ot her working I an ill. Th.; Columbia's waa not yet set. Both yachts wro man euvering north of th<* !in<>, with bon>' oard, when the warning piifnai was The Shamrock. hi-:id:ng about 44 A Miss is As Good as a Mile/ If you are not entirely 'well, you are ill. Illness does not mean death's door. It is a sense of weariness, a " tired feeling" a life filled with nameless pains and suffer- ing. In 90% of cases the blood is to blame. Hood's Sarsaparilla. is Nature's corrective for disorders of the blood, earlier would bo apparent when he de clared that the embodiment of three army corps for home defense and tho dispatch of two army corps to a country where facilities of locomotion existed would be a graver yet a shorter and easier task. By October 25 24.000 men would be shipped; that Is. In less than six days. The cost of mobilizing 4:." 1 " 1 men, trans ferring them six thousand miles, equip ping them, maintaining them for four months in a land destitute of surplus sup plies, Mr. Wyndham said, would be £7 000,000. "By dispatching these thirty-three bat talions," he continued, "we destroyed thirty-three machines for training men and instructing officers in their simplest duties, and we broke up the more com plex organism of brigades necessary for the instruction of general and staff ofll cers. The Government, therefore, pro poses to embody, thirty-three battalions ol militia. "We would have violated a fundamental principle of our army system if we had mobilized without militia, that principle being that when all the battalions o: a regiment are sent abroad we must call out the afliliated militia battalion and form a provisional battalion by welding the militia and tho men under twenty left be hind. "Cavalry and field artillery are strengthened differently. We propose to raise seven cavalry regiments remaining at home to a higher establishment and to raise the nineteen home batteries to six gun establishments. The steps 1 have described will not be made to assist in the war against the two republics, but to put the army in the same position as it was before the war. Such steps are nec essary unless we are content, firstly to exist as a nation on sufferance of other powers, and secondly to allow to perish the army machine contrived during the last nineteen years at a groat sacrifice on the part of the taxpayers, to protect these Islands, and that train forces to de fend the empire over seas." Mr. Wyndham concluded with a eulogy of the commander in chief. Lord Wolse ley, and of the officers of the colonies. The Irish members and Henry Labou chere alone opposed the estimates. Michael Davitt. Nationalist, character ized the war as a "hideous and damnable massacre." He said there had never been such magnificent robbery by force,"doubt less because the prize was the greatest that ever tempted the cupidity of the em pire." John Dillon, Nationalist, thought that a great country ought to be ashamed to have to call out Its reserves. William Redmond, ellite, vigorously denounced the policy of the Government and was repeatedly called to order by the speaker for rambling. He contrasted the attitude of Great Britain toward Venezu ela with her attitude toward the Trans vaal. "In the former case," he said, "the United States announced that Great Brit northeast, had the Columl ■ 10 her H.>fh were tying down with their \c-v rails awash. The Shamrock came about first and kr-pt off f>>r th-< line when two minutes wi : -H ivi't before l -. al. The Colum bia, afu-r standing on a few s< conda long er on ilit- i>urt tack, cam<- about on the Shamrock a weather quarter, ami a? both approa* hed the ■<•■.•■ with the Columbia in the weather the latter's spinnaker boom was dropped to pi ' the gun waa Bred. The ock, running down before th<> wind, reached th<^ vicinity of the committee boat a fVw s<-ot>ndt too soon, m» Captain Ho garth kept her broad off to use up the time and then luff-'d across the commit sktii Just at gun lire, crossing the line- at a twelve-knoi i Up, with the Co lumbia several lengi tei ad :, her weather quarter. Capl r luffed tin. diagonally across the line until rew were readj to set the spinnaker to start. i»rcL It waa broken out at 1. - lamrock's thirtj .- -Mids later. official time of the start waa umbia, 11:01:35. Shamrock, 11:00:34. The Shamrock had certainly the better i of the start, and with such a breeze blow ing over her taffrail it seemed as if her j chance had come to show her speed in a run-down before the wind. In setting the. Columbia's spinnaker the boom had, be?n slacked so far forward that at 11:03 the sail lifted over the head stays by the force of the wind. For a moment it looked as if the sail would be split, but by careful handling of the guy it was ; brought back to its position In a few : minutes. Those who expected to see the Colum : Ma walk right away from the Shamrock i were disappointed. Five minutes passed— ! ten. fifteen— and thfre was no noticeable • difference In the positions of the boats. ! The green yacht maintained her lead, her ! spinnaker remaining: exactly where It was put and Fpiiiing the wind into the stay sail, Jib and baby Jib topsails, which sails had been carried from the start. Captain Barr at 11:11. finding that the Columbia was not overhauling the Sham ' rock to any extent, had the working top i sail set. The spinnaker continued to be have badly, flying over the head stays twice In the next twenty minutes, thereby losing seconds of time fur the yacht. The course of fifteen miles to leeward was to i bring the yachts down off Asbury Park i for the turn. When they pasted the Long : Branch pier at about ll;i>0 the Shamrock was leading by an eighth of a mile, the Columbia sailing directly in her wake. The Columbia took In her fore stay sail at that time, leaving only the jib as the headsail. At 12:15 the Columbia, which had been steadily gaining on the Shamrock, passed to her port, taking In the working topsail : as "she did bo so as to be ready for the ; windward work. Her spinnaker came in i at 12:1S and the Shamrock's was doused i thirty seconds later. It was to be close work at the run. Both skippers held on their spinnakers to the last moment and ; then had been no chance to round either yacht's main sheet. The official time at ! the outer mark was: Columbia. 12:19:00. Shamrock, 12:19:17. Columbia's elapsed time from the start : to this point had been 1:17:27, the Sham rock's 1:13:43, showing that In the fifteen mllft run before the wind Columbia had gained 1:18. The yachts were only sev enteen seconds apart at the turn. This was Indeed close work after a fifteen-mile spinnaker run. Leaving the mark to starboard the Co lumbia luffed widely around it, while the crew hauled aft the main sheet. The Sl::imrock's captain was forced to makf a Btill widfr turn. Then, luffing up sharply, he tried ? ri cross tho Columbia's wake and capture the weather berth. Skl;>por Barr, however, had a weather eye out for such an f»mpr£f>ncy. He gave the whlto sloop a "North River" luff, placing her well out i/ii the Shamrock's weather bow. It took some few minutes to get sheets trimmed and for both yachts to settle down to business on the starboard tack. Captain Hogarth gave the Shamrock a good,* hard full, hoping to outfoot the Columbia. The wind was blowing at least twenty five miles an hour and there was a jump of a sea on, sufficient to make racing craft do some rather heavy diving. They heeled till the greater portion of their weather bilges were exposed. ■ At 12:32 the Shamrock's topsail was taken In. She was then throwing spray In I ouds across her deck, making, if any thing, worse weather of It than the Columbia. Captain Hogarth put her about at 32:40. and one minute and thirty seconds later tin Columbia wont about. This was about twenty .minutes after they had rounded the outer mark. The Columbia was then between a Quarter and a half-mile to windward and the same distance ahead of tno. hnamrpek. She was Increasing her lead ; every minute Both tacked to starboard |at 12:5,. Holding this tack for twenty | one minute, they came about to port, the ■ Columbia having been steadily outpolot ing the other. At 1:19:05 she went about Ito starboard for a short bout of X m n . i vites. .Th« Shamrock, however, made the 1 During ihe^i^H minutes the THE SA:N FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1899. aln would have to arbitrate, and the Brit- ' ish lion went to sleep. . There has been no j arbitration with the Transvaal because ] the Transvaal has no neighbor like tho United States." Proceeding to discuss the vote of money for the troops, Mr. Redmond again pro tested against the vast sums being spent in war, declaring that the money ought to be expended in aid of distressed Ireland. At this point the chairman interposed, de claring that Mr. Redmond's remarks were irrelevant. Mr. Redmond persisted in his remarks, and the chairman asked him to resume his seat. This he refused to do and he was then ordered to withdraw, which order he also refused to obey. , r An uproarious scene ensued, Mr. Red mond attempting to continue and his voice being drowned by the cheers of the Irish members and cries of "Order!" and "With draw!" from the opposition benches. The chairman, at length, being able to | make himself heard, asked Mr. Redmond if he declined to withdraw. The latter re- | plied that he did not wish to be discourte ous, but he maintained his right to protest that the money ought to be spent in Ire land, adding, "I will not withdraw. It is mere robbery or plunder." The chairman then called the sergeant at arms to remove the offending member, i and Mr. Redmond, amid a scene of confu- , sion, Bald he would not trouble the ser- i geant at arms and walked out amid Na tionalist cheers and the laughter of the other members. . - ; 1- ■ Turning to the Ministerialist benches as he left the chamber, Mr. Redmond shout-! Ed, "1 wish you joy of the blood of the Boers and your victory over the poor Transvaal farmers." Mr. Balfour closed the debate by mov ing closure, and the vote for the troops j was then adopted by 200 to 35. After an angry passage between Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, Conservative member for the Ecclaall division of Shef field, and Michael Davitt. Nationalist member for South Mayo, at the conclusion of which Davitt was called upon to with • draw an expression characterizing a ! statement of Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett as a falsehood, Mr. Dillon suggested that a vote be taken on the main question. He would only ask. he said, an assurance of the same treatment for the enemy's wounded as for the wounded of the Brit- i ish. Mr. Balfour replied that the dictates of humanity and civilization would Insure that. Mr. Balfour then read the follow ing gram from Major Yule, dated from Glencoe Camp at 7 o'clock this evening: "I regret to report that General Bymona : is mortally wounded. Other casualties will follow. The important success to day is due to General Symons' courage and generalship and to the gallant exam ple and confidence he gave to the troops i under his command " The vote of £10,000.000 was then carried, the result being announced as 271 for and S2 against the credit. The House then ■A 11 11! 1!. d. Shamrock made three tjirVcs and the Co lumbia two and at 1:40, when tho Colum tacked to port, the wind had fallen • i for a short time. At 1:45 the Sham rock Bent up a small club topsail. The wind soon freshened, canting a couple of points westerly. The Shamrock, having Bpllt tacks with the Columbia, was head starboard tack when the shift came. Hogarth a< once put the ■ '-k about and tonk ad\ I c this slant. It was noticed when the Shamrock camp rt tack, at I:4S, that her lon had ben considerably bettered, partly, perhaps, by reason of her carry- Ing the club topsail maklnir her foot raster, but chiefly because ot th.: slnft of wind, which she apparently got a few ! minutes before the Columbia. At nny when the Columbia tacked to star she met the Shamro ther tack beading to the northward and it looked doubtful f<>r a few moments if the American boat could cross th or"s bow. Captain Barr did not give li - : garth tlie chance to find out, but lacked rt at 2:02:30, leaving the Shamrock on hia weather quarter about a quarter >■•: a mile away. Both were th. n heading well Up for the lightship and the finish. At 2:32 the Shamrock made a Short hitch -inshore of about a minute. The Columbia also mad.* a short hitch of two minutes inshore, then another hitch of two minutes to port, going about finally r last tackto the starboard at 2:37:10. She da hed tcross the ilnl?h line on this tack three minutes latf-r. f.-ti-hing up by i the lightship, which marked the Ire end of ; the Une, with i U ■ ty o! room to span . Every man aboard waved his hat or bou' 'wester as he stood up close along tho , weather rail a moment after th^ whistle. i blew. The Rhnmrock crossed the finish line on the prune lack, aft^r tnrklns close to the } committee boat's Btern. Sir Thomas Lipton's yacht (Inishrd five minutrp and ids after the Columbia. ; She was defeated in this race, the final of ; the Beries, by six minutes eighteen Bee ! onds actual time, and six minutes thirty j four seconds corrected time. As the yachts were being towed in a man was sent aloft aboard the Columbia In a bosun's chair with three American yacht ensigns. One was fastened to the masthead and one to each end of the backstay spreaders. A large Hag also flew from the Columbia's topping lift, just above the main boom. Commodore J. Pler pont Morgan's steam yacht Corsair, the flagship of the New York Yacht Club, had an American ensign at each masthead. at the end of each gaff, on the jackstaff forward and on the stern staff. For the first time in the remembrance of yachtsmen who have seen all the In ternational congests for the America's cup, an American ensign was hoisted at each masthead of the. yacht Erin, the property of the S owner of the defeated sloop. The Shamrock. in tow, passed the Columbia to her mooring on her way Into Sandy Hook Bay. The challenging yacht's crew lined up on her port Bide and gave three hearty British cheers, to which the Columbia's men, standing along their starboard rail, answered promptly and with vigor— three cheers and a tiger. • The official summary was: Start— Columbia, 11:01:35; Shamrock. 11:00:34. Outer Columbia, 12:19:00; Sham rock. 12:19:17. Finish— Columbia, 2:40:00; Shamrock, 2:45:17. Elapsed Columbia, 3:38:25; Sham rock. 3:44:43. Corrected time— Columbia, 3:38:09; Sham rock; 3:44:43. The Shamrock allowed the Columbia 16.2 seconds. FIGHTING THAT PRECEDED BATTLE OF TALANA HILL T.ADYSMITH. Oct. 19 (delayed in trans mission).—The carbineers and border mounted rifles, who have been In action with the enemy nearly all day, returned this evening, falling back fighting In the face of some 2000 Boers. They were sev eral times almost cut oft, but a Maxim gun held the Boers In check. It Is re ported that sixteen Boers were killed. Several times the Boers came within 400 yards range, but their shooting was bad and the Maxims rendered signal service in stopping their rushes. They have a larpro wat'on train and artillery. ALIWAL NORTH, (ape Colony, Oct. ]9 (delayed In transmission).— The Boer force from Smlthfleld has moved to Beth ulle, where 2000 Boers are now concen trated. Their plan of campaign appears to be for the RouxvWe contingent, cross ing the Orange River first, as they fear the North bridge is mined, to circle Allwal North and to seize the railway. Simultaneously the Bethulie contingent. It appears, la to cross the border, seize the railway and proceed to Albert Junc tion, there to meet the Rouxville force. If this plan succeeds the Boers expect the Dutch In Cape Colony to Join them. The Rouxville force has artillery, in cluding a Krupp run. GUARDS BOTH AMERICAN AND BRITISH INTERESTS CONSUL C. E. MACRUM. Charles Everson Macrum, United States Consul at Pretoria, who has been placed In charge of British interests in thftTrans vaal during the war, was born in Pitts burg, Pa., thirty-three years ago. He was appointed by President McKlnley t'onsul at Pretoria In July, 1898. His wife Is with him in South Africa. Ho was president of the Phoenix Club, the lead- Ing Republican organization in McKln ley's old Congressional district, and was at first appointed Consul to Tahiti, So ciety Istands, but did not accept that post. BRITISH TROOPS DRIVE THE BOERS FROM TALANA HILL Continued From First Page. the action, and the command then de volved on (Soiieral Yule. The enemy, a? they fled, were followed by tho cavalry, mounted infantry and ar tillery. The direction taken was to the eastward. At the latest reports the cav alry had not returned. Some Fay that four and pome say that live guns were captured. The Boor artil lery tiring was w-uk. A lot of plu shells wore used. Although the enemy's position was car ried soon after 1 o'clock, a scattering fire went on almost, all the afternoon. The British losses are very severe, but Of the Boers nrc much heavier. The final rush was made with a tri umphant yell and as the British troops charged to close quarters the enemy turned and fled, leaving all their impedi mentn and guns behind them in their pre clpltated flight. While this waa going on one battery of artillery, the Eighteenth Hussars and the mounted infantry, with a part of the Leicester regiment, sot on tho enemy's flank, and as Mip R^rs streamed wildly d.i wn the hills, making for the main road, they f,»und their retreat had been cut off, but they rallied for a while and there was H^vero firing with considerable loss to •;\<'h side. Many of the enemy surrendered. A rough estimate places the British l«>.-s at 250 killed or wounded, and that of the Boers at ■ A newspaper correspondent states that through his glasses during tho fighting to-day lie noticed how much the Boers Beemed to be nonplussed by the tactics ■if the Imperial troops, especially of tho well drilled, swift moving horsemen. The enemy are still as of old, a mob. They are without horses and forage, and many of them rely fur food upon what they can obtain by looting. Their animals are mostly In r wretched condition. It 1m understood that before to-day' 3 battle Beveral Boers had left their com mandos and gone home t<> their farms. and many others are now likely to follow. AS REPORTED TO BRITISH WAR OFFICE LONDON, Oct. 20.-The War Office has received • the following official dispatch fn.m Ladysmith, filed at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon: "This from Glencoe: We were attacked this morning at daylight by a furco roughly estimated at 4000. They had placed four or five guns In position on a hill 5400 yard? east of our camp, and they fired plugged shells. Their artillery did no damage. Our Infantry formed for attack and we got our puns into position. After the position of the enemy had been shelled our Infantry ad vanced to the attack, and after a hard fight, lasting until 1:30 p. m., the almost Inaccessible position was taken, the en emy retiring eastward. All the Boer guns have been captured. We can see our sol diers at tho top of the hill. Our cavalry and artillery are still out. General Sy mons Is severely wounded. Our losses are j heavy. They will be telegraphed as soon i as possible." WILL CHANGE BOER PLAN OF CAMPAIGN LONDON, Oct. 21.— The dispatches re To any person who can prove that the current from my DR. SAN DEN ELECTRIC BELT is not instantly felt by the wearer. If you are suffering from the effects of youthful error or later excesses my Belt will cure you. Over 6000 men : cured by its use during 1898. Write to-day for my little book, "THREE CLASSES OF MEN." It is sent, sealed, to any address upon appli- cation. My business methods are open for inspection, and I invite any one to call at my office to examine my Belts and consult me free of charge. Office Hours--9 to 6; Sundays, 10 to 1. • OR T Z3 18 Third Street, San Francisco. *^ r\. * • V* " ** "* ■ *■•* * * 118^ South Spring Street, LO3 Angeles. ceived from South Africa leave no doubt that the Boers failed in their endeavor to execute a combined attack in Natal and that the British have achieved a brilliant victory, but at the cost of a 'heavy list of killed and wounded. The Boer plan, it is evident, was to hold the force at Ladysmlth by demonstrations ; of the Free State burghers on the western side, so as to prevent reinforcements be ; ing sent to Glencoe. The latter place was I to be Isolated by cutting the railway be j tween it and Ladysmith. Finally a large force was to make a conversing attack on , Glencoe. The first two items of the pro i gramme were successfully carried out, but the combined operation against Glen- I coe failed, owing probably to the fact that | the Boer military organization is too I rough and amateurish to bring large , forces Into simultaneous action. It is be ; lieved that only 4000 Boers were in the ! actual action. A report says that 9000 more were advancing from Hattingspruit ; and a battalion of the Leicestershire Reg- i j iment was sent to hold them in cneck. but, | as already cabled, this force is now in re : treat. The inference is that only the column from the direction of Freiheid came into : action and that the force from failed to arrive in time and definitely re j tired after the position taken up by the ! fianking column had been carried by the i j British troops. i Not an impossible explanation is the dif- : ; ference of opinion between the younger and the older Boers, Where the former \ were determined at all cost to push on , and attack without delay, the older B »ers, Who wished to wait until all the columns ! %vere ready, had fallen back to Newcastle i and left the others to light alone. As a result of this hastiness the Boers wen- de ed ami lost a number of guns. It is I c.nsidcred probable that the older Boers j will in the future decide the mode of con ducting the campaign and mutual recrim inations, if nothing else, will hamper and delay their future actions. It is almost Impossible to overestimate the importance of this initial victory, the ' i result of an engagement in which, in a I | fairly fought field, discipline and tactical skill have to!d heavily. Besides restoring British prestige it has proved that the I Boer artillery, whether directed by Ger | mans or not, is practically valueless. BATTLE DESCRIBED BY A NEWS CORRESPONDENT LONDON, Oct. 20.— The Daily News publishes the following dispatch from Its special correspondent: GLENCOE, Natal, Friday afternoon.— The first battle has been fought, and the Boers have sustained a blow which will give them a serious pause in their ad vance southward. In the British camp last night it was the general expectation that to-day would not pass without some hard fighting:. The enemy had been reported advancing In force, and this rumor had been cen flrmed by a squadron of hussars which had been sent out ti ter, When dawn broke this morning it W • •nil that the Boers during the night had occuplo.i a strong position on Dundee Hill, about three miles easi and overlooking the camp and the town. They had p] several guns in position. Almost precisely at 6 o'clock came the boom of their first gun, and within ;i few minutes they had developed a heavy fire. Their practice was, however, poor, and their sh"ts did 1:0 damage. In the n time our own guns had taken up the chal- It soon became apparent that whatever might he the issue <>f the light our artillery would not be in I fire was magnificent. Within fifteen min utes after our first shot 0 guns were silenced. By this time the enemy could be seen swarming over the hill out side of Dundee and making toward the south. The Intention evidently was to turn our position. An advance was at once ordered of in fantry and cavalry. Both moved out, and soon the battle was raging in the valley outside of the town. A hot rifle lire w.is k*>pt up by our men, no advantage offered by the nature of the ground being neglected. The advancing force was ef- J fectuaJly covered hy our guns, which con tinued to pJay upon the enemy's position. The fire of the Boers at this point was decidedly weak. It seemed as if their in ■ tie tive artillery work might have taken the heart out of them. Our men continued to advance steadily in the face of their fire. Hid reached the i foot of the hill in fine form. The I seeing themselves worsted, fell back and retired toward the east. Our losses have j been heavy, but no details are yet pro- ! curable. The ftnal dash up the hill was a j brilliant affair. The Dublin Fustleera did ' fine work. Nothing at this time can be sa4d of the enemy's losses, but they must have been very serious. AN EXPLOSION KILLS ONE HUNDRFD BOERS CAPE TOWN, Oct. 20. evening.—Dis patches dated Maf eking, Saturday night, arid carried by dispatch riders via Kuru man and Danclskull to Hooktown, state that Colonel Baden Powell inflicted a tremendous blow on tho Boers nine miles ninth of Maf eking. Two trucks laden with dynamite, which it was judged unsafe to keep in MaXeklng on account of th»» risks of explosion Bhould the town be shelled, were sent by nel Baden Powell nine miles out, in thi hope that the Boers would shell and • splodi them. And so it happened. When the engine had uncoupled from the trucks and retreated about a mile the enemy shelled the trucks, with the result that a terrible explosion occurred, killing, it is estimated, 100 Boers. FRANCE AND RUSSIA ARE NOW INTERESTED LONDON, Oct. 20.— The absence of de tails regarding the British losses in the engagement at Glencoe Camp causes the deepest anxiety, and the War Office is again besieged by relatives and friends of those making up the forces that took part In the fight. Among the callers was the Duke of Abercorn, who made anxious inquiries. It was reported that Great Britain's immense military preparations against SCENE OF THE BATTLEFIELD AT TALANA HILL THE NATAL BATTLEFIELD. This map of thp country about Lady smith and Glencoe phows Talan^i Hill, Elands I^aagte, Rfnters and other points of interest in the South African cam paign. two insignificant republics are viewed with considerable curiosity in some of the European capitals, notably Paris and St. Petersburg. Notes have been exchanged on the subject, and it is oven hinted in un official quarters that inquiries will be ad dressed to the British Government as to the contemplated absorption of the two republics by the British Empire. The Press Association to-night an nounces with an air of authority that the Government's plan is to terminate the war in the speediest possible manner after tli« forts ;it Pretoria and Johannesburg have been razed, and then to promulgate by order of the Queen in council a new constitution for a group of five federal states— Cape Colony, the Transvaal. Na tal, the Orange Free State and Rhodesia— under the title of the Dominion of South Africa, the Crown to nominate a governor general and the five states having power < a. h to elect its own lieutenant governor and to have local legislators, with a Do minion Parliament, to meet at Cape Town. ' "With some modifications the scheme is I upon lines similar to those of the ' Canadian Government. BRITISH TROOPS SAIL FOR SOUTH AFRICA SOUTHAMPTON, Oct. 20.— The trans port Yorkshire carrying the first troops of the special army corps for South Af rica cast off this afternoon at 2:2), the other transports following at regular in tervals. The public were . from the dorks during the embarkation, but Immense throngs gathered outside, cheer ing and singing and bidding farewell to their friends as the trains passed in. Between this and Monda n will leave for South Africa. As the Yorkshire parted the public cheered vociferously and the troopa responded with vigor. The commander in chief, General Wolseley, with his staff, was present at the embark ation. LONDON, Oct. 20.— The British Chan nel squadron has been ordered to proceed to Gibraltar next Thursday. MOBILIZATION OF THE ENGLISH TROOPS T>O>mOTC. Oct. 20.— The mobilization is practically completed and it is said that more than 90 per cent of the reserves have Joined the colors. This is considered emi nently satisfactory. The speed at which i the army corps has been got together has ! excited tho admiration of the German [Barters Btaff and they have pent a i semi-official message of congratulation - through the British military attache in Berlin to the service. The London press regards this as a well deserved compliment, the papers point ing nut that not only have the reservists responded splendidly but the large ma jority of those who have reported are ■n'ly fit for service. In several ras.\s itgoing regiments contain a prepon derance of reservists, most of them In the prime of manhood and mpn who hnvr> fought in India and in Egypt. It is the aim of the War Office to send no man to South Africa unless he has had at least a year's service. The only serious criti cism apparently to be made regarding these thousands destined for the front Is that the reserves are for the most part ignorant of the mechanism of the maga zine rifle. Efforts have been made to overcome this nrd to give the men prac tice with the Lee-Met ford, but the time has been too short to do much. What ef fect this lack of familiarity with their own weapons will have upon the accur acy of the fire of the British can only be Judged when the dead and wounded are j gathered from the fields of battle. Explosives Confiscated. LONDON, Oct. 20.— The Dnily Telegraph publishes the following dispatch from its correspondent at Cape Town dated Wednesday: A large quantity of dyna mite dust has been seized by the customs authorities on board a steamer bound to Delasoa Bay. The ves sel put into Tnble Bay and the infor mation leaked out. The explosives were intended for the Transvaal Government and were accordingly confiscated. Foil, the Basso, Dead. LONDON. Oct. 20.— The death is an nounced of Sisnor Foil, the well-known basso. ADVERTISEMENT^ MOM I B *^* ■•■ Opening of New Fall and Winter Underwear, Shirts, Gloyes, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc. Reliable Goods. 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